#Rap Beat Bundle
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puckinghischier · 2 months ago
thinking about comforting nico during this weird playing period.. he comes home upset and frustrated with not only the team but with himself.
he’d be so mopey, just kind of dragging around, not really saying much. mumbled answers to your questions, saying he’s not hungry, no input on what to watch. he’d kind of just go lay in your shared bedroom, headphones-in-and-staring-at-the-wall, kind of mopey.
you’d pad softly into the room, knowing you had to bust him out of the slump somehow. he had every right to be frustrated and upset, but you hated seeing your bright boy so down and dark.
he’d have his head leaned back with his eyes closed, legs stretched out in front of him with his hands resting clasped on his stomach. you softly crawl onto the bed to sit cross-legged beside of him. you poke at his soft belly a few times to get his attention.
peeking one eye open, he raises his head and removes one ear bud.
“what’s up?” he flatly asks, so unlike himself.
you smile at his fuzzy hair, his lack of properly drying it before slipping a beanie over it to leave the rink evident.
“let’s go for a drive,” you propose.
he scrunches his nose up at your suggestion, not interested in the slightest at getting back out into the cold air and riding around the city he keeps disappointing.
“not really in the mood,” he shakes his head, going to put the bud back in his ear until you grab his arm.
“please?” you give him your pouty eyes, hoping they’ll work now just like they do every other time.
reluctantly he agrees, tossing a sweatshirt on and covering his messy hair with a hat.
you bundle up yourself, slipping on a pair of comfy shoes before meeting him at the door, his hand reaching for the keys resting on the hook on the wall.
your hand beats his, though, grabbing his car keys before he can.
“you’re passenger princess tonight, bud”
he rolls his eyes, holding open the door so your smug self can walk out, making your way down to the drafty parking garage and seating yourself in the drivers seat of his lush mercedes.
pulling out of the garage, you turn the radio on to play whatever he was listening to last, some swiss rap you couldn’t understand the words to playing softly through the speakers. nico isn’t talking, just looking at the various lights and buildings as you drive through the quiet city.
most of the traffic from the game is already dispersed, giving you an easy ride to the mystery destination you didn’t tell him about.
you half expect him to figure it out based on your pattern of turns and familiar surroundings, but he must really be in his head, because when you park his car on the street outside of your destination, he’s still staring, unaware that the car even stopped moving.
“hey, neeks, come back to me,” you softly touch his arm, startling him a bit.
he looks over at you, almost like he forgot where he was, relaxing once his brain registered there was no threat. just you, looking over at him sweetly, as you always do.
“sorry, got lost thinking,” he mumbles, a little embarrassed. you smile at his accent shining on “thinking”, the subtle slip of his lips when pronouncing the word one of your favorite things about him
“s’alright. we’re here, though, so we gotta get out of the car.”
his thick eyebrows furrow in confusion, turning to look out the window to figure out where “here” is.
once he sees the familiar logo on the building right next to your parking spot, he looks back over at you.
“are they even still open?” he asks you, his tone lifting in a hopeful tone you haven’t heard for days.
you shake your head yes, trying not to grin like an idiot as his small show of excitement. “called them before we left, asked if they’d stay open a little bit longer for a special customer.”
the small, swiss owned bakery was somewhere you and nico had found on one of his few days off, simply setting out to explore the city with no plan in mind. on your lengthy walk, the sky had unexpectedly opened up, drenching both of you to your core. you ran into the closest storefront you could find, needing cover from the downpour.
the second your soaked figures trampled into the store, you were met with some of the most delicious smells you’d ever encountered in your life. the small space was empty, other than a plump older woman cleaning a display case of some of the most delicious looking pastries you’d ever seen.
“oh je!” the woman exclaimed when she saw the state of the two of you.
you thought the expression has sounded familiar, but couldn’t place it before she started speaking again.
“oh you poor kids, please, come sit, let me get you something to dry yourself,” the woman insisted, pulling out a couple of chairs at a small table, rushing off to find something dry to give you.
you heard her voice conversing with someone, a language you definitely had heard before, while you took your seat in the wooden chair.
she came back out to the two of you with warm dish towels, allowing you to at least rid your face of the excess water. nico was eyeing her suspiciously as she was bumbling about her husband making both of you a hot tea and something warm to snack on with it.
when he started speaking swiss german to her, you had no clue what was being said, but you loved the way he melted into being able to use his native language with someone who understood him and spoke it back. a tall, thin old man came out of seemingly nowhere in the middle of their conversation, two mugs of tea in hand.
the older man joined right in their conversation, his kind face just as excited as nico seemed to be.
the two of you ended up sitting in the small bakery for longer than anticipated, the rain long gone before you made your exit. the conversation had eventually switched back to english, the woman explaining how they had moved to the states many years ago, their dream of owning a bakery in the city finally coming to fruition a couple of years ago.
nico was amazed at the selection of swiss desserts they had, and praised their recipes as being reminiscent of his mothers. the couple insisted you take a whole hoard of stuff home, wanting nico to have a piece of home to enjoy.
the hidden gem ended up being a frequent weekend destination for you and nico, making a visit at least once a week when he’s home. the shop was so small and off the beaten path that nico never had to worry about someone spotting him there, going and sitting and conversing with his new friends for hours as you sat and watched their animated conversations.
you even found yourself frequenting the bakery on your own when nico was gone for any length of time, needing your own pastry fix. always being welcomed with open arms, you never left without a special pastry just for nico to have when he returned home.
which is what lead you here tonight, wanting to bring him even the smallest bit of comfort you could.
“schätz, did you really?” he uses the term of endearment you loved the most, having heard the shop owner utter it to his wife several times during your visits. “you shouldn’t have, they need their rest.”
you roll your eyes at his insistence on never wanting someone go to any extra lengths for him. he never wants anyone to be inconvenienced for his sake, even during times like these when he deserves to be made to feel special.
“hush, they insisted on it. you know how they are, too stubborn for their own good,” you wave off his concern, the concerned tone of the woman fresh in your mind when you called and explained the situation. “they even told me they were making something extra special for you tonight, so i hope you’re hungry after all that skating.”
nico doesn’t react to your words, staring at you so intently you were beginning to squirm at the gaze.
sensing your shift in body language, nico breaks the loud silence of the car.
“i love you, you know that?”
you giggled at his words, because of course you know that. he tells you all the time. every day. as often as he can.
“yes, neeks, i know that. and i love you too.”
he shakes his head slightly.
“no, i mean it. i love you so much. you…you always know what to do when i’m being a pouty mess. you never fail to make me feel better by just being you, but when you do things like this, even though i’ve been closed off and pouty this whole week because of the team and how our game is right now, even when i don’t deserve it, you still always manage to know exactly what i need.”
he grabs your hand in the middle of his small speech, needing to touch you so you can feel his words and his sentiments.
“well, you do deserve this. you always do. especially with how things have been going for you lately, because you’re giving it your all, always. and i’m proud of you. win or lose, i’m so proud of you, nico.”
you squeeze his hand in yours, emphasizing your point.
nico can’t stand how far away you are from him all of a sudden, reaching over and pulling your face across the console to meet his, consuming himself in you. the feeling of your lips on his melts away any thought in his head about his job and is filled with only you. the taste of your fruity chapstick, the softness of your face in his hands, the smell of your perfume still left over from earlier.
he tries to tease your lips open with a swipe of his tongue, but you give a small laugh as you pull yourself back.
“alright now, can’t be doing all that, now. you’ve got a hot, home cooked swiss meal waiting on you i promised some very eager people you’d be by to try ten minutes ago. don’t want them to think we flaked, do you?”
“oh god, i hope it’s traditional fondue,” he groans at the idea. “i’m sorry, baby, but this american version is shit, and i can’t pretend to like it anymore,” he completely switches up on you, taken over by the thought of food, completely unaware you’d already expressed to the owners how it was his favorite, a hot pot of the cheesy dish awaiting him behind the door he’s speeding towards.
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conretewings · 4 months ago
A Good Name 🌟
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-Set some months after the trio's conversation that night at the bar, the guys get a visit from their friend..and new companion. My heart is broken and I need some fluffy healing okay I really wanted to write a thing with Vander meeting baby Vi sue me.
A light rapping at the door makes Vander look up and Silco glance over his shoulder. They weren't open, and unexpected knocks usually came with some sort of headache or trouble.
They catch each other's gaze in a silent question of if they should answer, and whom if so. Silco's pen hovers above the ledger in front of him, brow raised a measure, his glass-green eyes sharp and steady. They dart towards the sound before meeting Vander's again, his head tilting slightly. Vander nods and reflexively rolls his shoulders, stepping around the table he was cleaning and takes a couple steps forward when there's a second knock-only this time it comes in a very distinctive, two-three-two pattern and both men are instantly fully alert.
Vander makes it to the door in a few hurried strides, undoing the locks and throwing it open to have two people dart inside. Closing it again he whirls and steps toward them, Silco also approaching now.
"Felicia, Connol!" he huffs, irate and concerned all at once, "We haven't heard from you in over a week! We were starting to think-"
She whips a hand forward and presses a finger to his lips, "Shhhhh...she's dozing-oh, not anymore."
It's then a small, thin cry is heard, the sound suddenly the only one in the room, and certainly not normally heard.
Vander and Silco freeze for a moment before the larger man barely finds his voice, "Is...did you..?"
Felicia rolls her eyes with a smirk, "Sorry guys. Been a little preoccupied."
Pulling aside the loose cloak she wore, she turns to reveal a wide piece of fabric wound around herself, and securely bound in the middle, cradled against her chest, was a tiny, wiggly bundle. Connol smiles broadly, weaving an arm around her shoulders, "Mates, meet our daughter."
As if knowing she was being talked about, the infant's wriggling increases and she turns her head, topped with a fluff of pinkish-red hair and gapes at the adults with brilliant, sky-blue eyes.
There's a beat of silence, save for the newborn's whimpers and soft cries, as if the reverence and significance for this moment was an unspoken agreement. Felicia tenderly brushes her fingers across her cheek and the puff of hair, a soft, peaceful smile on her face.
It's Silco who breaks the quiet with a simple, understated, "Ah...I see." still at a loss how to properly react to the situation.
"Lookit her...so small..." Vander breathes, moving closer, a lopsided grin slowly growing, "Hello there little one...lemme be the first to welcome you here though eh, it'll be a bit before you're a customer yeah?"
Connol rolls his eyes with a snort, yet Silco's face hardens just the slightest degree, "Not that I'm questioning your judgement, however is it not incredibly risky to whisk a newborn all the way here?"
"We know the best routes, and besides, this is about the safest place she could possibly be." answers Felicia.
Connol nods, "Ain't no better spot than the one that means so much to us all. It's practically our home, and we felt there'd be no better for ya to meet her."
Silco clears his throat with an understanding nod in return, a smile playing at his lips as he turns and steps back toward the bar, "Well then. I do believe congratulations are in order. How old is she?"
"Five days now," Felicia answers as she and Connol go to sit at a nearby table, readjusting the sling so she can hold her on her shoulder, "And already giving me sass!"
Vander laughs, a bright, warm laugh that bounces off the walls before he sits with them, "I don't know what you expected, bein' the result of you two!"
"Oy man what's that supposed to mean?" says Connol with feigned indignation and a smirk.
Silco joins the group then, carrying a tray with several glasses-and one deep blue tumbler. He passes a glass to each of the men, then with a little flourish and gallant bow, sets the cup in front of Felicia, who laughs and does a slight bow in return.
"A toast then. Congratulations to the new parents, to your new addition, and many hopes for the future..." says Silco proudly, raising his glass, and the others follow suit.
"Oh! Right!" Vander snaps his fingers, "So, what's her name then?"
Felicia catches his eye, a glimmer both sly and yet softened with pride in her own, "Violet, of course."
Vander freezes, mouth half open in disbelief, feeling his heart leap, having to set his glass down before he dropped it, "...What?"
"You heard me." she grins, Connol adding, "We talked about it, considered others, but we kept coming back around and decided...Violet is a good name."
Swallowing thickly, Vander takes a moment before responding, "I...don't know what to say..."
Silco shakes his head with a smile, patting the larger man's shoulder, "I think he means he's honored."
"Of course I am, just also...wow. I didn't think..." Vander laughs, much more softly, running a hand through his hair, "Violet. Yeah."
Felicia turns so the newborn is facing them, "Say hello to your uncles Vander and Silco, Violet! They look like dorks, and they can be, but I'll tell you something...there's no one who cares about us down here as much, who'll fight harder for us, who will love you more, besides me and your pa, then these two."
The baby stares at them, and Vander is surprised to feel tears pricking the corners of his eyes, "Hello, Violet...what your mum said is true. No matter what happens, we've got ya."
Noticing, Silco breaks into a mocking grin, "Oh dear dear what's this? Is the great Hound of the Underground actually crying?"
"Shut it. It's dusty in here." grumbles Vander, yet unable to hide his own grin. All laugh, then the conversation carries on...
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sherewrytes · 10 months ago
ℂℝ𝕌𝕊𝕀ℕ', 𝓒 𝓼𝓹𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓻
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The soft hum of city life buzzed around you as you adjusted the strap of your Diesel purse on your shoulder. The night air was cool, tinged with the faint scent of freshly baked pretzels from a nearby food cart. Neon signs flickered, casting vibrant colors onto the sidewalk as you made your way to the entrance of The Vibe, an exclusive club in the heart of downtown L.A. Your heart pounded with excitement and a hint of nervousness. Tonight was a big night for Connie, your boyfriend of six months, as he was set to perform his new single for the first time.
The bouncer nodded at you, recognizing you immediately. Being a top fashion model for Ony’s girlfriend’s new and upcoming fashion label, Xera, had its perks. You smiled back, offering a polite nod before slipping inside. The interior of The Vibe was a kaleidoscope of flashing lights and pulsing music, a perfect blend of chaos and harmony. You scanned the crowd, spotting familiar faces and a few industry moguls. Connie’s performance tonight was more than just a gig; it was a potential launchpad to stardom.
As you made your way to the VIP section, you couldn't help but reflect on how far you and Connie had come in such a short time. You were once just a graphic and web designer, content with your creative world behind the screen. Then Ony had introduced you to his girlfriend, Delle Ceasar, and suddenly, you were thrust into the glitz and glamour of the fashion world. Meeting Connie at one of Xera’s fashion shows had been serendipitous. His charisma, talent, and genuine nature had drawn you in from the moment you laid eyes on him.
"Y/N!" a familiar voice called out, snapping you from your reverie. You turned to see Ony making his way towards you, a grin plastered on his face. His arm was draped over the shoulders of his girlfriend, Delle, who wore one of her latest Xera creations. They looked like the ultimate power couple.
"Hey, Ony! Hey, Delle!" you greeted them, exchanging hugs. "Y’all ready for Connie’s big night?"
"Absolutely," Ony replied, his eyes twinkling with excitement. "This is just the beginning for him. And for you too, Y/N. Y’all like the ultimate dream team."
Delle nodded in agreement. "You’ve been his rock, Y/N. He’s lucky to have you."
You smiled, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. "Thanks, y’all. I’m just glad to be here for him."
As the night wore on, you found yourself by Connie’s side backstage. He was pacing, a bundle of nerves and energy, his usual confident demeanor slightly shaken. You placed a hand on his arm, stopping his frantic movements.
"Hey, babe," you said softly, looking into his eyes. "You got this. I believe in you."
Connie stopped, taking a deep breath. "Thanks, Y/N. I just… this is huge, you know? don’t wanna mess it up."
"You won’t," you assured him. "You’ve worked so hard for this. Just go out there and do what you do best. I’ll be right here, cheerin' you on."
He pulled you into a tight embrace, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "What did I do to deserve you?"
You laughed, the sound light and filled with love. "You just be you, Connie. That’s more than enough."
The moment finally arrived. The lights dimmed, and the crowd’s chatter hushed to a murmur. You stood in the wings, your heart pounding in time with the opening beats of Connie’s new single Mister Misfit. He stepped onto the stage, the spotlight catching the gleam of determination in his eyes. As he began to rap, the words flowed effortlessly, his voice commanding and raw. The audience was captivated, swaying and nodding to the rhythm.
You watched, pride swelling in your chest. This was Connie’s moment, and he was seizing it with everything he had. The connection you felt with him was undeniable, a bond that had only grown stronger over the past six months. As he finished his performance, the crowd erupted into applause, and you couldn’t help but let out a cheer of your own.
Connie looked over, his eyes finding yours in the sea of faces. He smiled, a genuine, heartfelt smile that spoke volumes. This was just the beginning, not only for his career but for the journey you were on together.
Connie walked off the stage in the nightclub straight backstage to you and scooped you up in his arms. "Thanks for being here Ma. If you weren't I'd choke up there." You giggled as her spun you around. You say Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Ony and his bf walking up to greet Connie on his performance. Connie put you down to dap up both Eren and Ony
"Got to say man Con' I was a lil worried about this new single since it's a bit different than your usual shit. Most people don't dabble with new sounds this early on." Armin said to Connie.
Armin came from big family of the largest record company Paradia Records were all his friends were signed to with more than favorable record deals.
