blujayonthewing · 1 year
good evening I am once again looking up 18th century men's shirt tutorials online
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peekaboo-rp · 10 months
Mcelroy Sentence Starters — some memorable (and not-so-memorable) quotes from the mcelroy brothers. adjust as needed!
“I’m like a rotisserie shithead!”
“I am…very uncomfortable with the energy we created in the studio today.”
“The state bird is now…ABOLISHED. There’s no more state bird.”
“If this boy’s a-rattlin’, you best get skedaddlin’ .”
“Now we’re just in stagnant boy soup.”
“[NAME] is…hungry for responsibility.”
“Young, dumb and full of… you know.”
“Hey, I just had an interesting thought: actually, fuck this.”
“[NAAAAAME], come out and PLAAAAY!”
“I was three deep in the window.”
“We’re killing fashion, one shirt at a time.”
“Do you want me to blast you? Do you want me to put you on blast? ‘Cause I got your history right here—”
“What the FUCK happened to you?”
“I had a case of the mondays!”
“Why can’t you just walk into a store and take something?”
“That’s actually an unspoken law: if no one sees you, then you’re good.”
“I’m a fuckin’ adult and they have no legal authority over me!”
“I’m saying that the societal norms are all entirely projected into our own minds by ourselves”
“You’re…not…my dad? Like, later.”
“Let the big dog hunt. Let the big dog OUT, dude.”
“There is no fuckin’ guarantee that a kid that comes into the beginning of my crucible— makes it to the end of it: undefeated.”
“Blast your eyeballs back into the right shape— so you can see again!”
“I wish hot salad existed— ANYONE ELSE?”
“Aw fuck, [NAME], I really goobered it up this time, bud.”
“Play with meee! Plaaay with meeee!”
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eshithepetty · 5 years
Some good good mcelboy quotes with no context
• You sold his eyes! That's unscrupulous!
• He looks like seven pterodactyls....
• I'm gonna make his head... look like an asterisk.
• You cannot impress the SHRECK THE MOVIE!
• You're gonna turn him into a man-tube,,,??!?
• I'm gonna take a hammer and fix the baby.
• Superglue baby back to it's big size.
• You and the box both drink POISON!! and you survive but the box has died.
• Oh c'mon, I'm in hell!! I'm dead and in hell now!!! You opened the door, you built the fucking door, out of wood, shit wood!! Shame on you and shame on us!
• Hot diggity shit. That is a baller cookie.
• Yes! I know how to taste the sea, read the wind and fuck the moon!!
• No dogs on the moon. They just run right off the goddamn thing.
• I'm Naruto.
• You dumb piece of shit, I can't believe we share genetic material, you make me so angry..! (said through wheezing laughter)
• Griffin, we gotta go fight some weeds at floor 20...!
• Come fuck this, quick quick quick, come fuck this, quickquicKQUICK COME FUCK THIS!!
• A, B, CRONK, Doug, eeeieeeeie~, fffffffnuh... Gumpy~! Hey!!...
• Ah..... You enjoy Jesus!
• He is a human ransom note,,!
• It's like a gachapon!! Only a guy's face!
• You look like a carpet fucked a nerd.
• Hey, Sonic the Hedgehog is in here! He just gave me a big bag of weed!!
• Guys, I'm getting smoked out by Sonic the Hedgehog and Benjamin Franklin.
• I'm like a rotisserie shithead!! Fuck you guys!
• One dragon's cool. You know what's cooler? A billion dragons. Let's go! *sounds of thunderous roaring* AAAHH-
• I miss my arm bones,,,
• That's a funny trick to play on God!
• Man creates Goose, Goose delays man, God kills Man, Goose kills God... eats God- Goose eats God... women rule the world!
///feel free to add more, cause god knows I can't write out them all///
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wingsofpizzazz · 5 years
Feeling super frustrated right now. I am active in the McElroy Facebook groups and have been for over two years. I blocked someone who admins in a group for my own mental health. Most groups have a policy where blocking an admin gets you banned, fine. This person admins a handful of groups so I leave those. Suddenly dozens of other groups where this person is NOT AN ADMIN are banning me out of the blue. I come to learn there is a collective blacklist for essentially many of the McElroy groups. There is a mod chat for many of the groups. This person has a lot of influence in the fandom so it feels like they essentially ganged up with their friends to engage in collective exclusion. It’s deeply uncomfortable that something like this even exists but if it’s used should only be for incredibly egregious things like bigotry and mocking content warnings repeatedly. It seems like an abuse of power and a gross overreach for a small group of friends to have so much influence and power over a fandom. Also, why are the same people running essentially all of the McElroy adjacent groups. I know it’s silly to be invested in a Facebook group but these groups are how I meet many of my IRL friends and communities I engaged in daily for years.
