#Raymond…. I don’t know his last name
probablygayattorneys · 6 months
The mental image of Sycamore spending hours in front of his mirror, practicing his quick change into Dickole while Raymond stands there, politely clapping and saying “Oh, very good, sir!” Is quality, 10/10 would recommend imagining.
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yappacadaver · 11 months
I just.
I want to be buried deep in that ass NOW
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mauvecherie-writes · 3 months
the kaleidoscope theory: l.hamilton.
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• pairing: lewis hamilton x kalani halloway.
• chapter warnings: infidelity.
• ru’s 💌: i won’t be giving out chapter summaries for this story as I genuinely want this story to the kind that you engage with without any hints given. if this story is a success, who knows what the future could be for it 😉. don’t forget to comment, reblog and like 💋.
• tip: kofi | paypal
• w.c: 1.03K
JUNE 2022.
The Thompson Hill youth football club the ‘Thompson Tigers’ had won their away match against another local rival team so their energies were still high as the group of young teenagers congregated in the Nando’s restaurant. The team took space at the back of the building but their table had a good view of the high street outside.
“How can you call yourself a Nigerian but you’re ordering lemon and herb?!” Tyrique, the goal-keeper of the team, criticised Michael - one of the defenders. “You’re a disgrace to your ancestors.”
“First of all! I’m half-Nigerian and two, not all of us were born with the devil’s arsehole for a mouth.” The remark caused an eruption of laughter throughout the restaurant.
Emil, who had been quiet in his corner with one headphone covering his ear just chuckled to himself and shook his head as he turned back his attention to the video that was playing on his phone. The footage was of him at the recent match. He had scored twice, his last one being the deciding the goal of the match.
It was something that he was proud of but there had been too many missed opportunities but the rival team had put on a good defence and were quite aggressive with their offence. However, he felt like he could have done more. If he was going to get scouted, he needed to be better.
“Right Emil, what am I getting you lad?” The Thompson Tigers’ head coach. Raymond Wright asked the young boy.
“Erm, just a quarter hot spice chicken with spicy rice and coleslaw . Refill drink please.” Emil ordered his food.
“Any desert for the man of the match?” Emil felt his cheeks warm at the statement. Everyone had agreed that he had deserved the badge of honour. Throughout the entirety of the match, Emil was the man lifting the spirits of the other players, keeping them going.
“No, I’m okay. Thanks coach.” the older man patted his shoulder and then walked towards the counter. As Emil turned his attention back to his phone, a message popped up.
Mum ❤️: Coach just sent me videos of the match! You smashed it honey and I’m so proud of you! I’m sorry that we couldn’t make it. But I will be making your favourite food tonight. Love you baby boy.
The message caused him to smile. His mother was always expressive and she did not care that he found it a little embarrassing and cringe, especially when they were out together in public.
He quickly typed a response back.
Emil: Thank you mum you only missed this one match and that’s only because Titi is sick. As long as I get the most plantain on my plate, we’ll be okay.
Exiting the message thread, he clicked on the thread that he shared with his father. The last message that he had received from his dad was in the morning and it was a google luck text. Emil was a little disheartened but he knew that once his father knew about the results of the match, he would reach out.
Emil shook his head as he locked his phone and took his headphones off so that he could join in conversation with the rest of the team.
Coach and a couple of teammates returned to the table with some refill glasses and cutlery. Emil was focused on cleaning his fork and knife when his name was called out.
“Wassup?” He acknowledged his teammate, Jamal, who had called out to him.
“Isn’t that your dad?” He used his head to indicate towards the window. Outside on the high street was a parked uber and outside of the vehicle stood a man. Emil observed the man. The man’s back wasn’t particularly large, he was just tall. The back of his shoulders stretched out the fabric of the fitted suit and it was in a colour that was typical of the navy blue colour that his father would wear for work. Whilst Emil took after his mother’s rich dark skin - his father was more of a lighter brown that, when it got too hot, he would tan.
And it wasn’t until Emil spotted a tattoo of a small bird behind the man’s ear did it full recognise in his brain that the figure was his father.
Without a further thought, Emil shot out of his seat and rushed towards the exit of the restaurant without a care. His dad was outside and the joy riddling his young body was uncontainable. Months of not having his father not being able to turn up for any of his games, him making that extra effort when his mother was home bound with his little sister meant the world to him.
He swung the door of the restaurant open and only slowed down to cross the road, Emil ran over. Suddenly he stopped in his tracks and frowned in confusion at the sight a few feet ahead of him.
Just a few steps in font of him, Emil watched as his father, not even turn to face him, but to open his arms as a woman get out of the fashion boutique they were standing in front of. It was a woman he recognised but in that moment, Emil could not put a name to it.
The woman jumped in his father’s arms and embrace him the way that he had witnessed his mother do so many time before. Emil’s brain was trying to catch up with what was happening but his body was already reacting.
He felt his heart pinch with an acute pain that made it harder for him to breathe. Then tears began to well behind his eyes as the pain was becoming too much as the confusion mounted.
And yet, it wasn’t until his father kissed the woman did that confusion and hurt manifested into a deep betrayal and a furious anger.
His quick feet propelled him forward until he felt his hands pushed against the bodies of the adults, breaking them apart.
“What the fuck Dad!” He yelled as the older man stared down at him with a panicked look washing over his face.
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reading list: @queenshikongo3 @dhlfastestlap @saintslewis @serpenttines-library @saturnville @hopefulromantic1 @cocobutterqwueen @bluesole16 @chaneajoyyy @emjayewrites @melodichaeuxx-lacritquexx @sapphireheaven @olyvoyl @lewisroscoelove @lh44adore @hellomadamebutterfly @scorpiobleue @qveenmelanink @tremendousstarlighttragedy @bekindbecoolbeyou @greedyjudge2 @itsapurrfectstorm @createdbylivingclocks @samiwzx @omgsuperstarg @peyiswriting @miyuhpapayuh @blowmymbackout @purplelewlew @henneseyhoe @perfecttrashface @alianovnaromanovanatalia @leilaxaliel
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forbidden-sin-bin · 3 months
By Your Side - Chapter 4
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Chapter 3 | By Your Side Series | Chapter 5 (coming soon)
Summary: You experience what it’s like being on a film production for the very first time, whilst thinking about home. Luckily, your fellow castmates and film crew seem friendly enough... 
Word Count: 2,772 words
February 18, 1998
“Alright,” the director clapped his hands together, bringing everyone in the room to his attention. “Now I know we all practically know each other by now, but since everyone’s here, let’s begin by introducing ourselves and our cast roles. I’ll go first, and then we go round clockwise from there.” He nods to the group and takes his seat down at the table.
“So! I’m Robert Rodriguez, and I’ll be your director for this movie.” He motions to the person sitting to the left beside him to continue, to which a young man with  speaks up.
“Hey guys, I’m Josh Hartnett, and I’ll be playing as Zeke Tyler.” He nods shortly. 
“Jordana Brewster, and I’m playing Delilah Profitt. I’m looking forward to be working with you all.” The gorgeous brunette flashed a brilliant smile.
Next was a tomboyish looking blonde, though you had a hunch it may have been stylized that way for her role. “Hi, I’m Clea DuVall, and my role is Stokely Mitchell. Cool.” The group shared a small chuckle.
“Uh, hi, I’m Shawn Hatosy, playing as Stan Rosado.” He quickly runs a hand through his curly hair as he spoke.
“Hello everyone! I’m Laura Harris, and I’ll be playing Marybeth Hutchinson.” Her gentle voice matched her kind looks as she offered a small smile. Beside her, one of the smallest of the group, perked up as he introduced himself right after.
“Hi guys, I’m Elijah Wood. Really excited to be here, and I’ll be playing Casey Connor.” He spoke quite self assuredly despite sharing most of the group’s slightly nervous jitters, having been on multiple film productions in the past.
“Uh, Y/N? That’s your cue.” Robert whispered across the table, and suddenly you realized it was your turn, but not before you caught Elijah’s eye as he gently prodded you with his elbow.
‘Oh shit.’
 “Oh shhh...oot.” You caught yourself at the last second, not wanting to look bad in front of your peers by cursing. “Yeah! Yeah, it’s my turn.” The table shared a lighthearted laugh, though you weren’t sure if it was meant to be comforting or not. 
“Uh... hi guys!” You introduced yourself, first name and last. “I’ll be playing as... Jordan Fulcher. Nice to meet you all.” A ripple of amusement sounded throughout the table, and you were half tempted to just lay your head down on the surface with embarrassment. 
Instead, you added: “Sorry, first day on the job.” A couple of people you heard responded with “Same here”, good naturedly.
Luckily or not, the person you sat beside - whom you’ve already been introduced to as Usher - took the attention off of you to charismatically introduce himself. 
“Alright, alright! How’s it going y’all? You might’ve heard of me, you might’ve not. But that’s aight if you don’t; You can call me Usher!” He pauses, letting the room quiet down after another round of laughs and playful cheers. “Usher Raymond, and I’ll be playing Stan Rosado, thank you all for comin.”
Half of you felt grateful that the fellow beside you was able to shift the attention off of you so quickly, though the other half admonished yourself for messing up within the first day of production. ‘Great job, dumbass.’ You thought to yourself.
Looking up, you met the eye of another castmate across from you; The kind eye of Robert Patrick gave you a slight nod of reassurance as he silently mouthed: “You’re okay.”
Feeling comforted as the far more experienced actor gave you his approval, you let yourself smile back. 
It’s always nice to know you’ve got THE T-1000 as a cast member to learn from, as well as other friendly-enough faces.
No longer cornered by your awkward first introduction, you gently prodded Elijah back with your elbow to whisper: “Just wanna let you know: You did a great job in Flipper last year.”
His eyes widened in surprise. “Oh, thanks! It was a ton of fun, I’m glad you liked it.”
Sighing in frustration, you forced yourself to take a seat once you entered your assigned dressing room’s chairs, after pacing around the room, nothing short of stressed and anxious. Unable to shake the feeling of uneasiness, you leaned down, burying your face into your arms as they lay atop the vanity table, not daring to look at yourself in the mirror right in front of you. 
‘How the hell did they decide to cast someone with a face like mine?’ You thought, running a hand over it.
Did anything go wrong today? No, actually, if any other person would be asked this question, the most agreed answer would be: No, things went quite well for the first day.
You weren’t any other person, unfortunately; Or at least, you concluded that you cannot be any other person even if you wanted. In fact, you still felt the absolute embarrassment of messing your introduction up; Anyone else would have long forgotten by now; you however, couldn’t shake the fear of wondering if people were about to use that slight slip-up against you, or if they wouldn’t let you live it down, or-
Someone called your name as they knocked on your door. “You doing alright in there?” Robert called, and you shot up, any admonishing thoughts upon yourself being flash frozen for the time being. 
“Uh... hang on just a second!” You called back, giving yourself a once-over in the mirror to rid yourself of any evidence of stress upon your face before beelining towards the door. “Ah, hey there sir.” You gave him a welcoming smile, hiding away your inner turmoil. “What’s up?”
From the initial look on his face, you had already guessed there was something else he wanted to ask. Still, he returned the friendly expression as he replied: “Just wanted to check in on you, also wanted to say that you did great today. Don’t sweat it, just take it easy and enjoy yourself, okay?”
Nodding, you gave him a thumbs up. “Noted. Sorry about that. I... just want to make sure I can give you guys the best performance I can, so...”
“Oh, no need to worry at all.” The director laughs a little. “Everyone’s been talking about how quickly you change into your character like this.” He snapped his fingers. “It’s just the table-read, but it already looks like you’ve got your character down just like that.” You slightly bowed your head in thanks.
“I do my best, and my best is what I can only give, even on day one.” You shrugged lightly. While his words did comfort your nerves somewhat, it’ll mean nothing if not applied to the final product. 
