#Rant over I’m not mad anymore I just needed to get that out
pl4smagh0st · 5 months
I think I just experienced the worst overwatch game ever 😭😭😭
Okay so it was Eichenwalde and I was playing support. The first round went really well and we pushed the payload to the end - then disaster struck on the second round 💀
The tank asked one of the supports to play Lúcio so I went him and it didn’t really go well, so I switched back to Ana and I died pretty quickly, and at that point they had gotten the payload to the bridge so I went back to Lúcio to try and boop some of them off (I got off like one Moira) and I stayed on the hero for a while before switching back to Ana.
I told the Tank to switch to D.VA bc they kept getting rolled by the enemy tank. Then suddenly the tank and the other support start flaming me and telling me to heal and to stop switching?? I was really confused because I was healing and utilising myself a normal amount
Then the tank says “Plasma can u aim?” And I say “Yes” and then they say “Well do it” I had literally been healing them the whole time and not missing often… so atp I seriously had no idea what their problem was…
I say “Why mean” and they say “Truth”… and then they say “Ana ur accccc so baaaaaad” I was so confused 😭
So then I ask what their problem is and they say “0 heals”
“I have??” I said.
“Double heals from our queen mercy” they said. Mercy was our other support. SHE HAD LIKE 21,000 FUCKING HEALING AND I HAD 15,000. THE ENEMY SUPPORTS HAD AROUND 15,000 HEALING TOO.
So I say “Ur just titled. She’s prob a healbot.”
“Ana isn’t about heals its utility” I also said
Then we lose (obviously) and they said “Avoid this tw at” so I said I was gonna report them.
It doesn’t fucking end there though.
I checked the replay and spectated our Mercy and oh my god. I have never seen Mercy gameplay so atrocious. I don’t even know how to put in words how bad she was…
So for a short summary she was a healbot. Like the definition of a healbot. SHE ONLY USED THE BLUE BEAM ONCE BRIEFLY FOR HALF A SECOND. THE ENTIRE GAME SHE WAS JUST USING THE YELLOW BEAM. Also her movement was just awful
So I concluded that they were probably a duo (the tank and support) and the tank was blaming me before anyone could blame her maybe. He could’ve been boosting her because her gameplay tells me she’s bronze 5. Jfc.
I even showed my older sibling (ex mercy main) and they were flabbergasted and said it was the worst mercy gameplay they’d ever seen 😭
I’m never playing support again. I’m tired of that game. I’m going back to being a Widow main
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poppyseed799 · 10 months
btw I don’t know if this is a thing anyone is thinking about but I’m not gonna stop drawing Jimmy as a canary. It’s a lovely bird. It’s still something that’s been really important to his series. There’s no reason to drop the canary headcanon just cuz Lizzie fell into the void.
#warning: don’t open up these tags I went on a very heated and rather unrelated rant cuz I’ve been mad#trafficblr#life series#secret life spoilers#secret life smp#jimmy solidarity#also I’m sick of seeing ppl celebrate Jimmy surviving because they hate the canary curse fans like SHUT UP!!! LET US HAVE FUN GOD!!!#LIKE LITERALLY EVEN IF NOBODY CAME UP WITH THE CANARY METAPHOR WE WOULD STILL BE TALKING ABOUT HOW HES ALWAYS DYING OK WE DIDNT MAKE UP THAT#HE DIES FIRST HE JUST DOES. GOD. so what if some people make shakespeare sounding posts about the curse that I don’t understand. we are JUST#having fun and making connections where we don’t need to BECAUSE ITS FUN. NOT CUZ WE DONT CARE ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE. sorry for the past few#days I’ve been genuinely mad at this fandom’s growing hatred towards its own community.#LIKE IM FINE IF ITS NOT YOUR THING BUT GOD. WE ARENT EVEN DOING ANYTHING 😭😭😭 THE LORE LITERALLY WRITES ITSELF OR IS WRITTEN BY MARTYN LOL#I’ve just been getting SO TILTED man. like ohhh yeah okay ur right i said too much guess I won’t say anything anymore#does anyone else genuinely not know wtf ppl are talking about when they say a certain hc takes over everything about the character#cuz I literally see so much varied Jimmy content yet I’ve seen several ppl complain that ppl ignore aspects of his character in favor of#WHATEVER when I literally don’t see that happening to him. step out of ur circle or something I don’t even HAVE a circle man
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phfenomena · 9 months
❝i hope i was your favorite crime.❞ || coriolanus snow x f!reader
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| request- hi! i was wondering if you could do a corio x plinth reader where he aproches her bc she is a plinth (and she notices and gets mad bc she think that corio takes her for a stupid girl who would just fall for his lies) but he slowly falls for her. i would really like if it ends well, like them together. i hope you understood my idea, i love your work btw.
| A/N- i wanted so bad to make sooooo angsty but i fought the demons. def ooc everybody besides festus. fuck you festus. hope you like it as much as i do 🫶🏻
| WARNINGS- alcohol consumption, creepy men, bad fathers (relatable), nice coriolanus snow, festus creed (he deserves a warning), eating, making out, traumatized sejanus (im sorry sejanus i love you)
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the eldest plinth daughter. not an heir, but something you’d want to marry into. if you could get her, you’d never need to do anything again in your life. coriolanus knew that, he reveled in that. he’d never met her, all the times he went over to the plinth’s apartment she was either out or the door to her bedroom was tightly locked- not accepting visitors.
he wondered what she did with her time, was she in university? sejanus seems to never talk about his sister unless someone asks. but yet here she was. a floor length silver dress caught coriolanus’ eye, turning his head to follow the figure. she stood tall and confidently next to her brother. his eyes cascaded over the entire family, all in the same tantalizing silver. they were brightly shining in the ballroom of the benefit. it’d be hard to ignore them. he hated that.
he studied her, they way he could almost see a resemblance to sejanus but feeling as if he’s grasping at straws. her left hand holding a champagne glass she hasn’t drank from, and her right hand resting on sejanus’ shoulder. she’s nodding along to whatever nonsense pup harrington is spitting at her, no doubt making a pass.
she excuses herself and points at her glass, which is now empty after having to listen to the poor boy. when she reaches the full glasses lined up on the table coriolanus makes his move. “hello, ms.plinth.” her head turns to him and her eyes narrow. “coriolanus snow. my brothers supposed best friend- where’s tigris? i like her.” she quickly downs the glass and reaches for another. coriolanus can feel the disdain for him leaking out of her pores.
“she’s, um, she’s back at home. with grandma’am. she is quite nice to be around, isn’t she? how are you enjoying your night?” he attempts to flip the conversation back to her- oh wait, she’s not even looking at him anymore. her eyes find sejanus’ as he’s talking to livia cardew, and she begins walking in his direction. “nice talking to you, coriolanus.” but he felt like it definitely wasn’t nice. was he wanting to marry her for her money? yes. but was she also beautiful and apparently quite funny, as ma plinth has said? also yes.
she spent the rest of night collecting champagne glasses and not leaving sejanus’ side. even he was beginning to get bothered by the bachelors approaching his sister. she leaned against the back wall, yes, another glass in hand. she’d gotten roped into a conversation with festus, clearly tortuous. coriolanus was standing with sejanus about a foot away, so sejanus could keep and eye on festus.
“it’s just so frustrating, coryo! all these guys coming up and trying to make a pass at my sister while i’m right there, if i didn’t know any better i would’ve taken pup harrington outside. you should’ve heard some of the stuff he was saying to her. it’s horrible.” sejanus rants while staring at festus. “well, she’s gonna have to get married eventually, sejanus.” coriolanus says with a slight smile to his bestfriend.
“i know that, just none of these guys. we’ve been everyday with them at the academy. you know how bad they are, the shit they say about women in general. i don’t want those guys with her.” it’s obvious he’s quite over protective of her, even though she’s three years older than him. coriolanus nods along with him and pats his back.
“i’ll go save her.” coriolanus comforts his friend and makes his way to festus. “sejanus said he needed your opinion on some ideas for the food, seemed urgent.” she nods and offers a knowing smile to coriolanus. festus leans his head on the wall “man! i really felt like i was getting somewhere with her” coriolanus rests a hand on his shoulder. “trust me, you definitely weren’t.”
the party has picked up and died down, everyone sitting to eat but coriolanus couldn’t seem to figure out where she was. she wasn’t sitting with her family and unless she had friends he didn’t know, he couldn’t see her anywhere. he’d made his way outside to take a breather from all the talking and hugging old people who knew his parents.
that’s when his eyes laid upon the girl in the silver dress, and he took a seat next to her on the steps. she’s staring out into the gardens and her eyes are glazed over. no champagne glass in her hand this time. she doesn’t turn to look at him.
“i’m really drunk right now and i hate almost everyone in there. all they care about is money and those stupid hunger games.” she confided in him and rested her chin on her arms that are wrapped around her knees. “yeah, you didn’t look like you were having a great time. i tried counting how many glasses you had but i lost count after ten.” she lightly laughed and shook her head.
“i think it was thirteen but i’m not sure, i drank four while festus was chirping in my ear about how many children he wanted.” she feigned chills at the mention of his name and they laughed. she turned to look at him with a barley noticeable smile “you’re not like them, are you? you’re more like sejanus. quiet and doesn’t bother women they want to marry.” the comparison of sejanus would normally upset him, but coming from her it felt the highest compliment a man could receive.
she rubbed her hands over her arms to conserve warmth and coriolanus quickly removed his blazer to wrap around her and she muttered a small thanks. resuming her staring at the gardens. “would you like to grab you some water? or something to eat? it’s not gonna be very good for you tomorrow morning if you don’t eat something.” he whispers towards and she nods her head.
as coriolanus is walking back in, the plinths are walking out. “hey coryo. we’re heading home for the night as ma doesn’t feel too well, have you seen-“ coriolanus points outside “she’s on the steps, make sure she eats something when you get home. way too much champagne for a human.” seianus claps his hand against coriolanus’ chest and continues outside.
the sun is battering down on the capitol but the plinths home is cooler than a beautiful spring day, probably for the hungover girl inside. coriolanus knocks on the door and smiles as his eyes meet ma’s. “oh! coriolanus, it’s so good to see you. we didn’t talk much last night. come in! i just finished up some pies!” she ushers him inside as sejanus joins them in his mothers corner of the kitchen.
after the grueling and quite long conversation with ma coriolanus excused himself. sejanus seemingly interested in this new sugar ma had found. as coriolanus rounded the corner to her room, he stopped. suddenly feeling quite nervous and as if he might throw up. her bedroom door opened and her eyes meet his, he looks down and she’s holding his blazer out. “i heard you talking to ma, here this.” her calloused tone returns, maybe she only likes him she’s drunk. he better find a lot more champagne.
the plinth family plus coriolanus are sitting in the sun room, drinking iced tea and munching on whatever treats ma had baked. “so, coriolanus, do you have any plans on getting married after university?” strabo’s deep and rough voice cut over his wife’s story.
coriolanus set his tea down “i’d hope so, certainly.” his eyes skip between strabo and his daughter. she’s sitting with her knees pulled up to chest and she’s looking out the window. “well you know how much we’d love to have you in the family, we could arrange your marriage with-“ she sets her cup down harshly and stands up.
“you always do this! could you just leave me alone? maybe i don’t want to get married, ma said it was fine if i didn’t marry.” she’s waving her hands around and waits for him to answer. when she’s met with silence she storms out and slams the sunroom door. “strabo, you can’t make her marry someone she doesn’t love.” someone she doesn’t love.
coriolanus stands up and thanks them for the tea. “tigris wanted to head to the market and i’d never let her go alone, i’ll see you guys tomorrow night.”
he walks by her door and tries the handle, quietly. he fully expected it to be locked but the door swings open and she’s laying face down on the bed. “sejanus, go away.” she grumbled through her mattress. “it’s not sejanus.” she sighs and sits up, staring at him.
“do you not knock before entering a room?” she tilted her head and studied him. “i expected it to be locked, sorry. i’ll knock next time.” his eyes seem to gravitate towards the floor and he can’t will himself to bring them back up.
“i’m sorry about my father. i’m sure it made you very uncomfortable, he’s just always trying to marry me off.” her hands fidget awkwardly in her lap. “i wasn’t too uncomfortable, any guy would be lucky to marry you. i always heard that you were quite mean, i’ve yet to see that.”
she scoffed and turned her head to the window. “they only say that because i don’t hesitate to speak my mind. i taught sejanus that. i am definitely what they call me, but only to them.” why does she feel so comfortable spilling her guts to him?
“i saw you and sejanus’ sister a few minutes ago, coriolanus. are you willing to deal with her grating voice and attitude for the plinths money?” arachne sneers towards him and the group laughs. “it helps that she’s pretty, it’s already hard enough trying to talk to her.” coriolanus regrets it the second it escapes his mouth.
she liked him. she really did like coriolanus snow, but who doesn’t? she weaved her way through the crowd trying to escape him. he was hot on her trail until he catches up to her in one of the various bedrooms inside the ravinstalls estate.
“do you think i’m stupid, coriolanus? be honest.” he scrambles to find the words but his brain couldn’t function in the one moment he desperately needed it. “i said you were different, i talked to you about things i liked, i would tell ma all about you. but you aren’t different, you’re just like the others.” he ran his hand through his hair. “i was different, i am different. i don’t know why i said that, it just came out. i didn’t mean it, i promise.”
he attempted to take her hand but she ripped out of his grasp and stomped out of the room. shit.
the next day her door was locked. and the next. and the next. he wasn’t even sure she was there anymore. sejanus hasn’t mentioned anything but he wished he would. he wished he would tell him if she was okay or if he majorly screwed up.
as coriolanus and sejanus sit in the sunroom attempting to study, there’s a knock on the door. coriolanus cranes his neck to see festus ravinstill standing there with a bouquet of flowers. god, this kid is tragic. but then he sees you, take the flowers with a smile and a kiss on his cheek. strabo’s never looked happier.
coriolanus suffered in silence watching festus become a daily guest and drowning out sejanus’ complaints about him being there. for once in his life, he agreed with sejanus. when he enters the kitchen to refill his glass of lemonade he sees her watering the plants in the kitchen.
“don’t marry him. he won’t be good to you.” she drops her head and turns to him. “and you would?” she spits back sending him into a whirlwind. “yes.” he whispers out and she takes a few steps closer to him. “festus is nice and fathers happy with this. i don’t have another choice, coriolanus. i have to do this” how does she always sound so sure of herself? maybe coriolanus could take a class from her.
their eyes finally meet, after weeks of not seeing her eyes, she’s finally looking at him. “you could marry me, instead. i wouldn’t treat you like a prize, like festus would.” she steps impossibly closer and he feels like he can’t breathe when she’s around. oxygen becomes molasses and his knees become jelly.
she looks over coriolanus’ shoulder and stands up on her toes to kiss him. he takes a moment to catch on but he his hands find purchase on her waist and he leans down. all nerves thrown out the window and all he can think of is her, how she tastes, how she smells, he can’t even remember who festus is.
her hands wind his curly hair around her fingers as she swipes her tongue against his own and he pushes her against the refrigerator, causing a few magnets to fall onto the floor. his hands are trailing up and down the waist of the yellow dress she had decided to wear that day.
festus had left the plinths the second he saw her look at him over coriolanus’ shoulder. knowing he lost and there’s nothing he could’ve done.
she pulls back, panting. “i’ll marry you, just don’t call me annoying again.” her lipstick is smeared across both of their mouths and he gives her a dopey smile. “i wouldn’t dream of it” he brushes stray hair out of her face.
“in the kitchen?! we make food there!” sejanus is standing in the doorway, seemingly traumatized. “sorry, sej.” he shakes his head walking away but throwing a secretive thumbs up at coriolanus.
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gahyunszn · 3 months
can you write ningningxfemreader where ningning got jealous because y/n is oblivious 🥺
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genre : fluff
warning(s) : none
note : this is soooo rushed and just poorly written bc i actually had no idea what to write???
you’ve always been oblivious and you’ve been told that many, MANY times, but you can’t help but automatically think that everyone’s just being nice to you!!
it was a nice and sunny day, but it was quite hot, maybe agreeing to spending a majority of the day outside with the girls wasn’t the best idea.
you groaned as you laid out a blanket on the grass in a somewhat shaded area in the park. karina followed behind you with the basket filled with snacks, then giselle with a drink cooler, winter with some ice cream bars that you had all bought before arriving to the park, and ningning who was basically in charge of holding the different cameras brought along for aesthetic memory making.
everyone set their things down before sitting next to you on the blanket, watching as you dramatically ranted about the hot weather.
“not our fault you decided to agree to this outing.” karina said, tapping winter on the arm to hand over her ice cream bar.
“but it technically is your fault,” you retorted, sitting up just to dramatically drape yourself over karina. “you made it seem more fun than it actually is.”
you pouted, gaining ningnings attention because she just found it cute how dramatic you got when it came to hot weather. it’s almost as if you were gonna melt at any second due to the heat.
ningning grabbed one of the disposable cameras and snapped a picture of you, the flash bringing you out of your dramatic state and putting you into a playful one.
“hey, we need to use those films sparingly! do you know how much film costs.” bringing yourself closer to ningning, your foreheads practically touching.
“i’m aware, but i needed to capture that cute moment.” ningning smugly smiled, putting the disposable down, watching as everyone’s face turned into a more disgusted one.
“get a room you two.” giselle said, making a fake gagging noise which earned a laugh from winter. ningnings face turned a slight pink while you sat on your heels, trying your best to also not laugh along with winter.
time passed and you all were making good memories, everyone had taken at least a couple pictures with the different cameras, making sure to not miss a single moment you all shared.
“aw man, we finished all our snacks, maybe we should go back home.” winter said, sighing as she looking into the basket in search of any hidden snacks.
“maybe, but at least there’s air conditioning inside!” you said enthusiastically, getting up from your spot on the blanket and helping everyone else up. you all cleaned up before folding the blanket up and taking a path that lead to the exit of the park, but as you all were walking, someone had come up to you to start up some light conversation.
ningning turned around when she didn’t feel you clinging to her arm anymore and when she saw two men talking to you, she felt anger bubble up inside of her.
“you guys go ahead, i’ll meet you guys back at home.” ningning quickly said before speed walking to you.
“so we were just wondering if we could get your number? we saw you from across-” one of the dudes said before he was cut off by ningning who clinged to your arm, giving them both a stare they’ll never forget.
“sorry to interrupt, but we have things we need to do today.” she said before dragging you away from the two men. you waved goodbye before looking at ningning as you two walked, the angry look on her face was enough to send chills down your spine.
why did she seem so mad?
once you two reached the exit of the park, you stopped which made ningning stop with you.
“what was that all about?” you asked, noticing how ningnings expression softened slightly.
“they were so clearly trying to get your number so they could take you on a date or something, how did you not catch that.” ningning said, her tone filled with jealousy.
“nuh uh, they probably just wanted to be friends, i don’t see why it concerns you anyways.” you responded, crossing your arms and looking past ningnings shoulder to see if you could at least spot one of the dudes who stopped you, but no luck.
ningning bit her lip, deciding on if she should be straight up or lie. if she confessed right now then what would your reaction be? would it ruin things? time to play russian roulette i guess…
“it concerns me because i like you and im tired of you being so oblivious when it comes to people flirting with you.” she blurted out, watching as your eyes instantly locked with hers in shock.