Here are the groups that all seem to have a collective ban list for those curious:
-The Adventure Zone FanZone
-My Brother, My Brother, and Me Fan Appreciation Group
-I’m like a rotisserie shithead
-MBMBAMinos Film Appreciation Group
-The Same Blastoise: A MBMBAM Pokémon Fan Group
-Haunted Film Watch
-Munch Squadités
-Things You Can’t Hell but Read in Justin McElroy’s Voice
-The “The Adventure Zone” Zone TMTMTM (formarlly TTAZZ but ACAB)
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faggotzoro · 6 years
rich people are honestly some of the worst motherfuckers ive met and i havent met many because i live in the suburbs of rednecktown ontario but hoo boy this one dipshit
he's been to disneyland almost every year of his life every GOD DAMN year and he has all the newest technology and shit like that
and this motherfucker, who has been to disney almost every single year of his fucking life no exaggeration, was complaining about how he couldn't go to disney this year because his parents were going on a different vacation
and we're like ???? man you've been so much and you're going on another vacation too, a lot of us can't do that aren't you happy that u can go on one??
and this rotisserie shithead decides to say "well, the only reason that you can't do that is because you all and your parents don't work as hard"
and it's like dude. man. lad. most of our parents are out here working a lot of jobs so that we can eat. and you're really gonna say that our parents don't work hard enough when it's clearly a product of the system that we live in as a society where your parents are higher up in the money zone than ours. aight.
this motherfucker is the bane of my existence and rich people are less nice than people who don't go to disney every year, thanks for coming to my tedtalk
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jumpboy-rembrandt · 7 years
montage of starblaster interviews except our guys just present a mishmash of that mbmbam episode
barry, having been dressed by magnus and unaware that davenport is standing behind him: okay, yeah, look at me! i’m like a rotisserie shithead!
taako: [coming in with lup] aw shit, who’s ready for round two?
davenport: taako. [shakes hand, pauses] six dollars? what is that for?
merle: the first invention i’ve come up with is pornography for birds
davenport: disgusting. next.
merle: i’d like to spend a little more time exploring pornography for birds
davenport: [looks at paper] lucretia ‘your mother was my third grade teacher and she was an inspiration’ lalune?
lucretia: [nods solemnly]
magnus: i am not qualified at all. and i know what you’re thinking– why would you lead off with that? i am a blank canvas, sir, upon which you might create your masterpiece.
taako: we are
lup: hungry for responsibility
taako: and horny for teamwork
lup: and ready to BUST A NUT up in this job!
barry: hello captain davenport. i would like to audition for your job please. here is my resume.
davenport: thank you. [sticks to his hands] what the fuck have you done.
magnus: skills include: eight-foot vertical leap.
davenport: ‘this portion good for 15% off at all fantasy costco stores’? so i need to take this resumé–
lucretia: you only need to cut that portion off, though
magnus: young, dumb, and full of…you know ;)
merle: let’s move on. i imagine bird seed will be a component in more or less every scene,
taako: special skills. [stands on table] CAN! RUN! TWO! MILES! PER! DIEMMMMMM!
lup: that also means he knows multiple languages, which you like.
magnus: [as davenport flips through pages covered with a single line] at this point, i did kinda get sleepy from the marker…then i blacked out
lup: i think my favorite job exit is when your co-worker fuckin fired me
davenport: yes? did you deserve it or not, would you say?
lup: that’s debatable.
davenport: alright, i’m ready. hit me.
lup: alright. greg grimaldis in the records department had me scanning documents. i thought i was doing a kickass job, but apparently not that much of a kickass job.
davenport: did you at any point leave to go to bonnaroo?
lup: i left at one point– hold on. …i left at a point to go to bonnaroo.
barry: oh shit, this thing has other colors!!