Robert gives you a clap on the shoulder. “That’s the spirit! Now, come on, you don’t want to be eating alone on your first lunch break on the job. Everyone’s been waiting for you!”
You sighed, this time with a bemused look. “Alright alright, as long as they don’t start applauding the moment I enter the room, I’ll hang around more often.” Quickly turning to grab your headset and walkman, making sure the cassette inside still held Marshall’s new EP that you’ve been listening to more often than you would’ve liked to admit, you followed your boss to lunch. “I appreciate it, you know.” You added, genuinely grateful.
“Oh, it’s no problem at all. Don’t burn yourself out by pushing yourself too hard. You’re gonna do fine, trust in the process and you.”
Several weeks later...
“What’re ye listening to?”
Raising your head to look at whomever interrupted your peaceful quiet time before another set of rehearsals, you gave Usher a deadpan look and replied: “Nothing your ears should be hearing.” 
He raised his hands in surrender. “I mean, if you know my kind of songwriting, pretty sure that means you’re listening to the HARD, hard stuff.” He angled his neck to try and take a peek at the cassette slotted inside to no avail. “You’ve been leaving us at a cliffhanger for like, what, two and a half weeks? I wanna know what’s made this tape so special, honest to god!”
“Now that,” Clea, having heard your response, came up and sat down beside you. “Is something I’m interested in knowing about; Considering you’ve shot down all of our guesses as to who you’re listening to.” 
Sighing, you groaned, facepalming. “Ugh... not you too, Clea.” Though, you couldn’t help but smile along as your two co-stars laughed. “At this point, you’re gonna get the whole gang in on the investigation-”
“Hold up, did I miss something?”
‘... Speak of the devil.’ You thought as Shawn sidles up beside Usher to look alongside him. “Are we finally gonna hear what you’ve been playing on that walkman?” He inquired.
“If I could, I would.” You replied, keeping your face stone cold with fake annoyance. “But like I said, give it time till this guy’s made it big enough for the mainstream, and then y’all won’t look at me and think: ‘Wow, this kid is a nutcase.’“
“Oooooh, so it’s a guy.” Clea leaned in a bit, raising her eyebrows. Meanwhile, the other two boys followed along with teasing “Oooooooh’s”, like a group of gossiping fangirls.
You didn’t say a thing, except look across the room where Kidada Jones was sitting, making eye contact, you gave her a pleading look of ‘help me’. 
Tragically for you, she just shrugged, grinning playfully. “Sorry babe, you know I’m just as obsessed as the rest of ‘em.” 
“Auuuugggghhhh.” Throwing your head back in exasperation, you called out your two other co-stars that weren’t even here. “Jeez, Laura? Josh? Why must you two not be here in this very moment to defend my pride?!” The group cracked up laughing at your dramatic bemoaning. It was all in good fun, you were hardly even offended at their sibling like pestering to reveal your secrets, but god, sometimes you really needed someplace more introverted than this.
Shoving your walkman back into your pocket and got up from the couch. “I’m being held hostage here, so I’m just gonna... make my escape. See ya.” Leaving the break room to find some other place to chill. 
”Only a matter of time!” Usher called as you left. You looked back and gave him a shake of your head with a smirk, determined to win this war.
Unknowingly to them, your muscles were sore from training on another movie production, set to start filming practically right after this one ended. If you could, you’d hole up in your trailer and sleep the rest of the day away. Stretching out your back with a wince, feeling your overworked sinews creak and stretch, you continued walking down the hall to find Elijah and Robert in another room, playing a game on the Super Nintendo.
“Hey guys-” You greeted before realizing what they were playing, your eyes lighting up. “Oh shoot, is that DOOM?”
“Yeah!” Elijah briefly turned to reply to you before focusing back onto the level. “You wanna try after we finish this level?” 
“Hell yeah, say no more.” Taking a seat on one of the chairs to watch the two play out their match, you stifled a pained groan as you bent your legs to sit down. “Man, I’m already feeling like an old person.”
Robert chuckled, his character reloading their shotgun shells. “You’ve got a long way to go before you actually start feeling that way, kid.” The room was comfortably silent as you watched them play, before he piped up again: “So, how was training with Ed and Brad? Tough crowd, huh?” 
You let out a single “Ha!” before responding:
“Honestly, I’d rather have everyone here pester me about my musical choices before having Mr. Norton urge me to keep going after like, twenty reps? Don’t tell him I said that.”
“Lips are sealed.” Elijah said, as his character turned the corner of a hidden path to collect a blue keycard. “Got it.”
You clapped your hands once. “Nice! You’re almost there.” 
Figuring you may as well resume listening to your music as you watched the gory video game, you quickly put your headphones back on to hear the middle of Just Don’t Give A Fuck, muttering along to the lyrics as if on instinct.
But if you see me on the street and duck ‘Cause you gon’ get stuck, stole, and snuffed ‘Cause I just don’t give a fu-
“Hey! Language.” Robert lightly reprimanded you, breaking you out of your trance.
“Oop, sorry.” 
“...Interesting music choice you got there.” 
You gave a grimace-sort of a smile. “Exactly why I’m not showing my cassettes off to anyone. Not for the faint of heart.”
“Pfft.” Elijah waved the warning off. “We’re all adults here, honestly. What’s a couple of swear words and dark topics gonna hurt anyone?”
‘Ohhhh boy, you have no clue, Eli.’ You thought, leaning back in your seat.
Another few weeks later, March Break, 1998... 
Your pager bleeped loudly within your pocket, taking you out of your well earned peaceful zone-out of just letting the world go by, watching Quinn play around in the grassy park fields.
Nearly deciding against checking, you reluctantly took your pager out of your pocket, unsurprised to see your agent’s number displayed on the little screen.
Unsurprised yet somehow not having the strength today to feel irritated, you just sighed and dialed him up on your phone. Pretty handy these days, despite being manufactured a few years ago, it was a worthwhile investment if it meant being able to take calls outside the house.
As soon as you heard him pick up, you didn’t let him have a chance to say hello: “I swear to god, you better have a good reas-”
“Pack your bags, we’re going to L.A.”
You blinked. 
Usually you’d be far too happy to make a beeline for the airport, but Shaun specifically agreed to not contact you during March Break, just so you could spend some time alone with your family. Having him break that protocol, despite not having any written in agreement, well, let’s just say you had a right to ask why.
Luckily, your agent seemed both excited and probably in a slight state of panic as he explained. “You remember the demo tape I told you to give to me before you left for the first table-read, right?” Not waiting for your confirmation, he quickly got to the point. “Well, someone here wants you to get that song out ASAP, if you can, you get to perform live on the 31′st as THE opening act for another artist’s debut!”
Running a hand over your face, you shut your notebook and began to pack your things to leave the park, phone pressed between your ear and shoulder. “Which one, exactly?”
“Florentine Garde- oh, no wait, that’s not what you meant - All of them! Well, pretty much all of them. Look, just, you got a song that’s pretty much done in there right? Which one is the quickest to be produced from now before the 29th this month?”
“Alright, alright, calm down. I know which one I’m gonna do. Just let them know I’ll be there hopefully by tomorrow.”
“Already booked your flight.”
“Wow, great. Thanks for doing all this stuff before letting me know beforehand so I can tell my parents and nephew-slash-son know that I’m going back to work whilst on vacation.” You snipped.
“Look, I’m sorry, I really am. It’s just... this is an opportunity you can’t miss if you want to make it big in the music industry. I told you before that I saw your potential in your songs you showed me, and now’s the time to show an audience what you’ve got! C’mon, please, work with me here. I promise, I’ll show you the best places there to get the best ice cream. I know you like ice cream, right?”
You just chuckled, zipping up your bag. “Alright. You don’t have to bribe me like a child, but now that you mentioned it, you better uphold to that promise or so god help me if shit goes south. I’ll see you tomorrow in L.A.”
Quickly bidding him goodbye, you hung up and called Quinn over, beckoning him to come tidy up and leave. He was fairly understanding every time you told him you had to go to work, which meant not always being able to pick him up from school or taking him outside to play like today, which you were grateful for. 
Hopefully, he would forgive you for having to leave so soon, once again.
‘I’ll be back home soon, baby boy. I promise.’
(End of Chapter 4)
Tagged List: @eminemsorangejuice , @slimshay-castle , @jackiehollanderr , @mizzysx , @esposadomd , @dimitrampl , @hallecarey1 , @krillfromsky , @nabiiturner, @swimregulas , @olivesarenicetoeat17 , @linnottt​ , @harryswif3 , @liathelioness , @roundbrownlover​ , @crimsonincursive , @akemiixx01 , @lizzy06 , @chxe-zdechnac , @ellies-femme , @qwerrry , @born2wyn , @thefemalestorywriter , @milllieeee , @neozen-23 , @in0320
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sunflower-lilac42 · 3 months
ꨄ 𝗵𝗶𝘁𝘀 𝗱𝗶𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁 ; 𝘰𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴 ꨄ
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➪ summary: aubrey goes to alex's first home detroit game and when she meets one of his teammates, she realizes that he's going to be different then all the rest
➪ warnings: none? i think
➪ word count: 1.8k
➪ file type: au (once in nine lives) fic
➪ sunny's notes: i am so so so excited for this au, so send in thoughts whenever you please. the biggest help is @slutforseider so if the idea isn't mine it is probably hers tbh. but like i said, i'm very excited for this au so hopefully it'll show with my writing
au masterlist || nhl masterlist || navigation
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It wouldn’t be Aubrey’s first hockey game she’s been to, not even her first Red Wings game she’s been to, but it would be the first time seeing her brother play on the team and meeting the team. Alex was her number one supporter and she was his, so when she got the news that her brother would be living practically thirty minutes away from where she went to school, she was more than thrilled. 
She wore her new Alex DeBrincat jersey, loving her name plastered on the back of it. She always wanted to get a jersey for every team her brother played for and sharing their last name saved her money. She met up with Lyndsey two hours prior to when they had wanted to leave there and Archie ran into her arms as soon as he laid his eyes on her, “Hey little man.”
“Auntie Aubrey!”
“You excited to watch daddy play today?” Archie nodded his head ecstatically. 
She looked at the two of them in the mirror, fiddling with his jersey, “And look, we match!”
He grinned up at her, content with staying in her arms for the rest of the night. She talked with Lyndsey until it was time for them to go, both of them getting into their respective cars and making their way to Little Caesars Arena. As they got out of their cars, Archie begged his mom to hold his aunt’s hand on the way in and she agreed, grateful for the moments her sister-in-law was around.
Aubrey talked to Archie excitedly about the game tonight and about Alex playing as they made their way to where Alex had said to meet them. As Archie continued to walk, he grew tired and asked Aubrey to be picked up, which she did without question. Alex stood talking with some of his teammates as the three of them arrived, immediately stopping their conversation to walk over to them.
Lyndsey kissed him before turning her attention to her son and his aunt, both of them giggling at each other. Alex walked closer to them, poking Archie in the side to gain his attention, “Daddy!”
Aubrey handed him over to her brother, smiling slightly at the interaction, “Hey bud. You excited for tonight?”
“Yeah, me and Auntie Aubrey are going to make fun of you the whole time.” 
She let out a nervous chuckle, “What? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Her brother raised an eyebrow before setting his son down to hug her, “Nice to see you, Aubs.”
“You too, Lex. How’s the team doing?”
“Good, good. I think we got a shot this year.”
She smiled at him, “Good, you deserve it.”
“Come on, let me introduce you to them.”
The three of them followed after him, passing by a few of his teammates along the way before stopping where a large chunk of them were. Alex gained their attention and he looked between his family and his team, “Guys this is my wife Lyndsey and my son Archie. And this is my little sister, Aubrey.”