“you like me?” you asked, confused.
“yes you idiot, i’ve liked you for longer than i can think of but you’ve always been so oblivious when i even attempted at flirting with you.” she sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose while closing her eyes, she knew you were oblivious but she didn’t think it was that extreme.
it was silent for a moment before you pulled ningnings hand away from her face, holding it as you gently kissed her cheek.
“i like you too.” you smiled.
“ew now you two really need to get a room!” giselle shouted from across the exit.
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mrsriddlenott · 1 year
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I just had this random thought of AngryBF!Harry x Fem!reader where she helps him through his anger in many ways.
Warnings: Smut. Anger. Aggressive Sex. Regular 5th year “angst”.
“I just can’t get a break. I went all summer without a scrap of news, I’m behind on all my class work, and now Ron and Hermione seem to think I’m a bloody DADA teacher.” You and Harry sat on the edge of his bed as Harry held his head in his hands ranting. “It was all luck, why cant they get that. It’s not like I have any control over my life and when I’ll be attacked next.”
You and Harry had only been dating since the Yule Ball but were serious nonetheless. When he would need comfort after the death of Cedric Diggory and when no one could properly owl him, you were there. You were the guide that kept him from making too much of a scene, but with Umbridge pushing Harry every second with detention after detention, and denying every part of what happened last year, Harry was on edge even with you.
“Harry, you have to see where they’re coming from don’t you?”
“Not you too! Merlin of all people I thought you’d understand y/n!” Harry snapped often these days, you knew it wasn’t necessarily his words, you just wished he could calm down.
“I do understand Harry, but if I’m not going to be of any help, I’ll just go.”
“No y/n/n, you know thats not what I meant. I just can’t get even a bit of control anymore and it’s driving me mad.” And with that, you suddenly had an idea.
“Well, I can think of ways you can gain control cant you?” At the change in your tone Harry finally lifted his head to see you.
“What are you implying Darling?” His narrowing eyes were already dark with anger and he seemed unable to focus.
“Well I was thinking, next time you’re all strung out like this, you can always come to me. Don’t sit and yell at Umbridge just to get stuck in detention when you could be spending your time with me, Love.”
“Yeah, I like that idea y/n” Harry didn’t take a second to think it over as he seemed to light up with a bright smile, already over his prior annoyances.
At first it wasn’t anything inappropriate, after classes Harry would often storm into your dorm or pull you into his, already yelling about a DA meeting or something Snape or Umbridge did. You’d simply talk and cuddle until he was okay. Eventually Harry realized just how distracting kissing you was and before long would have you pinned to a wall with his lips on your neck at least once a week. When he had noticed how exhilarating it felt to be able to grab you from anywhere in the castle and drag you to his dorm just because he was mad, he simply couldn’t stop. He absolutely adored when you’d let go of control just for him.
And thats how you ended up here, on hands and knees in front of your very angry boyfriend.
“No one ever fucking listens, no one lets me speak…except you of course, hands.” His voice softened as he spoke directly to you. While you laid your hands on your naked back, laying yourself forward onto his bed, Harry took both your hands in one of his as the other lined himself up at your entrance, slowly letting his tip ease into you.
“I have less and less time for myself, I just want to be able to do what I want whenever I want,” Without warning Harry slammed into you fully, pushing himself forward and resting his bare chest on your back, lips next to your ear as he spoke, “That’s you of course.”
“Are you okay still? You remember what to say if you don’t want to continue, yes?” You nodded your head from where it was on his pillow, “Words Darling.”
“Yes, I say Snitch.” You were breathless already as you uncontrollably clenched around him, forcing a sharp sigh from the boy above you.
“Good girl” Harry whispered as he started an unrelenting pace, straightening himself and pushing your abdomen down with his hand on yours.
“You’re perfect y’know that? Bloody perfect stress reliever you are.” He laughed softly as his free hand roamed up and down your side.
He was pounding into you so hard his bed shook and the curtains began to part on their own. The sound of wet skin slapping together and your moans of Harry’s name filled the room.
He drove into you with force you had never felt before, he was quickly forcing you into your orgasm as his pace remained fast and hard against your g-spot.
“Fuck I wann- Ahh Fuck y/n I wanna look at you when I come.” Harry released your hands and held your waist tightly as he flipped you around plowing himself back in as if he never left.
Harry smoothed the hair off your sweaty forehead, keeping eye contact and smiling softly, before bending down to kiss you aggressively on the lips. His and your own moans being drowned by each others lips as he came inside you, your juices mixing as they slid out around him.
“Fuck, I’ve needed this all week,” Harry sighed breathlessly as he rested his head on your chest, not making any attempt of pulling out. As he yawned, you slipped your fingers through his messy hair smiling and breathing heavily, “I love you Harry”
“I love you too Darling”
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honeybubblebeeeeee · 9 months
Breaking Up Slowly || Gojo Satoru x fem!reader
Gojo had broken up with you, for his own reasons but he still couldn’t stay away from you.
Part 2
You may read this and be like huh not realistic but i am writing this bec i was in this situation and it still got me messed up XD smut/hurt no comfort ://// (oral giving/receiving, penetration, creampie, nothing crazy) bad at writing smut bear with me
(also send requests! i appreciate them they help smmmm with writers block <3)
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Your relationship with Satoru wasn’t ever a negative one. You two were compatible in all aspects. Your relationship was healthy. Until it wasn’t.
“I don’t understand! Just tell me what I did!” Tears were overflowing from your eyes as Satoru just stood at the door, a bag of his clothes over his shoulder. He couldn’t look at you even thought he was the one that ended things.
“It’s not you. I just don’t want a relationship anymore.” He looked to his feet and shifted uncomfortably.
You stared in disbelief. You had done nothing but give him everything. Anything he needed, you gave. You didn’t make a big deal when he was gone a long time and wouldn’t even answer his phone. You didn’t make a scene even when he was around and still needed space. You understood his job was hard. You didn't get mad at him when you hadn't seen him for weeks and when you finally did he didn't want to spend time with you.
“But why? Am I too much? Did I do something? Did I not do something?” You overthought every moment in an instant. You two had always talked when something was wrong. This is the first time there has been an issue and it wasn’t spoken about.
“No. I told you it’s not you. I just don’t want to be in a relationship. I have other things to focus on.” His blindfold masked any emotion that could be behind his eyes. It wasn’t often he wore it around you. So this felt like a punishment.
Taking in a breath you asked the hard question. “Are you seeing someone else?”
His head snapped to you and he took a step towards you but stopped himself from advancing further. “What? No. Of course not. I still want to be friends with you. I want to help you when you need it and….. and if you want we can still be, ya know, intimate.”
You scoffed at him. “You want nothing to do with me but you still want to have sex with me.”
Satoru sighed. “I still want you around. I just don’t want a relationship.”
Your heart felt like it was snapping in two. “Go. Get out.”
Satoru held out a hand. “Look Y/N, I-“
“Just go Gojo.” A flash of hurt crossed his face at your refusal to even use his name. He merely nodded at you and left.
. . .
A few days had gone by. Gojo had not spoken to you. You considered blocking his contact but it hurt too much. Part of you wanted him to take it back. To say he didn’t mean it and to come back. However part of you felt better with him gone. True feelings of how lonely you actually felt around him had risen to the surface now that you weren’t blinded by your love for him.
You were making your way to a hiking trail nearby your house when your phone started to ring. Pulling it out of your pocket, Gojo’s face lit up the screen. It felt like your heart was breaking all over again.
You considered not answering it but as the last ring started you accepted the call.
“Hey! I just had to tell you this so I’m out with Yuji right. We were walking through the market and this curse comes out of nowhere. Sukuna and Yuji switch and apparently Sukuna knew the curse.” Gojo ranted on about whatever predicament he had been in. You were too stunned to say anything but oh, okay and force a laugh where it seemed appropriate. “So yeah I just thought it was so funny I had to call you to tell you.”
“Um yeah that is pretty funny.” Your mind spun. Did you imagine him breaking up with you?
“Anyway sorry to interrupt if you were busy. I just really wanted to tell you.” He sounded as if not a single aspect of this seemed wrong.
“I uh no. I wasn’t busy. I was just going to the trail by my apartment for a walk.” Through all his talking you had made it out of your apartment and almost to the trail.
“Oh really? I’m pretty close to there. I’ll come with you. I wouldn’t mind a walk. See you in a sec.” And with that he hung up.
You gaped at your phone. You almost wanted to call him back just to scream at him. You shook your head and kept walking, maybe he wouldn't be able to find you.
Just as you entered the trail, Gojo came up behind you. He smiled and waved, his dark sunglasses on. "Hey! It's nice out today huh?" You swallowed harshly and forced a smile at him. You walked in silence for a little while, Gojo's phone ringing broke the silence. "Oh sorry let me answer this." He walked away answering his phone, you stood there still in shock of how to even react to this entire situation. He was your ex-boyfriend now. So why was he acting like nothing ever happened?
He hung up and walked back towards you. "I have to go sorry but I'll catch up with you later?" He waved to you and made his way back in the direction you had both come from. You raised your hand weakly to wave to him.
. . .
A few weeks had gone by. Gojo hadn't spoken to you much. A few 'hey' and 'how are you' texts but they never went past a couple messages. Ironically it was him that was leaving you on read even though it was him who was texting you first. You hadn't physically seen him since that day in the woods.
It was late in the evening. You weren't tired but you didn't feel like doing anything in particular. In cases like this you resorted to weird hobbies at unconventional times, like baking at 11:00 pm. You had made a few batches of double chocolate chips cookies. One that had been your favourite and Gojo's. The man had a ridiculous sweet tooth and had always begged you to make them. You rarely had time to bake. It was one of those things you took for granted and regretted. If you had more time would he have stayed? Is that one of the reasons why he left?
Unsure what possessed you in the moment but you went for your phone and snapped a picture. Then sent it to him.
You: (Pic) i finally had time to make some more Gojo: ....are those the double chocolate chip ones that always stay super soft???!!! You: maybe Gojo: this physically pains me
You smiled at his silliness. You wanted to punch yourself for what you were about to do.
You: you could come by and have some i can even put some in a container for you to take home
He read the message and a few minutes had gone by. You cursed yourself. Gojo was your ex. Gojo broke up with you and here you were inviting him over cookies late at night. Smart. Real smart. You sighed ready to bask in your melancholy as your phone rang. Gojo was calling. You shouldn't answer right away right? Don't want to seem desperate... right?
"I'm outside, buzz me in?"
You gaped for a moment before coming back to reality. "Oh right." You hung up and walked towards the pad by your front door, pressing the button, allowing him to enter the building. After a few minutes a knock sounded at the front door and of course you opened it to reveal Gojo. He had his black circle sunglasses on.
"Oh uh come in." Stepping out of the way to let him enter. Gojo slipped off his shoes and made his was to the kitchen. You shut the door quickly and followed him. He was practically drooling over the cookies. "Did you want a glass of milk or something?"
He turned to you. "Yeah but don't worry I'll get it. You sit."
You nodded as you leaned against the counter while he munched down the cookies in front of you. "These are so good. You always make the best treats." He leaned against the opposite counter across from you.
You two were really only an arms length apart from each other. You could reach over and pull off his glasses without even moving too much. "I'm glad you like them."
Gojo picked up another one. "You want one?"
"Sure" You shrugged and moved to reach for it but he moved faster and held it to you lips. You took a soft and tentative bite out of it. His sunglasses covered anything his eyes would reveal. He moved it away for a moment before feeding you the rest of it, then leaning back and simply watching you.
He took a shuddering breath before standing straight. "Did you see that movie sequel that came out? We used to watch the first one all the time." He moved over to your living room and plopped himself on the couch. You followed behind him, sitting on the farthest side from him. "Yeah... I haven't had any way to watch it though."
He smiled boyishly. "I downloaded it." He took a few minutes plugging something into the tv, where he pulled it out of you were not sure.
You sat separately as the movie started. Gojo paused it and looked to you. "Do you want popcorn?"
"Uh, yeah sure" You got up to move, but he ushered you to stay put.
"No, no I got it. Don't worry." He sauntered off to the kitchen. I guess on the plus side he knew where everything was. After a few minutes he came back, a large bowl of popcorn in hand. He sat more in the middle of the couch now. The bowl taking up the only space remaining between. Gojo slipped off his glasses placing them on his head.
The movie resumed. Both of you slowly ate at the popcorn while watching. Your hands brushed periodically and it made your skin heat. Occasionally you snuck glances at him. His soft frosty locks, his white eyelashes fluttering as he blinked. You could just barely see the crystal blue of his eyes.
You looked away quickly before he could notice but at some points you could just barely see him turning to you in your peripheral and not turning back right away. Sure, he could be looking past you but you doubted it.
The popcorn had been devoured. It was one of your favourite snacks and you knew he knew that. He placed the empty bowl on the table and subtly moved closer to you. You pulled your legs up in front of you, your feet facing him.
Your toes brushed the side of his legs. Even that little bit of contact almost had you begging for him. Mentally you scolded yourself. Swiftly, he scooped his arm under your legs and stretched them across his lap. "You can stretch out, it's a long movie." Gojo looked to you, a soft smile playing on his lips. His blue eyes dipped to your lips, your neck before snapping back up and then returning to the movie.
You swallowed sharply before looking back to the tv. Was it hot in here? You felt hot.
Gojo settled his hands atop your legs and leaned more into the couch. His fingers playing with the fabric of your pants absentmindedly as he watched on. You shivered slightly at the touch. "You cold?"
Coughing to cover your stutter, "Oh uh yeah a little." Actually your body was on fire and your heart was racing but you didn't stop him from reaching over and grabbing the throw blanket that rested on the side of the couch. Gojo strategically threw it over you both. You thought this would give you more of a barrier between you to stop his incessant touching that you were not going to out right say no to.
However to your horror or your relief his hands stayed under the blanket and continued his movements. You could feel him testing how far you would let him go. His hand rubbed up and down your shins, massaging softly. Could he hear the pounding in your chest?
Slowly the area he occupied increased, his hand running up your thigh, squeezing after a random amount of strokes. Could he feel you squeeze your thighs together every time he did? You were fidgeting. Flexing and wriggling your feet. Your hands busily picked at your shirt under the blanket.
Gojo's hand slowed and stopped. You took in a deep breath. Maybe his torment had stopped but you hated that it did. He readjusted your legs to move from sitting by his knees, to right in his lap. One hand moved to rest just above your hip and the other stayed, making taunting circles on your thigh. You forgot you were staring when he turned and looked at you. "You okay?"
"Uhuh." Swallowing you turned back to the movie. A few minutes passed. His hand on the thigh kept making taunting delicious circles while the other slowly started to move back and fourth.
You hated this, how he broke your heart, acted like nothing happened and then came over here like he still had some sort of say over your body. What you hated more was that your body didn't hate it, that you couldn't stop him. You could feel the slickness collecting between your legs. The way your body begged for his touch.
The circles above your hip had started out on top of your shirt. At some point that you hadn't noticed his thumb had slipped underneath and was toying with the skin right above your waistband. You adjusted your legs, he halted for a moment letting you move. You brushed the need that had developed in his pants. His face pinched at the contact, his chest rising and falling heavily.
As you settled, Gojo returned to his current occupation. The movie still played, you didn't even know what was happening. You pulled your legs away and stood up. The blanket falling, your eyes catching his hardness but you quickly looked away. "I um just need some water. Would you like anything?"
He spread his arms along the back of the couch, not even remotely embarrassed of his length pushing through his pants. "No, I'm okay. Thank you." You nodded quickly and moved to the kitchen. He continued watching the movie.
Grabbing a glass and a straw, some ice and some cold water you sat back onto the couch. What had possessed you to sit right next to him, under his arm? He threw the blanket back over you, draping your legs over his, while the arm behind the couch wrapped around you and he slipped his hand into your waistband.
You could feel his fingers running up and down the skin of your hip, if he moved anymore to the side he would have a handful of your ass.
Shakily, you sipped on your water, the ice clinking grabbed his attention. Gojo's crystal blue eyes looked down on you and you hated the way it made your core tighten.
"Thirsty?" You held the straw towards him in offering. Watching as his mouth found the straw, sucking softly, his throat bobbing as he swallowed. God, you have never wanted to be a straw so bad. What was wrong with you? He let it go, water droplets on his lips. "Thank you."
A shaky hand reached up and wiped the water from hip lip with your thumb. You hesitated right over his mouth. His lips parting, his warmth breath caressing your skin. Without hesitation he kissed the tip of your thumb, taking back the water droplets, the moisture wetting his already soft pink lips.
You let out a shuttering breath, his hands gripped you. One free hand grabbed your glass and set it on the table. You couldn't stop yourself from staring at his lips, against your better judgement your hands snakes around his neck, tangling your fingers into his white locks.
Gojo licked his lips, eyeing yours. "Can I kiss you princess?" Words failed you, so you settled for nodding your head. You wanted him bad. It was wrong but it didn't matter.
He hesitated at first then in record speed gripped the back of your head and pulled you into him. You couldn't even stay you didn't also pull him towards you. You clashed in a frenzy of lips, teeth and tongue.
Tugging at his hair caused delicious moans to leave his mouth and you swallowed them greedily. You nipped at his lip and he opened easily allowing you to slip your tongue past his lips. He pulled away for a breath. Both you of gasping, chests rising and falling rapidly. The way you had looked, eyes blown, hair a mess, lips puffy, must have triggered something primal in him. He latched onto your neck biting, nipping and sucking down to your collar bones and across. You knew he was leaving red angry marks but you had no intention of stopping him.
He couldn’t take it much longer. His hard throbbing length ground into you and it only made your core flare with need. Almost as if sensing it, Gojo picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist and walking you to the bedroom. In that time it became a personal mission to leave just as many red marks on him as you were sure he left on you.
He deposited you on the bed, his glasses thrown to the side and his shirt discarded on the floor. Gojo grabbed you by the thighs and pulled you to the edge of the bed, slipping off your shorts and underwear in record timing.
"Wait, Toru I-" He stopped and looked up as you sat up and moved away a bit. A wave of disappointment crossed his face. "Do you not want to?"
"No, I do I just.." He grabbed you again, pulling you back down. "Then lay down baby and let me taste you yeah?"
His kissed up the inside of your thighs, nipping and sucking as he went. Small gasps left you lips and you looked down to see him already watching you. As he approached your center, you both stared at each other. His tongue licked a slow strip. "Mmmm... I missed the way you tasted. So sweet." You could not control the soft moans that left you lips as he slowed licked and sucked your clit. You writhed under him, to stop you from moving away he wrapped an arm around your waist, gripping your thighs.
With his other hand, he teased a finger along your opening. "You're so wet for me baby, fuck." Whining you gripped his locks, pulling his face back towards you. Gojo chuckled at your neediness. His long index finger slowly pushed into you as he sucked harshly on your clit.
"Toru, i- fuck" Your breaths were heavy as your chest heaved. His movements continued, his pace increased as he brought you closer and closer to the edge. "Toru, I'm so close, I- I can't-"
"Come for me princess, I wanna taste you, it's okay baby" Gojo continued his assault as he pulled you over the edge and let you ride his face as you rode out your high. Your body relaxed, eyes closed as his touch disappeared. You were too strung out to even really think.
He moved around the room but you didn't pay attention to him. You were so relaxed now you could have slept. Probably better than you had since he had left.
