#Relationship As God&039;s Plan
learning2walkdaily · 2 days
September 26th-Would we want to deny someone the ability to learn a lesson that the Lord wants them to learn?
Mark 3: 13And He went* up on the mountain and summoned* those whom He Himself wanted, and they came to Him. 14And He appointed twelve, so that they would be with Him and that He could send them out to preach, 15and to have authority to cast out the demons. Jesus knew what was ahead and personally selected the people to lead believers into the future. One of the more difficult things for some of…
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dwuerch-blog · 7 days
Created for Moments Like This
I saw this metal wall hanging in a store. I took a photo of it. It spoke to me because I remember the birth of my children. I knew I was created to bring them into this world. It spoke to me because there have been times when I encouraged someone to carry on and not give up. Maybe I was the one that helped save their life. Maybe we gently and intentionally encourage others toward a relationship…
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dkcdude · 8 months
Our Long and Winding Roads
We may think of our journeys from cradle to grave as long and winding roads, and that’s entirely appropriate. We can also break our lives into smaller segments, which can seem lengthy and circuitous, especially while we are going through them. Particularly when we are waiting to see God move in our lives somehow, the wait can seem endless. Sometimes the extra twists and turns can be of our own…
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Know What You Want And Need From Dating
How to know what you want and need from dating Many of us go dating in the dark, without a clear picture of what we want, need, deserve or can expect from a romantic relationship. We may be so intent on meeting someone that we override our intuition, ignore red flags and open our hearts to the first person who pays us any attention. When we experience the addictive ‘falling in love’ feeling,…
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lifepalette · 6 years
Avoid Avoidance
Are you a procrastinator? I fully admit that I am. Putting things off is in my nature, and often, it gets me into trouble.
Years ago, I was invited to a fishing trip to Canada with several friends. I was excited to be a part of it, so I made all the preparations. I got our tackle and poles, warm clothing and our plane tickets. Kathy and the others on the trip got their passports in order.
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In The Midst of The Mundane & The Heart of Jesus
In The Midst of The Mundane & The Heart of Jesus
Mundane: “Dull and ordinary,” “relating to ordinary life on earth rather than to spiritual things,” “characterized by the practical, transitory, and ordinary: commonplace.”  – Merriam-Webster Mundane: Regular humans – Cassandra Clare (Shadowhunters) A word that exemplifies the life we lead as regular humans, nothing short of ordinary. Ordinary rather than extraordinary. I’ve been trying to figure…
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christiannetsa-blog · 7 years
Overcoming Disappointment
Our hope for you is unshaken, for we know that as you share in our sufferings, you will also share in our comfort. – 2 Corinthians 1:7  We’ve all been there. It’s that letter from the college you wanted to attend, saying they are not able to admit you at this time. It’s that person on the stage surrounded by people, announcing that first prize goes to the other contestant. It’s watching all the…
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p6ntera · 6 years
100 truths
stole from @/yurio-nice 001. Real Name :  Alexander 002. Nickname[s]: Al, Alex, Sloth 003. Zodiac Sign :  Scorpio 004. Male Or Female : male 005. Elementary : no 006. Middle School : no 007. High School : no 008. Hair Color : brown 009. Long Or Short : short 010. Loud Or Quiet : depends 011. Sweats Or Jeans : sweats 012. Phone Or Camera : phone 013. Health Freak : no 014. Drink Or Smoke: both 015. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: yes 016. Sexual orientation: homosexual 017. Piercings: yes 018. Tattoos: not yet HAVE YOU EVER [BEEN IN]: 019. Airplane: yes 020. Car Accident : yes 021. Fist Fight : yes FIRSTS: 022. First piercing:  ear 023. First Best Friend : izzy 024. First Instrument played: recorder 025. First award: something at school 026. First Crush : i think it was a boy in my kindergarden class 027. First Language: Swedish 028. First Big Vacation :  last year we spent a week in michigane LASTS: 029. Last Person You Talked To : Mickey 030. Last Person You Texted :  Mickey 031. Last Person You Watched : ??? 