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Dilated Peoples - 20/20 (21/02/2006)
"20/20" es el segundo álbum de estudio del grupo de Dilated Peoples (Evidence, Rakaa Iriscience & DJ Babu) lanzado hoy 21 de febrero el año 2006 bajo el sello discografico Capitol Records. El álbum cuenta con la colaboración de varios artistas, incluyendo a Dr. Greenthumb aka B-Real, Defari, Talib Kweli, Krondon y Capleton. La producción del álbum estuvo a cargo de renombrados productores como Alchemist y Sid Roams ademas de los integrantes Evidence y DJ Babu.
Dilated Peoples es un grupo de rap de Los Ángeles, California, formado en 1992, son conocidos por su estilo Underground y sus líricas conscientes. Han lanzado varios álbumes aclamados por la crítica y han colaborado con otros artistas de renombre en la escena del rap. En el año 2006, cuando se lanzó "20/20", el rap estaba en auge en Los Ángeles. El sonido del rap en la costa oeste se estaba alejando del gangsta rap de los años 90 y estaba abriéndose a nuevas influencias y colaboraciones. El álbum de Dilated Peoples fue un éxito en la escena underground del rap y ayudó a establecer al grupo como uno de los más destacados de la escena Hip-Hop de Los Ángeles. "20/20" es un álbum que aborda temas sociales y políticos, como la discriminación racial y la desigualdad económica. Las líricas son complejas y cargadas de significado, mientras que la producción es innovadora y rica en texturas.
Tras las críticas mixtas de su álbum de 2004 Neighborhood Watch, el grupo pudo recuperar parte de su éxito pasado con 20/20, pero no al nivel de sus dos primeros albums, The Platform y Expansion Team. El sencillo principal del álbum, "Back Again", no pudo tener un fuerte impacto, en parte debido a que MTV se negó a reproducir el video, debido a una escena en la que Rakaa usa un chaleco antibalas. Back Again aparece en el videojuego de EA Sports Fight Night Round 3 y el videojuego de Sony Computer Entertainment MLB 06: The Show.
Dilated Peoples - Back Again
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Record 1699. #Blackalicious #Passion #12inchsingle Featuring #DJBabu and #RakaaIriscience , and on the flip, potentially Gift Of Gab's dopest verses since Alphabet Aerobics, with the spectacular "Paragraph President". #giftofgab #chiefxcel #hiphop #rap #vinyl #records #nowspinning #vinyljunkie #recordcollection #vinyligclub #hiphopwax #hiphopvinyl #vinylcollectionpost #12inch https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp_5i_VAKdA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1sx7ixx3phy7r
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Time lapse of the back cover for @esnine #watchthependulumswing Featuring @therealrakaa on this TL, and @fashawn @agofditc @supastition @wildelux @rileyboone @chiefer_sutherland @marcopolobeats @glad2mecha @d.l.romero #art #arte #deltondemarest #denverart #hiphop #boombap #turntablism #westup #caallday #cencal #fashawn #showbizandag #dilatedpeoples #rakaairiscience #digginginthecratescrew #mercadhiphop #209hiphop #westcoasthiphop #mtn94 #mtnhardcore #acrylic #esnine #albumcover #albumart (at Merced, California)
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@therealrakaa @djbabuforeal @dilatedpeoples #rakaairiscience #djbabu #dilatedpeoples #concertphotography #concert #concerts #gig #cracow #poland #klubkwadrat #krakow #kraków #rappers #rap #hiphop #rapmusic #lights #legends #music #live #rakaa #raplife #hiphopmusic #hiphophead #hiphophead #hiphoplife (w: Klub Kwadrat)
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Concert Coma si Sunet Fin Live in Expirat - 03.04
Coma si Sunet Fin Live in Expirat
Miercuri, 03.04. Open doors: 20:00 Expirat Halele Carol. Sala Compresoarelor Str. Constantin Istrati 1. https://goo.gl/maps/txYLKnK87o92 Acces: 30 lei - pre-sale / 40 lei - at the door Bilete disponibile în pre-sale via iaBilet.ro: https://www.iabilet.ro/site/event/41461/ ---------- Coma se întoarce la Expirat, în primul lor concert electric din an, pe 3 aprilie. Una dintre cele mai iubite trupe de rock alternativ din România, Coma s-a înființat la începutul anului 2000, din foști membri ai trupelor Daft Allison și Ska Burger. În 2001 apare primul album „Somn”, susținut de câteva piese ce au electrizat publicul („Nu Vreau Fetițo Casă”, „În Mine În Șoaptă”, „Stai”, „Bruce Lee vs Vandam”), iar în 2002 trupa este nominalizată la Best Alterantive Band la Gala Premiilor Industriei Muzicale Românești. