#Real Estate Market in Turkey
prenasper · 3 months
Turkey Real Estate Market Trends, Growth, Demand, Industry Share, CAGR Status, Challenges and Business Opportunities 2033: SPER Market Research
The market for residential and commercial property development, purchase, and management is known as the real estate industry. This broad market consists of commercial and industrial real estate geared toward manufacturing and company operations, as well as residential real estate serving individuals and families. While real estate investment includes purchasing assets for financial gain, real estate development entails the creation and improvement of properties. The real estate market is a dynamic environment where different stakeholders participate in activities that form urban landscapes, support economic growth, and offer investment opportunities. It is influenced by economic trends, demographic transitions, and regulatory issues.
According to SPER market research, ‘Turkey Residential Real Estate Market Size- By Type, By Areas- Regional Outlook, Competitive Strategies and Segment Forecast to 2033’ state that the Turkey Residential Real Estate Market is predicted to reach 259.46 billion by 2033 with a CAGR of 11.4%.
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Increased Economic Indicators' Influence, Like Interest Rates, is Powering the Regional Market. Economic data are crucial in guiding the real estate industry's dynamics. Interest rate fluctuations are a major factor; as lower rates usually enhance demand for real estate by making mortgages more affordable. Employment rates are a good indicator of the state of the economy since they affect consumer confidence and, in turn, people's propensity to make real estate investments. Moreover, the market expansion is driven by the region's rapidly growing population. The demand for infrastructure and housing is being driven by the region's expanding population, which is strengthening the real estate industry.
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In the real estate sector, environmental issues are related to how building and land development affect the environment. Governments and municipalities may pass laws requiring eco-friendly building methods as knowledge of environmental issues grows. This could involve trash minimization, sustainable materials, and energy-efficient building regulations. These actions could increase building expenses, which would reduce real estate projects' overall profitability. To properly manage this constraining element, investors and developers must thus stay up to date on changing environmental regulations and integrate sustainable methods.
Impact of COVID-19 on Turkey Residential Real Estate Market
In 2020, despite the COVID-19 epidemic, the Turkish residential market continued to grow since mortgage rates were falling. As a result, the year's total number of home sales broke all previous records. But in contrast to the same period in 2020, the first half of 2021 saw a decline in the share of mortgaged sales in the total due to an increase in interest rates.
Turkey Residential Real Estate Market Key Players:
Europe has the biggest revenue share geographically because the region's low interest rates have made borrowing more accessible and have encouraged people to invest in real estate. Demand for residential real estate has also increased as a result of rising job rates and economic growth, which have also increased consumer confidence and purchasing power. Agaoglu Group, Alarko Holding, Artas Group, Ege Yapı, Novron, and other well-known businesses are also notable market participants.
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Turkey Real Estate Market Future Outlook
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aimfarmland · 1 year
Farmland Management Company in Turkey
 Turkey, with its fertile lands and diverse climatic conditions, has long been recognized as an agricultural powerhouse. However, with the evolving dynamics of the modern world, the management and utilization of farmland have become increasingly complex. Enter the Farmland Management Company in Turkey, an innovative solution that combines expertise, technology, and sustainable practices to optimize agricultural productivity and ensure long-term prosperity for farmers and investors alike.
Unlocking Agricultural Potential:
A Farmland Management Company serves as a bridge between landowners and investors, providing comprehensive services to maximize the value of agricultural assets. By leveraging their knowledge of local conditions, these companies offer expertise in crop selection, land cultivation techniques, and efficient resource allocation. This enables landowners to harness the full potential of their farmland, increasing yields and profitability.
Investing in Agricultural Prosperity:
The Farmland Management Companies also offer investment opportunities for those looking to diversify their portfolios and capitalize on the potential of the Turkish agricultural sector. Investing in farmland provides stable returns, hedges against inflation, and promotes food security. These companies carefully select prime agricultural properties, manage the operations, and provide transparent reporting to investors, ensuring a hassle-free investment experience.
Farmland Management Companies in Turkey play a pivotal role in unlocking the agricultural potential of the country while promoting sustainability and attracting investments. By leveraging expertise, technology, and sustainable practices, these companies empower farmers, optimize productivity, and pave the way for a prosperous future in the realm of agriculture. Whether you are a landowner seeking efficient management or an investor looking for a promising opportunity, partnering with a Farmland Management Company in Turkey can be a transformative decision.
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russianreader · 1 year
Running: the Numbers
Istanbul, December 2022. Photo courtesy of Republic […] 500 vacancies for military registration specialists were advertised from late September to last December last year, according to HeadHunter. Previously, this specialization was considered a rather rare and generally not very sought-after profile in the personnel departments of Russian organizations (private and public). For comparison:…
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zvaigzdelasas · 5 months
Clean energy contributed a record 11.4tn yuan ($1.6tn [USD]) to China’s economy in 2023, accounting for all of the growth in investment and a larger share of economic growth than any other sector. The new sector-by-sector analysis for Carbon Brief, based on official figures, industry data and analyst reports, illustrates the huge surge in investment in Chinese clean energy last year – in particular, the so-called “new three” industries of solar power, electric vehicles (EVs) and batteries. Solar power, along with manufacturing capacity for solar panels, EVs and batteries, were the main focus of China’s clean-energy investments in 2023, the analysis shows.[...]
Clean-energy investment rose 40% year-on-year to 6.3tn yuan ($890bn), with the growth accounting for all of the investment growth across the Chinese economy in 2023.
China’s $890bn investment in clean-energy sectors is almost as large as total global investments in fossil fuel supply in 2023 – and similar to the GDP of Switzerland or Turkey.
Including the value of production, clean-energy sectors contributed 11.4tn yuan ($1.6tn) to the Chinese economy in 2023, up 30% year-on-year.
Clean-energy sectors, as a result, were the largest driver of China’ economic growth overall, accounting for 40% of the expansion of GDP in 2023.[...]
The surge in clean-energy investment comes as China’s real-estate sector shrank for the second year in a row. This shift positions the clean-energy industry as a key part not only of China’s energy and climate efforts, but also of its broader economic and industrial policy.[...]
The growing importance of these new industries gives China a significant economic stake in the global transition to clean-energy technologies.[...]
In total, clean energy made up 13% of the huge volume of investment in fixed assets in China in 2023, up from 9% a year earlier.[...]
The major role that clean energy played in boosting growth in 2023 means the industry is now a key part of China’s wider economic and industrial development.[...]
