#Resident Evil 2 (1998)
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pprtnkvhs · 5 months ago
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Art with motorcycles, again….
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megamyceted · 2 years ago
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CLAIRE REDFIELD & SHERRY BIRKIN resident evil 2, 1998
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tyanis · 1 year ago
Original Re2 Mr. X concept art.
Realized I still hadn't posted all of the concept art from the Resident Evil 2 Survival Guide. Whoops.
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Looks like he had a gasmask and some sort of gun early on.
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It's a little hard to see, but I think his mask has a little Umbrella logo on the side. Would you guys have preferred him with the mask? It looks kinda neat and I love masks but his emotionless stare feels more unnerving to me.
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They seems to have dabbled in having a full face mask too. Also, look at the long black nails on his "normal" hand.
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This one reminds me of Handsome Squidward.
Anyway, that's all for now. There are still more images of concept art in the guide but I'll be posting those another time.
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crimescrimson · 11 months ago
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Ada Wong & Leon S. Kennedy: The History [ Resident Evil 2 (1998) ]
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devileaterjaek · 1 year ago
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cronotose · 10 months ago
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re2 original leon looks like a hampster
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roleplay-evil · 10 months ago
Resident Evil 2 (1998) Starters
"I told you, it's my job to look after you."
"Hey, we've still got a job to do."
"You are tenacious, I'll give you that."
"You'll be in danger if you decide to stay with me."
"We're a team. I can't just leave you behind."
"Hey, it's up to us to take out [blank]!"
"Quiet, [name]. I'll patch you up."
"What happened? You're bleeding!"
"But you've been shot!"
"Alright, we'll do this your way. For now."
"Let's just get out of here. The sooner, the better." 
"If I have to go, I'm going to take you with me."
"Look, if you wanna live, then you're gonna have to leave with me."
"I really wanted to escape with you... escape from everything."
"Don't worry, I'll protect you. But you have to make sure you don't leave my side."
"Is it just me, or does everybody always ignore what I say?"
"What's the matter? Don't you trust me?"
"Wait, [name]! Don't go alone!"
"[name]! [name], wait! Wait! Man, why doesn't anyone ever listen to me?"
"[name]! What was that all about? Running off like that was reckless and stupid."
"I know I've only known you for a short period, but I really enjoy being with you."
"Man, what a mess. What could have done this?"
"Now what's wrong? Is something following us?"
"Alright, that's far enough. Don't move... Don't move!"
"Easy, easy there. I'm not a zombie! You're safe now."
"I guess we all made it."
"It's good to see you're still among the living."
"Sorry about that. I thought you were one of them."
"Just who are you? No. Don't bother telling me. It makes no difference."
"Is this the guy?"
"Lemme guess, you must be [name], right? Get up. Now."
"Come and get me, I'm right here!"
"Hold your fire! I'm a human!"
"I don't know anything. And even if I did, why would I wanna tell you?"
"Sorry, but I won't just hand over my life's work."
"Get away from me. You just want [blank], don't you? But no one will take that away from me. No one..."
"That's okay, you keep it. I'm sure it will keep you safe."
"I was there, [name]. I know."
"Shut up. You couldn't possibly understand what's happened."
"You killed [name]! I'll never forgive you for that!"
"What do you want? I'm trying to sleep here."
"You're right. This is just the beginning."
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sweetfrostbitekisses · 10 months ago
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Forgot to post this Claire drawing !!
Hope you all enjoy it though <33
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chrisitsraining · 1 year ago
ngl i still think the og resi 2 leon is cuter than the 2 remake leon
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reddenedrust · 7 months ago
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Ada Wong Route B, The Original Timeline
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pprtnkvhs · 5 months ago
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megamyceted · 2 years ago
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CLAIRE REDFIELD & SHERRY BIRKIN resident evil 2, 1998
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tyanis · 2 years ago
The Resident Evil 2 Original Uncut Scripts.
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Gathered up my posts containing the original uncut scripts into one collection.
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crimescrimson · 11 months ago
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Ada Wong & Leon S. Kennedy: The History [ Resident Evil 2 (1998) ]
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2ghoul2duel · 11 months ago
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September 12th: I was supposed to play another game of chess with Thomas, but we had to cancel it because he hasn't been feeling too well. He stopped by to see me, but I told him to go back and rest since he literally looked like the walking dead. He insisted that he was just fine, but I could tell he was really having problems. Come to think of it, I haven't been feeling too good myself lately...
