#Raspberry vodka could totally be her name (that look)
satans-knitwear · 2 years
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I was going to post this hours ago but i got distracted by raspberry vodka 🙄
Treat me ~ Tip me
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notyourgirlloser · 2 years
hi bitchez aka future me xoxo
im bored bored bored so i thought i'd just dump out what i did last week. i got home from uni on dec 10 and spent the weekend just rotting away at home because all my friends where still away at uni. but monday was go go go. firstly me and my bestfriend, "A" went to visit our friend "S" because she was leaving for mexico on tuesday. no-one has any clue why she's going to mexico, im just assuming shes spending all the money she made from her now failed modelling career on some fun holidays. we only hung out with S for an hour before she kicked us out the house because she was late to see a play. Her life is very glamorous and action-packed at the moment because she managed to get in with the London "in" crowd through her modelling career. I wish I could achieve a cool life like her's but I'm not tall, or skinny and I'm only slightly attractive. After being kicked out the house we decided to go to the bar and get drunk. It was like a fun lil date. I bought 7 glasses of raspberry vodka and got a bit tipsy, but i shouldve been blackout drunk because i drank a 7 full glasses of vodka which is a sign that our drinks where totally watered down. Guess that's what you get for going to a cheap bar.
Tuesday was also busy as we A, myself and our friend Alicia (thats not her actual name but using letters of the alphabet was starting to piss me off something major) went clubbing. Usually I wear a dress or a slutty little skirt to the club but it was like -4 outside so I opted for some brown cargoes and a cute black top instead. I also wore some cute earmuffs which seemed to get every man in the club crazy horny. they'd take them off your head and go in for a snog constantly. We shared a litre bottle of vodka between us but it was so cold we didnt even get drunk. Luckily a few medium ugly men bought me drinks. A blonde guy from Denmark bought me two cocktail pitchers which drained him of about £30. I gave him a kiss but declined his offer to go to his accomodation because I don't think my pussy is worth only £30. I made out with another guy who was from New York and travelling across Europe and he bought me a couple vodka cokes. He was decent looking but a totally boring kisser so I ended up playing this game where I tested how many times I could bite his tongue before he said something (12 times). The last guy I cannot remember at all because at that point I was like blackout drunk but I know when the club closed at 3am he watched us from across the street as my friends and I bought an uber.
I know I did something on Wednesday but I got so drunk I cannot remember shit from that night. But I woke up with a stamp for a random club on my wrist and £40 less in my bank account. Then on Thursday me and my friends drank a shitload of mulled wine (it was rank) and planned our trips next week. I didn't do anything on the nights you're supposed to go out because all my friends where like "its too cold to go out babes...wed literally freeze to death" and I dont want to go clubbing by myself again because I always end up drinking alcohol off the floor or accidentally taking a bunch of drugs and having a panic attack outside mcdonalds at 2am. but this week im doing cool things as well so you'll here about that sooonish. hopefully i have some interesting experiences.
ciao 4 now,
barbie xoxxoxox
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absoloutenonsense · 3 years
sunday snippet
Thank you @disgruntledkittenface and @wadey-wilson for tagging me! I have not been doing a lot of my own writing over the last month, so here’s something I’ve been going back and forth on sharing for a while. 
It takes place before the start of my vampire au But If This Ends, and contains spoilers. If you haven’t read it and don’t want the plot to be spoiled, I would skip over reading this! 
Two vodka sodas, one gin and tonic, two lagers, one ale, one stout, seven Washington Apple shots. 
It’s a busy night at the bar -- the busiest Harry’s had since he started working here a couple of weeks ago. Jade has been truly wonderful about it, especially seeing as Harry just sort of showed up randomly and asked to see what the whole bar business was about. She’d asked quite a few times why now, and Harry didn’t really have a good answer, other than he’d had the idea take over his mind for the last five years or so and he decided it was time to dive in. 
It’s been hundreds of years since Harry worked in a bar, so he’s a bit rusty, but he finds nothing’s really changed about the job. Make drinks, take money, banter with customers… it’s all stuff he’s good at. He just wasn’t totally sure about the owning portion of it. He’s got various properties around the world (houses and buildings for rent, mostly) but from what he’s heard from Jade, this kind of business is much more hands-on. It might be good for a change of pace. 
“There you are,” Harry says to the group in front of him, placing the last of the seven shots down. 
“Can we open a tab?” one of the blokes says to him, holding his card out like he’s bored already. 
Harry tries not to let the annoyance show on his face as he takes it. “Sure. I’ll keep the card and run it when you’re ready to wrap up.”
The bloke nods, but Harry catches him rolling his eyes as he turns around. He wishes he could do the same, but instead he goes up to Jade at the POS. 
“What’s our policy on eating customers who are rude?” he asks. 
Jade laughs and finishes adding the drinks to the tab open on the screen. “Zero tolerance on eating customers.”
“Even if I Charm them after?”
“Even then.”
“Rats,” Harry says, snapping his fingers. 
She laughs again and pats him on the shoulder. “Just becomes a part of the gig. You’ll get used to it. Luckily, the arseholes are few and far between here.”
“I’m going to hold you to that,” he says, swiping the card before starting to add the drinks he made to the new tab. 
A shiver runs up his spine all of a sudden and everything goes a bit fuzzy as clicks the button for the ale. Shaking himself out of it, he is able to zone back in and look for the shots on the screen. 
“Louis!” he hears Jade say behind him. “How were your holidays?”
“Brilliant, and over much too quickly,” a light, musical voice says. It’s thickly accented and playful. Another shiver up Harry’s back. He pauses, staring at the screen. The voice continues, “I missed you terribly, of course.”
“You’re a liar,” Jade says. “You didn’t miss me one bit.”
“Missed you once the plane landed again,” he laughs. 
Harry wants to turn around. Desperately, he wants to turn around, to check if it’s… but what if it’s not?
“What’re you having?”
“Got anything new since I was in last?”
“Got a raspberry ale on draft. Kind of like a sour, but not as tart.”
“Perfect, I’ll have one of them. I’ve been drinking fruity cocktails for two weeks, that’ll be a nice transition.”
“You got it. H, could you ring up an ale under Zayn and Liam’s tab?”
Without actually deciding to do it, Harry’s head turns, eyes skimming right past Jade until they land on an absolutely stunning shade of blue. 
He’s got brown hair swept across his forehead and scruff covering his sharp jawline. The skin is tanned a beautiful golden shade, giving him a glow and highlighting his defined cheekbones. As soon as they make eye-contact, he smiles wider, crinkles appearing next to his blue eyes as he looks Harry up and down. Harry is immediately hooked into him. 
His sunshine in front of him again, giving off waves and waves of playfulness and curiosity and fun. Harry feels his whole body turn as he smiles back. It hurt so much to say goodbye to Maggie, to have his sunshine here in front of him again after so long… nearly thirty years, he realizes. 
“Harry?” Jade asks, pulling him out of his reverie. 
“Huh?” he hums. After another moment he looks at her, with her raised eyebrow and amused smile. He looks down to her hand, holding the ale. Ale. Right, his job. Adding the beer to the tab. “Sorry, yes. Adding that to a tab.”
“Zayn and Liam’s tab,” she confirms, eyes lit up like this is the funniest thing she’s seen all week. Oh boy. 
“Yes,” Harry says nodding. He looks at his sunshine again before tearing his eyes away back to the screen. 
“Thanks Jade,” he says. 
Harry closes his eyes and takes a few moments to breathe. When he opens them, he finishes adding the drinks to the original tab he created, and then adds the raspberry ale to Zayn and Liam’s tab. 
“His name is Louis,” Jade says, suddenly beside him. 
“Come off it.” She pushes at his shoulder lightly. “You have that same dopey look on your face as you did that one time I saw you with Elijah.” 
Fuck is it that obvious? Harry supposes he shouldn’t be surprised. He could never keep his cool when it comes to his loves.
“He’s gorgeous, isn’t he?” she continues. “He’s an editor for a food magazine. Been coming here for about ten years now.”
“That’s… um, thank you,” Harry interrupts her. He doesn’t want to be told by anyone but him though. He wants to learn everything he can on his own, savour those moments between them, be able to fall in love the way they usually do. Well, Harry is definitely already in love, but that’s hardly the point. 
“Alright, alright,” Jade says, throwing her hands up. “I’ll leave you to it however you want. Or don’t want.”
Oh, no, Harry definitely wants. His eyes automatically drift around the room until he lands on him. Louis. He’s just now sitting down in the last booth at the end of the room. He tips his head back and laughs at something someone’s said. Harry’s hook lets him hear his voice immediately, like he’s in front of him and not all the way across the room.
“Fucking wankers, leave me be, I only just got back,” he says. 
Others are speaking, but Harry’s so enraptured by Louis that he can’t concentrate long enough to tune into what they’re saying.
“Hm?” he asks. And then he’s turning around, making eye-contact with Harry. He smirks immediately. 
Harry turns away abruptly at being caught. Fuck, that’s not a good first impression, is it?
“Yeah, he’s hot. What’s his deal then?”
There are people waiting to order drinks, but Harry’s not in the right mind to make anything right now. He ducks down and pretends to be looking for something in one of the refrigerators. 
“Ah, I see,” Louis says, voice a bit wary then. 
What is there to see, though? What did they say? Harry scolds himself for not being prepared, even if there was no real way to prepare. 
“Bet I could get him. Tonight even.” A pause. He laughs. “Well yeah, I’m just back from holidays. Still riding that high, aren’t I?” Another pause. “Don’t be such a twat. Watch and learn, boys.”
There’s no more from him then, but the energy is determined and wanting. Harry waits. And waits. And waits--
“Hi,” Louis says. Harry jerks back, catching the top of his head on the bottom lip of the bar as he stands. “Woah, there.” Harry curses and tries to reorient himself quickly as Louis looks on at him, concerned. “You okay?”
“Yep, yes, yeah, I’m fine. Um. Sorry. What, uh, what can I get for you?”
Louis smirks at him, watching Harry rub at the spot he hit before pulling his hand down. “Was hoping you could make some shots for me and my mates.”
“Yes, yeah of course. What would you like?”
Louis bites his lip and looks up from his lashes. Harry feels enraptured by the way the light seems to catch his face seamlessly no matter how he tilts his head. 
“Something new. Something fun,” he says. “Been on my hols and I’m not quite ready to leave that.”
Harry nods, looking down at the way his bottom lip shines for a quarter of a second before looking back to his eyes. “Lemon drops?” he offers. 
Louis shakes his head slowly, eyes bright. “I want something a little more. Something I can feel on my tongue. Something I can savour.”
Harry swallows. “Jager bomb?”
“Mmm,” he hums, thinking. “That certainly would give me a mouthful.”
Harry nods dumbly. Fuck, he needs to get himself together. 
“Alright, then, three Jager bombs,” Louis says. 
Harry immediately starts grabbing the special cups for those shots. He finishes pouring the last of the Red Bull. “Anything else?”
“Yeah, your number, if you don’t mind.”
He takes a deep breath in. “My number?”
Louis nods. “Yeah. I feel like you’ve got a few more suggestions on other things I might like. Not sure we could cover all of them here at the bar.”
His number. Yes, a thousand percent yes. This is the absolute fastest any of his loves have shown direct interest in him, and Harry’s not about to waste even a moment of not being together if Louis doesn’t want to wait. 
“H,” Jade calls out. “We need some help here.” He looks over his shoulder to see a buildup of people waiting to order drinks. 
Right, his fucking job. His job that he got because something was telling him to come here. Someone. God he’s wasted so much of his own time. 
“Sorry,” he calls out. He turns back to Louis, who’s looking him up and down again. “How about I give you my number a bit later? I’ve just got to--”
“Of course,” Louis says, an easy smile on his face. He picks up the shots and turns so he’s looking at Harry over his shoulder. “Come find me when you’re ready.”
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dear--charlie · 3 years
Dear Charlie,
I'm in total crisis mode, and I guess you need some context for it to make sense. It's my sister's birthday, and I got our friends to come over for a day or two of hanging out. Normally, this is hard to do because Jack works all the time (and his mother is still very controlling) and Nikki can't find someone to watch her puppy. But, the stars aligned for this. Jack managed to swing sleeping over last night and tonight, and Nikki can come over tonight too.
The other bit of context is that I have a girlfriend now. I have a lot of feelings about it, and I can’t even begin to explain them, but just know that it’s not serious and the newness of it all is freaking me out to the point that I kind of feel like calling the whole thing off so I don’t have to get hurt. That’s a lot to throw at you, and maybe I’ll write a letter about her in the future, but not right now. Right now, I have a bigger problem.
The last bit of context that you need, that you kind of already know, is that I used to have feelings for Jack. I wrote to you years ago, when I was a freshman in college and using a different pen name, about how I loved him, how it broke my heart that he didn’t feel the same. My problem — the crisis — is that I don’t know if those feelings ever went away.
I need to start from the beginning.
I don’t remember exactly how it started. One day, Jack and I were in class together, and something made us laugh. Who knows what it was anymore? It’s not important. The point is that I knew, right then, that I loved him. We were laughing and I was looking at him, and I fell totally, completely silent while the sound still bloomed around me. I just looked at him and felt so scared, because I realized how I felt about him and didn’t know what to do.
I sat with that feeling for months, maybe more than a year if the dates of my old letters are anything to go off of. I didn’t want to ruin our friendship by confessing anything, and he had his own shit to deal with, so I refused to complicate things any further. The problem came when I went to a Halloween party on campus. It was something small, just five or six of us crammed into someone’s dorm, but I’d downed a good seven shots of blue raspberry vodka in the span of a few hours. I didn’t feel drunk, or even tipsy, but I guess it’d given me the courage (or impaired my thinking enough) to tell him how I felt. He was two hours away, and it was two in the morning. I was walking back to my building and the sky was so dark, the air so crisp. I can remember the blue light of my screen illuminating my face while I poured my heart out to him. Then, once I was back in my bed, I shut my phone off so I couldn’t see his reaction.
He was nice about it — he’s always nice — and said that he didn’t feel the same way, but that a possible relationship in the future wasn’t off the table. I remember being mad at him for that. I mean, not at first. Because, at first, all I could focus on was the fact that he said he could see us being together in the future. That giddiness lasted for a day or two, maybe longer, and then the frustration set in. The letters are still up, they’re really melodramatic to me, but I still think the emotions ring true. I was mad because he made me feel like there was hope, and I was mad because it would’ve been easier to move on if he’d just said it was never gonna happen. I wanted to move on, Charlie. Loving him hurt so bad, because I knew it’d never be requited, and I wished that I could’ve loved someone else. So, I was mad.
We kept talking, of course. It didn’t really make things awkward. At least, he never acted like it. Who’s to say how he actually felt? Maybe being around me was like pulling teeth. I don’t know. I won't ask. I sent more letters about him, what I wanted to say and why I could never bring myself to do it. After months of wildly swinging back and forth between pessimism and hope, Nikki’d had enough. She knew about the whole thing, and she was upset that Jack led me on about a potential future relationship (even though he hadn’t meant to). She made him settle things, and I wish I could remember exactly what he said. I want to say that he drew a line in the sand and told me that it wasn’t gonna happen, but I know I’m wrong. Regardless, he made it clear that I needed to move on. So, I did. It took a while, but, eventually, I was so far removed from any romantic feelings towards him that looking back on my old letters made me feel ridiculous, that I was wondering if it was actually love at all. I think it was. I look back on it and I still think it was. In some ways, it was the only time I ever truly loved someone like that.
The problem came last night. We were talking about a new show that I’ve been watching with him. It felt similar to the time I realized I loved him. There was this moment of silence — comfortable, easy silence — and I wanted him to lean in and kiss me. It felt like I got suckerpunched in the chest. I haven’t felt like that in years. It’s been two fucking years, Charlie, and I thought those feelings were gone.
I think the thing that scares me most is the thought that came after. I realized the thing that’d come to mind in the moment, that I wanted him to close the space between us and kiss me, that I wanted him to crawl into my bed and hold me while we slept. I realized it, and nothing about it felt wrong. It should feel wrong. I just wanted it so desperately, so much, that I entertained the idea and wondered what would happen if he actually did those things.
Then, I was scared. I was just absolutely horrified, and I still am. What if these feelings never went away? What if I just fooled myself into thinking I was over him? What if these feelings never disappear? What if I’ll always love him in some latent, repressed way? I wanted to text Nikki and ask for her help, but it was late and I felt embarrassed about telling her how something she thinks — I thought — we settled years ago. I’m glad I didn’t text her, because I think I would’ve rambled and made no sense, but I still want her advice. Maybe I’ll ask her for it once these next few days have passed.
I don’t know what to do, okay? I’m overwhelmed and I can’t stop thinking about it. I feel guilty, because I shouldn’t even be having thoughts like that. He’s my best friend, he has feelings for someone else, and I have a fucking girlfriend for fuck’s sake. I know that the fact I might still have feelings for him says enough about my relationship and where it’s headed. I think I’ll talk to my therapist before making any huge decisions like breaking up with her. What if this is just some weird, freak thing and I never think about Jack in that way again? What if I was just delirious and excited?
Sometimes, I’m scared I can’t tell the difference between platonic and romantic love. I know that I can tell the difference, but I still worry about it. I’ve fallen for a lot of my friends. I know you know that already. You’ve heard about Reise and Gabe, you haven’t heard about Maggie but I don’t even consider that a real relationship (not that I ever had a relationship with Reise or Gabe, nor would I say I actually loved them so much as had a crush on them). On some level, I think a lot of people fall for their best friends. I’ve heard tons of stories like that, of people who were childhood or college best friends that ended up getting married. On another level, I’m not sure if it’s normal. Maybe I’m overthinking it, but it feels like there might be a pattern. Maybe I like the appeal of already knowing someone and them knowing me before I fall in love with them. Though, I have to say, I definitely don’t think I’m in the minority on that one.
My biggest problem, among the many I have with this situation, is regarding my girlfriend. It’s really not fair to compare her to Jack, because they’re wildly different, but I can’t really help thinking about it. Lani is amazing. We matched on Bumble in December, spent months talking with a few breaks dispersed between, and officially got together a little more than two weeks ago. It’s not in any way serious, either. We’ve only managed to meet up in person the one time, and it was really awkward because we were both nervous. Lately, we haven’t been talking much because she’s been really depressed. I get it, because that’s why some of the months we were talking had breaks, because one of us was struggling with our mental health and couldn’t manage to communicate with anybody. I really like her. The group chat likes her too, she fits in well with my friends. She has so much in common with me too, sometimes it’s kind of hilarious.
I feel horrible about this next part.
A few days after we made things official, I started getting the urge to bail. It’s not because I don’t like her, because I do. It’s not because I don’t want a relationship, because (I think) I do. I’ve been trying to figure it out with my therapist. When I explain it to her, it usually goes like this: we don’t know each other super well yet, I’m still not sure if we have chemistry, and it’d be so much easier to not be in a relationship with anybody. It sounds really awful when I say it, I just mean that taking care of myself is something that I’m finally getting better at, and I don’t know if I’m capable of adding responsibility for another person’s feelings to the mix. Not that I’d even be responsible for her feelings. On some level, yeah, I would be, but not entirely.
There’s been this little voice in the back of my head that tells me to ruin everything and tell her I just want to be friends. I’ve gotten good at ignoring it, because I’m pretty sure it’s just my urge to self-sabotage any good thing that happens to me. And, maybe, that’s what this whole thing with Jack is about. Maybe my brain wants a reason to call things off with Lani, so it recycled old feelings with Jack to throw me off. I don’t think that’s it, but it’s a potential theory.