Connie rolled his eyes, taking the blunt from Eren's hand to spark it and take a drag "Yah man, told you and your old ass fam I know my shit when it comes to music" Armin laughed knowing Connie was right.
Everyone left backstage and headed to the VIP section of Mikasa's family nightclub The Vibe to turn up.
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After the show, you found yourselves cruising through the city in his blacked-out Corvette, the night alive with possibilities. "Differences" by Ginuwine played softly from the speakers, a fitting soundtrack to the evening. Connie reached over, entwining his fingers with yours.
"Thank you for believin' in me, Y/N," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "I couldn’t have done this without you."
You squeezed his hand, looking at him with all the love you felt in your heart. "And I couldn’t imagine bein' anywhere else. We’re in this together, Connie. Now and always."
The car ride was smooth, the city lights whizzing by as the music filled the silence. Connie glanced at you, his eyes soft and full of unspoken promises. "You know, when I was out there tonight, all I could think about was you. How you’ve been there for me through all the grind, all the late nights. You my ride or die, Y/N."
You smiled, your heart swelling with emotion. "And you mine. Ain’t nothin’ we can’t handle together."
He chuckled, a deep, rich sound that sent shivers down your spine. "Remember that time you stayed up with me all night, helpin’ me write those lyrics? Man, you had some bars! I was like, damn, my girl got talent."
You laughed, remembering the night vividly. "Well, I do what I can. We make a good team, don’t we?"
"The best," he agreed, his grip on your hand tightening for a moment. "I ain’t never had nobody like you, Y/N. You different."
The words of Ginuwine's "Differences" seemed to echo his sentiment, the lyrics weaving a tapestry of your journey together. As the car cruised down the highway, the cityscape morphing into quieter suburbs, you felt a sense of peace settle over you. This was your life now, a mix of hustle and heart, dreams and determination.
"You know," Connie said after a while, his voice soft, "I been thinkin’... we should celebrate tonight. Just you and me. Get away from all this for a minute. How about we head to that little spot by the lake? The one you love so much."
Your eyes lit up at the suggestion. "That sounds perfect. Just us, some good music, and the stars. Ain’t no better way to celebrate."
Connie smiled, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Then it’s a date. Let’s get outta here, ma."
As you left the city behind, the road stretching out before you, you felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Life had a funny way of bringing people together, of creating connections that were both unexpected and extraordinary. With Connie by your side, you knew that no matter what the future held, you were ready to face it head-on, together.
The night was still young, and as the two of you cruised towards the lake, the stars shining brightly above, you couldn’t help but feel that this was just the beginning. A story of love, dreams, and the unbreakable bond that tied you and Connie together.
Lemme know if you want this to be a multific
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whiskeyghoul · 10 months ago
Pt.5 || She blinded me with science || [Spencer Reid x Goth!Reader]
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First chapter, Previous chapter, Next chapter
A/N: Get ready for some angst baby. So this is my first time writing something close to angsty. Which means I might not have completely perfected it yet. Then again there needs to be a first for everything. I hope you enjoy reading, and if you do, please let me know. My reqs are also open if people have any ideas they want to see written.
WC: 2,7K
Tags: Mild angst, conflicting feelings, a little hurt/comfort?, alt reader, realizing feelings, I don’t think this chapter is considered fluff. 
Warnings: mentions of anxiety, feeling alone, hinting at past relationships?
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Spencer POV
It was Thursday afternoon when Spencer had returned from a case. It was short, quick, which was nice because he wanted to go back to you. He had tried to call while away, to text you when he had time. Yet for some reason you hardly responded. You were slow to answer texts, the answers always short and quick. You had avoided his calls, when you did pick up they were equally as short as your texts. The tone was distant and a little cold. It was strange to him. The date had gone well, in his opinion, and he didn’t think he had done anything wrong. It was just a little nerve wracking. With every short message, every cut off call, his anxiety grew.
When they got back to Quantico, he was ready to head straight to your lab. Though he noticed there was no music when he arrived there, it was quiet inside. Too quiet. He gently knocked on the frosted glass door. There was no sound from inside, no light coming through the door. No indication that you were there. His shoulders sagged down, a little deflated. He had been looking forward to seeing you again, even if it was just to settle his own nerves. His hand found the cellphone in his pocket, he scrolled through the names until he found yours. Pressing the call button, he just really wanted to hear your voice. Needing to know if you were okay, if he hadn’t done something wrong. The phone rang, 3 times, heart beating out of his chest before you picked up.
“Hello, Y/N’s phone! Penelope speaking.” The familiar voice of their technical analyst sounded from the other end of the phone. Spencer furrowed his brow a little, “Hey, it’s Spencer… Is she with you?” He asked, his left hand holding on to the bottom edge of his sweater. “Oh! Spence! She just headed to the toilet, she should be back soon. Want me to take a message?” Penelope answered, her voice chipper, she probably didn’t know you had been avoiding him. Or if she did she didn’t let it show. “Can I come talk to her?” He asked, still a bundle of nerves, the bad kind. The one where a nauseous feeling settles in your stomach. Where every word could send him into a spiral if it was said with the wrong tone. “Ofcourse, I am sure you have a lot to talk about.” Penelope spoke, and he could tell there was something in her voice. She knew what was going on. It made his stomach sink further. 
Just like that his feet started moving already towards Penelope’s office. “Thanks, I’ll be there in a minute.” Spencer said and quickly hung up before anything she could say would make it worse. He was quick, hoping to be there before you came back, so you couldn’t avoid him. He was there in a minute, like he had said, quickly and almost feverishly knocking on the door. The rapid rap of his knuckles against the solid wood sounded hollow in his ears. Penelope opened, trying to put on a bubbly smile. Though he peered past her to see if you were already back. No sign yet. “Hey, you should come in.” Penelope opened the door wider and he stepped past her. “Has she said anything? About me?” Spencer’s question felt weird. He didn’t want to come across as clingy, or that he was obsessed, but he just had to understand why. Why had you been avoiding him?
“Slow down boy wonder. I think I am not the one to tell you about that.” Penelope answered as she closed the door, pointing towards one of the desk chairs. Spencer hadn’t noticed how he had been nervously bouncing on the balls of his feet until she did. He sat down, trying to regain some composure. “Did I do something wrong? I thought the date went well. Maybe I rambled too much… That's usually what happens. I should have just stayed quiet, listened to her.” He rambled off nervously, his mind spiraling back to when he had leaned in and told a fact when you had been expecting something completely different. But you had kissed him after that, twice, it was so conflicting. Confusing. Paradoxical. 
“Breathe!” Penelope urged, grabbing one of her many mugs with water and forcing it into Spencer’s hands. He took a gulp, hoping it would calm his nerves but it didn’t do anything. At Least he was silent. “Just…” Penelope sighed, “I can tell you that you didn’t do anything wrong, okay?” Spencer nodded his head, taking another swig of the lukewarm water. He hoped it hadn’t been out for too long, who knew what bacteria were growing if it had. Though the idea of it was a mere whisper in the back of his mind as his entire consciousness was taken up by his worried thoughts. “I should have told you before, I really should have but I didn’t expect it to happen this quickly.” Penelope sounded dejected. “What happened? Just tell me, please?” He didn’t like how whiny that please sounded, how desperate it made him sound. Even though he was desperate for answers. 
The door to Penelope’s office opened, “Honestly Pen, I don’t get why you have to be so far away from the b-” You stopped your sentence as your eyes met Spencer. He was desperately clinging on to the cup he was holding like it was his life line. “Hi…” was all he managed to say when he saw you. Even with all the conflicting feelings, your appearance still left him a little tongue tied. You weren’t wearing the lab coat, so he could fully appreciate your appearance. The black and red patterned dress was cut low, and hugged your hips and he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. Your arms are covered with fishnet fabric, some parts more ripped up to create a few larger holes. More important to him was the belt, two clips extending to hold the hem, hiking up the skirt of your dress to show off just a sliver of your thigh. “Spencer.” The way you said his name still made his heart race. He got up from his chair, placing the mug back on Penelope’s desk. The blonde in question nudged you, Spencer could almost see the thoughts swimming behind your eyes. You must be just as nervous as he is. “I’ll leave you two to talk.” Penelope said, quickly walking out the door of her own space, leaving the two of you there. Spencer’s heart was beating so loud, he could feel the blood rush under the skin of his hands. It was too silent as you both looked at eachother. 
“I want to-” “Why didn’t you-” Both of you spoke at the same time, breaking through the silence. There was a slight, awkward, chuckle that left Spencer. “You can go first.” He said, wringing his hands together involuntarily. “I want to apologize…” You said it softly. Spencer’s eyes flicked down to your right hand, twisting in the fabric of your dress. Your left was steadily turning a ring on your finger. Everything you did screamed nervous to him. “What for?” He asked, eyes focussed on you. He wanted to see everything, piece together every unconscious movement that would give away a deeper meaning. “For being a bit absent. I just… had a lot of work.” Lie. That was a lie. Spencer could see it. The way you averted your eyes, how your hand stilled in the twisting of the ring, your breathing hitched up as you said the last part of your sentence. Everything pointed to it being a lie. He hated that he could see that.
You felt the need to lie to him. To temper his feelings by trying to explain away what had really happened. There were tens of thousands of thoughts swimming through his mind about what could have happened. Did you meet someone else? Or realize he wasn’t your type. The differences being too big to make it work. “Could you tell me the truth?” He didn’t mean for that to come out. Especially when he saw the surprise in your eyes. “I am. I was busy, I had a lot of evidence to sort through, drugs, nail scrapings. I also had the reports to write and- and-” You were trying to convince yourself that it was the truth. That hurt. Apparently you didn’t want him to know the real reason. “Y/N. I am a behavioral analyst, I can tell when you lie. Please just… don’t? I want to know what happened, I thought we had a good time at the museum. I just, did I do something wrong? I didn’t mean to, and I can’t change it if you don’t tell me.” He was pleading now. Eyes on you as you looked for an answer, lips slightly parted as you breathed out. Taking a step closer, reaching out his hand to yours. Just to hold it in his, feel you, decide if this was either a bad nightmare or a terrible reality. 
When Spencer felt your hand in his he closed his eyes for a moment. This was real. He opened his eyes again, the only focus was on yours. Waiting. Watching to see your response. “Spencer, it wasn’t anything you did. Trust me. You did nothing wrong, it was perfect, and I wish I could have stayed in that museum forever.” You spoke, not averting your gaze, looking him in the eye with full confidence. Not even a tremor in your voice. That was the truth.
“Then what happened? I don’t like that you’re ignoring me. It feels like just the entire pit of my stomach gave out. Did I move too fast? I’m not good with these things. But I really, really, like you. You do all these things to me. Just… I can’t take the silent treatment. Not from you.” There it was with a sigh. His feelings, out in the open. Hoping it was enough for you to tell him what happened. Instead, you looked sorrowful, eyes almost glossy with what he realized were tears. “I really am sorry. I need time for something. I can’t talk about it now, I don’t want to pull you down with me. I will tell you afterwards, okay?” Your voice did nothing to soothe the pain of rejection he felt. Even though he so wished to believe you. You were hurt too and he didn’t understand why. Because you were the one pushing him away.
Spencer nodded his head dejectedly, a soft sniffle leaving him as he tried to not let the emotions overwhelm him. All the anxiety had left and was replaced by the cold, empty feeling of rejection. His nerve endings were no longer on edge, instead they were rather numb. “I’ll eh… I will go. Leave you to whatever you need to do.” His voice didn’t really sound like his own to him. Like he was running on autopilot and it was a preprogrammed recording. He let go of your hand, taking a deep breath, before he walked to the door. His hand was on the door knob when you called his name, when he looked over his shoulder at you you looked just as dejected. Your lips parted, like you wanted to say something, closing again, opening again. He could see you looking for the right words, but there were none. His lips formed an awkward, tight smile and he nodded. “Text me when you want to talk.” He said before leaving the room.
Closing the door with a hollow sound he took just a few steps before Penelope approached him. “What happened? Are you okay?” her voice concerned and laced with just a little pity. He didn’t need pity right now. He didn’t want to be around anyone. “Could you tell Hotch I need a personal day?” His question got a frantic nod in return. Clearly she understood it wasn’t something good that happened just now. “Yeah, yeah of course. Need anything else?” She answered, trying to be the good friend he always knew she was. He shook his head no, “I just need time.” He spoke softly before walking over to his desk. There was no comment from Derek, just a slight sympathetic look. He hated that.
Grabbing his bag and his jacket he quickly made himself ready to leave. JJ tried to stop him, files in hand ready to ask a question when he ducked his head and continued on. Not willing to talk right now he stepped on the elevator and pressed to go down. Walking out the door and straight to his car in the garage. When he finally reached his car and sat down it all hit him. His stomach felt heavy yet empty, but also like it was twisted in knots. He ran his hands through his hair, trying to calm down a little, tears threatening to spill behind his eyes. Blinking rapidly to push them back. There was no need for tears. You went on one date, he shouldn’t be this attached, yet he is. From the moment he had entered your lab he had been awestruck. Then, in the following week, he had started rambling and feared he had messed up by doing so. Yet you just smiled, asked more questions, let him ramble and rant about everything and anything. Content to hear him speak. He didn’t feel like an annoyance.
Spencer sighed, putting his key in the ignition and turning it, the song that came on was still on the same radio station that you had put it on, depeche mode sounding through the speakers. Quickly, his hand reached out, changing the station to anything else. Not wanting to be reminded of you immediately. He pulled out of the parking lot, driving home, a welcome distraction from his thoughts. When he got home though, he felt completely drained. Placing his bag near the front door, dropping the jacket over it. Toeing off his shoes before walking further into the apartment. He sat down on the couch. Once again alone with his thoughts. He leaned his head back, resting it against the top of the couch as he closed his eyes again. Rubbing his eyes with another sigh.
He wondered what it could be. What the reason for your coldness was. The fact that you seemed reluctant about it just made it weirder. He cursed himself for being able to read your expressions, your movements, to deduct anything from your behavior. He wished he didn’t know because it would have made it so much easier to be angry with you. To feel betrayed, led on, or even used. Instead he knew that you were just as torn up about what happened as he was. It made it feel even worse. He knew there was a reason, but the fact you were not willing to tell him hit the wrong nerve. Eyes opened on the ceiling, the faded green color perfect to get lost in. He didn’t know how long he stayed like that. Head tilted back, looking at the ceiling as his mind was both working over time and thinking of nothing. A weird combination of feeling too full yet completely empty. Watching the shadows stretch further and further, slowly fading until there were no longer any shadows cast on his ceiling. It was just dark. 
That’s what it was like. The night taking over the sunny feeling he had felt. An end coming to the light he had felt for the past two weeks. The nocturnal cold setting into his body. How he hated the realization that dawned on him that moment. He didn’t just like you. He had fallen all at once, during that first meeting, without realizing. Now it was too late to tell you. He doubted you even felt the same. So now he was left to suffer the heartbreak on his own. To deal with the conflicting emotions you left him with. 
At least the night was quiet enough for him to think.
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Tag list: @luvkatryna @emma-e-a @littlemadamred @cultish-corner @styleiconsize0 @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @depressedbutartsy @mikariell95 @jasf444 @queermaxwooo @ill-be-okay-soon-enough @sammy-4103 @thedevioussmirk @pleasantwitchgarden @khxna
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tetsuskei · 1 year ago
frosty rituals - kuroo tetsurō [fluff]
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synopsis: celebrating the first snow of the year with your best friend ultimately leads to something more
notes: this was originally a request done for my dear omi @/gojoed and i liked it a lot and decided to repost to celebrate the winter season. banner by wonderful remi @/cafekitsune. <3
warnings: gender neutral reader, mutual pinning, reformatted but not entirely edited oops
word count: 1.7k
it was tradition as always to watch the first snow together. you had seen the snow forecast early in the week, but the chances of it actually happening were slim to none. nevertheless, you needed to be prepared.
everything was set: the white crayon in the freezer, the spoon under the pillow, and the ice already flushed down the toilet*. there was no way that it wouldn’t snow.
kuroo, your friend and neighbor (and current crush), knew of all of your special rituals. he'd teased you about them and childish they were, but you just called him an old man who didn’t know how to have fun.
so when your restlessness got the best of you and you woke up in the middle of the night, the first thing you did was peer out the window.
your heart lifted with awe and joy at seeing the white flakes dance softly to the ground, sticking and collecting there. you knew it was a genius idea to wear your pjs inside out*.
scrambling out of bed, you reach for your phone and run out, grabbing your coat and slipping on your shoes. running across the street, you rap on the front door.
after waiting for awhile with no response, you eventually decide to call. you rock on the balls of your feet as you await for the person to the phone.
"...hello?" his voice is fairly deep, layered with sleep when he answers.
"tetsu! it happened, i was right!" you beam, jumping around.
"right about what?" he asks, confused.
"the snow! look outside!”
kuroo yanks back the curtain of his window, eyes widening at the blanket of white covering the ground. "well i'll be damned."
"yeah, that's right! now come outside!" you tell him, turning to look back out at the snow.
"what? no, it's freezing." he says, instinctively wrapping himself up tighter in his blankets he dragged off the bed.
"i'm outside your house so you have to!" you respond, shifting in your spot on his porch.
