#Ready steddie go!
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plistommy · 10 months ago
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steddie in a nutshell
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humanityinahandbag · 4 months ago
In my mind, Robin has to tag along on most of Steve's hangouts with Eddie. Eddie thinks it's a SteveandRobin thing but really it's because she's the only line of defense between Eddie and Steve.
She just keeps telling Eddie that he should be grateful. He doesn't get it but whatever.
The actual problem?
If Eddie does anything in the vicinity of Steve that's funny or sweet or, even more dangerous, is really nice and attentive to any random child, Steve suddenly gets a look in his eye that means Casual Hangs Can Include a Marriage License, Right?
On Halloween, helping Steve give out candy, Eddie made a little girls night when he saw she was dressed as a princess and actually bowed and once she and her dad were gone Steve put down the bowl and casually said, "After this we need to swing by City Hall real quick."
Thankfully Robin was there to spray him with a water bottle and throw a full sized Milky Way at his head.
Meanwhile Eddie's standing in the background confused as hell wondering why Steve keeps suggesting bureaucracy as a fun activity and why Robin and Steve are whisper-yelling at once another in the kitchen like it's not even legal and you haven't even asked him out yet! and I'm wooing him, Robin, where's your sense of romance? When you know you know! Did you see how he is with kids? And that's quitter talk honestly Robin, I'll break City Hall's doors down and you can sign the papers it can't be that hard.
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turinspeachjam · 8 months ago
Steddie Week 2024 | Prompt: Hands/Touch-Starved
Eddie carefully ran his fingers through Steve’s hair. It was longer than he usually kept it, but with the way he practically melted in Eddie’s lap every time he put his hands amidst those silky strands, Eddie had a feeling that he was not going to cut it any time soon. It was a wonder to see Steve this relaxed and Eddie counted his blessings each and every time he was permitted to bear witness to it. His sweetheart was a like a cat and Eddie would not be surprised if he started purring at any point.
Steve’s voice was muffled what with him having shoved his face into the crevice of Eddie’s hip. Were it anyone else, Eddie might not have even heard the quiet calling of his name, but he was attuned to Steve in a way that put any magical item to shame.
“Yeah, Stevie? You doin’ okay?”
“Mmhmm. ‘m sleepy. Jus’ wan’ed you t’know.”
Eddie chuckled. His baby got so sweet when he got his hair played with, so gentle and caring and soft. It made Eddie’s teeth ache just thinking about him.
“That’s okay, honey. You go ahead and sleep. I’ll wake you when it’s time to eat.”
Steve hummed in acknowledgement just as his breathing evened out. Eddie knew that he would sleep for hours if he let him, it’s why he tried to make sure to cuddle with Steve closer to bedtime. Alas, Steve had a rough day and Eddie was not about to deny him some well-deserved peace.
Eddie did not know how long he spent watching Steve rest, only that it must have resulted in him dozing off himself because the next thing he knew Wayne was walking through the front door, the slap of the screen door startling him awake.
“What time’s it?” Eddie rasped, his impromptu nap evident in his voice.
“Almost seven o’clock, I’d reckon. You boys eat yet?” Wayne kept his volume low which meant Steve was still passed out in his lap. Eddie looked down at him, a sappy smile painting his face as he listened to Steve’s quiet snuffling.
“Nah. We took a nap, lost track of time.”
“That’s alright,” Wayne chuckled, amused by his boys. “I’ll throw together a little supper for the three of us while you wake Steve up.”
Eddie nodded absently, still focused on the boy in his lap. It was always so difficult to tear Steve away from a good sleep. He never seemed to rest properly outside of the trailer, a fact that Eddie both preened at and worried about. With a gentle hand, he began the slow process of rousing the boy who held his heart in his hands.
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sp0o0kylights · 11 months ago
Wayne takes in a Beat to Shit Steve Harrington after Starcourt as n Owed Favor to Hopper Part 4
Part Three: link
First Chapter (parts 1-3 on tumblr) on A03: Link
The kid was madder than a wet hen.
Just as slippery as one too, when he got like this--music pulsing like a living thing to signal all his rage and upset. 
Not like Wayne hadn’t expected it. 
He just wished it wasn’t quite so damn loud. 
The music had started up almost immediately after Eddie had stormed to his room, startling Steve awake and nearly making Wayne curse for it.
Normally it was a good thing--music meant Eds was willing to listen instead of heading for the hills.  
Normally, they didn't have a house guest who looked like he'd gone ten rounds with a bear.
They had a routine for this, was the thing and the music was a key part of it. It worked all the edges off for Wayne, and he'd long figured out that about thirty minutes was a the perfect length of time for Eddie to stew before he could actually talk things through.
Given the hand Harrington put to his forehead, Wayne wasn't eager to give him that thirty minutes.
Not when Steve deserved little peace he could have.
Unfortunately, so did Eds. 
 Strutting through the door and demanding to talk right now was a bad move and so, with a sympathetic look given to Steve, Wayne did what he did best
Gave space.
Let Eddie rage, as Wayne got up and shuffled about the kitchen.
Pulled out the soft earplugs he pretended weren’t there for Eds to steal (playing that damn loud guitar all the time could not be good for his ears) and offered them to Steve, before making two cups of what Wayne privately thought was the Munson “chitchat” drink. 
One cup of hot water, one packet swiss miss, a small amount of maple syrup drizzled in, topped with little marshmallows they reserved for these types of situations. 
Wayne took his time with it, thinking through what he wanted to say. 
‘I understand that this is a screen door on a submarine kind of situation...’ 
‘Son I know you hate listening to anyone for anything but this is serious...’ 
Absolutely not--that would end up with the boy bolting for sure. 
‘Ed’s, I love you but could we please turn Ozzy off while we talk? That man wails louder than any damn cat I have ever met.’
That one was purely self indulgent, mostly because the wall was starting to shake. 
Wayne put the finishing touches on the cocoa before staring at both of them. 