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVy6bxnnTU15y6d0R17VwEyPzmqXWKxfz Al doillea album al trupei apare în noiembrie 2006, fiind un produs 100% independent, iar împreună cu videoclipul piesei „Coboară-mă-n rai” regizat de Marian Crișan, ocupă locul 2 în Topul celor mai bune albume alternative ale anului pe site-ul Metalhead. De-a lungul anilor, Coma susține zeci de concerte în toată țara, prezenți la festivaluri precum Electric Castle, B’Estfest, Peninsula, Coke Live, Stufstock, Roșia Montană, Studentfest Timișoara, Artmania, Festivalul Snowboard Bâlea Lac, Mountain Bike la Poiana Brașov, MotoRock la Ploiești. Trupa îi reunește în 2015 pe Cătălin Chelemen (voce), Răzvan Albu (tobe), Dan Costea (voce, chitară), Sorin Petrescu (chitară bass), Răzvan Rădulescu (DJ Hefe - scratchuri, efecte, keys) și Matei Tibacu-Blendea (chitară). Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/comaband/ Site: http://www.coma.ro/ Opening act: Sunet Fin Trupa s-a format în 2014 și își dezvoltă activitatea în București. Genul abordat este un alternative hip-hop, denumire venită odată cu îmbinarea a mai multor stiluri, în special rap și rock. Printre prestațiile lives e numără: Lansarea materialului "Clasic EP", în Club B52 (București) din 4 Decembrie 2014, fiind și primul concert al trupei. Deschiderea evenimentului, "DJ Babu & RakaaIriscience (Dilated Peoples)", alături de: DjDox, OmuGnom, Alan &Kepa, de pe 21 februarie 2015 din clubul Colectiv. Concertează alături de artiști rap și rock autohtoni: Krem, Vlad TZP, Misiune de Pedeapsă, Yda, H8, Implant Pentru Refuz, Relative, etc. Un live împreuna cu Basska, la Râmnicu Valcea, "Acoustic All Stars" și "Împreună Rezistăm in memoriam Colectiv". Lansare "Muzica Nu Moare EP". Acest material a fost lansat de către Universal Music Romania Digital Distribution. Participarea la festivaluri, cum ar fi: Airfield Festival, Shine Festival Sunset Festival 2016, Tattoo Convention, Sunset Festival 2017, Zilele Nordului 2017. Trupa are 4 videoclipuri la activ: #Bassbalans feat. DJ Dox, Sunet Fin, Nostalgie și Vremuri Bune. Toate cele 4 suporturi video au avut premiera tv pe Music Channel la emisunea Hip-Hop. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sunetfin YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/sunetfin Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunetfin Pentru mai multe evenimente, clipuri live , rock muzic cd’s & Vinyl’s viziteaza: Magazin online => https://contemporary-establishment.ro/magazin-online Event Planner => https://contemporary-establishment.ro/events/ PACHETE FOTO VIDEO IEFTINE => https://contemporary-establishment.ro/category/pachete-foto-video/ Event Tickets Online – Acceseaza link-ul => Bilete-Evenimente Read the full article
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🎧 The year was #2002 #nowplaying #TheHerbaliser #SomethingWickedThisWayComes Foodsic Stats: 4.00 / 31%🔥 . 🔥 (5-Star) Tracks: Verbal Anime, 24 Carat Blag, Mr. Holmes, The Hard Stuff Notable producers/features: #RakaaIriscience #PhiLifeCypher #MFDOOM . . ____________ My Ratings Defined ____________ I use traditional 5-star track ratings. Keep in mind that these ratings change over time with repeat listens. o 5.00 = Masterpiece o 4.50 = Classic o 4.40 = Near Classic o 4.25 = Excellent - Has enough to be more than Solid, but not quite close to Classic. This album quite possibly will be in rotation for years to come. o 4.00 = Solid - The album is something I'm going to listen to more than a few times and will probably stay in my rotation for the next few months. Only has a few missteps within the project. o 3.75 = Pretty Good - Many of the tracks I can get into but overall nothing great here. o 3.50 = Good - There's enough going on here that it's def worth your time. o 3.00 to 3.25 = "OK to Ehhh, whatever..." - The album might have a few stand-out tracks but that's it. o 2.25 to 3.00 = Mostly Garbage – If I’m lucky, I’ll find at least one 5-star 🔥 track so hopefully my time wasn’t wasted. o Below 2.00 = Pure Shit. Listening to this was torture. #hiphophead #undergroundhiphop #hiphopreviews #albumreviews #albumratings https://ift.tt/2JZboHk
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We are buzzing from this week's#demurdecks selected by @twogoodofficial . Check out www.demur.co for what the guys have selected for us. #newmusic #twogood #lifeistwogood #funk #demurdecks #demur #london #bristol #newmusicalert #musiclovers #raindrops #grandmasterflash #disclosure #bondax #lackofafro #hiphop #aztx #blakey #parallax #rakaairiscience #tashan #foodie #foodlovers #sonsofbill #johnprine #alejandroescovedo #soundcloud #spotify #youtube #music (at London, United Kingdom)
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#ApolloBrown, #digitalcratedigging, #hiphop, #PharoaheMonch, #RakaaIriscience, #RasKass, #SaturdayNightFever , #poetry
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Great show tonight. It's been a while since I've been to an art show. Glad we went to say hi to some friends and get inspired. #easternprojects #easternprojectsgallery #robertwilliams #MrBitchen #MrCartoon #rakaa #rakaairiscience
