#Rebecca Pow
ianchisnall · 9 months
One Sussex question in Parliament since New Year
Caroline Ansell, the Conservative MP for Eastbourne, does not ask many questions from the Government when the Parliament is closed down but on Thursday she asked a significant question and interestingly she was the only Sussex MP who has asked any questions since the New Year. The theme of the question “Wind Power” and the person who is responding her question is Rebecca Pow Minister for…
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buggywiththefolkmagic · 2 months
Hello!! I was wondering if you have any book recommendations for Appalachian folk magic? Especially for a beginner, I’m familiar with our local “old wive’s tales” but I’d love to learn more!!
Hello there! I have answered this question before but I have some new resources so I'll list them here! It really depends on which part of Appalachia you are looking at! And if you want to dig deeper the ancestral roots of the family you are looking at. For example my family has a lot of Welsh and British influence because that was our family source so a lot of those beliefs lingered and changed throughout the years!
Someone from Pennsylvania would likely have a lot more German roots for their practice. But despite the root differences for the folklore these practices stem from they do still share a lot of connecting points! But having babbled all of that here are my favorite books on AFM specifically. (Mind you Christianity takes a super huge part in the practice so a lot of bible and doing things in threes for the Trinity is involved!)
Authors to check out:
H. Byron Ballard- A pagan who also practices AFM, from the NC side of Appalachia, a lot of people hate her writing style which is a bit ramble-y. I also dislike the term she uses for her own practice but that is a super simple and small complaint honestly. I own all of her books on the subject, which should say something.
Jake Richards - From Eastern TN like me! A lot of what he talks about are things I have seen before, and he breaks down complex concepts like burn blowing into something relatively easily understood. HOWEVER HAVING SAID THAT the author is partially Melungeon, so he does have some Hoodoo mixed in from his grandmother's side iirc? He does label these things in his works and explains that they are not for everyone which I do appreciate.
Rebecca Beyer - While vaguely Wiccan toned, which I attribute to her publishers/raising, she's a transplant to Appalachia and if you're looking for herbal information on Appalachia and to wax poetic about how even with a ton of people settling there SO MUCH of the natural herbs and plantlife still survive, read her work! Her work on foraging safely and environmentally is so SOOOOO good.
Brandon Weston - For Ozark Mountain range/German/Dutch Appalachian work! He has written quite a few books on the subject and all of them are a treat!
Roger J. Horne - For how to dig into folklore and apply it to your own practice! This author is pagan and does blend in some traditional work with the Appalachian but I do enjoy his work and how he applies folklore. This author is also FROM Appalachia which is nice to see.
INDIVIDUAL BOOKS TO READ: Appalachian Folk Healing by Jake Richards - A republication of a very old book on remedies and 'spells', while kitschy and stupidly worded, after all it was a popular book created just for sales reasons, some of these remedies are things I remember having done to me! Good for both a giggle and actual information. TW for mentions of animal parts, hunting, illnesses, the G slur, period specific phobias and racism.
Albertus Magnus - These books all supposedly written by an ancient guy, were actually mildly common on traveling salesmen's trucks and wagons. So as a result a lot of people in Appalachia had access. Like the book above it is very stupidly worded and definitely of their time. Same TW as above.
Pow-Wows or Long Lost Friend - Another Pennsylvania Dutch book! Very good and very clear.
Southern Folk Medicine - A book that breaks down a lot of common medicinal beliefs in the South which does include Appalachia! Sadly not just Appalachia but a very good book regardless. THIS BOOK MADE ME UNDERSTAND THE THEORY BEHIND BLOOD ISSUES MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE EVER HAS.
Moon Eyed People - A collection of Welsh folktales that brewed within Appalachia from Welsh immigrants. Very good book imo!
Granny Buck's Dibs and Dabs - This book is so worth the price tag! One of the more expensive books in my collection, but I'm fine with that. Granny Buck covers a lot of topics and I can feel the accent through the wording!
Signs, Cures, & Witchery - More German Appalachian stuff! This book and it's interviewees are from the Kentucky side of the mountains!
Witches, Ghost, and Signs - This book is based more in the Southern Appalachian area! Georgia, SC, NC, and TN specifically! Lots of folklore here, but does mention some not so great bits of the lore, but that is expected.
The Foxfire Books - What began as a school project exploded into a collection of true to life stories and idioms from Georgia elders within the mountains. SO SO GOOD OKAY? For everything. How to plant, hunt, make musical instruments, anything from the mountains? They cover.
