#Repairer Okada
Shian’s Thoughts on Shinagawa Division
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Ritsuko Okada
“Ah… so that’s what she’s up to… running in the DRB…” Shian took off her biker hat and ran her fingers through her bright red hair in exasperation. “Ha! Just where was someone like you when people needed it…” she mumbled. “She’s got a number of accomplishments under her name— especially with her use of microbots to repair the human body— and yet she’s in charge of so many wrongdoings. Can never trust someone like her.”
Miho Kobayashi
“Oh… we’ll if it isn’t the CEO of E. L. Medical. She’s incredibly harsh and strict… so I’ve heard. I’ve done some digging some time ago, her record isn’t exactly… it’s not tainted but it’s certainly not perfect.” She slapped the photograph on the table with a sigh. “She… ugh, building up a big brand with so many people seeing you as a role model also brings about people who openly want to tear you down. In her case and certain folks, maybe it’s deserved.”
“On the other hand, I’m COO of my own bail bond company, so I do have to give her the credit where it’s due. It’s no easy feat to lead a full company. I at least have my business partner, but Miho Kobayashi’s basically on her own.”
Sumire Shinomiya
“She’s a genius in the tech world. I never came across her personally, but I’ve heard many stories about her. You know, one of the bounty hunters from my old company didn’t catch this girl in time for her court showing after she got arrested for some… I don’t remember what it was for, she wasn’t my fugitive. I heard he lost upwards a million yen because of this girl.”
Shian flipped the photograph over, revealing her cluster of notes. However, several lines ended with several question marks. For someone who’s got such a terrible record… there’s hardly anything about her before being adopted by her aunt… I hate it… when there’s hardly anything about you for me to find… you remind me of that one man… and I can’t stand it.
“Definitely one of the more daunting teams we’ve seen. Everyone here has really built up a reputation and they do a good job of intimidating the crowd.” Shian’s lips curled into a smirk. “Sorry, ladies. But your little fun in this tournament is gonna have to wait, Pixel Syndicate’s got a goal to reach and we gotta do what it takes. Even if it means trampling over you.”
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medtech-mara · 1 year
10, 12, 24, and 30 for Mara? <3
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List for questions can be found >here< pls ask me more, or rb so i can ask you some ⸂⸂⸜(രᴗര๑)⸝⸃⸃
TW death.
10. Does Mara have any regrets?
I'm going to be completely honest here, and it gives me a pit in my stomach. The answer can easily be answered with Yes, but at the same time its more complicated.
I'll explain a bit, Mara suffers from Cyberpsychosis, though she's not totally out of control, she exhibits classic signs. One, of those is permeant. I took it upon myself to add this characteristic for her as her only way coping with everything thats happen. No amount of therapy will ever scrub from her. mechanically speaking, she could just go to therapy and if she gained enough humanity back, she would then lose that characteristic.
Mara's traits are the following currently:
Impusle control
Poor behavior control
Cunning and Manipulative
Failure to Accept responsibility
The last one was determined the last time she had dropped to 1 humanity point from full cyberpsychosis, one of those i rolled to see which one would be the perma trait..... So...(IF I had lost 1 more point... I would have had to turn her over to the DM, I no longer get to play her til she gains more humanity.)
Thats where it gets complicated.
God, I feel like I have so much to include here so I'll totally understand if you never ask me a question ever again. xD
If you were to ask ME what I want her to feel regret about its for Jack's death, after all it was her fault. If she had been open and honest with him before she left for the city center gig, he might have been saved from being mauled by one of Biotechnica's experiments. She knew in the pit of her stomach that Jack was up to something, but was too busy trying to remove the kill switch to do anything about it.
If you want to know what she regrets, its a few things:
Not going half on that Sig frame Jago wanted the night before he was beheaded.
Not reaching out and grabbing Jago to keep him from pissing off Tetsuo Okada.
Putting her fear aside and taking her chance with Jack Adams .
12. Does Mara have any sense of style? Regardless of the answer does she believe she has a sense of style?
Honestly, not really. Due to Mara being 6'2, its not easy to find clothes that fit her, so she often has to have things custom tailored for her. Which works great, because she gets the help she needs.
24. Does Mara have any Enemies?
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She has no shortage of those... Some I don't even think I can name, because I just don't know them yet. Those I can name:
Tetsuo Okada, one of Wakako's sons, reasons for Night Raid putting him in the hospital for killing Jago.
Another one of Wakako's sons.. For J I H Z Z Y publically humiliating him and shaking him down for the repairs and solving their maelstrom turf war on livestream. I was too drunk over J I H Z Z Y being a bad ass to remember his name, im gonna be real.
Voodoo Boys, for stealing a black box containing unknown program, could have been the A.I that infected NIGHT RAID with the killswitch. Also killing Brigitte second in command, just as equally formidable as Placid. Also the violence between the two is starting to ramp up again. Due to hearing Panthera's interview with Genesis Vijun they've decided to leave a calling card on Mara's clinic door.
Saul Herrera- Valentino Fixer- While, if you ask Saul, he'd tell you she's just a borg'd brain bitch who needs to downgrade, and probably regrets ever contributing to her upgrades. He'd say it started when Desiree "Token" Yang had asked her told flame to help with a prank NIGHT RAID wanted to pull on a sleeping Panthera in the back of the crews car. He agree'd went with one of his chooms, pulled out his piece and tapped on the window of the car to wake Mara, he was to act like he was robbing her.
What NIGHT RAID didn't expect, Mara's reaction to be woken up with a gun in her face. Pulling the lever to get out of the car, Mara slid quickly back and kicked the door as hard as she could, causing the two valentinos to fly back, then Mara pulled her gun out and was about to paint the pavement when Saul's choom grabbed her by her hair pulling her off, kicking, screaming, and determined to go down fighting, Mara hissed clawing at the mans hand warning him if he didn't let her go she was going to rip his throat out with her teeth. Thats when NIGHT RAID stepped in and was like "Its just a prank, bro"
However, you ask Mara, she'll tell you the disrespect he's shown her every single time they met before the prank happened.
30. If Mara had the chance to be famous would she take it? If She is famous would she rather she weren't?
As it stands, Mara is famous. NIGHT RAID is on everyones lips currently. She's easily recognizable by anyone. Frankly, she wishes she wasn't.
It wouldn't matter if NIGHT RAID had stayed under the radar or not, she's married famous South African Rockerboy J I H Z Z Y, who has been making waves in the club scene from JAPANTOWN to Wellsprings, you'll hear his new single.
Though thankfully, Mara brings a threatening energy that most dont wanna fuck with, so they don't really approach her much.
I'm so sorry, Info dumped a lot, theres just so much about this campaign and so little time (and frankly peoples interest) to talk about it. I hope this doesn't prevent you from asking in the future. AND DONT JUDGE ME for giving up on linking every single person to the character key or do their respected pages. It's a lot to do. And I think you get the point by the first few times. This is probably all word vomit but its how i thrive in chaos.
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okinawa-division · 2 years
Rashaad's Thoughts on Shizuoka Division
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Kanon Hojo
"Like Master Ace mentioned, this woman gives off very dangerous vibes. Vibes that are very similar to the ones exhibited by Okada-san from Shinagawa. She seems... mentally unstable. She's not deranged, but she does clearly have some sort of problems with her head. I suspect her time in Chuohku may have done something to her mind that can't easily be repaired. She has my sympathies."
Reika Aichi
"It says a lot about Miss Rose's character that she was able to befriend not only this woman but also her teammate, Sakura-san. I know the rumors swirling around about Aichi-san. How she seduces and then kills each man she marries for her money. It isn't my place to judge her for her actions, but I hope she realizes that karma will come for her sooner or later. I only hope she will be ready when it does."
Kito Sakura
"...I'll admit, had it not been for Aichi-san vouching for her, I'd have never let Sakura-san in or around my bar. As you all know, I dislike anything that has to do with the Yakuza. They bring back too many bad memories of... things I'd rather not think about right now." Rashaad looks off to the side, looking forlorn. He shakes his head and looks back at the screen. "Besides that, Luis from Aoyama had told me what this woman had sent her men to try to do to his restaurant and his grandmother. That gave me more than enough reason to not allow her access."
"However, Aichi-san spoke in favor of her, and though I was still skeptical, I allowed her to enter, provided she leave her weapons behind, and not allow any of her henchmen to follow her. It would make the rest of my customers uncomfortable. I can tell she didn't like anyone giving her orders, but she relented."
"She's so far obeyed the rules, though I still keep an eye on her. Aside from that, I think she also seems to dislike the fact that she has to look up at me. She's used to being taller than everyone else, I don't think she's met anyone, aside from Luis, who she has to look up to. I'll admit, I've never really thought much about my height recently. ...But in this case, I'm grateful for it."
