#ROTTMNT tickles
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xavitron883 · 7 months ago
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More lee Casey!!
Casey was taking a nap with Raph when he desides to wake Casey up with his signature "Raph-Berries"
Raph is such a gremlin i love him!
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ashaleeleedagurl · 1 year ago
Cheering up a genius
Fandom: ROTTMNT (Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Lee: Donnie
Ler: Leo
Other characters: Raph, Mikey (mentioned), Splinter (mentioned)
Raphael was walking in the lair, walking to his room when he heard some sobs coming from his younger brother, Donatello, and decided to tell Leonardo.
"Let me handle it, He's been my twin for a while now, and I'm the one who's going to cheer him up bc, Mikey isn't really gentle with Doctor Delicate Touch on D, and I know when he gets into one of his "moods"" Leo said to the snapping turtle.
He walked to Donnie's room and knocked on the door, "D? You in he-" he cut off short when he found his purple twin under the blanket, sobbing.
He walked over to him and softly spoke to him, "Are you ok, hermano?"
"No! Leave me alone!" Donnie choked up as his sobs got louder, his face completely red as tears ran down his face.
Leo grabbed his side and lightly grabbed his shell to pull his twin in for a hug until he saw Donnie giggle softly. He smirked, cause, of course he did! It's Leo!! "D, why you gigglin'?" He mischievously asked as he skittered his hand up and down Donnie's shell.
Donnie started laughing, and, oh mi gosh! It was the purest thing Leo has ever heard from his grumpy twin!
"Nahahardohoho! Stohohop ihihit!" Donnie weakly said as he tried to cover his mouth.
"Don't hide that smile of yours, dear twin-o-mine!" Leo smirkingly said, uncovering Donnie's mouth and continued tickling his shell.
"Ohohokay, ok, I'm stopping."
Leo knew how to respect boundaries more than any other turtle there, including Splinter, so he stopped.
The soft shell pulled the red-eared slider into a hug and smiled widely.
Grumpy turtle + tickles = Happy turtle
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fluffypandabun · 1 year ago
Omg more lee Casey PLS
Alright anon :3, have some drabble as a treat :3
Casey was the best ninja, the sneakiest and quietest of all ninjas, aside from his Sensei of course, but Casey was a close second.
He creeped quietly down the hall, sticking close to the wall and in the shadows just as his Sensei had taught him. He reached the end of it and peered sneakily through the crack of the door, his Uncle Tello was still at his desk as he always was, back to the door and furiously typing on his many, many keyboards.
Casey carefully opened the door wide enough for him to slip through before pausing to see if the turtle had noticed him, he hadn't and Casey bit his lip to stop from giggling as he stepped through the door and into the room.
He stayed crouched, almost crawling, making his way further into the dimly lit room. As he got closer to his uncle's chair he slowly raised himself back up onto two legs, stretching his body up he made his hands into claws taking in a deep breath-
There was a whir of metal retracting and faster than Casey could even yelp he was being picked up by small metal hands and dangled upside down in front of his uncle's unamused face.
The boy offered a half grin, giggling nervously.
"Hehe, Hi Uncle Tello...."
The mutant narrowed his eyes, tattooed on eyebrows furrowing and giving him an even more unamused expression.
"Casey Jr."
The two stared each other down for a moment before Casey squirmed a bit in the metal arms hold, causing him to swing back and forth slightly.
"Right so, I think I'll be on my way now-
"Yeah no not happening."
Before he could even protest, Casey was being dropped into his uncle's lap. Two large three fingered hands grabbed onto his sides and rapidly squeezed up and down them, prompting the boy to squeal loudly and burst into loud giggles.
"You come into my lab, and prevent me from doing my work and expect to leave without consequences? For shame Casey." Donetello droned, his voice conveying indifference to the squirmy laughing child in his lap though the fondness in his eyes gave him away.
"Now," He continued, turning back to his screen, "Where was I...?" "Uncle Tello!" Casey squealed when the mutant's fingers wiggled their way up to his armpits.
"Casey Jr." Donetello responded, glancing down at him, "Can't you see I'm trying to work? Did we not teach you any better then to bother us when were working?"
Tiny hands pushed to no avail against larger green ones. "Your tihihickling meheheheh!" Donetello raised an eyebrow. "Tickling you? Me? Oh I would never." the turtle rolled his eyes, voice laced with sarcasm. Though when Casey let out a squeak of a hiccup he couldn't keep the slight smile off his face.
"Uncle Tehehellohohoho!" Casey giggled, smacking at muscled arms as his hands suddenly skittered back down to tweak gently at his ribs.
"Sigh, I guess if you really require my attention so badly you may have it" Donnie grinned, he shifted the boy in his arms to better secure him before he made his free hand into a claw, bringing it down onto the boy's small stomach and shaking it. Practically shaking the boy's whole body alongside it.
Casey shrieked before bursting into bright childish belly laughter, curling up around the turtle's hand.
"Ehehehehe! Nohohohoho!"
Donnie raised a brow. "No? Now you don't want my attention? You need to make up your mind Casey."
Casey kicked out his legs, trying desperately to roll over onto his side. "Your behehehing mehehehean!" "Me? Mean? Scoff! I'll have you know that I'm the fun uncle, I mean just listen to how much fun your having right now."
