#Reno x Kikoru
chaos4squad · 2 months
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Capinha disponível pra adoção!
Shinomiya X Ichikawa from Kaiju no8
As meninas me converteram ao fandom de Kaiju e eu fui obrigada a sair da minha aposentadoria e lutar mesmo sem enxergar depois que a Juh mandou essas artes pra gente. Me aguardem voltando em algum momento da minha vida com mais capinhas da obra, pois terei que estar fazendo 🙊 no mais, na minha cabeça eles fazem muito sentido sendo o clichê dos amigos do prota que viram casal, e assim será até que o mangá mude minha mente.
Regras e condições:
1. Prazo mínimo de uso: 3 meses.
2. Se for escritor do Vanguardpjct e quiser adotar a capa, basta pedir para adicionar a marca d'água.
3. Não se esqueça de dar os créditos ao capista.
— credite-me caso se inspirar ෆ by splendarte
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quinowskie · 3 months
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Dinner at the Shinomiyas'! Highkey shitpost because I'm bored and honestly I need more of them lmao, the amount of potential shenanigans with these two are crazy
Rest of it is under the cut !
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nocandnc · 3 months
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I don’t really ship them myself (just haven’t felt a trigger for it yet lol) but for the KikoReno shippers out there, I just wanted to point out that
their outfits are kinda matching right???
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cougartist · 11 days
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Kikoru Shinomiya hentai | Kaiju No. 8 fan art
More hentai pictures on Patreon.com/Coug
Have Fun ^^
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cherry-romper · 3 months
Just imagining a cat-kaiju fem reader in the Defense Force, like a catgirl, I wonder what would the interaction with the others would look like? Some might be romantic and some might be platonic, and the reader and Bakko is like super close since they’re literally cats lol
Yeah, I went so overboard with this. Been desperate for someone to request something like this! Thank you!
Warnings; blood, death and cats :3
Contains; F!reader, fluff
Word count; 3637 (im so sorry)
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At first you weren’t taken seriously. Yeah, you were a Kaiju, but you had the semi-appearance of a cat, permanently; tail and ears included. You went from a respected defence force officer to a cat-girl, it was like some sort of joke.
Captain Hoshina found it hilarious. He nearly passed out from laughing. “Hey, L/N, do you think you meow too?” he had asked you through hysterical sobs. His reaction was echoed by a lot of people in the force. Not only that, but many whispers also started, rumours and speculation rose from the force and eventually word got out the public that they had a cat-girl on the force.
You became a celebrity for all the wrong reasons. The force had tried to contain the hysteria of the public – they were not aware you were a kaiju. If they were to find that you were, both you and Kafka would be forced to retire and be weaponised.
This caused you to sink into a depression. You had been training so hard, your suit output power had reached 27% and now you were viewed as a joke. Cat-girls were seen as cute and small. They meant to look sweet and pretty. In many ways, they’re weak.
Kafka thought it was awesome that there was someone like him in the field. He adored that he could finally confide in someone about what he was feeling, and they would actually understand him. Secretly, he thought your partially transformed appearance was cute. He couldn’t help but admire the way your tail swayed when you were annoyed, or the movements of your ears when you overheard something. The same goes for Kikoru. She knew how strong you were even before becoming a Kaiju, she had nothing but respect for you. Even so, she teased you, amused at you new mannerisms.
Still, the same precautions were taken with you as were with Kaiju no.8. You were taken to a facility and assessed by none other than Gen Narumi. He wasn’t pleased you’d interrupted his gaming; he’d already made his mid up you weren’t worth his time. Once again, you’d fallen victim to the cat-girl prejudice.
“Let’s get this over with,” was the first and only thing he’d said to you before he began his assault. He couldn’t land a single hit. Your reflexes matched his own, even with his kaiju foresight. His original estimations of your power were now overshadowed. “Uh huh,” he had said, looking you up and down in disbelief. Your fortitude? 9.1.
You stood defensively, your arms in the shape of an ‘x’ in front of your face, clawlike nails ready to parry Narumi’s weapon. You were only able to transform your eyes, ears, forearms and calves; you were on the defensive. You panted slightly, his attacks had been fast and heavy. Your human body wouldn’t have been able to keep up with him, but your Kaiju form took it with ease. Granted, Narumi wasn’t going all out, if he had he probably would have destroyed the testing room, you included.
A newfound respect formed in that moment. You were deemed Kaiju no. 16. Though it would only last if you showed him results. Gen allowed a trial run for you on the field. Given that Kafka was already in the First Division, Gen had you transferred back to the Third Division, under Mina Ashiro’s command.
Mina was secretly thrilled to have you in her division. You weren’t aware of it at the time, but many of her officers looked up to you, since you held your own against Narumi, so she was pleased you would be there to inspire. Hoshina also had some more respect for you, he was amused that you had humiliated Narumi.
