#Ren and Martyn have already been introduced
ethosiab · 1 month
Hello hello! I have little time (and energy, i'm a little sick atm haha) to draw, but I've got bbpau on the brain so I'm thinking of introducing each character's role in the story. Which brings me to ask-
These are very arbitrary groups, but those who are grouped together have interconnected stories and I think it's easiest to introduce them together.
I'll also obviously giving a bit more info on how each of them know Etho and/or Joel as i introduce them.
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blueishspace · 13 days
Looped Sun 9
Loop #311
Grian had waited for a good Watchers'loop for a while now. He always liked those because he could cause so much mischief and pranks during those, now he just needed to slay the ender dragon and join them.
This loop was going to be amazing, he could feel it.
Loop #314
Scott really liked this loop what could he say? It was fun and getting rainbow laser really fit his whole brand. And getting to litterally paint the world was way more fun then he would have tought.
Loop #316
It had been a while since Pearl had a Saint Pearl loop where everything wasn't angsty for some reason, finally she could relax and bave fun with her Empires friends and eventually her Hermitcraft friends too. As much as she likes Scarlet Pearl it became grating after a while.
Loop #317
Scar loved this loop, create was always a fun mod especially with his friends but this wasn't just create, there were so many mods he could use to create the biggest theme park yet! And also a plane, and a train and maybe he could improve his supersonic wheelchair.
Loop #320
Mumbo... well he was definitely fascinated by this world's redstone. Well, it didn't look and It didn't work exactly like redstone but it was so similiar in every other way it was hard to not make the comparison. Mumbo had already begun to understand some of it's simpler machines and he found he liked experimenting with it almost as much as he did redstone, a fun challenge definitely.
Loop #323
Tommy: Hey! G! How's my favorite doing?
Grian: Huh?
Tommy: Wait, are you feeling loopy?
Grian: Of course I am, I sent back a ping, are you?
Tommy: I mean, yeah. Why are you looking at me like that?
Grian: I didn't know you were looping.
Tommy: That's a joke righ-
Other Grian: Tommy! Nice to see you- who is that?
Grian: Who are you!?
Other Grian: Grian, Hermitcraft looper. Now, you?
Grian: Grian, anchor of the life series branch.
Other Grian: The life series is part of the Hermitcraft branch mate.
Grian: No? Hermitcraft is part of the life series branch.
Calliope: You're both wrong.
Other Grian: Calliope?
Grian: Who?
Other Grian: The administrator?
Grian: Wait really? I'm so sorry!
Tommy: Ok what the fuck is going on?
Calliope: It's simple, when Secret Life started the life series branch became so separated from the Hermitcraft one that it itself started looping.
Other Grian: But I keep looping into the life series pretty often.
Grian: And like, most of my loops start in Hermitcraft.
Calliope: Yes, the loops aren't completely separate, think of it as two branches wrapped around eachother. It's a mess for is admin to deal with.
Grian: Has this ever happened before?
Calliope: We had loopers that looked identical to eachother because of their actors before but never two itirations of the same person.
Grian: Uh...we should probably start introducing ourselves to loops as Hermit Grian and Life Grian shouldn't we?
Hermit Grian: Yeah... I'll need to tell the other hermits.
(For the one person who asked, yes, Living in The Circular is canon to Looping sun.)
Loop #329
Grian: Ok, ok, idea my lord.
Ren: Yes me hand?
Grian: What of we stole Scar's Lama?
Ren: ... Why?
Grian: For insulting you my liege, he shouldn't be allowed to not be punished.
Ren: Hmmm...
Scar: Martyn, Martyn, Martyn.
Martyn: *sigh* yes Scar?
Scar: Can we steal Dogwart's enchanter?
Martyn: You know we don't need it.
Scar: But I do! I d- Ahhhhh!
Martyn: The ravine! Scar!?
Goodtimeswithscar fell from a high place
Grian: I can't believe you did a science bros fall again.
Scar: I was distracted by trying to annoy Martyn! I forgot about it!
Grian: At least you didn't die this time.
Scar: At least I didn't have to do the whole hand of the king bit.
Grian: Eh, it wasn't that bad.
Scar: ... You still prefer me, right?
