#Resource Usage Optimization
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Microk8s vs k3s: Lightweight Kubernetes distribution showdown
Microk8s vs k3s: Lightweight Kubernetes distribution showdown #homelab #kubernetes #microk8svsk3scomparison #lightweightkubernetesdistributions #k3sinstallationguide #microk8ssnappackagetutorial #highavailabilityinkubernetes #k3s #microk8s #portainer
Especially if you are into running Kubernetes in the home lab, you may look for a lightweight Kubernetes distribution. Two distributions that stand out are Microk8s and k3s. Let’s take a look at Microk8s vs k3s and discover the main differences between these two options, focusing on various aspects like memory usage, high availability, and k3s and microk8s compatibility. Table of contentsWhat is…
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themanjeet · 1 year
Azure Cost Management: Optimizing Costs and Resource Usage
Azure Cost Management is a set of features that help you track, manage, and optimize your cloud costs.
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e1dritchjackal0pe · 2 months
𝔚𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔇𝔢𝔞𝔱𝔥 ℭ𝔞𝔫𝔫𝔬𝔱 ℜ𝔢𝔞𝔠𝔥
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Summary: Your husband has been deeply troubled as of late. In an attempt to guide him from his distress, he brings a concern of his to light that only serves to tip you into your own fears.
Warnings: Nonsexual nudity, AFAB implied w/ usage of "breasts," the title "wife" is used. Angst and some fluff. Small hints of morally gray reader. She's simply in love with her demented husband.
Notes: 5.6k words. Just something short and sweet; I had to write a comfort fic for our favorite, pretty war criminal after the season finale. But I may have just made it worse actually. Not proofread.
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It is all teetering into chaos. Suspended along the edge of a great precipice. The depths of which you cannot spy the bottom of. The worry, the agitation looms heavily over the castle. Over the entirety of King's Landing. Buzzing and constant like the bothersome scattering of flies. And where there are flies, death is near. You see the dread in their eyes. The fearful whispers that are passed between the bowed heads of the servants as they work; the horrified, faithless gossip casted about by the socialites and bureaucrats as they traversed the halls in secretive conversations that are much louder than they believe. 
The tensions have only been mounted with the news that the Blacks have come into the resources of new dragonriders, the scales are looking as though they are tipping in their favor. It has all strained and on edge. With the order of the city's gates having been closed by Aemond's decree, the smallfolk have been up in arms against the order. Cries of outrage chanting and rising up from the masses in pleas against their Prince Regent. Protests that warn of starvation, proclaiming that he is cruel and uncaring. Not even the assured decimation of Sharp's Point by the scorching breath of Vhagar's fire has done anything to calm the storm brewing. 
The tides are still swelling. Churning and tossing to soon lift from above and collapse down upon all of your heads. The toll of it weighs heavy on all of you like the promise of damnation. Hope is dimming. The support it once offered giving underneath itself, curling in on its own body like a beheaded serpent. But it is the man who bears it all who is in the throes of violently crumbling underneath the burden of this war. 
You see it tearing at him. Pushing down on the once prideful set of his shoulders, pressing down upon the crown of his head so that it no longer sits perfectly high in unwavering confidence. The light of the zealous fire that once blazed within his eye has dimmed. Starved and suffocated; reduced to smoldering flickers light that mean to lash out in his near crazed attempts at preserving what little footing his still has in this war. 
It is almost as though he is dying right before your eyes. The final wild struggle of an animal caught between a set of fangs, claws and teeth lashing in the hopes to wound its bigger opponent. You have never seen him in such a state. The vulnerability that bleeds through the thin cracks in his armor worry you; unlike any sort of raw emotion that he has ever displayed before. It is fear. And it is almost unsettling to see on the face of your fearless husband. 
He is breaking directly before you, and now the only optimism you have of keeping him whole comes from the pressure of your own hands. 
His own mother has turned him away. You see it in the way she stares at him. Observing him as though he is a stranger, a monster wearing the flesh of her child - as though her name is not marked on this war just the same. It makes your skin prickle. Body flushing from heat and contempt as she silently disowns the very man who raises her banner, and fights in the name of his house. No one else will offer him solace as he labors underneath the crushing weight of the kingdom. Not his mother, not his sister, not the advisors in the king's counsel. It pains you to see him breaking. To see him scrambling to orient himself and find a way to victory with hardly an ally to assist him. 
So utterly lost. 
That is how you find when you slip into his apartments in the night. The candleflames flicker about the dim space in drops of amber, serving as your only guide to traverse the room in search of him. His bed and his writing desk are vacant of his presence. The latter cluttered and askew with parchment and documents, quills, vials of ink, and seal stamps strewn about its face. But it is the empty goblet of wine is what concerns you the most. He does partake in spirits quite casually, at supper and often when he evaluates the latest strategies before turning in for bed. You have yet to ever see him lose himself to the influence of the drink. Only indulging as a means to relax himself; a subtle rosy hue to dust his cheeks, but not enough to become untoward or dull-witted by its effects. 
But the circumstances now are so much different. You can only hope that he has not turned to it in the attempt to drink himself into a stupor or allowed himself to become sloppy from the sway of the spirit. 
"Aemond?" It is both a question and a call as your vision darts about the space, flickering back over to his bed to see if you might spot the impression of a body tucked underneath the drape of its blankets but they are flat and perfectly lain along the mattress. "My love, are you here?" 
It remains deathly silent. The only bit of noise belonging to the low whisper of the flames softly darting about their wicks in the draft that drags along the room; the delicate billow of the breeze drifting through the columns of the open windows, gliding into to the room from the guide of the wind that calls outside. Most of it sneaking in through the open threshold that conducts to the balcony. 
A low breath puffs from your chest. Hardly a sigh, but it dares you to feel relief as you step towards the entry way to near the stone platform the projects from the side of the castle. You notice the stars first. The bright, cosmic glimmer of them as they hang from their place within the silky black cradle of the darkened heavens. The faint lights of the city below nearly blending with the night sky, though the oily sheen of the lantern fires can hardly compete with the star dust above. 
In your observations, it does not take you long to spy the form of the prince, standing along the banister as he stares down at the city, bare hands gripping onto the rough barrier. You can see how tightly he clutches onto it from the tension in his fingers, stretched and taut along it so tightly that you fear the stone may crumble and break beneath his palms. Relief floods you at the sight of him, though it is quickly dulled and banished by the worry that replaces it. Snuffed by the rigid way he holds himself, as though he is only moments from snapping and giving in on the pressures of his own mind and collapsing upon the stone floor beneath his feet. 
He becomes hard on himself in times like these. No matter how indifferent he tries to project himself, the opinions and thoughts of others often swarm over him like a cloud of angered hornets, and it can be a trouble for him to shake. It is never easy to guide him out of his thoughts. You know that he is aware of your presence, but he has been caught too tightly within the chaos trapped within his mind to respond. The deluge of emotions that he often refuses to outwardly show too great. And knowing him, he has willingly turned himself in to the anger and the bitter spite that wars within him, finding solace in its familiarity. He is too stubborn for his own good, but that will never be enough to keep you from trying draw him out of it. 
