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djphantomlight · 3 days ago
Icy probably gonna be dancing on Bloom’s grave in her head. Her pettiness towards her greatest nemesis knows no bounds! 😆
Next Gen
AS you may remember, Icy made Bloom had her children and then Bloom had a child with Sky and DIED
Here they are, i finally thought about them enough
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Icy is a Cloud Tower headmistress, and at first she was going to say no, because.. it's Bloom's daughter and she has nothing to do with this one, that means she supposed to hater her too? But... the fact that Ness hates her family and Bloom specifically (1), has an existential crisis Icy can relate to (2) and is her fan (3) made Icy change her mind lol
(She'll come to Bloom's grave later to taunt her DEAD enemy about this, the pettiness this woman has...)
Sky is a VERY bad father, btw. He's actively turning his daughter into his dead wife. He even made her wear same clothes, and have same hairstyle all her childhood. Ness cut her hair right before going to Cloud Tower (she was supposed to go to Alfea, but run away)
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wally-b-feed · 2 years ago
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Li Nira Ramoli, 2023
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alwaysraineh · 5 years ago
hey ho! OC asks (3) How did you choose their name? aaaaand (14) If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be?
ty!! i have so much fun with these, no joke
3. How did you choose their name?
Honestly i’m probably The Most Boring Person to ask this bc i tend to just poke around on baby name websites and ask my friends and then just go with something i like the sound of?? i’d love for there to be a more fun process but generally there’s no deeper meaning or fun process
EXCEPT FOR EIDEL AND HIS MOM bc i was having a lot of trouble with them but i was listening to edelweiss and i really liked the sound of ‘edel’ (which, turns out, means noble!) but this is for a Fantasy Novel so i added a letter and called it good. but i was also stuck on who his mom should be and she’s (spoilers) but i had no name so @catladymarie said motor oil and then i scrambled those letters and switched an o with an a and subtracted a few and now her name is Ramoli
14. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be?
Hhhmmmmmmmm i think with Wesley the glaringly obvious one is that he’s got that good good trauma from getting involved with supernatural shit and watching a friend die when he was a kid but the important bit isn’t the trauma, it’s that he’s linked to the creature that did it but he doesn’t know about that link. Also that he’s very much a smartass but only when he’s trying to hide something. Wes is a fun character!! I like him a lot and so does Dwight :)
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ougonnotaiyou · 1 year ago
@theophan-o bardzo Ci dziękuję za ten post! Świetnie pokazuje realia końca lat 90. XX w. Też należę do grona starych "ramoli" pamiętających te czasy. 😉 Może szał na OiM mnie ominął, ale też zbierałam wycinki z gazet i dobrze pamiętam swój szok w 1999 roku, gdy Koleżanka przyniosła do szkoły czarno-biały wydruk z raczkującego u nas wtedy internetu. Była to katedra Notre-Dame z opisem.
@merispideryuri, pozwól, że odpowiem tu na Twoje pytanie: "gdzie ty znajdujesz te zdjęcia?"
Jeśli w poście nie jest wskazane inne źródło (np. adres strony internetowej), materiały pochodzą z mojej własnej kolekcji rzeczy związanych z "Ogniem i mieczem" (wycinków prasowych, zdjęć, nagrań video z telewizji, przedmiotów z czasu premiery filmu). W większości są to moje "skarby" zebrane w latach 1997-2001. Miałam wtedy kilkanaście lat, a Bohun był moją pierwszą miłością, taką, co — jak śpiewał Bułat Okudżawa — "spala serce".
Może to zabrzmi jak opowieść dziadka, ale... to były zupełnie inne czasy. Internet właściwie jeszcze wtedy nie istniał. Dopiero się rozkręcał, np. w mojej ówczesnej klasie tylko dwie koleżanki go w domu miały. Notabene, "Ogniem i mieczem" było pierwszym polskim filmem, który posiadał swoją własną stronę internetową: mam kilka zdjęć z niej pobranych, muszę je tu kiedyś pokazać. Zanim film wyszedł na kasetach video, przez długi czas można go było zobaczyć tylko w kinie (albo na "pirackiej" kasecie, ale to inna opowieść). Wyobraź sobie, że wszystko w Tobie tęskni za Bohunem (albo Skrzetuskim:-), a nie masz ani Internetu, ani dostępu do filmu. Co robisz? Zbierasz wszystko, co znajdziesz.
