magesforthedas · 1 month
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When I tell you I have been thinking about this for three days straight...
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magesforthedas · 1 month
makes a howe go
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magesforthedas · 2 months
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All of my Dragon Age Origins companion portraits! I've taken some liberties here and there, but I tried to keep the essence of the characters ❤️
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magesforthedas · 2 months
It’s insane to me that Dragon Age 2 is sandwiched in between two WAY HUGER and WAY MORE SUCCESSFUL games about more traditional fantasy protagonists facing off against world ending threats and winning and it’s this…weird, raw, personal tragedy about how no matter what you do, you can’t always stop crisis and disaster from occurring. Like The Hero or Ferelden, no matter who they were, wants to stop a Blight. The Inquisitor wants to repair the sky. And Hawke, like, wants to make some money, hang around their friends, and keep their family and their adoptive city safe. And they can’t even fucking do that, so unlike the heroes before and after them. You spend seven years in Kirkwall until the game says, “yeah, no matter what, the prejudices and traumas and hurts of this world are Too Much for one person to stop them. The world changes, wars roll over the land, you cannot stop history, Hawke. You tried. You failed.” And then you just sit there, sixteen years old, listening to “I’m Not Calling You A Liar” and you’re like….well, I guess I really wasn’t a hero. Damn. I love it.
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magesforthedas · 2 months
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Here are the people present to wish Dorian condolences/congrats about him becoming a magister. I really like that the game said 'here are Dorian's besties in the inquisition'.
• A short shit talker who refuses to get therapy
• A lesbian with 2 dollars to her name
• A spirit who takes the form of a human
• A giant pansexual dad
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magesforthedas · 2 months
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We’re incredibly excited to announce our cast for Dragon Age: The Veilguard!
Rook: Alex Jordan, Bryony Corrigan, Erika Ishii, and Jeff Berg Harding: Ali Hillis Davrin: Ike Amadi Bellara: Jee Young Han Neve: Jessica Clark Taash: Jin Maley Emmrich: Nick Boraine Manfred: Matthew Mercer Lucanis: Zach Mendez Solas: Gareth David-Lloyd Varric: Brian Bloom
Read more about our cast in our blog.
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magesforthedas · 2 months
currently in the middle of the deep roads in origins and got scared shitless because out of the blue there's this weird guttural growl but no darkspawn showed up and i'm like christ, what the hell is that but it turns out i just accidentally clicked on oghren
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magesforthedas · 2 months
'I hate the dawn will come scene it is so cringe' yes, yes it is and this is exactly why I think it is also good! This is not a scene where you're supposed to feel awestruck by the song or whatever!! You are SUPPOSED TO BE UNCOMFORTABLE!! This is a scene written to make you react as your character probably would to becoming a symbol rather than a person. This is THE moment where everyone gathered around YOU sing in unison that you are Something Other, Something More. The moment where your character may realize just How Much this all is, or think that it's ridiculous, because they cannot be All That Mighty, because they are just a person, but no, not anymore. 'I wish we could skip it' NO!! No, you cannot escape the scene, because you can't escape the crowd around you, your situation, the position in which you are put in. You are now the center of everything for all of these people surrounding you. You are now nothing, for who you normally are does not matter anymore.
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magesforthedas · 2 months
can't wait for all the art that's going to come out once dragon age veilguard releases. all the funny doodles and the magnificent paintings and the breathtaking illustrations and the heartbreaking comics. to see immense talent from people in love with a world and its characters
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magesforthedas · 2 months
Birth Day/Weekday/Time Significance
References: themindsjournal.com – Magical Recipes Online (day of the month) | theguardian.com – Michelle Pauli (day of the week) | arora666.medium.com - astrologyindailylife (time of birth)
What the Day of the Month says about you:
You are born with a natural ability to rule and express your power. Independence is a very important virtue for you. You breathe the fire of creativity. Thus you can become a great self-employed individual. On the other hand, ego-centrism might bring problems to your relationships.
2. Diplomat
You are born with empathic abilities. Balance and intuition are the keys to a happy life. You want to see smiles on everybody’s faces and your warm heart might easily get broken by people who just don’t get you. Beauty, art, and music can help you bring balance to your life. You work great in co-operation.
3. Enthusiast
The spark of creativity burns in your heart and its light shines in your eyes. This “X-factor” attracts people around you who truly believe that you have something special in your aura. This charisma can help you in all parts of your life, especially if your work has to do with publicity.
4. Reliable
People seem to be attracted by your ability to give them hope and power. It seems that many around you depend on you and your trustworthy character. You are a hard-working person but at the same time, you are sensitive. Be careful of your energy levels though as they easily get depleted.
5. Socializer
Your communication skills seem invaluable. Everyone around you gets easily fascinated by your words and this is a talent you can actually cultivate more to a very commercial extent. Moreover, traveling can become very lucky for you (financially, professionally, or personally).
6. Lover
Even from a young age, you have a tendency to seek your other half. Hence, you are whole only when you find it. You see, you are a relationship-oriented person with the ability to make a very good family. Somehow, empathically you feel the vibes of your beloved one and know exactly what to do.
7. Visionary
A highly developed intuition combined with philosophical tendency and a very sharp mind. You are truly a born Visionary. Your ideas can change the world. Unfortunately, you tend to get influenced and ‘drained’ by others around you. Therefore, you need to spend more time alone.
8. Boss
The power which is in you is remarkable. This is why you should choose to work alone as you don’t easily get along with partners. Probably, it’s because of your control issues which have to do with your power. You also have a great sense of how to acquire more money. Use this along with power and the results will be remarkable.
9. Genius
Although not always very obvious you are indeed my friend, a born genius. Your wise traits often push you to acquire even more experiences in order to further broaden your horizons. There are many times in your life when things mysteriously screw up. This is because this life you’re living has an exceptional karmic significance. But you already know that… Use your wisdom!
10. Game Changer
Whether you’ve realized it yet or not you are born to change the rules. Wherever you are, your aura constantly is changing everything around you as if you are part of a greater mechanism. Have you noticed it? You are born to manage difficult situations and you are really capable of leading.
11. Equalizer
Balance is the key to your soul’s bliss. You are born to find the golden section in any possible quarrel and/or partnership. Your intuitive nature helps you find the most suitable solutions for every kind of issue. Born with the empathic ability you can sense when things are going wrong thus get easily hurt. Try spending some time on your own meditating.
12. Catalyst
You possess unimaginable amounts of energy which – when used in the right way – can really change the lives of people around you. Your body seems to work in a different way than others. As a result, this energy can make you really creative and imaginative, however, if you are in a bad mood, you can become really dangerous.
13. Winner
Energy and determination are the two keywords for you. You indeed have the capability to achieve almost anything you can as long as you find a way to combine your – sometimes – diverse and conflicting dreams and goals. You work hard and you can work even harden if you manage to focus on your goals.
14. Traveler
The karmic currents seem to be very powerful in this life for you. You have already noticed that things change easily in your life and in just one day you may reach the top or be get trapped. This flow of energy is what defines you indeed. When traveling, things get magical as if you are born to travel.
15. Enchanter/Enchantress
It seems that your aura possesses something really unique which hypnotizes others around you and be attracted by it. Your personal magnetism is strong and can be used in both your personal and your professional life. You also do great with arts. Love life is an area that always needs your attention.
16. Outlander
You probably have realized since a very young age that you don’t belong in this world. This is probably because you are meant to create a new one. Or maybe all that you’ve experienced is a signal to look to other worlds. You see, your whole life is a powerful karmic message. You are born for great things – possibly in the material plane too.
17. Talent
It seems that you are blessed with such gifts that make you so unique. Listen to your heart, as your intuition will probably show you the way to succeed in all areas of your life. You are a truly gifted person whose skills have yet to be discovered. Art could set your powers free, so again, listen to your heart and walk on the path you feel more comfortable with.
18. Inspiration
Although you can lead successfully, you are better at managing and nurturing projects. This probably comes from your unique empathic ability, which – if cultivated – can help you greater awareness hence broaden your horizons in any possible way. Your magical mind meets creativity. Success is certain if you are patient enough.
19. Achiever
There is only one thing in your mind and that’s winning in all areas of your life. It seems that you can do that – relatively easy. That’s probably something, other people envy you for. You have that magical something that can open the doors of all opportunities. Your aura possesses attractive abilities. Use it to attract good fortune.
20. Empath
It’s’ quite impossible to turn down your natural intuitive abilities. Actually, there are so great that can freak out others. Although your abilities can help you in many areas of your life you have to ground and shield yourself from time to time because all these emotions can turn you into a ticking bomb!
21. Celebrity
You tend to make quite large social circles even from a young age. But even if you don’t prefer the company of many people, you must have already realized that others crave your attention, probably because of your many talents and of course the magical way you communicate. This particular ability is what defines you from all others.
22. Calibrator
It’s really amazing how easily you can turn a lost cause into a successful project. This comes naturally to you as your intellectual skills work perfectly with your intuition. Your heart and your mind can create miracles if you learn to keep this balance. Patience is the key.
23. Communicator
Your spiritual magnetism creates an aura of attraction around you. If you learn how to use your natural communication skills together with your amazing charisma you can become really famous and successful. This magical ‘something’ on you is a gift you should definitely learn how to use.
24. Nurturer
Your kindhearted self is born to give love and affection to anyone around you. This natural tendency makes you unique and invaluable. People seem to depend and unfortunately … attach to your energy. This is something you must learn to deal with unless you want to wake up with depleted energy levels.
25. Guide
Yes, you are a born accomplisher and yes you always try to finish what you’ve already started. However, this is not always something beneficial. You don’t always have to analyze and put so much effort into finishing a project – especially when this project no longer serves your needs. Try to meditate, and reevaluate your goals.