"w-what? outside? are you out of your mind? come inside, it's cold out." he says, worry laced in his voice at the thought of you freezing.
"i don't have my spare key." you answer sheepishly, cheeks burning with embarrassment. you hear a low grumble before some shuffling and background noise.
"...i'll be out in a second."
you both hang up and you continue admiring the snow in piece. you decide to sit down on the bench in front of kuroo’s house while you wait for him.
you don’t know what it is about it, but the sight of snow just makes you so happy. being able to admire flakes and know that no two flakes look the same and are all unique and different beings a warmth to your soul, ironically enough.
“if i would’ve guess, i would’ve thought you’d never seen snow before.”
the sound of kuroo’s voice makes you jump and you turn to see his tall figure bundled up in a coat, hat, and some gloves all on top of his night clothes. he looks cozy and warm and that makes you shiver in your spot due to your very own lack of layering.
he notices right away. “where’s your hat and gloves?”
“all at home. i rushed out to come over here.” you answer, shoving your hands further into your pathetic, shallow pockets. if you ball your hands up enough, you can keep the circulation going. you think.
“here.” he places his own hat on your head, taking your smaller hands and slipping on his gloves, and finally wrapping his scarf around you. he leans down as he does it and you feel your heart beat fast at the close proximity.
his face is close and you can feel his inhuman body heat radiating off of him. the sight of the tip of his nose and cheeks painted with a blush makes him like ethereal in the late night.
“try not to be so reckless and freeze yourself to death.” he scolds, flicking your forehead. you scrunch your nose and frown.
“sorry.” you apologize sheepishly, hiding your face in his scarf. you instantly feel at home when the smell of his scent filters your nose.
“don’t worry about it.” he shakes off, stuffing his hands in his pockets before looking up. “it’s really coming down, isn’t it? we were only supposed to get half an inch.”
“thanks to my rituals, i’m sure it contributed to us having an abundance of snow.”
kuroo laughs. “or maybe the meteorologist better start looking for a new job.”
you pout, frowning at him. “you’re no fun.”
he laughs, before sighing. "well, we really should go inside now, i’m serious. it's late and we don't need to be out here anymore." he says, starting towards the door.
you protest. “b-but—”
“b-but what? see, you’re s-stuttering from the c-cold. let’s go.” he says before walking towards the door.
you glare at his backside before leaning down and doing the first thing that comes to mind. it all happens so fast you don’t even register your own movements by the time you’ve thrown the snowball at him.
he turns around and blinks slowly. "did...did you just throw snow at me?"
"no." you lie, looking away from him. “must’ve been the wind.”
a sinister look appears on his face. your life might be over tonight.
“yanno, you shouldn’t start a fight you can’t win.” he stalks towards you and you panic.
“t-tetsu! i’m sorry—i didn’t mean to—” you hide behind a bush before quickly molding another snowball and pelting him with it. in the face.
“ow! that kind of hurt!” he says sheepishly hiding his face in his hands as he crumples to the ground.
“did it?” your concern raises. you see him nod and rush over to him. you try to peak at his face but he’s moving too much. “let me see.”
a hazel eye peaks out at you. “oh sweetheart, you really should be more careful.” quickly, he pelts you with not one, but three snowballs.
“bastard!” you crawl on the ground and quickly form another snowball before throwing it.
unfortunately, you miss badly.
kuroo laughs before he slips and topples over and you run over to help him up. wincing at how cold and red his hands are, you decide to put the fight to an end.
“let’s go inside before your fingers freeze.” you say before pulling him away.
“only if you say that i won.” he bargains.
you scoff and roll your eyes. “fine, tetsu, you win.”
he wears a smug look on his face as he starts towards the house and you tell him to not let his ego get so big.
once inside, he shoves an old sweatshirt of his over you and you mumble a small 'thank you' as he gets up to go get you hot drinks. in the meantime, you talk another everything and nothing.
“be careful, it’s hot.” he warns calmly, carefully handing the hot cocoa to you.
you smile at him. “thanks, tets.”
he sits down with his own cup and you notice how ridiculously small the mug looks in his hands.
you never really studied his hands this up close and you look at them in awe. they’re a lot larger than yours and rougher too. you know it’s from all of his years playing volleyball.
“why are you staring at my hands like that?” kuroo inquires, a brow raised.
you panic, looking up quickly before your mouth forms an ‘O’ shape.
“your hands are so cold.” you comment dumbly, nodding towards the red digits.
“maybe because i gave someone my only pair of gloves.” he jokes and you sigh.
“i’m sorry, that wasn’t responsible of me.” you say.
“stop apologizing, i’d rather it be me than you. plus i run hot most of the time anyways.” he assures.
a lightbulb appears over you head and you turn towards him, placing the cocoa down. “give me your hands.”
he pauses, eyes widening as he sputters. “w-what?”
“you feel your cheeks burn but huff, grabbing hold of his large hands. “if…you’re cold. i can warm them up…”
“oh…sure…” he says, relaxing his hands in your hold. “ah, for how long…?” he really hopes you can’t see the red on his face.
“long enough for them to get warm.” you answer.
“that…may take awhile.” he says, looking down to see if you detect his lie.
you look past it, resting your head on his shoulder. “that’s fine.”
the two of you look out the window in silence for a moment. it’s peaceful.
he hums.
"your pyjamas are inside out." you comment, grinning.
he flinches, looking as if he'd been caught red handed as he glances down. "and so what? i just thought i’d entertain your silly little game."
"it's not a 'silly game if it worked, now is it?" you grin, looking at him with a smile.
“i guess not, shorty.” he answers, grinning back. you’re cute. he thinks he could kiss you.
he hums again.
"sorry for waking you up in the middle of the night." you apologize, bowing your head slightly out of embarrassment.
he clicks his tongue and shakes his head. "what did i say about apologizing?” he looks away again. “really, it's fine. honestly, i wouldn't want to do this with anyone else."
he admits, squeezing your hands. and in the dark you make out just the faintest tint of blush across his cheeks.
"really?" you perk up and he swears he feels his heart leap.
"really. it's our tradition, isn't it?" he says, a small smile on his face. he looks back outside. "wouldn't be right if we broke it."
you daze at him in awe. “you’re right.” your eyes glance at the clock and cringe at the time.
“i think i should go.” you tell him, starting to pull your hands away.
“what?” kuroo panics and grips your hands tightly, feeling flustered when you look at him with surprise.
“just…stay here tonight. there's no point in you going back out there." he says. “besides, you didn’t finish your hot chocolate.”
“if you insist, i’ll stay the night.” you chuckle, resting your head back on him.
“mm, i’d like it more if you’d stay with me every night.” he answers boldly, his eyes looking to you.
your face burns as you meet his eyes and you lean into him. you fully lace your fingers within his, never wanting to let go. “i’d like that, too.”
he kisses the top of your head. “good.”
and if there’s one thing you can thank your luck for, it’s for the snow bringing you two together. maybe you two are fated to be after all.
interactions and reblogs are appreciated!
*these are all traditions from when you hope it snows, i hope that is clear here!
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itsrheasgirl · 2 years ago
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The Forbidden Love series follows a relationship between Rhea x Reader.
The Reader has a strong friendship with Liv Morgan.
Liv is in love with The Reader but hasn’t told them.
fem!reader - rhea x reader.
mentions of priest x reader.
TW: smut (18+) minors please do not interact
You felt so suspicious rummaging through Rhea’s bag like this, what would you say if someone caught you? Maybe she’d let you store your hotel key there, or perhaps she’d asked you to get something for her. You’d think of something if the time came, you were sure. The soft jingle of keys caused you to sigh in relief, pulling the small bundle of keys from the bag and tucking them in your jean pocket before closing the bag back up and returning it to the locker in which it came from.
Hurrying from the locker room, you hush out a loud groan as you collide with the broad expanse of Damian Priest’s back. Your gaze shifting skyward to look up at the muscular male as he turns round with a soft chuckle.
“Woah, woah. Where you off to in such a rush, kiddo?”
He chortle, his palm raising to once more ruffle the top of your head. One swift move has you scoop beneath his monstrous palm, he wasn’t catching you this time. Stepping to the side as your brow furrowed playfully, your slender forearms cross over you chest. Why did he always have to mess up your hair?
“Back to the hotel.”
You were to the point with your answer, your tongue poking out between your lips quickly before disappearing back into your mouth. He laughed, shaking his head as he watched you back away from him.
“In such a rush?”
He questioned. His thick brow arching as he searched your features for signs of a lie. You bob your head gently, your palms pushing into your back pockets in attempt to hide Rhea’s car keys from Priest’s watchful gaze. You could see the clear quizzical expression claim Priest’s features, your fingers curling around the keys.
“Ubers waiting.”
You reply, reaching up on your tiptoes to press a kiss against Priest’s cheek before turning on your heels to swiftly head for the exit, keeping the keys locked tightly in your palm as you remove them from your pocket, calling back over your shoulder so he couldn’t stop you from leaving.
“I’ll see you later.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You weren’t sure how long you’d been sat in the car, your fingers drumming against the steering wheel as you waited patiently for Rhea’s arrival. The arena had emptied out by now, she couldn’t be much longer right?
A soft rap of knuckles against the glass caused you to finally return to reality and lift your head, lips curving into a warm grin as you locked eyes with those oceanic hues. Rhea’s fingers wiggle slowly as a sly smirk claimed her lips, stepping back as you pop open the drivers side door to get out.
You quipped, leaning against the car and waiting patiently for Rhea to speak. Her palm slowly pushed the car door closed, not once taking her gaze off you. She’d cleaned off the remnants of her makeup, bare faced and beautiful as you looked into each others eyes. Scanning across her form, you notice a few small scratches scattered across her shoulders. Charlotte had clearly gotten in a few good shots during that match, but no one could beat the eradicator. Reaching out your fingers towards a large scratch that cast across her left shoulder, you trace the tips over the raised skin gently. Rhea had taken a beating or two in her career and tonight was just another on the list.
“You did great tonight.”
Even with the damage, her skin was still so smooth beneath your fingertips. She didn’t seem fazed as you trace over the curve of her shoulder and down the length of her arm, following the lines of her forearm tattoos as you smile softly. Rhea had yet to say anything as her palm releasing the handle of her suitcase to grasp at your wrist, swiftly spinning you round to face the car, she pressed her lips against your ear and spoke.
“Let’s get out of here.”
The soft flirtatious tone was back in her voice, the hairs on the back of your neck once more standing on end as your lids fluttered closed. She had to stop doing this to you, was she playing mind games? Was she actually flirting with you? She had initiated the kiss you’d shared, she had asked you to wait for her. You had never expected anything to come of your feelings for Rhea, but all of a sudden things had begun to change.
You sat in the passenger seat motionless as Rhea threw her bags in the trunk, your palms damp with sweat as you ran through every scenario of what this all meant. Maybe it was nothing, maybe Rhea just wanted someone to drive back to the hotel with. The sound of the drivers side door closing pulled you from your thoughts, your head craning to look over at Rhea as she started the car’s ignition. She flashed you a warm smile, the twinkle in her eyes causing your own smile to grow. She really was so beautiful. Buckling your belt, you rest your elbow against the window and lean into your palm.
The hotel wasn’t far from the arena, you’d actually intended to walk back but your were grateful for the ride. The temperature still dropped pretty cold in LA at this time of year and you’d forgotten your jacket in a hurry to not be late. Music played quietly as you drove the streets without speaking, the sound of Rhea clearing her throat the first thing you’d payed attention to since setting off.
“I’m glad you waited.”
Rhea’s gaze remained out the window as she drove, her palm sliding from the steering wheel to rest gently on top of your thigh, her fingertips tracing circles against the denim as the car slowed down to a stop. Where you back already? Glancing out the window, you see nothing but an empty parking lot. Your manicured brow furrowing as you return your gaze to Rhea’s features, a sharp gasp pulling from your chest as you’re met by her plush kiss. You resist the urge to pull away like you’d done the night before, she clearly wanted this just as much as you did.
A soft hum vibrates from your lips as you scoop your palm around the back of Rhea’s neck, pulling her closer to you as your lips begin to move in unison. Your tongue breaking past the barrier of Rhea’s lips, exploring her mouth as her own tongue battled yours for dominance. It wasn’t often that you got second chances and you weren’t about to miss out on an intimate moment with Rhea again. Fumbling with your seatbelt until it unlocks, you pull it free from your body and slide over onto Rhea’s lap. The base of the steering wheel pressed against your back as you shifted to put one thigh on either side of her waist, sliding both palms over her shoulders before they find themselves tangled within Rhea’s silky black hair. You softly nip at her lower lip, sucking it between your lips as you gently tug at her onyx locks. Rhea’s head tilting back only slightly as you pull, keeping her lower lip locked in your pearly whites.
She didn’t even bother to fight your dominance over her, Rhea’s thumbs hooked under the hem of your tight crop top and swiftly tugged it up and over your head in one swift motion. Tossing it aside to the passenger seat before her palms found your hips and her lips found your jugular, her teeth grazing against the supple flesh as your head tilted back in complete bliss.
A soft moan parts your lips as Rhea eagerly sucks on the soft flesh of your jugular vein, her fingertips dance slowly up the length of your back before her nails dragged back down. Yet another soft moan releasing from your throat as your spine arches, your perked breasts rising and falling as your breathing began to tremor.
Rhea hums in desire at the way she was able to make you moan, the tip of her tongue trailing up the length of your neck as her hands pulled you down into her lap while you squirm in pleasure, even the simplest of touches from the Aussie beauty had you weak at the knees. You’d spent so many nights dreaming of a moment like this, Rhea’s hands on your body and your hands in her hair, her lips feverish against your own as your tongues fought each other for dominance. Rotating your hips against Rhea’s own, you bite down on your lip with your canines so hard it draws blood.
You groan causing Rhea to pull back in worry, her oceanic gaze searching your features for what was wrong. Had she hurt you? A bead of blood pooled on your lip, your hand reached up to wipe it away but is stopping abruptly as Rhea grasped your wrist to stop you.
“Awe, poor baby.”
She purred, her lips once more finding yours as she sucked the small bead of crimson liquid into her mouth before playfully nipping at the delicate cut. You wince slightly, the small cut stinging as the cool breeze from the air conditioner whipped around you.
Your nipples peaked as the icy air prickled against your skin, Rhea’s fingertips tracing down the contours of your stomach causing your back to arch against the steering wheel once more. Winding your fingers into her raven locks, you pull Rhea’s visage down towards your chest, welcoming her lips as she captured one of your nipples between her teeth, gently sucking on it for only a second before moving to the other.
You’re biting down on your lip once more without realizing, the taste of pennies wash over your tongue as crimson color coats it. Your fingers clawing against the back of Rhea’s neck as she ravished your breasts in heated kisses and playful bites.
As Rhea pulls back, your palms remain curled around her neck. Your breathing heavy and your brow sweaty, you move your thumbs to brush them over Rhea’s cheekbones. A large grin claimed both your lips as you stare into each others eyes, your breathing labored as you tried to steady your heartbeat. The glimmer of Rhea’s crystal gaze shifting to the purple coloring that formed under the skin across your chest, her tongue coaxing across her lips before she spoke.
She uttered, tracing her thumb over the bruised flesh.
The word is almost a pant as it falls from your lips, one of your palm pushing the stray tendrils that fell about Rhea’s face away and behind her ear. Rhea smirked, leaning against your palm as her features remain locked on the purple blemishes that grew darker by the second.
“I guess this means you’re mine.”
Part 7
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helloescapist · 1 year ago
Describe It to Me | Gyomei Himejima
Word Count: 1761
Setting: Gyomei x gn!reader (reader is a kakushi)
Content Warning(s): mentions of gore/violence, angst
Summary: a tap at your window, an emergency request delivered by a kasugai crow leads you to to devastation and a man you had not seen since the Final Selection.
A/N: full disclosure, I lost where I was going with this, and just cut it short. 🫣
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Cries echoed into your ear drums, the stanch scent of iron that threatened the earth beneath your feet. Tarnished soil, dragged and muddled across gore and destruction. Limbs that tangled beneath their own weight, splintered, and shattered in the depths of the dark. The night robbed of light, the moon shied away from the horrors that you bore witnessed too. As though the sight were far too much for the gentle spirit to bear, the devastation littered throughout the landscape.
Trees torn from their roots, evidence of their once productive life, snubbed out with a single thrust.  Trunks threatened to smash to bits, the mass majority of branches fractured. Only the occasional splintered branch worth consideration of mulch in the years to come. Left ruined amongst the forest floors. Foliage robbed of any chance of survival, crunched beneath zori. The embroidered mark of the slayers before you as you pressed forward, bundled together in a close knit as kakushi often traveled. Averted eyes that struggled to process the bloody scene. The ache of your heart upon your sleeves, the stench of death that left you unsettled and uneasy. An unusual nightly excursion to a devastated area, the call having been one of desperation begging for aid, a large quantity at that. A Kasugai crow that rattled against your bed window. Rose you from your slumber, leaving you with little time to process the severity of the situation. His delicately obsidian feathers were immaculately maintained soothed only by the night wind. A shadow amongst the cover of the trees, the distinct caws assisting with guiding you amongst the terrain. Small scowls you had been quick to decipher as attempts to assist your travel in the depths of the night. Shooed away any doubts, and anxieties that may have begun to fester in the pit of your stomach, and urged the others of your group to remain steadfast to the cause. Though they were less than tactful at tucking their emotions away, despite the clothes that clung to their features. A final cowl from the Kasugai. You had arrived.
