#Redacted bright eyes
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moronkyne · 14 hours ago
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Redacted Audio LISTENER HCS!
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💚 Doc is COMPLETELY fluent in French at the VERY LEAST. Just imagine them teaching Hush a whole new language. UGH. Also, to add to them being a smarty pants, Doc STUDIES philosophy.
✅ On the topic of the listeners being nerds, Sweetheart will not put podcasts down. True Crime, politics, ted talks, fact spewing—They wont STOP. They’re home while Milos at a job? Ted Talk on the TV. Reading a book? The audio book of it is playing. Sweetheart is SO audio driven.
☘️ Lovely needs to put the scissors down. I don’t know if ANYONE else has experienced this, but, something about scissors makes them want to fuck their hair up COMPLETELY. Vampire bangs, curtain bangs, wolf cut—Ah shit, they messed up, gotta go bald. This is literally the reason I HC Lovely to have a buzzcut.
🌱 Love is southern as FUCK. ‘Hun’, ‘Honey’—They pull the oddest southern sayings out of their ass . Sometimes they make ZERO SENSE. Their accent is thicker than Antons and its MIND BOGGLING.
🥝 Starlight pulling a ‘Im going to tell my therapist about this’ and said therapist is just Avior.
♻️ My interpretation of Seer Obscura is just an agender Viktor (from arcane). Have I said that? Maybe. Anyways, get used to it. Thats my baby. Cough. ok next—
🍏 Treasure Is THE NECK KISSER. Every chance they get, they bury their face into Porters neck and they kiss him. Whether its slow n a bit spicy or quick and chaste, they long for that mans taste 😽👊🏼 I mean are we sure they ARENT a vampire? cuz
❇️ Bright Eyes falls asleep in the shower, nearly every single time they step foot into the area.
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kyndahot · 1 month ago
Darlin goes from wearing a leather biker jacket to one of Sam’s flannel jackets btw. Their eyes are softer btw. There’s a wrinkle between their brows that is now visible since they aren’t furrowing them all the time btw. They’re developing smile lines btw. They text the boys to try and spend more time together btw. They become good friends with Angel, Babe, and Sweetheart btw. Sam introduces them to Fred and Bright Eyes btw.
Just btw.
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hellodaekko · 2 months ago
PAPA'S FIRST REDACTED AUDIO ANIMATIC :D my interpretation of Frederick turning Bright Eyes :] No backgrounds we die like men
tw // blood & potential eyestrain warning? Some blurring/minor flashing throughout!
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itsrubesshawty · 22 days ago
Imagine Sam sitting Fred and bright down to watch D.U.M.Ps So, You're a Newly Turned Vampire! Video.
And him pausing the video every 30 seconds to make sure they understand 😭
“Yall understand?”
“Yes sir”
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24kaicy · 5 months ago
Headcanons of the vampire of Solaire Clan
I feel that Vincent has baby face and he uses he bangs to hide how young he is. Porter only really found out in that conversation before summit.
Alexis cried her eyes out after Sam turned because she felt his anger and sadness about what had happened. Alexis had no idea even feelings from progeny could do that to someone.
Bright Eyes is taller and bigger than Fred. Part of the reason they became friends is that Fred hid behind them when someone was chasing him.
Fred grew his hair to hide his injury on his eye. Bright has a scar on their neck and a small one on their chin.
Sam, over two years after their turning to them, how he was turned. They were in shock to say the least.
Cause of porter absence from the clan he has slowly been gaining a new friend. Lovely still keeps in contact with their friends at DAMN they make sure plan events at night for them.
Bright after their fight with fred talk to Sam why doesn't like them. They get their answer but not the answer they like.
Porter and sam are two oldest members in the clan(biologically outside of william).
William still have his oldest crown that got made centuries ago.
Sam still has his award for best healer he got before being turn. He looks at it with somber remembrance.
