#Reiko Mori
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snapsimplex · 2 years ago
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perfettamentechic · 3 months ago
27 dicembre … ricordiamo …
27 dicembre … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2023: Lee Sun-kyun, attore sudcoreano. Lee inizia a studiare all’Università delle arti di Corea nel 1994, laureandosi in arte drammatica. Nel 2001 debutta in teatro. Raggiunge la notorietà nel 2007 grazie alle due serie televisive Hayan Geotab (Behind the White Tower) e Coffee prince 1 hojeom. Comincia quindi a dedicarsi al cinema d’arte recitando in una serie di film. Lee Sun-kyun ha sposato la…
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maomaojinshi · 5 months ago
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Natsume Takashi& Natsume Reiko and Seiji Matoba& Natori
Kaname Tanuma& Touru Taki
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soranatus · 6 months ago
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Green Lantern Dark (2024) #2 variant covers by Reiko Murakami, Werther Dell’Edera, Cathy Kwan, Dustin Nguyen
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piyoandpome · 1 year ago
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From Volume #10
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fourorfivemovements · 1 year ago
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Films Watched in 2024: 30. ゴジラ対メカゴジラ/ Gojira tai Mekagojira/Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla (1974) - Dir. Jun Fukuda
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cherryblossompink303 · 4 days ago
Patience S2:06:~Join the Black Magic club!~
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➼ pairing: Kyoya Ootori x Reader ➼ summary: honey senpai has a secret admirer ➼ what to expect: "Kyoya are you insecure over honey-senpai of all people?" ➼ warnings: n/a ➼S2:05 / S2:07
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In the basement of the north wing, deep in the farthest reaches of the hall, behind the door you will find the black magic club.
"Hey Kanazuki, you're not gonna change? What have you been so preoccupied with lately?"
"A curse" Kanazuki mutters, not looking over at her fellow club members. "Woot! Kanazuki's specialty!"
"Who's the lucky victim this time?"
She hands them a photo "Oh? Isn't he in the host club? What's your grudge against him?" Nekozawa-senpai questions. "Well Mr president, to be honest....he stole my soul"
♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡
Join the black magic club!
♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡
"Oh Honey! Do you have a cold? It's easy to get sick when the seasons are changing"
"No i'm fine" Hoeney waves it off, smiling back at the guests "Take care of yourself. Actually I feel slightly feverish myself"
"I'm sorry to hear that princess, warm yourself with this ginger tea and we'll use it to divine whether that fever is from a cold or from your feelings for me" Tamaki leans over.
"Tamaki are you also a fortune teller?"
"Yes princess, did you know that since ancient times, people have read their fortunes in flora and the stars? But today the common folk use everyday items such as electrical appliances and stationary. At first I was impressed by their skill in entertaining themselves without spending money but them I realised it was a symptom of the emptiness in the busy lives! They'll use anything to feel better in an attempt to confirm the significance of their existance!"
You raise an eyebrow "Yeah senpai i'm pretty sure Haruhi would tell you that is not it"
"The boss is especially fervent in summer. He's been in perfect form since recovering from that cold"
"Oh haruhi!" Tamaki waves her over from across the room "Let father tell your animal fortune! Are you a bunny? or maybe a bridie?"
"I don't really care about that...make it quick"
Nekozawa senpai appears over Tamaki's shoulder "Ah! I didn't know you liked fortune telling Suoh" Tamaki jumps out of his skin "N-Nekozawa!"
"You should join the black magic club! We're currently holding our summer fortune telling campaign I'll give you a special reading....That reminds me, I have great news for Honey"
"Hm?" Honey turns to face them, halfway through eating a slice of cake.
"Congratulations! Our very own mistress of maledictions has chosen you to be her sacrificial victim!" Everyones faces fall at the statement.
♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡
Miss Reiko Kanazuki, first year class D, the girl who has cast her evil eye upon Honey. At first glance, with her beautiful long black hair, she appears to be meek and prim. As her hobby is casting curses she doesn't fit in with the other students.
