#Radio Fashionista
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alteregozowie · 20 days ago
Somewhere Out There - @indulgentnine
Not saying a word, the previous song ends, and Velvette hears the sound of a piano, but it didn't sound like the melody of a track, it sounded live....as if he were playing.
Alastor hoped she would pick up on it, since she often sang to the songs he played, or those she requested. So as both sat in their respective towers, the sound of the piano was commanding the attention.
The floor was hers.
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alteregozowie · 2 months ago
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"You're just jealous."
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"Pfft he probably can't romance his way out of a paper bag."
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red-velvette-swirl · 1 year ago
Since an anonymous asked me if I could create pastries with my powers, I presumed it must be for you since the ones Vox made you got destroyed in the fire. So I felt like being nice since I like you more than the other vees and I made you some beignets topped with powdered sugar and chocolate sauce on the side.
I would be careful with them around your outfits though. My mother used to chide me when I was little for getting powdered sugar all over my clothes.
-Alastor the radio demon
Smiles being nice? That's new.
But aww, you made me pastries~?
I'll hide them and nibble them all night long.
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spookwriter-xo · 4 months ago
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Chapter 5 - The Deep Dive
Chapter Summary - Y/N discusses the terms of the contract with the owners of ATZ Corp, where Hongjoong surprises her.
warnings: slight hints at sex work - poor descriptions of a house and room
Series Masterlist
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The upper-class part of town was full of colorful people. You have the rich side, where the fashionistas and businessmen collide to indulge in brunches and auctions. And then there was the side involved in more illegal activities to keep their power and status.
It didn't seem far-fetched that ATZ Corp was involved in such activities. My own father was too, as it was common in old-money families.
The car ride was silent, not even the radio was on. I felt a sense of unease settle in my belly as we neared the restaurant, I knew this area, my dad's company building was close by maybe 2 blocks away. I stared out the window at the people walking up and down the street in their expensive suits and designer clothes.
A part of me missed that life. Being able to have everything I could ever want in the palm of my hand. I remembered my parents' house, my room was bigger than my apartment now, with the plush mattress and walk-in wardrobe. If I agreed to the contract, would I get that back?
The other half was happy with the life I had created, and the independence I'd gained. Though the progress was slow, I was making a name for myself.
"Miss?" The driver called out, I hadn't even realized he was holding the back seat door open for me.
"Sorry... Thank you." I say quickly collecting myself before stepping onto the pavement in front of the restaurant. I was met by another man, dressed in all black with sunglasses and a mask covering his face. He gestured for me to follow him, and surprisingly I did.
The man led me through the restaurant, a few heads turning as we walked. I tried to keep my breath steady, feeling the heat of embarrassment rise on my cheeks. He led me down a hallway and towards a sliding door that was firmly shut. He bowed to me before knocking twice.
A muffled voice answers and the man slides the door open. I stand there in the doorway for a moment. The only people in there were 8 men. I recognized Seonghwa close to the head of the table, and Mingi who sat closest to the door. Mingi gave me a saddened look, did I disappoint him by showing up?
"You're here." The man at the head of the table said. That must be Hongjoong.
I nod before stepping inside, thanking my escort before going to sit at the empty seat next to Mingi and in front of another, rather broad-shouldered, man.
"Are you hungry?" Seonghwa asks, his eyes staring into mine. I shift slightly under his gaze.
"Not really," I answered dismissively. Seonghwa grins, amused, before nodding to the man by the door, who then leaves.
I glance around at all of them, taking in their appearances. They were handsome, I'd give them that. Maybe I was lucky to have caught Seonghwa's attention.
"Y/N." Hongjoong says. "Let's discuss the terms of the contract, yes?" He says the smirk on his face made my blood still for just a moment.
"Well," I start "I don't like the implication that I'm to be used as an outlet for your sexual frustrations." I send a glare his way for good measure.
Seonghwa raises an eyebrow and sips his drink. "Do you now?" Hongjoong chuckles, and I glare at him again. Was he seriously laughing right now? Maybe coming here was a bad idea, the only one who I might have a chance at taking me seriously is Mingi, and honestly, I wasn't so sure of his defensive abilities aside from physical.
"If you're going to laugh, then maybe I shouldn't have come," I say, moving to stand up, biting back a grin as Hongjoong's expression falters for a moment. If they're going to play games, I'll play too.
"There's no need for that." Another man says quickly. I glance at him for a moment, his eyes cat-like as he watched, no, studied me. I slowly sit back down, glancing up at Mingi who was giving me that same boba-eyed expression from last night. I guess it was kinda cute.
"If you didn't want something from us, you wouldn't have come," Seonghwa states. "So what is it that you want, Doll?"
I think for a moment. What did I want? I wasn't in this for money, I couldn't care less about that no matter how much I missed luxury. I'd never been eager to be involved in a polyamorous relationship before either. Why was I even here?
Maybe it was the security aspect? Knowing that I'd have people to fall back on if my career went sideways? A place to live where I'd actually be able to lock the door at night. 8 men to protect me didn't sound so bad either, I suppose.
Knowing that there was someone aside from Mia who supported and loved my art enough to come to every show. Knowing that someone liked me enough to warn me despite probably being told not to about the dangerous side of their lives.
My mind drifted back to the girl Mingi briefly mentioned. I had so many questions about her, what was her name? What happened to her?
"Y/N?" The man with the broad shoulders calls out from across the table. "Are you alright?"
I nod. "I want to be involved in the making of this contract. It doesn't seem fair that I'm expected to blindly sign it without having my own input." I say, looking at Hongjoong. His smile had fallen, his eyes watching me carefully.
"I want this to be more than what you wrote on that paper. I'm happy you're letting me continue my time at the society, but I can't control how long I'm practicing for. So you'll just have to suck it up." I state. The man with the cat eyes lets out a snort of amusement, covering it up with a cough.
"Go on." Hongjoong urges, leaning forward on his elbows.
"I want to take this slow. This whole thing is new to me and I don't want to overwhelm myself, especially when I'm in the middle of shows."
Hongjoong tilts his head and nods in understanding.
"How about we forget about the contract," Hongjjong says, leaning back in his seat. "It seems pointless and outdated if you ask me."
I blink in surprise, even the others look at him with bewildered looks.
"I'm sure you already know of what we do, thanks to big mouth over there," Hongjoong says, sending a look to Mingi who lowers his head. "So there's no point in keeping you out of the loop, and the contract does state that you don't ask questions."
