#Resign Trudeau
originalleftist · 7 days
I never thought the Bloc Separatists would be the voice of reason and responsibility in Canadian government.
Well, non-confidence vote and likely Conservative majority averted, for now. Shame on the Liberals for keeping Trudeau (and Trudeau for not stepping down), the NDP for risking an election that would put fascists in power so they can maybe pick up a few more seats, and above all the Cons for embracing MAGA fascism. Fuck Poilievre's Alex Jones-loving convoying self.
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quasi-normalcy · 24 days
Thing is that Poilievre is popular so long as he's just the generic anti-Trudeau candidate. Unfortunately he's also a creep and this will become apparent when people start actually paying attention to him
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immunobiz · 16 days
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#BREAKING 🚨: Five of the 38 Liberal ministerial chiefs of staff in the Trudeau government have resigned, including those from the departments of Global Affairs 🌍, Heritage 🏛️, Environment 🌿, Revenue 💰, and Mental Health 🧠.
Which direction will the government take? 🌐
#BREAKING 🚨 : Cinq des 38 chefs de cabinet ministériels libéraux du gouvernement Trudeau démissionnent, y compris ceux des départements des Affaires globales 🌍, du Patrimoine 🏛️, de l'Environnement 🌿, des Revenus 💰 et de la Santé mentale 🧠.
Quelle direction prendra le gouvernement ? 🌐
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immaculatasknight · 1 year
Blackface blues
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gosweetlooks-blog · 2 years
Trudeau got MAD at this canada trudeau canpoli pierrepoilievre
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ireton · 2 years
Tulsi Gabbard EXPOSES trudeau.
The whole world knows that Trudeau the TURD is as bad as the horse faced NZ woman who was forced to resign Jacinda Arden. The only question is whether TRUDEAU will resign or be replaced by his GLOBALIST MASTERS.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 5 months
Personally, I don't think Harry has gone for the spouse visa/green card route yet. Simply because his entitlement, and Meghan's entitlement, about his royal status would not allow them to show Harry as being dependent on Meghan in any way
They would both, much rather prefer to lord it over people, family, governments (both UK and US) that he is royal, the kings son (late queens grandson) and hence very very imp in his own right.
Also, the paperwork and forethought required to submit a greencard application means that both harry and meghan would need to do a lot of work - fill out applications, gather documents, aquire and submit bank data, proof of dates, proof of financials, taxation etc - all of which they are both incapable of doing. Not to mention that their narcissistic discordered tendencies would make them think this is below them.
(I know we can't actually diagnose them, but this is Tumblr, not CNN, and as a psychologist I know that filling out paperwork is the absolutebane of an NPD persons existence. These little quirks of the NPD are not talked about much but they are nearly universally observed.)
Another issue would be hiring an immigration lawyer for the spouse visa. The expenses and the process of actively listening to what the lawyers says is required procedure would put HnM on the backfoot and hate the process.
I have assumed that Harry is either on -
1). A1 Visa - diplomatic/head of state/official representative of a country
2). O1 Visa - specialized skilled worker/Einstein visa given to artists, actors, models, investors in specialized fields, highly skilled academicians, persons contracted by a sponcer for a special skill etc
Now, there is some evidence to support both these. So I'll list those reasons and my conclusions from those below.
Option 1.- A1 visa
Harry moved to US in March 2020, just before pandemic. Most people focus on this, but forget that when the couple moved they both were still, officially, Full Time working royals for the BRF and embarking on the 1 year trial period to see how things pan out for them. This trial period lasted till March 2021, upon the conclusion of which the BRF promptly officially announced there demotions. So, they were working royals when they moved to US, albeit on a leave of absence.
So, what does that mean? That his (and her) diplomatic status was still intact. They did their last royal engagement for the UK in mar 2020, but they hadn't retired. Hadn't resigned. His royal patronages, commonwealth role etc were only taken back in 2021. Both parties had agreed to a separation period till then.
Another factor is that they had already asked Canada to provide him (them) with full time security, ie., treat him like a full fledged royal. But Canada said only till March 2020, and not after that. Trudeau actually released a statement about this.
So this tells me that they (may have). actually asked for full time royal treatment ie., security and diplomatic status for the trial period lasting upto March 2021 and were told no.
