butchkaramazov · 1 year
no matter how hard you try she will never be proud of you. it's hardly been 48 hours and she's back to normal, every ounce of pride in her daughter is gone.
this is the cruelty of mothers. they are proud, so so proud, but never enough to warm your cold heart from within your ribs. they hold so much love, but never enough.
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When people on Twitter keep saying that Tumblr tried to shove Sherlolly to them
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They could be a decent person and blacklist the word. It's fandom 101 peeps!! But the fact is they didn't. Who's the asshole now?!
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laydaybug · 5 years
Having a platonic crush is weird for me cuz I get nervous and don’t know what to say or do. Tho I have been informed/teased that this is how normal crushes are handled my demiromantic self doesn’t find that helpful...I just want more friends especially that I can cosplay with and build story lines.
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numbepilepticlife · 6 years
Stop focusing on your seizures
Stop focusing on your seizures and stop complaining- live a little!
The well meaning and ever frustrating words of a stranger. Fuck you Karen I’m not in the mood and here’s why.
Currently my seizures are my life. Almost as if a major medical condition would somehow impact your life and consume it. I am not some preppy bitch who looks on the non-existant bright side of life- I seize the majority of my day, it’s scary, it’s dangerous, and I worry.
I don’t have time to ‘live a little’ because I’m living with constant worry that I might have a seizure right now. I’m stacking pillows and cushions around sharp corners, I’m constantly being watched by my exhausted mother, I’m going to doctors and arguing with them and I’m trying to not break down and cry with the realisation that this may kill me one day.
It screws with my head and consumes my thoughts. I doubt myself and think I’m just making it up because doctors didn’t believe me. Then I’m brought out of my spiraling thoughts to a bleeding head and my crying mother, to realise that who the fuck would smash their head if they had a choice.
I focus on it because it’s my life now. I think about how my friends are at uni or getting full time jobs, and I’m at home drooling on my bed while I can’t breathe because I’m seizing.
I wish I didn’t think about it all the time, but if I’m not seizing I feel the last one I had on my skull and bones.
Fuck you Karen, this is how I live.
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yellovvpaint · 3 years
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peripheralism · 4 years
Questions & Answers...kind of
Why does everything feel so bland after tragedy?  It’s like the colour has suddenly disappeared and you’re left as this sunken version of your previously full self. 
I sound like a badly written John Green book. 
It’s more like the song that was stuck in your head from an hour ago (which is still playing in a continuous loop) meant something before but the words and meaning just...don’t make sense anymore. Nothing really does. Funny, it’s like my brain is on auto-pilot. 
Why am I so goddamn humble? I’m looking at life through lenses of possibility and opportunities and so much fucking abundance. I’m rarely like this. I signed up for therapy yesterday, for fuck’s sake. My brain is clearly programmed to not appreciate my blessings. 
What is the point? Everything’s the point. Literally everything. Family, friends, the people you love and support. Even the people you occasionally stalk on social media because they’re great content creators.  Double-tap. They deserve a like. Everyone deserves all the likes. Except the people that fucked you over. I get positivity and peace and all that crap, but screw them. I may be humble but I’m still a petty fuck. 
Why is the weather so shitty?  It’s only shitty if you refuse to change your mind about the rain. Warmth is the best (and only) feeling I’ve known but I highly doubt the pumpkin I repotted is going to grow in never-ending sunshine.  Also, mentally inserting that middle school quote about sunshine and hurricane we all used to caption our pictures with. 
Systems don’t make sense anymore. Constructs seem meaningless. I don’t want to be a bi-something, size XS/S/M/whateverthefuck, NRI/not really, female specimen anymore. I want to be nothing. I, in fact, am nothing. 
That sounded an awful lot like a revelation after a psychedelic. Could tragedy induce the same effects as psychedelics? I could write a thesis on this...if I decide to do Masters (which is, again, a system that I’m losing faith in by the second). 
I’m feeling humble. And grateful. And sad. I think looking at your baby pictures is super humbling...and slightly narcissistic. I don’t mind being anything right now, though. Call me what you want to.
Welcome to my brain dump. 
