#Reservation syste
phonesuitedirect · 5 months
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In this blog post, we will discuss how smart contracts are revolutionizing the hospitality industry and why it’s something that marketers should pay attention to when integrating smart contracts into the hotel industry. Read More...
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msp234 · 1 month
The Occupation of Development in Current Energy s: Gadgets and Programming for Precise Energy Assessment
 In this day and age, energy productivity has turned into a basic worry for organizations and property holders the same. With rising energy costs and an expanded spotlight on manageability, understanding and streamlining energy utilization is a higher priority than at any time in recent memory. An energy audit is a fundamental stage toward recognizing and executing energy-saving measures. Customarily, energy inspecting process included manual information assortment and examination, which was both tedious and inclined to mistakes. Nonetheless, the coming of cutting edge innovation for energy audits has reformed this interaction, making it more precise, productive, and financially savvy. This blog investigates the cutting-edge energy audit instruments and energy audit programming that are changing the business.
The Significance of Energy audits
An energy audit is a complete evaluation of a structure's energy use, pointed toward distinguishing chances to further develop energy productivity and lessen costs. It includes assessing energy-consuming systems, for example, warming, ventilation, cooling (air conditioning), lighting, and protection. A definitive objective is to give significant suggestions to lessen energy utilization, lower service charges, and limit carbon dioxide emanations.
Energy audits are significant in light of multiple factors:
Cost Reserve funds: By recognizing energy failures, organizations and property holders can execute restorative estimates that outcome in huge expense investment funds on energy bills.
Ecological Effect: Diminishing energy utilization diminishes ozone-depleting substance discharges, adding to natural manageability.
Code Consistence: Numerous locales have severe energy guidelines, and an energy audit can assist in guaranteeing consistence with these principles.
Upgraded Solace and Efficiency: Further developed energy proficiency can improve indoor solace levels, prompting expanded tenant fulfillment and efficiency.
Customary versus Present day Energy audits
Customary Energy audits: Manual Information Assortment: Energy auditer physically gather information from different systems, which is work concentrated and inclined to mistakes.
Tedious Cycles: The manual idea of conventional audits makes them tedious.
Restricted Information Examination Capacities: Customary strategies frequently come up short on capacity to act top to bottom information investigation, restricting the experiences that can be determined.
Current Energy audits:
Computerized Information Social occasion: High-level sensors and gadgets robotize information gathering, decreasing human blunder.
Quicker and More Effective Cycles: Innovation smoothes out the audit interaction, making it faster and more productive.
Upgraded Exactness: Modern calculations and examining instruments give more exact estimations and investigation.
Exhaustive Information Examination: Strong energy audit programming empowers point-by-point and far-reaching information investigation, offering further bits of knowledge.
Key Advances in Current Energy audits
Shrewd Meters and Sensors
Shrewd meters and sensors are fundamental auditing devices in present-day energy audits. They give continuous information on energy utilization, permitting energy inspector to precisely pinpoint failures. These gadgets can be introduced all through a structure to screen different systems and hardware.
Warm Imaging Cameras
Warm imaging cameras recognize heat misfortune and protection issues by catching infrared pictures. This innovation distinguishes regions where energy is being squandered, like inadequately protected walls, windows, and entryways. It gives a visual portrayal of intensity dissemination, making it more 
straightforward to recognize trouble spots.
Building The executives systems (BMS)
Building The executive's systems (BMS) incorporates different structure systems into a concentrated stage, empowering ceaseless checking and control. These systems gather information from central air, lighting, and other energy-consuming systems, giving significant experiences to energy audits. BMS can mechanize energy-saving measures, for example, changing lighting and central air settings in view of inhabitance.
Drones furnished with warm cameras and different sensors can direct flying assessments of huge structures and offices. This innovation is especially helpful for recognizing rooftop protection issues and sunlight based charger execution. Robots can get to hard-to-arrive at regions, giving a far reaching perspective on the structure's outside and recognizing potential energy failures.
High-level Programming for Energy audits
The reconciliation of cutting edge energy audit programming has essentially improved the exactness and effectiveness of the audit cycle. Here are a portion of the main programming arrangements utilized in the business:
Created by the U.S. Division of Energy, EnergyPlus is a strong structure energy reproduction program. It demonstrates warming, cooling, lighting, and other energy streams inside a structure, giving nitty gritty examination and suggestions. EnergyPlus can reproduce complex structure systems and connections, offering experiences into energy execution and possible upgrades.
RETScreen is a thorough clean energy executives programming that empowers energy effectiveness measures and environmentally friendly power project investigation. It assists energy auditer with assessing the specialized and monetary reasonability of energy-saving measures. RETScreen incorporates a huge data set of environment and cost information, making it a significant energy examination instrument for practicality studies and execution investigation.
eQuest is an easy to understand building energy reproduction device that offers point by point energy demonstrating capacities. It permits energy evaluator to make virtual models of structures and reproduce different energy-saving situations. eQuest gives a graphical connection point to building calculation and system inputs, improving on the demonstrating system.
Ecotect is a structure plan and examination instrument that incorporates with other Autodesk items. It gives a scope of highlights to energy examination, including sun powered radiation studies, warm solace investigation, and daylighting recreations. Ecotect can demonstrate complex structure calculations and perform point by point natural investigation, making it a flexible device for energy audits.
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keanu-55 · 2 months
Malicious Crawlers and Ticket-Grabbing Software: The Truth behind Cybercrimes
As consumers, perhaps everyone has had the experience of participating in flash sale activities on e-commerce platforms, but the results are often unsatisfactory - as soon as the flash sale time arrives, the goods are announced to be sold out. Some participants will blame their own insufficient reaction speed, while others will question the lack of sincerity of the platform. However, for network security professionals, the truth is often more complicated.
The phenomenon that discounted goods are sold out within 0.00001 seconds is mostly caused by malicious crawlers. On the eve of the "618" e-commerce festival this year, the security department of a well-known e-commerce platform (it is said that the platform is JD.com) monitored that some merchants were suspected of defrauding subsidy funds by means of false transactions, involving an amount of more than 5 million yuan. After investigation, it was found that some merchants frequently placed orders for the specified subsidized goods under the instigation of intermediary companies, but the actually delivered goods were mineral water. This kind of fraudulent behavior was finally exposed by the police, and 61 suspects were successfully arrested.
Another example occurred during the Double Eleven promotion in 2020. E-commerce platform A launched a half-price flash sale activity for a well-known product. The activity attracted a large number of real users to participate, and at the same time, it also attracted the attacks of malicious crawlers. The impacts of malicious crawlers on the platform include consuming server resources, affecting user experience, and the goods being quickly snapped up. For this reason, e-commerce platform A used the threat data accumulated by the data shield of Knownsec to intercept known crawler IPs and distinguish real users from crawlers through the human-machine identification function. In addition, it also analyzed the logs during the peak traffic period, updated the threat IP database, and finally set up intelligent speed limits to resist high-frequency queries. Under this series of measures, most of the malicious crawler traffic was successfully intercepted.