Iharu, along the others, thought you were awesome. You were sung with praises when you arrived, they even through you a party. Swarmed by your friends, you were overwhelmed with emotion. Perhaps the first few days of isolation had caused you to form a narrative in your head that people didn’t like you. You yourself, had prejudices against cat-girls. But here, now, surrounded by such love and admiration, you saw that there was no room for such biases in the defence force.
During the party, many questions were thrown your way:
“What are your abilities?”
“Do always you land on your feet like a cat?”
“Can you see in the dark?”
“Do you eat mice?” – Hoshina
“What can you use your tail for?”
“Do you have paws?”
“Do you have fur?”
“Can you jump really high?”
The simple answer to all those questions was: “I don’t know”.
You hadn’t really had time to test out your abilities, nor had you ever fully transformed. Fear caused this, denial of it being real and resentment for yourself. Yeah, being a cat-girl is cool on paper, but you were a Kaiju. It wasn’t sunshine and rainbows as many people had been thinking.
Before being deployed in the field, you were to be trained but Hoshina himself. He needed to know your abilities in detail, so he could personally dispose of you if necessary.
Much to your surprise, Reno and Ihrau, offered to help with your training too. They wanted to help since you were their friend, but also wanted to see how well you could all worked together. Since they had experience fighting alongside Kaiju no. 8, it was approved that they would help with your training.
You first day was one-on-one with Hoshina. Today’s training was all about fully transforming. You had outputted a fortitude of 9.1. partially transformed. Now was your time to show off what you could do without being afraid.
Hoshina had told you “I’m not going to hold back. If I hurt you, that on you. Do everything you can to stop me. I want to see what you have to offer. Show me who you are, L/N.”
Once again, you could only partially transform. Hoshina slashed and slashed at you, but you parried him every time, your claws as sharp as his blades. Your internal monologue was doing overtime. Please was the only word you repeated, over and over again. Desperately reaching into the depths of your core to find the strength to fully transform. All the while, Hoshina’s blades rained hell on you relentlessly. He was in the zone, completely set on forcing you to transform, giving you no other option but to harden the skin on your chest as he triple-attacked.
Your chest now covered in white fur. You’re joking, you thought. Staring down at your chest you ran your hand over the fur. So soft. But how does fur stop Hoshina’s blades? Fingering deeper into the fur, you felt the skin beneath. Rock solid.
“So, you do have fur,” Hoshina mused. He took note of the sour look on your face, he figured out quickly there was a part of yourself that resented being a kaiju. “Stop.” His voice pulled you out of the trance you had been in. Confused you tilled your head to the side, cocking a brow at him. “You’re thinking too much about it. Stop. If you start thinking like that on the field, you’re dead.”
He was right, you had to pull it together and swallow your pride. At the end of the day, you were more powerful in this form, whether you liked it or not.
Now more focused than before, you got low, mirroring the captain, and mimicking a cat on the hunt. Good, he thought, she’s locked in.
You circled each other, prowling low to the ground. Your field of vision grew, making it easier to take in your surroundings. Your catlike ears amplified Hoshina’s breathing, you could hear his heart pounding in his chest. Your nose changed also; your nostrils took in Hoshina’s scent. It was almost like you could smell excitement coming off him. A low growl came from your chest, you felt your mouth twist and morph, a shining set of canines sit snug in your mouth.
Baring your new fangs at the captain, you snarl, daring him to come closer. The captain took your warning as an invitation. Faster than before, he dashes over to you, his swords shaving off bits of your fur. In response, you harden more of your skin, the fur now covering your thighs and neck. Your claws parry him ceaselessly, desperately trying to keep him at bay. Your enhances senses helped you predict his movements. He was fast, but you were faster. Using the strength of you legs you run across the wall, getting behind him. Raising your leg high in the air, you bring it down on Hoshina, but he is nowhere to be found.
You were certain you’d manage to switch the narrative. “Going from defensive to offensive so quickly?” Hoshina stands next to you, his blade to your throat, a glimmer of pleasure in his eyes. He sizes you up, a smirk growing on his face. “For a cat, you look pretty good,” he chuckles. Taken aback, you look down at your arms, they’re covered in fur. You gasp at the sight, clawing at your face to feel the same soft texture. Heat rises in your cheeks, your ears standing on end and tail wagging rapidly.
“I’ve never seen a cat blush before,” Hoshina teases, you promptly tell him to shut up, not before he begins laughing again.
You did it. You fully transformed. Fortitude? 9.8.
