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cenaindie · 17 days ago
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Rabotnik – Rabotnik #3 https://cenaindie.com/album/rabotnik-rabotnik-3/
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dimalink · 4 months ago
Explorer for paranormal – ghosts from a mirror
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Three dimensional scene for today based on videogame GhostBusters for game console Sega MegaDrive. Game is about ghost hunters. Should be good. Graphics is interesting. Something like a big house. And you are walk and search for ghosts.
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It is a moment that game is two dimensional. And this is my scene and it is three dimensional. So, I for a long time have a dream to make a graphics like a simple 3d. As in first Alone in The Dark. Or like Resident Evil 1. It is not necessary to be a horror. But this kind of graphics.
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So, to become a paranormal explorer you need to have a mustache. And to watch all Star Trek movies for 70s and 80s. It is a necessary condition. Then they will give you such a thing like water gun. It can catch a different paranormal. And this thing has a special aim. Which can catch something from another dimension. And all appearance from another dimension. So, ghosts from a mirror, they will not pass!
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Such a game with some jokes. About paranormal. It can be like this. By the way this character looks like doctor Rabotnik. From a Sonic. Doctor of science paranormal another dimension institute name of explorer doctor Rabotnik.
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Big house. And from a mirror they came – a ghosts! You came in a big house. And there are lots of floors there. Of course, not 99 floors like a 8 bit cartridge. But still a lots! And anonymous telephone call via old wired telephone, told that there are living ghosts here. So, it is good to go as guests to this place! There is a message paper at the floor. And it is written. Ghost from 8 floors invites you to drink a tea.
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Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.
WEBSITE: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/home_eng.html ITCHIO: https://dimalink.itch.io/ GAMEJOLT: https://gamejolt.com/@DimaLink/games
TUMBLR: https://dimalink.tumblr.com/ BLOGGER: https://dimalinkeng.blogspot.com/ MASTODON: https://mastodon.social/@DimaLink
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majorshatterandhare · 5 months ago
Drum-“forced labor” Brian
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gunpowderdtim · 9 months ago
It's no wonder Out happened when you really think about it. Nastya doesn't like organic life because it's complicated, it can break, sometimes it's even unfixable.
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quote from gender rebels
Nastya is in love with Aurora, and in saying that she is saying "you are not organic life, I can deal with you because you are metal and algorithm and predictable" - we can see this in bedtime story when she says she'll tweak Aurora's story creation algorithm
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screenshot from A Bedtime Story
Aurora is not inorganic. She is not ai. She is a space moon made of flesh and blood and teeth and bone. She is not an ai. She is a body that was taken and stripped of autonomy, of the right to self identify, of the right to think- to be imperfect and organic.
The metal is a veneer that hides how messy and traumatized and unfixable she is. From the outside she is a starship. From the inside she can still bleed.
And this makes them fundamentally incompatible. But yet, they are in love.
And really, it's no wonder Nastya fell in love with Aurora. Let's take a look at Nastya's home planet, or at least home society:
"Terminals were scattered across the planet. There was one on every street corner, one beneath every lamppost and one in every commune block." "The midwife-machine performs a series of programmed manœuvres to quieten [the baby]. It cradles it and hums at several pitches until it finds one that seems most soothing. Mechanical arms stroke the baby’s flesh even as others start the process of implanting augmented reality interfaces into its nervous system." "The Czar an atrophied frame, never present in the real world and worn to dust by the chemical compounds that kept his brain alive so it could live forever in a perfect virtual paradise. The Rabotnik a copy, a mind preserved unchanging in the instant before its death and placed in an everlasting metal frame." (Cyberian Demons)
Its safe to say the world Nastya was born into, from the very minute she was born, was ridden with technology. She has augmented reality interfaces inplanted into her from birth. It would stand to reason that being taken from this society, wherein technology is everywhere, inside and out, would stand for a bit of a shock.
Aurora too had been augmented by the Cyberia.
While it is stated that the last time Nastya had used the ports themselves was directly before her death — "The last time she had used the ports, her tutor had ripped them out of her as the rebels stormed the palace" — Aurora is laced with Cyberian technology. I'd imagine she has something of a 'bluetooth wireless connection' with Aurora, rather than the physical data transfer of files between the ports and Nastya, it may as well be similar enough.
Imagine being Nastya, going from Cyberia, wherein there is augmented reality contantly, transplanted onto a ship with metal blood, a jonny, and a vampire. To Aurora, where the only bits of augmented reality run through Aurora.
Of course she'd fall in love with her. Aurora is familiarity. Aurora isn't organic. Aurora isn't human.
And of course when the undeniable part of aurora that is organic, that is a flesh moon plated in metal with her brain hooked to machines, when so much has broken and been replaced, when, presumably, aurora is less of an algorithm, nastya leaves with the brand cyberia left on her.
Because Aurora healing, becoming more of herself and less of a starship, is messy, and organic, and human.
and hard for nastya.