Solar was the largest contributor to growth in China’s clean-technology economy in 2023. It recorded growth worth a combined 1tn yuan of new investment, goods and services, as its value grew from 1.5tn yuan in 2022 to 2.5tn yuan in 2023, an increase of 63% year-on-year. While China has dominated the manufacturing and installations of solar panels for years, the growth of the industry in 2023 was unprecedented.[...]
An estimated 200GW was added across the country during 2023 as a whole, more than doubling from the record of 87GW set in 2022[...]
China experienced a significant increase in solar product exports in 2023. It exported 56GW of solar wafers, 32GW of cells and 178GW of modules in the first 10 months of the year, up 90%, 72% and 34% year-on-year respectively [...] However, due to falling costs, the export value of these solar products only increased by 3%.
Within the overall export growth there were notable increases in China’s solar exports to countries along the “belt and road”, to southeast Asian nations and to several African countries.[...]
China installed 41GW of wind power capacity in the first 11 months of 2023, an increase of 84% year-on-year in new additions. Some 60GW of onshore wind alone was due to be added across 2023[...]
In addition, offshore wind capacity increased by 6GW across the whole of 2023.[...]
By the end of 2023, the first batch of “clean-energy bases” were expected to have been connected to the grid, contributing to the growth of onshore wind power, particularly in regions such as Inner Mongolia and other northwestern provinces. The second and third batches of clean-energy bases are set to continue driving the growth in onshore wind installations. The market is also being driven by the “repowering” of older windfarms, supported by central government policies promoting the model of replacing smaller, older turbines with larger ones.[...]
Despite technological advancements reducing costs, increases in raw material prices have resulted in lower profit margins compared to the solar industry[...]
China’s production of electric vehicles grew 36% year-on-year in 2023 to reach 9.6m units, a notable 32% of all vehicles produced in the country. The vast majority of [B]EVs produced in China are sold domestically, with sales growing strongly despite the phase-out of purchase subsidies announced in 2020 and completed at the end of 2022.[...]
Sales of [B]EVs made in China reached 9.5m units in 2023, a 38% year-on-year increase. Of this total, 8.3m were sold domestically, accounting for one-third of Chinese vehicle sales overall, while 1.2m [B]EVs were exported, a 78% year-on-year increase.[...]
China’s EV market is highly competitive, with at least 94 brands offering more than 300 models. Domestic brands account for 81% of the EV market, with BYD, Wuling, Chery, Changan and GAC among the top players.[...]
The analysis assumes that EVs accounted for all of the growth in investment in vehicle manufacturing capacity [...] while investment in conventional vehicles was stable[...]
Meanwhile, EV charging infrastructure is expanding rapidly, enabling the growth of the EV market. In 2022, more than 80% of the downtown areas of “first-tier” cities – megacities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou – had installed charging stations, while 65% of the highway service zones nationwide provided charging points.
More than 3m new charging points were put into service during 2023, including 0.93m public and 2.45m private chargers. The accumulated total by November 2023 reached 8.6m charging points.[...]
China is rapidly scaling up electricity storage capacity. This has the potential to significantly reduce China’s reliance on coal- and gas-fired power plants to meet peaks in electricity demand and to facilitate the integration of larger amounts of variable wind and solar power into the grid. The construction of pumped hydro storage capacity increased dramatically in the last year, with capacity under construction reaching 167GW, up from 120GW a year earlier.[...]
Data from Global Energy Monitor identifies another 250GW in pre-construction stages, indicating that there is potential for the current surge in capacity to continue.
Construction of new battery manufacturing capacity was another major driver of investments, estimated at 0.3tn [yuan].[...]
Investment in electrolysers for “green” hydrogen production almost doubled year-on-year in 2023, reaching approximately 90bn yuan, based on estimates for the first half of the year from SWS Research. [...]
China’s ministry of transportation reported that investment in railway construction increased 7% in January–November 2023, implying investment of 0.8tn for the full year. This includes major investments in both passenger and freight transport. Investment in roads fell slightly, while investment in railways overall grew by 22%. The share of freight volumes transported by rail in China has increased from 7.8% in 2017 to 9.2% in 2021, thanks to the rapid development of the railway network. In 2022, some 155,000km of rail lines were in operation, of which 42,000km were high-speed. This is up from 146,000km of which 38,000km were high-speed in 2020.[...]
In 2023, 10 nuclear power units were approved in China, exceeding the anticipated rate of 6-8 units per year set by the China Nuclear Energy Association in 2020 for the second year in a row. There are 77 nuclear power units that are currently operating or under construction in China, the second-largest total in the world. The total yearly investment in 2023 was estimated for this analysis at 87bn yuan, an increase of 45% year-on-year[...]
State Grid, the government-owned operator that runs the majority of the country’s electricity transmission network, has a target to raise inter-provincial power transmission capacity to 300GW by 2025 and 370GW by 2030, from 230GW in 2021. These plans play a major role in enabling the development of clean energy bases in western China. China Electricity Council reported investments in electricity transmission at 0.5tn yuan in 2023, up 8% on year – just ahead of the level targeted by State Grid.[...]
China’s reliance on the clean-technology sectors to drive growth and achieve key economic targets boosts their economic and political importance. It could also support an accelerated energy transition. The massive investment in clean technology manufacturing capacity and exports last year means that China has a major stake in the success of clean energy in the rest of the world and in building up export markets. For example, China’s lead climate negotiator Su Wei recently highlighted that the goal of tripling renewable energy capacity globally, agreed in the COP28 UN climate summit in December, is a major benefit to China’s new energy industry. This will likely also mean that China’s efforts to finance and develop clean energy projects overseas will intensify.
Globally, China’s unprecedented clean-energy manufacturing boom has pushed down prices, with the cost of solar panels falling 42% year-on-year – a dramatic drop even compared to the historical average of around 17% per year, while battery prices fell by an even steeper 50%. This, in turn, has encouraged much faster take-up of clean-energy technologies.[...]
The clean-technology investment boom has provided a new lease of life to China’s investment-led economic model. There are new clean-energy technologies where there is scope for expansion, such as [Hydrogen] electrolysers.
Mind-blowing is the only word for it rly [25 Jan 24]
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pilawturkey · 6 months
Increase in Monetary Threshold of Initial Public Offerings 2024 for Turkey
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Increase in Monetary Threshold of Initial Public Offerings 2024 for Turkey is newly declared by Capital Markets Board of Turkey (Hereinafter as the Board). The Board changed the financial criteria for initial public offerings. 