Still standing on two legs, your feet looked like paws. They were big but well rounded, the pads on the bottom were cushioned making it easy to travers rough terrain. Your calves and thighs were well defined, this added to your strength and agility; you felt like you could jump higher than the clouds. Your tail was dense and strong, it could easily hold up your weight if needed. You still had hair on your head, the same long hair you had before only now, it was a smokey grey. Your eyes were a beautiful ice blue and your fur a snow white, patches of dark grey spotted your coat. Looking up at Hoshina cautiously, you started “I’m…Am I…”
“A snow leopard” he finished. How amusing, he thought to himself.
Before the two of you could continue, Bakko burst through the door. The tiger kaiju mewled and pounced around, clearly happy to see another feline Kaiju. Bounding up to you, he rubbed his head against your side, licking at your hands. Blushing more, your tail came to cover your face, unsure of how to handle the tiger. Mina followed into the room soon after, worried at what he pet might do. Pleasantly surprised at the sight that greeted her, a soft smile grew. “Congratulations, Y/N.”
Pride swelled inside you. After everything, you could still fight along side the captain. Excited for what the future holds, you let out a sweet chuff before reverting back to your ‘normal’ form, your ears and tail still visible.
The following day you were set to train with Reno and Iharu. Captain Hoshina kept watch from atop the wall, while the three of you were to clear the training course.
“Alright! I hope you’re as pumped as I am, Y/N!” Iharu, lightly punched your shoulder, a cocky look on his face. “You too, Reno. Just know, I’m coming for you too,” Iharu chuckled.
You gave reno a confused look, one of your ears falling down. Reno only sighs, shrugging his shoulders.
“Okay gang, all you have to do today is clear the remaining Kaiju.” Hoshana’s voice rang in your ears, “Those being 5 yoju and 1 Honju, pretty easy stuff. You’re being assessed on your ability to work together and your efficiency at transforming. Ichikawa and Furuhashi, you are to assist L/N, you are not to take down the Kaiju unless absolutely necessary. This is a training exercise for L/N, don’t go getting too greedy now.”
Iharu let out a disappointed groan, “I was so ready to kill those kaiju!”
You understood, you’d never faced a kaiju in action, and as of now you’ve only transformed once, in the face of danger you might not be able to transform again. Reno and Iharu were here as a precaution, to bail you out if necessary.
“Oh, and also, this is a timed exam. Good luck!” With that a small cannon went of to commence the start of the training exercise.
“Exam?!” all three of you stared up at Hoshina’s shit-eating grin atop the wall. God damn him, you thought setting off in the direction of the scent. You’d picked up on all six of the Kaiju the second they’d opened the doors. They were scattered throughout the facility, with the Honju over in the far-right corner.
Following close behind you, Reno and Iharu kept a close eye on you, being sure to take in any signs of struggle the transform. But for you, transforming now felt as easy as jumping into a pool. Leaping into the air, the fur spread from you head down to your paws, landing on top of a Yoju, squishing it and its core. Taking a moment to sniff the air for the scent of the other Yoju, you looked back at the boys, using your head to point in the direction of the next Yoju.
Reno looked on in awe at you, crouching on the corpse of the Yoju. Your fur soaked in its blood, you looked majestic. A small tug was felt in his heart, what a strange sight to give him butterflies.
Iharu felt the same. You were so badass. It was plain to see that you could easily stand beside Captain Ashiro. Your fur whipped around in the wind, your tail moved to shield your eyes, he watched on, secretly wishing to touch your fur.
You cleared the other Yoju with ease and swiftly destroyed the Honju in one blow, Reno and Iharu didn’t have to fire a single shot. The training exercise was over and you’d managed cleared it in only 3 minutes and 36 seconds.
“Yeah, Alright!” Iharu wailed. Jumping down from the Honju’s carcass, you reverted to your normal form. He held his hands up to high five you, felling a stir in his stomach from your appearance. You gave him a big smile, your ears falling back in excitement, tail once again wagging around. He blushed ever so slightly, coughing to cover it up.
You turned to Reno, as you did, your tail brushed under Iharu’s chin. The fur of your tail was too dense for you to have noticed. His face lit up like a tomato, he had to turn away from you to hide his expression. So freaking soft, he thought.
 “Thank you, thank you both for having my back out there. Now I know I can control my transformation, I hope I can be a bigger help on the field!” You gave Reno a candied smile, your head falling to the side. He kept his composure, but underneath he feels the same as Iharu. You were so cute, but you were badass, and you were determined to improve, something Reno could respect deeply.
This mutual crush sparked a new rivalry between the two. This time, it wasn’t not one sided.
The day of a mission comes. The regular pre-mission checks are complete. Hoshina assigns you and Reno to his platoon. You are tasked with taking down a Daikaiju with a fortitude of 8.2, a walk in the park for Hoshina, but this was another one of his tests, and it’s a big one.