Your feet seem to cross the stretch of the floor that separates you, silently carrying you to him with the soft patter of their soles along the chilled stone. He does not give you any indication that he is aware of your approach. Not the tilt of his head or a single murmured word in greeting, but he does not startle when your hands lift to sweep up his back. The leather of his doublet is tepid with the slight cold in the air and the warmth radiating from his body, smooth and buttery underneath your palms as they sweep around his torso to press him against you in an embrace. You let your cheek to rest along the flat of his shoulder, the silky strands of his hair tickling your skin; your lungs pulling in the subtle spice and musk of his scent. 
"You should come to your bed; it is getting late." You suggest, allowing your fingertips to toy with the metal clasps on the front of his garment, tracing the engravings in their shape. You nearly expect to get no response from him. For him to continue to wallow and torture himself alone in his silence. But then you feel it almost more than you hear it, thrumming along your hands from the depths of his chest as his voice rises out in a hum. The only verification that he has acknowledged your words. 
It is better than silence. A response from Aemond is better than naught in these circumstances. It gives you some hope that you may be able to usher him from the fog of his oppressions. 
"Come," you urge softly. "You have fretted yourself enough." 
"Have I?" It comes from him in that serene tone of his but the bite at the edge of it is more than apparent. You know that it is not aimed at you. Not directly, at least. In his mind, and on the battlefield, he has been backed into a corner, and like an animal it causes him to lash out and bare his teeth, even at things that are familiar. "That seems to be everyone's judgement as of late. I suppose I should listen then, hmm? Roll over and brandish my belly for Rhaenyra's dragonriders to feast upon. Would that satisfy you then?" 
"It would not, and you know that." Your voice comes out much firmer than intended, though you do not feel guilt over it. For someone so logical, Aemond is often swept over by his emotions and the voice of reason is easily drowned out. "Look at me, please." 
He makes no attempt shift from his stance, continuing to stare out along the horizon. Watching the city in its slumber, and you have to wonder if he is imagining it in a state of ruin. Preparing for the worst already. Bracing for the destruction that has yet to come. Picturing the roofs and spires lit aflame in a blaze so great that it would turn the night into day, smoke twisting up to the heavens to brush against the stars. 
You loosen your grip around him, giving yourself enough separation just to stand along his shoulder so that you are able to look upon his face. He refuses to meet you vision with his own. The pale glint of his eye now dark underneath the cover of the night as he peers ahead. But already you are able to spot so many different emotions reflecting within it. A confused storm: anger, bewilderment, sorrow, loss. You know that he must feel as though he is drowning. Caught and strung along by his responsibilities. Pulled between the pressures of his duties and the rejection casted by his mother. So many conflicting obligations with no way to properly juggle them. You know that you have no true way of guiding him through the blood and fire of this war. Of the strategies that it requires. But you can hope to be some kind of support. A beacon breaking through the thick wall of an oncoming tempest. 
You lift a hand up to his face, sweeping your fingers past the shape of his jaw to cradle his cheek, feeling the texture of the scar underneath your palm. You are gentle in your direction when you guide him to look at you, and despite his earlier remark, he allows you shift his head to you willingly. Leaning into the weight of your hand as his eye darts to meet yours. The confusion and torment burn inside the pale hue of it, glinting far brighter than the traces of light reflecting along the angles carved into his jeweled eye.  
You are nearly surprised that he has not removed the sapphire yet. You know that it often ails him. When the precious stone absorbs the chill around it, or the dull edges catch along the sensitive flesh of its cradle. Rattling about his socket and causing the tender tissue within to ache and swell with irritation. Another punishment for himself it seems. Intent to burry down inside his own suffering. 
"You must stop this insistence on driving yourself towards your own destruction. You will find no answers by forcing yourself awake at night, ruminating over the criticisms of your mother. Of the council."
Something venomous passes through his expression, but it is quickly traded out by what looks to be exhaustion and a diluted sense of irritation. A subtle furrow pinched between his brows; lips lightly pursed.  "What would you have me to? Laze about all day on my bed. Stuffing my gullet with wine as my brother would while our enemies close in around us?" 
"No." You reply promptly, allowing your hand to drop from its place, running your thumb along his cheek in a final caress as it falls to your side. You do not miss the way that his head nearly bends to follow its wake. "I would have you rest. An eased mind is a sharp one. " 
"Rest." He echos in a murmur, allowing the word to roll off his tongue as though it is a foreign one. "Rest is not something that I am afforded. Each moment of "rest" is another second allotted for our enemies to draw closer."  
You understand his reasoning. His anxieties are not unfounded. But that does not make them any less frustrating. His intellect, the determination that fuels him and wit of his tongue have always been some of his most endearing qualities to you. It drew you towards him like a siren song. But all of those traits are currently making you feel as though you could bludgeon your head against a thick wall. You fear that he will collapse underneath their breadth.
"They will draw near regardless of your slumber or not. " That stubborn expression on his face remains undeterred. Still fully unconvinced it seems. Or perhaps he seems to be resisting against your wishes because he is merely in search of some sort of victory, no matter how measly in spirit it is. And as much as you would like to indulge your husband in his efforts in feeling vindicated, this is not a battle you can allow him to win. Not for his sake. "If you will not do it for yourself then do it for me. Comfort your wife. That is too apart of your duties is it not?" 
You notice his nostrils flare, his chest rising suddenly as he draws in a deep breath. Likely to ground his own irritation. His eye shimmers lowly in the dim cast of the candlelight projecting from the confines of his room, spilling out past the threshold to dance along the dark blue of the sapphire. Like sunlight scattered about the shifting face of an ocean. He is angry. That much is and has been apparent. Left astray to dangle and thrash along the fraying support of a rope. You only wished that he would allow you to catch him instead of treating you like the ones who have tied him to the line. 
But you notice something waver in him then. The breaking of a dam. The thawing of ice. The vulnerability displayed could destroy you if you allowed it. To cause you to fall apart underneath the sheer sense of raw loss and uncertainty. He is so troubled. So lost. Forced to display a facade of unwavering poise and resolve no matter the dangers that prevail ahead. Constantly trailing after the role that he was not allowed to fulfil despite being better suited and now left to stand alone as the support of his own house falters. Superior enough to be wielded as a trump piece in combat, in council, but not benefitting enough to bear the title of king in the eyes of the advisory and his family. An injustice you can hardly stomach yourself. 
"Come," you urge once again. You voice much lighter than before, softened by the distress in his gaze. There is still a hesitance in him. The reluctance to relinquish what little control he still has over himself, but that control seems to snap when your hand closes over his, fingers threading to join them. It only takes a slight tug for him to follow. The fight in him absolving to trail after you, allowing you to guide him back into his chambers and away from the open, chilled air of the night. 
The atmosphere within the safety of the apartment walls is much warmer. Almost balmy along you skin, perfumed with the scent of wax and ink. Another reminder of the documents and worries that he tirelessly toils over. The bloodshed and the possibility of dragonfire. But you push it all to the recesses of your mind. Burying it all deep in favor of escorting him to the side of his bed. It is only then that you allow your hand to remove from his, and you mourn the loss of his warmth against your palm. 
"Remove your clothes," you order gently. You notice just the faintest hint of amusement nudging at the corner of his mouth. The possibility of a smile, though it does not fully come. You can still see the traces of his mirth. Of lust as well. Even while he does not properly convey it, you allow your delight to grace upon your expression. Your lips lifting upward as you shake your head to admonish him delicately. "Not tonight." 