He used the boy's new position to skitter his fingers up his spine to the back of his neck, causing him to scrunch up and squeal.
Donnie allowed his fingers to poke a prod for a few moments longer before he let up, allowing the boy to rest in his lap as he caught his breath. As his lingering giggles resided Donnie gave him a look.
"Now, what have we learned about sneaking up on Uncle Tello?"
Casey giggled a bit before answering. "To not get caught next time."
Donnie gave him an annoyed look at he poked him in the side. "You've been spending too much time with that Sensei of yours."
Casey giggled and pushed the turtle's hand away, settling back to lean against his chest, tilting back his head to grin up at him.
"I mean it! Next time I won't get caught."
Donnie glanced down at him and patted his head. "Uh huh, I'm sure you won't." He wheeled himself back over closer to his desk.
"Now if you promise to be quiet I'll let you stay with me while I work."
The boy's eyes immediately lit up."Will you let me use the soldering iron again?" "Ha!......Only if you don't tell Mikey." 
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mythica0 · 2 years ago
Need A Break
Summary: Raph thinks Donnie needs a break, and has a perfect idea of how to make him take one.
A/N: have I ever written the brains and brawn’s duo before? Maybe not but may this be the first!
TW: swearing
Need a Break
Ten hours. It has been ten hours since Raph saw Donnie leave his lab. Ten hours of supposed non-stop work.
Why Donnie did this? Raph didn’t know. All he knew was that Donnie wasn’t taking breaks, and he was going to overwork himself and give himself burnout.
Raph let out a sigh. As much as he hated to defy his little brother’s privacy or boundaries, this was an important intervention. He took a step towards the door, and gently knocked on the surface. The metal door clanged with a ‘tap-tap-tap’ as Raph’s knuckles tapped against the surface.
A familiar, sarcastic voice called from inside the room. “Raph, what d’ya want?”
“Can I come in? I need to talk to you.”
“Sigh. Fine. Enter.”
The door opened with a mechanical woosh and Raph felt relieved. He didn’t want to break the door down.
After Raph had entered, Donnie looked up at him and flipped his goggles onto the top of his head.
“Alright Raph, I’m busy, so you gotta make this quick. What did you need?”
“Actually- that’s why I’m here.”
Donnie’s face grew slightly confused as he raised a brow.
“Yeah, cause you needed something, so what is it?” Donnie questioned, his voice sounding impatient.
“No- ugh- I meant about the whole you being busy… thing.” Raph internally facepalmed at himself.
The workaholic rolled his eyes. “Yeah. What about it?” He snapped grumpily.
“You’ve been working for ten hours straight, Donnie! That can’t be healthy.”
“Annoyed groan. Raph, if you came in here just to tell me to take a break, you can leave.”
“No!” Raph yelled, more aggressive then he meant to sound. He took a deep breath and tried again.
“No. You need to take a break, and you will…”
Raph hesitated as he thought for a second, an idea springing into his head.
“….even if I have to make you.” The eldest brother grew a smile, as he raised his hands menacingly.
Donnie, having been looking at the floor in annoyance, glanced up at the words. “Good luck with tha-“
He saw Raph’s position and expression, and froze.
“-oh no.”
There was a pause as neither party moved or spoke.
“Bye!” Donnie was the first to break the stand still, bolting out of his lab and down the hall.
Raph quickly gave chase, calling after the soft shell, “I’m gonna get you Donnie! Get over here!”
“No way!” Donnie yelled back, crossing the living area of the lair and spotting Leo.
“Leo, help!”
Leo chuckled as Donnie continued to run away.
‘What did he do to make Raph be after him?’
Leo thought to himself, as he shouted back at his twin, “Nope! You’re on your own for this one, Donnie!”
‘Crap.’ Donnie thought, still running as fast as his legs would take him.
It was no use though, Raph was catching up quickly and before Donnie knew it:
“I Gotcha!” And he was pulled into a hug trap.
“No, Raph, you don’t need to do this.” Donnie’s voice shook with a giddy anticipation, as he held back the urge to laugh from his lungs.
“Ooooh no. Maybe you should’ve agreed to take a break earlier. Then none of this would’ve happened. Now, you’re not going anywhere.”
Raph chuckled maliciously at his little brother’s predicament before slowly and secretly moving his hands up towards Donnie’s ribs.
Donnie was stuck. There was nothing he could do to escape and he was beginning to realize that. Laughter bubbled up in his lungs but he didn’t let it escape, he hadn’t even been touched yet!
These frantic thoughts ran through his head, distracting him from the approaching clawed hand, until it finally made contact on his ribs.
Raph started scribbling and poking around Donnie’s ribs, causing the workaholic to burst into giggles at the feeling.
“Ohoho shihihit!”
Raph gasped over dramatically, “Donnie, language! You know the tickle monster doesn’t like swearing!” As he said it, Raph sped up his tickles, still attacking Donnie’s sides and ribs.
“Shhuhuhut uhuhup!!”
“Uh- rude much.” Raph did his best impression of a mean girl from one of those high school movies, even flicking his mask tails back in a sort of hair flip.