"So, no contract?" I question.
"No contract, sweetheart." Hongjoong chuckles. "However I will need you to make a decision tonight. If word gets out that you're involved with one of us, and it will, we'll need to have you somewhere safer than your apartment." He says, right as the door opens again. Waiters enter with various trays of food, setting them down gracefully in the center of the table before leaving without a word.
I furrow my eyebrows as the boys begin to start eating immediately, chatting like I wasn't there. Mingi places a plate in front of me with a slight smile before continuing on with his conversation. I listened to their conversations, learning their names bit by bit. The man across from me, San, offered countless times to retrieve food for me so I didn't have to reach for anything.
I felt a pang in my stomach. Seonghwas love letters, Mingi holding doors open for me, and now San offering to retrieve food. Were they all such gentlemen?
"I accept." I blurt out before I can even stop myself. They all paused their conversations, and the sound of cutlery screeching to a halt caused my lips to quirk up slightly in amusement. Their heads slowly turn to me, genuinely surprised by my answer.
"You're serious?" Wooyoung, the man with the cat eyes, says with a mouth full of food. These were supposed to be ruthless businessmen/gang leaders, yet at that moment I saw the opposite. I saw young men who were so open to showing me, a stranger, so much vulnerability I almost couldn't handle it.
"I'm serious," I say, my voice barely above a whisper. At that, the boys all snap their heads at Hongjoong, who is smiling once again.
"Excellent." He says, before taking a bite of his food. I glance at Mingi, noticing the conflicting emotions on his face. I had to stop myself from reaching out, a part of me wanted to apologize to him for my answer, knowing how much he hadn't wanted me to accept.
I stopped myself, however, turning back to my food. I'd gambled with my life with my answer. Was it really going to be hard if I wanted to leave? What if I ended up not liking these boys as much as I'd assumed I would?
I started to regret my decision, however my pride stopped me from retracting it. I sat in silence as the boys continued to talk amongst themselves, about work and other things.
When the time came to go, I was the last to stand. My legs felt shaky and my throat dry. Mingi stood behind my chair and waited for me to stand, pulling it back as I did so I had space to move away from the table.
"No need to return to your apartment tonight. We have a room for you already." Hongjoong tells me, resting a hand on my back which made my body jolt in surprise.
"Already?" I ask as he starts to lead me out of the room. Instead of heading towards the main restaurant, he leads us through to a back door.
"We had it set up in case you said yes." He explains, nodding to the men waiting outside. I blinked in surprise at the number of them. Were they standing out here the whole time? Hongjoong leads me to a car that Yunho had climbed into just a moment prior.
I climb in also, followed by Hongjoong before the door is shut. I'm sandwiched between them, looking up at Yunho who is staring straight ahead with a cold expression. I purse my lips and look away, clearly he wasn't interested in small talk.
The car began to move, the vehicle weaving into traffic and speeding off. I kept my knees tucked close together to stop myself from nudging against the two men on either side. Hongjoong was on his phone, a serious expression on his brows as he aggressively typed a message out. Yunho had a blank expression as he stared out the window. His left hand resting on his thigh, the fingers spread and slightly gripping the fabric of his pants.
I noticed the scars on his knuckles, light pink against his pale skin. I glance up at his face and flinch as my eyes meet his. I quickly turn to the front, hearing him let out a huff of amusement before returning to the window.
Hongjoong had sat his phone down now, relaxing in the car seat.
"Seonghwa tells me you're a talented ballerina," Hongjoong says, finally breaking the silence. "I should come watch a show of yours."
I give him a small smile. "I'm not that good, I've been dancing for years so it's all experience."
"Humble are we?" He chuckles, turning his head to face me.
"It's better than being cocky," I say. "Though you wouldn't know about that would you?"
He lets out a cackle, Yunho doesn't even flinch beside me.
"I see why Seonghwa was so eager to have you." He says, his voice laced with amusement.
"Is he always like that?" I ask, finding a strange comfort now that Hongjoong and I were actually talking one-on-one, despite the looming presence on my right. "Like romantic, heaps of gifts."
"Yes. You'll get used to it after a while, might even come to appreciate it." Hongjoong says. "He's always been a giver, I may be the leader but he runs the house as far as I'm concerned." He smiles fondly while talking about his friends.
"How long have you known each other?" I ask.
"Since we were teens, some longer than others. I met Yunho first." He gestures to the other man. "Met the others not long after." He states.
I turn to the front and realize we are no longer in the city, but instead on a long road, the only light coming from the headlights and the full moon overhead.
"I hope you like blue, I had our housekeeper decorate your room for you," Hongjoong says, sitting up a little straighter as we turn into a driveway. "And don't be intimidated by the size of the house, I'll have someone give you a tour tomorrow."
"How big-?" I cut myself off as the house came into view. I feel my jaw drop slightly at the size of it. I saw the fountain first, the statue in the center carved carefully from stone. The house itself was magnificent, maybe twice the size of the one I grew up in.
"24 bedrooms," Hongjoong says, his smile wide as he looks at me. The car slowly comes to a stop at the front of the house, the tires crunching on the basalt.
Hongjoong got out first, holding the door open as I followed behind him. I strained my neck to look at the house, noticing all the artistic details littered through the brick.
"Impressed is she?" I hear Wooyoung shout from down the driveway.
"Seems like it," Hongjoong says, offering his arm. I hesitate for a moment before taking it.
A man by the door opens the door for us, my heels clicking on the marble. The foyer was brighter than I expected, a chandelier hung low from the ceiling with a grand staircase curving up the wall. My eyes scanned the room, the marble floor a pristine white with black and gold patterns throughout, two plush armchairs positioned neatly underneath one of the stair railings.
Hongjoong started walking towards the staircase on the right, helping me so that my heels didn't catch on my dress. I glance down at the others as the stairs curve to the side. Some had dispersed into the house, others lingered by the door to maintain conversation. loosening their ties to provide some comfort.
Upstairs was a little darker, instead of a marble floor it was a dark polished wood. Hongjoong led me down the hall until he stopped at the fourth door towards the back of the house. He opened the door for me and stepped back, allowing me to enter without being followed.
A luxurious bedroom unfolds, centered around a grand canopy bed. The bed features carved posts of polished wood, supporting a cascading canopy of sheer, light blue fabric with subtle golden embroidery. The bedding mirrors the room’s opulence, with plush pillows and a comforter in light blue satin trimmed with gold.
