#Remember character names challange
thewalkingsandwich36 · 4 months
Let's see if I remember Over 100 characters names of mine ! ._.''
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Way too many but there's a 105 , I'm a 100% sure there's much more somewhere o-O
Kagaku-sha (project 036)
Midnight (Project 1.1/2)
Flamez ( Project 1.2/2)
Richard ( Project 2)
Project 3
Sam ( Project 4)
Alexander (Project 5)
Sprinkles (Project 6)
Kate ( Project K 007)
Leefi (Project 032)
Mr Knight
Glitches ( King of the Blue golden eye clan)
Mellow (aka Space Goddess)
Insanity (Sarah)
Nameless (aka War God )
Avarie (Soul eater)
Eyesoul (aka Ancient god of everything weird)
Poker King (PK)
Pixel ( Gamer Dude)
Orange ( Comb man)
Inter ( Interijensu aka God of information)
Akuame ( Cult leader of the red eye )
Zack ( God of all bad choices)
Zehn ( God of all good choices)
Miss White blood cell
Mr Red blood cell
DR Atom
Evil DR John
Uni (Unicorn)
Cotton Candy Fairy
Cookie Princess
Sir Oat Prince
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Romanian siblings posting
So, I think the current Romania character in Hetalia is very Transilvania. He lives in Sibiu, he has beef with Hungary and we never see him (from my memory) interacting with Turkey or Russia pre-USSR. So, Transilvania he is.
So that leaves the other 2 big parts of Romania up for nerds like me to write for. Wallachia and Moldova/Moldavia (they're Țara Românească or Valahia and Moldova in Romanian so I might switch between those names.)
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Wallachia, Moldavia and Transilvania are all siblings, the children between Dacia and the Roman Empire. They barely got to see their parents because they were all too young to remember them.
The three got seperated soon after, Transilvania getting kidnapped by Hungary, Wallachia constantly bickering with Turkey and Russia breathing down Moldavia's neck.
So, here are the character introductions for my little ocs of them. I actually have a lot more toughts on Wallachia than Moldavia so this is more of a Wallachia post
She's the youngest of the siblings (around 19 years old in human years).
She just wants to be left the fuck alone to plant her veggies and take care of her goats
She loves impaling things, crushing potatoes, steak, poking Turkey in the ass with her pitchfork
She has a pet goat called Esus because it's gramaticly correct
She adores cheese and anything with lactose. She refuses to believe lactose intolerance is a thing.
She can speak a shit lot of languages: Romanian, Turkish, French, English, German and Italian. In that order.
Her and Serbia have matching tatoos and they both dyed a bit of their hair blue just because
Wallachia keeps begging Serbia to join the EU because she wants to hang out in the back of the class and get drunk on medical alcohol like in the good ol' days
Serbia and Wallachia are childhood friends. Serbia actually thought Wallachia a few words in serbian and slavic (including the word for love)
Back when Turkey was the Ottoman Empire, he would constantly try to invade Wallachia
He did succeed but only a bit
They fought a lot and Wallachia was one of the brattier territories
She really did enjoy seeing the turks impaled at her border
All and all, Turkey was the closest thing Wallachia had to a father, so, inspite of their previous conflicts, Wallachia still talks with Turkey
At some point Turkey let Greece in charge of Wallachia
They got along quite well, especially since Greece would pay her to get naked
Wallachia and Greece still keep in contact and they send eachother cringe christmas and easter gifts... usually socks or cards
Once Wallachia and Moldavia joined forces together, banboozling the West by electing the same president, they played rock paper scissors and Wallachia won.
She once beat the shit out of Bulgaria, to the point that some western powers had to stop her from doing it
Never leave Wallachia in a room with Hungary. That bitch will be dead in an instant
Wallachia loves her siblings a lot but she's also a firm believer in consensual bullying
She did basicly every college under the sun at England's place before he threw her out. Now she's staying in Italy with Felicio
Her and Romania constantly try to see which one is better: Cluj Napoca or Bucharest
It's Iasi, guys, come on
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She's the middle child at about 20 years old in human terms
She's the scapegoat of the family
Moldova is her kid and she's a very proud mom
She makes the best alcohol in the family
She was a lot closer to Wallachia than to Romania
She's the only one of the three that still constantly goes to church
She created the ice bucket challange and she's amused by how people were using it
She's the best storyteller of them all. She just has a very sweet and homey voice.
She's dating Ukraine and they're in a loving relationship together.
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maria-ruta · 1 year
i miss ronya she was so cool. how's she doing these days
awww thank you!!! <3 <3 <3
I miss her too UvU
the game ended on moment when all the demons were defeated and sent back to hell (except for Nafanya and Gra'azt, who now became leader of big group of drow and continues to get more drow on his side from Lolth(shes not happy about it lol))
Ronya got married to goblin widow Hikt (they threw the bouket in Sarit's face so hehe he's next lol) and now Ronya is mama of Hikt's kids from her last marrige - one allready young adult goblin booy, little girl, and baby boy (I don't remember where I wrote their names rip OTL)
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(this hella cool bugbear design is work of my friend @tench-art)
Mao completelly turned into fairy and only had one year and one day left in mortal plane to live, and after that she will be joining the Wild Hunt
And Chiviss ( @tench-art 's character) became small demigod and now he had his own illithyd ship, his paladin friend Valya(they are in love but very slowburn/akward about it) and clone of human monk Lee who now has to help Chiviss by doing good things and help fixing stuff he fucked up - and Chiviss plans to travel across other worlds on his ship
AND WITH ALL THAT Ronya was left the only one to rule Fort Asshole (Sarit gave it that name and it stuck X'D ) the fort, that became shelter for many many people throghout our game - basically it was like big town or small city at this point
The game ended at Ronya being like "wait so whos gonna take care of the Fort now?"
and everyone were like "well now YOU are the queen of Fort Asshole, Ronya! your responsibility now byeeee"
But I think Ronya will found a union with other leaders of the different groups of citizens of Fort Asshole
such as orcs Hector and Azog, who represent the interests of orcs
myconid Lubomab, who represents the interests of myconids
Ronya herself as leader of goblins and bugbears
and half-orc Lidia, who represents the interests of everyone else and all kinds of minorities
and together they will come up with something X'D how to take care of the city and trading and etc. Fort Asshole became very important trading point, since now it has the big portal cirlce to the surface, while the last city(Malonderit, I cant find how the city should be written right, I only remember how it was pronaunced so eh), that had the portal to the surface - doesnt have it anymore. So yeah, Fort Asshole has all the chances of becoming big city eventually
I know from what our DM said, that at some point other bugbears of the city will become overly proud and will think of themselves more than other species, bc "our leader is so cool! she is the best and the strongest, and everyone else is weak loosers" so Ronya would have to beat some sense into them
she would tell them(more like angrily roar) that she would never get where she is now without help of her friends and comrades (hell she even DIED once and they had to get her ass a new fucking body), that everyone is equal here and that they should stop embarrassing her. And she would also add that its not bugbears who are stronger than everybody but its particularly HER who's stronger than everybody XD and if anyone of those bugbear assholes wants to argue with that - they can challange her to battle in orcs' arena and see if they could win her in wrestling battle. nobody's up for it? theN SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!