Silent Tragedy
"I know you're all probably wondering why I'm letting three cold-blooded killers into my bar. Well, the four of us have an agreement. So long as they don't bring any trouble into my bar and agree to leave any bad intentions at the door, then they are free to come and relax as often as they please. After all, I can't rightfully refuse service to anyone who has done wrong. If I did that, I'd never have any business."
"And for the most part, they've obeyed the rules of the bar. They don't come often, but when they do, I often give them their own booth and treat them as I would any other customer. I also give a warning to the other patrons not to do anything to antagonize them, though I don't think I had to since their reputations alone are enough to keep most people away."
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thxnews · 1 year
UK Pioneers Space Debris Removal Initiatives
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Space, an integral part of our daily lives, faces a rising challenge that threatens the reliability of essential services. The specter of space debris looms large, with the potential to disrupt everything from television broadcasts to weather forecasts and online banking. The UK government is taking proactive measures to address this issue, investing in national capabilities and international cooperation to safeguard our vital satellite infrastructure.  
The Scale of the Debris Challenge
The Hidden Danger in Orbit Statistical models paint a sobering picture, estimating approximately one million fragments of space debris ranging from 1 cm to 10 cm in size. Shockingly, there are 130 million more minuscule pieces, measuring between 1 mm and 1 cm, orbiting Earth. Among these, a mere 36,500 objects larger than 10 cm are actively tracked, with 31,010 cataloged. Among these relics are old satellites, discarded rocket components, and remnants of past collisions.  
Risk to Active Satellites
Protecting Earth's Vital Services Active satellites, the cornerstone of essential services on Earth, are in constant peril, facing the potential for collisions with both other satellites and the formidable volume of human-made space debris. In response to this challenge, the UK government has adopted a multifaceted approach. This comprehensive approach encompasses regulation, sustainability standards development, technological innovations, and debris removal missions. Moreover, it includes robust surveillance and tracking services that provide timely warnings for satellites in imminent danger, as well as alerts for potential debris impacts on UK territory.  
UK Commitment to Tackling Space Debris
A Pledge to Secure Space Sustainability In alignment with the National Space Strategy, the UK is intensifying its efforts towards space sustainability. Notably, two Active Debris Removal Phase B mission studies were awarded to Astroscale and ClearSpace in September 2022, totaling £4 million. These studies will not only provide valuable insights but also guide the UK Space Agency in selecting a mission concept. This concept will ultimately culminate in a demonstration of the nation's capability to rendezvous, dock with, and deorbit two defunct UK satellites by 2026.  
Astroscale: Securing Space Sustainability
Pioneering the Fight Against Debris A decade ago, Astroscale's CEO and Founder, Nobu Okada, made a commitment to resolve the space debris crisis by the end of 2020. Today, over 500 individuals, including engineers, mission operators, project managers, and support staff, have joined Nobu's quest across the UK, France, Israel, the USA, and Japan. Astroscale is at the forefront of in-orbit servicing, offering innovative solutions ranging from satellite management to large debris removal, refueling, and recycling. Astroscale is pioneering a safer space environment for future generations. The UK Space Agency is providing funding to Astroscale for further development of technology to remove inactive satellites from Low Earth Orbit (LEO). The Cleaning Outer Space Mission through Innovative Capture (COSMIC) will leverage Astroscale's Rendezvous and Proximity Operations (RPO) and robotic debris capture capabilities to eliminate two defunct UK satellites orbiting Earth by 2026.  
ClearSpace: Revolutionizing Space Missions
Forging a Sustainable Space Frontier Established in 2018, ClearSpace is on a mission to revolutionize space missions. Moreover, with dynamic engineering teams spread across offices in Switzerland, the UK, Germany, Luxembourg, and the United States, ClearSpace is developing technologies spanning in-orbit servicing applications. These applications encompass disposal, transport, inspection, assembly, manufacturing, repair, and recycling. Furthermore, ClearSpace aims to usher in a new era of sustainable space operations and foster a circular space economy. In addition, the UK Space Agency has chosen ClearSpace to develop an Active Debris Removal mission capable of eliminating multiple hazardous objects from space. The mission, known as the Clearing of the LEO Environment with Active Removal (CLEAR), will advance key technology building blocks and catalyze commercially viable disposal services.  
What Else Are We Doing About Space Sustainability?
A Holistic Approach to Space Preservation The UK's approach to space sustainability extends beyond debris removal and in-orbit servicing. The country is a significant investor in the ClearSpace-1 mission through the European Space Agency, aimed at removing a debris fragment from orbit in 2026. Additionally, the UK is leading a European Space Agency space weather monitoring mission, Vigil.  
Space Surveillance and Tracking
Safeguarding Satellites through Vigilance The UK Space Agency collaborates closely with the Ministry of Defence to develop a national space observation and monitoring capability. Ground-based sensor data helps protect satellites from collisions, secure critical national infrastructure, and support the thriving satellite industry. The UK Space Operations Centre provides observation and monitoring information to government users, launching a Space Surveillance and tracking service for UK-licensed satellite operators under the "Monitor your Satellites" project. This service, currently in public beta, monitors over 90% of satellites with active licenses in the UK, offering collision warnings when necessary.  
Regulation and Standards
Shaping a Responsible Space Environment Safe, secure, and sustainable space practices require a set of agreed-upon rules, regulations, and guidance. These measures aim to maximize access to space while minimizing environmental burden, similar to practices in terrestrial domains like maritime, land, and air. The UK recently initiated a Consultation on Orbital Liabilities, Insurance, Charging, and Space Sustainability. This comprehensive effort addresses liability, insurance, and charging policies, promoting the adoption of sustainable practices. The consultation also explores long-term sustainability planning and the development of sustainability principles through the Earth∞Space Sustainability Initiative.  
International Cooperation
A Unified Approach to a Global Frontier Space knows no borders, emphasizing the need for effective national and international collaboration to ensure coherence and alignment. The primary multilateral forum for international engagement is the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, where the UK plays a strong role in driving forward key space and sustainability issues. The UK also funds initiatives through the UN Office of Outer Space Affairs to promote understanding and adoption of the Long-Term Sustainability Guidelines, contributing to broader capacity building in space regulation. In this new era of space exploration, the UK stands as a beacon of innovation and progress in space sustainability. These bold and pioneering efforts hold the promise of creating a cleaner and more secure space environment for future generations. As humanity embarks on its journey deeper into the cosmos, it is crucial to embrace this opportunity for responsible space stewardship. Doing so ensures a lasting legacy of benefits for generations to come.   Sources: THX News & UK Space Agency. Read the full article
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Anthony’s Stupid Daily Blog (368): Tue 21st Mar 2023
Today was the first warm day of 2023. Not the first beautiful day because it was still windy and a few showers but for the first time this year I didn't have to go out wearing two pairs of socks. This past autumn / winter has been brutal. It always feels long but this year felt like it was never going to end. I think it's a shame that I don't prefer the cold weather because I'd like a pig in shit living where I live. I would spend the three warm days we get a years thinking "Man, when is this lovely weather going to fuck off? I want to get back to huddling against the radiator and rubbing my get to get the feeling back in my toes". I called up Car and Bike Magic and asked if I could get the bike picked up. The guy at the garage said that he lives close to me so he offered to pop round after work to look at it instead of having it picked up. He came round at half six and said with these Chinese bikes the parts have a limited shelf life compared to the big franchise bikes so their reliability is hit and miss and while a big bike would cost more initially I was likely to save myself money due to not having to pay for constant repairs. He said I need to buy a new caliper and he recommended getting a new chain. I understand the chain being fucked but that doesn't explain how the caliper has become fucked just from me tightening the chain since I was able to roll the bike into the garage with no issue but now since I've tried to repair the chain the wheel won't move. I don't know what the fuck's going on but I do know that this is not going to be cheap, the last chain I bought cost me about £150 and the caliper I bought today cost me £50. When I get back from LA I'm going to try and get a test booked in for a proper bike so that I can get rid of this one. I knew this bike wasn’t the best when I bought it but when I bought it I just wanted an alternative method of getting to work without getting the bus. However now I'm starting to realize just how undependable it is. Every time I set off I have anxiety, wondering if it's going to last the journey, similar to how everyone watching Ric Flair's last match must have felt. The finals of the New Japan Cup featuring David Finlay vs Sanada. A year ago I never would have predicted that these two would be in the final of a tournament. However Finlay has gotten a hell of a push over the last year and is now the leader of Bullet Club and Sanada recently left LIJ and joined "Just 5 Guys"...which is a bit shit. Normally New Japan comes up with cool names for their stables and tag teams but Just 5 Guys sounds like something WWE would give to one of their jobber stables. If New Japan knew they were going to be ending Suzuki-Gun and giving Sanada a push why not just have the members of the stable turn on Suzuki and rename themselves "Sanada-Gun"? To be honest the match wasn't that good. I'm not sure why New Japan have picked David Finlay to strap the rocket to and push as the new big heel to replace Jay White. Also while Sanada is dependable and capable of putting on an enjoyable match I just don't see him as a top guy. He doesn't have much of a character, his move set is meh and his look just doesn't scream main eventer. Well regardless of what I think the New japan bookers clearly think otherwise as Sanada is now a main eventer and will get a shot at the IWGP title against Okada. Hopefully if he wins the belt the bookers will think of a way to solidify him as a major star going forward and get the fans to care about his reign.