A cozy seating area in one corner features a pair of tufted armchairs upholstered in blue velvet, accompanied by a small, round marble table with gold legs. The floors are polished wood, softened by a plush, cream-colored rug that complements the room's serene yet regal palette. A crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling, casting a warm glow over the room. Tall windows line the back of the room, and light blue curtains are drawn to give some privacy.
"Do you like it?" Hongjoong says from the doorway.
"I love it," I say softly, turning to look at him. He had a soft expression on his face before he spoke.
"There's clothes in the wardrobe for you. I'll have someone go to your apartment sometime this week and collect some of your things." He says, going to shut the door and leave me be.
"Can I ask you something?" I say quickly, making him stop. "Why did you all agree to this? I mean, you don't even know me."
He examines me for a moment before answering, "Same reason as you, sweetheart." Before shutting the door. I hear his footsteps retreat back towards the staircase as I stand there, scared to touch anything and ruin the warm feeling of the room.
I slowly find my feet walking towards the walk-in wardrobe, a wide smile on my face as I notice that it's full. Someone really went out of their way to buy clothes from expensive clothing lines that somehow were exactly my size. I notice folded-up pajamas on the vanity towards the back of the room, my fingers touching the silky fabric before bundling them up in my arms. I walk out of the wardrobe, opening the next door to find a fully decked-out bathroom, equipped with everything I could need.
I got changed and wiped off my makeup before trudging back out into the main room. My eyes felt heavy, and I realized my social battery had gone down to almost empty since the day began. So much had happened, in just 3 hours and I couldn't help but feel completely exhausted.
I flopped onto the bed, the plush mattress beneath me a welcome feeling as I settled beneath the covers. I closed my eyes, somehow feeling at ease despite being in a strange environment. Something about the effort they put in, even if it was just a nice room, made me feel welcomed despite the silence I'd received from a few of them.
Jongho, Yeosang, and Yunho seemed to be a bit more standoffish than the rest. Maybe they weren't as eager as the others about a new person being invited into their home, no questions asked, and for that, I couldn't blame them.
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@bellaptv @arilevenatz @my-atiny-kookie-rkive @hecateslittlewitchling
@neuviloved @monstacheol @latisthegenderfluidwannabealone
@vtyb23 @bigbabygremlin @professormingiglasses
@pinuspot @astral-trashcan @ateezswonderland
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colourstreakgryffin · 1 year ago
Can you make another Alastor x Rarity reader like I love it sm and I need more 😭😭❤️
If you do thank youuuu
I definitely can! My dear @sillyalastor, here will be yours and @nenerobobot’s post for Rarity-reader and Al! I hope you both like our kinda short follow up to the Radio Demon and his Drama Queen!
Alastor- Diamond Trio
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Alastor knows how much of a detail-orientated and fussy woman you are, and he knows fashion colours, stitching processes, habits, facts and more on the top of his head. He knows what is considered eggshell white and what is considered ivory white. That’s how much time he spends with you
Alastor has been teaching you some new recipes, ones that get a bit messy. Whilst, you’re very worried about getting food on you and is wearing about five layers of protection each time you cook with him. He finds it cute and cheers you on for you being so precise and careful with the measurements. You’ll stand there for five minutes making sure the water percentage is just perfect and he thrives off that
Alastor is not a fan of you being friends with any of the Overlords except Rosie, so when he finds out, you befriended a fellow fashionista Velvette. He is supportive of your wishes but he is glaring down Velvette and threatening her behind your back to not hurt you or he’ll hurt her. Needless to say… Al’s protective and he doesn’t tolerate any of your friends trying to ruin your spirits or your work
So that means, if anybody rejects your outfit choice and creation you made for them, even politely. Alastor will hunt them down. You’re generous and you should be praised for that generosity. Alastor takes everything you give him, if he doesn’t like it, he’ll merely ask for some additions. He won’t ever demand a new outfit or item
Now. How did you and Alastor meet, you ask? You met him at a grand gala. It mainly consisted of Overlords but a handful of Sinners were invited and you were one of them, brought into this ‘incredible’ party
Alastor had been quite intrigued by you, the moment he saw you. A gorgeous, classy, sophisticated sinner dressed in the most pretty, regal maroon pink dress he has ever seen. You had attended this ‘best night ever’ party in hopes to find your prince, the man of your dreams and when you ran into a prissy but handsome Overlord that screamed prince-like grace, you immediately latched onto him. Unaware that you’re actual prince is the one Overlord all the guests avoided like the plague
Alastor couldn’t bring himself to just ignore the only shining jewel within this boring, prim and proper high-class party. He was so uninterested that he only got entertainment out of talking to his dear friend, Rosie. So after some careful yet quick consideration, he begun to follow you and your… date around the large palace hosting this gala under the cover of shadows. He was curious on what you’d do and the disgust he felt over this Overlord acting so uncharming and so harsh to a sweet lady such as yourself. He doesn’t tolerate women of radiance being disrespected
Alastor is so glad that you finally put your foot down after all the treatment: that ‘Prince’ of a Overlord making you pay for treats, making you give up the cushion seat, taking your rose for himself, making you throw your gorgeous silky-fabric shawl over a puddle so neither of you would slip. No gentleman should treat his lady this way and his blood is boiling in pure disgust at his fellow Overlord. The final straw is when that Overlord used you as a shield to block off the pretty strawberry icing cheesecake that came flying at the pair of you
Alastor watched from the sidelines with much pride and respect, over you talking that Overlord down and proclaiming he is a royal pain but of course, that ‘prince’ only cared about his looks and was scared of you drenched in the cake. Shaking off some of the cake on your dress, hair and face to get it onto the Overlord, out of raw rage. You ended up stomping out of the main big dance ballroom, furious and on the verge of crying. Leaving that ‘date’ of yours behind
Alastor couldn’t stop himself from following you. He was curious how a pretty mid-atlantic accented lady would handle being humiliated and having lashed out against her ‘date’ in front of almost ALL of the guests in the Gala. Your pretty sparkly almost diamond-like eyes poured tears, smudging your nice mascara and light blue eyeshadow as you stomped into the pretty empty gardens and cried out your rage
Oh. Alastor didn’t like seeing somebody so innocent and done no wrong mistreated like this. Even if it was amusing, he doesn’t like it
So, he finally approaches you after a few seconds of watching you vent out your feelings through sobs. His strong sharp crimson red eyes going from your forehead golden crown to the glass plumps to the still damp shawl tied around your shoulders in a classy princess style. You’re the most beautiful guest at this sorry excuse of a Gala. Alastor folds one arm behind his back, his own gala-style black, white and red coloured suit making his red and black colouration pop as he presents you with a rose
“I believe this is yours, my dear” Your glassy eyes turned over to look at him, the almost folded, multi-layers of your dress hugging your curves and hiding your leg movements as it just felt like this night went from the worst to the best. Is this the actual gentleman you’ve always wanted?! Gently reaching out, you’re a bit intimidated by how strong his glare is, how visible his golden yellow fangs are through that wide open grin, with how menacing his long fingers are
Taking the still stemmed rose from Alastor, you didn’t even know his name but you wished you did… you are a bit scared he may be a fake like that awful Overlord you were chasing after just before but he seems friendly enough. Alastor lifts up your hands with his single one, precisely placing the rose into your prettily curled and tied up hair, just above your bangs before speaking once more. His entire presence leaking charm, grace and poise
“Shall we dance?”
