#Registry values
PowerShell Get Registry Value
PowerShell Get Registry Value @vexpert #vmwarecommunities #100daysofhomelab #homelab #PowerShellRegistry #WindowsRegistry #Get-ItemPropertyCmdlet #Get-ChildItemCommand #RegistryKeys #RegistryValues #PowerShellScript #RemoteComputerManagement
The Windows Registry and registry editor have long been tools Windows admins have used to resolve issues, apply settings, etc. However, PowerShell makes automating registry changes or programmatically getting registry keys and their values very easy. PowerShell can interact with registry keys and easily get registry values. Table of contentsWhat is PowerShell?What is the Windows…
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rvcrash · 1 year
The Importance of Understanding RV Diminished Value After an Accident
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The Diminished Value of an RV After an Accident
An RV purchase is usually only second to the purchase of a home in regards to major family expenses.  The memories made on the road are cherished for a lifetime. Most RV owners are not even aware of the repercussions of a single accident. The insurance company is not required to notify you about state case law that recognizes diminished value. Diminished value is the difference between what your RV or automobile was worth prior to the accident and its resale value after it has been repaired. An accident can negatively affect the actual cash value of your RV the same as it would to a car or truck. The widespread use of car history reports such as Carfax put a big spotlight on the dents and blemishes from every accident. The RV might look perfect after repairs are completed but the past problems are now front and center for any potential buyer to see. In some instances, a potential buyer may not purchase an RV simply because it has been involved in a prior crash, even though it has been repaired properly.
Several factors are involved when determining whether an RV has sustained any inherent diminished value. Just like any vehicle purchase, you would need to consider the year, make, model, condition, estimate of repairs and any previous damage. These factors and others are taken into consideration when evaluating whether an RV has inherent diminished value. The RV’s age and the severity of the damages are the primary concerns. Most vehicles experience depreciation regularly, and so does an RV. As an RV gets older, it experiences normal depreciation from everyday driving. The diminished value potential continues to decrease as the vehicle ages to the point where it is virtually nonexistent.
State law does not require an insurance company to tell you about your right to aggressively pursue a diminished value claim. However, they are required to make you whole again and that may involve their compensating you for the loss in value of your RV. Some nuances in state law regarding diminished value do present challenges and requirements that must be addressed. To qualify for diminished value several prerequisites must be established for a successful claim.
Diminished value is a subjective loss, and not every RV or automobile will qualify for a settlement. Each case is unique, just like each vehicle. Legal representation can make a serious impact on your chances of procuring the highest claim possible in the shortest period of time.  To establish diminished value a professional opinion must be obtained. The expert appraiser will verify that the accident negatively affected the value of your damaged vehicle. The question surrounds the calculation by the appraiser as to how much of the value decreased because of the at fault driver’s negligence.
Legal Assistance and RV Diminished Value Appraisal Reports
A professional appraiser will not reduce the calculations to a simple formula for determining the diminished value. First, they will determine the actual cash value of the vehicle prior to the accident to determine a base price. Secondly, the appraiser will conduct a forensic review of the estimate and any damage photos provided. Appropriate weighting will be given to the extent of the damages. For example, frame, structural and safety systems will carry heavy weighting, since potential buyers will often not consider buying an RV or automobile that has sustained these types of damages. The appraiser will then use their professional opinion to determine what, if any, is the actual diminished value.
Having legal representation and the right appraiser working on your claim is crucial for a successful outcome. Furthermore, we have set up a free RV Registry that assists our law firm in expediting any future diminished value claims. By registering your vehicle today, you lock in benefits that reduce the costs and expenses associated with diminished value claims. At RVCrash.com our lawyers and appraisal team have years of experience handling RV’s, cars, exotic cars, motorcycles, trucks and boats. You can visit our website or call us for a free consultation:  1-855-RVGUARD (784-8273)
Protecting your RV and ensuring your rights to any diminished value claim is our priority.
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machine-saint · 10 months
the op of that "you should restart your computer every few days" post blocked me so i'm going to perform the full hater move of writing my own post to explain why he's wrong
why should you listen to me: took operating system design and a "how to go from transistors to a pipelined CPU" class in college, i have several servers (one physical, four virtual) that i maintain, i use nixos which is the linux distribution for people who are even bigger fucking nerds about computers than the typical linux user. i also ran this past the other people i know that are similarly tech competent and they also agreed OP is wrong (haven't run this post by them but nothing i say here is controversial).
anyway the tl;dr here is:
you don't need to shut down or restart your computer unless something is wrong or you need to install updates
i think this misconception that restarting is necessary comes from the fact that restarting often fixes problems, and so people think that the problems are because of the not restarting. this is, generally, not true. in most cases there's some specific program (or part of the operating system) that's gotten into a bad state, and restarting that one program would fix it. but restarting is easier since you don't have to identify specifically what's gone wrong. the most common problem i can think of that wouldn't fall under this category is your graphics card drivers fucking up; that's not something you can easily reinitialize without restarting the entire OS.
this isn't saying that restarting is a bad step; if you don't want to bother trying to figure out the problem, it's not a bad first go. personally, if something goes wrong i like to try to solve it without a restart, but i also know way, way more about computers than most people.
as more evidence to point to this, i would point out that servers are typically not restarted unless there's a specific need. this is not because they run special operating systems or have special parts; people can and do run servers using commodity consumer hardware, and while linux is much more common in the server world, it doesn't have any special features to make it more capable of long operation. my server with the longest uptime is 9 months, and i'd have one with even more uptime than that if i hadn't fucked it up so bad two months ago i had to restore from a full disk backup. the laptop i'm typing this on has about a month of uptime (including time spent in sleep mode). i've had servers with uptimes measuring in years.
there's also a lot of people that think that the parts being at an elevated temperature just from running is harmful. this is also, in general, not true. i'd be worried about running it at 100% full blast CPU/GPU for months on end, but nobody reading this post is doing that.
the other reason i see a lot is energy use. the typical energy use of a computer not doing anything is like... 20-30 watts. this is about two or three lightbulbs worth. that's not nothing, but it's not a lot to be concerned over. in terms of monetary cost, that's maybe $10 on your power bill. if it's in sleep mode it's even less, and if it's in full-blown hibernation mode it's literally zero.
there are also people in the replies to that post giving reasons. all of them are false.
temporary files generally don't use enough disk space to be worth worrying about
programs that leak memory return it all to the OS when they're closed, so it's enough to just close the program itself. and the OS generally doesn't leak memory.
'clearing your RAM' is not a thing you need to do. neither is resetting your registry values.
your computer can absolutely use disk space from deleted files without a restart. i've taken a server that was almost completely full, deleted a bunch of unnecessary files, and it continued fine without a restart.
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my health teacher said its illegal to have sex underage (even if your partner is also your age), is that true?
hi anon,
obligatory disclaimer that I'm assuming this pertains to the United States of America; if you're not from the US then disregard all of this and also accept my apologies for only being familiar with the laws of the country where I live.
the short answer is "yes, but if that's all that your teacher told you then they're being a real shithead about it."
so in America we have a specific designation called "statutory rape" that covers any instance of unforced sexual activity with someone who is under the age of legal majority. this does, unfortunately, extend to instances of teenagers having consensual sex with each other, in much the same way that teenagers who have consensually exchanged nudes might be found guilty of owning and distributing child pornography since they are both legally underage.
obviously even our deeply broken legal system usually has better things to do than try to convict teenagers having consensual sex with each other, so much like jaywalking or pirating movies this is rarely treated as a crime even though it is one according to the letter of the law. accordingly, many places in the United States have "Rome and Juliet laws," which serve to mitigate the penalty for what would otherwise be statutory rape as long as the minors involved were all consenting participants and are close in age.
this isn't a perfect measure, and it also fails to completely account for all instances of consensual teenage sex. there's a rather famous case of a man in California who had consensual sex with his 17 year old girlfriend in 1989 when he was 19; her parents objected and he ultimately wound up charged as a sex offender. this would be egregious regardless, but it's worth noting that as far as I know he and his then-girlfriend have now been married for something like three decades while he's still on the sex offender registry for going down on her in '89.
which I hope serves as a great reminder to everyone to a.) think critically about the value of branding people as sex offenders and b.) the American legal system is a joke.
the point being, yes it's technically illegal in many parts of the US, but that's definitely not all there is to it and the actual law varies state to state.