ALSO Ronya promissed her wife Hikt that she won't be risking her life as much as she did during demon invasion anymore so I guess her life gets less adventurie now
She would gladly teach kids her knowladge of hunting, tracking, scouting, and nature of underdark in general... when she has time lol, bc being leader is hella busy job (she didn't want it but she was choosen to do it U_U )
(idk what else to add haha you can ask anything specific if you want. but im very pleased you want to know more about Ronya, Thank you)
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oh-my-may · 4 months
Very quickly I wanted to share some thoughts on Wuthering Waves so far.
I have completed the main quest up to act IV and I think it goes up to 6 in total? So I am more than halfway done with what the main story has to offer so far. I must say, although it does follow the typical anime rpg plot of recent games, I have been enjoying it!
It took me the first two chapters of the story to get behind all the game specific terms like Resonator, Tacet Fields and Discords etc. but I think as of right now I'm pretty secure in my knowledge of it.
I don't wanna get too much into the lore yet but there's so many things about the world (Solaris 3, right?) that I do not understand (yet) but given how I still have main story to play through I reckon some of my questions will be answered later. But the first thing is HOW BIG THE MAP IS? I think it might be like that for me bc I'm not used to playing open world games on mobile and maybe if I played it on PC I'd have a different impression but like... on mobile it seems huge. The Resonance Beacons are kinda oddly placed I think... like there should be a few more but maybe I'm spoiled from hyv games. From what I can tell on mobile it looks good, too. Can't wait for WuWa to come out for PS5 so I can fully enjoy how beautiful it looks. (no, I don't have a PC to play it on atm)
Scar is really cool, overall I really like the "villain" organisation so far (I know their name but wouldn't trust myself to properly spell it on here lol). Maybe bc they're some lf the only characters in this game that know what colour is lol. Scar's eng VA is *chefs kiss* and I think so far he's the most interesting character overall. Chamellya (? Is that how you spell her name) also seems really cool. Haven't met her yet in the story but I've seen several posts and I really look forward to getting to know more about the Fractuids (????or whatever their name is). Call them the Overseers, that's easier to remember and spell HAHA. Wonder what their motive is for abducting Jue and reviving the other big thing (it starts with Th I know, but can't remember it rn... Threnoid or something? Guys I told you I'm still learning)
When directly asked, Scar said that it brings the Lament and all that but like... why would they want that to happen??? Are humans bad? Is something bad gonna happen to them and they know? And what about putting TD parts into human bodies?? Why?? AND WHERE DO TDS COME FROM ANYWAY?
Okay so far for that. Also I quite like Jihnsi, which is suprising to me... I do find it weird that most characters in this game share almost the same color palette, I think it's cool that she's devoid of any color and she's just... pale. Everything about her is so pale and I think that's really cool, somehow. Just like the Overseers it makes her stand out to me.
I haven't met Jiyan yet :( Apparently I will in the next chapter but I have to level up quite a bunch until then... so lemme give you some other thoughts.
First of all I like the open world! I wanted to save exploration for until I have finished the main quests completely but since you have to level up in between the game leaves you no other choice. I haven't even unlocked the entire map yet (as I said I think it's HUGE on mobile lol) but so far it's been very cool! I like the twist they put in the puzzles, somehow they came up with new mechanisms that aren't just repetition of other games open world puzzles. I like that most challanges aren't time gated (like the sniper ones, I'd be dead if they were on mobile HAHA). Besides the challenges where you fly around as that bird and have to fly through rhose rings.. it goes so fast I can NOT control that at all on mobile. Will save those for a later opportunity ig.
The battles have been fun so far. Again I have to say how dynamic the system feels it's really fun with Intro Attacks and all that, the dodge attacks are really cool and yeah... on mobile I just press buttons and can't be as smart with my moves because I barely know wtf is going on and I can't control my fingers as diligently on the tiny buttons lol. Does the mobile version have controller support yet? I think I read somewhere that it doesn't, but I'll probably be the first to jump to it lol.
(Rn I wanna mention that I saved this post until this point and finished writing it afterwards until suddenly the wifi at work disconnected and then I lost hald the post :((( so I have to kinda rewrite half of it, yaay...)
The echo system is really cool and innovative. Its pretty new to me personally as a system to exchange for the artifact/relic stuff. Its cool you can use the echos ability. I just figure its gonna be a pain to farm later, given how you're not always guaranteed to get an Echo from every enemy snd the stats are random too... I haven't gotten too much into the system yet and what set or whatever is best for each character... but I'm glad that auto euqip is a thing already haha. I'll probably have plenty of time to figure this all out later.
I have arrived at a point in the game where the game wants me to level characters... the game recommended team level 40 for the Scar fight when I had my team at 25... Currently I use Rover, Verina and Chixia and habe been quote enjoying them. I'll try and use Rover as long as possible, so far I really like her playstyle! I also like that the game basically adds two new elements to the roster: light and darkness, basically. Seems pretty cool. Do the elements interact? Haven't gotten too much into the meta yet, so are there like reactions like on genshin or just status effects? To conclude my thoughts I'd like to add that I'm not sure yet how worth it is leveling up my characters rn? I know that Verina is very good and as I said I'll try and level Rover for now, but as for the third slot... although I like Chixia I ultimately wanna get Jiyan or some other 5star lile Calcharo? I also have no idea (yet) how to effectively farm level up material. There must be something like a ley line or calyx surely, I just haven't found it yet. Overall I'd like to spend the 240 energy the game gives me but besides bosses I haven't really found something on the map... oh yeah there was spme forgery challenge ig that's like for weapon stuff? We'll see...
Since I have lots of leveling to do (6 levels to continue the main quest...) I figured doing normal quests is the most effective way to do that, although I have noticed that not all quests give Union Exp? I find that a bit odd. Also are there any of these smaller quests worth paying proper attention to? Like that tell important lore? So far I've only done a few and they didn't really seem significant ... some photo taking and infiltrating an enemy camp, which was pretty cool because Rover dressed up as one of them snd snuck arpund the camp, but it didn't seem that important in the grand scheme of things? Do let me know if there are certain quests that are really cool.