Perhaps if he stared the Garfield mug in its eyes hard enough, the right words would come through. 
They did not.
He kept trying, standing there long enough for the cocoa to reasonably have cooled and for Eddie’s song to flip over to something with more screaming in it than singing. 
Wayne supposed that this was the hardest part of being a parent. You just didn’t get to have the magical one liner. The right thing to say at just the right time.  
The joke that would ease all the tension and let things progress forward nice and easy.
Instead, you got to fumble your way through the dark with a flashlight up your ass and hope you were going in the right-ish direction. Ideally without making things worse. 
Wayne was here though, and that had to count for something. 
(Knew it counted for something--because Eddie was still here. 
They had cleared hurdles far higher than this when it came to trust. They’d get through this too, come what may. 
Steve too.)
“Can I just ask,” Eddie started, aggressive as always when Wayne finally gave in and entered his room, feeling all sorts of awful for the migraine Steve had to have, “what the absolute fuck is happening?” 
Sure as fire he was sitting on his bed, leg bouncing a mile a minute.
An unlit cigarette hung between two fingers, looking a little chewed on, but otherwise undisturbed--as it should be, because one of Wayne’s few rules was that smoke stayed outside the house. 
“You could.” Wayne said loudly but agreeably, as he turned himself around and dropped down next to his kid.  
Held out the Garfield mug, and was happy when it was taken from him. 
“Figured you might have other things to say, though.” 
Likely a lot of things. 
It was as good an opening as any, and his kid didn’t disappoint, launching right to it. 
“Why is he here and not at a hospital?”
 ‘Here’ was punctuated by Ed’s hand winging towards the door, and while it wasn’t the righteous fury Wayne expected, it was at least, an easy answer to give. 
“Steve has some people looking for him. Bad people. Hospital makes him an easy target.” 
Wayne was still talking loud. Could only hear Eddie himself because he was looking at the kid’s lips more than he was actually hearing his voice. 
Eddie took that in, swallowing it about as well as he’d swallowed anything he hadn’t liked. 
And thank the stars above, he finally reached a hand out and turned the music down. Not a lot--Steve wouldn’t be able to hear them over all this--but enough that Wayne didn’t have to struggle. 
“We’re hiding him from the cops now?!” Ed’s spat. 
“Cops know he’s here. Hopper’s the one who asked me to take him.” Wayne reminded him, because it was the truth. 
Not the full truth, but given how Ed’s pissed off half the local PD on a good day, Wayne absolutely did not want to see his nephew take on Federal Agents.
(Particularly not the kind who were going ‘round killing kids.) 
“So--what?” Eddie yanked hard on his hair, a gesture that looked less intentional and more like he was trying to fight his own anger down. “Hopper just called you up and said ‘Hey, we had a whoopsie with the rich kid, the hospital’s not safe anymore. Can we stash him with you for a few days?” 
Wayne nodded once, slow-like. 
Always remembered how too fast movements had made Eddie flinch and jerk back when was littler, and given the way Steve was looking, figured it was a good time to be cautious again. 
“He did.”
“And you just--agreed? Just like that!?” 
“I did.” 
He pretended not to see Eddie boggle at him at the simple admission, so furious that he seemed to struggle for words when he normally had too many to say. 
Wayne took advantage. 
“We did talk a bit more than that, I’ll admit.”
Ed’s scoffed. “About the weather I’m sure.” 
“‘Bout trust.” 
Eddie blinked at that. 
“Trust.” He echoed flatly. 
“What have I always told you? People like to ask you to trust them, but you they don’t get to have it until--” 
“They provide proof or a reason.” Eddie finished with an eyeroll. “So which did Hopper provide then?”
Wayne took a noisy sip of his coca. Smacked his lips a little before saying: “Both.” 
Didn’t bother to say anything else, because he knew Eddie would finish the thought for him. 
“One of them was me, wasn’t it.” 
Eds didn’t say it like a question, but Wayne hummed in agreement anyway. 
He wasn’t gonna shame his boy, but he wasn’t gonna sugar coat Eddie’s involvement in this either. Not when he’d already admitted that was half the reason Hopper had gone to Wayne to begin with. 
“No one is expecting Steve to be here.” He said, seeing the chance to hammer home the most important part of this entire shitshow. “So long as no one finds out he’s here, he’ll be safe. Everyone will be safe.” 
Steve from the Feds who were hunting him for while he was busy being involved in shit he couldn’t control and Eddie because he had a mouth that most people didn’t like. 
Not small town people anyway, and absolutely not authority figures with guns. 
“Who’s even after him?” Eddie was theatrical as always, hands waving away as he talked. “Did he make a deal with the mob? Piss off some other rich guy? I know it’s not anything drug related, I’d have heard about it by now.” 
After years of experience, Wayne knew exactly how far to lean away to stay out of range, too used to his nephew talking with his entire body.
“That’s his story to tell ya, Ed’s. It ain’t mine. Same way it ain’t my place to tell him your story.” 
That at least got the boy to think for a minute. Put down that frustration he carried with him all the time, and use the brain they both knew he had. 
“How long is he staying here?”
Wayne shrugged. “Don’t know.” 
Eddie sighed and mockingly mimicked Wayne, taking an obnoxious slurp of his cocoa. “The neighbors are going to notice if he’s here more than a few days. The trailer park isn’t exactly big.” 
“They didn’t notice that time you decided to make fireballs with the cooking spray and about blew up half the driveway. Don’t think they’re gonna notice someone being quiet in the house.” 
Eddie snorted, and probably rolled his eyes again, not that Wayne could see it given the kid was looking into his own mug as he thought it all through. 
Wayne sat with him as he processed. 
Eds worked at his own pace with things, and while life at large might be against that, Wayne was happy to let him do it. Found it easier that way, then trying to poke and prod and force him like so many father figures did. 
Wayne’s patience was rewarded not even a full minute later, when Eddie turned to him and asked; 
“What if he finds out?”  
