#RDC World
freakquency96 · 3 months
the beat i enjoyed making the most this week 
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goodjohnjr · 1 year
How Arby’s Delivery Be 😂😂😂 #Comedy #Rdcworld1
How Arby’s Delivery Be 😂😂😂 #Comedy #Rdcworld1 What Is It? The YouTube video How Arby’s Delivery Be 😂😂😂 #Comedy #Rdcworld1 by the YouTube channel RDCworld1: How Arby’s Delivery Be 😂😂😂 #Comedy #Rdcworld1 Continue reading Untitled
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a-pigeons-soliloquy · 3 months
I NEED someone to ask Bryan Fuller whether, in his original 7-season plan for Hannibal, Chilton befell a progressively more unfortunate fate in every season, and if so, did he eventually die for good or did he survive the show with his last 2 lives intact?
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pisicademare · 11 months
do you see what i see
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nouvellesdumaquis · 1 year
Cubongo - Naza feat Taly Diampovesa
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Dj Cubongo alias Bastien Lavigne dévoile Naza, son nouveau single avec la chanteuse Taly Diampovesa qui a écrit des paroles en lingala et en français qui sont une invitation à exprimer nos singularités et à ne pas avoir peur de s'affirmer comme on est.
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Depuis déjà quelques années, le Dj et producteur Cubongo partage ses explorations musicales entre l’Afrique et les Caraïbes. Aujourd'hui, il retrouve la chanteuse franco-congolaise Taly Diampovesa pour Naza, un titre plein de groove et et bonnes vibrations.
Pour Naza, Cubongo a fait appel à à l'ingénieur du son Mathieu Gibert (Guts et David Walters) pour l'enregistrement et le mixage et à Blanka (La Fine Equipe) pour le mastering.
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Inspiré de l’enfance de Taly à Kinshasa, Naza signifie « je suis » en lingala. Les couplets sont une invitation à célébrer notre singularité et ignorer les « qu'en dira-t-on ». Le refrain nous entraîne à assumer notre personnalité.
Regardez le clip de Naza :
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ctf-ksa · 1 year
Building Connections: Construction Networking Event
Discover the future of the construction industry at our exclusive networking event! Join us at Crowne Plaza Riyadh RDC Hotel on October 23-24, 2023, to connect with industry leaders, share insights, and forge valuable partnerships. Don't miss this opportunity to expand your professional network and stay ahead in the dynamic world of construction. Register today!
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aranchide · 8 months
Very worrying news from the DRCongo.
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You saw the national football team cover their mouth, and point their fingers to their head in the CAN match against Ivory Coast last Wednesday?
It was to raise awareness for the surge in violence committed by M23 rebels in eastern Congo - with support from a neighbouring government, to destabilize a region that "happens to hold a lot of the world's very valued minerals".
People are being murdered, houses are being burnt. One again, thousands are fleeing their home, and join the refugee camps around Goma that already in October last year housed around 600.000 people.
Also Goma itself is surrounded, the supply lines for food from the country side to the city interrupted.
Why can't the international community do nothing more than empty declarations of solidarity and wishing for peace. The UN mission - which hardly had a mandate to intervene in case of violence against Congolese citizens - has had no positive impact.
Maybe we could finally consider putting pressure one the Rwandan goverment and its allies to actually put an end to these 30 years of violence and ruined lives in this region.
The same region that provides the world with materials for our phones, electrical and solar panels btw.
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jesawyer · 2 years
Potentially controversial question, though I don't mean it in that sort of way: One thing I noticed in Deadfire's writing was that there was a far greater likelihood for male characters to be portrayed as the more incompetent or less sympathetic half in most dynamics, whether it was debtor/debtee (Radora/Zamar), boss/subordinate (Furrante/Aeldys), enemies (Rinco/Mokeha) and so on. That's not to say misandry, since the goal is obviously equal representation, but I did notice this enough that I assumed wasn't just me seeing things or wanting to see them to justify a bias, especially also considering that if my observations were accurate, it wouldn't bother me in the slightest considering I would have chalked it down to an understandable difference in context regarding the way genders act based on historical norms and power dynamics (ie. There is possibly more historical weight in a man abusing a woman vs the reverse of that, so it is important to understand that history before portraying something that may or may not be a false equivalency). Essentially I ask this more as a curiosity than anything else: What was the writing team's approach to portraying gender dynamics in Deadfire?
I think the first thing is that we did make a conscious effort to numerically represent women as much as men among NPCs (note: there are not many non-binary characters in Deadfire, so in this answer I'll just be talking about male/female dynamics). We also put more women in authority positions where we felt it made sense in this fictional world that we created. For those who think that's bad, well okay.