"Oh" the host club all huddle around the door of the classroom for 1-D, not so subtly spying on Kanazuki.
"She's the one cursing Honey? Do you know why?"
"I've seen her somewhere before, but I don't remember exactly!" Honey hides on the back of Mori. "She doesn't always wear a black cloak like Nekozawa does"
"Why me? Why am I cursed? Is she going to kill me?" Honey starts to cry. "I'll go have a talk with her" Mori storms off "No violence mori!" Tamaki yells after him.
"That's right. Interrupting the curse would only invite more calamity" Nekozawa pops up once more, and yet again frightening Tamaki. "Honey? You really don't remember? Kanazuki says you stole her soul. She intends to take yours as revenge"
You raise an eyebrow at the statement, head falling to the side as you watched the scene "Here's proof. It's Kanazuki's eraser, she wrote your name on it. once she uses it up, your soul will be hers"
Nekozawa holds up an eraser which has 'Mitskuni Haninozuka  ♡' etched into it.
You laugh a little "Oh my god" You mutter under your breath, suddenly realising what this is actually about.
"She did the same to her mirror with nail polish"
"Um...I hate to break it to you Nekozawa but those aren't curses" You point out.
"It is! Here I have the book she used" He pulls out a charm book. "Nekozawa that's a book on elementary school love charms, Kanazuki doesn't want revenge on Honey, she has a crush on him!"
"No" Kanazuki appears by you "They're curses"
"It's nice to see you, haninozuka"
"huh?" Honey looks up at her in mild shock "One hair, if you please" She plucks one from his head, tying it with one of her own "This should bind your soul"
"Um...are you...in love with honey?" Tamaki asks
"Technially speaking, he stole my soul"
"I think you mean he stold your heart"
"Well, I don't know what it's commonly called, but to be specific...Honey occupies 90 percent of my thoughts and causes my heart to paliptate. His external appearance satisfies my fetishist tenedencies. I have a weakness for pixies. He took my soul so now I must take his, thus, until honey's soul is mine, I will continue to curse him"
She walks off, leaving the rest of you stunned "Okay I could have done without the explanation" you mutter, Kyoya turns to you "So you're saying you don't feel like that about me?" He jokes, you roll your eyes, lightly wacking him in the arm "shut up"
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And so with each new day, Miss Kanazuki's love attack intensifies.
She wrote his name on the chopsticks she uses at lunch, she wrote his name a hundred times in her notebook, among other things.
"Honey looks exhausted, is there anything we can do?"
"Hmm...we know they're only love charms...and I can never ignore the feelings of a girl in love" Tamaki wonders. "If you think about it, it's rare for someone to fall seriously in love with honey" Hikaru chimes in
"Yeah, most girls just feel maternal affection for him"
"You two should take into account Honey's feelings!"
Kyoya approaches him "What should we do, honey? This may interfere with the clubs business, if there's anything I can-"
"No...but...I've been watching her and she doesn't have any friends outside of the black magic club. I don't think she can talk to other people easily, the only way she knows how to communicate is through curses and charms."
"Excuse me, Haninozuka" She appears once again "May I borrow your bunny?" She picks it up "I'll give it back tomorrow"
"No! No! Not usa-chan!"
Mori snatches Usa-chan out of her hands "If you want his heart, shouldn't you do something else?"
"Hand over the stuffed animal, i'll curse you"
"Being cursed by someone who doesn't consider other people's feelings will have no effect on me at all. You'll never win someone's heart that way, no matter how many charms you use."
"But there's no point in thinking about the feelings of others, no one tries to understand me and certainly no one will grow to like me. Talking is a waste of time, so now I use curses right from the start."
"You're wrong reiko!" Honey exclaims "You've gotta share your feelings to be understood. If you want me to like you back, let's talk more. I don't want my feelings to be controlled by curses, I want to know about the things you like, the things you're not good at, what makes you happy. I'd like to hear all about those things...Reiko...i...I like girls who fight to overcome their weaknesses"
The rest of you look on impressed "Wow"
"Honey's actually got some good lines" you watch the situation with wide eyes, leant back against the wall with your arms crossed "Hm" Kyoya hums from next to you.
