#Remy Martin Gifts
dimdiamond · 1 year
As a Greek Tintin fan, I have a very dumb theory about Tintin’s real name. In French, Tintin is a nickname for names that end in -tin like Augustin, Martin, Constantin etc. There’s a Greek movie titled «Σούλα έλα ξανά» where the protagonist is raised by her three aunts who all want her to have the nickname Soula so they legally give her three names (Anastasia, Aspasia, Athanasia) that can all have the nickname.
My silly little head canon is that Tintin was raised by an extended family so he has a ridiculous amount of first names, all of which are adjacent to the nickname Tintin.
Okokok first of all my dude you just became my favourite asker ever! No one before managed to cause me three strokes at once and so many conflicting feelings in one rollercoaster message and In the end you just made me realize how much I lovehateBUTLOVE this movie! I love this headcanon for so many reasons, first of all, Augustin Quentin Martin Remi slaps and second, it led me to draw this:
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It is inspired by this clip from the opening sequence of the movie, trust me, you want to watch it:
For you guys who have the big misfortune of not knowing this movie and reference, I'll try to make it more clear under the cut!
This movie is a romantic comedy, called "Σούλα 'Ελα Ξανά" (Soula Ela Xana= Soula Come Again, yes it is basically an acronym for sex, bare with me), released back in 2009 and it shaped who I am now and I wish I was kidding.
The plot focuses on Soula, a 30-year-old elementary teacher who receives gifts from her four exes on her birthday, which leads her to revisit the diary she kept as a child. When she finds a page where she promises she will be married by 30, she panics and decides to act. Said action is planning a game of who from the four exes deserves her second chance and she will marry the winner. For that, she invites them to the island she works (without them knowing her game) and calls her two girl best friends to help her. Before you pity the four gorgeous men, take into account that one is pathologically jealous, one is a cheating casanova, one is a momma's boy, and one is tight-fisted, so really they asked to be dumbed. Who among the four will reach Soula's heart and maybe it has already been reached by her friend who vouches to never get married?
Spoiler: Soula decides not to marry any of the four but her friend- who found out about her marrying and made him realize his feelings for her- shows up and asks to marry him because he loves her and wants to share his life with her and so they get married. It's a typical happy ending in a Greek movie, what did you expect? At least it doesn't feel forced, believe me!
It is a very weird movie with some old dated jokes but damn it is entertaining and the main theme song is so catchy?! Despite the first impression, it has some very interesting points: Soula is a happy, independent woman, who shares her friend's opinion on marriage and having children aren't what they need, until society's expectations and mostly the pressure she puts herself crushes on her and her judgment, until the very end she manages to get her sense back and realize how wrong she was and how much she was unfair with these men but mostly with herself. The four men show how willing they are to change (especially the jealous one knows he has a serious problem and tries to surpass it) but they don't necessarily succeed, at least for Soula, and that underlines how some people's attributes can't be tossed away entirely and the effort must be first of all for ourselves and later for the partner that will be there to support us. Marriage is shown in different lights and for Soula in the end it means companionship and commitment but not happiness necessarily if there's no love. For her friend, marriage was something that would take his freedom and fun away only to realize that it doesn't feel like that with his friend, a woman he came to love and care.
Ok I have many thoughts on this movie and I didn't expect I would analyze it in a Tintin post in 2023 but here we are.
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apesoformythoughts · 10 months
“Pope Francis himself should know better and most certainly does. In his graduate studies he was a student of the theology of Romano Guardini, which he clearly likes (as do I). Surely Guardini, who wrote extensively with an eye toward modern culture, is not guilty of merely repeating past formulas or of ignoring modern culture. And the Pope knows this. Neither were Bouyer, Balthasar, David L. Schindler, de Lubac, or even Garrigou LaGrange and Thomists such as Pieper, Gilson, Ulrich, and Maritain, for that matter.
Nor are a host of contemporary theologians, both young and old, guilty of such stale categories of thought. Creative and brilliant theologians and philosophers like Cyril O’Regan, David C. Schindler, John Betz, Matthew Levering, Emmanuel Falque, Jennifer Martin, Margaret Turek, Remi Brague, Keith Lemna, Jonathan Ciraulo, Jacob Wood, Bishop Erik Varden, and many others too numerous to list here, are in no way guilty of the theological deficits this document claims that theology up to this point has suffered from. I mention these thinkers simply because they are some of my favorites. But there are literally hundreds of equally gifted Catholic intellectuals out there doing precisely what the Pope is asking here—but in a manner I suspect the Pope does not favor because they do not serve his agenda.”
— Larry Chapp: “New papal document reads like a conclusion in search of an argument”
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kealygirl · 1 year
My final creative project is focused on your room, specifically, how I think it is the most creative space you can have. It’s where only you sleep and can have any certain kind of privacy. It is the only room in the house you can make entirely yours. Growing up, I have accumulated tens, maybe even hundreds of tchotchkes, from traveling, gifts, things I found at thrift stores, stuff I've found in the literal garbage, side of the road, etc. There is a story behind each and everyone of them. My room is full of personality and some people tell me it makes them anxious sometimes which I understand. I love filling in every inch of space in my room, without the things I put on display I don't feel like it’s my room. I stress a lot about growing older and having to remove all of my things. Does growing up mean you have to change your room to look more adult? For this project I removed all of my tchotchkes to show how a room can change and the energy it gives off. Without my little decorations there's a lot of empty open space, with very little personality. I then rearranged them in rainbow order on my desk to show almost everything I have because there isn't enough room for it. i also saw my bed as a creative space and removed the aspects that i have incorporated to customize to myself. removing the items and decor really changed the entirety of the room, make your room yours🫶🏻
The remy martin bottle is by fetty wap (an artist), i found it on the side of the road at senior week because it's a rare and expensive bottle
A lot of my little glass animals are from italy
The fake flower plants are from thrift stores
I made the candle sticks in the bottles myself from thrifted candle sticks
I am a very spiritual person, i have many many crystals that i get wherever i see them
I have a “love potion” bottle from the museum of sex in manhattan NY
The miniature tabasco bottles are from steak 48
The mini Tajin bottle is from my sister for my birthday because she knows i love mini things
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savejamiecampbellbower · 11 months
proof B part 01
Yves Saint Laurent is accused of 'degrading' models and 'inciting rape' with French ad campaign featuring women opening their legs and bending over furniture Yves Saint Laurent's controversial poster campaign was rolled out across Paris One image shows reclining woman in fur coat and fishnet tights opening her legs Another shows a model in a leotard and roller skate stilettos bending over a stool French women's group, Osez le feminisme, called for the campaign to be pulled
Yves Saint Laurent have been accused of 'degrading' models and 'inciting rape' with a new French advertising campaign. One image shows a reclining woman in a fur coat and fishnet tights opening her legs while another shows a model in a leotard and roller skate stilettos bending over a stool. The French fashion house's new poster campaign across Paris, featuring painfully thin models, has sparked outrage with calls for it to be banned. France's advertising authority said most of the complaints it received were from people who saw the images as an 'incitement to rape'.
Yves Saint Laurent have been accused of 'degrading' models and 'inciting rape' with a new French advertising campaign. One image (above) shows a model in a leotard and roller skate stilettos bending over a stool
Another controversial poster (pictured) shows a reclining woman in a fur coat and fishnet tights opening her legs Its director Stephane Martin said the brand appeared to have 'uncontestably breached' the rules. 'I am not sure that (Saint Laurent's) female clients would like to be associated with these images,' he said.
'We had a similar type of porno chic (in fashion advertising) a decade ago, and here we have it coming back again which isn't acceptable,' Martin added. He said they would decide on what action to take after meeting the label on Friday. The authority bars all 'degrading and humiliating representations of people', and can demand that advertisers withdraw or change their campaigns. France's leading women's group, Osez le feminisme ('Dare to be Feminist'), called for the campaign to be pulled, saying this was not the first time Saint Laurent has crossed the line.
In his latest show last Tuesday he gift-wrapped his models in tight shiny leather mini dresses while his debut collection featured a dress that exposed one breast
It had previously raised hackles with another campaign that used 'a very young hypersexualised woman', said spokeswoman Raphaelle Remy-Leleu. But she said this time the subtext of the images was 'extremely violent'. 'It ticks all the sexist boxes. The women are objectified, hypersexualised and put in submissive positions,' she told AFP. 'How do they think they will sell anything today (to women) with that? 'But you have to ask if that wasn't intentional, that this was all about creating a scandal so we would talk about them,' Remy-Leleu added. Saint Laurent was not available for comment. Britain's advertising watchdog banned a Saint Laurent advert two years ago that featured an overly thin model whose ribcage was showing.
The French advertising authority said the latest campaign had been created by Saint Laurent's in-house team, and questioned if its new young designer Anthony Vaccarello (left, with Kate Moss) had not gone too far
Britain's advertising watchdog banned a Saint Laurent advert two years ago that featured an overly thin model whose rib cage was showing Martin said the latest campaign had been created by Saint Laurent's in-house team, and questioned if its new young designer Anthony Vaccarello had not gone too far. The Belgian creator has flirted with bad taste in his first two shows for the brand in which he radically ramped up the sex factor. In his latest show last Tuesday he gift-wrapped his models in tight shiny leather mini dresses while his debut collection featured a dress that exposed one breast. 'We have a rather young designer known for his rather 'specific' looks,' Martin said. It is possible that 'in this rather closed world, with its specific codes, that they did not realise' the effect the adverts would have, the regulator added.
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chadwick211 · 2 years
Best Christmas Gifts for Spirit lovers
Christmas is right around the corner. And there wouldn't be any celebration without some quality holidays spirit. Buying those Christmas gifts in advance would have been a better idea. However, we are here to assist you.
With the festive season upon us, Sendgifts has gathered some of the best bottles to give as gifts. Whether it's for tequila lovers, Scotch whiskey connoisseurs, or the entire family, you'll find the perfect Christmas gifts. Providing a wide range of liquor for spirit lovers, Sendgifts is a leading online liquor store.
Here's a handy guide to help you come across as the thoughtful person if you're still looking for last-minute Christmas gifts. what are you still waiting for? Pick up your phone and take advantage of our affordable Christmas gifts online.
 Christmas gifts ideas
Glenmorangie X Single Malt Scotch Whisky
Glenmorangie has released a new single malt Scotch whisky specially made for mixing. Crafted in consultation with top global bartenders, X by Glenmorangie’s sweeter, richer taste is perfect for tall, simple serves, which promise to refresh the way single malt whisky is enjoyed.
Nose: Honeyed malt with underlying lemon and apple, plus a touch of nutmeg bringing oaky warmth.
Palate: Lots of vanilla and apricot notes, with more apple coming along too. A hint of flaked almond later on.
Finish: The honeyed orchard fruit theme continues on the finish, with a pinch of peppercorn.
 Remy Martin Vsop Cognac
Remy Martin V.S.O.P is a well-balanced and multi-layered cognac that embodies the perfect harmony of powerful and elegant aromas. This gold color and versatile V.S.O.P is twice the age of a standard V.S, with notes of vanilla and stone fruit such as apricot.
Aroma: Vanilla, hints of licorice, baked apricots and peaches, violet.
Taste: A perfect harmony of elegant and powerful aromas.
Body: Multi-layered with a silky texture.
 Jose Cuervo Gold Especial Tequila Mexico
Jose Cuervo Gold Especial Tequila is a blend of tequilas aged for 1 to 2 months. It has rested in oak for a minimum of two months, which gives it its amber hue better known as gold. The aroma has pleasant agave notes. It is exceptionally smooth tasting, with a hint of sweetness and a rich, well-balanced character of oak, spice, and vanilla tones. It boasts a balanced, short, and smooth finish.
Perfect for margaritas and large party gatherings; we highly recommend that you bring this tequila to your most festive events! It makes the classic margarita, frozen, or on the rocks. Enjoy!
Appearance: Gold.
Aroma: Soft, subtly spicy and sweet.
Taste: Cooked agave, vanilla, oak, mixed spices.
Finish: Short and smooth.
 Bacardi Gold Rum
BACARDI Gold Rum is the perfect aged rum that you can casually sip or mix into any number of cocktails. This light-bodied rum is filtered through a secret blend of charcoal, mellowed for one to two years in toasted American white oak barrels, and blended to create a light golden rum with a soft oak flavor. This gluten free BACARDI rum imparts notes of vanilla, ginger root and toasted with a dry and slightly sweet finish. When you are out with your friends enjoying the moment, use this rum liquor to bring depth and character to classic rum cocktails like the Cuba Libre, Ginger Snap or Rum and Cola. BACARDI is the oldest and largest family-owned rum company in the world.