He wouldn’t admit it, but Donnie did laugh a little harder at the action.
Although some of that could’ve been attributed to the fact that Raph moved up as he said it, and was now scribbling away under Donnie’s arms.
In response, Donnie’s arms shot down as his laughter increased in intensity.
“Ohohomihigohohosh, stohohop!”
“I’m sorry, I can’t, my hands are stuck.”
“Nohoho thehehey arehehehehn’t yohouhou lihiAR!” Donnie’s voice squeaked at the end of his sentence, as Raph further attacked him.
“You callin’ me a liar?! That it, you’re donzo, buddy.”
Donnie only wondered what that meant for a split second before he heard a large inhale.
Donnie didn’t have time to process just exactly how screwed he was until Raph blew the biggest raspberry he could muster right on the soft shell’s plastron, where his stomach would be.
Donnie screamed in laughter, trying frantically to push Raph’s head away, but struggling to do so as his underarms were still under attack.
Any time he tried to lift his arms to push at Raph’s head, Raph would dig slightly harder into his arms, making them fall back down. And whenever they were down, he would add nibbles to Donnie’s stomach, making him more desperate to push him away.
Donnie was stuck in a cycle of laughter and he couldn’t for the life of him get out. No matter what he did, one way or another he was going to be laughing his shell off, and there was nothing he could do about it.
Eventually, Raph lifted his head away and paused his hands.
“Youhouhou…. Suhuhuck.”
Raph chuckled evilly once more. “Oho, I’m not done.”
Donnie’s eyes widened for a moment, as he was once again filled with a giddy dread as to what more Raph could do, his previously dying giggles flooding the room again.
Donnie was even more excited mortified when Raph took off his battle shell.
‘Oh fuck. oh shit. oh fuck.’
He tried to mentally prepare himself, to no avail. Raph took another deep breath and-
Donnie had no hope. His shell was under ruthless attack of raspberries and nibbles, and he felt like he was going to die from how hard he was laughing.
‘Holy fuck that fucking tickles so much’ was the only thing he could think of, his brain was failing him and all he could do was just laugh his heart out.
His loud laughter boomed throughout the entire lair, heck, even April probably heard him.
“RAHAHA-“ he couldn’t get a word out through his laughter, but Raph could tell he was trying to ask for mercy.
He didn’t want to kill Donnie, so he obliged the not-so-silent request and stopped.
Donnie couldn’t stop the flood of giggles that were still pouring out of his lungs. He greedily gasped for air through them, as Raph grabbed him a glass of water. He drank it quickly, still giggling.
“Hohoholy bahahanana pahahancahahakes, ihihi cahan’t brehehathe.”
“Heheh. I suppose I might’ve over done it just a bit. You alright?”
“Ihihi’ll..behe fihihine.”
After he finally caught his breath and could actually think again, Donnie realized that he did feel better. Lighter, brighter, and quite a bit happier.
He knew Leo would ask about it later. (He did. “What the heck did you do, man? It sounded like you were dying.”) but he wasn’t worried about that at the moment.
I guess he really did need a break.
———THE END————————————————
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tastybluesprite · 2 years ago
This is a short lil thing I wrote based off the baby future Donnie au comic by @somerandomdudelmao
Baby Donnie is adorable and ferral and I love it
Giggle button
When Leo walked into Donnie’s lab, he expected to see Donnie at work. But instead he came upon Mikey, Raph, and Casey, all looking rather beat up, afraid even. This was interesting…
But he had one question.
“Uhhh guys? Where’s Donnie?”
“Sensei! Watch the floor!!!” Casey warned from Raphs arms. “What?” Leo curiously looked down to see a tiny soft shell with purple marks by his feet.
An evil smirk grew on his face. No freaking way…
“Awwwwww… would you look at that~”
Baby Donnie struggled as the older twin picked him up between his fingers.
Baby Donnie struggled violently to pull out of Leos fingers. He even tried biting Leos fingers, but it didn’t work.
“Don’t be rude Donton!” Leo gasped in mock annoyance, poking the little thing in his plastron.
Leo then heard tiny giggles from him.
An even wider smirk grew onto his face. This was too perfect.
Leo poked again, more giggles.
“Uh oh… does somebody have a giggle button?” Leo let out a mischievous laugh. Baby Donnie actually seemed nervous now.
Leo then began repeatedly poking him. Baby Donnie collapsed in the hold with giggles as he put his tiny arms out to fend of the finger. But of course that didn’t work.
“Ohohomihigosh!!” Mikey laughed as the giggles filled the room.
“Well, at least now we have a way to contain him enough to change him back.” Raph said with a smile.
Leo decided to stop so he wouldn’t tire out his twin too much. Donnie was so never living his down.
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xavitron883 · 6 months ago
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Raph is such a silly Ler i love him so much
Donnie is so weak to Raph's spikey beard nuzzles that he literally cant do anything
He needs to sleep and Raph is one of the only ones who can get him to sleep
(I need to draw more lee Donnie)
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fluffypandabun · 1 year ago
First of all I am absolutely in love with your writing style! I love your fics so much and wanted to request something if your free? What about Switch Casey and Switch Mikey? I picture them to have a good relationship that’s silly and fun. Maybe they could be gaming or be giving the other a massage which leads to tickles? Tysm and have a wonderful day!
