siriuslyyyyblck · 4 years
Young Remus x female reader! Requested by @themissinghippogriff
Sorry this took so long, I’m still working 40 hours a week so I only had time after work to work on this. Also I hope this is okay??? I’m planning on doing multiple based on what you sent me!!
Warnings: none! Remus x female reader friends to lovers! Some butt touches, kissing, flufffffff.
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Remus x female reader fluff
You and Remus had been friends since you’d met on the train to Hogwarts 2 years ago, and though you had been sorted into Hufflepuff and he’d been sorted to Gryffindor, you always remained close.
You had always had a soft spot for Remus, and when he wasn’t with the marauders he was with you in the library, or down by the lake, or even sitting in the Hufflepuff common room enjoying the calm. Your relationship with Remus was unique, to say the least.
Over the last two years your relationship with Remus really had changed and evolved into something much deeper than any normal friendship, and you had known for quite some time that your feelings for Remus were evolving into something deeper.
You sat in the Hufflepuff common room quietly reading a book and sipping a cup of tea. The weather was beginning to shift to colder weather and with the windows open you could feel a cool breeze sweeping in from the school grounds. Remus was laying down, his feet propped up across your legs, holding a book up up as he read. The quite murmuring from around your common room and the fire crackling in the corner left you feeling tired. As you yawned, Remus set his book on the floor next to him and propped himself up on his elbows.
“Are you tired, y/n,” he asked.
“Yeah, I think I need a nap,” you sighed.
“Aw, you really want to nap right now? It’s so nice out, let’s go on a walk on the grounds,” he said.
You groaned and let your head fall forward, “you know I can’t say no to you, this is unfair.”
Remus laughed at you, swinging his legs off of your lap, and standing up in front of you. He stuck his hand out, waiting for you to grab hold of it so he could pull you to your feet.
You reached your hand out and let him pull you to your feet. As you stood up, you looked up at Remus and noticed he was already looking at you. You felt a blush creep up on to your cheeks and asked, “what are you looking at?”
He smiled back at you, “you. Is that okay?”
You were slightly taken aback, but nodded your approval anyways. Remus was never quite so outspoken, but you weren’t going to question him.
He turned and started walking to your portrait hole, your hand still in his, the blush now creeping even further up your face. You were certain you looked identical to a tomato, but the feeling of your hand in Remus’ was too good to pass up.
As you made your way to the grounds Remus slowed down to match our pace, still not letting go of your hand. The grounds were beautiful, the breeze lightly sweeping the leaves off the trees and across the grass. Remus made a beeline for the lake, stopping under a tree and sitting down to lean against its trunk. You remained standing, his hand still holding your own.
“Rem-I don’t want to sit down here, it’s muddy,” you said.
He didn’t say anything, just looked up at you and tugged on you arm. You weren’t prepared for him to pull you down so you fell down on top of him.
“Woah, Remus. Let me move, I don’t want to squish you.”
He paused, “why would you squish me?”
“Oh please Remus, my thighs alone could squish you,” you laughed.
He made a funny face, but placed his hand on your thigh. “I like your thighs,” he said quietly.
Once again, you were caught off guard.
“What has gotten into you today?” you questioned.
He cleared his throat, “well I want to talk to you about something, actually.”
You could hear your heartbeat in your ears, but replied, “okay...”
Remus took this as permission to continue talking.
“Well. We’ve known each other for a while now, and I would like to think we get on really well. And I like spending time with you, and I know I’m great to be around,” he paused as you laughed lightly at him.
“I guess what I’m trying to say, or rather ask you, was if you’d like to be my girlfriend...” he trailed off, his eyes searching your face for any sort of hint into what you were thinking.
You felt dizzy, like your wildest dreams were manifesting before your eyes.
You thought back on all the times you had wanted to shout your feelings for Remus.
The time you’d been studying in the library and he’d come in to find you piled deep in books, rolls of parchment filled with various homework assignments. He sat down next to you but you were so deep in thought that you hadn’t even heard him calling your name. Only when he brushed your knee with his hand did you realize he was there. It felt like your knee was on fire for hours. He sat closer to you, your knee brushing his every so often, his eyes lingering on your face longer than he usually did. Everything was so subtle, but it felt so deliberate. At the time you wrote it off. It seemed far too good to be true. You’d gone to bed that night thoroughly confused. You remember dreaming about what a relationship with Remus would feel like.
Then there was the time in Potions when you had to watch Professor Slughorn make Amorentia and you were certain you could smell Remus’ shampoo...and was that...the familiar scent of chocolate? Yes, it was. It was unmistakable. But then you smelled the old books. It was like a scene playing out in your head. Your head was swimming in a fog, you could see yourself walking into the library, past the piles of books, you turned a corner and there he was, leaning back in his chair, his eyes fixed to the page. You only snapped out of your weird dream like state when Remus came over to ask what the Amortentia potion smelled like. At the time you told him it hadn’t smelled like anything. You thought, for a moment that he looked disappointed, but he quickly changed pace, telling you that he smelled James’ house during the summer. You smiled, still thrown off by what you smelled.
Now here he sat, telling you exactly what you’d been hoping to hear for so long. You weren’t sure what to say or do. Obviously you wanted to say yes, but the words wouldn’t move from your brain to your mouth.
Before you could stop yourself your hands were reaching up to hold his face, leaning in and kissing him. Your heart still pounding, his arms wrapping around your waist, your hands tangling themselves in his hair. Mouths moving together, lips parting, tongues hesitantly touching at first, then abandoning all worries and getting lost in the feeling of each other.
You finally pulled apart and Remus let his hands fall to gently cup your bum. You giggled, “I could get used to you touching my bum.”
He laughed, “so does that mean you’ll be my girlfriend then?”
“Of course, Remus, I would love to be your girlfriend. It took you long enough to ask me. I’ve been waiting for ages.”
“It’s not like you were very forthcoming about your feelings, y/n,” he teased.
You scrunched your nose a him, leaning forward to hug him. Remus buried his face in your neck, breathing deeply. The trail of kisses he left on your neck made you feel warm, your breath getting caught in your throat.
“You’re going to have to stop that, Remus,” you groaned.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish,” you mumbled.
Remus pulled away you, obviously confused. “What?”
“You heard me, that feels too good,” you laughed.
He stared at you, astonished. You winked at him and started to stand up, “c’mon. I have homework to do.”
His face red, he smiled at you and stood up, reaching for your hand and lacing your fingers together.
“Don’t act so shocked. I may be a girl, but that doesn’t mean I’m good all the time,” you told him.
He laughed, shaking his head, “I feel like I still have so much more to learn about you.”
The walk back to the castle was a quiet one, your hands interlaced, Remus looking at you every so often, and you looking back at him smiling.
You were sure you loved him, even then.
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siriuslyyyyblck · 5 years
hi i’m a new blog and i’d like to start writing imagines/fics/blurbs etc.
i’d like to write anything with the sirius, remus, or james. i’ll do specific names or just y/n. if you have a prompt you want written i’ll do that too. i just rlly wanna write again.
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