In just one year, the number of malicious crawlers intercepted by the Knownsec Cloud Defense Platform was as high as more than 92.7 billion times, accounting for 27.9% of the total annual Web attacks. Thus, it can be seen that the current situation of malicious crawlers is already very serious, and great attention must be paid to the protection against malicious crawler attacks.
With the arrival of the summer vacation, famous schools in Beijing, Shanghai and other places have become popular destinations for family tourism. However, due to the surge in visiting demand, the phenomenon of "it is extremely difficult to get a ticket" has emerged. A company technician, Li Moumou, developed a ticket-grabbing software. After Wang Moumou and Zhang Moumou learned about it, they cooperated with him. They attracted tourism practitioners by posting on the Internet and other means and set up a "ticket-grabbing studio". They used the ticket-grabbing software to grab tickets in batches on various online platforms and resold them to tourism practitioners at prices ranging from 80 yuan to 150 yuan. In less than a month during the summer vacation of 2023, the two studios illegally profited more than 300,000 yuan. In order to improve the ticket-grabbing efficiency, the software was designed to achieve a violent ordering mode, which seriously affected the normal operation of the system. In July 2024, the People's Court of Haidian District, Beijing sentenced 13 people including Li Moumou to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from 6 months to 4 years and 6 months and imposed a fine for the crime of illegally obtaining data from a computer information system.
These three cases have revealed a fact: whether it is the college visit reservation system or the subsidy mechanism of the e-commerce platform, they may all become the targets for illegal elements to seek profits. In the face of such criminal acts, relevant departments need to further strengthen supervision and technical prevention measures to ensure that the public interest is not violated and maintain good social order. With the development of technology and the progress of society, the crackdown and preventive measures for such criminal activities need to be continuously upgraded and improved to protect the interests of the general public and network security.
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what's the difference between dns and vpn
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what's the difference between dns and vpn
DNS Explained
Title: Demystifying DNS: Understanding the Backbone of the Internet
DNS, or Domain Name System, is the unsung hero of the internet, quietly working behind the scenes to ensure that when you type a web address into your browser, you're taken to the correct website. Essentially, DNS acts as the internet's phonebook, translating human-friendly domain names like "example.com" into IP addresses, which are the unique numerical identifiers assigned to each device connected to the internet.
Imagine you're trying to find a friend's house in a sprawling city. You might know their name and general location, but without an address, you'd be lost. DNS provides those addresses for websites, allowing your device to locate and connect to them.
The DNS system operates through a distributed network of servers worldwide. When you enter a domain name into your browser, your device sends a query to a DNS resolver, typically operated by your internet service provider (ISP) or a third-party DNS provider like Google or Cloudflare. The resolver then communicates with other DNS servers to find the IP address associated with the requested domain.
This process involves several steps, including querying authoritative DNS servers, which are responsible for storing and providing information about specific domains. Once the resolver obtains the IP address, it caches the information to speed up future requests, reducing the need to query multiple servers for the same domain.
DNS plays a critical role in ensuring the smooth operation of the internet, enabling users to access websites and other online services with ease. Without DNS, navigating the vast digital landscape would be akin to finding a needle in a haystack.
In conclusion, while DNS may seem like a technical concept reserved for experts, it's a fundamental component of the internet that impacts our daily online experiences in profound ways. So the next time you visit a website, remember to thank DNS for effortlessly guiding you to your destination.
VPN Basics
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) has become an essential tool for ensuring online privacy and security. VPNs work by creating a secure and encrypted connection between the user's device and a remote server operated by the VPN service. This connection masks the user's IP address, making it difficult for anyone to track their online activities.
One of the primary benefits of using a VPN is the ability to browse the internet anonymously. By connecting to a VPN server, users can hide their real IP address and location, preventing websites, advertisers, and even internet service providers from tracking their online behavior. This not only protects users' privacy but also helps to bypass censorship and geo-restrictions.
Additionally, VPNs enhance security by encrypting data that is transmitted over the internet. This is crucial when using public Wi-Fi networks, as it prevents hackers from intercepting sensitive information such as passwords, credit card details, and personal messages. By using a VPN, users can protect themselves from potential cyber threats and maintain their online security.
Moreover, VPNs are valuable for accessing restricted content and bypassing internet censorship. By connecting to a VPN server in a different country, users can unblock websites and services that may be unavailable in their region due to geo-restrictions or government censorship.
In conclusion, VPNs are powerful tools that offer online privacy, security, and freedom. By using a VPN, users can protect their sensitive information, browse the internet anonymously, and access restricted content from anywhere in the world. Considering the growing concerns about online privacy and security, integrating a VPN into your online routine is a wise decision.
DNS (Domain Name System) and VPN (Virtual Private Network) are both critical components of modern internet usage, but they serve different purposes and operate at different levels of the online infrastructure.
DNS is like a phonebook for the internet. It translates human-readable domain names (like www.example.com) into IP addresses (such as that computers use to communicate with each other. When you type a URL into your browser, your device sends a DNS query to a DNS server, which then returns the corresponding IP address, allowing your device to connect to the desired website.
On the other hand, a VPN creates a secure, encrypted connection between your device and a remote server operated by the VPN service. This tunnel encrypts all the data passing between your device and the internet, protecting it from prying eyes and potential hackers. VPNs are commonly used to enhance online privacy, bypass geo-restrictions, and secure connections on public Wi-Fi networks.
While both DNS and VPNs can enhance online security and privacy, they serve different functions. DNS primarily focuses on translating domain names into IP addresses, while VPNs encrypt and secure internet traffic. However, they can complement each other when used together. For example, a VPN can encrypt your internet traffic, while a private DNS resolver can prevent your ISP from logging your browsing history.
In conclusion, DNS and VPNs are essential components of the internet, each serving distinct purposes in enhancing security and privacy online. Understanding how they work and when to use them can help users navigate the digital landscape more safely and securely.
DNS Functionality
Title: Understanding DNS Functionality: Navigating the Web's Address Book
DNS (Domain Name System) is the backbone of the internet, serving as its address book. When you type a website address into your browser, like "www.example.com," DNS translates that human-readable domain name into an IP address, such as "," which computers understand. This translation enables seamless communication between devices across the internet.
The functionality of DNS involves several key components:
DNS Resolver: When you enter a domain name into your browser, your device sends a query to a DNS resolver, typically provided by your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or a third-party service. The resolver then seeks the IP address associated with the requested domain name.
Root Servers: If the resolver doesn't have the IP address cached, it contacts a root server. These servers maintain a database of all top-level domain (TLD) names, such as ".com," ".org," and ".net."
Top-Level Domain (TLD) Servers: The root server directs the resolver to the appropriate TLD server based on the domain's extension (e.g., ".com"). TLD servers manage domain names within their respective domains.
