#farmlands in turkey
aimfarmland · 1 year
Farmlands in Turkey
Since the oldest times, agriculture has been the most profitable and reliable investment in the world. Almost all countries have their own agricultural development strategies. within the involment of the technology and science, today it is possible to create highly productive agricultural projects almost everywhere in the world.
AIM Farmlands in Turkey was founded to asist local and international investors to have their own completely tailor made and highly profitable agricultural projects.
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aimfarmlands · 2 years
Agricultural Investment Opportunities - AIM FARMLANDS - UAE
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A wide range of agricultural investment opportunities is now available to accredited investors. Many business owners, managers, consultants, and farm operators are now taking advantage of the efficiencies of online platforms to get the funding they need to run their businesses. The benefits of working with Aim include increased awareness of their business ventures and access to seasoned or accredited investors.
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aimfarmlandsturkey · 7 months
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Indulge in Nature's Bounty: Invest Wisely in the Freshness of Walnuts 🌿🥜 Discover the allure of walnut land farms in Turkey, where each harvest promises unparalleled quality and taste. Embrace the essence of natural abundance and make a smart investment in the freshness and richness of walnuts. Explore the possibilities with AIMFarmLands today!
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rafsimonz · 9 months
Turkey Bacon Flatbread Pizza Recipe
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With this mouthwatering recipe suggestion that uses fresh basil and turkey bacon, your pizza game will reach entirely new heights.
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sixteenseveredhands · 2 years
Vardzia, a Medieval Cave City in Georgia (South Caucasus), built in 1150-1200 CE: Vardzia was designed to be used as a fortress/monastery; it was accessible only through hidden passageways, and it contained more than 6,000 caves, 15 chapels, 25 wine cellars, an apothecary, a forge, a bakery, farming terraces, and an irrigation system
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The monastic caves at Vardzia cover an area of about 500 meters. They are carved into the cliffs along the Erusheti mountains, which are located in Javakheti (a southern province near the borders between Georgia, Turkey, and Armenia).
Vardzia was originally meant to serve as a fortress, particularly in the event of a Mongol Invasion. It was protected by defensive walls, and the cave system itself was largely concealed within the mountain (though much of it is now exposed); it also contained a secret escape tunnel and several dead-end tunnels that were designed to delay/confuse enemy forces. The cave city could only be accessed through a series of hidden passageways that began near the banks of the Mtkvari River (which runs through the valley below the cave complex). Water was supplied through an irrigation system that was connected to the river, providing the inhabitants with both drinking water and agricultural irrigation, as the site contained its own terraced farmland.
The cave complex also functioned as a monastery, with a large collection of manuscripts and relics ultimately being housed at the site.
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In its prime, the complex at Vardzia was inhabited by tens of thousands of residents.
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Unfortunately, most of the original structures at Vardzia were destroyed by an earthquake that struck the region in 1283 CE, just a century after its construction; the earthquake sheared away the outer layer of the cliffside, exposed many of the caves, and demolished almost two-thirds of the site. The surviving structures represent only a fraction of the cave complex that once existed at Vardzia, with only about 500 caves still intact.
When the earthquake tore through the site in 1283, much of the fortress and many of its defenses were also destroyed, and Vardzia lost most of its military/defensive purposes. Still, it continued to operate as a Georgian Orthodox monastery for several hundred years after that. It narrowly escaped the Mongol Invasions of the 1290s, but it was raided by the Persians during the 16th century; the invading forces burned many of the manuscripts, relics, and other items that were stored within the cave system, leaving permanent scorch marks along the walls of the inner chambers. The site was abandoned shortly thereafter.
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Medieval portrait of Queen/King Tamar: this portrait is one of the Medieval frescoes that still decorate the inner chambers of Vardzia; Tamar was the first queen regnant to rule over Georgia, meaning that she possessed the same power/authority as a king and, as a result, some Medieval sources even refer to her as "King Tamar"
Vardzia is often associated with the reign of Queen Tamar the Great, who ruled over the Kingdom of Georgia from 1184 to 1213 CE, during a particularly successful period that is often known as the "Golden Age" of Georgian history. Queen Tamar was also recognized as the Georgian King, with Medieval sources often referring to her as King Tamar. She possessed the powers of a sovereign leader/queen regnant, and was the first female monarch to be given that title in Georgia.
