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Hey what do all your star variants look like? I know they look a bit different for each timeline split or universe. May I please know a description? I need it for a little something.
I never really thought about it. Well there's one small au where the star was shaped like a monty plushie
But for the most part, I don't have a solid image. Anguish's* star is probably more messed up looking than Envy or Gaia's.
*Anguish is the lunar from rdci which is a offshoot of rle where eclipse got killed after freeing moon and the others from stasis. the star bonded to lunar after eclipse died, and lunar ran away
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Rourkela Steel Plant becomes first SAIL unit to introduce Biochar Injection in blast furnace
Representational image Team News Riveting Rourkela, August 27 In a significant advancement toward reducing carbon emissions in steel production, SAIL, Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) in collaboration with SAIL, RDCIS has successfully initiated the use of Biochar in Blast Furnace #1 of RSP. Atanu Bhowmick, Director In-Charge, Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) charged the first biochar during the historic…
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Foto: JonatĂŁ Rocha / SECOM O secretário da Infraestrutura e Mobilidade (SIE), Jerry Comper, assegurou, em entrevista coletiva nesta quinta-feira, 27, que as trĂŞs pontes que ligam o Continente Ă Ilha de Santa Catarina sĂŁo absolutamente seguras e nĂŁo oferecem riscos aos usuários. Comper atendeu convite do MinistĂ©rio PĂşblico de Santa Catarina (MPSC) para uma vistoria nas estruturas. Acompanhado de parte de sua equipe tĂ©cnica, o secretário deu detalhes sobre o novo momento de atenção Ă s estruturas, fundamentais para FlorianĂłpolis e Santa Catarina. “O governador Jorginho Mello determinou prioridade na questĂŁo das pontes. É isso que estamos fazendo” explicou ele, salientando que o processo de autorização para que a Casan instale uma nova adutora, para abastecer a ilha de água potável, na Ponte Pedro Ivo Campos, está concluĂdo e já foi enviado Ă Casan, que fará o devido processo licitatĂłrio. Foto: William Possamai Poffo/Divulgação Blocos de sustentação Jerry Comper tambĂ©m informou que está em elaboração o anteprojeto para a revitalização de 12 dos 18 blocos de sustentação das Pontes Pedro Ivo Campos e Colombo Salles. Seis deles já foram restaurados. “A previsĂŁo de finalização do anteprojeto, no sistema RDCI (que Ă© mais rápido), Ă© atĂ© o final do ano. Uma vez vencida essa etapa, a SIE já vai entrar na fase para licitar e contratar a obra,” explicou o titular da Infraestrutura do Estado, acrescentando que, se tudo correr bem, as obras nos blocos de sustentação começam atĂ© meados de 2025. Remoção das placas da passarela A empresa vencedora da licitação foi inabilitada pela SIE porque o CREA-SC suspendeu a CAT – CertidĂŁo de Acervo TĂ©cnico – da companhia. Esse certificado Ă© exigĂŞncia legal para empresas serem contratadas pelo poder pĂşblico. A segunda colocada no certame licitatĂłrio para esta obra já enviou sua documentação, que está sob análise da área tĂ©cnica da SIE. “Atendendo todos os critĂ©rios do processo licitatĂłrio, já está autorizada a homologação e a contratação,” detalhou Jerry Comper. Manutenção constante Importante frisar que a SIE segue rotina de manutenção e conservação funcional nas pontes HercĂlio Luz, Pedro Ivo Campos e Colombo Machado Salles, com execução de serviços de limpeza, drenagem, substituição de defensas, pintura, sinalização, pavimentação, juntas metálicas, e quaisquer serviços dessa natureza. Fonte: Governo SC
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Value addition in entire system can be a game changer for SAIL: Chairman SAIL
Focusing predominantly on value added products, Steel Authority of India Ltd. (SAIL) is looking forward to offer an array of differentiated and quality products in market while focusing on value along with volume. During interaction with employees at SAIL’s Durgapur Steel Plant (DSP) on Tuesday, Chairman, SAIL, Shri PK Singh said, in the prevailing stiff market competition, value addition to our products and processes along with tailoring the product quality and attributes in line with market demands rather producing only volume can be a game changer for us. He added that the state-of-the-art 1 MTPA (million tonne per annum) capacity Medium Structural Mill (MSM) installed at DSP is capable of producing world-class structural steel products which have a high demand for various on-going and upcoming infra and construction projects in India. Shri Singh also added that with Railways switchover to LHB coaches in a phased manner in next few years, wheels for new LHB railway coaches are in advanced stages of validation at DSP and the metallurgical testing of the wheels has already been completed. At DSP, MSM is producing Parallel Flange Beams, Joists, Channels and Angles, which are primarily used by infrastructure and construction segments and considering the pick-up in infrastructure projects, metro connectivity, accelerated construction activities, Shri Singh said “These products are all expected to translate into increased demand for such value added Structurals. The Company is also tapping world market for exporting its products where there is a demand for these.’’ DSP is a plant designed to produce 7.5 lakh tonnes of Semis, where SAIL-DSP in association with R&D and Centre for Engineering & Technology (CET) will tap the huge market for special grade semis by targeting to produce 90% semis as special steel grades and tie up for value added products of special steel. The semis would also explore possibilities in transmission line towers (TLT) and forging areas, he said. Emphasizing the importance of Research & Development and improving Project Designing, he said that, RDCIS and Centre for Engineering & Technology would contribute more in developing value-added products for the Plant. Read the full article
#accelerated construction activities#Chairman SAIL#Durgapur Steel Plant#engineering technology#huge market#India#infrastructure#infrastructure projects#Joists#metro connectivity#MSM#RDCIS#Research & Development#SAIL#Transmission line towers#value added products
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Me haces mucha falta, extraño nuestras charlas, bromas, locuras, te extraño y créeme que demasiado, pero parece que no te hago falta, que hace tiempo que ya no soy importante para ti, que ya me haz reemplazado y sinceramente eso me esta destrozando pero aún asà jamás podre dejar de quererte.
#cosas que escribo#escritos#letras#lo escribi yo#lo que escribo#likeit#escribir#escritura#followme#loveit#writen by me#una chica escribiendo#writer#amazing#awesome#im crying#tristeza#love#escritos tristes#amistad#perderte#reemplazar#reemplazo#reemplazable#reemplazada
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SAIL-RDCIS signs MoA with IIT-Kharagpur
In New Delhi: Steel Authority of India Limited is concentrating on developing a strong industry-academia interaction with top technical institutes for better technology absorption & applications for improved production and maintenance.
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Last night was incredible fun with my friends!!! @jjhairston @officiallytiffanyboone @shawnbigby @zebulonellis @minonssings @juanitacontee @bishophbailey @marcialbailey @chandlersbailey RDCI Knows how to throw a party!!! Happy Anniversary! (at Right Direction Church International) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxH9jWklVs6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=f3nsrgn6myf1
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I want to further develop "remorse doesn't cut it" so I'm plotting to send some people there to encourage growth, trying to decide if it should be Hazard or Kitten's group?
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Australian Waterproofing Company - ROOF Waterproofers in Melbourne - FIN...
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Te quiero demasiado, eres y siempre serás importante para mi, pero creeme que las palabras y actitudes hieren y, cariño las tuyas me destrozaron.
#escritos tristes#tristeza#citas tristes#notas tristes#textos tristes#frases tristes#destrozada#corazon destrozado#me destrozaste#destrozar#sadgirl#lo que escribo#cosas que escribo#escritora#escribir#escritos#escritura#una chica escribiendo
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via EasyHealthTip Easy Health Tip https://ift.tt/2wRP7tY
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Federal Circuit Hits Stupid Patent Owner With Fee Award
Patent litigation abuse thrives when patent trolls can force defendants into making a hard choice: pay the troll (even though the claim is absurd) or pay even more to your lawyers. This week, the Federal Circuit issued an encouraging ruling that will make it harder to use this gambit. Overturning a contrary decision by the patent-friendly Eastern District of Texas, the appellate court required a notorious patent troll practicing this model to pay the defendant’s attorney’s fees. The lower court had given the troll a pass because it dismissed its case early (which would give impunity to any troll that runs away when the defendant fights back). This week’s decision is an important win for victims of abusive litigation.
The patent troll in question is Rothschild Connected Devices Innovations LLC (RCDI). RCDI’s patent on an Internet-connected drink mixer is so stupid we awarded it our August 2015 Stupid Patent of the Month. As we explained in that post, RCDI’s patent not only claimed an obvious idea, but had been expanded so broadly that it effectively covered any kind of remote updating over the Internet.
Armed with an absurdly broad patent, RDCI began suing dozens of companies ranging from ADT to Whirlpool. It effectively claimed to own the entire Internet of Things. For example, its complaint against ADT claimed that a system that allows customers to “remotely customize the operation” of a “thermostat” infringed RCDI’s patent. Many of these cases settled quickly for nuisance amounts. When defendants fought back, RCDI simply dismissed its claims.