My therapist says that I don’t like change and I don’t want to get hurt. I know she’s right. I really fucking hate change, that’s not new for me. I don’t even like buying new clothes because it’d disturb the rotation of outfits I already wear (that being the same three t-shirts and five pairs of jeans). This is a really big change, alright? I admit that. I haven’t dated anyone in seven fucking years and the last time I had sex...well, I already told you the situation surrounding that in my last letter. As for getting hurt, I don’t want that either. Nobody wants that. I think the bigger issue is not wanting to be vulnerable. I don’t know if I like the idea of letting Lani get to know me in the ways my friends know me already.  It took years to get to that point and I don’t like opening up about myself. That’s funny to me, because I’m so open with them now, but it’s also a little sad.
The problem is, I think I have to compare Jack and Lani. They’re so different, and it still isn’t fair, but it kind of puts a lot into perspective. Just to get it out of the way: gender doesn’t matter to me, it never mattered to me, and I don’t know if I ever mentioned that to you, but I’m saying it now (surprise!). This isn’t some thing about my sexuality being repressed and me feeling like I have to engage in compulsory heterosexuality by being with a woman, because I truly couldn’t give less of a shit about that. I think this might be about potential.
Right now, my relationship with Lani is new and uncharted territory. Things are awkward and I sometimes feel like I’m walking on eggshells to avoid screwing things up. It’s like that phase of a high school relationship where you’re both still trying to impress each other out of fear they’ll lose interest in you for being yourself. It’s fucking exhausting, and I don’t know how long we’ll be in that phase. She’s also beautiful. She’s really beautiful, and I’m attracted to her, but not in that way yet. The thing is, I don’t know if there will even be a yet, because I can’t picture it. What if I just never end up feeling that way about her? I worry about that a lot, and I’m not sure how much of that is from a lack of truly knowing each other or from what happened to me. I told her, pretty quickly after we made things official, that it was possible I’d never be able to have sex with someone again. She doesn’t care, of course. It’s not some dealbreaker for her. She understood my reasoning behind it after I explained and she wants to take things slow anyway, so sex wouldn’t even be on our horizon for a while regardless of my complicated relationship with it.
I keep circling back, but the issue — the crisis again — comes up when I compare her to Jack. We know each other so well. I’d dare to say, right now, that he probably knows me better than anybody (besides my sister or my cousin, Bella). I never have to worry about him not liking me when I act like myself and I never have to worry about not liking him when he acts like himself. We’ve been friends for so long that we’re never anything but ourselves, and that’s a really freeing feeling. I know it’s just because I’ve known him longer, so it isn’t fair to her to give him that credit, but it makes me feel less anxious, less tired, and I never felt like I had to censor myself with him, even when we just started talking.
Jack is beautiful too. I know he doesn’t feel that way, but everyone thinks it, especially now. He grew his hair out, and it kind of surprised everyone that he has curls. It really suits him, but I’m getting distracted. It makes me embarrassed to say this, but I have felt that way about him before. When I was in the full swing of it, when I used to write you letters, I actually had thoughts like that about him. Those thoughts weren’t all it was, but they came to be a part of it.
He knows what happened to me. He knows all of it. I’d broken down one night and started crying, telling him that I thought I’d been sexually assaulted and couldn’t remember all of the details. He was one of the main people, besides Reise or Bella, who helped me come to terms with it. It’s not a subject that comes up a lot, obviously, but it makes me feel better that I never have to explain. Something horrible happened and now my mind is stained because of it, and he understands.
So, what I’m about to say is really big, and it makes me feel like I’m rotten from the inside out — like I’m a stupid, heinous piece of shit. It makes me feel guilty and horrible and disgusting. I know that I’m disgusting, okay? You can think less of me for it, if you want.
If it ever got to that point, if we ever found ourselves in that situation, I think I could sleep with him. And I don’t mean that I fantasize about us having sex, or that I’m even at a place where I’d want to right now. I just mean that, if it happened, I know it wouldn’t send me spiraling.
Most of the time, when I think about the first time I’ll sleep with someone since my assault, I anticipate it ending in a total and complete disaster. I mean, for fuck’s sake, sometimes I can’t even touch myself without having a panic attack or feeling like his hands are around my throat again. I can’t even begin to imagine what would happen if I had sex again. There are times that I think I could do it, that I want to do it, and other times where I’m sure I would have a meltdown so bad that it would send me back to the hospital. I am a pendulum, and I swing wildly, back and forth, between those two feelings. So, please try to understand me when I say that this is no small admission.
He’d be careful with me. He’d make sure I was okay. He’d probably even be hesitant to do anything until he knew I was going to be one hundred percent okay. None of this is to say that Lani wouldn’t do those things either. I’m not saying I couldn’t grow to trust her like that, it’s just really difficult to grasp. I say that about him because I know, truly, that the last thing he’d ever want to do is hurt me (and, again, not saying that she would want to hurt me). Sometimes, and I hate myself for saying this, I think that he might be the only person I could sleep with after what happened to me. Sometimes, I want him to be that person. I wouldn’t trust anyone else to do it, and it’d mean that much more to me if my feelings toward sex would start to improve because of it. I know that’s horrible. You don’t need to tell me.
All of this makes me feel like I’m poisonous, like I’m a fucked up person who only ever hurts people. I don’t want to feel like this. I feel guilty thinking about Jack in any way more than a friend and then hanging out with him like things are normal. I feel even worse entertaining or acknowledging those thoughts when I have Lani. That’s why this scares me. And maybe it is just some weird, intensive thought. Maybe my brain just decided to throw that shit at me and see what I’d do. I don’t know, and it’s killing me. I don’t even want to know what will happen if those feelings keep up. I don’t want them to. It’ll just ruin everything.
I went out a few minutes ago to see if he was awake yet, and to ask if he wanted anything from the coffee shop my mom is headed to on her way home from getting my sister some balloons. He’s asleep on the couch. It’s 9:17 in the morning and the sun is peeking through the spaces between the slats of the blinds. Light dances, it rains down upon his face in warped lines. He’s smiling, albeit softly, even in his sleep, and he’s the most rested as I’ve ever seen him since he started his newest job (so, eight months). I was quiet when I walked into the living room, just in case he wasn’t up, and I felt seasick at the sight of him.
I read this book last week, the first one I’ve managed to sit through and finish in months. There was this line that really stuck out to me and, right then, it’s all my mind would give me. You know that feeling, when you're watching someone sleep and you feel overwhelmed with joy that they exist? It was all I could think of and it hit me like a freight train, so I turned around and walked straight back into my room without double checking to see if he was awake.
I can’t silently pine over him and act like things are fine. I can’t do that. I won’t. It was so fucking painful the last time and I don’t know if I can handle it again. The worst part about it was that I couldn’t talk to him about it! How was I supposed to vent about loving him and not being loved back without being totally obvious that I was talking about him? It really hurt to keep that secret from him and it ate me alive. It’d only feel worse the second time around.
I hope it’s a fluke. I hope I look back at this letter and chastise my past self for being ridiculous or overdramatic. I hope, even if it isn’t a fluke, that I can force those feelings out of me. I know it didn’t work before, that it took almost a year to get over him, if I did at all, but I hope it would this time. I don’t think my heart could take it otherwise.
I need advice, Charlie. I don’t know what to do. Please, please tell me what to do.
Love Always, Just Nick 06 | 15 | 21
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Survey #361
“the world is a vampire, sent to drain”
Have you ever been through a phase of thinking emo guys were hot? A phase? Hunny, they're still hot lmao. Have you ever dated someone that could play an instrument? Yeah. Juan could play guitar, and Girt played I think the tuba in band. What’s so horrible about wearing leggings like pants? I've actually never understood why people freak about this. Like so long as they're not sheer and fit you fine, why exactly is this a problem...? Weirdest picture you’ve ever taken of yourself? Oh dear. When someone claims to be suicidal, do you take them seriously? FUCK you if you don't. Honest to god, fuck you. This is NOT something you just don't even blink at. Even if it's surprising to hear from that person, you take that shit seriously and try to talk to them about it. Ever been kicked out of anywhere? Colleen's house. Ever had Skittles vodka? No, but that shit sounds good. Ever punched someone in the face? No. If you haven’t, do you want to now? Uh, I'll pass. Do you truly HATE anyone? No one I know personally, but people like rapists, pedophiles, etc., I sure as hell do hate them. Most historical/famous landmark/building you’ve been to in your country? No clue. Favorite flavor for most things? Strawberry, watermelon, or blue raspberry, depending on what the thing is. Ever taken pictures in a photobooth? Who with? Yeah: Summer, Jason, and I'm pretty sure Sara and I did? What is the closest book to you? It's a full collection of Poe's poetry that Mom got me. Are you reading it or someone else? I'm not right now. I may eventually. Milkshakes or Sundaes? Hm, I gotta go with milkshakes. Do you like watermelons more or cherries? I'm not a fan of either, but I'd definitely pick watermelons over cherries. Who was the last person you ate with? My family and I went to Ichiban (a Japanese steakhouse that we have here where they cook directly in front of you) yesterday to celebrate Nicole's graduation. Do you prefer broccoli or asparagus? Broccoli. I hate asparagus. Do you have any bug bites? No. Do you have any flowers in your room? No. Do you know anyone that owns horses? Loosely, anyway. It's a family I took pictures for, and I still have the mother on Facebook. When you were little, did you ever go to feed the ducks? Yes, I LOVED doing that. Don't feed ducks bread, by the way. Have you seen any of the seven wonders of the world in person? No. Have you ever won anything out of one of those crane machines? Yeah. Can you remember being taught how to ride a bike? Was it hard for you? Yeah. I don't THINK it was too hard. Did you get carded the last time you ordered an alcoholic drink? No. Do you know anyone who uses medical marijuana? No, it's not legal here. Do you know anyone who’s died in childbirth? No. Which was the worst phase in your life? 2016 was. Towards the end of '15 was the breakup, and through aaaaaaall of 2016, I was just dead inside and totally useless. Every day I wanted to be dead. Can you remember your last dream? I had a nightmare some stupid kids were fucking with my snake Venus, so I was trying to protect her. Do you ever use Snapchat? No, I don't have one. What’s your favorite musical? I don't like musicals. What happened at the last party you went to? Summer prepared some little Halloween treat bags for us guests, we watched a horror movie, and everyone but me smoked some weed. Are you more comfortable sitting or lying down? I would assume everyone is more comfortable lying down... Have you ever been a fan of N*Sync? Yeah, as a kiddo. Favorite kind of cake: Red velvet, yum yum. What is your middle name? Marie. TV shows and anime you watch regularly: None. Do you want to have a big family in the future? Just a big family of pets with a spouse. What was the last thing you did that gave you a rush? Oh boy, I couldn't tell ya. Is Vegas one of your must-see places? No. Pet rat: yay or nay? YAY!! I've had many, but I don't think I'll get any more. I've just had bad luck with them, save for one that died of cancer at an old age. Would you call yourself a writer? Written any stories lately? Yeah. I haven't really written any big RP posts of the late, but I did recently write a poem. Are needles something that you’re afraid of? Okay, so this is super weird. Tattoos and piercings? No problem. Little prick, getting blood drawn, that sorta little stuff, no problem. I am, however, NOT a fan of big needles, which used to not be an issue. It's actually kinda recent, and it's why I'm nervous about my second Covid shot coming up, aha... What was the last unexpected hug you gave/received? I really haven't had an unexpected hug since Jason asked for one before he left my house after our final talk. Who was the last person you held hands with? Either my niece or nephew. Have you ever been in a parade before? If so, was it on TV? No. Do you have a fear of rollercoasters? If so, were you ever forced to go on one? If you don’t, what is your favorite rollercoaster? I have a big fear of them, yeah. Post a picture of you from a recent time. Don't feel like it. Who was the last person to give you some of their food? Miss Tobey let me try one of her dumplings yesterday when we were at Ichiban for dinner. The last person you met, what was your first impression of them? I actually didn't quite like her. Have you ever been to a football game? Yeah, because my sister was a cheerleader. Do you like the snow or rain better? Snowwww. Have you ever faked sick? Yeah. What is your blood-type? A-. Have you ever eaten a bug? Not knowingly. The last time you were in the fridge, what were you looking for? Salsa. Mom got these veggie chips at the store and they apparently taste better with salsa, which it did. They weren't great, though. Are you listening to anything at the moment? It's Gab Smolders' turn for me to watch her Resident Evil 8 upload, haha. I'm literally watching three different people (Mark, John Wolfe, and her) play it. Can you take a bra off with one hand? I haven't tried, I think? I doubt I could, given that I'm not exactly small. Do you have an innie or an outie bellybutton? Innie. Can you crack your neck? NOOOOO AND DO NOT DO IT AROUND ME YOURSELF. Are you donating your organs? Yeah; what am I gonna use 'em for? It just seems like a waste otherwise. They're just gonna decay. When was the last time you talked to you mom? Before she left with Tobey to go to the store. Do you like pumpkin pie? NO. I don't like pie, and I hate pumpkin. Do you own your own computer? Yeah. Did you ever have to share a room with one of your siblings? Yeah; growing up, my little sister and I did. Is there any piece of technology you want to buy? I REALLY want a PS4. Did you ever have a night light when you were a kid? Yeah. What TV show had you hooked from the very first episode? Meerkat Manor, 100%. I had to know that Shakespeare was okay. What is your least favorite Sour Patch Kids color? Orange or red, can't pick. Have you ever seen the movie Matilda? YES! I love that movie. What is the weirdest chant you have ever heard? Uh, idk. How are you feeling? Annoyed and hurt as fuck because shit Miss Tobey says without thinking for a single goddamn second. I'm honestly beyond sick of this woman. Do you know anyone with a unibrow? I don't think so. Doughy or saucy pizza? Doughy. Do you have anything that’s limited edition? Yeah. Do you have an air freshener in your bathroom? If so, what scent? I... think we do? If so though, I just don't notice it. The bathroom doesn't smell like anything in particular. Do you like Jalapeno Cheetos? Oh man, I forgot about those! Love 'em. Are you a fan of salads? Yeah, they're fine. I have to be in the mood for one, though. What’s one random thing that you don’t like? Uhhh carrots. What’s one random thing that you like? Shrimp. Do you like chicken noodle soup? I don't. Is it easy for you to accept loss? NOPE. I'm the absolute worst with it. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? I really wanna see Sara, so take me to Illinois. Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? No, but a former best friend had her birthday the day before mine. Is there someone you just can’t imagine your life without? Not anymore, honestly. After Jason, I stopped that "I can't live without you" mindset. Truth is I'm going to lose people through life, and I'm not attaching my ability to happily exist to anyone. Are you wearing a ring? Two. Have your friends ever stopped by your house just to say hi? In the past, yeah. Do you like Chinese food? Not really. I only ever get pork fried rice and eggrolls from Chinese restaurants. Have you done any shopping for something in specific recently? No. Do you still live in your hometown? No. What was the reason behind the last time you stayed up all night? I don't recall, honestly. I haven't done that in a very long time. Have you ever had a UFO sighting or a sighting of strange lights in the sky? A very strange light, yes. Have you ever seen your mom or dad drunk? Yes to both. Seeing Mom drunk is very, very rare though. My dad was an alcoholic when I was growing up, so I saw him drunk plenty. Do your parents vote? Mom does, idk about Dad. Who’s the most romantic person you ever went out with? Jason. What restaurant has the best fries? Nowhere has anything on Bojangle's, y'all. Have you ever had a surprise party thrown for you? No.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
It Started With A Hello (Crygi) - Metaluna
Summary: There were few things Crystal hated as much as high school dances, that is until the golden girl of Franklin High strikes up a conversation under the bleachers. Cliche high school AU based on the lyrics of Hello by Allie X.
A/N: Hi, everyone! I wrote this one-shot at like 2 AM one night, published it on ao3 and a lot of people seemed to enjoy it. Aaand just like with most of my fics cw for weed and alcohol
The homecoming dance was the last place Crystal wanted to be. She would rather be somewhere else. Anywhere else. But, her best friend, Daya insisted they go because it was their senior year, and begged Crystal to go. Despite her better judgment, Crystal agreed. The second they entered the gymnasium, Crystal regretted her decision. The gym looked tacky. There were droopy red and white streamers lining the walls. In the back corner, there was a sad looking photobooth. On the dancefloor, couples were grinding to whatever Top 40’s Bullshit the thirty-something DJ was playing on Spotify.
“I hate it already,” Crystal groaned.
“Come on! It’ll be fun!” Daya said as she took Crystal’s hand. “Let’s dance.”
Not wanting to be completely miserable, Crystal agreed. She had to admit, she was having fun with her best friend. Maybe tonight wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Just then, some kid in Crystal’s trig class walked up to Daya, and nervously said, “Hey, Daya.”
“Oh, hi, Kyle.”
“Do you, uh, wanna dance?”
Daya looked over to Crystal who gave an approving look.
The pounding music began to hurt Crystal’s ears, so she decided to get some air. After walking to the football field, Crystal made her way under the bleachers, her favorite place in the entire school. Digging through her purse, she found what she was looking for, the joint she was saving for her and Daya for later that night.
Sorry, Daya, Crystal thought as she lit the joint.
Crystal shut her eyes as she blew smoke. The wind picked up, causing her to shiver. Her eyes opened wide as she heard someone approach. She quickly extinguished the joint against the bleachers. Sniffing the air, she cursed silently. It would take an idiot to not notice the distinguishable smell. It wouldn’t be the first time a teacher caught her with weed, but she’d rather it not happen again. 
Thankfully, it wasn’t a teacher, it was a girl wearing a beautiful champagne dress. As Crystal squinted her eyes, she realized it was Gigi Goode. What the hell was Gigi Goode, golden girl of Franklin High doing under the bleachers? Generally, class presidents with 4.0 GPA’s were not found under there. 
Gigi stood on the opposite end as she pulled out a pink flask covered in rhinestones. At first, she didn’t notice Crystal, but once she did, she waved awkwardly and shyly said, “Hello.”
Tentatively, Gigi walked over to Crystal, before asking, “What are you doing here?”
Crystal shrugged. “It sucked in there.”
“You’re telling me,” Gigi said taking a swig from her flask, offering it to Crystal, who gladly took accepted Gigi’s offer.
The alcohol, which Crystal recognized as blue raspberry vodka, immediately made her feel warm inside. “UV Blue?”
Gigi rolled her eyes. “It’s good, okay?”
“Can’t argue with that.” Crystal paused. “So what are you doing out here, Golden Girl?”
“Golden Girl? Hm, I’ve been called worse. I’ll take it. Anyway. I was here with my boyfriend. I had to go to the bathroom, and when I came back I saw him making out with some cheerleader.”
“Yikes,” Crystal said lighting the joint.
Gigi sniffed and cringed. “Is that pot?”  
Crystal nodded, offering the joint. It was only fair for her to offer the same hospitality.
“Oh… I don’t… I’ve never…”
“No worries,” Crystal said as she took a hit.
“Can I… try it?”
“Sure.” Crystal passed the joint.
“How do I do it?” Gigi clumsily held the joint. 
“Well first off, don’t hold it like that. So, breathe in and hold it in for a little bit before you blow it out.”
Gigi inhaled and immediately started coughing. Once she passed the joint back she said, “I don’t think pot’s for me.”
Crystal blew a cloud of smoke away from Gigi. A breeze picked up as the smoke redirected in Gigi’s direction.
“Sorry,” Crystal mumbled.
“Can I try again?”
Crystal raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, sure.”