That said, I don't really agree that the women consistently come across as more competent or sympathetic. In cases where they do, it's usually a difference of degree, not kind. I think a lot of the female characters are kind of shitty people and/or bad leaders, as many of the male characters are kind of shitty people and/or bad leaders.
If you prefer Aeldys to Furrante, that's understandable, but also Aeldys... sucks? Director Castol and Lueva Alvari are also both bad in different ways. Queen Onekaza II is a sympathetic figure but installed herself as a monarch over the other tribes of the Deadfire and has caused a lot of collateral damage to the Huana in her ongoing defense of the region - literally a gatekeeping girlboss. Prince Aruihi is a flawed character but I don't think he comes across as particularly incompetent or malicious compared to his sister.
Rinco is annoying and pathetic but Mokeha comes across as excessively belligerent even if she was in the right. Radora did get jumped by pirates, which is easy to sympathize with, but I don't think she does much to endear herself to the Watcher. Hazanui Karū is highly effective but she would be perfectly content seeing the RDC effectively steamroll Huana culture. Atsura is below her in rank, but he easily as competent as she is in different areas, but repellent for other, weirder reasons.
And as far as the companions go, Xoti is approaching Permanent Dark Mode, Maia assassinates people with no questions asked, Pallegina is a ultranationalist zealot... I don't know - I just don't think these characters feel "better" or more sympathetic than the male characters.
I think the main difference really is just that there are about as many female characters as male characters and they are more represented in key positions of power. But they often suck ass in those positions of power because they are difficult jobs and inherently corrupting. For better or worse, one of the recurring comments about Deadfire's factions is that they all seem kind of shitty. Even in cases where you can shift the faction head, they still feel a different type of shitty. That's both because of the vibes of the faction overall as well as their leadership. You do not, in fact, "gotta hand it" to the Royal Deadfire Company or Aeldys' nightmare anarcho pirate flotilla with the Ukaizo storm engines permanently set to Max Power.
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onboardsorasora · 7 months
Welcome back to another fever dream random thing i read that made my brain itch. I need to workshop the name lmao but I saw a tweet and made a prompt out of it. I've also lost the tweet but thankfully I wrote down the 'prompt' side of it. This is silly, please don't take it seriously.
Prompt: Dragons re emerge in society but thanks to a long forgotten prophecy, only those who are knighted can slay a dragon. (So that means actors and sports people etc, are the only ones allowed to slay them) 1400 words, near future fic
Lewis pulled his balaclava off of his head, shaking his braids free from the low bun he'd kept them in at the nape of his neck. 
A stern-faced official with RDC emblazoned on his starched white button down came to usher him into the close by FIA building. 
The race had been red flagged because of a dragon swarm.
Lewis looked around at the assembled drivers and staff, accepting his water bottle and towel from Angela with a sigh and a rolling of his eyes. This was their new normal. 
Some archeologist went into a cave that unveiled itself after a glacier melted and unearthed a dragon's lair. Between the archeology dick riding and global bureaucracy, the eggs in the hearth hatched and dragons started swarming the air.
The British government enacted a long dead branch of the house of commons and the royal dragon committee was reborn. Just like the dragons. 
So far there had been little done to combat the new threat. What with the previously stated global bureaucracy and dick riding. 
The archeologists and other scientists wanted to study the creatures and place them under the endangered animals listings. But the governments of the world wanted them all eradicated.
There were many people combing the archives for ways to deal with the dragons, to see what had been written in the past about them. And to see if there was a way for the modern world to coexist with the creatures. 
Until that was sorted, the current mode of operation was to take cover when dragons were swarming in the area. 
The noise level was pretty loud with so many people crammed in the small area that hadn't been expressly created for that purpose. it was still new to everyone so they were still figuring out how best to adjust.
Daniel saddled up beside him, slipping in between a FIA staffer and George. Lewis smiled at him around the straw in his water bottle. 
“Jeepers, they were loud this time, yeah?” Daniel grinned and Lewis followed the upward pull of his lips with his eyes. 
“Have they figured out where this swarm came from?” Lewis asked when Daniel brushed their shoulders together as if he'd stumbled and lost his footing with all the jostling going on. This was the most contact they could manage in public like this.
“No, but just before the red flag I overheard that there might finally be some decisions on how to manage the whole thing ethically.” Angie offered, Lewis' eyes widened.
“For real?” He asked at the same time Daniel went “thank fuck.”
Daniel continued when Angie didn't. “Don't get me wrong, it was like cool at first but dragons are fucking annoying. And like don't get me started on the wyvern crowd. They're so fucking pretentious, we all know you wanna like fuck em– just stop making it our business.” Daniel rolled his eyes playfully, shoulders sagging with relief that maybe the end would be near.
