assassyart · 1 month
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rivals to lovers slow burn
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wojakgallery · 6 months
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Title/Name: White Rat with Cheese Wojak Series: Animal (Variant) Image by: Unknown Main Tag: Rat Wojak
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take a random PSMH incorrect quote meme thing
jak: Ratchet and I did NOT go on a date!
Sly: oh yeah? Explain this! *Slaps piece of paper on table*
The piece of paper:
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jak: THAT was uncannon! Doesn't count!
Sly: I'm saying it counts for something.
Ratchet: .... How tf did I get dragged in here?
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Kazeki jaks part 2: adults
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assassyart · 1 year
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ohhhh it's embarrassing how i always come back to these two
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assassyart · 1 year
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Jakie-boy sketch practice because I am attracted to the version of Jak that is in my head and I must put my vision on a canvas or I will explode.
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assassyart · 11 months
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Asked Twitter for 4 ships, and here are the most requested + haikaveh. ✨️ Individual images under the cut!
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assassyart · 1 year
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came to the unfortunate realization that if i want more jak and ratchet content, i do, in fact, have to make it
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jatchet headcannons (pt 1)
normally, I would go and see if there are any blogs with asks open and ask for their headcannons/personal opinions on what Jak and Ratchet would do in certain situations or something else involving them as a couple (such as @assassyart . Might try asking @dailyjatchet if I ever stop fearing being a nuisance).
But I decided to do this sorts thing myself, feel free to Reblog with your own opinions though.
Subject of today is: finding out their kid has dark and/or light eco.
first off, we can all agree that Jak would probably be terrified, he knows what it's like to have dark eco in his systems and would keep a close eye on his kid/s.
If it's lights eco, he would probably feel more at ease but still be worried. What if this means that somehow, the kid inherited his abilities? How long? what if it wasn't that, what if something happened to give them dark/light/both?
If it's Ratchet who discovers it first, he would probably call Jak to tell them of their child having dark/light eco (or tell them that their kid seems to be able to do certain things, like glow, change their skin colour, gain claws and horns or generate purple electricity).
Ratchet would still be worried for them though. No doubt this lombax has witnessed some of what dark and light Eco can do from Jak and knows the kid will have the same or similar experience.
Now when it comes to helping them cope or learn to control it, Jak would immediately step up to it. This man will be as slow and gently as possible with his child when teaching them how to use their powers. Even going as far as forgiving them if they accidentally hurt him. ("It's ok," He said. His arm was bleeding. his child looked fearful of what they had done, crying and staring at their hands as if they weren't their own. "Hey. I mean it. It was an accident, you just...need more time.")
Ratchet, while not being able to properly train their kid, would offer support and comfort.
Cheering for their kid during training? Done it many times and will do it again. Bad day at school? He's got their favourite snack and movie/song on.
I can randomly see it taking a while for these two to trust others with their kid after they find out about them having powers, including Clank and Daxter. Ligit takes them almost or a whole year before trusting that their kid will be fine.
Has more then likely had nightly discussions about their kids condition. Does their kid being a crossbreed have any side effects? Will nanotech make it better or worse? What if something goes wrong? Will this paint a target on their child's back? Especially if their untrained?
All in all, these two are very protective fathers that can and will panic at everything but mean well.
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jatchet, movie night
(I wanna try and do a lil something with an incomplete oneshot of mine, Reblog this with your own writing, add to the story).
"Alright! We've binged all those, now it's time to binge this!" The ottsel declared, holding a movie case above his head proudly.
Ratchet, Jak, Clank and Daxter were bored that day and decide to binge watch the secret agent clank series. Right now, Daxter was inserting the newest movie that came out.
"I still find it funny that Ratchet here had time out from filming." Jak said as the movie started playing, the lombax rolling his eyes.
"Shut up. I accidentally press the eject button, that's all." He says, arms crossed while Jak snickered. "Whatever ya say, Pretty Boi."
Daxter and Clank shushed them as the movie played, getting slight annoyed at the two's bickering.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Scene 1:
Clank opens the door of the apartment after having completed a mission for the agency, finding his friend talking on the phone while writing down notes on his Holo glove, phone nestled between his shoulder and ear while his tail wagged.
"Mhm...yeah, yep, I got it down. See you at 5?" Ratchet said, smiling and nodding before hanging up the phone. Clank was at the kitchen counter, curious as to what his friend had been talking about on the phone.
"May I ask who you were talking to?" Clank ask, causing Ratchet to jump. Seeing Clank, the lombax relaxed, exhaling. "Oh, just you Clank. Didn't know you came in." He said, chuckling slightly.
"I apologize for scaring you, but may I ask what you were doing on the phone?" Clank asked, taking note of the slight (humongous) red blush that appeared on his face and the wagging tail.
Ratchet glanced at the roof, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Well..." He started, Clank taking note of the rapid heartbeat. "I have a date tonight." Ratchet said, shrugging his shoulders. Clank raised an optic ridge, tilting his helm to the side slightly. "A date? With whom?" He asks. Ratchet's blush deepened slightly. "Jak." He simply said, scratching the back of his neck as he stared down at the floor.
Clank blinked twice. Nodding and smiling, "Good to know ." He said, going over to the couch. "Enjoy your date. Oh, and Ratchet." He added, causing his friend to glance back at him, his brows furrowed. "Have fun." The robot said. Ratchet waved a hand, smiling. "Thanks bud."----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Wholesome. Very wholesome." Daxter said after the scene was finished. Jak nodded, looking over at Ratchet teasingly. "You blush that hard your face looks like a mix between red and orange?" He asked, fully aware of how Ratchet's face was heating up. "I have fur! What do you expect?" The lombax asked, glaring at Jak, who was trying not to laugh. Clank nodded. "Now that you mention it..." Clank started. Ratchet glared at him, pointing a finger. "Don't, please, for the love of all that exist, agree with them." Ratchet said. Before the conversation could continue on and Daxter could join, Ratchet swiped the remote and continued the movie.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Scene 2:
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i attempted to recreate the jatchet ship on picrew
the picrew I was using had no option for long ears nor cat ones so, human modern au thing it is.