"So, reiko...would you like to eat some cake together?"
♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡
And so miss Kanazuki started visiting the host club, and the possible start of the perfect relationship sparked.
"Honey, I'll try to overcome my weaknesses...but I want to keep studying curses"
"Hmm...well, I guess I would never give up eating cake, I don't mind, but please keep it a hobby"
"Really? i'll do that then"
You watch on from your table with a smile. "You know I didn't expect Honey to be that smooth" you laugh a little, taking a sip of coffee. "Yes you do seem to be rather impressed with him" Kyoya mutters, scribbling away as usual.
"Hm? where did that come from?"
Kyoya sighs, taking off his glasses to clean them. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be snappy...do you...want something like that? Someone who is...smoother, with relationships?"
"Kyoya are you insecure over honey-senpai of all people?"
He rolls his eyes "I just mean...our relationship isn't exactly conventional, nor is the way we show affection...I guess i never really asked you..."
"Asked me...if I want a conventional relationship?"
"I suppose"
You sigh, looking down to your cup to realise its empty, you stand to go get a refill, pausing by his seat. "We haven't been properly together for long...and its both of our first relationships, we'll figureout stuff like that eventually. Conventional is boring, the only ones who understand it is us, why would I want to change that?" you place a hand on the table, inching closer to his hand. "That being said...I would be lying if I said i hadn't been holding back being more foreward with you for that reason" You trace your fingers up and down his forearm, noticing that he was also out of coffee, you take his cup.
"I'll get us refills" You smile, in contrast to the previous words, walking off to find some coffee. Leaving Kyoya to watch you walk away, jaw hanging slightly open.
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Next time on patience....'Operation: misuzu's reconciliation!'
'Misuzu begs haruhi for help and we meet her daughter? can the host club help reunite them? find out next time on Patience!'
We'll see you then!'
Tag list (reply to be added): @skottch @cgmajor @rebirthbunbun @bbybubbles @blueberry19000 @katgirl05 @smellslikelovinglies @veras-fanfic-reblogs @sadprimrose @mirtalikesdr @sleeplesssskeleton @ritzes28 @crackpeole @rory-cakes @renjunniex @II-kita-san-II @angelicwillows @missbrebre1012 @sleep-7372 @strawberrbitch @reticent-writer @eternal-dokja @meme848 @mistyhydrangeagarden @nanaloverz @hyuninslutbbgirl @rebel-author-chick @voyager1fan @bubbabobabubbles @haowonbins @justtryingtosurvive02 @darlingxym
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narxcisse · 2 months ago
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— This is basically all the info about Electricpuke that I have collected over time
– CW: EP himself is a warning, allegations of abuse, manipulation, faking a disorder, among other things, mention of gore, incest, weird fetishes, etc (more cw in the future. In case something from this cw is not mentioned now it is because I have not edited it yet).
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Basic info
Riel, also known as ElectricPuke/EP, is a former artist, creator, and game developer who participated in the creation of BtD along with Darqx and Gatobob. He created the route for Sano for BtD and the routes for Cain and Vincent in BtD2. Not much is known about his private life, only that he lived in an apartment in California before moving to Texas (This was taken from a Russian page of dubious origin).
Afterdark, arioddsandends, askparasitegods, cyanidesin, doctor-dollmaker, electricpuke, fuckbyknifepoint, nagakira, nurseharlot, rocklandgames, runawayoutlaw, scarletaegis, scarletmarionette, trentboyett
Abel, Adam, Adam Whesker, Akihiko Kojima, Akira Kojima, Alchemy Willow, Alice (EP), Alice Carroll, Amaterasu, Ami, Amy, Ana (Rockland), Ana (Viral), Annabelle Winter, Arcadian, Aria King, Ashley Kinley, Ashton Kinley, Athena Dianoia, Audrey, August Dixie, Avery Greyson, Axel.