Awww tysm im so glad you enjoy my writting! Also Sure Sure!!!! Mikey and Casey are an underated duo imo and I really need to write for them more, I hope you enjoy this very silly fluff<3
There were a lot of things Casey had to learn about now that he would be spending the rest of his days in a non apocalyptic timeline. It was admittedly a rather big adjustment to go from living in a world tinted red where food and was scarce and everyday was a fight for survival, to a world filled with bright colors and clean air with a well protected lair to sleep in (Donnie made sure of that) and plenty of food to eat (Mikey made sure of that one). 
It could be overwhelming, and on days when it was really bad Casey would find himself curled up with his back to the wall, eyes squeezed shut, and he was able to pretend for just a little bit Leo, HIS Leo would be the one to knock on his door to ask him if he was alright. As much as Casey appreciated and cared for the younger turtles, who had taken him in as one of them and gave him his own place to stay in this familiar unfamiliar world, he still found himself missing his family from the future. And as bad as that future had been, being with his family had made it worth it. 
Thats where Casey found himself today, hidden under the bed Raph and Donnie had “found” and put together for him in a spare train car they had fixed up. He admittedly felt a bit childish, hiding under the bed like this. But it felt…safe in a way he couldn't describe. His back was pressed firmly against a wall and he had a clear view of the entrance of the room, covered by a green curtain to give him privacy. Casey would have preferred a door but he was grateful for some sort of cover from the outside. 
He sighed softly, fiddling with the sleeve of his hoodie. The material softer than anything he was used to, a stark contrast to the rough scratchy feeling of the fabric of his battle suit. As nice as hoodie felt on his body, he found himself missing the familiarity of his battle suit and he was half tempted to crawl out from under the bed to try and find it (He knew where it was, folded neatly on top of the small table that acted as his bedside dresser, easy to grab incase he ever needed it in a pinch) when there was a knock on the side of the train car and the entrance curtain shifted as Mikey poked his head in.
“Case my dude! What do you want for dinner…” The box turtle trailed off with a frown, brow raising as he looked around the room. “Casey..?”
“Down here.” Casey called muffled from under the bed, he poked his head out looking sheepish and feeling more than a bit embarrassed. Mikey looked at him and beamed, walking over and plopping himself down.
“There you are!” He cocked his head to the side. “What are you doing under there?”
Casey squirmed until he had pulled himself out from under the bed, sitting crossed legged beside Mikey who was still patiently waiting for an answer. Casey tried to think of one but found he couldn't piece together the words, so he just shrugged. 
“I….don't know…” He sighed. “Hiding…? I guess..?’
Mikey frowned; “Hiding? From what?”
Casey grimaced, voice unsure. “...Everything? Kinda? I mean…” he trailed off and when Mikey gave him an encouraging look he took a deep breath and continued. 
“A lot of things here are still new to me, you know? And sometimes…sometimes there's too much new stuff and it can get kinda just..”
“Overwhelming?” Mikey offered, Casey nodding. 
“Yeah! Overwhelming.” 
Mikey nodded sagely for a moment before he spoke. 
“Why didn't you come to one of us?”
The teen rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “I uh…didn't want to bother you…?”
He regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth at the look Mikey shot him, the box turtle crossing his arms over his chest. “Casey, you know you can always come to us for anything right?”
The way he said it definitely left no room for debate, not that Casey ever would debate him, he knew just as well as the others how Mikey could be, he nodded quickly, hands held out in front of him.
“I know I know! Im…just still used hiding being my first option, old habits die hard yeah?”
The box turtle's gaze immediately softened and he scooted himself closer to the teen to rest a hand on his knee. Casey was surprised at how much the touch helped ground him and he felt the tension he hadn't realized he’d been holding in his shoulders leave. 
“Are you feeling better now?” he asked and Casey took the time to think on his answer before he slowly nodded. 
“Yeah I think so…everythings still a bit…floaty, but I’m okay.” He shot the turtle teen a genuine but still shaky smile to show he meant it. Mikey took his hand away from his knee, much to Casey's dismay at the lack of contact, to rub at his chin. 
He hummed to himself in thought for a moment before his eyes lit up and he snapped his fingers. “I got it!” the turtle quickly stood, pointing at Casey. 
“Wait right here I’ll be right back.!”
Casey could only get out a nod before the turtle had ran out of the room, he didn't even have the time to fully process what the turtle could even be doing before Mikey reappeared, dramatically thrusting out his hand to hold up a handful of washable markers.
“Behold! I have returned with a solution!” 
Casey blinked a few times, knees held to his chest. “You…want to draw..?” 
“Correction my friend.” Mikey chirped, plopping back down next to the human. “I want to draw on you.”
Casey raised a brow “....Me…?”
“Yeah!” Mikey grinned, bouncing up and down on the spot. 
“Whenever Leo gets all Spacey and stuff he lets me draw on him to help ground him and stuff! Plus, these are washable markers so you don't have to worry about them staining your skin or anything!”