The initial phases of construction at Vardzia began under the command of King George III, but most of the complex was later built at the behest of his daughter, Queen Tamar, who owned several dedicated rooms at Vardzia and frequently visited the cave city. Due to her relationship with the cave complex at Vardzia, Queen Tamar is sometimes also referred to as the "Mountain Queen."
Despite the damage that the site has sustained throughout its history, many of the caves, tunnels, frescoes, and other structures have survived. The site currently functions as a monastery once more, with Georgian monks living in various chambers throughout the cave system.
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I visited Vardzia back in 2011, during my first trip to Georgia. It's an incredible site, though some of the tunnels are very narrow, very dark, and very steep, which can get a bit claustrophobic.
Sources & More Info:
Atlas Obscura: Vardzia Cave Monastery
CNN: Exploring Vardzia, Georgia's Mysterious Rock-Hewed Cave City
Lonely Planet: Vardzia
Globonaut: 5 Facts about Vardzia, Georgia's Hidden Cave City
Wander Lush: Vardzia Cave Monastery (complete visitor's guide)
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casual-tarot · 2 years
Pick a Pile: What You Need to Hear Right Now
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Pile 1
So immediately I'm hearing, "You don't need to do this all on your own." You refuse to accept help when need it, and refuse to acknowledge the people around willing to lend a hand! Things are overwhelming for you, I know, but sometimes even talking about it can lift some if the burden. You're stressed, you're overwhelmed, but I promise that letting someone else help you carry those crushing burdens will do wonders for you. There is always someone willing to help, even if you don't think you see them. They are there, I promise. Ask for help, it will help bring things back into balance.
Signs, Symbols, and Phrases; Tornados, storms, dirt and cobblestone paths in nature, clocks, compasses, 10, 40, 9, 6, 666, Mercury, Jupiter, The Sun, waning gibbous moon, big poofy clouds, rivers and bodies of water, Gemini, Aquarius, Leo, Libra, Air Signs in general, wolves, fireflies, crows, crocodiles, message in a bottle
Extra advice: You see your emotions as a burden to others, but it's not, you're "holding yourself together" but you dont need to be. If you have to cry, then let yourself cry. Stop shootings yourself in the foot and let yourself do that creative project you've been holding off, don't dampen your creativity and imagination just because the world thinks you should. Talk to someone you, new or not, you might make a new friend or you'll have a good time with a loved one.
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Pile 2
You are bright, worthy, and creative person, but I think there is something throwing you off, something that you may be guilting yourself about. Or maybe you're frustrated at someone else. It may have to do with your job or a creative pursuit. Either way, a certain person or mindset is holding you back and preventing you from getting that done. If you had a disagreement with someone recently, or felt that they were putting their input where it didn't belong, talk to them! Tell them what is bugging you and confront them. It doesn't need to be another argument, although sometimes those are inevitable, it could also just be a discussion. You both sit down and have a talk about it. Why was it so frustrating to you? Why did they feel the need to give you their input in the first place? Listen to both sides of the story and you may come out with a stronger relationship because of it. If this is an internal struggle, know that any insecurities you have about your performance are false. Like I said before, you're creative and passionate, if you really want to, you can accomplish anything! Sometimes asking for help from others is just what the doctor ordered. Or you may need to stop focusing on the what if's and just go for it! Don't let your fears stop you from accomplishing greatness, because that's what you are. Great. Don't beat yourself up over your insecurities, let them exist and prove them wrong! It will lead to great things! Don't throw a pity party for yourself either, being down about ideas of failure that hasn't even happened yet will get you nowhere(harsh as it may sound)! Remember; You can do this! You can accomplish great things!