(I think that's what Harry means when he says the BRF took away his security, I thiy he means that the BRF pricipals personally prevailed upon Trudeau and made him refuse security)
So Harry's only option was to take his fancy diplomatic status passport, hope on a private jet and fly to LA without telling anyone.
People think this was because the lockdowns were imminent. But I think it was also timed in a way that they were out of Canada before the promised security period expired.
After this, during pandemic, Harry consistently did nonsensical "commonwealth" related zoom calls. Till the president/head/chairperson of the CW youth org (I forgot who exactly but one of main people of the org) publicly distanced themselves in late 2020.
Another thing that was odd was that Trump official said he will not be giving the couple security. Which means that his govt was asked, maybe repeatedly asked and Harry made his case, till the time Trump had to release a statement saying he won't. Makes me think, Harry made his case using his A1 status. Because otherwise, if he was there as a private citizen, this request was absurd and the govt would dismissed this without a second thought. But if they had permitted someone to enter based on their A1 status as representative of a head of state, they had weigh the pros and cons of this request and it could have caused a potential diplomatic incidence. So the president himself had to be face of this decision.
(this is irrespective of anyones thoughts about who the president was, or what kind of person the president may or may not have been. This was an executive decision)
All this leads me to speculate that Harry initially, and until end of 2021 at least, made use of his status as a representative of the head of status, which he already officially had, and was on paper, to enter the US.
The duration of permit of this initial stay could have been 2 or 3 years. So, 2022. Or 2023, when curiosly, Heritage Foundation suddenly took interest in the status of his visa.
Option 2 - O-Visa
This is a bit funny and farfetched, but I think Harry could also have entered on his British passport, which allows a stay upto 6 months (tourist visa). And then applied for O- Visa status a couple of months later.
By June 2020 Harry had forged some sort of investment+partnership with Betterup. This likely involved an initial investment into the company. For enterpreneurs and/investors into a US based company, a minimum investment of 250k or 500k is required to be shown. If he did this, then Betterup could have easily sponcered his application and he could used his very imp, very skilled, very unique position as CHIMPO as a means to get a visa.
A lawyer and the company could have helped him. Plus his high profile status due to his work as a philanthropists, patron of various international organisations etc would definitely be an asset as it is proof and documentation of his years of work.
We may laugh and debate about the "quality" of his work all his life but when it comes to govt paperwork, this is still documented proof. And it's verifiable. So, noone is going to get into the nitty gritty of it, and getting a stamp is easy for him.
Another avenue could have been that he was immediately listed as a high in demand, much sought after international speaker or much renown. He did a couple of onscure, forgettable speaker gigs. But that's all he would need for proof.
He was also listed as the executive producer for oprahs documentary, he was earning his producer certification and the Apple documentary was under production.based on that, he could have applied for an O-visa and it would have been approved.
The duration of stay for O-visa status is 3 years at a time, after which you have to apply again for the visa. It is not eligible for renewal. All paperwork and applications have to be submitted again and will be scrutinized as new.
Let's assume he applied 2/3 months after initial entry, so that's June. His application would have been approved by July end Aug latest. (this is based on my personal experience with the same visa, in this the same time period).
With COVID restrictions, he gets approved but doesn't have to immediately go back to his home country to get it stamped at immigration. I got mine stamped end of 2021 from my country. Till then I stayed in US and worked. So he could have stamped his in April 2021 when he went back for his grandfather's funeral.
If he got his O-visa in 2020, then it would expire in 2023. This is the time heritage foundation started creating a fuss about his visa.
Now, with all of that, an important question we need to ask is- why did the heritage foundation start their crusade in 2023?
This could be because Harry's first visa stay (likely) expired in 2023 and he reapplied for a visa. And was (most likely) approved for the same type of visa again. This process would have gone quite smoothly with Harry's pull. But this second time it is quite clear that he got special treatment. And the heritage foundation wants to expose this special treatment.
Orr more likely, someone in the know tipped them off, and wants this exposed for whatever reason. I DO NOT think the BRf want this exposed, I don't think they care.
I do think someone in the US govt or maybe even a journalist wants to make a big deal out of this. And rightly so.