His eyes darkened before looking at the younger ones of the bunch, “No dating her, no touching her, don’t even smile at her.”
“Lex…” Alex held his hands up in defense before continuing, “And, this is our captain, Dylan Larkin, Ben Chariot, Lucas Raymond, Jake Walman, Simon Edvinsson, and Moritz Seider.”
The three of them nodded and waved, Aubrey trying to keep her emotions in check. But her mind didn’t stop her as she started spitting out random facts at them, “Oh yeah, Lark had a 13.1 shooting percentage, Ben you had 19 points, and Lucas had a 29.4% face off win percentage, Jake had 47 hits, Simon had 13 shot attempts and 5 shots, and Mo had 40 penalty minutes-”
She looked at all of their faces, “I did it again, didn’t I?” Alex nodded, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder, “It’s fine. I guess I would like them to know you’re nerd now rather than later.”
“Uh hi, I go to Michigan and I’m studying sports management. That isn’t usual, actually yes it is. I tend to blurt out facts when I’m nervous or I’m meeting new people, it just-” She took a deep breath, “Sorry.”
The boys stared at her in awe and Alex wasn’t having it, “Okay pretty and smart, we know. Time to go, you three.”
Aubrey didn’t have to be told twice and immediately rushed out of there with Archie and Lyndsey in tow. The whole game Aubrey felt embarrassed by what had happened, if it was anyone else she would’ve been fine with it, but her brother’s teammates? Her brother’s cute teammates? She felt like she could cry. 
It wasn’t often that she found her brother’s teammates cute, and it was often that the attraction that she felt for them was this strong. Sure she would find the occasional teammate cute, Lukas Reichel, Alex Vlasic, Brandon Hagel, Kirby Dach. But it wasn’t like she was attracted to them, mostly because she knew she wouldn’t be allowed to date them. 
However, this time around, she couldn’t help but find one of them attractive, nor could she help the feelings that she might’ve already had for him. She shook her head as she continued to watch the game and make comments about her brother with Archie, she was not going to let herself fall for one of his teammates, it was forbidden. She couldn’t break the one promise she had made Alex, the one promise she was determined to keep. 
After the game, the three of them met up with Alex once more, Archie taking his post-game nap on Aubrey’s shoulder. Archie truly loved Aubrey, he would always be by her side when she would come over, always asking to hold her hand when they went out, always asking her to do stuff with them. Since he was born, the two were attached at the hip, and everyone knew it wouldn’t change. 
She kept her grip on her nephew firm, not wanting to startle him by any sudden movement. Some of the players came out a little too loud and she immediately shushed them, she wasn’t going to let anyone wake Archie up, if she knew them or not. The players who had passed them apologized softly before moving on, some of them even patting his head gently as they walked out. 
Alex walked out and she cursed mentally when she saw him walking beside her brother. Of course this would happen to her, one little slip up and the Universe was trying to make her pay for it. She smiled at Mo and her brother, still keeping her grip on the boy, “Nice game, guys.”
“Thanks Aubs, how long has he been asleep for.”
“Probably like five minutes before we got here.” She handed him over to him, watching as he and Lyndsey walked out of the arena.
The two stood there awkwardly, none of them sure if they should start a conversation or just wave goodbye and leave. And just as Aubrey was about to do the latter, he spoke up, his German accent making its way to her ears, “So Michigan, huh?”
She nodded, “Yeah, they had a really good sports management program and it was close to a hockey city, so it was kind of fate.”
Mo stuck his hands in his pockets, “I’m assuming you like hockey then?”
“Yeah, both of my brothers played it but I could never. So when I figured out I liked math and that sports had a lot of statistics, I fell in love with it.”
“Math? I’ve never understood it.”
She chuckled, “A lot of people don’t but that’s also kind of what I love about it. It’s like I know something that people don’t in a weird way.”
The two started walking, both of them not wanting their conversation to end despite how awkward it was. Aubrey thought back to earlier and blushed, “I’m sorry about earlier. Or not sorry to you but to myself.”
“It’s okay. It’s really impressive actually. You said I had 40 penalty minutes last year?”
“Yeah.” She took her hands out of her pockets to fiddle with them, trying to focus on something other than her small nerd outburst from before. 
“That’s cool. So what other things do you know about me?”
Her eyes widened and looked up at him, “What?”
“I figured if you knew my penalty minutes from last year there must be some other things you know about me, hm?” He smirked, stopping and looking down at her. 
“Oh, uh.” The blood rushed into her cheeks, turning them a color close to maroon. 
“C’mon, you can tell me.”
“You had 5 goals and 37 assists, a total of 42 points. 3 of them were on even strength, one was a power play goal, and one was a short handed goal. You had 187 shots and 355 total shot attempts, leaving you with a 3.7 shooting percentage which was less from the year before.”
“Hmm, cute.” She looked down and waited for him to move, and once he did she followed him. 
He walked her to her car, leaning against the back driver side door, watching as she fiddled with her keys, “So…”
“So… what?”
“Can I have your number?”
“Bold aren’t you?” She finally unlocked her door, pulling it open and throwing her bag on the passenger seat, “Also I thought my brother said no dating.”
“Who said anything about dating? I can’t befriend a pretty girl?”
“Oh, um. Okay then.” She honestly thought it was embarrassing how easily it was for him to make her flustered. It only took him to call her pretty or for his hand to flex and her cheeks were flushed. 
He handed her his phone, watching her carefully as she typed her number into the new contact she had made. When she handed him his phone back, he grinned slightly and patted her head, “I’ll text you when I get home.”
And then he walked off, leaving her a stumbling and blushing mess. She got in her car and sat staring out into the practically empty parking lot of the arena. Driving back to her dorm room she listened to anything to get her mind off of the interaction she just had but she couldn’t. Everything she listened to reminded her of the way he dressed, the way he smiled, the way his eyes twinkled. God, what was she turning into?
She got back to her dorm and changed into her pajamas. She flopped onto her bed, talking a little bit with her roommate and then scrolled aimlessly on her phone. Just as she was going to put her phone down she got a notification from an unknown number, “ I hope you didn’t give me a fake number, pretty girl. Because I was really looking forward to texting you."
Yeah, she was fucked.
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chaotic-tired-fox · 1 year
Okay so my last post blew up so here’s more obscure random Resident Evil facts for y’all!
Part one: here
Part three: here
☠️The white dog you save in Resident Evil 4 is a reference to Hewie the dog in Capcom’s other game Haunting Ground which was released at around the same time the original Resident Evil 4 was. The main character Fiona also shares resemblance to Ashley.
☠️ Chris and Claire’s parents both died in a tragic car crash said to be so bad they could only be identified by their dental records
☠️ Jill’s infection (and later cure) of the T-Virus significantly slowed down her ageing
☠️ Chris is the only main character without a clear romantic interest (Leon with Ada, Claire with Leon and Jill with Carlos)
(Edit: A few people have said Claire and Steve but Steve was only 17 at the time of his death so no I don’t care how much chemistry they might’ve had, he was a minor and Claire was 19)
☠️ In the original RE2 Jill had a picture of a man on her desk, in the remake it is changed to a dog instead.
☠️ Barry Burton is one of the only characters in the series to actually retire, moving up to Canada with his family. He and Claire still stay in contact.
☠️ Leon’s signature handgun is actually a modified Samurai Edge he named ‘Silver Ghost’ made by Joseph Kendo the brother of Robert Kendo you meet in RE2 and RE3. Originally the gun was created for Barry Burton but given to Leon instead.
☠️ One of Joseph Kendo’s books on firearms can be found in Ethan’s house at the beginning of Village.
☠️ Capcom’s other zombie series Dead Rising actually has a few references to Resident Evil in them though my favourite is a restaurant called Jill’s Sandwiches
☠️ Luis Sera was apart of Umbrella’s sixth laboratory in Europe which oversaw the creation of Nemesis.
☠️ A detail not many know about Hunk is that he possesses two hidden blades mounted to his wrists almost exactly like the ones seen in Assassins Creed
☠️ Jessica and Raymond are two villains from Revelations that are not only still alive but in possession of a T-Abyss sample and haven’t been seen in the timeline since 2005 what happened to them and the sample is a complete mystery.
☠️ Another storyline that hasn’t been explained yet is Natalia from Revelations 2 and if she may or may not be possessed by the consciousness of Alex Wesker
☠️ It’s implied in the Shadow of Rose DLC that Mia Winters lost custody of Rose sometime in her teenage years
☠️ Chris can canonically pull off front flips whereas Leon can backflip
☠️ Lobo, Tundra and Night Howl of the Hound Wolf Squad actually have little smiley face stickers on the back of their helmets whereas Canine and Umber Eyes do not.
☠️ In every main series game he’s been in (RE2,RE4,RE6) Leon has had to crawl through a sewer
☠️ All of the cgi movies as well as Infinite Darkness are considered completely canon to the story.
☠️ Upon the release of Operation Raccoon City, players could participate in an online ARG which gave away exclusive files on the characters including a psychological evaluation of Hunk which is the most information we’ve ever gotten on his character. The link to it can be found: Here
☠️ Wesker’s British accent was the result of each of his voice actors attempting to mimic the last. This was corrected in the remake of Resident Evil 4 (sadly)
☠️ You can interact with the play park in RE6 with Chris, Piers and Ada and each of them go down the slide differently
☠️ The HWS member that tackles Ethan at the reservoir is Canine and the one standing next to Chris is Night Howl.
☠️ Night Howl is also the author of the laptop reports you find in the Church and the secret underground area where the Mutamycete is in the village.
☠️ Canine is the youngest member of the HWS and the oldest is Umber Eyes
☠️ Lobo from the HWS shares striking similarities to Hunk (Read my full theory on it Here)
☠️ The Duke from Village and The Merchant from RE4 actually know each other and The Duke describes them as ‘old friends’
☠️ Sergei Vladimir, leader of the UCBS is the tallest human character in the franchise standing at 6’7.5”
☠️ Thanks to the Resident Evil 4 remake, Leon can now both speak and read Spanish
☠️ In the Heavenly Island comic, the man Chris sends to assist Claire is Parker Luciani from Revelations
☠️ In RE8 the Village is heavily isolated from the outside world thanks to Miranda and thus has remained primitive but Heisenberg had his own arrangements with the Duke for regular newspapers and cigars from the outside.
☠️ Wesker actually met Claire once while he was still leading STARS. He described her as a ‘lovely girl.’
☠️ That being said Claire swears more than any other main character (Chris, Leon, Jill)
☠️ Chris and Claire have matching leather jackets that both say ‘Made In Heaven’ on the back which is a reference to Queen (the band)
☠️ Although it doesn’t appear in the remake, Barry’s ‘Jill sandwich’ line is considered canon and referenced by his daughter Moira in Revelations 2
☠️ Revelations for the 3DS was so infamous for having its text misspelled on the side of the case Capcom had to issue replacement sleeves for all the buyers who had one.
☠️ Heisenberg calling Chris a ‘Boulder punching asshole’ means his feats in RE5 either made the newspaper or someone told him about it personally (one of the hounds maybe?)