lucretia: thanks for your time
davenport: you’re welcome, young lady
lucretia: i love you
davenport: moving a little fast
taako: i’m gonna write a number on this paper and that’ll be my salary
davenport: there are too many digits. there are too many digits. taako, stop.
davenport: alright, you six…are officially part of the team.
taako: okay, quick! first things first, captain davenport, i’m gonna need you to move your car.
magnus: [on the phone] yeah, you know that list of people i gave you? go get ‘em.
barry: the institute mascot is now…abolished. there’s no more mascot.
davenport: you only have responsibility within this project. i think we’re going to end this meeting–
[clamoring of ‘wait!’ ‘one more thing!’ from the team]
lucretia: IPRE’s sister school is the moon!!
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wartwhitman · 8 years
MBMBaM Seeso Sentence Starters
"What’s up, you cool baby?" "You can't just yell ‘go’." "I know the government has it." “It's a really tricky dick." "Do you think all of the toys in Toy Story are possessed by different ghosts?" "This is how two roommates become one friend." "Let’s see if we can't spook it up a little bit with some delightful ghouls." "Jumpscare!" "Once the spookmaster general is done with you, you're gonna piss your pants." "There’s a very real chance that that is not a doll." "Yeah thats just somebody that got frozen in time." "Watch the fucking throne because we're coming, and we're hungry." "If this boys a rattlin’, you best get skedaddlin'." "Mayor said it, thats legal everybody." "He can't finish unless you look him in the eyes---I don't want him to finish." "I didn’t buy the boy so everybody outside could enjoy it, I bought the boy for me." "I stole a copy of Fight Club and got caught which seemed like a very Tyler Durden thing to do, in my defense." "Did you at any point leave to go to Bonnaroo?" "I left at one point... hold on... I left at one point to go to Bonnaroo." "Ohhh look at me! I’m like a rotisserie shithead!" "You guys would tell me if I looked like a magical pervert, right?" "I would absolutely hire the beard guy. I liked it." "OUR SISTER CITY IS THE MOON!" "I will for one day, cook meals for the officers, and be called the CHEF of police." "The wild boys have become the cops." "Augh these legs a mine." "Come out and plAAAAy." "Okay this is intentionally threatening!" "I’m gonna commit toilet crime all day long!" "I’m sorry I tried to make a good life for everybody here!" "If theres armistice i wanna be in the armistice!" "I feel like I look like a magical high-tech pervert." "You look like an undertaker for clowns." "Do you know anything about...parade management...or how to start one?" "Hi! I was trying to, uh-- my name is----Zack?" "Hey I just had an interesting thought--actually, fuck this." "I’m just, like, super super chill right now." "You got it on the ghetti!!!" "That’s a gar-rawn-tee." "Teens are very into the following: bullying me on tumblr, and dabbing, of course." "That was a dab? that's fresh as hell!" "Your teen name is: first name is your least favorite soda, last name is your favorite soda." "And to prove it; I’m gonna rip a phone book in half." "And whats great is that could also be your porn star name." "But don't feel like your cell phone is also a prison, from which you can't really escape." "Nobody believed in me because I had narcolepsy all year." "I need a definite boost." "I have an ouch on my fanny." "I'll need a bunch of pillows, or some sort of staircase." "Is this your first time? You're doin' a really great job. I’m proud of you." "THROUGH YOUR SACRIFICE WE SHALL LIVE!" "Hey siri, change home to: Baskin Robins." "It says don't touch it, so we should only touch it once." "All of which said either ‘fuck you’, or 'okay' and then five minutes later 'fuck you'" "They know where the holy grail is and you're talking to them on the phone! and their number was on google!" "You look like a business man with an extremely specific fetish." "You look like a new kid in candyland that just steals twizzlers." "You look like a vaudeville usher whose trying for a management position." "Gotta have my vape!" "I was gonna dress like a gorilla that loved to vape named vape ape." "The fact that you're saying it out loud makes it legal." "They all have giant dongs." "Go bone yourself, I'm gonna actually go home and play Pokemon now." "Every first draft has a lot of dongs." "If you set up a dong in act one you gotta pay it off in act three." "My heart, soul, GUTS, all went into it." "Keep it real, keep it raw, and don't embarrass me out there."
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