This time, Gigi was prepared. As she inhaled, she took a deeper breath, and proudly blew the smoke out.
“Nice job,” Crystal praised.
“Thank you, Crystal,” Gigi said with a smile.
Crystal was surprised Gigi knew her name. Gigi was always a nice person, but never spoke to her. As Crystal looked her up and down, she realized she never paid attention to how beautiful Gigi was as her dress sparkled as the lights hit it.
Gigi knew that Crystal was gay. It was something Gigi couldn’t imagine making fun of someone over, and she immediately stuck up for Crystal the moment anyone tried to make fun of her. She was almost positive Crystal didn’t know how often Gigi stuck up for her. Sexuality is something Gigi never thought about since it was expected for her to date the quarterback. She knew that it never felt right, but she wasn’t quite sure why. As she looked at Crystal, she started to get an idea.
“You know my name?”
Gigi smiled. “Of course I do. We had English together in freshman year.”
Crystal flushed. “Oh. I never realized.”
“Let’s be real, you slept through that class most days.
“Listen… That class was at 7:30 in the morning. Can you blame me?”
“Honestly, no.”
Gigi shut her eyes. “I think I’m stoned.”
“Awe, baby’s first high,” Crystal cooed. Even though she knew Gigi probably wasn’t actually high and it was purely psychological, she played along anyway.
Playfully, Gigi hit Crystal’s arm. She bit her lip as she looked at Crystal. As they stared into each other eyes, Gigi’s heart beat fast. Without a second thought, Gigi pressed her lips against Crystal’s.
Crystal pulled away. “I didn’t know you were…”
“I didn’t either,” Gigi admitted as her face turned a brilliant shade of red. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have—”
Before Gigi could finish, Crystal gently held Gigi’s face as their lips met once more.
“Wow,” Gigi said just above a whisper. “That was—"
“What time is it?” Gigi asked. “My phone died, and I’m sure Jaida’s wondering where I am.”
“It’s 9:50. The dance ends at ten, right?“ 
“Shit,” Gigi muttered turning her back to leave. “I gotta go.”
Crystal couldn’t help feel that Gigi regretted the kiss.
“Wait,” Gigi said turning around.  
“What are you doing tomorrow?”
“Nothing. Why?”
“Would you maybe want to hang out? Like it doesn’t have to be a date… Unless you want it to be, but if not, that’s totally fine. We can just hang out. If you even want to. Oh my God, I’m dumb. You probably have plans.”
Crystal laughed. “Gigi. Stop. No, I don’t have plans tomorrow, and I’d love to hang out. Do you want it to be a date?”
Gigi flushed. “A little.”
“Then it’s a date. I’ll pick you up at eight.”
For the rest of the night, Gigi couldn’t stop smiling. Her smile was the biggest as she broke up with her boyfriend on the car ride home. 
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basscannonjack · 4 years
Ama. How could you do this to me
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?
Lactose intolerant, only eat cereal dry
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
yes, but not for too long
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?
i just try to remember lmao
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?
don’t like coffee, drink tea plain or with some sugar
5: are you self-conscious of your smile?
not as much as I used to be!
6: do you keep plants?
I have one (1) cactus that I haven’t killed in the 9 years I’ve had it
7: do you name your plants?
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?
music or writing
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?
I generally fall asleep on my stomach and wake up on my back
11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends?
12: what's your favorite planet?
Neptune, probably!
13: what's something that made you smile today?
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?
oh god, probably a bit of a mess
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!
the ISS was launched on the day of my birth, so it’s been in space *literally* my entire life
16: what's your favorite pasta dish?
just plain ol’ chicken alfredo
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?
keeping it silver baybeee
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.
oh man, there are so many, but i’ll go with the time that Roman got coke to fizz through my nose by making me laugh too hard
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?
no journal, only very similar looking notebooks to doodle and write in
20: what's your favorite eye color?
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.
my Bag of Holding! snapped the clasp on it a few years back though
22: are you a morning person?
not at all!
23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
Ashe, of course
25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into?
I had to break into my own safe at my old job, does that count?
26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit?
I’d say my boots, but I just got a new set, so the older ones
27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor?
Spearmint or wintergreen
28: sunrise or sunset?
29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?
I just love seeing my friends blush
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
yes, I won’t go into detail
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.
SOCKS SOCKS SOCKS I used to collect weird socks, now I just have a bunch of fun dress socks lmao
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.
driving everyone home at 4 am and seeing other people on the road and going “you should be in bed!” at them
33: what's your fave pastry?
lemon meringue pie
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
Teddy a winnie the pooh bear that I still have!
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?
I adore new pens
36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now?
uhhhh I’ve been listening to a lot of Rise Against and ABBA lmao
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?
38: tell us about your pet peeves!
nearly anything my brother does 
39: what color do you wear the most?
black or blue
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you?
my claddagh ring from my grandmother, i don’t have much else from her
41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving?
not the last book but there was one about a girl having a single dragon finger that I remember reading so many times that I unfortunately don’t know the name of, or the Tamora Pierce Lioness series
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!
Don’t like coffee!
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?
James <3
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?
I do not :’)
45: do you trust your instincts a lot?
not as much as I probably should
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.
I’ve been changing my username to a different halloween themed pun for all of October, I’m all burnt out
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
Balut, it icks me out
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?
heights, and yes :’)
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?
I got a record player fairly recently, I have some P!atD ones, Foo Fighters, and Imagine Dragons
50: what's an odd thing you collect?
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them?
Bitch by Meredith Brooks for my eldest sister
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far?
the ones we’ve made in our server
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?
all of the above except Pulp Fiction, I’m not really a movie person but I *am* a musical person
54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?
my dad
55: what's the most dramatic thing you've ever done to prove a point?
Cotton Eyed Joe in six inch heels
56: what are some things you find endearing in people?
honesty and passion in an interest
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?
I just vibe and belt, y’know
58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?
can they both be me
59: what's your favorite myth?
the soup with a rock in it!
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
Where the Sidewalk Ends was always a good one
61: what's the stupidest gift you've ever given? the stupidest one you've ever received?
a coffee cup drinking horn for my dad, and some painted rocks from my brother
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?
it would be apple juice if I did
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?
not at all
64: what color is the sky where you are right now?
greyish, the sun is just about to rise
65: is there anyone you haven't seen in a long time who you'd love to hang out with?
My eldest sister
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?
give them to me, I love them
68: what's winter like where you live?
69: what are your favorite board games?
Monopoly and LIFE
70: have you ever used a ouija board?
no thanks
71: what's your favorite kind of tea?
raspberry or orange for fruit and mint
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it?
no, but I do write things down anyways
73: what are some of your worst habits?
I lose things all the time
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
75: tell us about your pets!
I have a Min Pin named Lily
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't?
77: pink or yellow lemonade?
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
*insert ick emoji*
79: what's one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?
decorated my band locker to celebrate my birthday
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?
beige, but I hung up a bunch of posters!
81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.
when the sun hits very rich dirt where a tree used to be
82: are/were you good in school?
best in class in math with a 101.8 but I also rarely did homework so uh
83: what's some of your favorite album art?
Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?
Dragon on the shoulder blade, roses on the left arm, Exalt on the right
85: do you read comics? what are your faves?
webcomics! Barbarous, currently
86: do you like concept albums? which ones?
:? not sure what that means
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?
89: are you close to your parents?
my dad!
90: talk about your one of your favorite cities.
don’t really have a favorite, in all honesty
91: where do you plan on traveling this year?
I was supposed to go see Ashe for their birthday but maybe next year!
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?
93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most?
uhhh it’s usually short enough to do nothing lmao
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?
I have a friend’s bday tomorrow!
95: what are your plans for this weekend?
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?
bit of both
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
INTP, Scorpio, Ravenclaw
98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?
last year? maybe the one before? I did! but my heart didn’t
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
How Far We’ve Come, Matchbox Twenty
The Call, Backstreet Boys
I2I, from the Goofy Movie Soundtrack (lmao)
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
the future! I’ve had my time in the past, no changing it now
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gem-quest · 4 years
[ QUEST 04. — I N F E R N A ]
Tumblr media
taglist: @bebemoon​ @now-on-elissastillstands​ @armadasneon​ @mysteriousdeathofpoe​
Inferna was with Neddy, throwing sugar cubes covered in Inferna Sauce at Jack (who had been shrunken down with a Drink Me potion), when the announcement scrolled across the sky.
“What the fuck is that all about?” Inferna asked, pointing upwards. Neddy paused and looked up as well.
The two of them had originally gone to Level 20, A Midwinter’s Night Dream, to play with Jack in the snow-covered gardens in front of the palace (the maze was behind the palace, and those stupid fucking bitch ass snow angels flying around that place could all go eat a dick. Inferna was so tired of being pelted with snowballs as soon as she got within a ten-foot radius of them. And it was all because she wasn’t a Moonstone player!!).
The pale winter sun gleamed against the pristine snow of the level as she and Neddy started making their way towards the maze to investigate. A large, chattering crowd had formed around the entrance, blocking their view, and Inferna grabbed Neddy’s hand, waiting for her to settle a shrunken-down Jack into his basket before she viciously elbowed her way to the front, until she could see what all the fuss was about.
A sleek metal half-dome had materialized into existence. The harsh steel was a stark contrast against the delicate statues and glittering fountains lining the edges of the maze.
Inferna narrowed her eyes as she took in the scene. Items had begun shimmering into existence, beneath the dome - there were some miscellaneous food stuffs (were those the apple turnovers from the Tearoom that Inferna liked so much????), medi-elixirs, oh and was that silver dust? And even an ignitium potion? - and some players were dashing forward to snatch them up before other people could get to them. Inferna was inclined to join in (free stuff was always good. Especially free food. Those turnovers were hers!), but she held back, and turned her gaze in the direction of where 90% of the players were looking.
“What the hell?” she said, glancing over at her friend. “What are those Bigfoot-lookin’ things?”
“Abominable snowmen?” Neddy suggested, shrugging her shoulders. 
Inferna frowned. She was spared from replying by a ding! from her player-plexus, indicating a new notification. All around her, other player-plexuses were dinging as well, and Inferna quickly pulled her own out to see what this was all about.
“Yeti stats…” she muttered under her breath, quickly skimming over the message that’d popped up on her screen:
She looked up, and squinted. “So they’re Yetis, then,” she said to Neddy. Her player-plexus pinged again, and Inferna swiped open one of her Obsidian group chats.
Anyone in 20 rn? I heard it’s going into lockdown until tomorrow
Another ding. 
Oh dang yeah, i just tried to ictuium in, and no luck. Dont think ictuium-ing out will work either
Inferna sighed, and showed Neddy the messages. “I guess we’re shit out of luck, then,” she mused, watching the Yetis slowly get closer. “What is G doing, ripping off Fortnite? Well, I guess it’d be more like a Hunger Games rip-off, because Fortnite is just Hunger Games with guns.”
She squinted. The half-dome with randomly appearing items must have been like the Cornucopia, then. Fair enough. And the Yetis were...Yetis. 
It’s really damn annoying that the only thing we got were the stats. Nothing about what they can actually do. 
A shout rang out, from somewhere to their right. Inferna turned her head just in time to see a huge blast of icy magic slam into the roof of the palace behind them. The tiles cracked, and began tumbling downwards.
“Fucking shit!” Inferna swore. “If we make it out of this alive, I’m going to need more fake magical potion vodka from Morningstar. And, you know, just more college frat party alcohol in general. This is bull!”
Inferna ducked and began to run, pretty sure that she did not want to be buried under a pile of rubble. When she figured that she was a safe enough distance away, she stood up, scanning the crowd for Neddy’s familiar lilac hair, but her friend was nowhere in sight. 
Inferna frowned, and as she ran in the opposite direction of the Yetis, she quickly tapped out a message to Neddy: hey lmk if u want to meet back up - think i lost u just now.
After she’d retreated to the very edge of the level, a ways into the snowy forest that surrounded the palace and maze, Inferna let herself slow down and catch her breath. She leaned against the barrier of the level, which was a transparent Plexiglass-ish kind of thing that let players look out through it into the rest of the woods, but didn’t let them pass through. It shimmered with some kind of energy - magical, maybe? - where Inferna’s body made contact with it, but otherwise, it felt like a normal invisible wall.
You know. Because once you’d been inside the game for long enough, this kind of shit was the norm.
Inferna wasn’t sure that she wanted to stay in this specific spot for too long; although the Yetis weren’t supposed to be all that intelligent, she would bet her right hand that G had programmed them to traverse the entire level. Inferna wasn’t entirely certain how she would fare, against one of them - on the one hand, her own strength and defense stats were higher than those of the Yetis, meaning that she’d probably have a pretty decent chance fighting one of them head-on (especially with her added advantage of being, you know, basically the Gem Quest equivalent of a fire bender), but the Yetis had higher endurance stats than her. And, given that she was fire and they were ice, if the Yetis managed to land a blow on her, Inferna would probably be in trouble.
With that thought in mind, Inferna dragged an ignitium potion out from her inventory. If one of them did try to target her, Inferna would hit them back with the breathe-fire-from-your-mouth potion, like Uncle Iroh in ATLA. Because that guy was #goals.
Once she’d wolfed down a raspberry tartlet (fliched from the Tearoom) and taken a pull from the handle of fake magical potion vodka (okay, so it wasn’t actually a handle - just a standard large-sized potion bottle) Morningstar had given her, which tasted just like the shit Inferna knocked back with her friends in real life but was somehow made from ingredients within the game, Inferna set off again. This kind of stupid event was best done drunk, high, or both, in Inferna’s opinion. Since she didn’t actually want to get herself killed, she was just going to settle on tipsy.
(Besides. Was it just her, or did her fire-mage powers seem stronger when she was inebriated? Weird, but she’d always take an excuse to get drunk.)
The first Yeti she encountered happened to be barreling across her path in pursuit of some other player, narrowly avoiding the invisible wall. Said other player was probably smarter than Inferna and quickly disappeared into the nearby shrubbery, their dark hair and clothing providing ample cover among the trees, but Inferna was a dumbass and had chosen this exact week to pull out an H-rank cosmetic potion and dye her hair bright orange. Bright glittery orange. So the Yeti, upon turning around, immediately caught sight of her and began lumbering her way.
“Fuck this shit,” Inferna muttered under her breath, downing the ignitium potion all at once. She waited a moment for the effects to set in - and for the Yeti to get close enough - and then sprang forward.
Flames leapt out of her mouth, curling and crackling and rippling with heat, and when she noticed other Yetis coming closer, Inferna spun in a wide circle like that legendary scene of Uncle Iroh in Ba Sing Se. The Yetis, temporarily stunned, fell back with a series of angry roars, formerly-white fur now a charred black. Inferna took that as her cue to get the fuck out of there, and - after shouting a completely, totally, stupidly unnecessary “see ya later, motherfuckers!” - she zipped off into the forest, taking advantage of all the speed and agility bequeathed upon her for picking the rogue class when she first started the game.
Inferna paused to catch her breath once she’d reached the edge of the forest, stopping just behind the end of the treeline. She checked the time - it’d only been an hour - and groaned. 
“This is so stupid,” she said out loud, to the random tree on her right. “I just want to go back to the Tearoom or something and get more food. What kind of lame-ass food is there in this level, anyway? Fucking snow angel food, that’s what. Fuck those guys.”
Inferna looked around her. There was a handy-handy rock a few feet away, so she trotted over, brushed off the snow, and sat down, propping her chin up with her hand to very angrily glare at a patch of snow-dusted grass, because she wanted some pastries, dammit, but stupid fucking G and his stupid fucking devs decided to make a stupid fucking event in the coldest, stupidest level of the entire game. 
Inferna was still angrily contemplating a blade of grass when the sound of someone approaching made her look up. She had one of her flaming daggers out in an instant, just in case whoever it was wanted to try some funny business.
However, once the figure got closer, Inferna lowered the dagger. She grinned, eyes lighting up in recognition.
“Ace!” she called out, waving. 
The brunette turned, caught sight of Inferna and her glittery orange hair, and started in her direction.
“Vicky, what the hell!” she exclaimed, lightly punching her arm. “It’s been ages.”
“No kidding,” Inferna replied, still grinning from ear-to-ear. “How’ve you been? I thought you went back out.”
Ace (well, Ace of Angels technically, but Inferna didn’t care enough to call her by her full screen name, and AOA was already the kpop group. And the other Obsidian player didn’t like being called ‘Gertrude’...Inferna couldn’t blame her) shrugged, the motion jostling her scary black wings. “I took the week off, to come back in. I’ve got a good amount of relinquium potions left, so might as well try to make use of them for the Plexipedia.”
“What’s happening with the Plexipedia?” asked Inferna. “Am I still IP banned from it?”
Ace snorted. “You tried to replace the screenshots of every NPC you didn’t like with gifs of Dr. Doofenshmirtz. Among other things that I won’t even mention, right now. Yes, you’re still IP banned.”
Inferna made a face. “Jerk. Can’t even do little ol’ me a favor and use your mighty admin powers to unban me?”
Ace just rolled her eyes, and ignored her question. “What’s happening with the Plexipedia is that we’re compiling a list of players that are still trapped in here. And, on the DL, tallying up how many relinquium potions are left. Did you see? They jumped from B-rank to S-rank in, like, two months’ time. I didn’t even know that items could jump ranks.”
“G must���ve done something,” Inferna mused. “Dammit, G, controlling the economy like that. What a fucking communist.”
Ace gave Inferna an inscrutable look, her hazel eyes gleaming with something Inferna couldn’t quite place. “He’s a murderer, Vicky, that’s what he is. Don’t you know how many people have already died?”
Inferna was quiet, for a moment. “The rumors are true, then? I heard about how we couldn’t bribe Jackie anymore, and the relinquium potions. But I wasn’t sure about the, you know. Dying.”
Ace nodded. “You remember Cheshire? She was in our party, but only for like two days.”
Inferna’s mouth went dry. “She…?”
Ace’s solemn look was all the answer Inferna needed.
Inferna sat back down on her rock, heavily. “Shit,” she said, “I thought it was all just BS that people were making up to fuck with other people. I mean, I knew about the potions, but I didn’t think G would actually…”
“That’s why I come back in-game when I can get off from work. Nobody really knows anything, I think.”
Inferna was quiet for another minute. Then, she gave Ace a suspicious glance. “Is there a Plexipedia page for me, too?”
Ace laughed out loud. “Oh, boy,” she said, amused. “Yes. Yes there is. We had to clean a lot of it up - it was basically just Angie roasting the shit out of you for a hot sec. She’s never gonna let you live down the fact that you tried to make spicy Doritos out of an Everlasting Flame and some bread, you know. Or that time you tried to smoke that powder from the Descend out of a bong you made from an empty potion bottle. Or the time you tried to make a Vine reference to Finvarra in Level 10. I could go on.”
Inferna scowled and jumped to her feet, indignant. “Fuck her! Just because Lisa’s my bias instead of Rosé doesn’t mean she gets to fucking harass me like that. I mean, I never said Rosé was bad; I’m a goddamn Blink too! When you go back out, you tell her to fuck right on off, you hear me????”
Ace smiled wryly. “Alright. Jeez, chill out. It’s not like you don’t give Angie shit, either,” she pointed out. 
Ace’s player-plexus pinged, and Inferna stayed quiet, letting her check her messages.
When Ace next looked up, she was frowning. “I’m going to head out. Elaine’s with me - she found one of the leads we’d been following.” She paused, and glanced up at the sky. “I guess we’ll be stuck in here until tomorrow at 12, huh? But we’re usually pretty busy, so I’m sorry we can’t stop and chat with you.”