Signs, Symbols, and Phrases; Fairies, magic, evening skies, strong women, the full moon, night skies, stars, large or antique clocks, "ghostlands," sheep, the color blue, messages from past loved ones, soft flowing clouds, acres, farmland, single trees on their own, big random patches of grass, 2, 17, 29, 51, 12, 1212, 21, 7, waxing gibbous moon, Rain(especially at night), Neptune, Mercury, North Node of the Moon, Fire, pentacles, pentagram's, Ares the God of War and Courage, Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Owls, Bats, Nocturnal Animals, Turkey Vultures, Vultures in general, Lone Wolves, Whales, Blue Whales, Mountain Goat's, Fireflies, Skunks
Extra Advice: Stop boxing your productivity and/or creativity in! Just let it out! Let it do its thing! You're good at what you do I promise! Some of you may be experiencing a broken heart of some sort, maybe a loss, I am so sorry and I feel like those loved ones lost ask me to tell you to look for them in the sky. In the stars and the clouds, the moon and the sun, the planets and everything else in between. They are there, they are watching over you, and they love you, so so much. Some of you are not putting in as much work into other facets of your life that need focus too, go check on those and do what needs to get done! Ask some friends for help, there are some always willing to help you get something done. Some of you need to be weary of some people in your life, they may aim to harm or sabotage you in some way. Take that last message with a grain of salt, it is not for everyone. If you do take that message, look out for ringing in one of your ears, as it may be a sign. Stop putting your energy where it doesn't belong, and by that I mean Stop overworking yourself and/or procrastinating! Do what needs to get done and take a break when you need it, you will thank yourself later. Break away some bad habits, stop eating so much junk food, get your sleeping schedule back in order, take time to check and plan for your calendar, check on friends and loved ones, and send that damn email! Another fairy popped out for me, so keep an eye out for images and mentions of them, they may be very important for you.
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Pile 3
This wasn’t in your cards, but my cat just came to cuddle with me, so immediately I'm hearing, "cuddle with your cat!" Or spend time with any pets or animals you have. I have a feeling you might be stressed and could use the company and comfort. Now, on to the rest of your reading!
You may be defensive and/or closed off. You might also think all of this is bullshit and needed someone to acknowledge that thought in order to gain confirmation. That message is only for some of you. Anyways, you may also be in denial of something, likely your own emotions. You feel that if you let your guard down, you will get hurt. You think that pretending to be emotionless like this means that things can't and won't hurt you. But in doing so, you are only hurting yourself. You miss out on all the opportunities of making new friends, spending times with loved ones, and enjoying outings with other people. The hard truth is this, things will always hurt you. You cannot stop the world from being the world, you can't stop humans from being humans, and you can't stop yourself from experiencing inevitable things like death and reality and so much more. And that's ok. Life is meant to be lived, and you can't live life without getting a couple scratches and bruises along the way. Let yourself experience life! Let yourself open up a little more and live. You will be so thankful, so happy, that you decided to let yourself out of your shell, even just a little bit. One step at a time, not everything needs to happen at once, not everything needs to be rushed. Go at your own pace, but just remember to go. I also get the feeling that you are used to carrying other people's burdens. You take on their problems as your own, you wear their emotions like a cloak. I get the feeling that, despite being so harsh and/or closed off, you are a very empathetic person. My back started straining when I realized that and I think that empathy puts a lot of strain and pressure on you in many ways. In some ways, you strain yourself by taking on everyone else's problems. In other ways, it's simply because you feel so strongly. I'm going to suggest something I heard another tarot reader once say, swap your empathy with compassion. Empathy is taking on the emotions of others and feeling them as if they were your own. Compassion is understanding others emotions and being there for people, but not at your own expense, you don't take on their emotions, you simple see them. I think you may think of your empathy as a weakness in some ways, but it's not. Being empathetic is so important to you and to the world. Let yourself feel. The world needs more hearts like yours, hearts that care. Just don't let it burden you, don't take on too much. Set emotional boundaries. You don't need to be there for everyone and that's ok. And if the people around you can't understand that, then you need to spend a little less time with them as a whole. Now I'm not saying you need to cut people out(some of you might I'm sure, take what resonates), but you may need to distance yourself from people who are draining to much of you. Some of these people need room to grow and they can't do that with you coddling them. I don't mean to sound harsh, but taking on their emotions, being their major or only support system, not letting them stand up on their own, it only does more damage. These people may need help at times, sure, but they are also not your responsibility. They need to grow on their own and figure out how to heal themselves as well. Help them if you must, but remember to step away when it's important. Things need to change. Now I feel like our last message here is saying simply this; do these things and your life, your relationships, will thrive. You will have so many more and better opportunities and relationships. You contemplate too much in your mind and don't act, don't live. Go, live life. You will have such a great one. I promise.