Authoritative DNS Servers: Once the resolver reaches the appropriate TLD server, it is directed to the authoritative DNS server responsible for the specific domain name. This server holds the most up-to-date information about the domain's IP address.
Caching: To improve efficiency, DNS resolvers cache IP address information for a specified time, reducing the need to repeatedly query authoritative servers for frequently accessed domain names.
Overall, DNS functionality ensures that users can access websites by name rather than remembering complex numerical IP addresses. It plays a crucial role in facilitating the seamless navigation of the internet, making it accessible and user-friendly for billions of people worldwide. Understanding DNS is essential for anyone navigating the digital landscape, as it underpins virtually all online activities.
VPN Encryption
VPN Encryption: Keeping Your Online Activities Secure
VPN encryption is a method of securing your internet connection by creating a private network from a public internet connection. Through encryption, a VPN protects your data from being intercepted, monitored, or manipulated by potential hackers, government authorities, or internet service providers.
Encryption in VPN services scrambles the data you send over the internet into a code that only the intended recipient can decipher. This process ensures that even if someone manages to intercept your data, they won't be able to make sense of it without the decryption key.
There are several encryption protocols used in VPN services, including OpenVPN, IPSec, and L2TP/IPSec. Each protocol has its level of security and speed, so it's essential to choose a VPN provider that offers strong encryption methods while maintaining a fast connection.
When selecting a VPN provider, look for one that utilizes AES-256 encryption, which is considered military-grade encryption and is virtually unbreakable. Additionally, ensure that the VPN provider follows a no-logs policy, meaning they do not store any information about your online activities.
By using a VPN with robust encryption, you can browse the internet anonymously, access geo-restricted content, and secure your online transactions. Whether you're working remotely, traveling, or simply want to enhance your online privacy, VPN encryption is a crucial tool in safeguarding your digital information.
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vinit07 · 7 months
Simplifying Your Travel Plans: Armenia Visa Online Requirements Explained
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Are you planning an unforgettable journey to Armenia, a land steeped in history, culture, and natural beauty? Before embarking on your adventure, it's essential to acquaint yourself with the visa requirements for a seamless entry into this captivating country. Fortunately, with the convenience of Armenia visa online applications, the process has become more accessible and efficient, allowing travellers to focus on exploring the wonders of Armenia.
Armenia Visa Online: A Convenient Solution
Gone are the days of cumbersome visa application procedures that involve endless paperwork and visits to embassies or consulates. With the introduction of the Armenia visa online system, travellers can now apply for their visas from the comfort of their homes or offices, eliminating the need for time-consuming processes.
The Armenia visa online application process is designed to be user-friendly and efficient, enabling travellers to complete their applications quickly and easily. By accessing the official website or authorized visa service providers, applicants can submit their details, upload necessary documents, and pay the required fees online. This streamlined process significantly reduces processing time, ensuring that travellers receive their visas promptly, often within a few business days.
Understanding Armenia Tourist Visa Requirements
To successfully obtain an Armenia tourist visa online, applicants must fulfil certain requirements mandated by the Armenian government. Familiarizing yourself with these requirements beforehand will ensure a smooth application process and minimize the risk of delays or complications. Below are the key prerequisites for obtaining an Armenia tourist visa online:
Valid Passport: Applicants must possess a valid passport with a minimum validity of six months beyond the intended duration of stay in Armenia. It is essential to ensure that your passport is in good condition and free from any damage or discrepancies.
Online Application Form: The initial step in the visa application process is to complete the online application form accurately. Applicants will need to provide personal details, passport information, travel itinerary, and other relevant information as required.
Passport-Size Photograph: A recent passport-size photograph of the applicant is typically required to be uploaded as part of the online application. The photograph must meet the specified requirements regarding size, format, and background colour.
Proof of Accommodation: Applicants may be required to provide proof of accommodation arrangements for their stay in Armenia. This could include hotel reservations, a letter of invitation from a host, or other relevant documents.
Travel Itinerary: A detailed itinerary of your planned activities and destinations in Armenia may be requested as part of the visa application. This helps authorities assess the purpose and duration of your visit.
Financial Means: Applicants may need to demonstrate sufficient financial means to cover their expenses during their stay in Armenia. This could include bank statements, proof of employment, or other financial documents.
Travel Insurance: While not always mandatory, having travel insurance coverage for the duration of your stay in Armenia is highly recommended. This provides financial protection against unforeseen emergencies such as medical expenses, trip cancellations, or lost luggage.
Visa Fee Payment: Applicants are required to pay the applicable visa fees using the online payment methods accepted by the Armenian authorities. The fee amount may vary depending on the applicant's nationality and the type of visa being applied for.
By ensuring that all necessary documents and information are accurately provided during the online application process, applicants can enhance their chances of a successful visa approval.
Benefits of Applying for Armenia Visa Online
The Armenia visa online system offers several advantages over traditional visa application methods, making it the preferred choice for many travellers:
Convenience: The online application process allows travellers to apply for their visas anytime, anywhere, eliminating the need to visit embassies or consulates in person. This flexibility is especially beneficial for those with busy schedules or limited access to diplomatic missions.
Time-Saving: With no need for lengthy paperwork or in-person appointments, the Armenia visa online process significantly reduces the time required to obtain a visa. Travelers can complete the entire application process within a matter of minutes, saving valuable time and effort.
Easy Accessibility: The official website for Armenia visa application is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to applicants worldwide. Additionally, authorized visa service providers may offer multilingual support and assistance to applicants who require guidance or clarification during the process.
Faster Processing: Online visa applications are processed more quickly compared to traditional paper-based applications. Once the application is submitted online and all required documents are provided, processing times are typically expedited, ensuring prompt visa issuance.
Enhanced Security: The Armenia visa online system incorporates robust security measures to protect applicants' personal information and prevent fraudulent activities. Advanced encryption technologies and authentication procedures safeguard sensitive data throughout the application process.
Real-Time Updates: Applicants can track the status of their visa application online and receive real-time updates via email or SMS notifications. This provides reassurance and transparency throughout the process, allowing travellers to plan their trip with confidence.
Remote Assistance: In case of any queries or issues during the application process, applicants can avail themselves of remote assistance from authorized visa service providers or contact the relevant authorities for guidance and support.
The Armenia visa online system offers a convenient, efficient, and secure way for travellers to obtain their visas with minimal hassle. By understanding the visa requirements and following the prescribed guidelines, you can embark on your journey to Armenia with confidence, knowing that your travel documentation is in order. Whether you're planning a leisurely holiday, a cultural exploration, or a business venture, the Armenia visa online process ensures that your travel plans are seamlessly executed, allowing you to create unforgettable memories in this enchanting destination. Start your visa application today and prepare for an enriching experience in the heart of the Caucasus!
