#Razor 1911
felix-walter · 7 months
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Comparison between the Chipendance EP cover art and Razor 1911's Chipdisc GFX art (Parody VS original).
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amakioff · 1 year
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mod-a-day · 1 year
Tomas Dahlgren (Uncle Tom) of Razor 1911 "Spell (amelioration)" Vertical Insanity (1990)
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zoestorm · 1 year
(CW: mention of suicide)
Emilio Salgari was one of the most prolific Italian authors of the late 1800s and early 1900s: after debuting in 1883, at age 21, over the course of his career he wrote eighty (80) novels and over a hundred short stories, each of which was based on careful and meticulous research -- he was known to spend days on end in his city's library, bent over a book, taking notes. In 1897 he was honoured as one of Italy's greatest living writers by the House of Savoy.
Since the early 1900s, he was bound to his publisher by a punishing contract: he had to produce three novels a year, which amounted to three pages per day, which in the time when almost everything was written by hand, was a lot.
His health and mental well-being took a toll. In 1909 he wrote to a friend:
A writer's job should be full of satisfaction, both moral and material. I, however, am bound to the writing table for many hours, every day and some nights, and when I should be resting I'm in the library looking for documentation. I have to write pages upon pages at full steam, and send everything to my publisher right away, without even having the time to re-read and edit my writing.
What's worse, he wasn't being paid fairly for his work: he was one of Italy's greatest living writers, and yet he and his family lived in abject poverty.
On the 25 of April, 1911, Emilio Salgari killed himself.
He went out early in the morning, and he was found later in the day in a city park, having cut his throat with a razor.
Before leaving his home, he left several letters on his desk, one of which was addressed to his publisher. It read, in part:
To you who have grown fat by feeding on my skin, forcing me and my family to live in misery, I only ask that in return for all I have made you earn you arrange for my funeral. I bid you farewell, and snap my pen in half.
Today, Emilio Salgari is still remembered as a great writer. He still died at 48, and his death was entirely preventable.
Everyone should be paid fairly for their work.
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handeaux · 2 years
Cincinnati Once Believed Radium Could Cure Anything, If Only We Could Afford It
What are the most amazing things on Earth today? Way back in 1907, the Cincinnati Post reported the results of a poll to determine the “Seven Wonders of the Modern World” at that time. Topping the list was the aeroplane, followed by wireless telegraphy, radium, the Panama Canal, anesthesia, movies, and X-rays.
That radium got its own mention is unsurprising to anyone reading the newspapers around that time. Everybody was talking about radium, all the humorists had jokes about radium, all the quacks were claiming cures by radium, and all the scientists were scrambling to figure out just what this radium stuff could possibly do.
During the first decade of the Twentieth Century, radium was the most expensive substance known to man, costing – when it could be purchased at all – for $2.5 million per ounce. Dozens of newspaper gags were based on the same formula: Something (or someone) is described as worth its weight in gold but is met by the rejoinder, “Couldn’t it be worth its weight in radium?”
The hottest stage show in Cincinnati was a musical revue titled “The Runaways,” which featured a diversion billed as “The Radium Dance.” According to the Cincinnati Post [16 January 1905]:
“Cincinnatians seem to like the radium dance. It is performed while the stage is in pitch-black darkness and the dancers’ faces are masked in black. Their pajama-like costumes glow with a weird blue light, and the audience is puzzled to know how it is done.”
No matter whether a commercial product incorporated radium (unlikely) or not, manufacturers realized that anything with “radium” on the label flew off the shelves. One Cincinnati manufacturer sold “radium” razor strops in which the only connection to radium was the brand name. Likewise, a roach poison sold as Radium Roach Powder may have contained all sorts of toxic substances, but radium was certainly not one of them.
On the other hand, Cincinnati’s notorious quack doctors piled onto the radium bandwagon, offering cures that may or may not have induced radiation poisoning into their clients. A Hopkins Street man, hauled into court on fraud charges, probably didn’t harm anyone by selling “radium pads” that he claimed cured diseases. The radium Laboratories Company, though, advertising heavily in the Cincinnati Post, offered photographic proof that its “Co-Ray Tonic Tablets” were unabashedly radioactive, providing “interior sunlight” to those who ingested the pills. Co-Ray tablets were sold at all Dow Drug Stores in Cincinnati as well as independent pharmacies in Norwood, and in Kentucky at Dayton and Bellevue. The advertisements were frighteningly effusive:
“Radium is interior sunlight. Sunlight is the great antiseptic and germ destroyer of the world. Radium Emanation is the most marvelous tonic the world has ever known. By its use the system of man or woman can literally be bathed and cleansed in sunshine. Tired, pale, droopy, rundown people respond to this internal sunlight bath like flowers that have been drooping in the shade. They become energized to a marvelous extent. The power of Radium is so great that the mind of ordinary man cannot grasp it.”
