#Rent Indian Developer
shilshatech · 1 year
If you're looking for the best place to hire a developer in India, then Shilsha Technologies is your one-stop service. They provide a comprehensive range of services and options to help your business reach new heights by obtaining quality developers at competitive prices. Whether you're looking for an individual programmer or a full development teams, Shilsha Technologies has the perfect solution for your needs.  With years of experience in the industry, they understand what it takes to ensure that every customer gets what they need in terms of service and support. With their wide selection of exceptional skills and talent available, clients get access to the finest developers in India that are ready bring their projects to life with flair and innovation. Hire Indian Programmer? Make sure you look no further than Shilsha Technologies!
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oliviachows · 1 year
Needs of Website Development for a Business.
If your company hasn't done website development yet, it should start right away. Having a very planned and streamlined site can assist you with expanding deals, further developing brand mindfulness, and making areas of strength for a base.
With a good website, your business can compete with the big names in search engine results. Your business stands a much better chance of competing with them because of this.
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1. Increased Sales.
A company's global marketing efforts can be aided by its website. Not only is this a great way to reach more people, but it also helps build trust and improve relationships with customers.
Your sales can significantly increase with a website that is well-designed and optimized. This is because having good website development can help you rank higher in search engines and, more importantly, get more people to buy from you.
However, the effectiveness of a website is only as good as its design and functionality. As a result, it's critical to work with a web development company that understands how to improve your site and increase sales.
2. Increased Brand Awareness.
In this digital age, having an online platform to promote your goods and services is essential. This will increase brand awareness. Businesses fall behind their rivals if they do not have an efficient website.
A company's audience's familiarity with its visual assets, reputation, culture, and values is measured by brand awareness. It helps you build trust in your brand, which makes customers more loyal and keeps them coming back.
Expanded brand mindfulness likewise implies clients are bound to purchase from a specific brand. That can mean large things for your business - and it's a shared benefit for the two players.
Partnering with thought leaders, working with bloggers, and optimizing your website for search engines are all ways to increase brand awareness. However, knowing what works best for your intended audience is the first step.
3. Expanded Consumer loyalty.
At the point when a business needs to draw in additional clients, the web can help. It is essential to make it simple for potential customers to learn more about your products and services on your website, which is the first thing they see.
It's likewise vital to be accessible to respond to questions and address any issues rapidly. Customers may be reminded by this that you are a real person and not a machine, which can help to build trust.
Having a site likewise implies that you'll have the option to follow consumer loyalty information. You will be able to evaluate and improve your customer service as a result of this.
4. Increased Customer Loyalty.
A premium website can make a big difference in a small business's success by increasing customer loyalty. It will make you more competitive with larger businesses and boost your conversion rates.
Your website will be easy to use and find if you work with a reputable web development company. Customers will be more likely to return to your website and make additional purchases as a result of this.
If they were pleased with their experience, loyal clients will also recommend your business to their friends and family. This can get a good deal on showcasing and administration costs.
5. Increased Customer Engagement.
One of the most important requirements for a business when developing a website is increased customer engagement. This is because content customers are more likely to continue using the brand and to spread the word about it via social media and other channels of word-of-mouth.
Interacting with your customers across all relevant touchpoints—online, offline, and in-store—is an ongoing process known as customer engagement. This includes interactions with your marketing, customer service, website, and content teams.
A high level of customer engagement indicates content customers, so it is important to keep an eye on it. This can be accomplished by looking at how frequently and for how long your customers typically use your products or services.
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batboyblog · 4 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #18
May 10-17 2024
The Justice Department endorses lifting many restrictions on marijuana. Since the 1970s marijuana has been classified as a Schedule I controlled substance, the most restrictive classification for drugs that are highly addictive, dangerous and have no medical use, like heroin. Schedule I drugs are nearly impossible to get approval for research studies greatly hampering attempts to understand marijuana and any medical benefits it may have. The DoJ recommends moving it to Schedule III, drugs with low risk of abuse like anabolic steroids, and testosterone. This will allow for greater research, likely allow medical marijuana, and make marijuana a much less serious offense. President Biden welcomed DoJ's decision, a result a review of policy he ordered. Biden in his message talked about how he's pardoned everyone convicted of marijuana possession federally. The President repeated a phrase he's said many times "No-one should be in jail just for using or possessing marijuana,"
The Department of Interior announced no new coal mining in America's largest coal producing region. The moratorium on new coal leases has been hailed as the single biggest step so fair toward ending coal in the US. The Powder River Basin area of Wyoming and Montana produces 40% of the nations coal, the whole state of West Virginia is just 14%. The new rule is estimated to reduce emissions by the equivalent of 293 million tons of carbon dioxide annually, the same as taking 63 million gas powered cars off the road.
Vice-President Harris announced that the Biden-Harris Administration had broken records by investing $16 billion in Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Harris, a graduate of Howard University, is the first President or Vice-President to have gone to a HBCU. The Administration's investment of $900 million so far in 2024 brought the total investment of the Biden-Harris administration in HBCUs to $16 billion more than double the record $7 billion. HBCUs produce 40% of black engineers, 50% of black teachers, 70% of black doctors and dentists, and 80% of black judges. HBCUs also have a much better record of helping social mobility and moving people out of generational poverty than other colleges and universities.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development announced $30 billion dollars in renewal funding for the Housing Choice Voucher Program. The program supports 2.3 million families that are in need of housing with vouchers that help pay rent. This funding represents a $2 billion dollar increase over last year.
The Department of Agriculture announced $671.4 million in investments in rural infrastructure. The money will go to project to improve rural electric grids, as well as drinking water and wastewater treatment infrastructure. The money will go to 47 projects across 23 states.
HUD announced a record breaking $1.1 billion dollar investment in Tribal housing and community development. HUD plans just over 1 billion dollars for the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) program. This is a 40% increase in funding over 2023 and marks the largest ever funding investment in Indian housing. HUD also is investing $75 million in community development, supporting building and rehabbing community buildings in American Indian and Alaska Native communities.