Grian : Of course I do Scar.
Loop #334
Scott: I made a mistake.
Grian: What did you do?
Scott: I tried the resurrection spell from Witchcraft on Jimmy.
Scar: You didn't!
Grian: What? Are you crazy!?! You can't just-
Scott: That's not the problem... He became a zombie.
Grian: ... Are we stuck in a zombie apocalypse?
Scott: Yeah...
Grian: That's ugh... I need to punch a wall.
Loop #335
Scott: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer!
(Never really know who you can trust!)
Scott: If they wanna get the bag open-
Grian: Scott.
Scott:- What, I was just singing my part. What is wrong with yo
Grian: I'm tired because someone started a zombie apocalypse.
Scott: Oh It wasn't that bad.
Grian: It was.
Loop #337
Pearl: So Jimmy is Papyrus and Martyn is Undyne...
Grian: Asgore, Scar told me that he's taking Toriel's place.
Scott: I'm taking Mettaton's place, Ren is Alphys... It's so weird they don't even realize it since they aren't looping.
Grian: Wait, who are you Pearl?
Pearl: Isn't it obvious from the hoodie?
Grian: Oh. Is Mumbo not-
Mumbo: I am.
Grian: Mumbo? Were?
Mumbo: Look down.
Grian lowered his sight to find a golden flower wearing a familiar mustache.
Mumbo: You steal someone's soul ONE time.
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amethystfairy1 · 5 months
How are ren and Martyn doing in TT? We haven't heard from them in a while and I miss their dynamic. Also is there going to be any new ships introduced in TT? I've been into nature wives a lot recently and I wondering if they are going to be in TT since they are already in TTSBC. I will love it either way though!
There will be no new ships in TT, or at least, I don't have any planned right this second. All the main squads and storylines are established, and while there are a couple individuals who still haven't made named appearances quite yet that we're going to be meeting as we travel on, there won't be any fully new storylines introduced. Sorry, no Nature Wives in TT! 😓
They will be making a return in TTSBC soon, though! I promise! I have plans, I do, I've just been having far to much fun messing with Zedango lately 😆
As for Ren and Martyn, I know I'm late responded to this, but they're back! The newest fic for TT takes place with them! Hopefully you enjoy it! 💖
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plumadot · 5 months
The other day you were talking about how you wanted to incorporate Mean Gills at some point so that got me thinking about how the story could progress and have the teams of the other series.
(If you’ve already thought about this or don’t like the idea absolutely no problem, this is your AU and your opinions come first! I just had these thoughts so I thought I’d share)
Before the big battle between our main crew and Dogwarts (which I’m assuming happens?) somehow or other Scott and Jimmy get into an argument (I’m under the assumption also that they are together at this point). Then they do the battle against Ren and Martyn and stuff. Uhhmmmm and then Scar dies somehow. IM SORRY DONT GET MAD AT ME HES MY BELOVED TOO BUT JUST HEAR ME OUT! Scar dies, maybe Grian’s fault because of the warlock pew pew. And Scott is still so upset with Jimmy, he decided he just can’t travel with the party anymore. So *Scott has left your party*
Now it’s just Jimmy and Grian, couple of Sad BoysTM. But, they end up meeting Mumbo and Impulse (and maybe making nice with Martyn? Idk how that would work so maybe not) and they form the Southlanders!
MEANWHILE there’s a possibility that Rendog also died during that last battle (perhaps at Scars hand like in canon) (that would also explain why Martyn isn’t with Ren anymore). For sea queen reasons, Lizzie resurrects Ren and he like, pledges his allegiance to her (that’s what happened in Last Life right?). And just to prove to his wife that he can totally resurrect people (she was teasing him) Joel also resurrects some guy whose body was conveniently close to Ren’s body. Aha! He resurrects Scar! My bard is back!!!
Then I had some half baked ideas about the Southlanders returning to the Crastle Tavern, in which Impulse is reunited with his old friend Skizzleman, and Skizz introduces his friend Tango (Jimmy is enamored quite quickly). Scar has also returned to the Crastle because Cleo and Bdubs are his only other friends and you can imagine the SHOCK Grian has at seeing his previously thought dead friend/partner/employee/maybe lover just up on stage perfectly fine.