I tu możliwości było całkiem sporo:
Materiały prasowe (zdjęcia i artykuły wycinane z gazet). Mało kto teraz pamięta, że "Ogniem i mieczem" to nie był jeden z tych filmów, który wchodzi pewnego dnia do kin i robi się wokół niego szum medialny. To był film WYCZEKANY, prawie ogólnonarodowe wydarzenie. Media interesowały się jego powstawianiem od początku. Były np. telewizyjne "wybory" aktorów grających poszczególne postacie. Gdy w październiku 1997 r. rozpoczęły się zdjęcia, prawie każdego dnia ekipie towarzyszyła prasa i telewizja. I potem w przeróżnych czasopismach pojawiały się materiały i zdjęcia: od tych "poważnych", po kolorowe pisemka i programy telewizyjne. Teraz to wszystko się rozproszyło, bo kto zostawia sobie np. stary program telewizyjny? Tydzień się kończy i gazetka ląduje w koszu. Nastoletni my jednak zbieraliśmy, wycinaliśmy z gazet, wymienialiśmy się, wklejaliśmy do zeszytów, ukochane zdjęcia nosiliśmy ze sobą, a czasem — bo papier i druk były wtedy dalekie od ideału — zakochiwaliśmy na śmierć. Mam gdzieś zdjęcie Bohuna, które rozdarło się od nadmiaru mojej miłości i Mama skleiła mi je taśmą klejącą.
Nagrania z telewizji: im bliżej było premiery, tym więcej różnych rzeczy (reportaży z planu, wywiadów z twórcami) emitowała TVP. Niestety, często bez zapowiedzenia. U nas w domu jedna kaseta video była na stałe włożona w magnetowid, a mój Tata, gdy tylko widział Bohuna albo coś z OiM, uruchamiał nagrywanie. Podobnie było z radiem: jak się miało szczęście na coś trafić, nagrywało się na kasetę magnetofonową (udało mi się już jakoś "ocyfrować" nagrania video, pracuję nad radiowymi:-)
Kiedy po premierze (w lutym 1999 r.) okazało się, że nastoletnie serca dymią miłością do Bohuna i Skrzetuskiego, pojawiło się w Polsce sporo gadżetów filmowych. To był też chyba pierwszy taki przypadek związany z polskim filmem: były z "Ogniem i mieczem" koszulki, zeszyty, kalendarze, artykuły szkolne, puzzle, gry, a nawet guma do żucia.
Ponieważ Bohun (już nie tylko filmowy, ale też i powieściowy, i prawdziwy/historyczny) został ze mną na zawsze, niektóre rzeczy znalazłam później. Np. okazało się, że jeśli kogoś było w 1997-1998 r. na to stać, przyjeżdżał na plan filmowy i robił zdjęcia aktorom lub sobie z aktorami. Zdjęcia te (też wtedy tylko papierowe!) teraz czasem można znaleźć w antykwariatach i na targach staroci. Podobnie jak inne rzeczy: monety, znaczki, itp. Nieprzebrane bogactwo. A ja to skanuję/fotografuję/obrabiam i zamieszczam tu (żałuję, że te rzeczy są w takim stanie i że często np. nie mogę ustalić nazwiska fotografa ani miejsca publikacji), żeby Wam młodszym ode mnie pokazać, że Bohun, "Ogniem i mieczem" (i Trylogia w ogóle) to nie jest śmieć żaden, do którego miłości trzeba się wstydzić, ale coś, co było kochane od zawsze i przez bardzo wiele osób:-)
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alenoah-hate-blog · 4 years ago
Happy end of Alenoah moreg week! i wrote a fic for gou to celebreate!!!!/
noah sat o the bead. he just wanted to sleep, he didnt want to wake ip in the middle of the night again because of kicking. it ass getting exhausting! he just wanted to sleep.
beside hom, noah saw alejandro stiriing in bed. nojh squinted, trying to see if al was aake, but was met by alejandros eyes oppening right up.
"mi amor can you not sleep?" alejandro asked. noah nist shook his head, he couldnt sleep at all. alejandro reached iut a hadnd in response and parted noahs jnee.
"isee, our baby is stirring, isnt she?" noah nonnded to that. alejandro moved his hand to noahs stomach, moving the rest of his body was wellS.
"come now, daddy and i are trying ro aellep" he said to the baby. noah went beet red. alejandro was being rlly wmbarassing. alejandro took note o that, sjaking his jewd and laugjing.
"dont be embarassed noah" he said "our baby jeust needs a little direction. shell settle doen eventualyl."
noah sighed. "it seems like shes always alsepp when were awake but awake weh were asleep."
alejandro chucked, sensing the inrone of the situation. "that remidns me of someone." je swid. "i wonder who."
noah cringed, eecallingbhis own bad sleeping habits. habits alrjandro wirked hard to correct once he moved in after noahs impregnation.