The Department of Transportation announced $2 billion in investments in America's busiest passenger rail route, the Northeast Corridor between Washington DC and Boston. This is part of a 15 year, $176 billion plan to rebuild the corridor’s infrastructure and prepare for increased ridership and more trains. So far investments have seen a 25% increase, 7 million riders, over figures last year. a fully funded plan would almost double Amtrak service between New York City and Washington, D.C., and increase service between New York City and Boston by 50%. It would also allow a 60% increase in commuter trains.
HUD announced plans to streamline its HOME program. Currently the largest federal program to help build affordable housing, the streamlining of the rules will speed up building and help meet the Biden Administration's goal of 2 million new affordable housing units. HUD announced last week $1.3 billion dollars for the HOME program, which built 13,000 new units of housing in 2023 and helped 13,000 families with rental assistance
The Department of Interior announced $520 million in new water projects to help protect against drought in the western states. The funding will support 57 water related projects across 18 western states. The projects focus on climate resilience and drought prevention, as well as improving aging water delivery systems, and improving hydropower generation.
The Departments of Agriculture and HHS have stepped up efforts to wipe out the H5N1 virus prevent its spread to humans while protecting farmers livelihoods. The virus is currently effecting dairy cattle in the Texas panhandle region. The USDA and HSS are releasing wide ranging funds to help support farms equipping workers with Personal Protective Equipment, covering Veterinary costs, as well as compensating farmers for lost revenue. HHS and the CDC announced $101 million in testing an monitoring. This early detection and action is key to preventing another Covid style pandemic.
The Senate confirmed Sanket Bulsara to a life time federal judgeship in New York and Eric Schulte and Camela Theeler to lifetime federal judgeships in South Dakota. This brings the total number of judges appointed by President Biden to 197. For the first time in history the majority of a President's judicial nominees have not been white men.
Bonus: The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that transgender health insurance exclusions were illegal. The ruling came from a case first filed in 2019 where an employer refused to cover an employee's gender affirming surgery. The court in its ruling sited new guidance from the Biden Administration's Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that declared that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act protects trans people in the work place. These kinds of guidelines are often sited in court and carry great weight.
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jewreallythinkthat · 5 months
Never have and never will eat a bagel. But that’s also just known as bread. Not a crazy creation. There is no such thing as isr **li traditions because it hasn’t been around long enough. Jewish and isr**li are not interchangeable.
Nice to know I live in your head rent free 🤣
Bagels aren't just bread, there's a whole ass extra process that's included which is has a whole host of interesting scientific effects that changes them from "just bread". Are bagels a type of bread? Yes. In the same way focaccia is a type of bread, or brioche, or challah, or a white bloomer from the shop. Different recipes come from different places, and there are literal historical explanations as to why Jews started boiling their bread before baking which makes it significantly different to just a roll with a hole.
Israel has been around in one form or another for literally thousands of years, there are literally Egyptian hieroglyphics which refer to "yisrael" as a nation. Jewish traditions and festivals are literally based around seasons in Israel.
Israeli culture is a fascinating case study in how traditions and culture develop on a measurable scale. There have been multiple generations since Israel was ratified as a country by the UN. This is plenty of time for culture to blend and traditions to develop. It's a melting pot of traditions and foods eaten by Jewish communities around the world, from the Levant, to north Africa and Europe (among others).
You're right, Jewish and Israeli are not interchangable because Israeli is a nationality and Jewish is an ethnicity (along with a religion). That doesn't change the fact that as a majority Jewish state, Israeli culture and tradition is heavily influenced by Jewish ones, and visa versa - Jewish culture around the world can be found in Israel.
Lots of levantine cultures and countries have the same food traditions because it's what is ✨naturally available✨ there, and the foods developed before modern boarders. So it makes sense Israeli food reflects the food of the region as mizrahi Jews make up the largest sub-group within the country and as they moved there after being forced out of Arab lands (I'll get onto your other message and debunk that one in a minute), they took their food with them. Or should people leave their entire identity behind? Should Chinese people in the UK not eat Chinese food? Or maybe any Indian or Bangladeshi immigrants to the US should never touch Indian and Bangladeshi food again?
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fatehbaz · 4 months
The rise of the European empires [...] required new forms of social organization, not least the exploitation of millions of people whose labor powered the growth of European expansion [...]. These workers suffered various forms of coercion ranging from outright slavery through to indentured or convict labor, as well as military conscription, land theft, and poverty. [...] [W]ide-ranging case studies [examining the period from 1600 to 1850] [...] show the variety of working conditions and environments found in the early modern period and the many ways workers found to subvert and escape from them. [...] A web of regulation and laws were constructed to control these workers [...]. This system of control was continually contested by the workers themselves [...]
Timothy Coates [...] focuses on three locations in the Portuguese empire and the workers who fled from them. The first was the sugar plantations of São Tomé in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The slaves who ran away to form free communities in the interior of the island were an important reason why sugar production eventually shifted to Brazil. Secondly, Coates describes working conditions in the trading posts around the Indian Ocean and the communities of runaways which formed in the Bay of Bengal. The final section focuses on convicts and sinners in Portugal itself, where many managed to escape from forced labor in salt mines.
Johan Heinsen examines convict labor in the Danish colony of Saint Thomas in the Virgin Islands. Denmark awarded the Danish West Indies and Guinea Company the right to transport prisoners to the colony in 1672. The chapter illustrates the social dynamics of the short-lived colony by recounting the story of two convicts who hatched the escape plan, recruited others to the group, including two soldiers, and planned to steal a boat and escape from the island. The plan was discovered and the two convicts sentenced to death. One was forced to execute the other in order to save his own life. The two soldiers involved were also punished but managed to talk their way out of the fate of the convicts. Detailed court records are used to show both the collective nature of the plot and the methods the authorities used to divide and defeat the detainees.