It took Inferna a moment to remember who Elaine was. “You mean the girl who tried to make me a Reveluv?”
Ace nodded. “Yep, she’s Drakla on here. And speaking of Red Velvet, they have a new comeback, by the way. It’s a red one.”
Inferna grimaced. “Aw. I like their velvet side better, but I’ll always stan anything they do.” 
Just then, a thought occurred to her. Inferna hesitated, but said, “Hey, Ace - tell my parents I’m alright, okay? When you get back out.”
Ace nodded, again. “Sure. You want me to email them, or something?”
“Yeah. Yeah, that works. You’ve got your headset on record mode, right? My mom’s email is Jenny-underscore-Chang-underscore-65, at yahoo.com. Just...just tell them, you know, that I’m fine.”
Ace gave her a small smile. “I can do that,” she said, her wings shifting as she prepared to take flight - presumably, to find Drakla/Elaine. “Do you just want a potion? To leave?”
Inferna shook her head. “No, give it to someone who actually needs it.” And someone who actually wants it. Inferna knew she’d have to go and confront her real life at some point - AKA applying for jobs in an industry she didn’t give two shits about, and sleeping through boring lectures about Ruby or C++ or whatever, and spending all her free time debugging her stupid fucking code - but right now, she just wanted to have fun while she still could.
“Sure thing. Don’t die, okay? We’re all still waiting on you to go to a Blackpink concert with us. Their Kill This Love World Tour stages have looked awesome, from what I’ve seen on YouTube.”
Inferna gave Ace a two-fingered salute. “Nothing’ll keep me from my wife Lalisa Manoban. Tell Angie she’s a bitch for me.”
Ace rolled her eyes one final time before she took off in a flurry of black feathers and swirls of shimmering silver light, leaving Inferna alone in the forest.
Inferna pulled her player-plexus out again. She wanted to find Neddy, and she wanted to find food.
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supremeuppityone · 5 years
Klaroline fanfic update: A Pregnant Pause
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  I know, I know — starting another multi-chap when I haven’t finished my others is totally irresponsible. But my muse is a vicious harpy and wouldn’t let this idea go until I finally started writing it.
Klaroline supernatural AU multi-chap. Pregnant and alone, Caroline happens to cross paths with a woman named Rebekah, and an unexpected friendship is formed. But then, her ridiculously attractive asshat of a brother starts inserting himself into their lives, causing all kinds of trouble. As much as she enjoys being distracted by those dimples, she can’t help but notice that something seems a bit off about the Mikaelsons...
Here’s a sneak peek:
 Chapter 1: Her Dance of a Thousand Freak-Outs
             While the candied clementine and dark chocolate ganache sounded like it could soothe the painful ache in Caroline’s soul, the lemon-honey tart appealed to the terrified part of her that could really use a hug. Fuck it — I will never live through another day as gut-wrenchingly terrible as today. This calls for white chocolate cake layered with raspberry mousse and mascarpone buttercream.
           She shivered a bit, and realized she’d been staring off into space inside the walk-in cooler for far longer than she meant to. Still the perfectionist side of her couldn’t help but admire the efficient way she’d reorganized the desserts and ingredients to ensure the cafe was running efficiently. She’d been working at the Cookie Bar since she started college a couple of years ago, and had slowly worked her way into a shift manager position, which let her get more involved with menu creation and overall restaurant management.
           The unique cafe specialized in gourmet infused and non-alcoholic desserts and cocktails, appealing to an eclectic crowd that always favored them with excellent social media reviews. A few weeks ago, she’d really impressed her boss, Matt, when she came up with a Cinco de Mayo promotional menu featuring jalapeno-infused vodka martinis, spicy Mexican Hot Chocolate Cookies, and cinnamon queso fresco cheesecake. Emboldened by the cafe’s success, she’d already been researching fruits that would be in season soon, hoping to work out a deal with some vendors at a local farmer’s market.
           She added a generous helping of whipped cream to her slice of cake and headed toward the front where a local acoustic guitarist would be starting another set soon. She slid into a corner booth near the back, looking forward to eating her problems while listening to some campy classic rock. She mentally congratulated herself on not doing her dance of a thousand freak-outs like she longed to do, but it probably wasn’t a good idea to have a mental breakdown in the middle of her job. Especially now that she needed job security more than ever.
           However, before she could take a bite of what was sure to be a smooth, buttery white chocolate masterpiece, an angry woman’s voice suddenly rang out. “I don’t care about your reasons, Nik! You put a stake in my heart and I will never forgive you. All you care about is your insufferable hybrid army!”
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larpgourmet · 5 years
How to Feign Alcohol
Every great LARP has some sort of bar or tavern, but most LARPs allow for people under the legal drinking age to play -- which means that serving alcohol is usually a no go. Where I play, in Southern California, it’d also be doubly dangerous to drink something so dehydrating in the heat while being so active. So, how do you serve alcohol without serving alcohol?
For this post, I’m going to focus on simple bottled drinks, liquor, beer, and wine. I’ll do some recipes for faked mix drinks in a separate post.
Amber Liquors (Cognac, The Whiskey Family, Rum, Resposado) If you (like me) enjoy bourbon or whiskey, and you only want to emulate drinking such a drink -- you can imitate it easily with iced tea. You may need to play with the brewing time so it’s the right color -- but that’s how they do it on TV! Bonus, if you have something with a little caffeine, it’ll help perk you up! Black tea is best for this, as the color will be the closest. Simply bottle in a pretty decanter of some sort, and you’re good to go.
If you don’t like tea, apple juice is also pretty close in color, and doesn’t have the caffeine!
If you’re hardcore about wanting a flavor to match your offering, consider finding a vanilla honey tea. Most amber alcohols get their color as a result of the oak they’re aged in, usually adding notes of vanilla, honey, or molasses to the drink. Getting a tea flavored in the same vein will help! There are also teas that are designed to taste like amber alcohols, shop around!
Silver Liquors (Vodka, Gin, Tequila, Rum) For the easiest trick, just use straight water. But for added benefit, a clear sports drink will give you extra electrolytes while you’re drinking. If you go with the sports drink option, consider naming your alcohol to match “Raspberry Vodka” or “Cherry Vodka” for instance.
Cream Liquors (Amarula, Irish Cream) The signature look of cream liquors is that they do have milk (or cream) in them, but they’re mixed with something else that carries the alcohol. Consider making something like a cold chai tea latte, or other tea latte. The slight brown color of the tea will color the milk and give it the right kind of look. If you go with a chai latte, consider naming it as a Spiced Cream Liquor, for instance, as chai is a very spicy tea.
It’s also very easy to get creamers in Irish Cream, Amaretto, and Hazelnut  flavors. Rebottle creamers in pretty glass bottles, and label appropriately for the best visual appeal!
Be careful to keep these cold!
Coffee Liquors (Kahlua, Coffee Brandy) This is a fairly easy one! I would just serve straight, cold coffee. If you can get away with a decent kahlua flavored coffee, it’ll add a very nice smell!
Other Colored Alcohols There’s a variety of other colors in alcohol. Absinthe and other herbal liquors, like Jagermeister are usually green (food dye is your best option here.) For an added bit of realism, get an anise flavored extract to make your drink taste like anise.
For other less natural colors, look no further than a booze like Hypnotique, which is an odd blue swirly color (try blue food dye and edible glitter in your bottles).
And some liqueurs are dyed to be more beautiful. (Liqueurs, for the record, are sweeter, less alcoholic drinks. They tend toward being more syrupy (higher in sugar) and are often flavored with different things, like berries, honey, or nuts. They can be either silver or amber colored, or they can be colored artificially to be pretty much anything else in the rainbow.)
Wine Honestly, I think your easiest wine trick is to go with the sparkling grape drinks, and sparkling apple juice that’s readily available at any grocery store. If you’re feeling extra, you can always paint the labels to make them come from a winery that would be appropriate to your setting!
There’s a wonderful woman at my game who mixes a little vinegar in with her drinks (I’ll have to ask her for the recipe sometime, if she’s willing to share), to give them a bit more of the wine bite. Bonus -- apple cider vinegar is very good for your system.
For some more esoteric wines, like mead, you’re probably better using apple juice. If you’re trying to get the right flavor, consider adding honey to the apple juice and boiling the mix down so it thickens a little. It’s not the healthiest thing in the world, but slightly syrupy apple-honey will taste good (mix in some cinnamon to be really bougie) and if you serve it in small glasses as a speciality drink, people will love it!
Beer I think my favorite for this is home brewed root beer, or sarsaparilla. Totally non-alcoholic, fizzy, and served in fun bottles -- this is a great booze alternative for anyone who’s looking to do something more creative with their faux alcohol.
Don’t know where to start? Check out the link below for a home-root-beer kit you can buy on Amazon for about $16.
Final Thoughts The real win here will depend on how you sell the bottle. If you’re old enough to drink for real, save any interestingly shaped booze bottles and paint the labels to fit your world, then simply fill with whatever liquids it needs. I’ve also made a game of relabeling certain other juices and things so I could make a cocktail completely of sodas and juices. “Fire Whiskey” could be cranberry juice, as a for instance.
Home made labels on a home printer will go a long way to selling the effect. Avery sells printable labels that have a nice texture on them. For an added bonus, increase your in game economy -- hire an artist in game to generate the art for your label for you! Check out the link below:
If you’re running a bar or tavern in game, just make sure to leave a little note as to what is actually in the bottle, in case someone has an allergy or aversion -- or just doesn’t like the specific drink. A smaller sticker on the back of the bottle that is clearly marked with the real liquid will help a lot.
Another trick -- bring a funnel with you, and leave the larger bottle in your cooler. If you brewed iced tea, or brought apple juice for your bar, for instance, leave the majority of the tea or juice in your cooler, and simply pour a bit into the bottle based on how quickly it sells. That way it’s always pretty cold, and you don’t have to worry about it.
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Don’t Mess With Her
Details: PB won’t let us date her, so I take matters into my own hands. Loosely based off of chapter two of Open Heart, though naturally, more than just a few things were changed. 
Prompt: Possessive
Pairing: Doctor Sienna Trinh x MC (Doctor Bea Wilson)
Rating: PG - Mostly fluff, but some swearing
Word Count: 1,356
It was practically fate, that Doctor Sienna Trinh had been walking by the exact right moment to overhear Doctor Ramsey totally going off on one of the other new interns at the hospital. It had been almost instinct that she decided that she needed to help the poor woman before the entire hospital knew how much of a screw-up Ramsey already decided that the intern was. Her master plan? Get him away from her by telling him that Dr. Toussaint needed him urgently. Of course, this resulted in him sulking away, angrily muttering something about interns, but Sienna really didn’t mind. At least she wouldn’t be around when he found out that the other doctor didn’t really need to see him. Once Ramsey was out of earshot, the intern he’d been berating approached her, clearly relieved by the out of the conversation. Seeing her smile made Sienna’s heart skip a beat, so obviously, she let her in on the secret that she made it up. After a bit of conversation, she learned that her name was Bea Wilson, and, naturally, Sienna introduced herself as well. One thing led to another, and Sienna ended up inviting Bea along to a bar the other interns were heading to after their shift. To her excitement, Bea accepted. Unfortunately, the two had to part ways, but promised to see each other later.
That was why Sienna was standing in the atrium, dressed in her casual clothes, there was no way she’d be caught dead at a bar in scrubs (unless she had literally no other choice.....). She couldn’t help but tug at the sleeves of her jacket a bit nervously. Bea was super pretty and nice too! She hadn’t really dated anyone since her last boyfriend, and she wasn’t really sure she was ready to bounce back so soon. Pull yourself together, Trinh! You literally just met today!! Chill! She scolded herself before allowing her face to settle into a determined look. She was going out with her new intern friends tonight and she was going to have fun. She’d reached this resolve just in time, as a few moments later, Bea approached. She grinned at her. “Hey, you survived! Ready to hit the bar?” Bea nodded, seeming to match her excitement, telling her that she looked great. Caught off guard by the compliment, she fought to mask the blush that was sure to rise to her cheeks by totally subtly changing the subject. “Did you bring something to wear after work? Everybody’s gonna be at Donahue’s. I even heard it’s Ramsey’s regular watering hole.” As an answer, Bea held up a little bag, the disappeared to go get changed. A few minutes later, she did, and Sienna’s jaw almost dropped to the floor. Despite herself, she let out a wolf whistle with a bright grin. “I hope you’re single, cause you are going to clean up tonight!” She complimented the other intern, though it definitely wasn’t just a clever ruse to find out if she was single or not….definitely. Bea giggled, striking a few poses before looking back to Sienna.
“Can I pay you to follow me around and compliment me?” She joked, causing Sienna to laugh as well.
“For a job that easy, I’d do it for free.” Sienna shrugged, watching as the other interns approached, everyone seemed very ready to unwind at the bar. “Now that everyone’s here, let’s go! I hear a vodka raspberry calling my name. And...what’s what? It has friends!” Everyone laughed and followed her out the door, though she made a bit of an effort to stick by Bea.
Okay, there were a ton of people at Donahue’s. Sienna knew that it was popular, but it looked like every doctor, surgeon, and intern that wasn’t currently on duty was here, and not to mention those who weren’t medical staff! That didn’t particularly faze Sienna, though. She quickly spotted Jackie, Landry, and Elijah at a table and led the others there. Despite how small, and totally not threatening she looked, she prided herself on her commanding and confident presence. Thankfully, Jackie already ordered their drinks, so they were well on their way to one hell of a night. Right away, they’d gotten their drinks (Jackie had gotten everyone tequila!) and they raised their glasses. Elijah cleared his throat to announce a toast. “To the end of our first fourteen-hour shift! And ten hours off the clock!” Everyone cheered in agreement then threw back their drinks. Sienna, Bea, and Landry coughed after the burn of the liquid passed down their throats while Jackie simply grinned and wanted again. A few more toasts later, with Sienna toasting to new friends, and Bea tasting to making the world a better place, Elijah decided that he wanted to dance and Jackie went to join him.
A few minutes later, Sienna noticed Bea talking to Landry when some guy seemed to just shove Bea aside while trying to get to the bar. She glared at him from afar, but when he didn’t even apologize or say ‘escuse me,’ Sienna decided to take matters into her own hands. “Hey! You just ran over my friend!” She planted her hands on her hips and stared up at him. He simply shrugged, which pissed her off even more. “You need to apologize! Or were you raised somewhere they don’t teach manners!?” The air was so tense that Sienna could practically feel the electricity crackling between them, see who was going to back down first. Our of the corner of her eye, she could see Bea looking between them, looking incredibly surprised.
“...Dude, she’s about to kick your ass.” Bea said to the frat guy, who continued to look cocky as he snickered.
“Psh...yeah right…” And enraged Sienna glared back up at him, daring to say that again. The next words out of your mouth better be an apology. She thought, her gaze intensifying. The confidence drained from his expression as he suddenly looked uncomfortable. “I mean, I’m...uh...I’m sorry.” He muttered, causing Sienna’s gaze to become a bright grin.
“Thanks. Bea? Apology accepted?” She turned to Bea, who looked amazed as she slowly nodded. The frat guy quickly walked away as Bea turned her full attention to Sienna.
“Wow...that was incredible, Sienna.” Sienna waved the compliment off, albeit the smile she wore growing brighter.
“I just can’t stand inconsiderate people, it’s just so unnecessary, y’know?” She said as the music playing in the bar changed abruptly to a Marvin Gaye slow jam. She couldn’t help but sneak a peek at Bea’s face, who was taking a deep breath, then smiled at Sienna. “As a thank you for saving me twice today...would you maybe, want to dance?” Sienna couldn’t help but notice the slight pinkish color on Bea’s cheeks, and she surely felt heat rising on her own. Sienna regained her composure, then nodded.
“It was four, but who’s counting?” She snickered while Bea looked at her in disbelief.
“What were the two others?”
“When I reminded you to get on casual clothes. Without me, you would’ve shown up in your scrubs. And I’m the one who invited you here in the first place!” Sienna explained while Bea just snorted.
“One, I would’ve remembered casual clothes with or without you. And two, I probably would’ve gotten invited by someone else, right?” Sienna shrugged and wagged her finger up to Bea’s lips.
“Shhhh, shhh. Who cares about the specifics? You wanted to dance, right?” Sienna gently pulled Bea to the dance floor and wrapped her arms around Bea’s neck with a sly grin. Bea looked surprised for a moment before holding her own hands down around Sienna’s waist.
“Bold are we?” Bea smirked before pulling Sienna closer.
“You know it.” Sienna winked, allowing herself to be brought in to rest her head on Bea’s shoulder. At that moment, she couldn’t hear anything in the bar beside the music and didn’t feel like there was anyone these besides herself and Bea. This felt right. One thing was for sure, this was the start of an interesting four years.
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katdvs · 6 years
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Author Note: I’ve been sitting on this fic for about a month and a half. I had the idea for it from a post I saw on tumblr and just had to write this. I just had no idea at all what to title it. Enjoy!
The alarm went off with the Star Wars theme filling the bedroom, Farkle Minkus stretched hos long, strong body before reaching over to pick up his phone and sliding the control to off. He took a deep breath in, more of a yawn as he looked at the time. He knew he needed to get up, be ready or the morning conference call with his London associates, yet instead of throwing back the blankets and getting up he burrowed himself more under the blankets and started checking his social media accounts.
He started to play the stories on his Instagram, first he had his friend Zay who was currently touring the country as part of the latest Dancing with The Stars tour. Lots of buzz was building that he could be pulled up as the next pro in the fall season.
His ex-girlfriend Smackle had a story next, she was at a conference in Barcelona, discussing her latest findings about social interaction. He couldn’t help but feel as light swell of pride at the clip of her speech that played.
Rolling onto his side just before the next one started he saw a video of a hotel, the red brick building only a few stories high, with a caption reading “They say this hotel is haunted!”, before quickly moving to a picture of some mountains captioned with “our view”. He glanced to see that it was Riley, he best friend, she had mentioned going on a vacation the last time they spoke, that seemed forever ago now though.
Another story came up, a similar shot of a red brick hotel. The next part played, and another view of mountains came up, strikingly similar to what he had just seen on Riley’s story. He looked, expecting to see Tristan, her boyfriend listed as the name, even though he couldn’t recall following him.
His fingers lost the grip he had on the phone as he fell to the carpeted floor after bouncing off the bed. He scrolled back as another story had started, his mouth hanging open as he saw the name, Lucas.
He flipped back to Riley’s story, yes, the hotels were the same. The views were the same.
Was this possible? Were his two friends, the former lovers on vacation at the same time, in the same place?
He ran his hand through his sandy hair, it couldn’t be possible, could it?
After all this time or them to end up in the same place like this?
Part of him wanted to call Maya or Zay, ask if either of them knew. One of them had to, right? Or at the very least Maya would know where Riley was, and Zay would of course know where Lucas was. Wouldn’t they?
No, none of them were as close as they had once been. Sure, back in high school they could all believe they would stay connected, stay close, but the reality of adulthood left Zay traveling the country, Maya never seemed to leave Brooklyn, Farkle himself was lucky if he was in the city for an entire week. Riley lived in Chicago now, the medical program she’d gotten into had led her to a Pediatric residency there. Lucas himself had also gone into medicine, not veterinary, but also Pediatrics, but his residency had him up in Boston for the time being.
