youngkingmuntjac · 7 years
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I’ve been feeling really creatively exhausted lately. Also regular exhausted. I keep making promises to draw and post like I used to, but working full time makes it seem impossible, while I slowly recover my groove I’ll post some older sketches, lord knows I have plenty of those. Enjoy this one, coworker suggested drawing someone about to eat their own arm. • • • #funny #drawing #sketch #sketchbook #sketching #draw #illustrate #illustrator #illustration #pen #penandink #ink #marker #blackandwhite #andred #sorryabouttherant #rant #dark #creepy #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #artistoninstagram #artistontumblr
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Friends... AGAIN
Jheeze I feel like I’m constantly ranting about friends nowadays. This time last year I barely had any. I’m not saying I have many now, but more than last year, and better, or so I thought.
I’m fed up of feeling completely insignificant. My ‘best friend’ is still acting like she couldn’t care less about me. Maybe she doesn’t. Lately I’ve began to see she only seems to care about herself. Okay maybe that’s a bit mean, she has been there for me, but she’s said herself many times that she can’t deal with other peoples problems. I can’t go to her when I’m upset or anxious, because her advice is to deal with it. People have worse lives blah blah. I’m stuck in this cycle of hatred for myself and nobody to step in and tell me they’re there for me. The other girl I live in the same block of flats with, she claims to understand me but whenever I say how I’m feeling it automatically turns into a conversation about her. I’m so tired of giving advice and caring and kind words to people, who wont think twice about me and how I feel.
Sorry for the rant guys, I’m just a mess lately. I’m unwell and my close friends haven’t asked how I am. The people I was supposed to meet from my old workplace, they completely ignored me in the group chat when I explained to them how I was and why I couldn’t go to meet them. It made me think, maybe they don’t even care that I’m not going? Maybe I’m paranoid and overthinking things, but how else am I supposed to think, if people don’t reassure me? 
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Sometimes I hate being a landlord ! I'm running behind on bills this month because I refuse to take rent from little old ladies it isn't my first Time ... sometimes bills don't give me a choice but whenever I can I always try to help! Think I'm going to sell out my properties and just start working full-time maybe open another business of some sort
I firmly believe that no person should have to pay for shelter or water on this planet I think it is fucking ridiculous !!!
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bitchesinthebay · 8 years
No matter what I will always be there for my friends. If they need a ride, I’m there no questions asked. I don't even give a fuck about gas money if you really my homie money aint shit to me. What’s mine is yours b. I drop everything for my friends. Whenever they are sad about some dumbass fuck nigga who I know doesn’t give a fuck about her, I will be there in .00002 seconds even if i’m with my nigga at the time idgaf. real homies drop everything for their homies. The one time I actually need someone, the same respect is not paid. It’s all good, just time for me to fall back. 
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a-cipriano13 · 9 years
I love the fact that The 100 isn't a show that focuses on ships. The whole point of the show is basically "How on Earth are we gonna survive on Earth?" Now don't get me wrong I am a hardcore Bellarke shipper & when Bellarke finally gets together I'll be the happiest person ever! But that's not what The 100 is about. So for everyone who is getting mad at Jason because your ship isn't together let it go & while we're at it everyone who's upset at Bellamy's "sudden personality change" can get over yourselves because Jason & the rest of The 100 writers know what they're doing. It's not their job to make us happy, their job is to make us feel something & to be able to think about things in a different way then we normally would & that's exactly what they're doing. So how about everyone try to appreciate the actors, the writers, and the show for its ability to make you feel something & for being the best show on tv right now. Stop expecting The 100 to be something you want it to be & love it for what it is.
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wHAT tHE fUCK she did it again like she genuinely wants me to get rid of my pubes because this time it's "obscene" And this time she actually ordered me like she really thinks I will I WILL NOT SHAVE MY FUCKING PUBIC HAIR BECAUSE TOU WANT ME TO BE WHAT YOU THINK A WOMAN SHOULD BE ACCORDING TO MISOGINISTIC SOCIETAL STANDARDS WHAT THE FUCK IM SO ANGRY And she's always telling me how progressive pro choice it's a persons body only they control it and then she turns around and does this. Disgusting.