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theartofmany · 5 years
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Artist: Vladimir Manyukhin Title: Repairer Okada Very cool...
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ravenkult · 5 years
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Repairer Okada by Vladimir Manyukhin https://www.artstation.com/artwork/XBkQKn
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manfrommars2049 · 3 years
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Repairer Okada by Vladimir Manyukhin via ImaginaryCyberpunk
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gdwessel · 3 years
Government Declares 4th State Of Emergency For Tokyo, Spectators To Be Banned From Olympics; G1 Climax 31 Dates & Venues Announced; Jon Moxley v. Karl Anderson IWGP US Title Match At AEW Fyter Fest 7/14/2021
Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga has now declared a fourth state of emergency for Tokyo, running from this coming Monday 7/12/2021 until 8/22/2021, which will coincide with the Summer Olympics due to start in less than fifteen days. In addition, the Olympiad's events will be held without spectators, after meetings between the government and the IOC earlier today. Other non-Olympic events (read: pro wrestling) may be going back to the 5000 persons or 50% capacity rule that was in place before. This new state of emergency was prompted by a reported 920 new COVID-19 cases in Tokyo yesterday, the highest one-day total since 5/13/2021, and a record 18th straight day of increases in positive cases. This 6-week edition of the state of emergency will also extend to Okinawa. Quasi-emergency declarations in Osaka, Chiba, Saitama and Kanagawa Prefectures will also be extended until 8/22/2021. The quasi-emergency measures in Hokkaido, Aichi, Kyoto, Hyogo and Fukuoka Prefectures are still due to expire this Sunday 7/11/2021. Aichi Prefecture currently has the Nagoya sumo basho going on with crowds in attendance as well. Allegedly, the government will be granting stimulus moneys to businesses in order to get them to actually close at 8pm this time, and are still trying to enforce a ban on alcohol sales. In reality, who the Hell knows what this will accomplish in real life, because this is the fourth time they've tried this, and nobody seems to have learned anything from the previous three attempts. Now there are reports of logistical bottlenecks for getting the vaccines to certain locales, in a country that already had one of the lowest vaccination rates in the industrialized world. (According to this site, right now 20.8% of the population has received at least one dose of vaccine.) The government and the IOC have considered every possibility short of actually cancelling the damned Olympics, which is what the people who actually live in Japan and Tokyo are in overwhelming favor of. (A Yahoo! article from yesterday, which has now changed in light of the spectator ban, asked if the IOC would even consider cancelling at this point, which, we knew the answer to that one months ago, come on...) The ruling LDP party (which has as one of its ministers former NJPW wrestler Hiroshi Hase) is starting to see the consequences of this -- whilst they did pick up some more seats in the Tokyo General Assembly election this past Sunday, their coalition with the Komeito party failed to pick up a majority in the Tokyo legislature, showing that the public may be tiring of the LDP in light of the COVID-19 response and the Olympics. It doesn't help the LDP that one of their primary movers and leaders in the party Wataru Takeshita is retiring from politics for health reasons. A general election is due to come by October, and we may see a regime change out of all this. What does this all mean for NJPW? Right now, we don't know. Wrestle Grand Slam in Tokyo Dome already got postponed once, and now it will happen in the midst of another state of emergency. No other cards have been announced for the Summer Struggle tour either. NJPW has not said anything as of this writing. It may take them a while to do so anyway.
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The dates and locations for G1 Climax 31 have been announced. The yearly heavyweight tournament, for which the main event challenger for Wrestle Kingdom has been determined since 2012, will start in Osaka with two dates, 9/18 + 9/19/2021 at Osaka EDION Arena, and end with two (week)nights at Tokyo Nippon Budokan once more, on 10/20 + 10/21/2021. With the timing of this, we can surmise that for the second year running, we will not have a King Of Pro Wrestling in October at Ryogoku Kokugikan. But then, this was going to happen with the Olympics happening during G1 Climax's traditional time period. That said, here's the dates and venues. Presumably all shows will be shown live on NJPWWorld has they have been in previous years. G1 Climax 31 - 9/18/2021, Osaka EDION Arena - 9/19/2021, Osaka EDION Arena - 9/23/2021, Tokyo Ota Ward Gymnasium - 9/24/2021, Tokyo Ota Ward Gymnasium - 9/26/2021, Hyogo Kobe World Memorial Hall - 9/29/2021, Tokyo Korakuen Hall - 9/30/2021, Tokyo Korakuen Hall - 10/1/2021, Shizuoka Hamamatsu Arena - 10/3/2021, Aichi Dolphin's Arena - 10/4/2021, Tokyo Korakuen Hall - 10/7/2021, Hiroshima Sun Plaza Hall - 10/8/2021, Kochi Prefectural Gymnasium - 10/9/2021, Osaka EDION Arena - 10/12/2021, Miyagi Xebio Arena Sendai - 10/13/2021, Miyagi Xebio Arena Sendai - 10/14/2021, Yamagata City Sports Center - 10/18/2021, Kanagawa Yokohama Budokan - 10/20/2021, Tokyo Nippon Budokan - 10/21/2021, Tokyo Nippon Budokan
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During last night's special Road Rager episode of AEW Dynamite, it was announced that during next week's episode, the first night of Fyter Fest 2021 from Cedar Park, TX, there will be another IWGP US Heavyweight title defense airing on AEW programming. Champion Jon Moxley, who will be returning from a hiatus following the birth of his/Renee Paquette's daughter Nora (or taking umpteen BTE Triggers from the Young Bucks, depending on which version you believe), will make his 5th defense of the title he's held since WK14 in 2020 (with a pandemic in between). 
His opponent will be none other than "Machine Gun" Karl Anderson, making this his first NJPW match since February 2016, despite it not happening in a NJPW ring. The Bullet Club co-founder has been in WWE and Impact since leaving NJPW, but he and Doc Gallows will be featuring in the upcoming Tag Team Turbulence tournament on NJPW Strong, and are on the ads for NJPW Resurgence in Long Beach in August. There stands a good chance he may return for G1 Climax as well, a tournament he was a finalist of in 2012, falling to Kazuchika Okada, and allegedly the idea of the Good Brothers returning to NJPW was a major factor in Impact repairing their relationship with NJPW. The show will air in the USA on TNT next Wednesday 7/14/2021 at 8pm EDT / 7pm CDT, and on FITE TV internationally.
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puroresu-musings · 4 years
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NJPW DOMINION in Osaka-Jo Hall Review (July 12th 2020)
Togi Makabe, Tomoaki Honma & Gabriel Kidd vs. Satoshi Kojima, Yuji Nagata & Ryusuke Taguchi  **3/4
Tomohiro Ishii, Toru Yano & Yota Tsuji vs. SANADA, Hiromu Takahashi & BUSHI  ***1/4
Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Master Wato & Yuya Uemura vs. El Desperado, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & DOUKI  **3/4
Kazuchika Okada & Hirooki Goto vs. Yujiro Takahashi & Taiji Ishimori  **
NEVER Openweight Championship Match - Shingo Takagi (c) vs. SHO  ****1/2
IWGP Tag Team Championship Match - Hiroshi Tanahashi & Kota Ibushi (c) vs. Taichi & Zack Sabre Jr.  ***3/4+
IWGP Heavyweight & Intercontinental Double Championship Match - Tetsuya Naito (c) vs. EVIL  **1/2
So in front of a 1/3 capacity Osaka-Jo Hall, New Japan produced their annual Dominion show, and it was an... interesting show to say the least. The undercard was your standard NJPW show; Yuji Nagata submitted Gabriel Kidd with Nagata Lock II at 9:25 of a fun six man opener. Hiromu lead the charge in the next match, looking better than anyone else bar Ishii. His exchanges with Tsuji were really good too, before he submitted the Young Lion with a Boston Crab to end an entertaining 10 minuter. El Desperado pinned Yuya Uemura with Pinche Loco to end another decent six man next. The post match saw Kanemaru put the boots to Master Wato, so that seems to be The Grandmaster’s next feud. They certain don’t have many aspirations for him at this point. Saying that, I suppose every promotion needs their dependable mid-carders. Speaking of which, the inexplicable Yujiro push continued in the next match, as he pinned Goto to end a painfully average match. Okada came out with his neck taped, and I don’t know if he’s selling or what, but he looked really off here. As Goto hit Ushigoroshi on Takahashi, Gedo came out and attacked Okada’s ribs with a wrench outside, taking him out of the match. Goto went for GTR on Yujiro, but Ishimori broke it up with a Lungblower, followed by Bloody Cross, allowing Yujiro to score the pin at 9:42 with Pimp Juice. He then laid Okada out with it in the post match. I understand pickings are slim in this time of pandemic, and they always have decent outings together, but I really do not need to see a Yujiro/Okada programme in 2020. This year has been rough enough.