He makes no complaints as he begins to unfix the clasps of his doublet. Unhooking the fine metal rungs with lithe fingers to shed the garments, uncaring as it lands along the floor. He is just as nonchalant about the rest. Shedding and discarding his undershirt and his breeches just as quickly after tugging of his boots. Baring his nude form to you. It is a state that you have seen him many times before, but still, you are unable to keep yourself from tracing the agile shape of his body. Admiring the swell of strength in his arms, the defined cut of muscle along his torso, the flaccid condition of his cock hanging between his thighs. 
The spike of heat that rushes throughout your being is tempting, but currently unwelcome. On any other night you would have basked in it. Pursued after the warmth and hedonism, but this is not one of those nights. When you manage to will yourself to meet his eye, you are forced to notice the smirk that lifts at the curled edges of his mouth. Satisfied and preening underneath your salacious attentions. 
"Not tonight, ābrazȳrys?" His inquiry is teasing and arrogant. And finally, for the first time since you have sought him out you see the man that lies beyond the pain and distress. The man that strides about the kingdom with his head lifted high. A head deserving the weight of a crown. 
"Not tonight, my love. " You answer, both a playful jab and a truth as you pluck at the neckline of your shift to allow it to join his clothes along the chilled stone beneath your feet. He only offers a velveteen hum in response as his eye sweeps over you. Just as gluttonous as yours had been as you move to climb astride the bedding, making sure to toss the blankets aside before shuffling to rest the flat of your back along the cushion of his pillows and the embellished headboard behind them. You sit, unfaltering underneath his focus. If anything, the crude nature of his observations only emboldens you. Even past the reasonings of lust. He views you as though you were crafted just for him. Sewn together by the gods and animated by stardust and earth to be worshipped and praised by his sight and hand. 
You like to believe that he was born for the same purpose. A god amongst men built by fire, wind and blood. Designed to be revered by your voice and mouth. He is beautiful beyond compare. Fierce in his loyalty and cunning. Unrelenting in his determination and ferocity. Like a deity of war. 
He does not wait for a cue as he follows after you, climbing along the bed and into your waiting arms to lie himself within the cradle of your hips, draping the length of his body along yours as he settles his head against the cushion of your stomach. He allows himself to go pliant against you. Indulging in your warmth just as you do with him. The heat radiating from him making you turn lax. The both of you melding to each other. You observe him at his place tucked into you. Admiring the pale fan of his lashes resting against the sharp contour of his cheekbones, the proud rise of his nose. He is gorgeous like this. As though he had been sculpted from a fine marble. The statue of a great god - a king - come to life. 
You glide you fingers through the silken, silvered strands of his hair. Combing your nails along his scalp and you are all but rewarded by the way that he seems to melt even more, the tension leaving his body. Going slack and supple; his nose daring to nuzzle along at your breasts as he attempts to burrow himself closer like he wants to bathe in your warmth. That stubborn furrow is still hitched between his brows. Immediately letting you know that his troubles have yet to be fully evicted from him. His mind is no doubt just as frenzied as before even though his body relents to the comfort of his bed and the weight of you. 
"You truly do stress yourself too much," you murmur. Your fingertips skirt downward, tracing along the nape of his neck, sweeping your thumbs along the sensitive skin at the edge of his scalp. A shudder trembles softly down his spine. "It does not suit such a pretty face." 
His lips twitches again, though that furrow comes back with a vengeance. His brows cinching close in the guise of annoyance, and if it were not the fleeting appearance of that brief smile then you would have truly believed him to be angry. "I have no ear for listening to your jests, lady wife. " 
"Not a jest," you promise playfully. "I wouldn't dare. " 
Another low, rumbling hum rises up from his chest in the semblance of a response. His chin tilts back just the slightest, baring his throat to you. Offering it to you as you move your hands downward to cradle the sides of his face, fingertips gliding along the edge of his jaw. The contented noise he makes nearly reminds you of the purrs that leave Vhagar as she lounges along the forest floor. The pleased growl of a dragon. A tranquil silence drifts along the room, as though it is brought in by the tepid breeze that glides in through the threshold of the balcony. It is calm. Peaceful for once. It feels as though it has been years since an hour without fear or dread has haunted you. And finally, it is simply you and your husband. Free to relax and just simply exist. To lounge within the warmth of each other as though you were lying under the sun. Untouched by war and bloodshed. 
You continue to massage your fingers along the shape of his skull, combing them through his hair and lightly scratching your nails along the sensitive skin almost absentmindedly as you allow your own head to rest against the board of the bed. The lull of sleep is already calling. Inviting and comforting in its beckon as the influence of it threatens to take ahold of you, but a part of you resists. Insistent on enjoying the dulcet pleasure of this moment. Intent to stretch it out for as long as possible before it slips away from you and the both of you must return to your duties. To the horrors of the world. It is here that you are safe. He is safe. 
"We should make contingencies in the event of my death." 
The quiet sound of his voice, the words abruptly registering in your mind feel as though they gut you once they are fully understood. Just the prospect of it has your heart skipping, fluttering wildly within your chest and your hands are forced to pause; smooth tresses caught between your fingers. Your eyes snap open as you head bows to look down upon him from his place against your torso. He is already watching you, the sapphire gleaming sharply in the firelight but the pale hue of his eye is soft despite the sobriety of his words. You see clearly without asking that this is not some sort of twisted attempt at morbid, tactless humor. He is well and truly serious. A dull wave of nausea wells up in the pit of your stomach as you watch him. 
"What has brought this about?" You ask sharply. There is a raised edge in your tone. Defensive and unsettled, but your vulnerability is also apparent. Easily heard with the way that your breath snags in your throat. 
"It is only an honest concern. " He answers, but it is clipped. A bear explanation and it gives way that he is dodging the question. Offering scrap to appease you. "One that I should have prepared for long ago, when this war was little more than a whisper on a gossips lip." 
"I won't hear of it." 
"You are my wife," he insists. But with each utterance it only drives a slash of phantom pains into the depth of your heart. You swear that you can hardly manage to pull in a single lungful of air. "That does not shield you but make you a target. And we cannot expect to win this battle with Vhagar alone. If I were to be slain, they may very well come for you. A trophy of this conflict-"  
"Aemond, that is enough." It comes out as a warning. Or perhaps a plea. It is so difficult to know. It is impossible to tell when you feel as though you are breaking in half even while he rests safely inside your embrace, confronting you with the single thing that you have always feared. The single terror that gnaws and bites and lashes at your heart and spirit every time that he sits astride Vhagar and lifts into the air for battle. The horror that he may never come back. It had eaten at you when he had snuck off to Rook's Rest without your knowledge, only to return hours later smelling pungent of dragonfire and the acrid sting of smoke. 
His lip's part, a rebuttal no doubt on the tip of his tongue, but it is quickly snuffed out by the desperate plea of your voice. A final beg of mercy.  