‘Think how long she’s been flying you around. Think how many bullet holes you’ve punched through her and how many atmospheres you’ve dropped her through. Think how many alterations and improvements we’ve made, Tim to her guns and Ashes to her storage and Brian to her engines and the Toy Soldier to who knows what. How much do you think is left of her after all she’s brought you through?’ Nastya held up the ancient, battered piece of hull plating. Just visible under the grime and scars of particles of space junk was a fragment of the Aurora’s original logo and serial number. Jonny honestly couldn’t remember the last time he had seen a version that hadn’t been painted by the Mechanisms themselves. ‘So she’s free, now.’ Nastya gestured around at the spaceship they were standing in. ‘This Aurora can take you where you want to go. I’m going to take my Aurora somewhere else.’
Aurora was ship of theseus'd. Aurora was improved. Aurora was no longer cyberian. (both literally, and metaphorically)
So nastya left.
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votava-records · 2 years ago
RAMMELLZEE's movie "Gothic Futurism" reconstructed
RAMMELLZEE - this was  his nickname, no one knows is real name - was a early rapper, hip-hopper, actor and graffiti painter. He died in 2010, at 49. In 1986 he joined Rabotnik for an exclusive interview and a promise to make a contribution in the next future. His most fascinating project was GOTHIC FUTURISM, a personal worldview in which he tried to revive the 15th century European religious life with his own obsessions, especially the New York Underground trains and the defensive army tanks. Panzerism he called this artistic weapon. That year he travelled to Italy, and started his extensive search for what he considered his real inspiration. He visited he monks and cloisters from the Middle Ages in Firenze, and he studied intensively Michelangelo's Mozes , and the paintings of Gerhard Richter, as he saw them in a gallery in Rome. And he also filmed with his Rabotnik camera different Italian scenes - the daily life, festivals , and  also from different media - to explain to a broader public the seriousness of his artistic ambitions.
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knifekris · 2 years ago
if we are mutuals and you rb the same post more than twice in a row, please tag it as 'repetition tw'
‼️no minors ‼️
if youre under 18 / dont list an age ill block you
@xstickergirlx - pink
@xxg0rekittyxx - scenmo
@butchcolette - half life
@rabotnik - HS/robots
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7ooo-ru · 3 months ago
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Работник отеля забрался в номер модели OnlyFans, понюхал ее трусы и попал на видео
Работник отеля в Бенидроме, Испания, забрался в номер модели OnlyFans, понюхал ее трусы и попал на видео. Кадры публикует Daily Mail.
Уточняется, что инцидент произошел в мае 2024 года. Рара Армстронг из Глостера взяла своего 11-летнего сына в семейный отпуск в Европе. В первый день отдыха администратор их гостиницы пригласил ее выпить кофе, а после отказа попросил номер телефона. Туристка не захотела контактировать с мужчиной, однако тот не сдался и нашел ее аккаунт на OnlyFans.
Тогда женщина попросила сотрудника оставить ее в покое. Несмотря на это, поклонник пробрался в ее номер и оставил там бутылку вина в качестве извинений. Армстронг испугалась и установила камеру у входа в комнату, чтобы проследить, не проникнет ли он туда вновь. Так и случилось: в последний день отпуска мужчина снова зашел в номер по рабочей ключ-карте и стал обыскивать вещи британки. Затем он достал ее трусы из корзины с грязным бельем и понюхал их. Уходя, администратор положил белье в свой карман.
Поскольку Армстронг торопилась в аэропорт, она не успела заявить о случившемся в полицию. Из-за этого отель отказался выплатить компенсацию, однако сотрудника они уволили.
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/08/28/824-rabotnik-otelya-zabralsya-v-nomer-modeli-onlyfans-ponyuhal-ee-trusy-i-popal-na-video-grss-336345277.html
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b2bcybersecurity · 7 months ago
FBI: Kopf der REVIL-Ransomware-Bande verurteilt
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Die REVIL-Bande hatte spektakuläre Ransomware-Angriffe ausgeführt und 700 Millionen Dollar per Erpressung erbeutet. Der führende Kopf wurde bereits 2021 geschnappt, an die USA überstellt und zu fast 14 Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt. Von der Beute konnten wohl nur etwas mehr als 8 Millionen Dollar sichergestellt werden. Er fühlte sich lange sicher und unantastbar wie viele Mitglieder von Ransonware-Gruppen. Bereits 2021 gibt der Ukrainer Yaroslav Vasinskyi, in der Szene auch bekannt als Rabotnik, den Ermittlern ins Netz. Allerdings konnten erst 2022 die Infrastruktur von REVIL zerschlagen werden und der Code und die Schlüssel für die Hilfe bei aktuellen Opfern genutzt werden. 