Investment Advice offered by Turkish investment lawyers and|or Turkish business lawyers for investing in İstanbul and Turkey are very helpful for particularly foreign investors. Pi Legal Consultancy formulates papers for legal alerts on free investment advice for long-term investment projects in Turkey. Undoubtedly, expert advice can have an enormous impact duly planning the scope of any investment project.
Is Türkiye safe for investment? If you are curious about the answer to the question, you can read our article.
The development and enforcement of an overarching core principles is necessary for better integrated and consolidated capital markets. It is also essential to attract investments for Turkey. Monetary threshold for initial public offerings is an important aspect for consideration.
What is the main Supreme Authority for Capital Markets in Turkey?
The Capital Markets Board of Turkey is the main regulatory and supervisory authority for the field. The Board are granted following mandates:
-enhancement of investor protection,
-adoption the norms of the international capital markets,
-promotion and enhancement of the effectiveness of both the supply and the demand side of the markets,
-promotion of transparency and fairness in the capital markets,
facilitation of modernisation of the market structure,
For our work and all legal services on the matter of capital markets, please click our Practice Areas, titled Capital Markets
What is the legal alert on increase in monetary threshold of initial public offerings 2024 for Turkey?
A new decision dated December 29, 2023 has been published in the Capital Markets Board Bulletin (2023/82). Monetary thresholds have been revised by the Board for initial public offerings. 
In accordance with the decision, the minimum amount for the registered capital system cannot be lower than TRY 100.000.000. 
For a comprehensive discussion on the establishment of limited liability companies, take a look at our article on Limited Liability Company Formation. 
For a comprehensive discussion on the establishment of limited liability companies, take a look at our article on Limited Liability Company Formation.
What is the monetary threshold for initial public offerings?
Monetary threshold is meant to meet minimum criteria in order to be able to go public for corporations. National authorities are granted wide margin of appreciation to interfere with changing the standards and conditions for initial public offerings.
What is capital markets consultancy?
The main purpose of Capital Markets Law is to regulate and control the secure, fair and orderly functioning of the capital markets and to protect the rights and benefits of the investors in Turkey. Changing capital markets remains a global challenge for every single country. The Turkish capital market legal regime is far beyond simple and thus requires an effective capital markets consultation. Capital markets consultancy will pave the way for success rate of your capital investments.
What Is the Role of Pi Legal Consultancy for capital markets consultancy?
Pi Legal Consultancy capital markets consultants support inter alia, as follows:
Initial public offerings,
Structured finance,
Mergers and acquisitions,
Real estate and regular investment trusts,
IPO Transactions,
Issue and sale of capital market instruments,
Call for public offer with a view to purchasing capital market instruments and any sale,
Publicly held corporation,
Publication of the prospectus, announcement and advertisements.
In the final analysis, it is worth re-emphasizing that Turkey has been regarded as one of the most attractive investment-friendly regions across the globe. Investors should bear in mind all regulatory changes about Turkey. The Turkish Capital Markets Board made a recent change in initial public offerings 2024 for Turkey. In short, this change will have a challenging influence upon initial public offerings 2024 and going public for Turkey. 
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theresearchblog · 8 months
Online Recruitment Platform Market Detailed Strategies, Competitive Landscaping and Developments for next 5 years
Latest released the research study on Global Online Recruitment Platform Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope. Online Recruitment Platform Market research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of the Online Recruitment Platform The study covers emerging player’s data, including: competitive landscape, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are LinkedIn (United States), Monster (United States), Indeed (United States), CareerBuilder (United States), Naukri.com (India), Seek Limited (Australia), Zhilian Zhaopin (China), DHI Group, Inc. (United States), SimplyHired, Inc. (United States), StepStone (Germany),
Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/116557-global-online-recruitment-platform-market
Online Recruitment Platform Market Definition:
Online recruitment platform is also known as E-recruitment or an internet recruiting platform that allows businesses to use various internet-based solutions for online advertisement and job listing to hire the best candidate for the particular job role. In today’s time increasing use of internet and evolution of advanced technologies has made easier to scout candidates and conduct the interview. The platforms offer facilities for job seekers to upload their details and resumes online.
Market Drivers:
Increasing Use of Online Recruitment Platforms for Potential Talent Scouting Across the Globe
Increasing Use of the Internet and Advanced Technologies to Reach Bigger Audience
Market Opportunities:
High Adoption by the SMEs Due to Its Cost-effectiveness and Flexibility
Market Trend:
Development of Innovative Features in Online Recruitment Applications by the Providers
The Global Online Recruitment Platform Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below:
by Type (Permanent, Part-Time, Internship), Vertical (BFSI, IT & Telecom, Healthcare, Food & Beverages, Real Estate, Travelling & Hospitality, Media & Entertainment, Automotive, Others), Enterprise Size (Small & Medium Enterprises, Large Enterprises)
Region Included are: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Oceania, South America, Middle East & Africa
Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc.
Enquire for customization in Report @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/116557-global-online-recruitment-platform-market
Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global Online Recruitment Platform Market:
Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the Online Recruitment Platform market
Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary – the basic information of the Online Recruitment Platform Market.
Chapter 3: Displayingthe Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges of the Online Recruitment Platform
Chapter 4: Presenting the Online Recruitment Platform Market Factor Analysis Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis.
Chapter 5: Displaying market size by Type, End User and Region 2015-2020
Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the Online Recruitment Platform market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile
Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by manufacturers with revenue share and sales by key countries (2021-2026).
Chapter 8 & 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source
Finally, Online Recruitment Platform Market is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies in decision framework.
Data Sources & Methodology The primary sources involves the industry experts from the Global Online Recruitment Platform Market including the management organizations, processing organizations, analytics service providers of the industry’s value chain. All primary sources were interviewed to gather and authenticate qualitative & quantitative information and determine the future prospects.
In the extensive primary research process undertaken for this study, the primary sources – Postal Surveys, telephone, Online & Face-to-Face Survey were considered to obtain and verify both qualitative and quantitative aspects of this research study. When it comes to secondary sources Company's Annual reports, press Releases, Websites, Investor Presentation, Conference Call transcripts, Webinar, Journals, Regulators, National Customs and Industry Associations were given primary weight-age.
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unhonestlymirror · 9 months
It became known that Lizaveta, the daughter of the deputy of the House of Representatives, former press secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ex-Ambassador of Belarus to Turkey Andrei Savinykh, has been living and working in Great Britain for quite some time, which official Minsk considers an "unfriendly country". At the same time, her father is actively demonizing the West in the eyes of Belaruthian society. The publication "Lyusterka" tried to find out from him whether there is no contradiction in this.