Cain Zeitgeist, Callum Willow, Cassiel, Charlie Willow, Chase Knox, Chase Valentine, Christopher “Chris” King, Circe.
Damien Morningstar, Dante Stryker, Dominick Torrero, Dylan.
Edison Tekker, Elise, Elizabeth Bathory, Enoch, Eve.
Faereighn, Farz Murphy (EP), Foal, Freya.
Gabriel, Gabriel Lily, Grace Quinn.
Hades, Hammerclaw, Hana, Heidi, Horus, Hunter.
Itsuki Mori.
Jack Buchanan, Jason Buchanan, Jason Carmine (Rook), Jiyun, John.
Kali, Karasu, Kaz Tyagi, Kenny, Kiku Kojima, Kiyoshi, Kurt.
Lachesis Chronis, Lady Yuzu, Leo Taylor, Lilith, Lily Taylor, Lincoln, Logan, Loki Marshall, Lucifer Morningstar.
Macey, Marco Jennings, Marcus De La Cruz, Max, Melanie, Meredith, Mia, Michael Fitzroy, Michael Volkov, Mio, Molly, Morgan, Morgan Le Fey, Munchie.
Naoki “Nathan” Donovan, Nicolas Flamel.
Olivia, Oswalt Morrison.
Quinton 'Quill' Willow.
Rai, Raizer, Raja, Ramiel, Raphael, Raphael Sivori, Reiko Nakamura, Ribbon, Richter (hotelPSYCHO), Rory Stryker, Rose Martinez, Rosey, Roy McNamara, Ruby Red Graves.
Sally, Samael Volkov, Sanae, Sano Kojima, Sejun, Seong-Mi Yeon (Emily), Sergio Marino, Sergio Morrison, Shane, Shiro Suzuki, Sparrow, Sun-Mi Yeon (Scarlet), Sydney Dixie.
Teagan Buchanan, The Engineer, Thor, Tobias Reeves, Trace, Trevor McLoughlin, Tsubaki, Tyler.
Uriel Metzger.
Valak, Vencil Cartier, Veni (EP), Verak, Vincent Castillo (EP), (The real) Vincent Metzger, Vincent Metzger, Vincent Metzger (Lesser Angel), Vlad.
Xander Rosario.
Zero (Dollmaker), Zero (Empire), Zeus.
Projects + their plot
— I don't remember the plot of all of them and some barely have any info. If you have any information about any of them, don't hesitate to tell me.
Boyfriend to Death: horrorporn visual novel where you (the protagonist) have to survive the characters.
Boyfriend to Death 2: Fresh Blood: x2
Crazy AU.
Dark Circus AU.
Devil's Night Carnival.
Dollmaker: Remake of Sano's route
Huntress: basically how Akira became Vincent (A/N: This is so random cuz wdym he turned into a werewolf just by swallowing his eye with vomit? 💀)
Mark of Belial.
Of Gods And Monsters.
Most Wanted.
The Hand of God.
The Misfits
Route 66: how Vincent met Farz
The Artist.
The Carnival Game.
The Commander. The Doctor.
The Hunt.
The Puppetmaster.
The Serial Killer.
Till Death Do Us Part: Visual novel where you are married to some weirdo (except Chris... I guess)
Welcome Home: Farmhouse
Welcome Home: Mansion
Zeitgeist: Remake of Cain's route
(some) Allegations
— Some are confirmed and others are not, it's up to you to believe or not.
Abusive and manipulative behavior.
Pretending to have DID.
Art tracing without credit.
Incest and piss fetish (both on and off the internet).
Draw CP
Gatobob/EP Drama
— Info taken from 'ElectricPuke (+18)' on VK.