700 Millionen Beute aus Erpressungen Gerichtsunterlagen zufolge führte der 24-jährige Yaroslav Vasinskyi, auch bekannt als Rabotnik, Tausende von Ransomware-Angriffen mithilfe der Ransomware-Variante namens Sodinokibi/REvil durch. Ransomware ist eine Schadsoftware, die darauf ausgelegt ist, Daten auf den Computern der Opfer zu verschlüsseln, sodass Kriminelle Lösegeld im Austausch gegen den Entschlüsselungsschlüssel verlangen können. Die Mitverschwörer forderten Lösegeldzahlungen in Kryptowährung und nutzten Kryptowährungstauscher und -mischdienste, um ihre unrechtmäßig erworbenen Gewinne zu verbergen. Um ihre Lösegeldforderungen noch weiter in die Höhe zu treiben, veröffentlichten die Mitverschwörer von Sodinokibi/REvil auch die Daten ihrer Opfer, wenn diese die Lösegeldforderungen nicht bezahlen wollten. Von der Beute konnten die Ermittler allerdings wenig finden. Knapp 40 Bitcoins mit einem Wert von etwas mehr als 2 Millionen Dollar und weitere 6,1 Millionen Dollar auf Konten wurden sichergestellt. REVIL verlangte bei Kaseya-Hack 70 Millionen Lösegeld Am Wochenende des 4. Juli, dem Nationalfeiertag der USA, traf eine Cyberattacke den Service-Provider Kaseya und breitete sich rasch auf dessen Kunden und weitere Unternehmen aus. Laut der News-Plattform Bleepingcomputer waren etwa 50 direkte Kunden des Anbieters betroffen, die als Service-Provider wiederum ihre Kunden infizierten. Weltweit, so die Newsagentur, waren etwa 1.500 Unternehmen betroffen. Selbst die Öffentlichkeit bemerkte damals die Attacke: betroffen war auch die schwedische Supermarktkette Coop. Sie musste viele ihrer Filialen wegen vorübergehend schließen, da die Kassensysteme nicht mehr funktionierten. Die REVIL-Gruppe forderte damals 70 Millionen US-Dollar für einen universellen Entschlüsselungscode, mit dem jedes betroffene System entsperrt werden könnte. Diese exorbitante Summe ist die höchste in der Geschichte. Red./sel   Passende Artikel zum Thema Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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gamesunru · 10 months ago
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Руководство XXX веб-сайта уволило единственного сотрудника в Российской Федерации.Тот же самый работник из России одновр... Руководство XXX веб-сайта уволило единственного сотрудника в Российской Федерации. Тот ... .................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... Читать полностью: https://gamesun.ru/rukovodstvo-xxx-veb-sajta-uvolilo-edinstvennogo-sotrudnika-v-rossijskoj-federaczii-tot-zhe-samyj-rabotnik-iz-rossii-odnovr/?feed_id=7024&_unique_id=65d3e72b0dee8
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cenaindie · 3 months ago
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Pombo – Pombo https://cenaindie.com/album/pombo-pombo/
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the-lonely-crow · 4 months ago
I don't think it ever explicitly says as much but there is this bit from cyberian demons ->
"If you could call either of them “men”. The Czar an atrophied frame, never present in the real world and worn to dust by the chemical compounds that kept his brain alive so it could live forever in a perfect virtual paradise. The Rabotnik a copy, a mind preserved unchanging in the instant before its death and placed in an everlasting metal frame. They were just as much man as she was, Nastya thought."
Which compares her to two other people who sort of used to be men but very much aren't any more. Which I know is not the same thing but the first time I read it I was like oh that line feels like it's about her being trans.
Relistening to Cyberian Demons and something i think is very funny is that apparently Cyberia has 1) trans rights but also 2) still sexism? Like “And all my brothers are off learning to be emperors in their turn or learning all the programming languages. Learning how to look after everything, fixing bugs. Whatever boys are allowed to do.”
Like imagine little Nastya being like hey I’m a girl by the way and her father or the tutor or whoever being like oh that’s fine i have no problem with that. You do now lose all your rights though :) not bc you are trans but because we do still hate women here.
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trashcanalienist · 3 years ago
That awful symphony! That harmonic cacophony of heavy machinery! Relentless industrial capacity! Awesome power and mindless strength!
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cipherhunter · 5 years ago
dr robotnik dances to the robots by kraftwerk a crime that i didn’t think to pair these together sooner.
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dollburdened-blog · 5 years ago
( @llcebaby ➞ X )
❝What are you? A cop? I’ve noticed you tailing me for some time now. Think I wouldn’t notice?❞
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The red-head decided to finally confront the one he assumed to be stalking him down the street. Why else would someone do something so STUPID? Can’t this guy tell that Sale runs around with the thugs of Passione?
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granills · 5 years ago
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otmacamera · 3 years ago
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Short trips to Peterhof - July/August 1915
Photo 1 : Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna in Peterhof, July 1915.
Photo 2 : Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna in Peterhof, July 1915.
Photo 3 : Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna, Tsesarevich Alexei Nikolaevich and Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna in Peterhof, July 1915.
"26th July. Sunday. [...] I went to Peterhof, where I arrived at 2 o'clock. I rode in a boat around the "Rabotnik" while Alexei watched our watchman catch fish with a net. The water was amazingly still. [My] daughters were swimming. After the usual meal we drove back through Krasnoe Selo and were at home at 7 o'clock [...]"
"30th July. Thursday. [...] At 2 o'clock went with the little ones through Ropsha to Alexandria. Rode in a boat and swam in the sea. The weather was wonderful [...]"
(1915 Diary of Tsar Nicholas II)
Photos from: Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna's 1914-1915 Album
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