Color: Light golden amber. Given that the rum is quite young and charcoal filtered, the color might result from caramel coloring added to provide a consistent hue.
Nose: Light and pleasant notes of pineapple, toffee, and hints of oak, along with a fair amount of alcohol  
Palate: Mild, with vanilla and light tropical fruit notes (pineapple, banana, coconut), along with a slightly harsh astringency, which could come from the charcoal used in filtration or from insufficient aging—Bacardi Gold is less than two years old.
Finish: The oak and char linger in the back of the throat long after the sweeter flavors have faded.
 Four Roses Small Batch Bourbon Whisky
Four Roses Small Batch is created from four original and limited bourbons. Those have been expertly selected and blended by the Master Distiller. Aromas of sweet spice and dried fruit lead to a full, rich palate with mellow notes of ripe berry, vanilla, toffee, and caramel. Flavors of oak and spice linger through the soft, smooth finish.
Appearance: Amber.
Aroma: Spicy aromas with hints of cedar, cloves and cinnamon.
Taste: Lovely flavors of red plums, berries and apples with touches of peppercorn and toasted rye.
Finish: Smooth and soft finish with a slight vanilla end.
 Chivas Regal Blended Scotch Whisky
Chivas Regal 12-Year-Old is a blended scotch whisky crafted for a smooth, warm taste and mouthfeel from scotch whiskies that are at least 12 years old. Chivas Regal 12-Year-Old is delicate on the nose with a bouquet of fruit, aniseed, toffee, and wild herbs. Round and creamy on your palate, you experience a bold taste with notes of honey, apple, caramel, and vanilla.
Nose: A creamy, aromatic melange of vanilla custard, hints of aniseed, lemon curd, and butter toffee. Wood shavings and dried banana chips develop with just a hint of cassis.
Palate: More of those banana chips showing through on the palate, this time there’s a creamy hit of barley malt too, pepped up with a little allspice. Notes of ground walnut and caramel.
Finish: Light spice and black pepper on the tail. Lingering notes of cereal sweetness.
Overall: A spicy, beautifully balanced blend. Lots going on here.
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featurecreep · 5 years
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Remy Martin ad
Wired magazine, December 1995
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omresult · 4 years
Remy Martin Mixtape Sweepstakes - Enter For Chance To Win $100 Gift Card
Remy Martin Mixtape Sweepstakes – Enter For Chance To Win $100 Gift Card
Remy Martin Mixtape Sweepstakes is air on now so you can enter in this Sweepstakes before February 21st, 2021. For increase your chance of winning $100 gift card. Entrants of the Sweepstakes must be United States residents. Remy Martin Mixtape Sweepstakes Link Remy Martin Mixtape Sweepstakes Rules Remy Martin Mixtape Sweepstakes – Chance To Win $100 Gift Card Remy Martin Mixtape Sweepstakes is…
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disneytva · 4 years
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March 2021 Programming Highlights
Monday, March 1
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney XD
DuckTales “The Lost Cargo of Kit Cloudkicker!”
(7:00-7:30 p.m. EST)
Della, Dewey and Huey recruit a showboating pilot to take them to an island full of monsters in search of a missing mystery, unaware that Don Karnage is hot on their tails.
*Adam Pally (“Happy Endings”) guest stars as Kit Cloudkicker, and Jaime Camil (“Jane The Virgin”) returns as Don Karnage.
Saturday, March 6
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel
Big City Greens “Bleeped/Sellouts”
(9:00-9:30 a.m. EST)
“Bleeped” – Cricket is amused by a new socially unacceptable word in his big city world and tempts fate by repeating it.
“Sellouts” – The Greens try new methods to improve sales at their produce stand.
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel
Amphibia “Night Drivers/Return to Wartwood”
(9:30-10:00 a.m. EST)
“Night Drivers” – Ignoring Anne’s and Hop Pop’s warnings about the dangers of night driving, Sprig and Polly stay up all night to drive the family home.
“Return to Wartwood” –After realizing they forgot to get anyone a gift from Newtopia, the Plantar’s come up with a risky plan to keep the town from finding out.
Monday, March 8
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney XD
DuckTales “The Life and Crimes of Scrooge McDuck!”
(7:00-7:30 p.m. EST)
Scrooge’s enemies reveal a secret history to prove that he is responsible for turning them evil, forcing Louie to defend his uncle against their prosecutor, Doofus Drake.
*Guest starring is Martin Freeman (“Sherlock”) as Poe, Magica’s brother, and Henry Winkler (“Happy Days”) as Bailiff. Catherine Tate (“Doctor Who”) returns as Magica.
Friday, March 12
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Junior
Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures “Crooner Mickey/Once Upon A Lemonade Stand”
(6:00-6:30 p.m. EST)
“Crooner Mickey” – Mickey discovers that Minnie is singing the same song he was planning to sing at the Park Picnic.
“Once Upon A Lemonade Stand” – Minnie and Daisy help Susie and Pearl build lemonade stands for a school fundraiser.
Saturday, March 13
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel
Big City Greens “Fast Foodie/Spaghetti Theory”
(9:00-9:30 a.m. EST)
“Fast Foodie” – When a Burger Clown franchise opens next door, Cricket tries to prove to Bill that he can eat fast food for every meal with no ill effects.
*Dan Fogler (“Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them”) guest stars as Mr. Burger Clown.
“Spaghetti Theory” – Tilly and Cricket debate whether the lives of people in Big City are intertwined.
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel
Amphibia “Ivy on the Run/After the Rain”
(9:30-10:00 a.m. EST)
“Ivy on the Run” – Fed up with her mother’s strict rules, Ivy devises a plan to run away.
“After the Rain” – Anne asks Hop Pop to retrieve the music box, bringing some long-buried secrets to light.
Monday, March 15
Original Series – Series Finale on Disney XD
DuckTales “The Last Adventure!”
(7:00-8:30 p.m. EDT)
The future of adventuring hangs in the balance as the Duck family uncovers earth-shattering secrets in a final standoff with the Fiendish Organization for World Larceny (F.O.W.L.).
*Returning guest voices include Lin-Manuel Miranda, Giancarlo Esposito, Julie Bowen, Jaime Camil, Jameela Jamil, Catherine Tate, Stephanie Beatriz, Paul F. Tompkins, Jim Rash, Margo Martindale, Jason Mantzoukas, John Hodgman, Retta, Kimiko Glenn, Libe Barer, Jaleel White and Amy Sedaris. Noël Wells and Riki Lindhome guest star as sisters, June and May, respectively.
Saturday, March 20
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel
Big City Greens “Ding Dongers/Animation Abomination”
(9:00-9:30 a.m. EDT)
“Ding Dongers” – Remy uses Cricket’s antics to gain views and likes on a new video-sharing app.
“Animation Abomination” – When Cricket and Tilly learn that Gloria has an internship at the animation studio that produces their favorite cartoon, they beg her to bring them for a visit.
Original Series – Tentpole Episode Premiere on Disney Channel
Amphibia “The First Temple”
(9:30-10:00 a.m. EDT)
Marcy, Anne and the Plantars travel to an ancient temple that could hold the key to getting Anne and Marcy home, but only if they can survive the temple’s deadly challenges.
*Haley Tju (“Big Hero 6: The Series”) returns as Marcy.
Saturday, March 27
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel
Big City Greens “The Van/Bat Girl”
(9:00-9:30 a.m. EDT)
“The Van” – Gramma and Cricket are upset that an ugly van has been parked in front of their house for what seems like forever.
*David Harbour (“Stanger Things”) guest stars as Rick, the owner of the van. Andy Daly (“Silicon Valley”) returns as Officer Keys.
“Bat Girl” – Nancy joins Cricket and Tilly’s community center little league team.
*Rob Riggle (“Fancy Nancy”) guest stars as Community Sue’s rival, Community Dan. Betsy Sodaro (“Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts”) returns as Community Sue.
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel
Amphibia “New Wartwood/Friend or Frobo”
(9:30-10:00 a.m. EDT)
“New Wartwood” – Intent on winning over Wartwood, Marcy makes a plan to improve the town.
“Friend or Frobo” – Desperate for fun, Polly breaks out and finds an unlikely new friend in the process.
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Junior
Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures “Holi, By Golly!/The Pink City!”
(10:30-11:00 a.m. EDT)
“Holi, By Golly!” – Goofy and the gang must take a painting safely across New Delhi to the Museum of Modern Art.
“The Pink City!” – The Happy Helpers help Priya take Missy the elephant to her new sanctuary home in Jaipur.
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Junior
Mira, Royal Detective “The Holi Festival Mystery/Mystery on the Jalpur Express”
(11:00-11:30 a.m. EDT)
“The Holi Festival Mystery” – Mira must follow the colorful clues in order to save the town’s Holi Festival.
“Mystery on the Jalpur Express” – The Queen’s crown is stolen on the inaugural ride of Jalpur’s new train, so Mira must track down the culprit.  
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Jake Gyllenhaal and Tom Holland in Spider-Man: Far From Home (Jon Watts, 2019) Cast: Tom Holland, Jake Gyllenhaal, Zendaya, Samuel L. Jackson, Jon Favreau, Marisa Tomei, Jacob Batalon, Tony Revolori, Angourie Rice, Remy Hii, Martin Starr, J.B. Smoove, Jorge Lendeborg Jr., Cobie Smulders, Numan Acar. Screenplay: Chris McKenna, Erik Sommers. Cinematography: Matthew J. Lloyd. Production design: Claude Paré. Film editing: Leigh Folsom Boyd, Dan Lebental. Music: Michael Giacchino. Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire are fine actors, but neither of them made the role of Spider-Man their own the way Tom Holland has done. His training as a dancer helped him get the moves right for the stunts as Spider-Man, and he's the right height (five-eight) and age (early 20s) to keep him credible as the adolescent Peter Parker. Beyond that, he's a gifted actor, more than holding his own in scenes with veterans like Samuel L. Jackson and Jake Gyllenhaal. It's hard to know what Marvel Studios will do when Holland eventually ages out of the role. He's the main reason I liked Spider-Man: Far From Home much more than the usual superhero movie. He makes the slam-bang special effects tolerable. It helps, too, that he's up against one of the more engaging villains in the genre, Gyllenhaal's Quentin Beck, aka Mysterio. Gyllenhaal -- who was once considered for the role of the webslinger in Spider-Man 2 (Sam Raimi, 2004) when Maguire was sidelined -- makes the seduction of Peter Parker into handing over the gizmo that gives him power credible, and then does a fine job of unveiling Beck's bad side. But mostly it's Holland's ability to sustain Peter's boyish gullibility, and his reluctance to give up his teenage life (and his pursuit of Zendaya's MJ) to become one of the Avengers, that brings the implausible superhero to life. The screenplay is efficient and sometimes witty, often at the expense of Peter, who gushes "Oh, I love Led Zeppelin!" when Happy Hogan (Jon Favreau) plays a track by AC/DC and who gets zinged by Nick Fury (Jackson) with "Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. Stark said you wouldn't get that because it's not a Star Wars reference."
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church-history · 3 years
The Conversion of Clovis I According to The Chronicle of St. Denis:
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The Baptism of Clovis - Jean Alaux 1825
-From The Chronicle of St. Denis, I.18-19, 23:
At this time the King was yet in the errors of his idolatry and went to war with the Alemanni, since he wished to render them tributary. Long was the battle, many were slain on one side or the other, for the Franks fought to win glory and renown, the Alemanni to save life and freedom. When the King at length saw the slaughter of his people and the boldness of his foes, he had greater expectation of disaster than of victory. He looked up to heaven humbly, and spoke thus: "Most mighty God, whom my queen Clothilde worships and adores with heart and soul, I pledge you perpetual service unto your faith, if only you give me now the victory over my enemies."
Instantly when he had said this, his men were filled with burning valor, and a great fear smote his enemies, so that they turned their backs and fled the battle; and victory remained with the King and with the Franks. The king of the Alemanni were slain; and as for the Alemanni, seeing themselves discomfited, and that their king had fallen, they yielded themselves to Chlodovocar and his Franks and became his tributaries.