"You are my love, Aemond. Without you I cannot live." You nearly hate the sound of the raw emotion that pitches from your chest, but you are unable to control it. The intensity of it far too great. Welling up within you until it seems as though you may drown in your own trepidations. That your lungs will be squeezed in its grip until you suffocate on your own anguish. Your fingers thread around his hair, seeking out the warmth that lies underneath as though your mind requires confirmation that he is still here with you. Safe in your bed. "You are not allowed to die. Promise me, Aemond. Promise that you will return to me."
His eye skirts along your face, as though committing your features to memory. You can tell exactly where his vision lands from the weight of the concentration in his gaze as he studies the structure of your lips, the sweep of your cheekbones, the shade of your eyes. It is awful how much it feels as he is staring at you as though it will be his last. 
"Please," you whisper once more. 
A plethora of emotions flicker along his countenance. Time seems to be frozen when he lifts himself from your grasp. Your hands leave him reluctantly, clutching onto the sheets alongside you to stave off the urge to reach for him. But you are stopped when he rises to nudge his head to your own to meet your eyes. It gives you no other options but to meet his eye. To face the intensity and adoration that burns within it. The flecks of violet and azure seeming to blaze with his fervency. 
"I promise, ñuha dōna ābrazȳrys, I will return to you. Be it a thousand years in this life or the next, no man nor god will keep us apart." 
A sob could have torn itself from your throat had you not a better grip on yourself. Though you do not have enough control to manage in articulating a response. You can only nod, lifting your hands once again to grip at the junction of his neck and shoulders. Needing to feel the warmth of his flesh underneath your palms. His lips are soft as they press against yours. Simultaneously gentle and hungry as they coax yours into a kiss. It is languid. Unhurried but no less passionate. 
It is like a balm on the tearing placed upon your soul. Soothing and mild. You sigh into his mouth, drawing each other's air inside of your lungs in between the starved presses of your mouths. Holding scraps of the other within the pocket of your chests. But just as quickly as it had begun, he pulls away from you. Though he hardly gives you time to voice your complaints or to mourn as he guides you both to settle along the bedding. Mapping out your face with the fleeting brush of his lips, scattering them along your face until you both lay side by side to gaze upon each other. 
You cannot bear to look away from him now. The mere idea of it sounds akin to death. You are not sure how long you remain in that state. Simply beholding each other. Counting the breaths that he takes, how they puff across your face in warm brushes along your nose and cheeks. The candlelight has lightened his hair with glows of burning amber, as though molten gold has been spilled upon the pale strands; highlighting the contours of his body. Like a deity of light. Of fire.  
There is a peace in his expression now. And you are not certain if that concerns or alleviates you. The corners of his mouth have perked into a content smile, his eye unblinking in his admiration as though he is at peace. Sweeping over the shape of your breasts and rise of your hips down to the length of your legs. But it is untouched by lust. It is simply observing. Peaceful in his exploration of a body that he has touched many times already. As much as you would like to remain that way, fixed beneath the worship of his stare, you are unable to keep yourself from nudging yourself closer. Too weak to hold yourself back from returning him back into your arms where he is safe. Untouched by the war he wages. Protected from the consequence of dragonfire and sword. 
You rest you nose along the crown of his head, drawing in the scent of spice and wind that clings to his hair in the hopes of calming yourself. Of ripping yourself from the influence of your own worries and escaping the control of sleep that threatens to possess your body despite your terror. You want to focus only on the weight of him. The heat of his skin. The steady rise and fall of his breath. The press of his face tucked beneath your chin. 
"Sleep, ābrazȳrys." His voice thrums against your chest. It seems that even when he is not watching you, you are unable to escape his perceptiveness. That you cannot hide from the from him. He knows you too well; he feels the tension in your muscles, in your silence. Still, despite the urge to fight his tender order and to resist the weight of sleep, it is growing difficult. The urge to slumber is heavy on your eyelids, nudging them to close. And the comfort of his scent in your lungs only goads you closer. "I will be here when you wake." 
It sounds like another promise. And the assurance rings heavy in your ears, giving your mind the permission that it seems to have needed in order to welcome the blanket of rest. But all the while, as you descend into your slumber, you can only give yourself the solace that he is still here. As of now he is safe. Guarded from blood and death under the shield of the night. Drawn into an embrace while you both sleep as pair of lovers. 
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dogruolan · 10 months
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spirit-lanterns · 1 month
Also, haha, potato Kafka would be so ornery and >:I
I'm imagining Robot!Himeko just like, "Not looking too sharp, there."
And Kafka is just "ĐĪƏ!"
Oh, btw, did we even MAKE a Himeko backstory!?
Okay then!
Himeko was kind of like a working prototype of a robot meant to pump out blueprints, inventions, and a repairbot.
Sooooo, kind of like how people want to make robots that make fast food and deliver it. But people want vehicle mechanic-ing and making screws and stuff an automatic process.
Himeko is like that, but is moreso meant to invent working blueprints and create things herself (maybe her briefcase is a 3-D printer? I think that would be pretty cute!)
Anyway, being a prototype, she probably had poor optimization in the GPU and RAM departments, leading to easy overheats and circuitry damage due to that, which the engineer has to repair.
Eventually, newer models come out (maybe in the form of Misha? But he's not really an inventor... idk) and, as older models are, Himeko is cast aside, deemed not good enough to use for long term, and no one wanted to use money and resources to try to update her, since she's not exactly brand-new anymore.
Perhaps her AI was copy-pasted to HI3 Himeko, but I know not much about that series to properly talk about it, oopsies...
The "coffee" She drinks is a special oil and fuel that helps to optimize her GPU usage, though the exact formula went out of production, the instructions and how to make it is still retained in Himeko's memory, which she probably tells to Engineer.
She likely tries to help the Engineer with her job, but since she was made more for inventing and her repairing doesn't specialize in robots, she can't help the engineer with her job-job, so helps to repair or create small trinkets the Engineer has. So maybe she makes screwdrivers, or wrenches.
I bet she has such a wholesome relationship with Robot!Stelle. When the Engineer's busy, Robot!Stelle probably goes to Himeko to ask for help with mending two things together, or finding out what something is and what it's used for, if it can still be useful, etc.
EHEHEHE sassy and mean Potato Kafka makes me giggle 🤭
As for your whole deep dive on Android! Himeko, I am mighty impressed! I really like the idea of her being an android that’s sole purpose is to invent things, so I can see her being like a little assistant or helper in the Engineer’s laboratory. Maybe she’s really good at making coffee for you too <3
Oh and her relationship with Android! Stelle is just as sweet as their canon relationship in the game! I can see the two of them bonding over both being older model androids and Stelle looking up to Himeko like the mother figure she never had. It’s nice that Stelle finally has an android companion that doesn’t scare the oil out of her 😅
P.S: I can see some of the androids (besides Stelle and inevitably March) getting jealous over Android! Himeko because she works so closely to you. She spends almost every hour of the day holed up with you in your laboratory, and unless you are fixing up an android, you and Himeko are alone for majority of the day 👀
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theereina · 10 months
"Digital Self-Care: Setting Boundaries Online"
In our increasingly interconnected and digital world, setting boundaries online has become an essential aspect of overall well-being. The omnipresence of smartphones, social media platforms, and constant connectivity can lead to information overload, digital fatigue, and potential negative impacts on mental health. Recognizing the importance of establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries in the digital realm is crucial for fostering a balanced and fulfilling life.