(Ps. It stopped raining at my house after I wrote all this, I feel this is signs for a brighter, clearer future for you. Good luck!)
Signs, Symbols, and Phrases; Angels, fairies, blue fairies, the color blue, daydreams, the words "sad" and "embrace," giraffes, couples, "rescue," flamingos, animals that mate for life, unity, birds, butterflies, hearts, crowns, balloons, nature, hot air balloons, stars,clouds, the night sky, a bright full moon, waterfalls, pyramids, the world, towers, big, wide, and/or tall trees, telescope, explorers, floating islands, mushrooms, pretty leaves, art, abandoned homes and places, sneaking in, redheads, little kids, bows, white, small Bunnies, orange leaves, nature taking back, doors, double doors, grand doors, golden doors, doors with intricate designs on them, pillars, sadness, helping others, vertigo, mazes, flying, wings, carousel, porcelain horses, toy horses, 8, 16, 25, 41, 45, 3, 33, 333, 7, 2, 5, growing plants, sprouts, Jupiter, Neptune, North Node of the Moon, Waning Crescent Moon, Virgo, Cancer, Gemini, Pegasus, horses, Bats, Fireflies, Mountain Goat's, Otters
(Lots of symbols for you Pile 3!)
Extra Advice:
Potential love may be in your future. A good unity you will trust. New relationships in general. For some of you, this will not be forever, but that's ok. These relationships will come and go and teach you things along the way. Do not mourn them. For others, these will be strong relationships and could have a big impact on your life and even be forever. You may find your future partner, a best friend, or a new job via new coworkers or new boss! Your heart us healing, it was broken in the past, for any number of reasons, but it's finally healing. That dark shadow you felt in your chest if finally dissipating. You are encouraged to put your energy into new ideas! New creative processes, hobbies, relationships, or even your job. Feeling sad again is inevitable, and when you feel it creeping back up, I suggest writing a little note or a letter to yourself, talking about everything under the sun and especially about how you feel and your problems, and doing one of two things with it; either put it in a bottle or time capsule of some sort and open it later on(could be hours, days, weeks, or years, it's your choice) OR write everything down, and then destroy it. You could tear it apart(angrily if it helps), burn it, soak it in water, anything really. Just get it out there and then destroy it. I also think you should check up on a few friends(remember, set boundaries emotionally) or tell people you trust about how you're feeling. Rant to them, I feel you feel guilty talking to others about your problems, but your loved ones will lend an ear, I promise. Do not make things work that can't or won't work, let them go and focus your attention on something else. Don't let go of your creative ideas, leave them be and let them grow! Do not mourn the loss of friends who never cared about you, let them leave and feel yourself heal because of it. I mean that in a more, metaphorical sense, of course you can mourn the loss of a friendship/relationship, but know it was for the best and that you will only grow because of it. Nowhere to go but up!
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tastesoftamriel · 2 years
You’ve probably gone over this before but tumblr’s search engine sucks butt. So, what would each culture’s staple crops and livestock (for both meat and byproducts) be? How much would globalization come into play, like how irl potatoes are originally from South America but have become one of the most important staple foods across the world?
Staple crops and livestock vary throughout the Provinces due to climate and geography, though trade over the centuries has meant that ingredients like saltrice from Morrowind and honey from Skyrim are in constant circulation around the continent. Nonetheless, here are some uniquely local ingredients you'll find across Tamriel.
Summerset's temperate climate makes it the ideal place to grow all sorts of exotic fruit, especially stone fruit. From peaches to lychees, nectarines to cherries, Summerset produces the largest quantities of these fruits (with the trade embargo around the Great War and Dragon Crisis making them an extremely sought-after prize). And don't forget the wine! Summerset is also famed for its gorgeous vineyards and even more gorgeous wines. However, juicy and flavourful grapes are beloved by almost anybody, making them a valuable staple crop too.
Livestock in Summerset is nothing particularly exciting. Merino sheep are farmed for their wool, which is a luxury export beloved by northern Provinces, while meat comes in the form of cattle and chickens. However, High Elves particularly love their wild-caught fish and herons, which are populous on their home island.