Some defendants were able to deter RCDI by filing a motion arguing that its patent is invalid under Alice v. CLS Bank (which holds that abstract ideas do not become patent eligible by being performed with generic computers). If it weren’t for the Alice decision, it would have been far more difficult for defendants to avoid lengthy and expensive discovery and that would have created intense settlement pressure. This case is a good example of why Congress should leave the Alice decision alone.
After RCDI dismissed its case against ADS Security, ADS kept fighting and demanded attorney’s fees. Magistrate Judge Payne rejected the request because RCDI had dismissed its case early, after ADS sent a letter explaining that RCDI’s claims were frivolous. As the Federal Circuit explained, Judge Payne’s decision conflated Rule 11 (which gives parties the chance to withdraw) with Section 285 of the Patent Act (which allows for fee awards in exceptional cases). The Federal Circuit also noted that the district court had failed to give enough weight to RCDI’s pattern of vexatious litigation.
The Federal Circuit’s recent ruling is not the only challenge RCDI faces. International tech company Garmin, Inc. is also fighting back and seeking fees. Garmin’s most recent filing outlines a disturbing pattern of misconduct, including:
RDCI’s principal misrepresented his residency in a signed form submitted to the Texas Secretary of State.
RDCI’s real office is in Florida but it claimed that a virtual office in Texas was its “principle place of business” and its only address.
RDCI argued that a motion under Section 101 could not be decided until formal claim construction then later argued no claim terms needed construction.
Garmin supports each of these allegations with documentary evidence. In opposing Garmin’s fee motion, RCDI had been relying heavily on the now-overturned decision denying ADS’s fees. Hopefully, the Federal Circuit’s new guidance will help the Eastern District of Texas reach a fair result this time.
While this week’s decision is encouraging, more reform is needed. The decision does nothing to prevent the Patent Office from issuing more stupid software patents to fuel patent trolling. Patent trolls are still desperately trying to get their cases into the Eastern District of Texas, even after the Supreme Court’s decision in the TC Heartland case. Even if trolls have to leave Texas, that doesn’t prevent them from shaking down defendants in other districts.
The principal and supposed inventor behind RCDI, Leigh Rothschild, was once featured by Intellectual Ventures in an Inventor Spotlight blog post where he argued against patent reform. But RCDI is not a poster child for the patent system. It is a poster child for patent litigation abuse. EFF agrees with Intellectual Ventures on one thing: the absurd patents and abusive litigation conduct of trolls like RCDI should be at the center of any debate about patent reform.
from Deeplinks http://ift.tt/2rRRqcm
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I randomly remembered the RLE crew adopting my feral CoDD bois, how would they handle the three exactly?
rle crew didn't, well if they did, it didn't work out too well (since there are 3 suns now along with pride)
The offshoot au "remorse doesn't cut it" lunar, Anguish is more likely to have taken them in.
For the most part, Anguish set up kind of a sanctuary? Similar to their original forest but safer, more cushy, and an abundances of prey. No big predators like wolves or bears that could hurt them. trying to rehabilitate them, especially by himself isn't really in the cards.
So he is doing his best to make their life more comfortable but also stimulating so they don't get bored. There's a cave to sleep in, but there are blankets covering most of the floor. There's a river to play or wash up in. There's a large storage of blood bags if they don't feel like hunting.
Anguish also tries to hang out with them, he doesn't completely understand them and why they act as they do, but he tries to connect with them still.
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The CoDD trio would be such a pain in the ass to deal with for the RLE crew and Anguish. They're just very violent and unfortunately cant control it. At this point all they are are just Killcodes. Not a bit of coding of who they were before hasnt been corrupted by the Killcode. They'll have to be kept away from Suns and Moons, as well as be able to have access to blood. If that's what those guys want to deal with then they can go right ahead lol, they should just know what they're getting themselves into
rle crew would definitely have issues with Lust, Glitter, and Pride being present.
Anguish on the other hand is from a offshoot where Moon killed Eclipse so Anguish lives alone now. He only has the star and a few mementos from Eclipse. He is mostly sad and scared right now, but it will almost definitely turn to bitterness. The big question is if he will end up more angry or sorrowful. So it's possible he might be down with the trio murdering his old family, specifically Moon.
Really anyone is better than no one, so if his best option might be the damned, maybe he will take it.
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Remorse Doesn't Cut It Lunar... should he be sad and recluse? Bitter and violent? Little crazy and obsessed with Frankenstein-ing Eclipse back into life?
I mean I could blend elements together. I want a baseline for his personality before attempting my rle crossover so the rdci crew has an actual opinion
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