              Iron that threatened to spirit away your senses, overwhelming taint that threatened the vile in your stomach. Eyes that followed the trace of gore, and the eyes that met your own. Trembled from the faint glow of the lanterns you bore. Momentarily stunned, and confused, regardless of the time that passed you always found your feet. Bared your weight when your body threatened to give out, carried you regardless of how your heart hesitated. Fingers that weaved and picked through torn uniforms, the furrow of your brows as you patched small scratches, grazed over the smallest of blemishes.  Several of the slayers falling in the mizunoto, new recruits that appeared dazed and confused. Dazed to the point that they neither flinched, nor registered the way your hands skated across their craniums. Evaluated their response, their reflexes. All well intact, the flutter of their chests, and raps of their breath as  though the air threatened to abandon them. Their heartbeats rattling into your fingers, throbbed in veins and dashing beat, painfully aware of the clammy state of their skin devoid of color. “What happened,” your pressed, their eyebrows at the met of their tone betraying their frustrations.  Snubbed of the greet of the teeth, it’s surprising how little the uniform shielded slayers from the wrath of the bearer. Taro’s bad temper once again straying him to rash decision making. A fairly recent transfer, he had indicated the desire to try his hand at caring for the wounded, and assisting their travels to the Butterfly Estate though his bedside manner betrayed any such sentiments. Whispers that the boy had merely wanted to avoid shuffling swordsman to the smithing village not without reason. The youth was tall, and barrel chested, so much so that his uniform left little to the imagination, nor did he take into consideration the way his size towers over the newer recruits, “OI! Answer me.”
              “Shock,” you sighed, allowing yourself to draw to your feet. The patches of bandages secured to your patient’s face. The skim of the other kakushi readily at work before cutting your eyes at the kakushi at your side. His annoyance beginning to fester to the point that his fingers had caught at the brows of the patient, threatening to draw them to their feet should they not answer. “A patient that exhibits symptoms of shock should be treated with care—he’s not going to answer you,” the drip of warning poised in your voice. As sharp and lethal as the dagger secured at your hip. All too aware that the cloth shading your features to the night would not protect the inexperienced kakushi from your wrath.
              The pitter of voices, fallen into trembled tones. Shook with e ach word that parted from dry lips, guided by the beckoning way of a subordinate. The frantic touch, drawn to rush to their side. Eyes that met the scratch of blood that had met at the top of the skull, being tended to with delicate fingers as the words threatened to overflower. Rattled mumblings of demons, and surprised attacks. The shatter of bark, and the sickening moan that it had released. A giant that could bear the weight of trees, yielded them as mere weapons no more than a means to combat a beast of the night. The tremble of the victim’s eyes and dilated pupils, telling symptoms of hallucinations. Concussions. The passing thought to review their status before the feathers ruffled near your ear. Perched a small creature that threatened to consume the entirety of your shoulder, its little beak peppered through your hair. It’s frail voice near begging, near mournful of its pursuits. The little crow who had dared the darkness of night to seek assistance. “Is this Kasugai perhaps yours,” you whispered to the ramblings of a madman. Ignored, and threatened to send the individual into a state of panic. The threading of their fingers through their hair,  scratched into the aches of their scalp murmurs that were incomprehensible. The kakushi at their side, rattled by the sudden lurch of their body. Fumbled and anxious cries that bellowed, drew a finger to your side. Caught your eye at something that emerged from the ground. As though it had splintered the earth. A stone—no, the oddity of the shape a blade of some sort. The nudge of the crow in your ear, feathered through the strands of your hair at the insistence. Hefty, an abandoned blade amongst a battle field, far too aware the severity of such a loss should incur. Lifting upon it, caught amongst muck, an unholy mixture of dirt and blood that threatened to confine the remainder of the weapon. Chains that emerged like the dead from its pull. The sickening staunch of a scent you rarely had interactions with. Brain matter that clung to speared ends. Metal that formed tips, and edge upon the end of the chain. A ball marred by the spikes that bore casualties, the opposite of the hefty discovery clenched between your fingers. An axe and flail, and the weight your heart threatened to stop. The bit of your body stumbled to bear its weight. Giant. Fear taking over the better part of your senses, the distant reflection of a man. A mountain of a main carved from stone by the gods, the callous of his hands curiously embracing the touch of wisteria petals unheeded by the blood at his fingertips. Delighting in the presence of such beautiful fragrance though he would never know the sight that marveled before you. His mere presence the only reason you had survived the Final Selection, and the whisper of his voice, deep and soft, “Describe them to me.”
The only payment he had requested in return for your life.
The rush of feathers fluttered against wings as the shrieks of a scaw rang through your ears. Threatened your senses and drew you to muster what little strength you could manage. Strained muscles shook your core. Numb to the weight, leaving little choice but to draw the tug of the chain. The spike far too much for you to heave as it dragged through the blood-soaked dirt. No time to acknowledge the tears that edged their way to your eyelashes.
“T-Take me to him,” you demanded.
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talesofsonicasura · 2 years ago
Like I said in this post, I do have some ideas with rapper!Reader. Here's one of them.
Stereos and Truck Horns
A peculiar music shop lays at the far edge of Jasper's city limits called "Newsground Jam". No one knew when it been fully established but the place is known for various music and odd customers. Although the giant robots that lurk in Nevada better watch out. The shop owner has ways of handling troublemakers. And will the damn truck stop being nosy!
Optimus Prime is Reader's guardian since he accidentally got into a fight with the Decepticons when they were in the vicinity. The guy feels guilty about putting them on the enemy's radar hence the arrangement. He and Reader are gonna clash for a bit at the start due to difference in opinion.
They don't really care about the Autobot/ Decepticon civil war. All Reader wants to do is enjoy life and make an earnest living. Newsground Jam is neutral ground so either side can visit if they don't cause trouble. You can say it wasn't viewed positively by Team Prime but these are the rules.
This leads to all sorts of shenanigans especially when Reader's "crew" tend to pop up at random times. Friendly oddballs such as basketball loving old school robots, pint sized maddening mercenaries, whacky rappers and even dangerous soul stealing killers. Every visit to Newsground Jam is guaranteed to be quite an experience.
(Reader's gender is preferred gender or neutral to suit preferences. They become close to Optimus but you guys can interpret their bond as whatever. Reader is relatively the same age as the Autobot leader, basically an adult.)
Here's what to expect:
Reader is a bundle of sass done with everyone's shit. Try to baby them and expect to be bitten in return. Danger isn't anything new to them. Optimus has difficulty understanding that.
Cybertronians fully experience humans being space orcs. It's absolutely terrifying especially when one of them can become an eldritch horror through rap music. Humans are crazy in their own ways.
Beep boops is a cheat sheet to speaking Cybertronian. Ratchet doesn't understand how this little blue haired human is so fluent in it. Boyfriend just wants to rap and has no clue why the Autobots are fixated by his comfort language.
Soundwave constantly visits as he is a little too invested in Reader. Convict and a few others aren't willing to share their rapper like usual. Reader just wants to manage their music shop than deal with this nonsense.
A blanket burrito war between an Autobot Leader and a completely done rapper ensues. Pure hypocrisy since both suck at taking care of themselves. Team Prime are both surprised, relieved and scared as this goes on.
Do NOT attempt to intimidate or piss off Reader. Megatron learns that the hard way when the "puny fleshie" turns into an a reality bending eldritch clown monster and proceeds to beat the shit out of him. They are pure neutral chaos who just wants a break.
Reader curses an alien god into submission, Vehicons follow them like lost ducklings and Breakdown gets put into forced medical bed rest at Newsground Jam. Everyone is so confused about the weirdness this human carries everywhere. There's a betting pool on whether Reader's an eldritch god or not.
That's it for now! Until next time folks, I'll see you back in Nevada. Now transform and roll out!
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patricksmusicblog · 2 months ago
2024 Album Reviews
My thoughts on some of the albums I listened to last year in real-time as they were released.
Elcamino & Black Soprano Family - Here Ya Go: This is the latest project from El Camino a Griselda affiliate. This is the first project I'm listening to from him from front to back. It's soulful, dark, and gloomy as Buffalo and Griselda's projects tend to be. El Camino sounds closest to Westside Gunn so much so it can be easy to confuse the two one big distinction is that Westside is more freewheeling and has more range with vocals El Camino is a bit more reigned in and measured with his flow. This project is emotive with tracks dedicated to the late DJ Shay and the late legend Kobe Bryant. It's solid and probably would've been better had the songs not been short. 7.5/10
Benny The Butcher-Everybody Can't Go: This is Benny The Butcher's fourth studio album and major label debut(Def Jam). The album is largely produced by Alchemist and Hit-Boy two of the best producers of this decade. Everybody Can't Go I'd say is while still being true to who Benny is and that Griselda sound is more in line with what we got on Burdon of Proof Benny doing his thing next to legends and superstars etc I love the menacing and descriptive opener in "Jermaine's Gradution". Also, love the triumphant banger that is "Bron". "Big Dog" finds Benny Holding his own next to Wayne. "TMVTL" Speaks to issues that come with dealing with people on the streets. "Pillow Talk and Slander" ft Jadakiss is similar in that it speaks to not surrounding yourself with the wrong people. "Griselda Express" is quintessential Griselda Benny's on it, Conway's on it, Westside's on it. Benny and Conway are coming in with stand-out verses. There were times on the album when I thought songs could've been more fleshed out, and times when I thought hooks might be teetering on clunky like "One Foot In.." but these are small grips on what I think is a great project. 8/10
Schoolboy Q-Blue Lips: Blue Lips is the 6th studio LP from TDE veteran Schoolboy Q. Schoolboy's always been my second favorite out of TDE, with great projects such as Oxymoron and Blank Face. This album is interesting in that it's probably Q's most experimental album made with different sounds whether it'd be delicate piano chords or guitars, there are beat switches and flow switches. While I think this album has some instantly enjoyable sounds and songs, I don't believe this is an immediate album, this is more of a grower than a shower. It's an album that'll reward with more listens. It's gangsta, but introspective fit for the new era and old. You have earworms like "Yeern" but you have the Alchemist-assisted "Lost Times" and the avant-garde banger "Thank God 4 Me". "Blueslides" is beautiful. Then you have traditional hip-hop with "oHio" ft Freddie Gibbs and Foux ft Ab-Soul. There's a little something for multiple types of hip-hop heads here. A great LP 8.5/10
Tierra Whack-World Wide Whack: Tierra Whack first burst onto the scene in 2018 with her eccentric and creative style with Whack World. A short project with many short songs displaying different skills from rapping to singing all one minute long. Here we get that same bundle of charisma coming through on World Wide Whack. Tierra's command of rhythm and flow is to be commended she can get on any beat and never be out of pocket or range. "Chanel Pit" is a great example she has a great way of finding pockets in the beat and wraps her vocals around it whether singing or rapping without ever sounding off. "Difficult" is not only one of the sadder songs on the project but also shows her vocal range from normal and downtrodden to hurt and delicate. "Living is Difficult" is a relatable line. "Shower Song" is unbelievably funky as she speaks to the freedom of singing in the shower. Themeatically this album is really about growing pains and the mental challenge of going through those going through those growing pains in front of the public. "Two Night" and "27 Club" respectively are the two most important tracks on the album as she speaks to contemplating suicide and the dark feelings coming from that. While there's fun to be had on this album and as elastic as her style is there are a lot of relatable and grounding moments on this effort. Also for those looking for some straightforward rap, "Snake Eyes" is the track it's a gritty banger. Great project. 8/10
Future & Metro Boomin- We Don't Trust You: Future and Metro released one of their best projects since the mid-2010s. This for me is up there with the Beast modes, Monsters, 56 Nights, DS2, etc. Metro's beats are bigger more cathedral and lush. Future's flows and vocals are fluid, and his confidence and swagger are amazing on record. Themematically the album is about being the best and not trusting or rocking with Drake. Kendrick adds to this with his scene-stealing verse on "Like That" where he disses Drake and takes jabs at J. Cole. If you're a Future fan this album is a nice project that shows Future doing what he's always been great at while still challenging himself production-wise. 8/10
Roc Marciano-Marciology: Roc Marciano returns with his 11th studio LP. The God Father of Griselda's style if you like drumless airy atmospheric but dark beats Roc is right up your alley. Possessing a fly & menacing aura, an aged street weariness, and a seen it all done it-all demeanor, you'll never ever hear Roc phased, out of place or, out of pocket. He's always in pocket or making the beat fit his pocket. He has a measured but intricate flow that can be quietly technical at times. At his best there can be something mesmerizing about how calm and surgically he can ride a beat, sound cool, and, make everyone else sound like a lame. It's great. The production here is quality, with dark off-kilter piano keys at times, lush strings at others, and a soulful bluesy at others all of it having a dark undertone. All the features are great and add a good deal to the sound and cohesion of the project. I think it's another great piece to add to Roc Marciano's already great catalog. 8/10
J. Cole- Might Delete Later: Might Delete Later is the fourth Mix-tape in J. Cole's catalog and a top gap release before the main event "The Fall Off" is released presumably later this year. The tape is excellent, and J. Cole is operating in rare form. Every verse he does is packed with bars, his schemes and internals are tight, and his pace change-ups, and flows are fluid. Sonically there are a lot of chill beats and light soul samples. "Pi ft Daylyt and Ab-Soul" finds Cole at his most clever, precise, and exercising his lyricism to its maximum potential. "Sticks and Stonez" is laid back instrumentally which gives Cole a runway to bite back at haters, he sounds crisp, he's never been this skilled. "Pricey" feat. Young Dro and Gucci will sound great in your system or car but also J. Cole will sound great as he's lost his mind on the mic. There's tons of mention of being hungry and ripping everyone to shreds on features. He also sends some jabs Kendrick's way on "7-minute Drill" a 3-minute track putting Kendrick in his place taking shots at his discography, his authenticity, his work ethic, etc. It's nowhere near scathing in fact it's friendly.. still, he got in the ring. You can't be running around calling yourself the top dawg, have a major player diss you, and, proceed to do nothing, obligations that come with the throne. At this point, we're just waiting for Cole's official album release. 8.5/10 Side Note: Cole has since retracted 7 Minute Drill, a fascinatingly mature choice. Didn't play well with a lot of the public but doesn't change the level Cole's been operating at.