The Importance of Setting Boundaries:
Protecting Mental Health:
Constant exposure to digital stimuli can contribute to stress, anxiety, and burnout. Setting boundaries helps in preserving mental well-being by allowing individuals to detach from the digital world and focus on real-world experiences.
Maintaining Healthy Relationships:
Unchecked screen time can interfere with personal relationships. Establishing digital boundaries ensures that quality time is dedicated to offline interactions, fostering stronger connections with family and friends.
Productivity Enhancement:
Excessive use of digital devices may lead to a decline in productivity. By delineating specific time slots for work, leisure, and rest, individuals can optimize their productivity and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
Preventing Information Overload:
The constant influx of information from various sources can be overwhelming. Setting boundaries on information consumption helps individuals filter and prioritize content, preventing information overload and promoting a more focused and intentional use of online resources.
Tips for Managing Screen Time and Creating Balance:
Define Clear Work and Leisure Hours:
Establish specific time frames for work-related activities and leisure pursuits. This demarcation helps in preventing work from encroaching into personal time, promoting a healthier balance between professional and personal life.
Designate Tech-Free Zones:
Identify areas in your home or specific times of the day where digital devices are off-limits. This could be during meals, in the bedroom before bedtime, or in designated relaxation spaces. This practice encourages more mindful engagement with the physical environment.
Utilize Screen Time Tracking Tools:
Many devices offer screen time tracking features that provide insights into digital habits. Utilize these tools to monitor and manage daily screen time, enabling individuals to make informed decisions about their online activities.
Establish Social Media Boundaries:
Set limits on social media usage to prevent mindless scrolling. Designate specific times for checking social platforms, and consider detox periods where you take a break from social media to recalibrate and refocus.
Prioritize Face-to-Face Interactions:
Actively schedule in-person meetings and activities. Physical interactions contribute significantly to emotional well-being and can provide a necessary break from the digital world.
Learn to Say No:
Be mindful of overcommitting to online engagements. Learn to say no to invitations, notifications, or requests that can contribute to digital overwhelm. Prioritize activities that align with your personal and professional goals.
Practice Mindfulness:
Incorporate mindfulness practices into your routine, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises. These practices can help create a sense of presence and awareness, reducing the stress associated with constant digital connectivity.
By consciously setting boundaries in the digital realm, individuals can enhance their overall well-being, improve personal relationships, and cultivate a healthier balance between the online and offline aspects of their lives. Digital self-care is an evolving practice that requires mindfulness and adaptability, empowering individuals to navigate the digital landscape in a way that promotes their holistic health and happiness.
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necarion · 4 months
When you swear very little, a well-placed "fuck" can have disproportionate effect. I've encountered this personally - when I was younger I rarely swore and so always shocked folks when I did - and in PG-13 movies where they are generally allowed a single swear word.
TVTropes calls this "Precision F-Strike", although it used to be called a "Strategic F-Bomb", an inaccurate term as it should properly be called a "Tactical F-Bomb" due to the shepherding of resources it requires to have the optimal effect on the conversation.
Which raises the obvious and important question: if we have descriptions for tactical f-bomb usage, what are the operational and strategic levels? Does it count as strategy if you've developed doctrine for the tactical level? That is, that you will keep your fucks in reserve until they can be used with maximum effect? I think that is still doctrine for the tactical level, though.
Presumably, strategic F-bombing doesn't work, but why, and what is it? And what are Fuck-logistics?
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underspacegame · 4 months
Hello starchasers! As you know last week we didn’t have a patch, mostly because I was in no position to be patching things, mostly because I was on the other side of the country, mostly because I was talking to people like Todd Howard.
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He told me I was an inspiration for trains everywhere. Which is correct, seeing as people are already modding Underspace quite a lot. We even have a Nexus Mods page, of all things.
This is normally where I’d be talking about patch notes and all that stuff, sadly I’m going to disappoint you this week, we’re still delaying this patch until May 27th. Why? 
Because May 27th will be the launch of our first major update: Gods & Corpses.
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I thought I’d talk a little bit about what you can expect with this upcoming update. The centerpiece of course is the secretive and sprawling Us homeworld of Gravecity and its moon: Tombwise.
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It’s no easy feat to reach this undead metropolis, as the Us are rightfully distrusting of outsiders and people who aren’t colonies of corpse-mushrooms, but within are many secrets and more to discover. Gravecity already exists in game, but this update will come with a full suite of NPCs to talk to, news stories to discover, and of course updated graphics to the various characters and locations within it.
Second to our major update is a big redo of many of the highest level bosses, including that deranged mass of cubic malice that many players have affectionately dubbed “God”. I’ll keep most of this stuff under wraps, but players disappointed with many of these bosses being too easy will be in for a surprise. We’ll be providing some simple ways to refight these things in time, of course.
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There’s lots of new gameplay features coming too. Players late in the game will be able to make use of… certain things with a few fast travel system. This lets you mark specific locations and jump to them, as well as perform blind jumps to random systems.
There’s lots of new gameplay features coming too. Players late in the game will be able to make use of… certain things with a few fast travel system. This lets you mark specific locations and jump to them, as well as perform blind jumps to random systems.
Cloaking devices have received an overhaul as well. Much like scanners, they now come in different levels of power. Each level can hide you from progressively more and more powerful enemies. Perhaps one day these cloaking devices can even hide your sins from God. Maybe.
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Besides these, there are some big technical optimization bits here, which will see improved initial loading times and a MASSIVE reduction in RAM usage. This is because we’ve offloaded a lot of resources that were loaded at runtime (namely stations) to be loaded on a case-by-case basis. This was something we always planned for, but actually sitting down and implementing this for over 200 interiors was something that takes a while.
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Acquiring and learning about the world around you has become much easier now too. Ships now have a chance to drop data packets, which when looted can randomly mark locations they’ve discovered within the region. You can also pay Ijuni pricemen to scan a star system or region for locations of a specific trade good that you want. And of course, you can now scan many hazards encountered in storms for money and that sweet, sweet nectar we call lore.
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And there’s even more beyond that. There’s lots of new functionality for the UI, including the ability to use the navmap to view other systems via gates and jumpholes, the ability to view what ancient gates you’ve unlocked, more detailed UI elements, more confirmations when doing things like selling ships, the ability to ask for directions during courier missions, auto-detection of joysticks and controllers, the ability to sell wrecked items to certain junk traders, the ability to cancel crafting jobs, and more!
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And that's all for this week. We'll see you on the 27th. Have some catpost to cap this post off.
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cerastes · 1 year
What's the deal with Vigil? Why is he commonly considered bad? I'm building him for the e2 art but will probably be using him alongside my other pretty clowns in IS occasionally so I'm curious what's got people maligning him to brace myself for the consequences of my very optimal resource usage
His kit doesn’t work.
In theory, DEF Ignore and a tactical summon that can become 3 Block and deal Arts damage under certain circumstances sounds good. In practice, his summon is very fragile, moreso due to its 3 Block nature meaning it will hold more enemies at once that it absolutely does not have the stats to hold in the first place. His S3 damage is decent if everything lines up, and it won’t, because everything you’d want his skillset for, is simply too strong for him to handle. Very low return in investment as well, getting very little from Masteries (expensive ones at that, given he’s 6*). He simply doesn’t have anything going on that could justify using him besides liking him, with a clunky kit and the fact that his DP generation is weak and his damage depends on the summon, which is too weak to survive anything worthy of actually using skills on.
