#Rather funny scene…if rather tragic…heh!
don-dake · 2 years
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“Yeah, why are you so interested today, fixing all this up?”
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“I'd like you to teach me how to dance.”
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「笑咩呀?」 “Why are you smiling?”
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“Nothing! Just, you seem so unresponsive to these things, but tonight you're pretty romantic. Was just a little surprised.”
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「你覺得好唔好呀?」 “You think it's good?”
“Great! I'm very happy tonight, thank you.”
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“Hey I was just blabbering randomly, you don't have to write down what I said do you?”
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“Eh! Your opinion is very precious! With this I'll have the confidence to court her again then!”
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“Who did you say you want to court again?”
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“Super (his cousin) said, it is better to be safe than sorry, you know me! I don't know how to be romantic, and you know how to act so well, so that's why I wanted you to practise with me!”
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「你搵我嚟排戲呀!」 “You looked me up just to practise?!”
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“Super said you'll definitely help!”
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「筱…」 “Siu…” 「哦…哦…我冇嘢!」 “I…I…I'm fine!”
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「你好嬲啊?」 “You're angry?”
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“Angry? No! What angry? We're good friends!”
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“I'll be going in now, thanks! For giving me a lift back.”
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“Ah! Siu, just in time! Gingko (白果*) and beancurd skin (dessert)! It's great!”
*also slang to mean ‘failed outcome’
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「白果食飽嘞。」 “I've eaten my fill of ‘gingko’ already.”
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“Then have some fruit…we have bananas, pears, oranges…”
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「有冇檸檬呀…」 “How 'bout lemons*?”
* ‘to eat lemons’ is slang for being rejected by a romantic interest.
《人間蒸發》 (2005) 第十二集
新詞:木獨獨 (muk6 duk6 duk6),小心駛得萬年船 (siu2 sam1 sai2 dak1 maan6 nin4 syun4)
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Psycho Analysis: The Wall
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(WARNING! This analysis contains SPOILERS!)
Spidey Super Stories is what you get when you take Spider-Man from The Electric Company and give him a comic run of his own. It’s geared more towards kids, so there’s a lot wackier and out-there concepts on display, and is the originator of not only Spider-Woman (though not Jessica Drew), but also this:
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And also this:
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And, of course, the evildoer known as The Wall. Or more specifically, the Wicked Wall.
Now, here’s thing (and I ain’t talking about that other bricked-up superpowered Marvel character): The Wall is a villain in a Spidey series loaded with some of the wackiest and most bonkers one-shot villains ever put to page. Case in point: Thumper, the girl who dresses as Napoleon Bonaparte, wields a boxing glove, and is defeated by being gifted the pony she always wanted since she was a child, a villain who will definitely be getting one of these reviews someday soon. And then there’s the panels like the ones above, where we get the iconic Thanoscopter. How is The Wall supposed to compete with such iconic madness?
Motivation/Goals: My man Joshua here is, quite simply, a hater. He saw Spider-Man was having a day off, and decided, “Oh HELL no, if I gotta be a brick wall I’m making that his problem!”
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And he does! In an impressive twist of fate, The Wall manages to get Spidey kicked out of the Mets game the poor hero was trying to enjoy! Sure, he’s kicked out too and he doesn’t seem particularly happy, but a Pyrrhic victory is still a victory. Kind of.
Final Fate: In a fate even the Kingpin would agree is far too cruel, The Wall… is kicked out of the Mets game alongside Spider-Man. They’re last seen moping outside the stadium together.
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Best Scene: The guy’s on four fucking pages, let’s just say his entire existence is perfect. But if I’m singling out a tiny sequence, I think this one might be the funniest:
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Of course, there's also the sheer comedy of his backstory, where he was a simple boy building a wall when suddenly it fell, somehow turning him into a monster. Maybe the cement was radioactive? It defies all logic in the best way:
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Best Quote:
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Final Thoughts & Score: The Wall is a great example of the weird, off-the-wall (heh) creativity utilized in comics at the time. He really has it all: A ridiculously punny name that kind of had his fate sealed from birth (Joshua Waldemeyer), no real reason for villainy, an absurd and nonsensical accident that created him that defies any and all logic, a ridiculous yet endearing design, and an endless supply of corny one-liners. This is what goofy one-shot villains should aspire to be.
Of course, that doesn’t leave me with much to talk about in regards to him; there’s no deep complexities or tragic backstories here, just a simple case of a goofy gimmick villain being a lot of fun due to an absurd design and a simple scheme. Unlike the last villain I reviewed, I’d say the relatively simple and straighforward gimmick of being a fucking wall was used to great effect, giving plenty of goofy puns and gags as well as utilizing his bizarre ability to be a nuisance. Like yeah, you could probably swap out The Wall with someone like Rhino or Juggernaut and get the same basic effect, but would it be nearly as funny?