The King returned after this victory into Frankland. He went to Rheims, and told the Queen what had befallen; and they together gave thanks unto Our Lord. The King made his confession of faith from his heart, and with right good will. The Queen, who was wondrously overjoyed at the conversion of her lord, went at once to St. Remi, at that time archbishop of the city. Straightway he hastened to the palace to teach the King the way by which he could come unto God, for his mind was still in doubt about it. He presented himself boldly before his face, although a little while before he [the bishop] had not dared to come before him.
When St. Remi had preached to the King the Christian faith and taught him the way of the Cross, and when the king had known what the faith was, Chlodovocar promised fervently that he would henceforth never serve any save the all-powerful God. After that he said he would put to the test and try the hearts and wills of his chieftains and lesser people: for he would convert them more easily if they were converted by pleasant means and by mild words, than if they were driven to it by force; and this method seemed best to St. Remi. The folk and the chieftains were assembled by the command of the King. He arose in the midst of them, and spoke to this effect: "Lords of the Franks, it seems to me highly profitable that you should know first of all what are those gods which you worship. For we are certain of their falsity: and we come right freely into the knowledge of Him who is the true God. Know of a surety that this same God which I preach to you has given victory over your enemies in the recent battle against the Alemanni. Lift, therefore, your hearts in just hope; and ask the Sovereign Defender, that He give to you all, that which you desire---that He save our souls and give us victory over our enemies." When the King full of faith had thus preached to and admonished his people, one and all banished from their hearts all unbelief, and recognized their Creator.
When shortly afterward Chlodovocar set out for the church for baptism, St. Remi prepared a great procession. The streets of Rheims were hung with banners and tapestry. The church was decorated. The baptistry was covered with balsams and all sorts of perfumes. The people believed they were already breathing the delights of paradise. The cortege set out from the palace, the clergy led the way bearing the holy Gospels, the cross and banners, chanting hymns and psalms. Then came the bishop leading the King by the hand, next the Queen with the multitude. Whilst on the way the King asked of the bishop, "If this was the Kingdom of Heaven which he had promised him." "Not so," replied the prelate; "it is the road that leads to it."
When in the church, in the act of bestowing baptism the holy pontiff lifted his eyes to heaven in silent prayer and wept. Straightway a dove, white as snow, descended bearing in his beak a vial of holy oil. A delicious odor exhaled from it: which intoxicated those near by with an inexpressible delight. The holy bishop took the vial, and suddenly the dove vanished. Transported with joy at the sight of this notable miracle, the King renounced Satan, his pomps and his works; and demanded with earnestness the baptism; at the moment when he bent his head over the fountain of life, the eloquent pontiff cried, "Bow down thine head, fierce Sicambrian! Adore that which once thou hast burned: burn that which thou hast adored!"
After having made his profession of the orthodox faith, the King is plunged thrice in the waters of baptism. Then in the name of the holy and indivisible Trinity---Father, Son, and Holy Ghost---the prelate consecrated him with the divine unction. Two sisters of the king and 3000 fighting men of the Franks and a great number of women and children were likewise baptized. Thus we many well believe that day was a day of joy in heaven for the holy angels; likewise of rejoicing on earth for devout and faithful men!
The King showed vast zeal for his new faith. He built a splendid church at Paris, called St. Genevieve, where later he and Clothilde were buried. Faith and religion and zeal for justice were pursued by him all the days of his life. Certain Franks still held to paganism, and found a leader in Prince Ragnachairus but he was presently delivered up in fetters to Chlodovocar who put him to death. Thus all the Frankish people were converted and baptized by the merits of St. Remi....
At this time there came to Chlodovocar messengers from Anastasius, the Emperor of Constantinople, who brought him presents from their master, and letters whereof the effect was, that it pleased the Emperor and the Senators that he [Chlodovocar] be made a "Friend of the Emperor," and a "Patrician" and "Councilor" of the Romans. When the King had read these letters, he arrayed himself in the robe of a senator, which the Emperor had sent to him. He mounted upon his charger; and thus he went to the public square before the church of St. Martin; and then he gave great gifts to the people. From this day he was always called "Councilor" and "Augustus."
From: William Stearns Davis, ed., Readings in Ancient History: Illustrative Extracts from the Sources, 2 Vols., (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1912-1913), pp. 331-337
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Top New Science Fiction Books in April 2021
Science fiction has the power to take us away—to escape, to make us reflect back on our own world in challenging ways, to fill us with awe and wonder about the beauties of the universe. There are so many science fiction books out there worth your time, but we only have room to recommend a few. Here are some of the science fiction books we’re most looking forward to in April 2021…
Top New Science Fiction Books in April 2021
The Galaxy and the Ground Within by Becky Chambers
Type: Novel Publisher: Harper Voyager Release date: April 20 Den of Geek says: Ever since her groundbreaking A Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet, Chambers has been a powerful voice in science fiction. Colorful, creative aliens inhabit a galaxy sparkling with healing and love, “soft” science fiction in the online sense that is also bursting with ideas and thoughtful characterization.
Publisher’s summary: Return to the sprawling, Hugo Award-winning universe of the Galactic Commons to explore another corner of the cosmos—one often mentioned, but not yet explored—in this absorbing entry in the Wayfarers series, which blends heart-warming characters and imaginative adventure. With no water, no air, and no native life, the planet Gora is unremarkable. The only thing it has going for it is a chance proximity to more popular worlds, making it a decent stopover for ships traveling between the wormholes that keep the Galactic Commons connected. If deep space is a highway, Gora is just your average truck stop.
At the Five-Hop One-Stop, long-haul spacers can stretch their legs (if they have legs, that is), and get fuel, transit permits, and assorted supplies. The Five-Hop is run by an enterprising alien and her sometimes helpful child, who work hard to provide a little piece of home to everyone passing through.
When a freak technological failure halts all traffic to and from Gora, three strangers—all different species with different aims—are thrown together at the Five-Hop. Grounded, with nothing to do but wait, the trio—an exiled artist with an appointment to keep, a cargo runner at a personal crossroads, and a mysterious individual doing her best to help those on the fringes—are compelled to confront where they’ve been, where they might go, and what they are, or could be, to each other.
Buy The Galaxy and the Ground Within by Becky Chambers.
Fugitive Telemetry by Martha Wells
Type: Novella Publisher: Tordotcom Release date: April 27
Den of Geek says: Wells’ beloved Murderbot has become one of the most entertaining and must-see characters of today’s science fiction. The android with a reluctant heart is not to be missed. Wells rarely fails to be entertaining.
Publisher’s summary: Having captured the hearts of readers across the globe (Annalee Newitz says it’s “one of the most humane portraits of a nonhuman I’ve ever read”) Murderbot has also established Martha Wells as one of the great SF writers of today.
No, I didn’t kill the dead human. If I had, I wouldn’t dump the body in the station mall.
When Murderbot discovers a dead body on Preservation Station, it knows it is going to have to assist station security to determine who the body is (was), how they were killed (that should be relatively straightforward, at least), and why (because apparently that matters to a lot of people―who knew?) 
Yes, the unthinkable is about to happen: Murderbot must voluntarily speak to humans!
Buy Fugitive Telemetry by Martha Wells.
Hummingbird Salamander by Jeff Vandermeer
Type: Novel Publisher: MCD Release date: April 6
Den of Geek says: This eco-thriller from the author of Annihilation trades the weird setting for a more prosaic but just as mysterious chase.
Publisher’s summary: Security consultant “Jane Smith” receives an envelope with a key to a storage unit that holds a taxidermied hummingbird and clues leading her to a taxidermied salamander. Silvina, the dead woman who left the note, is a reputed ecoterrorist and the daughter of an Argentine industrialist. By taking the hummingbird from the storage unit, Jane sets in motion a series of events that quickly spin beyond her control. Soon, Jane and her family are in danger, with few allies to help her make sense of the true scope of the peril. Is the only way to safety to follow in Silvina’s footsteps? Is it too late to stop? As she desperately seeks answers about why Silvina contacted her, time is running out—for her and possibly for the world. Hummingbird Salamander is Jeff VanderMeer at his brilliant, cinematic best, wrapping profound questions about climate change, identity, and the world we live in into a tightly plotted thriller full of unexpected twists and elaborate conspiracy. 
Buy Hummingbird Salamander by Jeff Vandermeer.
Top New Science Fiction Books in March 2021
Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro
Type: Novel Publisher: Knopf Release date: March 2 Den of Geek says: Nobel Prize winner Kazuo Ishiguro is known for his literary fiction like The Remains of the Day and high-brow science fiction like Never Let Me Go. His newest tackles robot sapience in a story sure to be as much about the human heart as about machines.
Publisher’s Summary: Klara and the Sun, the first novel by Kazuo Ishiguro since he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, tells the story of Klara, an Artificial Friend with outstanding observational qualities, who, from her place in the store, watches carefully the behavior of those who come in to browse, and of those who pass on the street outside. She remains hopeful that a customer will soon choose her.
Klara and the Sun is a thrilling book that offers a look at our changing world through the eyes of an unforgettable narrator, and one that explores the fundamental question: what does it mean to love?
Buy Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro.
We Shall Sing a Song Into the Deep by Andrew Kelly Stewart
Type: Novel Publisher: Tor.com Release date: March 9 Den of Geek says: Any comparison to A Canticle for Leibowitz goes pretty far here. This claustrophobic thriller with post-apocalyptic cult elements sounds intense and inventive. Publisher’s Summary: A Canticle for Leibowitz meets The Hunt for Red October in We Shall Sing a Song into the Deep, a lyrical and page-turning coming-of-age exploration of duty, belief, and the post-apocalypse from breakout newcomer Andrew Kelly Stewart.
Remy is a Chorister, rescued from the surface world and raised to sing in a choir of young boys. Remy is part of a strange crew who control the Leviathan, an aging nuclear submarine, that bears a sacred mission: to trigger the Second Coming when the time is right.
But Remy has a secret too―she’s the submarine’s only girl. Gifted with the missile’s launch key by theLeviathan’s dying caplain, she swears to keep it safe. Safety, however, is not the priority of the new caplain, who has his own ideas about the mission. When a surface-dweller is captured during a raid, Remy’s faith becomes completely overturned. Now, her last judgement may transform the fate of everything.
Buy We Shall Sing a Song Into the Deep by Andrew Kelly Stewart.
A Desolation Called Peace by Arkady Martine
Type: Novel Publisher: Tor Books Release date: March 2 Den of Geek says: Martine’s previous novel brought us to a world of poetry, AI, body-sharing, and high-stakes politics. The nascent rebellion against the Teixcalaanli empire takes a back seat as alien invaders threaten the empire and its colonies in the sequel. Publisher’s Summary: A Desolation Called Peace is the spectacular space opera sequel to Arkady Martine’s genre-reinventing, Hugo Award-winning debut, A Memory Called Empire.
An alien armada lurks on the edges of Teixcalaanli space. No one can communicate with it, no one can destroy it, and Fleet Captain Nine Hibiscus is running out of options. 
In a desperate attempt at diplomacy with the mysterious invaders, the fleet captain has sent for a diplomatic envoy. Now Mahit Dzmare and Three Seagrass―still reeling from the recent upheaval in the Empire―face the impossible task of trying to communicate with a hostile entity. 
Their failure will guarantee millions of deaths in an endless war. Their success might prevent Teixcalaan’s destruction―and allow the empire to continue its rapacious expansion. 
Or it might create something far stranger . . .
Buy A Desolation Called Peace by Arkady Martine.
Top New Science Fiction Books in February 2021
Sun-Daughters, Sea-Daughters by Aimee Ogden
Type: Novel Publisher: Tor.com Release date: Feb. 23
Den of Geek says: Space mermaids make for an automatically charming concept, as do the twists and turns (an witchy romance?) on the classic story. Publisher’s summary: One woman will travel to the stars and beyond to save her beloved in this lyrical space opera that reimagines The Little Mermaid.
Gene-edited human clans have scattered throughout the galaxy, adapting themselves to environments as severe as the desert and the sea. Atuale, the daughter of a Sea-Clan lord, sparked a war by choosing her land-dwelling love and rejecting her place among her people. Now her husband and his clan are dying of a virulent plague, and Atuale’s sole hope for finding a cure is to travel off-planet. The one person she can turn to for help is the black-market mercenary known as the World Witch―and Atuale’s former lover. Time, politics, bureaucracy, and her own conflicted desires stand between Atuale and the hope for her adopted clan.
Buy Sun-Daughters, Sea-Daughters by Aimee Ogden.