I have done Lingyangs character quest and it was pretty sweet. I liked the camera switch in the cavern a lot. He's also just generally a very cite character, he falls out of the character colour scheme and he's just adorable :( I did get him as my first 5star on the 50 pull banner... sadly I don't like his playstyle :( I think I dislike the way gauntlet characters feel on mobile? Idk. I also dislike that lightning 4star gauntlet man (forgot his name. He was one of my first 4stars and his trial felt weird playing him idk...) in terms of gameplay. I do think this is just a mobile thing for me, at least with the controls. As I said, when the game gets controller support this might change.
I'd like to mention a few things that bother me, too. No game is perfect and I do think that kuro games is definitely able to fix these things. First of all I've noticed that in the open world when expllring it's often very silent? As in... there's no background music? Idk if it's just programmed to set in very late? I know that there is music, since it does play when I log in... but when I walk through the world and change areas it's so oddly silent for so long... it's kinda scary sometimes haha. Also I often hsve the problem that spoken dialogue randomly cuts off mid sentence without any trigger? Like it just doesn't play the entirety of the sentence? And this happens quite frequently, especially in the first few chapters of the story. Also when the text appears on screen... it seems that sometimes it is so long that it doesn't fully appear on screen? It doesn't scroll down or anything the longer texts are just not displayed? Idk.
Another thing I noticed is that the Rover's voice over often seems very monotonous and almost... empty? Like there's no emotion or anything... at least for female Rover. I do like that she gets quite a bunch of spoken lines, but sometimes they seem oddly off against the other characters... one example that really botheres me wss in act 4, when Scar gets arrested (and Scars voice over is phenomenal btw!). There's this moment where he wants to flee and in the lsst second Rover jumps in and says something like "not so fast" or something like that and its just... the character is in action and there's high tension and the line just falls so incredibly flat? I think it may be a directing problem, maybe they just didn't tell her what the context was but like... it really bothered me. I generally like the Eng voice over, although I do find some of Yangyangs pronounciations weird? It irritates me how she says Huanglong a lot of times? Like I get it that its closer to the Chinese pronounciation but other characters say it with an english accent too? Or her breathy "Rover" all the time? I think this is just me but it was quite annoying.
Other than that (and I already mentioned it) it will tske me some time to get used to the colour palette of the characters... i do like the character design, but almost every character has the same colours to them? It's all mainly black with white/grey details and occasinally some shade of blue/red or green in between. Very few characters fall out of that scheme, like Encore, Verina or LingYang. Or the Overseers, but they're not playable (yet?)
Other than thode pretty minor problems I'm excited to explore the world a bunch now. Very excited to see how the story ends as of rn. The devs are very attentive to player feedback so I'm vurious to see where the game is headed. I do think it has lots of potential. As I said, I can't wait for playable Scar and just generally to explore more of the world. Are there gonna be more countries added to the world? I'd say yes as of right now but are there mentions of it in the story? Very excited for it!
Also I'm looking forward to meeting Geshulin in the story. Ive seen short clips of him and to say I'm obsessed would be an understatement. This game nails it's morally grey male characters.
I'm not used to taking screenshots during mobile games, so I have only this one of Scar for now, maybe I'll mamage to make it a habit. Bye for now! (Wish me luck on Jiyans banner)
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sconesandvodka · 2 years
I’ve been seeing you reblogging Love is in the Air and I’ve never heard of it but I’m curious. Is it good? What’s it about?
Knuckle down, you just gave me a free pass to rave over one of my latest obsessions - hope you are ready!
The show is based on two novels by Thai author MAME; "Love Storm" and "Love Sky". It is about the separate (but connected) love stories of two friends, and the ups and downs they both faces along the way.
The first half of the show starts with the character Rain, whose car breaks down during a thunderstorm. A handsome stranger stops, and helps him out.
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Rain later discovers that the man is the legendary Payu (= 'Storm') that everyone at his architectural faculty talks about, but who Rain himself never met as Payu graduated before Rain started. When Rains car breaks down again, Payu is there to help once more, this time taking the car to the garage his family owns and operates. Payu is under the impression Rain is flirting with him, looking to hook up - but Rain refuses him. Payu wont accept money for the reparations to Rains car, rather opting for a payment in the form of Rain being/talking respectful to him as a senior. Payu also clearly loves to tease and rile Rain up - and as Rain gets fed up with him and this behaviour (as he quickly turned from lovestruck-by-the-stranger-who-helped-him to annoyed-by-the-cocky-senior-who-his-classmates-worships-as-a-hero), he vows to make Payu fall in love with him.
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Payu is definitely amused by this (and very much not opposed to his challange...), and gives him a month to accomplish his task. What follows is Rains mission to juggle schoolwork and making Payu fall for him, all while falling for Payu himself.
The second part of the series focuses on Rains friend and classmate, Sky, who during Rains arch helps Rain sneak into an illegal streetrace that they hear Payu is attending/helping out with. Sky is able to get this information from his ex, who also moves in these circles. During the race, Sky meets Prapai (= 'Wind') - a racer and also a friend of Payus - who helps him escape the guards that discovered him. In exchange for helping Sky out, Prapai hints heavily that he wants to sleep with Sky. Sky, clearly upset by this still just replies "just take what you want", and they end going back to Prapais place (and I will die on the hill that notorious sleeps-around-Prapai sees this as playful flirting, although we we all wished for better communication and clearer consent..)
Afterwards Prapai tries to ask for Skys name and number, but Sky refuses. As Prapai remembers Sky coming to the race with Rain, he eventually convinces Rain to give him Sky's number - and Prapai starts his journey on pursuing Sky. Sky, who clearly suffers from a lot of trauma, keeps rejecting Prapai - sure that Prapai only wants him for sex. Prapai - never giving up - is very determined to prove him wrong.
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I could write for days about this show, but I'm going to try to hold back haha - and I think I managed to avoid spoilers? (Like, Payus identity is literally revealed in ep 1, Sky's trauma is also revealed early on, but the viewers learns more about it as the show progresses).
This show has literally become one of my all-time favourite BLs, I love the story and the characters to bits. I really didn't think that would happen when I started the show - I don't know how well versed you are with BLs, or Thai BL-shows but the author MAMEs works are.. well, people love to hate them and there are reasons for that. Not only does her works often include themes of (past/) trauma (which in itself is not a problem, but rather how its portrayed/dealt with), pretty stereotypical 'top-bottom'-roles and the stories are usually pretty... mid.. but consent in general is also most often portrayed a bit.. iffy, although that is a problem with the majority of all BLs despite author and country of origin.