Things really picked up after intermission as Shingo defended the NEVER Title against long-time rival SHO. This, as expected, was an excellent 20 minute war, with both guys looking great. There were no surprises here; both guys slammed into each other like bulls with hard Lariats, forearms, chops and suplexes. SHO worked over Shingo’s Lariat arm with hard kicks and Jujigatame attempts, but the champion would power out. After a back and forth exchange of Lariats, SHO hits a headkick on Takagi for the double down. A sliding Lariat and Noshigami scores a near fall for Shingo. SHO hits the powerbomb on the knees, and a huge Lariat, but Takagi kicks at one, then SHO scores another great near fall with the deadlift German. A flurry of elbows from the Rampage Dragon leaves SHO open to Made In Japan, which gets a near fall, then the challenger kicks at one from a Pumping Bomber. SHO scores another near fall with a cross arm piledriver, then Takagi turns another Jujigatame into a Death Valley Bomb, hits the draping GTR, then successfully defends the title after hitting Last Of The Dragon at 20:07. This was by far the best thing on the show, and whilst great stuff indeed, the finish was never really in any doubt, as SHO got the win in the NJC, so had to return the favour here because New Japan loves the 50/50 booking. As Shingo celebrated his win, El Desperado attacked and posed with the title. That interesting, at first glance that match doesn’t seem too awe inspiring, but I’m sure they’ll actually have a great match.
The Tag Title match that followed was a really good match, but at 28:43, it was much too long (little did I know). It must also be said, it feels like these teams have been feuding for years, as it started in February, which might as well have been half a decade ago at this point. The champions came out aggressive, attacking the challengers before the bell and hitting duelling pescados, but after the hot start, this tapered off a bit for my liking, as Taichi heeled it up in slo-mo fashion, and began choking Tana with a tag rope or something, as my eyelids grew heavy. This picked up again as Ibushi got a hot tag, flying in with a springboard dropkick, but he was ground to a halt as ZSJ caught him in a knee bar. Ibushi and Taichi exchange hard kicks, culminating in Taichi hitting the Kawada Dangerous High Kick. Ibushi avoids an Axe Bomber, but gets caught in a Stretch Plumb, which Tanahashi breaks up with a Dragon Sleeper. The champions hit their new Golden Blade move to both challengers. As they battled on, Tana tried a Sling Blade on Taichi, but he counters into the Dangerous Backdrop, but Tanahashi reverses it into a Sling Blade. The Ace takes Zack out with Sling Blade, then goes up for the HFF, but Sabre gets the knees up. Taichi takes Ibushi out with the dreaded Iron Fingers From Hell(!!!), but Tana ducks, only to run straight into a Daaaaangerous Backdrop. From there, the challengers destroy Tanahashi’s already destroyed knees, as Taichi holds him and Zack hits numerous Dragon Screws. Tana’s selling here was sublime and the move itself looks tremendous. ZSJ hoists Tanahashi up into the Zack Driver, with Taichi giving a superkick assist, resulting in Zack getting the three count, and new champions are crowned.
Then the main event. There’s an old saying: “Go big or go home”, and Gedo certainly did that here. Look, as much as I don’t really have a problem with the outcome; they need new stars in this time and they aren’t especially spoilt for choice, but this match had some pretty major problems. Not the least that it went on FOREVER and relied entirely on absolute fuckery. At 38 minutes, this was insanely long, and it really didn’t need to be. When Naito won the titles at Wrestle Kingdom, part of me had dreaded his reign, as he just physically isn’t really up to it at this point, and to mask this, I figured his matches would have all kinds of smoke and mirrors. However, both this and the KENTA defence from February had a preposterous amount of interference, to the point it really just takes you out of these matches. Now, EVIL getting the super-push makes sense; he’s a home grown star, and heavyweight to boot, and the LIJ guys are so beloved they really need a believable aggressor for them, but I’m not too sure about how they went about all of this. 
EVIL came out with new music and new gear. He’s dropped the guyliner, but is decked out in a leather grass skirt gimmick that I believe should be cast into a dumpster. EVIL lived up to his name by destroying Milano Collection AT’s old EVIL scythe toy gimmick, which caused the commentary megastar to jump the rail, only to be immediately thrown into it. EVIL attacked Naito’s surgically repaired knee (he’s using Naito’s biggest weakness against him, as he knows all about it having been his friend for years), then brought a table into play, which he ultimately gave Naito a knee breaker through off the apron, which looked absolutely no fun whatsoever to take. Then the nonsense started; Jado strolled out with all the urgency of an underwater deep sea diver, as too did Ishimori, who takes Naito out with a springboard. Hiromu sprints out, getting rid of Jado, then hitting the overhead suplex into the corner on Ishimori, then drags both guys to the back. EVIL smashes a chair over the double champs head, then tries the STO, but Naito escapes and hits a swinging reverse Destino for a near fall. Naito then hits Valentia (which really should be his finish, if you ask me), then tries Destino, but EVIL grabs Red Shoes and hits a mule kick lowblow on Naito. At this point, “BUSHI” comes out, cheering Naito on, but then once his back is turned, starts garrotting him with a gimmick, choking him out. EVIL hits the stomp to the balls, then lifts Naito up and hits Everything Is Evil to win both Championships, unceremoniously ending Naito’s double reign, in a major upset to say the least. The Osaka-Jo Hall crowd were stunned at this outcome and I could almost hear wrestling Twitter break. 
Hey say what you want about Gedo’s booking, but when he straps the rocket to someone, he doesn’t mess around. In the post match, “BUSHI” unmasked to reveal himself to be veteran Dick Togo(!!!). Hiromu ran them off and cut a fiery promo on EVIL, setting himself up as his first challenger, presumably on the 27th in Nagoya, but who knows? I mean, a lot happened here, and not all of it good. The shenanigans in these matches is starting to get old school TNA level, and although New Japan are in a difficult position, they’re setting up quite a few programmes, though I can’t say all of them are looking especially good to me. There remains a lot to be seen with regards to EVIL on top too. Usually, a young champions first reign isn’t especially long, so I don’t imagine this to be either, and he’ll likely just drop both belts back to Naito at some point. Time will tell on all of this.
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firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
… So far, the highlights of what I’ve been able to watch of this ep, in no order:
Raiden rushing over to Naki and frantically calling their name when he realised they’d been damaged by the blast and then, presumably, carrying them over to the makeshift printer to be repaired, and watching over them during said repair.
Jin’s little ‘Horobi!’ before he ran after his dad.
Jin seeming to be in horrified shock when the Ark took over Horobi.
Gotta damit, the angst monster loved the whole Ark possessing Horobi sequence.
Fuwa has a family??? And legit has a little brother??? Oh my gods, the ‘subconsciously seeing Aruto as the younger brother he couldn’t remember having’ possibilities. (At least, I think those were his parents and younger brother, the raw is terrible quality and I’m skipping through it a bit)
Aruto showing concern for Fuwa again!
The Ark can mess w/ the chips.
I like how Fuwa’s henshin is very active and in motion while Aruto’s is stationary. Also Grasshopper Son and Wolf Dad henshining together again.
Takaiwa Seiji.
Fuwa using Sting Scorpion’s power on Ark Zero.
The Ark just freaking… Ripping Shadow energy out of Fuwa? What was that? Or is that the weird shadow energy is the Ark? What the hell is the tech even made of anymore???
Where those dolphins in Ark Zero’s henshin?
Gotta admit… The Ark Zero Driver being a 3d printer is kinda cool.
Horobi and Fuwa kind of being in the same location again after so bloody long.
Charden Flamberg.
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Facade- Chapter 4
Pairing: OC x Tetsuya Naito x Minoru Suzuki
Genre: Romance
Warnings: None
Previous Chapters:
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
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“Layla couldn’t sleep, especially not next to Naito.” 
His declaration of love was a haunting presence, weighing heavily on her subconscious. She carefully turned over onto her side so that she was face-to-face with the man in question, feeling his warm breaths on her face. Did he really mean it? After all, Layla had come to realize that Naito was very honest when they were in bed together, as if the filter between his mouth and brain melted away under the heat of their ministrations. He was quite insistent on vocalizing how much he enjoyed fucking Layla, raving compliments into her ear like an endless confession.