The turtle's excitement was contagious and it cause a slight grin to tug on Caseys lips as he chuckled. “Alright sure, I’ll give it a try…as long as you promise not to draw anything dumb on me”
Mikey sent him a truly innocent smile, “I would never, now, gimmie!”
He made a reach for Caseys arm and after a second of hesitation, he rolled up the sleeve of his hoodie to reveal tanned arms littered with scars. Mikey moved to sit up against the bed beside him pressed up close to the human's side, grabbing his now sleeveless arm and tugging it across his lap. 
“Right, now you can tell me to stop at any time if you don't like it alright?” 
Casey nodded, and after a moment of hesitation, he shifted his body slightly so he could comfortably rest his head on the shorter turtle's shoulder. Mikey paused for a moment, before letting out a pleased sort of noise as he uncapped one of the markers and drew a line on the top side of Casey's hand. 
Casey flinched slightly, “Feels weird” he muttered, though he made no move to pull his hand away, and after a second Mikey continued to draw across his hand, rambling about some cooking show Casey had never heard of. 
It was…nice…very nice actually, the soft sensation of the marker across the top of his hand and the sound of Mikey's animated voice made Casey feel warm. He eyes grew heavy and he gave up trying to keep up with what Mikey was saying as his eyes started to slip shut, he was nearly about to fall asleep when Mikey suddenly flipped his hand over and started drawing on his palm. 
Caseys eyes snapped open and it took every ounce of self control he had to not yank his hand away right then and there, soft tingly sensations spread across his palm and up to the tip of his fingers as Mikey lazily drew lines and circles across his palm, coloring in old scars and going on a tangent about pie crusts. 
Casey bit down on his lip, screwing his eyes shut he fought to not let a peep escape him, but it was getting harder by the second and Casey could only hope that Mikey moved on to drawing on a different spot before he just about burst from all the giggles building up in his chest. 
Luckily, Casey got his wish, not so luckily the spot Mikey decided to move on to was his wrists, and if the sensation was bad on his palms it got about ten times worse there. 
Unable to fight back any longer, giggles began to spill from Casey's lips, hunching up his shoulders as he tugged at his hand desperate to get away from the tickly feeling. 
Mikey, mid rant about the importance of a good non soggy pie crust, stopped in his tracks, he turned to the giggling teen and cocked his head to the side, bemusement on his face.
“Uhh I didnt think pie crusts were that funny to you Case...” 
The human shook his head, still tugging at his wrists, even thought Mikey had stopped drawing the phantom feelings were still there and it left him giddy with laughter. 
“IIhihihihit t-tihihihihickles!” 
Mikey blinked a few times, looking down at the marker in his hand and then back up at Casey a few times before his eyes lit up and his face split into a beaming smile. 
“Awwwww Casey!” He laughed. “You have ticklish hands? That's adorable!” 
Before Casey could protest Mikey quickly began drawing on his palms again, this time not caring to make anything other than quick scribbles and slow circles, whatever made Casey laugh more. 
And laugh he did, with a squeal Casey all but flailed about, face flushed and nose wrinkled as he giggled, occasionally squeaking in between bouts of laughter.
“N-Noohoho! Mikey!” 
“Yeeees Casey?” Mikey hummed, tracing the lines in the human's palms to make him squeak. “Is there something you need? I know I need you to stop squirming, im trying to draw here you know! Your gonna mess me up!” 
If Casey could glare at the turtle he would. “Y-Yoohohohour just drawing s-scrhihihibles!”
Mikey let out an offended gasp, doubling down on his scribbling down Casey's wrist. “Hey! It's called abstract art.”
Casey started giggling even harder, and Mikey giggled right alongside him. Happy to see the normally quiet and melancholy teen practically glowing with laughter. 
It was at this moment Casey's mind suddenly remembered the fact he had a hand free, which so far had just been flailing about uselessly at his side. Uncoordinated and lost in laughter, he grasped frantically around on his bed with his free hand before he found what he was looking for. 
Holding on tight to the pillow he whipped it around and smacked Mikey straight in the face with it, the turtle let out a surprised ‘Oof!’ and fell back,letting go of Casey's hand who immediately brought it back to hold against his chest while giggling. 
Mikey lay sprawled on his back for a moment, silent from shock before he burst into laughter, sitting up on his elbows and grinning playfully at Casey, still laughing. 
“Duhuhude! Did you just smack me in the face with a pillow!?”
Casey giggled softly looking just a little bit apologetic. “Sorry! Sorrhehehy! I had to defend myself somehow!”
Mikey's smile turned more mischievous as he sat up, “Oh yeah? Well should have made sure I stayed down, Jones!”  
With a war cry the smaller turtle threw himself at the human, who cried out in surprise as he was knocked back to the floor, for a split second Casey's instincts told him he was actually being attacked, but the feeling soon passed and his panic turned to giddy playfulness and he was back to laughing, trying to grab at the turtle and push him off, the two of them fighting for the upper hand as they tussled on the floor.
Casey had his own apocalyptic training behind him, but Mikey was still a trained ninja, and a mutant one with super strength at that. And the turtle's fingers finding themselves buried in between the spots on his ribs certainly didn't help either. 