This in a quieter voice. An unsure one--words and body hunching in a way unlike the Eddie the world outside knew, but very much like the little boy Wayne had brought inside his home. 
It took Wayne  a moment to connect the dots--he’d been speaking out of the place parents and authority figures often do, and in doing so hadn’t thought much of the fact his nephew had a real secret. 
The kind small town minds didn’t like--and would kill him over. 
This all wasn’t about Wayne taking in Steve, he realized abruptly.  It was that Steve being here meant Eddie couldn’t be himself. 
Could not relax in a place he was accepted for who he was, because Wayne knew and made sure Eddie understood he was wanted here, had a place here, regardless of who he loved. 
Now, Wayne had gone and removed it.
“He won’t.” Wayne said. 
Knew that wasn’t enough, and so, promised: “But if he does, I’ll make sure he understands his safety here relies on your own.” 
Ed’s chin jerked in a nod, the two of them sitting in silence for a moment before the boy did as he often did when he wanted a hug but felt too awkward to ask for one, and tipped himself into Wayne’s side. 
“Thanks old man.” Eddie whispered into his shoulder and not for the first time, Wayne wished things were easier for the poor kid as he put his mug in one hand and hugged his kid with the other. 
Hoped that in the future, it would be.
Even if he had to force everyone and everything coming after him--and now Steve--to do it.
(Wondered vaguely, how bad it was that he was already getting as protective as Steve as he was of his own kid.
Probably very, given his kid clearly hated Harrington.)
Wayne took the first night of Steve’s stay off.
He wasn’t the type to use his PTO lightly. Was used to rationing it for any possible thing Eddie might need him for.
A night up sick when he was younger, to a night spent chasing him down during some of their bad spots--but the last year or so Wayne had slowly realized he hadn’t had to use it much.
He was still careful with it though, precious as it was, and was thankful for it now as it ensured his nephew didn’t murder their house guest. 
Or at the very least, didn't sit there pecking at him.
The kid might've failed English a few times, but he had a real gift with words and an even better one with insults.
(Wayne wasn't quite clear on what all the "King" jabs were about, and absolutely did not get why Steve looked far more hurt at the comment about his "sad ass floppy hair" but given the increasingly flat look Steve was throwing Eddie's way, Wayne figured it couldn't be anything good.)
Thankfully a pointed reminder about Steve's injuries had finally gotten them all some peace, enough for Harrington to drop back to sleep--and for Wayne to realize he looked a little too dead while he did it to be comfortable getting any sleep himself.
The kids chest barely moved, and that it ate at Wayne’s until he got up and shoved a hand under his nose. 
Felt his breath, and told himself the poor sod was fine. 
Hurt, absolutely, but alive. 
Over and over again, until the sun had made its rotation in the sky, bringing the morning with it.
‘Better than nightmares, I suppose.’ Wayne figured, as exhaustion scraped at his eyelids.
Those Wayne knew, would come later. When Steve’s brain caught up to the rest of him, and stopping dumping survival chemicals through his battered body. 
He'd given up on sleep entirely sometime around 1 am, and now he sat at his small kitchen table, writing out a medication schedule for Harrington so he and the kid both knew when he could have his next Tylenol. 
Wasn’t even halfway through it before Eddie made his typically late appearance and blew through his door. 
Had his back up from the moment he’d stepped a foot in the kitchen and it didn’t take a genius to see he’d worked himself into a snit again.
Unfortunately for him, whatever scenario that imaginative brain of his had cooked up fell flat to the reality that was the poor kid on the couch. 
Steve Harrington was one a hell of a sight.
Didn’t help that he was doing his level best to make himself as small as possible, curled deep into Wayne's ancient couch.
The blankets covered the ribs and hid away most of the damage, but there wasn’t much Steve could do to hide the shiners on his face--or the marks around his neck.  
Not when they’d grown worse overnight, practically inviting questions.
It was almost laughable how quickly Eddie ate whatever words he’d prepared, mouth awkwardly chewing around them as if they were tangible. 
The less-than-sneaky looks he threw at the younger teen were equally amusing, and if Wayne wasn’t trying to peace keep, he’d have given in and chuckled when Eds split attention caused him to pour half his coffee into the sink rather than a cup. 
Looked utterly lost when, after finishing putting his coffee together and grabbing some junk food thing that absolutely was not a breakfast item, he came to stand awkwardly at Wayne's shoulder, openly staring as Steve blatantly ignored him.
Eds didn’t know what to do, and Wayne couldn't blame him. 
Seemed to keep thinking he was going to encounter a boy that likely no longer existed, and whose blood tinged specter just made things sad.
Shit like this, Wayne knew, took a man’s ego and warped it, shaping it to something else entirely. 
At least for Steve, it seemed that getting wrapped up in whatever mess he had had shaped him for the better, instead of pretzeling him into something worse. That, Wayne thought, spoke to the boy's character more than anything he’d done prior. 
(It helped to know what Hopper tolerated and what he didn’t. That he’d vouched for Steve in the same way Wayne knew he’d vouched for Eddie, even if Eddie didn’t yet realize the cop he antagonized so much would do that for him.) 
That didn't erase the history his kid had with Harrington, though.
Wouldn't stop him from seeing the old Steve, first.
‘Don’t you got school?” Wayne asked when he decided Ed had stared enough. 
“Yeah, yeah.” Eddie waved him off, trotting out the door. “Bye old man, house parasite!” 
It was clearly a jab, meant to nettle, but Steve barely acted like he heard it. 
Wayne rolled his eyes. 
“Goodbye, Eds.” He said firmly, much of a warning as he ever gave, and fondly watched his nephew scuttle out the door. 
Turned to see how Steve was taking things, and was once again given a reminder that Steve wasn’t doing a hell of a lot other than feeling his injuries. 
“I think I promised you a game, son.”  Wayne said gently, startling Steve out of the distant, dim look he had trained on the wall. 