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anexistingexistence · 13 days ago
Vampire headcanon: any medical malfunctions your body had before turning don't magically get fixed just because you're a vampire now
For example:
•Bright still wears braces
•Sam still needs reading glasses
•Quinn still has narcolepsy
•William still has x-shaped legs
•Alexis still uses hearing-aids
•Vincent is still allergic to sea food
•Lovely still has adhd, ptsd, arthritis, and type two diabetes
•And vampire Milo walks with a cane
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porcelaininkpot · 1 month ago
In my mind Brighteyes once tried to assassinate William by giving him McDonald's sprite and showing him Rupauls drag race.
It didn't work and only served to make William want to attend drag shows in person.
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aggro-my-beloved · 2 months ago
The Listener Bracket: Redacted Audio Week Three
note: yall didn’t even let baaabe have a chance istg 💀
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Week One Polls
Week Two Polls
↓ Week Three Polls ↓
Angel v. Bright Eyes
Darlin’ v. Honey
Starlight v. Sweetheart
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dannydoesthisthing27 · 9 days ago
I think Dahlia and most empowered cities have a lot of designer fashion stores. Purely because of the vampire population. I think they use clothes as a way of going out during the day. Usually still towards the evening, just because it's easier. Also in Dahlia, specifically, there's a shortage of sun protection products because of vampires and certain empowered races. I think that air elementals, electro energetics, water contra elementals, stealths, and seers all get sun burnt very easily. There's also the possibility that Dahlia is near the coast (shoutout to whoever it was that originally made the surfer Asher headcanons, i dont remember who it was but they were so right on so many levels) If that is the case, there's several beaches owned by various empowered companies that cater to vampires so they can still enjoy beaches. There's a whole side of Dahlia that has more than a dozen small businesses only open at night for similar reasons. I think that even though there are a lot of people who are discriminatory towards vampires, there's still a thriving community of people who try everything in their power to make having to live as a vampire more comfortable. There's support groups and therapists that specialize in traumatic events with vampires. It would only make sense for there to also be support groups and therapists for vampires themselves, who had traumatic turnings, or who just haven't been able to come to terms with the fact that they aren't fully human anymore. Vampires who have been alive for longer tend to flaunt that fact. They wear extravagant clothes, jewelry, hair accessories, and shoes. They all turn their nose up at everyone, even those few in a higher rank than them. It's their way of saying, "You can do nothing to me, and we both know it. So sit there and smile while I rub your face in it." I also theorize that somewhere along the line, when vampires romance novels first started coming out, newbloods would always try out every cliche without fail. Bright Eyes genuinely didn't know that trancing was a thing. They were innocently flirting for a free drink, just trying to use their looks as a vampire to get what they wanted, but the person was already ordering for them before they could finish their pick up line.
A little context for what sparked this below the cut
I was rambling to friends about how I think vampires function in the redactedverse and wanted to make a post about it, this is just the unrefined version of everything above the cut :]
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spuffyfit · 4 months ago
I’m not exactly sure where this realization came from but like
I listened to the first audio of Fred and Bright eyes a couple months back via a Google drive, and I genuinely don’t get why people hated Bright Eyes so much?? Like
Okay, they were walking around an abandoned amusement park at night and were nosy despite Fred telling them not to, but if we’re going by that logic Lovely and Darlin’ / Tank would also be bad people, right?
Darlin’ for lying to David and going out on their own to hunt Quinn down, And Lovely for doing the exact same thing Bright Eyes did, Walking around an abandoned amusement park at night! And yes, you could argue that if Fred & Bright weren’t there in the first place they wouldn’t have been attacked, but from my understanding if they were able to be turned via Sam, they were previously human and had no knowledge of supernatural creatures such as vampires existing due to co-vert and such!