"my night owls." alenadro cooed. "you'll be hell for mme id a few months, wont yu?"
"hey, toure the one excite d anotit this" noah reminded alejandro.
alenadonfrl laurhed again. "eben if you are trouble, i etill love my ramoly."
saying tjose words, alenador went down and gave noahs atomach a fqiocm ksis. pulling ip fro thah, je embaraced noahZ de.
rhe wend!!!
this has been sitting in my inbox for a while because it’s just so powerful i had no idea what to do with it. plus i wanted to wait until the mutuals that follow me on here weren’t online. anyway, dedication.
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devilstearsofficial · 6 years ago
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The Fire of Ramoli: Dega Des (NEW CHARACTER!!)
Name: Dega
Surname: Des
Birth: 11th June 1019
Age (in the story): 27 - 30 (1000)
Origin: Helste / Zen-Rion
Height: 1.89cm
Hair Colour: Dark Brown/Yellow
Eye Colour: Dark Brown / Yellow (with powers)
Jobs: The King of Helste Kingdom, Martial artist
Form: Fire Lion
Hobbies: Drinking, playing with fire, running, fighting
Phobias: Dogs
Weakness: Water and Ice power
Weapons: Marial Arts, fire powers, Fire Starter (sword)
Sickness: -
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haitianculture509 · 5 years ago
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Tarte au lait
un bon dessert que je propose
vous pouvez l' essayer ce soir, ou ce week end
Pour une tarte (moule à manquer de 26 cm):
1 pâte ( je vous mets la recette juste au paragraphe suivant)
1 l de lait 1/2 écrémé
4 oeufs
130 g de sucre de canne blond
100 g de fécule de maïs
1/2 CC de vanille en poudre
Pour la pâte:
Farine 250 gr
Sucre fin 80 gr
Oeuf 1
Sel 2 pincée
Commencez par préparer la pâte: mélangez la farine et le sel dans un saladier. Ajoutez le sucre et le beurre ramoli en dés. Malaxez. Ajoutez l’oeuf battu et remélangez jusqu’à obtention d’une boule de pâte bien homogène. Enrobez-la de film alimentaire et placez au réfrigérateur deux bonnes heures.
Préchauffez le four à 180°C.
Etalez la pâte à l’aide d’un rouleau à pâtisserie. Beurrez un moule à tarte et étalez la pâte dans le moule. Tapissez de papier sulfurisé et cuisez la pâte à blanc avec des haricots secs ou des billes de céramique par dessus. Enfournez pour 14 minutes. Retirez du four et laissez refroidir. Démoulez.
Étaler la pâte à tarte et foncer le moule. Réserver.
Bouillir le lait.
Dans un saladier, fouetter les oeufs avec le sucre blond. Ajouter la fécule de maïs et la vanille en poudre et continuer à fouetter jusqu'à obtention d'un mélange homogène.
Ajouter le lait tout en remuant.
Verser ce mélange dans une casserole et faire légèrement épaissir sur feu doux sans cesser de remuer (cela prend 1 à 2 min).
Verser la préparation sur la pâte à tarte et cuire environ 40 min dans un four préchauffé à 180°C.
Lorsque la tarte est cuite, la laisser refroidir puis la placer au réfrigérateur toute une nuit
bon essai
Credit Mash
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mashkaromanova · 6 years ago
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Alexandra (‘Sunny’) Feodorovna, 1895
“My darling Ernie dear,
I send you my very tenderest thanks for your sweet letter the Admiral brought. How glad I was to see him & hear about you dear ones, you can imagine - it was nice of you seing [sic] him so often & letting him live in the Schloss. I am sure you must have noticed his funny walk - poor man was wounded in the war inside of both legs. - 
It is such a pitty [sic] Aunt Alix [Alexandra, Princess of Wales] had to leave - really she acted as A.[unt] Minny’s [Maria Feodorovna] comforting angel, & she misses her sadly, - we sit now more with her - yesterday we took tea upstairs & then Nicky read to us till 7 - a most interesting French book about Prince Eugène; it shows one Napoleon in quite another light - how kind & nice he could be. He arranged the marriage between Eugène & the Elector Max’s daughter, as he was made King. Nap: letters to her of affection & telling her to care for her health, giving her advice & so on - I never imagined such a soft side to his character.
Then in the evening we sat with her from 8-11 1/2, talking, working & she & I play Halma, I fear I usually am disrespectful enough as to win usually. Misha [Michael Alexandrovich] remains till 9 1/2 or 1- & arranges little electric lamps & all sorts of things & pricks ones, & what does he not still do! - I am sitting by the window in the big armchair in a corner, half-hidden by the screen - & dream of my sweet home. Beloved Nicky has got his aggravating people - in the morning I don’t see him for two hours, but in the afternoon whilst he usually reads his heaps of papers from the ministers, I look through the begging letters, of which there are not few & cut out the stamps, & if do not do it tidily am slightly reproved.