Satoru grabbed the back of your head and pulled you up to your knees on the edge of the bed. His cock on your lips, pre cum dripping out as you took him in. "Ugh fuck baby" His hand on the back of your head encouraged your movements as his length hit the back of your throat.
He did not give you time in between thrusts, relentlessly fucking your face until you were a drooling mess upon him.
Gojo pulled out with a pop and leaned down to bring his face to your level. "You look so good with my cock in your mouth princess. Did you miss my cock?" You couldn't say much, your brain clearly was not working so you nodded at him. His blue eyes were wide with desire as he smashed his lips against yours and pulled away abruptly.
"Turn around. I want to fuck you from behind. I love the way you look when I'm deep inside you from this angle." With slow movements you turned around, he grabbed your thighs to pull your knees right to the edge. Your reflection in the mirror on the other side of the room stared back at you.
His cock caressed your folds as he pressed down on your back making you arch into position. "Look at me." Your eyes snapped to his in the mirror. Slowly he pushed into you. Groaning as he did. Holding still once he was fully seated.
"Fuck~ you're so wet, your pussy is gripping my dick so hard it almost hurts. I can tell you missed me inside you." Both of you shuddered as he slowly pulled out to the tip and slammed back in.
Your nails dug into the blanket, soft moans leaving you both as his paced increased. One hand gripping your hip and the other pushing you down, keeping you in position as he slammed into you relentlessly. "I'm going to come baby, you feel too good I can't stop..."
His thrusts became stuttered as he pushed into you with one last thrust. Bending over you as you both panted heavily. Gojo kissed along your shoulder, across your back and down your other shoulder while still being seated inside of you. After a few moments he reached for the towel and set it underneath you, wincing as he pulled out and left you in a pool of your own mess while he cleaned himself off.
Your brain was still jumbled as your sat on the towel, before you even could come to your senses he was already dressed. His white locks a sweaty mess upon his head, his black sunglasses covering his eyes.
"Oh, you're leaving?" You couldn't stop the disappointment from entangling with your voice.
"Uh... yeah. I can't stay so." Gojo kissed the top of your head and went for the bedroom door. "I'm free later in the week. We can hang out again if you like. I'll text you." Before you could usher a response he left, closing the door behind him.
Tears welled and fell and quiet whimpers turned into full sobs as you sat in the mess of the both of you. You hated yourself for giving into him, for letting him touch you and be inside you again but what you hated more was that you knew he would be over again and you knew you couldn't bring yourself to say no.
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nfr-girly · 2 months
hasan finding out ur pregnant on stream 😭🫶🏼
AHH I’ve literally thought of this before - but then I remember I write and I can literally do it myself 😣
-you’d probably have found out a few days before you tell him, just so nervous to say anything
-he’d notice too, ur mood changes a lil and he gets a bit worried
-you’d decide to show him on stream, and I can guarantee he’d be going off about a political topic and just FUMING at all the idiots he’s watching
-you slightly open the door and he stops to look at you, he’s still red after ranting for almost 10 minutes, while you’re there all nervous 🥹🫶
-“you okay baby?” He’d ask, which does settle you a bit and you walk over to him, not even saying anything and handing the test to him
-chat can see it’s a pregnancy test and already starts FLOODING the chat before Hasan can even react, just a bunch of “OMG STOP” “IS THAT A TEST??!!??” “Hasan in his dad era”
-Hasan actually takes a minute to figure out what it says, partly because he’s still coming back from his outburst earlier, but also because of all the emotions going through his head.
-you do start to get worried seeing how long he takes to respond. you whisper a “Hasan?” to get his attention, already preparing to take whatever harsh words he has to say, cause you’re starting to think this isn’t what he wants
-but when he looks up your heart actually melts, all the red in his face now gone and now replaced with tears in his eyes
-“is this real?” He asks, begging that it is
-“yeah it’s real” you giggle a bit, knowing now he’s not mad
-all of a sudden you’re hugged by a 6’4 man who’s bursting into tears, literally almost knocking you over, mans literally bolted into you
-you laugh and play with his hair, now crying yourself 🥹
- “so you’re okay with this?” You ask
-he looks at you and wipes his eyes, “are you kidding me? I’m gonna be a dad of course I am” he laughs and kisses you
-bro everyone’s crying in the chat now cause of you two lovebirds
-SPEAKING OF CHAT the amount of emotions that went through everyone ??
-the excitement upon seeing the test, the worry at Hasans reaction, and then the support after he hugged you
-chat needs a break cause wtf
-but after you guys calm down you guys go outside in the corridor to talk for a sec, you tell him about when you found out and he feels so bad he couldn’t have supported you when you did 🥲
-you don’t care anymore you’re just so happy
-you let him go back to the stream and you guys agree to talk later
-he’d come back to the stream and need to take like 6 minutes to get back into it
-he actually does forget what he was ranting on about 😭 chat has to go through it with him
-trust though he does go back to full on RAGING once he reads something stupid
-but all that’s on his mind is this new journey you two will be on <33
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coolnameloading · 7 months
Lute x Fem! Reader Part 2
Part 2 of Lute x Sinner Reader story yaaaay
Over the last few months, the hotel has been in what you can only describe as organized chaos. The hotel gained a new resident in Sir Pentious who was a spy for the Vee’s and then wasn’t or something. Charlie reassured you constantly that Pentious was not working for the Vee’s anymore and you had nothing to worry about.
But those sick fucks have been chasing you for longer than any of the other overlords so you’d rather be more safe than sorry. 
After that particular event, you started to feel less safe in the hotel. 
You heard Vox, he tried to infiltrate the only place where you’ve felt safe since you got to the literal hell hole and he tried to send in a fucking spy who Charlie just let walk in instantly after he had attacked the hotel twice.
Who knows what would have happened to you….all of you if Angel Dust hadn’t seen him planting those stupid cameras? 
You love Charlie, she’s nice and she gave you a place to stay. Being mad at her is like being mad at a puppy but all you could keep thinking about for the rest of the month was wondering if Vox saw you.
If the Vee’s know where you are.
If they’ll come looking for you.
What they might do to you if they do catch you.
You had a close call with Velvette one time and one time was enough for the rest of your afterlife. Bitch tried to color-match your fucking fur! You’re pretty sure the only reason you got away was because she was drunk off her British ass.
Vaggie could tell right away that there was something wrong with you and tried to reassure you.
“He didn’t see you Chesh”
She whispered approaching you slowly. 
“You don’t know that boss! What if he did? He could be on his way right now with the other two and he already beat the radio demon once! I need to lea-”
Vaggie cut off your rant by placing her hand on your shoulder gently and pushing you down to sit on the couch.
“Charlie and I wouldn’t let anything happen to you. We promised when you started staying here that we’d keep you safe and we will. You don’t need to run.”
“Thanks, boss… I’m sorry for freaking out. It just really shook me up, I guess.”
You mumbled out, blushing at how pathetic you sound. 
You may not remember much about your life but you’re pretty sure you died sometime in your 20’s. Yet here you are whimpering pathetically and having to get comforted over a fucking video camera. 
After that incident you became more jumpy, every sound put you on edge, and it was worse whenever you were around any form of technology that didn’t look like it was from before the 1980s.
The others tried their best to calm you down in their own ways. Angel Dust started leaving his phone in his room because you’d flinch every time he got a text or phone call from Valentino. 
“Don’t make a big deal outa it, he was annoying me too.”
Husk would keep your favorite booze on standby at all times, when you’d thank him he’d simply grin at you and say, 
“Us feline demons got to stick together.”
Alastor was happy to throw out any and every piece of technology that would make you tense up even slightly, which included most of Pentious’ weapons and very nearly his airship. 
He obviously wasn’t doing it for you but it still felt nice.
“Don’t worry my friend! I’ll happily get rid of these infernal contraptions! I’ve always believed they lacked class anyway.”
Pentious recognized his part in your new-found anxiety and tried to gain your trust by handing his machines to Alastor with many, many, many tears.
“I am more than happy to…give up my arsenal as an apology for invading your persssssonal boundariessss.” He’d hissed out while trying to hold his tears back.
You couldn’t really be mad at him after that.
Nifty even volunteered to go out and ‘hunt phones’ for you.
You said no but that didn’t stop her from bringing you the….remains of some people’s phones.
 “Sometimes I kill mother phones in front of their children as a warning to the other phones!”
“Niffty phones don’t have mothers.”
“Hehe, not anymore…”
Charlie was actually very happy to see how the others stepped in to help you and she was very proud of them even if their methods were…unorthodox.
But that lead her into a spiral. She was desperately trying to figure out why the hotel wasn’t working even though everybody showed considerable improvement.
This leads to her talking with her dad, which somehow leads to you being here in heaven.
“Um, boss why exactly am I here?”
You ask Vaggie nervously, glancing around at the pastel clouds around you. God you haven’t seen pastels in years.
Vaggie looks over at you and sighs, “Well Charlie figured you wouldn’t want to go out with the others and you wouldn’t like to stay in the hotel alone so this was the best option.”
You nod, understanding her point but on the other hand.
“And the…exorcists?”
Vaggie’s shoulders tense for a moment before she looks away from you and mumbles, “I have a feeling they won’t do anything even if we do run into them.”
You want to ask more questions but decide against it, today was stressful enough as it is without you asking stupid questions. 
“Whatever you say, boss.”
You whisper following behind Vaggie and Charlie as they enter the gates of heaven after another fucking song. 
Is it just you? Are you the weird one? Should you be singing more often?
The three of you follow behind the two seraphim, Emily and Sera, while they give you a tour of heaven. Charlie looks completely enamored by the place but Vaggie looks annoyed, as if the pastel clouds had offended her personally.
And you…well honestly you feel a little underwhelmed.
Heaven looks like a glorified mall so far, a mall with strippers because there are way more people walking around shirtless than you thought there would be. 
So you keep trailing behind Vaggie, Charlie, and the angels when you see someone who looks familiar.
She’s a cat demon like you, same color pallet and everything, except she seems much shorter and has a pair of pastel-blue angel wings coming out of her back.
You end up drifting away from the group and start following the small cat angel through the crowds. 
Eventually, you get close enough to reach out and tap her but when you’re about to get her attention you feel a firm hand on your shoulder and you get pulled away roughly and pinned to one of the walls.
You’re completely disoriented for a moment and then you hear a familiar annoying voice.
“Well, well, well look what the cat dragged in.”
You look up to see Adam and Lute, Adam has a wide smirk on his face and Lute looks….wow.
She’s not wearing her helmet so this time you get to admire her completely.
You’d probably be happier about her pinning you to a wall if she wasn’t also holding a giant spear to your neck.
Then again…-
Yeah, it’s still pretty hot.
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underground-secret · 7 months
The Hunter and The Witch~ Dean Winchester x F!reader
Description: After getting a call from John Winchester after no contact for months. The group gets led to a town in which a couple goes missing every year around the same time. But Sam doesn’t want to follow orders anymore, and the town still needs help.
Warnings: Cannon Violence, fight scene (tell me how i did, im still learning how to write it!), arguing, a little angst, talk of crimes, cursing (i think), talk about sacrifices and Pagan rituals (i fricken love learning about Paganism), Y/N gets a little snarky and cocky, use of magic and abilities
Tag list: @jesllianaquilesrolonsworld , @okayiamkassandra , @fablesrose , @ada--44, @bonkydarnes , @star-yawnznn
Word Count: …14,005
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(Master List, Prev. Chapter, Next Chapter)
“So you’re with the Winchesters?” Adeline says, her voice just as husky and amused as I remembered. It had been months since we talked, I'm surprised she wasn’t mad at me, though maybe she was and she was just hiding it well. “Yes.” I answer simply, waiting for the impending lecture.
“I should be surprised, but I'm not,” She remarks, and I can hear the smirk on her face.
“You know B/N said nearly the same thing!” I laughed lightly, but it soon died down when she didn't join in instead going completely quiet.
“You should have told me.” She says, venom on her tongue, but I know it’s out of worry. “No text, no call, not even a letter! I show up at your house. Not only are you not there I have to find out from your co-workers that you quit and haven’t been in contact with anyone. Did you quit because of those Winchesters? ‘Cause I swear to God I wil-“
“No!, quitting had nothing to do with them.” I cut her rant off, “Look Addie I'm sorry. I got so caught up in it all I didn’t think of telling anyone.” I sigh, leaving out the part I forgot I had people who cared about me—which is so stupid. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you or scare you. But that isn’t what I called for…”
Suddenly a sharp demanding knock sounds at my door. I don’t move for a second, watching it, “One sec, Addie” I place my phone down on the bed pulling back the heavy blankets. I tiptoe to the door, the rough carpet dragging on my feet. I take a deep breath preparing myself for the worst, I unlock the door, creaking it open just wide enough to see who is there.
Dean stands there, his eyes wide and his hair a little messy, still in his pajamas. A black shirt and some plaid pajama pants, though I figured he might have thrown those on before coming to my door- I knew he wasn’t foreign to sleeping with just a shirt and underwear on. I open the door further, “Are you okay? What happened?” I spew out.
“Get dressed. Dad called, ‘doesn't want us following him. He's going after the thing that killed Mom, says it’s a demon. He gave us a bunch of names and needs us to go investigate. Meet by the car.” He answers quickly. I stared at him, all of this was rushed, we barely got any sleep and we were already leaving rather quickly. He looks me over, nods, and then walks away back down the hall to his room, giving me no chance to ask if he was okay.
I closed the door a little shocked, making my way back to my phone and before it was even by my ear I heard the impatient click of her nails against some hard surface, “Now what” she huffed. Definitely mad at me. “I’ll have to call you back later” I sigh, “I need to go.”
“No you don’t get to just call me—“ She nearly yells but I cut her off again, “Addie I promise I’ll call you back.” The line goes silent for a beat and I wonder if she’s still there.
She sighs, “I’m worried about you.”
“I’m okay” I smiled sadly, yet even as the words passed my lips my stomach twisted itself, “I will call you.”
“Fine.” She huffs but she doesn't sound so convinced.
“I love you, Addie.” I say, and I mean it.
“I love you too. Stay safe, and call me!”
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“Alright, just to double check all those names are couples?” I ask from the back seat of the Impala, copying notes down on a little notepad. “Three different couples. All went missing.” Dean confirms from the passenger seat. The darkness of the night cloaks us in its cold embrace.
“You said they were from all different states, Washington, New York, Colorado, and all went missing at the same time each year trying to travel across the country. But is it possible that it’s just a serial killer? Not to undermine your fathers findings.” I explain motioning my pen around as I speak, “I mean it is possible the suspect lives in Indiana, knows the roads well, and which way people go when road-tripping. Then being able to intercept them therefore fulfilling his or her urge. Then that kill can satisfy them till next year.”
“I guess, but they always disappeared in the second week of April. One year after another after another. That’s pretty weird.” Dean points out.
“Not necessarily, serial killers can have a certain connection to a date like an anniversary of something. Feeling only the need to do such an act during said time.” I ramble.
“Well, we’re still checking it out” Dean answers plainly, practically shutting down my theory. I guess it’s safer to check but it’s nighttime. I didn’t get any sleep, they barely got any sleep, and rushing over to Indiana in a 3-hour long car ride doesn't sound so fun if it turns out not to be a supernatural thing. “And this is the second week of April.” Sam remarks.
“Yep.” Dean nods.
“So, Dad is sending us to Indiana to go hunting for something before another couple vanishes?” Sam asks, though it’s clear he knows the answer.
“Yahtzee. Can you imagine putting together a pattern like this? All the different obituaries Dad had to go through? The man’s a master.” Dean beams, flipping through the papers he had on the missing couples. He very clearly looked up to his Dad in some manner, even though he wasn’t deserving of such praise. I know Sam feels this way too, he never had an issue calling out John and he certainly can see all that’s wrong with how they grew up. The thing is I know Dean knew too, he was just trained to be loyal.
I watch Sam in the rearview mirror, his nostrils flaring in anger, his hands gripping the steering wheel harder until the knuckles turn white. He pulled the car off to the side of the road, sharply, my body jerking at the motion. “What are you doing?” Dean asks confused, straightening the way he sat.
“We’re not going to Indiana.” Sam says firmly.
“We’re not?” Dean replies, shock and amusement written on his features.
“No. We’re going to California.” Sam answers, “Dad called from a payphone. Sacramento area code.”
“Sam.” Dean warns.
“Dean, if this demon killed Mom and Jess, and Dad’s closing in, we’ve gotta be there. We’ve gotta help.” Sam reasons, and I don’t disagree.
“Dad doesn’t want our help.” Dean argues, his voice getting louder.
“I don’t care.” Sam answers rather calmly.
“He’s given us an order.” Dean bites, using one of his favorite excuses.
“I don’t care.” He repeats himself, this time more firmly, “We don’t always have to do what he says.”
“Sam, Dad is asking us to work jobs, to save lives, it’s important.” Dean tries to explain.
“Please stop fighting, why don’t we work this job, put all our energy into it. Work it quickly. Then immediately head to California, both of you win” I offer, always the person trying to cool the fight down and offer some sort of solution. But even as the words leave my mouth I know I’m wrong, this argument is more than working a case or chasing demons. This is years of grief built up. Sam half turns to view me, his eyes are pained and I almost think he might be close to tears, “It won’t be enough. You said it yourself. My Dad moves fast, if we don’t head there right now we’ll miss him entirely.” He looks between both of us now as he adds, “But I’m talking one week here, to get answers. To get revenge.”
Dean sighs, “Alright, look, I know how you feel.”
“Do you?” Sam spits, nearly yelling. “How old were you when Mom died? Four? Jess died six months ago. How the hell would you know how I feel?”
Oh. This is old grief on top of new grief, he hasn’t coped with the loss of his girlfriend not that we could have expected him to. It’s too soon. These emotions are too raw, too new. Dean matches his brother yelling, “Dad said it wasn’t safe. For any of us. I mean, he knows something that we don’t, so if he says to stay away, we stay away.”
“I don’t understand the blind faith you have in the man. I mean, it’s like you don’t even question him.” Sam argues, looking at his brother strangely.
“Yeah, it’s called being a good son!” Dean yells. The tension has exploded, the car falling quiet in its aftermath. My dislike for their father seemed to grow ten folds, to make your own child feel like that—
“Dean, that’s no—“ But before I can say anything more about it Sam exits the car. Slamming the door behind him. Dean and I get out of the car following him to the trunk where he unloads his things from. “You’re a selfish bastard, you know that? You just do whatever you want. Don’t care what anybody thinks.” Dean yells.
“Dean!” I snap, “This has gone far enough, you don’t get to say things like that, he’s your brother! Both of you calm down, please.” I didn’t want Sam to be treated like this, not from his brother who I know cares about him. “No. It’s okay, Y/N” Sam says calmly, his movements slowing as he stares his brother down, “Is that what you really think?”
“Yes, it is.” Dean gives a single sharp nod.
“Well.” Sam shuts the trunk, “then this selfish bastard is going to California.” he puts his backpack on and starts to walk away.
No. This can’t be happening. “Dean,” I say desperately, he has to apologize or stop him so they can talk it out. This isn’t my place but I can’t watch this happen. He looks out at his brother, “Sam, come on. You’re not serious”
“I am serious.” Sam responds, still walking away.
“It’s the middle of the night!” Dean yells out, “Hey, we’re taking off, I will leave your ass, you hear me?”