It wasn’t a lot to offer in terms of a distraction, but it would have to do.
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wormdebut · 9 months ago
Give me scary metal head rock star Eddie Munson and his best friend sapphic pop princess icon Chrissy Cunningham. I need Eddie Munson absolutely bodying HOT TO GO during one of Chrissy’s shows.
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Eddie accidentally outing himself to Steve and then immediately panicking that Steve is gonna know he’s into him so he starts rambling like “oh but don’t worry I’m not into you or anything, like you’re not even my type man, yeah I’m actually more into… werewolves? Yeah, yeah I want to get railed by a werewolf so don’t even worry about it”
And internally he’s screaming at himself to shut the fuck up because did he just tell Steve Harrington that he wants to get railed by a werewolf? What the fuck Eddie? It’s not like he’s totally lying about that (though he’s also very much into Steve) but that’s not something to just tell people
Meanwhile Steve is devastated because his crush just confessed to liking boys and then in the same breath said he’d never be into him.
Anyway this is the precursor to a werewolf Steve fic idk
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munsonkitten · 2 years ago
Morning comes, and Eddie finds Steve sitting on the edge of the bed. He’s pulling his underwear on, slowly sliding them up his legs like he’s trying not to jostle the mattress too much. Eddie watches him for a second while he wakes up more, eyes threatening to shut again. 
Steve turns and sees Eddie looking at him, and he looks surprised, like he’s been caught in some kind of act. 
“Hey,” Eddie murmurs. He rolls onto his back and looks up at the ceiling. 
“Morning,” Steve whispers back. He’s pulling on his socks now. 
Like he’s going to leave. 
“Where are you going?” Eddie asks. 
Steve sighs. “Dustin missed the bus. I’ll come back after I drive him, okay? I’ll make it up to you.”
Eddie nods, pulls the blanket up to his chest. “Did he call here?”
“Walkie-Talkie,” Steve answers, picking up the device from beside him on the floor. “Surprised it didn’t wake you.”
Eddie shrugs and turns over onto his side again, curling up beneath his blankets. “Tell him to start setting his alarms an hour early if he’s going to do the ten-step Steve Harrington hair routine every morning.”
“He doesn’t,” Steve protests. “He said he couldn’t find the cat and panicked. You know, the last one got eaten so he’s worried about that shit.”
“That’s what he wants you to think!” Eddie says. “I bet you twenty bucks and a gram of weed he smells like your Farrah Fawcett hairspray and has his hair piled ten feet high when he gets in your car.”
“Okay first of all, Farah Fawcett hairspray has been discontinued for, like, two years. I don’t even have any of my own stock left. Can’t find it anywhere, no way Dustin’s got any left. And second, how do you know about that?”
“Oh, Stevie, baby,” Eddie croons. “I didn’t, not until now. You just confirmed it, though.”
Steve rolls his eyes and huffs. He stands and finds his jeans from last night, and then picks up a sweatshirt off Eddie’s floor. 
“I’m borrowing this,” Steve says as he pulls it over his head. His head comes out of the hole. “But seriously, man, how’d you know about the hair spray?”
“Okay, fine,” Eddie says. “Nancy told me.”
“She was sworn to secrecy!”
Eddie laughs. “You better go drive him before he’s late for school, man. Wake me when you get back.”
He wakes up again to Steve coming in through the bedroom door. He has his wallet in his hand when Eddie opens his eyes, sees Steve opening it to pull something out, and then a twenty dollar bill is being tossed toward Eddie. 
“I don’t have a gram of weed,” Steve says, petulantly. “But, to be clear, it wasn’t the Steve Harrington hair routine.”
“No?” Eddie asks, taking the money and dropping it on the nightstand. He slides his rings on top of it to keep it weighed down. 
“No,” Steve says, kicking off his jeans. He throws himself into Eddie’s bed and burrows himself under the blankets. “He’s doing the Eddie hair routine now.”
“What, get out of the shower and rub it with a towel until it’s dry?” Eddie jokes. 
Steve wraps his arms around Eddie’s waist and drags him in. 
“Fuck you, man,” Steve huffs. “I know you take care of your hair. I love your fucking hair.”
Eddie smiles a bit sadly and buries his face in Steve’s throat. Hair has always been a thing for him. Complicated at best. He likes where he’s at now, but it’s always been complicated, trying to get where he is. 
A discussion for another time, maybe, because Steve is pressing kisses to his head and letting his hands wander a bit. 
The hands wander a bit too much for eight in the morning, but Eddie finds himself not really caring at all. Not when it feels this good. Not when Steve can make him forget all the thoughts that creep back up on him when he starts to think about those complicated things.
Read more on AO3
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morganski-19 · 8 months ago
The One With the Morning After
continuation of this post
Eddie wakes up with Steve’s half on top of him. The realization of what happened last night hitting him all at once. Fear setting into his face as Steve starts to stir. Nestling his face into Eddie’s neck. Eddie looks at Steve, not knowing what to do. Where this is going to go from here.
He’s not stupid. He knows that this isn’t something he can give up that easy. Knowing that Steve thinks of him the same way. Enough to abandon their friends and go hook up in a storage closet. But would it be enough to have something more. To finally cross that line.
Was Eddie ready for that? For the possibility of getting hurt again? He’s not sure.
Steve’s eyes finally blink open. Body stiffening when he realizes where he is, before relaxing into Eddie again. “Hey,” he mutters, voice full of sleep.
“How’d you sleep?”
It’s the best sleep Eddie’s had in a while. He forgot how nice it was to fall asleep next to somebody. To wake up tangled together full of warmth and affection.
“Pretty good, you?” His heart is beating so fast he’s afraid Steve might feel it.
Steve props himself up on his arm, looking down at Eddie. “Good.”
He kisses Eddie in a way he can’t help but sink into. “So you don’t regret it?”
“No, I don’t. Do you?” Steve looks nervous, like he’s ready to get rejected.