26. Force
You must already know that your power exceeds time and space. Moreover, you are decisive and you can easily find a way to persuade others. However, do not try to control people because even if you succeed at first, you will face the consequences later. Show your way and stay confident – yet listen to others too!
27. Analyst
You have an amazing ability to analyze things, people, and situations around you. Your powerful mind has the ability to cope with even the most complicated issues and this is why others admire you. Try to find some peace though, as your mind needs some rest. Love can help you find balance in your life.
28. Risk-taker
Challenges come and go, yet you always have something to declare to the World. You are not an easy player. If someone wants to challenge you, s/he should think again. One of your talents is to change the outcome of projects. When things get screwed up, you are the first to call. Play safe though.
29. Counsellor
That’s what defines you. Your ability to judge and consult others. Your phone probably rings all the time from people asking you what to do. Although this sometimes can be rewarding, if it happens persistently, it may drive you nuts. Therefore, you should find a way to balance the needs of people around you, with what you truly want.
30. Charismatic
Yes, it’s something on you that is so unique. This particular ‘something’ is so strong that you can use it to attract people you want around you. You are a keen communicator, diplomat, and entertainer. Hence you do great when working in groups. You make a perfect team leader probably because of your invaluable intellectual skills.
What the Day of the Week says about you:
MONDAY: A Child born on Monday shall be weak, and of an effeminate Temper, and seldom come to Honour/Monday's child is fair of face.
TUESDAY: A Child born on Tuesday, shall be given up to the Inordinate Desire of Riches, and is in danger of dying by Violence/Tuesday's child is full of grace.
WEDNESDAY: A Child born on Wednesday, shall be given to the Study of Learning, and shall profit thereby/Wednesday's child is full of woe.
THURSDAY: A Child born on Thursday, shall arrive to great Honour/Thursday's child has far to go.
FRIDAY: A Child born on Friday, shall be of strong Constitution, but very lecherous/Friday's child is loving and giving.
SATURDAY: A Child born on Saturday, shall be dull and heavy, and of a dogged Disposition, and seldom come to good/Saturday's child works for it's living.
SUNDAY: A Child born on Sunday shall be of long Life and obtain great Riches/A child born on the Sabbath day is fair and wise and good and gay.
What the Time of your Birth says about you:
12:00am to 1:59am:
You seek mobility and variety. There is an inborn thirst of knowledge within you. In fact, you just need to be aware of EVERYTHING and EVERYONE! However, you wouldn’t like to reveal much about yourself. You have a very sharp mind and can grasp things quickly. Family and friends circle is very important to you; you are very sociable, yet reserved by nature. You are greatly influenced by your surroundings. Career wise, you are likely to gain fame in the entertainment industry or in diplomatic fields. Most of you would venture out in the world to make a name for yourself in mid-twenties. In the long run, you would be a self-made person.
2:00am to 3:59am:
You are born for a luxurious life. Moreover, you are sweet tongued and know how to bring people around to do things you want them to do. Good food, plush villas and swanky carriages — is all you desire — and get! You are destined to realize all your materialistic desires. You can be a very successful entrepreneur. No wonder, you shall earn a lot of money by your own dint. Anything new and beautiful excites you. Outdoor activities appeal to you; you need to be in touch with nature now and then to replenish your ethereal energies. Success comes easily to you. You shall get lucky around the age of 24–27 years.
4:00am to 5:59am:
You are a robust personality — in appearance as well as in action. Further more, you are blessed with a good constitutions and oodles of self confidence. Challenges motivate you. Public appreciation and power are very vital to you. You like to be the center of attention — always! And, this is not without a reason; you have strong leadership qualities to match. No wonder, most of you opt for a career in the City Guard, Templar, or Mercenary companies. You like things straight and honest; no beating around the bush for you. You can be very stubborn once your mind is made up.
6:00am to 7:59am:
You are a born leader and have the power to change situations — for good or bad. People find your personality mysterious. You never reveal your true self easily. Besides, you do have an instinct to dominate others. The constant need to excel and be accepted pushes you to set and achieve impossible goals. Life brings sudden twists and turns for you — which makes you a stronger person. Though, the rough patches of life sometimes builds up a lot of anger or anguish within you. You must train your mind to see the positive aspects of things and move on to new horizons. It is important for you to keep your mind cool.
8:00am to 9:59am:
You are a philosopher at heart. Inner peace is very important to you; you move away from confrontations and conflicts. You have a ‘live and let live’ attitude. Nevertheless, you can be very stubborn if you wish to. You are a very sociable person and are very sensitive to and conscious of other people’s needs. You are known for your friendliness; you can easily get along with people of different age groups, cultures and views. Profession wise, you are most suited to a public career. You shall enjoy good reputation as a political leader or a social crusader. Your luck lies in lands away from your birthplace.
10:00am to 11:59am:
You are an outgoing personality with an optimistic outlook towards life. At the same time, self-discipline is very important to you. You are a sensitive person and your own worst critic. Since you are very clear about your strengths, weaknesses and aims, no one can stop you from achieving what you want, once you set your mind on it. You are a natural leader and people tend to follow you instinctively. Recognition and appreciation act as catalyst in motivating you towards your goals. Your efforts are often rewarded; hence you generally reach high positions and earn enough wealth to live a very comfortable life. You would do well in artistic fields.
12:00pm to 1:59pm:
You are an energetic and creative person. You are a very ambitious and responsible. Generally speaking, you are very clear about what you want from life and are ready to go to any limits to achieve your goals. With your persistent efforts, you shall soon have many sources of income opening up for you. You love traveling. You shall prosper in a place away from your birth land. Probably, you may marry someone there. If you put your mind to it, you shall make a confident and successful merchant or guild leader. Besides this, you also have great teaching skills and can make a good mentor or instructor. You luck shall favor you tremendously after you cross 30 years of age.
2:00pm to 3:59pm:
You have an innate sense of curiosity coupled with an excellent quality to enjoy the good things of life. You are an spirited person and spontaneous by nature. You prefer to live a vivacious life full of adventures and surprises. Challenges motivate and push you to achieve the impossible. You do not like defeats and setbacks. Though, you will have a fair share of ups and downs in life. You shall do well in careers related to currency; be it as a treasurer or a pirate. Getting along well with others come easy to you due to your flexible and straightforward nature. Your determined and optimistic outlook helps you cross the hurdles of life easily.
4:00pm to 5:59pm:
You are an emotional person and believe strongly in love. You may not express your emotions openly, but you are quite sensitive to everything around you. Generally, you are innocent, sweet natured and caring people. Life teaches you harsh lessons at a very young age. This actually helps you to develop an optimistic and a realistic approach to life. You are very protective about your near and dear ones. You understand relations very well and make great efforts towards nurturing them. Counseling and teaching others comes naturally to you. You should choose a career in which you have direct contact with the masses. Keep away from litigation matters.
6:00pm to 7:59pm:
You are an easy going person and bond well with people. You are sympathetic to others needs and sorrows. No wonder, people are instinctively drawn towards you. You can easily sense and understand how others are feeling. Your sunny disposition and ability to coordinate and manage effectively makes you a popular leader. Though, you forget your own interests while solving others problems. Being around stressful environments can be taxing on your nervous system. You need to be attentive to your own needs as well. Every new day is a new experience for you. You shall find success in foreign lands. Working with cooperative ventures would suit you.
8:00pm to 9:59pm:
Your confident and dominant attitude is visible right from your childhood. Nonetheless, you are a joyful and self-reliant person. You have strong leadership qualities. No wonder,you seek perfection in whatever you do. You are highly skilled and artistically creative. Once you set a goal or a strategy, you stick to it till the end. Nothing is left half done by you. Your happiness lies in helping others. You are known for your kindheartedness and friendliness. It is not surprising that you achieve wealth, name, fame and contentment. You can very well turn your hobby or interest into a successful business. You are generally lucky in matters of the heart.
10:00pm to 11:59pm:
You are future oriented and always on the outlook for new things. You are joyful at heart and inner peace is very important to you. A serene environment is very vital for you to maintain mental equilibrium. You are normally punctual and always keep your word. Generally, you are very image conscious. The curious combination of competence and caution keeps you balanced. Being an ambitious person, you take efforts to plan for a secure and comfortable future. Nothing is impossible for you, thanks to your tenacity and perseverance. You are highly successful and prosperous in your professional life. You are usually lucky in matters of ancestral properties and fixed assets.
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magesforthedas · 2 months
Dragon Age Zodiac
Ref: Dragon Age Wiki – Astronomy (constellations) | allure.com – Aliza Kelly and Sophie Saint Thomas (zodiac) | teenvogue.com – Lisa Stardust (tarot cards)
In Thedas there are twelve generally-recognized astrological signs, tied to your date of birth and the prominent constellation at the time. In the last few hundred years, the Chantry has looked down upon and admonished believers of astrological fortune-telling, and so while the knowledge is still available, not many give it any importance.
Fulmenos – The Thunderbolt (Aries)
Fenrir – The White Wolf (Taurus)
Draconis – The High Dragon (Gemini)
Silentir – The Silence (Cancer)
Solium – The Sun (Leo)
Bellitanus – The Maiden (Virgo)
Judex – The Sword of Mercy (Libra)
Tenebrium – The Shadow (Scorpio)
Fervenial – The Oak (Sagittarius)
Equinor – The Stallion (Capricorn)
Eluvia – The Sacrifice (Aquarius)
Peraquialus – The Voyager (Pisces)
Fulmenos – The Thunderbolt | 1 Guardian – 30 Guardian
Commonly known as "the Thunderbolt." Fulmenos depicts a bolt of lightning thrown by a wrathful god, though there is significant debate over which god it's supposed to be. Each of the Old Gods has been credited as a thrower while the target has been said to be anything from the lost city of Barindur to a jester who made a heinous pun. The constellation may also hold importance to the Avvar culture.