The Loosening Skin by Aliya Whiteley
Type: Novel Publisher: Titan Books Release date: Feb. 23 Den of Geek says: Science fiction allows us to explore how biology effects culture. Like Early Riser by Jasper Fforde, an absurdist novel that explores a world where humans hibernate, The Loosening Skin takes one biological concept (humans who shed) and wraps a mystery around it. Publisher’s summary: Rose Allington is a bodyguard for celebrities, and she suffers from a rare disease. Her moults come quickly, changing everything about her life, who she is, who she loves, who she trusts.
In a world where people shed their skin, it’s a fact of life that we move on and cast off the attachments of our old life. But those memories of love can be touched – and bought – if you know the right people.
Rose’s former client, superstar actor Max Black, is hooked on Suscutin, a new wonderdrug that prevents the moult. Max knows his skins are priceless, and moulting could cost him his career. 
When one of his skins is stolen, and the theft is an inside job, Max needs the best who ever worked for him – even if she’s not the same person.
The Loosening Skin by Aliya Whiteley.
A History of What Comes Next by Sylvain Neuvel
Type: Novel Publisher: Tor.com Release date: Feb. 2 Den of Geek says: Sylvain Neuvel wowed with the Themis Files series, a fast-paced mech thriller with adventure, heart, and body horror. An alternate look at the space race turns into sharp science fiction in the first book in his new series.
Publisher’s summary: Showing that truth is stranger than fiction, Sylvain Neuvel weaves a sci-fi thriller reminiscent of Blake Crouch and Andy Weir, blending a fast moving, darkly satirical look at 1940s rocketry with an exploration of the amorality of progress and the nature of violence in A History of What Comes Next.
Always run, never fight.  Preserve the knowledge. Survive at all costs. Take them to the stars.
Over 99 identical generations, Mia’s family has shaped human history to push them to the stars, making brutal, wrenching choices and sacrificing countless lives. Her turn comes at the dawn of the age of rocketry. Her mission: to lure Wernher Von Braun away from the Nazi party and into the American rocket program, and secure the future of the space race. 
But Mia’s family is not the only group pushing the levers of history: an even more ruthless enemy lurks behind the scenes.
A darkly satirical first contact thriller, as seen through the eyes of the women who make progress possible and the men who are determined to stop them…
Buy A History of What Comes Next by Sylvain Neuvel.
Top New Science Fiction Books in January 2021
Remote Control by Nnedi Okorafor
Type: Novel Publisher: Tordotcom Release date: Jan. 19, 2021 Den of Geek says: Award-winning Nnedi Okorafor brings a mix of science fiction and fantasy with this unique take on the Grim Reaper. Publisher’s Summary: The day Fatima forgot her name, Death paid a visit. From hereon in she would be known as Sankofa­­—a name that meant nothing to anyone but her, the only tie to her family and her past.
Her touch is death, and with a glance a town can fall. And she walks—alone, except for her fox companion—searching for the object that came from the sky and gave itself to her when the meteors fell and when she was yet unchanged; searching for answers.
But is there a greater purpose for Sankofa, now that Death is her constant companion?
Buy Remote Control by Nnedi Okorafor.
Star Wars: Light of the Jedi
Type: Novel Publisher: Del Rey Release date: Jan. 5, 2021
Den of Geek says: One of the first books in the The High Republic series, it introduces the new era with the story of Jedi 200 years before the fall of the Republic. You’ll find no Skywalkers, Solos, or Palpatines here, but rather an ensemble of fun new galactic warrior-monks.
Publisher’s summary: Long before the First Order, before the Empire, before even The Phantom Menace . . . Jedi lit the way for the galaxy in The High Republic It is a golden age. Intrepid hyperspace scouts expand the reach of the Republic to the furthest stars, worlds flourish under the benevolent leadership of the Senate, and peace reigns, enforced by the wisdom and strength of the renowned order of Force users known as the Jedi. With the Jedi at the height of their power, the free citizens of the galaxy are confident in their ability to weather any storm But the even brightest light can cast a shadow, and some storms defy any preparation.
When a shocking catastrophe in hyperspace tears a ship to pieces, the flurry of shrapnel emerging from the disaster threatens an entire system. No sooner does the call for help go out than the Jedi race to the scene. The scope of the emergence, however, is enough to push even Jedi to their limit. As the sky breaks open and destruction rains down upon the peaceful alliance they helped to build, the Jedi must trust in the Force to see them through a day in which a single mistake could cost billions of lives.
Even as the Jedi battle valiantly against calamity, something truly deadly grows beyond the boundary of the Republic. The hyperspace disaster is far more sinister than the Jedi could ever suspect. A threat hides in the darkness, far from the light of the age, and harbors a secret that could strike fear into even a Jedi’s heart. Buy Star Wars: Light of the Jedi.
Persephone Station by Stina Leicht
Type: Novel Publisher: Gallery / Saga Press Release date: Jan. 5, 2021 Den of Geek says: Roguish space opera serves up escapism with a side of criminal glam. Publisher’s Summary: Hugo award–nominated author Stina Leicht has created a take on space opera for fans of The Mandalorian and Cowboy Bebop in this high-stakes adventure.
Persephone Station, a seemingly backwater planet that has largely been ignored by the United Republic of Worlds becomes the focus for the Serrao-Orlov Corporation as the planet has a few secrets the corporation tenaciously wants to exploit.
Rosie—owner of Monk’s Bar, in the corporate town of West Brynner, caters to wannabe criminals and rich Earther tourists, of a sort, at the front bar. However, exactly two types of people drank at Monk’s back bar: members of a rather exclusive criminal class and those who sought to employ them.
Angel—ex-marine and head of a semi-organized band of beneficent criminals, wayward assassins, and washed up mercenaries with a penchant for doing the honorable thing is asked to perform a job for Rosie. What this job reveals will effect Persephone and put Angel and her squad up against an army. Despite the odds, they are rearing for a fight with the Serrao-Orlov Corporation. For Angel, she knows that once honor is lost, there is no regaining it. That doesn’t mean she can’t damned well try.
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Buy Persephone Station by Stina Leicht.
The post Top New Science Fiction Books in April 2021 appeared first on Den of Geek.
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lamptracker · 5 years
Alola! Can I ask for a dad!mob!tom who is having troubles with his teenager son because he doesn't want to succed him in the mob? But after tom jas been kidnapped, his son has to step up and Harrison experiences first-hand how his son is suited to be Tom'successor
Jack Holland wanted nothing to do with this.
This was all he’d known since childhood. Living in a big house, always having the best of everything. His parents loved him, there was no doubt about it. His dad threw him a massive party for his 16th birthday; he’d gotten Jack’s favorite rapper to perform and present his gift: A brand-new Aston Martin.
That part he liked. 
But Tom Holland was known for being one of the toughest, most ruthless mob bosses in all of London. That was the part Jack could have done without. He knew what his father did to get to where he was, who he stepped on. You weren’t entirely innocent either, using what your husband called your “feminine wiles” to occasionally lure unsuspecting victims into Tom’s trap. Tom was adamant that Jack learn the business, that he take over for him someday.
Jack wanted absolutely nothing to do with it. He wanted to make a name for himself, earn an honest living someday. He was planning to go to college after graduation, get a degree in business, start his own (legitimate) company.
But today… that would change.
Jack is sitting on the deck, overlooking the massive backyard. He’s working on some homework - AP calculus - when Harrison, Tom’s right-hand man, comes rushing up to him.
“Jack,” Harrison says breathlessly. “Jack, I need your help.”
Jack rolls his eyes. “I’ve told my dad a thousand times, I don’t want to-”
“Jack. It’s your parents. They’ve been… they’ve been taken.” 
The pencil Jack was holding hits the ground.
Without even realizing what he’s doing, Jack immediately forms a plan.
“Do we know who took them?” Jack asks.
Harrison nods. “Marconi. Asking for a ransom, look. If we just pay it, this all goes away.”
“No, it doesn’t. We need to get in there, neutralize Marconi, and get my mum and dad out of there.” Jack pauses to think for a moment. “I have a plan. Take me to my dad’s weapons stash.”
“Jack, is this such a good-”
“I said take me to my dad’s weapons stash, Harrison. Right. Fucking. Now.” Jack levels a steely gaze at him; Harrison nods and wordlessly guides the boy to Tom’s secret weapons stash. Jack selects the weapons he needs, then turns to Harrison. “I need at least five of my dad’s men, get them to the SUV. You’re driving.”
“Where are we going?”
“To Marconi’s,” Jack says coolly. “We’re going to get my parents back.”
“I’m telling you, Tuwaine,” Harrison says as he pulls up to Marconi’s mansion, “I looked dead into that boy’s eyes and all I saw was his father. He keeps saying he doesn’t want any part of this business, but I do wish he’d reconsider. He’s a natural.”
Jack can’t help but smile to himself at that one.
“Okay, Harrison. You know Marconi better than anyone. My parents are on site, right?”
“Yeah. He wanted us to bring the money here. He’s smart, he’ll show us your folks are still alive before we make the exchange.”
“Great. Now, let’s go over the plan again. I’m hiding in the big duffel bag. Harrison, Tuwaine, you carry me in. You tell Marconi the money’s inside; he goes to open it, I jump out and start shooting. Remy is going to throw a smoke canister; you grab my folks and start running. I’ll do what I need to do, then I’m out behind you.”
“Good Lord,” Tuwaine says, “you weren’t kidding. Tom would never have added the extra distraction.”
“Can’t be too careful.” Jack shrugs. “Let’s go.”
The plan goes off without a hitch. The second Marconi opens the bag, Jack jumps out and fires two shots into his chest. As Marconi hits the ground, Jack quickly dispatches two of the men barrelling towards him.
“Remy, now!” Jack shouts; Remy sets off the smoke canister. It’s a flurry of noise and movement after that.
When the smoke clears, Jack counts six bodies (four of which he put there, none of which were of people associated with him). His parents are safely back in the SUV. One of Marconi’s men had come rushing up to see what the ruckus was; Jack aims his gun but doesn’t fire.
“Bet your boss wasn’t counting on Holland’s boy to show up, was he?” Jack smirks at the now-trembling man. “I want you to pass on a warning, to anyone else foolish enough to take on my dad. You may get the drop on him, but you won’t get it on me.” With that, Jack puts his gun back in its holster and heads for the SUV.
“Jack! You’re okay!” You exclaim as Jack climbs into the passenger seat of the SUV. “That was really risky, coming after us like that. You should have let-”
“Darling, relax.” Tom rests a hand on your knee. “He knows what he’s doing, yeah? He’s a Holland, after all.”
You sigh. “Okay. But don’t you dare pressure him into learning the business, he’s said he doesn’t want to and you know you need to respect that.”
“Actually.” Jack smiles as he turns around to face his parents. “I was thinking, you know... maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. You know? I always said I didn’t want any part of this, but Marconi made damn sure to make me part of it. And it wasn’t so bad.”
Tom’s face lights up. “So what’re you saying?”
“Dad... I want to take over the business someday. I’m still going to go to college and get my degree, but I want to learn about this too.”
Tom smiles as he gently grasps your hand; you can’t help but smile yourself. “You know that whatever you decide is fine with us,” Tom says. “But... well, Harrison, what’d you think?”
“I think he’s got a bright future here,” Harrison replies. “When I told him you’d been kidnapped, he jumped in right away with a perfect plan that went off without a hitch. He’s definitely got your talent.”
Jack can’t tell you what exactly flipped the switch. But he knew now: He wanted every part of this.
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The Red Strokes
"Many of you were here last year when I sang a song to Jonathan for our anniversary. Well, he insisted on a song this year as well. Last year his gift to me was a very special painting. Darling, here is my painting for you." Jennifer nodded at the orchestra and took a deep breath.
 "Moonlight on canvas, midnight and wine
two shadows starting to softly combine
The picture they're painting is one of the heart
And to those who have seen it
it's a true work of art
Oh, the red strokes, passions uncaged
thundering moments of tenderness rage
Oh the red strokes, tempered and strong
burning the night like the dawn
Steam on the window, salt in a kiss
two hearts have never pounded like this
Inspired by a vision
that they can't command
erasing the borders
with each brush of a hand
Oh, the red strokes, passions uncaged
Thundering moments of tenderness rage
Oh, the red strokes, fearlessly drawn
burning the night like the dawn
The blues will be blue and the jealousies green
but when love picks its shade
it demands to be seen
Oh, the red strokes, passions uncaged
Thundering moments of tenderness rage
Oh, the red strokes, fearlessly drawn
burning the night like the dawn
Steam on a window, salt in a kiss
two hearts have never pounded like this
 Happy anniversary, Darling."