Casey let out a rather embarrassing snort, half grappling with the turtle and half flailing as his laughter got a bit more frantic. 
“aHA! M-Mihihihkey! T-TahaAHTS! Y-Your cheaATIHIHIHING!” 
Mikey cackled evilly. “Always use your enemies' weakness against them! Didn't your sensei teach you that~?” 
“Sh-Shuhuhuhut uuhuhuP!”
“Hm, clearly your sensei didn't teach you manners huh?” Mikey tsked disapprovingly, and if Casey had another pillow within reach he would have smacked him with it again. 
Well fine, if he wanted to be like that then two could play at that game. 
Reaching up, Casey used his free hands to slip under the turtle's arms, wiggling his fingers in the same way he’d seen the others do before. With a loud shriek Mikey clapped his arms down, trapping Casey's fingers and sealing his own fate as the human teen gained the upper hand. 
“Actually” Casey spoke over Mikey's loud cackles. “My Sensei did teach me to use my enemies' weakness against them, good thing we share the same weakness huh?” 
Mikey shrieked with bright happy laughter as he squirmed back and forth underneath the now triumphant Casey, frantically kicking out his legs as he pushed at the humans arms. 
“W-Wahihihihit! Cahahase I-Im sohohohoHOHOHORY!” 
“Never start a fight you can't finish, didn't your sensei teach you that?” Casey teased, Mikey snorted.
“Ihihihim g-gonna tell ehehehveryone a-about youhohor tihihicklish haHAHANDS!” 
Casey felt his face flush, he already knew Leo would have a field day with that one, he moved his hands down to poke at the box turtles sides. “You wouldn't dare!” 
“Wahahatch me!” Mikey cried, reaching up to grab onto the humans' sides causing him to squeak and falter, once again giving Mikey the upperhand. 
The two teens continued to tussle on the floor, neither keeping the upper hand for long as their laughter filled the room, the question of what would be made for dinner long put on the back burner. 
There were a lot of things Casey still had left to learn, but maybe learning how to be a kid again was a pretty good start. 
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mythica0 · 2 years ago
Hi hiiii!!!!! I feel like people already know I’m a sucker for lee Donnie lmaooo
That being said mayhaps you can do some lee!Donnie and ler!leo, where Donnie maybe is stuck in his own invention or whatever, and Leo just takes advantage of it lmao. I know I personally wrote a fic similar already but it was more with them as turtle tots. Wanted to do one when they’re older but I didn’t wanna reuse my own idea lmao…
So anyway yeah you don’t have to or anything but feel free!!! Love your writing! ❤️
🍫:Leo (ft. Tech)
Summary: A prototype Battle Shell Donnie was working on kinda… backfired. He immediately regrets asking for help from his Twin brother.
A/N: You got it, dude(gender neutral). PREPArE FOR TOOTH-ROTTING FLUFF
TW: mild swearing. above mentioned tooth-rotting fluff.
Donnie messed up. Big time.
He was just working on a prototype for a new battle shell. Something he did once in a while when he came up with new ideas to put in it.
But clearly he did something wrong, as it malfunctioned.
Normally, this wouldn’t be a big deal. He would just try and figure out what happened and fix it.
The problem was, what malfunctioned was a trapping net. That he was now caught in.
He didn’t know how, but he ended up with his ankle trapped in one of the net holes, arms tied to either side, and hanging over the rest like a kid playing birds on a swing set.
Sigh. This was very unfortunate. He couldn’t get himself out, his arms were stuck, but nobody was home right now.
‘Except…. Groan. Leo.’
Oh well. It’s not like he had a choice in the matter. He sighed and resigned himself to getting help from his insufferable Twin.
“CAN,” he sighed again, “CAN YOU COME HERE REAL QUICK.”
“OKAY, ONE SEC!” The younger twin replied.
Donnie heard footsteps and then saw Leo, standing in the door frame, looking all to amused for the soft shell’s liking.
“Whahat- what did you do?” Leon asked, clearly trying (and failing) not to laugh.
Donnie sighed again. “My new battle shell prototype isn’t working as intended.”
“Pfft- clehearly.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m hilarious. Can you help me out now? I didn’t call you just so you could make fun of me.”
Leo held up a hand and chuckled, “alright, I’ll help ya.”
He actually was going to help! He swears! …but…
He saw how upset Donnie looked. He was pouting, and just looked so annoyed. Leo couldn’t help but feel like it was his job to put a smile on that scowling face! Not to mention his little brother instinct to be an absolute little shit.
He brought his hand past Donnie’s side, giving it a little tickle as he did so.
Donnie want expecting the sensation and squealed.
Leo smirked and did it again.
Donnie didn’t squeal that time, as he was expecting it more, but he did snicker a bit.
“Nahardo, what exactly do you think you’re doihing?”
“Oh, nothing~ just putting a smile on my pouty twins face~” Leo said with a lilt as he started to more rapidly scribble against the older twins sides.
“Nohohoho! Nahahahardo doho nohohot!”
“Too late~~” the slider started with a sing song, “and hey! Look! It’s working! Look at that smile~”
He wasn’t wrong either. Donnie’s face had stretched itself into a wide grin against his permission as he giggled wildly.