Layla liked Naito best when he was so loose-lipped, especially since the man exalted his persona as “tranquilo” both in the ring and in his personal life. Plus, it certainly fed her pride and ego when he couldn’t stop talking about how good Layla made him feel. And Naito was the first person she had ever been with who was so good for her. He was kind and respectful, a never-ending fountain of praises and compliments. He hardly ever argued with her, and when they did fight, it was usually over something incredibly stupid, like the time Layla accidentally backed Naito’s car into Okada’s red Ferrari. Imagine a barely 25-year old Layla walking into New Japan’s headquarters to tell Kazuchika she had managed to hit, and dent, his prized sports car. Okada had been furious, yelling a string of rapid obscenities that Layla’s still broken Japanese could barely comprehend. Layla had called Naito and she was about 99% certain she had given the man a stroke over the phone. When he had finally arrived, Layla thought she would witness a dream Wrestle Kingdom main event right in front of her very eyes. It had taken numerous apologies, some interference from Hiromu, and several of Layla’s best blowjobs to convince Naito to forgive her. Even then he refused to let her drive, and Naito grumbled for months about the hit his savings account took to repair both his and Okada’s cars. As if he could complain, because Layla shouldered most of that financial burden.
Needless to say, Layla really liked being a part of Naito’s life. When they had first started dating, Naito had acted unusually shy. He would come to her Stardom shows and hang-out backstage, which management really liked because they could brag about it on social media. He liked to take her out to eat at the most lavish restaurants Layla had ever been to, always impressing her because it was obvious Naito was going out of his way to do so. His adorable and clumsy attempts to speak English warmed her heart, and she was endeared by his laid-back personality. Not to mention the fact that he was quite attractive, and the first time he had ever fucked her, Layla was pretty sure she saw stars.
However, above all else, Layla liked how obvious it was that Naito cared about her. Suzuki certainly never made any attempts to come to her Stardom shows, and none of her previous boyfriends had ever encouraged her wrestling career. But Naito did, and he would often help train Layla, even if that meant working all the way to one or two in the morning, grappling together in the messy gymnasium behind Stardom’s main arena.
In conclusion, Layla really, really liked Naito and was perfectly happy in the relationship they had. But love always complicated things, and Layla was pretty sure she didn’t love Naito, even if she did care a lot about him. Unfortunately, Suzuki had successfully managed to completely ruin love and any iteration of security in long-term relationships. Perhaps eventually, she could try and re-figure these things out, but this was certainly far too early for Layla’s comfort.
Layla really needed alcohol.
Which is why she found herself in the lobby of the hotel at 2:30 in the morning nursing a rather satisfying margarita, forgoing all sensibilities. Because Layla was feeling just a tad bit reckless now that Naito was stirring all these anxious feelings, for which alcohol proved to be a powerful mask.
“This feels familiar,” a sudden comment infiltrated her alcoholic-induced haze.
Layla wasn’t quite drunk enough to ignore the sinking feeling in the center of her chest when El Desperado took a seat at the bar next to her. “Why are you here?”
Desperado chuckled, “We used to do this a lot together, don’t you remember?”
Of course Layla does, but that doesn’t mean she wants to admit it because it would also mean acknowledging that Layla doesn’t actually hate Despy. In fact, Layla kind of likes him because they’re very similar people and Despy wasn’t quite as lecherous as the others when it came to flirting with her. No, the reason Layla was so nervous was because Despy’s presence meant something, and it always came back to Minoru Suzuki.
“You’re here for a reason,” Layla stated flatly, pushing away the remainder of her drink.
“Not really,” Despy shrugged, “This was actually unintentional, but it’s nice because the boss has been asking us to keep an eye on you.”
Layla wasn’t surprised. “Where is he now?”
“Probably in his hotel room with those young foreigners he wanted to fuck,” Despy grinned. “He likes the ones who remind him of you.”
Layla felt a sickening clench in her lower abdomen at the unpleasant thought. “So you’re just here for fun?”
“In a way,” Despy agreed. “Sadly, the cute one I wanted to fuck ran out on me. Even Taichi got lucky tonight.”
“What? Are you keeping count?”
Despy’s eyes lit up at Layla’s snark. “Would you like to do the honors?”
Layla wrinkled her nose and ignored his comment. “Why are you bothering me?”
“I’m curious,” Despy started, “If Naito’s such a good guy, then why are you not with him instead?”
Layla tried to maintain her composure as she traced the faint indentations in the flat surface of the bar top. “I wasn’t tired.”
“What? Can Naito not keep up?”
“Don’t say another word about him,” Layla snapped, unable to help herself when it came to defending Naito, especially when it might involve Suzuki.
Despy grinned, downing the rest of his beer. “Are you this abrasive around him?”
Layla ignored his question, reaching for her purse. “Don’t follow me.”
“Just like old times, right Layla?” Despy called out to her as she started for the elevator. Remember when Layla said she didn’t hate Despy? Well, the reason why she didn’t like him more was because of his tendency to ask the right questions.
When Layla had first met Despy, she had only been seeing Suzuki for a few weeks. Tentatively, she might add, because Suzuki made it clear he wasn’t looking for a relationship. Yet, the older man had already called her repeatedly to meet him at hotels all over Tokyo, and Suzuki had even invited Layla to come to some of his shows. Layla had felt an odd sense of pride standing next to Suzuki, even if she was pretty sure he was only showing her off, especially when it came to his faction mates. 
And El Desperado was the most intriguing person Suzuki had introduced her to, mostly because of the mask he insisted he wear both in the ring and outside of it. Plus, Despy was very nervous around Layla, a nice contradiction from the forwardness of Suzuki’s other members. He was soft-spoken, and sometimes acted like he didn’t really want to go out with the other members after their matches, which Layla definitely related to later on. In fact, Despy’s alluring nature made Layla want to drag him into the nearest empty room and suck him off. 
But as Layla got to know Despy more, and consequently was drug further into Suzuki’s clutches, she realized that he was extremely loyal, he just didn’t like to show it. Desperado was also uncannily observant, especially of Layla, and when he sometimes stuck his nose in too far, Layla didn’t like those inquisitive questions of his that always managed to put her on edge.
The same side to Despy that she had just been re-acquainted with, which is why she was now back in her shared hotel room with Naito. Layla tried to be quiet, moving stealthily around the room with an athleticism only her wrestling background could provide. Slowly crawling onto the bed next to him, Layla held her breath when Naito started stirring. Thankfully, he seemed to settle back down, allowing Layla to move under the heavy comforter. 
But still unable to sleep, Layla could only think way too much about Suzuki.
Layla hated Naito’s mother, and she was pretty sure the older woman hated her too, even if Naito insisted otherwise. But why should she like Layla? After all, her first question to Layla, spoken in rapid Japanese, concerned how many children Layla planned to have. 
If Naito had not been quick to reprimand his mother, then Layla would have likely broken the woman’s heart by telling her that Layla didn’t plan on having any children, nor did she really ever think about marriage. And Naito’s mother was very traditionalist, completely diverting from Layla on just about every aspect of a nuclear family. In any case, asking your son’s girlfriend whether or not she planned on having children a mere six months after dating should not be acceptable in any culture. For the love of God, the woman even insisted on the two staying in separate bedrooms when they came over for a weekend visit. 
But Layla really, really liked Naito, so she tolerated his mother and her invasive questions. However, that certainly didn’t mean Layla didn’t try every trick in the book to get out of meeting with the woman. Layla had bought tickets for countless impromptu trips back to the States to avoid any confrontation. Unfortunately, when Naito’s mother decided to come to them, especially while on tour, Layla could not avoid the inevitable.
Which is why Layla found herself whining into Naito’s side, in the middle of the hotel’s restaurant, for a breakfast “chat” with said Demon. Layla wanted to blame Naito, but he never ignored his mother’s phone calls, even if they took place at 5:30 in the morning, informing them she was coming to have a meal. Layla was pretty sure Naito’s mother had no sense of privacy, or anything much to do in her own personal life, since this happened quite frequently. 
“Tetsuya,” Layla grumbled into her boyfriend’s t-shirt, “Can’t you tell her that I’m injured? Or sick? Or maybe even dying?”
Naito chuckled, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “It’s just breakfast, sweetheart, we’ll be done before you know it.”
Naito only pulled out those sickly sweet nicknames when he was trying to appease Layla. She had picked up on it after Bushi had mocked his friend in the locker room after one of Naito’s matches. Naito had lost in rather humiliating fashion to Toru Yano and he had snapped at Layla in her attempts to make him feel better. He immediately regretted it, pulling out the nickname in his earnest apology, but Bushi had found it absolutely hilarious. 
Regardless, Layla was only fond of it when it was used in any other situation that didn’t involve Naito’s mother, because Tetsuya knew how much Layla hated these interactions. She was quite vocal about it and, on occasion, had pushed too hard, to the point where she had to deal with a pouty Naito.
And that was not as cute as it sounded.
“You can have anything you want,” Naito continued, pushing the menu in Layla’s direction, like he was doing something nice by buying Layla a gourmet breakfast. As if he hadn’t toed out 100,000 Yen the other day to surprise Layla with a new pair of earrings. But Layla knew it was all apart of the appeasement process.