 The applause was loud in the ballroom Jonathan had reserved for the anniversary party this year. Jennifer wouldn't tell him what she planned to sing but he pulled out all the stops, booking the Legacy Ballroom and an orchestra to accompany her and provide music for dancing.
 The room was filled with men in either black tie or Naval uniforms, the ladies in elegant ballgowns. Jennifer's peach-colored chiffon stood out among the sea of mostly black dresses, its strapless bodice thickly paved with crystals. Around her neck, she wore his gift to her this year, a necklace of perfectly matched, cultured pearls with a large, antique, cushion-cut diamond enhancer lying against her sternum, its banked fire flashing and throwing sparks as she moved.
 The orchestra had played during the cocktail hour, and then, once Jennifer's song was through, they played unobtrusively throughout the dinner service as the waiters passed grilled duck breast and shrimp skewers. At nine the orchestra played the intro to their final song, the Sweetheart's Dance, just for the Harts alone. Jonathan led her onto the dance floor to the first strains of Once Upon A Dream. After he had waltzed her around and around for about two minutes alone the deejay called for all the married couples to join them on the dance floor. When the last notes faded the deejay took over to provide plenty of dance music. They danced the evening away, Jennifer was twirled around the floor with seemingly every man at the party while Jonathan was much in demand as a competent partner, he knew how to make even the most amateur dancer feel like the belle of the ball.
 "I need to be alone with you." He told Jennifer when they finally had the chance to dance together again to a recording of the Glenn Miller Orchestra's performance of Sunrise Serenade. "That was quite a song you chose. I felt like I was making love to you through the whole thing."
 "That was the idea." She smiled radiantly as he waltzed her into a dip and then kissed her soundly on the way back up.
 "I think every man in here had the same thought."
 "Then maybe some of their wives will get as lucky as I'm going to get tonight."
 "What makes you so sure you are going to get lucky tonight?" His voice was a sensual growl that traveled from her ears straight to all the pleasure centers in her brain and she shivered delicately in his arms.
 "Experience," she answered tartly. "I can see it in your eyes. Right now you are wondering if we can slip away quietly like we did at our wedding reception. It's only too bad we have such a long ride home. I don't think Max is going to want to leave his poker game with the waitstaff quite so early."
 "It might be the best thing for him, before he loses all his money to them. Besides, it's not early Darling, it's past midnight. It's time for the carriage to turn back into a pumpkin."
 "That's Cinderella. Once Upon A Dream is from Sleeping Beauty."
 "Well, it's time I got my Beauty home and into bed."
 "That was the general idea."
 They cuddled in the backseat as Max piloted the big car across the 101 and then South on the 405. They could never drive the 405 without remembering the day they had found Freeway on the ramp. He was just a filthy bundle of fur but Jennifer had insisted they stop and rescue the little pup. Tonight, she had her arms around Jonathan's neck, her fingers in his hair and she had drunk enough champagne toasts that she was feeling no pain.
 The sticky August heat inland became cooler and they could smell the salt air coming off the ocean as Max turned onto Sunset Boulevard then up into the canyon. At this hour of the morning, there was almost no traffic and they made it home in about 35 minutes. Jonathan went to bring up a couple of brandies for a nightcap while Jennifer slipped upstairs to change into something more comfortable.
 "Why, Mr. Hart, are you trying to take advantage of me?" She asked when he walked into the bedroom with two crystal snifters of Remy Martin XO.
"I rather thought it was the other way around." He told her, clinking his balloon glass to hers. "After that song choice tonight I suspect you have designs on my virtue."
 "I don't want your virtue Darling, it's your vice I'm interested in," Jennifer looked delicious in a long, black silk nightgown that swirled around her ankles much the same as her ballgown had earlier. For him, dancing with her was always like an extension of their foreplay. After an evening of holding her close, or even watching her dance with others, seeing the way her dancer's body moved, he could hardly wait to be alone with her. She considered herself lucky that she had married a man who loved to dance, but before her, he hadn't cared about dancing at all.
 Jennifer had studied ballet and modern dance right up through college, and still took classes occasionally. The night they met he had taken her to the various night clubs of London and they danced the night away then too. He could waltz and foxtrot passably thanks to Max's insistence that he learn the skills expected of a gentleman, but he had never loved it until he danced with Jennifer. During their very brief engagement, he had taken a crash course in dancing, practicing every evening in order to keep up with her.
 Holding her tonight, feeling the heat from her skin radiating through the thin silk of her negligee and remembering how beautiful she looked singing just for him as though the ballroom full of people didn't exist, he felt again the enormity of his love for her. Jennifer had improved his life in every way, he would give her the sun and stars if she asked, dancing was such a simple request.
 "What was that you sang, about salt in a kiss?" He asked her, kissing that spot on her throat that always made her crazy. She threw her head back, encouraging his exploration of her soft skin before leading him to their big bed. She had her favorite sheets on the bed, the royal blue ones that flattered her pale, freckled skin, made of pure mulberry silk that was just as smooth and soft as satin but breathed so much better.
 On these hot, sticky summer nights the lightweight silk made sleeping bearable. They could leave the air conditioning turned off and throw the big windows open to the evening breezes. The smells of night-blooming jasmine and moonflowers drifted in with the sounds of the coyotes calling to each other in the canyon. Very rarely, they would hear the distant echo of a wolf howling, the eerie sound always filling Jennifer with a kind of beautiful sadness she could never put into words.
 Jonathan paused a split second from entering her, her legs wrapped around his hips, her body slick and aching for him, he saw her again like it was the first time. He was looking into her eyes as he moved in her with exquisite, agonizing slowness. Her pupils dilated and her breath stopped for a heartbeat when he, at last, filled her completely. His name on her lips was a plea as he moved back out with the same slow control until her body responded to him from that place beyond words, Her nails clawed at his back, her heels a drumbeat on his thighs, her muscles holding him tightly within her until he let go as well, filling her with everything that words could never convey.
 When he collapsed beside her, both of them breathing hard, she turned with him to hold him inside her a little longer. He was caught in her eyes just as surely as within her body. She was the center of his universe, the sun that kept everything spinning in rhythm. It sounded so corny even in his own mind to say that she completed him but that was exactly what she did. She complimented him, her strengths balancing his weaknesses, as he did for her. They fit together so perfectly that nothing could ever come between them or break them apart.
  Chapter Two
 "Jennifer? Can you come right away? I need your help." Beth sounded frantic and Jennifer looked blearily across Jonathan's body at the clock. 9:15. It had been nearly one-thirty when she and Jonathan had gotten in last night. And after three when they, at last, fell asleep in each other's arms. Between the many, many champagne toasts and the brandy they had shared at home, it felt like the party was still going on inside her head.
 "Of course, Beth. What's wrong?"
 "It's Gianna. I think she's been kidnapped."
 "We'll be there in an hour." Jennifer hung up the phone and shook Jonathan awake. They both dressed quickly and told Max they would be back later. The drive to Sherman Oaks took thirty minutes and then they were pulling through Beth and Cary's gate, parking behind Beth's sporty red SUV.
 "All right Beth. Why do you think something has happened to Gianna?" Jonathan asked when they had been shown into the Aldridge's living room.
 "We got a phone call. It was from her phone, but it was a man. He said they have Gianna. Not to call the police, and they want five million dollars transferred to a numbered account at Fidelity Bank of the Bahamas by four p.m. or they will kill her." Cary answered for his wife. He was much calmer than Beth. "What do you think, Jonathan? Should I pay it?"
 "We're not there yet. Let's start with the obvious. Did you call the school to see if Gianna is there? Maybe it's just a really bad prank." Jonathan spoke seriously, his mind racing. He and Cary had been friends since college. Jonathan had been the best man at his wedding, and he had a photo in his study of Jennifer dancing with a two-year-old Gianna at their own anniversary party five years later.
 "I called the school," Beth spoke up although her voice shook. "They said she never arrived."
 "Was she driving?" Jennifer asked suddenly. "OnStar should be able to track her car." Gianna had been so excited to get her license just a few months ago, Beth and Cary had given her a little Chevy Volt as a birthday gift.
 "No, she rode in with her friend Molly. I've already checked, she didn't make it to school either and her car wasn't equipped with a tracking device. Her parents are on their way over." Beth broke down in tears, Jennifer moving swiftly to hold the sobbing woman. She couldn't imagine what Beth must be going through. The Aldridges had married older, much as she and Jonathan had, but unlike the Harts, Beth and Cary had been blessed with a child. Gianna was the light of their lives.
 Just then there was another knock at the door and the housekeeper ushered in a younger couple. Chris and Maggie Malone were in their early thirties and despite living in Sherman Oaks they clearly were not as well off as the Aldridges. Unfortunately, they knew as well as Jonathan did what that likely meant if Gianna had truly been kidnapped. Molly was collateral damage, she had no value as a hostage, therefore a kidnapper would have little reason to keep her alive.
 "Why not check Gianna's GPS history? It might tell us something about where she has been recently." Jonathan suggested. The other two men followed him out to the garage where Gianna's little blue convertible was plugged in. Cary activated the touchscreen display and called up her GPS history. It showed her most frequently visiting the Westfield Mall with school in a distant second place.
 Chris Malone suggested driving over to the mall to see if anyone remembered the girls or saw anything suspicious recently but Jonathan took him aside and asked him to stay and help Cary see to the women. Privately he thought that canvassing the mall might be a good idea but he didn't want to risk Chris accidentally finding his own daughter's body. He and Jennifer could investigate the mall on their own.
 "Cary, you stay by the phone and call me immediately if you hear anything, anything at all. And Chris, why don't you and the ladies call around to the girl's friends and see if they know anything. Jennifer and I will check the mall and around the high school." Gianna and Molly attended Campbell Hall in Laurel Canyon where they were both starting their junior year.
 The mall had only been open for an hour or so when he and Jennifer started asking around, showing pictures of both girls. Several employees recalled seeing the girls around at various times, especially in the food court but no one could really identify when they had last seen them with any certainty. Jonathan and Jennifer were in the security office trying to convince the on-duty Captain to let them review security footage to see if there had been anyone following the girls recently when Jonathan's cell phone chirped.
 "Abe ... What? When? We're on our way now. I'll call you when we find out anything." He pocketed his phone and turned to the security officer. "Where is 2bella?"
 "That's in the east wing, on the first floor, it's that way." He pointed down the left side of the huge space and Jonathan took off at a run, Jennifer hot on his heels. "Gianna's credit card was just used at a store called 2bella a few minutes ago. I had Abe flag her card when I asked him to track her cell phone. Whoever has her card might still be in the area if we can get there fast enough." He panted, threading his way past early shoppers and small clots of track-suit-clad mall walkers.
 The clerk in the boutique remembered a group of high school aged girls who all seemed to be together but couldn't specify if Gianna or Molly had been part of the group. She did recall that they were talking about going to Sephora next setting Jonathan and Jennifer off running again. Sure enough, Sephora was filled with teens, one of whom was very familiar.
 "Uncle Jonathan, what are you doing here?" Gianna asked him as he tried to catch his breath. Jennifer was already dialing her phone as soon as she spotted Molly Malone in the crowd as well.
 "Cary, we've got them. They are safe. Yes, both of them. We don't have any information yet. We'll be headed back to you in a few minutes." She hung up the phone and turned her attention back to the girls.
 "We just decided to skip today, we didn't have any important classes, it's just review from last year. And I lost my phone somewhere. What's the big deal? I can't believe my dad sent you after me." Gianna looked embarrassed being singled out and Jennifer felt bad for her but Jonathan took the two girls aside for a quiet conversation after which both girls looked worried and quickly gathered their bags and sprinted towards the exit.
 "They are heading straight back to Cary's house. I told Molly her parents are waiting there as well. I'd better call and let them know the girls are safe ..."
 "I already did," Jennifer interrupted him. "But what happened?"
 "Thank you, Darling." They both began to move towards the exit as well. "It seems the whole pep squad decided to ditch their morning classes and meet here for some retail team building. They all met up in the food court and it was half an hour before Gianna noticed her phone was missing."
 "Just this once I wish she was a normal teenager obsessed with her phone, it might have saved a lot of worry if she had noticed it sooner."
Jennifer commented.
 "I don't think so, Darling. And I don't think Gianna lost her phone. It's too coincidental to think that a random stranger finds her phone and decides to stage a fake kidnapping AND just happens to call the wealthiest parents in the school. Someone knew what the girls were planning and took advantage of the circumstances. Will you drive back to Cary and Beth's, please? I need to speak to Abe again." Jonathan's brow was furrowed as he scrolled through his contacts.