-Traits: Eager, Dynamic, Quick, & Competitive.
-Element: Fire
-Key Area of the Body: Head
-Tarot Card: The Emperor
People under this sign love to be first, and are no stranger to competition. Bold and ambitious, they dive headfirst into even the most challenging situations- and they'll make sure they always come out on top! They are passionate, motivated, and confident leaders who build community with their cheerful disposition and relentless determination. Uncomplicated and direct in their approach, they often get frustrated by exhaustive details and unnecessary nuances. They like things quick and dirty, a temperament also reflected in their sexual proclivities.
Fulmenos is a Cardinal sign that kicks off not only the spring season, but also the entire zodiac wheel. Astrologers believe that each sign learns the lessons absorbed by its preceding signs, both joyful and painful. In this case however, there is no inherited wisdom: instead leading with blind optimism, barreling through life with an electric joie de vivre (Orlesian, meaning keen or buoyant enjoyment of life) that perfectly complements their distinctive impulsivity.
These fire signs think after they leap, which often results in lessons learned the hard way. Fulmenos represents the singular spirit (while the opposite sign, Judex, symbolizes partnership). They often adhere to an “every person for themselves” philosophy. While this self-determination can be inspiring, they need to watch out for selfish tendencies.
Thunderbolts are always armed and ready for battle. They are known to have an explosive temper, and although their outbursts don't last long, it's definitely best to avoid their fires until the steam has dissipated. But when they're not flying off the handle, they're upbeat, positive, and playful beings who enjoy living life to the fullest. You can always spot one excelling on the training field, flying down the road on horseback, or organizing a vibrant and enjoyable event.
What are Fulmenos known for?
Fulmenos are recognized as bold pioneers, leaders, and initiators. They exemplify charisma, daring spirit, and exceptional talents. These Thunderbolts are dynamic individuals who exude a unique mix of confidence and enthusiasm, with a vibrant, energetic nature that inspires those around them. Although often seen as impulsive, Fulmenos are incredibly loyal friends who pride themselves on their positivity and bravery—such friends will always hype you up. Fulmenos certainly have a reputation for explosive tempers, so if they disapprove of your choices or behavior, they will be sure to make their feelings known. However, they will also help you devise plans, action steps, and bold ideas to overcome challenges. They are doers, dedicated to making things happen. Even when juggling multiple projects and high-stakes situations, they will still take the time to support and uplift their closest companions.
What are Fulmenos weaknesses?
A Fulmenos runs hot. Like, really hot. Their intense energy and fierce determination can sometimes lead to explosive outbursts, which—while typically short-lived—can leave a lasting impact on their relationships. Because they’re so quick to express passion (Fulmenos love to love, and also love to hate) Fulmenos often speak and act before thinking, driven by their immediate emotions. Indeed, their quick temper means they can go from calm to furious in an instant, which can be jarring for those around them. To keep their volatile tempers in check, every Thunderbolt should have physical or creative outlets to help them release pent-up frustration in healthy, productive ways. By learning to lessen their fiery reactions, Fulmenos can maintain their bold and dynamic nature without completely losing their shit.
On Relationships: Fulmenos are known for their fiery energy, exciting impulsivity, and insatiable desire to be the best. On a great day, dating an Fulmenos is like partnering with a fierce, unstoppable warrior. On a bad day, however, Fulmenos' strong will and temper tantrums can become juvenile. They may become cranky if they don't have enough physical affection, including snuggling and sex. As a result, their zodiac signs compatibility works well with sensual signs, such as Fenrir or Judex, to help even out their intensity. In addition to these signs, all the air and earth signs can help mellow out these thunderbolts when the connection is right.
Coupling with a Thunderbolt is not for the faint of heart, but fellow fire signs Solium and Fervenial have no problem keeping up with these spirited beings. However, two fire signs need to be mindful of fights and make an extra effort to listen to one another to avoid a constant shouting match. If a Fulmenos pairs with an emotional water sign, such as Silentir, Tenebrium, or Peraquialus, they will need to practice patience to ensure they don't accidentally hurt their sensitive feelings.
On Tarot Association: The Emperor
Fulmenos like to be in positions of power and to take charge of situations. The Emperor card is about how to be a proper force in ruling the state or government. One must be prepared to act on instinct, set limitations, act in a defensive manner, and take immediate charge with force — many things Fulmenos does.
Notable People: Oghren Kondrat, Lenar Surana, Bethany & Carver Hawke, Karadhras Adaar
Fenrir – The White Wolf | 1 Drakonis – 30 Drakonis
Commonly known as "White Wolf." Fenrir has always been considered an oddity among scholars, as wolves hold no special significance within Tevinter folklore. Many scholars see this as proof that the Imperium deliberately supplanted older elven constellations names. As a result, Fenrir has been associated with the elven trickster god, Fen'Harel, though others claim that it is a reference to an old and unverified Neromenian tale of a wolf escaping hunters by fleeing into the sky.
-Traits: Strong, Dependable, Sensual, & Creative
-Element: Earth
-Key Area of the Body: Neck
-Tarot Card: The Heirophant
Those under the sign of Fenrir enjoy relaxing in serene, bucolic environments, surrounded by soft sounds, soothing aromas, and succulent flavors. Love, beauty, and money are keen interests to them; they are often enchanted by any physical manifestation of comfort and luxury. Pleasure is a necessity and they feel most contented when pampered.
It's true that in a perfect world, they would spend all day bathing in a tub overflowing with essential oils. At the same time, these earth signs know the value of currency. They aren't afraid to roll up their sleeves and work hard to earn big rewards. They're ambitious, focused, and resilient, and they feel most secure when steadily accruing items of value. Celestial wolves are all about return on investment, and they know how to play the long game in both professional and romantic pursuits. Security is paramount, and any threat to their stability will be sure to have them sniffing out their prey.
As a sign, Fenrir is fixed, an astrological quality that reflects their steadfast, loyal nature. Fixed signs are excellent at maintaining systems, and prioritize consistency and reliability in all areas of their lives. It must be noted, however, that Fenrir does have a bit of a reputations: What they perceive as dedication is often regarded by others as stubbornness. Accordingly, these wolves may end up lingering in unhealthy situations – whether relationships, jobs, or homes – longer than necessary just to prove a point. Despite their occasional obstinance, however, they are dependable partners, soothing their friends and lovers with their trustworthiness and devotion.
What are Fenrir know for?
It’s no wonder that Fenrir are recognized for their sensuality. These wolves have a heightened appreciation for physical pleasures and a deep connection to the senses, whether through touch, taste, or aesthetics. As the first earth sign of the zodiac, Fenrir have an innate ability to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere; their steadfast presence, soothing voice, and genuine charm always draw people into their lush world. Dependable, patient, and deeply appreciative of life's finer things, they seamlessly balance a love for luxurious comforts with down-to-earth practicality. Their interests range from gourmet meals, to exploration, to classic art, reflecting their deep connection to both the material and natural worlds. A Fenrir's spirit is fueled by a passion for beauty and stability, driving them to cultivate expertise in anything that enhances their sense of security and aesthetic pleasure.
What are Fenrir weaknesses?
Fenrir need to be mindful of their stubborn streak. While their steady consistency is one of their greatest strengths, it can also make them inflexible or unyielding. Listen, this sign knows what they like! Usually, that type of decisiveness is not a bad thing. But, when asked to change up their routine or (Maker forbid) step outside their comfort zone, this hard-headed earth sign will undoubtedly dig in their claws, creating avoidable conflicts and unnecessary stress—especially when they refuse to compromise. Despite their generally calm demeanor, when Fenrir does see red, their temper can be formidable and long-lasting. To navigate these challenges, they should practice the fine art of flexibility—even if it’s uncomfortable at first, they may be surprised to discover that breaking up the status quo isn’t the worst thing in the world.
On Relationships: Fenrir are earth signs known for their practicality, romanticism, and appreciation for the finer things in life. They love indulging the senses through soft fabrics, enchanting aromas, and delicious cuisine. Their sensuality translates to the bedroom, and a Fenrir will make lovemaking into a decadent experience one never forgets. Pragmatic Bellitanus and hardworking Equinor are enchanted by the wolf's charismatic qualities and admire their awareness of life’s luxuries.
Opposite sign Tenebrium is also an interesting match for Fenrir: Tenebrium and Fenrir are both associated with transformation (represented by autumn and spring), and when matched, these inverted signs can share valuable lessons about change and regeneration.
This sign also has a reputation for being hard-headed and stubborn. These wolves may find their fangs locked with fellow obstinate signs Solium and Eluvia. None of these signs like to budge, so a partnership with either of these signs can often feel like arm-wrestling (or super hot foreplay). Fenrir who find themselves involved with a Solium or Eluvia should focus on compromise, patience, and flexibility to ensure a healthy, forward-moving relationship.
On Tarot Association: The Hierophant
Fenrir are known to have a defined value system. Their set ways of looking at the world means that the Wolf will never evade the ideology they believe in. No matter what else is going on in their life, they’ll stay true to values, spirituality, and beliefs that are a part of them.
Notable People: Sten, Kalika Cadash, Fenris, Durin Aeducan
Draconis – The High Dragon | 1 Cloudreach – 30 Cloudreach
Commonly known as "High Dragon." Draconis has traditionally been depicted as a dragon in flight. Recent research has called into question whether this was also the case in ancient Tevinter, as dragon imagery was reserved for the Old Gods, which already had their own constellations. The find of older drawings showing Draconis with a more serpentine appearance has fueled speculation that Draconis originally showed a sea creature or an unknown eighth Old God stricken from historical record.
