#Real Names
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mostlysignssomeportents · 1 year ago
The real problem with anonymity
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According to "the greater internet fuckwad theory," the ills of the internet can be traced to anonymity:
Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = Total Fuckwad
This isn't merely wrong, it's dangerously wrong. The idea that forcing people to identify themselves online will improve discourse is demonstrably untrue. Facebook famously adopted its "real names" policy because Mark Zuckerberg claimed to believe that "Having two identities for yourself is an example of a lack of integrity":
In service to this claimed belief, Zuckerberg kicked off the "nym wars," turning himself into the sole arbiter of what each person's true name was, with predictably tragicomic consequences:
Facebook is, famously, one of the internet's most polluted reservoirs of toxic interpersonal conduct. That's not despite the fact that people have to use their "real" names to participate there, but because of it. After all, the people who are most vulnerable to bullying and harassment are the ones who choose pseudonyms or anonymity so that they can speak freely. Forcing people to use their "real names" means that the most powerful bullies speak with impunity, and their victims are faced with the choice of retreat or being targeted offline.
This can be a matter of life and death. Cambodian dictator Hun Sen uses Facebook's real names policy to force dissidents to unmask themselves, which exposes them to arbitrary detention, torture, and extrajudicial killing. For members of the Cambodian diaspora, the choice is to unmask themselves or expose their family back home to retaliation:
Some of the biggest internet fuckwads I've ever met – and I've met some big ones! – were utterly unashamed about using their real names. Some of the nicest people I know online have never told me their offline names. Greater internet fuckwad theory is just plain wrong.
But that doesn't mean that anonymity is totally harmless. There is a category of person who reliably uses a certain, specific kind of anonymity to do vicious things that inflicts serious harm on whole swathes of people: corporate bullies.
Take Tinyletter. Tinyletter is a beloved newsletter app that was created to help people who just wanted to talk to others, without a thought to going viral or getting rich. It was sold to Mailchimp, which was sold to Intuit, who killed it:
Tinyletter was a perfect little gem of a service. It cost almost nothing to run, and made an enormous number of peoples' lives better every day. Shutting it down was an act of corporate depravity by some faceless Intuit manager who woke up one day and said "Fuck all those people. Just fuck them."
No one knows who that person was. That person will never have to look those people in the eyes – those people whose lives were made poorer for that Intuit executive's indifference. That person is the greater fuckwad, and that fuckwaddery depends on their anonymity.
Or take @Pixsy, a corporate shakedown outfit that helps copyleft trolls trick people into making tiny errors in Creative Commons attributions and then intimidates them into handing over thousands of dollars:
Copyleft trolling is an absolutely depraved practice, a petty grift practiced by greedy fuckwads who are completely indifferent to the harm they cause – even if it means bankrupting volunteer-run nonprofits for a buck:
Pixsy claims that it is proud of its work "defending artists' rights," but when I named the personnel who signed their names to these profoundly unethical legal threats, Pixsy CEO Kain Jones threatened to sue me:
The expectation of corporate anonymity runs deep and the press is surprisingly complicit. I once spent weeks working on an investigative story about a multinational corporation's practices. I spent hours on the phone with the company's VP of communications, over the course of many calls. When we were done, they said, "Now, of course, you can't name me in the article. All of that has to be attributed to 'a spokesperson.'"
I was baffled. Nothing this person said was a secret. They weren't blowing the whistle. They weren't leaking secrets. They were a corporate official, telling me the official corporate line. But they wouldn't sign their name to it.
I wrote an article about for the Guardian. It was the only Guardian column any of my editors there ever rejected, in more than a decade of writing for them:
Given the press's deference to this anodyne anonymity, it's no wonder that official spokespeople expect this kind of anonymity. I routinely receive emails from corporate spokespeople disputing my characterization of their employer's conduct, but insisting that I not attribute their dubious – and often blatantly false – statements to them by name.
These are the greater corporate fuckwads, who commit their sins from behind a veil of anonymity. That brand of bloodless viciousness, depravity and fraud absolutely depends on anonymity.
Mark Zuckerberg claimed that "multiple identities" enabled bad behavior – as though it was somehow healthy for people to relate to their bosses, lovers, parents, toddlers and barbers in exactly the same way. Zuckerberg's motivation was utterly transparent: having "multiple identities" doesn't mean you "lack integrity" – it just makes it harder to target you for ads.
But Zuckerberg couldn't enshittify Facebook on his own. For that, he relies on a legion of anonymous Facebook managers. Some of these people undoubtably speak up for Facebook users' interests when their colleagues propose putting them in harm's way for the sake of some arbitrary KPI. But the ones who are making those mean little decisions? They absolutely rely on anonymity to do their dirty work.