☠️ Expanding upon an earlier fact of mine, Chris knows 7 fighting styles which are: Airforce Combatives, Karate, Boxing, Judo, Wrestling, Capoeira and Kali
☠️ Jill also knows 7 fighting styles which are: Modern Army Combatives, Taekwondo, Ju-Jitsu, Gymnastics, Tricking, Lucha Libre and Kali
☠️ Leon knows 6 fighting styles: Taekwondo, Ju-Jitsu, Wrestling, Kali, Krav Maga and Systema
☠️ The reason why there’s no children in the village in Resident Evil 4 is because Saddler’s blood ritual killed them all before the events of the game (that and the developers agreed child enemies would be far too disturbing)
☠️ The developer of the original RE4 suggests that the best snacks to have while playing the game is Diet Coke and lightly salted potato chips (eaten with chopsticks to avoid greasy controller hands)
☠️ Neither Hunk nor anyone in the USS wear Umbrella logo patches (as much as cosplayers tell you otherwise lol)
☠️ In the RE4 remake, Ashley refers to herself as a ‘master of unlocking’ which is a reference to Jill’s title given to her by Barry in the first game
☠️ Chris and Leon were designed to be complete opposites of each other and you can still see that today even with subtle details (Chris punches, Leon kicks. Chris smokes, Leon doesn’t. Leon is flirtatious, Chris is indifferent)
☠️ Wesker’s red eyes glow brighter any time he experiences strong emotions which is why they sometimes shine through his glasses
☠️ Chris’s zippo lighter was actually a gift from Claire given to him when he joined STARS
☠️ Chris can’t read piano sheet music but he can read guitar
☠️ Jill can play the piano
☠️ The story behind the basement music used in the directors cut of the original Resident Evil is so infamous and has a pretty wild story behind it. The music itself is horrendously bad and said to have been composed by a deaf composer but spoiler alert that composer wasn’t deaf at all and instead was fooling the world. The story is insane and I highly recommend checking out this video on it for the full story here
☠️ Beltway from the USS Wolfpack has a metal prosthetic leg
☠️ Beltway also swears more than any other character in Operation Raccoon City
☠️ The original RE4 has more releases than any other Resident Evil game because of its success
☠️ The original RE4 was also planned to be a lot more survival horror based like it’s predecessors but the remake of the original RE didn’t sell as well as intended so the game was reworked to be more action based instead.
☠️ Crimson head zombies were also completely unique to the remake of Resident Evil and also make an appearance in Operation Raccoon City
☠️ Leon’s relationship with Helena is unique in the fact that neither of them are interested in each other and Leon instead views her as a protege because she reminds him of his younger self.
☠️ You cannot shoot the merchant in the RE4 Remake
☠️ During his time working at the Spencer Mansion, Wesker used to take long hikes around the Arklay Mountains
☠️ Mr X isn’t the only Tyrant of his type in fact multiple of him were released around Raccoon City and it’s also implied two separate Mr X’s are encountered during the story of the RE2 remake
☠️ Out of everything, crows are the most effective carriers and spreaders of the T-Virus
☠️ Hunk’s name is actually an acronym that stands for Human Unit Never Killed
☠️ Leon S Kennedy is the only playable character with a middle name, that being Scott (in fact he might be the only character in the franchise with one but don’t quote me on that)
☠️ Originally Leon’s hair was depicted as brown but was later changed to blond which it had stayed as until Vendetta made it brown again. His canon hair colour is usually agreed to be blond however.
☠️ Same goes for Chris’s eye colour which was originally blue (like Claire’s) until they changed it to brown and back to blue again in Village.
☠️ Birkin discovered the Golgotha Virus by accident while experimenting with Lisa Trevor. In the REmake you can see the G Virus tentacles on her back.
☠️ The brand of clothing and gear the Hound Wolf Squad use is a real brand you can buy exact replicas from for Airsoft called Volk Tactical Gear. There logo is printed on HWS weapons in game.
☠️ Ghosts were technically made canon in the Resident Evil universe thanks to 7 and 8 but seem to only relate to the Mold and Mutamycete (You see a ghost girl in 7’s demo/prequel and in 8 Shadow of Rose goes in depth with it)
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soulsforscrapbooks · 11 months
How the Dracula Stage Play Influenced Future Adaptations
So I wanted to let people know about the stage adaptation of Dracula, because it established a lot of tropes that have come to define the novel as well as vampire fiction in general, despite the fact that large changes were made when bringing the book to the stage. Sometimes, honestly, it seems like more adaptations pull from the play than the book. Okay:
The original stage adaptation of Dracula was written in 1897 by Stoker himself! Here you can see the manuscript in his own hand:
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Apparently he hated how it turned out, because he called it “dreadful” and it was performed only once and then never again. The role of Mina was played by Edith Craig, a well-known figure in the suffragist movement and the daughter of Ellen Terry, Stoker's friend, whom he mentions in the book. The next attempt at adapting the novel would not be until the 1920s, after Stoker had died.
The 1924 adaptation by Hamilton Deane stays fairly close to the events of the novel. Some key points:
The entirety of the action takes place in the Harkers' house
Mina and Jonathan are already married
Dracula is already in England, and the storyline involving Jonathan as a prisoner of the Count has been omitted
To accommodate the female members of his theater troupe, Quincy is now a woman! Her name is still Quincy, and she is described as “feisty,” and is a close friend of Jonathan and Mina. (There don’t seem to be any photos from the 1924 play, sadly.)
It is in this first major adaptation that the idea of the Count as suave and debonair is brought into existence. This change is to allow Dracula to interact more easily onstage with the other characters, whereas in the book he stays an offscreen threat for large amounts of time. This is also the first instance of Dracula wearing a high-collared pointy cape, which was originally done to hide the actor better whenever Dracula had to “disappear” through trapdoors. 
Here is Raymond Huntley as Dracula in the 1924 stage adaptation:
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The play was a success, and quickly moved to Broadway:
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This version, adapted by John Balderston, was a complete revision not just from the book but from the 1924 stage play, and a LOT of changes were made:
Quincy, Arthur, and MINA have been removed from the story. Mina is mentioned as having died mysteriously before the play takes place.
Jonathan’s relationship to Dracula has been completely removed. He is not involved with bringing the Count to England at all. He is also now wealthy, and has traveled Europe extensively, where he has heard folktales about vampires.
Lucy is now engaged to Jonathan, and her last name is now Lucy Seward. This is because……..
John Seward has been aged up and is now Lucy’s father. 
The action takes place at Seward’s house/asylum.  
Renfield is allowed to just sort of…wander around Seward’s house when the plot requires him to be there. He gets dragged away by attendants whenever he needs to be offstage. He also survives. 
The Broadway version also made large changes in characterization:
Lucy is weak and feeble when we meet her in the play. She is helplessly preyed upon by Dracula, and yet is sexually tempted by him when under a trance. She and Dracula share a passionate kiss at the end of Act II, right before she willingly exposes her neck for him to bite. 
Jonathan is still concerned for Lucy as she is slowly turned, but he is more wary of her and goes along willingly with Van Helsing’s ideas regardless of how Lucy feels.
Renfield is portrayed as actively malicious, through fearful and subservient to the Count. 
Seward is seen as a strong-willed father who leads his asylum with a firm and confident hand. He believes Van Helsing more readily when confronted with the existence of vampires.
Dracula himself is once again depicted as charming and suave, and he spends time during the first act as a mysterious but pleasant dinner guest of the Sewards.
Despite these massive revisions, the Broadway version was a hit, partially to due the charisma of Bela Lugosi, who originated the role. (Below is Bela Lugosi as Dracula along with Seward, Van Helsing, Jonathan Harker, and Renfield on the floor:)
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Bela Lugosi, of course would go on to star in the 1931 film adaptation. Other famous stage Draculas include Jeremy Brett and Frank Langella (Langella's revival would also give us this amazing Edward Gorey art:)
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So we can see that the stage plays influenced many versions that would later come, as well as the idea of vampires in pop culture at large. It’s interesting how the motifs and themes we expect when we hear the word “Dracula” were actually the creation of people besides the author, and these differences don't seem to have been majorly disputed in the last 100 years. Has this happened with other classic novels? I'm not sure, but I'd love to see an accurate adaptation of Dracula in stage or film form, and see how it might influence filmmakers and directors for the future.
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darthannie · 1 year
day five: hate fuck with raymond leon
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pairing: Raymond Leon x reader word count: 819 warnings: 18+ PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, rough sex, spanking, reader also wears a trench coat lmao, mention of age difference a/n: Raymond Leon hate me, please.
kintober masterlist
Raymond disliked the fact that you were his superior. He had been a timekeeper for much longer than you have, and he found it ridiculous that someone younger was his superior officer. 
You called him into your office to discuss a new case that was being assigned to him. It always irked him to be around you. He always had a bored look on his face, but you assumed he was like that with everyone. That was until he came bursting at the seams during the meeting over a disagreement. It quickly turned personal. 
He got up in your face. “You are not fit to be my boss. I don’t think trash like you should have EVER been allowed to become a timekeeper.”
You slapped him across the face. “How dare you talk to me like that?”
He clenched his jaw, “Easily.”
“That’s enough, Raymond.” You adjusted the cuff of your coat. “You know, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you had a little crush on me. That’s why you’re being such an asshole. Can’t handle the fact you like your boss.”
That was worse than the slap in the face. Raymond resented the fact he found you attractive. It was something he couldn’t have. He stayed silent, careful not to out himself. It had the opposite effect. 
“I take your silence to mean. I’m right? I mean, really, I’m flattered.”
“Enough,” he took a moment to think and scanned your face, “I think we can come up with an arrangement.”
You raised an eyebrow, curious to hear what he had to say. 
“We get together once, get rid of any pent-up feelings, and never speak about it again.”
You thought it over. “Okay. Deal.” You reached your hand out for him to shake. He grabbed it and pulled your arm, dragging you forward. Your lips crashed into his, and you pulled away. 
“Not now.”
“Yes, now.” He kissed you again. You didn’t think Raymond would be the needy type but right now he kissed you like he had been wanting to for years. That softness didn’t last long because he was bending you over your desk soon after. 
He draped your coat over one side of your body and yanked down your pants, then he ripped your underwear off you. He pocketed the ripped fabric.
“Hey, you do not get to keep that.”
He spat venom, “You don’t get to tell me what to do.”
He shoved his cock inside of you, not caring if you were wet enough. You gave him a side eye as you adjusted to his size, “Actually, I do. That’s exactly my job. You follow my orders.”
He fucked you harder, grabbing your neck and pulling you against him. A slap echoed in the office. He spanked you so hard that you turned red on his first try. He was angry. Angry at the fact you were still so cocky while you were speared on his cock. Angry that you finally got to him. 
You moaned as he hit the right spot over and over again. 
“You fuck like you’re trying to get me to submit to you.”
He was breathing hard, “I am trying.” He let go of your neck and you fell back down on the desk. 
“Try harder.” You grabbed onto the edge of the desk and he reached under your shirt, grabbed your breast, and fondled it. He pinched your nipple, and your back arched. His other hand was on your hip, anchoring himself at the place where your body hinged. 
You moaned his name as he lifted your leg, placing your knee on the desk. The new position allowed him to go deeper. You shrieked. Your panting and moaning was the fuel he needed to cum. He pulled out of you and brought you down on your knees.
“Open.” He slapped you lazily; he just wanted you to obey. You went a step further and put him in your mouth, sucking and licking around the tip. He moaned as he spilled into your mouth. He pulled out and a drop of cum fell from the side of your mouth. He wiped it with his thumb and shoved the digit in your mouth. 
You stood up as he put himself back in his pants. You pulled up your pants and returned to your desk chair. You sat down and watched him as he fixed his coat and ran a hand through his hair. 
He turned to leave but turned back around to try and have the final word, “Never again.”
When he reached the door you spoke up. “I wouldn’t be too sure about that. I didn’t finish.”
His jaw clenched and he swallowed the lump in his throat. Filled with indignation, he walked out not bothering to look back at you. The last thing he wanted to do was see the smug look on your face. 
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@devotedlyshadowytheorist, @dxnger-dxys, @tommyshelbywhore, @quinnlilias,@madnessandobsession, @mvpr-moon, @nela-cutie, @faebirdie, @charmed-asylum, @anasanthology, @ilikefictionalmen, @akanne-aka, @no-fooking-fighting,@queenofstresss, @flwrs4aust, @eleanorthemo, @ilovepeoplesdads
(If something is up with your tag or you would like to be added, let me know!)