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haveamagicalday · 1 month
Duel of the American Girl Dolls: Winners!
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Elizabeth Cole's best outfit is : Riding Outfit
Cecile Ray's best outfit is: Meeting Outfit
Marie-Grace Gardner's best outfit is: Summer Dress
Caroline Abbott's best outfit is: Winter Coat
Nicki Hoffman's best outfit is: Red Vinyl Jumper
Isabel Hoffman's best outfit is: Year 2000 Outfit
Ruthie Smithens best outfit is: Play Outfit
Nellie O'Malley's best outfit is: Spring Party Dress
Claudie Wells best outfit is: Meeting Outfit
Courtney Moore’s best outfit is: Meeting Outfit
Emily Bennet's best outfit is: Meeting Outfit
Felicity Merriman's best outfit is: Riding Hat and Habit
Kaya's best outfit is: Pow Wow Dress
Josefina Montoya's best outfit is: Weaving Outfit
Kirsten Larson's best outfit is: Checked Dress and Shawl
Nanea Mitchell's best outfit is: Holoku Outfit
Maryellen Larkin's best outfit is: Poodle Skirt
Melody Ellison's best outfit is: Birthday Outfit
Rebecca Rubin's best outfit is: Meeting Outfit
Samantha Parkington's best oufit is: Plaid Cape and Gaiters
Molly McIntire's best outfit is: After School Party
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taruth3mighty · 2 months
Heavy is Dead but with Doodle World
SPOILERS IN BOUND this contains... MAJOR SPOILERS Rebecca, just walking: *singing about being alive* It is good day to be not dead ! POW ! Joseph: You are DEAD ! Rebecca: I'M DEAD! Joseph: hehehe... *Teneson walks in* Ah shucks Teneson: OH! Rebecca is DEAD ! Rebecca: Yes I am dead ! Teneson: WHY is Rebecca dead ?! Joseph: I dunno Rebecca: I think it was- Joseph & Teneson: SHH, You are dead ! Rebecca: ok *clips through floor* Lucas: What's up, you wankers ?! Who's up for a... *quick realization* AH! What the bloody hell just happened ?! Rebecca is dead! Lucas: Rebecca is dead?! Teneson: Correct! 🎉🎉🎉 👏👏 Teneson: SO, did you see the murderer ? Joseph & Riffraff: No, sorry mate. Teneson: *stands up and slams table* I will find him, I will capture him, and no one will ever die again ! Joseph: *clapping* Ah, well that's nice Riffraff: *clapping* I am DAMN proud right now. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Cortés: ATTEEEEEEEEEENTION! 🫡 Rebecca is dead! Teneson: We know! Cortés: Who killed her ?! Teneson: We don't know. Cortés: I will find clues! *finds clues* Cortés: What's that ? A WEAPUN ?! *points it at everyone* 🔫 Cortés: That thing is why Rebecca is DEAD! Everyone: Rebecca is dead ?! Cortés: *slams table* YES SHE DIED! Everyone: *gasp* *voice from distance rapidly approaching* Ellen: Incoming! *runs over Cortés* raus, Raus! *shoves everyone aside* MOVE, NOW! *kiss* Rebecca: HAHAHA, Reb- *explodes* Ellen: In my financial opinion, that REBECCA IS DEAD! Riffraff: El, What happened? Ellen: My proffessional opinion ? Rebecca was killed ! *panic* Ellen: I don't think it's anything to worry about. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️*hops away* Riffraff: Well, now what ? Quincy, slowly approaching: clipidy clop motherfucker Teneson: OH come on... Quincy: Lookatdis Frickin Rebecca is dead! ... Quincy: What do you think of that ? ... Quincy: ahm... Teneson: Yes, yes, Quincy Quincy: yeah? Teneson: GO HOME. Portia: *waves* Quincy: AH COME ON! pfffff freakingunbelievablenoseriouslyyouallsuck *teleports into a wall* AHHHH Teneson: Okay. Let's get back to the point ⬅️ Rebecca: I think Rebecca is dead. Everyone: REBECCA IS DEAD ?!??! Ellen: Quincy! I will save you! *clips into wall* Rebecca: OH, Seriously ??! WHO KILLED REBECCA ?! Yami:🍾 It was ME! Everyone: *shooketh* Yami: YES! 🍷 I did it like this : BOOM ! *misses and kills Desmond* 💀💀 Yami: WOOP DEE DOO Everyone: 😨😨😨 Yami: 🍺 That's a joke Everyone: 🤣😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂 Yami: It was... yo- *burp* *points to Joseph*🫵 HIM ! Joseph & Teneson: *gasp* Joseph: How did you know ? Yami: I didn't 💨💨 That was a joke too 🍸 Joseph: *laughing* 😈😈 That's right ! It was me! Teneson: You MONSTER! Rebecca: BUT WHYYYYY? ? Joseph: Coz ur FAT, bitch. And another thing, you're ugly *they both argue* [It's Tradition] Rebecca: 🄹🄾🅂🄴🄿🄷 Joseph: AH DAMMIT REBECCA FUCK OFF! you are Dead! Rebecca: NO u POW ! *kills Joseph* You are dead No big surprise Teneson: Well that was idiotic. Off to- *dies* Rebecca, surrounded by corpses: I am alive! is nice
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“Hopefully, they course correct this fall. The fact that they won’t do a public remembrance for QEII makes me think they know they have to keep the focus on Charles and the new reign.”