Sam stops walking, turning around, “That’s what I want you to do.”
I let out a frustrated groan, “What the hell is wrong with you both?! Just talk it out, we can come to some sort of agreement or—or reason with each other.” I practically beg. Both their eyes fall to me but Dean just responds with, “He’s made up his mind” his eyes turn back towards his brother, “Goodbye Sam.”
I stand frozen, eyes wide, this is not happening.
Dean grabs hold of my wrist, his hand warm despite the cold night, practically dragging me to the passenger side of the car. He waits for me to sit and buckle myself before closing the door and making his way to the driver's side. He gets in, putting the car in drive.
I watch Sam turn back around and walk away in the car's side mirror. Dean must have been watching too because he slams his fist on the steering wheel, takes a deep breath, and then does it again and again. I place my hand over his just as it connects with the steering wheel again. “Dean…” I say softly, but it comes out more like a plea. His hand goes still under mine, and when I turn my face to look at him, his eyes are glossy.
He does not turn to look at me though, keeping his eyes straight ahead at the dark road. “Dean” I say weakly, letting out a shaky breath feeling my own eyes welling up, “please, stop the car.” He listens, slamming on the brakes, my body jolting at the sharp stop. He snaps his head towards me, “Why so you could leave too?!”
I lean away from him retracting my hand, placing it on my lap, “No” I say quietly. But his reaction made me want to leave, the tears in my eyes finally fell over, spilling down my cheeks, “Do not take your anger out on me.” He sighs, turning his face away from me, cursing.
“I know you don’t want to hear this…but you must” I begin to say, having to pause to clear my voice of its shakiness, “I care for you both a lot but I’m so sick of you guys constantly fighting over something stupid when all you have to do is talk.”
“That's easy for you to say.” Dean snaps back, still looking away from me.
I huff, annoyed, “See! You get all standoffish instead of dealing with your emotions and I know that's what you’re used to but you don't have to be that way around me of all people.” He goes quiet, with no snappy comeback or even a grunt of annoyance. His jaw clenches and I wonder if that's from anger, trying to hold back tears, or both. “What if were destined to always hate each other,” he says quietly, and I know he means him and Sam. “He doesn't hate you, and I know you don't feel that way either,” I answer softly, even when I know what he truly means. He turns his head towards me, a single tear rolling down his cheek, “Then why does he keep leaving?!” he says through gritted teeth the last word coming out as if he spit venom.
In truth, I can't possibly know what he feels. He raised Sam and was there every moment of every day. He saw him take his first step and say his first word, brought him to school, fed him, put him to bed, and kept him safe. I was more like Sam in that aspect, I was the youngest with an older brother who took care of me and looked out for me. Honestly more than our own Dad, maybe that’s why he and Dean got along together so well- a shared understanding.
So, no, I could not understand exactly what he felt, not even a fraction of it. But even despite that I reached my hand out carefully, my fingertips barely brushing his cheek before pausing giving him time to pull away and hide if he wanted to. He didn't. I cup his cheek, whipping away another tear that fell. His green eyes seemed softer then like his anger had diminished enough but still lay beneath the tears. I don't have all the answers, “I know it may not seem like it, but he isn't leaving you. He went off to college ‘cause he wanted a chance away from this life. Even now he is going in hopes of stopping what started this all, he’s going to come back…your brothers you can't escape each other even if you wanted to.”
It's not a solution, and I don't expect it to help. But all I can do is hope it eases something in him. He leans his face into my hand, his eyes fluttering shut as he takes a deep breath in.
In one quick motion, I unbuckle my seat belt with my free hand. He must have known what I was going to do because he removed his face from my hand only to put the car in park, release his seat belt, and turn his body so I could hug him properly. I close the distance between us so I can wrap my arms around his neck, his body immediately reacts to my movements. His head falls to the crook of my neck, his arms wrapping around my waist. He pulls my body impossibly closer and tighter.
His breathing gives him away, his warm breath coming out uneven against my neck a wetness forming against where he resides. I don't say anything about him crying, or anything at all, I just move my hand up and down his back in soothing motions, hoping to ease him.
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I do not know how I managed it but after he finished crying I got him to switch seats with me so he could rest while I drove. I've never driven the Impala before, maybe this was him showing me he trusted me even though I already knew he did, or maybe it was tiredness overtaking him. But the drive was pretty straightforward and it was dark so there wasn’t a worry about other cars.
He managed to drift off, which I was envious of but I was more proud of being able to drive Baby to notice my exhaustion. I even got to play music that wasn’t the usual rock songs he liked to play, which I don’t have any problem with but a change is nice sometimes (even if I played it very quietly so he could rest).
Just as we pulled into the small town he woke up, grumbling a “good morning” before staying silent the rest of the time. He went on his phone at one point, pulling up the contacts but ultimately he did not call anyone. “Ok, ready?” I ask, shutting off the car after pulling into a spot.
“Yeah” He nods, his voice still a little gravely from sleep. I hand him back his keys before exiting the car, the pure feeling of accomplishment pulling over me. I drove Baby accident-free and made it to the destination! I’m so good!!
We walked up to the only person in sight, an older man sitting on a wooden rocking chair in front of a café. Maybe it was too early for anyone else to be out, it certainly felt too early to be up though I guess I never really went to sleep.
“Let me guess,” Dean points to the store's sign that reads Scotty’s Café, “Scotty.” He looked proud of his stupid joke if you could even call it that, a dumb grin on his face. Scotty looks up at the sign and then back at us looking unamused, “Yep,”
“Hi, my name’s John Bonham and this is Pat Phillips” Dean introduces us both, and I want to glare at him for using a member from a popular band's name but if Scotty doesn't know then the glaring would give it away.
But of course, our luck has long run out, “Isn’t that the drummer for Led Zeppelin?” He looks at Dean pointedly then at me, “And his wife?” Now I really do glare at him, I didn’t know Pat Phillips was Bonham's wife! I barely knew Bonham was the drummer for Led Zeppelin, only remembering because of Dean rambling about it. Dean looks at me, eyes raised as if to silently say he didn’t think he would know. He turns back to Scotty, shock clear on his face, “Wow. Good. Classic rock fan.” Alright, he wasn’t even trying to deny it, great.
“What can I do for you, John?” Scotty asks anyway and I’m surprised he didn’t completely write us off. Dean takes out two pieces of paper from his pocket, unfolding the missing person's flyers. “I was wondering if, uh, you’d seen these people by chance.”
Scotty takes the flyers, barely studying them before answering, “Nope. Who are they?” Huh, that was a little weird, I would think he would want to think harder about it. I study the older man but his face reveals nothing, no fear in his eyes.
“They’re really close friends of ours, honestly we’re worried,” I explained while trying to test him, if he is responsible and he knows friends are looking for them and hasn’t given up he might crack a little. “They’ve been missing for a year now, passed somewhere through here. And we already asked around Salem and Scottsburg—“ But he doesn't let me finish my list, “Sorry.” He hands back the flyers to Dean, “We don’t get many strangers around here.”
Once more his eyes and face reveal nothing but still something about him is coming off weird.
“Scotty, you’ve got a smile that lights up a room, ‘anybody ever tell you that?” Dean tells him, earning a glare from the man himself. Dean chuckles, amusing himself at this point, “Never mind. See you around.”
I wait until we’re back in the car to say something, Dean taking his rightful place in the driver's seat, “Is it me or was that guy acting weird about this all?”
“Nah, he just doesn't have expressions,” Dean responds. I laughed, “That is not what I meant!”, I turned in my seat to face him, “Okay if someone came to you and was all like ‘my friend went missing and she’s been gone a long time and I think she passed through here do you know anything.’ Wouldn’t you really study the photo and try and think back, especially cause it’s a year ago. Scotty barely looked at the photo!”
He seems to contemplate what I said, “ ‘Could also just be a jerk.” he responds. I let out a frustrated sigh, “Dean.”
“Alright, you could be onto something sweetheart. We’ll keep asking around.”
Our next stop is a sort of Gas Station, all road trip essentials lining the walls from maps to mixed nuts. Aka the perfect place someone would stop at on their trip. “You sure they didn’t stop for gas or something?” Dean asks the older couple working.
“Nope, don’t remember ‘em. You said they were friends of yours?” The man who introduced himself as Harley responded.
“Yes, dear friends,” I answered.
“Did the guy have a tattoo?” A sweet blonde girl probably around our age asks, coming down the nearby stairs with a large box in her hand, her face just barely visible. “Yes, he did,” Dean responds. She puts the boxes on the counter and looks at the picture of the dark haired Vince then back up at the couple, “You remember? They were just married.”
Harley’s eyes suddenly widened making a little ‘oh’ sound, “You’re right. They did stop for gas. Weren’t here’ more than ten minutes.” Dean and I shared a look, now this guy wanted to suddenly remember. “You remember anything else?” Dean pushes further.
“I told ‘em how to get back to the Interstate. They left town.” Harley answers, finally sharing some truth. These townspeople were strange. “Would you be able to point us the same way?” I ask him, eyeing him carefully.
Dean drives down the long road, slower than usual, both of us looking for anything unusual or suspicious. There was undoubtedly something going on whether it was supernatural or not. But there wasn’t much near us, just trees and endless roads.
We pass by what looks to be an orchard, apples hanging from the lush trees.
If I was kidnapping and possibly killing people I would choose somewhere along this Interstate, it was practically dead and no one would suspect anyone driving here even late at night. My thoughts are cut off by a violent buzzing noise coming from just behind me, most likely in the back seat. I turn to Dean, giving him a confused look, he turns his head to the back of the car looking instead of the road. “Dean. Road” I remind him, his eyes going back where they belong.
I unbuckle my seatbelt, shifting myself so that I was kneeling on the seat. I lean over the back seat, having to drop down low to reach his duffle bag, the top of the seat digging into my gut. My ass is definitely sticking up in the air and most likely close to Dean, but I ignore the embarrassment of that idea as I shuffle through his bag. I move one of his shirts around, finding the cause of the loud noise, “It’s your EMF” I call out hoping he can hear me even with my head still buried in the little space between the floor of the car and the backseat. I grab the box, the medal heavy in my hand.
I lift myself up and back to my seat half turned and sitting on my legs, it continues to buzz violently, the meter blaring to the red. “‘Think it’s the orchard” he announces, pulling the car off to the side of the road. We venture into the trees.
The ground was soft beneath my shoes, a light morning dew still clinging to the grass. If this was any other day or occasion I’d say it’s a rather nice orchard but the EMF has not stopped, and I think if it could go any further red it certainly would be there.
The trees were all lined up, apples scattered about the ground and a potent scent of rotten fruit following it. From where we pulled over it wasn’t hard to find the middle of the orchard, the trees cut down in almost a circle, except some paths that broke away in various directions.
A tall post stood in the middle, a creepy scarecrow on it. It looked rather human and full rather than stuffed with straw. Its face looked like a mask with stitches adorning it and hollow eyes, greasy long hair flowing from beneath his fedora. The only scarecrow-like thing about him was the fact he was tied to a wooden post and had a sort of jumper with patches on it, though the added black trench coat contradicted this. And in his hand was a sickle, what was meant to be used for agriculture only made him that much creepy.
Its head was leaned down, and looking up at it made it only seem like he was staring down at us with those empty eyes. “Dude, you're fugly.” Dean says out loud and I almost expect the thing to move or respond, but it doesn't. “Maybe you should say sorry to him.” I practically mumble to Dean. If it came to life I didn’t want a target on his back for insulting it, or mine if it thought I was guilty by association.
“Why would I say sorry?” he counters.
“So that he doesn't kill you if it comes to life!”
“I think it’d kill us either way”
Rationally I knew he was right, but the thought of something like a doll or in this case a scarecrow coming to life creeped me out a little too much, “Good point, but he is horrifying.”
“Yeah, horrifyingly ugly” He chuckles at his own joke, a stupid smile on his face. I try to hide my own laughing, not wanting to encourage him.
“I think I see something,” He murmurs. He moves back, turning to the closest tree with a ladder against it. He picks it up as if it weighs nothing, placing it right next to the scarecrow. He climbs it until he’s at eye level with the thing. I watch his eyes fall to the hand that held the sickle, his gaze at its wrist. Its sleeve ripped a bit revealing leathered “skin” and a sort of design.
I wrack my brain for any customs or cultures that decorate scarecrows beyond just its clothing and face, but I couldn’t come up with anything. Why would anyone put a design on a scarecrow's wrist?
Dean pulls out a paper from the inside of his jacket, unfolding it swiftly before placing it near the thing, comparing the two. “Look who has a nice tat.” he says, turning the paper down so I could see. He held Vince’s missing poster, the young man holding a mug in his hand the perfect pose to see his tattoo. Detailed ink with all sorts of shapes I could even begin to describe, I look back up at the scarecrows tattoo. The two are the exact same, far too alike to be any sort of coincidence.
“Nice tat indeed.”
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We immediately got in the car and turned around back to the town. Something was going on and someone was causing it. Now Dean pulls the car into the local gas station. Turning it off and exiting, I nearly stay put in the passenger seat until I see the same blonde girl from before walking up to the car. We needed answers and she seemed to be the only one willing to help.
I exit the car, keeping the door open as I lean my arms on the roof of the car. “You’re back” she greeted, smiling. “Never left.” He replies smoothly.
“Still looking for your friends?” She asks, acknowledging us both. “Yup, call it stubbornness or what have you but we aren’t given up.” I respond, still pushing the same agenda as before. “I’d call that a good friend,” she smiles.
I don’t think she’s involved in all this, she’s willing to answer our questions when no one else was and she seemed to genuinely care. If she was involved then she was quite the actor. “You mind fillin’ her up there, Emily?” Dean asks her, nodding his head towards the car. The nameplate necklace she wore came into view as she grabbed the pump and began to fill the tank. That’s how he knew her name.
“Did you grow up here?” I ask, starting back up conversation.
“I came here when I was thirteen. I lost my parents. Car accident. My aunt and uncle took me in.” She explains shortly.
“They’re nice people.” Dean replies plainly. She nods as she speaks, “Everybody’s nice here.”
“So, what, it’s the, uh, perfect little town?” Dean shrugs, nonchalantly.
“Well, you know, it’s the boonies. But I love it.” she pauses for a moment, “I mean, the towns around us, people are losing their homes, their farms. But here, it’s almost like we’re blessed.”
Dean turns his head towards me, giving me a look. This definitely was weird, I mean how could every town around them be failing but not here?Were they making sacrifices to the scarecrow? It would make sense considering its tattoo. Dean turns back around to Emily, “Hey, you been out to the orchard? ‘You seen that scarecrow?” We were thinking the same thing.
“Yeah, it creeps me out.” She answers her nose scrunching. “You can say that again” I laugh, “Do you know who owns it?”
“I don’t know. It’s just always been there.” She shrugs.
He nods to something behind her, I turn my gaze to it, my eyes landing on a red van parked by a garage, “That your aunt and uncle’s?” he asks.
She shakes her head, “Customer. Had some car troubles.” That’s a little too convenient, “Is it a couple by any chance? A guy and a girl?” I ask, worried that they might be the town's next victims.
She nods even as her face twists with confusion, “Mmhmm.”
As soon as the Impala's tank was filled, and Emily gestured toward the couple's location, we wasted no time heading straight there. Dean opens the glass door for me, the little welcome bell ringing above us. I walk in first, immediately being hit with the sweet smell of baked goods, the culprit of it being a thick piece of apple pie that Scotty delivered to a couple sitting by the window.
“Oh, hey, Scotty. Can I get a coffee, black?” Dean greets, walking in behind me, adding “And a green tea…actually while you’re at it some of that pie too.” I have to hold back the smile that wants to escape onto my face, he was being slightly annoying on purpose which is proved further when Scotty gives him a nasty look before walking away. But beyond that I’m surprised Dean knew what I wanted, yes I drank tea quite often but how did he know I was feeling that flavor in particular?
He moves to sit at a table right next to the couple, I sit in the chair next to him trying to come up with a conversation starter for the people only a table away. I mean how do you say ‘hey you’re in danger! haha, please leave town’ to someone without them thinking you're actually insane? I am pulled out of my thoughts at the feeling of my chair moving, a soft scratching noise below it. Immediately I see Deans hand at the side of my chair, pulling me closer to him without saying or looking at me.
I try to ignore his strange antics and the butterflies that flutter in the depths of my stomach at his movement as he talks to the dark haired couple, “How ya doin’?” God for someone whose usually so smooth he was being so awkward. They share a weird look clearly looking uncomfortable before waving and smiling. But their uninterest in starting a conversation with strangers is very obvious as the girl leans closer to her boyfriend placing her arm up to lean her head on as if to block us out.
“Just passing through?” Dean continues, ignoring their reactions. “Road trip.” The girl answers plainly, clearly trying to shut down the conversation.
“Hm.” Dean hums his hand suddenly finding my thigh. My heart lurches, my leg twitching slightly at the sudden movement but he just gives me a little squeeze before readjusting his hold. Splaying his warm hand against my thigh, his fingers hooking onto the inside of my leg as he pulls them apart slightly, the gap just big enough to hold my thigh comfortably. He gives me another squeeze as if he was testing the feel of me again…oh god.
My brain seemed to short circuit, any logical thoughts I had turning into a mass space of blankness and static. I swallowed roughly, my heart beating out of my chest and the butterflies in my stomach flying frantically in warmth. This was just for a cover, if we acted as a couple too then they might feel more comfortable and inclined to talk with us, I try to reason with myself. But god when did my face get all warm? Stay focused Y/N, stay focused, I repeat to myself in my head. This wasn’t the time. Can’t be thinking of my feelings for him or the fact that this was only making me feel more desperate for him. Stay focused.
“Us too” He adds, and I have to think for a second what he’s talking about…Oh yes, we are also on a road trip, yeah.
Scotty walks over with a pitcher of something brownish orange, maybe it was apple cider considering this town clearly has a large supply of it. He moves right past us, refilling the couples cups, “I’m sure these people want to eat in peace.” he scolds us.
“Just a little friendly conversation.” Dean smiles up at the grumpy man who begins to walk away, “Oh, and that coffee and tea, too, man. Thanks.” Scotty just stares at him, the scowl on his face deepening, but he doesn't say anything as he walks away fully. “So, what brings you to town?” I ask softly, a sweet smile on my face in hopes of erasing the awkwardness in the air.
The girl answers, “We just stopped for gas. And, uh, the guy at the gas station saved our lives.”
“Aw, really!” I respond trying to sound amused.
The guy answers this time, “Yeah, one of our brake lines was leaking. We had no idea. He was fixing it for us.”
“That’s really sweet” I nod with a smile even as concern eats at me. They were definitely going to be the next victims. But I’m also terribly confused, I have no idea what he was talking about. I'm guessing a broken brake line means you won’t be able to stop the car but I didn’t know it could leak…
“Yeah.” The man nods trying to go back to his food.
All at once it hits me, I nearly want to kick myself for not thinking about it right away. I want to blame it on Dean's hand placement but it was most likely my lack of sleep because I was in fact enjoying his hand on my thigh…
This small town in Indiana was practicing Pagan rituals, and as much as I hate to admit it learning about Pagans was one of my favorite things to do.
“So, how long till you’re up and runnin’?” Dean asks them.