Green Day-Saviors: Green Day returns with their 14th studio LP. This one is a major improvement from their critically panned album "Father of all Mother F*ckers" album released in early 2020. This time around the band recaptures a little bit of the magic they had in their heyday roughly 94-04. Particularly in the 90s, with tracks like "Ma, No Brains!" and "1981" bringing good punk energy the guitars are packing the right kind of punch and that speed and restless energy punk is supposed to have is there. Then there are the alt-rock tunes that are well written like "Suzie Chapstick" or "Father to a Son". A condensed version of the album with about 10 songs may push this into the great category. There are songs here that are a bit too bland, safe, and, generic for my taste. Ironically the title cut rings somewhat stale to me, tracks 7-9 sound nondiscript. At their age, I guess they lack the energy to consistently generate punk ferocity, which is fine. I wasn't sure they had an album this good left in them something I'm happy to get from one of my favorite bands. 7.5/10
Rapsody-Please Don't Cry: Please Don't Cry is North Carolina's own Rapsody's fourth official album not counting mixtapes and eps. Rapsody's been a great rapper since her debut Idea of Beautiful(2012) and has only grown as an MC. Lailia's Wisdom(2017) was better than that, and Eve(2019) was even better than that but I believe this is her best project to date. It's easily her most personal/vulnerable and we get to see exactly where Rapsody's head is at on this album while still dazingly on the mic with her skill set. "Marlena" is a great tone setter as she raps aggressively but ultimately is trying to figure out who she is under all the bells and whistles that come with being a rapper. "Asteroids" with Hitboy is amazing and sounds like something I'll be listening to for years to come as she speaks to her greatness going underappreciated due to sexism and hate on both sides. I have a personal connection with DND(It's Not Personal) as someone who needs days where they don't interact with anyone and needs alone time I get it, if you're Rapsody I imagine that time is even more precious and special. "That One Time" is deep, personal reflective as she speaks to doing things that go against the morals she grew up with personally, experimenting sexually, seeking validation, and, love she feels she may have never gotten as a youth. It feels almost too personal but it also lets you into the human side of the artist, this is Rapsody, the type of things that make her tic, what she's going through. "Loose Rocks" is a tear-jerker, as Rapsody speaks to dealing with a family member struggling with dementia making their day and dealing with the heartbreaking reality that she may wake up one day and not remember who she is. It's devastating but again shows vulnerability and speaks to a mental health topic not discussed in rap all that much. Special. Elsewhere Rapsody shows she can go with the best of them I love her track with Wayne almost has a lo-fi sound production-wise. Both of them go crazy on the track, particularly Rapsody, I also love "He Shot Me" speaking to the pain and trauma we go through with police brutality in this country. "Back in My Bag" is a straight banger of a track and a much-needed one on the album. This album is deep, and personal and shows a lot of range as a writer for Rapsody. It's a long 22 tracks long but she carries it, her talent warrants the run time. 9/10
Vince Staples-Dark Times: Dark Times is the 6th studio LP from Vince Staples. While none of his albums have been bad, he's definitely been on the run from the self-titled LP he released in 21' moving forward Rohmona Park Broke My Heart may have been even better but it wasn't played as much for me. Dark Times is a little more similar to the self-titled album, it's tighter at around 10 tracks discounting skits, intros, and outros. It finds Vince Staples really struggling between his most morbid thoughts and feelings of hopelessness and his desire to see those around him escape the traps and hellscapes they think they need to participate in. "Government Cheese" finds Vince dealing with some survivor remorse, dealing with being the only one who made it. "Shame on The Devil" is a track where you can see Vince dealing with temptation and recognizing the wrong but still falling weak at times. "Etouffee" findshim dealing with fans of his old music or his more street tales and criticizing that while giving it to them with this very track. "Little Homies" speaks to the youth and warns them about crashing out speaking to the idea there's value in long life. The album is personal, thoughtful, and subdued. 8/10
Tha Dogg Pound-W.A.W.G(We All We Got: This is a fun one, full of nostalgia and music to ride to. Tha Dogg Pound is back with Snoop, Rage, RBX, etc with a new album that features that classic g-funk sound. While their angst has smoothed over, it's not nearly as hardcore as Dogg Food, there are definitely bangers on here. I love the first track "Smoke Up" Daz and Kurupt come off on that well. The title cut has some of the best production on the whole album, definitely, a track I can see myself going to and returning to. There are a lot of feel-good chill tracks on this album, to relax to on a Sunday afternoon. Still, I'm inclined to tracks with more to say I enjoy the track "Grown Up" which speaks to being too old for the violence of being active, I also appreciate "Always on My Mind" in dedication to those loved and lost. "Who Da Hardest" Ft Lady of Rage, RBX, and Snoop may be the crown jewel of the album, love the beat, and, each member of DPC went hard on the track. On the whole, I think this is a well-produced album from some veterans that know what they're supposed to sound like. DP May not blow anyone away but it's worth a listen. 8/10
Little Simz-Drop 7: Little Simz comes through with a short 7-track EP that sees her experimenting with glitch-hop sounds. Skittering percussion, jittering beats, and Simz earnest vocals on these tracks. This is nothing I'd say that's particularly special compared to the previous two Little Simz projects. I enjoy the smooth swagger of I Ain't Feeling It" I also enjoy "Far Away" for its Electro&B sound. It's quick ideas that involve her experimenting and trying something new but at 14 minutes it's just a stop-gap release I think this sound could be interesting more fleshed out and powerfully produced I think Simz could do a lot with it. 7/10
Mach-Hommy-Richaxxhatian: Mach-Hommy is a New Jersey rapper of Haitian descent under the Griselda umbrella and takes cues from that sound. The beats here are dark, gritty atmospheric beats, a lot of melancholic pianos, and, off-kilter beats that make me think of grey skies and cracks in the sidewalk. A lot of the beats are lush, not uncommon for a flute or horn to come in a give it a full body feel. His style is also somewhat reminiscent of Roc Marciano's who's featured on the first tracks on the album. Mach-Hommy raps with conviction and has a nimble and fluid flow. He's a dense rhymer known for stacking internals and multi-syllabic rhymes on a beat. Most all the tracks here are great and I think thus far it's the best album I've heard not only from the Griselda camp this year but in this vein this year. I can see myself returning to this throughout the year. 8.5/10
Megan Thee Stallion- Megan: This is Megan Thee Stallion's 3rd LP. It's another great project filled with unbridled charisma, a tight flow of hunger, and unapologetic raunchiness. The album starts with "Hiss" one of the hardest songs on the project and there's a certain energy and tenacity Megan can reach on record that when hit can be some of the most entertaining in music. She comes right behind that with "Rattle" a catchy tune with a solid hook. There's a lot of talk about dominating despite haters and coming through triumphant despite that. There are times when Meg can fall victim to some of the same types of songs and beats and flows to the point where things can be generic. "Otako Hot Girl" is a point where Meg challenges that and leans on her love of anime, the beat is effervescent and I think it takes her to a different place flow-wise. I feel similarly bout the Yuki Chiba-assisted "Mamushi" a J-Rap bop as Megan goes for something a little different. "Accent" ft Glorilla finds Meg & Glo embracing their southern accents and style, it's a great track, and Glo's vocals cut through differently. "Paper Together" ft UGK is great Meg gets into her Tina Snow bag as she, the late Pimp C, and Bun B wax poetically about pimpin'. "Down Stairs DJ" is Megan in her bag, it's confident and sexual, authentic to who she is. Megan can give you layers and though it's not all over the place on the album, "Worthy" and "Moody" especially let you behind the curtain see the woman behind the looks, and partying to some of the things she struggles with on a day to day. I think it's a worthwhile album. Is it a little long yeah but I think ultimately you get what you want from Megan if you're into her as an artist. 8/10
Lupe Fiasco-Samurai: Lupe's ninth Studio LP, this album has a jazzy sound to it, and a lot of melancholic piano chords to it. As for Lupe similar to Nas, you don't worry about Lupe lyrically, he's mostly always sharp. I love the authenticity and sound of "Palaces". "Cake" showcases not only skill but braggadocios rhymes. The album while leaning dense lyrically because that's just who Lupe is is a more easy listening than some of his past projects. Samurai is only but 8 tracks 31 minutes long neat and concise a quality addition to Lupe's catalog with a good amount of replay value.
Eminem-The Death of Slim Shady: Rap legend Eminem comes through with his 12th studio LP. It's a concept album that details the struggle between Eminem and the Slim Shady persona he created back in the late 90s. In some ways, it's an excuse for Eminem to delve into the Slim Shady character at 51 years of age and not seem corny although there's no way to avoid that. I was highly worried going into this album. There's tons of nostalgia for 99-02 Eminem on this project but as long as you don't hold him to that standard I think what you have here is honestly the best Em project since 09's Relapse. "Renaissance" may be the closest he gets vocally and flow-wise to truly sounding like young Em he finds a great pocket on that beat. "Evil" is the next highlight I think the chorus is solid, I really like the tone of the Em-produced track sort of reminds me of "Evil Twin" off The Marshall Mathers LP 2. My only gripe with that one is I think he could've gone a little crazier flow-wise. "Lucifer" with Dr. Dre on production is a banger, is it one of their best collaborations? No, but I think it'll sound nice in your ride if one decides to play it there, the rhyme schemes are a little too deliberate at times and I think he's off base with how edgy he thinks he is but on the whole, I think the song is good. "Fuel" Featuring J.I.D. isn't just great for recent Eminem it's just great, mainly because of J.I.D.'s youthful vigor and rapid-fire flows that push Marshall to make some of his best rhymes on the project. "Guilty Conscious 2" while not nearly as good as the original is important I think in Eminem's catalog where the first one delved into the consciousness of others with the darkest of humor. This one is about Eminem's conscious as he battles with the Slim Shady persona and whether or not it's time to put him down for good. As Em kind of uses the song as a vehicle to show some of the reasons why he created the character in the first place and why he hadn't been able to tap into the character in the same way he did as a youth. Ultimately Em wins out and you don't get the craziness of Slim for the duration of the LP. "Temporary" is essentially the "Mockingbird" of the album but more sentimental and morbid it's a sweet song for his daughter Hailie. "Somebody Save Me" Reminds me of Relapse's "Deja Vu" Em delves into his drug addiction and apologizes for not being the parent he could be because he wasn't present enough. I'm impressed with this album mainly because there isn't anything too cringe-worthy or awful here. Is he genuinely as controversial as he's making himself out to be? Well, hell no, Em is not nearly close enough to the center of the cultural zeitgeist to gin up that sort of outrage and backlash. These aren't the times when presidents/vice called for rappers' albums to be taken off shelves, or when Time Warner dropped Ice T, or when C Delores Tucker, Calvn Butts, and, Bob Doyle were railing against gangsta Rap. Those Days are as over as Em's prime is. For what I think Em is capable of at 51 years old I think this album is great, particularly for an album mostly produced by him with a couple nods from Dr. Dre, there's no Hit-boy here, no Alchemist, no Madlib, no Pete Rock, and no Metro Boomin, DJ Premier is only on the bonus cut(sigh) which is to say most of the games top tier producers who I think would push Em to do something truly special are not here and we still got some well produced hip-hop here. Really good effort and I can see myself returning to this here and there. 8/10
Common & Pete Rock-Auditorioum Vol.1: The Auditorium is Common's 15th studio LP and the latest effort from producer Pete Rock. This album is an up-and-down mix of 90's nostalgic hip-hop but with maturity, thoughtfulness, and consciousness of Common. Common sounds in tune with life, grounded but happy. Love the lush piano-driven sound of Chi-Town as Common shows love to Chicago. Really enjoy "Fortunate" as well as Common speaking to being fortunate to have all the people he needed in his life and for everything that has fallen into place in his life to fall in place. My absolute favorite cut on the album though is "Stellar" The production is great and Common gets on his braggadocious vibe. "All Kind of Ideas" is another straight boom-bap record that's nice and Pete Rock and Common speak to staying in a creative space. There are very few lows on the album and at 15 cuts the album is a cohesive blend of Common showing he can rap while being appreciative of where he's at and doing some reflection. Great project with room to improve on future Volumes. 8/10
JT-City Cinderella: City Cinderella is the debut solo mix-tape from one half of the Miami-based group City Girls JT. JT by general consensus has always been the better MC of the two and the one more musically driven. Street weary and gutter while still keeping a sense of sex appeal and raunch in her music, we get to see what a full project from her is. And what it is is solid. I enjoy the intro it feels both triumphant and vulnerable as she speaks about the youthful trauma she deals with and how far she's come. "Brick Talk" a trap banger finds her digging into her street knowledge. "Lemon Pepper" features one of her better performances on the album, full of charisma and the production is great on this one. "Swang" follows that up with a glossy yet upbeat track that finds JT talking her sht and not ducking any smoke "You better swang when you see me he". "Sideways" released as a single before the tape is probably still the best track on the project. She finds the pocket on the beat perfectly her flow is regal but matter of fact, I can only hear her on the track. "OKAY" is catchy as well has some decent wordplay and of course, it's a track that'll bang. Ultimately some underwhelming cuts keep this project from being exceptional but this is a good start for JT who I can see making great music in the future. 7/10
Ice Spice-Y2K!: This is NYC rapper Ice Spice's debut album and follow-up to her EP she released last year in Like…?. It's a tough listen even at a mere 23 minutes. It's an album made of short bursts of energy, catchphrase choruses that she's trying desperately to get to stick on social media, particularly tik tok. 2 Minute songs, of Spice boasting miscellaneous punchlines, basic rhyme patterns, and Ice Spice's silly persona. "Phatt Butt" and "Plenty Sun" are the most reputable bangers on the project. None of them match her initial hit "Munch". Tracks 7-10 are amongst the worst most lazily recorded music I've heard this year. There's too much quality out here in music to spend any time listening to this. 4/10
Latto-Sugar Honey Iced Tea: Sugar Honey Iced Tea is the third studio LP from Atlanta rapper Latto. Latto has a lot of what you want out of MC is charismatic, clear in her vocal delivery, and confidence on 10 and not surface level. The project is 17 cuts long and the first 10 are the strongest. "Settle Down" has a great beat that feels pristine and luxurious but also hard at the same time, she sounds great on it. This is similarly the case on the smooth Shrimp & Grits". Latto throughout the album is bringing braggadocious energy, and sexual energy and showing she's not afraid of any competition on the mic. She also shows the propensity to sing hooks, she sounds great on "Copper Cove" and her melodic flow is an easy listen. I also enjoy the relationship tracks where she gets vulnerable and shows she can get into the nuances of a committed relationship on songs like "Good 2 You" and "Look What You Did". Of course one of the best cuts on the album is the closing salvo in "S/O to Me" a track showing her pride in her progress, talking to whoever wants it, and saying she's not running. I think if shortened the album is in the 8-8.5 range but it does slow down for me, particularly toward the middle of the project. Still, Latto is great on this album and she makes it seem effortless in her approach she also has a good ear for production. I'll definitely be on the lookout for what she does next. 7.5/10
Larry June- Doing it For Me: Doing it For Me is the latest LP from Larry June of San Fransico. Larry June has a smooth yet monotone delivery that echoes the likes of Roc Marciano with less lyrical dexterity and ferocity but maybe even more swagger and style. This album is all about lifestyle and the finner things without sacrificing anything that makes him the man that he is. "Morning Calculations" finds Larry running through things he thinks about through a given day whether it'd be streets, not messing with phonies, etc. Larry has solid hooks throughout the album(Real Talk pt 2, A Little While, etc) but it's really the production that carries this album for me, a nice blend of funk, soul, and lush beats to ride to that provide an aesthetic that allows you set a background to think about your own issues or you can focus and tap into what Larry really talking about. "Breakfast in Gold Coast" has such a great instrumental, it's easy to visualize being in the ride on the West Coast as the sun is setting. I think his album with Alchemist was a little better lyrically this one is better riding music. 7.5/10
Charli XCX- Brat: This is the sixth album from acclaimed pop artist Charli XCX and this album much like her last project Crash, is a blend of fun, vibrant, and at times hyperpop/dance-pop/electro-pop etc. If you love Bass gotta listen to this album there's tons of deep-driving bass, to go along with glossy at times pristine production and catchy hooks. "Sympathy is like a knife" is the first banger to catch my ear a tune seemingly about questioning the authenticity of sympathetic nature. "Talk Talk" has a simple hook and neon-tinted winter vibe to it. It's the sort of song I imagine hearing on a winter-themed ride at a fair. "Rewind" taps into nostalgia for a specific time in her life a time when she was less judgemental of herself. That's the thing about this album, Charli is very personal and vulnerable through this project but in a way, that doesn't take away from the fact you're supposed to bobbing your head at the least and full-on dancing at most throughout the project. The album is a snapshot of where she is in life at the moment. "Girl, So Confusing" has an excellent beat sound right now yet futuristic at the same time. The last three songs on the album are amongst the best with "I Think about All the Time" being the most personal finding Charli at a point of truly thinking about settling down and starting a family. "365" Ends the album properly it's catchy and bangs. I'll always keep an eye out for what Charli comes with next. 8/10
Ducks LTD-Harms Way: The second LP from Ducks and indie-rock/pop duo from Toronto. The album's a nine-track LP of mid-tempo power pop/jangle pop built for easy listening. Dusk rides to the beach, brisk autumn days, and late summer Sunday afternoons, are the settings I see when listening to this music. Nothing is gripping but nothing is bothersome either. Just some solid pop-rock. 7/10
Yard Act-Where is My Utopia: Where is My Utopia is the second LP from four-piece British post-punk band Yard Act. The band released on the best post-punk LP's of 2022 and this album follows that up well. It's as sublime in its art-punk vibe but this one goes more in a dance-rock direction. "We Make Hits" has a great bounce and groove to it and I like the authenticity of the lyrics. "Down The Stream" almost sounds hip-hop it has a very layered sound instrumentally. "Undertow" is another with a great groove while also talking about trying to be accountable and turning your bad behavior into good. The album peaks in my opinion with "Dream Job" a catchy tune that's party-ready. Great hook on that one. The album as a whole is great in turns of the quality of sound and in terms of the lyrics and their depth. Definitely worth listening to. 8.5/10
Doja Cat-Scarlett(2023 backlog)- This is the fourth album from rapper/singer Doja Cat. Doja Cat has always had a big somewhat eccentric personality and a knack for rhyming and making catchy tunes. Her LP Woman wasn't necessarily my cup of tea though. This album I think is much better, from track one Doja comes off great, and "Paint the Town Red" has a great beat along with a soul sample in the background. "Gun" is another sexually charged track that has a sharp hook and a tight flow. "Agora Hills" has an ethereal dream pop vibe to it production-wise and Doja heightens her voice giving it a preppy youthful vibe. "Can't Wait" is a love song with The Honey Drippers sample used for percussion on the track. "Love Life" has a beautiful chorus and finds Doja Cat speaking about everything she loves about her life and showing appreciation for where she's at. "Balut" has a great beat, and features a great flow from her it's the most straightforward hip-hop track on the album and one of my favorites. There are points on the album where she could be static in terms of flow in my opinion and doesn't give me enough to chew on lyrically especially on the first few tracks right after the opener. Still, I think this is a really good project that I can see myself returning to here and there. 7.5/10