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Performer Vladislav Bohan drew attention to the fact that the 34-year-old daughter of Andrei Savinykh Lizaveta lives and works in Great Britain. After analyzing the Facebook accounts of Andrei Savinykh and his wife, he found their daughter Lizaveta in social networks. Her LinkedIn account lists her places of study (Geneva) and work (London).
In the profile of Lizaveta Savinykh on the LinkedIn social network, it is indicated that from September 2022 to the present, the girl works as a manager for the development of solutions in the field of combating money laundering at the British financial and technical corporation Quantexa. So far, she has worked for 11 years at the largest bank in terms of assets and market capitalization, HSBC.
In addition, a certain Elizabeth Savinykh, who has British citizenship, is listed as the director of Canabel Limited, which deals with real estate in the British city of Leeds. According to the British government service and information gov.uk, this firm is engaged in buying, selling, renting and managing own and rented real estate. However, this company looks strange, because it does not have a separate website or active social networks.
At the same time, everywhere it is shown that Lizaveta Savinykh was born in December 1988, and this information coincides with the information about the date of birth of the deputy's daughter, which "Lyusterka" received from the association of former security forces Belpol.
The "Lyusterka" journalist called Andrey Savinykh and asked if the information that his daughter is a citizen of Great Britain and works in companies in this country is true, but he refused to talk. The journalists also did not receive an answer from Lizaveta Savinykh herself.
"Lyusterka" received an answer only from the company Quantexa, which was asked if they were aware that the daughter of a Belarusian deputy and a former official works for them. And also, are they afraid that this will leak some information to Belarus that will help the authorities to circumvent sanctions.
"Quantexa has strict hiring rules and training programs that ensure that all members of our team will meet high standards of ethical behaviour," -- Quantexa's response. — Our company has reliable and effective controls that ensure safe and reliable management of any confidential information — technical, strategic, personal — in accordance with our contractual and regulatory requirements."
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newstfionline · 1 year
Sunday, June 25, 2023
The World’s Empty Office Buildings Have Become a Debt Time Bomb (Bloomberg) In New York and London, owners of gleaming office towers are walking away from their debt rather than pouring good money after bad. The landlords of downtown San Francisco’s largest mall have abandoned it. A new Hong Kong skyscraper is only a quarter leased. The creeping rot inside commercial real estate is like a dark seam running through the global economy. Even as stock markets rally and investors are hopeful that the fastest interest-rate increases in a generation will ebb, the trouble in property is set to play out for years. After a long buying binge fueled by cheap debt, owners and lenders are grappling with changes in how and where people work, shop and live in the wake of the pandemic. At the same time, higher interest rates are making it more expensive to buy or refinance buildings. A tipping point is coming: In the US alone, about $1.4 trillion of commercial real estate loans are due this year and next, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association. When the deadline arrives, owners facing large principal payments may prefer to default instead of borrowing again to pay the bill.
Inflation, health costs, partisan cooperation among the nation’s top problems (Pew Research Center) Inflation remains the top concern for Republicans in the U.S., with 77% saying it’s a very big problem. Gun violence is the top issue for Democrats: 81% rank it as a very big problem. When it comes to policy, more Americans agree with the Republican Party than the Democratic Party on the economy, crime and immigration, while the Democratic Party holds the edge on abortion, health care and climate change.
The Brown Bag Lady serves meals and dignity to L.A.’s homeless (USA Today) A Los Angeles woman, known affectionately as the Brown Bag Lady, is serving the city’s unhoused population with enticing meals and a sprinkle of inspiration for dessert. Jacqueline Norvell started cooking meals for people on L.A.’s Skid Row about 10 years ago in her two-bedroom apartment after getting some extra money from her Christmas pay check. She bought several turkeys and prepared all the fixings for about 70 people, driving to one of L.A.’s most high-risk areas to hand out the meals. “We just parked on a corner,” said Norvell. “And we were swarmed.” She says people were grateful and she realized the significant demand. Norvell’s been cooking tasty creations ever since. Norvell garnishes each dish with love and some words of encouragement. In addition to the nourishment, each bag or box has an inspirational quote. “We’ve got to help each other out,” she said. “We have to.”
Facing Brutal Heat, the Texas Electric Grid Has an Ally: ‌Solar Power (NYT) Strafed by powerful storms and superheated by a dome of hot air, Texas has been enduring a dangerous early heat wave this week that has broken temperature records and strained the state’s independent power grid. But the lights and air conditioning have stayed on across the state, in large part because of an unlikely new reality in the nation’s premier oil and gas state: Texas is fast becoming a leader in solar power. The amount of solar energy generated in Texas has doubled since the start of last year. And it is set to roughly double again by the end of next year, according to data from the Electric Reliability Council of Texas. “Solar is producing 15 percent of total energy right now,” Joshua Rhodes, a research scientist at the University of Texas at Austin, said on a sweltering day in the state capital last week, when a larger-than-usual share of power was coming from the sun. So far this year, about 7 percent of the electric power used in Texas has come from solar, and 31 percent from wind. The state’s increasing reliance on renewable energy has caused some Texas lawmakers, mindful of the reliable production and revenues from oil and gas, to worry. “It’s definitely ruffling some feathers,” Dr. Rhodes said.
Guatemalans are fed up with corruption ahead of an election that may draw many protest votes (AP) As Guatemala prepares to elect a new president Sunday, its citizens are fed up with government corruption, on edge about crime and struggling with poverty and malnutrition—all of which drives tens of thousands out of the country each year. And for many disillusioned voters—especially those who supported three candidates who were blocked from running this year—the leading contenders at the close of campaigning Friday seem like the least likely to drive the needed changes. Guatemala’s problems are not new or unusual for the region, but their persistence is generating voter frustration. As many as 13% of eligible voters plan to cast null votes Sunday, according to a poll published by the Prensa Libre newspaper. Some of voters’ cynicism could be the result of years of unfulfilled promises and what has been seen as a weakening of democratic institutions. “The levels of democracy fell substantially, so the (next) president is going to inherit a country whose institutions are quite damaged,” said Lucas Perelló, a political scientist at Marist College in New York and expert on Central America. “We see high levels of corruption and not necessarily the political will to confront or reduce those levels.”