You were a bit shy, still drenched in destroyed layered cake batter but Alastor didn’t even chuckle at how ruined your clean, neat look is now. He merely snaps his fingers and like that, all the sweet confectionery remains are gone and all the ruffled, ripped or knotted parts of your dress and hair is smoothed out to perfection, as well as your slightly wet shawl back to being completely dry and your makeup returned to more presentable. Just like how you looked when you entered this Gala and when Alastor first saw you. Taking a deep breath, your cheeks flustered and blushy
You take his hand and with a single tug, you and him are dancing together in the calm, breezy, beautiful gardens of the giant gala palace, no music, no other prissy annoying guests. Just the plants, the animals and you two
Your eyes are no long filled to the brim with tears, anger and heartbreak. You’re now developing a sense of admiration and awe at Alastor being so gentlemanly and sweet with you in seconds flat, he’s treating you the way you wanted that blueblood ass to treat you and it’s making your heart flutter. Twirling slowly in a nice slow steady waltz, the only music ringing is the sound of the nearby birds singing
That night was the best night ever
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alteregozowie · 1 month ago
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"I suppose.....it wouldn't be as fun anymore if she's dead. I can still pop her head off and kick it down the stairs, it's not like she'll die from that."
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Just breathe Adam, you’ve had kids before. In a way, this was no different.
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“New ground rules, no killing each other. If one of you tries breaking that rule then both of you are getting punished. The both of you will swap towers, Velvette in the radio tower and Al in the V’s tower. For a damn month.”
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radioisntdead · 10 months ago
Hey could I request a scenario where the reader is Alastor's niece and the vees have a crush and alastor's reaction to finding out as well as the Vees. Honeslty if you have it where he beats up basically goes ha no for Vals part and beats him up I'd love that
Good evening my dear after writing I'm realizing you may have meant for them to be separate categories but I went love square [???]
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Valentino, the Vee's being weird, OOC, Vox being a voyeuristic creep, reader has deer features
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You know after aiding your favorite [and only] uncle in murder and falling to hell while your mother and grandma ascended above, having a trio of overlords falling head over heels for you was NOT on your bingo card.
You didn't notice them having a crush on you until Auntie Rosie pointed it out when Velvette had a large shipment of not only clothing mailed to you but with flowers, Vox had sent electronics and more flowers [that Alastor would have such joy destroying] and Valentino had sent you erotica.
Velvette would be the most aggressive in getting your attention, she probably also has the biggest chance to win over your affections, shoving people out of the way to talk to you, affectionately calling you things, giving you a new woredrob every other week, flowers, personally inviting you to her fashion shows and giving you VIP seating.
Vox watches you, I imagine you at least have a phone probably not Voxtech though so I imagine it's probably slightly harder to watch you through that, but with drones and other devices he watches, probably calls you something like Doe-eyes or Dollface, he's called you mini Alastor a couple of times which you did NOT APPRECIATE, once he realizes that Alastor keeps destroying the technology he sends you he switches to flowers, with cameras in them, he sometimes teleports through them and is often met with you swinging something at him and breaking his screen, unfortunately for you he's into that.
Valentino, arguably the WORST one to have pinning over you, dude manages to pop out at the worst times offering to make you a star, asking you to warm his bedroom, uncomfortably leaning in and touching you.
You ripped off his antenna.
The three of them bicker over you in private.
Now after you figured out WHY they were sending you shit and giving you special privileges you immediately snitched to Uncle Alastor because you did NOT want to deal with the whole dumpster fire that was the Vees.
Now Alastor wasn't naive about the Vee's... Affections towards you, again they sent you a concerning amount of things, but he didn't do anything because you're an adult and you can make your own decisions.
But when you come to him saying that Valentino sent you erotica and made you uncomfortable?
Well you are his one and only niece! The only family he has down here! The least he can do is squish a little purple moth for you!
You wonder if restraining orders were a thing in hell and if they'd work.
Now the TV guy and fashionista surprisingly were NOT completely thrown off by their buddy's screams getting absolutely blasted on Alastor's radio broadcast, they kept their simping to a more low-key level with only flowers getting shipped to you from Velvette and weird love emails from Vox.
Vox for some reason thinks asking Alastor for your hand in MARRIAGE, was a good idea.
It was NOT.
He's lucky he didn't meet the same fate as Valentino.
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Maybe one day you'd choose one of the remaining Vee's or both if you're into that, or maybe neither.
But for now you'd use their infatuation with you to your advantage.
Good evening folks! I hope you enjoyed and I think it's probably obvious at this point that Velvette is my favorite out of the Vee's.
Am I ever going to write a fic where Valentino isn't injured or straight up dead in some way? No, no I'm not.
Anyways as always thank you for tuning in!
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saintslewis · 2 years ago
— pairing: lewis hamilton x fem!oc
— trope: fake/arranged marriage
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— summary: the Browns and the Hamiltons have been neighbours for many years, Nadia and their oldest son, Lewis, not being as close as the families had hoped they would be. Years later, everyone drifts apart into different neighbourhoods, some others becoming one of the best drivers to ever grace the sport of Formula One however being a man of his stature, fame came along with it and so did the scandals.
can a fake marriage to a complete stranger help keep his image alive? let’s find out!