Love in the air - or rather especially the novels which it is based on - is not an exception to scenes that is playing way too loose with consent, although I am really (pleasantly) surprised how this adaption handles it overall. It's one of the few shows we actually see the characters asking for consent and respecting boundaries, and although the bar is on the ground, the times they do adress it, its done pretty good. In adapting the novels to a show, they made some really good changes to the story and characters, and the actors are phenomenal! The chemistry between them, especially Peat and Fort who plays Sky and Prapai are out of this world! And the story between Sky and Prapai are really the strongest bit in the show - Rain and Payus love story is more lighthearted, more humours and sweet (with some darker bits in the mix) and it's wondeful - but Sky and Prapais story are much more complex, more serious and it has some real gut-punching moments in a way I never expected after watching the first arch.
There is also some of the best adult scenes I've watched in BLs.. Like, whats up with Thai BL and NC-scenes (NC=No children 17 and under) lately???
Like, look at that shit??
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Who signed off on this??
Spice aside, there is also so much more to this show, but yeah - trying to not spoil too much and to hold back (this is long enough as it is...)
If you are interested in watching it, I would really urge you to give it a chance - and to keep in mind that (at least in my opinion), the show just gets better by every episode.
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animatorweirdo · 1 year
Good morning/evening! It's muffin anon and I've got a crack fic idea for you today. And a dare. I challange you to complete this idea with the first plot that comes to your mind. Good luck!
Imagine you are in your living room, watching the Fellowships of the Rings you get transported into the scene with the Nazgul.
With your couch.
In your pajamas.
While stuffing your face with popcorn.
The Nazgûl stop in their tracks. The character look at each other and then you and then blink.
And then the fight continues as if you weren't there. Then, one of notices you and tries to stab you. You press the pause button and the Nazgul stops.
With his sword held just above your nose. You carefully duck and get to another place and repress the button.
The Nazgûl launches and butchers your beloved couch.
"My couch! My very, very expensive couch!"
Continue from here.
By the way, I saw this exact same scene in a C-drama, though I cannot remember its name, and thought it would be funny to something similiar in Lord of the Rings. What do you think? Where does it go from here? Please tell me the name if you know it, I want to watch it again.
As always, I wish you a pleasant day/night!
As a little payback, you start using the remote to stop the time and move the Nazguls around so that they hit each other. The Nazguls are confused when you hit the play button and pause again to do it all over again. The Nazguls leave as some sorcery makes them fight each other. You feel satisfied then you realize only Frodo can see you and talk to you because of the one ring. His friends and the striders can't and walk through you like you were a ghost. "Oh, fuckingtastic!" you curse out loud.
You technically join the trip, talking with Frodo most of the time and others feel strange as they can't hear or see you, but they can sense you and see the effect of your timestopping remote. After getting to Rivendel, you had hoped Gandalf and the elves might see you but no they can't. They do feel your presence much stronger and call you Frodo's strange guardian. Not seeing much of a choice, you join the fellowship, seeing you might go back if you finish the movie, in your pyjamas nonetheless as you don't have a change of clothing.
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lgbtiba · 1 year
Bagina/shyduo (cubitos ofc) AU where the jailsquad + Bagi are Federation experiments but different and Bagi and Tina become friends as kids but get completely separated until now
Bagi is more like Bluebird AU kinda thing but not quite. Bagi, Baghera and Jaiden had different treatments; Jaiden was basically treated like a princess, spoiled, always reassured that the Federation is her family and such, until she grows up and becomes a Federation employee;Baghera was just brutally experimented on, so inhuman and hurtful (my headcanon) she completely blocked it out of her mind when she escaped; Bagi was given material things, a cat to keep her company, a tree house, candy, a child's dream life, but always very detached yk? Treated like nothing but a subject, the employees never spoke to her no matter how much she talked to them, she called them her "family" even though she wasn't attached or cared for by them at all.
Jailsquad were completely different, they were just given rooms, if they wanted food and water they had to complete puzzles and challanges, like the jail ordeal but on a much smaller scale. A vibe like Portal, with the physical and mental challanges. Sometimes a few of them in a group and sometimes individual
Every time Tubbo starts his he tries to somehow find a way to sneak out, one of times he does where Tina just happened to be with him, she encounters a girl she hasn't seen before, carrying an orange cat around. Bagi, who at this point has never met another kid her age, is ecstatic to be friends while a shy Tina is freaking out, she gives her candy (wich Tina has never had before), talks all about her animals and stuff that she likes until Tina gets pulled away for escaping.
From then on, Tina always stalls the time she spends on the facility in-between tests to meet with Bagi, while Bagi herself just keeps asking the employees that acompany to let her stay there, she even comes up with excuses as to why despite them not seeming to care at all, just doing what she asks in the most distant way possible. They keep at it for a while until Bag starts planning to secretly break Tina out (because in her mind she isn't trapped at all), Tina is hesitant to defy them but she trusts Bagi more than anyone, they swore to always protect eachother so it'll probably be fine, right?
Except the Feds immediately catch wind of it and put Tina on a "break", wich means staying locked in her room for months, being given food from time to time. Meanwhile Bagi gets any memories of Tina completely erased (it gives her her first bit of hair dyed, wich s almost completely white by the time she's an adult).
When Tina's break is over, they purposefuly set her free to go find Bagi, and when she does, Bagi doesn't know who she is at all. Tina thinks she forgot completely on her own, that she was so unimportant to Bagi that being a away for a while could get her to forget their friendship.
From that point on, the Feds never take Bagi there again, just in case. Tina keeps sneaking out everytime to look for her, and never sees her friend again. Again, Tina thinks Bagi just doesn't care to go there anymore, but some part of her still wants to see her so much, she looks for her every single day for years. Until it's time for the final test, all of the jailsquad's memories are erased, replaced by fake lifes they never lived.
Bagi the entire time since has been a nuisance to the Federation, getting brainwashed so many times, it ends with total amnesia, only knowing her name and that she loves animals.
Also, you know how Bagi says she hasn't practiced her english in 10 years? What if the in-character reason is because she hasn't spoken to Tina for 10 years?
What if the reason her diaries were written in english is because deep down she was hoping Tina would find them, without even remembering her?
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loopscereal · 2 years
Back in late 2019 i had never even heard of twitch, I was on minecraft youtube watching hermitcraft, i had just recently found this funny video series on youtube by Wilbur Soot where he challenged his viewers live. Back then I thought Technoblade was just another reoccurring viewer of Wil’s! Thats so absurd to think back on!
Early 2020 I watched tommys vids in youtube where he ran around being purposefully annoying twoard the dteam, speedrunning challange, yt vids became yt vods, and he would mention checking out twitch, so would wilbur. By July of 2020 I was following wilbur on twitch, by September I had followed tommy, October I had followed tubbo.