A 7/10 is a fair score for this guy. He’s just a perfectly fun one-shot who, despite only a brief time in the spotlight, isn’t such a terrible idea he couldn’t work if brought back in some regard. Hell, they almost brought him back for Across the Spider-Verse, with his absence being the only thing holding the movie back from true greatness.
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I think my only gripes with him are that he's only there for four pages, which while understandable is rather disappointing, but more importantly is that he's in a comic that seems filled to the brim with utter absurdity around every corner. After seeing the Thanoscopter, would you not be comfortably numb to a living mound of masonry? All in all, is he not simply another brick in the wall?
No you fucking goon, he IS The Wall itself. And nothing can take that away from him. If nothing else, I’m definitely going to have to look through more of these Spidey stories to see what other bonkers villains lie waiting for me.
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Conageddon - Richard & Luisa Panel
This is all out of order but finally sharing some notes and memories from the GLORIOUS Memori panel. I got my people. <3
UPDATE: The panel is now online! 
Firstly, they used this Memori fanvid as the intro, giving us all the feels - glad I was able to track down the song and video!
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- My general thing that I said to @doortotomorrow is that honestly the whole vibe of their panel was so sincere and supportive and sweet. A lot of people commented what a switch it was from earlier in the day when Richard was being really silly with Bob and Zach, all messing around and could barely give a straight answer to a question on their panel -- which was enjoyable for other reasons! (a.k.a. Richard had just been handed a bubble maker and just spent 2/3 of the panel releasing a steady stream of bubbles and distracting Bob with it until he ran out.) But here they were talking really thoughtfully about their characters while still having funny moments. GET YOU A MAN WHO CAN DO BOTH etc.
- Re: The beer pong games from the party the night before, he was so proud of her for winning with him and she credited him for teaching her. Richard calls her his “masterpiece” lol.
- In season three when Murphy was "courting" Emori, Richard would be cute between takes and give her things like a little leaf as a gift. And then she threw it away when she thought he wasn't looking, and Richard was acting all offended. (Confirmed Soft Boy Murphy.)
- They share Memori songs with each other and listen in one earbud each while preparing for scenes. Before the rocket scene in "God Complex" they were listening to "I Will Follow You Into the Dark" by Death Cab For Cutie, she ran to him like you *have* to listen to this. Another one Luisa introduced him to was ”Scared” by The Tragically Hip ... Richard started singing it softly. I apparently willed this panel into existence with my mind. (sobs) EDIT: Thank you to @dailymemori for pointing out, Richard’s Memori song recently was “Here I Am” by The Boxer Rebellion.
- At one point Richard started talking about how he has such a close relationship with her but never felt like there was a danger of fiction blurring with reality... like Luisa is so beautiful and smart and kind and yet they never think about each other that way (romantically) and would be like "god no" if someone suggested it, she's just Lu to him. <3
- They talked about how Murphy and Emori saw something in each other immediately, that they were kindred spirits, Richard: "I get your crazy and I like it." Their first episode together, Richard said it was a test, they didn't know if a love interest could ever work for him. He emailed Jason to say how great she was and that they had to bring her back. Luisa remembers the moment where she has the knife to his neck and he looks up at her, she saw the look in his eyes like "damn."
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- They were asked a question about how they come down from doing intense emotional scenes, Richard said it’s easier for him when he knows he did a good job, he’s amped up and feels good about it. Luisa said that Richard is hard on himself and his own worst critic when he thinks he's not doing well in a scene. "He can give 100% and be upset he didn't hit 101%." He was jokingly like "Well yeah, that's just one more percent, I could've done it!"
- On that note, one scene they struggled with at first was the rocket/shock collar scene in 5x06 "Exit Wounds", because they knew how important it was to the season, it's basically the time when they actually do communicate about their breakup and the reasons for it. Their timing felt off, and the people on set knew to leave them alone and let them figure it out together.
- It was just... super validating to hear them talk from their perspective about Memori's S5 arc centering on that scene. Richard placed a lot of it on Murphy’s demons and headspace and with her thriving in space it felt to him like she was pulling away so he had to faster and harder.
- I’m cheating and editing this in because I’d forgotten about it, but there was a question about Emori and Raven’s relationship and Luisa tied that into talking about Emori’s disability and how she doesn’t really sit in her feelings about it; it’s actually their abilities that drew them together, them both being really capable and Emori being so amazed with what she could do with tech.
- I believe this also came up at the meet & greet but Richard is so sick of Murphy being called a cockroach, heh. It's not the animal HE associates with him... to him from the very beginning, Murphy has been a feral dog who was kicked and abused too many times, and is one who will snap back at everyone because of it rather than cowering.
- In the same/opposite way, Luisa saw Emori as a cat. (She talked with me about this a little bit at the autograph table too!) She has a workbook of things that inspire her and help her get into character, and in it she had a picture of a black jaguar or panther. It's alone and skittish and colored dark like her soul -- and now next to it, she has another picture of a lioness with her pride and that's Emori now. <3
- There was one particularly hilarious callback to the boys’ panel earlier. The guys were asked an odd question about which 3 animals they'd put together to make the most dangerous animal. Bob, Richard, and Zach were getting *extremely invested* in the question and arguing with each other & defending their animal choices. Richard had centered his answer on a hippo and kept going on a rant about how scary hippos are, even bringing it up after they moved on to the next question....