Layla took the menu from him and started scanning over its contents with vague interest. Honestly, Layla wasn’t even that hungry, as she usually skipped breakfast to sleep in longer. But sometimes wicked mothers made that hard to do. Speaking of which-“Tetsuya! Oh the traffic is just a mess outside. It took me an extra thirty minutes just to get here.”
While Naito stood to greet his mother, Layla frowned because a certain someone could have called to let them know she was going to be late. “It’s alright, Layla and I haven’t been waiting long.”
“Ah yes, Layla.” The old woman wrinkled her nose before sitting down across from the pair. “How are you?”
“I’m doing just fine, Aika,” Layla said politely, always trying to be better, as part of her never ending quest to shed away any remnants of the person she used to be.
“Yes, it’s nice to see that you’re finally attending to Tetsuya on his tours again.”
Layla purses her lips as she reaches for her cup of water. Filling her mouth with something other than the awful retort waiting on the tip of her tongue seemed generous. “Layla wasn’t feeling well,” Tetsuya supplied to fill the awkward lull in conversation.
“For that long?” Aika questioned. “My, what was the problem?”
“How is Nahuel these days?” Naito effectively inserted, easily picking up on the early tension between his mother and girlfriend. And nothing diverted Aika’s attention more than a conversation concerning her grandson.
The elderly woman positively beamed, launching into some long-winded story about how Nahuel is already speaking full sentences, which was apparently a miracle. Naito’s hand rested on the top of Layla’s thigh, squeezing encouragingly.
But Layla really hated listening to these stories, especially when Aika seemed to somehow constantly insist that Layla and Tetsuya would “have one of their own someday.” However, not even food could shut the old woman up, and Aika ignored her breakfast while Layla stuffed her mouth, suddenly feeling quite famished.
“Well?” Aika insisted when she finally seemed to have finished speaking. “Have you asked her yet? The ring belonged to your great grandmother you know.”
“Okaa-san!” Tetsuya hissed, while Layla proceeded to choke on the bite of steamed rice she had been chewing. The tiny particles seemed intent on staying caught in her throat. Naito wrapped an arm around her shoulders while pushing her water glass closer.
“What?” Aika shrugged, “You planned to tell her. Soon, I hope. Spring weddings are quite elegant.”
“Layla and I-”
“We’re not getting married,” Layla cut off Naito, having recovered from her unexpected choking spell, courtesy of the enormous bombshell Aika had abruptly threw at her. 
Layla was not comfortable with that kind of commitment, and she was a little surprised Naito might be, considering that he had never given any indication to the contrary. It’s why she was so happy with their relationship. But Layla must have misread the situation entirely, especially if Naito’s frown was anything to go by.
“But of course you will eventually,” Aika went on, oblivious to the growing tension hanging over the table. “For some reason, my son insists on staying with you. You’re both getting older, it’s time to start settling down.”
Layla was only 27 years old.
“It doesn’t matter,” Layla went on, “I don’t really like the idea of marriage. And, for your information, it’s my life and you have no right to interfere.”
“Is that so?” Aika asked, eyes glaring from behind those thick spectacles. “Well, I understand that a foreigner wouldn’t understand the respect behind that tradition, especially not an American.”
“It has nothing to do with disrespect,” Layla insisted, “But I definitely have no respect for you!”
Aika’s responding gasp was barely audible over Naito’s unexpectedly sharp intervention. “That’s enough, Layla.”
Layla cowered slightly under the obvious anger darkening Naito’s features. “Go back to the room,” he continued gruffly, “I would hate to inconvenience you any longer.’
Naito had never used such a tone with Layla before, and she didn’t hesitate to follow his command, gathering her jacket loosely. Actually, Layla was pretty sure what she had heard in his tone was disappointment. Sure, Layla had made Naito angry plenty of times throughout their years together, but she can’t really recollect a moment where he had been disappointed with her. And Layla did not like the feeling at all.
Which is why Layla immediately tried to fix the situation from the moment Naito finally came up to their room nearly twenty minutes later. “Tetsuya,” Layla said, taking his coat while flitting around him anxiously. “I’m sorry.”
Naito shook his head, sitting down on the edge of the bed while Layla stood in front of him, ignoring the slight tremor in her hands. “Layla,” Naito finally spoke, “Did you mean it?”
At first, Layla was confused by his question, but then she realized he was referring to her brusque dismissal of the prospect of marriage. Suddenly, Layla was incredibly nervous. “Oh, well I haven’t really thought about it much.”
“You haven’t,” Naito nodded, eyes downcast. “We’ve been together for three years. I guess I thought that meant something.”
Layla bristled as Naito’s comment rubbed her the wrong way. “What do you mean by that? Do you think I don’t care about our relationship?”
“It doesn’t seem like it,” Naito replied, reaching into the pocket of his jeans to pull out a tiny black box that had Layla’s breath stuttering. “What if I asked you right now, what would you say?”
“I would say no,” Layla told him honestly, because the prospect of something even as tiny as a ring filled her with dread.
“Because I don’t want it,” Layla said simply, because Layla did not want to really tell Naito the reason why. That would require opening up about a past she had worked so hard to dismiss.
“Then what’s the point?” he growled harshly, as if overcome with his own frustration.
“Couples can be together without ever getting married,” Layla informed him, because Naito really needed to get with the 21st century.
“I guess we’re different there,” Naito said, studying the black box carefully. “This is a problem for me.”
“And I won’t compromise,” Layla said, before regretfully adding, “Especially since I know it’s your mother’s fault for pushing so hard. I honestly don’t understand why she thinks it’s okay to interfere.”
“Because she’s my mother,” Naito stated flatly, as if unimpressed with Layla’s logic. “And this means as much to me as it does to her. You act like you don’t care.”
“I don’t care,” Layla said, voice audibly rising in pitch as her anger started to boil over. “I don’t want to get married and I don’t want to have kids.”
That certainly threw Naito off, whose eyes grew wider. “Layla,” he started, “This is a big deal, you know?”
“I don’t know,” Layla insisted, “Because you’ve never acted like you cared before.”
“Because you refuse to talk about it when I bring it up,” Naito said, rising to his feet, an imposing presence. “And I’ve tolerated it for this long.”
“Tolerated it?” Layla repeated incredulously. “Well, I’m sorry you’ve had to tolerate a relationship with me.”
“That’s not what I meant,” Naito growled in frustration. “You always do that, you always manage to make it someone else’s fault, and it’s usually blamed on me or my mother.”
“That’s because your mother doesn’t understand boundaries!”
“I think you’ve said enough about my mother for one day,” Naito said. “The way you talked to her in the restaurant was really rude.”
“She was rude to me,” Layla countered. “And you know that I don’t like your mother.”
“And you should know that it bothers me,” Naito said. “How am I supposed to mediate between my girlfriend and my mother?”
“Well you always choose her anyway.”
“That’s not true?”
“Really?” Layla quirked an eyebrow. “How about the fact that you always prioritize her over me? Whenever I tell you that she upsets me, you just ignore it.”
“Why does she upset you?” Naito asked. “Because she wants us to get married? To maybe have kids one day? Aren’t these normal questions for most couples?”
Layla shook her head stubbornly. “You’ll always take her side.”
“I’m not taking anyone’s side this time,” Naito said with a serious tone. “I’m serious about marriage, Layla, and if you don’t want it, then I don’t know why we should even see each other.”
Layla felt her heart sink at Naito’s declaration. Then, she took a mental step back from the situation to assess what was happening. Yes, Naito was very angry and disappointed with her, she could read it clearly. “I don’t want to stop seeing you.”
Naito sighed, running a hand through his messy hair. “Maybe just some time away from one another. Because it’s clear we both have a lot to think about that.”
Layla did not like that at all, but she didn’t really have a chance to voice her opposition. Naito had already pulled out his suitcase, talking about making plans to stay with one of his faction mates, and even going as far as to tell Layla she didn’t need to come with him to the show that night.
It completely broke Layla’s heart.
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hazyheel · 5 years
NJPW G1 Climax 2019 Day 5 Review
Our night kicked off with Lance Archer vs. KENTA. A first time matchup, given that Kenta has never been in New Japan before. Archer had a genuinely startling height advantage here. He is 6′8, while Kenta was 5′8. That is huge. Archer pushed Kenta to the ground to start things off, just a sign of disrespect. Kenta started to kick at the legs and midsection, which quickly brought Archer to his knees. However, whenever Archer wanted to take Kenta down, he would just give him a shoulder tackle and put him on the mat. Early on, Archer tried to give Kenta a chokeslam to the outside, only for some Young Lions to catch him, so Archer wiped them all out with a somersault senton. The ref started to count as Archer beat down Kenta on the outside, so he attacked the timekeeper to stop the count. Archer then started to mock Kenta by referring to him as Hideo. Archer was very violent towards the ref during the match, constantly threatening him and throwing him around, so Kenta was not the only one who found Archer challenging. Kenta kept trying to soften Archer up with kicks wherever he could land them, but Archer just refused to stay down. Archer tried for the EBD claw, but Kenta nearly reversed it into an armbar, so Archer opted for a huge lariat instead. Archer then went for blackout, but Kenta countered into a sleeper hold, lowering Archer to the mat and hitting a pique kick to the chest. Kenta then went for the Go to Sleep, but Archer reversed into the EBD Claw submission, and then even a muscle buster for a near fall. Archer then hit a last ride, but Kenta still kicked out. He then went for a chokeslam, but Kenta reversed it into a triangle choke. He transitioned the triangle into a game over for the submission win. Kenta: 6, Archer: 4.