Hot Springs, Arkansas, cashed in on the radium craze by organizing excursions from the larger northern cities, including Cincinnati. An advertisement in the Cincinnati Post [17 February 1911] was typical:
“Hot Springs is the scene of marvelous cures, to which words cannot do justice. The secret of the mysterious, health-renewing waters (until recently Nature’s secret) is attributed to their radioactive curative powers, resulting from radium gasses.”
Propounding a dissenting view, well-known Cincinnati quack, Dr. G.M. “Cancer Cure” Curry opened a sanitarium at Lebanon, Ohio, at which he promised to demonstrate that “the surgeon’s knife, X-Ray, Radium and other present-day treatments, are absolutely ineffective and often cause death instead of saving life.”
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Sadly, while real scientists and doctors were scrambling to find out the best ways to harness the power of radium, they were besieged by patients who, inspired by the popular press, demanded radium treatments immediately. The biggest problem is that none of the educated people knew exactly what radiation was or how it manifested, or whether it did anything at all.
The second problem is that there wasn’t a single atom of radium available to doctors in Cincinnati. Through the efforts of University of Cincinnati President Howard Ayers, a tiny particle of actual radium was shipped to the Queen City. This minute sample, housed in a glass tube inside a wooden box, was placed in the custody of UC’s physics department.
On special appeal to the university’s Board of Directors, UC’s minuscule allotment of radium was applied to the eyes of Judge Moses Wilson in 1903 in an unsuccessful attempt to restore his failing eyesight. Judge Wilson survived another 20 years, blind but succumbing to unrelated ailments in his 83rd year. George W. Mayer, a Cincinnati industrialist, had to go to Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore for radium treatments in 1914. The treatments was fatally ineffective, and Mr. Mayer returned to Cincinnati in a casket.
Other than the failed effort to save Judge Wilson’s eyesight, the UC physics department mostly used their entubed radium sample to irradiate hundreds of students through hands-on classroom demonstrations; through the creation of autoradiographs to prove that, yes, this stuff was, indeed, radioactive; and public lectures throughout the city featuring a suspenseful moment when all the auditorium lights were extinguished to manifest the sample’s faint blue glow.
Professor Louis Trenchard More, designated guardian of UC’s radium nugget, in one of his several public lectures, suggested that maybe this miraculous substance wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. According to the Post [14 November 1903]:
“He seemed to be rather skeptical that the much exploited stuff would ever become vastly popular, and didn’t think that, inasmuch as it takes about 11 tons of pitchblende to make a pound of radium, it would become particularly useful.”
The Cincinnati Post editorially rejoiced in 1910 when the price of radium declined to only $2.1 million an ounce:
“It is easy to foresee that should this decline in price continue, you may go down to the corner grocery any day and get a bit of radium.”
Or not.
[To explore the dark side of the radium craze, you will want to catch D.W. Gregory’s play, “Radium Girls,” as produced by The Drama Workshop from 30 September through 16 October. See https://thedramaworkshop.org/season/2022-2023-season/radium-girls for details.]
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alfieshaw · 10 months
Deeper Research
History of ASCII art
Carlson 2003 "1966 Studies in Perception I by Ken Knowlton and Leon Harmon (Bell Labs)", Image of Studies in Perception I Archived 4 March 2016 at the Wayback Machine
First Use
Among the oldest known examples of ASCII art are the creations by computer-art pioneer Kenneth Knowlton from around 1966.
ASCII art was invented, in large part, because early printers often lacked graphics ability and thus, characters were used in place of graphic marks.
ASCII art was also used in early e-mail when images could not be embedded.
From this we can understand that ASCII art was first used because of a lack of technological power. Images were too large to be stored on downloads and websites so a ASCII images was used instead, since they only consist of text characters, they don't use too much storage.
Game crackers/pirating groups would use ascii art as well for their logos for storage reasons.
www.textfiles.comAvailable from: http://www.textfiles.com/piracy/RAZOR/ (n.d.). T E X T F I L E S.