- So fast forward to the Richard/Luisa panel. I forget how it was brought up exacty, maybe moderator Jo was like "at least we're not talking about hippos anymore" or something to that effect. And Luisa immediately reacted like "oh no, hippos are the worst. They're so scary." and talking about a violent hippo video she saw. And Richard just STOOD UP, so shocked and vindicated, like, YES. THANK YOU. This is why he loves her! Lmao.
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- Luisa mentioned the backstories that they come up with for their characters but nothing is canon until it's canon. Richard echoed this and said before the reveal of what Murphy's crime was, he always used to say he peed on the last tree. He figured Murphy was just a pee-er because of the scene in S1 where he peed on that kid. Luisa being snarky: "When I met him I thought, that's the man for me. A pee-er."
- One audience member brought up the point that Murphy & Emori mirror each other, like he did better as a Grounder and Emori did better in space, the places they were always banished in. They were like "whoa!" and marvelling at that idea, Luisa said she thinks they may have talked about that parallel before but forgot about it. After that insightful comment came a surprisingly simple "what superhero duo would you be" question. Richard to Luisa: "I'd be Robin to your Batman any day."
- Question: Octavia used Lincoln's tattoo as her war paint, would Murphy ever wear war paint based on Emori's tattoo? Richard whispered with her as if worried he might give away a spoiler, then cryptically said "wait and see". O_o
- Luisa said she would’ve liked to see Emori and Pike interact with her distrust of authority. Richard would’ve liked Murphy to meet Lexa since the only time they did was her death scene. Jo said Emori and Lexa would’ve been interesting too; Luisa thinks if she had reached out to bringing the mutated Grounders back Emori would be wary and not want to trust her.
- Another audience question that I *have* to give a shout-out to for its creativity, someone pointed out that if Emori had been given the nightblood & survived, it could have led to Commander Emori & Flamekeeper Murphy. Again they had no real answer because it was just like "huh I have no idea what they would do with that power, that sounds like a bad idea for Murphy." :p But I am very into this AU idea.
- What would Murphy and Emori do if they switched bodies in a Freaky Friday situation. Richard: "I'd go find me. Emori's got a cute boyfriend." XD Luisa said very innocently she'd challenge someone to a race, she wants to see what this body can do.
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Hi The more Kabby you write, the more Kabby I want hehe... Perhaps Blindfolds/sensory deprivation could be a pretty much in-character thing for them, maybe right after they get out of the bunker or smth? ( on a side note, i'm really curious how you're gonna pull off that wedding without making it plain funny... but you've done the dancing and I love it so I fully trust you heh)
This was probably supposed to be a smut prompt, but it turned into some immediately post-s4 not-that because @restrainedubiquity had some thoughts about a “missing scene” sort of thing. PG13-ish, content warning for suicidal thoughts // Abby being in generally bad headspace, and also on ao3.
She doesn't remember being this angry at anyone. Ever. And yet here she is, learning new things she is capable of in less than ideal circumstances. The constant echo in her head, forty-one-not-dead, except that dead would be easier and more comfortable and she suspects she'd be a little less homicidal as a ghost. Probably. Not that Abby has ever thought about that. But once more, her mortality is an issue, just…
The necessary reset to undo the damage in her head. Basically, she does have to die. Temporarily. As it's been explained to her, she'll be okay as long as her heart stops. She feels like she ought to be more aware of this process - she, who has spent almost her entire life learning how the human body works and how to make sure it keeps working and rarely if ever thought about creative ways to make it stop - but it sounds idiot-proof enough. Fall into ice water, in a safe space at the bottom of the world, and let the crash save her.
With someone else there, the implication is, to deal with whatever happens after that. To deal with her, whether she lives or dies. And she's angry, and she wants to die, and there's only one option for her minder slash accomplice.
Once upon a time, she thinks as she makes sure the preparations are perfect, she thought she could be a good partner for someone. Perhaps she was, years ago, in a marriage that was just short of perfect until the tragic ending. Jake got the best of her, she thinks. It's been a while since she's thought about her late husband, and she doesn't know what kind of afterlife there may or may not be but she wonders how he'd feel about this if he could see. More likely than not, he'd be shocked by the person she has become, if person is even a word that applies to her anymore. Some days it doesn't feel like it. Some days, she suspects…
Jake, too gentle and tragically dead for two years now, got the best of her. Marcus, too stubborn and standing in the doorway with a hesitant expression on his face, is stuck with the worst.