He is, unfortunately, just straight up bad.
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kh2333 · 7 days
Sustainable Farming Practices: A Pathway to Future Food Security
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In the face of growing global challenges such as climate change, population growth, and depleting natural resources, the need for sustainable farming practices has never been more critical. Agriculture remains the backbone of many economies, but traditional farming methods often contribute to environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity, and soil erosion. To secure the future of food production, sustainable farming offers a transformative solution that balances productivity with environmental stewardship.
1. The Importance of Soil Health
Healthy soil is the foundation of sustainable farming. Through techniques such as crop rotation, cover cropping, and reduced tillage, farmers can improve soil structure, enhance its ability to retain water, and reduce erosion. The integration of organic matter into the soil also promotes the growth of beneficial microorganisms, contributing to long-term soil fertility.
2. Water Management: Reducing Waste and Preserving Resources
Effective water management is crucial for sustainable agriculture. Traditional irrigation methods often lead to water waste, but sustainable practices like drip irrigation, rainwater harvesting, and the use of drought-resistant crops can significantly reduce water usage. Precision agriculture technologies, such as soil moisture sensors, allow farmers to optimize water application, ensuring crops receive only what they need, when they need it.
3. Biodiversity: Enhancing Ecosystem Resilience
Biodiversity plays a key role in maintaining healthy ecosystems and improving the resilience of farming systems. By incorporating diverse crops and livestock, farmers can reduce the risk of pest outbreaks and diseases. Agroforestry, which integrates trees into farming systems, enhances biodiversity while providing additional income streams, such as timber and fruit production.
4. Reducing Chemical Dependency
Sustainable farming promotes the reduction of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, which can harm the environment and human health. Alternatives like integrated pest management (IPM) use biological control methods, such as beneficial insects, to manage pests. Additionally, organic farming methods focus on natural soil amendments and composting to enrich the land without harmful chemicals.
5. Renewable Energy in Agriculture
The shift to renewable energy sources is becoming an essential aspect of sustainable farming. Solar panels, wind turbines, and bioenergy can power farming operations, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Many farms are now integrating renewable energy technologies to achieve self-sufficiency while also contributing to environmental conservation.
6. The Role of Technology in Sustainable Farming
Advances in agricultural technology are playing a transformative role in sustainability efforts. Precision farming tools, such as GPS-guided tractors, drones for crop monitoring, and automated irrigation systems, help farmers optimize inputs and maximize efficiency. These innovations not only increase productivity but also minimize waste and environmental impact.
7. Promoting Local and Organic Markets
Sustainable farming goes hand in hand with the promotion of local and organic food markets. Supporting local farmers reduces the carbon footprint associated with food transportation and encourages the consumption of fresh, seasonal produce. Additionally, organic farming practices prioritize animal welfare, soil health, and chemical-free food production, contributing to a healthier food system.
Sustainable farming practices offer a viable solution to the challenges facing modern agriculture. By prioritizing soil health, efficient water use, biodiversity, and renewable energy, farmers can produce food in a way that safeguards the environment for future generations. The integration of technology further enhances the potential for sustainable farming to meet global food demands while reducing the ecological footprint of agriculture. The adoption of these practices is not just a necessity for the future of farming—it is a pathway to long-term food security and environmental sustainability.
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nourishandthrive · 3 months
Eco-Friendly Swaps for a Greener Home
Creating a greener home doesn’t require a complete overhaul. Small, eco-friendly swaps can make a significant impact on reducing your environmental footprint. Here are some simple yet effective swaps to help you live more sustainably at home.
Reusable Shopping Bags
Replace single-use plastic bags with reusable cloth or canvas bags.
Benefit: Reduces plastic waste and the environmental impact of producing disposable bags.
Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products
Use natural, non-toxic cleaning products instead of conventional chemical cleaners.
Benefit: Safer for your health and the environment, reduces chemical runoff.
Energy-Efficient Light Bulbs
Replace incandescent bulbs with LED or CFL bulbs.
Benefit: Uses less energy, lasts longer, and reduces your electricity bill.
Reusable Water Bottles
Ditch single-use plastic water bottles for reusable stainless steel or glass bottles.
Benefit: Reduces plastic waste and saves money in the long run.
Cloth Towels and Napkins
Use cloth towels and napkins instead of paper versions.
Benefit: Cuts down on paper waste and is more cost-effective over time.
Compostable or Bamboo Toothbrushes
Replace plastic toothbrushes with compostable or bamboo ones.
Benefit: Reduces plastic waste and is biodegradable.
Reusable Food Storage
Use glass containers, beeswax wraps, or silicone bags instead of plastic wrap and disposable bags.
Benefit: Reduces single-use plastic waste and keeps food fresher longer.
Eco-Friendly Laundry Practices
Use a drying rack or clothesline instead of a dryer, and switch to eco-friendly laundry detergents.
Benefit: Saves energy, reduces carbon footprint, and is gentler on clothes and the environment.
Low-Flow Showerheads and Faucets
Install low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators.
Benefit: Conserves water and reduces utility bills without sacrificing performance.
Reusable Coffee Cups
Use a reusable coffee cup instead of disposable cups.
Benefit: Reduces waste from disposable cups and often earns discounts at coffee shops.
Second-Hand or Sustainable Furniture
Buy second-hand or sustainably made furniture instead of new, mass-produced pieces.
Benefit: Reduces demand for new resources and supports a circular economy.
Smart Thermostats
Install a smart thermostat to better control your home’s heating and cooling.
Benefit: Increases energy efficiency, reduces utility bills, and can be programmed for optimal usage.
Houseplants for Air Quality
Add houseplants to improve air quality instead of using electric air purifiers.
Benefit: Natural way to purify the air and add aesthetic value to your home.
Biodegradable Trash Bags
Use biodegradable or compostable trash bags instead of regular plastic ones.
Benefit: Reduces plastic waste in landfills and is more environmentally friendly.
Eco-Friendly Personal Care Products
Choose personal care products with natural ingredients and minimal packaging.
Benefit: Reduces chemical exposure and plastic waste.
Key Takeaways
Start Small: You don’t need to make all the changes at once. Start with a few swaps and gradually incorporate more.
Invest Wisely: Some eco-friendly products may have a higher upfront cost but save money in the long run.
Educate and Inspire: Share your eco-friendly practices with others to encourage a broader impact.
Final Thoughts
Transitioning to a greener home is a journey that starts with small, manageable changes. These eco-friendly swaps not only benefit the environment but also promote a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle.
Share your favorite eco-friendly swaps and tips in the comments below! Let’s work together to create a greener future.
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morganblogsblog · 26 days
Unlocking the Potential of Solar Energy: The Role of Solar Management Dashboards
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In the era of sustainable energy, solar power has emerged as a pivotal solution for reducing carbon footprints and harnessing renewable resources. As solar energy systems become more prevalent, effective management and optimization are essential to maximizing their benefits. This is where solar management dashboards come into play. These powerful tools offer comprehensive insights and control over solar energy systems, making them indispensable for both residential and commercial solar installations. In this article, we explore the significance of solar management dashboards, the role of solar management dashboard development, and the impact of solar management dashboard development services on the solar industry.
