hiyorelia · 10 months
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namitha · 1 year
Occasionally, one yearns for a bit of solitude, to wander aimlessly and become immersed in the unknown. It's essential to step back, take a breather, and momentarily vanish from the daily grind. Allow life's currents to carry you away, surrender to the flow. Release the burdens that have accumulated over time. In this moment of reprieve, look past the confines of your expectations, and you may just discover the astonishing beauty that has been waiting right in front of you. As you traverse this uncharted path, embrace the serendipitous encounters and unexpected joys that are bound to arise. Let the world surprise you with its hidden wonders, and in the midst of getting lost, you might find yourself anew.
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thecorpsofrediscovery · 3 months
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We keep coming back to this cabin. My dad and I. While on our latest quest to Darland Mountain, we checked in on the bleached remnants of this old cabin. Located in the middle of a meadow near the source of the Klickitat River, it endures. Hardened strength against the elements.
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fly-care · 2 years
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Game changer!
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bafflement · 1 year
Deaged Oz AU - After The Meeting
Tip looked up as a knock sounded at the door to the set of rooms they all shared in Atlas. He wasn't expecting anyone, but everybody else was away at the moment. He shrugged, putting his book down and getting to his feet, maybe they were after Qrow?
Moving over to the door, though, it revealed a boy not much older than Tip was, who blinked down at him in surprise.
"Uh... Wintertip Pine?" The boy enquired, sounding rather doubtful.
Tip nodded. "Yes, that would be me. Why?" His hand crept towards the hilt of his rapier as he spoke, though, eyes busily scanning for anyone else that might have come with the boy. To catch him alone was rare enough that this just seemed to scream 'trap' to him.
"I have something I need to deliver to you. Your eyes only, though... I was expecting you to be rather older?" The boy shrugged and held out a bound scroll. Tip took it, one eyebrow raised in curiosity.
"Any idea what this is about?" He asked, hoping to at least get some context clues from the strange event. Though he doubted Salem would have provided any written evidence of her plans if it was actually her, that would be so far out of character that... well, never mind.
He slit the seal open and scanned the contents, stopping halfway through to adjust his glasses slightly. The paper was a strange shade of almost purple, though the ink seemed normal enough. Was it... scented? His eyebrow rose further upon the discovery that yes, yes it was... this was not exactly normal correspondance to send to an eleven year old.
He noted the name and almost smiled. Lady Greenbriar had been the older woman on Atlas Council, the one that had taken none of James' attitude and had seemed to recognise him. He had no real memory of her, but maybe this meeting could change that?
She wanted him to come alone, which was slightly problematic, but she had specified a time about an hour from now, the others wouldn't be back yet. If he was quick enough, maybe they'd never need to know? He was pretty sure she wouldn't harm him, at least.
He smiled at the boy who'd delivered it and nodded to him. "Please inform her that I'll be there and thank you." The boy looked weirdly more intimidated by Tip's calm acknowledgement of what was really a summons than he had to delivering the letter. Ah well, maybe this wasn't the normal reaction, but Tip was highly curious now...
Picking out clothing took less time than it might have, had the lady in question not probably once been a friend of his father's. Ah well, at least Winter might be happy that he'd chosen Schnee colors for this? It felt slightly manipulative, but it could give him an advantage if the talk went south... and if Winter found out where he was, he knew she tended to be more gentle when reminded forcefully that they were related.
Brothers, but he hated doing that... he wasn't a child, he wasn't helpless... he wasn't even really that sickly anymore with the help of his aura. They needed to stop treating him as though he would break, he was an accomplished Huntsman, after all...
He froze in the doorway to the room where he had been told to meet her. She wasn't alone, a man sat with her who was familiar. Why was Lark Winchester of all people here, though? He was aware that like the Ironwoods... and the Schnee's, the Winchesters had lost a child to that same kidnapping circle, but why would he be interested in Tip, of all people? He wasn't Wren Winchester, after all... he couldn't bring her back.
A flash, then, briefest memory hitting. Wren, her blonde hair and her... oh no... her bright green eyes. He shook himself out of it, though. He had to be imagining things.