Chile official warns of ‘worst front in a decade’ after floods, evacuations (Reuters) Days of heavy rainfall have swollen Chile’s rivers causing floods that blocked off roads and prompted evacuation in the center of the country, amid what has been described as the worst weather front in a decade. The flooding has led authorities to declare a “red alert” and order preventive evacuations in various towns in the south of Santiago. “This is the worst weather front we have had in 10 years,” Santiago metropolitan area governor Claudio Orego said.
Crisis in Russia (NYT/AP) A long-running feud over the invasion of Ukraine between the Russian military and Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of Russia’s private Wagner military group, escalated into an open confrontation. Prigozhin accused Russia of attacking his soldiers and appeared to challenge one of President Vladimir Putin’s main justifications for the war, and Russian generals in turn accused him of trying to mount a coup against Putin. Prighozin claimed he had control of Russia’s southern military headquarters in the city of Rostov-on-Don, near the front lines of the war in Ukraine where his fighters had been operating. Video showed him entering the headquarters’ courtyard. Signs of active fighting were also visible near the western Russian city of Voronezh, and convoys of Wagner troops were spotted heading toward Moscow. The Russian military scrambled to defend Russia’s capital. Then the greatest challenge to Russian President Vladimir Putin in his more than two decades in power fizzled out after Prigozhin abruptly reached a deal with the Kremlin to go into exile and sounded the retreat. Under the deal announced Saturday by Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, Prigozhin will go to neighboring Belarus. Charges against him of mounting an armed rebellion will be dropped. The government also said it would not prosecute Wagner fighters who took part, while those who did not join in were to be offered contracts by the Defense Ministry. Prigozhin ordered his troops back to their field camps in Ukraine, where they have been fighting alongside Russian regular soldiers.
In Myanmar, Birthday Wishes for Aung San Suu Kyi Lead to a Wave of Arrests (NYT) In military-ruled Myanmar, there seemed to be a new criminal offense this week: wearing a flower in one’s hair on June 19. Pro-democracy activists say more than 130 people, most of them women, have been arrested for participating in a “flower strike” marking the birthday of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the civilian leader who was ousted by Myanmar’s military in a February 2021 coup. Imprisoned by the junta since then, she turned 78 on Monday. The protest—a clear, if unspoken, rebuke of the junta—drew nationwide support, and many shops were reported to have sold all their flowers. Most of the arrests occurred on Monday, but they continued through the week as the military tracked down participants and supporters. In some cities and towns, soldiers seized women in the streets for holding a flower or wearing one in their hair. Some were beaten, witnesses said. The police have also been rounding up people who took to Facebook to post a birthday greeting or a photo of themselves with a flower. Phil Robertson, the deputy Asia director for Human Rights Watch, called the campaign the latest example of the “paranoia and intolerance” of Myanmar’s military rulers.
Sweltering Beijingers turn to bean soup and cushion fans to combat heat (Washington Post) China’s national weather forecaster issued an unconventional outlook this week: “Hot, really hot, extremely hot [melting smiley face],” it wrote Tuesday night on Weibo, China’s answer to Twitter. It was imprecise, but it wasn’t wrong. The temperature in Beijing hit 106 degrees Fahrenheit on Thursday, a public holiday for the Dragon Boat Festival. It was the highest June recording since 1961. Visiting the Great Wall was “like being in an oven,” said Lin Yun-chan, a Taiwanese graduate student on her first trip to Beijing. The heat wave is almost the only thing anyone can talk about. Much of the online discussion revolves around food. People are sharing advice about the most hydrating snacks for the hot weather: mung bean soup and sour plum drink are popular options. Entrepreneurs looked for ways to capitalize on the heat wave: One promoted a seat-cushion fan designed to combat a sweaty butt, while tourism companies touted trips to the south of the country, which is usually hotter but currently less so.
Your next medical treatment could be a healthier diet (WSJ) Food and insurance companies are exploring ways to link health coverage to diets, increasingly positioning food as a preventive measure to protect human health and treat disease. Insurance companies and startups are developing meals tailored to help treat existing medical conditions, industry executives said, while promoting nutritious diets as a way to help ward off diet-related disease and health problems. “We know that for adults, around 45% of those who die from heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, stroke, that poor nutrition is a major contributing factor,” said Gail Boudreaux, chief executive of insurance provider Elevance Health speaking at The Wall Street Journal Global Food Forum. “Healthy food is a real opportunity.”
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What is the Meaning of Luxury Property?
When it comes to real estate in Turkey, the term "luxury property" is often used to describe high-end premium properties that are designed and built with the finest materials and craftsmanship, and come with modern features and amenities.
The definition of a luxury property can vary depending on the market and location. Generally, a luxury property is an exclusive property that provides exceptional comfort, convenience, and an increase in the quality of life. The term "luxury" implies exclusivity, elegance, and sophistication, and is often associated with high prices.
Originally published at Luxury Property for Sale in Bursa
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data-bridge · 2 years
Field Force Automation Market Growing Popularity and Growing Traffic Research Report by DBMR
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Industry Analysis
Field force automation market is expected to gain market growth in the forecast period of 2022 to 2029. Data Bridge Market Research analyses the market to grow at a CAGR of 16.15% in the above-mentioned forecast period.
The wide-ranging Data Bridge market report covers an array of aspects of the market analysis which today’s businesses call for. This market document also defines a chapter on the global market and allied companies with their profiles, which provides important data pertaining to their insights in terms of finances, product portfolios, investment plans, and marketing and business strategies. This market research report is generated with a nice blend of industry insight, talent solutions, practical solutions and use of technology to advance user experience. An outstanding Data Bridge market report puts light on many aspects related to ICT industry and market.
Market Insights and Scope            
Field force automation basically establishes a real-time communication channel amongst the offsite sales team and on-site team handling sales and admin operations. It also offers various features for efficient communication including filed force management, intelligent dispatching and tracking, secure real-time communication, efficient logistic management as well as preventive maintenance management. 
Additionally, the credible Field Force Automation Market report helps the manufacturer in finding out the effectiveness of the existing channels of distribution, advertising programs, or media, selling methods and the best way of distributing the goods to the eventual consumers. Taking up such market research report is all the time beneficial for any company whether it is a small scale or large scale, for marketing of products or services. It makes effortless for ICT industry to visualize what is already available in the market, what market anticipates, the competitive environment, and what should be done to surpass the competitor.