It started around 2018, when their personal relationship deteriorated drastically. According to Gatobob herself, she and Riel had a relationship: they were both married, but at the same time they were swingers. Over time, Riel began to act against Gatobob, both psychologically and sexually, which left a significant mark on Gatobob's psyche. EP used Gato to obtain various benefits, from raffles and communication, to financial aid, gifts and money transfers for fake needs such as fake disorder. Despite the nature of the relationship, Gato continued to maintain a relationship with Riel, hoping that he would change. At the same time, her marriage with Alan, who was EP's friend, was also difficult: Alan was abusive, kept Gato's earnings and was involved in manipulations against her (not to mention that he and EP spoke ill of her behind her back). Finally, after everything that happened, Gato decides to end her marriage and end all relationships with EP. This period was accompanied by an emotional crisis, which ended with an overdose. Recovery took a long time, including therapy and long-term treatment.
(mini) Gallery
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— I'll add more in the future, right now I'm too lazy lol.
‐ Special thanks to my mom for giving me info on certain parts (I still hate her but whatever), I always knew that having parents who are visual novels enthusiasts would be useful to me at some point. 🚶
Last update: 01/05/25
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ouranbutworse · 1 year ago
Kyoya: I haven't gotten an F since I failed recess in second grade. I was a painfully boring child.
Kaoru: You're still boring now.
Kaoru: I hope Hikaru is okay, he can get pretty insecure when he's alone.
Hikaru at the other end of the school: Kaoru? KAORU?!
Mori: When Shania Twain says "let's go girls" I feel like I could kick a door off its hinges.
Tamaki: I wasn't sure what to get Antoinette for her birthday so I bought her the same Apple watch as me so we match.
Mrs. Ootori: Fuyumi, don't get pregnant. Getting pregnant with Kyoya was the worst mistake of my life.
Kyoya: I'm right here.
Mrs. Ootori: Oh right, I forgot. Apparently I tried to kick him away, like giraffes do at the zoo.
Kyoya: ... I'm doing so well emotionally.
Tamaki: Where do babies come from?
Yuzuru: Tamaki, I'm sure we've talked about this.
Tamaki: Yeah, but I'm blanking. Two guys, right?
Kaoru: Sorry, we have to leave early, Ageha's school called, she tried to play God at the science fair again.
Tamaki: I'll pay for your lunch, Haruhi!
Haruhi: Oh, okay.
Lunchlady: That'll be 100,000 yen.
Tamaki: ...What the fuck?
Mori: I love my friends. They never demand I speak. I can go nonverbal and listen to them like they're a podcast.
Kyoya: My smartwatch just congratulated me on my run and said I burned 300 calories... I was sat down eating a cheeseburger.
Tamaki: Hikaru, Kaoru, FBI agents don't hold hands!
Hikaru: These ones do!
Kaoru: Yeah, and they sleep in the same bed!
Honey: While we were in Boston I got this 10% off coupon, it saved me $90 at a bakery!
Mori: He saved $90 on a $900 purchase, and he's still happy about it.
Kyoya: Right, I'm leaving for my doctor's appointment. Please behave while I'm gone.
Kaoru: Still trying to find your soul?
Kyoya: Oh please, they gave up on that when I was less than a year old.
Hikaru: The oneesan from the train poster I fell in love with got pregnant, so I've been crying about that for a few nights now.
Kaoru: Next time, tell a therapist that instead of me.
Renge: Hey, what did you guys get for number twelve?
Kaoru: I got eighteen.
Haruhi: I got nine point five.
Hikaru: I got Abraham Lincoln... for some reason.
Hikaru: Can we ride our new scooters outside?
Kyoya: Do whatever, I'm not your mother.
Hikaru: Okay! Weee!
Kyoya: Not in the street!
Midwife: Halloween, what a day to go into labour, eh? I'll get a nurse to wipe the face paint off.
Reiko: No, I want to look like this. I put it on after I went into labour.
Akira: Hey, I just rolled over in bed and Hikaru is here with me. Is Kaoru with you?
Renge: Let me check... yes.
Akira: Great, I'll be there in ten to make the swap.