Doechii-Alligator Bites Never Heal: Alligator Bites Never Heal is the third mixtape from TDE Artist Doechii out of Tampa FL. Doechii is a rapper/singer who has an elastic flow, a quirky and charismatic persona, and, knowledge of blending sounds and creating a soundscape. This project sounds like it takes things from both the '90s and early '00s while also being influenced by current rap and R&B. "Denial is a River" showcases her storytelling ability and big personality. Love the aggression of "Catfish" It goes hard. "Wait" speaks to not waiting for things to happen for you, putting the work in and making them go. "Death Roll" follows that up perfectly as she's introspective again on her inner thoughts and motives, letting you into what makes her tic these days. Her performance and presence on the mic are great on that track. "Nissan Altima" is amongst the best bangers on the album. Doechii dives into a double-time flow, the beat is high energy but a bit glossy. It's just a well-put-together project there are moments when I'm reminded of something Missy & Timberland would cook up, and other times when I'm reminded of something SZA or Doja Cat would do. Even a little Kendrick sneaks in there on "Hide N Seek". She has a bright future ahead of her. 8/10
Big Sean- Better Me Than You: Better Me Than You is the sixth LP from Detroit Rapper Big Sean. Sean is a rapper I have a lot of respect for as he's done nothing but improve since his early days of corny lines, songs, and, lackluster depth. Big Sean here has matured and grown up while still giving you tunes that bang more and are meant for different environments. "On Up" is one of my favorite songs on the album speaking to having a son and all the emotions that come with it from things you want to pass down and don't to the realization that life is a cycle and a finite experience. I enjoy the introspection of "Break The Cycle" speaking on breaking bad habits and generational curses. I love Sean's flow on "This N That" is very nimble on that track. "Precision" is another banger, has a catchy fun vibe that won't be for everyone but is definitely enjoyable. Not every track stands out some are a bit generic but I think it's a quality effort from Sean. 7.5/10
LL Cool J- The Force: This is LL Cool J's fourteenth album and the first one since 2013. The Force entirely produced by Q-Tip is a return to form for LL, who throughout the album is lyrically and vocal sharp throughout. His vocals pack the same punch and power they've always had and he's only grown more lyrically dexterous and sharp with time. Tracks like "Murdergram Deux" and "Praise Him" find him keeping pace with premier lyricists in Nas and Eminem. Other highlights include the boom bap of "Passion" the fun and light-hearted "Proclivities" and the updated 80's sound of "Post Modern". I don't always love Q-Tip's production on this I don't always feel the busyness of Q-Tip's mix on some of these fit with Cool J's sound and there are times when I think he hits the mark. Overall, I think this is a good project LL is someone with classic albums so it's hard to live up to that but he does show he still got it at a high level here. 7.5/10
Ransom & Conway The Machine-Chaos is my Ladder 2: A collaboration album from two premier underground MCs Ransom & Conway the Machine produced by V Don. The album features the kind of production you'd expect gritty with a dark atmosphere. "Limitless" has a great beat perfect canvas for Conway and Ransom to go off on. "Shell Fish" is another bright spot on the project, as they flow over pensive strings and bass, Ransom in particular has a great verse on that one. The album plays like a Ransom album featuring Conway so he has most of the stand-out verses. Conway brings most of the street rhetoric and braggadocio while Ransom's verse tends to be a little more technically proficient and deeper. One of the best tracks is the melancholic solo track "Midlife Crisis" speaking to how he growing old and better in this game. "Born Again" speaks to the pain, anxiety, and depression even though people may not /475 see that from the outside. Both Conway and Ransom are strong on that one. This is a great project, mature grown man rap music. Enough street talk for those who want to hear that and enough real life for those who want something grounded and relatable. 8.5/10
MGMT-Loss of Life: Loss of Life is the fifth studio LP from Neo-psych rock band MGMT. Their last album Little Dark Age was a bit of a return to form for me. I think they follow that up well with this psych-rock/indie-rock effort. Acoustic guitars, bass, synths even some windwood and horns make the soundbed for this album. It's an album that essentially takes you on a melancholic trip through themes of loss. I love the lush and full sound of "Mother Nature" The track builds and you get some great guitar riffs coming in on it. "Dancing in Babylon" ft Christine and the Queens is notable in that it really feels like an 80's dream pop duet. It has a nice and whimsical feel. "People In The Streets" may be my favorite track on the project though, if features these great acoustic guitar sounds blended with the wall of synths that are beautiful. The song seemingly shows the dichotomy between someone in a higher place in life and the everyday person on the streets. "Nothing Changes" has a somber tone to it and the lyrics are a bit morbid and contemplative. The album, I think it's another strong album from MGMT who never come with the same sound twice but continue to sound like they've always had at the same time. 8/10
Glorilla-Glorious: Glorious is the debut album from Memphis rapper Glorilla, Street but soulful, hard with a booming voice that cuts through any beat. Glorilla's done nothing but slowly get better and better since she burst on the scene in 2022 with singles like FNF and 2morrow. Her Mixtape Errthang Errthang was a quality tape, a buzz builder that featured "Yeah! Glo!" a catchy yet tough, anthemic song that's everything you need to know about Glo stylistically. Her album is more of what has come to be expected from Glorilla but on a higher level. "Hollon" is a Yeah Glo type of banger confrontational and aggressive with a chant-along chorus. "Procedure" ft Latto is another highlight of the project the beat is smooth and pristine as Glo and Latto go back and forth about how these dudes aren't on their level. "Rain Down On Me" is a gospel rap song that speaks to Glorilla's roots as a youth in the church choir. It's definitely a differentiating factor in her music. "I Ain't Going" is an anti-abuse/domestic violence track." Let Her Cook" is a true banger love the chorus and big bass, horns, and, light piano on the beat. I think it's a quality debut album. There's room for improvement but Glo has solid charisma and voice that should take her far with more time to hone her skills. 7.5/10
Rome Streetz & Daringer-Hatton Garden Hold Up: Griselda artist Rome Streetz is an underground veteran at this point, known for gritty street-orientated rhymes. Also known for stacking internal rhymes and multisyllabic rhymes which is on great display here on top of Daringers grimy but detailed grey-tinted production. "Starbuxxz" starts things off nicely in that I love how Rome catches the pocket on that one. "Drive By" has a cold wintery lo-fi vibe, great rhymes, and similes on this one. Then there's the "Black Widow" which is a great piano-laden beat that features Westside Gunn who does his thing on that one. "Weight of The World" ft Cormega, is great you get the younger rawer energy one that one from Rome and the thoughtful more conscious seen-it-all done-it-all vibe from Cormega. "Space X" features one of his best flows on the project. There's a lot of great music on this project and it has that patented Griselda shadowy grimy vibe(Daringer) Rome is an exceptional rhymer which adds up to a really good album. 7.5/10
Che Noir-The Lotus Child: Che Noir has been on her grind and honing her skills for a long time. Food For Thought(2022) was when I got wind of her through one of my favorite projects of that year. Che's done nothing but grind and hone her craft, a buffalo Griselda affiliate you know you're going to get hard bars and shadowy beats. "Shadow Puppet" starts things off nicely with a soulful beat that features some soft yet emotive vocals over the beat. Che Noir speaks to having to hustle and grind to get where she's at and to where she's going. "Black Girl" Ft Rapsody, is amazing both come on the track and do their thing Che sounds strong as ever and Rapsody is just one of the best rappers in the game period, and has a standout verse. "Sister Act" is a boom-bap beat that finds Che in her bag. I love the Daria reference with "Jodie Landon" as Che Noir raps about being black and ambitious and having a hustler mentality even though she's growing to realize the industry isn't exactly everything it's cracked up to be. "Wis Love" has beautiful a smooth beat and it's more of a hip-hop/r&b introspective track about falling in love, it's very sweet. "Angels" is the most personal as she touches on losing a close friend in death, moving end to really a great project. A Short 8 track project that shows the diversity in what Che Noir can do. She gives you the hard bars, the introspection, some consciousness and pain. The sound which largely produced by Che Noir is of high quality throughout. So it is definitely worth giving a listen to. 8.5/10
7xvethegenius-Death of Deuce: 7xvethegenius is one of the most talented MCs on Griselda's affiliate label Drumwork. She's been grinding in the underground for years and on this project, she showcases why she's one of the best. 7xve is a technically skilled wordsmith with a strong command of rhythm and flow, as she displays different flows, cadences, and, rhyme schemes throughout the project. This tone is set properly with the Boom Bap of "A Lesson" The track has a nice autumn tone to it that permeates the album. "Triangle" ft Papoose is great in that they both go off on the track. 7xve speaks to her humble beginnings in the song. "Psalm" ft Jae Skees has a melancholic vibe that brings out cathartic bars from both artists. "MoMa" may be the most lushly produced track on the project and probably my favorite on the album. On the whole, it's a great project that rewards more with a focused listen where 7xve's passion and skill can be soaked in because on the move the production can make the album feel a bit understated but this is worthy of giving a listen. 8/10
Tyler The Creator-Chromakopia: Chromakopia is Tyler The Creator's 8th album. This one is coming following his acclaimed project Call Me if You Get Lost a more traditional hip-hop album hosted by DJ Drama that found him showcasing his ability as an MC and challenging his pen. It was a pretty solid project. Chromakopia is more in line with his more eccentric taste as a songwriter and aligns with his love of artists like the Neptunes, Nerd, and Kanye West. So while he's still rapping well on this there's more melody and a sonic canvas that's a bit more avant-garde. "Rah Rah Tah" has a full busy city sound to it. It's a banger and something I can see doing well at a concert. "Noid" speaks to the paranoia that comes with being a rapper in this world of cameras, clout chasers, and the access to things that lead to a rapper's demise. "Darling, I" is a track about Tyler not wanting to be monogamous and not wanting to choose a woman over his love of music. This flows nicely into "Hey Jane" some of his best writing on the project as he speaks to the fear and weariness that comes with an unexpected pregnancy but also wants to be accountable and responsible about the situation. Then he speaks from the woman's perspective on the matter showing her fear and vulnerability but also her willingness to step up and take care of the situation. "I Killed You" finds Tyler touching on the self-hatred that's passed down in regard to black hair textures. "Sticky" ft Lil Wayne, Sexxy Red, and, Glorrilla is a banger meant to be played at high volume. "Take Your Mask Off" is the last great song on the project as Tyler breaks down those who he feels are fugazi and fraudulent in hopes of bringing them to being real to themselves. Past tracks 2-9 there are good songs but I think the album meanders a bit and doesn't keep the same momentum it's good enough that it's worth putting your ears to. It won't be for everyone but it's quality work regardless. 8/10
Freddie Gibbs-You Only Die 1nce: You Only Die Once is a 6 solo Freddie Gibbs album but it's really his 10th counting collaborative work. The Gary, Indiana legend has been on a serious run since 2014's Pinata with Madlib and really got into a zone in 2019 when he released Bandana every album since then has been great. With Bandanna and Alfredo being top-tier. His last effort Soul Sold Separately was great as well. This is another to add to what's already a hell of a discography. The album finds Freddie Gibbs coming off a low point in the media with a fallout from beef he's had in the rap game and personal relationship debacles going public. Freddie Gibbs has received a lot of hate warranted or not and some of it has even spilled over into the way some have judged his music. On You Only Die Once you follow Freddie as he takes you through his typical grim street tales while also being transparent about where he is in his life. Throughout the album, there are skits where the devil is trying to tempt Freddie with every temptation possible from illicit drug use to money, chains women, the streets, etc. Freddie throughout the album sounds like someone who knows better but still struggles with vices, struggles to handle fame and access. Struggles dealing with beef constructively etc. I love the track "Wolverine" as Freddie Gibbs gives you gangsterism and consciousness in speaking to how a faction of the black community can be too busy fighting and killing each other to see how systematic racism affected them and still is affecting them. "It's Your Anniversary" is classic Gibbs over a classic sample but instead of it being the anniversary of their marriage it's their anniversary of them getting hit. So many of the beats on the project are chill, "Steel Doors" features a smooth airy beat but Freddie sounds hard as reinforced steel as Freddie wonders where the love is with all the hate he's been getting. "Ruthless" features a great flow from Freddie and a simple but catchy hook and it's a song about how he's made mistakes and slipped up in the game, particularly with the women he's dealt with which has made him more guarded in that regard. Freddie Gibbs has a kind voice and flow where you could sort of let it play in the background and enjoy it but if you pay attention it can be transfixing. He's detailed, personal, and actually more vulnerable, soulful really than you'd expect. It exhibits this perfectly in "Origami". The album concept comes into focus on "On The Set" where he eulogizes fallen rappers and speaks on the stress of possibly losing his own life but getting into film is a sign of him doing the right thing. It's another great album from Freddie Gibbs. 8.5/10
Westside Gunn-Still Praying: This is a new mixtape from prolific artist and curator Westside Gunn largely produced by Statik Selektah. Westside Gunn has never been the best MC in Griselda but he's always been great. Has great charisma, and a sense of humor and knows what production he sounds best over and how to put together a project. "Beer Bar" is the first highlight of the project, the track has fluttering keys, deep bass, and dusty percussion it's a mixture of street and opulence that Westside is known for. "Duran Duran" has a dark shadowy piano-laden sound to it, it's hard quintessential Griselda. The tape reaches its apex on the title cut which features Stove God Crooks, Benny The Butcher, Conway The Machine, and, Boldy James. An all-star list of MCs who come through with great verses. The track has a serious and dark meditative tone to it, and everybody did their thing on it. Rome Streetz loses his mind on the mic on "Underground King" not to mention Westside floats on that track flow-wise and Stove sounds great on this. Great tape from Westside Gunn here. 8/10
Kendrick Lamar-GNX: Kendrick Lamar has had a prolific year which pretty much started with him getting into a lyrical spar with often compared rapper Drake. He had a great showing between his verse on "Like That", lyrical salvo on Euphoria, the cerebral 6:16 in LA, the forever banger That is "Not Like Us", and the serious "Watch the Party Die" I'd say Kendrick hasn't missed this year. GNX is his latest project, coming with much hype and intrigue. Tonally I think the best way to put is that Kendrick is unapologetic, unwavering, and unforgiving. "Wacced Out Mural" references his literal mural being defaced in LA and the lack of support industry-wide. Kendrick doesn't care and sees things in black and white his side or the other side. The track to start is cinematic, and builds both his flow and the beat switches nicely on the track also love the hook on the track. "Squabble Up" is another early highlight a straight West Coast dance banger that's fun, a little silly but also layered production-wise. "Man at the Garden" has a Nas "One Mic"-like build as Kendrick embraces his ego, his greatness and, his willingness not to play about himself and his family, I like it's one of the cuts that sneak up on you how good it is. "Hey Now" is excellent the track is sonically layered has these dark yet majestic synths, very catchy. "Reincarnated" finds him channeling his inner Tupac paying homage to him over the "Made Niggaz" sample, Dot knocks this one out of the park as far as I was concerned as he tells a detailed story about being reincarnated multiple times. "TV Off" may be the best tune on the project, a banger from start to finish, and has a great beat switch, and great hooks. It's elite. I'd say the Heart part 6 is the next special cut on the album, a smooth beat as Dot reminisces on his and TDE's come up from humble beginnings, it's a great tune paying hommage to what made him the artist he is now, and he also speaks to why Black Hippy didn't go as far as maybe it could've. Lastly "Gloria" is another concept song that on first listen sounds like it's bout his girl Whitney but is about his relation with his pen and more broadly writing and how at times his writing can be negative and at times positive but he loves it. It's gotten him this far. There are a couple holes on the album GNX has a beat that's a bit clunky and the local LA features on there aren't exactly great."Dodger Blue" is a bit short and nondiscript and "Peekaboo" while fun and silly isn't one I'll always go back too. Still, this is a great body of work, there are cuts on this album that are among some of his best work, and it's also maybe the most fun I've ever heard Kendrick have on an album. This is also the most West Coast-sounding album Kendrick has ever released. A lot to love about this project. 8.5/10
Ice Cube-Man Down: Adding to an already great year in West Coast hip-hop Ice Cube adds to it with Man Down his 11th solo album. Ice Cube is a legendary MC but it's safe to say his fastball has slowed a bit from his late 80s to early 90s output the urgency, and riotous flow isn't quite as potent, still, there are some great tunes on here. Most of all of them are on the front half of the album. "Rollin at Twilight" has a smooth beat and flow, and has a nighttime drive feel to it. "It's My Ego" follows that and has a great bounce and basslines that give the track a true West Coast banger vibe. "So Sensitive" for my money is the best track on the album, the track is soaked in West Coast funk and Ice Cube sounds right at home on it. "5150" isn't bad either as Cube as it find Cube rhyming about dealing with a women who's off her rocker. After around track 8, the album is a little less consistent but "Fighting for My Life in Paradise" ft Kurupt is great, the beat is excellent, it's chill and breezy, and has a sunburnt afternoon vibe to it. "Break The Mirror ft Xzibit is a hard collaboration as well. It's a 19-track album and I think coiled down to about 12 would've been great for the effort but at about 1 hour the run time on this isn't too demanding. It's a solid outing from Cube that has definite highlights worth checking out particularly if you want to hear that West Coast sound. 7.5/10
MC Lyte- 1 of 1: 1 of 1 is the ninth studio LP for the legendary MC Lyte. MC Lyte's skillset has largely stayed intact one of the strongest voices ever in rap, consistently boastful and charismatic. "King King" Ft Queen Latifah is one of the best tracks on the album, a track celebrating men particularly those who settle down and find a queen by his side. Transversely, "Woman" ft Big Daddy Kane, Salt(of Salt and Pepper) is a great track about woman empowerment. On "1-5" Lyte gives you the rules to the game in life and in the music business. "All Day All Night" is a romantic story about young love, another strong tune. There are 14 tracks on here aside from skits and there are about 3 tracks that are a bit lackluster but for the most part, there are some great and substantial tunes on here. "Change Your Ways with Stevie Wonder and Common features a strong performance from all parties. MC Lyte's still got it and still has the knowledge and wisdom to drop. 7.5/10
Snoop Dogg- Missionary{Produced by Dr. Dre}: Missionary is the Twentieth album by Long Beach legend/Icon Snoop Dogg and his second with Dr Dre at the helm production-wise. The project is meant to be a sequel to the legendary album Doggystyle but I don't think it should be compared to that album or any of the great work they did during Death Row's initial run which contained some of the best rap albums, singles, and moments to ever exist in hip-hop. You have to take them where they're at and where they're at is a more a more matured place. Dr Dre's production on this project is solid, you get some beats that sound West Coast with the basslines and sparse sonics but these days more lush and wide-ranging. I love the sound of "Hard Knocks" The track has a nice sparse bounce and the beat switches nicely. "Out the Blue" has a big world music sound, meant to be played loud in your car. I like "Gorgeous" with Jhene Aiko it's grown and sexy in a way they would never be 1993 song has a bit of that funk to it but has a classy R&B feel to the chorus. "Skyscrapers" has a hard yet cinematic beat with horns, Dre's always been good about background details as well. This isn't in the lexicon of the best Dr Dre production but it's quality there's replay value. As for Snoop, it's actually a shame Dr Dre is just good because Snoop is stellar. He sounds crisp, clear, and sharp. Snoop raps on this album like he has something to prove, he's the best part about this album. From top to bottom, I often find myself saying damn Snoop went crazy on that. He sounds great on all the aforementioned tracks. His verse stands out on the Method Man-assisted "Skyscrapers". Snoop also leaves with the best verse on the Eminem and 50 Cent-assisted Gunz N Smoke. Gotta commend Snoop because to my ears he came out and showed out. There are moments on the album like "Last Dance with Mary Jane" and "Another Part of Me" that to me are a bit of a reach I'm just not going to listen to those. Still, I think it deserves to be put in the great category I think there are a lot of standout tracks and I think the project is largely cohesive. 8/10
By : Patrick Griffin II
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yiiyiiwrites · 10 months ago
The Punch [2]
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[Summary/masterlist][part one]
Note: JJ Maybank going head to head with you in a sparring session. 2423 words
Five days had passed since your first run in with JJ. You hadn’t seen him since, the late nights at the gym reserved only for you. If he was smart he’d probably be training in the day so that you couldn’t find his weaknesses or sloppy routine when it came to fighting.