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Name your price for 18 of my DRM-free ebooks and support the Electronic Frontier Foundation with the Humble Cory Doctorow Bundle.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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mananabuffins · 1 year ago
People love to obsess about trans people's "real names" but my oldest and cissest brother has gone by a preferred name since he was a toddler and no one cared. (He and my dad have the same first name. He goes by his middle name to avoid confusion.)
So. Y'know. Just a reminder that that argument is bullshit and people only use it because they need ammunition, not because anyone cares about rEaL names.
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gennsoup · 11 months ago
One must name cats, people, whoever comes close, even though they carry their real names hidden inside them.
Keri Hulme, The Bone People
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tamarahtalkstv · 1 year ago
If I Make A Doujinshi Should I Use My Real Name Or A Pen Name?
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cephalodo · 10 months ago
Look, people will try to say it's a tumblr-ass naming convention, but the real Yapswill Feentussi in the room know it's a Douglas Adams-ass naming convention.
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these posts have the same vibes imo 💯
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potat0bag · 4 months ago
every tight knit friend group got the: - always at 1HP - never has inventory space - refuses to wear armour
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a-wizard · 24 days ago
What do you mean you can’t find a job? Have you looked on Indeed? What about Linkedin? You should try Upwork. How about Rise? Have you tried Jobera? Take a look on Dribbble. You GOTTA be on Jooble, dude. Get on Jooble. Jooble has it for you.
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astronomical-bagel · 1 year ago
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gaia-mix-nicolosi · 8 months ago
Maybe our OC names (Dovanice vy Gybray, Aroush Halapsian, Trakenei Nivi\Nyvi of Traken) are the real names we found along the way
As a trans person I tend to take naming yourself very seriously, even pseudo-anonymously.
And one thing I always love to see is authors who are like "Here's my new series about the awesome Orc Warrior Pathunk Earthbane!" and it's posted by an ao3 account named pathunk_earthbane.
That's some kind of magic, you know? Giving yourself the name of a fictional awesome person that you created.
Even if it's just a "nickname". Maybe it's just my personal history with places like IRC and, you know, the whole trans thing, but I tend to take self-given nicknames more seriously than "real names", whatever those are.
Anyway if you're gonna write your own story, might as well write yourself as someone who rocks, right?
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mylittleredgirl · 1 year ago
that moment when you cross the point of no return with a character should be accompanied by a specific chime i think. like 🔔 congratulations! this one has been installed in the Permanent Collection and you will never stop thinking about them as long as you live
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quixoticprince · 2 months ago
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Remember how Miss Pauling said she'd spent her whole life to help the administrator....
She didn't even know what she was helping with, but she wanted to be by her side, until she learned how deeply personal and self destructive the whole thing was... and in the end there never was going to be a 'place' set for her :^(
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I'm so sorry Flo 😭
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rightnewshindi · 6 months ago
क्या आप जानते है अमिताभ बच्चन, सलमान खान या शाहरुख खान के असली नाम? अगर नहीं तो यहां पढ़ें
Bollywood Actors Real Name: बॉलीवुड के सेलेब्स के नाम फैंस के जबां पर रहते हैं. हालांकि कुछ फैंस ऐसे हैं, जो अपने चहेते सितारों के असली नाम भी जानते हैं. लेकिन कुछ लोग ऐसे हैं, जिन्हें आज तक अपने फेवरेट एक्टर का असली नाम नहीं पता. आपको जानकर हैरानी होगी कि अपनी एक्टिंग से लोगों को दीवाना बनाने वाले इन एक्टर्स का ये असली नाम नहीं है. दरअसल, इंडस्ट्री में कदम रखते ही कई सेलेब्स अपना नाम बदल देते…
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dragon-in-a-fez · 11 months ago
okay so I have this idea for a new therapy thing. basically the idea is after an abusive relationship or a combat deployment or anything that might conceivably leave you with PTSD and a loss of ability to reasonably gauge how bad the shit that happened to you actually was, you sit there with a mental health professional for like, a solid 30 to 60 minutes, you tell them short vignettes of your experiences and they respond ONLY by rating how fucked up each one was on a scale from 1 to 10 and then you move on. the objective isn't to reflect deeply on specific experiences but to get a sustained series of reassurances that what you went through was, in fact, That Bad and gradually rebuild your trust in your own present and future ability to judge when what you're going through isn't okay.
currently calling it Rapid Fire Affirmation and Recalibration Therapy (RAP-FART). working title, open to feedback.
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vvenuspng · 8 months ago
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xsimbaaa · 11 months ago
This scene makes me feral…
The watch, the jaw, the wrist flick, the VEST….🤤
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str1wberry7thyme · 3 months ago
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I can’t believe Ren used the last of his power to fuse them together like you could’ve just said you miss him like a normal person
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