Once again, fruit is a major export from Black Marsh, but the fertile (if hostile) region is home to some of Tamriel's best agricultural soil. From cocoa and coffee beans, saltrice and coconuts, to padan and banana leaves and more, you'll find all sorts of wonderful plant-based ingredients in Black Marsh. However, something that has gained in popularity following the Argonian diaspora has been palm wine, a potent alcoholic beverage.
As for livestock, you'll find bantam guar, guar lizards, various poultry, goats, and even farmed frogs and lizards to be popular. Sheep and cattle are far less popular due to the upkeep required for them to stay healthy in the swampy environment, making beef and mutton less popular and more expensive than in other Provinces.
The Bosmer are famed for their meat and animal byproducts, particularly from timber mammoths and sugar mammoths. Whether it's meat, pelts, or milk, these beasts are much beloved by the Wood Elves who take great care in rearing them.
Other popular exports from Valenwood include alcoholic beverages like rotmeth and jagga, as well as kopi luwak- a luxurious type of coffee made from beans found in civet cat excrement, thus making them Green Pact-friendly. And of course, Valenwood produces some of Tamriel's finest cocoa beans, mostly used for export. However, have you truly lived until you've tried salted sugar mammoth caramelised milk chocolate from Woodhearth?
In High Rock, sheep and cattle are the most popular livestock to farm due to their versatility, with a constant demand for their meat, horns, skins, and milk. While it's nothing exciting, the animals in the region are usually grass-fed and free range, spanning acres of farmland (which can sometimes result in cultists and the like infringing upon the livelihood of livestock). Chickens, geese, turkeys, and ducks are also popular for their meat, down, and eggs, with High Rock producing some of Tamriel's best duck meat.
With regards to staple crops, wheat is a major export and features heavily in Breton cuisine, especially in bread.
The volcanic ash of Morrowind is key to its success in growing all manner of weird and wonderful crops. Market stalls across Vvardenfell and Blacklight bustle with sellers touting mushrooms of all kinds, saltrice, comberry, marshmerrow, hackle-lo, canis root, and much more, all of which are consumed locally as well as across Tamriel.
Regarding livestock, it should come as no surprise that the big money is in bug farming. Kwama mines produce cuttle, scuttle, scrib jelly, and kwama eggs, making them the backbone of Morrowind's mages and chefs alike. Nix-hounds and guar are raised both by town Dunmer and Ashlanders, while wild nix-ox is also popular for those who can afford it.
Cyrodiil spans terrain from the snowy Jerall Mountains to the swamps of Blackwood. As a result, the Province is relatively self-sufficient in that it produces the bulk of its own consumption, from livestock to greens. Speaking of greens, battaglir, a type of weed, is a staple in the Imperial diet, making wild-foraged and farmed battaglir a key crop in the region. Like Summerset, Cyrodiil is also famed for itswines, and is proud of its unique grapes of every size, flavour, and colour (including ones that taste like cotton candy).
Livestock in Cyrodiil is about as generic as can be: cows, sheep, goats, poultry, and horses. While meat is a staple part of the Imperial diet, milk is also important as it is used to make the cream and cheeses so prized by the Province.
What don't the Khajiit grow or rear? From Southern Elsweyr's rich moon sugar and rice paddies to the North's edible cacti and tea, the Province is full of exotic and scrumptious delights that are highly prized across Tamriel. Ingredients are valuable both raw and processed, and form the backbone of the Khajiiti economy. Samar Pekoe tea, for example, is wild-harvested from caves and is beloved by tea aficionados across the continent, and fetches a hefty price for its rarity. Pellitine cacao and coffee beans are also a staple in any self-respecting chef's kitchen.
In terms of livestock, you'll find guar, poultry, beef, and goat to be popular, as well as wild game like jerboas, terror birds, antelope, and addaxes. Game meat can often be purchased from Bandaari nomads, who hunt the animals themselves. Whether fresh or dried into jerky, who doesn't want some moon sugar-cured addax jerky for the road?
Foreigners in Skyrim are often shocked by the range of produce we're capable of producing in our cold and often inhospitable lands. Fish and horker are consumed in great amounts locally, as well as being one of the Province's major exports. Goat from the Reach, cattle from Whiterun, and honey from the Rift are always in high demand.
