nyaskitten · 7 months
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“Kill them with kindness” WRONG. yaoi
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i made this since my friend used the old drawing of it as a profile picture i really didnt like it anymore. old drawing under the cut.
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Character is from Desolo Zantas on youtube
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sparguscityangel · 2 years
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“you’re still talking?”
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nachocheezos21 · 30 days
ouh i might drop the thing i made of my sona
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stormbreaker-290 · 3 months
Fuck I wasn’t ready
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voidtouched-blue · 1 year
I have successfully kidnapped one of my favorite people on discord and made him get back on tumblr for yet even more RP.
We just gotta play the waiting game until he gets his blog set up.
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turtlepanic · 14 days
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I drew @vvividstriker ‘s bird
Happy birthday!!!!!!
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rottenpumpkin13 · 11 months
*dyes Sephiroth’s hair black and gives him shades with circular lenses* rehehehehehehe
*Somewhere in Nibelheim, deep within the Shinra Mansion's basement, Vincent's coffin starts violently rattling*
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can i get BEN, puppeteer and eyeless jack with a S/O thats petrified of the dark
Characters: BEN Drowned, The Puppeteer and 'Eyeless' Jack
S/O?: Yes
S/O type: Gender neutral
CW: None
Tags: SFW
Headcanons below!
BEN Drowned
Probably be like "It's not that scaryy" then be absolutely mortified of the dark as well
100% Sticks by your side in the dark (The glitching helps as a light source so it's a win win)
Doesn't necessarily make fun of you more so,, light teasing (Cannot be talking smh)
Tries to comfort you while trying to ignore his fear (DISTRACTIONS GO!!)
Sleeps with a night light
The Puppeteer
Probably was also scared of the dark when he was in a more alive state so understands
He usually lurks in the dark now so he is kinda confused why you chose to like,, y'know be with him
Those string things seem to produce light so he might give you one
Eyeless Jack:
Even more confused, he literally lives in the dark and is only usually active during midnight so like,, doesn't understand at all
Med school him never really ever had a fear of the dark so he doesn't understand why people are afraid of the dark in general
Tries to provide comfort but is horrible at it
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intheticklecloset · 10 months
The Promised Neverland Coffee Shots #1-5
A collection of The Promised Neverland Coffee Shots I've done, compiled for the sake of ease. These are all stand-alone stories.
1) Lee Norma, Ler Ray
“You really shouldn’t have done that,” Ray grumbled, shoving his hands in his pockets as he glared at Norman.
Norman smiled sweetly at him as always, shrugging. “The younger kids want to play with you so bad, Ray. Can’t you indulge them a little bit? Even one game?”
“Where’s my book, Norman?”
Norman folded his arms behind his back innocently. “I don’t know.”
“Am I?” Now Norman’s tone was challenging, his blue eyes fixed on his grumpy friend with unwavering confidence. “Am I, Ray?”
Ray huffed out an irritated sigh. “Give it back.”
“I don’t have it.”
“Then where’d you put it?”
“I didn’t put it anywhere.”
“Norman.” Ray took a step closer, getting into Norman’s personal space. “Where. Is. My. Book?”
“Like I said, I don’t know.”
“That’s it!” Suddenly Ray tackled him to the ground, making Norman yelp in surprise. Ray usually fought with his mind, not with his hands, but unluckily for him he wasn’t as physically strong as either of his oldest friends, so he went down easily and succumbed just as fast when Ray’s fingers found his sides and dug in. “Tell me, or I’ll tickle it out of you!”
“Ah! Ray! Wahahahahahahait!” Norman squealed, tossing his head back and weakly pushing at his friend’s arms as giggles spilled out of him. He tried to gain leverage by digging his heels into the ground and flipping over, but Ray merely straddled him and made sure to keep him right where he was. “Ahahahahahaha! No, wahahahahahahahait! I reheheheheheheally don’t knohohohohohohow!”
“I’m nohohohohohohot!” Norman cried, cheeks pink with uncontrollable mirth, squirming helplessly against the tickling onslaught. “I dohohohohohon’t hahahahahave it! I don’t know whehehehehere she put it!”
Ray stopped. “She?”
Norman realized his mistake and widened his eyes. “No, Ray—”
“So Emma has it.”
Ray studied him for a moment, then began tickling once again, leaning in close to his friend’s laughing face as he growled, “Liar.”
Norman decided that – as long as it was for Emma – taking Ray’s punishment really wasn’t the worst thing in the world.
2) Lee Phil, Ler Emma
“Not here? What about here?” Emma teased playfully, beaming at the squealing, childlike giggles she was getting for her efforts. Phil lay rolling around in the grass under her fingers as she gently tickled first his belly, then his little ribs, then his neck and ears. “Or here? How about here?”
“Ehehehehehehehe! Emmahahahahaha!” The four-year-old’s smile was wide as he shrieked and flailed his arms, either unable or unwilling to even try and push her away. “It tickles! It tihihihihickles!”