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✧༚ ˎˊ˗ ———————— let’s meet the lovely couple!
👩🏽‍🏫 —— nadia brown!
“the coolest teacher ever”
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⸰ֺ⭑ - a south african native who moved to stevenage with her mom when she was 8 and gosh, her character development is one for the books. from being the shy one for all of her school years, university changed everything and made her the social butterfly that you will all grow to love soon. fav colour is pink. fav artist is beyoncé. she teaches history and knows jack shit about f1 except that the cool guy that her parents support used to be their neighbour. absolutely loves the moon and is a part time stylist. will fight for you even she met you a second ago.
🏎️ —— lewis hamilton!
“the goat.”
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⸰ֺ⭑ - a literal superstar. the stevenage driver who i would describe as the coolest person ever and many would agree. an adrenaline junky with a heart of gold and filled with positivity (and sass but you didn’t hear it from me). thee fashionista and he knows he’s fine, he just does. father to roscoe. fav colour is purple. loves discussing space and its beauty. did i mention he’s the coolest guy ever? super supportive of everyone around him and he’s knighted. ladies and gents, mr mercedes!
✧༚ ˎˊ˗ info abt renaissance!
˖ ࣪⭑ - warnings: cussing, outfit descriptions, a bit of angst, mentions of alcohol, a talk of ad21, south african slang, slight hints of smut (18+ MDNI), not much of a slow burn lol, lots and lots of brand names, slight themes of sugar daddy! lewis at some point lol (think of it as him spoiling her!)
˖ ࣪⭑ - inspo: this idea just spawned into my head as well as a few of my wip’s mushed together to make this masterpiece. i absolutely love beyonce so using RENAISSANCE for a project so special to me just make wanna do a couple cartwheels. i hope you guys enjoy this as much as i did making this!
˖ ࣪⭑ - saint’s team radio: omg hi everybody 🤭. first oc on tumblr woohoo! not a lot of the song lyrics will relate to the plot of the chapter but more so the beat of the song or the vibe? hope that makes sense lol. i hope you guys like the humour i’m gonna add in here. there isn’t a schedule for this yet but hopefully i’ll be more organised in the future. let’s get this party started!
˖ ࣪⭑ - taglist: @thisismeracing @goldsainz @folkloresthings @flowerchild-96 @userlando (i read your blogs as if it’s my morning paper so i hope you like this 😭) @non-stop-imagines @royallyprincesslilly . let me know if you wanna be tagged in this or future fics!
˖ ࣪⭑ - dividers by @cafekitsune 🫶🏽
˖ ࣪⭑ - pictures from pinterest and twitter
˖ ࣪⭑ - nadia faceclaim: @/unclewaffles_ on ig!
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- the first meeting.
- imagine having dinner with your family then they announce that you’re getting married? you better get cozy for this one!
- first “date”. gotta show the world the newest married couple!
- didn’t Lewis say he was a professional dancer? well now he is 🕺🏽
- first day in the paddock, let’s gaurrr
- ooohhhhh, the school’s calling for a meeting with Nadia 😟
- party time activated ‼️
- a rainy afternoon in the kitchen with the both of them dancing? literally screaming!
- catching feelings there?
10. MOVE
- a visit to Nadia’s work place isn’t so bad, right? …right?
- time to let the world know who exactly Nadia is and why to not mess with her or her husband. period.
- party time pt 2?
- how about a little vacation? :D
- seems like it’s more than just america! 😃
- coming soon!
- coming soon!
- a little valentine’s day gift to you all from me + lewis’ (proper) proposal!
status: ongoing
saintslewis 🫶🏽
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hi there! I'm a fellow artist and hazbin hotel fan..i just wanted to ask if you have an Velvette redesign? Also, can you follow my account please? Only if you want to. That's all I have to say rn. Love your work!!☆
Part. 7 The Vees
Hazbin Hotel reimagine/redesign! (For fun!)
TW/// Mentioned Sex trafficking & ED
🌐🦈Volt (Vox)🦈🌐
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Reimagined! Vox desc:
A sinner with a shark form who replaced his face with his alias' namesake, The Television Demon was a TV salesman in the 1950's, obsessed with technological progress and a proud transhumanist. Imagine his surprise when it turned out the afterlife exists. ↓↓↓
The TV demon has the reputation of a coolheaded businessman, but his personality is neurotic to say the least. He is very loud, overly enthusiastic, and treats everything, no matter how minor or petty, with the highest level of seriousness.
He tried to get Alastor on his side, to show him that radio is outdated and he'd be much better off replacing his face with a monitor as well. Needless to say that interaction didn't go so well, and his clueless ass still has no idea what he said to make him so angry in the first place.
(Keeping the description vague so it can be expanded upon once s2 comes out)
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Reimagined! Valentino desc:
The biggest critique I have for both HH and HB are their weak villains. Much like Stella, Valentino feels like a shallow caricature of an abuser that adds nothing to the story besides 'abuse bad', and does little to warn or educate audiences about it. To me, his character is ultimately worthless. Which is why I overhauled him and made him into an abuser people could actually encounter in real life.
An exotic pet trader sent to hell, The Predator Demon began to shift from animal to human trafficking. He is friendly, soft-spoken, reads poetry, plays chess, and never talks about work in his free time. If you were to meet him outside the studio, it's easy to develop respect for him.
It's only when you see firsthand what he does to his employees that your beliefs would be shaken. Still, he'd assure you that it's necessary to discipline workers when they're not doing their job right. A part of you truly believes such a pleasant man would never do something like this without a reason, so you're inclined to believe him. He doesn't find Angel or even most people he works with attractive, he just does what he has to do to keep them in line.
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Reimagined! Velvette desc:
The youngest overlord to ever raise to the title, The Vanity Demon is a social media obsessed 18 year old fashionista. She comes from a rich family so she knows how to rub shoulders with the elite. She also knows how to make people insecure and dependant on her to 'fix them', so she quickly amassed enough souls to be one of the big 3.
She was the one who founded hell's social media where she promotes EDs, look shaming, and toxicity. While she likes to present herself as a diva, she is actually very preppy and unoriginal, stealing her workers' ideas and passing them as her own.
While she is tied to the angel's head plot, she gradually gathers more information on the who and how of the event. Eventually when the angels come to attack the hotel, she finally learns about angelic steel and who is skilled enough to weild it - Vaggie. Rest assured that little angel won't be leaving her sight any time soon.