Apples and jazbay grapes are probably the most valuable crops in Skyrim, followed by wheat and other fruits and vegetables. The former two are used in cider and wine, both of which are valued across the Provinces.
Wrothgarian Orcs differ from Betnikh Orcs who differ from Wood Orcs and so on... so in this case, it really varies. For Wrothgarian Orsimer, echatere is the main source of meat and milk, while in Betnikh it's fish, and in Valenwood, timber mammoth. All these groups also enjoy game, from rabbit and wolf to pheasant and venison, which features heavily in regional Orcish cuisine. Wild honey from Betnikh is also another notable animal product that bears mention here.
In terms of crops, there aren't many of note aside from valuable herbs and spices. Frost mirriam, which is also loved by alchemists, and wrathberries, known for their violently bitter taste unless prepared correctly, are two of the most important plants you'll find for sale at any stronghold.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: goat, goat, and more goat. Unless you're a coastal Redguard with access to seafood, it's likely that your main source of meat and milk will come from goats. Whether it's feta or kebabs, it's almost always goat meat, as they wander all through Hammerfell like they own the place. However, Redguards are also renowned for breeding horses, and the uh... faulty ones are generally turned into food. Spiced horse blood sausage and spreadable horse 'nduja are a staple in households across Hammerfell.
With staple crops, you'll find that corn, coconuts, palm fruit and oil, bananas, coffee, cinnamon and other spices, and cocoa are plentiful. These are all consumed in great amounts within the Province, but are also highly prized across Tamriel.
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briantravels60 · 1 year
Day 2 – Orillia to Lindsay ( my hometown ) – 95 km
A day of beautiful weather and scenic riding, without any casualties.
Last night I stayed on my friend Malcolm’s boat. I’d highly recommend this 5 star accommodation but I understand that the waiting list is over 2 years. A good alternative would be Lakehead University Residences or a  B&B.
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The TCT turns north just outside of Orillia and is not  the direction that I wanted to travel, so I created an alternate route travelling south just after Atherly. This route takes you along the Ramara Cycling Route and some country roads until arriving in Cannington. In Cannington you join the Beaver River Wetland Trail until it connects to the TCT at Sunderland. From Sunderland, you take the TCT to Lindsay. Of the 95 total km approximately 60 km are on roadways. This sounds worse that it really was. The roadways were mostly paved, mostly flat, and had very little traffic. The roads were actually pretty good for biking.
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The ride was mostly through farmland punctuated with marshland. The old wooden barns, cedar fences, and lilacs growing along the roadway reminded me of when I was growing up in Ontario.
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The day was made interesting with wildlife sightings including wild turkeys, rabbits, plenty of birds, and a snake. At one point a deer was running alongside me.
The highlight of the day was a visit with 3 of my aunts: Karen, Ruth & Cathy. It was nice to catch-up and hear stories from my youth. The visit was topped off with a hardy “pilgrim’s” meal including 2 pieces of pie  (raspberry being my favorite) for dessert.
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For sentimental reasons I chose to ride along Demoe Road. My (late) grandparents’ farm was enroute.
Upon arriving in Lindsay I was thirsty and I felt that it was important to celebrate the success of the local craft brewery, the Pie Eyed Monk, so I met my friend Wayne for a cold pint. A nice end to a hot day.
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nancypullen · 11 months
Quiet Morning
I was up early today and decided to whizz through a bunch of chores. I popped in my hand-me-down Air Pods (I'm the Amish granny in this gadget crazed family and tech trickles down), picked a playlist and got busy. I unloaded the dishwasher, cleaned all the stainless appliances, gave every crack and crevice in the kitchen a fragrant spray and wiped it all down, took out the garbage, swept the floors, cleaned all of the downstairs windows, then went upstairs and cleaned bathrooms. After throwing a load of tea towels and bath towels into the washer I came back down to scramble myself some eggs. With John Mellencamp singing in my ears about the good ol' days, I paused and looked through my kitchen window.