Anyway, that's my dissertation on Harry's visa. I don't think it matters to anyone outside of Tumblr, but I do feel his entitlement is mind-boggling and he should be held accountable for the person that he is. And if this visa issue is what does it, then so be it.
It is based on my personal experience with these 2 types of visas. And my theoretical and observed knowledge about how entitlement is one of the driving forces for most classical NODs. But the reality for him may be different. And you Rumour, being a fed, would probably know more and know better.
I agree with you. I’ve been reading up about the visa issues (and also spoke to a few other fed friends).
I think Harry is here on an O-1 visa, for extraordinary/outstanding talent. Meghan doesn’t seem invested enough into the marriage to be willing to do the paperwork so if he’s here on a spousal visa, a lawyer would’ve done the paperwork. Additionally, I can see the financial requirements being a major concern for the BRF; the BRF goes to a great length to protect their financial information from other countries and the general public. They’re not going to let the US (no matter how special the relationship) take a peek at their books. So I suspect they squashed the idea of a spousal visa unless it was done *exclusively* on Meghan’s own savings/net worth. Which she balked at doing because it implies she’s financially responsible for Harry and that’s not what she signed up. She signed up to spend Charles’s money. Not her own. So that’s off the table.
Next is the diplomatic visa. Harry doesn’t actually have a diplomatic passport. He has a regular passport. He may have had a second passport for work that he traveled on UK business for, but he never had diplomatic status in the BRF; only The Queen and Charles did.
And that’s something government officials are really strict about, that people travel on official business use official papers. Officials traveling on personal business use personal papers. Or, that’s how it works here in the US. Not sure about the UK.
Now for Harry to have come to the US on a diplomatic passport for a diplomatic visa, he would have had to present his credentials for being here, and those credentials would have explained clearly and succinctly what he was in the US for and what official business he had with us. They would’ve looked into it.
So I don’t think he’s here on a A/diplomatic visa. Or perhaps not anymore, when it was made clear following the one-year Megxit review that he no longer represents the UK or works on behalf of The Queen/BRF.
Which leaves the O visa, for talent. But I don’t think it’s Better Up. I think it’s Invictus Games. Not only would it explain why they still stick with Harry despite all the expenses and criticism they cost the Foundation. And that’s what Harry is known for, outside of the BRF - his military support and support for veterans. It would also explain why Harry continues to try so hard to collaborate with the US military and warfighter community. Because he needs the military to support his visa.
Maybe it’s transferred to Better Up now since he seems to do more work for them.
As to why the government is trying so hard to keep his visa papers buried? I think they know we know Harry isn’t qualified to be here on a diplomatic or an O visa, so the BRF greased the wheels a bit in some way, shape, or form to help him get through the system.
But also if he’s here on a O-1 visa connected to Invictus Games, it could imply government or DOD support; if not DOD directly, then close partners or contractors…aka military lobbyists.
So that’s where I am right now.
And fingers crossed this gets posted in full. 🤞
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 2 months
by Seth Mandel
Yet as exasperatingly counterproductive as Schumer’s remarks were, they could not hold a candle to the performance by Rep. Jerrold Nadler on Tuesday. Nadler was announcing that he would attend Bibi’s speech while also making clear he that he—as-a-Jew—despises the Israeli government that is currently embroiled in a multi-front war against enemies seeking to eliminate the Jewish people from the surface of the earth. Nadler collapsed under the pressure and tweeted what can only be described as a cry for help:
“Benjamin Netanyahu is the worst leader in Jewish history since the Maccabean king who invited the Romans into Jerusalem over 2100 years ago. The Prime Minister is putting the security of Israel, the lives of the hostages, the stability of the region, and longstanding Israeli democratic norms in perilous jeopardy, simply to maintain the stability of his far-right coalition and absolve him of his own legal troubles. Tomorrow’s address is the next step in a long line of manipulative bad-faith efforts by Republicans to further politicize the U.S.-Israel relationship for partisan gain and is a cynical stunt by Netanyahu aimed at aiding his own desperate political standing at home. There is no question in my mind it should not be happening.”
And yet, he said, “I have not given up on the dream of an Israel that can live in peace with its neighbors.” Therefore, he is attending the speech.
There are three things happening here, all of them deeply destructive. The first has nothing to do with the Jewish angle of this debacle. That is the diplomatic malpractice. America has a serious amount of power and lately an unserious way of wielding it.