Hello! Thank you so much! I'm so glad you like my stuffs!! I've been very selective in who I follow recently so I won't be able to follow unfortunately 😔, but this ask finally gave me the push I needed to redesign the Vees! I think their desighns fit them really well but with the AU evolving I wanted to fully me-ify them! Hope you have a great day!!! :33
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alteregozowie · 2 months ago
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Feeling as though she hasn't done her nightly bothering to Alastor in a hot second, Velvette finds herself tapping her nails against the radio in her lap, humming to herself.
"Testing, testing, can you always hear around one of these?"
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"Yes, for your information, darling."
What he won't tell her, is that he tunes in specifically to her radio's frequency. So she doesn't catch him off guard. That's it.
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kamon-of-hope · 10 months ago
Event: Summer Music Festival
*You come across a flyer promoting an exciting event. It says the following: 'It's that time of the year again, everyone! The Okinawa Summer Music Festival is making its grand return with a massive line up! We got bands from all over the country and many other bands from across the seven seas! For the entire summer season, we got music of all genres to fill the air! Classical, Rock, Heavy Metal, Pop, Jazz, Somba, Polka, and more! Every one has a song in their heart and has every right to play and be heard! You want in on the party!? Then come on down and take part in the Okinawa Summer Music Festival! See you soon, music lover!' You look at the date and time of the festival. Jun 1 to August 25. Sounds like a fun time to be had.*
@the-vees @bartender-husk @the-reaper-games @ask-ultimate-fashionista @hoshi-neko-hikari
@edens-garden-au @fall-of-eden @bad-ending-cards @xxcottoncandybitchxx
@paths-of-sound @virtuoso-lies @hopes-memorial @radio-doe @rising-morningstar
@domini-inferni(Zeezi, the Vees, or Alastor) @klowns-bitch @anemoacedia @xxstaticontheradioxx
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I just... want to see what happens...when Velvette gets a shot at switching Alastor's outfit.
Like, she was going to fight him, but his oldfashioned style pisses her off enough that the Overlord Fashionista just CAN'T. She just CAN'T deal with it.
He's squared up for a battle and suddenly she's like 'no... we can do better' and flicks different attire through. and he's like ????
Sure, he's modelled for Rosie before when she was testing new styles and needed someone tall or uniquely emaciated as many cannibals and cannibettes tended to be... but not like this.
"Excuse me, miss, don't I get a say in this?" he broaches, suddenly more amused than annoyed. Because this audacity was endearing.
"Given you picked that little number out yourself? No. Bad as Vox before I got to him, you just hold on there MP3lord and we'll get you looking modern."
If she wasn't so fascinatingly confident, he'd eat her. And yet...
"Is there any chance you'd be willing to do this somewhere I can't directly see Vox and his arousal staring back at me?"
"His WHA-... Oi, piss off, V! Don't make this weird!"
"But Vel..."
"No, this is a fashion emergency not a striptease, bugger off."
"Thank you dear. I must say I'm not a fan of whatever the hell this fabric is..."
"It's called denim and it won't kill you, but I'm just guessing about form here. If you got fur on those spindly little legs we'll need to put a muffling layer in there to avoid building up static..."
Alastor gets the impression that this wasn't a five minute thing, and decides to roll wth it. He could escape at any time but... ah, the entertainment value! "Ah well, if you insist."
To get even, he changes her hairstyle and attire to somethign from his era. "Now now, it's only fair..."
No one was prepared for him to walk through the Loby nonchalantly in a Velvette-approved and utterly modern take on his outfit without the slightest hint of anything being unusual.
Husk immediately gets in his face to check his eyes, and is utterly confused when it seems to be Alastor all the way down. "Well fuck me, its not hypnosis... did you lose a bet to Rosie? She'd probably put you in one of her dresses though, based on that last wager..."
"Oh Husker, you are a laugh riot. I was merely in a heated argument with Miss Velvette and she objected to my attire, and refused to fight until she had the chance to share some 'options'. By the time we were finished, there seemed litttle point in the altercation as we''d talked out the matter."
There's a pause. "You own a little cellular devicee that conencts to the internet, can you please explain what on earth the words 'rizzable DILF' means? If I didn't know she wasn't a cannibette, I'd assume her desire was to eat me when she finished this little number."
"I know!" niffty yells as she falls out of the ceiling.
"Niff, DON'T!" Husk lunges for her. "Little help?" he growls at Angel, who is howling with laughter and slamming his fist on the bartop in mirth.
"Sure... congrats Smiles, looks like ya adoption of Charlie went through 'cause Vel thinks you're a DILF... which stands for-..."
Niffty is hurled at his head and wraps around with all her limbs like a very clingy cannonball.
"Well, if no one here will tell me, I shall simply seek out Charlotte or Vagathina-May Twinkletoes the Fifth... perhaps they will know." Alastor shrugs, and heads towards the staff lounge. "Charlotte my dear, I have a question!"
"NO HE DOESN'T!" Husk yells over him.
There's a pause as he obviously locates the young ladies, and then a loud 'WHAT?!" before the radios go haywire.
"Ah fuck, he's gonna be insufferably smug once he calms down..." Husk groans, turning to unlatch Niffty. Angel gasping in air frantically, still giggling.
"Aw man, I'm gonna go full Rizzler on Smiles, see what happens..."
Husk grit his teeth and wondered why he was surrounded by so many idiots that had never met a survival instinct they couldn't ignore, bypass or duck under.
Things only escalate when Angel flippantly refers to Lucifer as the DILFlord Supreme, which triggers a fight between him and Alastor, vying for a title they didn't really understand or want but couldn't stand the other having.