Farkle’s phone buzzed with a notification that he had to get ready for his call. He sighed tossing the phone on his bed to get ready for the day. Besides, what was he going to do, get lost in watching Instagram all day to see if Riley and Lucas ran into each other? Was he going to text Zay and Maya, suck them in as well? It wasn’t like Lucas and Riley were going to run into each other, wherever they were vacationing, they were probably off on totally different paths.
Maya threw her purse down on her couch, a heavy sigh escaping her lips. She could feel the burn of her tears as she stormed towards the kitchen. Again, and again, she kept setting herself up for this heartbreak, she wasn’t sure if she could continue on like this, if she had the strength to go on down this path.
She didn’t care that it was three in the afternoon, she needed a drink as she pulled out the bottle of Vodka from the freezer. She tossed some ice in a glass, pouring the icy vodka over it before she topped it off with some soda water.
The satisfying first sip forced her to stop and breathe.
She wasn’t ready for this.
She had been doing just fine as a graphic artist for a women’s magazine, she would never admit that she spent hours upon hours going over the bubble gum pink layouts for articles and content she would never read for the print edition or the web edition.
Tonight, in just a few hours her own art would be on display for all the world to see. Sure, she’d been in shows since Middle school, but this was just her. She wasn’t surrounded by other artists. This was all on her.
Tonight, she was going to find out if she could make it as an actual artist.
She’d been so nervous about this all, so scared about it all, so typically Maya about it that she hadn’t the courage to send out the invitations. She hadn’t even told her best friend, if anything she hadn’t been speaking with Riley much lately, the distance, the difference in their lifestyles had prevented it all for now.
Maybe it was for the best, at least for now, Riley would’ve dropped everything in Chicago to come, and it would’ve just added to the pressure.
Maya took another sip before sitting down on her couch, she dug her phone out of her purse. She had emails from work, but they could wait. They knew she’d be out of the office until Monday, it was the only way she’d be able to make it through tonight.
She opened Instagram, just scrolling through her feed. Pictures of people’s kids, really how were the kids she grew up with, already having kids? Here she was in the middle of the afternoon drinking.
It was only now that she realized Riley must be on vacation as she saw the stunning pictures of mountains, of a beautiful river, Riley and Tristian in rafting gear.
Maya couldn’t help it as she rolled her eyes, she had met Tristian last fall when they had come to down for Cory and Topanga’s anniversary party. He seemed nice, and he probably made sense on paper for Riley, but if Maya was honest he wasn’t Lucas and part of her, kind of thought Riley and Lucas would end up together.
She continued scrolling, wondering why so many of her friends had to post their take-out coffee, they all got the same brand, the pictures were all the same. What was this ridiculous status symbol?
She stopped when she got to another picture of a river, very similar to one Riley had posted. Instead she saw it was from Lucas. With a caption about mountain biking before a picture of him and his latest girlfriend.
Maya couldn’t help but snort at the picture of this woman draping herself over Lucas, it was the pose almost every woman he’d dated since Riley had pulled. A desperate grip on him, like they caught some sort of prize and had no intention of letting him go.
She double tapped the image, ready to move on when she noticed in the background of the selfie a white-water raft, the same colors as the one she’d seen in Riley’s picture.
Taking another sip of her drink she wondered, was it possible, had these two idiots ended up on vacation at the same time, in the same place?
Riley hadn’t called her freaking out, so perhaps it was just a coincidence.
What were the chances these two fools would end up near each other on vacation?
His day had been long, the adrenalin rush fading as he climbed onto the tour bus. One more show and he would be back in New York City. He craved the energy of the city, so drastically different then what he found in LA or on the road, and even more so from the town he’d grown up in back in Texas.
He flopped on the couch, pulling his phone out. He spent a few minutes liking tweets from people who had been at the show, retweeting some pictures before checking Instagram. He was tagged in dozens of pictures and videos. He liked them all before he looked at his feed.
Maya, his favorite snarky blonde posting pictures of her latest paintings.
Farkle posting a picture of the New York skyline mentioning that he was happy to be home again.
Zay could almost taste the pizza from his favorite parlor, he could almost smell the sweet home like scent of Topanga’s, which was always his second stop when he would return from a tour.
It didn’t help that their Instagram post was making him drool, the picture a display of his favorite cupcakes.  He could almost taste the raspberry buttercream at this moment.
He had to snap himself out of the sugary trance as he scrolled down some more.
More food, surprisingly a picture from Lucas of some barbeque he was having on vacation, but it wasn’t Chubbie’s, no his friend wasn’t back in Texas, instead was somewhere else.
He scrolled to the next picture, a selfie of Lucas holding up something that said the name of the restaurant, but something else caught Zay’s eye. He zoomed in on the picture, noticing the brunette standing in line waiting to order.
He shook his head, no way.
It couldn’t be.
He moved down the feed, a picture of Riley also on vacation, with a Sunset and mountains.
He looked around the bus, the other dancers all engrossed in their own phones, except for Shelby, a petite red head who was lost in a book.
He pulled up Riley’s story, video clips from rafting earlier in the day, the sunset, and then a little video of a barbeque place, that looked similar to the one Lucas had posted about.
He quickly went to Lucas’s story, all that was coming up for now was the sun setting behind some mountains, the sky more purple than orange, a caption saying goodnight.
Zay clicked back to his home screen, his thumb ready to pull up his contacts, but he stopped himself.
He was being ridiculous.
Besides what could he say to Maya and Farkle, “Hey, Riley and Lucas appear to be on Vacation in the same place, should we tell them?” No, it would just lead to the three of them hoping for something that was never going to happen.
They weren’t in high school anymore, life took them all, yes all of them in very different places. Even when Zay was in the city these days he never saw Maya or Farkle. He could message with them, but they never had time to catch up over a drink, let alone actually hang out.
Riley and Lucas reuniting, clearing the air, whatever needed to happen wouldn’t magically solve the distance that had grown between everyone else.
He pulled out his ear buds, slipped them in and pulled up Hulu, getting lost in a sitcom from the 90s, as he let his mind drift off as two men did some goofy dance on his phone screen, looking very proud of themselves as the studio audience cheered.
Any thoughts of Riley and Lucas drifted out of his mind for the time being.
The alarm startled Riley as she sat up straight in the bed, her heart racing as she looked around the dark hotel room. Tristan was next to her, lazily reaching for his phone to turn the alarm of. She counted to ten, trying to calm down.
Hadn’t they just gone to bed?
Why on earth was his alarm set for so early in the morning? They were on vacation for crying out loud!
Tristan rose from the bed, stretching before he turned on the light.
Riley recoiled, glaring towards him, “Tristan, it’s so early. What are you doing?”
He dropped the towel he had grabbed to take into the shower, “Getting ready babe, we’ve got an exciting last day of our vacation.”
“Next vacation I plan.” She yawned, already thinking about lazy mornings at a beach house down the shore.
Tristan came over to her, kissing her forehead, “Come on babe, this will be fun. I know it’s early, but if you really need to sleep, you can sleep on my shoulder on the way up.”
Sighing Riley threw the sheets back and got out of bed, “Fine, but I have first shower, only way I’ll wake up.”
“Deal.” Tristan pushed her towards the bathroom, waiting until she closed the door for him to pull up Instagram.
He searched the name, and there it was, pictures of the young blonde doctor and the blonde draped over them. They were here.
Tristan was positive that he and Riley had been at that same restaurant the night before.
Of all the places they could pick to vacation, it had to be here, at the same time?
He swiped out of the app, his stomach in a knot, as he said a silent prayer to let this last day go off without a hitch. If it could then the past would be behind them.
Lucas breathed in the morning air, it was clean and crisp, but also had the coating of the coal smoke for the steam engine. The depot was buzzing with activity as he looked around for his girlfriend Shelby, but every so often something would cause him to turn and lose focus.
It had been happening the entire vacation so far. He’d hear a laugh, or just have a sensation that would cause him to turn away. Yet whenever he would look it was nothing he could find that could’ve brought his attention.
Only one person had ever caused this sort of reaction, and it wasn’t Shelby.
“Here you go, Venti Dark Roast, two sugars and cream.” She was perky as she handed him the Starbucks cup as she took a sip of her own.
“Thanks.” He looked around, a chill sweeping through his body in the early summer morning. “You know, I get the mountain biking, the rafting, but you really always wanted to ride this train?”
“My Grandparents met on this train, my Grandpa was a Brakeman, and my Grandma worked in Concessions one summer. They fell head over heels in love, and I always wanted to ride it. See the views they saw every day that summer.”
Shelby was almost never a romantic like this, part of Lucas couldn’t believe it. “That’s beautiful, why hadn’t you mentioned it before?”
“You’re a guy, guys like trains, right?”
A sad smile crossed Lucas’ lips. Trains, yeah, he had a special connection to them, to his first love. “I mean I was wild about Thomas as a kid.”
“I think every guy our generation was.” She chuckled as they boarded the train to the first class car.
Lucas took it all in for a moment, the craftmanship of the wood, the elegance that surrounded them as Shelby led them to their seats. Before Lucas knew it was happening, Shelby was draping herself over him for another picture.
Why did every girlfriend he had, except for Riley do this?
He flashed his smile, knowing he’d be expected to post it on his own Instagram account.
That’s was the feeling that rippled through his body as Zay walked into the bakery. He could already taste the sweet coffee he was about to order.
Topanga’s was very much the same as it had been when he first remembered walking into it back in middle school. Sure, he was older now, and the groups of friends were different. It was still a gathering place for the neighborhood.
He wondered how many poor guys had smoothies poured over their heads by girls they didn’t want to be on dates with in the first place?
How many couples had fallen in love, how many had broken up here?
Once he had everything he wanted he settled in the back corner, pulling his tablet out of his bag as he began to read through emails before he was finally fed up with thinking about work, promotional opportunities, or whatever else people thought would boost his career.
He clicked on Instagram, scrolling through the pictures.
Maya posted a shot of one of her paintings with SOLD as the caption. He smiled with pride and quickly typed a reply.
Farkle posted a fancy meal with a caption about craving a slice of real New York Pizza.
Zay typed that he would have one for him since he was in the city.  
He sat up straighter when he saw a picture from Riley that was simply captioned “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid” it was of a baggage train car in a museum.
Zay made the mistake of taking a sip of coffee as he scrolled to the next picture. A candid shot, black and white of Riley looking at the baggage car.
No caption from Lucas who had posted the picture.
The tablet was covered in the coffee that flew from Zay’s mouth.
People all around looked at him as though he was nuts.
Except one person, “You okay there?” Farkle handed him a napkin from the stack in his hands as he made his way across the room.
“Farkle!” Zay momentarily forgot what had caused him to blurt his coffee out all over himself and his electronics.
“When did you get back to town?” Farkle sat in the seat across from his old friend.
“Last night.” Zay finished cleaning up the best he could, checking to make sure the tablet worked, bringing the screen to life and seeing the picture again, “Oh boy.”
“What is it?” Farkle tried to get a look, “Is that, no, it can’t be.”
“Look” Zay scrolled up to the picture Riley had posted of the same baggage car. “I mean I saw their vacation pictures, I suspected they were on similar vacations, but the same place, same time?”
Farkle sat back in his seat, “I saw them as well.” He took a sip of his triple berry smoothie, “If it was anyone else, I would say no way, but its Riley and Lucas.”
Before either of them could say anything else the click of heels coming towards them forced them to look up at the blonde before them, dark denim jeans, black kitten heels, and a tight vintage Van Halen shirt under her blazer. “What are you losers doing here?”
“Nice to see you too Maya.” Farkle was on his feet first, hugging her.
Zay was close behind, “I needed a taste of home. What brings you here?”
“Meeting my Mom and Dad for dinner.” Maya studied her two old friends, “I feel like I only see you guys via social media these days. How did I not know you were in the city?”
“Because we never have time to make plans with each other when we’re in town.” Farkle sighed, “I wasn’t sure you even knew how to get out of Brooklyn anymore.”
She rolled her eyes, “Yeah, and when do you get off a tour bus, or you get out of meetings? Exactly, we’re all adulting and it sucks. We post these moments on our social media to brag because we’re too afraid to share it in person, to make those connections again.”
“Honey Nugget, that is way too deep, you okay?”
She looked at Zay, he always had a way of getting her that others didn’t, “I haven’t heard from Riley in a while and I’m, worried, curious, I feel like something is going on.”
“You’ve been stalking Instagram as well huh?” Farkle smirked, all of them had done it, of course they had, and yet none of them had reached out to the others.
Were they still friends?
“Of course, I have.” She sat at the arm of Farkle’s chair, “I mean if she saw Lucas, she would tell me, wouldn’t she?”
“I don’t know if she saw him, but he saw her.” Zay handed her the tablet.
Maya studied the picture, an honest moment, she wondered what Lucas thought when he saw her, did they speak, or is this the only proof they were even near each other?
Farkle looked at his friends, they didn’t have to speak but he knew they had questions, “We could call him, you know.”
“He won’t tell us anything, especially if that blonde is around.” Maya snarked before looking at the boys confused as they exchanged a look, “Oh hush.” She told them once it hit her what they were thinking.
“Mom, I’m telling you.” Auggie Matthews followed his mother across the bakery, “Lucas posted a picture of Riley on his Instagram page, they’re on vacation at the same time in the same place.”
His mother slowly spun around, an eyebrow raised, “Auggie, that sounds ridiculous. I’m sure you’re confusing Tristan’s post, also why are you still following Lucas?”
“Because Riley and Lucas are going to end up together.” He rolled his eyes, wondering why his mother didn’t get that, “Besides, Tristan is going into plastic surgery and not to do good in the world. Just look at this picture and tell me that isn’t Riley.”
Topanga sighed, taking the phone from her son, sucking in her teeth as she studied the image. It was her daughter, she couldn’t deny it. “This has to be some sort of glitch.”
“It’s not.” Farkle’s voice cut through the air, causing the duo to look towards the corner the three friends occupied, “They’ve been posting similar pictures for days, it was only a matter of time before one of them saw the other.”
Topanga pushed the phone back to her son as she took a few steps towards the trio, “What on earth are all three of you doing here?”
“We just ran into each other.” Zay shrugged, it was the truth after all, “But Farkle is right, they’ve been posting pictures from the same places.”
“Mom, they’re going to get back together.” Auggie insisted.
Topanga sighed as she looked around at the young adults in front of her, “I know you’re all hoping for them to reunite, but guys, they tried to make this work, and it didn’t. They’re at very different places in their lives, they live in different parts of the country. You all have such a beautiful friendship, and you all come together for a reason. That reason isn’t to be busybodies in your friends’ romantic lives.”
“Come on, you gotta admit their has to be a reason they’re in the same place at the same time.” Maya looked at a woman she considered a mentor.
Topanga looked at the three, she could see three very accomplished adults, with so much more for them to do and experience, “How did you all end up here, today, right now. Sometimes it just happens.”
“Mom, really?” Auggie rolled his eyes, “Whatever, Riley and Lucas will be married in like a year, trust me.”
Topanga looked at her son, “Don’t you have class?”
Auggie sighed, “Fine, but trust me on this.”
“Yeah trust the kid!” Zay smiled but it quickly faded when he caught the slightly icy glare from Topanga. “Or not.”
Farkle cleared his throat, “Just because they see each other, maybe even speak to each other doesn’t mean that they’ll have that same spark.” Even though the words came from him, he didn’t believe it. If that energy wasn’t there then Lucas wouldn’t have taken the picture.
All day long during the train ride Riley had felt this buzz of energy in the air. She and Tristan had been in one of the first-class cars, an open-air car with a glass roof so you could see everything around you.
It had been amazing the views breathtaking, they had even seen some big horn sheep.
But the air, something was charging it.
She hadn’t felt this way in years, not since…not since Lucas.
When they got off the train, Tristan immediately raced off to the gift shop. Riley instead found her way to the museum. Artifacts, pictures, bits and pieces of the past surrounded her.
The energy was thicker, as she stood in front of a baggage car that had been used in the movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, she could feel the air around her.
She was afraid to turn around, finally she did, sure that she had just caught a glimpse of Lucas.
It couldn’t be, could it?
She was terrified of how her heart was beating at the idea, the way she was flooded with a need to see him, she started to follow, but before she could exit the museum she was face to face with Tristan, who looked pale and flushed at the same time. “What’s wrong?”
“I just ran into Shelby, my ex-fiancée in the gift shop.” His hand ran through his short hair, “I, didn’t expect to see her, here of all places.”
Riley was stunned, she just hugged him. “Its okay.” She told him, knowing that if she had come face to face with Lucas, she would’ve felt her world shift and rock.
It was her.
Riley had been in the museum. Lucas stared at the picture for a moment, before he heard Shelby call his name. He snapped his head to look towards her, just as his thumb swiped the screen to post.
“What’s wrong?” He could feel her shaking as he wrapped his arms around her.
She burrowed her head in the crook of his neck, “Tristan is here. I saw him in the Gift Shop. I just never thought he would come here, not when I did.”
Was it possible that his ex, and hers were both here on vacation?
“Let’s go back to the room, you take a hot bath, I’ll go get us something to eat. We’ll have dinner in our room, watch a movie on cable, a nice quiet evening.”
“That sounds perfect.” Her voice skipping as she tried to catch her breath.
“Then let’s go, the hotel is less then half a block away.” He led her through the depot, down Main Avenue. The street was filled with pedestrians, forcing them to take their time.
Once they were back at the hotel Shelby immediately escaped to the bathroom, Lucas could hear the tub filling with water, so he left her behind to go get them dinner.
He didn’t go far, finding a place with a menu that would satisfy Shelby. He sat at the bar, ordered a local beer and placed an order to go.
A chill swept through his body as he looked around, his eyes settling on her as she looked at him, her mouth dropped open in shock, her eyes glossy, darting over him.
Riley reached for her beer, bringing it to her lips as she tried to think of what to say. How was this possible? “So, that was you in the museum earlier.”
“Yeah, it was.” He took a sip from his own beer, realizing now that it was possibly the same one she was drinking, “What are you doing here?”
“Tristan, my boyfriend planned this vacation. What about you?”
No. It couldn’t be possible, could it? He bit his bottom lip, gulping before he answered, “My girlfriend, Shelby, she planned this vacation.”
“Plastic Surgeon?” Riley’s eyebrow had hooked up.
“Yeah, same for yours?” He watched as she nodded, he started to chuckle, “You know this is pretty much only the sort off thing that could happen to us, right?”
She sighed, her body hanging loosely as she looked to him, “I could totally hear Maya or Farkle or Zay laughing about this. I mean gosh, I haven’t spoken to them in a long time.”
Lucas opened his mouth to protest that idea, only to realize he hadn’t really talked to them either, “I guess, we grow up, we grow apart, no matter how connected we arm.”
Riley smiled that soft smile of hers, that always got him, always melted him. “I remember one time, overhearing my Dad and Uncle Shawn talking, and Uncle Shawn was like, ‘Cory how long have I been gone for?’ My Dad thought it was this short amount of time, maybe a few months, it had been years.”
Looking down at her hands they seemed foreign to her, until Lucas took one in his. It felt so right, so pure, but also both realized how wrong it was as they released the hold at the same time.
“We should um get everyone together for the Holidays or something.” Riley told him just before the bartender came with two separate to-go orders.
“Yeah, that would be good, a little reunion, New Years Eve, the roof of your old building, or something.”
“Yeah, something.” She told him as she signed her bill, grabbing her order and dashing out.
“Riley never called to tell you she saw him?” Farkle watched as Maya moved around her apartment, a glass of wine in each hand before she handed him one.
“Never.” She sat next to her old friend, “And she has barely posted anything on social media. The only thing I’ve seen recently was something about her going to see a Knicks game, but she wasn’t in the city.”