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am-i-interrupting · 7 months
I'm curious what Vox's first impressions were of the Alastor's daughter, like as a kid, I mean he briefly mentions it but I kinda wanna read his reaction about learning the radio host he grew up listening to has a daughter (and if he learned before the serial killer thing was announced, did imagine scenarios of meeting the radio man and his daughter like little kids do with their imagination or teens with their daydreams).
Another inquiry is what his impressions were when he read the reader's book (obviously he read it) and if he could sense there was more to it than the words written down
OATSH Master List
To answer your second question succinctly, yes. Not to the extent that he would suspect them of anything but he would have definitely picked up on some very subtle hints of defensiveness when it came to Alastor’s killings. I think he’d probably read it as them feeling like they need justification for still caring about him despite what he did but in reality, it’s less about their own justification and more so like a “he’s not a monster. He was helping people, why can you see that?” you know?
To answer your first question, thank you for giving me a reason to write this:
A Voice on the Radio | Vox x Alastor’s Child Reader
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It was a surprise when the radio switched from producing the sound of blues to voices. For the past week, nothing but blues music came from the station. A very stark change from the upbeat jazz that normally played. There had also been no speaking. Not a single soul had spoken for the last nine days.
A throat cleared. “Is this on?”
“The light,” another, much younger sounding voice said.
The fifteen year old paused eating breakfast and looked at his mother who was staring at the radio with furrowed brows. Neither voice was familiar.
“Ah, yes, right,” the first voice said with a laugh. “Good morning all, we would like to apologize for the radio silence on our part this past week. Some unexpected tragedies came our way and with them uncovered some gruesome truths.
“The dearly beloved host, Alastor, has passed. He was killed by a misfire of a hunter. A truly tragic event but with it came to light the horrific acts of the late Alastor. As you likely know if you’re a long time listener, for the past decade or so, there have been many murders that have befallen this otherwise serene part of Louisiana and it’s been confirmed to be the acts of our previous show host.
“Today, I have here with me the one person who knew him better than anyone else and can hopefully shine some light upon the situation and perhaps give some peace to the families of the victims. Alastor’s daughter—“
He looked towards the radio now. His breakfast was forgotten now. His fork barely dangled in his hand.
Not only was his mother’s (and by extension his own) favorite radio show host dead but also a murderer and he had a daughter? So much information in less than three minutes. His brain was struggling to keep up.
Even his father set down his paper to listen in.
“Why don’t you say hello to the people?”
“I’m not dignifying you with a proper greeting until you dignify me with a proper introduction. You’re doing a terrible job, Gregory,” the younger voice said.
He smiled curiously at the radio.
“I— um, I’m sorry?” the man, Gregory, said. There was only silence in reply. An awkward chuckle, “Well, my apologies then. Let me introduce the daughter of our show host—“ Gregory said your name and silently he tested it on his tongue— “Do you have anything to say to the people before we begin?”
“Yes, I would like to sincerely apologize for Gregory’s lack of bravado and charisma. I did do my best to convince them that Raymond would be better but alas,” you said.
That’s when he got it. You did sound like a younger, more feminine version of your father. Down to the tilts of the accent.
There was a longer pause and then, barely picked up and barely able to decipher, “You have your father’s creepy smile.” Louder, intended to be heard, “Why don’t we get into the questions then?”
“Yes, let’s. The less time spent listening to you, the better for everyone, hm?”
“You little— So—“ the sounds of hands clapping together— “the reports I have here suggest that you knew about the murders. Was there a reason you didn’t say anything?”
“I’ve been raised by a serial killer, Gregory. Please, take a guess,” you replied.
He couldn’t help but snort as reached for his glass. His mother shot him a look. He bowed his head down as he took a sip.
“Right, well,” Gregory cleared his throat, “did you happen to know his motivations?”
“He’s a very righteous man,” you said. “You’ve seen him when people are being disrespectful. He’s not just some ravaging animal. He’s very selective.”
“Was,” Gregory corrected. “He was very selective, you mean.”
“Was,” you repeated and he could hear you seething even through the crackle of the radio.
“Oh, heavens! Get your stuff or we’re going to be late,” his mother said.
He didn’t want to go though. He wanted to stay and listen to you on the radio. He was having fun listening to your snark.
It truly surprised him, impressed him how you were able to have such moxie so soon after tragedy. He couldn’t imagine being so quick witted so quickly.
His mother called his name and he snapped back to reality. As he headed out the door, he heard you snap back at Gregory one more time, “And would you call yourself a saint? Don’t think no one’s noticed the looks you’ve shared with Ms. Brown, as a married man, no less!”
He compressed a laugh to his chest as he followed his mother.
The next day he saw a paper with a headline related to a serial killer in Louisiana. He paid for the paper and read another interview with you.
He couldn’t help but wonder what you looked like. What would such a snarky, confident girl look like? He wanted to know. He wanted to meet you. Even in tragedy, you seemed like good company to have.
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pdpenpals · 14 days
omg wait i had the biggest crush on garroth growing up, could you write something for pdh garroth? I don't want to steal the confession idea from the other anon but the idea of garroth giving a letter after going 'oh wow I'm late for baseball practice haha! come see me after you read that!--' is so cute
also did you know i actually rewrote my own science notes digitally from last year for this request’s header
lol, hope you like it, nonnie! this one's built a little different for the sake of the #narrative.
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sir raymond (he insists you use his nickname) always has an unhinged tale or two from his youth (he’s still in his mid-20s) up his sleeve, but the class doesn’t mind it with how he always manages to link it back to earth science, your last class of the week (well, before club period). he graduated from the university bordering phoenix drop, and he’s currently reminiscing about how he and his mates used to cling to its outer gates and hover above the sidewalk on the way there to avoid getting their clothes soaked by the flood whenever it rained (even just a little bit). it hasn’t improved for that area in ru’aun, but it’s always been like that. he should be getting back on topic in 3…2…
your train of thought is interrupted by garroth getting up from the table next to you when a senior pops by the classroom window and makes some motion that only the two of them understand. the class is used to it by now, so he’s able to quietly excuse himself and leave early for varsity duties. before you know it, his figure disappears down the hallway, basking in the afternoon sun. you’re about to chase after him to return the notebook he’s just left behind, but your name written slightly bigger than usual catches your eye.
you almost get caught zoning out when turning a page of his notebook reveals something you’re sure you’re not supposed to see. your cheeks heat up and your heart starts racing.
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I’m pretending to be taking down notes, but really, I’m just writing this. Don’t get mad?
Anyway, so so sorry I can’t stick around again this period! Would it be alright to take a look at your notes during lunch period after intrams? I should be able to free up my schedule around that time now that the team doesn’t need me around when there’s no practice. The guilt is seriously eating me alive by relying on you more than I should for Earth Sci, can you not decline the next time I offer to make it up to you?
Speaking of, you should head over to the gym after club. I think the rest of the varsity teams need another pair of eyes to get them to work faster, and so we can finish event prep early. Your friends should be there too, I think? Still, I’d be happy to show you around myself! I can help you fend off anyone if they decide to annoy you.
Irene help me, I feel Sir’s stare on me right now. I’m definitely next to be called on for a question. But thanks to the Divine (I hope so), I can hear my team captain about to round the corner of the hallway outside and call me out for practice and intrams. Hope you don’t get called in my stead. Seriously. Now that’d be another thing to apologize for.
Getting off track now. Anyway! Really hope you’ll drop by later. Your company’s always welcome and such a delight to ha
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Today’s To-Do:
🗹 Intrams, Log Committee
☐ ████ Application
🗹 Lunch @ Courtyard
☐ Look up ██████ & ██. ████
☐ Just confess already (keep it casual, it’s not that hard! — L.) (later after club then?)
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myveryownfanfiction · 3 months
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tags: @illiana-mystery
warnings: blowjobs, Rays dream from ghostbusters, swearing, suggestive comments from peter
AN: happy 72nd birthday to Dan aykroyd! Story under the cut!
ray moaned under me as I licked up his shaft. His head fell back against the pillows, his chin tilted up as he brow furrowed. His hands gripped the bedsheet as I took him into my mouth.
“(Y/N).” Ray breathed out. “Oh fuck. Yes.” I pulled back and sucked on his head. “I can’t…I won’t…” he arched his back, forcing more of his dick into my mouth. I reached up and pushed his T-shirt up, gently running my nails over his stomach. I hummed as my fingers made contact with his chest hair. Ray moaned and bucked his hips as I licked around his shaft. Sucking as I pulled back, ray tossed his head to the side. “Please.” He whimpered. I continued at the pace I had set, watching him through my eyelashes. Ray was gasping for breath, his brow pulled tight as he thrust up into my mouth before cumming. He moaned my name as he did, making me smile as I pulled off him. I carefully tucked him back into his boxers and pulled his shirt back down. Ray sighed before turning on his side, searching for me in his sleep. I breathed a sigh of relief as I moved up the bed and curled up next to him. Ray hummed happily as his arm wrapped lazily around me. I kissed his cheek before falling asleep. The next morning, I woke up to an empty bed. I could hear rays voice drifting up from the kitchen.
“I’m telling you ray. There’s more to this than you think.” Peter said. I could hear ray scoff. “I’m no dream analyst but I do have that doctorate in psychology. If you keep having this dream, and I do mean more often than once or twice a week, there has to be something to it.” Peter looked up at me as I walked in the room. Hugging ray, I pressed a kiss to the back of his head as his arms came up to hold mine to him.
“hey.” I whispered sleepily. He took my hand and kissed the back of it.
“hey.” He whispered back. “Sleep well?” I nodded against him before breaking away to grab a cup of coffee.
“you?” I asked. I saw Peter shaking his head at ray who rolled his eyes.
“(Y/N) knows about the dreams. They have since I started having them.” Ray explained. “I had another dream last night. The one where the ghost that looks like you blows me.” I nodded as I turned around and leaned against the counter.
“yeah.” I said, nodding at him to continue.
“And I…” ray coughed and blushed as he glanced at Peter. “Finished…but there was no evidence of it when I woke up.” I nodded. “So unless you changed me, which would have woken me up, or these dreams are just hyper realistic.” I snorted into my coffee cup and ray frowned. “What?”
“ray, you aren’t dreaming. Well not fully.” I said with a laugh. “Whenever you have that dream, I’m blowing you. In real life. In the middle of the night.” Rays eyebrows went up and his mouth dropped into an o. Peter started laughing.
“Raymond you dog! you can even get it in your sleep!” He laughed. I bit my lip to keep from smiling but failed. Ray looked over at me with a small smile, blushing as Peter hit him on the arm.
“he’s not wrong.” I said. Ray shook his head and got up. He hugged me as Peter got up and headed to the lab. “Sorry to spoil your dream.” I whispered, putting my cup down and burying my fingers into his hair.
“that doesn’t matter.” Ray shrugged. “I’m just glad that I’ve finally found out what is going on. Made me feel like I wasn’t being faithful to you. Even if the ghost looked like you.” I cupped his cheek and kissed him gently.
“I can’t be jealous of a ghost. Especially if it looks like me.” I said. “Besides, it’s a lot of fun to watch you get off. And don’t worry about returning the favor. You’ve always been more giving nights after you’ve had that dream.” Ray blushed deeper and tried to duck his head. I held his head up and kissed him again.
“(Y/N).” He whined when I pulled away. I smiled at him and kissed him again. The alarm went off and ray moved to pull away from me.
“I look forward to seeing you later tonight Raymond!” I called after him. He nodded bashfully before dropping down the firepole.