“Aww, well, that’s the point, Phil!” Emma laughed with him, going back down to his belly, which seemed to be a good spot. “The tickle monster’s got you now! Tickle, tickle, tickle!”
Phil laughed freely for several more moments, then finally called out his surrender. “Ehehehehehehehe! S-Stohohohohohop, Emma!”
Emma did as she was asked, ruffling his hair and letting him catch his breath. “You okay?”
“Yeah!” he replied enthusiastically, sitting up and grinning at her. “That was fun!”
“I think so, too!” She pulled him into a hug. “Want to play another round?”
Phil leapt to his feet and took off again, already giggling. “Count to a minute!”
“I will!”
In the midst of her counting, Ray came up behind her. “The kid really likes hide and tickle, doesn’t he? Has he ever asked to play the tickle monster instead?”
Emma smiled up at him. “Not so far, but he’s smart. He’ll figure out sooner or later that he can be the chaser, too.”
“Why not offer?”
“Like I’d offer to get tickled when I’m caught!”
Ray smirked. “Ah, come on. You have to admit it would be kind of funny to be taken down by a four-year-old.” He reached down and tweaked her ribs playfully, making her shoot to her feet and give him a devious grin.
“Careful, Ray, or I’ll come after you next.”
“Yeah, whatever. Your time’s up, by the way. Go get him.”
Emma jabbed his ribs in return and took off before he could retaliate, dashing into the forest in search of her little friend, whom she found incredibly easily. Once again she caught and tickled him, his giggles filling the air and making the afternoon that much sweeter.
3) Lee Ray, Lers Emma and Norman
Ray found himself backed up against a tree, Emma and Norman approaching him from either side, their eyes devious and fingers wiggling. “Guys, I swear, if you tickle me…”
“You’ll what, Ray?” Emma asked teasingly. “You won’t help us escape anymore? We all know you won’t do that~”
Ray clenched his fists. Things were serious right now – why weren’t they serious right now?! He was used to their crazy antics, having grown up with them for nearly his entire life. It wasn’t unheard of for him to get roped into their tickle fights sometimes, but it had been months since the last time, and – again – they were supposed to be taking things seriously!
“Why are you guys wasting time with this crap? We need to stay focused on what’s important!” he snapped at them, considering his options. Emma had him beat in athletic ability and Norman could outwit him in intelligence, but Ray was a balance of the both of them. He could find a way out of this. Right?
“Of course we’re staying focused,” Norman explained calmly. “But if we don’t act at least a little normal, Mom will get suspicious.”
Ray gritted his teeth. He decided that between the two of them, he’d have an easier time taking Norman down in order to get away, so in a flash of movement he barreled towards his friend, dodging him easily and shoving him aside to clear a path of escape…
Or so he thought.
Norman grabbed his arm to keep from toppling over and used his free hand to squeeze his ribs, making Ray squawk and turn to defend himself. In doing so he lost his footing for just long enough to trip and fall backwards, pulling Norman down with him and landing – unfortunately – beneath the weight of his friend.
And that was the end of it. Norman and Emma were on him in moments, grabbing his arms and pinning them to his sides so he couldn’t fight back.
“Wait! No!” Ray protested, unable to help the wobbly smile on his face from the anticipation of knowing what was coming. “Guys, don’t! Please, don’t!”
“Aww, he’s begging us now~” Emma giggled.
Norman smiled at him. “Too bad for you, we’re determined to hear you laugh one way or another. It’s been too long.”
Ray clamped his lips shut in defiance, only for them to fly open and unleash a tsunami of hysterics when they each grabbed one of his thighs and dug in mercilessly. “AGHAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHO!! NAHAHAHAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHEHEHERE!! DAHAHAHAHAHANG IT, YOU GUYS!! YOU CHEHEHEHEHEHEATERS!! THIS ISN’T FAHAHAHAHAHAIR!!”
Norman and Emma laughed along with him as they tickled Ray absolutely silly, and for a few blissful minutes, they all forgot about the dangers and the stress that had taken over their lives recently. Right now, they were happy to just have fun and enjoy the moment.
4) Lee Norman, Ler Don
“Are you laughing at me?” Don asked incredulously, peering through the now empty bookshelf at Norman, who had one hand over his mouth, trying to cover up his giggles.
“No, of course not,” he replied, though another snicker gave him away.
Don smirked. “What? Think this is funny?” He’d just been trying to grab one book from the shelf, but it was jammed in so tight that by removing it he ended up knocking nearly all of the books down with it, raining on him in a pile of flapping pages.
“No. I mean…” Norman shrugged, finally removing his hand to reveal his wide smile. “It is kind of funny. As long as you’re not hurt.”
“I’m not,” Don reassured him, flashing him an evil grin, “but if you think it’s so funny, I’ll give you something to really laugh about.”