Soon enough I was following a whole new chain of creators on a new platform, invested in their story. I hadn’t yet really registered that their timezines matter much since i was accustomed ti watching vods. I *STILL* regret having missed the pog2020 vs swag2020 election because of this! I still regret that!! God!
November 16th came and went, I was enamored with all the art that came out because of it, then Wolf the witch, then known as “channel without a name” had uploaded their animation of the 16th in the 20th. I was there, in that live chat, and after the premiere, I had made friends. I didnt think that would last, but here i am, almost two years later, and most of the “premier gang” members are still active we still talk regularly.
We watched origins together and fell in love with the vod, learned how to install mods and use fabrics launcher! I installed minecraft java edition fir the first time ever because of this, we played minecraft together, we branched out and screenshared to eachother when one would play any other game.
We had a channel specifically for when some damned streamer would go live to scream about it and summarize the premise to each other if we had missed it. By the time Tales Of the SMP rolled around we would all sit in vc together and watch as someone screen shared.
We’ve had three “seasons” of our origins smp, with shops snd community houses. I remember building water tunnels for our resident merling, and my friend would make awnings for me since i was an enderian and couldnt leave the house when it rained. We pulled pranks on eachother, my whole wheat farm was replaced with carrots, me replaced a friends house with jack-o-lanters and acacia wood!
I found other common interests with friends, we found we coult talk about other things other than minecraft incredibly easily, we made comics together, played new games together, suggested music together, celebrated together, we grieved the death of a fucking music bot together! I still miss groovy, we had so many late night ham sessions with groovy.
We still talk about c!tommy, c!tubbo, a friend makes animations about the eggpire and recently got new egg lore. It feels good after havjng seen and heard them hold on to it for so long, and thats what we’ve all done. Holding on, i guess.
I really have had so much fun, playing with my art style along these two years, creating little ficlets for my friends about characters i adore, going insane about new animations from the community. Ive had a personal au about clingyduo for well over a year now, maybe even two years? No idea, but god its been so fun, fullfilling even.
My vocabulary has deffo been changed, example A is right there, “deffo” was ages ago and hasn’t left me since. I dint think dsmp is going to leave me even if i stop interacting with it (which i don’t think I will just yet)
I love all the results I’ve personally gained from being a part of this.
Thank you so much to the streamers, the artists, the musicians, *some* of the clips channels, everyone who wrote character analysis, wrote fics, or just screamed in twitch chat or posted in the youtube comment section or live tweeted/ live blogged any moment they loved.
Thank you to the fanbase, more than anything, for making this place so loved.
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Forgot (might change the name)
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18+just incase (maybe ill make this a challange if anyone wants to add any sweet fluff to fix the angst in story Don't print or repost anywhere. But reblogs and comments are welcome :)
Pick chris character/chris
Because friends seriously forget.
You wanted him to remember more than anything. friends forgot, which you tell yourself is merely from accidentally putting the wrong date in Facebook some family forgot but HE forgot and that hurt more than anything.
You got used to people letting you down... well other people. Even though every year you got your hopes up only a little so every year you'd hope a little less . But the fact that HE forgot made it hard for your heart to stay together that day...to-day....
You braced yourself for others not him but in in your mind you felt like in the back of your mind you knew. Sure it was the first year you'd known each other so maybe it would be diffrent with him? But why would you get your hopes up? Because it was him and you were falling ( if its cap then this worse than loki after dr strange found him) faster then free falling faster than jumoing off a doc fastdr then a door opening in space or flying. You were falling.
Together though? Who are you kidding. Hes qway alt its probably casual dsting at best. And with fall holidays people did have a valid excuse to not even get a card. But the few gifts you had gotten over the years were prcuious.. even if those friendships fell apart they did care at one point.
You could remind him but then I'd just be fake.
You knew it would be silly to get your hopes up. But you did and you don't know why you allowed yourself to get hurt every time. You dont even know why you expected him to be diffrent. But you did and you weren't sure what hurt the most....geting your hopes up and being let down or him.... him forgetting.
Him causing tears gou have right now.
But why would he remember.....
Tag list
@sparklybarbarianninja @sapphire-rogers
If i forgot you in tagging plz send me a message to remind me.
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ssuckitlosers · 2 years
USUK fic recs:
Yes I have been rereading old usuk fics instead of doing work.
Stardropdream wrote a lot of good fics! Their account is orphaned now but I highly recommend reading:
‘Bottle it Up’ it’s set during the war and could probably be read as platonic. Their relationship is portrayed in such an interesting and realistic way that feels very fitting for the characters. Also touches on their attitudes towards war. It’s very interesting, cannot recommend enough.
‘Coffee and Cigarettes’ is fairly nsfw. Mainly explores America’s character and his thoughts and fears around power and control. It’s a really interesting introspective around America. The second in the series focuses on England, which is also pretty interesting.
‘Highway Cloudbusting’ is a classic. It’s been so long since I’ve read it that I don’t remember much, except liking it so much that I’d still count it as one of my favourites. I’ll reread it soon and update this.
‘Born on the Fourth of July’ by Pennylane. I reread this yesterday and I still recommend it. I think my favourite part is how the characters are portrayed. America and England’s relationship is really well explored, they work through their miscommunication and it feels very accurate to the characters. And I really like how France is portrayed in this fic, he clearly cares for England and I think their friendship is often underrated. Pennylane also wrote ‘Cuckoo in the Nest’ which is another one of my recs, but I need to read it again to say more on it.
‘The Hudson River Challange’ by monobuu. Okay, so this is a crack fic. I was going to delete it from my rec list a few days ago because I was like wtf why? Then I reread it and it made me laugh, it’s genuinely more funny than it has any right to be, so it stays and I’m actively sharing it here too.
‘Bridge Over Troubled Water’ by merakily. So I don’t know how to talk about this fic without kind of spoiling what happens. I haven’t read it in a while but I know it’s amazing. It ripped my heart out and I still recced it, which is a testament to how much I enjoyed reading it. I’m pretty sure I cried for so long after this but I want to read it again soon.
‘you committed, i’m your crime’ by Anonymous. Definitely read the tags for this one. I don’t quite know how to explain it, but if I didn’t think this fic was really good, I wouldn’t rec it. Alfred and Arthur aren’t good people but you can still root for them to be together imo. I remember it being a really good supervillain fic and I’m going to go reread it after I’ve posted this. But again, read the tags before.
‘His Clockwork Heart’ by Firebear. I’m obligated to rec this because I have made multiple people irl read it. I had to talk to someone about this so bad that I made my friend whose never even watched hetalia read it. Back in the day, I read this on ff.net and cried, so this is a rec from past me.