Grade: B. Pretty good match. It was really fun to see how Kenta would deal with his much larger opponent. The answer was a lot of kicks to the midsection and legs, and finally wearing him down with submission holds. It was a gritty win, but Kenta made it to six points, still in the lead of the block. Good match that showed a different side of Kenta, and Archer had his first loss. Big stuff here. 
Next up was EVIL vs. SANADA. These two have only fought once before, with Sanada coming up with the win. Evil has been anticipating this match a lot recently, as he felt like he wasn’t given the same opportunity as Sanada, due to his championship match back in May. He wants to break out of the stable with this match, and create a new name for himself. Sanada started out with several dropkicks, and quickly went for the moonsault, but Evil got out of the way. Evil actually grabbed a chair after avoiding the moonsult, sliding it in and distracting both Sanada and the ref, using that to take down Sanada early. The two then battled for position, with Sanada looking for the paradise lock and Evil looking for a scorpion deathlock. Evil was able to lock Sanada in a paradise lock, posing with his foot on Sanada’s back before giving him the glut dropkick. The two were actually vicious here, totally ready to beat the living crap out of each other. They both know each other’s moves so well that they were constantly reversing and countering each other’s moves. Sanada quickly ramped up his attack after he realized that Evil wasn’t pulling punches and started to focus on Evil’s base. He constantly attacked Evil’s knees, which was mixed in with some of his usual offense. Evil opted to target the back of Sanada, throwing him into the barricades and generally assaulting him mercilessly. Evil even bent the rules a little bit, such as shoving the ref into Sanada, and even using the ref as a tag partner to hit the magic killer. It took the entire match, but Sanada was actually able to lock in skull end, but Evil reversed it into a skull end of his own, which prompted Sanada to drill Evil with everything is evil for a close near fall. Sanada again went for the moonsault, but was thwarted again when Evil got his knees up. Sanada was again able to lock in skull end, throwing Evil around but getting caught in a small package as he did. Evil went for everything is evil, but Sanada scored an inside cradle for a near fall. Evil then began to destroy Sanada with lariats, eventually nailing Sanada with everything is evil for the win. Evil: 4, Sanada: 2. 
After the match, Evil offered the fist bump, which Sanada answered. So the two are definitely staying together, both as a stable and as a tag team. 
Grade: A-. A great match between two teammates who know each other incredibly well. They had an interesting clash of styles that blended perfectly, along with the fact that they just kept countering out of each other’s signature offense. Evil had a huge chip on his shoulder coming into this match, so I think it makes a lot of sense for him to get the win. Maybe they are giving Evil a decent singles push, who knows? We will have to see if he is able to beat Okada again this year, we could see evil in the world championship picture.
Into Bad Luck Fale vs. Kazuchika Okada. They are 4:3 in favor of Okada, so very close, but it is interesting to note that Okada has never beaten Fale in a tournament. Before the match, as he was making his entrance, Bad Luck Fale attacked Okada on the way to the ring. Fale was beating down Okada even before he came out. It took Okada a while to get his wind back, and the second he started to beat down Fale, Fale distracted the ref and Chase Owens and Jado beat him down on the outside. Okada continuously tried to slam Fale, it worked as both a central theme of the match, and as a contstant downfall for Okada, At one point, Okada tried to hit the bodyslam, but he couldn’t keep him up and ended up eating a splash from Fale. He was finally able to give Fale a body slam, and then followed it up with a tope con hilo to Fale, Owens and Jado when Fale rolled out. Okada kept up the attack from there, focusing on the neck and chest. Okada had it won with a rainmaker, but Fale threw Red Shoes into him before Okada could complete the move. That allowed Chase Owens to run in and assist Fale in hitting the grenade. Even after Okada was able to dispatch Owens, Jado nailed Okada in the back with the kendo stick as he ran the ropes. He held Okada in place as Fale ran at him, but he dodged and took out Jado. He tried to give Fale a neckbreaker, but Fale rolled through, only for Okada to sit down on him and steal a pin. Okada: 6, Fale: 2. 
After the match, Fale tried to attack Okada, but Okada put him down with a dropkick and gave him a salute as he layed on the outside. 
Grade: C+. These guys always have a slow match, and while it was okay, it just didn’t really do it for me. For whatever reason, Bullet Club interference bothers me a lot more than Suzuki-Gun, so I guess they are either effective heels or just annoying. Okada deserves this win, and I like that it came in a non-dominant form. It keeps up the story that Okada cannot seem to beat Fale in the tournament, although he did score a victory here. I’m glad Okada won here. And Fale is untouchable, no losses actually hurt him.
Then we had Zack Sabre Jr vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi. These two have gone back and forth with wins, but Sabre leads their series with 3:2. As Tanahashi entered the ring, Sabre made sure to kick the young lion Tsuji off the ropes, just being a dick in general. Neither man has won a match yet, so both were battling for their first points. The two started to grapple early on, with Sabre starting the match off with the cravat, but quickly transitioning into a heel hook where both were jockeying for postiion. The interesting part of this match was the Sabre has two spots that he can focus on: both the formerly injured elbow and the ever decaying knees. However, as the match progressed, Tanahashi was really going hold for hold with Sabre. Both are great grapplers, but Sabre is considered the best at it in the world. The two then traded flash pins for a while, until Tanahashi was able to convert one into a twist and shout. The two then battled over a crucifix to a stalemate, with Tanahashi breaking it by hitting a slingblade. Tanahashi tried to get in a backbend pin, but Sabre kicked out and was able to lock in an armbar. He then transitioned into a sort of grounded octopus, targetting the repaired arm. Tanahashi sold it it great, like he was in too much pain to go on and barely made it to the ropes. Tanahashi fought back with Dragonscrew leg whips, a slingblade, aces high and almost the high fly flow, but Sabre got the knees up and locked in a triangle. While still in the triangle, Tanahashi stacked him up and got the pin. Tanahashi: 2, Sabre: 0.
Naturally, after the match Sabre threw a tantrum because he lost. I love this side of him, he is such a dick. 
Grade: A. This was leaps and bounds ahead of their match at the MSG show. I thought that match was much less smooth and didn’t have much of a story, while this showed the very entertaining grappler side of Tanahashi. He was in there showing the submission master what he could do, and actually nearly tapped him out at a couple of points. Sabre looked great here too, totally selling the frustration both during the match and after his loss. His story is certainly an intriguing one in this tournament. I’m happy to see Tanahashi finally get a win, because his story of going from the winner to the loser would not have been nearly as entertaining. 
And in the main event, we had Kota Ibushi vs. Will Ospreay in a Wrestle Kingdom rematch. That match earlier this year was their only match, and Ospreay came out on top. That was the match that I was most looking forward to at Wrestle Kingdom, and here in the A Block as well. The two traded clean breaks early on as they felt each other out. They started with some grappling, and the two of them actually looked pretty good on the mat. They then got into tests of strength, with Ibushi being much stronger. As the two started to pick up the pace a bit, Ospreay started to work over the ankle, a great strategy to both neutralize Ibushi’s kicks and to soften up his base. However, that did not stop Ibushi from delivering a blistering kick to Ospreay’s chest. When Ibushi had control, he targeted the neck, the subjuect of several injuries in the past. The two then traded signature moves and some counters, with everything looking way better with the two of them doing it. The two then traded both strikes and kicks in the center of the ring, at inhuman speeds. As Ospreay went for the stormbreaker, Ibushi countered with almost a deadeye variant on a piledriver that was very scary to see. Ibushi followed it up with an insane last ride for another near fall. Ospreay later tried for stormbreaker again, only for Ibushi to counter with a package piledriver, but Ospreay even countered that into a rollup. Ibushi kicked out and Ospreay nailed him with the high angle powerbomb of his own. Ospreay then peppered Ibushi with kicks and tried for the super os cutter, only for Ibushi to push him back into the post, leaving him hanging in a tree of woe and lighting him up with both kicks and hard slaps. The two jockeyed for position on the top rope, with Ibushi eventually hitting the second rope german, but Ospreay actually flipped out of it! Then he fucking rocked Ibushi with the hidden blade to the side of the face, but Ibushi barely got his hand on the rope. Ospreay then nailed Ibushi with a stiff kick to the face, and hit the os cutter for an incredible near fall. Ibushi then fought back into the match by sliding out of the stormbreaker and hitting a scary Michinoku driver for a near fall. Ospreay tried for another hidden blade, but Ibushi saw it coming and hit a back elbow, a great lariat and the bomaye for still another near fall! Ibushi finally hit the Kamagoye for the win after a war of a match. Ibushi: 2, Ospreay: 2.
