#Radio Elvis
parchmentknight · 7 months
images of my process when i drew the king new vegas, which was particularly important for him as i wanted him to very clearly be "elvis presley"
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the in-game model was a good starting point, but i felt like he didnt really look like elvis, though im sure the devs did what they could, considering the limitations of the character creation stuff... so i mostly looked at pics of the real elvis and art that depicted a more realistic elvis, like @spursthatjingle 's drawing of the king!
I started with trying to be as "on-model" as i could, just to get the main shapes and character, then drawing him again without looking at any references and depending on what stuck in my mind - things that stood out and might make someone more unique. then, refining by looking at inspirational art that i wanted to add pieces of, like @t00thpasteface 's the king drawings, as well as agent elvis' design (face shape, nose and nose bridge, eyebrows, and his eyes) (i love drawing the eyes theyre so funky) (and his LIPS!! lineart upper lip so good... save me lineart upper lip)
and then i blacked out and the drawing was done. YIPPEE
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get-back-homeward · 6 months
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Life With The Lennons, Exclusive by Ray Coleman, April 1965 [x]
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lisamarie-vee · 2 months
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possible-streetwear · 5 months
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80s-song-smackdown · 6 months
80 New Wave Tournament Side A
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youchangedmedean · 2 years
Right Kinda Trouble (New Song) & That’s All Right (Elvis Cover) Radio Company Nashville, 19th December 2022
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stephstars08 · 2 months
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🤍🎶They are so Lana Del Rey Coded!🎶🤍
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musette22 · 9 months
Ah, I'm just thinking about last weekend (NYE getaway to a cottage in the woods) and how much I love that my friends are just as dumb as I am and can't stop making "that's what she said" jokes like,
(Everyone getting into a tiny car with all the bags and groceries) Me: "Wow, I'm surprised you managed to stuff it all in." Friend 1: "That's what she said." *everyone sniggering*
(Driving into the village where our cottage is) Friend 1: "Oh, it really is woodsy here, nice! I love wood." Friend 2: "That's what she said." more very mature sniggering
(Entering the cottage for the first time) Friend 2: "Oh wow, it's a lot bigger than I expected." Me: "That's what she said!" *high fives all around*
And so on and so forth. We are all women in our mid thirties, by the way. Like attracts like (wouldn't have it any other way) <3
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areacodefan · 7 months
I thought I’d seen every interview but somehow this one is new to me.
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rastronomicals · 3 months
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7:05 AM EDT July 2, 2024:
Elvis Costello & The Attractions - "Radio Radio" From the album This Year's Model (March 17, 1978)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
File under: Angry Young Men
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Elvis Costello & The Attractions
Radio, Radio (1978)
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thislovintime · 1 year
Via Historic Films, Peter Tork performing “Seeger’s Theme” at the Speakeasy in Greenwich Village, early 1980s (dated 1982 on the Historic Films website).
“I wanted to record the cut [’Seeger’s Theme‘] because I always thought that the piece had a lot of rhythm, and I hoped to display it. I keep trying.” - Peter Tork, The Birds, The Bees & The Monkees box set
“[When I was about 14] I asked for a banjo, and they went out, my folks went out and bought me a little tiny, dinky five-string banjo. And Pete Seeger’s book, How To Play the Five-String Banjo, I think I bought that myself, and learned how to play from that. Nobody said, ‘Here, take a banjo,’ or, ‘Gee, you’d be good at it,’ or anything like that. I just wanted to play it.” - Peter Tork, Headquarters radio, 1989
“I’m a great admirer of Pete Seeger." - Peter Tork, Disc and Music Echo, January 13, 1968
“‘When I was a kid, before the Monkees, I was not primarily a rock and roller,’ said Tork during a 1998 interview. ‘I was primarily an acoustic folkie. For us, as acoustic folkies, the politics were very clear. We were strongly liberal, in the Pete Seeger mold. We certainly had a strong sense of right and wrong, and we certainly believed a lot that was wrong with society was the fault of the moneyed class. I think all of us to some extent believed ourselves to be socialists.’" - We all want to change the world: Rock and politics from Elvis to Eminem (2003) (x)
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weepingfoxfury · 4 months
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The man on the radio is talking about Elvis, something to do with someone's 3 million loan that would have led to the sale of Graceland. Says he's never been, before playing 'Caught in a Trap.' I'm only half listening. The traffic lady is talking about jigsaws again, says she'll bring her puzzle roll in and that she and the man on the radio can go out on the grass and jigsaw together. Picnic anyone?
Weatherwise the temperature has dropped, but there's sunshine. Feels more like we're heading into Autumn again. The man on the radio plays 'The Last Rose of Summer' ... says he hopes that's not the case.
All about the ivy today. Alongside the moss, it's covering everything. Perfect conditions for everything green to grab hold. I'd better not stand still for too long.