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relicsongmel · 10 months
you should. tell me your thoughts about ray shields
OH GOD OH FUCK OKAY IF YOU INSIST. I hope you’re ready cause hooooo boy do I have some for you HERE WE GOOOO
Where the hell do I even start. Raymond Shields…my ray of light. My hotshot wonder. My weirdgirl king. I guess before anything else I’ll tell you about how this man absolutely blindsided me—Uncle Ray put your friend Mel through a turnabout of her own and she’s gonna explain how it happened so buckle in. I’ll try to make this as coherent as possible but I need you to understand this man has way too much power over me and a single fleeting thought of him can melt my brain into mush so. Apologies if this comes out as completely nonsensical it’s his fault not mine
I’ve been in the Ace Attorney fandom for a little over a year and had a couple of things accidentally spoiled for me as a result (some of which was my own fault, admittedly) but when I started Investigations 2 last September all I knew about Ray was his name and (sort of) what he looked like. Like a lot of English-speaking fans, I was initially put off by his portrayal in the localization. This immediately stuck out as odd to me because my personality is such that I don’t have a lot of characters I genuinely dislike, especially if they’re part of the main cast—even if they’re not my favorite I can almost always find something to love about them. It made me wonder if maybe some of his quirks got lost in translation somewhere (and I did find out later that this was indeed the case), but I didn’t actively seek out that information at the time for fear of being spoiled, so I just suffered through the early parts of The Imprisoned Turnabout doing my best to ignore what I perceived as questionable behavior on his part.
However, if I’ve learned anything from my time in this fandom it’s that nothing in Ace Attorney is surface level—one of my FAVORITE things to do when playing this series besides voice acting the characters is figuring out what makes them tick and speculating character motivations as the game progresses using the little hints scattered by the writers here and there—I was already somewhat intrigued by Ray’s apparent grudge toward Miles but when the revelation of his partnership with Gregory dropped my brain immediately went BRRRRRRRRR. I started wondering what that experience of working for him was like and how it affected him (and if his unwavering loyalty to Gregory was related to his grudge toward Miles). I started exploring the whole WEB of parallels between him and Gregory and Miles and Phoenix and Mia and Maya and Kay (and probably more but those are the main ones). I fell in love with the beautiful mentor-student relationship he developed with Miles, even if in the moment I was baffled by the weirdly flirty things Ray sometimes says to him (like the line about swapping clothes in the Winter Palace. What the fuck was that about sir) and VERY confused/worried about whether Miles had met him as a child or not (I still don’t know/can’t remember if the game ever gave us a concrete answer on this btw—if any of you know please do enlighten me). And above all I knew—I KNEW that he was hiding a boatload of trauma regarding the DL-6 incident; made even more clear to me by the contrast between his teen and adult selves once I got to The Inherited Turnabout. I knew he was using humor as a mask to hide the pain of what happened. I knew from the fact he still had Greg’s old coat and wore his hat every day that he hadn’t moved on. This, I thought to myself, is a deeply emotional man deathly afraid of emotional vulnerability haunted by the ghost of a loved one. And let me tell you, as someone who’s been in a similar position myself, to say that really struck a chord with me is an understatement.
AND THEN THE THIRST. Oh boy. If I’ve sounded really eloquent up until now that shit’s about to go out the goddamn window because SWEET MOTHER MARY I AM DOWN SO BAD IT’S EMBARRASSING. I recorded my playthrough starting from Chapter 2 (just for fun—I’m not nearly brave enough to post any of it on the internet except maybe some short clips here and there) and you can literally see the clear turning point I had after hearing his Objection voice for the first time. I started making innuendos left and right (IT’S NOT MY FAULT his dialogue lends itself really well to that sort of thing ok). In true Ray Shields fashion it started half as a joke but devolved into absolute chaos. This coupled with the fact that I was slowly but surely becoming more invested in the inner conflict of his character? I was beyond saving at that point. No hope for me. Nothing left but to leap into Uncle Ray’s arms and let them wander where they will. “Ride that stallion into the sunrise,” as it were. I could go on but quite frankly the things I want that man to do to me (and what I want to do to him) are too unholy for this world so I’ll leave it there.
And that’s the story of how Raymond Shields permanently infected my brain. It’s been an absolutely wild ride but I hope you enjoyed the journey—glad we can share our love of this silly disastrous emotionally repressed paper-eating man together <3
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princejamir · 2 months
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Policing in America Needs to Change!
Earlier this year, I interviewed author and activist Edwin Raymond, and the latest news brings to mind many things we discussed. This mindset had to be exposed first, which it was through his book, *Inconvenient Cop*. Now, we know what we're dealing with.
I know we are tired, desensitized, and numb. Black people getting killed in their own homes has become so normal in America. Let me state again that this is sick, wrong, and unjust. I stand against it and am speaking up.
In America, those Americans, including cops, whose nature it is to act this way must acknowledge the karma owed for shedding innocent blood, global policing, and not minding our own business. As a believer in Christ, many people pray every day for their families and communities in Jesus' name. In church culture, there are sayings such as, "The Devil is a Liar" and "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus." To merely utter those words and then be shot in the head three times? I am compelled to speak up, speak out, and rally because that could have been your mother, sister, or daughter.
The underlying truth is exactly what Prophet Jesus said in the Bible. Jesus' statement about being persecuted for His name's sake is found in the New Testament. Specifically, in Matthew 24:9, He says, "Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake." This verse is part of Jesus' teachings on the signs of the end times and the persecution that His followers would face.
Sonya Massey, although I don’t know her personally, is a fallen soldier of faith that this verse was speaking of. This indicates we are in the last days, and although slain, it wasn’t for the gospel, but because the devil in that white cop was so put off by her spiritual statement. Now her blood is not only on his hands but on his family’s bloodline, their descendants for generations. The ancestors and avenging angels do not play about the chosen. That man may walk away as we have seen in these cases, but the curse he has brought upon his own genealogy is profound. This spiritual warfare demands we arm ourselves with the word and be prepared to stand on it, even to the point of losing our lives for it.
The good news in all of this is that if we lose our lives for Him, we gain eternal life. Yet, in this world, it’s hard to remember the promises of God despite the opposition. It is in these times that we do what Ephesians says: put on the whole armor of God that we may be able to stand. We forgive but we will not forget. Sonya Massey
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maladaptvs · 1 year
a little while ago i discovered a perfect (well-) ranking system for all (most) characters and ranked a few tim has played (OH YEAH, EDIT HERE, FORGOT ITS ACTUALLY OUT OF 90. THAT GIVES MORE CONTEXT FOR GREG BEING PERFECT.)
1: GREG LEVELL(spelling??) WITH 87/90 !!
3: G R E G S O O O O O N !!
4: dr. o’dwyer (he got major points for being the hottest mf to ever exist /exg)
5/6: sidekick simon and the jewish man from The Honeymoon Suite tied !! (which is accurate because they have the same soft, confused boy vibes hello be my boyfriend(s) please?)
7: the lawyer from tree. i just. i.
8: raymond ??? somehow ??? i don’t know okay he had a lot more screentime than some of these
9: sydney - he had an actual character arc shut your mouths i know he’s a cretin but he got points for substance
10/11: the lifeguard from cowards and the Few Fish character tied. hot, mostly.
12: the character from train! has a name, forgot it <3
13: “claymation” (from the short: two films about loneliness). heavy on the emotional impact here.
14: “elbow.” a character with about 40 seconds of screen time. he hurt his elbow.
15: jerry (peep show). shrug.
16: the pervert from teotfw. (“why isn’t he last?!!” because.)
17: the slave from plebs. horrible. awful. he did get his bare ass out but just. eugh.
18: THE CARETAKER FROM THE DOUBLE. if we’re talking CHARACTER DESIGN, he’s higher up. but he literally got 0 marks on so many categories keep him away from me.
okay bye mwah. might update when i watch more. i think the witchfinder is next on my list but no promises.
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cloveroctobers · 1 year
JESSIE RAYMOND JR. — summer prompts 🍋
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A/N: I say this every time, the fandom for all american and definitely HC is basically a ghost town up here and I really don’t get it. I’m here to provide a little something and then dip out again. I also guess it’s time for me to get into summer prompts although it’s still spring y’all lol. Anyways my goal is to try and make these short (didn’t happen!) before summer actually starts and I’m outside ;) so the small group of you that are out there on this site? Hope you like!
PROMPTS: 1.) “I know it’s hot but Jesus, put some clothes on!” + 2.) going fishing but only catching branches and seaweed From these two lists here.
WARNINGS: mostly fluff + “you” reader are given a name + you don’t mesh with Keisha welll in this one + friends having fun with each other basically but not without getting on each other’s nerves a little bit ofc.
SN: I’m just assuming ages here: JR = 20, Damon = 18/19?, you/reader = 19, Simone = 18/19, Keisha = 19, Nate = 20, Thea = 19/20?, Cam = 19 + I feel like Quvenzhané Wallis and Nate are siblings in my head so I casted her as “Morgan” in this.
To start off the summer season, Thea invited all of you out to her grandmother’s lake house for a week. Initially the tennis player suggested coming out the week after finals back in May but that plan fell through since most of you got caught up in your own tasks.
Simone was supposed to head out to California, wanting to spend time with baby Shay and her parents but something…or someone delayed her trip so she ended up staying with Auntie Amara for a little longer and booked to go back in July. Both Damon and JR were supposed to work down at this youth center for the summer, starting their training on different weeks but the week Damon was supposed to start, was when part of the building collapsed and ultimately pushed the mayor to finally give in and do the repairs.
Thankfully no person or child was hurt but they’ve been fighting for the longest to get some updates on that 1970’s building and the mayor always fibbed saying, “it just isn’t in the budget.” Yet there was no issue constantly throwing money around to throw these events for townsfolk that didn’t deserve it.
Full tea and shade!
JR wanted to help out with the repairs—or at least the cleanup portion but ultimately the head of the center placed him and Damon at another center to volunteer instead. Sure that worked out in JR’s favor since he wasn’t really in it for the money (sure the pay was decent, to have something in your pocket was always a plus, don’t get that twisted!) but he ended up feeling ill for a couple of days resulting in him stepping away from a great opportunity. Damon on the other hand? Stuck around for a little while longer, getting to know the kids and workers along with what this center entailed. Although he wouldn’t be catching the bag any time soon, he figured he still had time to see what he can do with his summer.
Keisha and Cam were spending their first half of the summer together, with him alternating between three houses. Yes, three! Thankfully he had his girlfriend but it’s not like he wanted to be all up on her with her dad back in town—and in the house especially. After their rocky ride this past semester, Cam wanted to see what this summer would bring for them both so he stuck around. Which you didn’t necessarily vibe with but you kept your mouth shut (for now) for the sake of your cousin. You were a Georgia native so it was no question that if Cam wanted to stay in the city more, there was always a open room in your household. And of course over this last semester, Cam and JR got closer—despite the fact that he was dating his cousin! They were will still cool at the end of the day.
As for Nate? Last you heard she was spending lots of time with their baby sister who was just as much as a mess of their older sibling—if not more, according to their social media.
Now here all nine of you are, inside of one of Thea’s grandmother’s vacation homes hoping for a good time. It was only your second day out here in this pale two-story Victorian home, that you personally wouldn’t have guessed would be any of the Mays’ taste but it’s not like you were complaining at all. If there was ever a chance to get away after that hellish semester, you were taking it this summer!
You leaned in the doorway of the upstairs main bedroom, arms lightly folded while pressing one sock covered foot over the other as you chatted away with Thea and Nate.
“Since I really didn’t expect eight of you to show up, it’s my duty as thee host to see what you all like for breakfast.” Thea bounced on her toes, long hair pulled up and away from her heart-shaped face with a claw clip.
Nate sent you a playful side eye before replying, “I honestly expected another post mates order or chef to be doing the honors, Thea. I can’t say I’m not a little gagged to be hearing this this morning.”