Farkle took a sip of the wine, “I haven’t spoken to Lucas, I left a message, but he never got back to me.”
“Maybe they’re both busy, I mean they’ve got a few months left of their residency, right? Is that what they are?” Maya reached for a pretzel from the bowl on her coffee table before hitting the volume button on the TV as the room filled with the theme song from Dancing with The Stars.
“Yeah, in a few months, I think they get to decide where they’ll practice. I always thought they would both come back to New York.” His eyes watched the group number that started, “There’s Zay!”
Maya watched her friend on the screen, dancing with the other pros before being joined by his partner a former star of the show Red Planet Diaries, surely Riley would be calling soon to freak out about this, right?
When the show went to commercial Maya hit the mute button and then glanced at her phone, “Huh, looks like Lucas posted. He hasn’t posted anything since that picture of Riley, right?”
“I haven’t seen anything.” He pulled his own phone out, opening Instagram. A picture of Pappy Joe’s ranch came up, the sun setting behind the house. “Oh boy.” Escaped his lips as he read the caption.
Maya quickly pulled the app up, looking at the picture as well and then the caption. She said yes! I can’t wait to start our future together here in Texas. “Lucas is going to marry that blonde?”
“I was sure he and Riley would be back together.”
Maya downed the rest of her wine before she went and retrieved the bottle from the kitchen bringing it back and refill her glass and then Farkle’s. “This isn’t how things are supposed to be. He’s supposed to marry Riley. They’re supposed to have twins, a boy and a girl. Lucas is supposed to steal the shoes of his daughters first boyfriend. He’s not supposed to marry some plastic surgeon and live in Texas.”
Farkle was silent as Maya ranted, thoughts processing in his mind as he picked up the remote control, unmuting the tv as the show returned. Neither spoke, they watched couple after couple, waiting for Zay and his partner.
After a while Maya muted the TV, “If Riley and Lucas aren’t meant to be, then who is meant to be?”
“I don’t know.” Farkle sighed, “You and I were married in middle school, we’re not meant to me.”
Maya rolled her eyes, swatting at him, but he grabbed her hand, his fingers slipping between hers as she collapsed on top of him.
A confidence swept through Farkle he only felt in the board room these days as he pulled Maya closer, kissing her, surprised when she kissed him back.
Zay adjusted his shoulder bag as he unlocked his studio apartment. When he was in LA he kept everything as simple as possible. Trying to save as much as he could, he never knew when it would all slip away.
He dropped his bag on the futon, the same futon that had lived in his and Lucas’ dorm room freshmen year of college. He moved to the small kitchen, pulling out one of the prepared meals he subscribed to. He was tired, the live show had worn him out. Tomorrow they would start a new set of rehearsals, and he had a few ideas of how to move forward he knew none of it would matter if he didn’t get some sleep soon.
He turned his TV on, the west coast airing of the show just now began. He saw a few messages from Maya and Farkle congratulating him.
He ate as he watched the group number, scrolling through his social media while the show played on. He tried to be as active as he could, but he was exhausted when he finally pulled up Instagram, playing the stories without thinking too much of it.
Most of them were Vote for us, type things from his co-stars, and then a video came up that was different.
Zooming in on a ring, on the delicate looking hand with a caption I Said Yes! He quickly looked to see who it was, then replayed the story when he realized it was Riley.
His heart sank, the hope he’d had that she and Lucas had reconnected flittered away. She was going to marry that guy she was dating, that Tristan guy.
He put his phone down, he suspected that in a few days he’d get a save the date. He would go to New York for the party, he would drink a gin and tonic and stand in the back with Farkle and Maya, pretending to be happy for her, knowing she was making a mistake.
Zay shook his head, how could those two be so damn stupid?
They had to have seen each other, and they had to have felt something when they did.
They were Riley and Lucas for crying out loud.
“I’m not going to this.” Maya shook her head as she put on her earrings, knowing that she would be going. “I mean really, we have to go and meet Lucas’ latest little chickadee and pretend like we’re happy he’s marrying her and not Riley.”
Farkle adjusted his tie, watching Maya a smirk on his lips, “If they hadn’t been on vacation together at the same time, would you still be this upset?”
Maya turned to him, her blue eyes icy, “Yes, okay I would be upset, maybe not this upset, but this isn’t the way things were meant to be.”
Farkle sighed, “I don’t know what to tell you. If I thought we could get them back together, I would say let’s go for it. But it looks like they’ve made up their minds.”
Pulling out her phone she was about to snap a playful picture of her and Farkle when she saw a notification from Riley’s Instagram account. “What’s this?”
A picture of Riley in a Knicks t-shirt, sitting in the window of her childhood bedroom, “True Love is going to a Knicks game with me.” The caption read.
Maya’s hand covered her mouth when she saw a ring on Riley’s left hand, “They’re both morons.”
Farkle took the phone, “Wait, is she here in New York?”
“She didn’t call me.” Maya felt her jaw clenching as she fluffed her hair, “Whatever, we have to go to Lucas’ engagement party.”
“You don’t think its weird that she’s in New York same time that Lucas is?” He had a nagging feeling in his gut, something wasn’t adding up for him, he was just missing a key piece of information.
“Of course, they are! But God forbid she fall in his lap on the subway and they reunite.” Maya sighed, “Let’s just go and find out how awful this doctor is, and then move on.”
Farkle smirked, “God you’re so damn feisty, I love that about you.”
Maya looked at him, “Yeah what else do you love about me?”
“A lot of things. I’ll tell you later if you can be nice to Lucas’ fiancé.”
Maya grunted, “Really?”
“Yes, really.”
“Fine.” She rolled her eyes, but knew she would be nice, at the very least it would be what Riley would want.
Zay made it onto the subway just before the doors closed. He grabbed the pole, watching the commuters around him. He was still buzzing on the high of having made it to the finals with his partner. So, they came in second, but it meant he could do it. His first season and he made it that far, he still couldn’t believe it.
He could hear the buzz of people around him planning their Thanksgiving Day menus, discussing the family reunions they would have.
Part of him felt guilty heading to Riley’s engagement party. She was his friend though, and if she found a man who would make her happy, a man that would treat her the way she deserved, wonderful. But this man wasn’t Lucas, so how could he be all of those things?
As the subway came to his stop, he couldn’t help but wonder what Lucas would think if he knew where Zay was going.
Reaching the street, he could feel the cold bite of the fall night, the promise of winter just weeks away as he made his way to The Plaza. He pulled his phone out checking to see where in the hotel the party was located as he stumbled into someone.
“Zay!” The voice sent a chill down his spine as he looked up at the tall blonde.
“Lucas.” Zay barely got the words out as he looked at his oldest friend, stunned.
“You look like you weren’t expecting to see me.” Lucas slapped his old friend on the back, watching as Zay stumbled forward.
“No, I just didn’t think I would literally run into you.” He fibbed, what the hell was going on? Was Lucas really here, in the Plaza, the same night Riley was having her engagement party? Dear God, what kind of joke was fate playing on everyone?
“Seriously Zay, are you okay?” Lucas questioned as they made their way through the lobby.
“I’m peachy keen, jelly bean.” Had he just said that?
Farkle took a moment to look around The Palm Court, he didn’t spend much time here. But the room was gorgeous, it was his mother’s favorite place to have Tea with friends when working on different charity projects.
It did seem odd to him that this party was happening in New York, why not Boston or Austin?
He already planned to apologize profusely to Lucas’ future wife for whatever Maya said, he was sure she would drop a line or two about she’d never match up to Riley.
Maya squeezed his upper arm, “If this girl is a total bitch I’m going to tell him, you know that right. I’m going to be like Lucas, head out of your ass, go win Riley back.”
Farkle shook his head, “I can’t take you anywhere.”
“You can take me to bed when this is over.” She teased.
“Yes.” Maya smiled to him before looking over towards the bar, “Wait, did he have the audacity to invite Cory and Topanga?”
Farkle grabbed Maya before she could race off to her childhood best friends’ parents. “Hold up. Stop. Look around, this is not the place for a scene. If Cory and Topanga can be happy for Lucas and his bride to be, so can we.”
Maya’s mouth hung open as she looked across the room, “Riley is here.”
Farkle snapped around to look, he couldn’t believe it. Riley wore a pale purple dress, her hair up in a twist, little decorative flowers in her hair. She was beaming as she lifted her left hand to run a stray twist of hair behind her ear, the ring on her finger catching the light.
“She’s engaged?” Maya didn’t understand how she didn’t know.
“Wait, we were coming to Lucas’ party, right?” Farkle suddenly wondered if he had gotten the dates wrong, had his secretary added things incorrectly to his calendar.
“Yeah, aren’t we?” Maya let the words float out as she looked around, seeing Zay and Lucas walking in. “Why is Lucas walking in with Zay and not his blonde?”
“Why is Riley with her parents and not Tristan?”
The two looked to each other for a moment before looking back at the scene playing out in front of them.
Zay felt a bit panicked when Lucas started walking towards The Palm Court as well. He couldn’t really be going to Riley’s engagement party, could he? Where was his girlfriend?
As they entered the beautiful room, Zay saw his old friend light up, “There’s my girl.”
Zay’s eyes followed Lucas’ gaze as it fell upon Riley, his jaw dropping as he watched his two old friends move across the room to greet each other with a kiss.
Had he really just seen that?
A waiter walked by with a tray of champagne and Zay quickly snatched one, taking a long sip before he made his way over to Farkle and Maya, “What is happening?”
“I don’t know.” Farkle watched as Maya took the drink from Zay, drinking what was left.
“I told Mom it was going to happen.” Auggie chuckled from behind the trio, “She didn’t believe me, but look.”
“Auggie, what is happening?” Farkle studied the young man.
Auggie looked at the people he had once looked up to, “Wait, you guys do know that Riley and Lucas are engaged to each other, right?”
“What?” The three of them blurted out all at once.
“Maya!” Riley called out from not far away before rushing over, “Please, please be my maid of Honor.”
Maya felt Riley’s arms around her and she stared at Farkle and Zay. “I am so confused.”
Riley pulled away, “Why are you confused?”
Maya backed up, her hands in the air as she made motions with her fingers, “You were with that like creepy plastic surgeon guy. I saw the vacation pictures, and you,” she looked to Lucas who had joined the group, “And you were with that Barbie doll. But then you posted that picture of Riley and then nothing until weeks later you post that you’re engaged, and you post nothing.”
“No, Riley posted she was engaged.” Zay defended.
Before they could start fighting Lucas got in the middle of them, “You guys, we both posted we were engaged.” He looked to Riley with a smirk, “You were right, we should’ve told them instead of thinking they would put the pieces together.”
“To be fair, it wasn’t like we put both our names on the invitations for this party.” She shrugged, “It does explain why Maya never called, or any of them.”
Farkle and Zay both instinctively knew to hold onto Maya, each wrapping their arms around her middle before she lunged for her friends. “You assholes got back together and didn’t tell us? Why not?”
“We didn’t want to get your hopes up, we needed to get to know each other again.” Lucas explained as he felt Riley fit against his side.
“We needed to fall in love again, and we did.” Riley looked to Maya, “And don’t think I haven’t noticed that Farkle is cropped out of a lot of your pictures, the Sunday Brunch shots and all that.”
Farkle blushed and Maya found herself still.
“I knew it!” Zay looked at them, “I had a feeling that was going to happen.”
“I know all of us are not as close as we once were.” Riley looked to each of them, “But we’re always going to be friends, and no matter where life takes us, be it New York, or Texas, or all over the world, we always come back together.”
“I’m still mad at you.” Maya sighed, “But wait, what happened to The Plastic Surgeon and Barbie?”
Lucas chuckled, “Tristan and Shelby, um, well they eloped to Las Vegas, what the day we left Durango, right?”
“Yeah, turns out they were college sweethearts, and that vacation was something they had always planned to do together.” Riley shook her head, “And yeah, but everything worked out. Oh, and they were both plastic surgeons.”
“Yeah, they’re going to be working in Vegas.” Lucas held Riley close to him, “And Riley and I will be practicing down in Texas once we’re married.”
“Why did you decide on Texas, why not here in New York?”
“We thought about it for a long time, and we have the chance to open up our own practice, we’ll be in charge of our own hours, and we’ll be able to spend time at the ranch of course and when ready we’ll be able to start our own family.” Riley explained.
“So, we’ll be married this summer in Texas, go on a little honeymoon,” Lucas mouthed it would be Paris with a smirk, “And start our lives together.”
Before either could continue Cory came over, grabbing them, needing them to take a few pictures and see some family members.
“They’re our best friends, and you guys, we didn’t know they were engaged to each other.” Farkle sighed.
Zay flagged a waitress down and got another glass of champagne, watching as Maya and Farkle each got one as well. “We’re forever connected, life has taken us all on different paths, but when its important, we come together, we might just get a moment here and there from each other, we might at times only know what’s up because of social media, but that gives us a chance to share our lives and stay connected.”
“And gets you two the finals on Dancing with The Stars.” Maya teased.
“Or allows you to share your art with people who might never have seen it.” Farkle reminded her.
“We might need to stop and not always freak out right away.” Maya shrugged, as she looked around, “They do look happy.”
“They sure do.” Zay agreed, “So, when can I expect you two to get married?”
Neither answered him, they just took a sip of their champagne, deciding to not comment on their relationship status, maybe one of these days they would throwback a picture of the day they eloped in October.
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sparklemichele · 7 years
may i make a request for Alex Hogh because I love your writing? A little RP at a hotel bar, he and his gf spice things up assuming new identities for the evening, chatting it up as these "strangers" before retiring to a room he has booked at the hotel, their only rules is no breaking character and no real names until the next day when they're back home thanks in advance
Here ya go. Hope you enjoy! XXOO
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You rolled your eyes as the third guy left your side unsuccessfully trying to pick you up. Can’t a woman drink alone without someone thinking they were doing you a favor by hitting on you. You gulped your third dirty martini and asked the bartender for another.
“You drinking alone or waiting for someone?” The bartender asked.
“Drinking alone.” You told him as you bit into a green olive.
“You are dressed up mighty beautiful to be drinking alone.”
You gave the bartender a strain smile. “Thank you. I was at a gala on the fourth floor and I was bored so I left and my dry ass date.”
You got a chuckle out the bartender.
“Yes, I have worked the gala’s here before and they are boring at times. Since you left your date will you be able to get home safely?”
You genuinely smiled at him. He was honestly concerned. You lifted your phone.
“Got my trusted Uber app.”
“Good.” He told you before serving another customer.
“Excuse me.” You heard a thick accent. Fuck! You did little to hide your annoyance as you turned to the voice. Well, fuck me! You thought as you eyed the handsome gentleman in front of you. He was the best-looking man you saw all night. He must have come from the gala as well as he had on a tux, his shoulder length hair accented his beautiful face. He was spectacular to look at.
“Can I help you?” You swallowed hard as he sat in the empty seat next to you.
“I could not help but notice you as soon as I walked in here. I see you have turned away a few admirers. Are you waiting for someone?”
You were hypnotized byhis accent.
“No, I’m alone.”
“Why?” He asked bluntly as he signaled for the bartender. You explained to him about the gala.
“Rum and coke please,”he told the bartender. “I bet your date is highly disappointed.”
You shrugged your shoulders. “Well he should not have been an asshole.”
“I’m Rick.” Rick extended his hand to you. You firmly shook it.
“I’m Amina.”
“That is beautiful. What does it mean?”
“It means “trustworthy”in Swahili.” You bit into another olive, licking your lips as your eyes fell on his lips. Noticing you gazing at his lips, Rick smiled.
“Well you have not sent me away yet. Do you mind telling me about yourself?”
“Don’t be so sure of yourself.” You giggled before taking a sip of your drink. You were starting to feel the effects of the drinks. You and Rick sat at the bar and talked for at least an hour getting to know one another. You both were so engross with one another you failed to realize that the bar was closing.
“Last call folks.” The bartender alerted you both.
“I hope you don’t mind me being forward, but I really would love to continue our conversation. Would you be insulted if I invited you to my room?”
“I don’t mind.”
“Let me pay for your tab.” Rick pulled out his wallet.
“Oh no, you don’t have to do that.”
Rick slowly looked you up and down. “I insist.”  
“Okay.” You both got up after he paid, and you followed him to his hotel room. You were a nervous wreck because you knew damn well you would be fucking this man tonight. There was no way he was getting away from you. You entered his suite and found yourself eyeing the king size bed. The things you could do to him in that bed.
“Do you want to continue our conversation or let the inevitable happen? Cause I would really like to rip that dress off you right now.”
“You smiled seductively at Rick as you unzipped the side of your dress and stepped out totally naked.
“Damn! You are remarkable.” Rick whispered as he quickly removed his tux. You sighed with pure pleasure as you gazed at his muscular, lean body. Rick lips found yours and he slowly took his tongue and licked and slowly took in the taste of you.
“Mmmm. You taste like vodka.” He licked your bottom lip before nipping at it. Rick grabbed your as and pulled your body closer to him. You felt his hard on slapping against your thighs. Your pussy clenched in anticipation and you felt moisture start to tickle down your thighs. Rick got on his knees, spread your legs and licked the juices that were on the inside of your thighs. He was teasing you with kisses and your legs start to quiver.
“Rick, stop fucking around.” You growled. Rick chuckled against your inner thigh, lifted up, picked you up and threw you on the king size bed. Rick fucked you in in every position possible and you were nearly a sobbing mess when he finally was done. He pulled you close and you snuggled in his arms before falling asleep.
The next morning you quickly and quietly got dress as Rick slept. You ordered Uber and headed home. As you rest your head in the back of the car you could not help but smile at the night you just had. Rick was amazing, and you hope he took it upon himself to call you, as you left your number on the nightstand. Upon entering your home, you took a shower and dressed in your favorite lounge clothes. You were starving so you made a quick breakfast and ate on the couch as you watched an episode you had DVR. You were zoned out as you watched your show, you did not hear the front door open and close.
“Hey beautiful.” You looked up to find your boyfriend walking up to you. He flopped on the couch and grabbed a piece of bacon off your plate.
“Where were you all night?” You asked slapping his hand away from your plate as he tried to get another piece of bacon.
“I told you about the gala.”
“It went on all night?”
He smiled a big smile as he looked at you causing heat to rise to your face as you thought of last night.
“Yep, all night. So,Amina……I like that name. I also liked the things Amina did in bed. You should bring her out more often.”
“Well you have been holding back on me Alex. You should bring Rick out more often. His tongue and stoke game was strong. Some of those positions will leave me sore for days.”
“My tongue and fucking is always strong. I just wanted to show you a little extra as Rick. I think we should role play more often. I had fun.” Alex leaned over and nibbled your ear.
“I did too. Want to meet up at our fave restaurant later this week?” You asked lightly kissing his luscious lips. Alex put your plate down on the coffee table.
“It’s a date but first let me show you just how good Alex is.”
You chuckled as Alex blew raspberries in your neck before taking off your shirt. 
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Party in the Wavering Wood
Rating: T
Genre: Angst and Fluff
Word Count: 5427
CW: Alcohol
Summary: 15 year old Simon Snow gets an invite to a party, where his longtime crush will be. Unfortunately his longtime enemy decides to make an appearance too. Based on "spin the bottle" kiss prompt
Read on AO3
AN: So sorry this one took so long! I wrote a lot of it at 3 am, and 3 am Theo is an even shittier writer than usual. So I had to go back and redo most of it, after building up the courage to even look at my terrible handiwork. It was still fun though. Enjoy! :)
“‘Party in the Wavering Wood, 9pm, definitely not dry’?” Penny reads the invite like it’s a written in an alien language. She’s sitting cross legged on Baz’s bed (Crowley I hope he doesn’t notice) staring at the paper with her eyebrows all scrunched up. “Simon why are you showing me this?”