My friend has a cousin called Ivy. Can't hold a note ... completely tone deaf. Rings her from Australia and sings her latest favourite tracks. Would definitely give Mrs Miller a run for her money.
A friend will be calling in today. He's jigsaw mad. I like to find eye watering patterned ones for him. The latest one has 1500 pieces and every one of them with ivy on. I'm sure he'll smile and say thank you.
Time to go ... coffee pot is calling and I need to get to it before the ivy does ...
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mayasdeluca · 8 months
"There are so many places the production could move to. I had heard after we discussed this that there's definitely conversations going on right now, but it doesn't mean anything, but maybe someone out there is going to try and swing on their vine and save the day."
Keep making noise, it's being heard. Whether the 'conversations' are happening is really accurate or not, the point is that it's out there and more and more people are aware of this situation and we are making it so that it can't be ignored. We just have to keep doing what we're doing and hopefully it will pay off.
Listen/Watch Tommy's whole interview about saving the show with Elvis Duran on Z100's morning show here.
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possible-streetwear · 1 month
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Greater Than One
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scary-ivy · 1 year
I found my radio station's collection of old Elvis Costello and the Attractions records and I'm going to share pictures of them because there's so many cool details
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First up, Goodbye Cruel World
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The radio station uses these stickers to highlight recommend songs, but the DJs love to put in funny little comments as well. Usually these stickers are written on right when the album came out, so they provide a snapshot into what contemporary listeners though of the records. Apparently the DJs of the time liked Goodbye Cruel World, but what does (Don't Ya Wish He Really Meant It?) mean?
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Having only seen this album cover at really low resolutions on streaming, I was surprised to discover who those indistinct figures were
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Really cool art on the back of Goodbye Cruel World, once again we never get to see this stuff with streaming :/ love the blatant political message of "nuclear ban now"
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Lots of weird little in-jokes in the credits to this one. Maurice Worm is one of Steve Nieve's aliases.
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Really interesting radio promo copy of Spike featuring an hour-long interview, I have to check if it's been uploaded online before. It also promises "This Town (The Bastard Mix)", which might be the censored version of This Town where "bastard" was replaced with "sweetheart" that I was looking for online but couldn't find. Or maybe it's the other way around?
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Recommend songs off Punch the Clock. I'm surprised because none of these are what I would consider the "big hits" of the album.
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The back of Punch the Clock. I'm noticing the other Attractions often wind up on the back of these records.
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Probably my favorite detail out of everything is the title of "The Invisible Man" being written to look like it's becoming invisible (It's not just faded like Boxing Day above it).
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Very green Veronica single. I believe it's just the same version of Veronica on both sides. These weird radio promo vinyls are the ones I'm most excited about because they so rarely see the light of day after their release...I just realized since Paul McCartney was involved with this one I can play it on the Beatles show!
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Get Happy!! without the iconic worn-out ring on the cover? I guess the vinyl can just get worn out on it's own...I believe the 7/25/83 might be the date the vinyl was acquired, or perhaps the date it was supposed to be deemed "old" and thrown out (can you imagine?)
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The back features this nice art of the Attractions
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The song order of side one and side two is reversed from how the album is presented in streaming. Is this an error, or have I been listening to it in the wrong order this whole time??? Also the song is apparently supposed to be called "5ive Gears in Reverse".
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Really cute letter from Nick Lowe promising that the audio quality has not been compromised for the length of the album. It's so fascinating to learn about these types of technical limitations that no longer exist. Like if it released today it would just go to streaming and then probably get a double vinyl release to wring more money out of collectors.
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The American "paint-splatter" Armed Forces album cover features the Elephant cover on the back. I already knew this but it was still cool to see.
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This Years Model! This record features one of the alternate cover photos (probably my favorite one), and it is a genuine demo record complete with a label from Columbia.
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They put the runtimes and little recommendation check boxes for the sake of the DJs, but it looks like every song got checked and stared multiple times (except for Little Triggers :/)
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Glowing reviews...it's so exciting to imagine being a young DJ in 1978 hearing This Years Model for the first time and correctly calling it a masterpiece.
"Martial more consistent throughout than My Aim Is True" lol.
I can't really read the cursive, but I it's interesting how they called Pump It Up a mixture of old styles (immediately picking up on the Dylan ripoff), and I wonder what the scribbled over parts say?
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The back cover, which I'm seeing now for the first time. Love that 70s bedroom.
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The Only Flame In Town single has this really striking artwork of a illustrated woman in a real scene. It's dated 12/4/84.
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Pump It Up version? I'll have to listen to it. Also glad someone else loves this version of Baby It's You.
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Nothing interesting here I just think it's funny they decided The Only Flame In Town deserves to be on a greatest hits compilation.
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A collection of Almost Blue era songs, including a note from Elvis.
That's all I was able to photograph this week, but there's still about 5 Elvis Costello /the Attractions records I haven't looked at yet, I will update this next week!
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