There was no weigh in or rap sheet for you to study. The lack of research or knowledge pushing you to run longer each morning and eat cleaner each day. Your muscles groaned each night as you laid in bed, you never thought you’d miss the ice baths you used to take weekly but you did.
As Friday comes by, you find yourself digging through your duffle bag. The pill container no longer rattling with pain killers. You chuck it across your room, wincing at the tight pull across your shoulder. Cradling the sore spot, you close your eyes and breathe in deep trying to manage the pain.
The house was buzzing with talk as you step out of your room and into the kitchen. Your grandmother chatting animatedly to your mother, both wearing matching aprons as they prepared a late dinner. Reggie nowhere to be seen, his presence missing every Friday till he shows up on Sunday. Nothing out of the ordinary at the Arnold household.
As you pass the kitchen table your grandmother reaches out to smooth a hand on your back. The action making you relax, a smile tugging your lips. You bid them goodbye, but you’re yanked back by the strap of your bag.
“Where are you off to?”
You turn around, gaze falling on your mother. The past few weeks had not been kind to her, dark rims hung under eyes and frown lines settling on her forehead. She was always tired, but her voice was never raised. A big contrast to your father.
“Just going to hang with some friends.” It’s almost too easy to lie, but your mother plucks the white curl of bandages tumbling from your bag. The zipper broken and not concealing the gloves either. You spin the duffel round behind you, fingers wrapping around the strap by your hip. You ignore the weight across your shoulder and the burn as you move.
There’s a beat of silence, the idle hum of your grandmother stopping as she watches the two of you. Your mother bundling and twisting the bandages in her hand, she’s too focussed on the implications of you fighting again. You’d barely made it out of the last championship with a medal. She’s seen the way your body aches and how your concentration lacks in everyday life.
What she can’t stand is you putting yourself in that position, never understood why you’d want to take a punch. Maybe you were just used it, something you learnt to take. It doesn’t make it any easier for her. She’d lost count the amount of times she’d begged her husband to give you a break, to not do too many fights so that you could rest, heal. So that you could be a regular teen.
The whistling kettle on the stove jolts her out of her thoughts and she sighs giving you the ribbon of material in your outstretched hand.
“It’s nothing serious Ma,” you say, but it’s only to make her feel better. You and her know that you’re lying. She closes your hand in hers and squeezes it, head nodding for you to go.
You’d like to say that you were more like your mother, but that’s not the case. You wish that you could see the world like her, care for people instead of pushing them away or worse lashing out. It’s how your hardwired, so you know it’s going to take another seventeen years to reprogram all that shit.
The walk to the gym led you astray from the many thoughts clouding your mind. Sun dipping down beyond the horizon, cool breeze carrying you along the side of the road.
As the club came into view, a group of guys exited the front door. You pulled the hood of your thin jacket to cover your face, but your uncle Reggie's voice had you jumping into the alley. Pressing your back against the wall and dropping your head down, you eyed the group as they swapped wads of cash between them.
The shady alley does enough to keep you out of sight, your gaze following your uncle get into a truck with a guy you'd never seen before. Silver tooth sparkling as he smiles out the window to another stranger. You wait in the shadows, stepping out as soon as the truck is out of view and turned the street corner.
You push the door open, the splintered panel still nailed where the glass pane used to be. Discarded shatters still littering the concrete outside, you make sure not to tread on any as you step over the threshold.
Wading through the dingy room, punching bags sway from the rafters. The low lighting around the main floor does little to announce JJ of your arrival.
You on the other-hand, have a front row view of JJ Maybank in all his glory. He's centerstage in the ring, muscles shifting along his back as he warms up. He's light on his feet, footwork almost like he's dancing.
"Can I help you?" His voice echoes through the room, arms dropping to his side before he turns to catch your blatant stare. There's a smirk playing on his lips, his arms resting on the rope as he stares down to you.
You change into your fighting shoes ignoring him. You shred your hoody and grab the hand wraps and boxing gloves from your duffle.
The wooden steps up to the ring creak as you climb them, head ducking to squeeze through the ropes. You stumble into the ring dropping your gloves with a thud.
JJ's circling the worn out platform, gaze flitting to you as you attempt to wrap your own hands in a hurry. He nudges his head towards the stool in the corner, catching the ribbon of white to tug you towards him. You don't decline his offer, knowing full well that it would only unravel inside your glove if you did it alone and in a rush.
His brow furrows as he focuses on his task, gentle feathery touches when he brushes the back of your hand. You don't say anything savouring the silence or more trying to get in that headspace of being a fighter. Either one of you would go down, you hoping it'd be him and not you.
"All done." JJ nods his head and inspects his handywork.
"Not bad Maybank. Here I was thinking you'd do a crap job to put me off my game." The snipes and trash talk are normal before a fight, you're used to swapping insults with whoever you fight or train with. But with the frown on JJ's face, it seem's like he's not much of a talker before a match.
You watch him scoop his gloves up and slip his hand in one. "Shirt, Maybank. You need to wear a shirt." As much as he was a sight to look at, you didn't want to be sticking to him too.
"Too distracting?" His brow quirks, dimples settling in his cheeks as he smiles to you. The flirting tactics would not be enough to put you off your game.
"Funny," you scoff, chucking him his t-shirt. His muscles tense as he pulls it over his head, you don't miss the faded bruises on his ribs, part of you trying to remember the best places to hit.
The harsh spotlight makes you squint, the boy across the ring from you bouncing on his spot and clapping his boxing gloves together. As JJ moved towards you his demeanour changed, smile slipping away and jaw tightening as he concentrated.
"Come on Champ."
You trade punches, he's swift and a lot more stable than you'd thought he be. Both of you get a few jabs before you retreat, hands raised to your centre ready to lift or drop to defend.
JJ backs you into a corner, arms caging you in. "Too close?" He whispers in your ear, but you jab him in the ribs and shove him away. Low blow you know, but he let his guard down. Of course you'd take it.
He shakes his head and laughs, knowing full well that you didn't direct all of your strength into the hit. You dodge his attacks, the stray strand of your hair whipping with the force of his glove that you narrowly just missed.
Where he'd stepped forward to throw his punch he left himself open, you took your chance and punched his jaw sending him stumbling back a few steps.
"Come on, Champ." JJ pressed his glove to his jaw. "Not the face." He shrugged it off, feet shuffling as he made the most of the area of the ring. He was ill equipped, battered shoes that you couldn't even run in and peeling leather gloves, but he made the best with what he had. You couldn't blame his lack of gear, his skill and judgement alone gave him everything he needed.
You land a few more punches, JJ returning the favour. When you thought you had the upper-hand, he'd swoop in and catch you off guard. You don't know how long you've been at it, just the two of you swapping insult back and forth to catch the other one out.
The sweat drips from your forehead, eyes stinging as you wipe it from your blurry vision. There's a dull numbing stab dancing over your shoulder blade with each punch, you suck in a breath hoping JJ doesn't catch on to your weakness. You daren't roll the tension or touch the spot in case you give it away.
It takes a while for you to register the hit, your back slamming to the floor. You scream in pain, it spreads like wildfire and the hand on your shoulder feels like its burning. Eye's heavy, black clouding your head you try to control your breathes and calm your racing heart.
"Shit, fuck. Hey are you with me?" JJ's voice is soft as well as his touch, palm tapping your cheek for you to stay awake and not pass out. "Marlowes."
You stay down for a few minutes, eyes squinting up at JJ who's form shields you from the glaring spotlight. He helps you sit, his head ducking to try and catch your gaze. His gloves are discarded over the other side of the ring, bandages unraveling from his sweaty hands, one hand still cradling your shoulder as if you'll fall back again.
"Sorry." You peel his hand off your shoulder and massage the sore spot, flinching when you try to move it. "Thought it was good."
JJ doesn't say anything, just nods his head deep in thought. He helps you remove your gloves and begins to unravel your bandages, stopping when you pull away from him to do it yourself. You're so focused on trying to shove your gear back in your bag, that you hadn't noticed that JJ had left.
You drag your duffle by the strap and swing over the ropes, JJ catching it as he came back. He holds the ropes so that you can climb out of the ring with more ease, hand guiding you down the steps.
"Here," he says draping a cooling pack over your shoulder and pushing you to sit on the step. "That bad huh?"
On instinct you shake your head, the more you complain the more you train, but that doesn't have to be the case anymore. Not on the cut at-least. "It's fine, it's manageable."
"I thought professionals looked after their bodies," JJ says stopping as he meets your glare. "I mean, like you should be resting not sparring." He leans his hand against the rope and looks down to you seated.
"Says the guy that's still healing." You point to his torso, sliding the ice pack away from your shoulder and placing it on the step beside you. "Anyways, I've gotta go." You don't need to trade sob stories, or get to know each other more.
JJ follows you through the gym after scrambling to get his gear together in his bag. You take your time, you're not sure why you wait for him, but you do. He opens the door for you, closing the gym and clicking the padlock to the front.
The flickering street lamps don't do much to light dark street, you fall in step with JJ as you cross the small parking lot. "See you around Maybank.," you call over your shoulder as you go your separate ways.
"I got you pretty good, huh Champ." JJ's leant against his bike, arms folded over his chest. "Remember that deal?"
You turn round regretting the abrupt movement in the wake of your takedown. "You're serious?" You want to laugh, but his serious expression and determined nod keeps you quiet.
The space between the two of you doesn't seem much when it comes to skill. JJ a little rough around the edges, but he made up for it by his ability to judge his opponent well.
"Okay, if you want to train with me you gotta be serious." You eye him as he mumbles an agreement. "Need a routine and discipline." Walking towards him you ask for his phone and enter your number.
"I got a fight tomorrow night, come by." JJ taps his phone screen, your phone beeping in your hoody pocket. "All the details are there, see you around Champ."
JJ goes to move, but you pull him back by his t-shirt. "One thing, you can't tell anyone I'm training you. Bad enough I'm going it alone, never mind my dad finding out I'm using his regime for you."
Saying your goodbyes, you watch JJ zip down the road on his motorbike. He'd offered you a ride home, but you need the fresh air and walk to clear your mind. The consistent buzzing of your phone drew your attention to the screen, the many notifications of missed calls from your Father. You'd been dodging him since you'd come to the cut, not wanting to into another debate about training or going to live with back on Figure eight.
You ignored the calls, putting your headphones in to listen to music and drown out everything around you.
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matchagyudon · 11 months ago
Charisma, Charisma Battle Anthem - Fumiya Ito English Lyrics Translation
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TL Notes:
I kind of butcher it in the English translation, but what Fumiya calls a “Yukichi Bromide” is just 10,000 yen. He likes to collect a bunch of them like bromides, like a hardcore stan with their ita bags and rooms of the same merch. I think I managed to get the point across. The American version I guess would be “Lincoln Photocards” or something like that lol.
I really had to keep myself from writing “my peppy lil pro idol” because maybe Fumiya would have come off a little Discord admin-y. But I think Fumiya would do anything for some yen at this rate. Anyways, JPY is just the currency (Japanese Yen). Like how he calls the Yukichi note a bromide, he essentially relates JPY to an idol he adores.
そそり勃つ/sosoritatsu: To become erect (like a nipple/penis/etc).
I don’t even know how to explain where Amahiko gets asparagus from 野天門. 野天 (noten) is to be in the open air and 門 (mon) is gate. His ass is a gate…. Also thank you to my friend for pointing out that で (de) is in fact a location marker, and with the shape of asparagus…. You can see asparagus inside Amahiko’s Wild Gate ;)
札束 (satsutaba) is a bundle of cash/stack of money. So he’s collecting those bands!!!
“Do well on your mission and “you will be rewarded”. This most definitely has some religious connotation, given the verse as well as the whole thing of Fumiya and his “godly” message. A missionary going on a mission.
ビターな甘味処 “This place is bittersweet” 甘味処/kanmidokoro is a cafe featuring Japanese sweets. Bitter sweet[shop].
“Shit that makes something out of nothing call that Holy shit” Ohse our Holy Mary <3
Tera, peta, and exa are SI prefixes. Tera is 1012, peta is 1015, and exa is 1018. Lots of beauty to go around.
I can’t keep beating around the bush anymore with Amahiko. I try to fluff up anything he says but if he were to say “I LOVE ROUGH ANAL SEX” in full blown English what am I supposed to do at this point. I give up.
Fun fact! Look up χάρισμα. This is read as charisma…. Which in Greek, means gift of god! A divine boon.
Raps are not my strong suit. Maybe one day I’ll be able to make this make sense. In the meantime, I tried. Not my best work. I really appreciate the writers creativity though <3 even though it melts my mind a lot of the times.
“1, 2, 3” Chasin’, chasin’ after that paper like collectible photo cards “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7” Driven High, you’ll get your fair share “1, 2, 3” JPY, my peppy pro idol A handbook? Nah, how ‘bout a tour guide? “Charisma Style Rap Battle Break!”
Didn’t I already explain it to ya? Well to sum it up At the beginning of the week Let's call it Charisma Monday Interpol scatters Asia’s allies Marching alongside them, inciting right and wrong
Even birds who tweet their blessings have morals Attaining that QOL comes with responsibility Adulterated fraternizing, Not love for you Try to follow a different justice without diminishing it
Take advantage of that gap in my armor I’m a speedy, pro-slave Just a stray dog if you don’t call my name So tip my scale with endless burdens
Rebel then counter, counter, counter And counter again Lemme paint a picture of me for ya I’m like a coyote in the Sonoran desert Bloodthirsty and comin’ for ya throat
Beat down the greed that’s outta your league I’ve got a great view from down here like the shitty bug I am There’s 7 of us, but I’m the only dwarf The color of snow white Neurosis
No need for even a sliver of eccentricity Am I a necessity? “Seeking irregularities” Even from a long, long, long, long, long time ago, I’m a legacy Yes, I’m super beautiful ♪
The inevitable is calm So stiffen up This world’s fate is sexy! It’s sexy to read “Amahiko’s Wild Gate” With “ASSparagus!”
Magnificent 7th wonder I reach out and grab some bands Now it’s time to shine This Charisma Alchemy We’ve already got it in the bag
24/7 We set out, under the same roof With our everyday chaotic synergy 24/7 Eating out of the same pot Check out our flashy energy
Don’t give a shit about Pitiful jealousy Don’t give a shit about Living shamefully
Just shout out whenever And you can tell by the sound of footsteps
24/7 We set out, under the same roof With our everyday chaotic synergy 24/7 Eating out of the same pot Check out our flashy energy
We ain’t friends so stay out of our way ‘S no good? This is the path between Good and Evil
However! We’ve got rules here too If someone’s in trouble We’re all going down together
“1, 2, 3” Chasin’, chasin’ after that paper like collectible photo cards “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7” Driven High, you’ll get your fair share “1, 2, 3” JPY, my peppy pro idol A handbook? Nah, how ‘bout a tour guide? “Charisma Style Rap Battle Break!”