Thing is, he sort of is. Eddie isn’t ready to give him the relationship Steve wants or deserves. But he didn’t regret it. Not one bit. Steve’s too important to regret it.
“It’s not that I don’t regret it,” Eddie starts. Getting cut off when Steve huffs and rolls onto his back.
“Just that you can’t do anything serious. It was a one time thing, I get it.”
“Well,” Eddie holds out. “I didn’t say that.”
Steve turns his head. “What?”
“Something casual, you know.” Eddie sits up and turns to face Steve, able to express with his arms. “We see each other, but casually. Nothing serious, no labels. No strings attached. Just like we were doing before, but with other benefits.”
“Benefits?” Steve asks arrogantly, propping himself up on his elbows. “So formal.”
Eddie rolls his eyes. “A million people use that term. What would you rather me use? Hooking up? Doing the deed? Tumble in the hay?”
Steve hooks a finger on Eddie’s shirt, pulling him into another kiss. “You are such a smart ass.”
“And you are very enticing.”
“Enticing, wow. Pulling out the whole dictionary for me, Munson?”
“Shut up.”
Eddie leans in to kiss him again before Steve pulls away when his phone dings. Typing something out before putting space between him and Eddie.
“Robin’s going to be having an extended breakfast with her new friend. You know what that means?”
“We can revisit what happened in that storage closet but in much more comfortable circumstances.” Eddie leans towards Steve, getting in his space again.
Steve rolls his eyes, pushing Eddie away. “No, we have to comfort Nancy. Who’s probably more hungover than she should be and in mourning of a relationship that should have started five years ago.”
“Shit, you’re right. You think she’s up?”
“Don’t know, let’s go find out.”
They get out of bed, Eddie going to knock on Nancy’s door. A small reply letting him know that it’s ok to come in. He waves Steve to follow him.
Nancy’s laying in her bed, scrolling old pictures on her phone. Eventually landing on a picture of Nancy and Robin right after they graduated college. Looking happy and close. Like someone could mistake them for a couple, which a few did. Nancy always swooping in first to correct them. Missing the discouraged look Robin gave every time.
“Am I a complete idiot,” she whispers when they enter, awkwardly standing in front of her.
“No,” Eddie assures. Crouching down to look at her. “And this is coming from a certified idiot.”
Nancy huffs. “You are a certified idiot.”
“Not certified but also an idiot,” Steve adds. “I don’t think you’re one. I think you’re just a person who’s afraid to get hurt again.”
“That’s not why I’m an idiot.” Nancy flips her phone around, showing them the picture. “This Nancy was too stupid to see that Robin liked her back. This Nancy was too stupid to do anything about it. What would be happening today if this Nancy did something.”
Steve takes the phone out of her hand. “And this Nancy didn’t even know she liked girls yet. Or that she liked Robin. You can’t be upset at yourself for not realizing that about yourself.”
“But I am though.” Nancy sits up. “It was so obvious, and I would have been so much happier knowing that. I would be so much happier knowing that somewhere along the line, it was me sharing a bed with Robin right now. Not some random girl she picked up at my award ceremony after party.”
“What happened to that girl who said she’d rather be friends with her forever than lose her to some shitty breakup?” Eddie asks, bumping her arm in a failed attempt to cheer her up.
“Yeah well, past me is a whole load of bullshit.” She drops her hands into her knees and picks at her nail polish. Starting to chip it. “I don’t even care at this point that we might have not made it. I just want her to know that I loved her too.”
Steve stands up. “Alright, time for breakfast, come on.”
“No, I think I’m going to more moping if that’s ok.” Nancy falls back into her pillow, trying to grab her phone again.
Eddie swipes it off the table. “Nope.”
“Come on,” Steve grabs both her wrists and pulls her into a sitting position. “You’ll never feel better if you leave this bed. I’m here, so Eddie won’t burn down the kitchen. And I think there might still be some of those brownies I made in my apartment. If Robin hasn’t figured out where I hid them.”
“Ok.” Nancy gets out of bed. She grabs some comfy clothes and heads to the bathroom to shower.
Steve starts to look around the cabinets for some ingredients. Frying up some bacon and eggs. Eddie helps make the toast with the promise to not burn them. Eye rolling at the assumption but turning the setting way too high and burning the first piece anyway.
Nancy comes out when everything’s done. Sitting at the table in silence while they eat. Steve slips out of the apartment when he’s done to go find those brownies.
“Oh,” he says when Robin and her friend are eating at the kitchen counter. “Thought you guys were having an extended breakfast.”
“I turned out to be way too hungry for that, so we’re eating instead. What are you looking for?”
“Brownies I made last week.”
Robin makes an apologetic face. “I ate the last one yesterday.”
“You bitch.”
She throws her hands up in defense. “Hey, they were very good. And your hiding places are shit.”
“They were very good,” the woman next to her says. Making an equally apologetic face.
“Oh, sorry. I’m Steve, Robin’s roommate.”
“Pheobe.” She reaches out her hand to shake his. “Nice to meet you.”
“You too. I’ll just go grab a change of clothes and leave you guys alone.”
Steve returns to Nancy’s apartment empty handed. Looking apologetic for multiple reasons. “I’ll make new ones.”
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added or taken off) @slowandsteddie, @annieofhearts, @cacdyke, @ubpd, @captain--low,
@thespaceantwhowrites, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @anne-bennett-cosplayer, @lunaticparisianlady,
@apomaro-mellow, @dolphincliffs, @dragonmama76, @maggiebug417, @stevesbipanic,
@fearieshadow, @eightpackdiaz, @au79burger @bookworm0690 , @practicallybegging,
@potato-of-the-lord, @autumncrocusandladybug, @estrellami-1, @ilovecupcakesandtea, @gregre369
@my2amgaythoughts, @ellietheasexylibrarian, @emmabubbles, @eriquin, @grtwdsmwhr
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formosusiniquis · 1 year ago
today is a new day to find you
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Eddie is having the worst day known to man. It might qualify as a catastrophic event. Missing homework, lunch spilled on the cafeteria floor, broken strings at band practice, and that's not even touching Steve Harrington.