032. Last Food You Ate :  Strawberry shortcake 033. Last Movie You Watched :  it isnt a movie but the netflix Watership Down 034. Last Song You listened To :  https://youtu.be/0ueFai-s0zg 035. Last Thing You Bought : Mccree Tapestry 036. Last Person You Hugged : Jordan FAVES: 037. Food : none 038. Drinks :  tbh im chill with just water 039. Clothing : hoodies 040. Book : the giver 041. Colour: red 042. Flower :  roses 043: Music :  none 044. Movies : the lion king, the greatest showman, tbh any thing i can watch 045. Shoes : vans 046. Subjects : english IN THE PAST YEAR I ... : 047. [x] Kissed in the snow 048. [x] Celebrated Halloween 049. [x] Had Your Heart Broken 050. [x] Went Over The Minutes On Your Cell Phone 051. [x] Someone Questioned Your Sexual Orientation 052. [ ] Came Outta The Closet 053. [ ] Gotten Pregnant 054. [ ] Had An Abortion 055. [x] Done Something You've Regretted 056. [x] Broke A Promise 057. [x] Kept A Secret 058. [x] Pretended To Be Happy 059. [x] Met Someone Who Changed Your Life 060. [x] Pretended To Be Sick 061. [ ] Left The Country 062. [x] Tried something you normally wouldn't like, and liked it. 063. [x] Cried Over The Silliest Thing 064. [ ] Ran A Mile 065. [x] Went To The Beach 066. [ ] Stayed Single CURRENTLY: 067. Eating : nothing 068. Drinking : juice 069. Getting Ready To : play games idk 070. Listening To: https://youtu.be/6-2jNiVK86A 071. Plans For Tomorrow/Today : sleep 072. Waiting For : my mccree tapestry YOUR FUTURE: 073. Want Kids : no 074. Want To Get Married : no 075. Careers in mind : none WHICH IS BETTER ON A BOY/GIRL : 076. Lips Or Eyes :  lips 077. Shorter Or Taller : Taller 078. Romantic Or Spontaneous : both 079. Nice Stomach Or Nice Arms : idc 080. Sensitive Or Loud : loud 081. Hookup Or Relationship : idc 082. Troublemaker Or Hesitant : idc The perfect boyfriend is: idk HAVE YOU EVER: 083. Lost Glasses/Contacts : yep 084. Ran Away From Home : yes 085. Held A Weapon, For Self Defense : yes 086. Killed Somebody : i hopenot 087. Broken Someone's Heart : yes 088. Been Arrested : yes DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 090. Yourself : no 091. Miracles : no 092. Love At First Sight : no 093. Heaven : no 094. Santa Claus : no 096. Magic : no ANSWER TRUTHFULLY: 097. Is There One Person You Wanna Be With, Right Now : tbh i'd like to see izzy again, at least apologize. 098. Are You Seriously Happy With Where You Are, In Life : no 099. Do You Believe In God : no 100. Post As 100 Truths And Tag five People: Band-Maid SHlNHOE catlovesflowers oxnura ElisabethTheArtist
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learning2walkdaily · 17 days
September 11th-one thing we can say with certainty is, our past is not necessarily an indicator of our future.
Matthew 1: 18Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: when His mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit. 19And Joseph her husband, being a righteous man and not wanting to disgrace her, planned to send her away secretly. After numerous verses showing the genealogy of Jesus, it comes to this strange, strained…
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dwuerch-blog · 8 months
About Our Father’s Business?
I have five grandsons. I am watching each one come into their own desires for their future. Of course, my sons would hope their boys wanted to follow in their “business” footsteps, but so far, each of those sons are choosing their own way. It isn’t because those boys don’t value and appreciate their fathers’ business success. It is just their “bent” is toward other areas of interest. That’s…
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starsgivemehp · 7 years
Well I found this on dA and was bored
100 truths! 
001. Real Name: Samantha 002. Nickname: Sammy 003. Zodiac Sign: Gemini 004. Gender: Female 005. Primary School: gosh I’d hope so 006. Intermediate School: also hope so 007. Secondary School: university...? yes 008. Hair Color: dark brown 009. Long or Short: it’s about down to my shoulders now 010. Loud or Quiet: quiet most of the time, loud with friends 011. Sweats or Jeans: neither. skirts. 012. Phone or Camera: phone 013. Health Freak?: HAHAHAHAHA 014. Drink or Smoke: nah 015. Crushing on Someone? Everyone 016. Political Orientation: Democratic 017. Piercings: Ears (they’re probably closing tho) 018. Tattoos: None... yet. HAVE YOU EVER [BEEN IN]: 019. Airplane: yes 020. Car Accident: ish? not a bad one tho 021. Fist Fight: sssssorta? It was one punch per eh 022. First Piercing: ears 023. First Best Friend: Ain’t my friend anymore 024. First Instrument: violin tbh 025. First Award: no lie fam I got a reward for most improved musician in 6th grade band 026. First Crush: best friend 027. First Language: English 028. First Big Vacation: uhhhh... I’ll go with... Italy, sophomore year in high school LASTS: 029. Last person you talked to: My friend Sage 030. Last person you texted: Dad 031. Last person you watched: Uhhhh... some