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Razor 1911 is one of the oldest, and probably the longest-living pirating, demo, and couriering groups in the history of software piracy. Along their more than 15 year history (they were founded in 1985) they have produced demos and pirated games for the Commodore 64, Amiga, and Intel PC
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hackernewsrobot · 11 months
Razor 1911
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 3 years
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“PANZINI HERE AS A CROWN WITNESS,” Toronto Globe. November 11, 1911. Page 9. ---- Comes From Prison Farm to Testify Against Roselli. ---- DEFENDANT ON THE STAND ---- Man Accused of Killing Ceci on Good Friday Makes a Flat Denial of the Charge and Demonstrates How His Hand Was Cut. ---- Frank Roselli, the alien charged with having murdered Glacchino Ceci,  a compatriot at 40 Agnes street last Good Friday night, was the only witness called by the defence yesterday in the Criminal size Court before Chief Justice Falconbridge. He told his story of the fight and denied in wholesale fashion the statements made by one or two of the Crown witnesses. When the prisoner in the crowded court room demonstrated to the jury how his thumb was nearly severed in his effort to separate Panzini and Mele, who were fighting, the scene presented was dramatic. 
When Mr. A. E. Creswick, K.C., the Crown counsel, completed his cross- examination of the prisoner at 2.30 yesterday afternoon, Chief Justice Falconridge asked him when he expected Donato Panzini to arrive in the city from the Central Prison Farm at Guelph. to which he was committed this summer. Mr. Creswick, who asked for an order yesterday morning permitting him to bring Panzini here and place him in the box as a prosecution witness, said he would arrive by to-day. Chief Justice Falconbridge then adjourned the trial until this morning. 
Refutes Mele's Testimony. At the morning sitting Roselli denied using the words, "If I go to death, all right. If I get twenty years, well, I am twenty-six now, and I'll be forty-six when I get out and I will be able to do some work." Andrea Mele, a Crown witness, on Wednesday swore that the prisoner used these words to him in a conversation in the jail cell. Roselli also denied telling Mele he cut someone with a razor during the' fight. He denied saying on Good Friday. "To-night,  must be dead." He told of the quarrel between Tony Savelli and Andrea Mele "over a stick." Roselli saw Panzini at the street end of the lane with a knife. Roselli then dramatically illustrated to the jury how he grasped Panzini by the shoulder in an effort to get the knife away from him and how he, Roselli, sustained a severe cut on the thumb. Acciola tied up his hand with a handkerchief. He said he did not see a razor. Then came the prisoner's positive declaration of his innocence. 
"Did you kill Ceel?" asked his counsel, Mr. W. A. Henderson. 
"I did not." replied Roselli. 
Mr. Creswick. cross-examining the witness, said: "Then you are perfectly innocent? Why didn't you tell all this at the inquest?" 
Roselli thought the lawyer was going to. I thought everybody was found guilty.
The prisoner said he was on friend- ly terms with Panzini. He said he tried to take the knife from Panzini to prevent further trouble. 
How He Was Cut. On a request from Chief Justice Falconbridge that he show how he was wounded in the hand. Roselli gave the knife to the Interpreter, Baron Banasta, then, when the lat- ter grasped it and assumed a threatening attitude toward the witness, Roselli grasped the interpreter by the shoulder and caught the blade of the knife. 
 "That is how it was done," said Roselli. 
Roselli denied ever having a razor. He said his fellow-prisoners urged him to make a confession in the fall. Roselli said he was born on December 1, 1885. 
In making his announcement of adjournment to the jury the Chief Justice suggested that the jury be permitted to go out for a walk, accompanied by a constable. 
Jurors Viewed Fight Scene. Mr. Creswick - In this connection. your Honor, I might say that one juror has suggested that permission be asked for them to take a walk up to 40 (now 54) Agnes street and look over the scene of the fight. 
Chief Justice Falconbridge said this was a good suggestion and told the interpreter to ask the prisoner if he rad any objections to such a move. Roselli acceded, and at 2.30 yesterday afternoon the "twelve good men and true," accompanied by constables, and armed with a blue print chart of 40 Agnes street, proceeded there.
