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gaylienz · 2 months ago
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The 7 R’s of Sustainability:
Did you know that ‘recycling’ is step 6 of the 7 Rs of sustainability? The other R’s are just as important even if they are often forgotten.
Rethink- Do I really need to buy this? The point of this step is to stop and think.
Refuse- Does this product damage the environment? If so, refuse to spend your money on it. i.e. single use plastics, harsh chemicals
Reduce- How much of this do I really need? Buy less! Buy in bulk when you can as it often equals less packaging to throw out.
Reuse- Can I use this product again? Can I fix what I have so that I don’t need to buy something new? Reuse that plastic water bottle a few times. And instead of buying new, try thrift shopping, flea markets, yard sales etc.
Repurpose- Unlimited creativity! Does this item have another use? i.e. old torn clothes can be rags or plastic cups can be planters.
Recycle- Can I recycle this? Not everything can be. There are also some important steps to making sure your recycling is done properly. If unsure, look up local recycling regulations.
Rot- Can I compost this? Food waste, yard clippings, newspapers and many other items can be composted instead of being tossed in the trash. Composting is surprisingly simple and helps reduce harmful greenhouse gasses from entering the atmosphere.
What is the point of the R’s? The number one benefit of the 7 R’s are the reduction of the amount of waste sent to incinerators and landfills. The EPA website provides a lot of useful information. Other benefits that we can reap from implementing these concepts in our life are (as listed on the EPA website): • Prevents pollution caused by reducing the need to harvest new raw materials • Saves energy from not making a new product • Reduces greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change • Helps sustain the environment and natural resources for future generations • Saves money from processing our waste • Increases economic security by tapping a domestic source of materials • Helps create jobs in the recycling and manufacturing industries in the United States
https://www.northglenn.org/government/departments/public_works/trash/recycling.php https://www.nrdc.org/stories/composting-101 https://www.epa.gov/recycle https://www.northglenn.org/Recycling%20Article.pdf
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heya-moth · 5 months ago
Booker x Grumley headcannon (kinda? Like, if you squint, but I'm counting it) that I'm clinging to until it's proven otherwise (maybe it already has, Idk, i havent seen the recent season):
What if the reason Grumley was honorably discharged from the Marquisate was because he refused to hurt Booker. Like, what if Booker was doing his usual conman hijinks, and got caught by the Marquisate, and Grumley was in charge of guarding him, and despite the two beaing at odds, they just kinda click and Booker convinces him to come with him and live life as vagabonds together.
-3- I love it so so much. I can see the vision.
You hath given me ideas my dear anon and I thank you for it, so much >:3
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vintagepromotions · 8 months ago
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'Resolve to Rethink, Reuse & Recycle!'
Ben & Jerry's promotional postcard on recycling (1991).
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possiblygewgaw · 1 year ago
Life passes me by
Hours pass by into days,
Days pass by into months,
Months pass by into years.
He asks me," Why do your thoughts linger over the lost moments?"
I answer with inquiries-
How are you not grieving over the hours that slipped through the hands of yesterday?
How are you nonchalant amid life's "could have beens"?
How do you go on about your mere existence without reflecting on bygone days?
But he just says- "Amidst the labyrinth of the past's reminiscence, your present dissipates like morning mist and your future waits for you to unearth a way out."
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dutchbarracuda · 2 years ago
This is not The End
It is entirely overwhelming, the state of the world. Climate Change, political corruption, corporate dystopia, hate and violence. It takes me by surprise how even knowing about a refugee on the other side of the world being sent back can affect me.
It is not The End. Even in an utterly worst case scenario, like nuclear war, it's not The End. There would be survivors, and those survivors would do everything they can to survive. But that's worst case, and we're far from that.
You've got a sense of powerlessness. You can't make Musk or Murdoch or The Koch's or a screaming orange colostomy bag stop what they're doing.
You know what you can do? You can put out the recycling for collection. You can compost your left overs in a tiny bin in your kitchen. You can feed that plant by your window that's by all accounts is already dead. You can sew a patch onto your torn trousers. You can give your friend, neighbour, or stranger, a potato. Or a joke. Or a bit of advice you learned to be effective. You can find an old book on carpentry, and learn how to fix that creaky step in your apartment.