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Going down TOMORROW (6pm-12am) ($10/ALL AGES) LastManDidThat in Association w/Calafia Zuluz & PYFC presents THRU HER EYES Photography Showcase & FundRaiser for Imani Rhubi Vidal ~ Hosted By : @RakaaIriscience @pyfcsantamonica ~ 715 Pico Blvd. (btwn. 7th Ct. & 7th St.) Santa Monica, CA 90405 (featuring Photography works by Imani Rhubi Vidal @InsytePhotography & Jenny Lynn / Steady Jenny @steadyjenny Photography) Event Page : www.facebook.com/events/1703053703045271 (Pre-Sale Tix | Donations Info : [email protected]) Venue Info : www.facebook.com/pyfcsantamonica | www.picoyouth.org
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New Post Getmybuzzup - Everlast Teams Up With Sick Jacken & Divine Styler To Form New Hip-Hop Supergroup - http://getmybuzzup.com/?p=735523 - #B-Real, #BigDaddyKane, #DivineStyler, #Everlast, #HipHop, #New, #RakaaIriscience, #SickJacken, #Termanology, #VinniePazPlease Share
#B-Real#Big Daddy Kane#Divine Styler#Everlast#Hip Hop#new#Rakaa Iriscience#Sick Jacken#termanology#Vinnie Paz
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Process time lapse of @esnine #watchthependulumswing cover artwork featuring the one and only, @fashawn 🙏🏽🙌🏽 So hyped for this album to drop, honor and a pleasure to do what I love for friends. Thank you all. Oct 20th release. Featuring @therealrakaa @fashawn @agofditc @supastition @wildelux @rileyboone @chiefer_sutherland @marcopolobeats @glad2mecha @d.l.romero #art #arte #deltondemarest #denverart #hiphop #boombap #turntablism #westup #caallday #cencal #fashawn #showbizandag #dilatedpeoples #rakaairiscience #digginginthecratescrew #mercadhiphop #209hiphop #westcoasthiphop #digitalart #mtn94 #mtnhardcore #acrylic #esnine (at Merced, California)
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#dilatedpeoples #paris #rakaairiscience #hiphop #rap #mc
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🎧 The year was #2001 #nowplaying #SwollenMembers Bad Dreams Foodsic Stats: 4.22 / 33%🔥 . 🔥 (5-Star) Tracks: Camouflage, Deep End, Anthrax Island, Snake Bite, Dark Riders, Fuel Injected Notable producers/features: #Madchild #Evidence #MokaOnly #RakaaIriscience #Chali2na #DJBabu #DJRevolution #PlanetAsia #Alchemist . . . ____________ My Ratings Defined ____________ I use traditional 5-star track ratings. Keep in mind that these ratings change over time with repeat listens. o 5.00 = Masterpiece o 4.50 = Classic o 4.25 = Excellent - Has enough to be more than Solid, but not quite close to Classic conversation. This album quite possibly will be in rotation for years to come. o 4.00 = Solid - The album is something I'm going to listen to more than a few times and will probably stay in my rotation for the next few weeks/months. Only has a few missteps within the project. o 3.75 = Pretty Good - Many of the tracks I can get into but overall nothing special here. o 3.00 to 3.50 = OK to "Ehhh, whatever..." - The album might have a few stand-out tracks but that's it. As a whole, it's easily forgettable. o 2.25 to 2.75 = Mostly Garbage – If I’m lucky, I’ll find at least one 5-star 🔥 track so hopefully my time wasn’t wasted. o Below 2.00 = Pure Shit. Listening to this was torture. I'm sorry ears. #hiphop #rap #hiphophead #THROWBACK #undergroundhiphop #hiphopjunkie #hiphoprap #hiphopforever #raplife #hiphopmusic #hiphopreviews #albumreviews #albumratings I am JewPac (lol), a Jew that has an addiction to hip-hop (and music overall). Fall of 2017, I began my next music project/journey, "JewPac Journey", and set out to rate (and rank... Coming in 2019-2020) every single album in my vast iTunes Library AND research those albums/artists I either never heard or knew until now. So, feel free to come along for the ride and please comment/recommend as much as you like as it's impossible to know & listen to everything. When I'm complete, I will release JewPac Journey's playlist which will consist of my fav hip-hop tracks from the very beginning (DJ Kool Herc) along with full Foodsic diagnostics on foodsic.com (which I recently bought). https://ift.tt/2jBHbDw
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Record 1699. #Blackalicious #Passion #12inchsingle Featuring #DJBabu and #RakaaIriscience , and on the flip, potentially Gift Of Gab's dopest verses since Alphabet Aerobics, with the spectacular "Paragraph President". #giftofgab #chiefxcel #hiphop #rap #vinyl #records #nowspinning #vinyljunkie #recordcollection #vinyligclub #hiphopwax #hiphopvinyl #vinylcollectionpost #12inch https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp_5i_VAKdA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=y2clmms8ylz1
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