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sayruq · 2 months
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On Thursday afternoon, the Freedom Flotilla Coalition was contacted by the Guinea Bissau International Ships Registry (GBISR), requesting an inspection of our lead ship – Akdenez. This was a highly unusual request as our ship had already passed all required inspections; nevertheless, we agreed. The inspector arrived on Thursday evening. On Friday afternoon, before the inspection was completed, the GBISR, in a blatantly political move, informed the Freedom Flotilla Coalition that it had withdrawn the Guinea Bissau flag from two of the Freedom Flotilla’s ships, one of which is our cargo ship, already loaded with over 5000 tons of life-saving aid for the Palestinians of Gaza.
In its communication informing us of this cancelation, the GBISR made specific reference to our planned mission to Gaza. It also made several extraordinary requests for information, including confirmation of the ships’ destination, any potential additional port calls, and the discharge port for humanitarian aid and estimated arrival dates and times. It further demanded a formal letter explicitly approving the transportation of humanitarian aid and a complete manifest of the cargo. Again, this is a highly unusual move from a flagging authority. Normally, national flagging authorities concern themselves only with safety and related standards on vessels bearing their flag, and are not concerned with the destination, route, cargo manifests or the nature of a specific voyage. Just like when you register your car, the authorities don’t require you to detail to them every place you are going to go with the car. Sadly, Guinea-Bissau has allowed itself to become complicit in Israel’s deliberate starvation, illegal siege and genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. Israel is showing the world the extent to which it will go to deny Palestinians the aid they need to stay alive, in direct contravention of International Humanitarian Law, UN Security Council resolutions, and two orders of the International Court of Justice. Israel is only allowed to get away with this because we have an international order where law does not apply equally, where people are not valued the same, and where might equals right. The US has hijacked international law and is violating its own laws to protect Israel at every turn. A recently-leaked USAID memo states that “famine in Gaza is inevitable,” and that “changes could reduce but not stop widespread civilian deaths.” It also states that the government of Israel does not currently demonstrate necessary compliance with U.S. law required to receive U.S. military aid. Nevertheless, last week, the U.S. Congress passed and Biden signed a $26 billion aid package for Israel. It is this kind of naked impunity, over decades, that has brought us to this point where Israel can carry out a genocide, that includes a public declaration by Israel’s leaders that it is going to deliberately starve children, and not only face no consequences, but also involve a majority of world governments in its crimes. While our governments claim to care about Palestinian lives, they are complying, and indeed enforcing a situation where a state that has been found to be plausibly committing a genocide, is allowed to control what, if any life-saving aid gets to the people trying to stay alive.Yesterday, the UN Special Rapporteurs on the Right to Food, on the Right to Housing, and on the situation of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territory, issued a statement stating that civil society initiatives like the Freedom Flotilla are important precisely because governments are not complying with their obligations under international law and many of these governments are even complicit in Israel’s siege and genocide. The statement affirmed that ours was a legitimate challenge to Israel’s control over the delivery of aid to Gaza and it demanded safe passage for our flotilla. However, without a flag, we cannot sail. But, this is not the end. Israel cannot and will not crush our resolve to break its illegal siege and reach the people of Gaza. The people of Gaza and all of Palestine remain steadfast under the most horrific, unimaginable conditions. We take strength from their incredible, inexplicable ability to maintain their humanity, dignity and hope when the world has given them no reason to do so.It is our responsibility to keep that hope alive. WE WILL SAIL.
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bfpnola · 8 months
Updated version! ID written by @swosheep (it won't let me tag you oof)
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ID 1: All images are of an Instagram post by letstalkpalestine2. The first one is titled "Lets Talk. What is Hamas? Answering the basic questions".
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ID 2: the second image is titled "What Are Its Origins?". the body text reads: "Hamas is a Palestinian political party and armed resistance movement based in the besieged Gaza Strip. It emerged in 1987, at the start of the First Intifada, as a reaction to intensifying israeli violence and as a religious alternative to the secular Palestinian parties that dominated the scene at the time. Hamas was originally a branch of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood but later cut ties with it and became an independent group. In 1992, Hamas formed a military wing called the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades to resist the israeli occupation. The Brigades carried out several significant operations against Israel during the Second Intifada, which established Hamas as a leading force in the Palestinian resistance."
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ID 3: the third image is titled "Who Are Its Leaders?". The body text reads: "Hamas is composed of a political wing and a military wing. They each perform different functions but operate under the same leadership structure." There is a grid with four sections. The first section is titled "Political Bureau", and reads: "- Headed by Ismail Haniyeh from exile - Sets general policy". The second section is titled: "Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades" and reads: "- Commanded by Marwan Issa and Mohammed Deif - Conducts military operations". The third section is titled: "Shura Council" and reads: "- Led by Saleh al-Arouri in the West Bank and Yahya Sinwar in Gaza - Handles affairs in Gaza, the West Bank, diaspora, and israeli prisons". The fourth section is titled: "Gaza Government" and reads: "- Headed by Prime Minister Issam al-Da'alis - Enacts policies and provides social services to people in Gaza".
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ID 4: The fourth image is titled: "What Does Hamas Want?" The body text reads: "Its 2017 charter states that its current political program is to: - Implement the right of return for all Palestinian refugees; - Establish a temporary Palestinian state along the 1967 borders (the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip) and arrange a long-term truce with israel. Hamas considers the establishment of a Palestinian state on the '67 borders as a temporary step. It refuses to recognize israel's legitimacy and advocates for the 'full and complete liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea.' Hamas's 2017 charter states that its struggle is against the israeli state and the Zionist movement due to their occupation of Palestine, not Jewish people, and criticizes israel for associating its actions with Jewish values. Hamas's stated goals for its current operation are to - Free the thousands of Palestinian prisoners held by israel, - End the Gaza blockade, - End the status quo where Israel continues its occupation without cost".
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ID 5: the fifth image is titled: "Does Hamas Control Gaza?". The body text reads: "Not really. Hamas administers local affairs, while israel controls much of Gaza from the outside through its blockade. israel forcibly controls: - Airspace, - Sea access, - Movement of all goods and people in and out, - Telecoms networks, - Electromagnetic sphere, - Tax distribution, - Population registry, - Water, - Electricity and fuel. Hamas began governing Gaza in 2007, and has since managed: - Healthcare, - Education, - Infrastructure, - Social welfare, - Law enforcement, - Public employment. Hamas is not a sovereign government. israel's blockade prevents Palestinians from independently exercising sovereignty over Gaza's population, development, and economy."
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ID 6: The sixth image is titled "Does Hamas Represent Palestine?" The body text reads: "Hamas is one of many Palestinian political parties. On the one hand, Hamas was democratically elected by voters in 2006, garnering a plurality of West Bank and Gaza votes (44%) for its social services and resistance efforts. Today. Fatah and Hamas, the two largest parties, are roughly tied, each enjoying the support of a third of the public. On the other hand, many Palestinians strongly criticize Hamas's political wing due to its corruption and repressive policies, and the last elections were in 2006. 43% of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza believe that no party represents Palestine. The other polled Palestinians were split between parties, with no clear winner. We have no statistics for Palestinians in the heartland ("israel") or diaspora. However, Hamas is currently the only major group that pursues armed resistance, which is widely supported. So while most Palestinians might not support Hamas as a party, the overwhelming majority support acts of resistance in general, whether by Hamas or others."
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ID 7: the seventh image is titled "Is Hamas a Proxy of Iran?". The body text reads: "No. Hamas is an independent group with a political program and military strategy distinct from Iran. Hamas and Iran are strategic allies, meaning that while Iran provides Hamas with significant financial, military, and political support, Hamas does not act or operate on behalf of Iran. It makes decisions based on its own interests, and independently manages relations with countries like Turkey, Qatar, and Egypt. For example: In 2012, Hamas cut ties with Syria because it opposed the Assad regime's violent crackdown on protesters. It took this decision despite angering Iran, a close ally of Assad. Regarding Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, even israeli officials admit there is no evidence that Iran was in any way involved. Iran was actually surprised by it. Hamas independently coordinated and launched the operation to achieve its own goals."