Oh and while this is all happening Scott has been pals with Pearl.
Another idea I had was Etho owns a decently sized sailing ship, but he’s not a huge sailor or anything. Joel is a sailor on some kind of mission and he’s hired a crew, so he needs a boat. Etho supplies said boat. Joel’s crew is like, all the Southlanders (Aha! 🔭🏴‍☠️) and Scar, and probably Bdubs… Que hilarious shenanigans as Joel tries to be the awesome captain and call all the shots and Etho keeps undermining him because it’s technically his boat.
*gasping for breath* I’m sorry I got so carried away. I hope most of this is coherent and that you enjoyed imaging my ideas! Once again DO NOT feel like you have to incorporate ANY of this. This is your AU so you decide what happens! This is just me theorizing what could happen next 😊
(Sorry I did not get to anything about the Mean Gills, my phone is about to go off)
Love anon 🍕
my GOSH your brain is huge jgfdkjgkfjd this is so elaborate it makes my head spin /pos
i never really planned for the au to span across like. multiple life series seasons. and it's insane that you're somehow making that work???? gfkdjkgjfdkg i just!!! i just wanna say it's really cool!!! i probably won't incorporate it in the (admittedly, way simpler) story that i have so far, but it's. it's so cool gkfdjgk
also in the - sort of - story i have in mind, scar does get resurrected at some point hehe kgjfdkgjfd
gfjdkgd please don't apologize for getting carried away i really enjoyed reading your ideas :O !!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 thank you!!!
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aleksiej · 3 years
First three paragraphs talk about the Evo SMP and both the Watchers and Listeners. You can skip that, if you’re already familiar with their concepts. 
For everyone who don��t know, Martyn was on the Evo server with Grian, Jimmy, Pearl, BigB and others a few years ago. In the lore of this server, there were entities called “The Watchers”, who’s job was to navigate the players to jump through the updates, as the server has started in a very old version of Minecraft and was updated, when the players found clues and portals left for them by the Watchers. 
I cannot speak of what exactly happened during the full server runtime, as I am yet to watch Martyn’s POV of the events, but I can say that Grian, after having his series last 51 episodes and, in matter of the lore, disappeared after taking on the Ender Dragon. All information points to him becoming a Watcher, as the ending poem that shows after killing the Dragon for the first time was altered and depicted two Watchers talking, and at the end had a line that was probably Grian (thanking for watching and supporting the series) marked as Watcher 3. 
After Grian left, to the canon introduced The Listeners, as a kind of counterpart to The Watchers, although if it’s wrong please do tell me, I’m not an expert. 
And finally, we are back on the Last Life SMP. Martyn lost his final life, on the podium as a third to stay alive. After death, he talks with a mysterious voice who has been talking to him during this whole season of Last Life. The voice declares him to be a failure for not ensuring the victory for himself nor, interestingly, Ren, who the voice would be satisfied with as a winner as well. But, Scott being the last one standing, and him opposing the Boogey curse the session before, the voice definitely ain’t pleased. It speaks about the 3rd Life, and the Red Winter and how it made it hungry for not only blood, but for fear and confusion and betrayal that the war in 3rd Life simply didn’t provide. Martyn then asks about Grian and what was the voice’s deal with him. The voice disaproves of Grian, because he is participaiting in the death game, when he was only supposed to be Watching. You know, like a Watcher? The voice then calls Martyn “more of a Listener”, which, fair. He did listen to that voice the entirety of Last Life. 
So, are Martyn and Grian kinda opposites? Will it change in the next season? Will there even be a next season? Did the Watchers made the moon big? 
So yeah, all I can say is, treebark is the Watchers’ OTP, flower husbands - the absolute oposite and Grian is a feral cat that they don’t like cause it doesn’t follow the rules and makes a mess everywhere. Oh, and also, Evo and the 3rd/Last Life series are connected in lore and I love it. Gonna go now madly theorize about Scott’s Elsa powers in Empires SMP, buh-bye!