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brookston · 2 years
Holidays 3.18
Anniversary of the Oil Expropriation (Mexico)
Awkward Moments Day
Bindus Diena (The Day the Bears Wake from Hibernation; Ancient Latvia)
Carnival of Body Music
Cheikh Al Maarouf Day (Comoros)
Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence (Australia)
De Molay Day
Electric Razor Day
Flag Day (Aruba)
Forgive Mom and Dad Day
Gallipoli Memorial Day (Turkey)
Global Recycling Day
Grandparents' & Grandchildren's Day (Michigan)
International Day of Revolutionary Political Prisoners
Make Peace with Your Parents Day
Men’s and Soldiers Day (Mongolia)
My Whole Self Day (UK)
National Anthem and Flag Day (Aruba)
National Biodiesel Day
National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day
National Day of Remembrance for COVID-19 Victims (Italy)
National Farm Rescuer Day
National Natural Gas Utility Workers’ Day
National Public Defender Day
National Supreme Sacrifice Day
Oil Expropriation Day (Mexico)
Ordnance Factories’ Day (India)
Paris Commune Anniversary Day
Stab e-Barat (Night of Records; Bangladesh)
Sheelah's Day (a.k.a. Sheela Na Gig; Australia, Canada, Ireland)
Sheep and Goats Separation Day
South Carolina Day (South Carolina)
Space Walk Day
Sparky the Fire Dog Day
Supreme Sacrifice Day (Congo)
Take Down Tobacco Day
Teacher’s Day (Syria)
Transit Driver Appreciation Day
Trisomy 18 Awareness Day
World Eagle Day
World Juvenile Arthritis Day
World Young Rheumatic Diseases Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Jambon Day (Ireland)
National Lacy Oatmeal Cookie Day
National Sloppy Joe Day
Oatmeal Cookie Day
St. Broccoli Day
3rd Saturday in March
Girl Scout Sabbath [3rd Saturday]
International Sports Car Racing Day [3rd Saturday]
Maple Syrup Saturday [3rd Saturday]
National Corn Dog Day [3rd Saturday]
National Quilting Day [3rd Saturday]
National Tequila Day (Mexico) [3rd Saturday]
Recorder Day (a.k.a. Play the Recorder Day) [3rd Saturday]
Save the Florida Panther Day (Florida) [3rd Saturday]
World Blender Meetup Day [3rd Saturday]
World Whisky Day [3rd Saturday]
Worldwide Quilting Day [3rd Saturday]
Feast Days
Alexander of Jerusalem (Christian; Saint)
Anselm of Lucca (Christian; Saint)
Asklepieia (Ancient Greece)
Barney Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Cyril of Jerusalem (Christian; Saint)
Edward the Martyr (a.k.a. Edward, King of England; Christian; Saint)
Exorcist Day (Make the Spirits Disappear; Pastafarian)
Fridianus (a.k.a. Fridian; Christian; Saint)
Goddess of Fertility Day
John Updike (Humanism; Saint)
Oide Matsuri (Departure Festival; Shinto; Japan)
Philo Zilfinger (Muppetism)
Salvator (Christian; Saint)
Socrates (Positivist; Saint)
Usajingu Reitaisai (Shinto; Japan)
Vodka Day (Pastafarian)
Waqf al Arafa (Islam)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Unlucky 18th (Philippines) [1 of 3]
Alexander’s Ragtime Band published (Song; 1911)
Allegiant (Film; 2016)
The Bronze (Film; 2016)
Cedar Rapids (Film; 2011)
The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown (Novel; 2003)
D.O.A. (Film; 1988)
Dominick and Eugene (Film; 1988)
Getz/Gilberto, by Stan Getz and João Gilberto (Album; 1964)
Ice Princess (Film; 2005)
The Man Who Fell To Earth (Film; 1976)
Mickey’s Mellerdrammer (Disney Cartoon; 1933)
The Milagro Beanfield War (Film; 1988)
Naked Gun 33-1/3: The Final Insult (Film; 1994)
Paul (Film; 2011)
Pee Wee’s Big Holiday (Film; 2016)
Rio Bravo (Film; 1960)
Steamboy (Anime Film; 2005)
Whatever and Ever Amen, by Ben Folds Five (Album; 1997)
White Riot, by The Clash (Song; 1977)
Today’s Name Days
Cyrill, Edward, Sibylle (Austria)
Ćiril, Edo, Eduard, Spasoje (Croatia)
Eduard (Czech Republic)
Alexander (Denmark)
Edi, Eduard, Eedi, Eedo, Eedu (Estonia)
Edvard, Eetu (Finland)
Cyrille (France)
Edward, Cyrill, Sibylle (Germany)
Edward (Greece)
Ede, Sándor (Hungary)
Cirillo, Salvatore (Italy)
Adelīna, Ilona, Razna, Sartite (Latvia)
Anzelmas, Eimutė, Eimutis, Sibilė (Lithuania)
Aleksander, Edvard, Sander (Norway)
Aleksander, Anzelm, Boguchwał, Cyryl, Edward, Narcyz, Narcyza, Salwator (Poland)
Chiril (Romania)