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ID 8: The eighth image is titled "Does Hamas Negotiate with Israel?". The body text reads: "Hamas views armed struggle as only one of several tools to end apartheid & occupation, such as diplomacy. In 2006, in an op-ed for The Guardian, Hamas chairman Ismail Haniyeh revealed that israel refused Hamas's proposal for a truce. In 2008, former Hamas chief Khaled Meshal offered a 10-year truce in exchange for a sovereign Palestinian state along the 1967 borders with Jerusalem as its capital." israel rejected the proposal. In 2016, Hamas offered a long-term truce in exchange for simply ending the Gaza Blockade. israel rejected it. In 2018, Haniyeh revived this offer by sending a handwritten letter in Hebrew to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. But israel rejected it again. israel repeatedly rejected Hamas's diplomatic initiatives because israel saw no reason to end the oppressive status quo, which it believed gave it power & privileges over Palestinians with minimal downsides. israel's benefits outweighed the costs. Hamas is trying to change that."
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ID 9: the ninth image is titled "Is Hamas Risking Palestinian Lives?". The body text reads: "Westerners often accuse Hamas of risking Palestinian lives by fighting apartheid and thus inviting a deadly israeli crackdown. But the reality is that israel's blockade is slowly killing everyone in Gaza. [quote] 'We have paid a high cost in lives in this conflict. But if that's the price for long-term changes - breaking the siege and obtaining freedom - it's one many of us feel we have no choice but to swallow.' [unquote] -Haytham Besalso, civil engineer from Gaza, 2014. [quote] 'We are bleeding here, anyway [..] The Gaza Blockade crushes any opportunity for peace.' [unquote] -Ismail, anonymous journalist from Gaza, 2021. The argument that Hamas is responsible for israel's killing of Palestinians is malicious. It blames the victims for resisting apartheid and absolves the oppressors of responsibility, treating the mass killing of children as a 'normal' israeli response."
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ID 10: the tenth image says: "You don't need to support Hamas as a political party to support Palestine. Most Palestinians don't support it as a party. But Hamas is an effective political player in the struggle against apartheid, oppression, and colonization. It has achieved remarkable success in preventing israeli violence in Jerusalem and freeing Palestinian hostages abducted by israel. Hamas has institutions, ministries, student movements, and women's movements, and employs thousands of doctors, teachers, judges, and aid workers. It is part of the fabric of Palestinian society. So while you don't need to support Hamas to support Palestine, you cannot oppose oppression without supporting the resistance to it. You cannot support freedom while supporting israeli efforts to wipe out those who fight for that freedom, including Hamas, to leave Palestinians defenc Pales". End ID.
the original caption states that @/LetsTalkPalestine2 does not endorse any specific party, including Hamas, and that the last word on the last slide should be *defenseless.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 3 months
Do you all have any proof that Invictus wants nothing to do with Harry or is it just a hunch based on narratives you’ve made up yourselves? Or maybe it is just wishful thinking on your part?
First off, reading and context is fundamental. No one has said Invictus wants nothing to do with Harry. We’re saying that it doesn’t make sense why Invictus keeps Harry around when he doesn’t appear to provide them any value. From a liability and risk management perspective, they have to be doing something to protect themselves from his lack of engagement.
And it is actually data-driven speculation. I don’t make stuff up here; I am always researching, I am always reading, I am always learning, and that is what informs my theories. There is very little I take at face-value.
But since your insult was polite, I’ll let you look at my homework instead of telling you to go figure it out yourself. Just this one time.
So this is the financial report from the UK charity registry:
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Expenses (money going out) and income (money coming in, i.e. the donations) are virtually the same. In other words: as of 2022, Invictus is barely breaking even. This is not good; it means, more or less, they're one crisis away from some serious problems.
It also means that their actual Games - which, in 2022 would have been The Hague/Dutch IG - are expensed entirely by the host city. So basically, the charity itself is nothing more than a glorified events planner spending someone else's money. That's...not exactly the mission we're told that Invictus Games is.
Now, that orange line there on the bottom is what the UK calls "governance." (In the US, we call it "administrative.") This is what it means, from IG's 2022 financial report:
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Note that this doesn't include salaries for the 12 (as of 12/31/2022) employees at IG. According to Giving is Great, a UK charity watchdog, senior staff costs (i.e. salaries and benefits) is 26%, or approximately £500,000. Add the governance/admin costs, and we're looking at £750,000 a year just to keep the charity's lights on. When your total budget is £2 million, that's a big chunk of change. 40%, in fact.
Second let's look at their income. The UK charity registry breaks the "gross income" down into several subcategories. For Invictus Games:
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(The column headers were cut off but from left to right it's 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022.)
Meaning that in 2022, their income came from donations, trading, and charitable activities.
(Remember that in 2020, the Royal Foundation made a £1 million donation to Invictus Games, which I believe makes up the majority of that £1.4m donation. If that assumption is correct, then that means in 2020, Harry was only able to fundraise an additional £400,000 in donations. Now, 2020 was a very difficult year for a lot of charities and nonprofits so that steep dropoff isn't unusual to see in the financial reports.)
Now from the 2022 financial report, here's what these categories mean:
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So just really quick. Unrestricted means that the recipient chooses where/how to spend the money. Restricted means that the donor directs where/how the charity spends the money. So Invictus could spend £381K of the donations (Category #2) anywhere they wanted to, but for the remaining £700K of donations they received, they had to follow specific directions on how to use it.
What this is saying is that of the total income earned by Invictus Games in 2022, only £1.08 million came from donations.
Now, in my (volunteer) experience working in nonprofit fundraising most lay people (i.e. members of the general public who donate to charities) don't usually direct or designate their donation. So most of the regular donations are going into the unrestricted pot. Corporate donors, sponsors, or partners are more likely to give restricted gifts, where they direct how the money will be spent. So based on my experience, I feel comfortable assuming, or suggesting, that £231,447 received in unrestricted donations is people like, you, me, and Sussex Squad donating to Invictus out of pocket.
That's a pretty poor showing. And in my opinion, it's a direct reflection of Harry's leadership; he isn't inspiring people to donate to Invictus. Instead, the bulk of Invictus's income/donations is coming from corporate sponsorships.
Most charities cannot survive on corporate sponsorships and partnerships. It does not guarantee long-term survival. Long-term survival is predicated on investments, endowments, and contracts...which Invictus doesn't have, which means their patron isn't doing his share.
Third let's look at the actual Games themselves. The Hague/Dutch IG was given a budget of €15 million (~$16 million). According to this leaked letter from the Dusseldorf IG Committee, the Hague IG Games actually ended up costing €25 million (~$27 million). That's a 60% increase, and it's impossible for all of that to be due to COVID-related inflation.
Going backed to the leaked Dusseldorf IG letter, their budget was about €27 million (~$29 million). It's being reported that the Dusseldorf IG actually ended up costing closer to €37 million (~$40 million). This is a 37% increase; they were also very over budget.
And in March 2023, Invictus Games 2025 signed and published, to their website, a Contribution Agreement outlining that Canada's budget for the Vancouver IG is $30 million CAD (~$22 million USD); $15 million CAD (~$11 million USD) from the province of British Columbia and $15 million CAD from the government of Canada.
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So if I split the baby for budget overrun [(60% + 37%)/2=48.5%], we're looking at Vancouver IG to probably end up costing around $44.5 million CAD.
In other words...they're in trouble. Meaning that Invictus and its board should be working together with the local corporation(s) to cut costs and increase savings/get new sponsors and partners. Meaning that the patron should be out there campaigning and fundraising for money or figuring out how and where to cut costs...but he isn't.
Or those efforts aren't visible. Not when the competing PR is about Harry's attacks on the BRF, Spare, Meghan's merching, and stories like this one of key leaders being abruptly fired and whistleblowers leaking to the press.
Now why would someone be abruptly fired without notice? It's not for shock and awe. It's either for incredible malfeasance (like fraud and embezzlement) or because someone much higher up wanted it. Since there's no paper trail or proof of wrongdoing - which Vancouver IG would have leaked in some way, shape or form - all the evidence strongly suggests the two men were fired because someone else demanded it. Maybe, say, someone who costs so much more than he's actually worth, who causes more problems than solves, who has alienated a lot of public goodwill. Of course, that's just pure speculation. But it is strange. One person getting fired without notice, sure, not really worth paying attention. But two people? And two people who purportedly know a whole lot about what's happening behind closed doors? That's hinky.