‘Eight Steps to Victory’ by Zeplerfer, is another fix that I haven’t read in a while but remember liking so much that I’m still going to rec it. Made me crave more dancing au’s.
‘Just Like Heaven’ by maddiemoiselleeee. I remember this being interesting, another one that I think I cried reading. But again it’s another fic I need to reread, like I remember the main things that happen but I’ll read it again and update this.
‘American dreams in an English village’ by Butterfish. I have no recollection of this fic except that I remember liking it, genuinely the name is the only thing I remember. But I also commented that I loved it so I’ll trust past me again lol.
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orlissa · 2 years
For the anonymous ask, my favorite fic of yours is Midnight Prayer. I'm not even that religious, so I don't know why I like it so much. Maybe it's because it's something that is rarely explored in darklina fics (at least the ones that I've read). Aleksander has had a long life and that means that he has beliefs and/or cultures that are older than most (as it's made most apparent with language or in this case religion). Not sure if it's canon or not, but it's my personal headcanon that Aleksander (and in extension Baghra) follow (or used to follow) a different religion and hold a different native language than the rest of the set of characters (I don't think the English or Ravkan, whatever you want to call it, is the same as it was, lets say, four centuries ago). I almost imagine their native language to be similar to latin, meaning that it's now a dead language. Sure, people can learn about it, but no one actually speaks it, except of course, for them. It could explain too why, despite everything his mother did or didn't do for him and vice-versa with Baghra, they still seek this companionship with each other. It could be (amongst other things as well) because they are the only remaining piece of that part of their identity. Who else knows about the Old Gods? Who else knows and speaks Old Ravkan (is that the name of the language? let's pretend it is, shall we)? Who else knows the words to the prayers and/or the rituals? Four centuries is a long time for language and for beliefs to change. It's quite possible that there is not a lot of documentations of it as well (I don't think the people/Grisha back then were preoccupied with writing a dictionary, for example. Their priority was survival, the rest was only secondary).
Anyways, I could go on, but you get the picture. Not sure if this made any sense, but yeah that one is my favorite of yours (it helps that the writing is so good too!)
Oh, and sorry for this mini essay lol got too carried away I guess lol
Never say sorry for something like this, never! I thank you sooo much for taking this much effort to write me such a lovely message.
Yes, the questions of language and religion are very interesting in this context.
When writing about Sasha's religion, I take a lot of inspiration from my country's history, and a bit from my personal experience (as a pagan living in a country ripe with right wing Christian propaganda). So... my country became Christian in exactly 1000. It was basically a political move, because all the peoples around us were already Christian, but still, it was an executive decisions--suddenly laws were made that every 10 village had to build a church and everybody had to attend mass every Sunday (except for the person who was minding the fire). The old, politehistic and shamanistic religion was completely eradicated. We literally have no written sources on it. We don't even know the names of the deities. (Which makes for an interesting paradox when you have hard-core patriot guys who are both into Christianity and old legends using pre-Christianity imagery, but I digress.) So in my fics, the Old Religion is something that was forcefully ended to make way for the Saint Worship, and it's just Aleksander and Baghra who remember.
I imagine Aleksander's faith to be casual, but sincere. He is not crazy devout, doesn't have a strict adherence to the rules, but finds solace in the practice. He doesn't have unshakable faith in the existence of the gods (after all, he has seen the Saints rise and fall, and knows there is nothing divine about them), but it still calms him to pray sometimes.
As for language... now that's interesting. I'm honestly baffled by the show's "Old Ravkan" stuff. Language changes, it evolves. Look at texts from hundreds of years ago. Shakespeare is a bit odd, but still pretty understandable, but something from the 11th-12th century? that's a challange. But you can still find familiar words and patterns. And yet, the show's "Old Ravkan" is basically a completely different language. What I can imagine is that pre-fold the territory was held by another people, who spoke "Old Ravkan", then the current guys came & conquered, establishing "New Ravkan" as the official language -- so "Old Ravkan" would be the dialect of an ethnic minority, not the archaic form of the current language. (Personal bit: my dad's family is Danubian Schwab, a German minority living in Hungary. They've been here for generations, and they they speak their own dialect of German--my grandma, my aunt, they're all still bilingual.)
As for Aleksander, I would think that his speech patterns evolved with the language (your speech patterns evolve all the time, you add words to your vocab, leave stuff behind), but what remains, and what he really needs to be careful about is prnounciation. Because the syntax and the vocab might have stayed relatively the same, but the Ravkan language now uses different sounds than hundreds of yours ago--diphtongs disappeared, short vowels turned into long ones, soft th's turned into hard d's... And he needs to sound polished and educated, so he really, really needs to pay attention to how he talks.
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Draco Malfoy, bully or bullied?
Didn’t we all kind of despise Draco book 1-5? But as we turned the pages of the Half Blood Prince we felt..., pity? Pity for the character we loathed, the evil, hateful bully. I mean, he is a spoiled brat but also perhaps very misunderstood? In HP and the chamber of secrets we see Draco with his father entering Borgin and Burkes.., there is no love and affection in their relatioship. Draco was raised by a family filled with hate and smugness, hating on muggles and muggle-borns, thinking they were better than the rest. Combine this with no affection, no hugs and kisses and a lot of money. Draco learned at an early age that money and pure blood is what matters. He thought he would arrive to Hogwarts and become the most popular student there, as his father had a lot of power and influence over the ministry. He failed to understand though that his fellow 11 year old students don’t care about money nor ministry officials... but fame and cool stories such as the story of Harry Potter..., that they do care about.
Having been shoved to the side his whole life by his unloving parents Draco was jealous of the famous and popular Harry Potter. His name had circulated around his family home for as long as he can remember, and although it was with anger and hate.., they at least talked about him. They didn’t talk that much about Draco, for he was an ordinary boy. Desperate to prove himself Draco wasted all his years at Hogwarts to try and beat Harry in everything. When the moment came that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named himself gave Draco a quest, he was proud. Although he saw the fear in his mothers face, he was happy, because finally came the time where he would make his family proud. Someone believed in HIM. We have to remember Draco was only 16 at this time, a teenager desperate to prove himself, desperate for affection and praise. This, as we know was not a challange given to Draco out of belief in his talents though, but an attempt to hurt his parents who failed their missions. Draco realised that the path he was on was not the right one, he started questioning his parents choices and beliefs and this is where we see character growth. For he loved his parents of course and now he knew that he would be the reason for them being hurt.., and maybe even killed? And maybe he would be killed too? Of course he was scared of death, not every child can be as brave as Harry, that is in fact not normal. Most people fear death, and most people fall for peer pressure and will make choices to become popular. Draco was a normal teenager in his actions. You can also not say that Draco really had a choice, as explained he was brought up with certain beliefs and nothing else would have been accepted. In many parts of Britain physical punishments are used in child upbringing, more so before than now. With strict and posh parents, we don’t know in what kind of environment Draco really grew up. Was Draco maybe bullied his whole life at home?
Draco was indeed a bully, but perhaps things would have been different had he gotten help and guidance earlier. Hogwarts had no support system to catch these trouble makers before things really got out of hand. Or maybe, he is just a spoiled kid who been treated as a prince his whole life and therefore looks down on the rest?
What do you think?
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thestalkerbunny · 3 years
I would like to know your middle school character.
Okay, just as a heads up; take this with a grain of salt, I made these characters when I was like 14 in middleschool after we did a mental health unit in Health Class and making them was sort of my way of retaining the information better.
So the Character's names are Josiah and Jaggity. Josiah is a human boy, he is roughly 14-16 himself at the time of his creation. He is artistic, he had a sister who died in a very bad situation, he had mismatched eyes, severe anxiety about most things and lived essentially in a group home. Like very much a middle school creation. Josiah was also severely schizophrenic to the point where he most likely couldn't function on his own and had to live with other people. Josiah often felt very bad about himself because from my understanding at the time, Schizoprania was perceived as something dangerous and scary by other people.
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(I was a very fond of him at the time I made him and I still am because he was used in a Rp group on DA I used to be in and he has a lot of sorta weird happy memories of people I don't talk to anymore because they've sort of dissapeared off the internet.)
Jaggity was essentially his primary visual hallucination. Jaggity was described as a roughly 7ft tall emaciated cat with no eyelids or pupils, a glasgow smile, a massive hole in his chest and razor blades for fingers. Again. Peak fucking middleschool edginess, me.
Jaggity was basically the visual personifiaction of 'fearing yourself to be what others think of you.' Schizoprania in media is often feared and considered a horror trope. Jaggity appears as a monster. A monster who no matter what he touches he ruins it because his razor blade hands can't hold anything without hurting it. The flip side to the knife analogy is that while people would be concerned about him hurting them-he's just as much risk if not more at hurting himself. Coal Tar often dripped from his eyes, mouth and nose-being perceived as again dangerous (coal tar is a highly flammable substance) as well as disgusting. He was noted to have the smell of kerosene.
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He was basically the visualization of how a young boy saw himself who had been taught by main stream media that being schizophrenic and mentally unwell in general is a bad thing.
And like, I feel like I've really really grown as a person and understanding mental illness and writing mentally ill characters BETTER; but even though I'm still rather fond of these characters in general, in design and nostalgia for when I first made them, I sort of restrain myself from touching them at all out of fear people will start yelling at me for past ignorance I had as a stupid middleschooler because the internet isn't kind nor lenient to past mistakes. They do often make their way into goretober art back in the early days of me doing my Goretober challanges
(Mainly Jaggity because his design was sort of so over the top and exaggerated)
But yeah those were my 'masterpiece' middleschool ocs I refuse to touch out of fear of internet based backlash even though I made them when I was super dumb and young to try an help me remember stuff for a test I was studying for.
I was also really into the song 'Monster' by Meg and Dia at the time, so the inspiration comes from there as well.
*gore art below*
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taecrossing · 4 years
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New Horizons Challange!
Each day make a post so other gamers can get to know you and your island~
Day 1 - Post a picture of your island flag and explain the name of your island.
Day 2 - Post a picture of you with your current villagers. Show us the family.
Day 3 - Make a mini slideshow explaining each of your villagers, tell us about them and what are they like on your island.
Day 4 - Have a photo shoot with your favourite villager (Or 2, or 3). Explain why they’re the best.
Day 5 - Who’s your favourite Special Character? And if you could bring one from previous games, who would it be?
Day 6 - If you play with any of your friends, take a photo with them. If not post up your FC so we can come and play with you~~
Day 7 - Post a picture of your house exterior.
Day 8 - Post a picture of favourite room in your house.
Day 9 - Post a pic of your favourite outfit. Let’s have a fashion show!
Day 10 - Talk about a funny incident you had in the game (did the nickname you chose your villager to say backfired? Funny bug? Villagers having interesting convos?)
Day 11 - Is there any villager you badly want on your island? Time to show them off.
Day 12 - Show off the place in you’re island that you’re proudest of.
Day 13 - Are you a businessmen in ACNH? Give us your Nookazon ID so we can potentially become your customers~
Day 14 - Post a favourite picture you took in ACNH. The one that makes you remember the good times you had while playing.
Tag others so more people can do it or don’t tag anyone at all. I hope this challenge can bring the gamers together and we can all appreciate ACNH.
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darrowsrising · 5 years
What do you think Darrow would have been like if he had been born gold? what kind of person would he have been? 
That is hard to say, but I believe that no matter the AU, Darrow must stay in character to be Darrow, otherwise he is just...out of character at least and not Darrow at all at most.
Although I do not know how he would have ended up if he was born to House Andromedus, given the little things that we know makes it easy to construct Darrow as he actually is. But I think that if you write him born to a powerful House, House Arcos suits him best.
I think that you can't erase Darrow's core values without erasing Darrow himself. So, if he was born Gold, he would still, at the very least, question the status quo and change paradigms to suit himself. I think that you can write Gold!Darrow to agree and like how the Rim does things, but I can't imagine him liking Octavia or letting himself be easily manipulated by powerful players.
If he is an Olympic Knight, be sure he has his own agenda in mind, and not just Octavia's killer.
Many say that Eo made Darrow who he is and that is so very wrong on so many levels. Darrow was clinging to his life as pioneer and HellDiver because his father got himself killed when he was young. What Eo did was not for Darrow at all. On the contrary, the only thing she did for him was to hide her pregnancy. Darrow adopted her dream on his own and for that to happen, he first had to deal with the guilt and the trauma Eo's death brought him.
Darrow born to a Gold House will have to meet tragedy to challange or strenghten his beliefs, but that can work however you want it to work.
This is how I see things working:
• House Arcos: I see Darrow as the youngest son of Lorn au Arcos, Alexandar's favourite uncle. The age difference is pretty big between him and his brothers. Even bigger between him and Lorn. He was still in his teens when all his brothers died, he saw them perish right before his eyes. But while Lorn is resigned to a rotten Society, Darrow isn't. Darrow wants to destroy it and built a better one. His initial beliefs are in sync with the Rim's. But through out the story, they are challanged. He is no messiah of the Red, though. He can bridge the gap between Colors though.
• House Bellona: Imagine it was Darrow au Bellona instead of Cassius au Bellona. I think that Darrow, to remain true to himself, doesn't care about honour that much, but he still cares about his family, about glory and such. Julian's death will be the tragedy that makes him question things (let's pretend that the huy who kills Julian is a random guy, no connection to Augustus or Ares). Why did this fued happen in the first place? Why is Octavia siding with Bellona, when she initially sided with Augustus? He wins the Institute...Darrow not being a milotary genius? Pfftt...no thank you. With his family falling progressively lower in the name of very petty revenge, Darrow stops siding with them. As an Olympic Knight - Rage Knight, he learns how power operates and his beliefs get challanged by his discoveries. I think that in a civil war he will side with the Rim and fight for their independence and convince his family to do the same.
• House Augustus: As I said, Darrow isn't easy to manipulate or influence. Remember when Adrius tried to make him kill himself? Or when the Ash Lord tried to play the mirror card on him? Yeah, Darrow at his core is made of iron will. Darrow au Augustus? It is the hardest to say. This an AU I can't truly pen out, because I can't see him as Claudius and neither as a triplet or younger brother to Claudius or the twins. I think that he wouldn't let Nero's abusive behavior affect him too much (just like Mustang), but other than that and some Reformist beliefs I just can't see further.
So, lo and behold, I can see Gold!Darrow as at the very least questioning the status quo. Even if he chooses to do whatever is in his family's interest (it is in his character to do so), I can't see him being influenced or manipulated not for too long anyway.
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2019 Fic Review
thanks to @strangemischief for the tag
1. Fics Completed This Year (jut the finished ones and from January to December)
And maybe I've always been in love with you
Scarred chest and broken mind
Can we live that real life
The Matchmakers Team
I would whisper words, singin' you to sleep
Dreams start their drifting & you hear a lullaby
Secrets that are not meant to last
You're making the typical me break my typical rules
feeling so high, but too far away to hold me
I've been afraid, don't wanna fade out of my body
That's what you get for waking up in Vegas
It's crucial that you see the truth
The worst and the best idea
'Cause people believe That they're gonna get away for the summer But you and I, we live and die
Flip a grin, shake a thing, name a shame
Romantic confessions are overrated
And yet a masterpiece, and yet I'm half-diseased
And in the end, it is about you.
And if yours is the last voice I hear, I'll die happy
You were dancing in your tube socks in our hotel room, flashing those eyes like highway signs
Promise you'll remember that you're mine
Giving up control
There's nothing I want but money and time 
I need another story, somethin' to get off my chest
You're not ready for what's commin'
In your eyes there was an honesty no lies but you weren't free
You should know you're beautiful just the way you are
If you were ever in doubt, don't sell yourself short, you might be bulletproof
And maybe you're not the villain, maybe you are the hero
'Cause I can't help my mind from going there
I'm looking for someone who speaks my language, someone to ride this ride with me
I love the sound of happiness
You rest your head and turn the light on, if only I could wish your kiss
To make a name you pay the price, you give your life, no other way
I'm still comparing your past to my future
Did you loose what won't return?
The cause and effects when life interferes
Who lives, who dies, who tells the story
Tell me what you need I'll give you everything I can
The only person who matters
Some scars are deeper than they seem
Boyfriends' relics and other Avengers-worthy things
I’ve been questioning when you’re gonna see I’m not part of your machine
Feels like I'm falling into a world I can't control
Help me piece it all together before it falls apart
Soul broken
You are a sweet relief, you save me from my brain
I think there's a flaw in my code
I'd been down, give me some space, you don't know what's in my brain
So many questionable choices, we love the sound that our voices make
we can do anything if we put out minds on it
Wonderin' if I could sneak out the black
A simpler life, an odder relationship
Who has the knowledge and wisdom Tell me who'll be the hero to protect the kingdom
2. Words Written: 168397 between published WIPs and completed fic.
3. Most Popular Fic:  for hits People come and people go, the trouble is that sometimes you don’t know who is meant for you while for kudos Dreams start their drifting & you hear a lullaby
4. Personal Favorite: I have no fucking clue, probably I'd been down, give me some space, you don't know what's in my brain
5. Favorite Scene: “I’m offended, and I’m sure Carol would be as well if she heard what you said about her powers,” Tony smirked and Stephen found astonish how the man could go from serious to a complete playful tone in zero time. That reminded Stephen why he didn’t need to complicate things. Yes, he was probably gone for the man, but he needed all the friends he could get, and making things weird between them was the best way to walk out Stark’s life. He didn’t want that. “Will you ever stop to think that much? Stephen, people like you for who you are, not because you can hold a fucking river with a single hand. Or because you can create a shield against the power of six Infinity Stones, or because you brought everyone back from Halloween Town dimension. People like you because you are smart and funny, and a person who can give advice, and someone who really listens to others’ problems. And because you have a Cloak with a lot of personality.”
As if prompted, the Cloak moved over so that it could also cover Stark’s arm. Stephen had no idea of what he could tell. A part of him knew that, probably, but another, a bigger one, was well aware of the fact that he was nothing without magic. Tony’s smile was so sincere that he could believe that his words were honest too.
“How?” He asked, almost a whisper.
“I don’t know about the others, but for me, it’s because of the snark. You are the first person ever capable of keeping up with me. But for Rhodey, but he’s always seen me as a little brother and turned me down every time I tried to make a move on him.” [ Who has the knowledge and wisdom Tell me who'll be the hero to protect the kingdom]
6. Biggest Challange: Writing smut, especially Giving up control and  I'm looking for someone who speaks my language, someone to ride this ride with me
7. Proudest Line: “Are you fine?” Rhodey asked her, after some minutes in which they just stay there like this. The man’s arm was around her waist, almost completely support her weight.
“Always,” She replied, almost immediately, without even giving the man the possibility to add something. She knew that she wasn’t, but she was just too stubborn to admit it.
“Do you want me to let you go?”
“No,” It was a plea, her eyes still fixed on Tony’s form, in the background, she could hear the siren from an ambulance.
When James answered her, Nat knew he was smirking: “I wasn’t expecting anything else.” [ Help me piece it all together before it falls apart]
8. Most Touching Comment: I don’t know... I received a lot of touching comments, I usually love when people compliment me on my insight on the characters and getting them in-character (which is something that is being extremely difficult for me recently and this is why I slowed down with the writer aspect of the fandom), but I can’t choose just one of these comments. 
9. Something That Inspired You: It mostly depends. It can be a tv series, a movie, a book, but also a lecture at the university or just walking around with the music in my earpieces. 
10. Proudest Accomplishment:  Again, writing smut which got more than 2 kudos is niece. 
11. 2020 Goals: post the Peter is Tony and May’s kid fic which is basically mcu rewritten with ironwidowstrange. 
tagging; @amethyst-noir @notjustamumj @drstrangefangirl8900
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