I get the Darmstadter Zeitung wh.[ich] I greedily devower [sic] - every bit of news interests me, & yesterday I saw then announced the death of Sophie v. Rotzmann - do tell Georgiana [von Rostmann] how grieved I was to hear of her Aunt’s death - old Mme du Thil’s cousin, - & Uncle Alexander’s friend. My beloved (Jucker coachman) Berthalot I see has been promoted to real coachman. You see how I follow everything & Finger’s [Jakob Finger] 70th birthday - had I now it sooner  I should have telegraphed - do tell him so next Wednesday with kind messages & good wishes. 
Yesterday was the day the river is blessed, but it was quietly done this year & none went. Here there was of course service & the day before too (in commemoration of Christ’s Christening in the river Jordan) & water was blessed & we each got a glass, drank a drop & then keep it in our rooms covered over. Then the old Priest J. & two deacons & some of the Choir go through the whole house & in to all the rooms, & sprinkle them with water, blessing them - a curious old custom done also at Trinity. - Excuse my untidy writing & bad English, but I am half ramolie. - I wonder how the little dances in our house went off. The first, since beloved Papa’s death - is it not painful for you, darling, reminding you of the sad service & all hung black? - 
Darling Boy, I cannot tell you how much I think of you & miss you. - The 9th month to-day that you are married. - About wh. date do you hope the happy event [birth of his child] to take place? You must be anxious - but I am delighted to hear darling little Ducky is so well. - Xenia I think expects in June - she is very well only paler than usual & I don’t think feels ever as sick as poor Ducky did; - her good health now is all owing to Orchie’s daily mess she brought her - do tell her that; - did she like Nany’s sugar candy?
You can think of how awful the reception on the 1st was. 14 Ladies & heaps of Gentlemen, I thought I should die - to speak French to the most - horrid - & almost every face unknown to me - it lasted over an hour. - I admire my Nicky how well he does it - often enough he has to go through the same ordeal - but Ladies are much the worst - with Gentlemen it is easier - I think 70 on the whole. He spoke to all the men, I only to the Ambassadors & some of the secretarys [sic]. By the papers I see Albert Menzdorff is coming - at least someone I know, wh. will be pleasant. The new Austrian Ambassador Prince [Franz of] Lichtenstein is quite charming - I think even taller than Gummibaum with a long fare [sic] beard & handsome face. -
Do kiss dear Ducky & thank her for her letter, wh. I shall soon answer. Kissing you very tenderly I remain, Darling, beloved Ernie, yr very loving & devoted Sunny.
[P.S.] God bless you my darling. I hear Fürst Hohenlohe [Prince Chlodwig of Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst] does not intend remaining much longer - whom will they find to replace him? - And Casimir Perrier gone too. - You remember that day of the large dinner when we had later to speak to the people, Admiral Gervais (can’t spell his name)? The other day - touching - he sent me a ring with one nice pearl on it inside ‘La V.[ierge] M.[arie] règne par le coeur’. Really the French are most amiable, but this was quite privately sent. Love to Abby who I hope it well. He might write to me once. Nicky sends you both his very best love. The Sultan has send us two Arab horses. - Messages to all at home, Mino, Georgiana & the Gentlemen.”
- Alexandra to Ernest Louise, Grand Duke of Hesse, 7th/19th January 1895
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lalignedujour · 6 years ago
Ça me paraissait bel et bien la meilleure solution, j’avais bien réfléchi. Il fallait le tuer, faire ça proprement, j’avais tout prévu, ça m’était venu assez vite, assez simplement. C’était limpide, ça devait être fait à 8h10, au moment où il démarre sa Ford pour aller travailler. Je me suis levé à 7h30 pour préparer tout le matériel. Et puis, tout était prêt à 7h38. Je n’avais pas faim, j’ai juste fait chauffer un café, j’ai mis Barbara pour patienter, parce qu’il pleuvait, ça m’a fait penser à Nantes. Et puis les autres morceaux s’enchainaient, et le café était toujours trop chaud. La buée sur la vitre, la mélodie mélancolique, la voix blanche, les images du passé. A 8h, le café n’y aurait rien fait, j’étais beaucoup trop ramoli pour commettre un homicide, aussi enfantin soit-il. Il allait encore falloir attendre le lendemain.
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elsa-fogen · 4 days ago
About your new post, how well does Marinessa get along with her sisters?