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spinningbuster98 · 19 days ago
Resident Evil 2 (1998) Claire A Part 3: MamaClaire mode activated
Now we finally finish the Police Station and go to the Sewers, with also a brief pit stop at the Marshalling Yard
And this is also where the game drops off a bit
I mentioned while playing RE1 that Classic RE games tend to get easier during the second half because they start to give you more ammo and health items. RE2 however...really overdoes it
As I said two videos ago RE2 in general is more generous with its resources when compared to the first game, which makes it more approachable, but it still struck a certain balance by also increasing the enemy count accordingly. Starting now however the areas will be getting smaller and simpler in structure and there will be fewer enemies, yet the game will keep showering you with ammo and the like, which makes it really easy to just blow everything in your way rather than trying to avoid conflict and picking your battles strategically in order to get by. RE1 introduced more dangerous enemies in the form of the Hunters as a way to balance things but RE2...not so much
In a way I kind of like this because it can be cathartic in a way: you’ve kind of earned this by going hours trying to survive by managing your resources right, so now you are rewarded with a late game that is much easier and you can finally start blowing up some zombie heads that, at the start of the game, you couldn’t afford to do as much. The issue is that, on repeated playthroughs, you start to notice just how easy the game gets at this point since, outside of a few boss battles, there’s barely anything now that can’t be fought off by pumping it full of lead or explosives and it can get a bit boring.
I’d say this also marks a shift. One of the major complaints that fans have about the series is the hyperfocus it tends to have on action over sheer horror, especially once RE4 came out. But really when you stop and look back...this shift was starting as far back as in RE2, because once a game allows you to just shoot everything on sight with little repercussion then it starts to feel more like an action game than a survival horror one. And no I’m not saying that “lol RE2 was an action game all along, eat shit RE4 haters”, after all the first half of the game is by all means a horror game and even during its second half the game features some magnificently haunting ambience, I’m just saying that, past a certain point, you can kind of tell that this is a game made by Hideki Kamiya
Story wise however this is when Claire’s story really picks up: you discover that Sherry is the daughter of William Birkin, an Umbrella scientist responsible for creating a new deadly pathogen called the G-Virus. You also meet Sherry’s mother Annette and through her you learn that the creature chasing Sherry around is William himself, having injected himself with a dose of G-Virus to save his own life after being shot down by mercenaries hired by Umbrella to steal his research from him after he had threatened to expose company secrets if they didn’t give him a seat at the Company Board. William turned into an abomination, killed the mercenaries and accidentally threw a bunch of vials containing the first game’s T-Virus into the sewers, contaminating the town’s water supply thus starting this whole disaster. William is currently devoidn of any human consciousness and only follows his new basic reproductive needs: the Virus can’t infect others through bites and scrathes, rather only by implanting an embryo into a genetically compatible host...in this case his own daughter
And he manages to do just that after Sherry gets separated from Claire when she falls into a hole in the sewers. So now Sherry’s infected and will, in time, turn into the exact type of hideous, tumorous abomination that her father has become
Unless Claire does something about it
RE1′s story was 90% contained within its many files and diaries, but the actual on screen plot was rather barebones, not helped by the characters...just not being very interesting. We learn nothing about Jill and Chris, who they are as people beyond them being heroic and they spend most of the time reacting to stuff and wondering what the hell is going on. The only character that felt remotely fleshed out was Barry
The characters of RE2, for the most part, work much better because not only do they have precise motivations and goals that they want to achieve, but they also bounce off of each other more dynamically, which enables them to show off their personalities more
Claire went to Raccoon City in search of her brother Chris, whom she hasn’t heard from in months, yet upon reaching the Station she learned that he wasn’t there either so that motivation immediately goes away in favor of becoming Sherry’s protector. Being a selfless person Claire wants to help her and by learning more about Sherry we the players want to help her too. Sherry wished to find her father because she was worried about his safety, only to discover that her father was the monster chasing after her this whole time. Sherry is a completely innocent victim paying for the crimes of her two, very irresponsible and morally bankrupt parents and she finds a new parental/sisterly figure in Claire, who only gets more determined in rescuing Sherry upon learning of her situation. At the same time though Sherry isn’t just some poor thing to be pitied, she does try to help out a few times in what little ways she can (most notable in the game’s ending) so she doesn’t just feel like a little princess to be rescued. When the two of them are talking about Sherry being unable to even interact with her parents because they’re always busy working (and we know they were busy developing bio weapons for an evil company), but also says that with Claire it’s different and then Claire gives her her red jacket to help her stay warm...it’s touching! That’s a very human moment! It’s the light in the midst of all the chaos! Claire’s story is my favorite between the two characters because of this human element and it also makes Claire my favorite between her and Leon, at least in this game, as I feel that Leon kinda gets the shorter end of the characterization stick here, but you’ll see what I mean
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