James F. Dator reveals how workers in seventeenth-century St. Kitts Island took advantage of conflict between France and Britain to advance their own interests and plan collective escapes. The two rival powers had divided the island between them, but workers, indigenous people, and slaves cooperated across the borders, developing their own knowledge of geography, boundaries, and imperial rivalries [...].
Nicole Ulrich writes about the distinct traditions of mass desertions that evolved in the Dutch East India Company colony in South Africa. Court records reveal that soldiers, sailors, slaves, convicts, and servants all took part in individual and collective desertion attempts. [...] Mattias von Rossum also writes about the Dutch East India Company [...]. He [...] provides an overview of labor practices of the company [...] and the methods the company used to control and punish workers [...].
In the early nineteenth century, a total of 73,000 British convicts were sentenced to be transported to Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania). There, the majority were rented out as laborers to private employers, and all were subjected to surveillance and detailed record keeping. These records allow Hamish Maxwell-Stewart and Michael Quinlan to provide a detailed statistical analysis of desertion rates in different parts of the colonial economy [...].
When Britain abolished the international slave trade, new forms of indentured labor were created in order to provide British capitalism with the labor it required. Anita Rupprecht investigates the very specific culture of resistance that developed on the island of Tortola in the British Virgin Islands between 1808 and 1828. More than 1,300 Africans were rescued from slavery and sent to Tortola, where officials had to decide how to deal with them. Many were put to work in various forms of indentured labor on the island, and this led to resistance and rebellion. Rupprecht uncovers details about these protests from the documents of a royal commission that investigated [...].
All text above by: Mark Dunick. "Review of Rediker, Marcus; Chakraborty, Titas; Rossum, Matthias van, eds. A Global History of Runaways: Workers, Mobility, and Capitalism 1600-1850". H-Socialisms, H-Net Reviews. April 2024. Published at: h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=58852 [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Presented here for commentary, teaching, criticism purposes.]
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swampndn · 6 months
CW: child sexual assault, child abuse, alcoholism
Six years ago today, I finally found my maternal grandfather’s people. I've been thinking a lot about him recently and feeling that grief of all he lost. Then I got the Facebook memory reminder. So I wanna talk about him. Feels like I should.
His name was James, and he was stolen as a toddler and sold to a Mormon family in Utah. He never knew his tribe or where he came from, just that he was Native. When he escaped as a teen, he went to Oklahoma because that's where he knew the Natives were and thought it'd be his best chance. He ended up in Vietnam, survived the Navy, came back to Oklahoma, then met my maternal grandmother (a white woman), and quickly had my mother and uncle shortly after.
My mother's mother was an evil woman. She and her entire racist ass family are. They hated my grandfather because of who he was, so much so that they lied to the courts and said that he was a drunk to take away his kids. It worked. This all happened exactly 1 year before the Indian Child Welfare Act too. Before that, he never drank in his life, but after that loss, he started and, unfortunately, couldn't stop for nearly 15 years.
My mom was then raised and physically/sexually abused by her white family. They constantly told her and my uncle that they should be ashamed of being Native because of their father, and those people did everything they could to make them white. My mom's a deeply complicated person, especially being that she couldn't break the cycle of abuse with my siblings and I. But this post isn't about her. My uncle also experienced the physical abuse, and he developed a drug addiction when he was just 12yo to cope. My grandfather developed alcoholism during this separation period, and his health began to decline.
But! Good news! When my mom ran away from home at 16yo, my father's family took her in. My mom said that she was immediately drawn to my dad because he was Native, connected to his people, and came from an unapologetically Native home. So she finally found some kind of community, and also she was finally able to reconnect with her dad. (And also in the eventual marrying of my father, they ex-communicated my mom. I got a wild story from when I was about 8yo and the first and last time I met them, but that's for a different post for a different day.)
The day she got in contact with my grandfather after being forcibly no contact her entire upbringing was the day he stopped drinking cold turkey. She talks about how after that he was at every single school event and every holiday. My uncle finally got out of there too, and he also reconnected with my grandfather. My dad's family welcomed them both.
My uncle died at 18yo from the lingering effects of his addiction about a year before I was born. It was sudden and unexpected, especially since he, like my grandfather, had stopped using when he reunited with his dad. My mom talks about how involved and happy my uncle was with my sister as a baby. He was James, Jr., but went by Jimmy mainly.
My grandfather had also been heavily involved with us, and he had some kind of prophecy gift. He predicted the sex of all of my mom's kids just by touching her belly, and he knew a bunch of other things too. He used to take my sister and I fishing nearly every weekend, and he got me a Minnie Mouse fishing pole to use. He taught my sister how to ride a bike. I was still too little for a bike, but he got me a tricyle. One Christmas, he rented a helicopter after saving up all year and flew into a neighborhood park dressed like Santa. I do wish I could remember those things firsthand, but I've been told about them and seen lots of pictures.
Unfortunately, all of that was short-lived because he died the day after my sister's 5th birthday when I was only 3yo. We knew something was wrong because he wasn't at her party, and in all this time, he never missed a single event. Even though he never drank again, his prior alcoholism was so severe that he passed from cirrhosis of the liver. My mom was pregnant with my younger brother at the time, so he never got to meet him - but my grandfather did let my mom know he was a boy. (This was back when IHS refused to do ultrasounds. You know how it is.)
He died in 1996 never knowing who his people are. There were no clues. No one knew anything until March 29, 2018.
Finding his people was completely by chance. I went on a trip in March 2018 with a now ex-partner to the Mescalero Apache rez in New Mexico to see some of his extended family. We got there in the middle of the night, and the next morning (March 29th), I went outside to see the landscape. I'd never been to New Mexico before, so I was excited to see mountains and the desert. The moment I stepped outside of the motel and saw the land, I felt an overwhelming grief that I immediately burst into tears. The only way I could describe it was the feeling of a mother who was convinced her child was no longer alive for years and years, suddenly finding out that her baby survived. I will never forget what that felt like, and honestly, now it feels even more powerful than before. I can hardly even think about it writing this because tears are happening.