I didn't think it through that much, but I think she became friends with them really fast.
In fact, it's Icy who told her to meet them, when she noticed that other students don't accept her because of whose daughter she is.
And also, Marinessa probably don't even know that they are half sisters lol. She obviously sees that they're Icy's children, but... Sky never told her that Bloom had children with Icy (he was only saying that it's "Icy killed Bloom") (Icy would argue with that), and Icy also didn't say anything. Naya and Ramoly also never talked about this because Marinessa never asked (but they know yeah) (also they kinda assume that Ness also knows).
I think one time someone will notice that she and Ramoly look like sisters (when Naya wasn't around, probably). And Ramoly would probably say something like "yeah we are sisters", and Ness will be like "🥺🥺🥺you think of me as your sister??" and Ramoly will be like "i mean yeah, we are sisters". And Ness will be just "what"
And honestly i don't know what her reaction will be. But in any case, she will still be friends with them, she'll say something like "you didn't choose who your parents will be, nor did I"
Also, she will call them "sisters" like the Trix did (wait, they still do) even before that, adding to Naya and Ramoly's assumptions lol
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salmankhanholics · 6 years ago
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★ COOL…Salman Khan with Fan, Ramoli Mehul on Kapil Sharma Show (May 22, 2019)!
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alwaysraineh · 5 years ago
🖤 💔 💟 for the wip asks :))
CAAAAAAAMMMMM OH MY GOD thank you i’m gonna cry i’m so excited for this!!
🖤: what are your MC names?
names vary so much depending on which story it is but I’m gonna use Oslasil for these asks SO
our main boi is Veridis Hamartia (formerly known as Mareth Iptoch) and his best friend (according to Haroch) is Haroch Fel! then i’ve actually got a sequel to my own trilogy planned bc i am terrible at self-control lol but the big names for the sequel are Ivis Driscol, Eidel Tarron, and Ophania
💔: give a brief character bio of your 3-5 MCs
ahhh exciting exciting okay!!
Veridis Hamartia is a ranger who was sentenced to serve in the military; he’s nineteen and was born in a little coastal town in the southwestern region of the empire but started ranging after his parents died. he’s chosen (blackmailed) as the leader of this ragtag little group that’s going into a neighboring empire to locate their lost prince! his whole secret (that he’s blackmailed with) is that he’s actually Mareth Iptoch, the bastard son of the High Councillor (and he has a big sister named Billesat whom i adore)
Haroch Fel is the bastard son of a pig farmer, raised in the northeastern region of the empire and sold to the military at age fifteen. he’s now nineteen, and head over heels for Veridis, the mysterious elf who refuses to talk to anyone and constantly tries to escape. his uncle Roldt owns a tavern, where Haroch spent most of his time growing up, and he has four half-siblings (his favorite is Pennaedra, his baby sister)
Ivis Driscol is the heir to the throne of Oslasil; his story begins in the original trilogy, in which he is a literal infant, and continues to the sequel in which he is a 20-something prince. he’s the latest in a long line of dryads whose blood is linked to the Heartstone, which keeps the entire empire alive. he has three older siblings (or... had.) named Humile, Aigle, and Pyrus
Eidel Tarron is Ivis’s bodyguard. he was raised in a temple after being left there as a baby, and grew up having no idea who his parents were. he’s completely devoted to Ivis and would do anything to protect him, even traveling to another continent on a whim when strange magical things begin happening. little does Eidel know, strange magical things have been happening to him his entire life, because he’s the son of Ramoli, the god of virtue
and finally!!!!
Ophania is an Aerivoxy (reptilian species designed around draco lizards) who joins Ivis and Eidel after she runs into them while travelling and learns that they’re investigating the return of magic. she has a sort of soul bond to dragons, which is considered sacred to her people BUT while she says she left her clan of her own accord, she left after they turned on her when she realized what her soul bond was
💟: how is your style different in this work compared to previous ones? has it more shifted for the story or just developed in general?
i think it’s really just developed in general!!! i first started planning this like,,,,,, eeeiiiight(??) years ago i think?? i’ve gotten a lot of practice writing other things, as well as working on this project, and i think the style of this is really what i hope my general style becomes. it’s also told (third person) by Veridis, who is a little bit of an unreliable narrator and has a tendency to get lost in his thoughts, so there’s a lot of long descriptions of landscapes and odd metaphors for his trauma lol
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leanpick · 4 years ago
Racing: Apprentice jockey Laqdar Ramoly scores biggest win on Nerodio after COVID delays return to Mauritius
Racing: Apprentice jockey Laqdar Ramoly scores biggest win on Nerodio after COVID delays return to Mauritius
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