sciencegirlme · 26 days
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etccsy · 4 months
Gulf Cooperation Council & Syrian regime
In an interview on Today's Channel, researcher and journalist Issam Khoury discussed the Gulf Cooperation Council's recommendations for the Syrian regime to follow Arab guidelines,
Jun 10, 2024 The interview with the researcher and journalist Issam Khoury on Today’s Channel highlighted the recommendations of the Gulf Cooperation Council regarding the Syrian regime’s need to adhere to Arab recommendations, particularly concerning the refugee and kidnapping files. Khoury explained that these recommendations were in response to a tweet by the Iranian Revolution’s guide, which…
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stardaily · 8 months
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What The Death Of Alexei Navalny, Putin’s Biggest Political Adversary, Means For The Campaign To Oppose His Regime
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tmarshconnors · 10 months
Saddam Hussein: A Controversial Perspective.
After rewatching the the execution of Saddam Hussein in 2006 I thought I'd do a blog on him. It was a momentous event that stirred global debates on justice, accountability, and the ethics of capital punishment. While acknowledging the atrocities committed during his regime, some argue that the decision to hang Saddam Hussein was overly influenced by political motivations, and that he may not have deserved the ultimate punishment assigned to him. I also watched ITN Exclusive: Saddam Hussein Interviewed on the Eve of the Gulf War (1990) on YouTube it is very insightful.
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Contextualising Saddam Hussein's Regime:
Saddam Hussein, the former President of Iraq, undoubtedly presided over a regime marked by brutality, human rights abuses, and suppression of dissent. His invasion of Kuwait in 1990 and the subsequent Gulf War resulted in immense suffering for the Iraqi people. However, critics argue that the portrayal of Hussein as the epitome of evil may have been exaggerated for political reasons.
Influence of Political Motivations:
The execution of Saddam Hussein occurred amidst a tumultuous period in Iraq, marked by sectarian tensions and a fragile political landscape. Some critics believe that the decision to execute Hussein was influenced by a desire to establish a sense of closure and justice for the Iraqi people, as well as to send a message to other dictators in the region.
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Flaws in the Judicial Process:
Detractors of Hussein's execution point to flaws in the judicial process, arguing that it lacked international legitimacy and transparency. They claim that the trial may have been politically motivated and that the rush to execute him did not allow for a thorough examination of the complexities surrounding his regime.
Exploring Alternatives to Execution:
Those who question the hanging of Saddam Hussein advocate for alternative forms of justice, such as a life sentence or an international tribunal. They argue that these options would allow for a more comprehensive examination of the crimes committed during his regime and promote a deeper understanding of the historical context.
The debate surrounding the execution of Saddam Hussein remains highly controversial, with opinions sharply divided on whether he deserved the ultimate punishment or if alternative forms of justice could have been pursued. While acknowledging the atrocities committed during his rule, some argue that the rush to execution may have been influenced by political considerations, raising questions about the fairness and transparency of the judicial process. Ultimately, the execution of Saddam Hussein continues to be a subject of intense debate, prompting reflection on the complexities of justice in the aftermath of oppressive regimes.
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datenarche · 2 years
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agentfascinateur · 6 months
More than 400 people – patients, war-displaced and healthcare staff – have been killed during Israel’s 13-day attack on the al-Shifa Hospital.
#regimechange #ffs
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babyawacs · 1 month
#keypoint recovery from that mistake in arab terms and the gorilla inthe room  .@kairo  .@doha @doha @emir ates .@emriates @kingsalman @binsalman @aramco @ajnews .@ajnews .@haaretzcom .@israel .@egypt @egypt @secblinken .@statedept whatever is with the hostages it willnot change israels attack plans on irans nuclear program. i speculate a deep transparency o fthe iranian nuclearprogram to the west is allthat halts a strike aswell as regimechange instabilities. ispeculate at some point russia will agree on a nuclear armed iran in assumed control of russia for specific gain and the jews hitting it with the west al l in.    all the hostage taking action really did is unravel global antisemitism and break the game on toomuch brutality a miscalculated de al blackmail jews game exploded on toomuch brutality. but theones that cause that maynotbetheones that suffered but maybe tickin g by bigger gorillas inthe room #keypoint recovery from that mistake in arab terms and the gorilla inthe room 
#keypoint recovery from that mistake in arab terms and the gorilla inthe room .@kairo .@doha @doha @emirates .@emriates @kingsalman @binsalman @aramco @ajnews .@ajnews .@haaretzcom .@israel .@egypt @egypt @secblinken .@statedept whatever is with the hostages it willnot change israels attack plans on irans nuclear program. i speculate a deep transparency ofthe iranian nuclearprogram to the west is…
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*#endoftheage #rollupthesky #regimechange #starwars #rogueone #nohorizon* http://ChristianityOriginal.com/Era "I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. The heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place. Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and everyone else, both slave and free, hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. They called to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can withstand it?” Revelation 6:12-17 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=662036849288100&set=a.549191003906019&type=3
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korrektheiten · 1 year
Sellner: Frankreichs Lösung heißt Remigration
Compact:»Martin Sellner gab in einem seiner jüngsten Videos seine Einschätzung zur multikriminellen Anarchie ab, die wochenlang in Frankreich herrschte.  Vordenker Martin Sellner sieht echte Chancen für einen „Regimechange von rechts” – so der Titel seines neuen Buches. Hier mehr erfahren. Die Schadensbilanz der Aufstände in Frankreich ist erschreckend: 11.113 Mülltonnenbrände, 5.662 Brände von Autos und 1.059 angezündete oder [...] Der Beitrag Sellner: Frankreichs Lösung heißt Remigration erschien zuerst auf COMPACT. http://dlvr.it/SsTCFz «
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truthaholics · 2 years
#WarCrime of the Century #IRAQ #RegimeChange #DrDavidKelly #Bush #Blair #ICC: 20 years on from the disastrous US-led invasion of Iraq!