Slightly peeved the captain assigned you with such a large Kaiju on your first mission, you whisper curses towards Hoshina under your breath as you ran across the roofs to the Diakaiju’s location.
“I’m sorry? What was that, L/N? I couldn’t quite here you,” Hoshina teased. You’d left the channel open deliberately so he could hear your disapproval.
Before you had the chance to tell him to shut up, the Diakaiju came into view. With one leap you closed the distance, ready to slash its body. You could sense its core was right in the centre of its mass along with…something else. All you had to do was tear away its thick, grotesque skin.
The original plan was to have Captain Ashiro take it down, but she had been held up by another Diakaiju. A simultaneous attack hadn’t been heard of until recently.
The damaged caused by the Diakaiju in front of you was too much to leave until Mina arrived. That’s why Hoshina had assigned you to dispose of it. Dickhead.
Using your claws you dug deeper into the side of its body, making your way to its core. Soon, Yoju swarmed around you, an attempt to keep the Daikaiju safe. Reno provided cover, shouting at you to keep on going.
Deeper into the side of its thick skin you dug, to find its shining core staring at you. Theres gotta be a more effective way for me to do this, you thought. Creating as much space as possible so you had a clear chance to slash its core, you tore away more of its vile flesh. The putrid smell stung your nose. Finally with enough space to slash its core, you raised your clawed hand ready to destroy the beast once and for all, only to be met with a twisted face.
“I’m not ready to die yet,” its croaky voice creaked. “You are though,” before you had time to react, you were ejected from the Kaiju. You were sent spinning through the air at such a high speed, you passed out from the g-force. Your Kaiju form deactivated when you passed out, so when you slammed into and through a building, your suit was the only protection from the blast. It wasn’t enough. Your core had been destroyed.
Your friends mourned you that day. Hoshina felt so guilty, he could have just taken that Kaiju on himself, then maybe he would have died in your stead. You had so much potential, and to be honest, he liked you more than he should have.
Reno and Iharu were in bits, you were their friend. You’d become a trio in the time of your training, they would treasure those memories forever.
Even the public mourned you. You’d died a hero.
The Diakaiju had managed to escape after revealing itself to be an unidentified Kaiju.
Your wake was eerily silent. No one talked, no one dared too. For the first time, Captain Ashrio looked genuinely sad. She never showed that side to the public before. She comforted Bakko, who in turn, comforted her. Hoshina couldn’t talk, he was a shell of himself; forced to carry this burden for the rest of this life. Iharu and Reno stifled sobs, staring painfully at their food, unable to eat. Word got out to the First Division, Kafka and Kikoru cried, unable to attend the wake due to another attack. Even Gen felt the less, pausing his game to take a moment to remember you when a cat came on screen.
But, you see, there’s an old myth that says cats have nine lives.
Sliding open the door to the wake, you stood, a white sheet wrapped around you, skin as pale as a ghost.
Reno and Iharu grabbed each other and shrieked. This was echoed by many others, screams and wails bounced around the room. You winced at the noise; your ears still sensitive from waking up. You yawned slightly, walking over to where the two boys were sat, stealing a piece of meat from Reno’s plate. You hummed at the flavour, taking a swig of Iharu’s drink.
You blinked up at him, confused at to why Reno was cradling him. “What?” you voice slightly croaky, “Why are you looking at me like that? And why are you all wearing black?”
You had no idea you’d been dead for a week. Hoshina broke to silence, letting out the loudest and most genuine belly laugh ever, tears formed at the corner of his eyes. Soon the room erupted into happy tears. Mina filled you in that you had seemingly passed away.
Shocked, you apologies for scaring everyone. Hugging Reno and Iharu, reassuring them that you were real. You were brought some clothes and after you had changed you joined in your own wake.
“Don’t let me stop you, you teased. Please, share your stories of how great I am,” you joked, staring up at all the smiling faces of your friends. Who would have thought you’d have to die to feel so loved?
Bonus information:
Hoshina hugged you after the wake. He’d definitely had too much to drink. It took a lot for him not to drunkenly confess to you.
You curl up when you sleep and use your tail as a pillow.
Often you find yourself laying your head people lap’s. Your core body temperature is lower than normal, so you seek heat often.
Instead of snoring in your sleep you purr.
Iharu and Reno figured out Hoshina also has a crush on you and so added him, unknowingly, into the rivalry.
Hoshina leaves you cat toys because he thinks it’s funny.
Bakko and you often cuddle together. Snow leopards are closely related to tigers, so you get along really well.
Mina trusts you wholeheartedly but needs you to train more before she feels confident sending you out into the field again. She doesn’t want you burning through your nine lives too fast.
Iharu and Hoshina, when stood beside or behind you, stroke your tail. You often don’t notice.