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251wpnwrx · 6 years
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I'm not one to usually pitch a bitch or piss and moan or complain and certainly not one to call someone out or put them on blast but... Boy, you don't like what I tell you, you don't like what I have to say, you aren't ok with estimates or charges and fees and so on. Fine, so be it. I know my worth and my value. You want to bitch, gripe and grumble about it, fine, come at me. BUT, it's NOT ok to go cursing me and bad mouthing me to my wife of all people just as soon as I step away. Feel free to take your business back to where your stuff got jacked up to begin, good luck with that 😉 I'm stepping off my soapbox now. #RantTime #Venting #FiftyBucksLittleMan #SorryNotSorry (at Foley, Alabama) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvMiI-4HE7F/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ebdtbvozcsy8
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smreis77 · 6 years
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#food haul from the other day (maybe midweek) for a little #mealprep Can I just point something out... #ranttime I usually never like to complain publicly about something I wasn’t a fan of. I’m usually one that will just stay quiet about it, but voice the things I #love ...HOWEVER, when something is really BAD, I feel that I should warn others. I like to save as much #money as I can, who doesn’t!! I thought I’d save some cash if I did a small #produce haul from Walmart pickup (I’d tag them, but I don’t want to be THAT person.) Onto my point... How much money exactly am I saving if I’m getting horrible quality product, that I have to replace again anyway. First, it’s a waste of money, second it’s a waste of my travel and shopping time. Don’t be dumb like I was folks!!! I made this work for the days I needed by using little bits of what I had left at home, but NEVER will I waste my time and money again. Yes, I spend a little more by shopping at the local #farmersmarket Publix, or Trader Joe’s, but the quality is ON POINT!! Produce from those places last much longer and are super fresh!! Also, if you have an Aldi’s near you, seriously give them a try. The one near me is off the hook on prices and quality!! (They’re a sister store of Trader Joe’s, so you know quality is 👌🏻) These green bananas are still green but spotted brown and the peel won’t come off, and they’re completely inedible. The spinach bags were all rotten and brown wilted and dripping all in the center. The cucumbers were moldy literally the next day, and the matchstick carrots were slimy within 3 days. I also had gotten a bag of russet potatoes That I forgot to add to the pic, completely rotted out in the center, leaking, and smelling disgusting. #gross Some will say “why didn’t you return it”...I did an online order and pickup to save myself time. The store doesn’t allow returns that way, and customer service calls are a complete hour long runaround. #neveragain https://www.instagram.com/sonya_balancing_life/p/Bt9EPCgndn0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=gmjlpn3tm39v
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kaluohs · 8 years
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✋👂Listen though: If you want to -appear- powerful, you need to -act- powerful.. But if you want to -BE- powerful, you ➡can't be afraid.⬅ That means afraid of yourself (your own successes or failures) OR afraid of OTHERS (their interpretation of your craft). ↪ People will always have their own opinions (keep in kind some people don't love master artists like Van Gogh)... Just surround yourself with people who believe in what you do and will help you achieve your goals. 🏆🏅 ⚠ I don't think Steve Jobs was nervous that people would think his idea was stupid and neither should YOU. If you had enough creativity to think up those dreams, have enough HEART to achieve them. . . Tap for tags . #ranttime #achieveyourgoals #morningmotivation #dontbackdown #fuckhaters #hatersgonhate #doyoubooboo (at Carolina Games Summit)
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Another day on Twitter
Those people: "Shipping Sherlolly is heteronormative and homophobic!!!!"
Those people: "Only the straights ship Sherlolly!!!"
Those people: "Sherlolly is toxic!! Sherlock only uses her!!! That 'I love you' is so manipulative in Sherlock's part! Sherlock only loves her as friend. I know that as a fact!"
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sirenynx · 8 years
Le rant time
So lately I've been seeing ships are a problem to the Eddsworld community, same with real names and harrassment.
Honestly, if you're going to make a great youtube show, then expect freaking people to use your real name even though you wished them not too, expect them to make ships you don't even like, expect them to harrass you for the dumbest reasons. Because this is the community now and it's slowly making them fall apart for the stupid reasons too. I hope you're happy that the thing is still falling apart because I am clearly not. In fact, I feel horrible about it, but the thing is that when you make a great show or whatever, it gets too that point, and you can't just mainipulate or wean them off so easily, don't expect them to take the time to wean themselves off of their habit's, because if they really like it, and they can't stop, they cannot stop it unless they decide too.
I'm sorry for most who disagree but this is just my opinion, deal with it.