Norman bolted as soon as he saw those teasing, wiggling fingers from the other side of the bookshelf, unable to control his excited giggles as he ran. He burst out of the door to the library and fled down the hall, nearly barreling right into Mom as she came up the stairs.
“Norman,” she scolded gently, “you know better than to run in the halls.”
“Sorry, Mom,” he replied hastily, glancing back to see Don hot on his tail and promptly ignoring her reminder. He ducked past her down the stairs, but his slight hesitation had been enough for his friend to catch up to him, and they barely made it outside before he was tackled into the grass.
“Gotcha!” Don cried, grinning as he plunged his fingers into Norman’s sides. “Take that!”
“Ah! Nahahahahahahaha! Wahahahahahahait!” Norman pleaded, spasming and curling up defensively, his giggles evolving into laughter while he squirmed helplessly. “Dohohohohohon! Don’t tihihihihihickle me!”
Don chuckled, aware that several of the kids who had been playing outside were now focused on the scene unfolding just beyond the doorway. “Why not? You know we all love hearing you laugh, Norman~”
Norman squealed and cackled even harder at that, trying to wriggle away to no avail. “Plehehehehehease! Dohohohohohohon’t! Don, stahahahahahap it!”
“What’s that? Don’t stop?” Don chuckled at his friend’s cry of elated despair and continued tickling as the other kids gradually bounded toward them, wanting in on the fun. “Whatever you say!”
5) Lee Ray, Ler Norman
“You seem scared,” Norman remarked with a smile.
“I’m not scared.” Ray took a step back, felt the wall behind him, and bit back a startled gasp. He hadn’t realized how close he was to being trapped. “I just…I know what you’re going to do, and I’m…nervous.”
Norman’s smile remained unwavering. “Why? You know I’ll be gentle and stop when you want me to.”
“I know.” Ray clenched his fists to keep himself grounded when Norman stepped into his personal space, eye-to-eye with him. “Doesn’t mean I’m not nervous.”
Norman grabbed his sides and squeezed, making Ray slap a hand over his mouth to hide the shriek that wanted to make itself known. He squirmed when his friend kept it up, squeezing and pinching and tickling all up and down his sides.
“Nohohorman!” he giggled, clutching his friend’s shoulders but not pushing away yet. “Jeheheherk, don’t lohohohohook at me like thahahahat!”
“Like what?” Norman asked innocently, traveling up to his underarms, making it harder for Ray not to protect himself. “I just think it’s cute, that’s all.”
“It’s nohohohohohot! It’s embahahahaharrassing!”
“You know the others would love it if they found out, right? They’d tickle you as much as you wanted.”
Ray blushed even harder. “Shuhuhuhuhuhut up! I dohohohohon’t wahahahahant them to knohohohohow!”
“Know what?”
This was the tipping point in their game. Ray knew it, Norman knew it, and both of them knew what was going to happen next.
Ray growled, “You suhuhuhuhuhuck!”
Norman stopped, and he couldn’t help but grin at Ray’s fleeting look of disappointment. “Know what, Ray?”
The raven-haired boy huffed, averted his eyes, blushed even more. “That I like it, all right? I like being tickled.”
Norman beamed at him, grabbed his thighs, and kneaded his thumbs in deep.
Ray tossed his head back and exploded into laughter, grateful everyone else was gathering for lunch and couldn’t hear them from downstairs. He clutched Norman’s shoulders so hard it almost hurt, but his friend didn’t mind.
“Don’t worry,” Norman said, continuing to tickle and draw out the brightest laughter from his usually quiet, stoic friend. “Your secret is safe with me.”
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mmeepp-mmeepp · 3 months
If this becomes a art trend Hehehehe Rehehehehehehe
Anyways here is a frisk I made.
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V. S.
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sourfunstrips · 6 days
REHEHEHEHEHEHE (Scooby Doo laugh)
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ask-dark-monita · 2 months
*gives both Scrooge and Scooby a box of Scooby Snacks to share*
Have either of you considered Scooby being as Scrooge’s guard dog for his money bin?
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"I'll admit, Scooby is a kind-hearted fellow, but I don't think he is guard dog-worthy of protecting me money bin. While he is good at solvin' mysteries, I can't imagin' puttin' the lad near possible threats that could scare him away."
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"Haha! Like, Scrooge, my dude! You don't need to worry about that! Scoob has like, 10% of my power now! Guarding your money bin will be like a, piece of cake, man!"
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"Is that so? Excellent! You have Scooby guard my money bin and I promise the both of ye a life supply of yummy Scooby snacks! What do ya say?"
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"Roh roy! Rount rus rin! Rehehehehehehe!"
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smallishimps · 5 months
I apologize to the CGs for contributing to the chaos but if you kids have helmets, may I propose using this? Just... not down the stairs.
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-Local Fire Cat @azziecat
REHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!!! *leaps into it immediately and shoves off with my foot, tearing down the hall and into the end wall*
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nyxfaei · 1 year
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