She attempted to explain the process two days ago, when she asked him if he'd be her minder. She gave a choice, but she knew it wasn't like that for him. Just as she wants to make him bleed for saving her when she didn't deserve to be saved, he has his own residual demons that still occasionally demand a sacrifice. He is wrapped around her fingers and will stay there until he dies no matter what she does, and she hates him for it. How did she inspire such devotion? How did she, of all people, turn him human?
"Close the door and sit down," she says, glancing at him for a heartbeat before returning to her preparations. The pool of icy water is barely big enough for her body, but it will do. The fact that she can do this at all, and do it privately and on her own terms, is this side of a miracle. She can't fuck it up. If she fails, she dies regardless. And if she's going to die, she'd rather it happen through something other than her brain getting eaten from the inside.
"Are you sure there isn't another way?"
"There might be. But this is the easiest. My heart needs to stop. As soon as that monitor goes off, pull me out and bring me back. If you can't…"
If he can't, that is what is. Dying like this would not be the worst possible way. Like this, at least, the last thing she sees will be one of the three people she has loved more than she knew was possible. She could do worse.
"Don't fight me on this, Marcus. Don't make this worse for either of us."
Everything in order, she begins to shed her clothing. It'll be easier that way, her body that much more responsive. She feels her partner's eyes on her, feels the tension neither of them can face. He's scared - he won't admit it, but she knows that weight in the way he's looking at her right now - and she moves slower and allows him what might be a last memory. What's left of her, exposed, forty-one-not-dead, not dead yet she adds, in harsh artificial light and out of other options.
She feels unexpectedly vulnerable, standing there for a few moments. She's never had that before, not with this man opposite her, not with anyone. With all the weight of the world crashing down so thoroughly, it's been a while since she's had cause or opportunity to think about her body. She has aged well enough, she supposes, if that matters. She has scars, she has lived, she has-
"I'll be the first thing you see when you come back," he murmurs, and there is too much fear in that one little sentence.
"You'd fucking better be."
She crosses the tiny distance between them and kisses him, and for a moment she forgets how much of this is his fault. If he'd let her die, if he hadn't been so damned determined to keep her safe… she could've died more painful and brave, not like this, not like she's about to, not like-
She pushes away and sits down on the edge of the pool, pausing to place a sensor over her heart. She's not entirely sure the device won't shut off completely as soon as she hits the water, but she didn't have time to crash-test everything as she would've under other circumstances. She's not sure how much she cares.
"As soon as the screen goes red, pull me out and bring me back," she repeats, though she knows she's made the simple instructions perfectly clear.
One more glance at her partner, one last look at this man who loves her too much for his own good, and then Abby stands on the edge of the pool and lets herself fall backwards and hopes, in that second, that the water will take her.
Shock, immediate and stronger than she could've expected, everything so cold, everything shutting down, eyes closed, body numb, everything, bitter cold, unfeeling, letting go, drift-
She is gone. She is not in her body. The first half is perfection.
Death is soft and warm and-
Her eyes shock back open, and she is not dead. She is laid out on concrete floor, dripping wet, so cold, and her partner's hands still and drop away and his head falls between her breasts and she feels the breakdown she can't help thinking he deserves and-
"We did it," he breathes, pressing his lips to a spot just above the sensor.
"Did the screen go red?"
"Yes. You didn't… you didn't tell me how loud it would be, Abby. I was worried that would save you before I did."
"Figured that would freak you out. You deserve it."
"I do. But I'd prefer to have that fight on more equal footing."
"We can do that."
She pushes herself up and falls against him, and he is warm and she is not, and his hands tangle in her wet hair and this, she thinks, this would be a good ending for her. If her heart spontaneously stopped again, as she rests in her partner's arms and buries her face against his shoulder and allows herself to feel small and-
"I love you, Abby."
"I'm pretty sure that's the problem."
"And you being mad at me doesn't… I deserve that, but it doesn't change…"
"I know. And I can be pissed off and still love you. I don't have to choose one or the other."
"I can't lose you. You know that."
"That's all I'm living for anymore."
"Shhh. No. You are more than that, Abby, you are-"
"I'm an absolute fucking mess, and the fact that I am naked in your arms is doing nothing for you, and-"
"We will figure all of this out. Together. I can't-"
She knows, as they fall apart together, that this will become all too routine in time. A recurrent fight, the fact that he loves her more than she knows how to be loved and she will never deserve it. She loves him too, in her way, but she doesn't know if that could ever be enough, and she's scared, and-
"Thank you. I wouldn't… you were the only person I could've asked, Marcus."
"I know. I take care of you."
"You shouldn't have to."
"I don't have to. I want to. I'm pretty sure there's a difference in there somewhere."
"I hope there is."
She pushes herself away from him and off the floor and begins the process of drying herself off. She's not sure her body will ever quite go back to the temperature she started at, but she supposes she could learn to hope again. Maybe. As long as she's not alone, as long as-
"Do you want help?"
"My hair's always a lost cause, but you're welcome to try."