As soon as I was able to be coherent again after all that grief, my first thought was that this is where my grandfather was from. I knew it. I was fully convinced. The rest of that trip I kept looking at all these Apache faces in the tribal gas station, on the road, and just around and wondering if any of them were family. So many looked familiar, but I wasn't going to do or say anything until I got home and could try and find some of my grandfather's records. Hell, I didn't even tell my then-partner about it when it happened because I wanted to be sure. He even asked me why I was crying standing outside the motel door, and I just said that the land was so beautiful that I was moved. Fortunately for me (one of the many bad signs for him) is that he didn't ask any follow-up questions, so I was able to keep it to myself for the time being.
When I got back home, I got ahold of his birth certificate, and I called the Mescalero Apache records office. After a couple weeks, it was confirmed. He even had living family still. Getting that phone call was so emotional, and I still cry about the relief and also the anger that he died not knowing. I know his spirit is at peace now, and every time I've been to New Mexico since 2018, I feel such a comfort. The land told me on March 29, 2018, and today I'm just thinking about how grateful I am that she did.
As I have been thinking a lot about grief, land, healing, legacy, blood memory, the responsibilities of parenthood, and the next seven generations recently (mainly due to a project I've been working on this week), I don't think it's an accident that today was the anniversary of that event while I go into a performance tomorrow about just this very thing: the land grieving and healing and telling us why.
There's not too many pictures of him because he was the one usually taking pictures of us. But here's a candid I have from my toddler days (mid-blink lol).
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flowerfan2 · 1 year
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Chapter 5 is up - featuring so much hurt/comfort, and where the fic earns it E rating.  Read it here on A03.  CW: accident.
They meet for dinner at a sushi place in the center (the one next to the new Indian place? Or next to the good ice cream place?  Steve asks, and is pleased when Eddie’s favorite sushi place is his favorite too, because they also have Korean food, and Steve loves bulgogi).  Hawkins’ town center is full of restaurants, and banks, and precious little else.  Even the Pete’s has abandoned ship, apparently unable to compete with the Starbucks.  It’s apparently a problem many downtowns have, Eddie informs Steve, given the cost of rent and the continued increase in online shopping.
Steve is fascinated by Eddie’s job.  It seems so real to him, so professional.  They talk for a while about the various projects Eddie is working on, and then circle back, as expected, to Hawkins.
“You said yesterday that you didn’t think I’d be an ‘ally’ in Town Meeting.  But why would you need… allies?  Didn’t Hawkins ask for you to review the project?”
Eddie pulls a hair tie off of his wrist and proceeds to put his hair in a ponytail, then twist it all around until it’s more like the bun Steve’s seen him wear before.  “Not exactly.  The state Architectural Access Board develops and enforces regulations designed to make public buildings safe and functional for use by people with disabilities.  We need to approve the final design, or else the town would have to seek a variance, which can be expensive and isn’t always successful.  What I’m hoping for is that the committee listens to our feedback and really considers what will be best for the town.”
“And that isn’t keeping everything exactly the same, just because it has some vague historical connection?”  Steve asks, his eyes wide to convey the joke.
“Obviously.”  Eddie laughs.  “I know change is hard, but damn, it’s not as if these sidewalks were laid down in colonial times.  We aren’t talking about knocking down Paul Revere’s house or something.”
Steve pulls a face.  “Haven’t you heard?  It’s very important to preserve the ‘mid century modern’ landscape.’”
“At least it isn’t ugly.  You wouldn’t believe the lengths people will go to to preserve even ugly as shit towns, just because they’re afraid of the unknown – even when the unknown is just a different sidewalk material and it could really help people.”
They decide not to have dessert at the restaurant and instead walk down to the other end of the center to get ice cream.  Steve isn’t surprised that Eddie agrees that Tosco’s is the best ice cream in the town – it’s one of the best ice cream places anywhere, except maybe for its sister shop in Cambridge.  Eddie gets a milkshake, which Steve does find a little weird, but then he sees how Eddie is ever so casually looking at him while he sucks on the straw and realizes that Eddie may have an ulterior motive.  And if he does, it’s working.
Steve can hardly keep his mind on putting one foot in front of the other as they leave the shop, telling himself simultaneously not to get his hopes up and imagining how Eddie’s lips will feel on his, icy cold and sweet.  The shop is crowded with people coming in and out, and a woman with a wriggling toddler in her arms is entering as he and Eddie exit, so Steve pauses a moment to hold the door for them and smile at the kid.
Suddenly there’s a screech and a yell, and the sound of a car gunning its engine.  A man pushes by Steve and runs to where a pedestrian is lying by the side of the road and Steve is following him with his heart in his throat because the person who was apparently hit by a car is Eddie.
Read the rest of Chapter 5 on A03.
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Benefits of Paid Education in Croatia
Unilife Abroad Career Solutions
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Benefits of Paid Education in Croatia
When it comes to public safety, Croatia is an example to be followed. In 2020, the US State Department ranked Croatia at the highest safety category, thanks to economic and political stability factors. The Croatian population can walk freely around their cities, enjoying the country without any significant safety concerns.
Affordable living
If you’re worried Croatia will be as expensive as other popular European destinations, you can rest easy. Croatia is cheaper than most countries in the European Union , and a single person can get by with just under US$800 per month. Rent for a one-bedroom apartment can be as low as $350, and general expenses such as electricity, water, and internet will amount to approximately $210. Keep in mind cooking your own food is cheaper than eating at restaurants and you’ll be able to enjoy a comfortable life in Croatia.
Job opportunities
Croatia has a great job market for locals and foreigners alike. Unemployment rates are low, and more than 50.000 foreigners find work in Croatia every year. Because of the high demand for workers in different sectors, the government allows international students to work in the country during their stay.