Agree with the whole back to business as usual approach. And I think when it comes to the above the cancelled state visit to France also put a bit of a dampener on things…Germany was great and the turn out there showed that C&C do have the pulling big crowds factor - but the glam that a French state visit was kinda missing.
I also think there was an element of allowing a bit of time to pass with relation to QE2’s death but also the “keep calm and carry on”/“never complain, never explain” business as usual served the whole family extremely well with relation to the onslaught of attacks from H&M at the start of the year.
So i can see why folks thinks it’s been a bit “meh” but in the long run (almost a year out from QE2’s death) I think, it’s once again shown to have worked pretty well and how effective it can be in a modern day and age.
As for upcoming events; I know that there is a trip to Kenya coming in September for C&C, William is in NYC for a few days for earthshot and according to Rebecca English of the mail, there are other trips planned from September onwards that she can’t really discuss right now.
I think things will pick up in the fall. And I bet the cancellation of the French visit derailed things. They likely had other events/pr planned around it, so the schedule had to be truncated or modified.
But that’s life. It’s what happens when you have other plans.
There’s one aspect of this that I find really interesting. I thought there was a very overt effort before and during the coronation to downplay the Cambridges ascension to POW status in favor of focusing on Charles ascension to the kingship. This made sense to me, and I thought the Waleses still managed to mark their ascension and give it significance, through clothing choices, video, speeches, etc…
I expected this to continue. I thought they would try to steadily elevate Charles throughout the summer, but they didn’t. Charles’ team went back to business and usual.
But the Waleses stuck to their subtle ascension pr with Wimbledom, Duchy homelessness initiatives, Earthshot, focus on the next generation, etc… I feel they’ve done that very effectively and I don’t understand why Charles’ team hasn’t done the same. Part of it was, as you point out, the French cancellation. However, I hope they get back on track and focus on evolving his image.
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northern-punk-lad · 4 months
Emailed my MP (Rebecca Pow) and got a reply where she managed to only mention Hamas once, she still mentioned them though, she still seems to think that most of the blame lies with them, and at this point i really dont' know how anyone can act like this. my mum and grandma both gave me permission to send her emails from them, would this make any difference? I'm not going to stop emailing her, but it's so fucking disheartening that she can't even be distressed by a literal genocide
yes emailing your mp absolutely makes a difference it puts pressure on them the election is coming up soon so keep applying pressure
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theroyalweekly · 2 years
The Prince of Wales is visiting @DepaulUK to highlight their work helping young people experiencing homelessness/insecure housing. I revealed last year that homelessness is going to be a big part of William’s work as PoW. Notably his mother visited the charity 3 times in the 90s -- Rebecca English
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 month
Stalking thwarted? The PoW is not going to NYC in September per Rebecca English. by u/Von_und_zu_
Stalking thwarted? The PoW is not going to NYC in September per Rebecca English. https://ift.tt/KzdFEoS, I'm pleased William never intended to go to NYC in September. No one should change their plans for Harold. He simply is not that important.Edit to add: I'm very amused at how quickly the "will they/won't they meet" nonsense was shut down. The olive trees must have heaved a huge sigh of relief. post link: https://ift.tt/CGar6Dw author: Von_und_zu_ submitted: August 28, 2024 at 04:52PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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profbbmuscle20 · 4 months
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Rebecca Powe
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yllowpages · 2 years
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a comprehensive and semi-complete timeline for my mixed media/headcanon-based portrayal of bucky. i have taken mcu events, comic storylines, and my own personal headcanons to create a blend that does not fully coincide with either the film adaptations or the comics.
this post is your guide to my canon for bucky and i recommend reading it prior to or during plotting — or i can totally give you a rundown of divergences from canon and important headcanon-based pieces of my portrayal.