sin tbh lol 032. Last food you ate: a donut 033. Last movie you watched: Guardians of the Galaxy 2 probably 034. Last song you listened to: I’M WORKING ON MY NEW BLOG’S PLAYLIST SO I’m actually not gonna give you the LAST ONE just the most relevant 035. Last thing you bought: gas. And 2 monster energy drinks 036. Last person you hugged: hrm... my dad probably FAVES: 037. Food(s): Sushi for actual food. Chocolate for junk food. 038. Drinks: boba tea tbh 039. Clothing: skirts and t-shirts 040. Book: UHHHHH. tbh. Who knows. For the moment, I’ll let my literature nerd come out and say “Wuthering Heights” 041. Color: Blue 042. Flower: tiger lily 043. Music: Owl CITY, FAM 044. Movie: Shit fam idk. Who knows. idfk. I like Marvel movies. Harry Potter. Musicals? Musicals. 045. Shoes: tbh I prefer flipflops but they break so ;~; sneakers 046. Subjects: English IN THE LAST YEAR I..... 047. [] kissed in the snow 048. [] celebrated Halloween 049. [x] had my heart broken 050. [] went over the minutes on your cellphone 051. [x] someone questioned your sexual orientation 052. [] came outta the closet 053. [] gotten pregnant 054. [] had an abortion 055. [x] did something you've regretted 056. [x] broke a promise 057. [x] kept a secret 058. [x] pretended to be happy 059. [x] met someone who changed your life 060. [] pretended to be sick  061. [x] left the country 062. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't like and liked it. 063. [x] cried over the silliest thing 064. [] ran a mile 065. [] went to the beach 066. [] stayed single CURRENTLY: 067. Eating: nothing 068. Drinking: monster energy drink 069. Getting ready to: MAKE THIS NEW BLOG WHEE 070. Listening to: Daemon and Howl’s playlist for the blog tbh 071. Plans for tomorrow/today: I have to keep packing my room, weeeh... 072. Waiting for: everything YOUR FUTURE: 073. Want kids: NO 074. Want to get married: eventually 075. Careers in mind: Teacher and writer 076. Lips or Eyes: Eyes 077. Shorter or Taller: I ain’t growing anymore sadly 078. Romantic or Spontaneous: BOTH 079. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms: gosh I hope so 080. Sensitive or Loud: both? 081. Hookup or Relationship: Relationship 082. Troublemaker or Hesitant: both HAVE YOU EVER: 083. lost glasses/contacts: nope 084. ran away from home: nope 085. held a weapon: nOPE 086. killed somebody: WHAT THE FUCK LOL 087. broken someone's heart: probably 088. been arrested: nope DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 090. Yourself: AHAHAHAHAHAHA 091. Miracles: not really 092. Love at First Sight: euh, no 093. Heaven: no 094. Santa Claus: pffft no 096. Magic: lol I wish
ANSWER TRUTHFULLY: 097. Is there one person you want to be with right now?: like... anyone who will cuddle me lol 098. Are you seriously happy where you are with in life right now?: Nope 099. Do you believe in God?: nOPE 100. How much do you hate me for tagging you in this?: I stole this lmao
Tagging: whoever the heck wants
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r0astet0aste-blog · 7 years
001. Real Name: Justin 002. Nickname: Songbird 003. Zodiac Sign: Pisces 004. Gender: Queer 005. Primary School: Boulder Creek Elementary 006. Intermediate School: Southers Hills Intermediate 007. Secondary School: New Vista High School 008. Hair Color: Dirty blond. Sometimes purple 009. Long or Short: I try to keep it short 010. Loud or Quiet: Very quiet around people 011. Sweats or Jeans: Sweats! 012. Phone or Camera: VideoCamera 013. Health Freak?: Not a freak but conscious 014. Drink or Smoke: Drink occasionally 015. Crushing on Someone? ...maybe 016. Political Orientation: Democratic 017. Piercings: None 018. Tattoos: looking to get one eventually HAVE YOU EVER [BEEN IN]: 019. Airplane: yes 020. Car Accident: yep 021. Fist Fight: yep 022. First Piercing: yet to be determined 023. First Best Friend: No idea where she is now 024. First Instrument: drums 025. First Award: best sport. lololol I never win anything for real 026. First Crush: a girl I met online. We still talk sometimes 027. First Language: English 028. First Big Vacation: We went to LA when my grandmother died. Not that great LASTS: 029. Last person you talked to: Talking to my mom on the phone while I fill this out. She says hello. 030. Last person you texted: Lil’ sissy 031. Last person you watched: I just watched people pass by on the street through my window 032. Last food you ate: turkey on rye sandwich 033. Last movie you watched: Rented HHGttG 034. Last song you listened to: Daft Punk, “Get Lucky” 035. Last thing you bought: Instant coffee 036. Last person you hugged: ...I don’t remember... excuse me *immediately goes to find someone to hug* FAVES: 037. Food(s): Fried rice 038. Drinks: Coffee 039. Clothing: I love hoodies! They’re so cozy! And you can hide in them <3 040. Book: I really loved the Percy Jackson Series. 