Multicultural environment
Croatia’s location makes access to the rest of Europe extremely easy. This easy connection to other countries makes Croatia a multicultural country, with visitors from different parts of the world who get to enjoy the country’s welcoming environment. Locals are friendly and patient with foreigners and will love to help you learn the local language during your stay.
Quality of life
There are many reasons why the quality of life in Croatia is so high. The country’s investment in high-quality education and public safety, plus its stable economy and affordable costs make Croatia one of the best countries in Europe to live in. In the larger cities, the population’s satisfaction is even higher, and international students can enjoy all the benefits of a Croatian lifestyle when they choose this beautiful country as their destination.
World-class research
Croatia is known for its history-making inventors including Nikola Tesla, Franjo Hanaman, and Slavoljub Penkala. The country invests heavily in innovation and research, which benefits entrepreneurs and academics alike. Students in engineering and technology-related fields, especially, will find in Croatia an ideal spot to develop new ideas among some of the brightest minds in the world.
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valpoupdates · 10 months
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So much to see, so much to do, so little time ! Lucky for you, here at Santa Moneda we keep track of it just for you ! Unless stated otherwise by our management team, all of these activities are optional. Residents do not have to take part in these if they don't wish to ! These can be used for threads throughout the month but new threads can't be started for these activities once the month is up. Please track the smhqcalendar tag to stay updated month to month ( ©️ )
Valparaíso Activities:
December 1st: Christmas Market and Christmas tree lighting event in Downtown. The market takes place from 11AM to 11PM, while the Christmas tee lighting will start at 6PM complete with performances from Universidad de Bellas Artes de Valparaíso students and an appearance from El Viejito Pascuero himself !
December 16th: The city is turning Quintil Valparaíso Park into an ice skating rink made of synthetic ice! You can bring your own skates or rent some during the event. There will be photobooths you can use for a small fee and professional photographers you can request short photoshoots from for a discounted price
Please note that, if you go, you agree to allow the city to publish your photos in the December edition of the city magazine, La Revista De Valparaíso.
December 19th: There is a Christmas Parade in Downtown Valparaíso starting at 11AM. A variety of floats from different cultures, backgrounds, and interests will be displayed. Residents are always welcome to sign up if they have a float idea they'd like to bring.
December 31st: Catch Me If You Can Port Party. Say goodbye to 2023 with everyone's favorite hide and seek nightclub. They're set up at the port, using ship containers as bars and vacant ships as dance floors. You may start the year off with an arrest, but you'll have the perfect view of the fireworks when the clock strikes midnight.
Santa Moneda Activities:
December 7th: “December from a Global Perspective: How Other Cultures Celebrate the Month of December” – an informative presentation offered in the Santa Moneda Learning Center from 8PM to 11PM. This event will include:
a 20 minute presentation about how other cultures celebrate their holidays in December and world-renowned chefs have been invited to cook and serve foods from different cultures: chef amar bhatia : michelin-starred indian chef, owner of “the wholesome grain” chef nadia wan : international malaysian celebrity chef and personality, 20th youngest malaysian chef, & an iron chef on iron chef malaysia chef mahmoud samir : most sought-after egyptian menu developer and consultant chef, & owner of JAK Catering
December 10th: Ornament making course in the Learning Center from 5PM to 7PM
December 14th: Last day to sign up for the Santa Moneda gift exchange.
December 24th: Noche Buena dinner and gift exchange at Vincete's Jazz Lounge. Join your fellow Santa Moneda residents for a night of global cuisine and celebration. There will be a wide variety of food, drinks, and live music prepared as you exchange presents and maybe steal a kiss or two under the mistletoe. Feel to get on the mic yourself with our karaoke portion of the evening starting at 9PM.
December 25th: There will be Christmas Carolers down in the lobby to close out our celebrations at 12PM & 6 PM.
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heyzel12 · 11 months
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      India counter occupies the greater part of South Asia there is the national capital New Delhi built in the 20th century. India is made up of 28  States and Eighth Union territories Its government is a constitutional republic that represents a highly diverse population consisting of thousands of ethnic groups and hundreds of languages. India has a diverse and distinct culture that has been developing for thousands of years. In religion, India is considered the birthplace of some of the world's major religions Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, and Sikhism but Hinduism remains the most popular.
     Being the world's second most populous nation (after China), the constitution recognizes 15 regional languages but Hindi and English are recognized as the official language. And when we are talking about a style of clothing they have colorful silk and Saris are what many can picture women wearing while men traditionally wear a Dhoti. Saris vary from 5 to 9 yards long and 2 to 4 feet and breadth, while Dhoti is an unstitched piece of clothes ranging from 4 to 5 yards in length and tied around the waist and legs. In India, they also have their own Do's and Don'ts. Some of their Do's are, to treat Indian elders with visible respect, be patient when making decisions or negotiating with your Indian counterpart, try to dress conservatively, and speak respectfully out of respect for your Indian counterpart. Indians are very forgiving towards foreigners who aren't always aware of the etiquette of Indian culture, this can help you avoid embarrassing mistakes. These are just some of their Don'ts. Start with, don't wear tight or revealing closing, don't wear your shoes inside, don't point your feet or finger at people, don't eat food or pass objects with your left hand, because the left hand is considered to be unclean in India. Don't always be polite, don't outright decline an invitation or request, don't expect people to be punctual, don't expect people to respect your personal space, don't show affection in public, don't overlook your body language, and lastly don't judge the whole country. These are the rules and regulations in India though we have our own rules and regulations we just need to follow and respect each rule, especially in India.