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The Secret Life Of Money
It may seem strange to talk about the secret life of money when a lot of people devote their lives to it. It’s not really when you consider the same thing has been happening around God for many millennia. Human beings have a propensity for this sort of thing, it seems. Money has a secret life because most of us do not understand what it is and how it actually works. Modern economies on the national scale are very large and complex things. Macro economics does not operate in the same manner as our own individual financial set up functions. This is why most people struggle to grasp how money and the economy as a whole really work.
Secrets About Money In America
Did you know that the US Federal Reserve, America’s central bank pumped $29 trillion into the economy post-GFC? This was not made public, as the Federal Reserve is under no compunction to declare its hand. Americans were jumping up and down about the $800 billion the US Government put in under the Obama administration to bail out the banks, but the real amount was far, far greater. The thing about sovereign currencies in the modern era is that countries and their central banks can just push buttons to virtually print more money. There is no constraint on this ability. Nations like the US cannot run out of their own currency and go broke. Australia is in the same position. So all this negative talk about such worries is political BS. The debt ceiling in America is an artificial constraint imposed by Congress and can be extended (as it so often has been) and could be removed. The deficit will not economically bring down the country directly– it is a political farrago of lies, mistruths, and misunderstanding. “The extraordinary scope and magnitude of the recent financial crisis of 2007–09 required an extraordinary response by the Fed in the fulfillment of its lender-of-last-resort function. The purpose of this paper is to provide a descriptive account of the Fed’s response to the recent financial crisis. It begins with a brief summary of the methodology, then outlines the unconventional facilities and programs aimed at stabilizing the existing financial structure. The paper concludes with a summary of the scope and magnitude of the Fed’s crisis response. The bottom line: a Federal Reserve bailout commitment in excess of $29 trillion.” - (https://www.levyinstitute.org/pubs/wp_698.pdf) Photo by Anna Nekrashevich on Pexels.com
Money & Its Clandestine Roots
The thing about money is that many of us don’t understand where it came from in the first place. Therefore, we have basic misunderstandings as to its nature and purpose. Money did not primarily emerge out of some Robinson Crusoe like barter system, as is taught in schools around the world. There is no archaeological evidence for this anywhere. Rather, assumptions and origin stories have been made up over time and by those with vested interests in having people see it this way. The evidence in the ancient world points toward ‘wergild’ or blood money being the main culprit in the evolution of money. This was the price paid to families of those you may have transgressed against by killing or maiming one of their members. Eventually, this debt payment would be owed to the state instead of the aggrieved family, which is where we find ourselves today. The state fines folks for petty crimes and sends them to prison for more serious one’s. Money grew out of this need to pay what is owed to the state. Taxes are the main thing that citizens are required to give over to the state. Money and taxes are inextricably linked on this basis. The important takeaway here is that money is a state invention and operates as an IOU from the state today. The state owns the money via its central bank. Philosophically, this acknowledgement may change things for some people. Money, the thing that they have been striving for their entire lives, is what links them to the state. Photo by Sharefaith on Pexels.com The Financial System The US financial system is being driven by private equity, by the pension funds and their money managers. It is their might and power which propels the economy in different directions. Where and how that volume of money is invested makes waves. The GFC came about because of securitization, the bundling up of securities into financial products to be bought and sold and bet upon. The enormous appetite for risk, which equates to big returns on investment, and the lax oversight in the mortgage sector produced a perfect storm. This was turned into a tsunami when the major players stopped bankrolling the investment banks and it flattened the global economy. “What actually happened is that default rates on risky mortgage loans rose sharply while home prices plateaued. Megabanks took a look at their balance sheets and realized they were not only holding trashy mortgage products, but also lots of liabilities of other mega financial institutions. It suddenly dawned on them that all the others probably had balance sheets as bad as theirs, so they refused to roll-over those short-term 7 liabilities. And since the Leviathans were highly interconnected, when they stopped lending to one another the whole Ponzi pyramid scheme collapsed.” - (https://www.levyinstitute.org/pubs/wp_681.pdf) Photo by David McBee on Pexels.com Of course, something motivated those in the sector to behave in the ways that they did, which set up this house of cards to fall so spectacularly. Greed is an old fashioned word, but this was structurally inserted into the compensation equation for those in the financial sector. “In 1990 the equity-based share of total compensation for senior managers of U.S. corporations was 20%. By 2007 it had risen to 70%. Meanwhile, the investment management industry has been transformed by the rise of private equity firms and hedge funds, both of which prominently feature market-based compensation as the basis of their supposed virtue. The norm at these funds is the “2 and 20” rule, whereby compensation is tied to the size of assets being managed (the 2%) and to managers’ performance as measured by the financial markets (the 20%, or “carried interest”). As detailed below, the rise of the alternative-assets industry has altered behavior through much of the financial sector. Financial-markets-based compensation has become the norm in modern American capitalism.” - (https://hbr.org/2012/03/the-incentive-bubble) The secret life of money beats at the heart of our financial institutions and drives the lives of all those who work within them. It is a measuring stick for success everywhere you look. It is meanly carved out at the micro level where you and I have to make a living. In contrast to this, it is churned out en masse at government levels via central banks, as if they were channelling oceans or bodies of water. In nations with tens or hundreds of millions of people the amounts considered are in the billions and trillions. It is very hard for individuals to comprehend such sums. Macro economics is rarely understood by the general populace. Politicians make use of this ignorance to stir up trouble for their opponents by suggesting stuff like national bankruptcy and other awful fates, which cannot really happen. Applying personal fears and anxieties to these things provides them with political leverage in the polls. Government debt is compared to personal debts in the mind’s of the voter, which do not actually correlate. You and I cannot print our own money without going to prison if caught, whereas national governments with a sovereign currency can. Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com Inflation & Secret Money Inflation is the echo of the travails of secret money, in some instances. The creation of money via quantitative easing, where the central bank injects new funds into the economy by purchasing government bonds does not, generally, result in higher inflation. This is because it is all about how the new money enters the economy. Often it just sits on the balance books and does not make spending waves within the economy. The hard and fast rule is that too much money supply chasing too few things pushes the prices up of those things. This can, then, trigger inflationary spirals as the players within the economy chase each other’s tails to meet the demands of higher prices. During times of high inflation governments can employ fiscal policies of lowering spending and raising taxes to dampen demand within the economy. The latter strategy is politically unpopular and so, reducing government spending is more often employed. Central banks raise the cash interest rate as their main monetary policy lever to combat high inflationary times. Sticky Inflation & High Migration Intake Levels “The most important way in which a booming population is affecting inflation, however, is via the rental market. CBA’s Ottley points out the vacancy rate in capital cities fell to a record low of 0.9 per cent last month, which is causing advertised rents to surge by about 10 per cent and feeding into higher inflation generally. House prices aren’t part of the consumer price index, but they, too, are being pushed higher by the combination of fast population growth and a lack of supply of new homes. Economists, who were wrong-footed by the surprising strength of house prices despite rapid interest rate rises, are pointing to the migration surge as a key reason for the market’s buoyancy. So in economic jargon, the surge in population growth is having some big impacts on both the supply and demand sides of the economy. Migration has eased skills shortages and there are signs it is causing parts of the labour market to loosen. That