Justice for fred and bright eyes, so sad I didn’t get to experience them firsthand
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darlin-collins · 2 months ago
i was reading @us3rnam3-r3dact3d little brabble just about now and i found this lil gem
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and i was like "you know what hell yeah!"
because they are just corpses
so like,why aren't they just corpses?
we need more realistic corpse vampire anotomy!
so i did some research (very little) and i got some HCs
tw: corpses obviously, very gross stuff
vampires who weren't completely drained out in their turning, would have dark veins because the blood in their veins is 1) not supplied by oxygen 2) their blood marbled ,all the HB has been broken down due to bacteria
the rigor mortis that vin mentioned above happens when they haven't fed for awhile
when the eyes lose oxygen and their cornea of their eyes their eyes would be cloudy, because even when they breathe the air is just coming in and out, because they don't need to
toughened leather like skin that dries easily and so cracks and peels off yes they heal quick but they hate to be cracking all day so they moisturize religiously ,of the vampire had more fat on their body, their skin might feel like soap/wax, because that also happens
i think we sorta agreed on this before, sterile vamps,cold/room temp body fluids
also obviously they're cold
this is @piffany666 hc and i haven't adopted it myself but cells don't regenerate, and dead cells don't form, so hair and nails are not change-able, you got turned with short hair? congratulations, you can only go shorter now! it's permanent and it'll never grow again
i will be rebloging this every now and then whenever i find new fitting info as i do more research,soo Keep an eye out!
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c0tt0ncandysw1rlz · 1 month ago
Solaire Clan Headcans pt. 1/???
There are feral and stray cats that kinda just. Hang out. In WonderWorld. The clan works with local vets in Dahlia to give the cats homes, TNR, etc. Generally the clan also cares for them too!
It's a sort of a esponsibility to look after the cats when a clan member is on WonderWorld duty. Vincent is probably the sweetest with the cats, loves taking care of them. Very ffectionate, the WonderWorld cats adore him. Sam is second sweetest, he loves the cats tbh. I can see it.
Bright Eyes has chunky streaks of damaged hair. And it's basically because of how often they tried to add in "cool neon highlights" like every week. They weep as a vampire knowing they're stuck with bleach fried hair now /j
Vincent was in some mid-late 90s alt band as a teen. The band never got off the ground, so no one really recognizes him as "that random kid from the band". But he still has mean singing chops and guitar skills, and he can somehow still recall some old songs. Listen idk what to tell you Vincent has rocky grunge alt band vibes
Fred has Tumblr. He was in the trenches of Fandom Tumblr in it's heyday. Somehow knew about both SuperWhoLock and Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons
Fred and Bright tried to make a Buzzfeed Unsolved esque paranormal investigation show online. It gained a small following on Youtube, and there are multiple wild theories about what happened to the channel. And the hosts. Ranging from the more mundane, to the ones that are really out there, to the surprisingly on the nose. Someone unempowered spun a wheel and landed on "vampires", somehow guessing the correct events /j
Fred was the oldest of his siblings, Bright was the youngest. Yes it does reflect very obviously in their behavior /lh
Will has a specific painter he commissions to do portraits of new clan members. There's a place in either one of his personal homes or Skyside where he keeps them. It's a tradition he's insisted on for new vampires as a welcoming gesture
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spookybeandoodle · 1 year ago
I decided I hate myself and will post this when no one will probably see it but that’s okay cause I’m sick and have a hard time sleeping.
Anyways hi I doodled two listeners and a bad bitch. You decide what type of bad I don’t care. I dont really go here anymore but I doodled them so here.
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indigo-greer-collins · 2 months ago
i know where i’ve seen fred and bright before….
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itsrubesshawty · 27 days ago
I just randomly thought..
What if Sam didn’t tell darlin about Fredrick and bright eyes at the beginning of their relationship.
Like do you think darlin was just chilling at Sam’s house n started wondering around and like bumped into either Fredrick or bright eyes
And they’d be like ‘wtf.. this mf has kids’
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vind3miat0r · 4 months ago
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a part two to my first listener oc post :) i actually got these finished months ago i just forgot to share lol
@moronkyne @zimix-whispers @wuegh @totheak47 @indigo-greer-collins
@chlorine3 @fedorabender @dawnofiight @definitelynuwonhere @porters-fangs
@milogreer @ambrose-mp4 @nevaroonie @paythesmith @int3rtwiningh3artstrings
@puffin-smoke @vampire-biter @porcelaininkpot @urfrenfishy
this is all old news but figured i should tag regardless lol
if u wanna be added to the taglist just lmk :3
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