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comicteaparty · 6 years
January 31st, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on January 31st, 2019, from 5PM - 7PM PST.  The chat focused on Apricot Cookie(s)! by Louis Lloyd-Judson.
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Featured Comment:
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Apricot Cookie(s)! by Louis Lloyd-Judson~! (https://apricotcookies.net/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
hey super~!
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
Hi everyone This is late into the comic, but I loved the reveal of Apricot's family -- how it was treated as normal and matter-of-fact in-universe, because for her it is, even though it's a real Wham Moment for the readers.
Glad to be here!
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
(And that's gotta be the reason why she can't transform properly, right?)(edited)
https://tapas.io/episode/1265858 This oen gave me a good chuckle
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
Yeah, I love all the self-aware genre jokes.
i agree with erin. my favorite scene is when we find out that apricot's secret is that shes the princess of darkness. because i did not expect the secret reveal right then, and just like the entire process as things evolved was personally comical for me. cause first her dad shows up in this weird attire, then grandma darkness, then the helmet thing, and then just more from there. like it was a bunch of puzzle pieces all falling into place. if i was a cartoon character thats when a lightbulb and exclamation point wouldve appeared over my head.
the genral humor of the comic is top notch
and how it plays with stereotypes
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
Ooh, it was totally unexpected. And most people would consider this as a possible reason why she can't transform! But it's perfectly in-character for her that she never spoiled the reveal by even thinking about it.
She's such a ditz, I love her.
yeah. the humor of the comic is definitely top notch. this, imo at least, is parody done right. because its walking that fine line between mocking the tropes but having them and loving them anyway.
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
i also love the reveal cause suddenly this page made more sense https://tapas.io/episode/274726
and i love that sneaky foreshadowing i didnt mark in my mind as sneaky foreshadowing
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
Ooh, nice.
but yeah, i definitely think everything played out in a natural way for apricot. cause of course she denies all the things. cause her family doesnt fit into her tragic back story
which btw i love when shes talking about that and her dad is just sitting there reading the newspaper
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
A+ introduction there.
I like how it all clicked together too. Though I think my favourite moment was on this page: https://apricotcookies.net/5/31 ... Not only a BTTF reference at the sake of fashion but also a callback to an earlier joke that I hadn't expected.
Time traveling movie references in a reference to a past joke. Genius(edited)
Yeah, it's interesting the stuff in the background, not just that bit with her dad, but her sister in the background of one shot, and I was like, hmmmm wait? Then it all gets explained.
Missed the "An" bit though.
yes. i love that this joke made a comeback. like this is the sort of attention to detail i love and that i think really makes the comic's humor top notch.
Speaking of which, I will say, not impressed by the fart humour. I feel like it's (comic's) too clever to need to reach for the bottom shelf there. It's the one thing I shake my head over.(edited)
But that's me.
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
Nah, it's me too.
Fart humor in 2018/19?
Back to the amusing, the line about her being "16 but 18 outside of Japan". OMG.
that was way too topical and i loved that line
cause its so true
I was thinking about it again when she was in England. Like... hm?
especially now with more companies cracking down
and suddenly all these 18 year old high school girls
Yis. eyeroll
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
That's a good example of a joke that's clever and genre-savvy, it just happens to refer to something that's bad news IRL. In contrast to the "it's gross, that automatically makes it funny" bits.
Yeah, there's lots of clever genre stuff.
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
A little more seriously...I really liked Starlit Pony's whole arc. It's irreverent and wacky but there's actually something sincere underneath.
Sorry, which? Abysmal with names.
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
The trans one!
Ah! I suspected but wasn't sure. I'm still not entirely sure how I feel about that one, like I almost wish it had gone deeper. I wasn't sure if the dad was being sarcastic with the "son" comments near the start or not. But I agree there was some good consideration there.
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
She's a great counter-example for the kind of people who say "what, you don't want us to make fun of crossdressing-boy characters?? How will we be funny now? You obviously just hate jokes!"
Like, no, you can be funny and respect trans people. Here's proof.
i really liked they involved the trainers aspect more in that arc. because i also love the boys all card duel just as much as i love the girls are all magical girls.
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
And her dad refers to her as his daughter eventually -- it's a happy conclusion, that he comes around to accepting her gender.
Yup, smashing stereotypes through use of stereotypes. Or something.
Erin: Yes, but I wasn't sure if she was actually a girl who liked cards, or a boy who liked magic. Like, the way it was presented felt ambiguous, even through the dad's comments, until later.
Of course, I'm also sleep deprived.
Gawd I hate January.
As someone that dislikes stereotypes anything that's used to bash/take shots at them is welcome by me
I know that feel
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
Well, she's a girl who likes magic. But she has the card-based powers because apparently those are divided by biology, not gender identity.
QUESTION 2. One of the main aspects of the comic is to parody manga and anime in a comedic manner. Of all the parodies so far, which one do you think is the most accurate? What about its execution in the comic do you think makes it work as a parody? Additionally, which of the parodies did you find the funniest? Outside of the writing, there are also plenty of visual gags. Visually speaking, which moment stood out to you as particularly comedic? Lastly, what do you personally feel the underlying commentary is saying about manga and anime? Has any parody in the comic made you think about manga or anime in a new light?