 She was horrified by the idea that someone would be so cruel as to play a prank of this magnitude on her friends. The drive back to the Aldridge estate was a quiet one as Jonathan had a cryptic conversation with Hart Industries head of cybersecurity, Abe Solomon. She was very happy to see the girls climbing out of Molly's white Jeep in front of the Aldridge's house when she pulled up to the gate. All four parents came spilling through the front door crying happier tears now and hugging the girls.
 The Malones, in particular, couldn't seem to let go of their daughter, standing in a close huddle, rocking back and forth and crying on each other. Jennifer could empathize with the special fear they must have been grappling with. Cary and Beth had known that their daughter was most likely alive and unharmed, the Malone's didn't even have that comfort. Jonathan asked that all of the adults meet him in the living room when they were ready and led Jennifer inside.
 She would not normally presume to make requests of someone else's staff but today she sought out Beth's housekeeper, Ingrid, and asked her to make some strong coffee and sandwiches for everyone. She couldn't help but notice that Ingrid's eyes were red too. She had been the Aldridge's housekeeper since before Gianna was born and she had been praying for The Virgin to intercede and bring the girls home safe. Now she promised to have lunch on the table in half an hour and Jennifer returned to find the adults clustered in the living room listening to Jonathan explain his theory.
 "I don't think any of this was a coincidence. I believe someone knew that the girls were planning to skip school and followed them to the mall. I think they used the bustle of the group as cover to steal Gianna's phone and make that call to Beth."
 "But Jonathan, if that were true then whoever it was would have to know what I am worth. Why ask for so little?" Carrington Kendrick Aldridge had taken a modest hundred million dollar inheritance and turned it into a multi-billion dollar conglomerate of air and sea shipping companies.
 "Because their plan depended on you paying quickly. They needed to ask for an amount you could put together within a couple of hours. The longer it took the more chance there was that you would discover they didn't actually have Gianna, just her phone. The whole scheme would fall apart if she simply borrowed a friend's phone and called home for any reason.
 I have asked my corporate investigator to find me the location of Gianna's phone. The supposed kidnapper probably doesn't know Gianna is home. I'd like to play this out. Let him think that you are going to pay, that you are sick with worry over her safety. Drag it out as long as you can, give Abe time to do what he does."
 "Look, Jonathan, I'd like to catch the guy too, frankly I'd like to pummel his face into the pavement, but Gianna is home safe and the phone is easily replaceable. Why not just leave it at that?" Cary asked him.
 "Because if he is desperate enough to try a stunt like this he may not give up so easily. And next time he might not be bluffing. I don't think Gianna will really be out of danger until we figure out who it is and stop them for good."
 "You're right of course. I hadn't thought about that. All right, Jonathan. We'll play this your way. Tell us what you need us to do." Cary spoke but the others nodded their agreement.
 "For now just keep on as you have been. Call Gianna's phone and just keep them talking as long as you can. Ask to talk to Gianna, but don't push too hard when he refuses. Maybe talk about how distraught her mother is. Anything to keep the line open while Abe does what he needs to."
 "Jonathan, why not just use one of those 'find your friends' apps? Gianna must have one, all the kids do." Jennifer asked him. "It will tell you where the phone is in just a few seconds."
 "Abe will be able to get a much more precise location, he only needs to phone to be active for a minute or so and he can pinpoint the location to within a few feet." He nodded at Cary who dialed his daughter's phone number and performed as Jonathan suggested. He wasn't able to keep the faux kidnapper on the line for more than a minute but it was enough. Jonathan's phone chirped again and Abe was able to provide him with an address.
 Jonathan tried to convince Cary and Chris Malone to remain behind but they would not hear of it so he had to settle for asking the police to meet them there. Abe's information led them to a house about fifteen minutes from the Aldridge home in another upscale neighborhood. Unlike the homes surrounding it however, this house appeared to have fallen on hard times. The lawn was overgrown and turning brown in patches, and there were cobwebs accumulating in the corners of the wide porch. When Jonathan rang the bell they heard the sound of footsteps and then the door was opened by a teenage girl in a Campbell Hall school uniform with the inevitable Airpods in her ears. Cary introduced himself and asked if her parents were home.
 "Da-ad, it's some guy for you. I'll be in the kitchen if you ever get ready to take me to school." Just as she bounced out of the room a man came downstairs, preoccupied with shuffling through a stack of letters in his hand. When he glanced up and spotted the three men in his foyer he looked panicked and tried to bolt past them for the door. The crunching sound of his nose breaking seemed very loud when Cary punched him just as Jonathan launched himself into a flying tackle at his midsection. The man went down in a tangle of arms and legs and made no attempt to get up again.
 "Why did you do it?" Cary shouted at him.
 "I-I don't know what you're talking about. How did you get in here?" The fear in his eyes gave him away and Cary took out his phone. He punched the redial button and the unmistakable bubblegum sound of Taylor Swift came from the man's pocket. Chris grabbed him roughly and pulled a bedazzled blue cellphone from his pocket just as the police knocked at the front door.
 David Standish became very chatty once the handcuffs were on. He had made some bad stock investments recently and was being foreclosed on by his creditors. His daughter Alecia was on the cheerleading team with Gianna and Molly. When he overheard the plan to ditch school he saw an opportunity to get back on his feet. This morning he pretended to 'catch' Alecia and grounded her so she couldn't reveal him then it was a simple matter of getting close to the oblivious group of girls at the food court and stealing Gianna's phone when she put it down. He figured that since he asked for so little Cary would just pay him quickly and quietly rather than risk Gianna's safety.
 He claimed it wasn't really a crime since he didn't actually kidnap Gianna and was surprised when Officer Benton informed him that he did, in fact, commit attempted felony extortion as well as theft of the cell phone. Cary gave a disgusted snort when David started pleading for mercy on behalf of his family and begged him not to press charges. Chris coldly informed him that he was pressing charges even if Cary didn't and he should be grateful they weren't suing him for intentional infliction of emotional distress. That was the last they heard from Mr. Standish as the cops led him away. They returned to the Aldridge estate where Jonathan and Chris collected their respective women and left, the ladies promising to make plans to meet for lunch next week.
  At home, Jennifer suggested a soak in the hot tub since they left in such a hurry this morning. The spa was a fairly new addition. After fire destroyed the house in '94 they had made a few upgrades to the rebuild that it had been needing, including enlarging the small balcony off of the master bedroom and which now sported the jacuzzi set into the deck and a couple of comfortable chaises for sitting outside and enjoying the balmy southern California weather. With fifty acres of empty canyon wrapped around the house, they were free to forego swimwear, as they were doing now.
 "To anniversaries." Jonathan raised his wine glass, "May they never get boring."
 "That's what I love about you, Darling. I meet such interesting people. I think my next husband will be a nice, boring banker. Or an accountant."
 "Your next husband? Darling, you could never leave me, you love me. You can't live without me. You will never have this much fun with anyone else."
 "Yes, Darling."
 "Move your foot."
 "You love me. You know you love me. I know you know you love me."
 "All right, Darling. I love you. Now, would you rub my back for a minute please." She turned to rest her arms on the deck as Jonathan crossed the small space between them and positioned himself behind her. Her sleek blowout was completely undone in the steam and the tendrils that escaped her hair tie clung to her neck in damp curls that reminded him of how sweetly tousled she looked when they made love.
 She knew what he was thinking by the way his hands felt on her back, one minute kneading the knots from her neck and the next lightly running his fingers down her spine. She shifted slightly, moving closer to him and wedging him firmly against her butt, smiling as she felt the sudden jump in his attention. His gentle stroking continued along her sides, tracing an hourglass under the water, making her sigh and lay her head back onto his shoulder.
 "What were we talking about?" Her voice was already husky and sexy sounding and he could feel her moving against him. The bubbles added a new dimension to their playful banter.
 "How much you love me, how you could never, ever leave me." He reminded her, nudging even closer against her.
 "I could leave you if I wanted to." She insisted, even as she pressed back against him, her voice becoming ever more ragged in the flow of bubbles from the jets. It was an old routine between them. He could talk her into anything because she was helpless when he turned the full wattage of his seduction on her. But there was always a moment of apogee, when he became helpless in the face of her touch. If she was powerless to resist his words, he was just as paralyzed by her caress.
 The bathrobes draped over the nearest chaise were still warm from the late afternoon sun when Jonathan rose out of the jacuzzi and held the thick white terry out for her to step into. And when she went into her dressing room to select a negligee she found one already laid out on the blue velvet upholstery of her slipper chair.
 "How does he do that?" She mused under her breath. Jonathan had been with her all afternoon and yet here was one of her favorite negligees all ready for her to slip into. She was certain this was one task he would not entrust to Max, and yet how else could he have accomplished it?
 "Magic." She had been so deep in thought she hadn't noticed him approach and she jumped at his voice.
 "I'm sorry, what?"
 "I said 'magic'. You were wondering how I got your gown laid out without you noticing." He smirked at her look of confusion and held the garment in question out for her slip on. He was already wearing a pair of soft pajama pants in white silk with black piping trim. His favorite gold chain glinting at her from its nest in his chest hair. She was so glad he had never gone in for the current fad of waxing his chest. Smooth, hairless chests might be trendy but she had always found his hair to be sexy. She loved the rough feel of it under her fingers when they made love, the way he responded so quickly when she toyed with it through his open collars, and especially how the gold coin he wore on a chain looked resting in the thick brown nest.
 The coin had been a gift from her on their first Christmas together, after he had commented about having a lucky penny growing up in the orphanage. He had immediately taken the coin to the jewelers and had it strung on a chain so he could always have it close to his heart. In all the years they had been married he had never taken it off and seeing it there still moved her.
 The gown he had chosen for tonight matched his pants, of course, he frequently chose his own clothing to complement hers. She was wearing the same white silk but hers was styled like a traditional cheongsam, the formal high neck Chinese dress slit high up both sides. It was inked in black with watercolor peonies and a vertical line of calligraphy that translated to 'When I met you the sky burned, and so did I'. He had commissioned an artist to paint it especially for her the year she turned 50. That had been a difficult birthday for her since menopause had her questioning her sexuality and whether she was still desirable to him. The gown made her feel beautiful and sexy and very, very cherished.
 "It's not the gown," she had told him that night with happy tears in her eyes. "It's how you see me." It still remained one of her favorite gifts. The fabric hugged her slender body and whispered against her skin.
 "I want to give you all of the beautiful love words you deserve but your eyes steal all of my words away." He told her now.
 "Jonathan, you always say the sweetest things. I wish that I had taken the time to write down all of the beautiful things you tell me. If I had put them all in a book it would be a runaway bestseller. Finally, a definitive primer on how to understand the heart of a woman. But I never wrote them down and my only excuse is that I was too busy being in love with you."
 The big California king was an island unto itself when they met in the middle of it. Jonathan fingered the satin frogs that closed her gown from shoulder to hip, slipping them free one by one. Jennifer could feel the heat from his hands searing her skin. Tiny blooms of heat in every brush of his fingertips that spread like ripples on the water. The covers moved slightly and he glanced down to see Freeway squirming out from the blankets beside her.
 "Freeway, out. Scat now." He shooed the little dog off the bed and put him out. "Go find Max now, run along." His tone was loving but firm. He sounded like he was speaking to a naughty child and Freeway obeyed much like a child who knows there is no point in protesting any further.
 "Now, where were we?" He asked as soon as he returned to the big bed. "Oh yes, I remember. I believe I was right about here." His hands returned to the last couple of knots that held the fabric closed against her skin. "I love this negligee, Darling but it hides something I desperately need to get to." Her laughter was sweet and musical as he finally opened the last frog and the nightgown fell open. "Your neck." He added with a grin, kissing the hollow spot he revealed.
 "Darling, you're like a vampire. I should call you Count Dracula the way you are always biting my neck."
 "You love it. It's no use denying it now. It's far too late for that." He wasn't wrong. His lips on her throat never failed to excite her. "I'm trying to make up for all the years I should have been kissing you but I just hadn't met you yet."
 "I just want to feel your touch, your love. In your arms I am home." Jennifer wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing him right up against her body. After his slow seduction in the hot tub, she was ready for him. She didn't want to wait any longer to have him inside her and she wrapped her long legs around his thighs to urge him forward.