"So, this is the child you wanted me to meet, my lady?" Lark's voice was light, but his eyes were hard as he stared at the tousle haired little boy.
"Does he really look that unfamiliar to you, Lark?" Lady Greenbriar's tone held laughter, her eyes soft as she, too, looked at Tip.
"I..." Lark broke off, sweeping a second, more assessing look over Tip. He shook his head slightly, looked again. Tip felt rather like an insect under the microscope at that point, but suppressed the feeling. His shoulders straightened as he met Lark's eyes.
Lark Winchester, pillar of the community in Atlas that he was, proud chairman of the Winchester Military Equipment Company, started to swear. Lady Greenbriar looked impressed. Tip just grinned at him, which seemed to set off a fresh round of profanity, slowly getting more impressive before Lark regained control of himself.
"... Winter?" It wasn't really a question, though. Tip nodded, grin more rueful now and Lark just closed his eyes briefly.
"What happened to you? How are you... why are you...? You know what? Never mind, that can wait. I'm just so damn glad you're alive!"
Tip blushed, even as Lady Greenbriar sighed. "Unfortunately there's more to it than that, Lark. It turns out that little Winter Schnee here is the wizard."
"Excuse me?" Lark stated it flatly, disbelief in every iota of his body language.
"Unfortunately, yes." Tip agreed, calmly. He adjusted his hold on The Long Memory pointedly and Lark's eyes flew to the cane.
He promply started swearing again.
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sobertribevibe · 1 year
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Witnessing an individual recovering from addiction and reconstructing their life is truly a remarkable sight. It encompasses the joy of reuniting with their children, embarking on a new career path, securing employment, and ultimately advocating for those who are still struggling with addiction. It is undeniably one of the most awe-inspiring experiences one can behold.
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briannawelborn · 1 year
I saw a post the other day that said being in your 30s is rediscovering what you loved at 13. I’m doing that a little early like I’ve done everything but I’m so grateful for this time in my life to put a pause on having to do this or that, always pushing to be the best at something, and instead, learning to just be. It’s all about just being.
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weriseandthrive · 1 year
🌟 Rediscovering yourself is a transformative journey that unveils your true potential and passions. 🌈 Embrace self-reflection, step out of your comfort zone, and explore new experiences. 🚀 Reconnect with your dreams and aspirations, and unleash the power within. ✨ #SelfDiscovery #Transformation
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indiemusiclift · 2 years
 Amycanbe – Being A Grown-Up Sure Is Complicated by @amycanbe . A 13 track album that will surely give you a great music experience .
Music Distributor : @streamondistro
Spotify :
Apple Music
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serenityscribes · 2 years
Ultimate Ode to a Blonde (2022)
How many hours Have I lost to the longing The wanting what will never be If it ever even was The silence, the words left unspoken That speak volumes If only my heart would hear Would silence the wanting That cuts like a knife Once we spoke the same language Now I don’t even know your dialect
I need to stay my own course And know what is meant, will be Put myself back out into the world More than I ever have before Channel my inner Elle, When even that feels too hard, And know that the future will be So Much Better than the before.
- E. Ecker, from Reformatting, August 2022
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namitha · 2 years
Let us remember to always rediscover one another because we are forever changing.
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tapan4evr · 1 month
True me.. Tap-1863..
There’s more to travel than just instagrammable moments. It’s a balm for the soul. Escaping your routine isn’t just about relaxation; it’s a chance to recharge, explore, reignite and rediscover yourself. Immersing in different cultures, different walks of life, different languages, tasting new flavors, and witnessing breathtaking landscapes expands your world view and fosters a deeper…
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give-soup-please · 1 year
raise a glass to the posts you love that end up deleted. to the fanart and fanfics you lose track of and can't locate. to the blogs you used to look through that ended up unexpectedly disappearing. to the things you didn't archive because you always assumed they'd be there.
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mroddmod · 25 days
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don't be weepy sleepy puppies
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itssoh · 3 months
Finding the feeling within is always a rediscovery.
–Prem Rawat
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