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
It's really funny that there's this whole card-game-based conflict going on in the same world, in the background to the magical-power-based conflict.
Like, that's how the industry as a whole feels sometimes -- though obviously it's not along such a rigid divide (much as marketing companies wish it was).
The visit to the Convention was rather amusing. There's these times when the creator pokes fun at themselves, visually or otherwise. (eg "No one does these things in full colour").
Yeah, doujinshi are rarely drawn in full color
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
Yeah, that was good. I love that even the in-between pages have that kind of self-referential gag. "This is best read out loud, in a crowded place, such as on a train."
I had feels for the artist when Apricot critiqued. Though Apricot also seems to appreciate things that are "hard to draw".
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
Yeah, the explanation pages are clever. I like how it's actually a different character and bird each time.
I still remember when they were looking at that post with all the wires too.
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
Usually "that looks hard to draw" is a cartoonist's lampshading of the fact that they're fudging their way out of drawing something. Here, nope, we get to see the whole thing.
i love thatd moment where they took a moment to look at the electrical telephone pole
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
("They", I say, as if I'm not included in this group, heh.)
for the hard to draw thing
A+ joke
I liked the dark lord muttering about having to watch teenage girls too. With the globe he got and everything. He probably would prefer Anzu to be doing it as part of her training.
Actually, his intros are hilarious.
I'm not sure what it parodies, but it works.
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
He seems like a riff on the standard Video Game Final Boss to me.
i think my favorite parody of them all is the one where apricot actually does wake up late and then takes the time to go get bread, and etc. etc. cause its just so drawn out in how long it takes. but its true, you cant go late to anime school without toast in your mouth.
lol yes
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
...realizing now that I don't actually have much personal experience with Video Game Final Bosses, I'm basing this impression mostly on how they get parodied in other webcomics. Like RPG World, or Adventurers.
Heh. That was clever (the toast). I felt like it went on a bit long was the only thing. (Also, in the background, 11-11. Subtle.)(edited)
The language thing (are we speaking Japanese or English) felt like it went on a bit long too. I think it only stands out because usually the pacing feels very good.
I don't play the Video Games, I only watch Let'S Plays.
i also loved the translation bit. it did go on for a bit, yet i think what sold me on it was the OK that was supposed to be english was actually changed to the correct universal font for trying to show things in english
I did notice that. Another clever detail.
he seems most assuredly a riff on video game final bosses, especially considering everyone mistook him for sephiroth at the convention
Do not challenge him. He will summon your parents.
that would be amazing
one of my fave visual gags is probably this page https://tapas.io/episode/483838
The navigation is also really clever (on the main site). My first time there, I just clicked right arrow. It brought me to the first page again, and I had to actually read what was going on.
where shes telling jacques shes surely pretty under that helmet
but nope
those eyes tho o_o
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
And the "sorry if you were looking for recipes" in the header cracks me up.
Jacques is creepy. Another nice detail with the missing a leg in human form, but like, wtf with birds.
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
I'm so glad she put the helmet back on
yes i really loved that detail in the header
Header's good too, yup.
but makes me wonder how many ppl have gotten to this site wanting apricot cookie recipes XD
I like how "Anzu" means "Apricot". Though it just adds more language confusion.
oh lol, i didnt know that. never crossed my mind to translate her name XD
I suspected, so I went to a translation program.
god bless translations
smart. thats a great detail then
i enjoy the last panel
about the adaptions
especially cause the hollywood one would be terrible
too accurate
but i also appreciate the art style switch in the next page
cause that takes some skill
and i love the filters kind of effect on it that references the kind of shit quality 90s anime had
I'm bad for noticing art stuff at times.
Interesting how she started blonde though.
i assume the blond is their natural color, and their hair only becomes black when infused with dark power
so ya know
typical anime stuff
QUESTION 3. The comic features a slew of colorful characters with even more colorful personalities. Which character at the moment is your favorite and why? Further, of the comedic moments related to them, which one do you think was the best? What sort of scenarios are you hoping to see this character in in the future? Finally, what do you think their relationship with our protagonist Apricot adds to the story? Speaking of relationship dynamics with Apricot, how do you feel like those dynamics in general might change between all the characters as the story continues? Overall, what typical manga scenarios are you hoping to see addressed in the comic, and which character are you hoping to see participate in them?
It amusing that Apricot wants her parents to be dead in her backstory, but her real story is kind of messed up too.
Design wise, Meal Deal and Moonlight Spritzer.
Cream ftw. For definite.
Can't beat teleporting and quipping like Spiderman.
I'm bad for noticing designs too.
Especially with a name like Cream
im really sad there wont be more moonlight spritzer cause shes now an office lady
... ... I had always pictured it as "cream and sugar" until you said that ...