Grade: A+. This was an incredible match and an incredible main event. For a relatively low stakes match in the tournament, they killed it in getting people invested. They absolutely destroyed each other in the ring and hit the biggest moves that they could think of. I hope that both of them were okay after this match, because it looked like a goddamn murder in that ring. The counters were off the charts, every move was smooth as glass, and every kickout had me changing my mind for who I wanted to win. This was my favorite match of the tournament so far, and possibly my favorite match of the year, regardless of promotion. They tore the house down, and they so deserve every push that they are getting. Ibushi finally got his first two points and can get on the road to winning the tournament, while Ospreay had a fantastic showing that proved he can hang with one of the best wrestlers in New Japan. Five stars, Match of the Night, match of the tournament, match of the goddamned year so far. If you couldn’t tell, these are my two favorite wrestlers in the world. 
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youthsloadedmedia · 2 years
Motorcycle Ban Will Lead To 40 Million Job Loss – ACOMORAN
Motorcycle Ban Will Lead To 40 Million Job Loss – ACOMORAN
The Association said the outright ban may throw over 40 million Nigerians, who make a living through motorcycles, into the saturated labour market. “The Amalgamated Commercial Tricycle and Motorcycle Owners, Repairs and Riders Association of Nigeria (ACOMORAN) has warned the federal government to reconsider the idea of banning the use of motorcycles popularly known as okada nationwide. The…
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pwrestlingxpress · 6 years
So Far on Being The Elite Season 2...
With them announcing the show’s return back on April 30th, here’s everything that has been going on so far in Season 2 of Being The Elite on YouTube from my perspective. You can click the title beside the episode number to watch the full episode and give me your perspective on the whole thing. 
Episode 101: Premiere (Original Air-date:  5.6.2018):  Before the new season begins, Matt and Nick Jackson are approached by Flip Gordon with an attempt to bring back the show.  At first, they back out for numerous reasons until Flip mentions their sales which have been declining as of late.  Hearing that, Matt decides to resurrect the show.  The new season begins with Mary Scurll’s record deal turning into a nightmare when it is revealed that he has no original material and must come up with an original song or he’s fired.  Lauren Ryan calls Cody Rhodes to ask about the whereabouts of her husband Joey into which Adam Page somehow overhears the conversation and tries to keep face.  At the same time, Cody decides to run for the Texas state senate and lets Page in on the big decision as he transitions from professional wrestling to politics.  The episode ends in Japan where Kenny Omega receives a mysterious package from Matt Jackson and is curious as to what is inside the box and ponders on whether he should open it or not. Also featured in the season premiere are Jay Lethal, Lanny Poffo, Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian, and Scorpio Sky.
Episode 102:  Sold Out (Original Air-date:  5.14.2018):  The episode begins with Marty Scurll attempting to stay with the record company but is ultimately fired when his cover songs are not enough to keep the deal.  Personally, I feel sorry for Marty who I believe is a tremendous singer and it’s a shame that the deal fell through due to not having original content.  Meanwhile, Jay Lethal thinks something is wrong with him not knowing that he’s been possessed by the spirit of the late Macho Man Randy Savage.  At the same time,  Matt and Nick Jackson have been informed by Flip Gordon that Joey Ryan has been presumed dead by the Japanese police and that his death is currently under investigation leading to speculation that Joey may have been murdered.  While sending out campaign papers, Cody overhears Matt, Nick, and Page talking about him and calling him a sociopath leading to Cody having a broken heart over the conversation and dropping the papers in the trash.  The episode ends in Kota Ibushi’s private gym where he convince his Golden☆Lover tag-team partner (Kenny Omega) to open the package that Matt has send to him a couple of weeks back.  Though the box has apparently been opened, the contents were not revealed to the general public.  Watch the whole video by clicking the title next to the number 101 to watch some post-episode footage as the cast promotes the press conference for the All In show taking place on September 1st in Chicago. 
Episode 103:  Water Under the Bridge (Original Air-date:  5.21.2018): The episode begins with Marty Scurll confessing to Matt and Nick Jackson that he has been fired by the record company for being what I call a comedy act but wants to make it up to them for lying in the past month.  To make it up to them, Matt and Nick decide to pin Marty and Flip Gordon together for whole Best of the Super Junior 25 tour to which Marty freaks out despite knowing full well that they’re in different blocks for the whole tournament and to make matters worse, he also has to hang out with Will Ospreay and ACH during the duration of the tour.  Adam Page is approached by Matt Jackson about the possibility that he may have murdered Joey Ryan but for some reason, Page doesn’t remember anything or if he even murdered Ryan.  The episode ends with a phone text conversion between Kenny Omega and Matt Jackson to which Kenny is contemplating on what to respond to Matt which leaves Matt dejected over the possible response. 
Episode 104:  Surveillance (Original Air-date:  5.29.2018):  The episode begins with Matt and Nick Jackson in the car on the road to the UK when Nick asks Matt about Kenny Omega to which he reveals that Kenny will talk to them after Dominion.  Immediately, Matt understands Kenny’s reasons and will respect his wishes by waiting till after Osaka-Jo to talk with him.  After the opening, we go back in time as Matt and Nick say goodbye to a specific arena in Resida, California that made them “The Young Bucks” and the the team they are today.  In Japan, a new segment is presented called Marty and Flip Take Japan in which both have some fun at the expense of one another.  Cody’s political campaign is not going the way he imagined it would go and is left wandering the streets of the UK to some familiar places as noted by twitter user Kelofthesea (click here and then here for those familiar places).  Kenny sends a video message to Kazuchika Okada admitting that though Okada’s a better wrestler, there are some things that he’s not better at and is proving that by training vigorously for Osaka-Jo Hall where he will challenge Okada for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship in a best-of-3 match with no time limit.  The episode ends with Adam Page being questioned by the British Police for the possible murder of Joey Ryan and a mysterious phone call from Japan revealing some evidence as to who really murdered Joey Ryan. 
And that is everything that has been going on so far in season two of Being The Elite.  To understand everything, here’s all that has been going on for each character so far:.
Kenny Omega receives a mysterious package from Matt Jackson and ultimately decides to open it with some encouragement from his tag partner Kota Ibushi. Despite us not knowing the contents, Kenny continues to train for Kazuchika Okada and Osaka-Jo Hall as he challenges for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship in a best of 3 falls match with no time limit.
Marty Scurll’s record deal goes down the tubes and his life has never been the same since.  As of this typing, he’s now being forced to hang out with Flip Gordon throughout the duration of Best of the Super Junior 25 which will end on June 4th which luckily for the Villain is next week. 
Adam Page is freaking out on whether or not he murdered Joey Ryan to the point he doesn’t even remember what happen the night Joey was killed. However, the ending of episode 104 reveals that someone else may have murdered Joey Ryan. 
Cody Rhodes decides to run for the state Senate in Texas but after overhearing that he may be a sociopath, becomes heartbroken and disenchanted. 
Matt Jackson wants to repair things with Kenny Omega and so far, all his attempts (including the package he send) have failed until this week’s episode when Kenny finally sends him something and tells him they’ll talk after Dominion 6.9 in Osaka-Jo Hall. 
Not much is happening with Nick Jackson so far in season two but stay tuned to see what will be in stored for him. 
Also, let’s not forget the following new stuff happening so far in season two of Being The Elite.: 
Jay Lethal has been possessed by the spirit of the late Macho Man Randy Savage who believes it’s the year 1988 and while possessed mistakens Cody for his father (The American Dream Dusty Rhodes) and Matt and Nick Jackson for Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty (known as The Rockers in the WWE and the Midnight Rockers on the independent scene from 1986-1988). 
SoCal Uncensored (Frankie Kazarian, Christopher Daniels, and Scorpio Sky) complain about every city they go claiming it to be the worst place they’ve ever been to thinking Southern California is the best place to be at.  In my honest opinion, be happy that they get a chance to even enjoy these dream places that even I want to go to. Also, I love London, how can London be the worst place is beyond me.  Same thing goes for Toronto.  That’s where most of my favorite figure skaters train at anyway. How dare they say such things.  
That’s all so far on Being The Elite.  What will happen next time?  Keep following Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson’s twitter handles as well as the YouTube account to the show for the next episode as we prepare for New Japan’s Dominion 6.9 in Osaka-Jo Hall on June 9th where Kenny will challenge Okada for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship in a best of 3 falls match with no time limit.  Kevin Kelly and Don Callis will be there to provide the English Commentary.   Continue enjoying the series everyone:
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