-Traits: Versatile, Expressive, Curious, & Kind
-Element: Air
-Key Area of the Body: Hands
-Tarot Card: The Lovers
Have you ever been so busy that you wished you could clone yourself just to get everything done? That's the experience of those born under the sign of Draconis in a nutshell. Their air sign holds an intrinsic duality, and they are often misrepresented as two-faced. In reality however, they rarely have a hidden agenda. Playful and intellectually curious, Draconis is constantly juggling a variety of passions, hobbies, careers, and friend groups. They are the social butterflies of the zodiac: they're quick witted, and you can find them buzzing between garden parties, town festivals, and grand balls.
Draconis season begins by ushering in the heat and electricity of summer, and these dragons are accordingly excellent at guiding change and transformation. They are terrific pioneers, using their energy to spearhead innovative creative projects; and are fearless thinkers, always down to try something new. But after they have shared their progressive vision with the world, it's best to let them get back to ideating: These hyperactive air signs have short attention spans and are most satisfied when they can move fluidly from one idea to the next.
Both Draconis and Bellitanus have an aptitude for communication. Despite this shared skill, however, these two signs are opposite in their approaches: Draconis expresses emotions externally, while Bellitanus processes internally. Draconis is all about output, so these dragons love to chat, and often speak with their hands. Communication is paramount for them, and they require fluent streams of transmission.
They love letters and notes almost as much as they love talking. In fact, the act of expression is often even more important to loquacious Draconis than what is actually being said – and they must remember to be thoughtful with their words. Another incredible Draconis quality, however, is that these natural chameleons can quickly recover from even the most shameful foot-in-mouth moments. Draconis moves too fast to care about embarrassing missteps: They simply move on.
What are Draconis known for?
Draconis thrive on intellectual stimulation and are known for their sharp minds, eloquent communication skills, and extraordinary wit. Naturally, some of the most iconic artists and creatives of the past age were born under this sign. Draconis have a natural ability to adapt to any situation, effortlessly switching between different social circles and conversations. They are excellent storytellers, infusing their interactions with humor and a lively spirit. They are known for their dual nature which allows them to see multiple perspectives and engage with a wide range of topics, from the latest magical or military advancements to classic literature. This versatility also means that Draconis can be spontaneous and unpredictable, keeping their friends and loved ones constantly intrigued.
What are Draconis weaknesses?
Listen, the rumors aren’t totally true—the problem isn’t that Draconis is two-faced, it’s that this sign is chronically scattered and stretched wayyy too thin (which they, of course, did to themselves). Alas, while Draconis's versatility and insatiable curiosity are some of their greatest strengths, it can also make this air sign unreliable or inconsistent. I mean, how can they have time for a long in-depth dinner date with their lover when they’ve already committed to making an appearance at five parties the same night!? There's only one of them, after all! Their need for constant stimulation can make it challenging for them to settle down or stick to routines, causing frustration for themselves and those around them. Draconis may consider developing habits that enhance their focus and follow-through. By setting clear priorities, boundaries, and expectations and learning to enjoy the process of seeing things through, they can harness their dynamic energy in more productive (see: consistent) ways.
On Relationships: Draconis has a reputation for being the heartbreaker of the zodiac. On a bad day, they can be flighty and unreliable. As a result, sensitive water signs, or devoted fire signs, may get fed up. Draconis are air signs, and the social butterflies of the stars. They need constant stimulation through communication and daily adventures. And yes, that consistent stimulation rule applies to the bedroom, so, hey, sensitive Tenebrium might be a great fit because while they're emotional, they're also the sign of sex.
Draconis are natural wordsmiths and like-minded air signs Judex and Eluvia sincerely appreciate their clever wit and vivacious intellectualism. For this sign, however, opposites really attract: The Fervenial and Draconis match is one of the most dynamic pairings of the zodiac. These inverted signs are both natural wanderers, and when linked, they can form an incredibly creative, fun-loving power couple.
On Tarot Association: The Lovers
The Lovers is all about choice and the need to understand juxtaposing sides in order to effectively make decisions. Like the zodiac sign Draconis, this card gives us both narratives. The caveat is that we must use our skills in understanding and making the right decision that can shape our lives for the better.
Notable People: Varric Tethras, Sigrun, Merrill, The Iron Bull
Silentir – The Silence | 1 Bloomingtide – 30 Bloomingtide
Commonly known as "Silence." Silentir is historically attributed to Dumat, the Old God of Silence, though its depiction is often debated. Some depict a dragon in flight, while the most common modern depictions show a man carrying a horn and a wand. Other scholars have speculated that the latter interpretation shows scales, which would point to the constellation being a supplantation of the elven goddess Mythal.
-Traits: Intuitive, Sentimental, Compassionate, & Protective
-Element: Water
-Key Area of the Body: Stomach
-Tarot Card: The Chariot
Silentir is a cardinal water sign. Both the depiction of a man carrying a horn and a wand, and the theory that this constellation represents Mythal, the protector, many have taken to represent Silentir's ability to exist in both the emotional and material realm. They are highly intuitive and their psychic abilities manifest in tangible spaces: For instance, they can effortlessly pick up the energies in a room. They are highly sensitive to their environments, as well as extremely self-protective. They are shielded by a seemingly impenetrable barrier – that of “Silence”; at first, they may be perceived as cold or distant. With time, though, they reveal their gentle nature, genuine compassion, and mystical capabilities. Just don't be surprised if it takes a while to get to know them.
Silentir, particularly stemming from the connection to Mythal, are attuned to comfort, self-care, and maternal energies. Accordingly, they tend to be domestically oriented. They love to create cozy, safe spaces that serve as their personal sanctuaries, then spend lots of time in them. They care deeply about their families and are quick to adopt caregiver roles. But they must be careful: when they invest in someone emotionally, they risk blurring the line between attentive nurturing and controlling behavior.
They attract friends and lovers through their loyalty, commitment, and emotional depth. They make excellent hosts and enjoy entertaining with comfort food and free-flowing libations; there's nothing they love more than a home-cooked meal. If you're not a fan of Silentir's attachment to the home, that may be a bit of a problem. Though these people avoid direct conflict by walking at an angle, they can inflict a harsher wound with their distinctive brand of passive-aggressiveness. It may be difficult to convince them to talk openly with about what's bothering them, but if you can do it without making them feel threatened, you'll build long-lasting trust.
What are Silentir known for?
Silentir are renowned for their empathetic nature and strong intuition, making them deeply compassionate and understanding individuals. Indeed, they are often celebrated for their emotional depth and beguiling sensitivities. As the first water sign of the zodiac, Silentir have an innate ability to connect with others on an emotional level, providing comfort and support in times of need. They are natural caregivers, always ready to offer a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on. Their genuine warmth and protective instincts create a safe and inviting atmosphere for their loved ones. Known for their loyalty and devotion, a Silentir will form deep, lasting bonds with those they care about, often putting the needs of others before their own. Silentirs' emotional intelligence and creative talents allow them to express their feelings through art, music, and vibrant storytelling—especially through lyrics or memoirs. This sensitivity and artistic flair make them compelling and relatable; they have the unique ability to touch the hearts of those around them and make everyone feel incredibly seen.
What are Silentir weaknesses?
Silentir are recognized for their signature defense mechanisms: sharp snapping jaws, and a hard impenetrable hide. It’s not easy for this sign to be vulnerable, so when it feels like its sensitive spirit has been disregarded (whether that is or isn’t actually true) this sign will resort to serious passive aggressive behavior to protect its mushy gushy heart. And, once Silentir retreats, good luck getting them to open up again! Indeed, they often build walls to protect their emotions, which can make them seem distant or overly cautious. By setting healthy boundaries, focusing on self-care, and learning to balance their protective instincts with a bit more flexibility, Silentir can better manage their emotional world. Embracing change and letting go of past hurts will also help this sign nurture their relationships in healthier, more fulfilling ways.
On Relationships: Silentir is a water sign ruled by the moon. Although lunar Silences are extremely sensitive creatures, they need to establish trust and loyalty before revealing their vulnerabilities. They do come with weapons, after all, and a formidable inner fortress to retreat into. Accordingly, fellow water signs Tenebrium and Peraquialus make terrific partners for these sweet individuals, as they are known for their incredible intuition and psychic abilities. When coupled, these signs can often communicate through nonverbal (perhaps even telepathic) expressions.
Though a less emotional sign, hardworking Equinor and fellow earth signs Bellitanus and Fenrir sincerely appreciate Silentir's sensitivity and make excellent nesting partners for those who are home-loving. This sign may struggle with confrontation and prefer sidestepping difficult situations. As a result, if a Silentir pairs with air signs (Draconis, Judex, and Eluvia), they will need to work on practicing healthy communication rather than falling into avoidant tendencies.
On Tarot Association: The Chariot
The vehicle of movement (The Chariot) has stopped. Instead of moving forward, it’s opting to go in a different direction. The Chariot isn’t taking the straight path, rather moving from side-to-side. This card reminds us that situations and emotions may change, but the outcome remains the same. Sentiments are always in flux.
Notable People: Brego Caron, Iris Amell, Maximilian Trevelyan, Cullen Rutherford
Solium – The Sun | 1 Justinian – 30 Justinian
Commonly known as "the Sun." There are two common interpretations of Solium. The first is that it represents the fascination of the early Neromenians towards the Sun and Moon, and that Solium is a depiction of both celestial objects. The second is that Solium originally represented the elven god Elgar'nan, known as the "Eldest of the Sun." According to the scholar Andvan Therastes, the shape of the pyramids of Par Vollen perfectly matches the constellation Solium.