Steve Harrington who keeps talking to him like they're friends. Steve Harrington who has become a new person overnight. Steve Harrington who keeps making hypotheticals about time loops. Steve Harrington who is somehow the best and worst part of his day.
AKA my @steddiebang fic!!
Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson; Tommy Hagan & Steve Harrington & Carol Perkins; Past Steve Harrington/Nancy Wheeler; Corroded Coffin & Eddie Munson WC: 57K | Rated M | Tags/Themes: Time Loop, Sort of No Upside Down AU, Angst w/Happy Ending, King Steve Growth Arc
Check out my fantastic artists who brought this fic to life, I've been so blessed to have them pick out my fic to make art for! You can find @sammichtastic on twitter at sammichesnstuff and her piece here! You can find @milkychai on twitter too at at milkychai and their piece here!
And a special thank you to my Beta @rainingingeorgia who really helped whip what you're seeing into shape!
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five (FINISHED)
It was, in a word, fucked that he had to take gym a second time along with the rest of senior year. It was, in several words, absolutely fucking bullshit because he had actually passed gym the first time. Surely, his senior gym credit should still count, even if he’d treated it like office hours to set up deals with meatheads in a venue that didn’t actively put him in harm's way. Well, mostly out of harm’s way, as the blood spotting his uniform shirt can attest.
Hell, there were some days his last block gym class was the only one he’d attend. Slipping in with the bell at 2:15 in time to be the last one in the locker room and out on the line for attendance. Now he’s being forced back through it for what? No seriously, for what? Surely there was some other elective that could fit in this block, shouldn’t the second year senior get first dibs at study hall or something.
Maybe if he complains enough about the loss of his civil liberties. His freedom of expression is being taken from him by forcing him into this shit uniform. Maybe if he’s a big enough headache they’ll just let him leave. He’s learned the rules to enough of these little sports, there had to be a test he could take to prove that he doesn’t need to be a walking target on a volleyball court.
Not that he thinks Jenny Marshall meant to peg him in the face and give him a bloody nose, but the sentiment stands. Between the shorts and the blood he looks like a sad shaky shelter dog or something.
There are, of course, some fringe benefits. Eddie may have to wear the signature Tiger green, but so does Steve Harrington, who definitely has the legs for the outrageously short gym uniform they’re forced to dress out in. And if he’s going to keep looking for that silver fucking lining like he promised Uncle Wayne he would; thanks to Jenny Marshall he gets to ride the bleachers and watch pretty, pretty Steve Harrington bounce around in those shorts for the rest of class. Maybe a more bronzed lining than silver, Harrington hangs onto the sun warmed summer glow even with the October chill creeping in. Freckled thighs with nary a tan line in sight Eddie lets himself wonder if the rumors that had circled the big 18th birthday bash are true: when Harrington’s not in the swim team speedo he doesn’t swim in anything at all.
The volleyball net that Steve is playing at, floppy and torn, is more of a suggestion than a barrier. Now that Eddie is benched, it’s Harrington’s five against Hargrove’s four. The tides haven’t changed in anyone’s favor.
Billy had placed himself across from Harrington at the start of the game, his patience rewarded now as they rotate positions and the King is once again opposite him in the front row. That not-barrier doing all it can to keep the two a foot apart, Hargrove pacing in the eighteen inches of space his position in front of Steve allows. Jenny and her nose killer serve send the ball over to Hargrove’s side of the net. They get it up in the air again and Hargrove smacks the ball down hard between Steve and Sarah Smith. 
It hits the floor with a thwack that makes Eddie wince. Almost drowning out Billy’s mean little laugh, but there’s no missing the smug look on his face. The far too proud of himself smirk he sends somewhere to the left of Steve. 
It’s for Steve though. Definitely for Steve.  
The usurper to the throne, Hargrove has been sniffing for weakness that Eddie was pretty sure wasn’t there. The closest Harrington has ever come to failure was last year’s attempts at Nancy Wheeler, one he seemed to give up as soon as it started.
Tommy H. would be the reason, if Eddie had any guesses. He tried to base an NPC group around the Harrington court once. Tommy a loyal knight to a mostly inept king. Tommy who sidles up close to Sarah, despite his own maiden the Lady Carol playing one net over, smirking the same smug smile as Hargrove -- maybe another weak spot in the Harrington reign -- he says something loud enough to embarrass Sarah if the way she flushes and scurries closer to Harrington’s side is any indication but not enough for Eddie to make out.
He never did get the character balances to work in the game. He scripted and broke down motivation and drive but every time he just couldn’t figure out what Hagan did for Steve. Couldn’t figure out why Harrington kept his so-called friends around.
Gym takes too damn long to end. Or maybe it ends too soon. The final bell that releases him from his prison like Cthulu from the deep is buried quickly under the ringing in his ears as Steve Harrington is calling his name. Resignation fills his spirit, but when the King beckons you wait.
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stellewriites · 23 days ago
part 5 of already spoken for is finished!!! just need to edit and then i’ll be posting next weekend :3
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slowandsteddie · 1 year ago
It’s three am and I just had the most wonderful idea because I am Awake and missing my grandma something fierce. Aka, woke up crying because I had a dream about her… Anyway.
I’m gonna write a Steddie thing based on my grandparents love story. Because, honestly, it’s a great fucking story and more people need to know it but like… I would feel weird writing about my grandparents.