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marewithfangs · 1 year ago
(General and QPR) Alastor x reader headcanons!
warnings: this is written with an aroace reader in mind, reader is gender neutral, physical touch but like. on a very low level.
honestly, even if you are the closest person to him in hell; within the first year of your qpr relationship, i dont think he would change in mannerisms that much around you, even when out of wandering eyes. he will have that smile on all the time; and wont favor showing emotions, with few exceptions. dont take it to heart, that is just the way he is most comfortable!
he will change however, in the way that he goes out of his way to help you without asking for anything in exchange. opening doors for you, pulling back your seat so you dont have to; all that jazz. very big on acts of service.
also, it is very clear where his attention diverts to when you enter the room.
back from running some errands for charlie, you approach the hotel doors with hands full with bags, a slump in your step.
maroon eyes catch yours, and with a subtle change in the everlasting smile of the radio demon, he is by your side instantly. welcoming you and taking the bags off your hands while you are distracted with his talking. what kind of gentleman would he be if he didn't help his tired partner?
even if he would never mention it, he is grateful that you dont really put a label in the relationship and just vibe honsetly. i dont think he would ever be comfortable with a fully romantic relationship. you were made for each other in that sense!
he loves pranking you for the reactions, so expect a few scares even though he would never harm you intentionally if he could help it.
we all know that even if he is okay with touching people; he doesnt favor physical touch, and lets very occasionally and very specific people touch him. however, you are one of those very few people and even have special being-alastor's-partner privileges! he would very rarely object to your touch, and subconsciously initiates it more frequently with you than others.
you probably touched his ears once, maybe accidentally; maybe not. it caught him so off guard he just stopped talking and stared at you for 30 seconds straight before vanishing to somewhere else. what a guy
kisses are very rare, but sweet when they happen. his favourite place to kiss you would be your forehead, the crown of your head and the back of your hand. definitely won't object to quick cheek kisses from you!
loves!! to dance with you. put on some jazz and he could dance for hours without breaking a sweat, has a very impressive stamina. also, i believe that while suspicious at first because of the name, he would LOVE the electro swing genre!
he is a very charming gentleman, so people who dont know who he is (if they even exist...) ever try to hit on him, maybe try to distract that person if they are a good enough guy, you know? no need for unnecessary blood spilt.
rosie would LOVE you. and i mean it. she would be ecstatic that alastor found someone like him. you would get invited to a lot of hang outs with her! sometimes with alastor, sometimes with just you. if you are a little bit of fashionista she would love to go to clothing shopping with you, helping you choose what fits you better; if that specific piece is too extra... all that! or you could just have tea and sweets, and talk about your interests together.
he is very good at reading you, especially through your smile and laughs. definitely can tell when your laugh is forced or not in conversations very well. that is mostly how he reads the situation and gets you out of it (maybe in more alastors ways than not, if he doesn't like the person youre talking with) if he senses you are uncomfortable. what is a surprise to him is how you would also be able to read him and his smiles within time.
i dont know if he would tell you about the deal he made at all. he would probably avoid it as much as he could. it is a weakness of his that he would rather not be reminded of, and he would just not want you to know about it. if you ever found out about it, and decide to ask about it; while i dont think he would snap at you like he did with husk in the show, it would still create tension between you along with him avoiding to answer.
how much sincerity he shows to you would be very dependent on for how long youve been his partner. yes, you may be able to read him a little better within time, but that is no feat with how many secrets he probably holds. i still think it would take a year or so before he starts showing sincerity, although subtle and would do so seldomly. it would take maybe a decade until he would be comfortable enough to be fully transparent with you. but, oh would it be worth it.
overall, i love him very much your honour. he is the guy ever and would be a very charming and fun partner if you ignore the murder and crypticism!!!!
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violettduchess · 7 months ago
Ahh, could I request Matthias with “I grew up on a farm” or “Use me”? Or whatever you feel like! 🙏❤️
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A/N: In honor of his birthday today, here is your request anon!
Making such a proper character into a country boy wasn't easy until I found a way to connect the prompt "I Grew Up on a Farm" with Matthias's pride in Achroite.
Modern Country AU, Matthias x Reader
Entry for @candied-boys Country Radio CC
WC: 1.2k
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The high-rise buildings of your city glisten with the reflection of a thousand neon lights. They flaunt the reds and pinks and yellows like fashionistas on a runway. Far below, the cars drive, resembling little lightning bugs, their bright, white headlights guiding them along the road to their destinations. The sky above is a gray mass of clouds, blanched and ubiquitous. The night's starlight has no chance against the blinding glow of the city and when it is visible, the moon is only a pale shadow of herself, like a copy made too many times.
Matthias is standing on the balcony of your small apartment, leaning on the railing. His strong hands curl around the cool metal, broad shoulders slumped forward. Slipping his hoodie over your thin nightgown, you step outside and join him. The sounds of the city that never sleeps greets you, a familiar song that has accompanied your nights since you were young.
You wrap your arms around him from behind. Feeling you hug him brings a tenuous smile to his lips and he places his hands over yours, holding you there, a silent plea to not let go. Your head falls forward to rest against his broad back and you breathe in the scent of him, cool and crisp and clean. It reminds you of snow-capped mountains, of winter’s first kiss, of a lake frozen over, diamond-like and dazzling in the pale December sun.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
His exhale is heavy. It courses through his body, dragging the weight of his tangled emotions with it. They feel like chains around his heart, fetters that tighten with every beat.
Your voice sharpens with concern as you let go and move so that you can see him. His noble face, the one you tease him about and say looks like a fairy tale prince, is shadowed by something that dampens the soft gray of his eyes, pulls down the corners of his handsome mouth. “Matthias?”
He hesitates and your stomach twists. Something is definitely wrong.
He touches his forehead, frowning, as if willing the thoughts to find the way out of his mind. “This may sound silly. I’m not a child but...” His voice sounds tight, wound with the fear of what may happen when he gives his thoughts life. “I....I miss home.”
You step back, away from him.
His gaze is pleading, heartbreakingly sad. “I know I said I would try. For us. I know your life is here and I thought I would manage. But darling....” His voice breaks on the word and he has to take a moment to regain control. “Darling, I am not made for this place.” He gestures towards the city, now behind him. “I miss the mountains. And the Achroite ranch. The people.” He sinks down onto the chair in the corner of the balcony, his tall body folding like a demolitioned building. “And I’m selfish for it, I know. I promised you. And yet.....” He runs a hand through his short, blond hair. “I can’t....be truly happy here.” Anguished he looks up at you, expecting to see the betrayal written in your expression, hurt shining in your eyes. 
Instead what he sees is something softer, something gentle.
Carefully you cross the small balcony to where he is sitting on the plastic folding chair and reach for him, dropping down onto his lap, knowing from experience the little chair is mighty enough to hold you both. He watches you closely, brows knit in a frown, but he wraps his strong arms around you, almost hesitantly.
Reaching up, you cup his cheek. “I know.”
“You do?”
