lolabrink-blog · 6 years
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lolacola​​  Just discovered this. Am I late to the party? Sooooo gooooood. #amazingworkfinds
♥ 68        💬  19
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lolabrink-blog · 6 years
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Lily James by Richard Phibbs for Harper’s Bazaar UK April 2018
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lolabrink-blog · 6 years
“Unfortunately.”He confirmed, though he got the idea that it wasn’t really a conversation topic that she wanted to explore. Which was fine with him, he wasn’t much for discussing politics with people he hardly knew. “That warms my heart, truly. And it’s probably good, because I rarely eat them, I’m a much better cook than most people.”
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"And I’m a much worse cook than most people,” she said with a chuckle. It really was true and she did not exaggerate. Lola wasn’t sure whether she should take a seat beside him on the stoop, or if that was being overly familiar, so she stayed standing, bag hoisted up her shoulder. “I really should learn one of these days, but my momma’s caretaker, she makes food a ‘lotta the time. And it’s really amazin’, her cooking.” 
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lolabrink-blog · 6 years
“No, you fucking idiot,” he replied, trying to maintain his straight face despite her curtseying. “Because people are stupid enough to pay me a shit ton of money for drawing some badass cartoons, that’s why.” Hearing her order, however, it was difficult not to raise an eyebrow, but instead of saying anything, he simply changed his order, making it two. “In this scenario, am I your wife or your dog, ‘cause I’m not so sure either one isn’t insulting.” Handing over the cash in exchange for their drinks, he pushed one in Lola’s direction, motioning to a toast. “So, why the long day?”
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His insult drew a loud, unladylike snort from her, pulling the attention of a man sitting across from them. Their drinks were brought and Lola stole a sip, revelling in the sharp taste of the whiskey mixing with the coke, jolting her awake some more. “Maybe both. Your hair’s gonna be longer’n mine one of these days, so you could be the wife. And I’m pretty sure you were a puppy dog in your past life too, so.” She took another long sip, a break in her nonsensical speech, and set the glass down. “We had inventory day at the record store. A whole lotta movin’ stuff around, haulin’ boxes all day. And then, I got locked in a recording booth at the radio station for like, two hours. That was fun. But enough about my sitcom life, how was ‘yer day?”
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lolabrink-blog · 6 years
Micah chuckled at the sigh, “I’m sorry, but it’s actually a good one - I promise. And I’ll buy snacks, if that help. I can bake a cheesecake?” Okay, maybe that was mostly for his own sake. “And you get points - a few of them,” he added with a smirk. Of course Lola already had all the points in Micah’s book. She couldn’t do much wrong, even when she was clueless about Brando. His expression became more serious when she brought up her concerns about work, “Wow, is it that bad with her? She’s worse than I thought, that’s almost impressive.”
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"We could bake it together? Maybe I’d learn somethin’ this time.” That’s what she said every time, though. Maybe it was time to admit to herself he was just gifted in the kitchen, and Lola wasn’t. But Micah was somehow talented at everything he put his mind to, and that made her both proud as a friend and a little envious. “Well, I dunno,” she said, making a face. It was hard to quantify her relationship with Ione. “Sometimes it’s alright. Then other times she says these things, but she’s said them a few times now and I ain’t been fired yet. So maybe she’s just sayin’ 'em to keep me bringin’ my A-game or somethin’.” It was a possibility.
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lolabrink-blog · 6 years
Ione looked up when a frazzled voice sounded from the door and began apologizing. “Did you drive two blocks to get coffee?” she asked, raising a brow at Lola’s excuse, “Think of the environment.” She still took the coffee and managed a grateful smile, which grew stronger as she realized this was actual good coffee. “I actually sent them off already - don’t worry about it,” she stressed, figuring Lola would freak out upon realizing there had been no coffee, “They weren’t coffee drinkers anyway, and they were early and very efficient, so we didn’t really need you here after all… but we’ll still pay for your time.”
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She had no answer for that one, usually one to take her bike around to commute everywhere, despite the fact she had a car. But today she had wanted to be on time and cut corners. She looked somewhat crestfallen as Ione delivered the news, letting out both a sigh of relief and disappointment — in herself, of course. “Awe, shoot. I was really lookin’ forward to hearin’ them.” No matter what guest, no matter how mundane the subject-matter, like these two with their city council plans and zoning permits, Lola always wanted to be present.
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lolabrink-blog · 6 years
At Lola’s words, Evan tilted his head for a moment, curiously, taking it all in. “I’m not sure about that,” he answered, a soft chuckle escaping him. “Maybe a couple of years ago…” He always seemed a little young for coming out with things like that, but really, he’d gone through his rebellious partying stage rather early.
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Lola raised a brow, a little curious. “Whaddya mean?” Did he go out of his way to avoid parties? It made her curious about his reasonings, for sure.
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lolabrink-blog · 6 years
He stared at the map on his phone, twisting it this way and that, his body changing directions as he did, trying to figure out where the fuck he was. “Excuse me,” he said stopping someone on the sidewalk, “You wouldn’t happen to know where city hall is, would you?” There was paperwork to be filed and things for him to do for his job but for the life of him, he had no idea where it was located. One would have expected the map on his phone to be helpful but apparently, it was lacking. 
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“Well that depends,” Lola said, slowing her bike and eventually bringing it to a stop, feet going out on either side. "If you want the actual buildin’ or the temporary buildin’. Cause the actual building is that-a-way, but they’re renovatin’ so all the offices are shut. Confusing, I know.” 