Have I forgotten anything?
Oh, right. This: growing criticism and dissatisfaction from local host-nation communities, Invictus's competitors and their families, and social media over the Sussexes' inability (and disinterest) to promote anyone but themselves whilst attending events.
The last thing any brand wants (or needs) is an ambassador that alienates their core customer base and prospective supporters and dominates the news with controversy. Brands, including nonprofit organizations, rely pretty heavily on:
The goodwill and positive attention their ambassadors generate
The users, fans, supporters, customers, and consumers that follow their ambassadors and
The networks their ambassadors move in.
Harry doesn't do any of that either:
He loses public goodwill every time he opens his mouth and invites only criticism.
The customers (the veterans and their families) aren't happy that their efforts are overshadowed. The consumers (people at home following along) are unhappy and dissatisfied that they can't find information about the competitors or the Games themselves because the only press coverage is about Harry and Meghan.
Harry is completely excluded from the royal, military, international, and aristo networks that propped him up 10 years ago to launch this thing. Invictus can't tap into that anymore, so why should they keep him around?
Let's review.
Invictus's expenses and income barely break even. Further, their reserves allow them to operate for less than one whole year. That's a really uncomfortable place to be in. Where is their patron to help seek out income streams that would build up their reserves?
Based on donation data, they're wheezing along on spit and prayer. They rely almost exclusively on corporate sponsors/partners. There's no investments, no endowments, no contracts. Actual "from the people" donations is just paltry. Where is their patron to lead fundraising campaigns, recruit new sponsors, develop investment opportunities?
The costs to host the Games keeps ballooning. Some cost overrun is normal, expected, and even budgeted for, but not the amounts that Invictus keeps turning out. Where is their patron to help look for new partners or charm everyone over with budget cuts?
There was a personnel shakeup in the Vancouver 2025 leadership that caused a lot of questions and concerns about their readiness to host their events and revealed a lot of morale issues. Where was their patron to calm the chaos?
There's growing criticism over the patron's behavior that is reflecting badly on Invictus Games and their brand. Where is the patron changing his behavior, changing his attitude, changing his priority?
I'll tell you where the patron is. He and his wife are flying around the world to party at Soho Houses, whine about being cut off from his family after he spent 3 years attacking them, spending other people's money in ridiculous ways, and getting wastedly high after his wife and kids go to bed.
The longer Invictus Games is associated with that, the more it reflects on them and their brand. They can't afford that. Not when they're promoting themselves as "family friendly" or "family supporting" (which is how they've justified Meghan's involvement).
It doesn't make any sense for them to keep Harry on. He's not fundraising for them. He's not schmoozing. He costs more money than he brings in. The people they serve don't like him. He isn't bringing big donors in. He isn't speaking to or supporting his family.
And allllllllll this together is why I say "I wouldn't be surprised if Invictus is trying to phase Harry out." It's why I say "depending on how well Germany Invictys 2024 goes, that may be the proof they can survive without him."
It's data-driven speculation. Not something I've made up. The only thing that's made up is the speculation about why two senior leaders were so abruptly fired. But that isn't even part of the analysis or the calculation.
Next time, anon, you're doing your own fucking research.
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trofysisters · 5 months
Упорство Влада в выполнении под светом луны после полуночи домашнего задания окупилось: его успеваемость повысилась. Но сегодня Вероника не собиралась с ним соревноваться, (Vlad's persistence in completing his homework under the moonlight after midnight paid off: his grades improved. But today Veronica was not going to compete with him,)
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поскольку вечером из университета возвращался их любимый старший брат - Виктор. На душе у всей семьи было радостно и светло. Как же долго они этого ждали. (because in the evening their beloved older brother, Victor, was returning from the university. The whole family's soul was joyful and light. How long have they waited for this)
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Увидев, каким красивым и стройным он стал, Вероника решила тоже заняться своей физической формой. (Seeing how handsome and slender he had become, Veronica decided to also take care of her physical fitness)
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А у Виктора возникла идея создать и продать шедевр, за рисование которого он и взялся. (And Victor had an idea to create and sell a masterpiece, which he began painting)
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Виктор еще не знал, что в эту ночь он последний раз спит в своей постели, что позвавшая его на прогулку Илона привезет его в ЗАГС, и он больше не вернется в родительский дом. (Victor did not yet know that that night he would sleep in his bed for the last time, that Ilona, who had called him for a walk, would bring him to the registry office, and he would never return to his parents’ house)
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Пока некоторые члены семьи начали вести активный образ жизни, Вера настолько увлек��ась кулинарией и стремлением развить к этому максимальный интерес и навык, что последствия отразились на ее фигуре. (While some family members began to lead an active lifestyle, Vera became so passionate about cooking and the desire to develop maximum interest and skill in it that the consequences were reflected in her figure)
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Но какая разница, сколько она весит, если она любимая жена и мать чудесных детей. К тому же, у близнецов сегодня день рождения. (But who cares how much she weighs if she is a beloved wife and mother of wonderful children. Plus, it's the twins' birthday today)
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Первым повзрослел Влад. От родителей он перенял ценность семьи, а стать хотел полицейским-супергероем. Поскольку вокруг множество опасностей, его избранница должна быть критически мыслящей, не близорукой и сидеть дома для собственной безопасности. (Vlad was the first to grow up. He adopted the value of family from his parents, and wanted to become a superhero policeman. Since there are many dangers around, his chosen one should be a critical thinker, should not be short-sighted and should stay at home for her own safety)
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После брата пришла пора взрослеть Веронике. Она была более амбициозной и прагматичной, поэтому стать решила судьей, а для успешной карьеры нужны хорошие связи. Ее избранник должен быть логичным, молодым и скрывать лицо за гримом (мим?). Балов счастья у нее оказалось больше, чем у брата. (After her brother, it was time for Veronica to grow up. She was more ambitious and pragmatic, so she decided to become a judge, and for a successful career you need good connections. Her chosen one should be logical, young and hide his face behind makeup (mime?). She had more happiness points than her brother)
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Чтобы порадовать детей, родители повели их в парк аттракционов, хоть и был уже поздний вечер. (To please the children, the parents took them to an amusement park, even though it was already late in the evening)
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Автомат с предсказаниями сообщил Васе, что будущее ему улыбается пока что. Только тогда Вася вспомнил, что прогулял работу, в то время как у жены были отгулы. (The fortune machine told Vasya that the future was smiling at him for now. Only then did Vasya remember that he had skipped work while his wife had time off)
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Настроение отлично повышают карусели и мороженое. Жаль, что Виктор так и не научил младшего брата хорошим манерам за столом. (Carousels and ice cream are great mood boosters. It's a pity that Victor never taught his younger brother good table manners)
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Зато близнецов пустили на взрослые американские горки. Весело! (But the twins were allowed on an adult roller coaster. Fun!)
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Но, как оказалось, Владу они совершенно не понравились - страшные и слишком крутые. Еще и брата не было, т.к. в этот же день он женился на Илоне. Зато теперь понятно, почему Вера и Вася отказались идти с Илоной "на прогулку". (But, as it turned out, Vlad didn’t like them at all - scary and too cool. There was also no brother, since on the same day he married Ilona. But now it’s clear why Vera and Vasya refused to go “for a walk” with Ilona)
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familyabolisher · 1 year
In 1937, urban planners debated turning Tel Aviv into a ‘Riviera city’ in a proposal called the Grunblatt scheme, which is reminiscent of Le Corbusier’s unrealised 1933 Plan Obus to demolish the Cape of Algiers and construct an elevated highway along its coastline. Today, many of the Palestinian beaches belong to private developers and hotels. This is part of a longstanding policy of effacement, whereby Palestinian scenes of dispossession become sites of Zionist leisure. After the massacre of residents in al-Tantura (occupied May 22–23, 1948; population of 1,500) in 1948, the Palestinian population was driven out. A mass grave of several dozen bodies remains, and today it lies under the parking lot of Dor beach, near Haifa. These processes are not unique to Palestine, architecture and redevelopment play essential roles in the construction of a revisionist urban coloniality. Both Tel Aviv and Algiers were given the moniker ‘White City’.