It was common in Paganism to sacrifice something or someone to the gods. It was a time where they didn’t understand why certain things happened like crops dying, so they blamed this on not respecting the Gods enough. When the real cause could have been for a number of reasons from lack of water to not crop rotating…
“Really.” Dean pauses for a minute, “To fix a brake line?” He receives a nod. “I mean, you know, I know a thing or two about cars. I could probably have you up and running in about an hour. I wouldn’t charge you anything.” He offers.
…However in terms of supernatural beings when these sacrifices were made it did work, whether or not it was the Gods “cursing” them or just not understanding agriculture. Either way it did work, the gods answered, and the bigger the sacrifice the bigger the payout which is why they typically did human sacrifices, sometimes even on a mass scale.
“You know, thanks a lot, but I think we’d rather have a mechanic do it.” The girl replies, looking nervously at her boyfriend.
“Are you sure?” I chime in, “He really is good, I mean you should see the level of care he puts into his own car. ‘Keeping it all good even though it’s decades older than him, he even keeps my old car in check.” I knew with every word I was stroking his ego, but it was true. Beyond his own car I can count on two hands the amount of times he helped with my old Volkswagen Beetle, he’s probably the reason why it still works.
In the corner of my eye I can see his cocky sexy grin, he squeezes my thigh once more and my thoughts fizzle out again as a kaleidoscope of butterflies flutters in my gut. Jesus Christ, Dean Winchester will be the death of me without knowing.
“Yeah we’re sure” The girl insists.
“Sure.” Dean pauses, his smile dropping, “You know, it’s just that these roads. They’re not real safe at night.” I guess he figures they won’t listen any other way. The couple exchanged a look, “I’m sorry?”
Dean leans in closer, “I know it sounds strange, but, uh—you might be in danger.”
The man finally snaps, looking annoyed, “Look, we’re trying to eat. Okay?”
“Yeah.” Dean says disappointingly, "You know, my brother could give you this puppy dog look, and you’d just buy right into it.” The couple looks at him strangely.
The bell above the door rings and I figure we don’t have much time left, “Look we aren’t trying to bother you and ruin your day, okay, I’m sorry.” I start, looking back at the Sheriff who had walked in. I lean in, speaking just low enough for them to hear, “But you really are in danger, for the last couple of years couples have gone missing this time of year repeatedly withou—“
“I’d like a word with you both.” The sheriff practically booms. I go quiet giving the couple a warning look both to say to listen to what I said and to not bring anything up now, they look scared and hesitant.
“Come on. I’m having a bad day already, ‘m just tryna make it better with my girlfriend” Dean reasons, I know it’s a lie but the way the word slipped so easily from his lips made my heart flutter.
“You know what would make it worse?” The sheriff replies. Dean releases his hold on my thigh, a tingling feeling taking its place. We got up and followed the man outside then following his orders, he was going to follow us out of town and we weren’t allowed back.
We drive down the interstate, both knowing we would turn back once it was clear. But for now we trudge toward passing by a sign that says ‘Thanks for visiting Burkittsville.’ I check the side mirror, the sheriff making a U-turn, heading back to town. Great.
“Should we find a motel nearby and return at night?” I ask, knowing the couple wouldn’t have a car to leave with ‘till sundown.
“Yeah, you need sleep” He hums. I wonder if he’s saying that because he knows I haven't slept at all. “Unfortunately I will not be sleeping ‘cause I have a very good idea on what’s going on and I wanna research further” I answer, opening up the glovebox to pull out the map that resided there.
I unfold it, tracking down Indiana and then the small town we just left, following the colored lines. “I think if we stay straight we’ll be at a rest stop in about 15 mins” I mumble, hopefully reading it right.
“Anyways!” I place the map down in my lap, “I’m very sure this town is sacrificing the couples to a Pagan God.”
“‘Thinking the same,” He answers.
“Okay, good. Now I'm not 100% sure i’m right on which one it is ‘cause there’s a lot of agricultural Gods as well as Gods of the woods, but the second I can search it up I’ll confirm it.” I ramble, talking with my hands.
“To be honest, sweetheart, ‘don’t know much about Norse Gods except the basics.”
“Oh don’t you worry, I got this” I beam.
I grumble for the fifth time typing different wording into the search bar. I want to scream as the page turns blank, the only words on the screen being ‘No Results.’
“What is it?” Dean asks from where he lays in his bed his fathers journal open, looking for anything on Norse Gods.
“Somehow there is nothing on Vanir Gods and when I mean nothing I mean nothing!” I get up from my bed walking the short distance to his, I climb on it putting my legs beneath me. I turned my laptop towards him, showing him the screen, “See!”
His eyebrows scrunch up looking just as confused as I feel, “I know we aren’t in the town anymore but do you think it’s somehow related?” I ask.
“Maybe. We aren’t that far from Burkittsville” He answers, taking my laptop and searching up ‘Books about Vanir Gods’ but again the same message pops up ‘No Results.’
He types in ‘Books about Norse Gods’ a couple searches pop up the main one being a thick book only available in a college in Burkittsville. “That’s so strange.” I mumble, I mean how could they be interfering with the internet.
“If they can make sacrifices to a god I’m guessing they could mess with google of all things. We’ll go there later” Dean responds and I’m sure he means after making sure the couple is safe. He closes my laptop, “You should sleep, I’ll wake you”
I studied him for a moment, and he was right. I should sleep, it sounds wonderful actually. I nod getting up, I don’t even bother changing into comfortable clothes or even taking off my bra I just crawl underneath the covers of my bed. “Good night, Dean.” But it was hardly close to night time.
He smiles, “ ‘Night baby.”
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Dean sped down the interstate, the sun was nearly down and we would have been there on time if not for all the semi trucks in the truck stop not knowing how to exit. You really think it wouldn’t be so hard.
Continuing by the vast orchard, we scanned for a red van parked on the side, hoping to beat them there.
After some more driving, we eventually stumbled upon the deserted car, devoid of anyone. He stopped the car short even as we still had multiple feet between us and the vacant van.
He turns the car off and I meet him by the trunk, he hands me a shotgun, “Go through here, cut ‘em off--get in front” he rattles off the plan as he cocks his own gun. I nod, cocking my gun before shutting the trunk as he takes the lead.
I catch up to him, running at his side, passing through each tree as my shoes crush the fallen apples with a satisfying crunch.
I squint my eyes, the dark haired couple too far away to get there before the dark figure of the scarecrow does. It was a clear distance away, I could bring us there in a moment's time. I’ve practiced this sort of distance before, it was doable, and nothing like the asylum. “Get ready to shoot 45 degrees to your left” I shouted, reaching a hand out to grasp Dean's shoulder. He meets my eyes with a look of determination hard in his irises. I focus back ahead on the target, forcing my energy there.
The air ripples around us even as we continue to run, in a blink of an eye we’re in front of the couple. A loud shot rings out, Dean shoots the thing square in the chest. But all it does is stumble back before it continues to walk forward.
Its head was tilted slightly, that greasy hair dangling on his shoulders, the sickle gripped tightly in its leathery hand. “Get back to your car!” I yell behind me, “Go!” I looked behind me for a split second, they were running and we weren’t too far from the orchards clearing.
Almost at the same time Dean and I start walking backward away from the horrifying thing. I raise my shotgun up, shooting it right in its chest as Dean cocks his gun again. But these salt bullets were doing nothing and was hardly buying us time, “Get ready to run!” Dean orders as he shoots the thing again.
Not needing to tell me twice I shift my footing, running towards the clearing right after the couple. Beyond Dean's own shoes hitting the ground hard next to me I could hear the subtle click of its boots walking the ground. Now I know how every character in Halloween felt as Myers went after them.
I do the thing that you should never do in a horror movie and turn my head to see how close the scarecrow was. It couldn’t be more than 10 feet away, “Screw this” I mumble, twisting my footing again so I could walk backwards as it came towards us. I uncomfortably hold the gun in the crook of my arm as I extend my hands forward, effortlessly calling upon my abilities as I shoot out pure energy from my hands.
The scarecrow goes flying what seems like 100 or more feet, landing harshly on its back. I want to celebrate and get all cocky but this was dealing with Norse Gods and I didn’t particularly feel like getting on their nerves at the moment.
I make it to the clearing, my chest heaving from the running and use of powers. Man, water would be good right now.
A familiar arm wraps around my shoulder, the crook of his arm touching my neck as he brings me into his side. His chest heaves too, “Good job.” The praise makes my heart swell but the sweet moment is cut off by the man in the couple panting, “What—what the hell was that?” He points between the orchard and me. Double yikes.
“Don’t ask.” Dean responds.
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We sit in the Impala just outside of town so we wouldn’t technically get in trouble.
After helping the couple officially leave, thank god, we went back to the motel. It would be hours until the college opened so we really just had to wait. We ate at some all night diner before showering and sleeping for a couple more hours. We woke early, I threw on some low rise black jeans and a fitted black & gray long sleeve baseball tee, heading out to grab some coffee before heading back close to town to wait.
Dean had called Sam, placing his phone on speaker and positioning it in the middle of the dashboard so we could both hear and speak. He called his brother on his own accord to talk about the “hunt” and I didn’t dare say anything about it knowing he would just brush it off. The call was certainly more than just letting him know how the hunt was going. “The scarecrow climbed off its cross?” Sam asks.
“Yeah, I’m tellin’ ya. Burkittsville, Indiana. Fun Town.” Dean muses, taking a sip of coffee from his cup.
“It didn’t kill the couple, did it?” Sam responded concerned.
“God no” I scuff.
“We can cope without you, you know.” Dean adds.
“So, something must be animating it. A spirit.” Sam theorizes.
“No, it’s more than a spirit. It’s a god. A Pagan god, anyway.” Dean answers.
“What makes you say that?”
I answer this time, “There’s a lot that points to it, from annual cycle killings to the choice of victims. And I’m sure you know human sacrifices were common in Paganism especially when it comes to fertility. There were even mass sacrifices to even protect them and or help them with wars.”
I begin to speak with my hands again, getting more animated as I get excited, “And according to a local all the towns around them are failing in multiple degrees especially in agriculture, while Burkittsville remains flourishing largely in their apple department. As seen not only through their extensive orchard but their numerous apple products, they practically gloat upon it.”
“And you should see the locals. The way they treated this couple. Fattenin’ ‘em up like a Christmas turkey.” Dean adds in.
“The last meal. Given to sacrificial victims.” Sam acknowledges.
Dean answers, “Yeah, we’re thinking a ritual sacrifice to appease some Pagan god.”
“So, a god possesses the scarecrow…” Sam starts, Dean adding in with their usual weird finishing each other's sentences, “And the scarecrow takes its sacrifice. And for another year, the crops won’t wilt, and disease won’t spread.”
“Do you know which god you’re dealing with?” Sam asks.
“Well, there’s hundreds of Gods.” I answer, “But it will most likely align with Norse Paganism which are broken up into two sections one of them being Vanir Gods. From what I remember they’re Gods of fertility, wealth, wisdom and two other things. I don’t remember too much and unfortunately there’s an issue with the internet so I can’t even confirm my theory.”
Sam laughs, “What do you mean issue?”
“Long story,” Dean responds, “But we’re on our way to a local community college, they have a book on Norse Gods there. You know, since we don’t have our geek boy to figure out the issue with the internet crap.”
Sam laughs again, “You know, if you’re hinting you need my help, just ask.”
“I’m not hinting anything.” Dean replies quickly with a fake annoyance to his voice, “Actually, uh—“ He looks at me as if he isn’t sure what to say, I nod my head encouragingly, “I want you to know….I mean, don’t think….”
“Yeah. I’m sorry, too.” Sam says seriously, seemingly knowing what his brother was struggling to say.
Dean looks to his hands cradling his coffee cup to straight ahead through the windshield, “Sam. You were right. You gotta do your own thing. You gotta live your own life.” I don’t try to bite back my smile, he wasn’t looking to begin with, either way I was proud of him.
“Are you serious?” Sam asks, probably never expecting to hear that.
“You’ve always known what you want. And you go after it. You stand up to Dad. And you always have. Hell, I wish I—“ He cuts himself off, sighing, “anyway….I admire that about you. I’m proud of you, Sammy.”
“I don’t even know what to say.” Sam says quietly.
“Say you’ll take care of yourself.”
“I will.”
“Call me when you find Dad.”
“Ok.” Sam responds, though he sounds upset, "Bye, Dean.”
He collects his phone from the dashboard, hanging up. He catches me staring, “What?” I don’t answer, just smile at him, “No. Don’t give me that happy go lucky sweet look.”
“Oh come on!” I laugh, “That was really sweet of you Dean! So can’t a girl be proud of her boy.”
He rolls his eyes, placing his coffee in the cupholder before crossing his arms across his chest, but his face gives him away a light pink gracing his cheeks. “You are a sweetie pie” I declare, placing a hand on his shoulder. He removes one of his arms from their own hold, placing a warm hand on top of mine, grasping it gently to remove it, “I’m not.” he bites. His tough boy act was so cute.
“If you say so” I shrug, the smile on my face giving away the fact that this wasn’t me giving up on the fact he was a total softy. He turns his head away, facing his window, mumbling something incoherent.
I want to start skipping into the library, who knew a community college would have such a nice one. Though to be fair I would say any library was nice as long as it was in good shape. I make my way to the librarian's desk, “Hello!” I greet, my excitement getting the best of me, “Could you point us to the books on Paganism? Or even just Norse mythology?”
The old woman at the desk looks at me a little strangely, maybe I came off too strong. But her expression contorts into a small smile, “One of our dear old professors would have those sorts of books, lucky for you sweetie I think he’s free right now. I can just give him a little call.”
I look back at Dean, who stands a little bit behind me, he shrugs, I guess it wouldn’t hurt talking to a professor about this. Especially if it meant looking at that book.
I turn back to the old librarian, “Yes please.” But she already placed the phone back in its holder, “He’ll be right down.” Oh. Okay, this woman works fast. “You can take a seat there, it’ll be a moment” she points to just behind us at a mostly empty table. “Thank you!” I smile.
“It’s not every day I get a research question on Pagan ideology.” Professor Williams says, as he leads us to his classroom.
“Yeah, well, call it a hobby.” Dean responds, not sounding all that amused.
“Well what are you looking for in particular?” The older man asks.
“Uh, local lore, maybe” Dean answers, looking at me to jump in at any time but I don’t know if I want to put all my eggs in one basket. We had to choose who we could trust here, and maybe I shouldn’t have been so forward with the nice librarian but doing so made getting to the book easier. I hope. “I’m afraid Indiana isn’t really known for its Pagan worship.” He answers.
I can already feel this being a painfully slow lead to the answer, “You know, actually,” I began, “I was interested in the Vanir Gods. It struck me the other day and when I can’t get an easy answer for something I go digging.” The professor stops in his tracts, turning to face me, “Very well. I was not expecting to hear such a clear topic.”
I laugh a little uncomfortably, “I just like to learn.”
We follow him down the rest of the long hallway into his classroom. A small room with desks and chairs lined in order while a large whiteboard rested on the long wall. He beckons us over to his desk, a thick and long brown leather bound book lying there, “Well, let’s see.” He leafs through a couple of pages seeking what seems to be the chapter he’s looking for, “Ah ha, there we are” he declares, turning the book towards us.
I read the first page quickly, breezing through information I already knew. I turn to the next page only to be met with a picture of a scarecrow-like thing on a post in a field with farmers surrounding it. I read out loud the text just below the image, “The Vanir were Norse gods of protection and prosperity, keeping the local settlements safe from harm. Some villages built effigies of the Vanir in their fields. Other villages practiced human sacrifice. One male, and one female.”
I looked up from the book catching Dean's eyes, this was definitely it. “This particular Vanir that’s energy sprung from the sacred tree?” Dean asks, gaze flipping to the man in question.
“Well, Pagans believed all sorts of things were infused with magic.” He answers not all that helpfully.
“So what would happen if the sacred tree was torched? You think it’d kill the god?” Dean questions further. He’s really just putting it all out there. The professor laughs, “Son, these are just legends we’re discussing.”
“Yes of course” I fake laugh along with him, “My, uh, friend here just loves the hypotheticals, you know?”
“I do,” Dean nods seriously. The professor just looks at us strangely. God I really hope he just thinks we’re weird people. “Listen, thank you very much.” Dean says, holding out his hand. The professor takes it, giving what seems like a firm handshake before offering one to me, “Yes, thank you so much,” I say sincerely, taking his hand for a single awkward handshake.
I follow Dean to the door, an odd feeling settling itself in my gut as if something was about to happen. He opens the door and the feeling spikes, my heart jumping at the simple action. What the hell. I want to ignore it, push it to the back of mind and chalk it up to just random anxiety. But I can’t, genuine fear twists itself around within me, clawing at the walls of my stomach as if to warn me. Just as my foot breeches the hallway everything in me screams to turn around.
I listen to my body, turning around as I take a half step back, a large book only inches from my face. A small breathy squeak leaves my lips as I duck, a loud bang and tumble coming from beside me. This was a trap.
Using my bent knees as leverage as well as the attackers stumbling at missing me, I latch on to their forearms pushing up and out still holding on tightly as I lift my leg and kick. My foot connects with the soft expanse of the person's stomach, letting go of his arms at the same time. It was no doubt the professor as he was the only one in the room with us. I watch him stumble backwards, knocking into his desk roughly.
My brain works quickly, adrenaline rushing through my veins. The bang and tumble I heard must have been someone attacking Dea—I twisted my upper body to the right, catching the sheriff's wrist before the blunt of his gun could hit me too. I didn’t need to look to know he already got Dean. God this town was crooked.
I bring his arm down closer to my level, twisting it in an attempt to put it behind him, but he uses his free hand to left hook me, his fist connecting with my cheekbone. I let go of his arm at the action, my hand instinctively going to my cheek that stinged until something cold clinked onto my wrist. I knew it was handcuffs but my eyes went to my wrist anyways just as he clicked into place the other half of the cuff.
He looked smug, as if he had won. He must have been stupid. Not that it changed much but my hands were cuffed in front of me, magic aside it couldn’t have stopped me. I tilt my head slightly, giving him a ‘seriously?’ look before kicking him where the sun doesn't shine, immediately he doubles over holding onto his crotch with teary eyes. I guess you could add assaulting a police officer to my list of crimes, he may have been a sheriff but it probably still counted.
He would be down at least for a minute or more so I turned back to the professor who seemed to be stalking closer with the same book raised as if he was trying to kill a bug. The second my eyes landed on him he stopped moving, I foiled his plan. “Could you stop with the book?!” I exclaim. He seems to contemplate what I said, his eyes slipping from me to something behind me. He was not good at this fighting thing.
Thin but strong arms wrap around me, forcing my arms to my chest. I flailed around trying to shake the guy off, I didn’t want to use my magic yet. The less they knew the better. “Watch, she’s a kicker” the professor warns. “I know” the somewhat familiar voice of the sheriff huffed from behind me, his chest rumbling with each word. His chest was rising and falling fast, I wonder if he fully recovered from my crotch attack or if he was pushing through.
All at once I stop flailing, a smirk making its way on my face, and before anyone can do or say anything more I bite down hard on the sheriff's hand, my neck bending at a weird angle to reach him. He yells letting me go to hold his wounded limb.
I take a couple steps away from both of them, “I’m also a biter,” I muse. I look between both men, neither of them seeming to know what to do. They hadn’t expected this. “Which one of you wants to go next?” I point between either of them, the handcuffs rattling with my movement, “ ‘cause I can go all day, baby.”