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That autumn scene stopped me in my busy tracks and I paused to soak it up. It's not a magnificent ocean view, I'm not overlooking rolling farmland, it's probably not the view of anyone's dreams - but the simplicity of that white picket fence and the multi-colored leaves gave me a moment of joy. Don't get me wrong, I'm a happy gal. I thank my lucky stars every day that the people I love (family and friends) are all healthy and thriving, that I wake up in a safe, warm home with full cupboards, clean, running water, and the freedom to do as I please. But sometimes when we're caught up in what must be done, it's lovely when the universe puts a speed bump in our way. The ol' stop and smell the roses advice, or in this case stop and admire the leaves. It's been a beautiful autumn here - vibrant color, cool temperatures, and of course, our wonderful trip to Ireland. I'm seeing more frosty mornings now and the bird and squirrel population is noticeably less active. Fall is winding down and as she waltzes out leaving a trail of scarlet and gold behind her, I hope Old Man Winter is mixing up some blizzards for us. I'm ready for a winter wonderland. I'm ready for thick socks, bubbling pots of soup, cozy nights with good books, and planning spring's garden. It's also time to rest.
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That probably sounds crazy to say as we're careening toward busy Thanksgiving kitchens and all of the December madness, but it is a time to rest. The world does slow down in winter. Most mandatory chores are indoors now, and less frequent - I do a lot less laundry in the winter when we're not getting sweaty and dirty. My floors stay cleaner when we're not tracking stuff in from the gardens. I even tend to make more sheet pan meals or one-pot dinners. In the summer there are festivals, fairs, and barbecues to attend. In the winter, once the holidays pass, we socialize a bit less. It's time for everyone to retreat to their caves and hibernate.
That said, I'll be cooking like a mad woman for the next couple days. Matt is home for Thanksgiving (THAT makes my heart sing!) and I like to make it memorable for him. He doesn't get a ton of homecooked meals so I like to put all of his favorites on the table. None of us need a big Thanksgiving meal, but we all want it. I'm an enabler. Butter = love. I will nurture you right into a heart attack. In my defense I have planned healthy meals right up to Turkey Day. In fact, Turkey Eve will just be salads. I'm Jekyll and Hyde in the kitchen. After the feast, it is full steam ahead with decorating, wrapping, celebrating, and then welcoming the brand spankin' new year. Let's make everything sparkle and have a ball and then settle down for a long winter's nap. I will if you will.
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I'm off to play with Matt. He's going to be thrilled to accompany me on a trip to Easton to buy wrapping paper. We're walkin' on the wild side, folks. I'm sending out love and loads of gratitude today. Stay safe, stay well, get some rest. XOXO, Nancy
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tenaflyviper · 2 years
So, apparently, there is a gang of wild turkeys that like to roam throughout my neighborhood.
We are nowhere near any wilderness or farmland.
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aimfarmland · 1 year
Farmlands Market in Manisa
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Lands located in active farming zones always increase due to high demand from local and international investors. We have been monitoring a dramatic value increase in some parts of Manisa and Antalya cities of Turkey. Based on the last five years’ data, we can clearly state that farmland prices increased an average of 20% every year. In light of this fact, it is easy to make future forecasts of the selected areas.
– Farmlands Market in Manisa, each selected farmland to be developed as a planted garden, is selected by eliminating many others.
– Entire land preparation items such as bringing electricity and water connections are being made professionally.
– We plant only certified and healthy trees on the farmlands.The above development items are also increasing the value of the farmland at least the amount of the investment held.
Every different location has its farmland price standards. Distances from the main facilities such as the city center, main highway, utility infrastructures, airport, etc, are playing the role on determining the sale price of the farmland.
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aimfarmlands · 1 year
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aimfarmlandsturkey · 8 months
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Aimfarmlands.com presents Agriculture Farmlands Turkey, providing investors and enthusiasts a distinctive chance to delve into Turkey's agricultural potential. The platform offers a thorough overview of fertile farmlands, emphasizing their strategic locations.
Aim Farmlands acts as a portal for those aiming to participate in sustainable agribusiness ventures in Turkey. Explore the abundant agricultural landscape and investment opportunities via their intuitive interface, offering essential information for individuals intrigued by the thriving Turkish agricultural sector.