But Tel Aviv is not particularly white. Off-white maybe, mostly grey. Sharon Rotbard’s WHITE CITY, BLACK CITY (2015) examines the Bauhaus style that is the city’s pride. The Ashkenazi elite of Tel Aviv sought refuge in the ‘values of order and rationality’, she explains, against ‘the amorphous black chaos’ of the present. ‘It enabled many Tel Avivians to conduct wealthy bourgeois lifestyles, and at the same time to expose a socialist and progressive façade, to take solace in the assurance that while their city was clearly grey and faded, it was actually white and clean; that although it was no more than a provincial Western outpost, it was as international as the International Style; and that although it was modern, it was historic.’
The early essays about the local International Style in HA’IR and HA’ARETZ newspapers praised it as neither historic nor revolutionary, but as a sensible innovation, emphasising ‘usability, economy, modesty, cleanliness’. Tel Aviv’s Bauhaus represents the aestheticisation of sterility, which was the style’s original function, in a clear through line from the sanatorium that helped to popularise it. The export of this architecture to the colonies held the promise of ridding the cities of their distinct character, of curing the tropics of their diseases.
These architectures, then, reinforce a psychogeography of ‘cleanliness’. In light of the increasing visibility and political power of the messianic-Zionist bloc in the Israeli governing coalition (Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud alongside the Hasidic political parties United Torah Judaism and Shas), the re-emphasis of Tel Aviv’s White City’s heritage serves as a coping strategy of sorts for Tel Aviv’s settlers in particular. It allows them to self-narrate as ‘liberal’ and to separate themselves from an unwashed ‘Other Israel’, supporting the story that Tel Aviv’s relationship to the rest of the state is of a cosmopolitan vestigial organ. This is romantic, but untrue. While the fanatical settler foot soldiers that roam the frontier are perhaps the most visible parts of the Israeli project, a quieter enemy remains at work – the state’s bureaucratic violences, dressed as system planners and administrators. Tel Aviv’s ghouls in their windowless offices stare at population registries of Palestinians, a blinking red button in front of them, adding to their press releases a Biblical or archaeological citation to camouflage the ethnic cleansing.
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sugurushimura · 1 year
the yotsuba group’s reactions to you coming out as trans
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“Lili Elbe was the first person to undergo a documented sexual reassignment surgery. Elbe was a Dutch artist born in 1882 who
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“that’s okay y/n, a hole is a hole”
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“what does that mean?”
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"thanks for telling me, y/n. do you want me to give you the paperwork to get your name changed in the employee registry"
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“Oh, so you’re TRANSGENDER? That’s AWESOME NEWS, Y/N. We at the YOTSUBA GROUP strongly value our DIVERSE FAMILY of employees and customers, which is why we’re offering these LGBTQIA+ THEMED DEALS for a DISCOUNTED PRICE of
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ms-demeanor · 1 year
I downloaded CCleaner at the recommendation of an IT friend. I believe u know what ur talking abt but why is it bad
Short answer:
While running a registry cleaner is useless at best, it's dangerous at worst. As mentioned, the registry is home to lots of important values that both Windows and third-party programs use. If you delete, move, or damage these keys, critical system functions could fail to work.
Since registry cleaners are automated, there's a good chance that their registry scan could tag something as unnecessary when it's actually important. And unless you're a registry expert and check every entry before deleting them, you could cause major damage to your system by deleting something inadvertently.
Basically it's extremely unlikely that registry entries are going to cause problems simply by having a lot of them but it's extremely likely that registry entries are going to cause problems if they're messed with without a lot of really careful attention.
Your computer is a really, really, really smart machine and even with tens of thousands of entries your registry isn't a challenge for the computer to read or access*, but it is a challenge for YOU to read or access. So what registry cleaners have done over the years is marketed themselves as a way to "clean up" your registry and make things faster which doesn't actually make any sense in terms of how the computer works but makes *intuitive* sense to a human looking at a big confusing registry full of entries and extensions that you don't understand.
You shouldn't mess around with your registry unless you are very certain you know what you're doing and have taken a good, complete backup of your computer very recently. You shouldn't trust third parties to mess around in your registry at all.
People tend to like the other tools offered by programs like CCleaner but those are pretty much just a middleman doing stuff that there are already tools built into the OS for. You don't need special software to clean up junk files or adjust what runs on startup, disk cleanup and task manager can do that without installing a third-party software on your computer.
And that is *aside* from the fact that CCleaner specifically has had some incidents of running malware and registry cleaners generally trying to get you to either click on ads or purchase upgrades.
*back in the beforetimes of the 90s registry entries did sometimes cause problems and Microsoft made its own registry cleaner, which went out of support in 1998 because it did kind of help with some stuff but created more problems than it resolved and also it became obsolete when computers started having more processing power and memory and the underlying software was improved. And here's a post that's nearly 20 years old discussing why registry cleaners aren't necessary and can cause problems.
214 notes · View notes
bubbloquacious · 9 months
Effortpost registry
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67 notes · View notes
How to Write Quirks for your OCs
The thing that I noticed I see people choose quirks for their oc is and how they forget how quirks work while choosing a quirk which is in writing quirks and how you’re treated in bnha, for example when they make a character quirkless they forget all the things that came with how people who are quirkless are treated when they are creating it they forget how people with no quirk are treated in bnha.
I already talked about quirks in my bnha character design post, but this post is about how to write quirks and what to do when you choose them for your character. If you're going to give your oc a quirk you need to know how this quirk is treated in bnha for worldbuilding.
When choosing a quirk for an oc, it’s easy to forget how quirks are treated in bnha, Sometimes having a quirk can cause inconveniences or pain to characters like mt lady having to constantly always pay for the destruction due to her quirk resizing and destroying buildings every time she walks and how their original character quirk makes them interact with their environment. Himiko is the best example; her perception shifts due to how people in her environment react to her quirk. The majority of the characters' problems had everything to do with how they viewed quirks. Izuku was bullied and undermined for being quirkless, and the Todoroki family abuse started with Endeavor’s obsession to surpass all might by having a stronger quirk in the form of his son.
People are used as tools because of their quirks, with the people only caring about the quirks, not the people who have them.  People are judged based on utility rather than people. The person is judged on the utilitarianism of their quirk rather than their intrinsic value as people. There are several instances that their quirk is valued more than themselves by the people around them. the people only value the quirk of the person more than the person themselves. rending a person's only value is for their quirks. Most characters treat that person as an extension of their quirk without thinking about whether the people behind them would feel this is centered around caring about the utility of a quirk rather than a person.  
A lot of people in bnha do that, especially heroes along the lines of "If I had a quirk like that if I had enough power” or complimenting the person's quirk.
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Both sides talk about what quirks they need and seek to use their quirks for their gain.
Quirks like heroes are treated as usable products than people both villains and heroes seek to exploit others to use their quirks.
The head of the hero commission scouted Nagant due to her quirk.
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Hawks was in a similar situation but unlike Nagant, he sees this as a ticket out to cut himself off from his past and escape his terrible situation.The hero commission exploited quirks for their gain treating the person who has them as disposable products and disposing of them when they realize that they can’t control them.
All of them see the quirk first, person second.
You're seen as an extension of your quirk. Judged based on utility than as a person it comes off as dehumanizing. This is one of the problems that bred villains since they are not seen or thought of by people. Himiko is a perfect example of how people around her didn’t understand her due to how they treated her based on her quirk, forcing her to surpass it.
Quirks can affect the body makeup and influence the personality to some extent such as Himiko's quirk making Himiko drawn to blood, Tsuyu’s frog-like features causing her to have a liken to moist places, Rei and the rest of her family loves the cold due to how their bodies treat it.
Another thing in bnha is about quirk registrars. Quirks registries can be changed, when someone gets more info on their quirk they change their registry.
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Quirks are not consistent like people they change and grow; not everyone knows their quirk, which is why the register is updated. People can also  lie about their quirks making it handy for people to get away with things such as the case with Garaki.
When writing your oc, find out first how their quirk is treated, such as an OC who struggles to be seen as a person, not as an extension for their quirks, How they feel that they are not of any use to others feel sad about it, how they feel about being used for their quirks. You don’t always have to write their struggles with their said quirks, you just need to know how quirks are treated so you can have a better understanding when you are choosing a quirk for your oc.