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racingheartstopper · 2 years
Normally I don’t do this but I’m just really annoyed right now. If you haven’t seen it yet I’m talking about that viaplay Sweden commercial. Why they have to end that so tasteless? Wasn’t this the same channel that was very vocal over the sky Christmas commercial? Ofcourse it’s not a crash but it honestly makes. Max look phatetic instead of it being funny? And is only fuelling haters instead of being getting the joke across? I get that they wanted to show max as the wdc but why ruin it like this?! I feel so annoyed tbf.
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gothamlovr91 · 4 years
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I am so fucking horny and pent up. Only so much a damn vibrator can do. But fuck me I am imagining everything dirty being done to me. I know that may make me a bit of whore for pleasure. But at this damn fucking point I don't care. Pleasure is pleasure through and through. Just Saying! #RantTime #ThisIsHowItIsDone #JustDoIt #I'mHorny ☺💦🐱💗
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Rant time: As I’ve gotten older, my tolerance for SHIT has dwindled down as little to almost none. I don’t accept people into my life who constantly make the same mistakes anymore. You know that shitty algorithm I was talking about with #instagram? It’s kinda like that. It’s a generalized thing that people don’t like. Seeing the same non-functioning, decision-making pulls me from my life and distracts me from my own priorities. When you fuck up constantly, it puts other people’s lives on hold. Everything you do somehow affects those around you so as people, it should just be a given to understand that we need to treat each other with the same kind of day-to-day respect that we (for some reason) expect from everyone else. I’m not saying don’t fuck up, everyone is allowed to. But you need to learn from it. “Sorry” has lost its meaning because sorry doesn’t dictate you repeating the offense in the future. The ability to be better is a choice you make every day, and it’s up to you to stay present, and conscious of yourself and your impact on this world. Nothing is about you. Nothing is about me. We’re all just here, so why not try and make this a better place by generalized means and stop expecting people to cater to your individualized list of “more than likely bullshit” needs and do something for yourself. . . . . . . . . #lessons #life #bojackhorseman #instagramalgorithm #thenewalgorithmsucks #rant #ranttime #sorrynotsorry (at Downtown Green Bay)
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ravengreystone · 7 years
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(Rant time): The fact that Jerry seems to have forgotten the daycare Rick had specially made for him so he didn't get hurt, and the times Rick did him favors, even when he always warned him ahead of time of the consequences ( i.e. the dog) but still didn't listen, and ready to turn Rick in to be "the man of the house" again, further fuels my hate for him. Plus, this shows how this was more on his ego of being a failure vs Rick in the house, where even Morty has some semblance of Intelligence and bravery greater than him, since he hid in the car when he and his wife were attacked and Morty went against an assassain of his own volition, that Rick later saved him because of. Long story short : So glad His wife divorced him, she could do much better, and it was coming anyway since he belittles her job while not even have one. But when the hell will they continue with season 3 Damn it #rickandmorty #rant #adultswim #rickandmortyforever #rickandmortyseasons #ranttime #fuckyoujerry
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Friends... AGAIN
Jheeze I feel like I’m constantly ranting about friends nowadays. This time last year I barely had any. I’m not saying I have many now, but more than last year, and better, or so I thought.
I’m fed up of feeling completely insignificant. My ‘best friend’ is still acting like she couldn’t care less about me. Maybe she doesn’t. Lately I’ve began to see she only seems to care about herself. Okay maybe that’s a bit mean, she has been there for me, but she’s said herself many times that she can’t deal with other peoples problems. I can’t go to her when I’m upset or anxious, because her advice is to deal with it. People have worse lives blah blah. I’m stuck in this cycle of hatred for myself and nobody to step in and tell me they’re there for me. The other girl I live in the same block of flats with, she claims to understand me but whenever I say how I’m feeling it automatically turns into a conversation about her. I’m so tired of giving advice and caring and kind words to people, who wont think twice about me and how I feel.
Sorry for the rant guys, I’m just a mess lately. I’m unwell and my close friends haven’t asked how I am. The people I was supposed to meet from my old workplace, they completely ignored me in the group chat when I explained to them how I was and why I couldn’t go to meet them. It made me think, maybe they don’t even care that I’m not going? Maybe I’m paranoid and overthinking things, but how else am I supposed to think, if people don’t reassure me? 
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