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Jatchet/Ratjak shippers, come get your food
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Anyone willing to do jatchet/ratjak rps?
There's barely any content on here, the servers I am in on discord are empty as hell and I don't wanna risk annoying the only two occupants of my jatchet server by constantly asking them if their free to rp this ship.
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Should I start posting my jatchet oneshot booklet on other sites? Not just AO3?
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new au featuring ratjak/jatchet?
"And, if my memory serves me correctly, my son recently married that precurian? What was his name? Prince mar?"
The lombax chuckled darkly, clearing taking delight in the way Alister's hands clenched tightly to his staff, how the other seemed to stiffen with each word.
"No. He goes by Jak these days, doesn't he?" He asked. A rhetorical question, really. He floated down, bringing himself face to face with Alister. A wicked grin on his face.
"And, I believe they have three children, correct? Their expecting another one, isn't that right, old friend?"
That sentence made Alister growl. His face showing a whole swirl of emotions, most evidently, anger.
(No name for this au yet, but I wanted to write this down somewhere before I forgot. Feel free to ask questions)
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(I don't believe I've posted this jatchet fic I made on dreamily here yet. So here ya go.)
(this oneshot contains mentions of nightmares, Jak worrying over his child but should be generally fluffy)
Jak and Ratchet are cuddling on the couch , with the tv playing. It’s late night for them; Ratchet’s been working at the garage nonstop, and he had still had a lot to catch up on before his partner brought him home and made him relax tonight. He’d already eaten dinner, and the two of them have been watching old episodes together ever since. It was a relaxing sight; they weren’t going anywhere that night, it wasn’t like anyone would attack or anything. They were both pretty tired, and they were just content to watch movies all night. That is, until something happened.
The sudden sound of their 6 month old infant filled the air. Crying and screaming like when the gay couple first held her. The two parents looked down at her with worry. What was wrong? The crying continued in loud tones as tears began to form in the baby’s eyes.Ratchet rushed out of the living room and went into the bedroom, coming back a minute later with one of those big, blue pacifiers that babies use. “Babe. The milk, please?" The lombax sat down on the couch, holding the infant with one hand and Turning the volume down with the other. Tara's ears were sensitive, even if they were both completely different in appearance. “You're doing really good so far, sweetie. Just calm down now okay? You’re fine."Tara continued to cry as she tried to suckle from the teat, her eyes wide open as she stared straight ahead. "I know you're scared right now, but it'll be okay."
Jak was in the kitchen by now, making the milk for the kid. Like any parent, he worried for his child.Was she having a nightmare? Was the dark eco in her veins becoming painful? He tried to shake those thoughts away. 'Tara also has light Eco in her. So it should balance her out and numb out the pain of dark eco.'Yeah, probably a nightmare. Yeah Nothing more than that. She’ll get through this.He poured the warm milk onto the nipple. Now sitting on the couch where his partner was trying to comfort her, despite himself. The baby calmed down once she heard and felt the milk moving in her mouth, but she still refused to go to sleep. She just continued to whine and cry.
Ratchet sighed, gently bringing the lombax-precurian child to Jak. "Maybe you try holding her?" "Sure, buddy. I can do that," he said, taking her carefully in his arms. His hands instinctively moved around her tiny body, trying to find a way to make her stop crying. But nothing seemed to work, so he decided to place her against his chest, hoping it might help. It did help somewhat. Tara wasn't crying as much, and she was latched onto his tunic with her tiny hands.Her little fingers were digging into the cloth, but she didn't seem to care. As long as she could feel something else, then she'd be fine."Good job, love." He smiled as the small child started to calm down and stop crying. "Come on sweetie, you can do it."
Tara yawned, her face scrunched up and mouth wide, until she settled her head down and drifted to sleep. Her long tail loose and motionless as she quietly snored." She does that a lot. When she’s asleep." The lombax couldn’t help but smile again at how adorable his daughter was, especially when sleeping.
It’d only been six months, but it seemed almost instantaneous. In just a few short days.Ratchet yawned, stretching his arms, legs and tail. "Ok hotshot, I think I'm going to call it a night." He gave Jak a quick kiss before standing up and started to walk to their room. "I love you so much.""Love ya too. Get some rest.""Will do."And with that, Ratchet closed the door behind him, leaving Jak alone with their newborn daughter.Tara stirred, feeling the warmth of someone's touch as the person rubbed a comforting hand over her lombax ear.Jak allowed himself a moment to reflect in his life:
He had lost so much, he had been through so much, and after all that happened on his planet, he never thought he'd fall for a lombax, find out his bisexual and have a kid with Ratchet. And then after all of that had happened… well, he wouldn't trade it for the world. He was happy. He was safe. He didn’t need to think about what the future will bring him, because it was going to be great. He had everything he ever wanted, and he was ready to enjoy whatever came next.So, with one last look at their baby girl, who was slowly starting to grow up. He placed a small kiss on her forehead, letting out a soft laugh as he turned off the tv and headed toward his own bedroom. He was ready to spend the next few hours with his husband, getting some well deserved sleep
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hold it!
if you see this post and are aware of or ship ratchet X Jak, you are obliged to send a link to this ship on YouTube.
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