-Traits: Dramatic, Outgoing, Fiery, & Self-Assured
-Element: Fire
-Key Area of the Body: Heart
-Tarot Card: Strength
Those born under the sign of Solium are delighted to embrace their regal status, as they are represented by the sun; Vivacious, theatrical, and passionate, they love to bask in the spotlight and celebrate themselves. They are natural leaders and they enjoy cultivating friendships and romances that are artistically and creatively inspired. Playful Soliums have no problem leaning into drama-fueled romances that are perfectly suited for the Randy Dowager Quarterly (in fact, they may even prefer them). After all, every Solium perceives him or herself as a celebrity. These divas never get tired of lavish dinners, exclusive parties, or decadent designer wear.
Soliums are full of life and vitality. The sun never dims,appears, or disappears unexpectedly, and likewise, they are renowned for their stability, loyalty, and consistency. They are dedicated friends and lovers who put their hearts into every relationship. They love to watch their loved ones succeed – until they feel threatened. They can become impaired by their ego, pride, and jealousy when they start to fear their star power will be eclipsed. It's important for them to remember that their light is never obscured by others, and the bright shine of others' success does nothing to their own. Ultimately, their own hubris is the greatest threat to their happiness.
This fixed sign is known for its ambition and determination, but above all, they are celebrated for their remarkable bravery. In tarot, they are represented by the “Strength” card, which depicts the divine expression of physical, mental, and emotional fortitude. Fearless optimists who refuse to accept failure, they will find their deep wells of courage grow as they mature.
What are Solium known for?
Soliums are known to shine, darling. Represented by the sun, they are recognized for their radiant charisma, natural leadership abilities, and effortless theatricality- some of the vibrant and dynamic qualities of this sign. These fiery people possess an innate confidence and a flair for the dramatic, often becoming the center of attention wherever they go. Their magnetic personalities draw people in, and their enthusiasm and zest for life are truly infectious. Likewise, Solium have a strong desire to be admired and appreciated, and they thrive in environments where they can radiate their signature warmth. Their interests often revolve around creative pursuits and self-expression—whether through performing arts, fashion, or entrepreneurial endeavors, Soliums love to showcase their talents and inspire others to channel their own bold ambition.
What are Solium weaknesses?
If a man shouts in the wilderness but no one is around to hear it, does he make a sound? For these theatrical fire signs, the answer is a resounding yes—but why weren’t you listening!? This sign thrives on admiration and validation, so when Solium feels like their radiant spirit has been (gasp!) upstaged, they can resort to dramatic outbursts or attention-seeking behavior to reclaim the spotlight. Loud, proud, and undeniably dramatic, Solium are no stranger to complete ego meltdowns. Of course, over time, even the most outrageous performers must learn that they don’t always need to be the center of attention. In fact, cultivating a sense of self that isn't solely based on external validation will help Soliums build stronger, more fulfilling connections with others. By honing these skills, they can maintain their majestic presence without overwhelming those around them.
On Relationships: Soliums rule the heavens, as represented by the Sun, arguably the most majestic celestial body. These theatrical fire signs are known for their passionate extravagance, enterprising creativity, and cinematic romances. Getting it on with one of them is a royal experience one never forgets. Like-minded fire signs embrace their magnetic charisma and are comforted by their lover's loyalty and warmth. The opposite sign, Eluvia is also a compelling match for this regal sign: While Solium represents the ruler, Eluvia symbolizes the people. When paired, these two signs can create a powerful checks-and-balances system for each other in terms of zodiac signs compatibility.
The other air signs, Judex and Draconis, are more prideful than Eluvia, so they will need to work on complementing, not competing with their Solium partner. And as for the water signs? As noted, you must examine someone's entire chart and how they treat you, but Solium's ego may hurt sensitive water signs at times. As a result, they need to remember that Silentir, Tenebrium, and Perequialus need extra attention, too. Finally, earth signs, such as Fenrir, Bellitanus, and Equinor, may provide a much-appreciated grounding influence on the blazing sun.
On Tarot Association: Strength
Taming the passion of others and oneself takes a lot of patience and energy. Be kind to yourself and to people. Maintain the “strength” to back away from arguments that occur because of desires and frustrations.
Notable People: Dorian Pavus, Jocelyn Cousland, Sera
Bellitanus – The Maiden | 1 Solace – 30 Solace
Commonly known as "the Maiden." Originally referred to Urthemiel, the Old God of Beauty. Depictions of the constellation Bellitanus vary across ages, as it has always been considered fashionable for notable women of the day to be declared the personification of the Maiden, such as Queen Asha Campana and Queen Madrigal of Antiva.
-Traits: Practical, Loyal, Gentle, & Analytical
-Element: Earth
-Key Area of the Body: Digestive System
-Tarot Card: The Hermit
Bellitanus is an earth sign historically represented by the god of beauty, an association that speaks to Bellitanus's deep-rooted presence in the material world. Bellitanus are logical, practical, and systematic in their approach to life. This earth sign is a perfectionist at heart and isn’t afraid to improve skills through diligent and consistent practice. These earth signs are especially attuned to the ingredients that make up a whole—in food and in everything else: they're hyper-aware of every detail.
Bellitanus, as well as Draconis, has an aptitude for communication, though these two signs are radically different: Draconis is about output and expression, whereas Bellitanus is about input and processing. A Maiden deals with information like a genius, transforming even the most jumbled set of information into organized, clear concepts. Though these signs long to be meticulous in all pursuits, they must remember that constantly chasing after the ideal can be destructive when applied to self or others. Beauty exists within our imperfections and it’s important for Bellitanus to learn that flaws are not defects.
Above all else, a Bellitanus wants to help. They are kind, gentle, and supportive friends and lovers who use their incredible intellect and resourcefulness to problem-solve. Their opposite sign, Peraquialus, offers guidance through spirituality, but those under the sign of Bellitanus want to assist on a practical level. These earth signs are always striving to provide workable solutions and improve broken systems. Methodical, committed, and hardworking, they make excellent teachers, healers, scribes, and musicians.
What are Bellitanus known for?
Bellitanus is defined by precision, intellect, and incredible, rigorous focus. This sign is recognized for its analytical minds, meticulous attention to detail, and practical approach to life: they excel at whatever they put their mind to. These earth signs possess an innate ability to notice what others might miss, making them excellent problem solvers and critical thinkers. What’s more, they have a natural inclination toward order and efficiency, often thriving in environments where they can bring structure and clarity. Bellitanus excels at managing complex tasks and producing high-quality work, whether it's a meticulously written novel, a scientific breakthrough, or a beautifully crafted piece of art. Their practicality and reliability make them thoughtful, caring, and diligent friends, lovers, and colleagues.
What are Bellitanus weaknesses?
Bellitanus' greatest strength—their meticulous attention to detail—is also their most significant, and most severe, weakness. Their notorious perfectionism means they set incredibly high standards for themselves, often to an unrealistic degree. They tend to fixate on minor flaws, putting extreme amounts of pressure on themselves to improve, resulting in a constant sense of dissatisfaction and self-doubt. Likewise, Bellitanus often struggle to see the silver lining, focusing instead on what could go wrong or what needs improvement. Extremely analytical, they are prone to overthinking and can get stuck in a loop of analysis paralysis, where they become so consumed by potential problems that they struggle to take action. To mitigate these tendencies, they should practice self-compassion. No one is perfect—in fact, that’s the point! Our flaws make us beautiful and relatable; we must embrace our foibles.
On Relationships: Earth sign Bellitanus is known for their extreme intellectualism and attention to detail. They are always processing information and prefer expressing themselves through logical and rational communication. They are perpetual list-makers, and these pragmatic signs feel most grounded and stable when paired with fellow earth signs Fenrir and Equinor. These earth signs also value their analytical eye and attention to detail.
Opposite sign Peraquialus is a terrific match for Bellitanus: Both of these signs love being helpful, and while the Bellitanus lends a more practical hand for assistance around the house, Peraquialus is a skilled emotional healer. And as for the other water signs, Tenebrium's curious nature complements Bellitanus well, while Silentir will bond with them over the importance of a happy home. And if a fire sign falls for a Bellitanus, expect them to ignite their inner kinkster, and magic to happen in the bedroom.
On Tarot Association: The Hermit
Being that Bellitanus are often seeking clarity, understanding, knowledge, and perfection, they'll align with The Hermit. This card is all about reflection, shedding light on matters, and using one’s analytical mind to make proper decisions. Information is coming that will offer insight — wait and see what is being brought to consciousness and awareness now.
Notable People: Blackwall, Sebastian Vael, Leliana, Isan Brosca
Judex – The Sword of Mercy | 1 August – 30 August
Commonly known as "the Sword of Mercy." Judex is depicted as a downturned sword. It originally referred to the concept of justice in ancient Tevinter, where it would have indicated a guilty verdict–most likely execution. In the modern era, it is used as a symbol of the Templar Order and is also used in the heraldry of the Inquisition. As such, the ancient interpretation is frowned upon in scholarly circles.
-Traits: Social, Fair-Minded, Diplomatic, & Gracious
-Element: Air
-Key Area of the Body: Skin
-Tarot Card: Justice
Judex is an air sign represented by the Sword of Mercy, representing both violence and mercy- an association that reflects their fixation on balance and harmony. Judex is obsessed with symmetry and strives to create equilibrium in all areas of life. These air signs are the aesthetes of the zodiac: love, beauty, and money are three of their common values. They adore high art, intellectualism, and connoisseurship. Suave Judex need to surround themselves with stunning objects and create environments that reflect their exquisite tastes. Accordingly, these air signs make excellent designers, decorators, art critics, and stylists.