Eduard (Slovakia)
Cirilo, Eduardo (Spain)
Edmund, Edvard (Sweden)
Cyril, Cyrilla, Grover, Salvador, Salvatore, Sibyl, Sybil, Sybilla (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 77 of 2023; 288 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 11 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 28 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Yi-Mao), Day 27 (Yi-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 25 Adar 5783
Islamic: 25 Sha’ban 1444
J Cal: 16 Ver; Twosday [16 of 30]
Julian: 5 March 2023
Moon: 12%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 21 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Socrates]
Runic Half Month: Beore (Birch Tree) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 88 of 90)
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 27 of 29)
John Smith (1824)
William Ebling (1828)
James Toohey (1850)
John Updike (1932)
Jason Chavez (1968)
Alexandra Nowell (1985)
J. Ernest Miller patented a Design for a Beer Mug (1873)
Philip Best Brewing changed their name to Pabst Brewing (1889)
Anthony & Michael Stiveson patented a Metallic Keg (1890)
New England Brewers Association founded (1902)
UK Gov't declared a proper pour of a pint of beer to be 95% liquid (2002)
S.S. Steiner patented the Hop Plant Named “Bravo” (2008)
Chikamitsu Takagi patented a Bottle Cap Opener (2014)
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Holidays 3.18
Anniversary of the Oil Expropriation (Mexico)
Awkward Moments Day
Bindus Diena (The Day the Bears Wake from Hibernation; Ancient Latvia)
Carnival of Body Music
Cheikh Al Maarouf Day (Comoros)
Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence (Australia)
De Molay Day
Electric Razor Day
Flag Day (Aruba)
Forgive Mom and Dad Day
Gallipoli Memorial Day (Turkey)
Global Recycling Day
Grandparents' & Grandchildren's Day (Michigan)
International Day of Revolutionary Political Prisoners
Make Peace with Your Parents Day
Men’s and Soldiers Day (Mongolia)
My Whole Self Day (UK)
National Anthem and Flag Day (Aruba)
National Biodiesel Day
National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day
National Day of Remembrance for COVID-19 Victims (Italy)
National Farm Rescuer Day
National Natural Gas Utility Workers’ Day
National Public Defender Day
National Supreme Sacrifice Day
Oil Expropriation Day (Mexico)
Ordnance Factories’ Day (India)
Paris Commune Anniversary Day
Stab e-Barat (Night of Records; Bangladesh)
Sheelah's Day (a.k.a. Sheela Na Gig; Australia, Canada, Ireland)
Sheep and Goats Separation Day
South Carolina Day (South Carolina)
Space Walk Day
Sparky the Fire Dog Day
Supreme Sacrifice Day (Congo)
Take Down Tobacco Day
Teacher’s Day (Syria)
Transit Driver Appreciation Day
Trisomy 18 Awareness Day
World Eagle Day
World Juvenile Arthritis Day
World Young Rheumatic Diseases Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Jambon Day (Ireland)
National Lacy Oatmeal Cookie Day
National Sloppy Joe Day
Oatmeal Cookie Day
St. Broccoli Day
3rd Saturday in March
Girl Scout Sabbath [3rd Saturday]
International Sports Car Racing Day [3rd Saturday]
Maple Syrup Saturday [3rd Saturday]
National Corn Dog Day [3rd Saturday]
National Quilting Day [3rd Saturday]
National Tequila Day (Mexico) [3rd Saturday]
Recorder Day (a.k.a. Play the Recorder Day) [3rd Saturday]
Save the Florida Panther Day (Florida) [3rd Saturday]
World Blender Meetup Day [3rd Saturday]
World Whisky Day [3rd Saturday]
Worldwide Quilting Day [3rd Saturday]
Feast Days
Alexander of Jerusalem (Christian; Saint)
Anselm of Lucca (Christian; Saint)
Asklepieia (Ancient Greece)
Barney Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Cyril of Jerusalem (Christian; Saint)
Edward the Martyr (a.k.a. Edward, King of England; Christian; Saint)
Exorcist Day (Make the Spirits Disappear; Pastafarian)
Fridianus (a.k.a. Fridian; Christian; Saint)
Goddess of Fertility Day
John Updike (Humanism; Saint)
Oide Matsuri (Departure Festival; Shinto; Japan)
Philo Zilfinger (Muppetism)
Salvator (Christian; Saint)
Socrates (Positivist; Saint)
Usajingu Reitaisai (Shinto; Japan)
Vodka Day (Pastafarian)