The basic facts for quirks is that at the age of four when a child manifests their quirk, the child would have one of his parent's quirks or a fusion of the two
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Bakugo and Shoto are the result this with Bakugo’s quirk is the fusion of his parent's quirk,
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Todoroki is another example of this in more unsavory ways.
Hereditary being the main theme is seen in quirks with each getting stronger and different with each generation, quirks grow and change getting strong and diverse with each generation making it harder to know and control.
if you're going to write about a bnha character you need to keep in mind the themes of bnha which include how quirks act in bnha and how people react to quirks
Quirkless means without a quirk, Izuku is introduced as the main character as quirkless.
What does quirkless mean? Let’s go over the basics.
To know if a character is quirkless they have to be diagnosed by a doctor with an absence of the extra joint in the pinky toe means they have a quirk but having two joints mean quirklessness The reason why two joints mean quirklessness is because humans evolved to not need another joint.
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In the series 20% of the population of quirks,  In the past the quickness population is even larger In the present society quirklessness got rarer each generation. Most of the older population is quirkless you might meet someone that is. Being quirkless is considered an oddity to some since it's rare in the current era
You can place having no quirk in the quirk registry, you will find out if a person is quirkless if you look at their medical records.
Quirklessness is used in a negative context by other characters meaning useless because it means no quirk.
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They considered having no quirk to be considered useless since they are saying that they can't do anything hence their uselessness, since being quirkless is treated like a handicap in the series.
Something is interesting in the way how quirklessness is handled in the series. We mainly see it from Izuku's perspective. We viewed quirkless as a bad thing because we saw it from his perspective. the reason Izuku is devastated by learning that he is quirkless means that he can’t have the job he wants hero is a job position that allows people to use quirks freely being quirkless is a major handicap in the quirk-fueled profession for izuku in his struggles, in the beginning, is that he is trying to set into a profession that isn’t made for him. That is all from his perspective. People wouldn’t react the same way to being quirkless.
The real ones with this who think that are the people around them. For Aoyama his parents are the ones that reacted more than Aoyama did it was automatically his parents that created his problems Izukus's mother knew how much her son wanted to be a hero when his son asked she broke down tearfully apologizing she felt like she couldn’t give him the future he wanted there is an awful lot of self-pity on her part.  There's a reason why they couldn’t give words of encouragement and ended up making things worse for the people who are quirkless under the assumption that being quirkless Is a bad thing since it means that you can’t do anything without a quirk. They think being quirkless is a bad thing but that is a misconception.  
This showcases how society doesn’t handle quirks well. They don’t have the tools to handle them, which in turn created a lot of problems in the story.
No one in the story thinks that being quirkless can be a benefit as we see quirks can be dangerous to the person having them and creates a lot of problems with them. Having a quirk wouldn’t improve a person's job performance; not many jobs required using quirks.  
To write about a character being quirkless is in how the people around them treated their quirklessness, People who hear about this would react with pity or feel uncomfortable.
Writing a character who is quirkless means that you have to consider how they would feel about it. For your character it would likely mean struggling with being different or feeling left out or dealing with pity they might feel left out or being different
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but it all depends on the circumstances of the person who is quirkless. Maybe the people themselves aren't bothered by being quirkless since there aren't too many problems they have with people with quirks.
Quirks being used as tools
This is something I talked about at the begging of this post before and here I am going to elaborate on it This is something that needs to be expanded on the idea that the quirks in bnha are used as tools by others It was something that I saw in the series is that in the way on how people treat quirk are tools to use, Nagant and Hawks were scouted by the hero commision specifically because they wanted to use their quirks
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These people are seen as tools because of how useful their quirks are than people. This isn’t just exclusive to just the hero commision. Other people are guilty of this as well; even innocent comments made by heroes from the Spots festival increase this view.
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People put more value on quirks than the people behind their quirks. Even heroes have this kind of mindset.
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This demonstrates people's attitude toward quirks in general, showing how much they Put stock in quirks and whether they are useful or not. It shows people put a lot of value on quirks than the people behind them. This goes with quirklessness; they are not as valued as people with quirks are. When a quirk turns out to be useful they change their minds and this shift in mindset is how quirks are seen first then the people themselves. quirk counseling people are taught to consider quirks can be used to be useful to society can be a negative concept that causes people to attach their values to their quirks, even base their self-image after their quirks this leads people to be defined by their quirks resulting in overpressure the people themselves later to be crushed under the weight of expectations. This mindset horrendously causes others in neglecting their well-being to feel useful to others. This might explain why some people might be devastated by being quirkless. It shows how much placing so much value on quirks causes someone pain. This is a mindset passed around a lot by others and is harmful because it comes off as dehumanizing to the person with the quirk in question. I discussed in the post that this is dehumanizing to the person in question because they are seen as an extension of their quirk. Here's the thing: just because a quirk may not come off as useful doesn’t mean the person who has it is. That is something people themselves don’t realize.
Try to write about characters finding out about this mindset, how do characters feel about being treated as tools for their quirks than people? how would your character feel when they are treated this way? This is something to talk about.
Rare quirks
Rare quirks that are highly sought out by others. The rare quirks that are listed in the series are teleportation, healing, and electric quirks. Electric quirks are in popular demand and receive well-paid jobs. The reason why electric quirks are popular is that it's the modern era and the modern era uses a lot of electricity.
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Recovery Girl has a rare quirk; she makes frequent visits to hospitals; this is to indicate just how there are not many healing quirks in the world of bnha.
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Heroes comment that teleportation quirks are rare. The reason why teleportation quirks are sought out by heroes is that having teleportation allows them to go from one area to the next to fight crime.
If you're going to write about how to give your character a rare quirk keep in mind that the quirks that I mentioned before are not frequent.  If your character does write how their quirk is being used as a tool to due how useful it is to the people around them quirks would be caused to be used as tools and that's something to write about. I mentioned this before and this is one of the things to write about.
Mutations are quirks that have no resemblance to any of the quirks from either side of the family. Mutations are rare since they are not seen due to how little it doesn’t resemble anything in the family.
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Eri and Tomura are the only known examples as people with mutated quirks have both a few things in common, One is how Eri and Tomura don’t understand what was happening when their quirks first activated. Two they accidentally killed their family when their quirks first activated,Eri accidentally re-winded her father of his existence and Tomura killed his family. The third thing that they have in common is that Eri and Tomura don’t understand their quirks and accept what others told them as the truth. The reason why Tomura and Eri are quick to believe AFO and Overhaul is mainly because of how limited their understanding of their quirks is.
One thing to write about is how the people around those with mutated quirks don’t understand their power as much as the people with mutated quirks did, Eri's family members don’t understand her quirk and how it works which is why Eri was given to Overhaul because they are viewed to have similar quirks
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To write about ocs with mutation quirks if you take Tomura and eri as examples when you write about how the oc would feel it's that you don't understand their quirks since it didn’t have any resemblance to others. You don’t have to make a tragic example but use it as a basis.
To make a mutation you would not only show how it doesn’t resemble anything to others but show how it defies logic,
eri quirk, for example, can rewind a quirk it bends the rules in the bnha universe. That's one thing I noticed how it bends people's understanding of how things work.
Quirk marriages
Quirk marriages are briefly mentioned by Shoto but what are quirk marriages? Quirk marriages began in the second and third generations after quirks appeared, strong individuals would choose partners and force them into marriage to pass on a strengthened version of their quirk.
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Here's something I noticed: quirk marriages happened during the second and third generations which are around parents or grandparents. Fourth generation quirk users were children born from quirk marriages there was a panel that pointed out that Izuku's mother is a fourth generation
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means if she was a fourth generation then she might have known kids who had been through quirk marriages. How does Izuku know about it? Is it public knowledge? Izuku might have heard about it from his mother but that's my guess.
That is why quirk marriages are taboo in the current society as well as have potentially dangerous side effects that would be as children with bodies that don’t match their quirks which is a result of a quirk marriage as seen with Touya showing us how dangerous the consequences of quirk marriages are.