While Judex's opposite sign, Fulmenos, represents "me," Judex symbolizes "we." Relationships are paramount for Judex, who find balance in companionship. They love harmonious partnerships with fashionable mates, especially those who make attractive arm candy. These air signs are highly motivated by physical appearance; there's no better way for a Judex to relax than with a luxurious spa day.
Judex, when they are regularly coupled, must be careful about seeking attention outside the agreed-upon boundaries of their relationship. Since they try to keep everyone happy and engaged, they may find themselves tempted to push the limits of their agreements with their partners. People-pleasing Judex must remember that the happiness of their loved ones and the health of their relationships is more important than maintaining the attention of distant admirers.
Judex is a cardinal sign, which means people under this sign are accordingly great at launching new initiatives. However, because they consider multiple perspectives in all pursuits, these air signs struggle with indecision. Instead of constantly seeking outside perspectives, Judex would do well to develop (and trust) their own intuition. Their characteristic ambivalence aside, they can navigate virtually any social situation, effortlessly resolving conflicts by simply turning on the charm.
What are Judex known for?
Symbolized by the Sword of Mercy, Judex are renowned for their captivating charm, quality elegance, and diplomatic spirit. They exemplify grace, sophistication, and tempered nature, traits that all define this sign. Judex have a unique ability to blend confidence with empathy, creating an atmosphere of harmony and ease around them. Their natural inclination towards justice makes them excellent mediators and friends who are always willing to see different perspectives. Judex' diplomatic skills and artistic flair allow them to express themselves in ways that resonate deeply with others; aesthetics are extremely important to Judex, who are often noted for their style, fashion, and design sensibilities.
What are Judex weaknesses?
We can’t please everyone—but Judex is trying their absolute hardest to, damnit. As the diplomat of the zodiac, Judex wants to be… well, universally adored. Of course, pursuing this impossible goal means that they will easily override their convictions to appease others, or even adopt an indecisive spirit to bait others into action. After all, Judex would rather be neutral than rock the boat. This conflict-averse approach can make them appear insincere or superficial, agreeing with others to keep the peace rather than expressing their true feelings. To overcome these weaknesses, Judex should embrace assertiveness, prioritize their own needs, and focus on genuine connections rather than just fair weather friendships. We’re not for everyone, and everyone is not for us. And that’s not a bad thing!
On Relationships: Judex are charming, dapper air signs who enjoy connoisseurship and are often found admiring artwork at a gallery, sipping wine in a vineyard, or browsing the shops for the finest clothing. They are also one of the most epic flirts of the zodiac. Fellow air signs Draconis (who gives Judex a run for their money on the flirting front) and Eluvia deeply admire this sign's appreciation for art and culture and enjoy cultivating their refined tastes within these well-matched air sign partnerships.
Judex love being in pairs, making Fulmenos and fellow fire signs Fervenial and Solium an exciting partner. Fulmenos are known for their fierce independence, so when these two signs couple, they often create compelling counterbalances (as reflected in the infamous Rivaini treasure hunter duo Bonnie and Clyde). Often, this sociable sign can become overly consumed with their public image. This people-pleasing sensibility may rub Silentir and the other water signs the wrong way, so Judex should prove their dedication by paying extra attention to their lover (especially in group settings).
On Tarot Association: Justice
Similar to the zodiac sign Judex, the scales of justice are depicted in the tarot card. It is a reminder to be honest, fair, maintain balance, and ensure equality in all matters. If not, then karma will come full circle and make things right for you. Play by the rules and do right by others.
Notable People: Wynne, Josephine Montilyet, Alhannon Lavellan
Tenebrium – The Shadow | 1 Kingsway – 30 Kingsway
Commonly known as "Shadow." Tenebrium is generally associated with Lusacan, the Old God of Night. However, as it is traditionally depicted as an owl rather than a dragon, even in Tevinter texts, some scholars believe that Tenebrium originally represented the elven god Falon'Din, who is sometimes represented as a giant owl in tales. Another explanation is that the owl is a nocturnal hunter and would have been considered a terrifying omen of loss to ancient cultures.
-Traits: Passionate, Stubborn, Resourceful, & Brave
-Element: Water
-Key Area of the Body: Genital Area
-Tarot Card: Death
Tenebrium is one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac. Because of its incredible passion and power, the Shadow is often mistaken for a fire sign. In fact, Tenebrium is a water sign that derives its strength from the psychic, emotional realm. Like its fellow water signs, Silentir and Peraquialus, Tenebrium is extremely clairvoyant and intuitive.
What makes this water sign unique is its distinctive dangerous patience. Like their celestial representation, the Shadow, a Tenebrium will lie in wait and strike when least expected. Life is a game of chess for these calculating water signs, who are constantly plotting several steps ahead in order to orchestrate an eventual checkmate. This doesn't mean their intentions are necessarily nefarious. Tenebriums simply know what they want and aren't afraid to work hard and play the long game to get it.
They never show their cards and their enigmatic nature is what makes them so seductive and beguiling. Tenebrium is the sign most closely associated with sex; it isn't solely about pleasure for these sensual scorpions. They also crave the physical closeness, spiritual illumination, and emotional intimacy sex can provide.
Tenebriums are often associated with both destruction and transformation. On a good day, their energy is ambitious and enticing. On a bad day, however, the shadowy side of Tenebrium is fueled by a relentless desire for control. Power-hungry Tenebriums must remember that if controlled by their egos, they are at risk of losing themselves to the darkness. This sign is at its best when that intrinsic intensity is applied to deep, soulful connections with friends and lovers. When they build trust with others, Tenebriums demonstrate unparalleled empathy, depth, and commitment that brighten even the darkest parts of their magical psyche.
What are Tenebrium known for?
Tenebrium are known for their intense passion, magnetic presence, and unyielding determination. Most people born under this sign fully embody the fierce and enigmatic qualities of this sign. As a water sign, Tenebriums possess a deep emotional reservoir and an uncanny ability to read between the lines, making them masters of intuition and insight. This sign has a knack for creating an atmosphere charged with mystery and allure, often drawing people in with their piercing gaze and irresistible charisma. Their interests often dive into the depths of human experience, from psychology and the occult to transformative art and music. Their creative talents and profound emotional depth allow them to express themselves in ways that captivate and intrigue.
What are Tenebrium weaknesses?
Tenebriums' intense passion often degrades into a controlling spirit. They can become overly obsessed with power—who has it and who doesn’t—both within their individual relationships and the world at large, which can make them seem domineering and unyielding. Secretive in nature, Tenebrium's fixation on dominion can manifest as manipulative behavior, as they strive to maintain power in various aspects of their lives. When they get jealous, it’s easy for them to strike back, lashing out from the shadows—often misfiring and causing severe, irreparable damage. Every Tenebrium must learn to explore the art of surrender, allowing themselves to trust others and let go of their need for control… at least a little bit.
On Relationships: Tenebrium is one of the most intense signs of the zodiac. These powerful water signs use their incredible intuition to manifest their goals and approach their passions with relentless dedication. It’s no surprise that they also make extremely dedicated lovers, and they make love like their life (and your soul) depends on it. While some signs balk at Tenebrium's intensity, fellow water signs Silentir and Peraquialus embrace Tenebrium's energy.
This sign is also recognized for its magnetic sexuality. Their sexual appetite is best satiated by its opposite sign: Fenrir is considered the most sensual sign of the zodiac, so when matched with ravenous Tenebrium, this couple makes for a truly erotic pairing. While on paper, Fenrir pairs best with Tenebrium, fellow Earth signs Equinor and Bellitanus will also enjoy hot sex while providing Tenebrium with a secure and safe partner. The most challenging signs for Tenebrium can be air signs, as they tend to be elusive, and Tenebriums do not hide within their shadows when it comes to relationships. If you try to avoid a relationship conversation with them, they will come for you and shine a light upon you both.
On Tarot Association: Death
The Death card represents transformation and growth. As we all know, Tenebrium is the only zodiac sign who easily evolves with times and wants to change throughout the stages of their life. Moving towards a new view, self, or place in this world can be intense — but, also extremely helpful towards one’s personal well-being.
Notable People: Nathaniel Howe, Cassandra Penteghast, Zevran Arainai, Velanna
Fervenial – The Oak | 1 Harvestmere – 30 Harvestmere
Commonly known as "the Oak." Fervanis is generally depicted as a towering tree with leafless branches. Many believe it references the early Neromenians' animist beliefs, though others claim that Fervanis was originally a depiction of Andruil, elven goddess of the Hunt, and of her tenet of the "Vir Tanadhal."
-Traits: Extroverted, Optimistic, Funny, & Generous
-Element: Fire
-Key Area of the Body: Thighs
-Tarot Card: Temperance
The final fire sign of the zodiac, Fevenial traits are unlike any other sign of the zodiac; they're totally unique to this brazen spirit. As a professional astrologer with almost 10 years of experience, I can honestly say that there is no zodiac sign like Fervenial. What makes them so unique are their dynamic blend of passion, curiosity, intensity, and adaptability. Represented by The Oak, many would assume this would be an earth sign- however, Fervenial traits liken to the elven goddess Andruil, further pushing the theory that the Tevinter Imperium replaced many of the meanings of the constellations. These hunters aren't afraid to use their bow and arrow to explore expansive terrain, seeking answers in places and spaces others wouldn’t dare venture. Whether they're voyaging down a river in some undisclosed location or taking a pilgrimage to a sacred site to uncover secrets about an ancient civilization, a Fervenial's quest for knowledge knows no bounds.