Waqf al Arafa (Islam)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Unlucky 18th (Philippines) [1 of 3]
Alexander’s Ragtime Band published (Song; 1911)
Allegiant (Film; 2016)
The Bronze (Film; 2016)
Cedar Rapids (Film; 2011)
The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown (Novel; 2003)
D.O.A. (Film; 1988)
Dominick and Eugene (Film; 1988)
Getz/Gilberto, by Stan Getz and João Gilberto (Album; 1964)
Ice Princess (Film; 2005)
The Man Who Fell To Earth (Film; 1976)
Mickey’s Mellerdrammer (Disney Cartoon; 1933)
The Milagro Beanfield War (Film; 1988)
Naked Gun 33-1/3: The Final Insult (Film; 1994)
Paul (Film; 2011)
Pee Wee’s Big Holiday (Film; 2016)
Rio Bravo (Film; 1960)
Steamboy (Anime Film; 2005)
Whatever and Ever Amen, by Ben Folds Five (Album; 1997)
White Riot, by The Clash (Song; 1977)
Today’s Name Days
Cyrill, Edward, Sibylle (Austria)
Ćiril, Edo, Eduard, Spasoje (Croatia)
Eduard (Czech Republic)
Alexander (Denmark)
Edi, Eduard, Eedi, Eedo, Eedu (Estonia)
Edvard, Eetu (Finland)
Cyrille (France)
Edward, Cyrill, Sibylle (Germany)
Edward (Greece)
Ede, Sándor (Hungary)
Cirillo, Salvatore (Italy)
Adelīna, Ilona, Razna, Sartite (Latvia)
Anzelmas, Eimutė, Eimutis, Sibilė (Lithuania)
Aleksander, Edvard, Sander (Norway)
Aleksander, Anzelm, Boguchwał, Cyryl, Edward, Narcyz, Narcyza, Salwator (Poland)
Chiril (Romania)
Eduard (Slovakia)
Cirilo, Eduardo (Spain)
Edmund, Edvard (Sweden)
Cyril, Cyrilla, Grover, Salvador, Salvatore, Sibyl, Sybil, Sybilla (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 77 of 2023; 288 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 11 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 28 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Yi-Mao), Day 27 (Yi-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 25 Adar 5783
Islamic: 25 Sha’ban 1444
J Cal: 16 Ver; Twosday [16 of 30]
Julian: 5 March 2023
Moon: 12%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 21 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Socrates]
Runic Half Month: Beore (Birch Tree) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 88 of 90)
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 27 of 29)
John Smith (1824)
William Ebling (1828)
James Toohey (1850)
John Updike (1932)
Jason Chavez (1968)
Alexandra Nowell (1985)
J. Ernest Miller patented a Design for a Beer Mug (1873)
Philip Best Brewing changed their name to Pabst Brewing (1889)
Anthony & Michael Stiveson patented a Metallic Keg (1890)
New England Brewers Association founded (1902)
UK Gov't declared a proper pour of a pint of beer to be 95% liquid (2002)
S.S. Steiner patented the Hop Plant Named “Bravo” (2008)
Chikamitsu Takagi patented a Bottle Cap Opener (2014)
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yairtabibi · 2 years
The Horror Is True- Candyman
In Jordan Peele’s and director Nia DaCosta’s new Candyman released in 2021, Anthony McCoy, the protagonist, slowly discovers more and more layers of truth that he never knew. He discovers his own past, and with it his real identity. He discovers the more recent past, from the 1990s when Helen Lyle, a grad student, became obsessed with Candyman and went insane, murdering and eventually self-immolating in a bonfire. Then he discovers another layer of the past he did not know about, the story of Sherman Fields, a disabled man who in the 1970s was wrongly accused of putting razors into candy and beaten to death for it. Last he discovers the deepest layer of the past, the story of Daniel Robitaille, an artist in the 1890s South who was murdered after falling in love with a white woman.
I want us all to have the same experience, to discover the true stories behind the legends. I think Peele and DaCosta want us to as well. So, let’s talk for a moment about the real Ruthie Jean. It is a story that is only briefly mentioned in both the 1992 and 2021 versions, but it is her murder that sets of the events in the 1992 film. Someone came through her bathroom mirror and murdered her—Candyman did it, right? Well, there was a real woman, a real murder, a real case that inspired this part of the film.