For a man so intelligent he could be so dense.
You nod, running your thumb over his chin, a gesture familiar and loving. “The minute we left the ranch it was like your glow was slowly fading, a little every day. And I wanted to believe I could be enough to keep it alight. I thought if I could do that, your decision to return with the crazy tourist from the big city who wanted a dude ranch experience and got so much more wouldn’t turn into the biggest regret of your life–”
He hugs you to him tightly, shaking his head as he buries his face in your shoulder. “No, not possible.”
Gently you lift his head so you can look into his eyes. “You love me. I know you do. But you don’t love it here. And so this, here,.....it won’t work.”
The storm breaks in the gray of his gaze. He closes his eyes, fighting back the flood that is breaking his heart and drowning its pieces.
“Which is why we have to leave ‘here’....and go....” Your palm rests against his heart. “Where this is.”
Tears shine like raindrops in the sun when he opens his eyes again, disbelieving.
“What?” It’s a whisper, a prayer in the wind.
“I could never be happy seeing you this way, so far from that place that is in every heartbeat, in every shadow of your thoughts.” You hold his gaze as you speak the words that have been written on your heart for some time now. “ I fell in love with the man with the wide smile who showed me the mountains at sunrise, who shows the same consideration to everyone, from the boy who mucks the stables to the mayor of the town. The one who took me for long rides through the hills and showed me the pond where he learned to swim, the tree he fell from and broke his arm.” You smile, stroking his cheek. “I want that Matthias back and I think the only way I can find him is to bring him back to the land he loves....and if he’ll have me, join him there.”
“Are you sure?” The words are tremulous, restrained. “I couldn’t ask you to leave the city if it would make you miserable. I couldn’t put you through-“
“Screw the city. It was never that great anyway.” Your forehead touches his, your hands cradle his face. “I didn’t grow up feeling like you did. Like this place is a piece of me. What I do know.....is wherever you go, that’s home. To the mountains, to the moon. I don’t care. All I need is you.”
His words are barely audible. “But we came back here because of your job....you didn’t want to give it up. I would never ask you to do that.”
“I know you wouldn’t. And that’s why I am doing it voluntarily.” You lean back and there is nothing but warmth in your heart. “A ranch like yours always needs some extra hands, right? And I’m sure you can teach me.”
“You’re sure?”
There is not a single spark of hesitation in your answer. “Yes.”
Relief like a river rushes through him and he can only stare in awe at you, the brightest sun in his sky. “I love you.”
You don’t reply with words. Instead you lean forward and kiss him, an answer, a testament to a love as bright and endless as the Western sky.
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Taglist: @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @aria-chikage
@tele86 @dear-mrs-otome @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia
@wendolrea @myonlyjknight @ikesimpleton @ikemenlibrary @namine-somebodies-nobody
@whatever-fanfics @justpeachyteastea @chirp-a-chirp @got7igot7family @kookie-my-little-sunshine
@mastering-procrastinating @portrait-ninja @starlitmanor-network @sh0jun @queen-dahlia
@themysticalbeing @nightghoul381 @whitelittlebunny @chi-the-idiot @bubblexly
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yourlocalstilinski-valdez · 2 months ago
what would each of the boys do at a sleepover?
Liam: He'd surprise you with either a blanket fort or a blanket nest to sit in, and he'd have fairy lights hanging up(instead of the dreaded big light). You'd be playing Mario Kart(and winning) when he starts a pillow fight with you because he's jealous of your amazing Mario Kart-ing skills(you started winning solely because he fell off the map like 5 times, but who's counting?(You are, you're counting)) I fully believe that he'd drag you outside(if it's summer) for a water fight(he wins that one) Dragging his inner Leeroy out here- Liam would make you have a fashion show with him at some point during the night
Zayn(pretend that's yellow and not orange): He'd talk about how fun of a night he has planned; movies, board games, arts and crafts(including that one trend where you swap pictures every 10 minutes), etc. He'd probably win most the board games because you'd be to distracted by his beautiful face to strategize properly(guilty). You'd end up talking about just the most random things(When they say 2% milk I don't know what the other 98% is) He'd also fall asleep while leaning on you halfway through one of the movies
Niall: He'd have soooo many of your guy's favorite snacks on hand, like literally, you'd show up and his table would be FULL of snacks and drinks and everything. He'd get up at some point during a movie or show you'd be watching, and if you weren't paying attention while he was gone, he'd throw a bag of candy at you, only to flash you his adorable smile while resting his chin in his hands. I also feel like he'd be the type to start a spontaneous game of tag solely because he was bored. Also think that he'd claim he's not a huge cuddler(he loves cuddles, let's be honest), but you wake up to him cuddling you
Louis: I feel like he'd be more of a camping sleepover than an indoor sleepover kind guy. You'd drive out to a spot in the woods together while listening to all your favorite music on the radio and singing along. He'd be setting up the tent, refusing all your offers for you to help because he's "doing it the Tommo way" (the tent feel over like 10 minutes later.) More water fights, aka Louis squirting you with a water bottle while you re-set up the tent(must've been the rain(there's not a cloud in the sky)) Later into the night, you'd be sitting around a fire roasting marshmallows for s'mores, and he throw one at you while you're not looking at him, then claim is was the wind(must be done strong winds, amirite?) He wakes you up pretending to be a bear outside of the tent(he would probably actually scare the shit out of you but he doesn't need to know that since you realized it was him like 5 seconds later
Harry: This man plans the best sleepovers, alright. I'm talking HUUUUGE pillow fort, big enough to be considered a pillow castle, plushies, blankets, fairy lights(more big light hate) the works. Rents all your guys' favorite movies for you guys to binge, and after some of the movies he turns on a CD for you guys to dance around to(I fully believe that Harry likes vinyls over CDs, but my vinyl loving heart is just thinking about I the needle skips/scratches while you're dancing, and I think Harry would think the same(projecting) so bere(bear?) with me here) Harry, being the fashionista that he is, would also make you have a fashion show with him
A/n: So sorry this took so long, motivation was *not* on my side while I was working on this(it's been sitting unfinished in my drafts since January 23rd) Used a couple headcanons twice because I felt some of them fit with a couple of the boys. Hope you enjoy it!
@harrys-toothpaste / @fantastical-euphoria
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alteregozowie · 7 days ago
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He's mad he can't even argue with that.
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"He's too bottom to be called daddy."
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