Fervenial is a mutable sign, meaning it is associated with adaptability and flexibility. This perfectly reflects their deep-rooted desire for change. Fervenials are born to explore and it is critical that they have the freedom to roam. Fueled by wanderlust, they can be found traversing all corners of the world on thrill-seeking expeditions, chasing after geographical, intellectual, and spiritual adventures. Fervenials are on a perpetual quest for knowledge, which makes them incredible storytellers, entertainers, and creatives. It's not all fun and games, however: Fervenial is notorious for its signature bluntness, and their "brutal honesty" can often lead to misunderstandings, communication breakdowns, and lots of hurt feelings. But the good news? Fervenial doesn't take anything too seriously, so it's hard to stay mad at these wild optimists.
Fervenial's lives are often full of abundance- in one way or another. You know the expression "go big or go home?" Yeah, that’s basically their motto. So, naturally, this sign demands to have it all. The word "enough" doesn't exist within this sign's vocabulary. When Fervenial is intrigued by something—whether it's an intriguing manuscript or a newfound mystery to solve—they go all in. That is, until something else catches their eye. As a mutable sign, Fervenial don't stay on any single fascination for too long; they have so many passions and interests, they’re constantly bouncing from one idea to the next!
What is Fervenial known for?
This should come as no surprise: most Fervenial are known for their larger-than-life spirits. They are captivating characters who can light up any room with their exhilarating tales, infectious laughter, and dynamic charm. Effortlessly magnetic, they easily attract friends and lovers with their innate humor. Fervenial are definitely the comedians of the zodiac, who infuse all of their conversations with their signature "no bullshit" attitude. They're fun, playful, and extremely philosophical. They seamlessly weave stories, fusing topics ranging from experimental magic to Divine-Age literature to the most recent gossip. Why? Fervenial is interested in absolutely everything. Their spirit is fueled by their passion for knowledge, so they relish the opportunity to become experts in… well, anything.
What are Fervenial's weaknesses?
Of course, Fervenials must remember to keep their sharp tongues in check. Though they know a lot, they don't know everything—and if they're not careful, they can come off as pretentious or arrogant. A Fervenial often has no filter, which is what makes this fire sign so incredibly funny, intelligent, and dynamic, but is also why they can end up scorching even their closest friends and family on a bad day. What's more, because of their insatiable wanderlust, it's hard for this sign to commit. Consistency is a challenge for these fiery souls, and—although it doesn't come from an ill-intentioned place—other zodiac signs may perceive Fervenial as flakey and unreliable. To mitigate this, they should make sure they don't over-promise, which will inevitably lead to under-delivering. Instead, Fervenial should make sure they're being extremely transparent about their existing responsibilities so that others can manage their expectations accordingly.
On Relationships: Fervenials are always ready for an adventure. These fire signs are natural philosophers, scholars, and explorers, recognized for their captivating storytelling and infectious humor. They tend to have epic sex drives and can even be quite the heartbreaker. They key to winning them over is to let them keep their freedom. Like-minded fellow fire signs Fulmenos and Solium perfectly complement the Fervenial wildfire: Opposite sign Draconis is also a terrific match, because both Draconis and Fervenial believe in living life to its fullest, and these inverted signs may support each other’s journeys toward self-actualization. Additionally, the other air signs, Eluvia and Judex, will find that Fervenial helps turn their thoughts and dreams into action.
Since this sign is always chasing its fallen leaf, these souls have a reputation for being unreliable and fickle. Sentimental Peraquialus and the other water signs can be easily wounded by Fervenial’s no-bullshit approach to life. They should make sure to treat their lover like their copilot. Include your earth or water sign in your adventures and don’t forget to apologize for any hurt feelings (yes, even if you didn’t mean to hurt them).
On Tarot Association: Temperance
One cannot do everything in extremes. If they do, then things will go haywire. The Temperance card is a reminder to find moderation and peace within. This a reminder to Fervenial that building greatness, knowledge, and understanding the ways of the world takes time. Don’t rush the process.
Notable People: Isabela, Marian Hawke, Alistair Theirin
Equinor – The Stallion | 1 Firstfall – 30 Firstfall
Commonly known as "the Stallion." Equinor has historically been depicted as either a rearing horse or a seated griffon. However, there is also speculation that the constellation originally depicted a halla, which would indicate that the ancient Tevinters deliberately supplanted the constellation's original representation of the elven goddess Ghilan'nain, known as "Mother of the Hallas." Since horses also held great significance to Neromenian culture, the Imperium's predecessor, this speculation is largely considered unfounded.
-Traits: Serious, Independent, Disciplined, & Tenacious
-Element: Earth
-Key Area of the Body: Knees
-Tarot Card: The Devil
The last earth sign of the zodiac, Equinor and their unique spirits are powerful, to say the least. I've worked with thousands of clients over my nearly-10 year-long career as a professional astrologer, and I can confirm that there's something that makes Equinor extremely special. Perhaps it's their fearless ambition? Their limitless resilience? Their ability to keep pushing forward, even in the face of challenging adversity and painful strife? Or, maybe it's their secret wild side that's very rarely depicted in standard personality assessments, but that rumbles within the soul of every Equinor: Not everyone gets to see them ordering rounds of Sun-Blonde Vint, dancing on the table, and staying up until the crack of dawn—but that rebellious, untamed spirit is an Equinor asset. I mean, how else do you expect this zodiac sign to let loose and have fun?
Interestingly, Equinor are said to age backwards: they become increasingly youthful, optimistic, and playful as they mature. Indeed, inside every earnest Equinor is a mischievous troublemaker (in tarot, Equinor is symbolized by the "devil" card). Though this earth sign may seem a bit conservative and restrained at first, their closest friends and lovers know that these Stallions love to party.
Equinor is symbolized by the Stallion, but historically has been depicted as both a horse and a griffon. This imagery speaks to Equinor's bifurcated abilities: They are skilled at navigating both the material and emotional realms. They scale the steepest mountains while simultaneously building up their psychic fortitude. Equinor are relentless: They are determined to overcome whatever stands in their way. They have big picture, long-term goals and they absolutely don't want to be bogged-down by annoying details or superfluous information. However, because of their unwavering focus, Equinor can sometimes be perceived as cold, unemotional, or even cutthroat — but that's only because they have perspective. If it won't matter in five years, Equinor simply cannot be bothered with it today.
Equinor ideals often relate to tasks, rules, responsibilities, and—perhaps most importantly—time. Equinor is so incredibly connected to the concept of time. Sure, this may translate to their punctuality or calendar management, but—to be honest—it's a bit more existential than that. They recognize that life is short and, likewise, they're always racing against the clock. There are so many things Equinor wants to accomplish and achieve in this lifetime; slowing down is simply not an option. As a cardinal sign, they are really motivated to start new projects—this sign is constantly coming up with new ideas!
What are Equinor known for?
Equinor are known to be extremely hardworking visionaries, leaders, and trailblazers. They are often known for their poise, sophistication, and—of course—unrivaled talents. Equinor are dynamic individuals who express a unique balance of confidence and humility: They have a grounded, practical spirit that makes people feel comfortable in their presence. Although they're very selective about who they let into their lives, they are incredibly gracious friends who pride themselves on honesty and loyalty. One important thing to note: Equinor definitely don't sugarcoat. If an Equinor doesn't approve of your choices or behavior, they will be sure to let you know. But the great thing about them is that they will also help you come up with solutions, action items, and practical ideas on how to improve your situation. Equinor are doers, which means they're all about making it happen. You know that expression, "If you want something done, give it to a busy person?" Well, that's definitely the way an Equinor rolls. Even if they are knee-deep in deadlines and high-stakes crises, they will go out of their way to consider the needs of their closest companions.
What are Equinor weaknesses?
Of course, Equinor must remember that not everyone wants, needs, or desires the same lifestyle they live. Although Equinor is extremely ambitious—and their determination is undoubtedly extremely inspiring—it's important that they don't impose their standards on others. It's no problem when an Equinor focuses on their own aspirations… but projecting their values on their closest friends and family is a totally different story. They must remember to keep their eyes on their own paper: After all, not everyone wants to climb the ladder straight to the top. Some folks just want to live a calm, relaxed, and peaceful existence—and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. What's more, every Equinor should definitely cultivate a gratitude practice. Because they have such lofty goals, it's difficult for this earth sign to appreciate their current reality, believing that nothing will be good enough until they reach the mountain's peak. But the journey is the destination and, likewise, by finding deep appreciation for their current blessings, Equinor will be sure to feel even more fulfilled when they finally reach their desired outcome.
On Relationships: Ambitious Equinors work hard to build safety and security in their lives. They aspire to create solid foundations for their careers, homes, and romantic partnerships. That being said, they are represented by the Devil Card in tarot and play as hard as they work. They may look like business on the outside but these Stallions are kinky on the inside. As a result, Equinor surprisingly pairs well with sexy Tenebrium, although the other water signs (Peraquialus and Silentir) will have to work on not taking Equinor's cold nature personally.
Their fastidious approach to life is not for everyone. Fiery Fulmenos and agreeable Judex can become frustrated by their stoicism and Equinor can also grow exhausted by the flippant nature of these signs. When dating a Fulmenos or Judex, Equinor must remember that their lovers are not their assistants and that the best partnerships are those built from mutual respect.
On Tarot Association: The Devil
All work and no play can lead one to feel as though they cannot escape annoying mundane activities. It signifies relationships or situations that have become toxic. This horrible cycle needs to end. Letting go from power struggles and dominant situations is hard. Taking back one’s personal strength is challenging — but, can be done.