But, like, imagine if you will, Steve and Eddie taking each other to their respective dates just to make sure that they get there safely. Steve and Eddie picking the other one up to save them from bad dates, whether it’s just boring or they’re actually scared. Steve and Eddie being best friends who grew up next to each other, spending so much time together that people think that they should just date themselves. Steve’s mom commenting, “he always walks you to the door, but never kisses you goodnight. Steve whining, “I know.” A few days later, Eddie saying “we should just cut out the other people, and try going on a date ourselves,” and Steve laughing because he can’t picture them together. No matter how much he wants it. But a few months later, Steve shows up at the garage where Eddie works looking his absolute best, and saying “I’m ready for that date now, big boy.” And Eddie is just covered in grease and oil, an engine spread out on the work bench, asking “Can I shower first?” Only Steve is grinning like a little shit, “nope. Right now, Edward Munson. Or you’ll miss your chance.” And Eddie looks to his boss who tells him, “just this once, love gets to win in my shop. Get the fuck out of here.” Then Steve takes Eddie to the fanciest place that they have in that small town and they get so many dirty looks but neither of them care, they’re having so much fun and falling so in love and both are wondering why it took them so long to get here. That night, Steve finally letting Eddie into his room for the first time in months because he doesn’t have to be ashamed anymore. Tommy had written “Eddie Munson” all over Steve’s ceiling and they have similar handwriting. Eddie noticing and grinning, “so you have liked me this whole time, huh?” And Steve just blushing so pretty while smacking him with a pillow like “Hagen has a crush on you. He brainwashed me into having one, too, because I’ve had to stare at your name for months.” And Eddie just “I should send him flowers,” only to be tackled to the bed where they finally, Finally, fucking kiss.
Anyway, let me know if you wanna read the extended version pls and thanks.
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plistommy · 10 months ago
Steve acts like a pouty brat and a total bitch when he’s sexually frustrated.
Enter Eddie, love sick and clearly pining for Steve ever since they started being ’kind of’ friends after the whole ordeal with Vecna. He doesn’t think he has a chance with him, because, well, Steve Harrington is ’straight.’
But Eddie is in for a surprise when Steve comes to him one day, eyes big and body buzzing with something as he leans close to him…
”Have you ever fucked a guy before?”
The question made Eddie choke.
He thought it was a joke, it had to be, but the way Steve’s eyes got all heavy with a glimpse of desire and pink lips wet by his tongue, Eddie knew this was very much real.
Steve was really asking him about fucking guys and that was definitely not something he would’ve ever expected, which made him nervous, but with unusual confidence, Eddie slowly leaned closer.
”Why?” He dropped his voice ”You curious, darling?”
It was supposed to come as a small comeback, making Steve get a little taste of his own medicine as he caught Eddie off guard just now, but Steve just bit his bottom lip while eyeing Eddie’s lips instead.
And then, he smirked.
”I might be… but only if you’re up for it, Eddie.”
The breathless sound of his name on Steve’s tongue made Eddie’s whole body feel hot as he dropped his hand to the younger boy's hip.
He didn’t know where he got the strength to ask, ”And why me?”
”You’re… handsome. Pretty too. You have really nice hands, I like the rings. And - not to sound creepy, dude, but a huge fucking dick too.”
”Yes, dude.” Steve whined as he rolled his eyes and all Eddie could think about was how much of a brat he was. Especially with that pout on his lips.
He loved it.
”So, will you fuck me?”
Eddie grinned, ”Ask nicely.”
”Fuck me!” Steve demanded with a frustrated groan and all Eddie could do was laugh while pulling Steve in, finally grabbing that beautiful ass as he leaned in to capture those hungry lips.
”What a bitch.”
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turinspeachjam · 2 months ago
Touched by An Angel
This is several days late, but Happy Birthday @thefreakandthehair! Your birthday prompt may have inadvertently rekindled my affection for volleyball.
Beta read by the lovely @devondespresso
Dividers by @steddiecameraroll-graphics
Read on ao3
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Eddie stopped mid-sentence, his gaze ensnared by the sight of an angel in flight. 
They had been walking through the park because Chrissy had insisted that Eddie get some form of exercise during the day. Chrissy always picked a different route for them to follow to prevent boredom caused by the mundanity of routine—or, as Chrissy liked to put it, to keep Eddie’s ADHD-addled brain from losing interest and giving up. 
Eddie had been so thoroughly engrossed in impressing upon Chrissy the vital role of charisma casters within a D&D party—a topic he felt most passionate about being a Bard himself—that he did not notice they had wandered closer to the courts where people played scrimmage games of various sports involving balls that Eddie did not have the patience to learn the names of. 
Not that any of that mattered in the face of the world’s most beautiful man. Eddie stared in slack-jawed awe as he watched a sun-kissed child of Apollo leap into the air to slam a ball to the ground on the opposite side of a net. Eddie felt an ache in his chest, his breath stuttering as the angel landed gracefully and waited for the ball to come to him again. 
“Eddieee,” Chrissy sang, amusement clear in her voice. “Are you ogling a volleyball player? Your own self-sworn enemy?” 
Eddie, feeling caught and bewildered, turned to Chrissy with a furrowed brow. 
“Self-sworn enemy? What are you talking about? That is the single most beautiful man I have ever seen in my life. When have I ever declared him my enemy?” 
“Wow, those rose-colored glasses must be squeezing your brain,” Chrissy laughed. “Eddie, you’re always talking about how participating in sports is the textbook picture of conformity. You were so grumpy when you found out I used to be a cheerleader! All it takes is a pretty face for you to chill out?” 
Eddie guffawed at his best friend, finding it difficult to defend himself when he had been so thoroughly read to filth. He spent so much time sputtering and gaping like a fish—much to Chrissy’s delight—that he missed the game ending. Before he could make any semblance of an argument against Chrissy’s accusations, he felt a tap on his shoulder. 
He swung around dramatically, only to come face to face with his beloved angel. Eddie found that the knot in his tongue only tied tighter in the face of such beauty. 
“If I’m the single most beautiful man you’ve ever seen, then are you a vampire? Because clearly you haven’t seen yourself in a mirror.” Eddie’s angel crooned with a charming grin on his face. 