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Hey there Blu!! Blu, i wonder in your opinion, if Westeros was our world, which part of the globe which of the places/regions from the world of asoiaf would it be? ex: the North would be the Nordic countries or something like that
Oh boy. Um, I'll try to break down what regions of Westeros; not Essos; but Westeros are. Essos is a different kettle of fish entirely.
The North I think is based off of Slavic, Scandinavian, Nordic, and Gaelic cultures; so Canada/Alaska, the upper states of the US: Montana, Minnesota, the Dakotas, New England, Iceland, Scandinavia, Russia, those sorts of countries which are very harsh environments, but very lush and open. Lots of forest, very difficult to farm, very difficult to tame, rugged, and vast.
The Vale is sort of an area that I think would be similar to Switzerland, Austria, Rocky Mountains (Colorado primarily, not so much of Wyoming) Czechia very mountainous, forestry, they'd probably have rugged mountain defenses, and a natural deterrent of those mountains.
The Riverlands I think would be very similar to Ireland, Netherlands, Scotland, New England sort of area, bogs, cold, forestry, but also wide open and vast.
The Westerlands I think would be a mixture of the Northern France, England, Belgium, the Appalachian Mountain region, it's obviously rich in gold, but there's probably other mineral deposits, rolling hills, farmlands, so it's very rich lands.
The Reach I think is sort of a mix of the American midwest, wide, vast, rolling hills, and a mix of Spain, the South of France, lots of farmlands, warm, not as much forestry as the other regions, but there'd be forestry.
The Crownlands I think is based primarily off of Italy; and not a lot of other places if I'm honest, it feels very based off of Italy. Maybe some Spanish and Portuguese elements too, very warm climate, fertile and rich.
The Stormlands are probably very German, Polish (before the war), with blends of Montenegro, Albania, and Hungry; some of Northern California, west coast of Oregon and Washington even. It's sort of a blend of mountains, forest, and obviously, very fucking wet.
Dorne I think is a blend of Moracco, Casablanca, Egypt, Persia and Turkey, maybe even some Cyprus even; there's probably some blends of New Mexico, Mexico, and Arizona even for the deserts; I'll reluctantly throw in Utah...
So yeah, I think that sums up what I think the regions are a mix of from our world. As to Essos, it seems to be; at least on the coasts of the Mediterainian primarily, and given Velyria was based on Greece, probably lots of Greek influences. Other than that, I don't have much on Essos or as much on Essos.
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mxinevitable · 1 year
I am still learning stuff about rimworld like how to set drug policy and was like "well no hyper addictive stuff that kills you dead" cos I think all the fascist drug slave colonies ppl talk about incessantly are boring and didn't want that dynamic at play
But then I was like "well I know plenty of folks who do blow now and then so who am I to ban it, besides there ain't much farmland to spare" and felt pretty good with that as the baseline like we just won't buy the "keep using it every day or they become an unstoppable rage machine" drug if someone is selling it no biggie
Banning ask the drugs outright seems silly cos I dislike the idea of just making folks with addictions cold turkey shit or die from withdrawls you telling me the people at the abbey won't have some smokeleaf and wine??
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heavenlyhoundoom · 1 year
If cult of the bat had follower forms.
Default: Cat, Dog, Mouse, Monkey, and Frog.
General: Red panda, Koala, and Parrot.
Fearsome farmlands(Fool's domain): Chicken, Horse, Duck, Pig, Cow, and Bull.
Reptilia(Empress' domain): Snake, Turtle, and Alligator.
Nocterrain(Moon's domain): Raccon, Owl, Opossum, Skunk, and Moth.
Darkwoods(Hierophant's domain): Rabbit, Fox, Wolf, Bear, and Weasel.
Special: Cheetah, Wasp, Otter, Penguin, Lobster, fish, Dragon, And King.
Godly pack: Elephant, Spider, Swan, Kangaroo, and Flamingo.
Heritic pack: Dolphin, Hyena, Ostrich, Axolotl, and Chinchilla.
Forms added in the relics of the old faith update.
Fearsome Farmlands: Sheep and Turkey.
Reptila: Iguana and Komodo dragon.
Nocterrain: Mosquito.
Darkwoods: Badger, Chipmunk and Woodpecker.
Post game: Lemur, Toucan, Chamelon, Fool, Empress, Moon, and Hierophant.
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