DISCLAIMER : events may shift from verse to verse or possibly not happen altogether, based on the nature of plotting.
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March 10 — James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes is born in Shelbyville, Indiana to George and Winifred Barnes.
1920 - 1929
1920 — Rebecca Barnes is born. 1924 — The Barneses move from Shelbyville to Brooklyn, New York. 1925 — Violet Barnes is born. 1926 — Bucky meets Steve Rogers. 1929 — Theodore “Teddy” Barnes is born.
1930 - 1939
1936 — Sarah Rogers passes away. 1937 - 1938 — Bucky attends art classes with Steve. (Bucky is not good at art.)
1940 - 1949
December 7, 1941 — The Attack on Pearl Harbor ; the United States enters the Second World War. December 1941 - January 1942 —  Bucky is drafted into the Second World War ; Bucky trains Steve at Goldie’s Boxing Gym before Bucky goes to an enlistment office with Steve ; Steve is rejected. January 1942 - April 1943 — Bucky trains at Camp McCoy in Wisconsin (with periodical leaves back to New York) with the rest of the 107th Infantry, where he meets and befriends both Gabe Jones and "Dum Dum" Dugan ; Bucky is promoted to the rank of sergeant. June 14, 1943 — Flag Day ; Bucky’s last night before his shipment out to England. August 1943 — the “Captain America” comics debut to the public, to great success! September 1943 — The Battle of Azzano ; survivors of the 107th Infantry are captured by Hydra and taken to a weapons facility in the Austrian Alps. October 1943 — Bucky meets James Montgomery Falsworth and Jacques Dernier, both fellow POWs ; Bucky becomes ill and is beaten by Hydra Colonel Lohmer for his inability to perform manual labor ; the future Howling Commandos band together to orchestrate an accident that kills Lohmer ; Bucky, ill and weak, is taken to Arnim Zola to be used for experimentation. November 1943 — Bucky and the other POWs held by Hydra are rescued by Steve, now Captain America. November 1943 — The Howling Commandos are formed : Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Gabriel “Gabe” Jones, Timothy Aloysius Cadwallader “Dum Dum” Dugan, James Montgomery “Monty” Falsworth, James “Jim” Morita , Jacques “Frenchie” Dernier. 1944 — the Howling Commandos travel across the European theater, performing raids on Hydra bases, weakening their forces. January 1944 — a new character is introduced in the thrilling “Captain America” comic series: his right-hand and sidekick, Bucky Barnes, a boy wonder! ; overseas, Bucky endures weeks of mockery after being turned into a kid sidekick in these comic books. February 2, 1945 — during a mission on a train in the Swiss Alps, Bucky unfortunately falls from the train into the Danube river and is presumed dead ; Zola’s experimenting on Bucky over a year earlier is the reason for his survival ; Soviet soldiers find Bucky still alive, taking him as a P.O.W. February 5, 1945 — the Barnes family is informed that Bucky has been declared missing in action as no body was recovered, but it is the opinion of many involved that Bucky was rather killed in action ; the Barneses spend the next few years holding out hope he isn't dead. 1945 - 1949 — upon medical examination of Bucky, the Soviets observe his enhanced physiology while blood tests confirm traces of a type of super-soldier serum, though difficult to synthesize more of ; the Winter Soldier Program (then unnamed) is subsequently born with Bucky as the only current subject ; with state of the art technology (and cybernetic schematics recovered by a Soviet spy) he is given his first bionic prosthetic as the next steps of the program are planned ; they begin the process of testing human cryostasis and brainwashing and assign the most skilled Soviet fighters to adequately train and condition the subject ; stolen technology from the supposedly-fallen HYDRA is used to construct an early version of the Memory Suppressing Machine, a device that utilizes electroconvulsive therapy to inflict damage to the brain with an emphasis on the limbic system ; Bucky's memories begin to fade. December 10, 1949 — nearly five years after Bucky's death or disappearance, George and Winifred Barnes decide to finally hold a funeral for their son ; an empty coffin is buried and the headstone lists his date of death as February 2, 1945.