     Indian food and spices are legendary for their medical purposes, but Indian cuisine can be difficult to adjust because they have their own version and style of cooking. Spices such as cumin, turmeric, and cardamon have been used for thousands of years. Basmati rice and pulses are staples of the Indian diet, other religious groups are vegetarian or have certain limitations, and lamb and chicken are most common for those who do eat meat. Indian food will introduce you to many flavors, tastes, and styles of cooking and the ingredients used are very different from other countries. As you travel across India you will have many options for trying authentic flavors without having to worry too much about the expenses, the local food is unique and often cheap. Accommodations in Indian homestays are available for people to rent out the vacations, they are close to nature and filled with hills or beaches. Homestays offer guests an authentic living experience and dining at a reasonable cost. Food served at homestays is delicious, homely, and at a nominal cost. Chaat, kachori, choli bhature, idli, dosa, and paratha. These are just some of the delicious dishes can enjoy in India from small-in-the-wall shops, dishing out regional specialties. The souvenirs in India make excellent holiday mementos, from traditional handicrafts to tasty spices, you simply need to take home a few unique souvenirs. Whether you are looking for something unique or just a simple memento of your trip, these souvenirs from India will give you a bit of inspiration when shopping. These are your choices to take and buy a souvenir to bring home. Start with traditional handicrafts from India, when choosing and finding a souvenir in handicraft it is important to find out the history and the meaning of the craft so that you can truly appreciate it. You can also take these souvenirs, spices from India, tea from India, a book from India, clothing from India, jewelry from India, sarees from India, paintings from India, ayurvedic products from India, and incense sticks from India, lastly, the Rajasthani textiles from India, these are the 11 souvenirs from India, choose what suits your type. 
India's best place to visit are Kashmir, Kashmir which lies in the northernmost region of the country, the best time to visit Kashmir is around March to October for the green landscape and from December to February for snow. Rajasthan is one of the most culturally rich places to go in India undoubtedly Rajasthan is famous for its rich heritage, magnificent places, and insightful history. Kerala, Sikkim, and Manali are just some of the best places to visit in India for relaxation and adventures, visiting India will be memorable for you starting with the unique style of cooking, their style of dressing, and also their tradition and other things that can keep you forever, India is one of the most beautiful countries to visit.
Wolper Stanley. A, Srivastava.A.L, Alam Muzaffar(2023)
Geography & Travel. https://www.britannica.com/
Administrator(2014) Indian Culture and Traditions. https://
Scroope Chara(2018) Do's and Don'ts https://culturalatlas.
Cook Sharell(2019) 12 Indian Etiquette Don'ts https://www.
Gupta Sidharth Bhan(2023) Exploring Indian Food On A
Low Budget. https://www.slurrp.com/amp/article/
Philpott Victoria(2023) 11 Best Souvenirs from India to
Remember Your Trip By https://vickyflipfloptravels.com/
bes hut-souvenirs-from india/
Agarwal Kirti(2023) 22 Stunning Places to visit In India to
Rejuvenate Your Senses https://www.myholidays.com/
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nestaway1 · 11 months
Nestaway Reviews: Real Tenant Experiences Unveiled
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The rental housing market in India has experienced substantial expansion and change recently, with new businesses joining the market to meet tenants' changing needs. Among them, Nestaway has become a key participant, providing a distinctive platform that links tenants with suitable rental properties. This blog examines the reliability of the platform and its effects on several cities, including Bangalore, Gurgaon, Delhi, Noida, Hyderabad, Pune, and Mumbai. It also examines the company's evaluations and tenant experiences.
Nestaway Reviews: What Tenants Are Saying
Nestaway Ratings and Tenant Satisfaction
The ratings and evaluations a platform gets from its clients are one of the fundamental markers of how well it is performing. A large number of people have evaluated Nestaway well, saying that they had a hassle-free stay there. A large number have given the platform high evaluations for its commitment to superior services and promptly addressing maintenance issues.
Nestaway Reliable
While searching for rental properties, reliability is significant. Various positive Nestaway review support the company’s reputation for reliability. A large number have appreciated Nestaway's transparent contract.
User-Friendly Nestaway Platform:
The Nestaway platform has won honors for being intuitive and easy to use. Tenants say that it is so easy to view listings, organize visits, and finish the renting system on the web. Making informed decisions is additionally supported by the accessibility of high-quality photographs and virtual tours of every property.
Nestaway Acquisition and Growth:
The company’s improvement from its beginning into a leader in the Indian rental market is significant. To further expand its reach and upgrade its administration, the platform has entered into partnerships and vital acquisitions.
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Impact of Nestaway on Big Cities
Nestaway Bangalore
Bangalore is a focal point for IT workers and students and is alluded to as the Silicon Valley of India. The company’s presence in the city has had a critical impact by offering rental choices that fit the necessities of its different populations.
Nestaway Gurgaon
Because of Gurgaon's rapid urbanization, rental lodging is of greater interest. The lodgings presented by Nestaway Gurgaon have been profoundly acknowledged, particularly by youthful experts looking for pragmatic and reasonable decisions.
Nestaway Noida
Noida, a municipality of Delhi, is very much perceived for its flourishing business area and dynamic culture. Many individuals lodging issues have been made more straightforward by the organization's presence in these spots, which gives different answers to fit different financial plans.
Nestaway Hyderabad
The interest in rental properties has ascended in Hyderabad because of the city's developing IT area and understudy population. The Nestaway platform is a popular decision in this city because of its solid administration.
Nestaway Pune
Pune, a city prestigious for its instructive possibilities and wealth of valuable business opportunities, has seen the development of the Nestaway platform for rental homes. The platform’s presence has made it more straightforward for both professionals and students to obtain lodging.
Nestaway Mumbai
It could be challenging to locate a rental property that is both reasonable and well-maintained in Mumbai, the financial center of India. The introduction of Nestaway Mumbai gives those looking for high-quality rentals in this expanding city a cause for optimism.
Finally, the Nestaway platform has proven to be a trustworthy rental property marketplace in many Indian cities. The company's dedication to offering practical and reasonably priced accommodation is attested to by the good Nestaway reviews and experiences of its tenants. Its expansion and presence in major Indian cities like Bangalore, Gurgaon, Delhi, Noida, Hyderabad, Pune, and Mumbai have made it a crucial tool for tenants living in densely populated areas. The company's contribution to accelerating the rental process and enhancing the tenant experience cannot be overlooked in light of the continuous developments in the rental business.