Hoshina also puts your tail up to his face, like a mustache, to make people laugh.
Reno does extensive research on snow leopards to try and accommodate you better.
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shysheeperz · 2 months
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the women of kaiju no. 8 are incredible! that's what I said to myself while reading kn8, after all, few anime/manga feature badass female characters. in kaiju no 8 mina, kikoru, minase, hakua, shinonome, okonogi and nakanoshima are highlighted some more than others and yet almost all the fanfiction is on the ship hoshina/narumi or hoshina/kafka so yes it's nice I like these ships, that's not the problem, the thing is that after reading this all the time I'm disgusted with them and I want new things... like more realistic ships like hoshina/mina, kikoru/reno narumi/shinonome (don't tell me that narumi and shinonome don't go together in the manga just read chapter 82 in volume 11, Kikoru is not the romantic type but in fanfiction with reno it works and hoshina is pretty good with mina the only problem at the limit is her emotionless face)
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yoredoesmore · 2 months
Hello yes me again 🫢, so how about this. Reader who has incredible sense of fashion like she dress gyaru (or smth similar). And when the 3rd division is fighting kaiju or having training she's always so serious and 'cold' (she's actually a sweetheart but she just has b12ch face). They go out cuz they celebrating something and they see reader but they are suprised that she has that kind of style? Like they thought that a person who is always neat and serious in her work would dress like 'plain' and not in bright colours and skirts? Expecially with those cute accessories hairclips, bracelets(I love them) Take your sweet time don't worry I will wait 💕💅
(I hope you understand what I just wrote cuz my mind was foggy writing this💀 Btw I love your work❤️)
a/n: if i could i would give you the biggest smooch!! your requests feel like a breath of fresh air, i had so much fun writing this! i apologize for the long wait tho ^^
pairing: Fem!Reader & Third Division
genre: fluff/comedy [wc: 2,2k ]
a/n: the third division has two vice captains in this ff ^^)
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GAL is Mind! | Hoshina Soshiro
“Third Division!” Your voice echoed through the entire training room, ice cold and sharp. Everybody immediately halted in their movements, their bodies in perfect sync with your voice.
“Salute!” The sounds of boots clicking and body's straightening brought satisfaction to your ears. A smile, though short lived, formed on your lips as your eyes fell on the rows of cadets. One of them stepped forward, gaze lifted up high in the sky as she opened her mouth.
“Thank you for today's training, Vice Captain L/n!” She yelled out.
“Thank you for today's training!” Everybody followed her suit.
“Dismissed.” And with that said you stepped away from the front and began your journey to the dressing room.
“Vice Captain L/n really is something, huh?” Kafka sighed, hands reaching for his water bottle. Heavy puffs of air escaped his lips, the effects of the training still harsh on his body.
“Tell me about it. She's gotta be the third strongest on the base for sure.” Reno replied, copying his friend and reaching for his bottle as well. He too was trying to catch his breath. Whenever it was your turn to train the Platoon, even the strongest cadets would end up collapsing after the session. Yet you walked away unscratched, with no signs of exhaustion or weariness.
“I wonder what she is like off the field..in private, you know. Shinomiya's words caused a shift in atmosphere. Immediately all feelings of enervation were forgotten as the group tried to imagine you in a more casual setting.
“Off..the field?” Kafka's gaze fell on your disappearing form.
Most of the people at the base already had a set image of you in their mind. Your cold demeanor was engraved in their heads. The fearless Vice Captain who led every fight with precision and a cool head– that was the only version of you which they knew. But they knew better than to judge a person solely from what they decided to show to the public– and not to mention that most of the time, people were different in private than in their work life in general.
They wondered if that applied to you as well.
“Wouldn't Vice Captain Hoshina know? Or Captain Ashiro. As Captains they must spend lots of time together off field, I think.” Iharu suggested. His words made sense at first but upon consulting the other Vice Captain, it seemed that you were as isolated off field as at work.
“I never really interacted with L/n outside base grounds, besides out on the battlefield of course.” Hoshina admitted, surprising the entire group.
“No way! Ain't she your work partner? Don't tell me you never went out for a drink or two? Sir.” Iharu quickly added the sir after realizing that he was talking out of line.
He was quite shocked at the Vice Captain's words and it seemed like he wasn't the only one. The entire group stood in disbelief as Hoshina told him that you were as quiet and introverted as they came.
“No, because now I really want to know what Vice Captain L/n is like off duty!” A spark had been lit inside Shinomiya. Her determination was contagious, as the others soon started to feel the same way. Even Hoshina was starting to wonder what image laid behind your nonchalant facade.
Therefore they came up with a plan to get you to ease up around them without drawing any suspicion towards their real motives.
“You want to..hang out?” Your voice perfectly reflected the image on your face– you were confused.