“Because I think we should go,” I say.
“You’re serious?”
‘Yeah! It could be fun...”
Penny looks up at me with a single raised eyebrow. “Is Agatha going to be there?”
I feel the blush creep up my cheeks. Of course Penny knows about my stupid crush. But it’s not stupid, really. I’m pretty sure I’ve been in love with her since we met. And everyone already thinks we should be together. They can’t all be wrong. “She, uh, gave me the invite.”
“So you want to go for her?”
“No! Well, not just her. I mean... Pen, it’s the closest thing to a normal teenager thing we’ll ever get to do. We spend most of our time studying, and when we’re not doing that, we’re fighting a bloody super villain!” I look down and pick at my nails. “I’m 15 and I’ve never been to a single party. I just feel a bit, left out.”
I hear Penny sigh heavily. “Fine, I’ll go. But only to make sure you don’t mess up.”
I leap forward and hug Penelope fiercely. “Thank you thank you thank you!”
She pats my head. “Yeah yeah, get off me you big love sick lug. You owe me, y’know.”
“Of course!” I pull back plant a sloppy kiss on her cheek. She makes a yuck noise and shoves me off. My foot is jittering. I’m too excited and I can’t contain it. Tonight is going to be awesome!
We walk in the woods mostly blind. It's 11:00 (Penny needed to finish some homework). Branches crack under my feet, and I keep stepping on tiny stones. Penny has created a small fire but she can’t make it too big. Just in case someone sees. The Mage would certainly not approve of me being out here. But I don’t care. I’m going to a party, with alcohol, where the girl I like will be. I get to be normal for once.
“Where in Merlin’s name is this party supposed to be?” Penelope mutters.
I shrug with my hands in my pockets. “The invite did just say ‘wavering wood’.”
“That’s not exactly specific.”
“Hey I didn't write it.”
We both freeze. The sound came from our left, but there’s nothing there. Penny leans towards me.
“Simon,” she whispers. “Did a tree just hiss at us or am I crazy?”
“Yes, or maybe we’re both crazy.”
“That’s not out of the realm of possibility.”
“Psst! Penelope, Simon, over here!”
We turn to look. There’s Gareth’s head... without a body. Just floating there in the darkness. To say ’m freaked out now would be an understatement. Penny firmly grabs my shoulder and sighs heavily.
“Well, it’s official, Si. We’ve lost it.”
Gareth’s head shakes. It’s, quite a site. “No no, you’re perfectly sane. It’s a magic bubble! Hides us, keeps the sound in and the bugs out, it’s perfect! C’mon, get in here.”
A opening appears. Now I can see Gareth’s whole body. It’s like he’s holding open a tent flap. I can hear thumping dance music and loud shouts. He gestures for us to come forward. Penny gives me a slightly strained smile.
“Allons-y, I guess.”
“And luckily that’s the one French word I know.”
Penny giggles as we enter.
I’m pretty sure the entire fifth year class is here. Everyone’s drinking and dancing and shouting. Someone has cast a spell to mimic multi coloured strobe lights in one end. It’s loud and completely insane. It’s awesome!
“Dear lord,” Penny mutters. “What a zoo. I can’t take this. I’m going to find a corner to read in.” She starts to walks away.
“Have fun, Pen!”
“You too, Simon. If you’re about to do anything stupid, find me!”
I roll my eyes dramatically. “Your lack of faith wounds me!”
Penelope flashes me a single “fuck off” gesture. I chuckle with a single head shake.
Honestly, I’m not sure what to do. I’ve never done this before. I just stand there, shuffling my feet and picking at my nails. Fuck, am I nervous? I’ve faced goblins, a chimera, and every sort of dark creature that the Humdrum has sent after me. And a fucking party makes me nervous.
“Simon!” My head snaps up. Agatha is running towards me. She looks a bit flushed, and she’s holding a red plastic cup.
“Hi Agatha,” I say.
She giggles drunkenly. “You came!”
“Uh, yeah. Though I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do.”
“Have fun, silly. C’mon, follow me.”
She grabs my wrist and hauls me forward. (How do I always end up getting dragged to places by people?) We end up at a card table filled with bottles. She pours some beer into a red cup like her’s.
“Here have some. It’s total shit but hey, what are you going to do?”
I chuckle nervously and sip some. Dear lord it’s disgusting. It burns my entire throat. My face gets all scrunched up. Agatha laughs with her head thrown back. “Not used to drinking, huh?”
“No,” I choke out.
She leans to the side a bit, looking past my shoulder. “Unlike your roommate, apparently. Man can he drink!”
My eyes widen and I swear to Christ my heart stops. “What?!”
I whip around. There he is. Tyrannus Basilton fucking Grimm-Pitch, chugging vodka straight from the bottle. Dev and Niall are standing next to him cheering him on. He finishes it off and throws a triumphant fist up. I’ve never seen him like this. Rumpled shirt untucked, hair completely dishevelled, and grinning ear to ear. For the first time since I met him, Baz Pitch is a complete fucking mess.
“Oh my god,” I whisper.
Agatha giggles, head falling onto my shoulder. (I'm in too much shock to acknowledge it.) “Crazy, right? He’s been drinking hard all night.”
Baz’s eyes meet mine. They widen and his mouth falls open. I can’t tell if he’s mad or shocked or... maybe terrified? But whatever it is quickly fades in favour of a drunken smile. He waves lazily at me with vodka in hand, wobbling until Niall steadies him. I lift a hand in reply.
I shake my head. “I can’t believe he’s here. And that he’s drunk. Can vampires even get drunk?”
“C’mon and dance with me!” Agatha (completely ignoring my very legitimate question) drags me again to the makeshift dance floor.
I can’t dance. At all. I know this very well. So I just flail about with my arms up. That’s how it works, right? Agatha moves more in time. I want to focus on her, but my attention is drawn to the unnaturally pale boy behind her that's jumping up and down. He’s laughing and smiling without abandon. Baz Pitch is never careless. He’s a calm, collected, perfect asshole. Seeing him like this just feels wrong. Yet it’s absolutely fascinating.
“Simon, you okay?”
I refocus on Agatha. Her eyebrows are furrowed and she’s frowning. “Oh, uh, sorry.”
She grabs my hand and my pulse jumps. “Hey, people are playing spin the bottle. Wanna go?”
My head is reeling. Merlin, what if I spin it and it lands on Agatha? Will I finally get to kiss her? Oh god, I don’t know how to deal with all this. So I just nod dumbly. Agatha smiles and we walk off.
We end up at a circle of people. Everyone’s passing a Smirnoff bottle around. There’s Trixie and Keris, Gareth and Rhys, even Philippa Stainton. She blushes at me. I know she has a crush on me. I just look away and sit with my head down.
Trixie places the now empty bottle in the centre. “Alright let’s-”
“Hey are you guys playing spin the bottle without me?! Ruuuuude!”
Baz literally stumbles to us. He plants himself right next me. I feel my magic prickle at his close proximity. A normal reaction to being near your worst enemy. Even if he is a total hot mess at the moment.
Cross legged, he leans his chin on his palm and stares at me. Strands of wavy black hair fall in front of his glassy grey eyes. Vodka smell stings my nose from his breath.
“Hiiii Siiiiimon,” he drawls out. He’s never called me Simon before. It feels weird but, kind of nice. Drunk giggly Baz is better than sober sneering Baz, I guess.
“Hello Baz.”
“Didn’t know yooooou’d be here.”
“Well, here I am. Guess you know now.” I chuckle nervously.
He smiles and hums at me. Crowley, never thought I’d make Baz Pitch smile. Didn’t think his face was even physically capable of the expression before tonight.
“Ugh,” Rhys whines. “Just spin the fucking bottle, Trix.”
Trixie blows a raspberry, but spins it anyway. I try to watch it with undivided attention. But Baz is making it difficult. I can feel his eyes on me. It makes my heart race and my palms get sweaty. He’s plotting against me, I know it. Drunk Baz is still Baz, and he’s always plotting my downfall. Why won’t he stop looking at me?!
“Simon!” Trixie’s voice snaps me out the trance.
“What?” I say stupidly.
“The bottle landed on you, silly.”
I refocus. She’s right, the bottle is on me. “Oh...”
“Well c’mon, Simon. You gotta kiss her. Those are the rules,” Gareth says.
Shit. Not the girl I want to be kissing. “Oh! Well, uh, but um... Keris would you be okay with that?”
Keris shrugs. “I don’t mind. Don’t think one boy will turn my girl straight.”
Trixie hums in approval, rubbing her nose against Keris’ cheek. “Never, love.”
I sigh. Crap, no way to get out of this. “Alright. If, those are the rules.”
Trixie crawls up on all fours. I gulp down all the nervousness in my throat. I move forward a titch and scrunch my eyes closed. Trixie’s lips press chastely against mine. I hear the whoops and hollers from everyone else. She feels warm, I guess. But that’s about it. There are no fireworks or butterflies. Not how I imagined kissing would be like.
Trixie pulls away with a smile. She giggles and goes back to her spot. Keris hugs her fiercely.
“Now you can say you snogged the Chosen One, darling!” she squeals
That sends Trixie into a fit of giggles, followed by some of the others. The only ones not laughing are Philippa (who’s pouting) and surprisingly Baz. His eyebrows are pulled together and he’s scowling. I’m (kinda) having fun, which must be upsetting him. Does he want me to be miserable that much?
“Alright Simon,” Keris says, “your turn. Spin away, Chosen One.”
With a shaking hand, I spin the glass bottle. I watch it spin and spin and just pray to any god that will listen that it’ll land on Agatha. I want to feel the fireworks kiss, and I really think I can feel that with Agatha.
It stops... right next to me. Where Baz is sitting.
Everyone shrieks. I’m slack jawed. Merlin and Morgana, Nicks and slicks, fuck me! I have the worst luck in the world. I turn to Baz. He has a similar horrified shocked expression. But his eyes look sort of scared. Scared? Why would he be scared? He should be pissed off or disgusted. I should be terrified. He’s the vampire! What’s he got to be scared about from me?!
“C’mon Simon!” Keris yells. “You know the rules!”
“Oh, but he’s- he’s a bloke!”
Keris raises an eyebrow “So? Got something against a bloke kissing another bloke?”
I shake my head violently and wave my hands. “No! No, well, he’s... he’s Baz!”
“Oh c’mon Simon!” Gareth says. “Put your stupid feud aside for just a second. Rhys and I already hear enough of your shouting through our ceiling. C’mooooon! Kiss, kiss, kiss!”
Everyone joins in. Even Agatha and Philippa. (Drunk people are idiots.) They pound on the ground in sync. I turn to Baz. He’s looking at me wide eyed with his mouth open. His drunk gaze flicks down to my lips then back up to my eyes. He smiles wide, showing all his teeth.
“Well,” he slurs out, “if they insist.”
Baz grabs both sides of my face and plants a kiss square on my mouth.
They cheer again even louder. Baz’s grip is very strong (of course it is, he’s a vampire). My arms flail out, unsure what to do with them. Unlike Trixie, Baz is participating fully. He moves his lips against mine. His are colder than Trixie's but just as soft. (Maybe even more so.) He shifts his hands back to grip my hair, which shoves me closer. I can feel his tongue sloppily pushing against my closed mouth. My stomach is doing flip flops. And my head kinda feels, sparky, bursting, on fire. Like... fireworks.
Carefully, I grab his collar and cautiously open my mouth. I feel the tip of his tongue trace my teeth and I inhale sharply. If before was fireworks, then a fucking nuclear explosion goes off in my brain. It’s like going off, but in a good way. I grip his collar tighter. Baz pulls on my hair slightly, and I honest to god moan into his mouth. It feels so damn good. What am I doing?! I’m kissing a bloke, I’m kissing Baz!
“Whooo boys simmer down!” Keris shouts.
I pull away, still holding onto Baz. He blinks slowly. His lips are a bit pink and swollen. I guess mine must look similar. He smiles and laughs like only a drunk person could. Crowley what did we just do? I flick my eyes around the circle. Everyone looks more than uncomfortable. Agatha is taking great interest in her drink. I cough awkwardly.
“I guess, uh, we’ve both had too much to drink. I think we should go back to our room,” I say quickly.
Everyone nods and murmurs in agreement. I grab Baz’s arm and haul him up. He wobbles until I throw his arm around my shoulder. He leans his against me, head resting on mine. I start dragging him away. I think he’s snuggling against me. God what a weird night this has been.
Dragging Basilton Pitch is not exactly an easy task. He hit a growth spurt this summer and stands at least three inches above me now. Plus he’s heavy for such a lanky guy. It makes dragging him through a dark wooded area very difficult. Magically lowering the drawbridge isn’t too hard (Penny taught me how.) (Takes a few tries though.) I’m currently hauling the drunk git up the stairs to the top of Mummer’s House.
“C’mon Pitch, up the steps. It’s not that hard.”
“Noooo,” he whines. “Don’t wanna go.”
“Shut up, you need to sleep.”
He groans loudly. “Wanna stay with you. Want you to keep holding me.”
I stop as we hit the landing, slowly turning my head to look at him. He’s pouting like a sad puppy or something. “What on earth are you talking about? You hate me.”
He shakes his head lazily. “Nu-uh. S’pose to hate you. Don’t. You’re too pretty to hate.”
My heart is thumping again. What is he going on about? “You- You think I’m pretty?”
“Soooo pretty. All I think ‘bout. Pretty hair, and eyes, and moles. Can’t stop thinking. Makes my head go all mopsy curvy.” He chuckles at his own messed up words.
I think my head is going “mopsy curvy”. All of this is hitting me like a pound of bricks. It’s a miracle I’m still upright. “Baz, you’re talking nonsense. You’re drunk.”
He groans and leans his long nose into my neck. I inhale sharply. He’s so cold, but it feels nice. “Drunk cause of you. Didn’t want to think of you fer once.” His forehead falls to my shoulder. I feel another groan vibrate through me. “Should hate you. Hate me f’not hating you.”
I’m not sure how I’m supposed to respond to that. My head is spinning, along with my vision and stomach. My brain is trying to realign to this information. Baz doesn’t hate me? He can’t stop thinking about me? I mean, I can’t stop thinking about him either. But that’s because I’m scared he’s plotting against me! Or that he’s going to drink my blood! It’s not like I’m thinking about his stupid smug smile, or his perfect flawless skin, or his mesmerising grey eyes, or how his hair falls like a lazy wave in front of his face, or-
Oh. Shit.
I look down at him, drunk and dishevelled. He’s rubbing against my sweater like an affectionate cat. I swear to Merlin he’s almost purring. He doesn’t look like a villain, or a monster. Just... a boy. A stupidly handsome, obviously tortured boy, filled with so much self loathing he literally tried to drink his own feelings away. I haul him closer again.
“C’mon, Baz,” I whisper, “you need some sleep.”
He smiles up at me softly. “Okay, Simon.”
We get up the rest of the stairs and reach our room. I lead Baz to his until he literally collapses face first onto his bed. His cheek is all squished against the blanket.
“You really can’t sleep like that, Baz,” I say.
Baz moans. “Can do what I want, Snow.”
I sigh. Even completely pissed he’s still as stubborn as anything. I grab his feet and swing them around onto the mattress, then I haul him forward so his head is on the pillow. He snuggles into it. I kneel down so I can see his face. He’s smiling like he doesn’t have a care in world. Cautiously, I reach out and brush some raven hair from his closed eyes. He sighs, opening them slightly, a sliver of grey under heavy lids.
“Really not hate you, Simon,” he whispers, “think I love you...”
I don’t have time to answer that. He immediately falls asleep, snoring softly. My hand is frozen over his face. I'm surprised my body hasn't imploded by this point. All the feelings in me are fighting for dominance in my mind. Emotions old and new clash with what I thought I knew and what I know now. It's like a bubbling lava pit in volcano ready to explode and destroy everything around it. It feels like I’m about to go off, but solely in my rapidly beating heart.
I can't handle this now. So I brush my knuckles against Baz's face one last time, place the waste basket near him, and get ready for bed. When I curl in the sheets, I face Baz. I can't take my eyes off him. So that's how I fall asleep. Watching Baz Pitch, but for once, it’s not in a fearful way. It’s a mix of feelings I don’t fully understand yet. I’ll sort them out later. Not tonight. For now I just need to sleep.
I hear the retching long before I see it. Guess the waste basket was the right call. Baz hangs over it, black hair like a curtain around his face. I sit up slowly, bringing my knees to my chest. When Baz is done, he looks up at me with bloodshot eyes and a slight scowl.
“What are you looking at, Snow?” he growls.
I shrug. “You, obviously.”
“Well stop gawking. I’m just sick. Probably the flu.”
“More like hung over.”
He groans and falls back on his bed. “Fuck that’s right. You were at the party, weren’t you? Did you drag me up here?”
“Yeah. It wasn’t easy.”
His brow furrows in confusion. It’s an expression I’m used to seeing, but usually it appears when I say something supremely stupid, so I hate it. But thinking about it, he sorta looks, cute. “Why would you do that, Snow?”
I shrug again, burying my cheeks in my knees to hide any blush that might appear. “I don’t know. You were... doing bad. So I helped. Like I’m s’pose to. Hero and all...”
His face soft for a brief millisecond, but it quickly turns into a sneer as he faces me. It’s less intimidating than usual, considering his state of disheveledness (and what he said last night.) “Did you bang my head against every wall on the way up? Because I think my brain is trying to pound out of my skull now.”
I shake my head a bit. “No, I think that’s just from the vodka.”
“Aleister fucking Crowley.” He runs a hand over his face, pulling on his jaw. I can see pain in his eyes. Now I can’t tell if it’s from the migraine or from what he feels. “Whatever. I’m taking the shower first. Don’t try to stop me.”
He swings his long legs off the bed and stumbles towards our bathroom. The lava is bubbling again. The going-off-in-my-heart sensation. I reach out my arm towards him.
“Baz, wait!”
He whips around at me from the doorway with a scowl. “What the fuck is it, Snow?”
My hands falls along with my resolve. “How, how much do you remember from last night?”
Baz groans and rubs his forehead. “A lot of drinking, a lot of dancing, and more drinking. The rest is blurry. I remember your stupid face a bit. Why? Going to make fun of me, hm?”
"No! No, just... wondering.”
“Fine. Thanks for wasting my time.”
He slams the door hard enough to make the walls shake. I wince slightly. Nothing has changed for him. He doesn’t remember, but I can’t forget. I curl up in a ball on my bed and listen to the soft sound of the shower. It’s comforting in a way. Sounds kinda like rain. I focus on the water, instead of Baz last night. Baz’s smile, his laugh, his dancing, his babbling, his lips, his tongue-
I bang the side of my head. Stupid brain. Never listens to me! I chew at my nails. They’re stubs already but I don’t care. I need to focus on something else other than the conflicting emotions in my head. Because when I think about Baz, my heart stutters out of control, my palms get sweaty, and my head spins. I’ve always felt that around him, but I thought it was fear. That’s what it’s supposed to be, right? I’m supposed to be afraid of the son of my mentor’s enemy. I’m supposed to be his enemy. All these things I’m feeling for Baz now, I’m supposed to feel for Agatha.
I’m getting tired of “supposed to”.