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shilshatech · 5 months
Shilsha Technologies provides part time or full time offshore dedicated programmer in India We also provide low cost Indian developers who are expert in latest technologies like Angular developer, Reactjs developer, Nodejs Developer, Low cost Indian programmers, Cheap offshore programmer
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oliviachows · 2 years
Why Hire Programmers from India?
India is the best place to look for coders and software developers to hire. This is due to its low costs and extensive talent pool of highly skilled professionals.
Indian programmers are not only technically skilled, but they also put in a lot of effort. They are wired to never give up and to be creative thinkers, which will help them get amazing results.
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India has emerged as a popular destination for software development. There are a lot of talented developers in the country, and businesses that hire them benefit from a lot of advantages.
However, it is essential to keep in mind that hiring Indian programmers on job boards or through outsourcing companies is not an easy task. The time zone difference and cultural differences are just two of the obstacles that come with doing so.
Recruiting costs a lot of money and uses a lot of resources. It covers the costs of screening, interviewing, onboarding, and training candidates.
Overhead expenses come in a variety of forms as well. Rent for an office, payroll, accounting, and equipment and supplies are just a few examples.
In addition, you must take into account the actual cost of hiring a developer, which is largely comprised of recruiting and training expenses as well as lost productivity during the hiring process. These costs add up to a lot of money and can make hiring developers in India cost more overall than you might think.
India has a large pool of bright and talented software developers. They can help you finish projects on time and work with a wide range of technologies.
Any business will gain a lot from this, and it also helps keep costs low. Outsourcing software development projects to India has helped several businesses cut their IT spending by between 20 and 30 percent, so it's something to think about.
Working with developers from India also means that they are in the same or close to the same time zone as you, which makes it much easier to communicate and work together. Teams that are lean and agile and rely on cross-team communication may benefit most from this.
Working with Indian developers means you won't have to worry about them missing important deadlines because they are available round-the-clock. This can save you a lot of time and money in the long run for teams that rely on iterations and constant feedback.
Zero Lag in Feedback.
It can be costly and time-consuming to recruit skilled engineers to your team, regardless of where they come from. That is particularly obvious about employing engineers from India. It is not unusual for new hires to wait two or three months before starting work, and negotiating a fair salary is not as simple as it may appear. Additionally, there are some cultural considerations to be made.
Zero feedback lag is one advantage of hiring an Indian software developer. The system's ability to align feedback edges with reference inputs, which is typically impossible with conventional systems, is the reason for this. The system can use this information to push the error integrator closer to its setpoint by detecting time differences based on the reference edge. This can result in a feedback system that is extremely stable and won't destabilize when combined with a high feedback gain. When looking to hire a software engineer in India, this should be taken into consideration.
Availability Around the Clock.
Dedicated software developers based in India are on hand to handle your projects. Because they are available, they can work faster and more effectively because they have more time to concentrate on their work. This enables them to produce outcomes that are worthy of their fee.
In addition, their native language proficiency and communication abilities enable them to communicate with customers in real-time. Because of this, they can get a thorough understanding of the business needs and requirements of their clients and then come up with solutions that are tailored to those particular requirements.
To hire a programmer from India, you must first post a project description on Upwork. You can then look over proposals from potential programmers. The people you want to hire will also be available for interviews. Whenever you've settled on the ideal pair, they'll begin chipping away at your venture. This will give you an early advantage on your task and set aside your time and cash.
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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BAE Systems delivers the thousandth fuselage of the F-35 Lightning II to Lockheed Martin
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 02/08/23 - 16:00 in Military
BAE Systems delivered the thousandth rear fuselage to the Lockheed Martin for the F-35, the most advanced and capable fifth-generation fighter in the world.
More than 1,500 employees at the company's premises in Samlesbury, Lancashire, produce the rear fuselage for each F-35 of the global fleet. The first fuselage was delivered to Lockheed Martin in 2005.
“This is a significant moment for everyone involved in the program and a proof of the highly qualified workforce we have in northwestern England,” said Cliff Robson, managing director of the BAE Systems Air group, at an event celebrating the 1000th delivery today. “Our role in the F-35 program is another example of how we make a substantial contribution to the UK’s local and national economy and help provide capacity that is critical to national security.”
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The three variants of the F-35 in flight.
“The F-35 program drives UK economic growth and prosperity by injecting approximately £41 billion into the UK economy and supporting more than 20,000 jobs in the UK supply chain, many of them based in the northwest of the country,” said Bridget Lauderdale, vice president of Lockheed Martin and general manager of the F-35 program. “With more than 500 companies in our supply chain in the United Kingdom, we are proud of the role that our partnership with BAE Systems has in supplying the world’s most advanced aircraft to the United Kingdom and 17 other allied nations.”
BAE Systems has been involved in the F-35 program since its inception and plays important roles in the development, manufacture and maintenance of the aircraft, which is operated by the Royal Air Force, Royal Navy and air forces around the world.
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F-35B of the joint fleet of RAF and British Royal Navy.
“This is an important milestone for our business and demonstrates the experience of our people and their commitment to fulfilling the F-35 program,” said Susan Addison, senior vice president of U.S. programs at BAE Systems Air. "The functions we perform today are supported by a world-class manufacturing pedigree and industrial know-how in the United Kingdom, which has been developed over decades of cutting-edge experience in aerial combat programs. We are proud of what we do for our customers and the air forces that help keep us safe."
The record global F-35 program totals more than 3,000 F-35s among the 17 customers of the program. Work on the program will continue at BAE Systems' advanced manufacturing center in Samlesbury for many years.