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The generation lacking ethics is a huge understatement; they had no sense of consequences when it comes to their own child's life making them very selfish. This showed how the children are treated as tools for their parents that they can mold and use for their selfish benefit even having no respect for their own child's autonomy. Shoto and his siblings are the product of a quirk marriage, Shoto always had feelings of anger at being nothing more than a tool by his father. Because he knew he was born from a quirk marriage and Shoto felt that he had no right to his autonomy since created by his father.
If you're going to write your oc coming from a quirk marriage keep in mind that using quirk marriage is considered taboo in current society
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 using this would mean that they would be birthed through unethical means. if your character came from a quirk marriage how would they feel? would they feel proud or angry? As we have seen with Shoto and Touya they might have felt they had no autonomy since they were created by their parents or they would feel a need to justify their existence since they existed because of their parents.
Speaking of quirks that don’t match their bodies…
Quirks don’t match their body
It is a fact that quirks can be incompatible with bodies which can sometimes be hereditary or a result of an unethical experiment. Unmatched quirks can give people pain each time they use them, at the time they can be fatal like with dangers that might lead to death. It can cause death if not careful.
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Aoyama uses this as a cover to explain his condition to blend in. This can be stated that Aoyama's quirk can be fatal if he's not careful.
The reason he wears the support belt is that if he doesn’t his navel laser would melt his stomach. It might not be an understatement if Aoyama had to wear a support belt when he was younger Aoyama didn’t have the support belt and would accidentally melt his stomach. Mina's comment on melting your stomach might not be funny judging on Aoyama's reaction that it can happen. It may seem to be funny but it has tragic implications with dabi being a tragic example.
Support items have a special purpose: the support items are used to alleviate the side effects of the quirks; they are not only used for heroes but also for people who cannot regulate their quirks.
Later in the manga, it was revealed to be a lie Aoyama, however what he said about quirks not matching your body is true which is something used later when discussing.
Let's look at Dabi. Like Aoyama, he has a body incompatible with his quirk.. He has a powerful fire quirk but a body made for ice which is a result of a quirk marriage with deadly consequences. When he was young he got burns each time he used his quirk from his training,  his quirk was hurting him as seen in panels
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there were ghastly side effects on Touya such as the accumulating burns on his body and his hair changing color all this resulted in Dabi burning death by accident. The side effects are completely apparent: the burns on Dabi’s skin each time he uses his quirk makes his skin look like it is going to fall off.
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What kind of struggles would your character go through? well for starters they would suffer physical defects
from using their quirk and require a support item to negate the quirk's side effects its possible to make
it manageable with his but how would they feel about it let's look at Dabi and Aoyama, Dabi feels that he's not good enough because his own body made him a failure in Endeavor’s eyes. Aoyama felt that he was not equal due to his condition both of them prove that they are trying to be good enough in others' eyes.
Mutants are people with quirks that affect their appearance.
There is a discrimination of heteromorph quirks in bnha. Mutants are discriminated against because of their appearance. Both Spinner and Mezo experience persecution by others for their appearances,
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 it is considered rude to insult others for their appearance
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even the word hetreromorpth might come off as too impolite.
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there was a group called the creature rejection clan a cult that commit crimes against people with heteromorphic quirks
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6/6 incidents and a great jeda purge is an event that happened in the bnha universe,
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where people participated in the slaughter of heteromorphic by how much discomfort they feel about their appearance. Discrimination happened because of only how much discomfort people feel about their appearance
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Discrimination towards heteromorphs is prominent in the countryside and small towns don’t happen too often in cities since it has densely populated areas with more diverse have more different people
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According to Skeptic, a portion of villains are heteromorphic. Feeling anger from all the persecution they endured, heteromorphs became villains.
If you're writing your oc as a mutant you need to keep in mind that this happens in the bnha universe,
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Your character might face constant persecution. How do characters feel when they are persecuted all the time?
they would say "if only” to themselves from all the mistreatment they endured.
You don’t have to write it in your character but that's something to think about
Villain quirks
The term above is obvious to know what that means but here is about how to write your character with a villain quirk.
As stated before people are seen for their quirks people would make assumptions about people based on others' quirks and make misconceptions that a person with a villain's quirk is a villain. People are assumed to be villains because of certain quirks and are treated as villains because of their quirks.
Being called a villain in bnha is an emotionally charged word and when used as the greatest insult against someone
being called a villain meant you have no future. However, The BNHA world has no clear-cut lines of what makes a hero and a villain. This comes with people with villain-looking quirks even when someone has a villain quirk it doesn’t mean that they are a villain
Take Shinso, for example, people made assumptions about him growing up to be a criminal because of his quirk this comment bothers Shinso because he isn’t he wants to be a hero
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because of this Shinso is jealous of others for being able to achieve their lot in life because he is labeled as a villain from the discrimination of his quirk he was shut off from ever achieving his dreams.
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Would your characters face prejudice due to having a villain quirk? Yeah, that's possible since being called a villain is a huge insult since people see others as something irredeemable.
How do you write characters with a villain quirk? What would they feel? if you take Shinso for example it's dealing with misconceptions by others. how they are dealing with misconceptions by others of their quirk.
Quirk counseling
What is quirk counseling? It's a program that kids go through elementary school when their quirks are awoken.
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Kids go through quirk counseling in elementary school to learn about their quirks and how to use them. However, quirk counseling is not a perfect program.
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Kamiyan addressed in Vigilante's society doesn’t have the tools to handle quirks is what led to discrimination. Society is unable to adapt to people who can not fit in with the people around them and are unwilling to accept the changing circumstances. the programs such as quirk counseling didn’t address the needs of the others.
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A kid’s quirk can have a great effect on their development and view of the world around them. Kids can take the words of someone older than them at face value but kids aren’t stupid it's foolish to assume that they are aware of social concerns and relationships and know what adults want from them. They can tell if adults are terrified or disgusted by their quirk.
Take Himiko for example, her quirk had a significant effect on her development as a person. Himiko was taken to quirk counseling presumably by her parents. The people at the program force their idea on what they think is best on her; they didn’t teach her about her quirk. She was just told to suppress her quirk due to how people are uncomfortable about it.
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They forced a certain idea on her and did not take her feelings into account. The program didn’t address her feelings and did not understand what the kids needed.
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 This is what Himiko was told throughout the program, this caused her to suppress her quirk at a young age but what is normal? Himiko was no idea what that means since normal differs for each Himiko doing these things is normal for her but people are unable to handle it due to how uncomfortable they are with it.
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Quirk counseling isn’t for everyone we’ve seen in Himikos' perspective; it demonstrates how quirk counseling failed to take the person's needs and issues into account.
Quirk counseling is used to teach kids about quirks and how to use them but doesn’t address the problem directly and leads to a lot of unaddressed issues. It ends up not addressing their needs. Students are not getting individualized attention specific for their quirk and teachers didn’t give them proper advice on their quirk only to make a biased observation and judgment this can easily lead to quirks being suppressed for this issue. Quirk counseling is another school program designed to assimilate children into social standards and hammer out bumps in their understanding of the world that make them fit into society's narrow box. It's not there to teach acceptance or control but it's more about fitting in with others by squashing down their quirks. Quirk counseling only serves to emphasize the differences between you and others, the program makes them believe that something is wrong with them. If you don’t fit in, you're messing around or something is wrong or you didn’t try hard enough.
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the people in the program are judgmental when they viewed quirks even when they view a person struggling with their quirk as messing around they Emphasized that they are the problem which is hurtful to them
Did your character have quirk counseling at some part? did they have internalized bitter feelings about themselves? Do they feel different because they are told that their quirk is abnormal? They end up feeling that they don’t fit in because of a quirk. When writing about it, look at the negative side effects it brings.
This post only serves as a basis to help people know what to write for their ocs, so a lot of what I write is not entirely correct or lacked information. If you feel that I am incorrect feel free to put your input in this I hope helps you get a better idea of what to write when looking at this post.
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haggishlyhagging · 1 year
There was no point in women putting their faith in men, argued [Rebecca] West, not even socialist men, because there was a conflict of interest between women and men, and men would simply 'protect their own' in the face of any threats from women. The unapologetic declaration of war, the unabashed insistence on it as a necessary and just war is a characteristic which marked Rebecca West then and now. The withdrawal of male approval - a weapon used effectively against women for a long time - appears to have made no impression on West who continued to mock male values and to expose the false nature of male 'protection'. That she did this so openly, unashamedly, and in the spirit of moral responsibility may have enraged many men but inspired many women.