Kyoya: I'm getting blackmailed at school...
Fuyumi: What?!
Yuuichi: Nobody blackmails our baby brother but us!
Akito: Yeah, messing with Kyoya is a privilege, not a right!
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landofanimes · 10 months ago
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Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End
Special Illustrations Part 1/2
Compilation of the illustrations released for each episode, as drawn by crew members of the anime, among character designers, animators, directors, storyboard artists, etc!
1. Reiko Nagasawa 2. Ayaka Minoshima 3. Daiki Harashina 4. Ayaka Tsuji 5. Emi Yamazaki 6.1 Toru Iwasawa 6.2 Keisuke Hiroe 7. Keisuke Kojima 8. Sato Ayaka 9. Junko Abe 9.1. Kouki Fujimoto 10. Nobuhide Kariya 11. Kanata Yanagisawa 12. TakaseMaru 13. Todama 14. Mori Tomoko
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tearyeyedonce-gentlesoul · 6 months ago
glossary (WIP)
i didn't know there was a word limit on tumblr until i made this, so i unfortunately had to remove links that would lead to specific tags and help with organizing on here. also note that this post might be remade in the future
electricpuke/rocklandgame characters: abel, adam, adam whesker, akihiko kojima, akira kojima, alchemy willow, alice (electricpuke), alice carroll, amaterasu, ami, amy, ana (rockland), ana (viral), annabelle winter, arcadian, aria king, ashley kinley, ashton kinley, athena dianoia, audrey, august dixie, avery greyson, axel, baal, cain zeitgeist, callum willow, cassiel, charlie willow, chase knox, chase valentine, christopher “chris” king, circe, damien morningstar, dante stryker, dominick torrero, dylan, edison tekker, elise, elizabeth bathory, enoch, eve, faereighn, farz murphy (electricpuke), foal, freya, gabriel, gabriel lily, grace quinn, hades, hammerclaw, hana, heidi, horus, hunter, itsuki mori, jack buchanan, jason buchanan, jason carmine (rook), jiyun, john, kali, karasu, kaz tyagi, kenny, kiku kojima, kiyoshi, kurt, lachesis chronis, lady yuzu, leo taylor, lilith, lincoln, logan, loki marshall, lucifer morningstar, macey, marco jennings, marcus de la cruz, max, melanie, meredith, mia, michael fitzroy, michael volkov, mio, molly, morgan, morgan le fey, munchie, naoki “nathan” donovan, nicolas flamel, olivia, oswalt morrison, peyton, quinton willow, rai, raizer, raja, ramiel, raphael, raphael sivori, reiko nakamura, ribbon, richter (hotelpsycho), rory stryker, rose martinez, rosey, roy mcnamara, ruby red graves, sally, samael volkov, sanae, sano kojima, sejun, sergio marino, sergio morrison, shane, shiro suzuki, sparrow, sun-mi yeon (scarlet), sydney dixie, teagan buchanan, the engineer, the REAL vincent metzger, thor, tobias reeves, trace, trevor mcloughlin, tsubaki, tyler, uriel metzger, valak, vencil cartier, veni (electricpuke), verak, vincent castillo (electricpuke), vincent metzger, vlad, xander rosario, yeon seong-mi (emily yeon), zero (dollmaker), zero (empire), zeus
gatobob characters: ashe, anthony shore, beg, celia lede, centicat, chamomile, charlie, chastity, chet ichpujani, cry, demon, derek aeron, derek goffard, dirty the possum, dragon, evander hutch, farz murphy (gatobob), farzen, fox, gideon bautista, harold, jack, jaqueline, jedka (facility), jesse, komodo, lawrence oleander, lich, lily talor, machete, marten trell, mason armbruster, mason heiral, matt, mona winters, raid, randall, raven, ren hana, rhodes, richard, roadkill girl, samantha, scream, sid, stan, strade, tom, trigger, veni (gatobob), vincent castillo (gatobob) (gatobob), vincent castillo (gatobob)
other notable characters: a.e.d, ellen klein, izm, lucien rire, rodchester williams, shaun
known aliases/blogs:
arioddsandends, askparasitegods, doctor-dollmaker, electricpuke, fuckbyknifepoint, nagakira, nurseharlot, rocklandgames, scarletaegis, scarletmarionette, trentboyett
gatoanswers, gatoafterdark, gatobob, gatobob-spotty, gatoplays-sos, gatxbxb, gurobob, gurpbob, serpulalacrymans
eras (label for creator universes): altinr, arcane, boyfriend to death, crazy au, dark circus au, devil's night carnival, dollmaker, empire, facility, foxtail, human!au, huntress, inferno, mark of belial, nightclub, of gods and monsters, rockland, route 66, self insert, the artist, the carnival game, the commander, the doctor, the hunt, the misfits, the price of flesh, the puppetmaster, the serial killer, this is not romance, till death do us part, viral, welcome home, yanaki, you kill me every time, zeitgeist
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snapsimplex · 2 years ago
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friday nights are family nights
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hotvintagepoll · 1 year ago
Are there any groups left to vote for in this round?