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here goes
Im feeling so excluded from the world. People tell me to get out there and try new things and explore but quite frankly im sick of trying so hard. They say time fixes everything, but i guess my clock is broken. FUCK.
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l0st-in-thoughtt · 10 years
We talked pretty much everyday and I cared so much about you and still do but now I realize I have better people in my life that actually care about me and love me so why should I be sad that we don't talk anymore when I have other people ?
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flyaway-love1 · 10 years
I am going to start by saying that I'm sorry- I know I am supposed to love myself for who I am and whatever, and I know that because I am generally smaller than average I am not supposed to complain about my body (or at least people get upset with me when I do)- BUT despite all that I still don't feel comfortable with my size. I don't necessarily want to lose weight- just trim off the extra fat and look toned. I want to look as strong as I am. Because I am really strong! And I know that. But for once I want people to look at me and think, "Shit, that girl must be a beast, look at her amazing body." Does anyone think that about me now? No. The answer is no. And I try dieting or whatever, but the more I think about having to diet the more I over eat and hate myself for it. I know it is a very unhealthy cycle, and I am trying to break it. I don't want quick fixes or overnight change because I know that doesn't really exist, but I do need a push to get myself into a healthier lifestyle that I can stick to long term. I know that no one really reads this or cares about what I write here, but it feels nice just to put this down into words somewhere. Maybe this is my first step.
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luigiheartfeelia · 10 years
It makes me really frustrated that girls at my school are suddenly like “Taylor Caniff and Nash Grier are the faves” and when i ask their opinion on like Shawn or Matt they kinda just have a look on their face as if I’m dumb. I dont know it just grinds my gears when they get to go to magcon and meet them…only knowing like 3 of them
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emilyk-o · 11 years
Sorry but I'm mad
I know it happened a long time ago. I know it wasn't me. I know that this cannot undo what has been done, but this is for anyone out there who needs this. My mom is super religious. I think it is one of the things that keeps her going and it has been instilled into her for a long time. She got pregnant with my half sister when she was 17. She told me it was on her first date. EVER. Whenever she talks about it or is reminded about it, she is visibly upset and even cries about it. AFTER OVER 30 YEARS. I'm pretty sure that what she feels is mostly shame. I'm also sure that the sex she had was not consensual on her part. The fact that she feels shame TO THIS DAY breaks my heart and I hope that everyone out there who has been sexually assaulted or raped can understand that it is not their fault and that they do not need to feel ashamed. Just because you didn't necessarily resist or say anything does not mean it was consensual. 
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shy-dragons · 11 years
I don't know what happened to me today, I just lost it.
I went to go eat a piece of pie an couldn't find it. No biggie right? Well my mom went to yell out to the family to ask were it was. I snapped, grabbed her face, and started yelling. I don't know what came over me. I'm getting weird with food again but I can't let anyone see. I just can't believe I did that...I'm so stupid.
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It really irritates me when "musicians" talk shit about other artists.
Just admit that you're jealous that someone who's more talented than you actually made it farther in the industry than you did, because your music is mediocre at best, and you can't stand that they got signed and put out the song that the label probably pushed them to put out first.  Sorry WATIC sounds too much like Paramore for you, it was one freaking song off of an entire album that you haven't heard yet, so stfu.  It barely resembles paramore, and it only does in the littlest and most insignificant of ways.  For someone 'in the industry,' you don't know jack.
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always-tommo28 · 11 years
When I was little, the movies I watched always gave me this impression that my dad was going to be loving but protective, my mom was going to be loving and always there for me, and that my brothers were going to protect me from anyone who tried to hurt me. But then I grew up and realized my life wasn't a movie. That my dad hated every decision I made. My mom was to busy with alcohol to see that I'm hurting. And that my little brother wanted nothing to do with me and the only one who cared was my older brother. But of course he is moving 8 hours away leaving me with people who don't care about me. And I have no prince charming riding in on a horse to save me. You want to know why? Movies lied. I'm my own hero in my own life. And sadly for most people, that's the reality.
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