Her name, and indeed let’s say her name, was Ruthie Mae McCoy, a name that gets used in the 2021 (it is Anthony’s last name). On April 11, 1987, right around time that Bernard Rose was planning the first Candyman film, a 52-year-old woman living alone in her apartment in the
high-rise ABLA in the Cabrini Green Projects was murdered by one or more men who accessed her apartment by pushing through her bathroom mirror and entering through the opening. She lived at 1440 West 13th street, and though two men were arrested for her murder, they were both eventually acquitted for lack of evidence. Like any good horror story, there is element of truth to it, and it doesn’t end with Ruthie Mae McCoy.
There are real Daniel Robitaille’s too. In 1880, lynch mobs murdered at least 40 African Americans, and in 1890, 85 were murdered, and in 1891 it was 235—the increase is clear, and yet we should also take note that these are only the murders that got reported and recorded for posterity. The violence was so widespread that racist mobs and the KKK organized “lynching bees,” like twisted and grotesque version of things ladies and children did, like quilting bees or spelling bees. In 1911, the famous boxer Jack Johnson, a Black man, was attacked by a mob in Chicago after he married a white woman. Daniel Robitaille might be fictional, but the things he experienced were very real for centuries in America.
The horror is true. The legends are true. And in Candyman, there are consequences for knowing the truth, for summoning up the ghosts of the past, but in real life there is no choice; we must look in the mirror, we must summon the names, we must remember the hidden dark parts of the past.
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felix-walter · 1 year
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Look who just came to life today.
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chiskennougat · 2 years
Here's an intro for an older TTRPG that I'm working on adapting for distribution!
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The moon is silent. 
The landscape is a vast, powdery grey valley, contrasting starkly with the inky black sky above. Craters speckle it's surface, adding vague detail to a beautifully serene view. 
The ground shakes. 
Clouds of that same, grayish white particulate are visible, flying upwards behind a quickly accelerating object in the distance.
The ground vibrates at a higher frequency as it gets closer.
Two other entities come into view behind the speeding object, each with their own clouds of dust trailing behind them. 
We now see the object in more detail. 
It's a small vehicle, on four wheels. A small golden satellite dish is mounted on the back of it, surrounded by similar gear and equipment. Sitting at the controls of this bare bones, metallic vehicle is a person in an American Lunar Excursion suit. Their golden visor reflects the vastness beyond them. 
The Astronaut's right hand is on the control panel, their left hand is buried in a large equipment pouch mounted on their torso. Even through the bulkiness of their suit, their movements are obviously frantic. 
The two objects following them come into view. 
These, too, are figures piloting vehicles, but of a very different nature. 
Speeding through the non-existent air, each is on a seemingly levitating personal platform. Two huge spherical oxygen tanks are mounted on either side, exerting gas downwards into the soil, propulsing them at a nearly equal speed to the astronaut. 
Standing on the platforms, their left hands steadfastly gripping sets of spindly controls, are two Cosmonauts. Their helmets whitish tan, emblazoned with CCCP in bold red letters. Their visors reflect a gunmetal mirror image of the back of the Astronaut's cart. 
In their right hands, mounted on the handlebars of the platforms, are dark, heavy assault rifles. 
Their gloved fingers tighten on the triggers.
Noiseless shots are fired in quick succession. Most miss their target, but a few clip the rear wheels of the Astronaut's cart. 
The Astronaut temporarily slows due to this damage. The Cosmonauts are now just a couple meters behind. 
The Astronaut finally produces their hand from the equipment pouch, grasping a modified Colt 1911. 
Straining against their suits' limited range of motion, they turn towards the Cosmonaut on their left, and fire two shots with their outstretched arm. 
One bullet hits it's target, puncturing the right oxygen tank on the Soviet's vehicle. 
With fire that's extinguished as quickly as it appears, the tank explodes into thousands of razor sharp metal fragments. 
The platform spins out of control, the Cosmonaut soundlessly collides with the ground, their limbs flail as their visor shatters against the Lunar gravel. 
The remaining Cosmonaut fires one more shot. 
This time they meet their target, the center of the American's life support pack. A jet of air leaks from the bullet hole.
The cart slows to a lazy halt as the Astronaut takes their last breaths. 
The Soviet steps off their landed platform, and reaches into the Astronaut's pouch, retrieving a small video camera. They remove the film reel, and take their leave. 
Even as the Cosmonaut leaves our view, 
The moon is still silent.
Welcome to SPACEWAR: 1973.