“Tickle tickle tickle DonTon~”
“Ohoho shihihit! dohohont sahahay thahahat!”
“Why not~? Seems to be making you all giggly~ tickle tickle tickle tickle~” Leon brought his hand up to Don’s underarm, exposed from where the net had caught his hands.
“NAHAHO! WHYHY! Hahahahahaha!” The tech-wiz giggled loudly. The fact that he couldn’t move his arms seemed to make it feel a thousand times worse. But, he was having maybe just a bit of fun. Not that he would ever admit it in a thousand million years.
“I already told you why! I wanted to see you smile dear twin o’ mine! Spirits know you need to smile more often!”
“Y’know~ I wonder what would happen if I were to get your shell right now?” Leo asked in mock pondering.
Donnie gulped internally. He was really regretting calling for Leo’s help. He should of just waited for someone to get home! Obviously since he was working on a battle she’ll prototype, he was looking at his battle shell for reference. Which meant he wasn’t wearing it.
“Are you ready, DonTon~”
“Ahahahbsolohoutly nohot.”
“Oh, well~! I’m doing it anyway~” Leon started to scratch gently along Don’s soft shell in an extremely ticklish fashion.
Donnie felt like he was seeing the gates of the afterlife from how much that tickled. He would probably be freaking out more if it was anyone but family, but he trusted his brother not to go too far with his shell.
Just enough to absolutely wreck him into next week!
“I know~ but look, no more pouting now~”
Leo could tell he was serious and did as instructed. Donnie glared at him in shock and suspicion.
“Whyhy- why dihidnt you stohop sohooner?”
“You didn’t tell me too.” Leo smirked at the indignant look that got him.
The slider actually freed his twin now, and helped him up.
Leo was adamant that Donnie needed to smile more. Thankfully he would always be there to put one on his face when the soft shell was pouting.
———THE END————————————————
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tervaneula · 4 months ago
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NQK x LOTR by katterv
The fam helps April with her school assignment: a re-enactment of a famous movie scene. It gets pretty emotional pretty fast.
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IT'S FINALLY DONE, YIPPEE!! I did promise I'd finish this little story no matter how long it took :')
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mysteriouslee · 2 years ago
*searches high and low for lee!riseapril fics
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xavitron883 · 6 months ago
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All of his lil brothers are attacking Raph's tummy >:3c
Because Raph got all of their tummies
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fluffypandabun · 1 year ago
Trick or treat rottmnt (RAPH RAPH RAP)
Raph kept his hand firmly over his mouth, which remained stubbornly shut. Above him, resting perched up on his back, Mikey giggled.
“Come on Raphie!” He chirped, skittering his fingers over the back of Raphs neck.
“Let me see that smile!”
Squeaking, the snaggle tooth hunched up his shoulders, frantically shaking his head back and forth, prompting Mikey to scoff.
“Come on Raph, you brought this onto yourself when you told me you thought your smile was ‘Too scary’, which is just not true by the way.”
The bigger turtle switched tactics when the quick scribbling across his neck became light tracing, crossing his arms in front of him he buried his face in them. Mikey shook his head disapprovingly.
“Wrong Move Raphie~” He giggled, leaning himself over he stretched out his arm to reach down and bury his fingers into the hollows of Raphs underarms.
Eyes practically bugging out of his head, Raph let out an embarrassingly high pitched shriek. Turning himself around to lay partially on his side, face uncovered and bright snaggle toothed smile out for the whole world to see.
Mikey practically beamed, using his older brothers new position to gently squeeze up and down the bigger turtles side, worming his finger in between his shell to in the way he knew really drove the snaggle tooth up the wall.
“Awwww! There it is! That adorable smile we all know and love!”
Raph was in stitches, head tilted back as he cackled, his laughter occasionally broken up by quick huffy snorts, with his free hand he made a fist and banged it against the ground
“Uhuhuhuhunle! UHUHUHUHUNCLE!”
Mikey giggled but came to a stop, “Alright alright! I grant thee mercy.”
He stayed perched on Raphs back as the older turtle recovered, with a loud sigh of relief the turtle sat up, scooping the box turtle up into his arms in a half hold half hug.
“Whew, Mikey you are ruthless.”
Mikey made himself comfortable against Raphs chest and giggled, sticking his tongue out, before his face became genuine again.
“I meant what I said Raph, about your smile being really nice. “
Raph huffed in slight embarrassment, though he couldn’t keep the warm fondness from blooming in his chest as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Heh, thanks little brother.” He smiled. “Now…”
His hug suddenly became a lot more tighter, pinning the younger mutant to his chest.
“Lets talk some about your smile huh?”
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mythica0 · 2 years ago
sure!! (I'm the anon you posted about) it could be the moment when splinter realized that his little turtles were ticklish maybe maybe when he was taking care of them or playing with them
A Loving Father
🧁:Tots Leo, Donnie, Mikey, Raph
Summary: Splinter loves his kids, and he finally feels capable to play with them after 4 years. He finds out something that he would have never expected.
A/N: here ya go anon! Sorry for the wait ended up going to sleep before finishing these!
A Loving Father
Four years.
That’s how long it took him to be ready to be a father.