Industry Segmentation
The field force automation market is segmented on the basis of component, organization size, deployment type & industry vertical. The growth amongst the different segments helps you in attaining the knowledge related to the different growth factors expected to be prevalent throughout the market and formulate different strategies to help identify core application areas and the difference in your target market.
On the basis of component, field force automation market has been segmented into solution, services, services is further segmented into consulting, integration and implementation, training and support.
On the basis of organization size, the market is segmented into large enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises.
On the basis of deployment type, the field force automation market has been segmented into on-premises and cloud.
On the basis of industry vertical, field force automation market has been segmented into it and telecom, healthcare and life sciences, manufacturing, transportation and logistics, construction and real estate, energy and utilities and others.
Get a Free Sample of The Report: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-field-force-automation-market
Market Country Level Analysis
The countries covered in the field force automation market report are
U.S., Canada and Mexico in North America, Germany, France, U.K., Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Rest of Europe in Europe, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in the Asia-Pacific (APAC), Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, Israel, Egypt, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa (MEA), Brazil, Argentina and Rest of South America as part of South America.
Get full access to the report: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-field-force-automation-market
Industry Share Analysis
Some of the major players operating in the field force automation market report are
Nimap Infotech., Oracle, Salesforce.com, inc, SAP SE, ServiceMax, Trimble Inc., Mize, Inc., Microsoft, LeadSquared, Accruent, Acumatica, Inc., Appobile labs., Astea International Inc., BT, Channelplay Limited, ClickSoftware, FieldEZ, Mobile Field Force Management, Folio3 Software Inc., Industrial and Financial Systems, IFS AB, Kloudq, and Bigtincan, among others.
An influential Field Force Automation Market research report displays an absolute outline of the market that considers various aspects such as product definition, customary vendor landscape, and market segmentation. Currently, businesses are relying on the diverse segments covered in the market research report to a great extent which gives them better insights to drive the business on the right track. The competitive analysis brings into light a clear insight about the market share analysis and actions of the key industry players. With this info, businesses can successfully make decisions about business strategies to accomplish maximum return on investment (ROI).
Get TOC Details: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=global-field-force-automation-market
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charismaglassman · 1 day
Power Players: Top Executives Shaping New York's Business Landscape
New York City, the Big Apple, is a global center for commerce and innovation. At the helm of its thriving industries are some of the most influential and accomplished executives in the world. These leaders drive growth, navigate challenges, and leave their mark on the ever-evolving business landscape. Let's delve into the diverse pool of Top Executives in New York currently shaping New York's business scene.
Financial Titans: Steering the Flow of Capital
New York has long been a financial powerhouse, and this tradition continues with visionary leaders in banking and investment. John Sergides, CEO of MUFG Investor Services, exemplifies this. Under his guidance, the company surpassed a record $1 trillion in assets, solidifying its position in the global alternative investment management industry.
Looking beyond traditional finance, we see leaders like Matt Baer, CEO of Stitch Fix. Baer is transforming the retail experience by implementing innovative strategies to streamline the C-suite and labor structure, making Stitch Fix a more efficient and competitive player in the e-commerce fashion market.
Tech Trendsetters: Building the Future
New York City is a hotbed for technological innovation, and its tech sector is brimming with talented executives. Stephanie Choi, Co-founder and COO of Sawyer, is a prime example. Sawyer is a leading AI-powered real estate brokerage platform, and Choi's expertise is instrumental in its growth and success.
Another key figure is Xiaodi Zhang, Chief Product Officer at 1stDibs. 1stDibs is a premier online marketplace for luxury vintage furniture and design. Zhang's product leadership plays a crucial role in curating a seamless user experience and maintaining 1stDibs' position at the forefront of the online luxury market.
Beyond the Boardroom: Diverse Leadership Makes a Difference
New York's business scene is becoming increasingly diverse, with a growing number of prominent female and minority executives. Kumsal Bayazit, CEO of JPMorgan Chase Turkey, is a shining example. Bayazit's leadership has been instrumental in JPMorgan Chase's expansion into new markets and her success paves the way for future generations of female leaders.
Devra Prywes, Chief Product Officer at Applicaster, is another inspiring figure. Applicaster is a leading mobile app development platform, and Prywes' product expertise is key to its success. Her presence challenges the traditional image of leadership in the tech industry, promoting diversity and inclusion in the C-suite.
The Impact of Top Executives: Shaping the City's Future
The influence of top executives extends far beyond their companies. They play a vital role in shaping New York City's economic vitality, its reputation as a center for innovation, and its ability to attract and retain top talent.
These leaders are not just driving corporate success; they are also making significant contributions to social causes and philanthropic initiatives. Their dedication to the city's well-being creates a ripple effect that benefits all New Yorkers.
Looking ahead, New York's business landscape promises to be even more dynamic and competitive. The city will undoubtedly continue to attract some of the most talented and visionary executives who will lead the way in shaping the future of business not only for New York but for the global stage.
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turkey-real-estate · 23 days
Exploring Turkey’s Real Estate Market: A Comprehensive Guide
Turkey, a bridge between Europe and Asia, has emerged as a hotspot for real estate investment. From vibrant cities to scenic coastal regions, the Turkish real estate market offers diverse opportunities that cater to a variety of tastes and budgets. This article delves into the dynamics of Turkey’s real estate market, highlighting key regions, types of properties, and investment potential.
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The Attraction of Turkey’s Real Estate Market
Turkey's real estate market has gained significant traction over the past decade due to its strategic location, economic growth, and rich cultural appeal. Whether for residence, holiday homes, or investment purposes, Turkey offers a spectrum of properties that attract both domestic and international buyers. If you want to know more about turkey real estate please visit our website.
Key Real Estate Regions
1. Istanbul
As Turkey's largest and most dynamic city, Istanbul is the heart of the country’s real estate market. It boasts a mix of modern skyscrapers, historical homes, and luxury waterfront properties. Key districts include:
Bosphorus Shoreline: Neighborhoods like Bebek and Arnavutköy offer luxurious villas and mansions with stunning views.
City Center: Areas such as Şişli and Beyoğlu are known for their high-rise apartments and proximity to business and cultural hubs.
Emerging Suburbs: Suburbs like Başakşehir and Beylikdüzü provide more affordable housing options and are popular with families.
2. Antalya
Antalya is a favorite destination for those seeking holiday homes and retirement properties. Known for its Mediterranean climate and beautiful beaches, Antalya offers a range of properties from sea-view apartments to luxurious villas. The city's vibrant tourism industry also makes it a hotspot for rental properties.