Set aside the hysterical tone of Nadler’s post. Does anyone in Congress talk about any other ally this way? We have had a series of incompetent prime ministers in Britain over the past few years, one of whose term was outlived by a head of lettuce. We did not have members of Congress ranting about how Liz Truss was her country’s worst leader since Britain was Roman. That’s because they would look completely insane even publicly contemplating the question. If Nadler wants to retire to become a blogger at The Nation, he is more than welcome to. It’s a low bar, but more is expected of members of the United States Congress, especially those in senior positions.
Or we can turn to Canada, where the remedial-class prime minister likes to play dress-up more than think about politics, like some kind of ancient child-king. Is Schumer out on the floor ranting about how he loves Tim Hortons but the coffee will taste bitter to him until Justin Trudeau resigns to join the Ontario community theater?
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Voters in two Canadian ridings — one in Quebec and another in Manitoba — will head to the polls in September, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Sunday in announcing that the campaign period for the pair of byelections has begun. The byelections will be held Sept. 16. In Quebec, the Liberals are hoping to hold the LaSalle—Émard—Verdun riding, which became vacant when former justice minister David Lametti resigned from politics. That riding has been Liberal red since its creation in 2013 and first its election in 2015, which swept the Liberals into power. Lametti has held it in each subsequent election with more than 40 per cent of the vote.
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With any good fortune our neighbors to the North with toss Castro's lil Bastard's ass to the dustbin of history.
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originalleftist · 7 days
The Liberals just lost another by-election, reportedly in a supposedly "safe" seat.
Fuck it, Trudeau needs to resign. He's clearly not electable, and his arrogant denial of reality is walking us headlong into a Poilievre (that is, Canadian MAGA) majority*.
He needs to go. Maybe we'll get half as lucky here as the Democrats did when Biden stepped down.
*I'm not kidding, Poilievre has literally marched with the MAGA-funded conveyors who blockaded our capital for weeks a couple years ago, he has dabbled in election conspiracy theorism, and he recently refused to reject an endorsement from Alex fucking Jones.
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skippyv20 · 10 months
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eldritch-prettyboy · 3 months
Best thing Trudeau can do right now is push through ranked choice legislation with the NDP as quickly as possible, then resign as soon as it’s confirmed that 2026 will be conducted on a ranked ballot.
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immaculatasknight · 1 year
Canada's sham democracy
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lantern-hill · 11 months
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Outpourings of shock and sympathy flooded Canada’s political landscape in the days following Hamas’ October 7 surprise attack on Israel. Parliament’s Peace Tower had the Israeli flag projected onto it, while the CN Tower shone blue and white at the top of every hour. Leaders of every political party, federal and provincial alike, issued statements condemning Hamas’ terror attacks in the strongest terms. Not to be outdone by his peers, Justin Trudeau declared, “Let me be very clear: Hamas terrorists aren’t a resistance. They’re not freedom fighters. They’re terrorists.” Full stop. Predictably, hardly a word of sympathy was uttered for Palestinians in Gaza, who were almost immediately being bombed, and soon had their water and power shut off. Ontario MPP Sarah Jama dared to mention Israel’s occupation, calling for an immediate ceasefire and de-escalation. She was promptly reprimanded by her party and forced to issue a more “balanced” statement—one decrying Hamas unequivocally—amid cries for her resignation. The crime of regarding Israel with anything other than reverence bears a heavy price. [...] The purpose of journalism was once to provide people with clarity and facts amidst uncertainty; to furnish them with alternative narratives that are not politically motivated, but are motivated rather by the discovery and dissemination of truth. Yet if you looked to the media for such answers following Hamas’ attack, what you instead found was journalists amplifying the mainstream political narrative. In some cases, they offered suggestions, thinly veiled as questions, as to what the government should do with Canadians exercising their freedom of expression in support of Palestinians. “What do you say to Canadians,” CBC Power & Politics host David Cochrane asked Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly, “who might go to a protest that critics say is purporting to celebrate what Hamas has done? I mean, should these protests be happening? There have been some calls by others to maybe find a way to prosecute this over supporting terrorism.”
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ireton · 1 year
trudeau foundation board resign following accusations of chinese (CCCP) donations.
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