He loved his new children, he did, truly and wholly and unconditionally. But being a parent is hard, especially for someone still dealing with… a lot.
Red was already six. Blue and purple were five. Orange was only four.
Splinter decided that he was finally ready. Finally able to step up. And if he was going to be late, he was going to do it right.
After breakfast that morning, he sat the tots down around him and told them a little game he had planned.
“You guys run around, and I try to catch you! It’s called ‘tag’. Sound fun?”
The little one’s eagerly nodded. They were gonna play a game with dad!
“I’ll give you a ten second head start!”
“Everybody scatter!” Leo shouted as dad started counting down from ten.
They all ran in different directions, their little feet carrying them further than one would expect.
Once the rat-man reached zero, he ran after his kids that were scattered across the living room.
He ran after blue first, considering it was the slider’s genius idea to go in all different directions.
“I gotcha blue!” He spoke, reaching out to tag his shell.
He didn’t expect his paw to graze blue’s shell, causing a squeak to fall out of his mouth.
Splinter thought for a moment as he ran after Leo, figuring it out in his head.
When he finally reached the tot, he scooped him up. “Gotcha! And it looks like someone is a ticklish little turtle~”
The father then poked all across blues plastron, causing him to squeak and giggle, chirps piercing the sounds every once in a while.
The turtles knew what tickling was, and had used it on eachother in the past, but had never expected dad to use it too!
Leo thought that maybe ratting out his brothers would get him free sooner, so he spoke through his chirpy giggles. “Whehehe ahall *chirp* ahare!”
“Oh are you now? Well, I better go test that theory, but first~” He then blew a raspberry into blue’s plastron, causing the slider to squeal in delight and fall into loud giggles.
Then dad set him down, and went to get the others.
The next turtle he chased was red. The snapper was rather large for his age, and was hence easy to spot and target.
Splinter chased red for awhile, finally catching him when he tripped on his tail.
“Come here, kid!” He called, starting up his attack on red’s shell.
The oldest turtle quickly fell into laughter, “Dahahahad! Ahahaha!”
“Ihihit tihihihickles!”
“Of course it does! That is the point! But, I do have some other small boys to catch.”
And the rat man let him go to go hunt for the others.
The next target- purple. Splinter was rather surprised at how smart the little turtle was, and he was definitely more serious than his brothers. But he was still the funny one!
When he caught purple, he decided to squeeze his tiny leg and see what happened.
“Eee! Dahahahad Noho!”
“Dad yes!”
The soft shell giggled loudly as he was attacked, squirming and writhing the whole time, trying to get free.
“Wohoah! Someone’s feisty!”
“Lehehehet mehehe gohoho!”
“Ahalright, alrihight.”
Splinter let purple go and started back up the chase for the last turtle standing, orange. The youngest.
The small box turtle was already giggling like a lunatic as he ran, no doubt expecting what was going to happen once he was caught.
“Come here orange!” Dad shouted as he ran.
“Eheheheee! Yohou cahahant cahahatch mehehe!”
“Oh yes I can~ gotcha!” The rat shouted, poking orange’s neck.
“Noho!” The smallest turtle squeaked out as he fell to the ground.
“Yes! Such ticklish little things you all are!”
“Ehahaha! Dhahahad! Nohohot thehehere!”
“Not there? Not where? Here?” He spoke, poking his neck again.
The kid scrunched up his head and ducked it into his shell, giggling crazily.
“Oh, well, guess I’ll just- pbbt!” He blew a raspberry into the back of orange’s shell, causing his head to pop out.
“Eheheheehehe! Okahahahay! Okahahahay!”
“Alright I’ll let you go.” He spoke, walking over to the spot where the other three had waited.
“Alright, time for a nap, you four.”
“Okay, dad.” They chorused. They were all ticketed out from their game!
Splinter loved his boys so much. He was going to try his best to be a loving father.
———THE END————————————————
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xavitron883 · 8 months ago
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Have Casey getting attacked by Spirit Leo
In my au, the future turtles arent 100% physical in the present
They have physical bodies thanks to Draxum but they can switch between physical and spirit
Which is where the idea of F! Leo giving Casey phantom tickles came from
He can feel Leo but he cant touch him in this form
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tangledinink · 2 years ago
if possible i would love to hear various lake facts from swanatello
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Swanatello is DELIGHTED to inform you that his lake has a varying pH level from 6.5 to 7.9 depending on the depth at which the sample was taken, and he has multiple graphs charting the water depth which he of course measures daily from a dozen different points. He has also measured the algae content, oxygen levels, total alkalinity, and phosphorous, as well as taking ammonia and nitrogen levels. He's in the process of identifying all the different minerals, chemicals, and algae growths that can be found in his lake-- speaking of, he's documented all the different variations of flora and fauna here and is working on data collection regarding behavior and growth of the different species if you wanna see the graphs for THAT-- His favorite is the big snapping turtle that lives at the bottom of the lake. They are just so FASCINATING for some reason...
Also, the bottom of the lake glows in odd patterns at night, which is weird? He's working on figuring that one out 'cause he's not really sure why that happens. The magick here is a little bonkers and he's still trying to figure out... how it works? And why?...
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