3. Bodrum
Bodrum, with its stunning Aegean coastline and historical charm, attracts those looking for a blend of modern living and traditional allure. Known for its marina, upscale resorts, and nightlife, Bodrum offers high-end villas and stylish apartments with views of the sea.
4. Ankara
As the capital city, Ankara presents a more subdued but steady real estate market focused on government, education, and business sectors. The city offers a variety of residential and commercial properties, appealing particularly to professionals and families.
5. Izmir
Izmir combines a cosmopolitan atmosphere with a relaxed coastal vibe. Its growing economy and modern lifestyle make it an attractive choice for both residential and investment properties. Izmir offers a mix of urban apartments and serene seaside homes.
Types of Properties
1. Apartments
Apartments are the most common type of property in Turkey, catering to a wide range of buyers from young professionals to retirees. Urban centers like Istanbul and Izmir offer modern high-rise apartments with amenities such as gyms, pools, and security.
2. Villas
Villas are popular in coastal regions and suburban areas. They provide spacious living areas, private gardens, and often, swimming pools. Cities like Bodrum, Antalya, and certain parts of Istanbul offer luxurious villas ideal for those seeking privacy and comfort.
3. Historical Homes
Turkey’s rich history is reflected in its well-preserved Ottoman and Greek-style homes. Districts like Istanbul’s Sultanahmet and Izmir’s Alacati feature historical properties that offer a unique blend of tradition and modern living.
4. Commercial Properties
With Turkey's growing economy, commercial real estate is an attractive investment. Office spaces, retail units, and hotels in major cities offer high rental yields and growth potential. Areas like Istanbul’s Levent and Maslak are business hubs with numerous commercial opportunities.
Investment Potential
1. Economic Growth
Turkey’s economy has shown resilience and growth, making real estate a stable investment. Major infrastructure projects such as the new Istanbul Airport and the Istanbul Canal project enhance the country's connectivity and property values.
2. Citizenship by Investment
Foreign investors can obtain Turkish citizenship by investing in real estate worth at least $400,000. This program has attracted many international buyers looking for residency benefits and a foothold in the Turkish market.
3. Tourism
Turkey’s status as a top tourist destination drives demand for rental properties, especially in coastal regions and historical cities. Holiday homes and short-term rentals provide lucrative income opportunities.
4. Affordability
Compared to many European markets, Turkey offers more affordable property prices. This affordability, combined with a favorable exchange rate for many foreign currencies, makes Turkey an appealing option for international investors.
Challenges and Considerations
Investing in Turkey’s real estate market requires careful consideration of legal and market factors. Foreign buyers should be aware of property ownership regulations, taxation, and the need for thorough due diligence. Consulting with local real estate experts and legal advisors can mitigate risks and ensure a smooth transaction process.
Turkey's real estate market presents a dynamic and diverse landscape with opportunities for all types of investors. Whether seeking a bustling city apartment, a tranquil coastal villa, or a historical home, Turkey offers a rich array of properties that cater to various preferences and investment goals. As the market continues to evolve, Turkey remains a compelling destination for real estate investment, blending modernity with tradition in a way few other countries can match.
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House it Going? What is the Bottom Line in the Santa Cruz Housing Market?
Megan Kilmer: Santa Cruz Realtor and Lender
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Hi! I'm Megan Kilmer a local millennial Santa Cruz Mama, and Homeowner!
Living in Santa Cruz has always been a worthy battle. I am someone who's rented a kitchen nook with a beaded curtain for privacy in order to stay in this beautiful town. I've been a single mama with my first kiddo, renting rooms from other single mamas. My partner and I make just under the six-figure mark and are considered "low-income" by Santa Cruz County standards. I'm not a magician. I can't make housing fall from the sky, but I can tell you how to hack your way into the Santa Cruz housing market!
Right off the bat - I want to acknowledge that the battle for housing is systemic. When our parents grew up, there was no such thing as a credit score. Many people rely on generational wealth to access their first home purchase and there are many who have been excluded from home buying in the past. Therefore, they do not have generational wealth to draw from. In addition, homelessness is a relatively new concept. One used to be able to walk into the woods and clear part of the forest to build their home, and in other countries homelessness doesn't exist because housing is treated as a human right.
Well, we are here now, so let's play with the cards that we have been dealt. What can we do with the current system in place? If home buying isn't where you are in your housing journey right now - feel free to skip ahead. I will be adding information to help those who need resources for rental support as well.
So let dive in - what is needed to be a homebuyer in this market?
There are two ways to buy a house - all cash or financing. If you need a loan you need to be loanable. That means consistent income for two years, a decent credit score, and most people need at least 3-5% down. So let's talk turkey - what's the bottom line in Santa Cruz County?
If you're like me you have been up late at night scrolling looking at real estate websites and drooling at something ridiculously cheap. Maybe it's a piece of land for 15K, mobile home for 170K, or a cute cabin in Felton for 300K! Or wondering why in the world is a condo on by the beach here under 1M?! Or what's up with a "pre-forecloser" property? You probably already know this, but if it looks too good to be true, it is!
Pieces of land under 100K most likely are not buildable. Keep in mind that any property in the San Lorenzo Valley ( Felton, Mt Hermon, Ben Lomond, Lompico, Zayante, Brookdale, Boulder Creek etc.) that does not have a sewer connection is going to need a septic test. Most septic and well systems have not been maintained or were damaged in the CZU Complex Fires. This means that building will take time effort and MONEY! It's 2023 and of the 911 homes lost, we only have 24 rebuilds! Despite the County stating that they are expediting the permitting process.
Does that mean you shouldn't try? No! There are some problem solves to building. One is an FHA 203(k) loan. If you are willing to put in the effort and energy to go through the permitting and rebuild process you will be able to finance the development of your property with a loan.
One of the most inquired about properties I get are mobile homes under 200K. These are tricky. with a mobile home they ask for a larger downpayment because these homes are seen as "depreciating assets" to financial institutions - that being said these home don't seem to have lost much, if any value, in our Santa Cruz housing bubble. The fact is we are still short on housing and affordable homes to buying a mobile home is still a better bet than renting. Because you will gain equity in your mobile home verse not equity gains in a rental.
So why would a mobile home in Santa Cruz County be under 200K? Some parks have age restrictions like age requirements of 55+. Some parks have very high space rent especially if they are near the ocean or another desired location. If space rent is above $1000 this makes the property value go down because it decreases affordability. Also a challenge may be that the mobile home was build pre 1974. These are hard to lend on since they are considered a vehicle, but an added bonus for these homes is there is no home property tax, only annual registration.