1950 - 1959
1950 - 1954 — as his conditioning is continued, Bucky is periodically sent into the field with handlers in order to ensure his efficacy ; he is proving useful and is in the first steps to infamy ; cryostasis has proven successful in the last decade, therefore Bucky has barely aged within this time. 1951 — The Winter Soldier is sent to Goyang, South Korea to aid Soviet forces, where he encounters Isaiah Bradley, a Black American super-soldier who was privately experimented in a successor to Project Rebirth ; unable to kill Bradley, this altercation costs Bucky this early version of his bionic prosthetic and he is removed from the field. 1954 — after the KGB is formed, the organization formally joins the Winter Soldier Project and introduces conditioning methods, primarily accelerating physical combat training ; the use of trigger words are employed for efficiency in Bucky's brainwashing, which prove to work well with improvements made to the Memory Suppressing Machine. September 19, 1954 — George Barnes passes away at the age of 68 ; he's survived by his wife and three children. 1955 - 1959 — Bucky is continued to be trained, indoctrinated, and tortured while the results are tested with field missions ; the title of “The Winter Soldier” is officially given to him by the KGB (the program being retroactively named as such as well) ; he is now considered “the perfect soldier” and is officially an assassin for Soviet use ; his very existence would come to be doubted by even the highest of government agents.
1960 - 1989
years unknown — the Soviets take The Winter Soldier out of cryostasis suspended animation in order to use him to aid in training girls of the Red Room Academy ; The Winter Soldier meets and trains with Natalia Romanova, later known as Natasha Romanova ; they work together on many missions for the Soviet Union during The Cold War.*
*NOTE :  Due to my use of MCU inspiration, including Bucky's brainwashing, any romantic or sexual relationship between Bucky and Natasha is not my default canon, despite my inclusion of comic story, but it can be acknowledged with extensive plotting. The nature of Bucky's brainwashing generally implies a lack of autonomy, therefore prior plotting will be required before any plots involving Bucky and Natasha's relationship with each other from the comics.
April 21, 1967 — Winifred Barnes passes away at the age of 77 ; she is survived by her three children. 1986 — a Soviet scientist removes Bucky from cryostasis without authorization ; the scientist tells Bucky he is going to help him get home to America ; confused, fearful, and conflicted from his mental conditioning, Bucky kills the scientist ; he is found with the man’s body and is immediately put back into cryostasis.
1990 - 1999
December 16, 1991 — The Winter Soldier is sent to assassinate Howard and Maria Stark in order to obtain Howard Stark’s super soldier serum ; he is successful. December 1991 — in a last-ditch attempt to preserve The Winter Soldier Program in the last days of the Soviet Union, this serum is used on five former-KGB operatives in an attempt to turn them into super soldiers not unlike Bucky ; this is known internally as Zephyr ; the operatives are defective however and kept in cryostasis, indefinitely ; Bucky remains the only successful subject of The Winter Soldier Program ; with the Soviet Union dissolved, The Winter Soldier Program is abandoned and Bucky is left in a Soviet base in cryostasis, forgotten. 1994 — former member of the KGB Aleksander Lukin, who inherited The Winter Soldier Program from Vasily Karpov before the fall of the Soviet Union, reactivates The Winter Soldier for personal use as he begins to build his business, The Kronas Corporation. 
2000 - 2009
spanning the decade — Bucky is used by Lukin in order to kill political and corporate officials, intimidate various people, and overall aid in the growth of The Kronas Corporation, which has been steadily growing within the United States and across the world, working under the table.
2010 - ?