Thea fanned her hand at her friend, “please, if you all thought I was going to be in the kitchen when the majority of you showed up late last night, except for you, Willa, you’re all crazier than I thought.”
“Pleased to be of service.” You courtesy, pulling at the ends of JR’s shirt that you sported, which earned a light shove from Nate who rolled their eyes.
Thea clasped her hands with a soft smile, “yeah that’ll be the chef’s job tonight to cater to all your growling bellies so you better enjoy the work I’m putting in for breakfast.”
“Oh, Yes, ma’am.” Nate snapped their fingers before tapping on their chin, “I’m feeling like a egg’s Benedict, preferably with turkey bacon, I don’t mess with pork baby. Or maybe a frittata. What about you, Willa? What are you feeling like this morning?”
You were just rubbing at your eyes, still tired, since you were one of the ones out of the group that didn’t enjoy early mornings, “uh…a iced mocha latte with light ice and almond milk?”
“Almond milk?” Nate scrunched up their nose along with Thea who let out a deep sigh in disappointment, “we do oat milk over here.”
“Yeah well my gut doesn’t care for it so…” you lifted your shoulders with a shrug while the two gasped—like it was the most horrible news they heard this morning.
A form of hands wrapped around your waist, catching you off guard at first before you felt the scratch of his facial hair against your skin as he pecked a kiss to your cheek. Instantly you melted into JR’s frame as he spoke up, eyeing the two you were socializing with out in the hallway.
“My baby don’t need the oats, she’s already thick as it is.”
Nate tilted her head to the side eyeing the brown skinned boy that was all cuddled up this morning, “well, good morning to you too, JR.”
“We love to see the love in the air.” Thea commented making JR smile with a wink, hugging you tighter to his body.
“So what would like for breakfast? and please save us the urge to vomit by saying Willa’s name. Considering…” Nate motioned at JR with their fingers.
A frown suddenly appeared on your face at Nate’s words, making you lean to the side, peeking downwards at JR, making you deeply inhale.
“I know it’s hot but Jesus, put some clothes on!” You whispered yelled at JR who held no shame in his game, simply dressed in some black boxer briefs.
Thea held her hand out, blocking her view of the twenty year old, as JR shifted from behind you and began to flex.
“I mean there weren’t any complaints last night.”
You slapped a hand to your forehead, lightly flinching as you did so.
Nate laughed.
“Please tell me you two didn’t do the deed in my grandmother’s bed?!” Thea hissed at the two.
She was started to regret ever giving you two the main bedroom in the house. There were only three bedrooms and it was a tight squeeze with all nine of you (you and JR in the main bedroom, Keisha, Cam, and Simone in the second bedroom which consisted two twin beds, Damon in the office which actually had a daybed stuffed in one of the corners, and downstairs: Thea slept in one of the large living chairs, while Nate and Morgan slept on the pull-out couch) but Thea was determined to make it work.
JR immediately shook his head, “aye, no. We’re not that disrespectful.”
“Yeah, what kind of couple do you think we are? Keisha and Cam?” You snarked, making Thea cover her giggle with her four fingertips.
Nate let out a low whistle at that, patting at their scalp, knowing exactly how you felt towards the relationship but Keisha was also their old high school best friend. It was too early to get into it right now but if another comment flew…
Thea hummed, “well whatever, this is me telling you two not to get into any funny business. This is not a hotel. I’m gonna go tend to a simple breakfast downstairs, hopefully a hour or a hour in a half should be enough time for you to gather yourselves.”
And with that, Thea spun on her heels, fluffy slippers slapping down the wooden hallway as she made her exit.
“Let’s not act like granny Mays doesn’t have a cleanup crew on standby the second we clear out this place.” Nate muttered to the two, making them snicker.
Thea called from the first floor, “Nate! Come, we have to discuss SummerhouseMV.”
“Oo, that’s my cue! See y’all in a bit!” Nate bid their farewells.
Turning back to Jr, who held a faint dimpled grin on his face, you stepped into the room, squeezing his jaw as you gave him a warning glance, “I thought I told you that this,” you trailed your hand down his torso, enjoying that he shuddered at your mere touch, “is for my eyes only.”
JR smirked as you locked your arms around his neck, “my fault but…you did steal my shirt.”
You hummed, trailing your nose against his, then flicking your eyes to meet his, “why don’t you take it back then, Hm?”
JR licked his bottom lip, one hand pulling you flesh against his hips while the other pushed the door shut behind you, “don’t mind if I do, baby.”
Awhile later everyone eventually made their way downstairs to the main floor, ready to dive into the quick breakfast Thea prepared for you all. The breakfast was full of laughter and chatter until it was time to clean up then get dressed. On the agenda today was just to go across the street and spend the day at the lake, after all it was their first or second day out here—depending on who you ask (some were planning to leave that Saturday or Sunday) but regardless there was nothing wrong with starting off with relaxation.
“If y’all don’t get your asses off the damn boat,” Cam complained, using the back of his hand to wipe the sheen from his forehead after making his way back to the front of the house.
He found no other than you and Thea posing in one boat while Nate’s little sister, sixteen year old, Morgan was snapping away the pics with Thea’s phone.
Morgan eyed Cam up and down, scoffed while giving him the talk to the hand motion, gave Thea back her phone, before taking her leave to head back inside of the house and away from whatever Cam was on.
“Relax Cam,” you fanned the back of your neck, although you managed to get your butterfly locs up and out the way, “let us thrive.”
“I’m the host, I can do what I want. If I want to pose in this crappy boat my granddaddy had shoved away in the basement, I can. If I want y’all to carry me, you will.” Thea flicked out her bamboo folding fan, proceeding to stretch out.
Shaking your head at Thea, you slipped your shades back down over your eyes, fingertips on the edges of the boat, ready to climb out before cousin cam’s blood pressure began to raise.
“Oh yeah? How about I turn this boat into a bowling ball and toss y’all asses into the street, then you’ll really be playing in traffic.” Cam jabbed his thumb behind himself, earning a laugh from a approaching Keisha who walked over, enjoying Cam going off on both Thea and yourself.
Tilting your head to the side you responded, “Be forreal, Cam. You’re not about to throw nobody anywhere, especially me. Its never that serious and It’s too hot to be going back and forth with you and your dragon ass breath.”
Cam huffed, almost stalking forward and making Thea sit up in worry while Damon intervened. “C’mon bro, they’re clearly just messing around. Chill, we’re all family here.”
“It’s too hot for that,” Cam shoved Damon’s hand away from his chest, “and I’m not feeling like playin’ around, when we have to do all the work in this hot ass air.”
Take a shot every time someone says “hot,” today.
“You’re welcome to stay here if you’re going to keep up with this attitude.” Thea carefully climbed out of the boat.
“With you freezing us like it’s the damn North Pole? I rather stay out here in devil’s island.”
“Whoa…don’t tell us you’re some sort of satanist?” Damon questioned, taking a step back while also making Cam’s eye twitch.
“I’m not finna do this with y’all.” Cam pointed, “Let me know when you’re ready because I thought we were supposed to be across the road forty minutes ago.”
He stalked off to sit on the front steps of the house by the bags, snacks, and other accessories everyone was planning to bring to the lake.
Thea glanced down at her manicure, still fanning herself with her other hand, “What’s up his butt?”
You immediately glanced at Keisha who glared at you and now Damon who stared at her.
“What’re you guys looking at me for?”
“I mean you would know…he was fine yesterday.” You answered with a shrug of your shoulders.
Keisha turned her eyes into slits, “Some people just get aggravated in the heat…and cam woke up with a crick in his neck. That’s all I know, so maybe don’t continue spreading your hater energy around.”
“Hater?” You raised your brows before looking around confused, “what’s that?”
“I’m looking right at her.” Keisha scowled, placing her hand on her hip.
Rolling your eyes you ignored her by saying, “anyways…”
Thea shook her head at you two while Damon sent her a grimace before she raised her arms up in the air as everyone else began to pile out of the house, “finally! I’m all for being fashionably late people but come on! I’m a little bit with cranky cam on this one…the sun is only getting hotter and I need a serious dip in the water! Let’s go!”
“Girl it’s only 1pm. We have the entire day ahead of us.” Simone responds, stomping down the stairs.
You were expecting the two to go back and forth but it seemed like Thea and Simone were on good terms for this trip so far. It was a love and hate thing with those two so you weren’t sure how long the love would last.
A brief breeze went by along with the humid atmosphere, making you take a small but thick swallow as it tickled your nose a bit. Exhaling you reached into your Jean shorts pocket, pulling out a tissue before you walked off to cater to your sinuses.
“Babe! You good?” JR called out to you from behind.
The post nasal drip was not as bad today but certainly still lingering around. After clearing your nose out you spun back around, your eyes meeting JR’s who stood some distance from you; now holding onto one end of the boat while Damon held onto the other.
Giving a thumbs up you nodded, “yeah, I’m fine. You?”
JR was in the bathroom for a minute this morning, playing it off as a bad decision to eat cookout so late due to his and Damon’s arrival last night. Something inside of you felt like that wasn’t a hundred since JR’s been sick a couple of weeks back way before he started at the center, so of course you wanted to make sure he was okay and not just a case of the bubble guts.
Just like he wanted to make sure the same with you. You had surgery to remove some nasal polyps almost two weeks ago and was stuck with some prescribed nasal sprays.
“Ain’t no thing.” JR shrugged his shoulders with a gleaming grin, appearing so handsome.
“Alright then,” you clasped your hands together turning your attention to the girls that gathered their own bags from the steps, “let’s roll!”
“Hey!” Thea cut in, jumping down onto the front lawn after locking the house, “that’s my line.”
Raising your hands as you walked by the glaring bronzed skin girl, you gave wide eyes to Simone who sucked her teeth at Thea’s antics.
Soon everyone began lugging their items down the stone steps towards the sidewalk, leaving You behind as you began digging your bag in search of hand sanitizer and your medicine. Bringing the spray into your left nostril, you sprayed more of it on that side since that side gave you more trouble due to the size of the growth that was inside.
“C’mon Lisa Zemo.” Cam called out to you, still standing on the lawn where he stood with Nate, carrying the second boat towards the other set of stairs.
Tossing the medicine back into the bag, you hauled it onto your shoulder and spun back around, giving a middle finger to the dark skinned boy, “I’ll let that one slide. Look at you Cam, getting your lick back. I’m proud.”
“I’m the best clap back king at this crib, please act like you know.” Cam tossed in over his shoulder.
Nate sent you a look, peering up from their phone as you stood beside them. Silently they handed their phone over for you to hold in your much bigger purse for them. Passing through the empty parking spot by the curb, you halted watching the street before you crossed the first section. The other street that had cars going west ended up being more hectic to cross, leaving the three standing there for a good two minutes before they all made it across to the greenery that awaited them.
“Uh uh, what are y’all about to do with that?” Keisha asked the boys who gathered up their equipment.
Damon grinned, “We’re going fishing so we can make dinner tomorrow. You’re welcome.”
Keisha pointed as she lounged on her elbows on a towel, “in this lake?”
“We can just go out to this upscale seafood place instead. That was supposed to be Wednesday’s plan for brunch but things can be rearranged.” Thea told the boys as she finished spraying her sunscreen.
“Y’all can just sit back and let us work. Don’t worry about it, we got it.” Damon reassured.
Simone scoffed, pushing up from her squatting position, “oh no. You don’t get to tell us what we as women should do, what if we want to fish?”
“Oh nah, I didn’t mean it like that—
Damon started.
“Um, I don’t really want to do that so I’m completely fine swimming and tanning so no thanks. Have at it, k? Bye.” Thea kept her cover-up on as she walked to the waterline.
Keisha laughed but stopped short as Simone turned her glare towards her. “Yeah I’m kinda with thea on this one. It’s not for me.”