“A little get together with the other cadets sounds nice, don't it? Allows the group to bond and stuff, get their mind off things.”
Hoshina was prepared for the rejection of his life. Despite sharing many great memories at the base together, neither he nor Ashiro knew you on a very personal level. You were a strong and dedicated fighter, that was a fact. Your skills were flawless and your performances during battles praiseworthy. Yet all they got to see so far was your work behavior. You were like a ghost, hovering around the base and gaining everyone's curiosity.
“Sure, why not.”
“But it would be– whaddya say?”
“I mean why not? Sounds nice, I'm down.” A cold gaze sat on your face as you arranged the files on your desk and even your voice sounded uninterested. It gave Hoshina the impression that you were forcing yourself to agree to this meeting. Five whole minutes were needed to convince him that you really stood by your words.
At the end he walked out of your office, carefully pulling the door shut behind himself. Only after you were sure that he had left the area surrounding your office did you manage to produce a small smile.
“She said yes just like that?!” The squad could barely believe their ears. Hoshina simply shrugged his shoulders, unsure of what to say. He himself still had to process the fact that you willingly agreed to this, without arguing or rejecting him. But then again, you never made a ruckus when having to pick up an extra shift or taking care about some more paperwork, therefore who knew what truly went through your mind.
“Am I the only one who is getting nervous?” Kafka asked into the round.
It was such a silly discussion, the mystery behind your personality, yet everyone involved found themselves curious to seek the answer.
“Vice Captain probably dresses really well! Like elegant and modest.” Shinomiya chimed in, clapping her hands together.
“I can definitely see that too.” Aoi agreed. The group began to chat and talk about the event of the night and how you were going to appear in front of them. They talked and talked, just for a little bit longer, before they returned to work.
A couple hours later and the time for the rendezvous came closer and closer. Throughout the day, Hoshina managed to ask Captain Ashiro if she too wanted to join the festivities and to everyone's surprise she agreed as well.
“I too want to see the Vice Captain in her casual glory.” Ashiro said with a straight face and sparkles in her eyes.
Everyone arrived around the agreed on time, some earlier and some later, but at the end they all gathered in front of the fine establishment.
“Oh, L/n just texted me that she is already inside!” Ashiro had a soft smile sitting on her lips, happy about the fact that you had texted her.
“Am I the only one who feels excessively excited??” Iharu looked around the group for validation.
“Nah, I'm just as excited” Izumo placed a reassuring hand on the other one's shoulders. “But I do feel like we are totally doing too much. I mean, it's just the Vice Captain.” The group was unsure if Izumo's words were directed towards everyone else or just himself, as he had quite the distressed look on his face. Shinomiya, Hoshina and Reno on the other hand carried a blank look on their faces. Their excitement manifested itself in the form of silence.
“Does anybody see her?” Kafka asked.
The bar was of decent size. It was most likely on the more fancier side. Not too many guests sat seated at the tables and from their point of view they should have had a clear vision of the whole place. Yet you remained to be discovered.
All they saw was another group of businessmen, a handful of couples, a person who seemed to be having a stroke in the corner and some young college students who were being a little too noisy..
Ashiro was about to ask a staff member for help, when all of a sudden a stranger approached them.
“Guys? I have been waving at you for the past two minutes, didn't you see me?”
In front of the group stood a woman, who's stroke turned out to be her attempt of getting their attention. She was dressed in attire that did not fit the establishment's vibe.
Her long eyelashes were a perfect match for the dramatic makeup she had put on. Half of her hair was put into a high ponytail, with the ends strongly curled. Although her head lacked charms and accessories, many of those were found on her long, white nails. The clothes she wore perfectly reflected everything that was going on in her face.
A skirt so short sat around her hips that the group feared that it would only take her one bad step to reveal herself. They just hoped that the golden star belt she wore was good enough to hold everything in place. What truly topped everything off weren't the dark fur leg warmers or the thick golden chains hanging from both her belt and neck, but rather the bold, off shoulder cheetah print shirt.
To put everything in simpler words– she was a looker for sure.
“...L/n?” Shinomiya was the first one to open her mouth.
“WHAT?!” Kafka could barely contain himself. Shock wasn't even expressive enough to describe the sheer disbelief he was currently feeling. His eyes were stuck on the countless bracelets you were wearing, trying to count them all. Meanwhile Izumo and Aoi still had to pick their jaws off the floor.
“Ya gotta be kiddin me..” Hoshina cursed under his breath, his eyes still drinking in the image of you.
From all he had expected, this would have been the last thing. Seeing you in such revealing and bold attire, it was out of character for you. Even Ashiro found herself speechless as she slowly started to recognize your face behind all the accessories and makeup.
And let's not get started on Shinomiya who almost fainted.