041. Color: purple 042. Flower: violets 043. Music: Panic! at the Disco 044. Movie: Lala land was beautiful! The cinematography made my film nerd heart happy~ 045. Shoes: Converse 046. Subjects: Film production IN THE LAST YEAR I….. 047. [] kissed in the snow 048. [x] celebrated Halloween 049. [x] had my heart broken 050. [] went over the minutes on your cellphone 051. [x] someone questioned your sexual orientation 052. [] came outta the closet 053. [] gotten pregnant 054. [] had an abortion 055. [x] did something you’ve regretted 056. [x] broke a promise 057. [x] kept a secret 058. [x] pretended to be happy 059. [] met someone who changed your life 060. [x] pretended to be sick 061. [] left the country 062. [] tried something you normally wouldn’t like and liked it. 063. [] cried over the silliest thing 064. [x] ran a mile 065. [] went to the beach 066. [x] stayed single CURRENTLY: 067. Eating: rye chips 068. Drinking: water 069. Getting ready to: find something for dinner 070. Listening to: Ultimate Beast Master on Netflx 071. Plans for tomorrow/today: Gonna answer all my drafts and write three more starters 072. Waiting for: end to come (anyone know the song?) YOUR FUTURE: 073. Want kids: Yes. 074. Want to get married: Yes 075. Careers in mind: I want to direct movies or TV 076. Lips or Eyes: Eyes 077. Shorter or Taller: Taller I hope 078. Romantic or Spontaneous: Romantic 079. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms: Arms. You see them more. 080. Sensitive or Loud: Sensitive 081. Hookup or Relationship: Relationship 082. Troublemaker or Hesitant: hesitant HAVE YOU EVER: 083. lost glasses/contacts: oh lord so much 084. ran away from home: nope 085. held a weapon: yep 086. killed somebody: the last person who asked me that is dead now (no just kidding. Of course not!) 087. broken someone’s heart: yes 088. been arrested: almost DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 090. Yourself: For the most part 091. Miracles: I do 092. Love at First Sight: no 093. Heaven: I want to believe in it. 094. Santa Claus: nope 096. Magic: not really. But I do believe there are things that science can’t yet explain
ANSWER TRUTHFULLY: 097. Is there one person you want to be with right now?: no. I’m happily by my self 098. Are you seriously happy where you are with in life right now?: Well I’m not entirely unhappy 099. Do you believe in God?: I do. But in like a spiritual sense and not in relation to any religion 100. How much do you hate me for tagging you in this?: This was fun! Thanks @starsgivemehp
Tagging: Anyone
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lifepalette · 6 years
Circumstances Seem Insurmountable? Jesus Understands
Circumstances Seem Insurmountable? Jesus Understands
Most of us have gone through something for a time or season when we needed a great amount of help or support. When in a situation like that, you may feel like you are being pushed to the limit or have a sense of agony. You may be in a situation like that right now. It may be a struggle in a relationship, marriage, parenting, business or finances. It feels like a “pressure cooker” situation, a…
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flowconyoliz · 5 years
There's a Purpose in Everything
There’s a Purpose in Everything
Hi friends!
For someone who tries to avoid conflict with people I seem to have the most conflict within my self, a lot. I may not always verbalize them to others around me, but I tend to talk to God a lot about my struggles and then I feel guilty for doing so much of what feels like complaining to Him.
As an entrepreneur I confess that sometimes it feels very lonely. I’d honestly say that most of…
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dailyparadigmshift · 5 years
The Secret to Enjoying Your Single Life
The Secret to Enjoying Your Single Life
 If you’re struggling to enjoy being single, I want to help you. Here’s the secret that set me free: If you want to REALLY enjoy your single life, then you have to learn how to enjoy YOUR life.
Maybe, like me, you’ve bought into the lie that life doesn’t start until you’re married. Friend, that’s so far from the truth. Jesus didn’t die on the cross solely for those who would be married one day.…
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God surprised me again. I never saw it coming.
God surprised me again. I never saw it coming.
We were at our cute little cabin last week.
I planned on spending a great deal of time in my she-shed. I’ve been redecorating it in a pink and sweet and “girly”. Kinda’ “frenchy meets eclectic meets farmhouse.”
My friend made a sign for me “LaCabinette” that is nailed to the eave of the she-shed. I was looking forward to sitting there on my porch (inside if raining),…
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