Understanding Solar Management Dashboards
A solar management dashboard is a centralized platform that provides real-time monitoring, analysis, and control of solar energy systems. These dashboards aggregate data from various components of a solar power system, including solar panels, inverters, batteries, and energy meters, to deliver actionable insights and streamline system management.
Key Features of Solar Management Dashboards:
Real-Time Monitoring: Dashboards offer live updates on the performance of solar panels, including energy production, system efficiency, and operational status. This allows users to track performance and detect issues promptly.
Performance Analytics: Advanced analytics tools within the dashboard provide insights into energy production trends, efficiency metrics, and system health. These insights help in optimizing performance and identifying areas for improvement.
Alerts and Notifications: Automated alerts notify users of potential issues such as equipment malfunctions, performance drops, or maintenance needs. This proactive approach helps in addressing problems before they escalate.
Energy Management: Dashboards facilitate the management of energy consumption and storage. Users can monitor energy usage patterns, track battery levels, and make informed decisions about energy distribution and consumption.
Reporting and Visualization: Customizable reports and visualizations help users understand system performance over time. Historical data analysis and graphical representations make it easier to assess the impact of solar energy on overall energy costs and savings.
The Importance of Solar Management Dashboard Development
The development of a solar management dashboard involves creating a user-friendly and feature-rich interface that effectively integrates with solar power systems. This development process is critical for ensuring that dashboards meet the specific needs of users and provide accurate, actionable data.
Key Aspects of Solar Management Dashboard Development:
Integration Capabilities: A well-developed dashboard must seamlessly integrate with various solar components and technologies. This includes compatibility with different types of solar panels, inverters, and energy storage systems.
User Experience (UX) Design: The dashboard should be designed with user experience in mind, offering an intuitive interface that simplifies navigation and data interpretation. A good UX design ensures that users can easily access and understand the information they need.
Data Accuracy and Security: Accurate data collection and transmission are crucial for reliable performance monitoring. Additionally, robust security measures must be implemented to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access or breaches.
Customization and Scalability: The dashboard should be customizable to fit different user requirements and scalable to accommodate future upgrades or expansions of the solar power system.
The Role of Solar Management Dashboard Development Services
Solar management dashboard development services play a crucial role in bringing these dashboards from concept to reality. These services offer specialized expertise in designing, developing, and deploying solar management solutions that cater to the unique needs of each solar energy system.
Key Benefits of Solar Management Dashboard Development Services:
Tailored Solutions: Development services provide customized dashboard solutions that align with the specific requirements of a solar power system, ensuring that the dashboard effectively meets the user's needs.
Expertise and Innovation: Leveraging the expertise of experienced developers and industry professionals, these services bring innovative features and technologies to the dashboard, enhancing its functionality and performance.
End-to-End Support: Development services offer comprehensive support throughout the entire process, from initial consultation and design to implementation and ongoing maintenance. This ensures that the dashboard remains functional and up-to-date.
Optimized Performance: By utilizing advanced development techniques and best practices, these services ensure that the dashboard delivers optimal performance, accuracy, and reliability in monitoring and managing solar energy systems.
Future Trends in Solar Management Dashboards
As technology continues to advance, the future of solar management dashboards holds exciting possibilities:
Enhanced AI and Machine Learning: Future dashboards will increasingly incorporate AI and machine learning algorithms to provide predictive analytics, automated adjustments, and advanced troubleshooting capabilities.
Integration with Smart Grids: The integration of solar management dashboards with smart grid technologies will enable more efficient energy distribution and enhance grid stability.
Advanced Data Visualization: Improved data visualization tools will offer more detailed and interactive representations of solar energy performance, making it easier for users to analyze and act on data.
User-Centric Innovations: Ongoing developments will focus on enhancing user experience, with features such as voice commands, mobile access, and personalized dashboards tailored to individual preferences.
Solar management dashboards are essential tools for optimizing the performance and efficiency of solar energy systems. With the growing importance of solar power in our quest for sustainability, the role of solar management dashboard development and solar management dashboard development services becomes increasingly critical. These dashboards not only provide valuable insights and control over solar power systems but also contribute to the overall success and effectiveness of renewable energy initiatives. As technology continues to evolve, embracing advanced dashboard solutions and development services will help maximize the potential of solar energy and drive us towards a more sustainable future.
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divyapurple · 27 days
Mastering Cloud Cost Optimization with CloudPi by Purple Data Inc.
Cloud computing offers incredible flexibility and scalability, but without proper management, cloud expenses can quickly spiral out of control. That's where CloudPi, a product by Purple Data Inc., comes in.
CloudPi helps businesses optimize cloud costs by providing detailed insights into spending, intelligent rightsizing recommendations, and automated policy management. Whether you need to shut down idle resources, receive alerts on overspending, or manage multiple cloud environments from one dashboard, CloudPi has you covered.
Here are some quick tips for cloud cost optimization with CloudPi:
Monitor Usage Regularly: Use CloudPi’s dashboards and reports to track spending and identify opportunities for cost savings.
Rightsize Resources: Optimize your cloud resources based on actual usage patterns.
Automate Cost-Saving Actions: Implement policies to automatically manage unused resources and receive alerts for spending anomalies.
Utilize Multi-Cloud Management: Consolidate your cloud cost management across AWS, GCP, Azure, and more, all in one place.
Ready to take control of your cloud costs? Discover how CloudPi can transform your cloud management strategy today. Visit our website or contact us for a demo!
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school56df · 1 month
Transform Your Space: Top Home Decor Trends for 2024 best color combinations for bedroom walls
Best color combinations for bedroom walls  as we step into 2024, domestic decor continues to adapt, reflecting a mix of undying elegance and progressive functionality. This yr’s developments exhibit a deep appreciation for craftsmanship, sustainability, and personal expression. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the key domestic decor developments of 2024, imparting insights on how to refresh and increase your dwelling areas.
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Sustainable Materials and Eco-Friendly Design
Modern farmhouse home decor ideas sustainability remains at the leading edge of domestic decor in 2024. Homeowners are an increasing number of looking for substances and designs that lessen environmental impact. Expect to look a rise inside the use of reclaimed timber, recycled metals, and natural fibers. Furniture made from sustainable assets, consisting of bamboo or reclaimed wood, is gaining reputation. These materials not most effective provide a completely unique aesthetic however also contribute to a more eco-aware life-style.
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Eco-pleasant layout extends to decor items as nicely. Look for textiles crafted from natural cotton, hemp, and linen. Recycled glass and ceramics are making waves within the realm of home add-ons, imparting each fashion and a story of environmental stewardship. As greater human beings end up privy to their ecological footprint, the call for for sustainable and ethically sourced domestic decor is predicted to upward push.
Biophilic Design: Bringing the Outdoors In
Biophilic design, the practice of connecting interiors with nature, is still a distinguished fashion in 2024. This approach focuses on incorporating natural factors into domestic decor to beautify nicely-being and create a relaxing environment. Expect to peer an growth in indoor plant life, herbal mild optimization, and the usage of organic shapes and substances.