I was amused by "that doesn't count". I'm not a motorcycle fan though. ^.^
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
I was thinking whipped cream. To go with the other desserts.
I guess I was automatically onto the tea or coffee mindset.
Wait, butter's a dessert?
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
Butter cookies are?
They're not all desserts, just several of them.
Did not even pick up on that. Point.
mmm, butter
Speaking of, Apricot's interest in Butter, like trying not to look at her transforming or how she reacted to the idea it was just the two of them at a sleepover... that amused me. Because of the yuri implications. ^.^
Though I guess Apricot's turned out to be... pansexual?
they at least all have a food theme i think.
Not sure if that's the right term.
i assume apricot is just into whatever although i doubt were gonna get any actual ships going on alas.
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
Bisexual or pansexual would both work. Unless she uses a specific word in-universe...and AFAIK there aren't separate words in Japanese.
She just says she's into "men and women...and trains."
Bisexual implies male or female to me though, versus the trains thing. ^^
apricot x trains otp
apricot x ships?
apricots on ships sounds liek the name to a song
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
Eh, there are straight and gay people who talk about weird xeno attractions too.
💩 💩 💩 YY 💩 💩 💩
Geh. 9A9 I'm late! jumps in anyway
I like the Apricot x Butter ship. XDDD
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
So many anime with trains/planes/boats/etc personified as sexy moe girls...
💩 💩 💩 YY 💩 💩 💩
Much agreed with Erin. ; v ;
i wonder if jacques plays hatoful boyfriend
Erin: ... Point. I hadn't even gone there yet. O.o
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
It would be some epic planning if the endgame ships turned out to be foreshadowed by "they're named after foods that go together well."
💩 💩 💩 YY 💩 💩 💩
I've had Apricot Butter before... 8L
Well, the girls seem to go for harem-style guys (aside from Butter).
💩 💩 💩 YY 💩 💩 💩
I do have to say, I didn't expect Butter to be called Butter because she's got a blue scheme going.
In before there's a yellow-themed girl called blueberry
I wonder why Butter sleeps underwater.
yeah butter's mostly blueness really stood out to me. but maybe reflective that you dont want too much butter
Yeah, lol
cause you put too much butter on something and it tastes icky
I can't believe it's not Butter.
Too much butter on something is kinda gross tbh
I can't believe I missed that reference/joke Math just said
the character i really want to see more of is jammy smasher the head bully. cause she and apricot need to have that arc where they become the true best friends who still constantly bicker but are on the same team and all those shenanigans. cause im really interested to see what punches the comic throws at all those tropes
Just gotta put Butter on Apricot.
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
I'd be into this Jammy Smasher arc.
I could see that, Rebel, though it might get subverted.
I only read some of the beginning so far but I wanted to say all it’s breaking of the fourth wall was great. I liked the lord of darkness guy the best or whatever his name was
I'm still on about Cream. She knows more about Apricot's family now, could be relevant later.
always love me some good fourth wall destruction
@Superjustinbros sometimes it needs to be broken
💩 💩 💩 YY 💩 💩 💩
I actually got a bit confused when I started out reading because I thought Lord of Darkness would be the main character. XDDD
he can be the main character in your heart
💩 💩 💩 YY 💩 💩 💩
True, true. ;v;
and im sure hed be the type to tell you everyone is the main character of their own life story
Dude can't even figure out slide shows, let alone the internet. (Though I guess now we see where some of Apricot's incompetence comes from.)
and his mom did say his love story with his wife would be like a 10 year manga so he can be the protag of that
and 100% its gonna get subverted cause this is a parody comic. no way theyll play it straight. i half expect apricot to turn to jammy in the climatic bond moment where they admit they arent so bad and apricot just goes "just kidding youre a bitch"
well stories aren't limited to just one main
💩 💩 💩 YY 💩 💩 💩
That too~~. XD
Sometimes you get a side character or two that has such a large impact on the story that they become a major fofure
i really did like the opening introduction though where the lord of darkness treats it like a business meeting and such.
who exactly are we in this context. like what if this isnt just a fourth wall break, but were just first person cameraing a character
💩 💩 💩 YY 💩 💩 💩
I actually felt like I was being thrown back into the days when I was in Uni. XDDDD
Like, Lord of Darkness felt like a professor and his powerpoint struggles... ; v ;(edited)
i enjoyed that he called tech support XD just wasting more of the time. and i enjoy that panel where hes crying about the wasted hours he spent on a powerpoint that doesnt even work
💩 💩 💩 YY 💩 💩 💩
RIP oh great Lord of Darkness. XDDD
QUESTION 4. Apricot’s one true dream in the story is to become a magical girl. Do you think that Apricot will achieve her dream eventually and learn to transform? If so, what measures do you think she might have to take to ultimately achieve this dream? How might this affect Apricot’s relationship with her family? Alternatively, will she eventually come to accept her role as the Princess of Darkness? Regardless of which event occurs, how do you think Apricot’s friends/school mates would react to finding out who her parents are? Do you think they’ll find out or will it stay a secret forever? Finally, what shenanigans do you think Apricot will get up to in general throughout the story?