should ultimately flow into lower inflation as wage costs ease, but it’s a gradual process. In the shorter term, the population boom is boosting demand.” - (https://www.smh.com.au/business/the-economy/booming-population-is-part-of-our-sticky-inflation-dilemma-20231102-p5egyo.html) Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com Governments like the influx of new migrants because they are cashed up to spend, which improves bottom line productivity in the economy. Many of them also have the skills in demand by the businesses within the economy. It is a dance really with multiple pros and cons being triggered within the economy. The housing and rental crisis is stretching things for the working poor, as they cannot afford to live where they work. The cost of living, high inflationary period is also stripping them of their savings. Meanwhile, the government has to remain committed to lowering its spending. The poor always get shafted during these challenging economic times, it seems. Money is the government’s IOU to its citizens and that is in short supply during this high inflationary period. Getting by on the smell of an oily rag is hard too because of the high petrol prices thanks to Russia invading Ukraine and now the Israeli war in Gaza. Energy prices are very high too with the price of gas and electricity in the upper reaches due to similar global issues and the transition to renewables required by the economy. It is expensive to live in a modern economy in the 21C at the moment. The secret life of money is a real thing because we are born into systems that we don’t truly understand and most of us just go along with what is happening. Most human beings are unquestioning about stuff like money and God. These things are seen as too big to take apart; and we are encouraged by our parents and the status quo to shut up and get working. Security is very much tied up with money and probably God too, especially as we get a lot older. Not understanding how the economy functions is not advantageous. Indeed, there will come a time in everybody’s life when not knowing this stuff will bite and bite hard. Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt, and Financial Freedom.  ©MidasWord Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com Read the full article
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mmrhotels · 10 months
Advantages of Hotel Management System | MMR Hotels
A guide on advantages of hotel management system
As innovation proceeds with its fast development across all ventures all over the planet, cordiality is truly starting to see the advantages. Lodging the executives' programming has made some amazing progress in assisting hoteliers with further developing how their business works and there is little uncertainty regarding its extraordinary effect. There are incalculable benefits to a solid lodging board programming framework. Whether it's efficient on manual undertakings or expanding direct appointments, each component of a friendliness framework ought to pursue the ultimate objectives of further developing proficiency and upgrading the visitor experience. Here is a complete list of advantages of hotel management system
A hotel management system saves time and effort on admin
When one moves from manually managing the property to using software instead, the software will do most of the work for one. It can touch every part of the operations, automating and simplifying nearly all the tasks. From managing reservations to organising housekeeping, to developing reports, it will save one hour every week. It is one of the vital advantages of hotel management system.
Improve relationships with guests
This one might be surprising but it’s true. Hotel management software will help one provide a smoother contactless payment experience and check-in/out experience, making for happier and more loyal guests. Personalising guest communication is also easier and quicker with software, enabling one to build loyalty more regularly. The more loyal guests one can create, the more direct bookings one can drive.
Increase the occupancy rates by integrating other tools
With the ability to integrate with channel managers and online booking engines, a hotel management system will allow one to advertise the rooms to more travellers than ever before, and also increase the chances of capturing direct bookings on the website or Facebook page.
Get better at revenue management
The advantage of the hotel management system is that the system will have simple and easy to access reports on performance and operations to ensure one has the right data to analyse and make better revenue management decisions. I’ll also have more access to crucial data by integrating a channel manager, pricing tools, or a complete revenue management system.
Greatly reduce manual errors and double bookings
With an automated system making it easier to input and process data, the records will be much more accurate and it will be much quicker to reference them. Integration with a channel manager will also ensure the inventory is updated automatically, reducing the potential for annoying double bookings – and improving life for one and the guests.
Make better business and marketing decisions
the system will help one record guest data more accurately and more comprehensively. Having this on hand will allow one to build profiles and identify trends around guest preferences and their habits. With this information, one can adapt the marketing strategy and pricing accordingly to make sure one’s getting as many bookings as one wants. Reporting capabilities will also let one know which channels and promotions are performing to the satisfaction.
Enjoy the safety and freedom of cloud technology
Since cloud-based software stores everything remotely, there’s very little danger of anything being lost, damaged, or stolen. It also makes everything quicker to access and lets one be flexible. With a hotel management system there’s no need to be tied to the front desk. All one needs to operate is an internet connection and a smart device like a phone or laptop. Having this freedom means one can spend more time helping guests or even running the own errands.
One’ll have an advantage over the competitors
Many hotels, especially small properties, still don’t have online booking capabilities or don’t use tech systems so will have an immediate advantage over some of the competitors. In addition, it will also have support and resources that properties managing things on their own won’t have.
Achieve results quicker than ever
A system that works in real-time – works quicker than one can! Even if one still thinks one can do everything we’ve listed by oneself, the time that a hotel management system will save one is worth a lot of money and peace of mind in the long run. It’s like having an extra employee for a fraction of the price.
Getting back hours of life every week that one previously spent on the painful tasks of recording and updating guest details, correcting clerical errors, updating information in booking channel extranets, and sending emails cannot be understated!
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aishavass · 1 year
[Updated Report] Press Release, August 01, 2023 (Orbis Research) - The Global Hotel Reservation Syst
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Benefits And Drawbacks Of AI In The Education Sector
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Our daily lives are increasingly incorporating artificial intelligence. Technology is all around us, including automated parking systems, cunning sensors that create beautiful photographs, and one-on-one assistance. Similar to this, the impact of AI on education is being seen, and traditional methods are drastically changing.
The academic environment is improving and becoming more personalized as a result of the various uses of AI in education. Since everyone now has access to educational resources via smart devices and laptops, this has completely changed the way people study. 
If they have laptops and an internet connection, students are no longer required to attend actual classes in order to learn. AI also makes it possible for administrative tasks to be automated, saving institutions time spent on time-consuming tasks and allowing teachers to spend more time with students.
Advantages of AI in the education sector
For educators and institutions, artificial intelligence in education has a number of benefits that make teaching and other administrative work simpler. Among the advantages of artificial intelligence in education are the following:
Allows monitoring and analysis of student progress in real-time:
Teachers may keep an eye on and evaluate the progress of their students in real-time using AI approaches. It suggests that educators won't have to hold off till the annual report forms are finished. Aside from that, AI advises teachers on whether to repeat or elaborate on certain topics. AI clever analytics in this instance finds topics that most of the students had trouble understanding.
Saves time and improves efficiency
AI improves IT processes and results in increased efficiency. City planners might use it, for instance, to lessen traffic congestion and boost pedestrian safety. The best techniques to prevent kids from becoming lost in crowds while rushing down halls can also be decided by schools. 
The operations department can deliver data-driven projections by using AI to sophisticated model data. Effective future planning is then made possible, such as reserving seats for school events or placing food orders at nearby cafeterias. In relation to that, schools may save money by eliminating waste brought on by placing excessive orders.
