#The bus
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hgstuff · 1 year
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residentshitcunt · 4 months
My favourite bus behaviour is when the bus is like "im bigger than you" and all the cars in the roundabout are like "shit they is bigger" and then the bus commits a traffic offence.
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victusinveritas · 3 months
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queen-daya · 1 year
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Leo Fitz in 0-8-4 (1x2)
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rockleesnegrowife · 1 month
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ִ ࣪𖤐◞ ꙳ ๋࣭ ⭑ ` 青根 高伸 *ೃ༄
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mashpoll · 8 months
Chief Surgeon Who? (s1 e4): To Frank’s dismay, Hawkeye is promoted to chief surgeon, which prompts Frank to call General Barker to the 4077th.
The Bus (s4 e7): Hawkeye, B.J., Frank, Col. Potter, and Radar are stranded in unfamiliar territory when their bus breaks down on the way back from a medical conference.
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skeletood · 1 year
keanu reeves
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broadway-heere-i-come · 10 months
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James Lantz updated his website and now we have a brand-new, high-res photograph of Ian and Jordan kissing in The Bus
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raywritesthings · 1 year
Even in as early an episode as “The Bus” for him, it’s really obvious how little tolerance Potter has for Frank. Whereas B.J. keeps making these attempts at peace-keeping or finding middle ground, Potter is shooting them down almost as often as Hawkeye is, and he’s the one who’s known Frank for the least amount of time.
I think the combination of Margaret wising up regarding the affair, the disappearance of the generals she was so fond of calling in order to go over Henry’s head to get what she and Frank wanted, and Potter’s absolute no-nonsense attitude in contrast to Henry’s trying-to-please-everybody approach all inevitably led to Frank having nowhere left to grow, as Linville basically put it. He’s still a great character, still incredibly funny, but he’s lost whatever little bite he may have had now that Potter just has to snap at him to get him to stop. Which is emblematic of the shift from the early seasons’ argument of “the army is an incompetent but evil machine that can be dangerously effective at achieving both ends” to the later seasons’ workplace sitcom where the army-aligned characters can be either good or bad, and the “good” ones like Potter will always win out against Frank.
It’s hard to picture an AU where they get along better, because it would take reframing the show and the Potter character in general (or rather, continuing the framing of the army and anyone Regular Army like Potter as a villain), so I find myself wondering instead what might have happened had Frank had a longer turn at command of the 4077th before Potter took over. If that might have made him more combative over being replaced, if he might have found and cultivated an ally or two among the ranks of the enlisted men… I don’t know that it would have prevented Linville from still leaving when he did, but it might have given him something a little different to play while he was still there.
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scribe-kitsune · 26 days
The sound of boots on metal made her look up to see Ward approaching her. She avoided letting her hand instinctively twitch towards her knife. “We should talk.” She raised an eyebrow, those were not great words to start with, “About?” He took & released a breath, leaning against the railing a few feet from where she was sitting under it, “You’ve been avoiding me.” Skye winced. She had been hoping that the specialist had somehow not noticed that. “Yeah, so?”
This took longer than expected.
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pointless-letters · 9 months
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Syd from Birmingham: vexed by vegans
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the-gershomite · 2 years
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The Bus by Paul Kirshner
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ax-fantasma · 9 months
Stardew Inktober Day 2
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doing both of these in one day 'cause i forgot to do 1 yesterday lol
-The Bus-
To say Pam was happy was an understatement.
That Farmer had fixed up the bus? Or the Farmer had gotten the bus fixed, since they kept denying that they fixed it themself?
Either way, the bus was fixed.
Pam had a job again.
To say Penny was happy was an understatement.
It'd been a week since the Farmer had managed to get the bus up and running again, somehow, and Penny hadn't seen her mother this happy in years.
Pam was being paid. And surprisingly, she wasn't spending it all on beer. Sure, she still spent every night in the Saloon, but just this morning Pam had gifted her daughter a fresh Poppy Seed Muffin.
"Made it myself. Joja had a sale and I thought, why not?" Pam had said.
Penny had just smiled and tried to savor the muffin as much as possible.
To say Lewis was happy was an understatement.
The bus was up and running. His town, his beloved town, that he'd let fall apart was being rebuilt day by day by the Farmer.
He loved that Pam was employed again. He loved that Penny seemed happier. And he loved that since the bus was up and running again, more people might come around.
The Farm was bettering the town day after day.
To say that Sandy was happy was an understatement.
The Farmer came by every few days to chat with her. With all the years she'd spent in solitude, with no one but Qi for company, and Emily on her birthday, the opportunity to talk to another person was overwhelming.
The Farmer was nice, and with the bus opened back up, Sandy might even have a chance to visit the Valley.
To say that Mr. Qi was happy... would be to make an assumption.
It'd be correct, of course. And an understatement. But as usual, Mr. Qi hid his emotions quite well.
The Farmer was everything he'd hoped for and more. They'd do extraordinary things, that much was certain.
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queen-daya · 1 year
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Leo Fitz in The Bridge (1x10)
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rockleesnegrowife · 1 month
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ִ ࣪𖤐◞ ꙳ ๋࣭ ⭑ ` y/n *ೃ༄
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