I wonder, are there spawns of demons and gods? And when you sift through them, how many people will be left? Do well on your mission and “you will be rewarded” This place is bittersweet
A pure white monologue No need for a secretary, just this diary You’re a caller of injustice So let’s get to the bottom of this, are you good or evil
Another successful case of tendonitis If you can’t get it, then we aren’t on the same page Those who are scrupulous Are squares My load tolerance is more than double-digits
Rage Against everything in this world Always angry, forgetting how to show mercy “Right?” Garbage that don’t burn That’s bullshit I’ll light it up anyways
Scum who is bewildered by those who are gentle A dark craft that drains the joys and sorrows of peace Shit that makes something out of nothing call that Holy shit A digital tattoo engraver
A neverending diffusion in every direction My beauty multiplies: tera, peta, and exa Mirror, oh mirror Even if you can’t understand the words The answer is revealed right in front of you
Extremely☆Horny A midsummer monster Quivering☆swaying A gift from God Locked in a grapple Inside of you Is a treasure Nearly bare!
If you back out now, it’ll vanish Your offerings of one hundred million Are not nearly enough But they can offset it “Rainy days” So from the back With no motion “Strike” While the iron’s still hot
24/7 We set out, under the same roof With our everyday chaotic synergy 24/7 Eating out of the same pot Check out our flashy energy
Don’t give a shit about Pitiful jealousy Don’t give a shit about Living shamefully
Just shout out whenever And you can tell by the sound of footsteps
24/7 We set out, under the same roof With our everyday chaotic synergy 24/7 Eating out of the same pot Check out our flashy energy
We ain’t friends so stay out of our way ‘S no good? This is the path between Good and Evil
However! We’ve got rules here too If someone’s in trouble We’re all going down together
“1, 2, 3” Chasin’, chasin’ after that paper like collectible photo cards “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7” Driven High, you’ll get your fair share “1, 2, 3” JPY, my peppy pro idol A handbook? Nah, how ‘bout a tour guide? “Charisma Style Rap Battle Break!”
Charisma Battle Anthem (google.com)
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blackr23 · 6 months ago
Rollingstoneuk p2
“The festival in Hyde Park is so huge,” says Changbin, who writes and produces for the group and is known for his lightning-fast rap verses. “I cannot wait to see the reaction of the fans, and how the Stay in London are going to welcome me.” 
“It’s been so long since we have been in London,” says HAN, who during the group interview slouches in a relaxed pose with his mass of tousled messy hair covering his eyes. Even though his slight frame is sliding further and further down his chair, he pipes up every now and then to add his opinion. “Being there [in London] is something I am really looking forward to, but also the festival which we’re going to perform is such a huge event for me,” he says.
Lee Know plans to revisit some London landmarks after he came to the UK capital on his own in May. “I went briefly for the Gucci show in London, and I saw Big Ben during the nighttime and I was very struck by it,” he tells me in a softly spoken voice. “So, I want to see it again, and also want to visit London deeply.” He confesses there wasn’t time for much else on his recent visit apart from a session in the hotel gym, which at least had a decent view.
Non-Stay readers will have noticed Stray Kids popping up with more frequency of late as the group embed themselves as a global household name. Last year, they performed ‘S-Class’ at the VMAs (also picking up an award on the night in the process), and were spotted hanging out with Dua Lipa, Anne Hathaway and Paul Mescal at fashion shows in London, Paris and Milan. In a fairly bleak music landscape, K-pop groups like Stray Kids let us revisit the halcyon days of 90s and 00s high-energy MTV, with all the big-budget technicolour music videos and huge world tours that came with that defining era.
Not content with the mortal realm, SKZ even made inroads into the Marvel Cinematic Universe when the group’s music was featured on the Deadpool & Wolverine soundtrack. Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds returned the favour by featuring in SKZ’s music video for ‘Chk Chk Boom’. And then there was that novel interaction with former Avenger Chris Hemsworth when he ran into the group at the MET Gala in NYC and proceeded to physically lift several band members off the ground. “I just picked them up, gave them cuddles,” Hemsworth said of the moment. “I love them. They were just a bundle of energy and joy, and I was like, ‘I love you guys.’”
“The last person that Chris picked up was me and after that, he gave up: ‘Gotta stop now; he’s heavier than my hammer,’” quips Changbin. As the buffest member of Stray Kids, the group often joke about his physique.
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Despite the group constantly orbiting the earth for various obligations that are carefully scheduled down to the minute, music remains the beating heart of Stray Kids. Masterminding creative concepts for each album, they are sextuple threats who can sing, dance, rap, choreograph, write and produce their own music — all skills that have been rigorously honed and sharpened by the unforgiving K-pop trainee system. Officially, the octet is split into three sub-units called ‘RACHAs’. 3RACHA, consisting of Bang Chan, Changbin and HAN, takes care of most of the writing and production; DANCERACHA, comprising Lee Know, Felix and Hyunjin, takes on choreography duties; and VOCALRACHA is made up of Seungmin and I.N, the designated lead singers. (There are unofficial units bestowed by the fans, including the affectionately named ‘PABORACHA’ — ‘pabo’ means dumb or foolish in Korean — whose esteemed members are Hyunjin, HAN and Lee Know, known for their chaotic and silly behaviour.)
RACHAs aside, band members’ roles can be quite fluid due to their multi-disciplinary training. Felix has co-written ‘Runners’, an English-language track on the new album, and Hyunjin wrote ‘Cover Me’ for their last EP, ROCK-STAR. It is entirely dependent on several, ever-changing factors.
Lee Know, for example, increasingly takes on more vocal roles in songs: “It’s always different according to what song we’re doing, and it depends on the schedules as well,” says Bang Chan. When it comes to songwriting, Bang Chan explains how if the group are on a tight schedule, they will gather beforehand and decide who does what. “Then, during our schedule, while we’re on the road and during our free time, then that’s when we get time to edit it,” he says. “So, it’s always different.”
Changbin adds, “When there is a tight schedule, everyone tries to do their own work. As for title tracks, three to four members have to meet up and do the work together. As far as individual work [goes], everyone can ask for help from other members.” Fans often witness the process when the band shares behind-the-scenes footage in the studio, with 3RACHA guiding members singing and rapping in the booth, meticulously tweaking their creations to make sure every element is just how they want it, collaborating on ideas and moulding the track as they go.
Felix explains that it’s a similar situation with the dance routines and concepts, “When it comes to performance, we always send our feedback about what we feel about the choreography, and we always try to match up to what is the best performance for this song. We talk about it with everyone too, as everyone is performing.”
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Stray Kids’ sound has always been very experimental, spanning several genres, and ATE continues their sonic exploration. “It’s quite different to what we’ve done before, but we’re always open to new stuff,” says Bang Chan. As their mini album, ATE feels more grown-up, with the band having shed naivety from their lyrics. For instance, ‘I Like It’, an R&B track infused with trap-pop, explores the idea of a situationship: “I hope we don’t make a hasty mistake / Let’s take a long step back,” they sing. It’s a lyrically grey area that K-pop, which loves to deal in absolutes, doesn’t tackle often. ‘twilight’, written by HAN, slows things down, with a sparkling piano intro that sounds like it belongs in a Studio Ghibli film. The track cascades into a smooth, jazz, Bossa Nova style that examines the combustible nature of love, looking at what remains when an initial spark has burned too bright and been lost in a blaze of lustful glory, leaving only ashes behind.
The band’s bread and butter, though, lies in creating anthems, and both ‘MOUNTAINS’ and ‘Chk Chk Boom’ on this album fulfil that brief, with winding low electronic sounds and thundering choruses that are designed to be chanted back at them by the masses when they perform on stage.
Often the group will experiment with sound effects in their music. ‘ITEM’, a tune from their last album 5-Star, references the iconic Pac-Man video gamein its lyrics, and Bang Chan, Changbin and HAN played around with the production, lacing the song with retro arcade sounds. It has now become a popular track with the fanbase.
Following the popular K-Pop model at the moment of releasing new material almost biannually, Stray Kids won’t have time to dwell on this album for long. “We’re already working on new stuff,” explains Bang Chan.
I offer the idea of an acoustic album as something new for them to try, and the idea elicits a chorus of ‘oohs’ from them.
“That would be fun and another challenge for us,” says HAN, sitting up, his interest piqued.
“I would love it!” Seungmin pipes up enthusiastically, visibly animated at the prospect. “I play the guitar these days! I’m practising!”
“Too loud,” interjects Felix, jokingly. “When I am sleeping, I’m like ‘This guy!’ (Laughs) But he’s a good guitarist.”
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“I would love to perform acoustically,” muses I.N, the combination of his mass of bleached blond hair and black turtleneck channelling Andy Warhol. The youngest member of the group has one condition, though: “I would love it to be an acoustic song that I myself wrote for the occasion. If I were to imagine a song with all the members, that we have already released, whilst I play the piano, it would be our song called ‘Stray Kids’ from the new album.” The song looks at their journey as a band and the legacy they are striving to achieve together.
“The strongest friendships are honed with fights. now we can say our bonds are stronger”
— Changbin
The twin concepts of teamwork and togetherness are the bedrocks of SKZ. Their joint determination has been vital to their success. The gruelling trainee process, where wannabe pop stars train for upwards of 10 hours a day, six days a week for an indefinite period, comes with no guarantee that you will debut. This means that when a band does make it, they must be focused on their goals in order to maintain an upward trajectory.
Once debuting, it is customary for a group to live together. This makes life easier with their schedule, but it means that the members of SKZ are literally spending 24 hours a day with each other.
“It’s almost eight years since we started, and the trainee years, so it’s been almost a decade since I have been living with these people,” explains HAN candidly, not shying away from addressing the complex dynamics of a large group in such an intense environment. “Sometimes we have differences of opinions and sometimes we have conflicts, which is totally normal, but at first, I felt like they were my companions as they shared a dream and a goal to work together. Then that relationship turned more into friends that you keep for the rest of your life, and now it’s changing again. It’s almost brotherly [now]; they feel like blood [relatives], and when we’re together, it feels like it’s obvious to stay together. [And] sometimes, when we haven’t seen each other for some time, I miss them. It’s been a wonderful relationship to share.”
“I had zero difficulties living with the members, as since I was a student, I used to hang with the hyungs [big brothers],” Lee Know offers. “It was not hard for me at all — it was enjoyable.” As the second oldest of the group, he’s often much more measured when they’re all together.
Seungmin can’t help but crack a joke when I ask what it was like getting to know each other so quickly at the beginning and living in such close confines with each other. “Terrible,” he says with his dry delivery and wry smile, making everyone laugh. There is an element of reality in what he is saying. The group are very open when it comes to discussing their disagreements with their fans.
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marnifein · 1 year ago
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Get ready to experience the magic of the season at the Grove City Winter Wonderland Festival, hosted by none other than Grove City's own rap sensation, 21 Zo! Join us for a night of festive delights as the town comes alive with dazzling lights, enchanting decorations, and the infectious beats of Grove City artists' music. From ice sculptures to hot cocoa stations, this event promises to be a winter extravaganza like no other. Bundle up, bring your friends and family, and immerse yourself in the holiday spirit as we celebrate the Grove City community. Don't miss out on the perfect blend of local talent and seasonal joy – it's an evening you won't forget!
TIME: 1:00 PM - 9:00 PM
ATTIRE: Casual
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blackhouseltd · 11 months ago
GUTTR "Everything Is.." pre-orders shipping in a couple weeks! Merch bundles with free CD or CS of the full album up for grabs at LI.STEN.TO/GUTTR (link In bio).
@ras_kass x @mobbdeephavoc x @iamrjpayne
Feat. @methodmanofficial @official_kurupt @realsway @raekwon and many more.
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icravemusicx0x0 · 1 year ago
rating music please don't hurt me #20 | lil boat 3.5 - lil yachty
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every five entries, i will look into a significant (not always a masterpiece) album from the past (totally not a stolen idea). today we're going to talk about lil yachty's album lil boat 3.5.
lil boat 3.5 marks an interesting end to the lil boat trilogy. the two first album, lil boat 1 and 2, were an unexplainable mess during my first glance of listening, but i may not go further talking about this because i haven't got a full experience with the two pieces yet. to be honest, lil boat 3.5 is a little bit underrated, and i mean a little bit because the album is more tolerable than the two first albums, but still in a messy and unpolished fashion.
please note that i'm rating lil boat 3.5, which is the deluxe version of the original album lil boat 3. 8 new songs were added in the deluxe bundle of lil boat 3.5, they are alright, but it doesn't improve the overall quality of the album that much.
the new production style improves the album by a decent amount, and fortunately for me, it just really fits my taste alright. the production was the thing that hooked me up, but it also was the thing i feel gray about, because its kind of repetitive. the production is very energetic and fun to listen, its so crazy it made me dumbfounded, but is a hot mess sometimes.at least they can make the retro-ass synth better? but hey they hooked me up so thats a point.
this is yachty philosophy in lil boat 3.5: guest-list in front and im in the back. every got a great spotlight in the verse, except for oliver tree because how would you even let him in your album, yachty?
overall, the new album is interesting and tasty to bite the least, but that's only in my opinion. in a retrospective view, the album is yet quite messy and tasteless, and goofy, like on crack. its not boring thoguh even so its an career-defining album from the artist and will lie in his legacy, and yes it will be an interesting one.
this album may not be in your favorites, but it will be in my 'wtf is this bullshit i love this' list.
underrated gem(s): lil diamond boy - its a criminal fact that this song is so unpopular, LIKE ITS SO GOOD, t.d - every guest ate and left no crumbs, if there is crumbs it is prob lying on lil yachty deadass, westside - no comment its just not bad and not not good.
tracks that i rec listening: flex up - hello lgbtq community especially the lesbian couples from the ghetto who is a rage rap fan, coffin - i really like this repeating and hard hitting beat into the verse, charmin, just how i'm feelin', in my stussy's, top down - roblox sim game ahh beat idk, split/whole time - i went so insane when the smooth transition happened SKJDKJF, pardon me - this song will always be catchy asf, demon time, can't go, oprah's bank account - love this and drake maybe uhhhhhhhh, range rover sports truck, lemon head - throughout the song is a repetitive sample that plays like you're using that one electronic somewhat midi piano on garage band that plays the sample in tune when played.
worst track: certified - the synths are horrible, there are tracks as rubbish as this but it is explainable to be on top of this monstrosity
overall score 6.3/10 - this is all opinion so pls no hate
listen to the album here:
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misstruthing · 2 years ago
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WHAT   THEY   SMELL   LIKE  .    ambery sugar & vanilla. she isn't very knowledgeable about expensive perfume and doesn't frequently wear any except for the rare occasion, but she's drawn to warm and subtle scents in lotions and deodorants.
HOW   THEY   SLEEP  .    on her side. she moves around at night and frequently wakes up from weird dreams and needing water before going back to bed.
WHAT   MUSIC   THEY   ENJOY  .    a mixture. she doesn't have much time to listen to music, but will vibe to anything that isn't too harsh. when around her sister, she will leave her in charge of the music and listen with her to r&b, rap and reggaetón, rarely making requests and only occasionally asking her to skip songs she doesn't like.
HOW   MUCH   TIME   THEY   SPEND   EVERY   MORNING   GETTING   READY  .   not much. depending on her schedule, she will make sure she has time for it but won't spend too much time choosing an outfit or accessorizing and she will mostly go for comfort.
FAVORITE   THING   TO   COLLECT  .    old books. It started with Harlan gifting her a rare edition of Alice in Wonderland, the first book she ever read fully in English. She now likes to seek out first editions for every older book she ever reads.
LEFT   OR   RIGHT   HAND  .     right hand
FAVORITE   SPORT  .    she can get pretty competitive so she tries to avoid playing against others, but finds baseball pretty fun when she gets to be a pitcher. she also likes to play chess with people who are very good at it (it's a sport I stg)
FAVORITE   TOURISTY   THING   TO   DO   WHILE   TRAVELING  .  when traveling Marta loves looking out for good local food, walking around markets to find different knickknacks and gifts for her family and when applicable, she likes to spend as much time as she can at the beach.
FAVORITE   KIND   OF   WEATHER   .    she loves wearing sweaters and soft fabrics, so autumn days tend to be her favorite when it gets cool enough that she can bundle up and pull at her sleeves.
WEIRD   /   OBSCURE   FEAR   THEY   HAVE  .    losing her mom is her biggest fear and she frequently has nightmares about it. She's also always afraid of ending up in any situation that would force her to lie, which would include parties, poker tables, job interviews, etc.
THE   ONE   CARNIVAL   /   ARCADE   GAME   THEY   ALWAYS   WIN   WITHOUT   FAIL  .     she's terrific at fighting videogames ever since she was a child, and growing up, the neighborhood kids would take turns trying to beat her at Mortal Kombat and other games at an old arcade machine outside of a convenience store.
yoinked from @abusedog tagging: @yoakkemae @arachnofille @worthless-weight-in-gold @consultingsister @omniishambles @tilldeaths in case you haven't and would like to do it ♥
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