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mod-a-day · 1 year
Jo Gunnarshaug (Codex) of Razor 1911 "technolife" delicate sounds of razor (1990)
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hrkerlon · 2 years
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English musician Gamma joined Anarchy in october. Wide World of Sports Boxing in early october explained in its accompanying nfo " Spyrit's Crypt is now the new courier home!! 4 Past Midnight is still an affiliate, but Spyrit's Crypt will be the the place that gets the Razor cracks first, along with Crime Ring, our WHQ." The Amiga demo Erazorhead was released early october, immediately followed by the departure of its authors Jawbreaker and Pal for Scoopex. Faith changed his handle to Faddy and joined Delight late this year. In june, the group coarranged the Eskilstuna Computer Entertainment Show (ECES) 1991 party in Eskilstuna, Sweden. Swedish musician Mantronix left for Phenomena around the middle of the year. Only a few members remained, keeping the group alive on the Amiga through this year.
Luckily the solution was near: a great PC cracker called Darwin lived close by the core members, and it was decided to close the Amiga section in favour of a new life on the PC. When the release flood ended in april of 1991, the leaders of the group were getting tired of the Amiga scene.
The april 1991 crack intro for Medieval Warrior mentions The Inner Sanctum is a new bbs, and that the The Pitch is down for good. Their board Digital Express (opened by Fort Knox this year) was probably Norway's first elite board, and as such remains legendary on the Norwegian scene. His music was used in Scoopex productions beyond this date, but these were old modules Uncle Tom gave to them before leaving the scene. Legendary swedish musician Uncle Tom left the scene in december, and did NOT rejoin Scoopex despite them sometimes claiming he did. Red Baron, Bug, Nosferatu, Iceman, Rex, Fort Knox, Doctor No and Sector9 were all in attendance. The Norwegian members held an internal meeting in the city of Aalesund between the 16th and the 18th of november.
An internal memberlist dated 22nd of october 1990 - dubbed " Update 9" - listed Sector9, Doctor No, Rex, Bug, Red Baron, Ziphoid, Angel of Death, Sir Henry, Lord Strangelove, Fort Knox, Nosferatu, Zodact and Darksilver as active members at that time, and Onyx, Sim, Murdock, Lasor, Jawbreaker, Insane TTM, Codex, Uncle Tom, Dirk Gently, Ragman, Gerry and Analog Kid as inactive or probationary members. Our Best Demos 1988-1990 in october mentioned Darksilver, Fort Knox and Jawbreaker as new members. Swedish cracker and coder DiMarz (who coded most of his own cracktros) left the scene this year. Fourth Dimension 3 (july 1990) reported that sysop Bounty Hunter (later known as Angel of Death) left Classic with School Crime BBS (later Hellfire) to join, and that Norwegian musician Hattrick had left for No Limits. Uncle Tom contributed music to the Paradox demo Freddy's Back in early june. Suddenly they had both originals and crackers, leading to a steady stream of releases until april of 1991.Ī shortlived cooperation with Classic was entered into in the spring of 1990. The group's big break in the cracking scene came after The Accumulators split up in late 1989, and Razor managed to persuade German cracker Onyx and American original supplier Zodact (with his bbs The Castle) to join them. The group coorganized the IT, Razor 1911, Abnormal, Hoaxers, Network Gigaparty 1989 in june. The april 1989 demo Boom! Boom! introduced Codex and Animalizer as new members, and announced that Fist and Jettfire had been asked to leave due to inactivity. The october 1988 pack Cool Demos 2 listed Lord S., Sector 9, Shine, Sir Henry, Doctor No, Ziphoid, Insane and Tracker - indicating that Hypocrite was gone by this time. The group was originally based around the city of Trondheim (Sector 9, Dr.No), with a section in the Ålesund established a small while later ( Red Baron, Nosferatu, Bug). No (returning from Active Cracking Crew), Lord Strangelove (aka Lord S) and Hypocrite from Raw Deal Inc. They would later come together again in 1987 when they reformed Razor 1911 on the Amiga at the Danish Gold Copy Party 1987 in july - the four initial members were Sector 9 and Dr. This membership only lasted about a month, before both went and joined Active Cracking Crew. They then broke up, and one half went to TCC, and the the other half (Sector9 and Doctor No) went to Megaforce. The group lasted for about a year, creating a few demos and releasing a few cracks. Razor was formed in Norway in 1985 by three guys, later known as Doctor No, Insane TTM and Sector9. Razor 1911 (originally Razor 2992) is a C64, Amiga and PC demo and cracking group.
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