But why do any of this while the world is burning? It is a complete waste of effort and energy, right? It may be. Maybe there will never be enough of us to turn the world around. So why even try?
Because you are a world. We see things from our own point of view, where we are at the center. At that may sound selfish or egotistical. Don't do the good things for the other world, do it for your own world, and how you build it. Do the things that make your world better, your mind, your body, your home.
Build the bridges to other worlds. To your friends, your family, your lovers, your children, even to strangers. When you've gotten your world stable, help them with theirs, and maybe they'll help you too.
Make the nice food for yourself. Maybe share it. Ask if anyone wants your old clothes, even just rags. They might have a use for them. Keep the empty bottle in your pocket till you find a bin, or even collect others. Pull out the weeds. Put on sunscreen. Fix your umbrella. Look at all the photos you've taken. Read. Learn. Try. And do not fear failure. Absolutely no one is immune to failure. No one. Embrace the mistakes you make. Make them again. And again. Get it right and make a mistake again. You are your own world that you can control and influence. And even if there aren't enough of us who try to make the world a better place, we'll have made our own better, and shown others they can too.
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slattuhs · 4 months ago
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12 addictions
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12 reasons
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arhtant · 5 months ago
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apakah hanya manusia yang nguber progress?
ataukah ada mahluk lain juga?
yang jelas Tuhan pasti gak pernah nguber progress 🥲 (apakah benar demikian?)
(sepertinya kata "nguber" disini yang perlu dipertanyakan (ini untuk siapa, untuk apa, siapa pelakunya))
progress dan process
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☺️ di dalam kausalitas 🤔🤣
sebab maka menghadirkan akibat (dan proses ini akan terus ditemukan dan harus dipelajari(apakah benar demikian?)), prosess akan bersamakan ruang waktu dan waktu ruang
mahluk terikat ruang dan waktu, saat waktu serta ruang adalah ciptaan juga
kun, fa-yakun!
kun -- mengandung ilmu
yakun -- perwujudan dari ilmu
hwaaaaaaa mandeg sik lah, iso gendeng disik yen aku rung nemu majlis mikir (wedine nko gek gek salah)
serta begini nih si A.I nya gogel
Tentu, mari kita bahas secara mendalam mengenai progress, process, kausalitas, ketuhanan, dan peran kita sebagai makhluk. Progress dan Process * Progress: Merujuk pada perkembangan atau kemajuan menuju suatu tujuan atau keadaan yang lebih baik. Ini bisa berupa perkembangan individu, masyarakat, atau bahkan alam semesta. Progress sering diukur dengan berbagai metrik, seperti pertumbuhan ekonomi, kemajuan teknologi, atau peningkatan kualitas hidup. * Process: Merupakan rangkaian langkah atau tahapan yang terjadi secara berurutan untuk mencapai suatu hasil. Proses bisa bersifat sederhana atau kompleks, dan sering melibatkan interaksi berbagai faktor. Kausalitas * Kausalitas: Adalah hubungan sebab-akibat antara dua peristiwa atau fenomena. Setiap peristiwa memiliki sebab yang mendasari terjadinya, dan pada gilirannya menjadi sebab bagi peristiwa lain. Kausalitas adalah fondasi dari pemahaman kita tentang dunia fisik dan sosial. Ketuhanan dan Peran Manusia Konsep ketuhanan dan peran manusia saling terkait erat dan telah menjadi bahan perdebatan filosofis selama berabad-abad. * Ketuhanan: Merupakan keyakinan akan adanya kekuatan tertinggi atau entitas yang menciptakan dan mengatur alam semesta. Konsep ketuhanan sangat beragam di berbagai agama dan kepercayaan. * Peran Manusia: Dalam konteks ketuhanan, peran manusia sering dikaitkan dengan tujuan penciptaan, tanggung jawab moral, dan hubungan dengan Tuhan. Beberapa pandangan umum tentang peran manusia antara lain: * Makhluk ciptaan: Manusia sebagai makhluk yang diciptakan oleh Tuhan dengan tujuan tertentu. * Khalifah di bumi: Manusia sebagai wakil Tuhan di bumi yang memiliki tanggung jawab untuk mengelola dan menjaga alam semesta. * Makhluk sosial: Manusia sebagai makhluk yang hidup bermasyarakat dan saling