Notable People: Rutok Kader, Morrigan, Garrett Hawke, Eila Tabris
Eluvia – The Sacrifice | 1 Haring – 30 Haring
Commonly known as "Sacrifice." Believed to originally refer to Razikale, the Old God of Mystery. The constellation was the source of many superstitions involving the granting of wishes. It then became associated with the popular Orlesian tale of the same name from the Glory Age. Eluvia tells the story of a young woman saved from a lustful mage by being sent into the sky by her father. Her father was killed by the mage in return, the sacrifice after which the constellation is named in common parlance. The daughter became the constellation; she is depicted as a seated woman with her head in the clouds.
-Traits: Deep, Imaginative, Original, & Uncompromising
-Element: Air
-Key Area of the Body: Ankles
-Tarot Card: The Star
As the eleventh and penultimate sign of the zodiac, Eluvia is the final air sign, which means it deals with air-related concepts (we'll get more into that momentarily) from a macro-perspective. Of all the zodiac signs, Eluvia is undoubtedly the most innovative, progressive, rebellious, and humanitarian. But while they can often be found planning a revolution or proudly flaunting their funky fashion sensibility, they also have an often overlooked sensitive side that requires appreciation, support, and love.
Air energy is all about the mind. Intellectual, curious, and deeply social, the air signs (Draconis, Judex, and Eluvia) are passionate about interpersonal dynamics. As the last air sign in the zodiac, however, Eluvia takes these concepts to a whole other level. They are often associated with the idea of a mystical healer who bestows water, or life, upon the land- perhaps the woman whom her father sacrificed himself for, repaying him by bringing rain down and keeping the land he lived in alive. Represented by the Star card in tarot, Eluvia can be visualized as a larger-than-life, mythical being with one foot firmly planted on the soil (representing a sense of being grounded) and one positioned in the water. Eluvia's head dwells in the clouds, representing the opportunity for elevated consciousness to cultivate longevity, healing, and hope. Here, it's important to remember that Eluvia is removed from this process—from this vantage, we can see that Eluvia is positioned as an independent entity separate from the life-giving hydration it offers the cracked soil. In this respect, Eluvia exposes its deep connection to community: Rooted in teamwork, collaboration, and the concept of the "greater good," Eluvia is determined to make a powerful difference in the world.
Eluvias are often at the forefront of innovation and surprising events. They possess a distinctive attitude; often non-traditional in their views and ideals. Eluvia are big thinkers, but mustn't forget their immediate surroundings. These souls can become so focused on implementing widespread reform that they neglect their family and friends, gaining a reputation for being distant in relationships. An Eluvia should remember that progress always starts on a micro level and advocate empathy and compassion wherever possible.
What are Eluvia known for?
As the humanitarian of the zodiac, this sign has a reputation for being eccentric, unique, and marching to the beat of their own drum—as well as being cold, aloof, and somewhat detached. Here's the thing: they hate small talk. Eluvia is totally disinterested in petty gossip and, frankly, could care less about people-pleasing niceties. This zodiac sign is committed to creating a large-scale impact from the ground up, which means these revolutionaries are all about macro change. They aspire to move the needle through radical social progress, so if they seem disinterested, it's likely because the issue at hand isn’t community-focused. Every Eluvia is a rebel at heart: These air signs don't mesh well with authority-figures, let alone any institution that represents tradition and long-standing convention. Free-spirited and eccentric, you can often spot this air sign through their offbeat fashion sensibilities, unusual hobbies, and nonconformist attitude.
What are Eluvia weaknesses?
As a fixed sign, Eluvia definitely has a stubborn streak—when this sign makes up their mind, there's no going back! Their hardheadedness can get them into trouble from time to time. Once they commit to a new system or approach, it's hard for them to look at a situation from a different perspective. This is often considered one of their greatest weaknesses. Their obstinacy stems from strong, righteous conviction and it's quelled as soon as an Eluvia gets the chance to enact change. Because they are so deeply motivated by the spirit of egalitarianism, they enjoy teamwork and participating in communities of like-minded individuals.
On Relationships: Progressive Eluvia are known for their humanitarianism. These air signs enjoy high-level thinking and are motivated by egalitarian-minded work that inspires, revolutionizes, and improves society. The water bearer's romantic downfall may be that they can pay more attention to society at large than those close to them. Like-minded air signs Draconis and Judex appreciate Eluvia's energy; their big-picture visions set the stage for Draconis to explore and Judex to perform, so this sign really does well with fellow air signs. When Eluvia pairs with a Solium, or another fire sign, the air and fire combination could make a surprisingly dynamic duo. As Solium represents the king and Eluvia symbolizes the people, this couple has a comprehensive understanding of societal complexities.
At times, Eluvia idealism can become righteous. As a result, grounded earth signs such as Fenrir and sensitive water signs like Tenebrium may feel attacked by their strict morality and Eluvia can be put off by these signs’ hedonistic tendencies. Eluvia should work on becoming more tolerant of different world views and learn to appreciate the raw physicality of these highly sensual signs.
On Tarot Association: The Star
This card usually depicts a water-bearer by a stream. It is a card of promise, hope, and new beginnings — all of the attributes that describe the zodiac sign Eluvia. If you’re experiencing a difficult time or are in need of change, The Star card is a positive omen.
Notable People: Melana Andras, Aveline Valen, Anders, Vailo Adaar
Peraquialus – The Voyager | 1 Wintermarch – 30 Wintermarch
Commonly known as "Voyager." Peraquialus is often depicted as one of the primitive ships sailed by the Neromenians. As Peraquialus translates from old Tevene to "across the sea," many believe that this lends credence to the idea that the Neromenians originally came from beyond Thedas, though most reputable scholars dispute this theory, as the ancient Neromenians would likely have named the stars before embarking on a long sea voyage.
-Traits: Affectionate, Empathetic, Wise, & Artistic
-Element: Water
-Key Area of the Body: Feet
-Tarot Card: The Moon
Water sign Peraquialus is the last constellation of the zodiac. It's symbolized by a great ship sailing the heavens, representing the constant division of Peraquialus' attention between fantasy and reality. As the final sign, they have absorbed every lesson—the joys and the pains, the hopes and the fears—learned by all of the other signs. This makes these Voyagers the most psychic, empathetic, and compassionate beings of the astrological wheel. With such immense sensitivity, Peraquialus can easily become swallowed by emotions and must remember to stay grounded in the material realm.
Peraquialus are often associated with creativity and dreams, and these ethereal ships adore exploring their boundless imaginations. In its more nefarious form, however, Perequialus also oversees illusion and escapism. Their energy is like the energy of the ocean: magical, mysterious, and often scary. When the fog is thick on the water, the horizon is obstructed and there is no differentiation between the sea and the sky.
Those with this sun sign must be wary of mirages: This impressionable sign prefer wearing rose-colored glasses to addressing problems, which can earn Peraquialus a reputation for being flaky or delusional. This water sign should remember that problems can't be solved by swimming away. Willful ignorance never makes conflict disappear: It only gives it the chance to grow.
A mutable sign, Peraquialus effortlessly adapts to their surroundings. These visionary beings have unparalleled access to the collective unconscious through their clairvoyance and make incredible artists and creatives. Kind and gentle, they're invigorated by shared experiences of music and romance. Any relationship with mystical Peraquialus is guaranteed to involve deep spiritual exploration.
What are Peraquialus known for?
The last sign of the zodiac, watery Perequialus are known for their dreamy nature, deep empathy, and artistic flair. This archetype often fits with and possesses a range of imaginative and intuitive abilities. Peraquialus have an uncanny ability to tune into the emotions of others, often knowing what people need before they even say it, making them effortless trend-setters who are always ahead of the curve. Their interests often lie in the mystical and the artistic, where their vivid imaginations—and elusive childlike spirit—can truly run wild.
What are Peraquialus weaknesses?
Peraquialus feel everything—including emotions that don’t even belong to them. Energetic sponges, they will metabolize others’ experiences, which can be incredibly overwhelming. Accordingly, their deep empathy and sensitivity can sometimes lead to escapism, challenging anxiety, and erratic mood swings. Often, Peraquialus need to retreat into a fantasy world or engage in avoidant behaviors to manage the deluge of psychic stimuli and escape reality's harshness. Grounding exercises, like learning how to set (and maintain!) healthy boundaries are extremely important for seafaring Peraquialus. Protecting their emotional energy and being discerning about who they trust are also extremely important practices for this gentle, ethereal sign. Every Peraquialus must learn to balance their compassionate nature with self-protection, ensuring they care for themselves before tending to others. After all, we can’t pour from an empty cup.
On Relationships: Otherworldly Peraquialus are known for their sweet dispositions, enchanting creativity, and powerful clairvoyance. This water sign (the last of the zodiac) can pick up on energies, auras, and nonverbal expressions. They are very open-minded and can do well in open relationships. Like-minded signs, Silentir and Tenebrium are great matches for them. They can also create a strong partnership with its opposite sign, Bellitanus. Bellitanus and Peraquialus are both generous, and these two signs can benefit from each other’s kindness and support.
Peraquialus can be easily wounded, and fast-talking Draconis and Fervenial can become frustrated by their delicate ego. Draconis and Fervenial, meanwhile, may inadvertently hurt their feelings, causing these gentle ships to sail away. If partnered with a Draconis or Fervenial, Peraquialus should remember not to take things too personally and consider emulating some of these signs’ extroverted sensibilities. However, because Peraquialus is the last and wisest sign of the zodiac, they are magical enough to make a relationship with any sign work.
On Tarot Association: The Moon
The Moon rules the tides and flow of the ocean, water, and our bodies (because we are composed of water). In this card, the crayfish is emerging from the water to see two dogs howling at the Moon. Therefore, it shows fear, confusion, and illusion (since the fish did not expect to see that scene).
Notable People: Theron Mahariel, