#Religious war
alwaysisrael · 11 days
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This isn't about an occupation ( there is no occupation)
This is about a religious radical ideology !
This radical ideology is evil to the core .
Ashley does a wonderful job explaining this .
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It's a declaration of religious war.
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pointless-letters · 9 months
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Syd from Birmingham: vexed by vegans
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girlypopgator · 4 months
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Try me
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 10 months
𝔖𝔲𝔦𝔠𝔦𝔡𝔢 - ℜ𝔢𝔩𝔦𝔤𝔦𝔬𝔲𝔰 𝔚𝔞𝔯
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akiymgc · 8 months
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thefunkyperson · 5 months
I've been seeing a lot about the Israel conflict with Hamas and the atrocities both sides are committing, so I guess I'll put my take out there. I know this isn't like my usual "silly haha" or "cool thing" content, but I'll resume that eventually.
CW: Personal opinions about a bloody conflict with many civilian deaths.
Personally, I support Palestine. Not Hamas. Palestine.
This is a country that the target resides in, and therefore gets blown to bits. Unlike Pakistan, they're not even providing shelter to Hamas (TMK), but Israel continues to attack civilian targets, and keeps saying "Oh, Hamas has moved to the south, so we need to attack there," whilst they kill civilians along the way.
I'm not even advocating for Hamas. Hamas is a terrorist organisation who has committed several atrocities themselves. They deserve to die. They deserve to be killed for their actions. But it should not come at the cost of innocent lives.
As always in wartimes, this is a complex situation. Neither side is morally right, nor morally wrong, depending on your perspective. But there is no denying the basic facts.
Palestine did nothing (recent) to provoke Israel to kill civilians. And both Israel and Hamas, which is not Palestine, have committed atrocities.
But hey! It's a religious war between Christians! And I'm in the Cult of the Satanic Temple! Who am I to judge them?
I'm someone who stands for civil liberties, that's who.
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jazeejae · 8 months
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marylemanski · 9 months
Way back when, there was this guy Abraham. He had an illegitimate son named Ishmael with his slave. Then his wife popped out a child named Issac, and the dead beat dad forced his slave and illegitimate son to wander in the desert until their ancestors settle in what is now present day Israel.
1948 rolls around, and the US and Isaac's descendents come along and force Ishmael's descendents off their land again, so Isaac's people can have it.
And that's the story of how we got to where we are with Hamas and Israel. Two half brothers' ancestors fighting over land.
Now that you know the real problem, fix it. Make that family whole and Israel will be fulfilled on Earth by God, as it should. Man forced Israel to happen, and it will never work until it is formed with Love. It even says so in the scriptures.
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onenakedfarmer · 1 year
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You can't.
But I think we better call it what it really is ...
A religious war to obliterate humanity in the name of Jesus whose own words are so abhorrent to them that they want to start a religious war to prevent them being made manifest.
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amereid1960 · 1 year
البعد الفكري للصراع الفلسطيني الصهيوني
  البعد الفكري للصراع الفلسطيني الصهيوني البعد الفكري للصراع الفلسطيني الصهيوني The Intellectual Dimension Of The Palestinian-zionist Conflict الكاتب : صلاح الدين وانس الملخص: يحاول الكثير من الدارسين والمحللين للشأن الفلسطيني ابعاد الصراع الفلسطيني الصهيوني عن خلفياته الحقيقية الدينية، مبررين ذلك أن القضية الفلسطينية ما هي إلا صراع على نفوذ سياسي في المنطقة وأراضي متنازع عليها، ضاربين بذلك عرض…
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البعد الفكري للصراع الفلسطيني الصهيوني
  البعد الفكري للصراع الفلسطيني الصهيوني البعد الفكري للصراع الفلسطيني الصهيوني The Intellectual Dimension Of The Palestinian-zionist Conflict الكاتب : صلاح الدين وانس الملخص: يحاول الكثير من الدارسين والمحللين للشأن الفلسطيني ابعاد الصراع الفلسطيني الصهيوني عن خلفياته الحقيقية الدينية، مبررين ذلك أن القضية الفلسطينية ما هي إلا صراع على نفوذ سياسي في المنطقة وأراضي متنازع عليها، ضاربين بذلك عرض…
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illustratus · 3 months
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Chaos watches as the Rebel Angels are thrown into Hell (Milton's Paradise Lost)
by Gustave Doré
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cy-lindric · 1 year
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La Reine Margot - Charles IX, Henri de Navarre, and Marguerite de Valois
I.III - Un roi poète
I.XXXI - La Chasse à Courre
II.IV - La Nuit des Rois
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werewolfetone · 2 months
Actually the reveal that flint might be catholic is a wilder reveal than the reveal that flint doesn’t seem to actually be his real name was to me as an 18th century history enthusiast. the implications of a filthy papift like that being high up in the british military in seventeen-oh-something? hello?
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commiepinkofag · 2 months
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Israeli ambassador shreds UN charter, May 10, 2024
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