Every aspect of man, and man-governed systems, was grist to her mill and week after week she wrote her stinging and sparkling articles: ‘Every man likes to think of himself as a kind of Whiteley's - a universal provider,’ wrote Rebecca West in 1912 in the Manchester Daily Despatch (26 November). 'The patriarchal system is the ideal for which he longs. He likes to dream of himself sitting on the verandah after dinner, with his wife beside him and the children in the garden, while his unmarried sisters play duets in the drawing room and his maiden aunts hand around the coffee. This maintenance of helpless, penniless, subservient womanhood is the nearest he can get in England to the spiritual delights of the harem.'
In the interest of making this dream come true she explains, man has thought of a multitude of reasons for paying woman less - even when she does the same work - for how else is she to be enticed into giving up her own life in order to serve a man, if not by financial necessity? But because many women want to lead their own lives, and because they can see that no pay and low pay makes marriage compulsory, they have started demanding better pay and the option of earning their living in occupations other than marriage. This is a perfectly reasonable and just demand, states West, but one to which men are likely to react with irrationality and rage - thereby unwittingly revealing the extent of the esteem in which they hold women and the unmasked nature of male chivalry and protection! When ‘womanhood declares,’ says West, ‘that she is no longer helpless, dislikes being penniless, and refuses to be subservient, the men become indignant and inarticulate,’ and find themselves caught in a contradictory position.
They have two areas they wish to protect - in their own self interest - the home and the workplace, and when 'only by the fear of starvation are women coerced into having husbands,' then starving women into marriage means among other things, paying them low wages. Unfortunately, however, men also want to maintain their monopoly on employment and they have to confront the unpalatable fact that lower paid women are often more attractive to employers than higher paid men, with the result that ensuring wives may necessitate the risk of losing jobs. Hence their irrational, inarticulate protest, states West, for men want both wives and jobs.
Equal pay for equal work was just a matter of plain common sense to Rebecca West: women's needs are no less than men's, and women's freedom to choose paid work or marriage - or both, as men had been doing for many a year - was no less precious. And if men were only sensible about this she argued, they might begin to see that they had something to gain as well, for once the compulsory element was removed from marriage, once women were permitted the same job opportunities as men, women would be more likely to choose a companion than accept an employer; ‘if there is to be any romance in marriage,' she wrote, 'woman must be given every chance to earn a decent living at other occupations. Otherwise no man can be sure that he is loved for himself alone, and that his wife did not come to the Registry Office because she had no luck at the Labour Exchange' (ibid.).
The male capacity for logic, however, appears to be severely limited for neither then nor now have men shown themselves to be convinced by the reasonableness of the case, and they give every sign of ending the century in the way that they began it - by paying woman less. Despite the passing of legislation such as Equal Pay Acts most sources (including the United Nations' statistics on the position of women) indicate that the gap between women's pay and men's pay is growing greater every year. Men still control the world's resources (more then 99 per cent of them according to United Nations' statistics) and therefore can still exercise control over women: seventy years has seen no significant change in the distribution of wealth between the sexes.
-Dale Spender, There’s Always Been a Women’s Movement This Century
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deathbypixelz · 7 months
Alright. I'm making this post because I was unpleasantly surprised to find Microsoft had forcibly downloaded an """"ai assistant"""" onto my computer (called Copilot), and because finding a site that actually told me how to kill it for good -- in clear, truly step-by-step terms -- was way harder than it needed to be.
Preface: this is only relevant if you're running Windows 11.
Here is your target:
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If you see this logo on your taskbar -- or... have Edge installed on Windows 11 -- you've got Copilot. You can't delete it on its own, Microsoft has integrated it into the OS as best they can. The most you can do is disable it (instructions for which are at the very end of this post).
So... to REALLY get rid of it you need to uninstall Microsoft Edge, because it's a part of/reliant on Edge. A lot of bells and whistles of Windows are also reliant on Edge, like widgets, but I never use those. I use my PC almost exclusively for gaming, and I don't want this slimy "ai" shit on my computer. I use Firefox anyway. Edge can go die as far as I'm concerned.
Here's the actual steps, copy-pasted from a website that took me way too long to find. It also really makes my browser chug for some reason, which is why I'm copy-pasting the whole thing. If you still want to look at the site itself, put it in reader view as fast as you can (link to site).
1.) Open Microsoft Edge, type "edge://settings/help" in the address bar, and then press Enter.
2.) Click "About Microsoft Edge" at the bottom of the left-hand pane. Copy the version number at the top of the screen, under Microsoft Edge.
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3.) Press Windows Key + S to open Windows Search.
4.) Type "Command Prompt", right-click the result, and then select "Run as Administrator".
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5.) The User Account Control (UAC) prompt will appear. Click "Yes".
6.) Navigate to Edge’s “Installer” directory by using the cd command. Depending on which directory your Command Prompt opens in by default, you may need to use the "cd .." command to go back a level or two.
Once ready, run this command:
cd “Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\Version Number\Installer”
Replace "Version Number" with your actual version number copied earlier.
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7.) Next, run this command to uninstall Microsoft Edge:
setup –uninstall –force-uninstall –system-level
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((It will look like nothing happened! Don't worry!))
8.) Restart your PC for the changes to take place.
((HOWEVER, Windows will try to reinstall it the next time your PC updates (or whenever it feels like it lol) so there's a second half to this))
1.) Press Windows Key + R to open Run.
2.) Type "regedit" in the text box and click OK to open the Registry Editor.
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3.) The User Account Control (UAC) prompt will appear. Click "Yes".
4.) In the Registry Editor, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINES\SOFTWARE\Microsoft.
5.) Right-click the "Microsoft" folder, hover your cursor over "New", and then select "Key".
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6.) Rename the new Key to "EdgeUpdate".
7.) Right-click EdgeUpdate, hover your cursor over "New", and then select "DWORD (32-bit) Value".
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8.) Right-click the new value, which is currently named "New Value #1".
9.) Select "Rename" from the context menu.
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10.) Rename the value to "DoNotUpdateToEdgeWithChromium".
11.) Right-click the newly-named DoNotUpdateToEdgeWithChromium value and select "Modify" from the context menu.
12.) The Edit DWORD (32-bit) Value window will appear. Change the Value data to "1" and then click OK.
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((You are now free. If you ever run into a really serious, unavoidable issue with your OS that's clearly a result of Edge being gone, you can redownload it like a regular app. But you should be fine.))
((And, if for some reason you want still want Edge around but just want the copilot thing gone, here's what you do:
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The command, for ease of copy-pasting: reg add HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsCopilot /v TurnOffWindowsCopilot /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
You can't actually truly delete Copilot (without deleting Edge), only disable it. And as the reply says, you do have to do this every time you turn the computer on. I haven't tested that myself, but I believe it. I assume/hope that excludes just waking the computer up after it goes to sleep, but I don't know for sure.))
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mightyflamethrower · 3 months
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Trans Vampire Sexually Assaults Cognitively Disabled Teen
There is nothing our society values more highly than inclusion, so let’s not forget to include in the Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors a serial sex offender in Wisconsin named Adam Hetke:
Hetke, who identifies as a female vampire named Sabrina, has a lengthy criminal history involving multiple sex offenses against women and outstanding charges related to a homicide.
Regarding the homicide, he allegedly strangled someone with a power cord and blamed it on a demon. He has now been convicted of assaulting an intellectually disabled teenage girl.
Hetke, 35, was charged in July of 2021 with first-degree sexual assault by threatening the use of a dangerous weapon and second-degree sexual assault of a mentally ill victim. The assault occurred in Waukesha, and involved a 16-year-old cognitively disabled girl Hetke had met at a local gas station.
Hetke was already a lifer on the sex offender registry before he decided he is a woman. He reportedly also identifies as an “incarnation of Satan” — which is more believable than the Sabrina the vampire persona.
However, according to the prevailing ideology, whatever Hetke declares himself to be is his true self. No doubt they will make special accommodations for him in prison to protect him from daylight and crosses.
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Proving once again tranz people are just mentally ill. If it's normal why does it take three surgeons, artificial hormones, and a busload of shrinks??
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