Tags: Military AviationBAE SystemsF-35 Lightning IILockheed Martin
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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fatehbaz · 1 year
In 1913, a year before the Panama Canal was completed, the journalist Frederic J. Haskin wrote that “the conquest of the Isthmian barrier was the conquest of the mosquito.” This was a period when America [had] [...] by 1902 taken control of Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and Guam. [...] The connection between mosquito control and the United States’ imperial conquest can be seen in the work of William C. Gorgas, the Alabama-born Army surgeon who led efforts to eradicate yellow fever and malaria -- both mosquito-borne diseases -- during the first US occupation of Cuba (1898–1902) and was subsequently appointed Chief Sanitary Officer of in Panama. [...] Gorgas claimed that he had “made sanitary discoveries that will enable man to return [...] and again live and develop in his natural home, the tropics.” [...] In particular, the dwellings erected for the Isthmian Canal Commission (ICC) conjoined the management of mosquitos with manipulating the interactions between people of different races and social classes. [...]
Gorgas arrived in Panama in 1904 [...]. Gorgas and others saw sanitation work as indistinguishable from the military occupation in Cuba and the success of the canal construction in Panama. [...] Spraying was largely carried out by mosquito brigades, which checked households for compliance [...]. But [...] these brigades also policed the activity of local residents. [...]
There was much debate not only about who to enlist to build the canal, but also how to prevent organized resistance and revolt among them. 
As one official testified to the US congress in 1906, “there must be on the Isthmus a surplusage of labor. Otherwise, we will have interminable strikes.” [...] 
Furthermore, rather than one vulnerable workforce, Chief Engineer John Stevens believed that having several different nationalities and ethnicities would be easier to divide and create competition, compelling them to work harder.
In order to do this, the ICC created a segregated, dual payment system: the gold and silver rolls. [...] [W]hite workers from the US were mostly hired for skilled positions and received payment in gold. These “gold-roll” employees could spend leisure time in segregated clubs [...]. West Indians and Black workers from the United States were mostly assigned to the silver roll. [...]
[T]he gold- and silver-roll system constituted an apartheid society, a perverse reincarnation of the contemporary Jim Crow system that was in full effect at the time in the United States. [...]
Although the ICC offered free housing to all its gold-roll employees, silver-roll employees paid rent. [...] As late as 1910, Galician workers on the silver roll were still living in boxcars ventilated only by a few small punched openings. [...] When West Indians requested basic amenities like blankets and shelter to keep their clothes from being soaked in the rain, the US government responded that they didn’t even need sheds. [...] For white workers [...] Type 13 [housing types] not only features a wraparound screened porch as a circulation space, but also a prominent band of empty space surrounding the enclosed bedrooms [...].
The distinctions associated with the categorical, systematic definition of different domestic architecture for different classes of people follows a history of typology in architecture and criminology that was closely associated with scientific racism, social Darwinism [...]. 
George W. Goethals, who took over as Chief Engineer of the project from Stevens in 1907, responded to requests for mosquito nets and screens for West Indians by repeating a common and racist misunderstanding: “It is generally admitted … [t]hat the colored people are immune.” Yet in 1912, “as many as two-thirds of all West Indians reported sick or required medical attention … [m]ost of them catching malaria several times [...].”
Structured by prejudice, anti-mosquito architecture allowed malaria to continue spreading while reinforcing racial hierarchies. [...] US imperial concepts about the tropics as a place [...] “[...] divided the civilized, temperate North from the heat, humidity and backwardness of the tropics.” [...] While managing the laborers through their relationship to insects -- and each other -- this low-cost architecture was crucial in the broader effort to turn the Isthmus into an imperial outpost and render the landscape tropical.
All text above by: Dante Furioso. “Sanitary Imperialism”. e-flux (Sick Architecture series). May 2022. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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seabreeze2022 · 2 years
Bahama Cruise 2022, Part 8, April 1. Dennis Cay anchorage and Staniel Cay.
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We moved around to hide from an incoming front with winds kicking up from the NW. We are now anchored at the tip of the pen, just North West of Dennis Cay.
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Everyone is packed in for the upcoming blow. The yacht on the left is named, “Checkered Past”. He is either a race car driver, or made his money selling Italian restaurant table cloths. Actually I looked up the owner and he was a race car driver. Emailed a friend from that circle who gave me the scoop on him.
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Here I am cleaning the dishes off the back of the boat in saltwater. Then we give them a spritz of fresh water to remove the salt. This always impresses the nearby mega yacht guest who rent their boat for up to $200,000 a week.
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This is our aft cabin. Food for three months gets stored wherever there is room. Just happens that the snacks get stored at the head of the bunk, right!
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We did a dinghy trip clockwise around the west and north shore of Samson Cay. Looking over yonder just north of Sampson Cay is an island called, Overyonder Cay. It is advertised as an energy independent island with wind turbines, solar arrays and even a tidal generator. But the wind turbines are a blight on the esthetics of the Exumas.
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We were here on the north end of Sampson Cay checking out the area for Jose Lacal. The company he works for is doing the planning for a resort here. Glad we get to see the island before it is developed. On the shore to the east is an old fishing boat up on the rocks.
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Absolutely pristine beach.
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What can you add to a beautiful beach, other than a beautiful woman.
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Here we dinghied around to the inside of Sampson Cay and found a King Helmet shell. Our first in the Bahamas. These are not edible but have a beautiful shell. Back in the Florida Keys, we find maybe one dead shell worth keeping each year.
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Here she found a juvenile conch (a roller) and juvenile milk conch.
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In the afternoon we dinghied back to Staniel Cay.
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This is one of several cisterns on the island. These were obviously hand dug since each that we saw were right beside the road. I think these were for fire fighting more than anything else.
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Apparently this body was delivered to Staniel Cay graveyard several months ago but nobody got around to burying him yet. We will check him out next year.
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This is a West Indian Shank Shell. Similar to our Horse conch in the Keys. This was right under our boat .
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This is the wing keel under our boat. And the typical depth we anchor in.
S/V Sea Breeze, Dennis Cay anchorage, Exuma, Bahamas.
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