It was bad. It was so very bad, and yet, Eddie was enthralled. He was entranced. He was ensnared by this child of Aphrodite who was probably the lamest person he could have fallen ass over tea kettle for. Without a second thought, Eddie dropped to his knees. He thought he heard Chrissy mumble something about him being dramatic, but that hardly mattered. What mattered was the angel before him. 
“Honey, I’ll be whatever you want me to be,” Eddie promised, devotion clear in his voice. “So long as you’re mine, I’m yours.” 
His angel stood frozen for a moment, staring at Eddie kneeling below him. Eddie was almost afraid that perhaps he had taken it too far, that this man would not reciprocate his feelings. But then he saw a flash of awe in the eyes gazing at him from above and Eddie knew that he at least had a chance. 
“I would be honored to call you mine and for you to call me yours,” his angel murmured reverently. 
Eddie leapt for joy, taking the man’s hands in his and giddily spinning them around. The laugh his antics elicited was everything to him. As he slowly brought them to a stop, Eddie pulled those strong hands close to him and placed a gentle kiss on the back of each of them. 
“I’m Steve, by the way,” his angel said quietly, his voice trembling in a way that gave Eddie pause. He looked up into Steve’s eyes and saw that same awe that had been there when he got on his knees. There was, however, a shine to his eyes that implied unshed tears. It made Eddie wonder if he was the first person to treat Steve like a treasure and then wonder again at the impossibility of such a thought. 
“It’s my humblest pleasure to meet you, Steve,” Eddie said warmly, putting as much adoration and sincerity into his voice as possible. “I’m Eddie.” 
“Eddie,” Steve breathed. He said nothing more, but that did not bother Eddie in the slightest. They gazed intently at each other until the sound of a throat clearing interrupted them. 
“I’m Chrissy,” Chrissy announced, laughter in her voice. “I’m glad that you’re endeared by Eddie’s antics. Normally he has a much different opinion when it comes to jocks.” 
Eddie could hear Steve giggling behind him as he yelled at his best friend for her sneaky attempt at sabotage. 
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Steve and Raleigh knew there would be plenty of other tournaments for them to participate in, but it was difficult to draw focus on future potential when their loss was still fresh. 
So, here they were, practicing for all the world to see. As an outside hitter, Steve was responsible for keeping an eye on the ball at all times, ensuring it never landed on his side of the court. He tracked his teammates movements, cataloguing each bump, set, and spike that sent the ball sailing over the net. He never wavered as he blocked every single shot that headed his way. After he spiked the ball onto the opposite side of the court for a final time, Raleigh called the match, pulling Steve’s attention away from his teammates, only for him to pause and see the most beautiful man he ever laid eyes on. 
He was breathtaking, all long curly hair and large brown eyes. Steve could not make out any details with how far away he stood, but he could tell the man was covered in ink. He was wearing a shirt with some band logo on it and the sleeves cut off so he could see every delicious curve of his abdomen. Steve needed to know this man immediately. 
Without much thought, Steve grabbed his duffel bag and headed in the direction of the gorgeous man who was gesturing wildly to the strawberry blonde by his side. Raleigh caught his eye briefly, only to notice immediately where Steve’s attention was and subsequently rolled his eyes. 
“Go on, Loverboy.” 
Steve flashed him a grin before hurrying off to catch himself a man. 
As he approached, he heard his curly haired beauty declare something about “the single most beautiful man he had ever seen.” Steve wanted to laugh, charmed at the coincidence of having the exact same thought about the man speaking. By the time he reached him, the strawberry blonde had rendered his man speechless, allowing Steve the perfect opportunity to interject. 
“If I’m the single most beautiful man you’ve ever seen, then are you a vampire? Because clearly you haven’t seen yourself in a mirror.” 
It was not Steve’s best line, but it still did the trick. The man before him smiled so brightly the sun would be jealous. Robin would laugh at the poetry Steve’s brain was rattling off at the sight, but Steve could not care less. 
“Honey, I’ll be whatever you want me to be,” The man swore, his words sending tingles down Steve’s spine. “So long as you’re mine, I’m yours.” 
Oh, how he had longed for someone to say those exact words to him. Steve had gone on many dates over the years, most of which ended up going nowhere. He only recently told both Robin and Raleigh that he was giving up dating for the foreseeable future, unsure that he could handle another heartbreak. 
He really hoped this time would be different. 
“I would be honored to call you mine and for you to call me yours,” Steve answered quietly, unable to hide the sincerity in his tone. 
The smile on the man’s face only grew wider. He grabbed onto Steve’s hands and swung him in circles with the enthusiasm of a man who won the lottery. Steve laughed, unable to hide his own delight at his stranger’s antics. As they slowed down, the man pulled Steve’s hands toward his mouth and placed a gentle kiss on the back of each of them. Steve’s heart raced at the sight, hoping the gesture meant something far from casual, despite the fact that they were still strangers to each other. 
“I’m Steve, by the way.” 
“It’s my humblest pleasure to meet you, Steve. I’m Eddie.” 
Eddie. The beautiful man’s name was Eddie. Steve could feel his heartbeat growing erratic, completely enchanted with the man standing before him. Steve repeated his name breathlessly, desperate to memorize it. 
The moment did not last long, interrupted by the sound of a throat clearing. 
“I’m Chrissy,” The strawberry blonde announced with a laugh. “I’m glad that you’re endeared by Eddie’s antics. Normally he has a much different opinion when it comes to jocks.” 
As Eddie turned to defend himself, Steve could not help but laugh at the whole situation. Eddie was still holding his hands and Steve’s heart was beating a mile a minute. Robin and Raleigh were going to give him so much crap for this. 
He could not wait to tell them. 
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steddilly · 1 year ago
Steve and Eddie dressing up for Halloween as each others fictional crush yes please
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choface · 1 year ago
i wrote 2300 words tonight. are yall fucking ready for my first steddie fic?
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paperbackribs · 1 year ago
I have one kink and it's all about the boiling animosity that is absent from Steve's sterile house
I have one kink and it's not a good idea.
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