The water turns off. Baz steps out of the shower a few moments later. I peek over my shoulder. Crowley, he’s wearing nothing but a towel. Drops of water slide down his bare chest and stomach. He really did grow a lot this summer. He’s like a long, thin marble statue.
“Avert your eyes,” he growls.
I curl away, hiding the red on my face. I hear him shuffle around then walk back into the bathroom. He re emerges minutes later in a pair of red silk pyjamas. He collapses on his mattress with a loud groan. His back is to me as usual. Slowly, I sit cross legged on my bed, looking at my nails.
He groans again. “What is it? I can feel your stupid eyes on me.”
There goes my pounding heart again. “Um, well, the thing is, last night, you, uh-”
“Spit it out Snow!”
“You kissed me last night!”
Every muscle in Baz’s body freezes. I think he even stops breathing. The only sound is the wind blowing through the trees outside. When he speaks, it’s barely a whisper.
I pick at my nails furiously. “A bunch of us were playing spin the bottle. And I- I guess you were really pissed so you decided to join. Trixie spun and it landed on me. Then I spun and it landed on you. I wasn’t gonna do it, but then you grabbed me and... kissed me. Like, a lot...”
Baz shudders. I wish I could see his face. I’m too scared to reach out to him.
“Um, well, I dragged you back after. And you were drunkenly babbling and shit. You said... you said you didn’t actually hate me. That... you think I’m pretty, and you think you lo-”
Baz’s voice is thunder in the small room. He bolts upright and whips around. His teeth are grinding together, face all scrunched up, eyes furious and maybe a bit scared. I can see tears building up, but he’s too stubborn to let them fall. I watch his hands clench and unclench the sheets. Slowly, he lets out a shaky breath.
“Stop, talking, you idiot.”
“Not buts! I don’t want to hear about how I made a complete fool of myself. Don’t you see? This was exactly what I wanted to avoid!”
“I know-”
“Exactly! You know! Now you can go tell your precious Mage I’m a vampire and a filthy pervert. Happy now?! You’ve got what you wanted, another thing to use against me! Just fucking kill me now like you’re supposed to! It’d be easier! You-”
“Baz, just shut up! I kissed you back, asshole!”
Baz freezes. Tears streak down his face. Grey eyes stare back at me with shock and awe. “What?”
I lay my head in my hands, just breathing slowly. “When you kissed me, I kissed back. Because it felt great. It felt fan-fucking-tastic! T-That’s all I could think about. No stupid Magickal world bullshit in my head for once. It was amazing.” I rub my eyes with the heels of my palms. “A-And I’ve always thought I hated you cause that’s how I’m supposed to feel but I’m fucking sick of doing what I’m supposed to! I don’t want to do what everyone expects of me. I just want to do what I want!”
I focus on the swimming colours behind my eyelids. I’m a total ball of nerves. Long fingers wrap around mine, slowly peeling them away from my eyes. Baz is kneeling in front of me. He looks soft, sympathetic. Like he understands what I’m saying. I guess he does.
“And what do you want, Simon?” he asks under his breath.
“I, I want to make my own descisions. I want to be normal for once. And...” I reach out towards his face. “I want to kiss you again.”
Baz grabs my outstretched hand. For a second I think he’s going to shove me away. Make fun of me, say it was all some plot to humiliate me. But instead, he laces our fingers together one by one, and presses them to his chest. I can feel his heart, beating just as wildly as mine.
“Yes,” he says.
My fingers clench. “Yes, what?”
“Yes, you can kiss me again.”
I let out a sigh of relief. We lean forward, eyes fluttering shut. And for the second time in my life, I’m kissing Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch.
It’s not messy like last night. It’s chaste and awkward, like a kiss between two emotionally repressed fifteen year olds usually is. But he’s still cold and soft. He’s still Baz. He moves a hand to hold my neck. I hold his shoulder. Slowly, our lips start to move, a repeat of before, but more careful. Baz’s nails lightly scrape against my skin. This time, I push my tongue against his mouth. He gasps, but opens to me. For a boy so cold on the outside he’s warm within. I trace the inside of his cheek, digging my nails into his arm and moving even closer.
This seems to kick Baz into high gear. He shoves back with his whole mouth, tangling a thin hand in my hair. It feels like ten nuclear bombs in my brain mixed with drowning in happiness. I let go of his hands, wrapping both arms around his neck until we’re crushed together. And I know now that I want this, more than anything. To just be with Baz. To kiss him like we’re the only two people in the world. No prophecy, no war, no animosity. Just... this.
We break apart gasping. Baz’s eyes flutter open. He looks ragged and raw and gorgeous. I run my fingers up and down his spine as we breath.
“Wow,” he huffs out.
I chuckle. “Yeah...”
“Was it like that last night?”
“Pretty close. Except you were sloppy drunk.”
He groans and hangs his head. “Crowley, I will forever hate myself for not remembering that first kiss.”
I knock his chin up until our eyes meet, then tuck a piece of long black hair behind his pointed ear. “Don’t. I’ll just make sure you remember every one after”
With that, I pull Baz into another crushing, hopefully very memorable kiss.
After, we lay on my bed, side by side, breathless and smiling. Baz cups my face, running a thumb over my cheek. He pays special attention to the mole there. Every time he touches it he lingers. I move my fingers up and down his side. His silk pyjamas feel lovely. But I’m really more happy just to touch him.
“Part of me still can’t believe I just snogged you,” I whisper.
Baz chuckles. “You kissed me, Snow.”
I chuckle too. He’s got a point. “I know. I guess I’m still wrapping my head around the idea that I want to. Kiss you, that is.”
“So am I.” He stops running his thumb and clutches my jaw a bit tighter. “I-I thought there was something wrong with me. For wanting you. Thought it was just my fucked up psyche. Like desiring the sword that’s going to land in your chest.”
I clench the fabric of his top. “There’s nothing wrong with you, Baz. Absolutely nothing. You’re not evil or fucked up. You’re just... you. And I like you a lot.”
The corner of his mouth quirks up. “Since when?”
I shrug. “I don’t know. Awhile. I thought I hated you cause everyone said I should. Thought you were an evil monster. But I don’t and you’re not. Not really, I think. I mean, you’re smug and infuriating, but in a... cool way?”
“Eloquent as ever, Snow.” Usually I’d be mad at such a comment, but the way Baz rolls his eyes over dramatically and smirks tells me I don’t need to be. But I still poke his side, making him spasm a bit.
“Prat,” I mutter. “Whatever. Since when do you like me? Or was pushing me down the stairs and unleashing a chimera your ways of flirting?”
Baz flicks my nose. I giggle. “I told you the stairs were an accident, you prick. And that chimera was just meant to freak you out a bit.” His face becomes serious. But in a sort of, worried and scared way. “Which... I’m sorry about. I was angry at myself and took it out on you. I’m not sure how long I’ve cared about you. I think for awhile. But I’ve only let myself acknowledge it recently. Fuck, part of me is still coming to terms with the fact that I’m gay.” His brow furrows together. “Are you gay?”
I shrug (I really do that a lot, don’t I?) “I don’t think so. I mean, maybe I am, at least partly, the part that seems to be demanding the most attention right now.” I take a deep breath. “I don’t know. All I know is that I like this, I like you. I don’t give a shit about anything else.”
Baz pulls me closer, until his chin is resting on my head. I grip his shirt and inhale his scent. Cedar and bergamot. I never thought someone’s smell could be so comforting.
“There’s still a lot of shit to deal with, Simon,” he whispers.
He’s right. There’s his family, the brewing war, the Mage, the Humdrum, his vampirism (maybe I should ask him about that later), my explosive magic, everything. But right now I just want to hold him. Pretend nothing exists outside of his arms. That we’re merely two normal boys without grand destinies or blood feuds. That we can have this without problem.
“I know,” I mumble into his chest. “But we’ll figure it out, right?”
His cold lips kiss my hairline. I hold him tighter. “Yes, we will, Simon. We certainly will.”
Bonus epilogue: Penny: Where the hell did you go last night, Simon?! You left me alone you prick! Did you just have to sneak off to snog Agatha or something? Simon: ...about that...
AN: So this is pretty much the "if Simon and Baz stopped being so emotionally repressed in fifth year" AU, lol. Well, this was fun to write. Mixing angst and fluff keeps fanfic writers sharp. Poor kids with their complicated feelings. Personally, as a soulless black hearted emo, I don't relate. But I tried to emulate the struggle as best as possible.  Hope y'all liked it! :D
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tenortower6-blog · 5 years
American Graffiti At Peanut Butter Jelly, Manly
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The mere mention of one of my favourite foods was enough to make my ears perk up. Peanut Butter Jelly is a brand new bar and restaurant on Whistler and Sydney Streets in Manly. Given the name there are plenty of peanut butter items on the menu, but mainly dessert based. Otherwise there are tacos, baos, burgers and a big side serve of Mexican-American graffiti artist Mister Cartoon or Toons.
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All night long I've been staring at a spray painted woman spilling out of her bikini. That's apparently artist Toon's ex wife. The graffiti artist (known for tattooing celebrities like Eminem, Travis Barker, Slash, Dr. Dre, 50 Cent and Beyoncé) was brought over to Sydney to spend four days spray painting the walls. In total Peanut Butter Jelly used five graffiti artists from Australia and America including Madsteez (NY), Usugrow (TYO), Mayonaize (MEL), Phibs (SYD) and Rone (MEL).
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We enter through the Whistler street entrance which is the more colourful way to enter past the "Mayo-tunnel" and the Don't Be Jelly neon sign to the main part of the restaurant. The Arabic looking writing on the wall is actually in English - if you look at it at the right angle it says Peanut Butter Jelly and the owner's name in script. The restaurant is lined with banquettes on both sides and we slide into one where we stare at cartoon clowns to the thumping music. Service is friendly and personable.
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Clockwise from left: PBJ Whiskey Sour $19, Jelly Belly Lager $8, Peanut Butter Jelly Dessert $18 and Peanut Butter Jelly Jam $18
We start with a round of cocktails. Mr NQN's is a peanut butter whisky sour with peanut butter infused Fireball, lemon, sugar and whites. Louise has a Peanut Butter Jelly Jam with peanut butter infused vodka, Chambord, lemon juice, whites and raspberry jam which is a bit unusual. I like my pick (which is really a dessert) aptly called the Peanut Butter Jelly Dessert with vodka, Frangelico, vanilla syrup blended with ice cream, Nutella and smooth peanut butter. Viggo orders a Jelly Belly Lager.
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Curry Arancini Balls 4 for $16
We asked for some recommendations from our friendly waiter and went with them. The curry arancini balls are appealingly crunchy on the outside and are served with spiced curry mayonnaise and shaved parmesan. They're slightly sweet and I adore the curry mayonnaise on these.
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Popcorn Chicken Tacos 3 for $18
So while most restaurants don't mind upsizing a dish to add another one because there are four dining apparently Peanut Butter Jelly do not do that. So Louise and I shared a popcorn chicken tortilla with chopped deep fried chicken, charred leek, lettuce and a habanero relish in a toasted flour tortilla. It's quite nice-Mr NQN's favourite dish of the night although I could not really taste any of the habanero relish in this and I would have loved some heat.
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Pork Belly Baos 3 for $15
Again we weren't able to get four of these per serve so we made do with three. They're soft baos filled with a slice of roasted pork belly, Asian salad, soy garlic and ginger in a bao. By now we've eaten a lot of baos. It's a pleasant enough bao.
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Spiced Taters $14
One of my favourite dishes is this simple but delicious potato dish. With smashed, fried potatoes, spiced salt, shaved serrano ham and a delicious smoked chipotle cream I kept searching the bowl for the crispy edged small pieces.
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Charred Cauliflower $18
The charred cauliflower is nice although I like my cauliflower much more charred than this. It is served with a cream satay sauce, roasted peanuts, fresh herbs, eschallots and nam jim.
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Hot Bird Burger $22 + truffle parmesan $4
The hot bird burger is a crunchy butter milk fried chicken thigh fillet, Asian slaw, pickled jalapeños and black sesame mayonnaise and big chunks of iceberg which fell out while eating. It was a bit of a dry burger and the fillet was quite a thin uniformly flat one whereas I love a thick, big gnarly edged, juicy chicken fillets. All burgers come with a side of fries and aioli and we upgrade ours to have truffle parmesan on it.
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S’mores Brownie Bomb $16
There's a bit of a wait for our desserts although our entrees and mains were fast to come out. As expected, the desserts all contain peanut butter and we order three out of the five. The first is a very solid, dense chocolate brownie orb with a creamy chocolate centre. Outside is toasted marshmallow and raspberry powder on top. It's not served warm as it is says it is, it's quite cold and hard which is perhaps why it is a bit hard to eat.
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The Twinkee $18
The Twinkee is like something from a fair. It's a deep fried lime cheesecake ice cream with a crispy batter, a splat of pink sauce and chocolate pearls. The inside is completely liquid once we crack it open whereas if it was a bit more solid it would have been great.
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Chilli Chocolate Crack Pie $18
My favourite was the simplicity of the chocolate pie with a very, very mild hit of chilli and served with a caramel sauce and a miso chantilly cream. I liked the crunchy texture of the base and the chocolate and it was hard to stop at one bite.
So tell me Dear Reader, do you have a favourite graffiti artist? Are you a peanut butter lover too and if so are you team crunchy or smooth?
This meal was independently paid for.
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7 Whistler Street, Manly 02 9977-5511 Mon - Sat 12pm - late Sun 12pm - 10pm peanutbutterjelly.com.au/
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Source: http://www.notquitenigella.com/2018/10/01/peanut-butter-jelly-manly/
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Name/Alias: Ang
Age: 21
Preferred Pronouns: She/Her or They/Them
Timezone: PST
Character Name: Maxine Rosemarie Bautista
Age: 19
Gender: Cisfemale
Pronouns: She/Her
Character’s Occupation: (younger) Cashier at a Museum Gift Shop / (Older) Animator and Freelance Comic Artist
Younger Face Claim: Jane De Leon
Older Face Claim: Anne Curtis Smith
Positive Personality Traits: Outgoing, Free Spirited, Loyal
Negative Personality Traits: Unemotional, Apathetic, Anxious
• Their Involvement: How do you believe your character assisted in the murder? Were they absent, engaged, or numb to it?
Maxine probably involved herself whether or was helping cover it up or making alibis, and on some way maybe assisting in the murder. She’s loyal to a fault, and the fact she’s emotionless makes her a great person to hide the secret. I imagine the entire time she was very calm, too calm. Not shakiness to her voice or a beat skip when asked what happened that night. Her mouth always a straight lime and her face blank. Her only tell would probably be how dead her gaze would’ve been.
• How It Affected Them: Did your character cope well? If yes/no, how did they?  
She’s totally numb outward. To her this is some shit that happened, and being upset isn’t going to fix or change it. But I also see her struggle with that. She already has conflicts over her lack of emotion, so she probably is overwhelmed that literally killing someone and covering it up she doesn’t even flinch. She fears she’s hollowed her heart completely and questions if she has empathy. Which, if she doesn’t, makes her fear what she’s capable of and what she’s not capable of.
• Headcanons: Treat these as an exercise to get to know your character better. Explore their interests, what they were like as a student at Augustus, or merely how they dress. Just write as it comes, and forget the rest.
Omg so Maxine is definitely an art hoe aesthetic. She’s a mix of her signs (Leo/Taurus/Scorpio) - lots of golden yellows, faint blues, and green earthy tones. I somewhat imagine she dresses like @bestdressed but also like a skater. She loves vintage clothes, owns too many vintage windbreakers, shorts, and bomber jackets. Also she only has clothes that make sense in LA weather, she’s always freezing her ass off. Oh she’s also definitely a Vans and Birkenstock’s with socks person. I feel like when she’s older she’s toned it down to a more minimalist look with a splash of color.
Maxine is an artist primarily, she’s loved art since she was a kid. Her mother is a fashion designer (think Anna Wintour) and her father is a former competitive runner now museum curator and art history professor. She’s grown up with it, loves the power it has. As a kid she dreamt about being in LA Union Station and seeing her art somewhere. Tbh I was inspired by @ashlukadraws whose art is on like every bus in LA
She dabbles in photography, sketch, painting, digital art, and sculpture. She’s trying to get into performative art. She’s always sketching people and things.
She’s definitely a skater but also she is? The worst driver. LA she didn’t have to drive much, she barely got her license.
Maxine loves animated movies and anime. They’re the only things that can possibly make her cry easily. Her favorite films are Princess Mononoke, Kiki’s Delivery Service, Only Yesterday, and recently Spider-Man Into the Spidey Verse
Maxine has a not so good relationship with her parents. Her father was quiet, conservative and her mother is a stone cold disciplinarian. However, she was close to her father. He got Maxine into art, supported her in endeavors. But when Maxine was 14, they caught her kissing a girl from her from art class. Her mother for upset, yelled at her she’d go to hell, etc, the whole spiel. But her father didn’t react, just stared at her with his lips pursed together and eyes watching her, never breaking contact. He stopped talking to her and it ruined her.
She wanted a reaction and her parents wouldn’t give it to her. She tried to be the perfect person, did everything she could to get the gay away. Got into bad relationships, ones she didn’t want to get into and did things she didn’t want. Eventually Maxine got to the point of not caring, and started to act out and be the total opposite of what her parents wanted.
( tw sexual assault, abuse) During this time of exploration and rebellion, Maxine got involved in a lot of ad situations – ones she didn’t know how to get out of. She was young and naïve, and the people she was around were older and knew she wouldn’t know any better. She got involved with people who really fucked her up. The trauma was enough to leave her jaded and apathetic, with a distaste and general distrust of people. Sometimes she looks in the mirror and sees how she’s her father’s daughter, where her mother’s blood runs through her. It scares her.
Oh! She identifies as pansexual panromantic. Like Maxine is super gay. But I also think she’s more in love with people and their souls rather than gender.
Her drink of choice is vodka raspberry. She smokes cigarettes like it’s no one’s business.
Maxine is however, despite her anger, a very huge beam of light. She smiles bright and she’s touchy as hell, and she’s blunt and honest but she means every (especially the kind things) genuinely. She loves to have fun, work on art, and see people talk about their passions. I think she wants to be happy, but the past is what’s holding her back.
Ok so older Maxine though? A hot ass mess. I think she’s like in the cycle of her destruction where she hooks up with older people who wreck her or gets into healthy relationships that literally NEVER LAST because Maxine destroys them. But she loves it and hates it – she mostly does it to feel something. I literally do not think she’s cried since she was like in college.
( tw suicide/drug abuse) I think the smoking turned into heavier drug habits. Again she just wants to feel something. I think Tessa’s death will really hit her because she has been close to ending her life and the fact Tessa did? It’s terrifying
Maxine previously was an art director for a fashion magazine her mom worked for. I feel like she did it to do the whole perfect daughter thing – but when she realized she’d never be enough she quit. I imagine her breaking point was an engagement to some guy her mother set up. She didn’t to try and be a storyboard artist for animation, which she enjoys a lot. She does a lot of art on the side, draws a lot of comics about her trauma (I imagine her sending them to magazines like The Lily). I think she’s just trying to get out of this cycle of trauma by her 30s
If have any ideas or questions regarding the universe, include them here. If you have any graphics, playlists, moodboards, or aesthetics for your character, feel free to link those here as well. I have a pinterest board for her! https://www.pinterest.com/angdidthat/characters-who-need-homes/m-bautista/
But like some general songs that inspired Maxine – Paul – Big Thief // Liability (Reprise) – Lorde // Pure Handjob – Japanese Breakfast // Road Head – Japanese Breakfast // feelings are fatal - mxmtoon
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