“Do..I have something on my face?” Your voice was genuine and filled with confusion.
“Everything!” Iharu blurted out, earning a slap from Reno.
“This..is just very unexpected.” The white haired man tried to explain in the best words available.
“Unexpected is puttin it lightly! Shit, you sure this is our Vice Captain??” Iharu barely finished his sentence before the second slap from Reno came flying towards the back of his head.
“Oh. Yeah, I figured you guys would be surprised. I tried to tone it down a little and left some accessories at home but once I get dressed I can barely hold myself back.” You smiled softly.
For some it was the first time seeing you present such a sweet smile. It melted their hearts in an instant and forced them to question everything about you that they knew.
As you showed the way to the table, the group of people behind you silently fought about who got to sit next to you. Both power and authority were abused, as Hoshina and Ashiro ended up by your side with Shinomiya getting the seat right in front of you.
There it was, the moment they all have been waiting for. The silence was so strong that it became one of the loudest things in the entire place.
Their gazes poked holes through your outfit but you simply sat there, enjoying their attention. Such close interactions did not exist at work, as all were too afraid of you. They did not go unnoticed by you, the comments and whispers about your unapproachable behavior. There were obviously no ill intentions in their words but it still hurt you a little that nobody tried to get to know you on a personal level.
Your shyness and professionalism were labeled off as coldness on your very first day and ever since you had found it quite difficult to build more skin deep relationships. That is why you were beyond happy when Hoshina asked you to join them today.
“Have you always been dressing like this?” Shinomiya asked the question that has been on everybody's mind. The sparkle in her gaze returned, her eyes shining with nothing but admiration for you.
“Yes, pretty much. My mother was a Rokku Gyaru and taught me everything I needed to know. Started off as a Kogal and slowly found my way into the world of Tsuyome.”
Everybody listened with great attention as you explained your sense of fashion. It was the most talkative they have ever experienced you in, it was a memory to cherish. It made you feel awfully happy, their kindness and acceptance, that you temporarily lost yourself.
“Sorry Vice Captain, but I really didn't take you for the kind who would dress like that. So bold and carefree..but now that I think about it it suits you quite well!”
“Thank you a lot, Kafka.” You both exchanged mutual smiles.
“Same here. I first thought that you were gonna come in all formal and shit but this really hits the spot.”
“Your head will swell if I hit you one more time, moron.” Reno shot the red head a deadly glare.
“I know that I come off as cold sometimes, but I can't help it. I like to express myself with my appearance and actions rather than words and not to mention– in this field of work I just cannot afford to be as silly and expressive as my clothes.’
“It is very impressive that you are able to have these different sides to you.” The woman next to you spoke.
Much more time was spent talking about certain fashion styles, life and work at the defense force. The night was long and who knew when the next time would come where you got to talk the way you did now? Therefore you talked and talked, until all troubles and thoughts were taken off your minds.
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a/n: i literally threw up couple hours ago and i got so mad bc i really wanted to upload this fic today so i swallowed a pain killer, took a nap and got right to the editing after waking up 😭 don't play with me stupid migraine (ง'-̀̀'́)ง
btw, if you want to get a better image of tsuyome (the gyaru subculture) make sure to google it! It is sooo pretty!!
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ambigirl · 3 months
kaiju no.8 LINE stickers
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totallybakedcake · 2 months
Delusional stupid
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I just thought this GIF was too cute and wanted to use it..
My exams are finally over, and I have so many ideas I need to post and write, but I feel so angry over the manga for not including Shinonome in almost anything. For people who are not caught up with the manga, Shinonome is a platoon leader in the first division. She is said to be the best fighter among all the platoon leaders and has a release force of 73 percent. She has a cool design, imo, and is shown here and there in some panels.
During this final arc of the manga, I suppose she is literally shown for a chapter where Kaiju No. 11 i think was bodying her fully, and it's shown that she has a crush on Narumi and just wanted to get stronger because of him, and then she is so badly injured and Kafka comes to save her, and from chapters 82 to 110, we have not seen her even in a glimpse.
I really, really like Shinonome and Narumi. Narumi is my favorite male in kn8, and Shinonome is my favorite female, but Narumi does not even know the A of romance, and that's fine because the manga and anime are supposed to be fighting action types, but seriously, are you kidding me?
I wish Rin got a numbers weapon. All 3, 5, and 7 Kaiju don't have a compatible user, and a YouTuber did say that one of them has a compatible user, so hopefully it's Rin.
It's so random, yall can skip this 😭
It's actually dumb, but I kind of thought what would be the strongest unit Isao could've made if he were living for 4 or 3 more months. I think I wanted to make some changes, but it sounds like I have nothing to do with my life.