Simone asked, “Have you ever tried?”
“No and I don’t plan to.” Keisha tossed herself back onto the towel.
Simone turned her attention to Nate’s little sister, seeing her laying on her side turned away from the group, “hey, Morgan.”
“Girl no.” Morgan stated, “I’m napping.”
“I can see you scrolling Twitter!”
“That’s that heat getting to your eyesight. What do they call it? A mirage? Yeah that’s probably what you’re experiencing, I’ll pray for you.” Morgan spoke with a yawn.
Which earned a look of disbelief on Simone’s face while everyone else laughed at the teen’s words.
Soon you, Nate, and Cam made your way to the group’s set up. The two places the boat next to the one Damon and JR carried just as Simone smiled at you.
“Willa! We’re going fishing!” Simone looped her arm with yours, just as you placed your things by Thea’s towel.
You debated, “sitting in the scorching Georgia sun hunting fish or go swimming? Hm I don’t know.”
Making a scale with your hands you dropped them, raising the swimming above your head while JR smirked at you.
“I heard from Willa’s grandpappy that she used to catch all the fish with him back in the day.” The man started before saying, “Makes sense since she’s quite the catch herself.”
Cam gagged, “and you my brother, are quite corny.”
Which earned snickers from the rest.
“Leave my man alone.” You swatted at Cam who walked by to place his own towel between Keisha and a “sleeping” Morgan.
Simone poked you, “Sooo what do you say?”
“I say we should leave Ariel’s family where they belong.” You poked the doe-eyed beauty back.
Keisha commented, “I mean can you even go swimming? Considering the whole nostril issues you’re having? Fishing might be your best bet.”
Simone secretly thought about this but also knew how it came across.
“I don’t need your fake concern, thanks.” You snapped at Keisha who remained stretched out and in peace.
“Hey, I’m just saying! We don’t need any special ER trips on this vacation, it’s supposed to be fun. It’s summer after all and we don’t need anybody ruining it.”
“Then why don’t you shut the hell up?”
Oh yeah, that Watkins energy was flaming right about now.
“Aye, c’mon now. That’s not what we’re here for.” JR tried to ease the tension while Simone sighed at you two.
She wished the both of you could just be cordial—like her and Layla!
“Fine,” you forced a smile on your lips, “anything to get away from this funkiness.”
Simone shushed you on your way by as you stood on the side of the boat, watching the two brother’s as damon tended to one of the rods and JR checked on the live bait.
“Hand me a hook, Simone.” You directed the girl who stood on the opposite side of the boat.
Damon quickly spoke up as he noticed JR eyeing him, “Uh, I’ll take care of that since I already started on this one and not because y’all aren’t capable.”
Simone humphed as she crossed her arms at the bucket hat wearing eighteen year old.
“Cam, Nate? What y’all doing?” JR looked over at the two.
Nate turned on their mini portable fan from beside Morgan as they looked out at the lake. “That fishing mess is not for me. I’ll be right here tending to my bundles and maybe I’ll take a dip in the lake later, to see which white boy is flirting with miss. thea.”
“Bundles?” Cam asked not caring one bit who thea chose to flirt with, “I know you did not bring your hair out here.”
“And what about it, Cameron?” Nate turned to the braided boy, shaking the hair out as if they were fanning themselves with it.
Cameron blew air out his lips, “imma mind my business. I’ll be in the water, y’all.” He pressed a kiss to Keisha’s temple before he hopped up, chucked up the deuces and jogged away to the water.
“Guess that’s our answer, let’s go ladies.” Damon lifted the boat along with JR, who led the way.
Simone was on competing mode, which Damon found humorous on their side of the boat—while also riling her up just a tad. As the four of you got comfortable on the boat, which happened to be a great distance from where all the water sports activities were occurring up ahead, you found yourself seated right beside your boyfriend, thighs touching as JR was on DJ duty.
His portable Bluetooth sat in the middle of the boat while he tended to his phone that was on shuffle, currently playing some old Drake.
On the edges of the boat sat the rods, floating on waiting for something to catch the bait. The sun was beaming down, darkening each of their pretty hues but the water and being by each other was all the company they needed.
“Hey,” you whispered to JR who was quick to meet your eyes.
Your eyes told him you were okay but a nudge of your head, silently made him aware what you were going to do.
Pulling your left eye graphic t-shirt over your head, you yanked the hot pink dolphin shorts off and jumped over the side of the boat.
“The hell?! Did she just fall?!” Simone quickly looked over her shoulder, breaking out of her banter with Damon, now on full alert for her friend.
JR glanced over to see you re-emerge, brushing the water from your face as a blissful smile split onto your face.
JR responded as he pulled his own shirt off, leaving himself in his initial necklace and trunks, “Nope. Just livin’ life.”
Before he jumped into the water as well.
He latched onto you as you swam along, all smiles as the music played on, staring into each others eyes and happy to be in the arms of the one you love.
Another splash sounded from behind you, revealing Simone who floated on her back with a smile of her own, “I was wrong. The water is the much better choice. My bad guys.”
“You’re forgiven.” You teased the girl.
JR called out to Damon as you wrapped your legs around his waist, “C’mon bro, you’re the only one left, get in here!”
“What about the fish?”
“Man, forget all that!”
Damon sighed as he tossed his hat to the side along with his shirt, “y’all owe us dinner tomorrow.”
“Damon! Damon! Damon!” The three of you splashed, waiting for the boy to take a dive.
Once he hit the water, he snuck up behind the three, full of laughter as he caught them off guard.
Being in the water for what felt like hours with your boyfriend and good company provided just the freeing fresh start of summer that you needed.
“Hey, we lost sight of you guys.” Keisha greeted you guys, hair slightly damp as she tossed grapes into her mouth.
Thea smiled at the four who made their way over, “must have caught a lot to be out there for so long.”
“Let’s see it!”
“Oh, y’all aren’t ready.” Simone sassed, a glint in her eye as she looked back at you who let out a small laugh.
Damon lifted up one bucket while Jr held the other, “Might be our biggest catch yet.”
“Stop with the suspense and show us!” Nate yelled, now standing.
“Alright, y’all asked for it.” JR shrugged with a smile as he followed Damon to stand in front of the group.
The two brother’s both dipped their heads before they lifted their buckets and tipped it over, emptying its contents.
“What the hell is this?” Cam sucked his teeth.
Morgan peeked up from her phone, “I know they lying.”
In front of them sat pounds of seaweed mixed with some branches.
“You guys were out there all this time and didn’t catch a damn thing? What a waste of time.” Keisha clicked her tongue, “I’m glad I didn’t go.”
Although the rest of the group didn’t exactly get it, stamping it as nothing but to past the time, Simone, Damon, you, and Jr understood what that bonding moment meant as you all shared a brief group hug.
Thea did the honors of snapping a picture with her Polaroid just before you all let go.
Lounging beside Jr, you felt the air starting to calm down but that didn’t stop you from putting some more drops up your nose. As you lay your head on JR’s shoulder, the both of you stared up into the periwinkle sky with specs of pink cotton candy forming in the middle.
His warm hand slipped up to intertwine with yours as he croaked out, “did you have a good day?”
“It’s always a good day with you,” you stared down at your conjoined hands, “wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“I love you, baby.”
You smiled, angling yourself to place a kiss along JR’s jaw, “I love you too, Jessie.”
And his smile matched yours, sparking hope that there’ll be more summers like these.
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Continue along with my summer anthology prompts here.
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clonerightsagenda · 1 year
while we're on the topic of social media
Gill Hm Concept: FMA character most likely to be a Twitch streamer Kat hohenheim is a twitch streamer he's if twitch plays pokemon was a father in a more general setting probably that one younger guy whose specialty is radios though, he seems like the Tech Dude Gill Fuery? I could see that For some reason my mind kept going back to Ed discovering redstone building in Minecraft and vanishing off the face of the Earth for a month Kat yeah that tracks but idk if anyone else would want to watch a live stream of that maybe tune in occasionally for videos of whatever atrocities unto god this kid managed to do in minecraft this time honestly my grasp of minecraft was 'caves cool', idk how people are doing mystical rituals in there Gill Ed drops highlight reels once every quarter of whatever nonsense he’s managed to do and then if you want to watch his process it is all archived on Twitch in excruciating detail Al makes fun mob farms and then occasionally he and Ed set each other’s stuff on fire for fun Fuery regrets inviting them to his server Kat I would watch a livestream of Alphonse just to bask in his presence as he pets cats in video games Gill Al takes up coding just to make mods so You Can Pet The Cats Ed attempted Fortnite once but kept getting no-scoped out of nowhere by some rando Maybe don’t make your handle Actual_Fullmetal_Alchemist if you don’t want that kind of attention in-game my dude Kat Amestris blue checkmarks…………. Gill Good way for Scar and also internet trolls to ID targets Kat Father: where did my bitcoin go. Greed:
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Gill Of course Of course Father would be into crypto He makes an NFT of the big transmutation circle, also
Kat Re your fma twitch stream concept “The presidents 10 year old headshot me in overwatch and then called me a slur” Gill Ed making a call-out video for Selim over his use of slurs in League of Legends’ voicechat Kat New gamergate Greed: I spent five years curating my beautiful animal crossing village and then my terrible brother broke my hard drive Gill Speaking of animal crossing: it may not be Raymond that Greed gets possessive over but he definitely gets Weird over other people having his favorite villagers in their towns Also: do not discuss shiny Pokémon hunting with this man Kat Ed and Al the incredibly aggressive Pokémon go players Summer 2016 the last peace and joy I knew in my life Gill Ed, about to trespass on government property: This Blastoise better have good IVs. Kat Fights church gyms just to put Pokémon with sacrilegious names in them Gill Ed is the guy nicknaming all his Pokémon “HAIL SATAN” and is part of why gyms stopped displaying Pokémon nicknames Kat Al posts a video on which games you can pet cats in and Scar accidentally likes it Ed: Isn't that the guy who commented 'GOD WILL PUNISH YOU' on my redstone video Al: idk guess he has good taste Gill Alphonse is not personally affiliated with the violent state apparatus and Scar is surprisingly consistent about the ethics of his vengeance quest What can we say Kat Roy is one of those army recruiters going after kids on twitch streams…. they made him do it because he's the youngest Gill Roy, running the Official Amestrian Military Twitch: how do you do, fellow kids. If you have any questions about joining the service let me know! Ed, maybe: hey what’s up, what’s your favorite war crime you’ve committed Kat Roy : the one you will commit for me after I hire you Al: you have to admit he's good Gill Roy’s the one dude they’ve got who can hold his own in an Internet flame war /ba dum tiss Kat lmao commenter: post another video Roy: wow I'm popular commenter: I want to see more of that hot blonde who walked by in the background Roy: hey Gill Ah yes another addition to the “chat inexplicably fascinated by streamer’s partner/roommate/colleague” club Congrats Riza Kat Roy: I get more hits if you're in the videos Riza: I said I would follow you into hell not into tiktok Gill The line must be drawn somewhere Roy Kat Ed gets cancelled by half the internet for disrespecting the troops, reveals his military credentials, gets cancelled by the other half of the internet Gill Why do I still see him trying to take all this with a Knife Cat-meme-type attitude Ah yes. He totally planned for all of this. He has definitely not been owned Kat awful teen Gill Ed: The Internet is great actually, even when you catch shit it means next to nothing in the real world And then he gets doxxed a week later Kat this is what you get for joining the military Ed people keep linking him to a reddit thread tracking Hohenheim as some kind of cryptid Gill Ed like “stop sending me this. That bastard was the one to walk out on us, I’m not about to go chasing after him” Meanwhile Al keeps tabs on the sightings just in case he needs to be braced for a surprise father/son confrontation
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