2012 — The Winter Soldier is sent to Sokovia by Lukin to assassinate a high-ranking political official ; he successfully does so with a timed detonation – there are many casualties ; EKO Scorpion, of the Sokovian Armed Forces, being posted at the site for security of sorts, is sent to either apprehend or kill The Winter Soldier before he escapes ; Colonel Helmut Zemo is among the agents sent ; The Winter Soldier kills most of EKO Scorpion, save for Zemo and one other member. 2014 — The Winter Soldier resurfaces and sent to assassinate Steve Rogers, as Lukin and his allies see him as a threat ; Bucky is unsuccessful when Steve instead recognizes him, this recognition tampering with the programming put in Bucky’s mind decades before ; unbeknownst to anyone else, Helmut Zemo learns of The Winter Soldier’s return and independently discovers the identity of The Winter Soldier, a truth he shares with the public ; exposed, a wanted criminal, and his mind broken, Bucky fails a second time to assassinate Steve due to inaction ; at the last second, Bucky saves Steve's life from drowning ; he begins a life on the run. 2014 - 2016 — Bucky, now free from Lukin, successfully leaves the United States and makes his way to Europe where he travels around, running from anyone who might be following him ; he never stays in one place more than a month. 2016 — in yet another act of revenge, Helmut Zemo bombs a U.N. meeting, killing the King T'Chaka of Wakanda in the process ; Zemo frames Bucky for the bombing in order to flush him out of hiding ; he is found in Bucharest, Romania, where he is apprehended and taken to Berlin by SHIELD, after also having been pursued by Prince T'Challa of Wakanda ; Zemo, posing as a psychiatrist, triggers The Winter Soldier conditioning, leading him to kill multiple SHIELD agents in escaping ; he is saved by Steve and Sam Wilson and they all soon go on the run ; they are lured to an abandoned Soviet base in Siberia by Zemo ; Bucky and Steve go to Siberia ; Zemo has the intent to activate The Winter Soldier yet again and force Bucky to kill Steve ; Zemo is apprehended by Bucky and Steve and handed over to SHIELD. 2016 - 2018 — Steve, familiar with Prince T’Challa of Wakanda, asks if Bucky, his name now cleared of King T'Chaka's death, can have sanctuary in Wakanda, as he knows Bucky will be safe and hidden there ; there, Bucky is put into suspended animation while Shuri, princess of Wakanda, devises a way to remove the Soviets’ programming ; through a complicated process, this is done and Bucky is truly on a path of healing and recovery from the years of torture from the Soviets ; Bucky receives a new prosthetic, vibranium arm, designed by Princess Shuri. 2018 - ? — Bucky chooses to leave Wakanda and return to the United States ; upon returning, seeing that he is still a wanted criminal and terrorist, Bucky turns himself in ; in turning himself in, Bucky is not arrested nor incarcerated at this time, but is willing to undergo heavy monitoring to prove he is not and will not be a threat to public safety or the country’s security ; Bucky is put on trial for his crimes as The Winter Soldier (the trial is not televised, a limited number of people are allowed in the gallery, and Bucky is advised not to do interviews before, during, or directly after trial proceedings) ; during the trial, the terms of a pardon were negotiated and, when no official verdict in the trial is reached, Bucky is granted a (conditional) federal pardon ; as a condition of his pardon, he is required to attend mandated therapy to assess his psychological state and to ensure he will not be a public threat in the future ; he is no longer considered an enemy of the state or terrorist and lives as a civilian.***
*** this is my main verse and the time in which MOST threads will be set.
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ianchisnall · 1 year
Poole & Balcombe requires wildlife and rare species
A few days before the Parliament was closed down because of Easter there was a debate that took place called Oil Spill: Poole Harbour which Caroline Lucas took part in. The session began with the MP for South Dorset who is Richard Drax and he opened the session with the call “(Urgent Question): To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs if she will make a statement on…
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cuppachar · 2 years
I think Roy would be especially horrified by Jamie thinking he's having Jam Tartt only because Roy's allowing it. It would chill him to his core that Jamie could ever think he would ever make him not be pregnant. I can see Roy, Ted, Rebecca, Beard, Keeley, and Dr. Sarah all rushing to Jamie and it's like this whole giant Richmond Fam pow wow where everyone goes hilariously overboard in reassuring Jamie and building him up. Tears are shed, belly laughs, and love as Jamie finally starts to see.
I'm positive this would play heavily in Roy's conscious, like he'll start wondering is he's too controlling or just too much like he's dad (while everyone, including Jamie, knows he isn't.
AFC Richmond Family interventions abound...
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d-a-holley · 2 years
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We live in a time when the lens through which fantasy is seen is departing from the eurocentric model that defined it for decades, if not centuries. Authors like Rebecca Kuang and N. K. Jemison are writing stories that depart from this trend, even rising to criticality of the model which dominated the genre before them.
I'm glad to see it.
For me, it was always an incomplete picture. I'd see these white characters growing toward a conclusion which would see them changing things for the better in whichever world they occupied, but I could never see all of myself represented. I'm mixed race. My mom is white. My dad is black and native American. The family tradition on my dad's side, when Thanksgiving rolls around, is to go to the pow wow in Atmore, Alabama after dinner, to reconnect with our indigenous roots.
My experience has been different. There is this sense among mixed race people that we are simultaneously part of multiple communities and also other than. Our experiences are not analogous. We are not, after all, of the same cultures. But there are some things that appear to be universal. This concept of identity is one of them. That we are always, constantly both part of these disparate cultures and struggling to fit in. The idea that, living outside the cultures we belong to, at least to some extent, gives us a unique perspective about the issues facing our cultures.