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lolabrink-blog · 6 years
80’s song of the Day, Black - Wonderful Life (1987)
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lolabrink-blog · 6 years
“As if I’d ever make you pay,” he replied, rolling his eyes with a nod to the doorman. “I’m not much but I’ve got manners.” A low, throaty laugh escaped him at Lola’s comment. It was the sort of dark human he appreciated, though he tried to reign in the ‘death would be a break’ jokes. “You could just get knocked down in the UK, would we need to pay health care bills if we were over there?” He didn’t travel much outside the US and couldn’t confirm, though he didn’t mind. Taking a seat at the bar, Xander clapped his hands against it, peering across at the bottles decorating the back wall. “I’m going big - Jack Daniels and coke please. And for the lady…?”
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"Why? Cause I’m a lady?” she said, nearly going the full length and doing a mock curtsey. He was right, she felt a little more awake simply by virtue of being in the bar; a little more alert. Lola didn’t hesitate when it came her turn to order. “I’ll have a Jack and coke too. Oh wait, make it a double,” she said, with enough of a challenging brow wag aimed at Xander to hint that she was feeling adventurous. “What? I had a long day. That’s what grown folks do when they’ve had a long day, right? Grab a beer and nag at their wife and dog.” 
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lolabrink-blog · 6 years
“It happens everywhere.” He assured her. He’d spent the majority of his life in both New York and San Diego, and received the same reactions in both of those places. Father’s were not supposed to be good parents. And it mostly came from the soccer moms and so-called progressive people. “Yeah well, after a year and a half of casseroles and people trying to set me up on dates to find a mother for my children, telling people to stick it up their ass gets a little old.”
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"Does it...” Lola said, more meant as a quiet little aside to herself than anything else.  His upfront manner about things as well as light-heartedness earned a chuckle off of Lola. “Well I promise and cross my heart, hope to die, that I’ll never try to set you up on any kind of date. With or without casseroles.” 
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lolabrink-blog · 6 years
“Party? Who’s throwing a party?” It wasn’t often you heard about anything like that in Ormont, at least, not that Evan ever noticed. 
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"Adam, guy who works with me at the record store,” Lola explained. “It’ll be crowded and stankin’ of weed. I mean, unless you wanna go? It’s open invitation,” she said as she yawned. Part of her was curious about it, he had made it sound like it would be a good time. 
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lolabrink-blog · 6 years
“My treat!” he grinned toothily, throwing an arm around her shoulders and directing her back to the bar he’d just left seconds ago to catch her. “If you fall asleep, I’ll carry you back to your place myself. Or I’ll fall and bust both our skulls open. Either or.”
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"It better be!” Lola jokingly threatened, though in reality, she was always happy to go fifty-fifty. Re-persuaded, she let Xander steer her into the bar, the doorman waiving them inside as he knew Lola and had checked her ID about a dozen times. “Honestly, do it and put me out of my misery,” Lola said, her jokes sometimes veering into dark territory. “But then I’d probably wake with a huge headache and even more huge hospital bill, so that would just be even more misery.” The bar wasn’t packed, but it was certainly full tonight. “So what’re we drinking?” 
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lolabrink-blog · 6 years
It wasn’t like him to be quite so social, but with a bonus in his pay cheque, Xander was more than willing to celebrate. “Come on, Brinks,” he begged, hands held out. “Just one drink - come celebrate with me.”
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Lola sighed, always one to be easily won over. “Alright. Fine. It’s a cause for celebration.” A bonus was a pretty spectacular thing after all (and one she often dreamed of herself). “But if I fall asleep, you’re callin’ a cab and shoving me in it.” 
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lolabrink-blog · 6 years
“Okay, I was exaggerating, only, like, one fourth of the couch,” Tristen grinned, but it was true. One day when he’d gotten home, there had just been tons and tons of foam and shredded fabric everywhere. “Thank you,” he mused as she approved his name choice. “Don’t underestimate yourself, those are pretty dope actually. I just had my mind set on 90s East Coast rappers.”
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"Oh! There’s also Tim Dog,” she said with a smile looking up, when he mentioned East Coast rappers of the nineties. “Timmy.” She said the name like she was trying it on for the pup, scratching him behind his ears some more. He panted, wagging his tail. “I think a quarter of a couch ain’t that much of a price to pay for a darlin’ like this.”
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lolabrink-blog · 6 years
He fought a smile. He was the guy known for being overly confident in most things, but when it came to parenting…well, could anyone really be that confident? “Well, you hit it right there. Most people think I can’t do it right just because I’m dad.” He told her, shaking his head. “I needed to hear that though.”
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"’Specially here,” Lola murmured. She wasn’t sure how it was up north, but down here it felt like men and women still had very distinct ‘roles’ in society. Stuff Lola very much tried to ignore, but you always got a healthy dose of it speaking to older residents. “You should just do ‘yer thing, and if anyone tries to be judgmental, you can tell ‘em to stick it up their ass. Or think it, anyway,” she added with a tiny smile. 
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lolabrink-blog · 6 years
“Alright, that’s it - I’m gonna make you watch it. Soon. You don’t even know it’s Brando, and that’s unacceptable.” He shook his head at her. Micah wasn’t the biggest movie buff or anything, but when he liked something, he really liked it. And this was a favorite. “Guess that’s true… I just don’t trust the country club ladies anymore. They’re weird, Lola. You’re lucky you only have to deal with the bossy radio lady.“
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She couldn’t help the sigh that slipped her, if only because sitting through films, especially old films, wasn’t exactly her favorite. But luckily for her, the older the film, the shorter it was, so maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.  "I know he’s in the Godfather. Gimme some points,” Lola pointed out. “Lucky? Please. I keep thinking every day I’m one day away from gettin’ fired. It’s no walk in the park either.”  
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