A more individualized educational experience
Have you checked out Netflix's personalized suggestions? In schools, kids are taught using the same technology. Traditional approaches are made to appeal to the middle class, yet they fall short in helping kids. The curriculum focuses on the middle 80% of the time in order to reach as many pupils as feasible. Although they are among the top 10% of their class, they nevertheless find it difficult to realize their full potential.
 When they are in the bottom 10%, they still struggle to stay up. However, educators are not always replaced; rather, they can perform far better by giving each student personalized advice.
Convenient and improved student-teacher interaction
The comfort and convenience of involvement for both students and teachers are improved through AI education. Some students can be too shy to ask questions in class, for instance. This can be as a result of fear of receiving unfavorable feedback. Students may feel more at ease asking questions in front of their classmates when using AI communication tools as a result.
Challenges of AI in the Education Sector
Cost of AI technology
Education in AI is not cheap. To cover the price of new technology as it becomes available, budgets will need to be raised. Schools must take into account the cost of maintaining the programme in addition to the cost of deploying AI software. 
As a result, implementing AI-augmented learning may be difficult for schools with low resources. 
Additionally, they will miss out on the advantages of automating time-consuming administrative tasks.
Vulnerability to cyber attacks
A hazard to artificial intelligence is cyber attacks. The core of modern AI, machine learning systems, are rife with issues. The attack code to take advantage of these flaws has already propagated quickly, and the defenses are inadequate and struggling to keep up. Machine learning flaws give hackers the power to change the availability, confidentiality, and integrity of machine learning systems, leading to errors (causing them to cease functioning).
There is very little space for flexibility
Despite how analytical AI robots might be, they are unable to develop a student's intelligence in the same manner that a teacher can. While teachers can offer a number of problem-solving methods, AI does not have other teaching strategies.
If you wish to reap the rewards of an AI that combines all of the previously mentioned components. You can then take advantage of InventtEd's AI system. It offers a safe and secure solution to automate the procedures in your school.
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@brainzyme minerals explained: 💊magnesium: 56mg - needs:🧍‍♂️350 mg/d - 🧍‍♀️300mg/d 💡enzymatic cofactor/stabilise cells/ part of metabolism (syst of proteins, oxydoréduction, ATP, DNA, ionic regulation, physiology of all our systems)/neuromuscular excitability/ coagulation/ sedation/ defensive process ↘️ hyper emotional, shaking, headache, insomnia, larynx oppression, vertigo/dizziness, muscle cramps at night, tetany, stress, trophic disorder(hair, nails, teeth), risk factor for cardiovascular diseases 🔎:🦐🦞🦀🍤, whole grain 🍚🍞🥖 cereals, 🌰🥜nuts, 💧💦 water 💊zinc :13mg - needs: 🧍‍♂️11mg/d - 🧍‍♀️8mg/d 💡activity of 300 enzymes, stabilise structure via zinc finger for genes expression, proteins, hormones/metabolism of crabs, fats, proteins, nucleic acids/hormones and neurotransmitters synthesis, activity, stability, tissular fixation site/ digestive enzymes secretion/ metabolism vitamins (retinol, vit B6, folate)/ reproduction/sensitive fonction, immunity, antioxidant ↘️ bones growth retardation, low immune system with parasite and microbe infection augmentation, loss of taste, enteropathic acrodermatitis 🔎: 🥩,🦀🦞🦐 specially 🦪 ,🥚,🐟, 🍚🍞🥖cereals, pulses/leguminous, 🥛🧀 💊iron: 4,2 mg - needs: 🧍‍♂️9mg/d - 🧍‍♀️15mg/d 💡functional for constitution, haemoglobin, myoglobin, metabolic enzymes -> physiological process like O2 transport, cellular respiration, energy production/ non functional for storage/reserve ↘️ fatigue, palpitations, higher susceptibility to infections 🔎: 🥩,🥚,🥛🧀, pulses/leguminous, cereals 🍚🥖🍞, 🍇🍍, 🥬🥒🥦 💊iodine: 75 microg - needs: 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♀️150 microg/d 💡thyroid hormone T3 and T4: growth of organs and specially brain, metabolism of all cells ↘️metabolic activity slowed down, irreversible alteration of brain development (mental retardation), dis function of the thyroid, lower fertility rate 🔎: 🐟🦐🦞🦀🐚🦪,🥚,🧀🥛,iodised 🧂 💊chromium: 20 microg 💡crabs, fats and proteins homeostasis via optimised effect of insulin ↘️ lower tolerance to glucose, hyper insulinaemia, hyperglycaemia, higher cholesterol and triglycerides rates in blood, neurological signs 🔎: 🥩, oils, yeast, 🍞🥖, 🌰🥜, 🍚 cereals, 🐟 💊selenium ⬇ (à Brussels, Belgium) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAzmTWwJW9Y/?igshid=9a1gcluhy0pp
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stevelee234 · 2 years
IATA Ticket Booking Software
What is an IATA and Non-IATA? | What is the Difference between IATA and Non-IATA Travel Agents?
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The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is an association of airlines around the globe. The IATA mission comprises 3 stages. The first stage is the representation of the airline industry, 2nd is to lead the airline industry and 3rd one is to serve the airline industry to the best possible extent.
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) software is worldwide trade association software that supports almost 290 airlines around the world which also includes world numbers.
IATA provides the airline industry with standardized software free from flaws and it adds a global factor in the airline industry. Many travel software developing agencies around the globe take it as the standard for their services. Although non-IATA software is also present in the market it is quite reputed now in the global market as more than 290 airlines use the International Air Transport Association (IATA) software and its established standards.
As the name suggests, non-IATA/independent travel agents are agents who are not accredited by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). IATA is considered to be one of the most basic resources for a travel agent because most airline bookings are done through the IATA portal.
TripFro is a leading IATA travel software company, developing and deploying best-in-class travel reservation systems for IATA and Non-IATA agents. It also helps launch a travel agency website through a white label solution.
How to Build IATA Ticket Booking Software in Airline Industry?
TripFro integrates IATA-approved Global Distribution System for travel agents that allow them to sell the tickets directly online through their B2B, B2C, B2B2B, and B2B2C agents. We develop IATA software for travel agencies, tour operators, travel aggregators, and hospitality companies. We also offer ticket booking software for Non-IATA travel agents.
An organized & functional online booking system is essential to survive in the growing travel & tourism market. We offer the best in class IATA ticket booking software system with a seamless user experience.
TripFro service is not restricted to IATA software, but we also grow ticket booking software other than IATA travel agencies, so that our worthy and valuable customers get our products as we value the relationship and bond which has been established between us and our worthy customers for quite a long time.
TripFro offers the best in the market travel booking system with a complete user-friendly optimized experience. Our main goal is to provide our customers whether they are IATA travel agents or non-IATA travel agents, a complete comprehensive travel booking system so that their relationship with their customers may not get affected because of our service.