Incorporating indoor plants is extra than just a trend—it’s a lifestyle choice. Popular houseplants for 2024 encompass the Monstera, Fiddle Leaf Fig, and Snake Plant, each known for his or her air-purifying qualities and hanging appearance. Green partitions and vertical gardens also are making a dash, providing lush, colourful focal factors inside residing areas.
Neutral Palettes with Bold Accents
Neutral color palettes stay a staple, but 2024 introduces a sparkling take via combining them with bold, assertion-making accents. Expect to look heat taupes, creamy whites, and soft grays forming the base of interiors, complemented via colourful colorings like emerald green, deep military, and wealthy burgundy. These formidable accents can be delivered through add-ons including throw pillows, rugs, or art portions, taking into consideration clean updates and personalization.
Textured neutrals are also trending, with substances like bouclé, linen, and tender wool adding intensity and hobby to monochromatic schemes. This approach provides a sophisticated backdrop for dynamic accessory pieces, developing a balanced and visually attractive surroundings.
Vintage and Retro Revival
The allure of antique and unfashionable design is experiencing a resurgence in 2024. Mid-century modern fixtures, art deco accents, and nostalgic styles are making a return. This fashion celebrates the appeal and craftsmanship of past eras at the same time as integrating them into present day settings.
Vintage-inspired portions, inclusive of curved sofas, geometric rugs, and vintage lights, are being reimagined with a contemporary twist. Thrifted finds and vintage markets are popular resources for particular decor objects that upload man or woman and records to homes. Combining antique portions with contemporary factors creates a curated appearance that feels both undying and clean.
Smart Home Integration
As era keeps to enhance, smart domestic integration turns into increasingly seamless. In 2024, clever home devices are designed to mixture resultseasily with domestic decor. Sleek, unobtrusive designs make certain that era enhances in place of detracts from the cultured of a area.
Smart lighting fixtures systems, voice-managed assistants, and automatic climate control are only a few examples of the way technology is being included into domestic decor. These systems are not simplest functional however also customizable, permitting owners to create personalised environments that adapt to their desires and choices.
Artisanal Craftsmanship
Handmade and artisanal objects are highly prized in 2024. There is a developing appreciation for craftsmanship and the precise traits of handmade items. Artisanal decor, from handwoven rugs to handcrafted ceramics, provides a non-public touch and helps local artisans.
This trend emphasizes the value of talent and way of life, with a focal point on excellent and individuality. Handmade pieces often function imperfections that add to their appeal, making every object a one-of-a-kind addition to your private home. Incorporating artisanal decor fosters a feel of authenticity and connection to the creative technique in the back of every piece.
Flexible and Multi-Functional Spaces
The concept of flexible and multi-useful areas is gaining momentum in 2024. As houses turn out to be increasingly more adaptable to various desires, the point of interest shifts toward furnishings and layouts that provide versatility. Modular furniture, foldable portions, and convertible rooms are key elements on this trend.
For instance, a visitor room can double as a domestic workplace, way to a fold-down desk or a Murphy bed. Modular sofas permit for reconfiguration depending at the event, and multipurpose garage solutions help preserve areas organized and litter-free. This technique maximizes capability without compromising on style, catering to the dynamic needs of modern-day living.
Maximalist Accents
While minimalism continues to be famous, there is a developing trend toward maximalist decor in 2024. This fashion embraces abundance and eclecticism, encouraging the mixture of bold patterns, vibrant colorations, and diverse textures. Maximalist decor is all approximately expressing personality and creativity through a curated collection of items.
Think layered rugs, statement wallpaper, and an array of decorative items. The key to a hit maximalism is stability; mix patterns and colors in a way that feels intentional as opposed to chaotic. This fashion allows for personal expression and creates areas which can be visually stimulating and uniquely reflective of their occupants.
Art Deco Revival
Art Deco is making a amazing comeback in 2024, with its expensive and sumptuous fashion being reinterpreted for modern interiors. Characterized by using geometric shapes, wealthy colorations, and elegant materials, Art Deco provides a hint of glamour to any area.
Incorporate Art Deco factors via declaration lighting fixtures, mirrored surfaces, and velvet fixtures. Metallic finishes like gold and brass, together with formidable patterns, contribute to the state-of-the-art charm of this style. Art Deco accents can remodel a room into a glamorous retreat, ideal for folks that admire a hint of vintage luxurious.
Personalized Spaces
Finally, 2024 emphasizes the significance of creating customized spaces that mirror character tastes and life. Customization is prime, with homeowners in search of methods to make their interiors uniquely their own. This fashion entails choosing decor that resonates for my part, whether or not through custom furnishings, bespoke artwork, or curated collections.
Eco-friendly home decoration personalized spaces are about extra than simply aesthetics—they're about developing environments that foster comfort and pleasure. Incorporating private mementos, significant paintings, and custom-designed factors ensures that each room seems like a true mirrored image of its population.
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mvishnukumar · 1 month
What are some challenges in deploying machine learning models into production?
Deployment of machine learning models into production involves a number of challenges that have to be dealt with to make sure that the models work fine in real-world environments. These include: 
One major challenge will be to make the machine learning model robust with respect to the volume of data it is going to process in production. This basically includes large volumes of data being processed efficiently and quickly. Most of the time, this requires run-time performance optimization of the model and infrastructural considerations of distributed computing and cloud services for scaling.
Existing System Integration:
This makes the integration of machine learning models within existing software systems or workflows quite complex. The model should play well with other components, whether it is databases, APIs, or user interfaces. Ensuring interoperability and ease in integration will require planning and testing to be taken seriously.
Model Monitoring and Maintenance:
Models in deployment should be continuously monitored to ensure that everything works as expected, tracking accuracy, latency, and error rates. Over some time, models will degrade in performance due to changes in the distribution of data or other factors. Noting such degradation regularly, it should be re-trained and updated to be effective.
Data Management:
Data pipeline management is key to the quality and consistency of the data provided to the model. This shall consist of correct collection, cleaning, and preprocessing of data. Any kinds of errors in data quality will upset the performance and reliability of the model.
Handling Model Drift:
Model drift occurs when the statistical properties of the target variable change over time, which causes a decrease in model performance. Model drift detection and handling involve the process of tracking changes in the pattern of data and updating the model accordingly in order to deal with new situations.
Security and Privacy:
This is important for the unauthorized access protection of the model and data and for compliance purposes concerning data privacy regulations. More than that, sensitive information should be secure from leaking through data breaches by putting security controls in place.
Resource Management:
Machine learning model deployment can be resource-intensive. It requires adequate computational resources for model training and inference and proper resource allocation for managing operational costs arising from running the model in production.
Performance Optimization: 
The model should perform well in terms of response time and resource usage. It may need performance optimization by various techniques, such as model compression or quantization for better inference speed, or hardware accelerators. User Acceptance and Feedback:
The deployed model can expect success only through user acceptance and feedback. This would be possible if the models were user-friendly and provided actionable insights to a great extent. There is a need to get feedback from the end-users and incorporate it into model improvements so that desired outcomes can be realized.
Documentation and Transparency: 
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In general, there are a lot of challenges associated with deployment, including issues of scalability, integration, monitoring, data management, and security, which can be overcome only by careful planning, ongoing maintenance, and a robust deployment strategy that will ensure the model gives reliable and valuable results in the real world.
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