Shinonome will still be the strongest platoon leader. Kikoru (she is already in the division) with a number weapon 4 Reno/Leno with No. 6 suit Narumi ofc Kafka? He belongs in the third division, along with Ashiro and Hoshina. Iharu Then, idk about Haruchi and the millitary dude's ability; we haven't seen so much of them, and the people in the first division all have a release force of 40 percent or higher, so it's good? The only problem is that Rin is so weak compared to others. Damn.
I'm at a loss for why I even uploaded this. I need to write the eight fics asap, but no ideas come in, so I am skipping them for a while and doing bullshit.
Help, what did I post?
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reii-ichi · 2 months
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Kn8 Indonesian local AU. Simply doodling what's on my mind recently 😌
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quinowskie · 2 months
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Local dorks make out during firework festival
Was in my usual KikoReno/RenKiko feels and one thing led to another and I made this lmaooo, eat up peeps
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imthecosmicbasball · 3 months
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BIG! BIG!!! FAN of Kaiju no 8 and I can't help but make an oc out in their universe.
(I'm bad with backgrounds 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲 pls understand the struggles.)
Her name is Hasanagi Akira, fun fact I actually just came up with the last name but in accurate Hasanagi mean.
"The meaning of the given name Hasanagi represents compassion, creativity, reliability, generosity, loyalty and a love for domestic life."
Also I wan to related this because Akira is a very interesting character for herself because she's love finding other ways to kill a Kaiju she's a specialise in finding some interesting details about the kaiju and would give off ideas or ways to kill kaijus.
Akira join the JAKDF when she was 19 at that age she's developed in 29% combat level. Reason she's higher because of her hobbies like exploring (which turn to a daylight parkouring) and love skateboarding in some abandoned cities areas. And she also loves drawing. She pretty flexible which giving her a very skillful fighter using her flexibility.
Like I said she loves finding creative ways to not bored herself up. I also made her having a crush on Hoshina Soshiro when she was 20 while meeting him. She was excessively giving the opportunity to be third in command at 24. At 24 her level increases in 89%.
I might draw more if I'm not lazy.
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But I must say I'm proud of my (basic) colouring, shading plus highlights.
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nocandnc · 19 days
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The relax spinoff exists to feed our shipping fantasies apparently lol
I see your blushy Kikorun…
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cherry-romper · 3 months
Loving You Sounds Like a Song
+ Kafka, Reno, Shinomiya, Iharu, Haruichi, Aoi, Hoshina, Mina, Gen
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Kafka Hibino; Stand by me – Ben E. King
I won’t be afraid, Just as long as you stand, stand by me
If the sky that we look upon, Should crumble and fall, Or the mountains should crumble to the see
I won’t cry, No, I won’t shed a tear, Just as long as you stand, Stand by me
Whenever you’re in trouble, won’t you stand by me?
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Reno Ichikawa; Look After You – The Fray
My heart has started to separate, Be my baby
There now, steady love, so few come and don’t go
Will you, won’t you, be the one I’ll always know?
I’ll look after you
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Kikoru Shinomiya; The Chain – Fleetwood Mac
Damn your love, damn your lies
And if you don’t love me now, you will never love me again
We would never break the chain
Damn the dark, damn the light
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Iharu Furuhashi; Can’t Take My Eyes Off You – Boys Town Gang 
You’re just too good to be true, can’t take my eyes off you
At long last love has arrived and I thank God I’m alive
Pardon the way that I stare, there’s nothing else to compare
I love you baby and if it’s quite alright, I need you baby, to warm a lonely night
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Haruichi Izumo; August – Taylor Swift
Whispers of “are you sure?”, “Never have I before”
August slipped away like a bottle of wine
Your back beneath the sun, Wishin’ I could write my name on it 
Wanting was enough, For me, it was enough
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Aoi kaguragi; West Coast - Lana Del Rey
You’ve got the music in you, don’t you?
Boy blue, yeah you
You’re fallin’ hard, I push away, I’m feelin’ hot to the touch
You say you miss me and I wanna say I miss you so much
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Soushirou Hoshina; Only Love Can Save Us Now – Kesha
The power of Christ compels me, I’m a demon
Keep singin’ “hallelujah” nothin’ can save us
I’m ‘bout to blow your fuckin’ head through the ceilin’
Yeah, I’m possessive, maybe I’m possessed, bitch
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Mina Ashiro; California – Lana Del Rey
You don’t ever have o be stronger than yo really are
I shouldn’t have done it but I read it in your letter
I wanted to reach out but I never said a thing
Ill catch you on the flip side, If you come back to California
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Gen Narumi; Stronger - Kanye West
Man, I been waiting all night now, That's how long I been on ya'
I need you right now
Play secretary, I'm the boss tonight
Bow in the presence of greatness
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shysheeperz · 3 months
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