TripFro is a dynamic and growing travel technology company that offers travel technology software to the companies involved in the travel business for quite a long time.
We recommend our services to both IATA recognized travel agents and also to the non-IATA recognized travel agents, because we believe that the end customer should get quality services on the first hand and this is only possible with the addition of the latest and advanced technologies in the travel industry.
If you have an online travel portal or are thinking of starting one, it is important to know that while it is not mandatory to have IATA certification, your business can benefit from a professional certification from IATA. IATA is basically a trade association of airlines around the world with 290 airlines from 117 countries. These numbers would give you a basic idea of how important an IATA certification is if your online travel agency provides flight booking services.
TripFro Provides Comprehensive Software For IATA Agents And Travel Agencies, Which Are As Follows:
Flight Reservation System Hotel Reservation System Car Reservation System Events Reservation System Accounting and MIS system B2B and B2C online travel agency Events ticket Management Sightseeing and Attractions Booking system Transfers Booking System
Key Features of Travel Reservation Software, Airlines Module
Real-Time Booking PayPal Payment Options Visual Calendar Currency and Language Settings Access to the Cloud
To know more about us, please visit https://www.tripfro.com
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ajorge8911us-blog · 6 years
Antibiotics after appendicectomy
Question: What is the incidence of surgical site infections in patients postoperated with acute appendicitis without complications with the use of antibiotics vs the use of antibiotics?
Hypothesis: The incidence of infections in the surgical site in postoperative patients of uncomplicated acute appendicitis without the use of antibiotics does not increase in comparison with the use of antibiotics.
Literature review: Among the first studies conducted to evaluate the usefulness of antibiotics in acute appendicitis, is the Cochrane review carried out during 2005, where 45 randomized and controlled prospective studies are analyzed, finding that the usefulness of antibiotics in patients appendectomized by uncomplicated appendicitis and complicated are useful to prevent postoperative complications (infection of surgical wound and intra-abdominal abscess), however, they conclude that they should be used prophylactically and that their use in post-surgery is debated 28. At the same time studies have been found that they contradict the usefulness of antibiotics in patients appendectomized for uncomplicated appendicitis, such as that carried out by Mui LM et al, by means of a randomized clinical trial, which consisted of; 269 ​​patients between 15-79 years old divided into groups; group A; 92 patients with preoperative antibiotic, group B; 94 patients with pre, trans and postoperative antibiotics (3 doses) and Group C; 83 patients with postoperative antibiotic for 5 days (Cefuroxime and metronidazole). According to this study, no differences were found regarding the risk of infectious complications (wound infection and intra-abdominal abscess) associated with the use of antibiotics postoperatively in uncomplicated appendicitis. In addition, the use of them prolongs the hospital stay 29. Derived from this study, others appeared, such as the case carried out by Le et al, through a retrospective review over a period of time of 10 years (1997-2007), analyzing the use of postoperative antibiotics in patients appendectomized for uncomplicated appendicitis (507 patients), which were divided into 2 groups; experimental group 186 patients (without postoperative antibiotics) and control group; 321 patients (with postoperative antibiotics), evaluated the number of postsurgical infections without finding differences in relation to superficial infections (9.3% vs 5.4%), deep (0.3% vs 0.5%), organ-space (2.8% vs 2.7%), Urinary tract infections (0.6% vs 0.5%) and diarrhea (2.5% vs 1.1%). It was mentioned that the appendectomies performed were laparoscopically and within the antibiotics used pre- and post-surgical were; cefoxitin (82% and 91%), cefazolin (6% and 2%) and others. The conclusions of the study were the risk of postoperative infections in patients appendectomized for appendicitis without complications with the use or use of antibiotics 30. In a study conducted by Coakley and others, we evaluated the benefit of antibiotics in appendectomized patients for appendicitis without complications, this study was performed retrospectively over a period of 5 years (2005-2010), which consisted of 728 distributed in 2 groups; 334 patients who received antibiotics in the postoperative period and 394 patients who received antibiotics in the postoperative period. The number of leukocytes, the search in the antibiotic group average values ​​of 14,000 versus 12,300 in the control group (p = 0.0001), within the antibiotics. cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, beta-lactams, aminoglycosides, clindamycin and metronidazole). In this study it was concluded that there are no differences in the use of antibiotics in the post-surgical appendicectomy patients for uncomplicated appendicitis, so the use does not change post-surgical complications (superficial, deep and organ-space infection). re-intervene The information is also available. 31. Hussain and others also evaluated the benefit of post-surgical antibiotics in appendectomized (open) patients for uncomplicated appendicitis by selecting a universe of randomized clinical trials conducted over one year (January 2010 - June 2011). work of 377 patients distributing them in the following way; group A = 195 patients with preoperative doses (cefuroxime + metronidazole) and group B = 182 patients with pre- and postsurgical doses (1 dose more at 8 hours after the intervention). He concluded in his study that the use of antibiotics postoperatively in patients appendicectomized by appendicitis has not been reduced or decreased, decreased or affected. According to a systematic review by Deskalakis et al, on the use of antibiotics in appendectomized patients, the following results are presented; In the appendicitis cases, wide-spectrum preoperative antibiotics (cephalosporins and metronidazole) should be used, and the use of post-surgical antibiotics is reserved for complicated appendicitis cases 33. In another study, Hughes et al evaluated antibiotics and their relationship With the formation of abscesses, this study included 266 patients; group A = 188 patients with uncomplicated appendicitis and group B = 78 patients with complicated appendicitis. In these groups we will analyze post-surgical behavior according to the decision to administer antibiotics and distributed: without postoperative antibiotics, with postoperative dose in 1 day, 1-3 days, 3-5 days and more than 5 days, the choice of antibiotics was piperacillin-tazobactam and amoxicillin / clavulanic acid. According to their results, intraabdominal results in 18 patients, 10 in complicated appendicitis and 8 in appendicitis without complication, it is concluded that post-surgical antibiotics or appendicitis have not been used nor has the behavior of postoperative complications been modified 34. The study carried out by Ali et al, where he also evaluated the functionality of using antibiotics in the postoperative period of appendicectomy patients for uncomplicated appendicitis, consisted of a universe of work 121 patients was administered in the dose of preoperative antibiotic (ceftriaxone and metronidazole) without subsequent management of antibiotics . To conclude that the use of antibiotics in the postoperative appendicitis is not necessary as it is not necessary to reduce the risk of accessing postoperative publications 35. They have the use of antibiotics in a specific way, such as the one performed by Abdhullan et al. To estimate the use of cefalozin as a prophylactic versus post-surgical antibiotic for appendicitis without complication in the appendectomized patient, in which the administration of cefalozine is found to be prophylactically adequate to prevent postsurgical infections in appendectomized patients due to uncomplicated appendicitis and the treatment of safety. Post-surgical management of these patients does not modify the risk of postoperative infectious complications 36.