They look at each other, worried in their eyes. The sheriff's throat bobbed with a hard auditable gulp. “Aw, don’t tell me you’re scared” I tease, smirking viciously, I was having too much fun with this.
The sheriff reaches slowly for his gun, the one he must have put back after I kicked him. I watch him do it, he’d pull it but wouldn’t shoot and ask me to stand down or come with him. He expects me to be afraid of the gun, at the prospect of being shot which is why he assumes it would work. He pulls it out, holding it firmly out in front of him aiming for my chest, “Get on your knees. Hands behind your head!” he yells. How predictable.
The smirk on my face only deepens, I lift an eyebrow at him, “If you wanted me on my knees so badly you could’ve just asked.” I was never usually so flirty or straightforward, but this was just so fun. I knew I was getting cocky. Maybe I was hanging around Dean too much. “Knees now!” He yells again. At this point he was just feeding me these easy openings. A laugh escapes my lips, I must look like a psychopath.
He readjusts the gun in his hand, his finger scooting back towards the trigger, but he couldn’t shoot, not when they wanted to use Dean and I as sacrifices. “Last chance!” He warns. Last chance indeed.
I catch my eyes flaring purple in his shiny revolver, a look of horror and confusion apparent on his face. A look I was used to, and as much as it normally would upset me I could use it now. The air fizzled around me, maybe I was getting better at this, in a blink of an eye I was right behind him. I kick the back of his knee, the man buckling under his own weight, his gun going off. The bullet hits the ceiling light right above where I stood only moments before.
Shards of glass fall, the light flickering for dominance before eventually going dark. I easily grasp the gun from his hand, turning the safety back on before sliding it across the floor out of the room. Without a plan to actually hurt the man, I used what he gave me, pressing the linked chains of the handcuffs to his neck as I brought the back of his head to my stomach.
He grunts against my hold his hands trying to pry the chain off as his eyes search the professors for help, but his partner backs away hands up in defense. I loosen up my hold, I wasn’t trying to severely hurt the guy or kill him for that matter. “‘Had enough?” I ask, mostly teasing.
Suddenly a soft plush material is pressed to my face, I move to fight or teleport away but my limbs suddenly feel too heavy and my eyes begin to droop. My body feels like it’s falling even as I stand in place, I think. My eyes begin to flutter close, my legs giving out on me. The world turns black.
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My head feels fuzzy. My eyes are too heavy to open just yet. It smelt bad, a musty smell combined with a farm-like smell. The ground was comfortable.
I try to open my eyes but they flutter shut again. Someones calling my name, they’re too far away…need to come closer. My head was pounding.
Something suddenly brushes into my hair repeatedly. Even still half gone, fear spikes in me. My eyes shoot open, my upper body jolting up into a seated position. Familiar hands hold my shoulders as I sway, the room seeming to move back and forth, “It's okay, you’re okay” Dean says soothingly. I stare at him, his features becoming less and less blurry as I blink.
He cups my face gently, his fingers barely brushing against my skin. He seems to study me, most likely noting the bruise that is undoubtedly forming where I was hit. His thumb brushes over my wounded cheekbone gently, yet even so I wince sucking in a breath between my teeth. “Sorry” he mumbles, meeting my eyes. I hum, my tongue feeling too heavy to utter a word. “What happened to you?” he asks softly.
I swallow, trying to force my tongue to work enough to answer but my words still come out too quietly, “You went down first. I fought, but I think someone else came. They covered my mouth with a thingy, maybe they used, um, what is it called?” My thoughts felt all jumbled still, fog covering the expanse of my brain. My head was killing me too much to think straight. He practically scowls, his eyebrows furrowed and his lips turned down in a frown, “Chloroform” he answers. I smile weakly, “yeah that.”
I want to lay down. The room was still spinning, my head hurt. This was embarrassing, I had gotten all confident before– feeling invincible only to be drugged. I remove Dean's hands from my face, holding them instead as I place them on his lap. I looked around us, the room might be moving but it was obvious enough it was some sort of basement. No, a cellar. It was dark and empty, except for the straws of hay lying around. And just across from us was a small staircase up to what seemed like cellar doors. “It's locked,” Dean says, noticing my stare. Of course it is.
But if I could just right my mind, clear the fog, I could get us out easy peasy. Almost as if I willed it, the cellar doors creek open. The sunlight floods through, I try to block it with my hand, the sudden light worsening my headache if that was even possible. I need Advil. Dean lets go of my hand getting up quickly, just watching the quick movement makes me want to vomit. I blink slowly, following suit, with a lot of stumbling I make it to my feet even as it feels like the room is pulling me down.
Four jerks stand just outside the cellar, Harley and Stacy, Scotty, and the Sheriff. Harley moves close to the stairs as if he's about to descend them before getting abruptly stopped by the Sheriff, “I wouldn’t, she's feisty.” Dean laughs at that, my assault on the man very apparent by the various bruises he displayed. I would smirk or laugh too if it didn't feel like I was using all my energy to keep me standing. Harley knocks the Sheriff's hand off but makes no move to get closer, “She’s also still drugged” he bites. “Wrong,” I pointed a finger up, feeling more like a drunk as I spoke, “This would be the side effects or aftermath of Chloroform.” All four of them looked at me blankly, maybe I was wrong. I don't know.
“I hope you both know this is for the common good,” Stacy nods. I furrow my eyebrows, “Thanks for the preaching, lady. It really eases the brain into all this sacrificial nonsense.”
“That's enough” she replies rather calmly before nodding to the others. They begin to close the cellar doors, darkness enveloping us. I sat down rather quickly, landing on my butt harshly, “I'm surprised you didn't say anything snarky to them.”
“You were more entertaining” He answers with a half shrug. He tries the cellar door again but of course it's locked, he huffs moving to sit next to me.
I lean my head on his shoulder. He speaks softly now so as not to disturb my throbbing head, “Where do you think this important tree would be?” He was referring to the tree we would have to destroy in order to kill the scarecrow, and it was a good question. “Hm” I hum, “It would be the oldest tree here, probably the most protected. Maybe the first immigrants brought it over here, so it’s wherever they would plant it. I would say in the middle.” He nods and I swear I could hear the gears in his head turning.
The cellar doors open again, Stacy coming into view “It’s time.” I want to ask why they didn't just take us the first time they opened the doors but I guess waiting to die a little later was better than sooner. I remove my head from Dean's shoulder, do we fight? It would be 4 against 2 except I wasn't completely okay. But we could fight, right? I mean we always make it out, we always wind up fine.
Harley and the Sheriff come down the stairs, the Sheriff watches me carefully as he lifts Dean forcefully up. Harley doesn't show any remorse as he grips my forearm tightly, lifting me to my feet before grabbing my other arm roughly holding them behind my back. I struggle against him attempting to step hard on his foot as he forces me up the stairs behind Dean.
Real fear twirled itself around me, were we not going to fight?
They drag us forward deeper into the orchard, I dig my heels into the dirt trying to slow it down as much as I can. I’m scared. I don't want to die. I don't want to be sacrificed to some god. Please. Please. My headache needs to go away, let me use my powers without pain. I struggle against him more, trying to let my magic seep into anything around me but immediately my headache worsens by ten folds. I grunt in frustration, trying to shake the older man off further but he only tightens his grip. I hope bruises won't come from it, not that it would matter if I died today. I close my eyes tightly, digging my heels in further, please. Please. Anything, please.
Harley pushes me forward effortlessly. I don't want to die. Please. Please.
The ground begins to rumble, shaking violently. Apples tumble from the trees hitting the ground with a bunch of thumps. My heart beats wildly in my chest as if it's trying to jump out and run away. His grip loosens on me as he freezes in place, “It's angry at us!” Stacy yells covering her head. I wiggle out of Harleys hold, taking a couple steps away as my legs wobble like the ground. A familiar click locks into place, I come face to face with a gun, “It’s not causing this. It's her” the Sheriff accuses.
“Dont touch her” Dean yells, struggling against Scotty's hold. The Sheriff must have passed him on to hold me at gunpoint for the second time today. “I'm not doing anything” I spit, the shaking ground growing more intense.
“Your eyes are glowing again” he states. “What are you talking about?” I nearly yell, I think I would know if I was using my own abilities. Plus I've never done anything like this before so how would I be able to do so now?
Before I can react he has my hair wrapped in his fist, pulling my head back forcefully a hiss of pain escaping my lips. It felt like it was going to rip itself right from the roots. “Dont you fucking hurt her!” Dean roars. The ground seems to become more violent, the large trees themselves shaking where they stood while everyone nearly stumbles over. He pulls my hair hard, my neck snapping back as he moves his shiny gun in front of me, showing me its side.
My only slightly blurred reflection stares back at me. My cheekbone had a dark bruise painted there and my eyes were–
My irises were purple. No. It doesn't make sense, I wasn't controlling this. I wasn't making it happen, I've never done this before. The Sheriff pushes me forward letting go of my hair at the last minute, I fall to my knees only a foot away from him. The barrel of the gun is pressed into the back of my skull, “Make it stop or I'll make you stop” he threatens. I can hear Dean struggle against Scotty again, and in the corner of my eyes I see him finally pull away before turning around and punching the man right in the face. Scotty doubles over, but before Dean could do any more damage to anyone else Harvey grabs him.
“You can't kill her, we have to leave them both for it” Stacy argues. The ground seems to roar, the earth shaking so siverley I nearly fall to my hands. “I would stop if I could!” I admit, “I don't kno–” I cut myself off, a sudden deep memory making its way to the surface of my brain. A memory of a deceased corn field, a disaster I caused.
“Make it stop!” the sheriff spits. “I told you I don't know h–” Suddenly the gun is raised up and before I could do anything to stop it, the gun hits the side of my skull. My head feels like it explodes as I hit the ground, my eyes struggle to stay open. The last thing I see before it all goes dark again is Dean trying to lunge forward and the ground halting in its shaking.
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My eyes flutter open, my horrible headache accompanied with an even worse head-ache. Both in my head and outside. At this point my brain should be a scrambled mess.
My wrists were zip tied to a thinner part of the tree trunk my back rested on. It was just beginning to be dark out. I move my gaze from above me to across me, Dean sitting against a different tree in the same position I was in. His eyes widen and he attempts to move closer before grunting in frustration at the restrictions of his wrists, “You're awake. Are you okay?” He licks his lips, “I swear to fuckin’ god I’ll kill ‘em.”
I don't say anything, my head is too heavy. He's staring at me with wide eyes, fear clear in his irises. “‘You okay?” he asks again. I nod, my head hurts and I’m confused and upset, but I’m alive so I’m okay. He shakes his head, “No.” I look at him confused, I don't understand. He continues to shake his head, wetting his lips again, “Say it. I need to hear you say it,” he sounded breathless, “I need to hear you say you're okay.”
“Im okay” I say weakly. He sighs, relief clear in the way his shoulders drop. But I had a feeling he knew I wasn't being totally truthful.
He swallows roughly, “Can you see the scarecrow?” Despite my heavy head I look in each direction for the thing, until I can slightly see the post. “Dean” I start and I can hear my own voice wobble with fear, “It's not there.” He fights against his restraints, and I would join him in that effort if my head hasn't already given up on me. “I hope their apple pie is frickin’ worth it” he grumbles.
A shadow catches just behind Dean, I squint hoping I'm just seeing things from potential brain damage then the actual scarecrow. “Dean, I think it's behind you.” Forget everything I said and thought, I begin fighting against my own restraints, the zip ties digging into my wrists harshly. “Dean?” a familiar voice called out.
Sam’s tall figure comes into view as he rounds the tree Dean is tied to. Dean twists his neck oddly to see his brother, “Oh!” he sighs in relief, “Oh, I take everything back I said. I'm so happy to see you. Come on.” Sam takes that as his chance to assess his brother's binding before pulling out his pocket knife, “‘You okay, Y/N?” he asks as he works on sawing the bindings. “Dandy” I respond, truly done with this all.
“How’d you get here?” Dean asks his brother.
“I, uh–I stole a car.”
Dean laughs at that, “That's my boy!” His bindings finally break with a snap. Sam doesn't wait for his brother to get up as he walks the short distance to me, beginning to remove my own restraints. His eyes gaze down at me every now and then, most likely assessing the damage.
Deans at my side a breath later, squatting down to be at my level. He brings his hand carefully to my face, gently moving a piece of my hair behind my ear. Something feels dried and stiff there and I wonder if it's blood from being hit or just dirt. I tilt and roll my head away from him, the pain overwhelming even with the delicate touch.
My restraints snap above me, bits of the plastic tangling itself into my hair. My wrists are raw and red, just one more thing to add to the list. I place my hands on the cold dirt, trying to pick myself up but my ears begin to ring and my vision spins. I sit back down again, huffing. Strong arms grab my arm and waist all but lifting me off the ground and onto my feet, “‘You got eyes on the scarecrow?” Dean asks, looking at his brother who shakes his head. “Alright, I can carry you, the clearing isn’t far off” Dean says looking down at me.
“That's ridiculous,” I shake my head, “I’ll slow you down. I’ll just push through, and we don't have time to argue this.” He grumbles, he doesn't like the idea. But again we don't know where the scarecrow is and we can't waste time bickering over stupid logistics.
I immediately regret not taking the offer. My brain feels like it's jumping around in my skull and swishing side to side as if on a boat. I feel like the orchard is spinning around me, tumbling over itself like one of those tunnels in a fun house.
“Alright, now, this sacred tree you’re talking about–” Sam pants lightly as we run, Dean having filled him in on the information we gathered. “It's the source of its power” I finish, my voice feeling far away even in my own ears. “So let’s find it and burn it.” Sam annonces.
“Nah, in the morning.” Dean counters, “Let’s just shag ass before Leather face catches up.”
We come to a skidding stop, just at a clearing of trees the four jerks from before as well as a couple others stand guard. Sam nudged us in a different direction just to be met with a wall of people, we were surrounded. “Did the whole fricking town come to watch us die?!” I exclaim, “Just let us leave!” I was so tired of this, I just want to go to a motel or something and shower off today's fears before falling into a deep sleep. “It’ll be over quickly” Harley says, and if it was meant to be comforting it was not working. “It's for the greater go–” suddenly a sickle is pushed through his stomach. His mouth opens in shock, blood dripping down the sides. Screams come from all around us, and I hardly know if I was screaming too.
He’s raised off the ground before the sickle is quickly pulled out. Stacy still stands there screaming, watching her dying husband on the floor. But soon her screams are cut off too, the sickle going through her throat. Her eyes are wide, her mouth hanging open too as blood not only spurts out of her neck but spills down like a waterfall onto her shirt. The air fills quickly with all the blood's metallic scent. The scarecrow does not retract its weapon, keeping the curved blade in her neck as it grabs onto Harley's collar dragging them both behind it.
Shock had frozen us in place, but apparently not the townspeople. “Come on let’s go,” Dean insists, leading us away.
Morning came by far too slowly but at least we passed the time by using the stolen car to drive back to the college to get the Impala before returning to the orchard. It all went by so weirdly, I knew I was moving but it felt like I never left that road outside the expanse of apple trees. I hardly remember the drive there or the drive back, everything still spun and the ringing only got louder. I think I might have lost my mind.
We stand in front of the sacred tree though I don't remember how we found it. The tree had Vince’s tattoo printed onto it, that was a tell tale sign it was the right one. Sam pours gasoline all over it, Dean picks up a long branch lighting it on fire before throwing it onto the tree. “‘Think the towns ‘gonna be okay?” Sam asks as the flaming tree roars with the crackling flames. “Don’t know” Dean shrugs, but I think the answer was apparent to all of us.
“And the rest of the townspeople, they’ll just get away with it?” Sam adds.
“Well, what’ll happen to the town will have to be punishment enough.” Dean answers.
We walk back to the car leaving the burning tree behind us, though I hope it won’t spread and cause a whole forest fire, “So, can I drop you off somewhere?” Dean asks.
“No, I think you’re stuck with me.”
“What made you change your mind?”
“I didn’t. I still wanna find Dad. And you’re still a pain in the ass.” Sam explains, “But, Jess and Mom—they’re both gone. Dad is God knows where. You, me, Y/N. We’re all that’s left. So, if we’re gonna see this through, we’re gonna do it together.”
I give Sam's arm a little squeeze, it was a really sweet speech.
“Hold me, Sam. That was beautiful.” Dean smiles, placing a hand on his brother's shoulder who hits it away. They fall into a fit of laughter, “You should be kissing my ass, you were dead meat, dude.” Sam says between laughs.
“Yeah, right. I had a plan, I’d have gotten us out.” Dean scuffs.
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3cremepie3 · 8 months
Can I request some angst with a happy ending with Malleus and Fem reader?
Like they get into a super bad argument cause of a misunderstanding and reader says a lot of nasty stuff. He now really thinks everybody hates him. But in the end reader apologizes and clears the misunderstanding. A kiss and make up fic?
You don’t say?
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Synopsis - Y/n has changed for the worse. Their relationship hasn’t been affected until one night were the spark between Malleus and them falters. Malleus x gender neutral reader agnst and fluff!
Warnings - jealousy, cussing, depressive thoughts, degradation, accusations, Y/n is a bitch. Not proofread!
A/n - I was gonna do a whole series like this like 6 months ago with the twst dorm leaders. Thanks for brining this back 💋.
“He’s definitely my favorite person here.” You exclaimed hugging your best friend Leona tightly. His tail wrapped around you pulling you excessively closer. The crowd of your friends around you chuckled at your remark. Saying how cute your bond had grown. And how Leona was only such a softie for you.
Malleus watched in the corner his mood quickly growing sour. The air in the room grew tense but you were too caught up in Leona to tell. Other people quickly moved from around him scared of the Fae’s capabilities.
Leona caught wind of the tension shooting Malleus a wink as you cuddled him. Malleus's hand gripped the desk chair quickly splitting the wood. The chatter around you was too loud for anyone to notice. But the next person to sit there would fully fall through.
Malleus sprung up and walked out of the room. “What’s he doing,” you asked. “I’m gonna go see what’s up with him guys brb,” you waved. Your groups of friends snickered predicting the bickering that was about to happen.
“Mal stop walking so fast.” You heaved trying to catch up with him. His steps were much larger than yours and you were quickly left jogging next to him. “Why are you leaving we just got here. You begged me to get you an invite why have you changed your mind?”
He came to a sudden halt and you crashed into him. You rubbed your sore face as he faced you. “I thought I was your number one Y/n?” He asked a sad glint in his eyes further apparent from the soft moonlight. The cold air from the open hallway felt like it had knocked you over. “Yes, how could you ask that Mal.”
“You know I love you.” You reassured him squeezing his hand in a tight clasp. “Well, it doesn’t feel that way. Today you invited me out and I get it that I don’t tend to go over well, especially with others but I felt excluded.”
“And then that damn lion being so close to you,” he sighed. He wasn’t able to finish his sentence before you cut him off. “You have gotta stop being so insecure Mal!” You scoffed then rolled your eyes. “Aren’t you a king? You need to act like one then and not like a little boy.”
“Jesus I understand I’m fine but there’s no need for you to be this clingy,” you chuckled. “What I’m saying is there’s no need for you to act like such a loser. You can have a social life if you just get yourself out there. FYI you have to stop being such a coward to do so,” you ranted.