George chuckled and Lewis fought the splinter of jealousy at the sound. 
“Who do you reckon would fuck a dragon Danny?” 
Daniel looked at George with a deadpan ‘I know we're thinking about the same person’ face and the two of them, at the same time said; “Charles” before bursting into laughter. Lewis wasn't sure if he wanted to understand more about that.
They all waited around listlessly for a while longer, reminding everyone of the long delays of the first Vegas race and that similar time in testing in ‘24. By the end of the evening and the race, everyone was cranky and very happy to head back to their hotels.
Lewis left the Ferrari hospitality, pulling his plaits backwards into a topknot and smiled when he found Daniel loitering in the paddock. He was tugging on his Red Bull cap, making that unconscious scrunching face he always does. 
“Hey mate.” Daniel grinned widely, stepping forward to meet Lewis in the middle of the walkway.
“Ready to go?” 
“Let's get out of this hellhole.” Daniel chuckled, tugging on the straps of his navy bag.
They were about to walk away when a group of people including Sir Jackie Stewart came to stop them. Daniel and Lewis looked at each other perplexed.
“Lewis, I'm glad we've caught you. A word?” Jackie asked, the RDC members beside him looked as severe as always. 
“Uh, sure Jackie. How can I help you?” Lewis furrowed his brow but kept his face neutral even as the RDC guys started looking at Daniel as if he would disappear by their gaze alone.
“Uhm I'll give you gents some privacy.” Daniel said awkwardly after a while before turning and walking into the Sauber garage. 
“Lewis, can we have a moment in private?” Lewis noticed now how uncomfortable Jackie looked, along with how tense the RDC guys appeared. He nodded wordlessly, knowing that whatever was happening couldn't possibly be good.
They settled in an office in the stewards building, Lewis leaned against the wall by the door, watching as everyone turned to watch him. “What's going on?” He demanded.
“There's been a new development with the current legislation for dragon eradication and remediation.” it was Jackie who spoke up, his voice as quiet and steady as it always is. Lewis frowned.
“That's great and all but what does that have to do with me? Do you need like a face for the campaign or something? Because Jackie I hardly think I'm the most qualified candidate for this effort.” 
“Actually. That's why we're here. The legislation has been passed down that only the knighted can slay or be present in the act of slaying a dragon.” 
Jackie's statement was met with silence. Lewis stared at him blankly, what did that have to do with him? Then
“Wait– you're not saying?”
“I am.”
“Jackie, that doesn't make any fuckin’ sense.”
“Lewis, it is out of our hands.”
“What the fuck, how does that even make fucking sense?” Lewis was completely blindsided, his wide eyes watched when one of the RDC members stepped forward unrolling a fucking piece of parchment.
“Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton  Larbalestier, by the power vested in me by the King of England, I hereby enlist you in the ranks of the Dragon Knights.”
There was a tone in his head, blanking out anything further that the man before him read aloud. What the fuck. How the fuck was this even allowed? How was this ok!? 
“What the actual fuck?!” Lewis said the only thing that was repeating in his brain on loop. This didn't make a lick of sense. He was a formula one driver, a racer, a sportsman. His knighthood was very symbolic at best and meant nothing in terms of actual power or military prowess. He never had to complete military training like Valtteri or Kimi had been required to. He knew next to nothing about military strategy or dragons. And he sure as hell knew nothing about killing them.
“None of this even seems ethical.” He blurted. His brain didn't know what straw to grasp and hold on to. Everything felt like it was going too fast.
“The archivists found something, a written decree from centuries ago that only those knighted by the monarch could slay a dragon. For the prestige and glory of it all. There's been no addendum, and unfortunately it is the last bit of legislation on the matter.”
“Well can't Wills change it!?” Lewis knew his voice was high, reedy, hysterical. But he didn't care. This was ludacris.
“It's not that simple. There's too much red tape and the monarch answers to parliament so there needs to be unanimous consensus for a new law to be written.”
Lewis snorted. “Jackie, this can't be real life.” He looked at the retired driver, taking in how wan and fragile he looked since Lewis last saw him this afternoon at the anthem ceremony. He couldn't imagine how long Jackie had been sitting with this news. How long now since an RDC member read him his rights.
“You're speaking to the choir.” Jackie sighed, sitting heavily in one of the chairs around the conference table.
Lewis came to sit beside him, heavy with his own fears and swirling thoughts. He wished they had a bottle of something strong to share. He thought about Daniel waiting for him in the paddock and wondered if he should text him to head out without him. Things weren't at all sorted here.
He sighed, then snorted.
“Well with all the knights in the house of commons, maybe we'll get a change in legislation before we know it.” Lewis giggled when one of the RDC guys laughed uproariously.