 "I want to be as close to you as I can be. It's not just the way you touch me, I love the way you say my name, the way you make me believe in forevers. I never wanted to be helpless until you. Every day I willingly hand you the ability to destroy me and every day you show me why I am right to trust you. My life has changed for the better because I love you" Jennifer spoke simply but her words were all the more eloquent for her quiet delivery.
 "You have quite the way with beautiful words as well, Mrs. Hart. Being with you is special because I don't have to censor myself. I can say all of the ridiculously over the top things in my heart and know you won't think less of me."
 "We really are completely over the top, aren't we? But I wouldn't want it any other way"
 "We are. I love these times with you, when the whole world just fades away and all my walls come down. You speak directly to my heart." He kissed her again, long and slow and he was rewarded when he felt her tongue probing delicately, reaching out to sweep across his lower lip. He could taste the rich wine they had shared in the spa as well as a hint of her peppermint toothpaste. The setting sun cast red lines in the quiet room as their shadows merged into one.
 They moved together again like thousands of times before. Jennifer loved the way his five o'clock shadow rasped across her skin. Jonathan loved the sound of his name, spoken like a prayer, on her lips. And the way her kisses tasted like sunshine.
 "E poi, poi ci son io che in te vorrei semplicemente." Jonathan loved the way her voice sounded, low and sexy when she spoke love words in Italian. Or French, or Spanish, or any of the half-dozen languages she spoke. He waited now, knowing she would translate for him. "And then, then there is me who would simply lose myself in you."
 "Sometimes I look at you and wonder how I got to be so damn lucky." He told her. His hands were everywhere on her body, moving over her breasts, through her hair, stroking her arms. His weight on her as familiar to her as her own skin. She tugged lightly on his chest hair, fastening her lips around each of his nipples in turn, making him cry out her name as he spilled himself inside her.
 The late sun painted her body in wide strokes of red and dark shadowed places. Now it was his mouth that hovered over her breast and she arched her back up to him but he remained frustratingly out of reach.
 "Don't tease me, Jonathan, I need you."
 "Tell me." He demanded, his breath a torment on her skin, and a rush of heat flooding her body.
 "Kiss me." She pleaded. "Touch me, make my world go black." His hand drifted lower, finding the secret heart of her and stroking softly. He kissed her hard cinnamon-colored nipples, first one then the other, until her breath grew harsh and ragged.
 "Not yet." He whispered against her ear. Her body was primed and ready for him and it took only a slight shift to slip inside her again. Her heat was overwhelming as she trembled beneath him and he held himself up with one arm, keeping the other seated firmly between them, pressing against her in time with his movement inside her.
 "Not yet," he whispered again. Her body shook with need and he could see that she was nearly at the end of her control. He withdrew almost all the way from her. "Now." He growled in her ear, driving deeply into her and quickly lowering his head to feast again on her swollen nipples. Her screams echoed in the room and a small covey of songbirds in the garden took flight. As her body convulsed she gripped him tightly and he poured himself into her for a second time.
 He held her close as her quakes gradually subsided and her racing heart calmed. Thick tears leaked from the corners of her eyes as she breathed great gulping sobs in his arms. Her head was thrown back, his arm holding her close, comforting and soothing her as only he could. He kissed her gently. It was perfect, delightful, as she tangled her tongue with his. It was so soft and gentle and he calmed her soul as he quieted her body. Tenderly, with the softest of touches.
 "I love you, Darling."
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Top Buy Whiskey Decanter
In summary, if you're planning to purchase a decanter for your house bar setup, you must not merely consider its outer look but equally focus on the functionality and salsa the base material to make certain your spirits doesn't lose its taste. The whiskey decanters aren't likely to allow air to get to the whiskey that's in the container.  Some might think that it is not so fashionable but for other, it may be the ideal whiskey decanter, they've ever witnessed!
Otherwise, don't hesitate to leave the whiskey in the decanter for so long as you would like.  Picking out a size will be one of the main pieces of picking out a whiskey decanter.  The absolute most important thing to check at when selecting decanter is the stopper that's in it.   Skull decanters are among its kinds and are a special decanter shape that's employed in various bar setups.  When you wish to authenticate your antique decanter, you must take age in consideration.  If you're on the lookout for a classy expensive looking decanter, go with the conventional design.
What you are interested in getting the decanter for should effect the price that you're prepared to pay.  Whiskey decanters are normally built stronger.  A whiskey decanter might be one of the options that they'll consider.  Nowadays you merely choose a whiskey decanter because you would like to hide a low-cost whiskey into some sparkling crystal. Fantastic for a marriage gift for that distinctive few, a whiskey decanter established is an exceptional gift idea.  Whiskey and wine decanters are extremely different.
People can decide to buy a decanter collection.  A whiskey decanter set may also be a feature portion of a house bar.  If you wish to get a luxurious whiskey decanter collection.  Or you are aware that it will change dramatically with time.  Normally the shipping time is all about 20days--30days.
Learning how to select the best high quality whiskey decanters will help them when they are looking for the best one.  For heavy lifting and massive items which you have to bring your own assistance.  For whiskey, however, there is in factn't a demand for oxidizing or removing sediment.  People today want items which match because it makes their home seem nicer.  Remy Martin Cognac XO There are a lot of great gift tips for tequila lovers to think about.
There's some debate on whether or not a whiskey decanter has any effect on the level of whiskey or is it simply for good looks in the whiskey cabinet.  Therefore, should you happen to hold the exact same opinion regarding fine whiskey, then be certain to get a decanter of your own.  There are lots of things that could affect how someone creates a decision on what they're likely to purchase and what engraving they will have done.  Most whiskey sets are encased and prepared for gift providing.
Like a tattoo nobody can see, it is a choice you don't need to make, but nonetheless, it also can't do a whole lot of harm.  There are lots of options they will have when they're looking for the very best whiskey decanter.  There are lots of other choices to find out when picking the ideal decanter also.  Many other engraving alternatives are available for a tiny additional fee.  There are plenty of choices available to folks that are decorating their home or other locations.
Just like any antique, the value is dependent on the state of the particular item and how much an individual collector is prepared to pay to acquire it.  The best method to figure out the worth of your decanters is to obtain a Jim Beam price guide.  Price includes totally free text engraving on a single side.
Wine, on the flip side, will get a better flavor if it's exposed to the air and is permitted to settle the sediment out of it.  Nowadays there are lots of sparkling wines that could compete with the original Champagne, in England there are lots of Champagnes available via the supermarkets that are really great at quite competitive rates, in addition, there are lots of good English sparkling wines made in the champagne method that are quite good too.  Decanting wine may also remove sediment that may be at the base of the vintage.
The bottles always arrive with labels to be able to recognize the contents.  China or Porcelain bottles aren't designed to store whiskey since they are extremely porous.  Lots of people don't believe that whiskey can change after oxidation.  No matter the situation, decanting your whiskey is an excellent way to bring a bit of class to the house bar or bar cart.  To be most safe, it's most effective to pour the whiskey into the decanter before serving if the decanter has lead.   Sometimes low-cost whiskey poured from decanter can appear to taste much better.  Obviously, you can drink decent bourbon from your carafe.
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rainbow-sides · 6 years
Anomalies: Chapter Seventeen
Summary: Anomalies is about different reactions to grief and how four brothers each respond to the death of their mother. The oldest brother, Roman, gets custody of the twins, Patton and Virgil, and the youngest brother, Logan, after their mother’s death. Virgil is also trying to navigate through a multitude of anxiety disorders, including OCD and trichotillomania, with the help of his brothers and his therapist, Dr. Picani. But meanwhile, Roman isn’t sure he can handle the responsibility of taking care of his brothers, Logan doesn’t process loss in a way most people can understand, and Patton isn’t nearly as okay as he seems…
Warnings: Death of a parent, grief, cancer mention, mention of attempted suicide, mention of severe depression and self harm, gift-giving, food, Christmas.
For a list of the content warnings for the whole story as well as more information, please see this post. Please heed the warnings and stay safe.
Word Count: 3,236
Notes: This is mostly just the Christmas chapter, with bonus Remy! <3 ~Martin
Masterpost to All Chapters
“Don we now our gay apparel, eh?” Roman called, bounding into the living room wearing a slightly ugly rainbow Christmas sweater. He laughed at Logan and Virgil’s groans, and at Patton’s delighted squeal.
“Can't we just open presents?” Logan complained. “A fashion show is not necessary.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Roman tossed a package to each of his brothers. “Actually, a fashion show is absolutely necessary. Go on, I want to see you all wearing them!”
The tearing of wrapping paper filled the room. There were sounds of delight as everyone saw their sweaters. “Are these hand-knitted?!” Patton exclaimed.
“I didn't know you could knit,” Logan said, stroking the soft material and smiling.
“My friend Kelly from work taught me and helped me,” Roman explained. “I've been working on them for months.”
“They're beautiful,” Virgil said softly. “Thank you.”
Patton had already put his sweater on and ran over to hug Roman. “Thank you, I love it!”
Roman squeezed him tightly. “Love you, Pat.”
“My turn!” Logan scrambled to hand Patton a large, heavy package.
Patton opened it and looked at it confusedly for a second before his eyes widened. He pulled out a large, blue and grey plaid quilt. “Is it a weighted blanket?” he asked.
“Yeah, it's heavier than mine because they're supposed to be twenty percent of your body weight,” Logan said. “I thought...you might like one. They're grounding.”
Patton had sat down on the ground and was wrapping the blanket around him, an expression of pure contentment on his face. “It's so cozy and warm and soft,” he sighed happily. “Virgil, come share!”
Virgil slid under the corner of the blanket. “Oh, this is a nice one,” he said. “It is really soft, you're right.” He nestled down in the blanket next to Patton, closing his eyes.
“We're not getting them out of that anytime soon,” Roman laughed. The twins looked very comfortable. “Maybe you should've saved that one for last, Lo.”
“Perhaps you're right,” Logan said. “I do have a gift for you, too, but I think it would be better if I showed you later.”
Roman tilted his head. “Some big secret?”
“Yes, exactly. Can we give Virgil our present to him instead?” Logan suggested.
“If we can distract him from the blanket for long enough,” giggled Roman. He picked up the box under the tree that had Virgil’s present that he and Logan had gotten together.
Virgil reluctantly pulled his arms out of the blanket to take the box into his lap. “It's heavier than it looks,” he observed. He carefully sliced through the tape on the package with his fingernail and took the wrapping paper off in one piece. There was a long pause where he just stared at it. “Whoa,” he breathed.
Logan and Roman exchanged a glance. “Do you think he likes it?” Roman asked.
“Hm, I'm not sure,” Logan replied.
“I think he needs to tell us what he thinks,” Roman said, reaching out to poke Virgil. “Hello? Anybody home?”
“I...I wasn't expecting…”
“If you don't want it, give it back,” Roman teased.
“No, it's mine!” Virgil retorted, hugging the box to his chest. “Oh, my god, guys!” He looked close to tears.
“You better take lots of pictures with that,” Roman instructed. “That is a good camera.”
“Yeah, I know! I haven't...I haven't been taking many pictures lately,” Virgil confessed.
“I know.” Roman reached over and put his hand over Virgil’s. “This is so you start again. Okay?”
Virgil nodded. “I will, I promise. Oh, Roman, Logan, thank you!” He blinked his tears away and smiled. “I love it.”
“It was Logan's idea,” Roman made sure he knew. “I just provided some of the funds.”
Already opening up the box, Virgil said, “Its battery needs to be charged...but I should be able to start taking pictures tonight. Oh, it's beautiful!”
“I'm glad you like it!” Logan said.
“Here, this one is for you,” Virgil told him, handing him a thin, flat box. “I...um, it's from a while ago, but I gave it some new life.”
Logan opened the side of the box to slide the picture frame out. His face didn't give much away, but his eyes sparkled as he turned the frame around so everyone could see it. Roman recognized the picture as being from a photoshoot that Virgil had made them do at the beginning of his photography class last year. He had taken them all out to a field in the middle of the night, all of the brothers and their mom, and taken pictures of them sitting together with their backs to the the camera, holding hands and gazing up at the sky. They had to sit very still, Roman remembered, because Virgil had set the shutter speed slow enough to capture the light of the stars. They shone clearly in this photo, probably having been enhanced, and thin white lines had been added between some of the stars to form the constellations.
“It's alright,” Logan said in a small voice, but it meant so much more, and Virgil understood.
“Good, I'm glad.” Virgil looked at Roman and Patton. “I hope you like it, too, ‘cause you all get photos.”
“Well, hand them over!” Roman took the package that Virgil held out and opened it. “Ahh,” he breathed as he opened it. It was a very simple photo of himself sitting on the edge of the stage at the community theater, deep in thought and not aware of the camera. The golden lighting and red curtains behind him made the picture seem more dramatic than it probably had been at the time. Roman’s shape was slightly out of focus, more the background than the subject. The silhouette of three people sitting in the audience was the foreground of the photo, and Roman recognized their shapes as being Logan, Patton, and their mother. The rest of the audience was empty. Roman didn't even remember sitting there like that. He had no idea that Virgil had taken his picture. “It's really nice, Virge. Thank you.”
Virgil gave him a thumbs up and a smile, and then passed Patton the third package. It was a smaller frame, and Patton stared at it for a long time before he showed the others. Virgil watched him carefully, pulling the blanket tighter so he could snuggle closer to his twin.
Roman didn't say anything when he saw the photo, just nodded. There was a sudden lump in his throat.
“Your first homecoming,” Logan stated.
In the photo, Patton was standing with a bright smile, holding their mother's hands as she laughed about something. He was wearing the dress he had fought the administration to be able to wear to the dance in support of their trans and nonbinary friends at school, and she was just in a t-shirt and jeans, but she looked beautiful. She had always been beautiful, even when the cancer had made her thin and weary, her hair fallen out from the chemotherapy. But this was before the cancer has touched her--or perhaps it was already there, and they just weren't aware of it yet. Her diagnosis had come just a couple months after this picture had been taken. It captured a moment of pure joy, and Patton stroked the glass of the frame lovingly and longingly. He didn't seem to have any words. After a few more seconds, he turned to bury his face in Virgil's shoulder, hugging him so tightly that Virgil coughed.
“Patty, I'm glad you like it, but I can't breathe!” he yelped.
“I love you so much,” Patton whispered, barely audible. He loosened his grip. Virgil got his arms out to hug him back.
Roman waited a minute, then said gently, “Patty, are you gonna give us your gifts or should I grab them from under the tree myself?”
“You do it,” Patton responded, muffled. He was crying a little bit, and Virgil rocked him back and forth.
“It's okay, Patty, we can wait,” Roman said, sliding closer to the twins and touching Patton’s shoulder. “Take as long as you need.”
“N-no, you get the p-presents,” Patton stumbled. “Yours is from both of us.”
Roman took the gift bag addressed to him and opened it, gasping at the beautiful notebook and pen set inside. “Oh, it's gorgeous! Oh, thank you, I'm gonna write such good words in there, you have no idea.”
Patton was smiling and wiping his eyes, sniffling a little. “Glad you like it.”
“Someday when you're rich and famous, you better not auction those away,” Virgil teased. “Unless it's for charity, I guess. ‘This is the pen that the great Roman Sanders wrote the first lines of his award-winning script with!’”
Roman laughed. “I wouldn't auction it away, don't worry.” He handed Logan the other gift bag. “What's in here, hm?”
There was an actual squeal of delight that came from Logan's mouth as he pulled the book out of the bag. “Patton, this is wonderful, it's exactly what I wanted!”
“May it bring you hours of joy from reading it,” Patton told him.
Logan was already flipping through the pages of the collection of Sherlock Holmes stories, making ecstatic remarks about each one he came to. They all listened fondly as he talked. Virgil opened his gift from Patton, putting the sweatshirt on and smelling the purple candles with a content expression.
Roman eventually managed to drag them all to the kitchen to make pancakes, which was almost a disaster because one of them burnt so badly it started smoking, and they narrowly avoided setting off the fire alarm. It turned out fine, however, and the pancakes were delicious. Christmas movies followed, starting with The Nightmare before Christmas by Virgil’s request.
Halfway through It's A Wonderful Life, the house phone rang. Roman flinched. Hardly anyone called them there.
“Are you gonna answer it?” Patton whispered. “We can pause the movie.”
“It's fine, you don't have to pause it.” Roman wriggled out from underneath the excessive amount of blankets they were cuddled under and ran to get the phone before it stopped ringing. “Sanders residence.”
“Hey, girl, merry Christmas.”
Roman bit his lip. “Rem, this isn't the best time.”
“Please?” Remy begged. “Please, you haven't answered my calls in months and I just wanna talk for a few minutes.”
“Okay, okay! Fine. Hold on.” Roman came back over to the couch. “It's Remy,” he whispered. “Don't pause the movie, I'll be back in a few minutes.” They all gave him a sympathetic look. Roman fled to his bedroom and closed the door behind him, sitting on the bed. “Yeah, Remy. I'm here.”
“Girl, oh my goodness, it's nice to hear your voice,” Remy sighed. “You okay?”
“I'm…” Roman hesitated. “Yeah, I'm okay.”
“Okay, I know you've...had a lot going on,” Remy said. “And I know you've needed to spend your time taking care of your baby bros. But...I've been kinda worried about you. All of you. Can I have any sort of an update?”
Roman clutched the phone tightly and said nothing. This was hard. Really hard. It was hard to talk to Remy after everything that had happened between them.
“Ro, honey, listen. I'm good with giving you as much space and as much time as you need, I promise. I told you that before, and I'm telling you again now. I'm waiting, for as long as it takes.”
“I know,” Roman managed. “And I love you for it. You deserve better, someone who can actually be there for you--"
“Don't you start that again,” Remy warned him.
“It's okay, girl, it's okay.” Remy paused. “How's Patton? Poor baby.”
“He's doing better,” Roman answered.
“Yeah? Oh, that's good, that's good, I've been so worried about the kid. Miss him. I see Virge sometimes when I'm helping out in the school theater, but he doesn't talk much. And how's the baby genius?” asked Remy.
“Logan's doing pretty good.”
“And how are you?” Remy said seriously. “Roman. Be honest, ‘kay?”
“Rem...if I'm honest, I'm gonna start breaking down on the phone with you,” confessed Roman, his voice shaking. “I can't talk, not really. Not yet.”
“Come see me soon,” Remy said softly. “Come see me when you can talk, really talk. I'll be here."
“I know. I know.” Roman swallowed past the lump in his throat. “Merry Christmas, Rem.”
“Yeah, girl. Merry Christmas. Love you.”
“I love you.” Roman hung up quickly before he could start crying. He closed his eyes. After a minute, he stood up and went back to the living room. He slid underneath the blankets next to Patton and grabbed his hand, fixing his eyes on the movie.
“You okay?” Patton whispered softly.
“Hardly,” replied Roman.
“Is Remy okay?”
Roman squeezed his hand. “He's fine. Shhh, talk later.”
“Yeah, I promise. It's okay.” Roman smiled reassuringly at him and kept watching the movie.
Late that night, after Roman had talked to Patton a little bit about the phone call and everyone was supposed to have gone to bed, Logan came into his room.
“Hey, nerd, what's up?” Roman yawned.
“Did you forget? I have a present for you,” Logan said.
Roman eyed him suspiciously. Logan didn't seem to be carrying anything. “Okay, where is it?”
“It's not an object.”
“Okay...what is it, then? You've sufficiently piqued my curiosity.”
“Promise you won't be angry?”
“Uhhh...tell me what it is, first.” Now Roman was slightly worried.
“It's just, I did it without your permission--but if it's not something you want, it's easy to back out, I promise, I did a lot of legal research, and nothing is actually signed, of course.”
“Logan,” Roman said calmly. “What did you do?”
“I got you a book deal.”
“A...book deal.”
“With a publisher. A small publisher, but a legitimate one. Like I said, I did a lot of research. And you can back out of the contract at any time.”
“Okay, first of all, how?” Roman demanded. “You're fourteen!”
“I registered myself as a literary agent with a company that didn't have an age restriction, and I communicated with the publishers only via email,” Logan answered. “I, well, I got the idea from School Story, by Andrew Clements.”
“Oh, you did, did you?” Roman scoffed. “Is this legal?”
“Morally dubious, but technically legal. And the publisher wants your book, Roman. They aren't supposed to sound eager, but the way she was talking about how much promise your novel has and how much she liked your writing, and the deal she offered you...of course you should look at the contract before you sign it. I just…” Logan shifted where he stood. “Perhaps this was a bad idea.”
“Logan,” Roman said softly. “How long have you been working on this?”
“Since I finished editing the first draft three weeks ago. Well, longer than that, actually.”
“And there's a publisher who wants to publish...my novel.”
“Yes. It's a very good deal for a first novel, too, and above average royalties, and…” Logan was fiddling with his thumbs, looking rather nervous as he swayed from side to side. “But as I told you, you don't have to take it. I just got the opportunity for you.”
Roman was trying to wrap his head around this. Part of him wanted to chastise Logan for doing something like this behind his back. Another part of him just wanted to pull Logan into a big hug. “You think it's good enough to publish?” he asked.
“Not only do I think it's good enough to publish, the publisher agrees with me,” Logan said.
“My silly little novel?” Roman checked. “Are you sure you didn't accidentally send them something else?”
“I'm positive. Your novel. A publisher wants it.”
“And you did this for me.” Now Roman was getting a bit choked up, which made Logan seem even more nervous.
“Come here,” Roman demanded, and he wrapped Logan in the tightest hug he could muster. “Come here.”
“So you'll take the deal?” Logan squeaked, clearly having a hard time breathing.
Roman let him go. “I'll have to look at it first, and actually talk to this publisher myself.”
“Of course!”
“And under no circumstances should you ever do something like this again. I thought we were done keeping secrets?”
Logan crossed his arms. “I thought it didn't count if it was a present?”
“Finding loopholes now, huh? You'd make a good lawyer if you weren't so set on being a medical researcher and college professor, buddy.” Roman nudged him playfully. “Okay. You're gonna show me everything tomorrow morning. But right now, we're going to bed. Night, Lo.”
“Then...you're okay with the present?” Logan checked.
Roman’s face split into a grin. “It's the most thoughtful present I've ever gotten.”
“I didn't do much,” muttered Logan. “You're the one who wrote the book, I simply made someone else see the potential.”
“And you edited it and encouraged me and had faith in me even when I didn't.” Roman poked his little brother's nose. “We make a really good team, huh?”
Logan gave him a tiny smile and backed out of the room. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, Lo. Sleep well.” Roman laid down on his bed in the darkness. He reached for his cell phone and hovered his finger over Remy’s contact for a minute before putting it aside again.
He and Remy had been together for almost two years before they had parted ways. Remy was Roman’s first kiss, first love, first everything. They had a friendship based on trust, which had been hard for Remy to form at first. It had broken Roman's heart to tell him that he needed space, that he didn't have the time or the energy to maintain their relationship when it became clear that his mother wasn't going to make it, and that he was going to be responsible for his brothers.
Remy, wonderful Remy, had understood. He had told Roman he would wait for as long as it took until Roman could be with him again. They were both in the production of Singin’ in the Rain even after they had broken up, with Remy absolutely nailing the role of Cosmo even when Roman was struggling to balance rehearsals and family, and Remy had been the one to tell the cast that Roman had to quit after Roman had officially told the director. Roman was so grateful to him for that.
He had fallen apart in Remy’s arms only once, a week after the funeral. Roman had left work and found himself driving to Remy’s house. The door had opened before Roman had even knocked, and Roman let out everything that he had been holding in because he couldn't let his brothers see how much he was struggling. They had to believe he was strong, or they would have been so scared.
“I can do it, I can take care of them,” he had insisted, sobbing and barely able to stand. “I just need to...I just…”
Remy had pulled him inside and held him as he collapsed to the floor. He didn't say much, but he didn't have to. Roman only needed someone he could break down around, someone with whom it was safe to show his weakness. Remy drove him home a few hours later, long after sunset when the other three boys were all asleep. Roman didn't know exactly how long Remy had sat with him. He remembered falling asleep to Remy rubbing his back, and the next morning, there was a text saying that Remy’s ma had picked him up and brought him back home.
Roman hadn't replied. Virgil was the only one who talked to Remy much after that, since he occasionally drove him home from school. Resolving to at least text Remy tomorrow, Roman closed his eyes.
Hope you enjoyed! It’s been a while since I posted, I was just having a hard time finding the time to post over the past couple weeks because I’ve been so busy doing adult stuff. <3 ~Martin
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chadwick211 · 2 years
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 Tasting Notes
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Product Details
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 Tasting Notes
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Product Details
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 Tasting Notes
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Product Details
Size: 750ml
Alcohol Degree: 40%
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 Tasting Notes
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