Not sure what you mean by "groups" but yes, several polls are still open. You can scroll through all the polls here. Or, Using @sapphorb's nice link masterlist (the stars are polls that are very close/almost ties)—
ending sunday 4/14:
Carmen Sevilla vs. Maria Falconetti Sophia Loren vs. Reiko Sato María Félix vs. Marie Doro Elizabeth Taylor vs. Clara Bow Marpessa Dawn vs. Margaret Lindsay Catherine Deneuve vs. Setsuko Hara✨ Madhabi Mukherjee vs. Angela Lansbury Cyd Charisse vs. Rosaura Revueltas Grace Kelly vs. Hu Die Deborah Kerr vs. Devika Rani✨
ending monday 4/15:
Nancy Kwan vs. Mary Pickford
ending tuesday 4/16:
Kim Novak vs. Fredi Washington✨ Ava Gardner vs. Leonor Maia vs. Louise Brooks Merle Oberon vs. Jean Seberg✨ Paulette Goddard vs. Shima Iwashita Irene Papas vs. Vivien Leigh Francine Everett vs. Toshia Mori Savitri vs. Anita Ekberg Tita Merello vs. Natalie Wood Glynis Johns vs. Meena Kumari
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maomaojinshi · 5 months ago
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Happy birthday my love Seiji Matoba😍🫶🏻
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crazyasianlove · 3 months ago
Blue Period (Sub. Esp)
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Título: Blue Period País: Japón Género: drama, juventud Duración: 115 min. Fecha de estreno: 9 de agosto, 2024 Dirección: Hagiwara Kentaro Guion: Yoshida Reiko
Yaguchi Yatora es querido por sus compañeros de instituto y obtiene buenas calificaciones en la escuela, pero siente un vacío en su interior. Tiene problemas con una tarea de pintar su vista favorita en la clase de arte. Después de mucha deliberación, decide pintar "Shibuya Azul al Amanecer". Mientras pinta, siente que puede expresarse por primera vez. Su interés por el arte se desarrolla y decide aspirar a la mejor universidad de arte de Japón, pero se enfrenta a grandes obstáculos, incluidos rivales con talento y un arte que no tiene una perspectiva correcta.
Maeda Gordon como Yaguchi Yatora (Yakkun) Takahashi Fumiya como Ayukawa Ryuji (Yuka) Itagaki Rihito como Takahashi Yotasuke Sakurada Hiyori como Mori Maru Yakushimaru Hiroko como Saeki Masako Eguchi Noriko como Ooba Mayu Ishida Hikari como Yaguchi Marie Nakajima Sena como Kuwana Maki Akiya Ikuho como Hashida Haruka Hyodo Katsumi como Koigakubo Aiki Yasuhide como Yaguchi Yukinobu
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piyoandpome · 1 year ago
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From Volume #10
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