We live in our skin, facing unique challenges that come to define us, and this is a perspective I have not seen in the genre. So, I'm setting out to do just that. Bring representation to the mixed race experience into a genre which has not necessarily embraced the nuanced and often difficult lives we lead.
In addition to that, queer representation has largely been centered on lesbians. I think this is a result of straight people viewing lesbians as inherently asexual. But if we are to see representation for the queer community, it should be for all of us. Not just the L in LGBTQ. I've set out to do that too, featuring queer men, gender fluid or a gender people, trans people as movers of the plot in my own stories. This is, again, an area of focus that I haven't seen in my own reading. Which titles like A Song of Achilles are embracing. And while that gives me hope, I feel like I can contribute to the discourse by featuring those characters in prominent positions in my own stories.
Depicted is Dupec Safar, a character I created to satisfy both of these motives. First in representing the mixed race identity. And then in representing queer men in fantasy. I only hope this trend continues, and we see representation for both groups normalized and explored in detail.
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wankerwatch · 3 months
Commons Vote
On: Finance (No. 2) Bill: Third Reading
Ayes: 215 (98.6% Con, 0.9% Ind, 0.5% DUP) Noes: 19 (94.7% SNP, 5.3% PC) Absent: ~416
Likely Referenced Bill: Finance (No. 2) Act 2010
Description: A Bill to grant certain duties, to alter other duties, and to amend the law relating to the National Debt and the Public Revenue, and to make further provision in connection with finance.
Originating house: Commons Current house: Unassigned Bill Stage: Royal Assent
Individual Votes:
Conservative (211 votes)
Aaron Bell Alan Mak Alberto Costa Alec Shelbrooke Alex Burghart Alex Chalk Alicia Kearns Alok Sharma Amanda Milling Andrew Griffith Andrew Jones Andrew Lewer Andrew Murrison Andrew Percy Andrew Selous Andy Carter Angela Richardson Anna Firth Anne Marie Morris Anne-Marie Trevelyan Anthony Browne Antony Higginbotham Ben Everitt Ben Spencer Ben Wallace Bernard Jenkin Bill Wiggin Bim Afolami Bob Blackman Bob Seely Brandon Lewis Caroline Ansell Caroline Nokes Charles Walker Cherilyn Mackrory Chris Clarkson Chris Grayling Chris Green Chris Philp Conor Burns Craig Tracey Craig Williams Damian Hinds Daniel Kawczynski Danny Kruger David Davis David Duguid David Jones David Rutley David Simmonds Dean Russell Dehenna Davison Derek Thomas Desmond Swayne Duncan Baker Edward Argar Edward Leigh Elizabeth Truss Elliot Colburn Esther McVey Felicity Buchan Fiona Bruce Gagan Mohindra Gareth Bacon Gareth Davies Gareth Johnson Gary Sambrook Gavin Williamson Geoffrey Clifton-Brown Gillian Keegan Graham Brady Graham Stuart Greg Hands Greg Smith Guy Opperman Harriett Baldwin Heather Wheeler Helen Whately Holly Mumby-Croft Huw Merriman Iain Duncan Smith Iain Stewart Jack Brereton Jack Lopresti Jackie Doyle-Price Jacob Rees-Mogg Jacob Young James Cartlidge James Cleverly James Davies James Duddridge James Sunderland James Wild Jane Hunt Jane Stevenson Jeremy Quin Jerome Mayhew Jo Churchill John Glen John Howell John Lamont Jonathan Djanogly Jonathan Gullis Julia Lopez Julian Lewis Julian Smith Julian Sturdy Justin Tomlinson Katherine Fletcher Kelly Tolhurst Kemi Badenoch Kevin Hollinrake Kieran Mullan Kit Malthouse Laura Farris Laura Trott Lee Rowley Leo Docherty Lia Nici Liam Fox Lisa Cameron Louie French Lucy Frazer Luke Hall Marcus Jones Mark Fletcher Mark Francois Mark Garnier Mark Logan Martin Vickers Matt Hancock Matt Warman Matthew Offord Mel Stride Michael Ellis Michael Fabricant Michael Gove Michael Tomlinson Mike Freer Mike Wood Mims Davies Neil O'Brien Nick Fletcher Nick Gibb Nicola Richards Nigel Huddleston Paul Beresford Paul Holmes Paul Howell Pauline Latham Penny Mordaunt Peter Aldous Peter Bottomley Philip Dunne Philip Hollobone Priti Patel Ranil Jayawardena Rebecca Harris Rebecca Pow Rehman Chishti Richard Bacon Richard Drax Richard Fuller Rob Butler Robbie Moore Robert Buckland Robert Courts Robert Goodwill Robert Halfon Robert Largan Robert Syms Robin Millar Robin Walker Royston Smith Sajid Javid Sally-Ann Hart Saqib Bhatti Sara Britcliffe Sarah Dines Scott Mann Selaine Saxby Shailesh Vara Sheryll Murray Simon Baynes Simon Clarke Simon Fell Simon Hart Simon Hoare Simon Jupp Stephen Metcalfe Steve Baker Steve Brine Steve Tuckwell Stuart Andrew Suzanne Webb Theo Clarke Theresa May Theresa Villiers Thérèse Coffey Tobias Ellwood Tom Hunt Tom Pursglove Tom Randall Tom Tugendhat Tracey Crouch Vicky Ford Victoria Atkins Victoria Prentis Wendy Morton Will Quince William Cash