Mobile home loans are possible, but a little different. You will need a higher downpayment, 10-20% and the terms of the loans tend to be shorter between 14-20years. If the loan term is shorter that increases your monthly payment. So, if you are looking at a 200K mobile you may end up paying the same amount as you would a 400K home a month, but as you know, those don't exist in Santa Cruz County! So get the mobile home, build equity so that when the time is right you can leverage into your next home.
On to the cute tiny cabin in Felton - or Paradise Park! If you are a member of a Masonic Organization in good standing with dues paid you are eligible to buy property in the Paradise Park community. If you aren't, you are out of luck. If this is a creative direction you want to explore let me know I can introduce to a Brother.
Other cute cabins in the Santa Cruz redwoods! These homes were build after the 1906 earthquake that devastated San Francisco. The homes were build as vacation homes and have now turned into permanent residences. Because many of these homes were not built to endure year-round use there are a lot of "fixers" we can go back to our FHA 203K loan for support with financing a home that is a fixer. We will also diligently ensure that the well and septic systems pass inspections before committing to a home because these issues are costly and may make your monthly payment unaffordable after financing repairs.
Those properties by the beach that snag everyone's attention are usually shared equity - like a timeshare. Many I have seen are between 1/4th and 1/7th shared equity. You would need to work out times that the other homeowners approve to be at the property. It cannot be a permanent residence and it could be loaned on as an investment property but you will not be able to put less than 20% down on it.
The last thing I want to mention about the dream homes that you may find online - there is no such thing as a "pre-foreclosure" home. Those folks have defaulted on a mortgage payment, missed their tax payment, or have a mechanics lien. They are not posting their home for sale. I think it's really sad that big real estate websites do this because the homeowners are already struggling and it gives false hope to a scroller!
If you have any questions about any of the ways to home hack your way into the Santa Cruz home market please reach out. I will be posting more ways to navigate your Santa Cruz homeownership journey, so stay tuned!
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newhomeinturkey · 1 month
Property in Turkey for sale | Daily Hot Deals By Local Experts
New Home in Turkey is a market leading real estate consultancy and marketing company, specialized in overseas property in Turkey, offering prime quality holiday properties and real estate investment opportunities in 10 different locations in Turkey
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brickellbabe · 1 month
New #celebritylisting in Resident Magazine...
"Bling Like Bing: Own Matthew Perry's Hollywood Pad for $5.1 Million
Step into Chandler Bing's shoes and own a slice of LA history for Life.
Matthew Perry, known for his hilarious role as Chandler Bing on "Friends," brought laughter and unforgettable moments to millions of viewers worldwide. From Thanksgiving turkey heads to his heartfelt proposal, Chandler Bing was the king of comedic timing and emotional depth, making "Friends" a cultural phenomenon that still resonates till this day..."
Click the link to find out more!
ATTENTION: If you are involved in the luxury real estate market and looking to expand your project reach to a global audience, email me at [email protected] to get the latest media kit and current advertising offers for Resident Magazine.
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cyprus-resort · 2 months
Analyzing Northern Cyprus's Opportunities for Investment
Northern Cyprus, a region with a unique geopolitical status, presents a plethora of investment opportunities across various sectors. Despite its political complexities, the region boasts a strategic location, natural beauty, and untapped economic potential. This brief aims to analyze the investment landscape in Northern Cyprus, highlighting key sectors, challenges, and opportunities for prospective investors.
Geopolitical Context: Northern Cyprus, recognized only by Turkey, remains a disputed territory since the division of Cyprus in 1974. Despite ongoing efforts towards reunification, the political situation remains unresolved. However, the region operates as a de facto state with its own government, economy, and institutions according to real estate in Northern Cyprus. While political uncertainties persist, they have not deterred investors from exploring opportunities in the region.
Key Sectors for Investment:
Tourism and Hospitality: Northern Cyprus boasts pristine beaches, historical sites, and a mild Mediterranean climate, making it a prime destination for tourism. Investment opportunities abound in hotel development, resort infrastructure, ecotourism ventures, and cultural heritage preservation. The region's tourism sector has witnessed steady growth in recent years, fueled by increasing visitor numbers from Europe, Turkey, and beyond.
Real Estate: The real estate market in Northern Cyprus offers attractive investment prospects, with affordable property prices compared to other Mediterranean destinations. Residential, commercial, and mixed-use developments cater to both local and international buyers. Government incentives, such as residency permits for property investors, further enhance the appeal of real estate investments in the region.
Education and Healthcare: Investment in education and healthcare infrastructure presents opportunities for long-term growth with buy property in Northern Cyprus. Northern Cyprus hosts several universities attracting students from diverse backgrounds. Developing healthcare facilities and services can capitalize on the growing demand for quality medical care, both domestically and regionally.
Renewable Energy: With abundant sunlight and wind resources, Northern Cyprus has significant potential for renewable energy projects. Investment in solar, wind, and other clean energy initiatives can contribute to energy security and sustainability goals. Public-private partnerships and government incentives facilitate investment in this sector.
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Challenges and Considerations:
Political Uncertainty: The unresolved political status of Northern Cyprus poses a notable risk for investors. Potential shifts in geopolitical dynamics or changes in relations between relevant stakeholders could impact investment stability. However, decades of relative stability suggest a degree of resilience within the region's economy.
Legal and Regulatory Framework: Navigating the legal and regulatory framework in Northern Cyprus requires careful consideration through property for sale in North Cyprus by owners. Investors should seek professional guidance to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations. Transparency and legal certainty are essential for fostering investor confidence.
Infrastructure Development: While Northern Cyprus has made strides in infrastructure development, there remain opportunities for investment in transportation, utilities, and telecommunications. Improving connectivity and modernizing infrastructure can facilitate economic growth and attract further investment.
Market Integration: Integration with the broader Cypriot and European markets presents both challenges and opportunities. Access to EU markets could unlock new avenues for trade and investment, provided there is progress towards reunification and alignment with EU standards.
In Short:
Northern Cyprus offers a diverse array of investment opportunities across various sectors, despite its unique geopolitical status. While challenges exist, the region's strategic location, natural assets, and untapped potential continue to attract investors seeking high returns with property for sale in North Cyprus. By navigating political uncertainties, understanding local dynamics, and leveraging strategic partnerships, investors can capitalize on the promising opportunities that Northern Cyprus has to offer.
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