20 years on from the disastrous US-led invasion of Iraq | Shaheer Choudhury | ISLAM21C | 20 Mar 2023 Weapons of mass destruction that simply did not exist, trillions wasted by the US, and over a million killed: we look back on the illegal invasion of Iraq Helsinki, Finland: a placard with the war criminal and US President, George W. Bush, is held up during an anti-war march, 22 March 2003.…
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eiichiro-takita · 3 years
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ひっくりカエル Regime change
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bristolforeurope · 3 years
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"Tell your friends: the Tories are making the young - who can't get a house & working for average/below average income, already screwed by a decade of hapless Tory government - to work harder to subsidise older richer people. They promised to do the opposite #RegimeChange " https://twitter.com/Dominic2306/status/1435564437403054080 https://www.instagram.com/p/CTkqmD4MGXV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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etccsy · 1 year
زيارة اعضاء من الكونغرس لمناطق المعارضة السورية
تطورات مثيرة في السياسة السورية أنهى ثلاثة نواب جمهوريين زيارة مهمة إلى مناطق داخل المعارضة السورية. للضغط من أجل اتخاذ إجراء حاسم من قبل إدارة الرئيس بايدن تطرق الكاتب والباحث عصام خوري إلى تعقيدات هذه الزيارة
Exciting Developments in Syrian Politics 🌍Three Republican representatives have just completed a significant visit to regions within the Syrian opposition. Their mission? To push for decisive action from the Biden administration regarding the Syrian situation. 🇸🇾💥The writer and researcher, Issam Khoury, delved into the intricacies of this visit, shedding light on its multifaceted implications. He…
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tommynationpolitics · 3 years
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#endthedamnwars #regimechange #patriotact #obama #occupywallstreet #standingrock #guantanamobay #biden #libya #freeassange #snowden #democracy #tommynationpolitics #notmeus https://www.instagram.com/p/CXkMZm8Lbx5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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c-i-b-entertainment · 5 years
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Voter suppression via Scare Tactic #politics #politicsasusual p.s bernie sanders wanted make sure African Americans who were incarcerated could for sell weed could be not only free with expunged records but that they would be able to also capitalize in the sells of the product market that they helped establish. Even if he was elected they would have stop anything he tried to pass #regimechange #forallpeople #ivoteforgod (at Edgewood, College Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B93Z_oVh0_G/?igshid=nixdp4qohnex
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babyawacs · 1 year
#iran #and #thebomb .@iaeaorg .@us_stratcom @energy .@energy .@doesciene @does ciene @israel .@iafsite @iaf_site #wingtwo by the axiom iran s path to a therm onuclear weapon included early on the enrichment steps in planning which proli feration paths were likely on neutron focalpoint hotcell designs the regimechang e as avert the bomb path willbe later a regime change to relinquish abolish th e bomb goodluck with that then because itis obvious they will have a nuclear weap on by the steps sofar there must be somekind of strike campaign ready why the w est is so careless about it or and hope on regime change while reading their mail
#iran #and #thebomb .@iaeaorg .@us_stratcom @energy .@energy .@doesciene @doesciene @israel .@iafsite @iaf_site #wingtwo by the axiom iran s path to a thermonuclear weapon included early on the enrichment steps in planning which proliferation paths were likely on neutron focalpoint hotcell designs the regimechange as avert the bomb path willbe later a regime change to relinquish abolish the bomb…
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