#Reaper of Souls
bird-knight · 4 months
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I'm proud of the head but that's as far as it goes. ;-;
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macabrecabra · 2 years
I relly enjoyed your D.I.A.B.L.O "series" ^^ Do you want to come back to it someday? Also, Malthael being catched in almost every "paranormal" photo was a fun idea.
Probably not ^^; At that point in my life, had a LOT more time to dedicate to answering tons of asks about things like that. Now most of the art you see is done in a five hour spat of time after work XD;;
I think "In Time This Too Shall Pass" is the spiritual continuation as a lot of ideas from D.I.A.B.L.O made their way into it c: it was easier to explore the ideas in fanfic than in art and asks ^^
But here is a quick Mal doodle for you!
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Title: Kingdom of Souls
Author: Rena Barron
Series or standalone: series
Publication year: 2019
Genres: fiction, fantasy, mythology, paranormal
Blurb: Heir to two lines of powerful witchdoctors, Arrah yearns for magic of her own...yet she fails at bone magic, fails to call upon her ancestors, and fails to live up to her family's legacy. Under the disapproving eye of her mother, the kingdom's most powerful priestess and seer, she fears she may never be good enough...but when the kingdom's children begin to disappear, Arrah is desperate enough to turn to a forbidden, dangerous ritual. If she has no magic of her own, she'll have to buy it...by trading away years of her own life. Arrah's borrowed power reveals a nightmarish betrayal, and on its heels, a rising tide of darkness that threatens to consume her and all those she loves. She must race to unravel a twisted and deadly scheme, before the fight costs more than she can afford.
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barbie-necromancer · 1 year
I never completed Diablo 3 in the Barbarian class So i’m doing that now. Read a study about how women and enbys are less likely to play a man in a video game than men are, so I picked the male Barbarian. Named him Iroh. He specializes in fire and electricity, and is a slut.
Here he is in his Infernal Red and Elegant Magenta looks!
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ufohmy · 1 year
Hmm 🤔
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nerdynatreads · 1 year
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book review || Reaper of Souls by Rena Barron
video review || Final Book Support Group Readathon -- Reading Vlog 215
Alright, I still love the world-building in this series, but I do think there was a lot of stuff repeated in this book from the first that wasn’t really necessary. We see a lot more of the gods and their role in the war taking place, which did keep me really engaged, as well as the exploration of one of the god’s character. I was especially all over their perspective and those chapters really kept me reading. The atmosphere was spooky and unsettling again, really dragged me into the story, which definitely helped keep me invested, as there was A LOT going on. Multiple different plots and political schemes were overlaying each other in this book, and the alternating perspectives did make these a little difficult to follow at times and also very slow-moving.
Arrah felt like she’d really grown from the first book and I loved seeing the complexity of her character now that she has so much on her shoulders. We also had Rudjek’s perspective and I enjoyed getting more of his sassy personality and more about his anti-magic, but I was annoyed that we didn’t see the major action sequence we’d been building up toward. I would have liked to see more development of his character. The new elements that kept popping up to keep these two apart just made me ship them harder. They deserve to retire in the countryside and live a quiet life after all the strife they go through in this book! However, there is another romance plot with a main character, plus multiple smaller ones in the background, that did take some of the spotlight from Arrah and Rudjek.
With the multiple plots, I do think it was easy to get lost, for information to be repeated too many times, or for certain plot conveniences to really stand out by comparison. Toward the end of the book, there were some plot twists that were surprising, but when explained, I couldn’t help wondering how the characters didn’t/wouldn’t have picked up on these things.
All in all, still had a great time with this one and am VERY intrigued to see where the last book will end!
3.75 / 5 stars
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tealfling · 7 months
Me seeing a white haired male character anywhere:
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idyllcy · 7 months
linked - grim reaper x reader
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You swear the first time wasn't on purpose. You had just logged off the call with Grim and found yourself warm and sexually frustrated, and you swear you were just trying to blow off some of that frustration. You forgot, however, that his soul was literally linked to yours.
Grim had to call off work because he wasn't able to calm himself over seeing your fingers stuck inside of you and the way you moaned his name when you came around them.
He would rather die than admit you had that kind of effect on him.
The second time? When you deduced that he couldn't stare you in the eye because he watched you finger yourself? Was totally on purpose.
You tell Grim good night as usual, and you find yourself annoyed again, an abnormal heat in your abdomen as you frown. You frown, but your lips curl upward when you remember Grim can now see everything you do. So, you rummage through your drawer for lube, squirting it on your fingers as you slide one in, Grim's name slipping past your lips as you slide it all the way in.
Then, you slide a second;
and a third.
You gasp as you speed up, back arching as you feel yourself get closer, Grim's name a mantra as you gasp and twitch around your fingers, pretending they're his instead, crying as you feel yourself cum, legs twitching as you make a mess between them. You sigh in relief when you do, pulling the tissues to wipe your fingers clean as you click on your laptop to text him.
To Grim: Missing you (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Grim sits in his cold shower on the other end, desperate to get the red off his skin. You were going to kill him.
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kaulasalv · 2 months
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More Icons about Adult Ichigo, from Bleach; Hell Arc and Kubo Official Art's
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syl-stormblessed · 3 months
if Hayao Miyazaki wants to come back out of retirement one more time Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett is right there
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just-bee-lieve · 1 month
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the ferryman
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lowkeyren · 21 days
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this man has transcended babygirlness
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also steam reviews will never not be funny to me LOL
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bbq-potato-chip · 1 month
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soul reaper au ulquis because why not
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master-muffinn · 19 days
Bleach: sitting on their lap in public headcanons
With Ichigo, Renji, Grimmjow and Yoruichi. x reader
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 🍓 I feel like Ichigo would be more fine with you sitting on his lap in a semi-public place, like at the park, library, waiting for the bus/train outside the city or if you are out in the evening together.