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things i hope for in the future Season 2 of 3rd Life
- more people. not just different people but more, up to maybe 20. i get that it would be harder to consistently coordinate 20 people for a 3 hour recording session every week but consider: even if you have 1-3 absences per session, that allows it to go on for longer. 3LS1 was SOOO good but its only fault was that it escalated so quickly that it ended after only 8 sessions. idk if that's what Grian envisioned but i personally would love for it to last longer. there were SEVENTEEN deaths in that last session, it would've been amazing to spread it out more.
- different interactions. the strong duos like Ren/Martyn, Grian/Scar, Scott/Jimmy have been absolutely amazing but what was so good about them was that they were mostly unexpected. Ren/Martyn NOBODY saw coming. Scott/Jimmy started out as just "we live near each other" and quickly escalated to "cottagecore husbands". Grian/Scar were thrown together in the first episode and their bond lasted all the way to the final episode, despite everyone thinking they would separate. the best part of those duos was that nobody expected them to be as good as they were, so i hope for just as amazing but different duos in S2, ones we can't even imagine atm.
- clearer rules. Grian's intro to the series said that once you get to red, your objective changes to trapping and killing other people, but in this series, greens and yellows were doing that too, not least himself, under the pretence of Scar making him do it. i want them to either introduce firmer rules that greens and yellows can't trap or kill, especially on behalf of a red, or just straight-up get rid of that rule altogether. the thing that bugged me wasn't that Grian killed while on his green life, it was that he did it after previously saying that only reds can kill. not knocking Grian, just want things to be clearer :)
- a new map and new twists. i'm just including this here bc i know Grian has already said there will be both of these things, but i just wanted to say i approve of this. the size of the map was very good, so i hope they keep that the same. and i cant think of what further twists can be introduced so i'm excited to see what Grian comes up with
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animartiin · 3 years
This got kind of unnecessarily lengthy and rambly and possibly nonsensical, so I put it under a read more. And, no, I didn’t know where I was going with this and decided to post it before I forgot about it and left it lying in my drafts till the end of time.
In regards to my previous post, since then I've watched the POVs of Scar, Grian, Scott, Jimmy, Ren and Cleo, and I'm currently very slowly working through Etho and BigB's (though I do plan to watch everyone’s eventually).
It's been a lot of fun, to be honest, and it's been interesting seeing the different perspectives of events, both stuff I was already aware of and stuff I didn't know.
Not just in the information side of things (although that's nice too) but also regards to how different POVs of the same event can feel very different, like, due to factors such as the CC's editing style (e.g. whether or not they include specific scenes, the sound effects they choose to add or not add, etc.) or the way in which through the process of this POV, you've been almost seeing it through their eyes so you often find yourself sympathizing or just in general understanding their side more than in the previous POV/s you've watched of this particular event.
Somewhat related to this point, but I introduced my brother to Third Life first with Jimmy, then with Ren, and, aside his rather memorable comment of describing Jimmy as having “excellent hair”, his view on the events of the series are fairly solidly on the side of Dogwarts, in the sense of the Desert Duo having wronged them and them getting their own back and what not, albeit with some disappointment on his part from what happened with Pizza. While, from my viewing, I feel like, though I still sympathise with Dogwarts and enjoy their whole thing a lot, I support Scar and Grian just that little bit more. 
Although that’s to a limited extent, partly since I tend to think of myself as a rather indecisive person, prone to (perhaps clumsily) attempting to weigh in both sides of things, unable to make a definite choice between options ninety percent of the time. I’m not sure where this is going, but I thought it was a tiny bit interesting, at least to me, how my brother knows for a fact whose side he’s on while I’m still like “eh, I’m not sure, both sides have points”. 
But that’s part of the fun, I think; seeing how people interpret things and what they choose to create as a result.
Also, on a less serious (?) and waffly note, I had no clue who basically everyone on the server was before seeing this series in Joel's recently released videos so that's been super cool too. Learning about new CCs, I mean.
*pointedly ignores the fact that, in hindsight, I already knew Jimmy and Scott from X-Life but just didn't pay adequate attention to this fact until I was watching Jimmy's X-Life series and recognised scenes from Lizzie's, and that I also was vaguely aware of Martyn from half-remembered Yogscast episodes when I was younger*
(Another thing, if I’ve screwed up with the tags, my apologies)
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