Independent (2 votes)
Mark Menzies William Wragg
Democratic Unionist Party (1 vote)
Jim Shannon
Scottish National Party (18 votes)
Allan Dorans Amy Callaghan Angela Crawley Anne McLaughlin Brendan O'Hara Chris Law Chris Stephens David Linden Deidre Brock Joanna Cherry John Nicolson Kirsty Blackman Marion Fellows Owen Thompson Peter Grant Philippa Whitford Richard Thomson Stewart Malcolm McDonald
Plaid Cymru (1 vote)
Hywel Williams
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thxnews · 5 months
Global Plastic Treaty: UK Leads Charge
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The United Kingdom and over 170 other countries made incremental progress this week towards establishing a pioneering legally binding treaty to combat plastic waste and pollution worldwide. At the 4th round of United Nations negotiations in Canada, the UK successfully advocated for provisions on restricting "problematic and avoidable" plastic products and materials to be incorporated into the draft treaty text. However, significant disagreements persist amongst negotiating parties over the scope and ambition level, potentially putting the timeline for finalizing the pact by year's end at risk.   UK Playing "Key Role" in Shaping Treaty "As a member of the High Ambition Coalition, the UK has continued to push for an ambitious treaty covering the full lifecycle of plastics," stated Environment Minister Rebecca Pow.   "There remains substantial differences between parties on the level of ambition for the treaty, which has meant that progress has been slower than we would have hoped on some key areas."   Highlights from the UK's involvement included: Getting its proposals on limiting certain plastic goods and packaging into the draft text Securing agreement on a program of expert working groups to inform the treaty ahead of the next negotiating round Setting up a legal drafting group to ensure precision and clarity in the pact's language Analyzing and streamlining the draft text to focus the remaining negotiations   Binding Treaty Seen as Urgent Priority With public and political pressure mounting amid overflowing landfills, polluted waterways, and pervasive microplastics, there is a growing global consensus that a legally binding international agreement is critical to making a dent in the plastic crisis. Moreover, the UK is part of the 65-member High Ambition Coalition advocating for the treaty to include mandatory provisions tackling plastic's entire lifecycle - from production and use through disposal and waste management. However, some major plastics-producing countries remain resistant to strict international rules they fear could hamper their manufacturing sectors and economies.   Final Push at Last Negotiating Round With those key sticking points still unresolved, the path ahead for reaching a final treaty by the November deadline looks challenging. "There remains significant work to do to secure an agreement at the final negotiations," Pow acknowledged. "The UK is committed to securing the best outcome for our oceans, communities and wildlife." The UN member states have just months to bridge their differences on issues like product bans, recycled content requirements, and monitoring and enforcement mechanisms before the 5th and likely final round of negotiations scheduled for late 2024 in South Korea. Find out more about the UK's role in cracking down on Environmental waste.   Sources: THX News, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs & Rebecca Pow MP. Read the full article
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northern-punk-lad · 7 months
I email my mp pretty regularly, and i've been emailing her about israel specifically since 2020, and she's always been very pro israel, but i just got a reply from her on an email where I detailed the story of Hind (the 7 year old girl who called for help only for the paramedics and then herself to be shot) and she said she's written to the government on my behalf is this good news? It feels more hopeful than her pro israel nothing statements from before my mp is rebecca pow r
Sorry for the late reply
This is very good and a reminder to everyone keep applying pressure to your MPS protests, email them, bring it up at events they do
Labour and Tory are only starting to change course because the public is forcing them to this stuff works
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