 🍓 If it’s too many people around it would be too much and he doesn't like the stares and the whispering!
 🍓 Of course he wouldn't accept it until you have been together for a couple of months at the very least. And you will most likely be the one starting it. Ichigo will be blushing quite a lot in the beginning but be more comfortable after every time. 
 🍓 He would prefer to not do it infront of his friends either, because they probably would make fun of him and that would make him even more embarrassed, but as we know, Ichigo wouldn't exactly let it slide either. 
“Renji, you are just jealous because you are still single!” 
“HUH?! I’M NOT!!” 
 🍓 However Ichigo prefers to be home alone with you and cuddle together without staring, judging eyes. 
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 🍍 This boy has been watching way too many series and movies by now. Taking inspiration from different romance shows and adding it to your relationship so that he can be more romantic and be the best boyfriend there is! 
 🍍 I can see him being the one who straight out asks you about it when you two are watching movies together and then regret it because it sounded so stupid! 
 🍍 If you accept it, Renji will be so nervous and awkward and be blushing the whole time. He’ll be wondering if you can hear his fast going heartbeat through his chest. ‘Why does it look so easy in the movies???’ If you start talking about the movie later he will have no idea what youre are talking about.
 🍍 Renji would also be more fine with semi-public places while being awkward and blushing most of the time even after doing it for months. He would rather have you on his lap in privacy and cuddle. Then you can have all his attention and no one would disturb you. ;) 
 🍍 If you were sitting on Renji's lap in a semi-public place and his friends would see you two like that, teasing would have a great effect on Renji at that moment.
“Geez Renji, y/n will go deaf if you scream like that”
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 😾 This boy is a little complicated. You sitting on his lap is both prideful and embarrassing. He wants you to sit on his lap in the public and show off his amazing s/o and that they are obviously taken. But at the same time he’ll want you all by himself ALONE with no prying eyes. 
 😾 It’s the same with Grimmjow, you’ll have to be the one to start sitting down on his lap first, after that he’ll be the one who will grab you the most. He’ll find your physical affection very comfortable and calming. 
😾 Romance and relationship in general is something he is lacking, which is something he gets to experience and learn more and more with you. In the beginning he probably wouldn't be too fine to be lovey dovey in public, then it would be embarrassing. But the longer you are together the more pride and love he takes in you and your relationship so later on you can basically sit on his lap whenever you want and wherever you want, unless he’s out and fighting or training. Grimmjow will be happy either way and he won't take peoples crap either!
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🐾 Yoruichi is literally a cat. She has been sitting on your lap in her cat form long before you have been in a relationship. So of course it’s no big deal! 
🐾 It doesn't really matter when or where, as long as she gets your attention and affection, but don’t forget to let her sit in your arms too! Yoruichi loves both and people who staring doesn't affect her. 
“Y/n what we do is none of other people’s business, just ignore them okay?”
🐾 Yoruichi wouldn't mind sitting with you in front of her friends either. Kiskue and the others wouldn't judge. Everyone in that shop is so used to your relationship by now. 
🐾 But don’t forget that Yoruichi also has a lot of energy and likes to mess with people and prank them, so watch out! Like that time when she was sitting in Byakuya's garden with you in her lap and was making out with you in front of him just to get a reaction. Byakuya was not happy.
“You are a disgrace…Leave immediately!”
“What? Are you uncomfortable? Or just jealous, hmm?” 
“...Bankai, senbonzakura..”
Thank you for reading! If liked, please reblog! 💖 Have a good day!
Post made by @master-muffinn
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yoursghouly · 10 months
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Source: SmoochieWallace
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starsofang · 2 months
soul collector ghost x reader
tw: implied death
thinking about ghost as a reaper whose entire purpose is to come and collect souls when they're ready to cross the bridge of life and death.
being a reaper for centuries has made him used to the way humans react when they first see him. the way they panic, babbling on about how they're not supposed to be dead, there must be some mistake, please take me back, so on and so forth. it's nothing he's never heard before, and at this point, it's more an inconvenience and annoyance for him than something pitiful.
so when he came to collect your soul that had been lost out of pure misfortune, a car accident, he's unsure of why you're not fighting it and why you only smile at him and accept your fate for how it is.
you didn't fight, you didn't argue, hell, you didn't even look upset at him for what he had to do. you took one look at your body that lay dead in the seat of your car, then turned to him to ask, "can I at least bring my cat with me?"
you were dead, and the only thing you were worried about was your cat.
"she has nobody but me. if I don't come home, she might think I abandoned her, or she'll starve."
ghost could only stare at you with feigned disinterest as he mulled over the choice of approving your request, or giving you a hard no. it wasn't part of his job or interest to dote on new souls and their wishes, but something about you stuck a chord in him.
"you may bring your cat," he sniffed with a sharp nod, and when he saw the way your smile lit up on your face, he had to force himself to turn away from you so he could shove away the twinge of fondness that came over him in the back of his mind.
ghost didn't feel fond over souls he had to collect. he felt nothing for them, and was only there to serve his purpose of taking them to what lay beyond death.
but as he watched you pluck up your cat from where the two of you stood in your dingy apartment with a loving smile and soft hands that cradled the cat to your chest, that foreign feeling in ghost returned. he knew if he didn't take you (and your lovely cat) to the place your soul was meant to reside in for the rest of eternity, he'd be tempted to keep you for himself.
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