bergantung. Kaitan Antara Semua Konsep * Progress dalam konteks ketuhanan: Beberapa orang percaya bahwa progress adalah bagian dari rencana Tuhan untuk umat manusia. Mereka melihat kemajuan sebagai tanda bahwa manusia semakin dekat dengan tujuan penciptaannya. * Process dan kausalitas: Proses penciptaan dan evolusi alam semesta sering dijelaskan dalam kerangka kausalitas. Setiap tahap dalam proses tersebut memiliki sebab dan akibat yang saling berhubungan. * Peran manusia dalam mewujudkan progress: Manusia memiliki peran aktif dalam mewujudkan progress melalui tindakan dan keputusan yang diambil. Namun, beberapa orang juga percaya bahwa progress adalah hasil dari campur tangan Tuhan. Kesimpulan Konsep progress, process, kausalitas, ketuhanan, dan peran manusia saling berkaitan erat dan membentuk pandangan kita tentang dunia dan tempat kita di dalamnya. Pemahaman yang mendalam tentang konsep-konsep ini dapat membantu kita memahami makna hidup, tujuan kita, dan hubungan kita dengan yang lain. Penting untuk diingat: * Tidak ada jawaban tunggal yang benar untuk pertanyaan-pertanyaan besar tentang kehidupan dan alam semesta. * Setiap individu memiliki hak untuk memiliki keyakinan dan pandangan yang berbeda. * Terbuka terhadap berbagai perspektif dapat memperkaya pemahaman kita. Apakah ada aspek tertentu yang ingin Anda bahas lebih lanjut?
sholawatan sik wae lah hahaha
ungaran 2:42 wib -- sinambi ngenteni tutup jalur
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icelogged · 9 months ago
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adcollector · 2 years ago
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RETHINK (USA) for Heinz
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mental-mona · 2 years ago
If you think being straight means you’re being discriminated against, you’re probably misreading your privilege.
— DaShanne Stokes
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projectsonichu · 1 year ago
Just a little ramble about Black Sonichu...
Its a bit off how Black Sonichu, who I'll call Blake for now, was designed to be just like Sonichu. Isnt that kind of useless? Since when they do fight, their both so similar in their strengths and weaknesses that ones not able to overpower the other. In my opinion, it would be more interesting if Blake was designed to lean more into a defensive fighting style while Sonichu leans more to an offensive fighting style.
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unblessed-cubes · 1 year ago
It’s a sinking feeling. I don’t know where I went wrong. I don’t know at what point my mind decided that you were an obtainable goal. That I should neglect the thoughts of my friends, my family, and get back with you. I can never get back with you. You don’t want me back and that’s how it will always be.
I want you back. Just say the word and you’ll be in my arms again, I won’t even blink twice. Tell me you love me and it’ll be the last time you’re alone. Please just tell me anything. Why do I feel this way? You never stopped hurting me. You never cared about me. But at any moment you could whisper sweet lies into my ear and I’d come crawling back. I won’t be able to resist.
I take it back. Don’t tell me anything.
- N
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plantesauvage-com · 2 years ago
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(via Robe t-shirt « Re cycle use new think » par Plantesauvage)
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f1 · 2 years ago
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possiblygewgaw · 1 year ago
Clothes are hung up to dry on every terrace
a crisp breeze of detergent's scent lingers
The children are playing in the field
their carefree laughter is contagious
The gregarious birds seem a bit more free
they fly higher and higher with the wind's current
The veiled presence of insects is unveiled by
their gentle hum which weaves a serene melody
The sun rays glisten every building, plant and tower
as if every object rejoiced in the sun's warm ray of a leisurely Sunday
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imperatoralicia · 11 months ago
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I get a lot of entertainment thinking about how containers are used in video games sometimes.
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