💩 💩 💩 YY 💩 💩 💩
I havent' read that far, but I think Apricot will become a magical girl at some point.
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
I think she's gonna get a Devil Homura type of magical-girl form. And it'll be epic.
(Back - little one's entered a fussier time of the evening.)
that would be awesome if her form just winds up being pretty evil looking. as long as all the others comment loudly about it. like "Wow who would expect the ditz girl to have a form like this." "Isn't this form a little evil looking?" and apricot just has to flail assuring them nah its fine, perfectly normal
The others are all aware of a great power when Apricot tries to transform. Thing is, didn't someone say at some point that Princesses couldn't transform? I think she'd need to renounce her throne for it to work. Which she might do, but then regret.
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
I thought it was "only the Princess can transform without relying on her bird companion."
I'm torn between thinking her form would show off too much, or like practically cover her entirely like a snowsuit. (There's few in betweens with her.)
Erin: Oh, that might have been it, good call.
Maybe that's the important thing the bird had wanted to tell her, the power's in you, I'm only holding you back.
it was specifically the princess of light though. who can transform without a bird companion. and her sister is the princess of light and i assume its a there can only be one thing.
Is that so?
although idk what would happen if the parents decided to have a third child
very convenient they stopped after two
Princess of darkness might have similar restrictions.
What if it was a boy? Would darkness have a deck of cards?
What about the princess of in-between?
yes i support this if the third child is a boy. a boy who is destined for a magical cube that contains the soul of an egyptian pharoah. and that even as a baby he becomes the best dueller in japan.
and you cant have a princess of in-between. theres only light and darkness. this isnt real life where all the things are actually gray and cant be fit into two boxes O_O
Are you sure about that
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
I get the impression there could be multiple light/dark Princesses within the family -- it's just that this kind of power can't manifest outside the family.
Aah ok
definitely can agree it cant manifest outside the family.
i def cant wait to see the fallout when others find out apricot's secret. not that i expect huge amounts of drama
but no way they wont react
i could actually see them encouraging apricot to accept her role
cause once her dad retires what are they supposed to fight if theres no ruler of the darkness
director of darkness
cause suddenly remembered the appropriate title
Director of Darkness sounds badass
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
Maybe at some point they'll meet a girl who hates being a frilly magical girl and longs for a dark evil powerset. (With parallels/foreshadowing in how Starlit was born with the deck-of-cards powerset but wanted the frilly powerset.) And then she and Apricot can engineer a swap somehow.
Well not every girl wants to be some sweet and dainty rightly colored girl that's for sure
this does seem like a potential arc, but more like the kind thatll blow up in their faces and not work out. XD
(Back again.)
i really hope chapter 7 is about cream though. cause as i think math mentioned earlier, i want to see cream deal with being the only one who knows at the very least that almond and apricot are sisters
Maybe the family decides to adopt.
I just want more Cream! ^.^
*ads more cream to Math's dessert
I wonder, if students transfer to Japan, do they get wrapped up in this stuff? Because there aren't magical girls in the UK, as Cream indicated.
i think cream is evidence that yes
What about in the US?
yes they do
it is destiny
the comic hasnt said anything about the US
So what if they move away? Powers are sealed?
(Reminds me, they're able to toe the line rather neatly, what with tentacles and rope tricks, without crossing over.)
thats basically what is implied. that they dont get to use their powers anymore. since cream was barely there a few mins before the visa kicked in
i was looking at earlier pages
i wanna know who the figure is that got her own panel
cause that is the chara who shouldve been butter if we go by color scheme XD
Oh yeah, the figurine. I'd forgotten about that.
Also, sleeping in hair ties for branding. Hah.
If only we had known
(Was it Cream who said "in the name of the spoon?"... I forget but it sounds like something she'd say.)
Maybe the figurine is Mom when she was younger.
Anyways since the tea party's ending I'd like to wish Louis luck on continuing the comic, this is a great read so far and I'l looking forward to what happens next
One last wondering, is Apricot's last name "Cookie"? Or is that a web cookie pun? Because her real last name is "Hikari", right?
Lol, that'd be one hell of a last name
i assume its apricot's pre-chosen magical girl name
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
considering her first name is anzu
not apricot
Fair enough
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
But anzu means apricot, yes? So that's just a translation thing.
yeah but still her actual first name. i dont think its necessarily just a translation joke
I suppose. I wondered about translations.
Anyways cya (edited)
Anyway, final remark is the recipe if people hadn't spotted it yet. With 3D printing. Well done. https://apricotcookies.net/specials/2
All very clever.
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Louis Lloyd-Judson, as well, for making Apricot Cookie(s)!. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Louis Lloyd-Judson’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: https://apricotcookies.net/
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Louis’ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Louistrations
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