Malleus had never heard you speak to someone in such a rude manner. “I can tell this is your so-called new friend's mannerisms rubbing off on you. Because my love you have changed drastically.” He dropped your hands off of yours the look on his face turned to a disappointed one. “My friends are amazing for your information don’t be mad because you don’t have an asshole,” you spat.
“It’s hard to find people who cherish you,” he admitted. “And here I thought I had one only to be mistaken this whole time.” You would never see Malleus cry he promised himself that once you got into a relationship. But this is the closest you would see him to a breakdown. He bit his lip not wanting to say anymore and his head hung low as he walked away.
Your mind quickly replayed what you had told him regretting it deeply. But you stood in the dark hallway your body held down by shame for too long. By the time you checked for Malleus running around the dark empty hallways until you were out of breath, he was gone.
It didn’t take long for you to find him the next day. And you tried to go up to him but you couldn’t get a word in as Sebek looked at you infuriated. Never had you seen him so red in your entire life. Your face felt hot since he was glaring daggers at you in class. “What’s up with him,” your friend asked? “He’s mad because Malleus and I got into a fight.”
“Ha, really what happened?” It’s not funny and I don’t want to talk about it,” you sulked. “Come on don’t be extra you’ll be okay you’re the bachelor/ bachelorette of this campus you’ll be fine!” No I won’t be fine I fucking loved him,” you screamed.
Your face grew red from embarrassment why did you blow up on your friend like that? You ran out of class surely you were gonna get written up but you didn’t care. You collapsed in the hallway exhausted from all your pent-up anger with yourself.
“I’m so fucking stupid,” you hissed. “Yeah, I’m glad you realized that part,” Ace giggled. “Hey go easy on them can’t you see their upset,” Duece protested. “They didn’t go easy on when they betrayed us for those idiots. Don’t you remember that feeling of humility Duece,” Ace questioned.
Duece sighed having lost their quick argument. “Ace is right,” you frowned. “I a fucking nobody lost my king,” you cried. “Um Y/n you’re making a scene.” You could feel the stares of others around you. You sat up moping out of public view. Ace and Duece followed you around a bit trying to console you.
“It couldn’t have been that bad right?” He said I’m no longer his sweet girl god I want to throw up.” Your voice cracked with sadness. “And I called him an insecure loser without thinking of his feelings,” you added. Ace and Duece gasped.
“You called the future king of Briar Valley a loser,” Ace yelped. “Yes,” you muttered. “Wow, Y/n I’m glad he humbled you honestly,” Ace snickered. “Ace stop it’s clear they didn’t mean it. But seriously Y/n you do have some major audacity. It’s grown considerably in the past couple of months,” Deuce spoke.
You thought about what they had said to you as you walked back in class sitting with your head down on the table. Have you really changed that much over the past couple of months? And why were you undermining everyone else’s feelings? As Malleus would say to you “there’s no need to dwell on the past.”
You would have to sort things out immediately. That's why you snuck into his dorm skipping your last period to do so. You hid in his wardrobe squished between his fancy clothing. His clothes smelled like him and you couldn’t help but inhale them. God it had only been a day and you missed him so much.
You waited and waited for what felt like forever until you finally heard shuffling outside of the wardrobe. Heavy footsteps moved around his room. They grew fainter the clicking sound of his shoes disappearing indicating he took them off.
Your heart started to beat faster as you felt him creeping more and more towards you. “Malleus!” Lila called out to him stopping him in your tracks. “Coming.” His deep voice boomed. God, he was so close to you centimeters away from discovering your position.
But you heard as he walked out of the room answering Lila’s beckoning. You let out a breath relieved and you returned to the comfort of his clothes against your back. That comfort quickly was snatched from you as you were slammed out of the closet. Your body raged with pain as you were held in a chokehold. “Found them,” Silver screamed out.
His angry expression soon fell realizing it was you and not an assassin. “Oh, it’s just you Y/n?” God, I’m sorry,” he winced looking as though he was in more pain than you. Malleus and Lila rushed in with the announcement of your name. “Silver go get Sebek and call off code red.” I’ll leave you two alone.” Lila shut the door behind you and Malleus. You continued to cough still feeling Silvers strong gasp on your throat lingering on your skin.
Malleus stood in the corner not shooting a glance your way. You were the first to talk still out of breath. “That wasn’t supposed to happen,” you laughed. But he stood with his arms crossed not amused. “Listen Mal I came here to say I’m sorry. I would’ve talked to you normally but I know Sebek wouldn’t have allowed me.”
“Today in class his glare was so sharp it practically killed me. You chuckled but it died off quickly and awkwardly. Everything was quiet even the activity outside seemed to stop. “I’m sorry Malleus.” You stood up trying to meet his eyes but he remained neutral. “You were right I’ve changed recently. I don’t know if it’s the pressure of this new world getting to me but I’ve become corrupted.”
“I can’t only blame others. I’ve been stupid enough to not see the greatness of what I had. Those months we spent together just lazing around at ramshackle were my happiest ones.” For a minute you thought you still weren’t getting through to him but his weight shifted as he turned towards you.
“I let others flattery get to my head so much that I started to believe it. That was my fault I should’ve known to never trust them. Most of them just wanted to get in my pants like you warned me. But I never listen because I want to believe that people just like me for me.”
“They only want my body so they could experience an “out of this world experience”,” you mocked. “And I was too delusional to listen to you. So I tried to change that by making friends. But I never considered your feelings and how I should have boundaries with them.”
“I was the coward who was too scared to put her relationship before her useless social life.” I pushed so many people away,” you cried. “Fuck I’ve lost everyone important and I still don’t understand why you were mad at me before that,” you wailed.
“I’m sorry Malleus I’m an idiot.” He huffed walking over to you. His hand-picked up your drooping head. “It’s hard to stay mad at you for long even if you’re being bitchy.” You gasped you had never heard him swear. But you deserved it. “I heard about you crying on campus. Silver and Sebek saw you and reported it to me.”
“Thank you for apologizing Y/n what you said hurt my love. But I’m willing to forgive you.” Really,” you exclaimed. “I’m so so sorry Mal you’re not a loser or a coward and you are a perfect king. I was only projecting.” You hugged him so tightly you thought your arms were gonna break. He laughed and your face lit up seeing a familiar sight.
“Promise me one thing, my love?” Hmm,” you perked. “You’ll stop hanging out with that lion and his crew they're ruining you. And that smug bastard is trying to take you from me. He thinks he’s slick.” You heard thunder crack outside with Malleus's statement pushing you even closer to him.
“Sorry I got a bit worked up,” he smirked. “I was just imagining the things I would do to him if he ever got too close.” You said he was your favorite person after all.” I meant he was my favorite beast person in my friend group Mal!” Why would I put him over you?”
“I must’ve misheard you then.” Wow, we were fighting the whole time over this,” you laughed. “I could’ve avoided hurting you.” But then we wouldn’t have reconnected,” he frowned. “You’re right Mal I say let’s kiss and make up.”
“Let’s do just that.” He said locking your lips either his. It had been a while since you last felt a kiss this passionate. You didn’t want to stop breathing no longer matter as you smothered each other. You fell onto his lap looking up at his face which was admiring yours. As stole another kiss from him you felt a change brewing between you. A good one.
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alanjeffbrainrot · 4 months
The Moment Alan Finds Out
Authors note: this is a section of a longer form fic I’m writing. Let me know your thoughts !
CW// mentions of SA
“I was bitched, Alan. I wasn’t meant to be like this” Jeff spits coldly, a guarded look immediately glazing over his eyes. “If you don’t want me anymore, I’d understand.”
Tucking himself back into Charlie’s arms to avoid Alan’s gaze, jeff closed himself off again.
“You were…. What ? By who ?” Alan sputters out, clearly confused and trying to make sense of the situation in front of him. Alan knew that bitching was a process that could be done by choice, but with the way Jeff was reacting to talking about it, he begins to get the sinking feeling that that is not the case here.
“Who the fuck do you think !” Jeff shouts back, exasperated at his alpha not understanding. He doesn’t get it, he never would. He would never want someone like you. A freak, unnatural, unlovable….. Jeff’s thoughts quickly falling down an all too familiar rabbit hole. Jeff’s body begins shaking, the combination of emotions and Alan’s heavy scent tinted with anger proving to be too much for the omega.
Angry ? Our alpha is angry Jeff’s omega begins protesting in his head. Go to him, we need to make him not angry anymore. But Jeff ignored his omega, just burrying himself further into Charlie’s arms.
“Please don’t hate me” Jeff whispers. “Please, please I didn’t mean to trick you, I was going to tell you before but then last night started and I just-“
“Trick me ?” Alan exclaims, “you can’t be serious Jeff” the man’s voice sounding more broken and sad than the anger tinged tone he had been expecting.
Curious, Jeff begins detaching himself from his brother and finally turns to face his alpha head on. “Well, why else would you be mad ? You want to settle down with a real omega but instead you got…. me”
Both alphas just stare at jeff. Charlie’s in quiet sadness, knowing that these fears were not new for Jeff. Every time the conversation of Jeff having a possible partner in the future was posed it was always brushed off with a dismissive “nobody wants a fake omega, it’s fine phi. I’m okay alone”.
Alan’s, on the other hand, is one of disbelief. “Jeff, baby, I’m not mad at you” Alan states, clear and pointed to ensure his omega did not misunderstand. “I’m mad at the scum of the earth that did this to you without your consent. I’m mad at the alpha that made you believe you’d never be good enough, never be wanted. I’m mad that I didn’t meet you sooner, I-“ stopping his rant Alan looks down, taking a deep breath to try and collect himself.
Taking a tentative step forward, Alan watches Jeff to judge his reaction. When there is none, he takes another step, slowly lessoning the gap between the two. Alan reaches his hands out but doesn’t quite touch Jeff, giving the younger the choice to be touched or not. To Alan’s relief, Jeff tentatively reaches out and takes hold of his hand and begins absentmindedly playing with it in front of him.
“I wish I could take all those thoughts out of your head, but I hope you’ll give me the opportunity to show you how wrong those thoughts are. Baby, I adore you. I don’t want anyone but you. You’re Alan’s boy, yeah ? Thought you had a lifetime subscription.”
A soft huff leaves Jeff’s mouth as a peers up at his alpha. His big, thoughtful, and unbearably cheesy alpha.
The couple spend a minute just looking at each other, trying to read every emotion and thought that’s crossing the others mind. They are only taken out of the trance when a quiet cough is heard from behind them, Charlie awkwardly shifting between feet.
“Well. Now that this appears to be resolved, I’m gonna….” Charlie says while vaguely gesturing towards the door. “You, take care of my brother, and you” he says pointedly turning his body towards Jeff, “call me if you need me. Anything at all. Yeah ?”
“Yeah phi, I know” Jeff confirms quietly while nodding. “Thank you.”
Charlie beams at his brother before sending a final pointed look at Alan, one that easily conveyed the hurt him and I’ll take your balls conversation Charlie had yet to be able to have in full with the older.
Giving Charlie a goodbye hug proved to be more difficult with Alan’s hand still in his, but Jeff wasn’t willing to give up the comfort and warmth of his alphas touch yet.
The front door shuts behind Charlie and suddenly Jeff of very aware of the fact that they’re alone again. Taking a steadying breath, Jeff grips Alan’s hands tighter in a desperate attempt to ground himself.
“Let’s go to the couch nu, we should talk” Alan says quietly while gently tugging the boy out of the entry way and leading him into the living room.
The two end up sitting facing each other, close enough that their knees were touching and so Jeff could continue playing with Alan’s hand he had pulled back into his lap, as if on instinct.
After a minute of just sitting together, Alan breaks the silence, “Do you want to tell me what happened?”
Almost immediately Jeff’s body tenses up, freezing in place as if that will make Alan take the question back. Alan uses his thumb to stroke across the back of Jeff’s hand, hoping to calm the boy in front of him.
Taking a shaky breath, Jeff slowly looks up at Alan, “I was 16 when I presented as an alpha. Everyone was shocked since I was smaller and more quiet than everyone else. Tony didn’t like omegas, they weren’t valuable to him, but I had my powers so he thought he had gotten lucky with a special omega. I thought presenting as an alpha would have saved me but-“ Jeff is cut off by sob being caught in the back of his throat. Alan brings his hand, the one not currently being crushed in Jeff’s tight grip, up to his face and begins brushing the tears away. Not speaking, just offering silent support until Jeff had the courage to continue.
“I spent two years being berated for not being good enough. How I would never be able to make an omega happy. It wasn’t until a few weeks before my 18th birthday that I realized something was wrong. Tony introduced me to this alpha and required I listened to him. The day before I turned 18 I was locked into a small room with nothing but a bed and a few pieces of the alphas clothing. I guess they were hoping I would start nesting at some point ? I don’t remember much from the full experience. Tony came in before the alpha to tell me to be good, to just let it happen. That, if it was possible to bitch a special alpha, I’d finally be useful to him. He left and the alpha came in and well… I’m sure you’re familiar with the bitching process.”
They sit in silence for a moment, both trying to process the depths of pain Jeff just revealed.
“I should’ve fought back” Jeff says after a moment, “I should’ve done something, I-“
Jeff is cut off by a wounded noise coming from Alan. He looks up to see Alan furiously shaking his head.
“You did everything you could, you can’t blame yourself. Can I…. Can I ask you a question ?”
Jeff nods, waiting patiently for his alpha to gather his thoughts.
“Why did they wait until you were 18?”
Puzzled at the question, Jeff peers into Alan’s eyes.
“With everything else they did to you” Alan continues, trying to explain where his curiosity came from, “I’m sure experimenting on two underage alphas was the least of their worries.”
Jeff stays quiet, staring at their hands still intwined between them.
Alan seems to understand all the same. “How old was he” he asks.
“I don’t really know, early forties maybe? It was the son of an investor who had never been able to hold onto an omega. They were sure that, if it was possible and he was the one that did it, my omega would attach to him. When it became clear that was not the case they went the other route. Making it clear that I was a fake omega, that no alpha would really want me. That he was settling for me as if I wasn’t in that situation because of him. Charlie rescued me after my second heat. We both knew that if I stayed it was only a matter of time until I got pregnant and we also knew I would never give my baby up to Tony. At the time I would have preferred him killing me over my disobedience then let him get his hands on my pup.”
A heavy silence settles over the couple before a soft sob was heard from Jeff, the severity of the situation settling in his bones for the first time. He crumbles forward, leaning all of his weight on Alan’s chest, not caring about the wet patch he would inevitably leave on Alan’s shirt.
“Shh, baby, you’re safe now. Nobody’s going to hurt you while I’m around” Alan mumbles into Jeff’s ear. He continues talking to the boy while running his hands through his hair.
Jeff soon calms down, small pants leaving his mouth as he tries to catch his breath. Alan separates their bodies slightly to get a good look at Jeff’s face, wiping away the last stray tears with his thumbs.
“I love you. No matter what, I love you” Alan says, Jeff almost feeling a need to shy away from the intensity of his gaze.
Jeff’s insecurities, on the other hand, are screaming in protest in his head. “Even though I’m…. This?” Jeff says, gesturing to himself.
“Even if you were still an alpha, I would be head over heels in love with you. I love you, Jeff. Subgender is just another piece that makes you. As long as you’re comfortable in your own skin, that’s all that matters.”
Jeff stays quiet, contemplating what his alpha had said. “I’m getting there” Jeff settles on as a reply, pulling his alpha ever so slightly closer to him. “You help” he finishes with, a subtle pink dusting the boys cheeks as he says it but despite the embarrassment, Jeff refuses to break eye contact.
“Yeah ?” Alan asks, voice an octave lower as he leans closer to his omega.
“Yeah” Jeff breathes out before closing the gap and crashing their lips together.
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hannahssimblr · 6 months
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Not coming anymore
Jen’s text message comes in when I’ve already left the house, and I groan as I pull my phone out to see it on the screen. 
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Are you serious? I’ve already left the house, you have no idea wh-
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I delete the message and phone her instead. She picks up after one ring. 
“Jen, seriously?” 
“I know, I’m sorry.”
“What the hell? My mom was going out again tonight and I had to sort a babysitter for Ivy. It took me an hour, and now I've already showered and changed my clothes. I'm on the way to the beach, are you seriously telling me I have to turn back and undo everything I've just done?”
A pause, “No, you can go. I just can’t.”
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“Wh-” I fling my arm up and sigh. She can’t expect me to hang out with the emos without her. What if they get peckish and start eating me? 
“Michelle isn’t allowed to go, so she doesn’t want me to go either.” 
“Oh I see, so Michelle just asked at the last minute. And was shocked and appalled that she’s not allowed? How stupid is that, my god, she isn’t allowed to do anything. Why would she think her parents would let her do this without advanced permission seventy-two hours in advance?”
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“Hey! Stop ranting at me! It’s not my fault! I told her I was going to go out anyway and she gave out to me and now we’re mad at each other, okay?” 
“She’s miserable so she needs you to be miserable too?”
“Yeah, apparently.”
I scoff, “that makes no sense.”
“Yeah well a lot of things don’t make sense in Michelle’s world.”
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I sigh and turn to face the sea. The sun has only begun to set and toss colour over the clouds. It’s a nice evening, the kind that makes you guilty about staying in, and so my annoyance at Jen morphs quickly into annoyance on her behalf. “Can’t you just come anyway?”
“No, I’m too upset now.”
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“You should go. I already told Evan you were going to meet him there, and you could probably use the fresh air and conversation… I can’t bear to think about you stuck in your room drawing your own fucking toes on an evening like this.”
“Okay, fine. I’ll still go.”
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“Good, I’ll talk to you later, and you can tell me all about what happened.”
“I’ll come over, yeah?” 
“If it’s not too late.”
“Bye, Jen.” 
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Speaking of Evan, I spot him up ahead, dashing over the grassy bank towards the path with his dirty old school bag bobbing on his back. I call out to him but he doesn’t hear me, so stuffing my phone back into my pocket I begin an easy jog toward him.
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“Evan,” I do a half jump onto his shoulders and he almost dies with fright, his knees practically going from under him, and twists around combatively to realise it’s only me. 
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“Fuck,” he wheezes, “Fuck sake!” He yanks his earbuds out, pulsing with the tinny beats of some pop punk song , “You fucking scared me!” 
“I know, I’m sorry, I need to stop doing that, it’s just a habit.”
“Yeah, God.” He combs fingers through his floppy fringe and sets it in place in a gesture, habitual and a bit compulsive, that he repeats constantly.
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I fall into step with him once he has gathered himself and I smirk, “Why are you so jumpy, Evan?”
“I dunno.”
“What do you think I’m going to do to you?” 
“Nothing, I just… This is how I am. I don’t like it when people sneak up on me, it makes me nervous.”
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“C’mon, it’s either that you’re afraid of getting beaten up or you’re afraid of getting caught doing something you shouldn’t, that’s what I think.”
“Wow, aren’t you full of theories?”
I laugh, “And related to all this, what’s in your locker, Evan? What are you always guarding it for?”
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The corner of his mouth ticks up as he glances at me, “My locker? Do you really want to know?”
It's not like I care that much, because honestly, how exciting can it really be? It's the locker of a seventeen year old boy, so it probably contains a mouldy lunchbox and the crumpled remains of last month's chemistry assignment, but Evan seems pleased that I've asked him about it. I feign interest for his sake.