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hasanpits · 1 month
i knew rdc world, fantano, theo von, keith lee, poki, nara smith, mr. beast, rhett and link, and kai. plus hasan.
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I mever said you should kill them. Why, I never even implied it. Are you projecting, sweetie?
RDC trusts you to get them out of here, and they also trust you not to invade their privacy. You can't do both, and one is very obviously more important to your shared survival.
What will it be, Dark?
(Goddamn- whoever sent this anon has my blood boiling rn- good job bestie you’ve made this Anon truely insufferable! 10/10 lmao)
*Darks eyes narrow further in anger, their now strange little slits*
I’m getting the fuck out of here, and there’s a secret third option dickwipe.
[Darks eyes vanish as a rune appears under them, it’s the same rune that they made to get out of the calabash, but altered slightly, RDC is nearby to witness this. Dark stomps on the rune and suddenly, a whirlwind of power is created, it’s loud.. everything is loud as fuck, shadow magic is screaming and swirling around the rune, grabbing at RDC and carefully yet quickly sucking them into the vortex next to Dark, who’s eyes are completely gone and their hair is completely limp, floating in the air from the wind, their voice is crackly and static-like as they scream “I am not a fucking weapon.” Their powers strengthen, the whirlwind is strong, wild, untamed, intense, everything and nothing all at once, all of a sudden, they both vanish, leaving the world to fade into static]
((Ooc)) here’s some audio to accompany this whirlwind of magic :)
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ask-fatalau-dark · 2 months
What if RDC just took you to go get noodles at pigsty’s noodles?
Ooo, I’ve heard of that place! Home of world’s longest noodle, right?
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morrigan-sims · 1 year
about me tag - simblr edition
I was tagged by the incredibly awesome @radioactivedotcom. Thank you, rdc! <3
your three traits: Cat Lover, Bookworm, Geek (also Creative and maybe Hot Headed)
your aspiration: uhh... probably Friend of the Animals or Inner Peace (if there was a version of Bestselling Author that was like, writing as a hobby without ever publishing anything, that would be it, though.)
in-game would you'd live in: Windenburg!!! My favorite world by far.
most-used pack: Get Together for the world. I have 6 copies of Windenburg in my story save. Other than that, maybe Horse Ranch for the fact that I can finally make horse poses?
favorite decor object (no cc): I have no idea. I haven't touched any of the vanilla content in years at this point.
something you want in-game: Uhh, for EA to be done with TS4 and just let the modders have it. Also, more fantasy cc!!!!!
what color is your plumbob right now: Yellow?? I think???? I'm stressed about school but simultaneously bored out of my mind. I'm so ready for a break, which is stupid, given that I already have 3-day weekends every single week.
I have no idea who has and hasn't done this, so I'm going to say that if you haven't done this, but you want to, feel free to say that I tagged you!
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soulaanshere · 1 year
uhm..so im back LMAO i went to DreamCon…met Berleezy, Caleb City, all of Somebros, most of RDC World, Kai Cenat and Yourrage, saw Cory AND i got hug(S) from Zeno Robinson himself……………..how was yalls weekend lmao
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lmkredson · 11 months
Iiiits crown anon! Back with another update :3
So Darks freezing to death- the giant wave of magic Dark unlocked in RDCs calabash transported them each to different places, RDC back home and Dark into purgatory. Dark ended up passing out in purgatory due to adrenaline crash and Purgatory’s effect on people, an invisible creature ended up taking Dark to purgatory’s physical form where it asked why Dark tries to leave so much, Dark internally responde that they just want to see their brothers again. Purgatory decided to send Dark into the void where for whatever reason instead of Dark getting automatically transported back home, because they’ve been in to many different worlds, the void didn’t know which to send Dark to and hasn’t sent them anywhere, making them stuck there slowly freezing, other Anons have been working to keep them warm via giving them blankets and heating pads and a lantern, but those have all frozen over and Dark may not make it back home :(. So far Dark has been in the void for about 2-3 weeks in their own time, they luckily haven’t gotten hypothermia yet but that may be something that happens if Dark isn’t rescued soon
I am so tired :’D
*Blinks in utter shock then falls onto the floor*
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coolbutnotthere · 1 year
Daily RDC fun fact!
Like some believe RDC is fine, and in some way the Anons where correct in assuming that the mirror would help RDC but they thought it would help imminently. After all so much time has passed since they shared a body so they must get use to each other again and become one, the process may have some side effects such as decreasing RDC’s world view (I’m mean that cause one is so young they might be mentally younger after), some good old fashioned chaos! And a little rhyming problem with RDC that might take a bit to fix
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