28.- Andersen BR, Kallehave FL, Andersen HK. Antibiotics versus placebo for prevention of postoperative infection after appendicectomy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2005;3, CD001439.
29.- Mui LM, Ng CS, Wong SK, Lam YH, Fung TM, Fok KL,et al. Optimum duration of prophylactic antibiotics in acute non- perforated appendicitis. ANZ J Surg. 2005;75(6):425–8.
30.- Le D, Rusin W, Hill B, Langell J.Post-operative antibiotic use in nonperforated apendicitis.The American Journal of Surgery (2009) 198, 748–752  
31.- Coakley BA,Sussman ES, Wolfson TS, Bhagavath AS, Choi JJ, Ranasinghe NE,et al. Postoperative Antibiotics Correlate with Worse Outcomes after Appendectomy for Nonperforated Appendicitis. J Am Coll Surg. 2011 Dec;213(6):778-83.
32.- Hussain MI, Alam MK, Al-Qahatani HH, Al-Akeely MH. Role of Postoperative Antibiotics After Appendectomy in Non-Perforated Appendicitis. Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2012, Vol. 22 (12): 756-759
33.- Daskalakis K, Juhlin C, Påhlman L. The use of pre- or postoperativeantibioticsin surgeryfor appendicitis: a systematic review.Scand J Surg. 2014 Mar;103(1):14-20.
34.-Hughes MJ, Harrison E, Paterson-Brown S.Post-operative antibiotics after appendectomy and post-operative abscess development: a retrospective analysis.Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2013 Feb;14(1):56-61
35.-Ali k,Latif h, Ahmad s.Frequency of wound infection in non-perforated appendicitis with use of single dose preoperative antibiotics.j ayub med coll abbottabad. 2015 apr-jun;27(2):378-80.
36.- Abdullah S, Vaithianathan R, Rajendiran K, Santhanam R. Randomized clinical trial of single versus three doses of cefazolin as prophylaxis for nonperforated acute appendicitis Int J Cur Res Rev, Dec 2012 / Vol 04 (23)
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rocknrollcola · 2 years
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jayu123-me · 2 years
Sand Control Systems Market To Reach US$ 4,227.0 Mn By 2027
The global sand control systems market was valued at US$ 2,945.9 Mn in 2018 and is anticipated to expand at a CAGR of 4.03% from 2019 to 2027, according to a new report titled ‘Sand Control Systems Market: Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast, 2019–2027,’ published by Transparency Market Research (TMR) The global sand control systems market is driven by high demand for sand control in offshore and deep water applications. Offshore reserves are highly prone to sand contamination, and remediation is expensive. Advancement in techniques has enabled the use of sand control systems to counter deep-water challenges.
Rise in Need to Enhance Oil Production Efficiency Expected to Drive Market
Of late, there has been rising focus on improving oil production efficiency. In unconsolidated rock formations, sand production is one of the biggest challenges faced by well operators. Sand control is essential in these cases in order to maintain continuity in production and prevent the equipment from damage. Sand control is difficult to achieve in offshore applications. Development of advanced techniques is anticipated to fuel the global sand control systems market during the forecast period.
High Cost of Sand Control in Offshore Applications to Act as Restraint
Sand control is difficult to achieve. It is a high cost operation. Implementation of sand control systems is an important and critical economic decision. Difficulty in maintaining economic viability during the implementation of sand control systems is expected to restrain the market. It is particularly difficult in offshore applications where the economic costs are high. However, sand control is sometimes essential to realize the benefits of drilling operations.
Gravel Packing Segment to Dominate Global Sand Control Systems Market
Based on technique the global sand control systems market has been segmented into gravel packing, standalone screens, resin coated gravel, plastic consolidation and others (including rate exclusion and high energy resin placement) Gravel packing was estimated to be the dominant segment of the global sand control systems market in 2018.
The segment is estimated to maintain its dominant share during the forecast period. Standalone screen is another commonly employed technique for sand control. Other methods such as resin coated gravel and plastic consolidation constitute smaller share of the global sand control systems market.
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Offshore Application Segment to Expand Rapidly
Based on application, the global sand control systems market has been bifurcated into onshore and offshore. The onshore segment constituted dominant share of the global sand control systems market in 2018. The segment is projected to expand at a rapid pace owing to the rise in drilling activities during the forecast period. Expansion in the offshore segment is also projected to augment the sand control systems market during the forecast period. Offshore drilling and exploration activities are rising globally. Furthermore, risks involved in offshore drilling are more as compared to those in onshore drilling.
Cased Hole Likely to be Dominant Well Completion Segment
In terms of well completion, the global sand control systems market has been classified into open hole and cased hole. Cased hole was expected to be the dominant segment of the global sand control systems market in 2018. The open hole segment constituted smaller share of the sand control systems market. However, the segment is projected to expand at a rapid pace during the forecast period owing to the increase in usage of open hole well completion in offshore and deep-water explorations.
Asia Pacific Leads Global Sand Control Systems Market
Based on region, the global sand control systems market has been split into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and Latin America. Middle East & Africa dominated the global sand control systems market in 2018. The region has a vast market for sand control systems considering the large-scale production of natural gas and crude oil. The region consists of countries such as Libya, Iran, Iraq, and Kuwait. These countries possess some of the largest proven resources of petroleum in the world.
In terms of growth rate, Asia Pacific is anticipated to be the leading region of the global sand control systems market in the near future. The market in Latin America is also projected to expand at a rapid pace; however, political and economic instability are some of the factors likely to restrain the sand control systems market in the region during the forecast period.
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High Degree of Consolidation among Market Players
The global sand control systems market is oligopolistic. It is dominated by large-sized players specializing in sand control and other oil-field related services. Key players such as Schlumberger Limited, Baker Hughes, Inc., Halliburton Company, and Weatherford International Limited dominate the sand control systems market. These companies possess high technical expertise. Other players operating in the sand control systems market include Grit Industries, Inc., RPC, Inc., Superior Energy Services, Inc., Variperm Limited, and Welltec
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babyawacs · 3 years
competent analysis evenif new wouldhave figured sthlike longterm iron r eserve champion  a l w a y s  guided red or blue by best intent with getti ng n o t h i n g 20years likely due to personal affiliationmotives over wi fe and fortune including taxation withgetting nothing whilenot efforting h arm disillusionment anger frustration reduced the affection affiliation t o an also rank and the independence got more neutral to anyone else  the p ro usa uk exclusivity vanished the demands for accountability of a syste m which betrays harms and accomplice of the germans kickinggermans and system triggered solution as enemy of state which the positive uk british secur ity details barely averted especially not excluding the adversaries from inventions may have been aproblem  which are not necessarily his adversar ies. in another incompetent handling ofthe case. thereis no entitlement. why broken presidencies did not get the necessary support by career person nel claiming service tothe nation is selfevident. careerchocies therearen o hiddenagendas  the self-advised rating is trusted trusted enough for now oh oh oh oh cautionwith that person blah 440 am strafe analysis
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