“Well, yeah, of course I do.”
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He swings his bag off his back and fumbles through the front pocket. It’s got a huge ink stain on it and the zip has broken, so it’s just hanging wide open, “I’m showing you because I know you probably won’t tell anyone, you know, seeing as you don’t really have friends anymore.”
“Harsh,” I say, but not untrue. Even since the cowards from rugby took Fitzy’s side in our tussle over Alison’s nudes my lunchtime calendar has looked a lot emptier than it used to. Where there used to be banter at the picnic benches there is now... decidedly nothing at all, save, maybe, for a few unimpressed glances my way, an accidental or not-so-accidental shove against my shoulder in the hallway. Maybe my absorption in art is related to this somehow, but I haven’t been in the headspace to psychoanalyse myself that much lately. My mind is so full of values, tone, shape, and line quality that it has (blissfully) no room for other, less interesting things...
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But, as it appears, this is interesting.
Evan pulls out a bag of pills, about twenty, all blue with little batman symbols on them, then digs his hand back in for another, this time filled with green buds.
I look at him and say simply, “You’re a drug dealer.”
“Yeah, man.”
“That makes sense.”
“Yeah, I've been at it a while now, I think I have a pretty good business going with it and all... So if you’re ever looking for something, you know…”
“You sell to Alison.”
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“Uh huh,” He stuffs the baggies back into the front pocket after a rather over the top glance around him, like he thinks this empty street is suddenly going to burst to life with guards and sirens coming to hunt him down, throw him in handcuffs with a boot against the back of his neck and toss him in Mountjoy prison, like there are no criminals wanted more in Dublin city than Evan Henley and his fifty bag of weed. “She comes to me from time to time, not lately though.”
“Yeah,” I cough out a laugh, “I took your molly a few months ago. It was shit.”
He shrugs, “I get what I can get, not my fault.”
“You could go to someone else, you know, but there actually isn't anyone else in our school, is there? I have a monopoly.”
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“You won’t like, tell Michelle or anything though, will you?”
I stare at him incredulously, “Michelle doesn’t know?”
“No, she hates all this stuff, like, she’s really strict about all drugs and shit and I just know she'll blow up at me and start shouting and roaring if she knew about it. I’d just rather not deal with it.”
I pause to consider this. It probably isn’t any real harm keeping this from her, is it? It’s not like she needs to know, and realistically if she did she would only freak out and and tell Jen, and then if Jen knew that someone close to her was in possession of any of this stuff she might-
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“Yeah, no worries, I won’t tell her.”
He pats my shoulder in a gesture of camaraderie, so I guess we're real buddies now, “Ah, thanks Jude. Had a feeling I could trust you with this stuff.”
Beginning // Prev // Next
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harrywavycurly · 2 years
Hi Sarah would it be too much to ask for the reader talking to Wayne about Eddie or just life? Love you🖤
Hiii babes!! It’s not too much to ask for at all!! I hope you like these little random conversations with Wayne!💖
-I went with Eddie being your fiancé and that’s why Wayne is just so used to you✨
*Wayne is used to your rants and he may never admit it but he may kinda sorta love you more lol*
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“He said what now?” “He said he doesn’t like it.” “He doesn’t like it? It’s cheese and chicken with rice what’s not to like?” “I added broccoli to his because he needs to eat more vegetables so maybe that’s why he doesn’t like it?” “You added broccoli? You forget you’re dating a man with the eating habits of a toddler.” “Even toddlers eat vegetables Wayne.” “Well…yeah okay that’s true.”
“You said it’s making a weird noise?” “Yeah it rattles when I turn it on.” “Now don’t go bitting my head off okay but is there gas in the tank?” “Uhhh I think so?” “You think so?” “I mean I got here just fine.” “You live two trailers down…” “God you sound just like him when you say things like that.”
“You have anymore coffee uncle Wayne?” “I had a feeling you’d be by so I made an extra pot.” “How’d you know?” “It’s Friday.” “Do I really come over here every Friday?” “Like clockwork darlin. I hear Eddie’s van go down the road and not even five minutes later you’re walking through my front door.” “Well it’s the only time I have to get you up to speed on the neighborhood gossip.” “Well please enlighten me on what’s going on in our neck of the woods oh and there’s creamer in the fridge for you.” “You bought creamer? You just use milk.” “Yeah but you don’t like milk as much so figured if you’re gonna be here every week might as well make sure you can at least enjoy your coffee while you’re here.” “You Munson really know how to make a girl feel special.” “Oh come on and just tell me what you know about the new neighbor that moved in behind Mrs. Thomas’s place.”
“Now hold on a minute where are you?” “I’m at the Lover’s Lake.” “And where’s that fiancé of yours? I don’t see the van in the driveway.” “He’s at work and I hate bothering him at work.” “You know he’s not gonna be happy when he hears you called me first.” “I’ll deal with him later but do you mind coming to get me please? Both of my bike tires are flat I must’ve gone over a broken bottle or something.” “Yeah I’ll come get you. Now you got shoes on right? And a jacket? It’s freezing out tonight.” “Why do you two always ask if I’m wearing shoes? It was one time I drove in slippers okay just once!” “Now what about a jacket?” “I…don’t have one on.” “I got a spare in the truck. I’ll be there in like five minutes.” “You’re gonna call him aren’t you?” “Just gonna tell him you’re fine and not to worry.” “Right as if telling Edward Munson not to worry has ever worked.” “If I don’t call him then you better.” “No you can call him it’s fine.” “That’s what I thought.”
“Now if someone in there makes you mad what do you do?” “Walk away.” “Good that’s right you just walk away don’t pay em any attention.” “Even Tina?” “Especially Tina. You know she’s looking for a reason to ban you from the mini mart for life.” “If you see me running you’ll be ready to haul ass home right?” “That’s what a getaway car is for.” “Perfect I think they even made Hopper come in just in case I lash out.” “But that’s not going to happen right?” “Nope I’m going to be on my best behavior.” “Good now pick up some bananas while you’re in there for me okay?” “You’ve been using them to take your vitamins?” “Yeah it’s not too bad actually.” “Good! Don’t tell him but I’ve been putting some liquid vitamins in Eddie’s oatmeal the last few weeks.” “It’s not a secret. He knows.” “Damn it. I thought I was being so sneaky.”
“I love him.” “I know you do.” “But it’s hard sometimes.” “What’s going on? Need me to whoop his ass?” “No no it’s not him. It’s me.” “Oh come on there’s nothing wrong with you.” “I’m chaos on two feet uncle Wayne I don’t know how he puts up with me. Who manages to get lost in their own home town at least once a month? Me! Who gets stuck in the middle of a fucking lake alone? Me.” “I mean okay yeah you keep him on his toes but he loves you. And I mean he really really loves you. I’ve never…I’ve never seen him look at anyone the way he looks at you.” “I just feel like I don’t deserve him.” “Oh please you two idiots deserve each other. No one else can handle him and sure as shit no one else can handle you.” “We are a couple of idiots huh?” “Yeah but I love ya both.” “You love me more though right? You can tell me I won’t tell him.”
“Can I borrow your ladder uncle Wayne?” “Absolutely not.” “Why?” “Because you on a ladder is a death trap.” “That’s exactly what he said. You two really are related.” “Just tell me what you need it for and I’ll do it.” “I need to change the lightbulb on the front and back porch.” “Is he working an overnight?” “Yeah so it’s just me and Freddy.” “I’ll come by and change the lightbulbs and if you and Freddy wanna come over for dinner that’s fine.” “I’ll bring brownies. I just made some last night.” “Won’t he be upset? You know he loves those damn things.” “I’ll make it up to him don’t worry.” “I…don’t…even wanna know.” “God you two are ridiculous I swear.”
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 2 months
no we need to talk about all of taylors vocal decisions on ttpd, between the monotone voice mixed with the high vocals on so long london that alludes to both resignation but also a sort of self explaining, or the softness in loml or a play on who's afraid of little old me being both high and low (which symbolizes for me her voice at the beginning of her career and now) or the how she chokes up on 'for free'...i could go all day
So I had written a long post answering this and went to hit post and instead Tumblr ate it 🤬 I am going to try my best to remember it lol.
With a disclaimer that yes, I know all musicians use their voice to tell a story and Taylor is not unique in that bla bla bla, the way she uses it and specifically the way she uses it on TTPD is so masterful. She truly uses her voice as an instrument on the album the same way she uses her guitar or piano on stage.
There are so many songs where this is evident, but So Long, London is the one that sticks out the most immediately, because the way she uses the tools in her voice to tell the story of what is in some ways the stages of grief within the song is incredible.
The song opens kinda cool, almost dare I say jazzy with “I saw in my mind fairy lights in the mist,” telling a story throughout the verse like someone on stage in a dark club, or even in my mind, like the beginning of a film noir movie. She’s not IN the situation anymore, she’s recalling it like she’s giving a police statement. I feel like you can practically feel the smoke in the air.
When she gets to the first pre-chorus, she sounds almost exasperated, like you can hear the fatigue and almost exasperation in her voice with that kind of low, raspy drone. “How much sad did you think I had, think I had in me? Oh, the tragedy,” always gets me because spoiler alert: she flips it the next time she sings it, with just the change of one word, but specifically here, that “Oh, the tragedy” is sarcastic; you can hear the eye roll. It actually reminds me a lot of the way she sings “Here we go again, the voices in his head” in My Boy. She’s tired of it the merry-go-round.
She gets airy in the chorus, decidedly gentler in “So long, London, you’ll find someone,” like her mind is trailing off, but she’s also, if not tender, then at least like… vulnerable? Considerate? You can feel the ache in the lightness of her voice.
In the second verse, she finds her voice again, and the lower register feels like something is bubbling, even in that kind of jazzy cadence. But she also kind of rushes her words together, like she’s building steam, so that by the time we get to the end of the verse to the first real shocker moment of “I’m pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free,” you feel the anger starting to take over. The first verse ended with exasperation, the second with frustration. She’s finding her footing and her groove in this rant. The way she sings “for free” is filled with so much emotion, and again the fact that it’s all beneath the surface in her lower register, and almost spat out, conveys how mad she is underneath the sadness.
By the time we get to the bridge, that anger is ready to burst out, which is when she starts using her belting too to effect. She hits higher notes, and there’s again almost a kind of gospel/blues/church-y sound to it, not unlike Don’t Blame Me to my ears, which contrasts so starkly with that steady low thrum you mentioned in the earlier verses. You can feel her white knuckle dying grip. The whole bridge just feels like a rant she wishes she could unleash on the person, but of course they aren’t there and hadn’t been for a long time. I think I particularly note the way she sings “every breath feels like rarest air,” because it FEELS like she’s taking a big breath. As @grilledcheeselouise reminded me of (from Tumblr eating my post 🤬), it almost sounds like hyperventilating in the middle of an anxiety attack, or in between sobs. (Which matches the pulsing beat of the song that FEELS like you’re being chased, or like a building anxiety attack.)
My favourite part of the song, and one I’ve written about before (good luck trying to find it, thanks tumblr) is the switch when she repeats “How much sad did you think I had, think I had in me, how much tragedy?!” She only swapped out two words (“oh” for “how much”), but the way she sings it completely changes the meaning of it. It is raw and sad and angry. It’s less breathy and more desperate. Whereas the first time she’s kind of snarking, the second time she’s IMPLORING the person to understand how much pain she endured. What did you think was going to be my final straw?! How did you not think I was going to break right in front of you?! She modulates the power in her voice and vocalizations and tone to great effect to tell the story.
Yet I love that it then starts to temper when she sings, “Just how low did you think I’d go before I’d self-implode, before I’d have to go be free?” Because she ends it on such a breathy note, like she’s already flown away. Her voice trails off, just like she left the relationship.
So then when we get to the last verse, the anger is replaced by sorrow. The rasp in her voice and the pulling back on her power sounds like you would after you’d been yelling or crying and are just exhausted from your grief, which matches “You swore that you loved me but where were the clues?” Part of the verse. BUT! BUT! As she sings that she’s “just getting colour back into my face,” you FEEL her coming back to life, and she sings louder and more confidently, and when she gets to, “I’m just mad as hell because I loved this place,” she SOUNDS like she singing through gritted teeth, like you can heard the difference in her mouth shape as she sings. She’s angry because she felt like her hand was forced, because she the relationship that brought her so much comfort at one point and as her home completely imploded.
By the final chorus, you feel the resignation and the acceptance of it all. It’s sad, but there’s also an… understanding? In her voice in “had a good run,” acknowledging the good in the relationship that is now gone. It gets breathier and lighter so that by the time you get to “You’ll find someone,” you know she’s fully walked away. It fades away as quietly as the memories first entered her mind in the opening line of the song. (And it’s an interesting outro to lead into “But Daddy I Love Him” next.)
I said the last two paragraphs so much better in my original post but now I’m too tired and mad to try to remember it lol.
Another moment that stands out to me is how at the end of The Black Dog, she sings “old habits die screaming,” where she can barely choke out the last word in the faintest of whispers in contrast to the word which would demand a belt. It conveys how despite how angry she is, by the end it’s really just left her broken.
There are so many other instances of it that I could not possibly list them all!
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starartisteclipse · 2 years
Angsty Prompt Starters Pt 3
“ I’m not enough, I’m never enough for you aren’t I?”
“ I’m never going to be anyone’s first choice, not even when I get you out of trouble.”
“ There are more people that can do the same thing, why do you need me?”
“ This is reality, you’re not my fairy tale ending. We weren’t meant to be like everyone says.”
“ I could look at you all day and still hate you the second we leave.”
“ I know you’re hurting, I’m not here to give advice or pity you. Rant, scream, cry, I’m all ears and I’m here for you. But don’t you dare blame me for your stupidity.”
 “ You have every right to be mad, but not at me.”
“ Why can’t you just listen to me? I gave you so many chances, yet you clearly ignored them to impress someone else.” 
“ You are the only person that hurts me, over and over, I can’t take it anymore.” 
“ I wish never met you, even as friends , you make me uncomfortable.”
“ You’ve never considered my safety because you think I can handle it? I literally almost died fixing your mistake.”
“ If you think I’m going to agree with you after what just pulled on me, I’m done trusting you.”
“ I’m overreacting, really? You go out there and do it then.”
“ Find someone that will actually give a crap about your self-centered ego being bruised.”
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behrads-world · 2 years
The Umbrella Academy x Reader
Agreeing to filming this reality TV show was one of the most ridiculous ideas you’ve ever been on board with.
“A bonding experience” Sloane had said when she brought it up. Backing it up with the notion that you were all family, despite what timeline you were from.
Viktor, bless his heart, was the first to fold. Always the sucker for keeping peace in the family. And after hours of persistent persuasion, got the tougher family members to go along with it.
You and Five both argued that nobody needs to be in your business anymore than they already are. You mostly because you were camera shy, rather than Five's reasoning.
In the end, ultimately everyone agrees, Allowing a camera crew into your shared home with a fair amount of enthusiasm.
Now, you all stand around a coffee machine, or what remains of the coffee machine. Various pieces of the item scattered along the counter top and the floor.
You could hear five grumbling behind you about finally getting a coffee machine only for it to be destroyed. You felt for the poor boy really. Coffee was more important to Five than, well Five was to Five.
Marcus, the sparrows number one, had called you all together, trying to solve the mystery as to who broke it and if you were being entirely honest, you were already over this self proclaimed “family meeting”.
“So who broke it, I’m not mad. I just want to know” True to his word, he didn’t seem angry, although he was more relaxed than a normal person would be if they discovered their coffee machine broken. If you paid money for something you’d be angry that it’s been destroyed.
Nobody answered, even Five had stopped his angry ranting to god knows who. Between the 14 of you, this was the quietest it’s ever been. Nobody wanted to step up, and you couldn’t blame them.
It’s three in the morning and a handful of people had already turned in for the night before being rudely interrupted, and even though some of the family were still awake you all stood in your pajamas.
You mentally snorted as your eyes flickered to Luther, who was wearing the owl onesie you gifted him for his birthday, a cheap present considering it was also yours and the other five siblings' birthday .It warmed your heart that he had kept it.
The ruckus also woke the camera crew, who you had so kindly let stay with y’all, prepped with cameras and lights, ready to capture the drama.
So, in order to save you all from this misery, you broke the silence. “I did, I broke it”, and you hoped the lie was convincing enough to let Marcus let go of it.
“No, No you didn’t, Jayme?” Well that didn’t work, you guess that Marcus caught onto the fact that you never drink coffee, or go nowhere near that machine. Either way, he looks to Jayme, questioning the droopy eyed girl.
“Don’t look at me, look at Alphonso”, She drew the attention away from her, giving her other brother a weak point of her index finger.
“What?I didn’t break it” He held his hands up in defense. Alphonso, unlike the others, looked more awake, probably from being accused.
Jayme, raised a suspicious eyebrow “Huh, that’s weird, how did you know that it was broken?” You facepalmed at the ridiculously obvious question.
“Because it’s right there in front of us and it’s broken” Viktor points out, confused as to why she would ask such a thing while you made a note to yourself to tease him about his bed head when this is all over.
“Very suspicious, if you ask me” Jayme says, to which Ben groans.
“This…” He gestures to everyone in the room, still including the camera crew. “Is ridiculous, can’t we just finish this in the morning?”
“No” You jump as Five exclaims from behind you. Out of everyone here you had thought Five would be the least interested.
Through your furious heartbeat, you looked at the boy in question, opening your mouth to speak to him.
“Why the hell do you care?” Allison spoke first, and your voice died in your throat. You closed your mouth, seeing no reason to continue looking like a fool.
The cube, Christopher, shook, its color changing indicates that he’s speaking. The only ones that can understand him are the sparrows so you're used to just ignoring him.
Fei agrees with what Christoper says, prompting Diego to lean toward you. “What the hell did he say?” Your only response being a shrug of your shoulders. He knows none of the umbrellas can understand the talking, floating cube but that doesn’t stop him from asking EVERY. SINGLE.TIME.
“If it matters, probably not, but Sloane was the last one to use it.” Fei says, no longer sporting her signature glasses, and the scars on her face are more apparent under the moonlight and lights from the cameras.
“Lair, I don’t even drink that crap.” You and her both, Maybe you both could advocate for a “coffee kills” fundraiser.
“Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee machine earlier?” Fei retaliated, crossing her arms.
“I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that fei.”
“Goodie, another beauty guru, do you think you could help me? Cause my cuticles are jacked up” Klaus spoke up, his voice soft and filled with sleep.
Diego clamps a hand on Klaus’s shoulder, and you can’t tell if the action was meant to shut him up or comfort him. But it seemingly worked in doing both.
“Okay, let’s not fight please. I broke it. Let me pay for it Marcus” You try again, and you hear a chorus of “yeahs” and “let us sleep” from all around you.
Marcus wasn’t buying it. “No! Who broke it” He was so pressed about the situation while everybody else couldn’t care less.
“Marcus, Luther has been awfully quiet “ Fei accuses.
“I broke it, I burned my hand so I punched it.” Marcus was being interviewed separately by the camera crew, sitting confidently cross legged on the couch. Proud of himself.
In the background he could faintly hear the rest of the siblings arguing, adding to his joy “I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick”
Marcus smiled. “Good, It was getting a little chummy around here.”
This was based on an incorrect quote I saw so I hope you enjoyed.
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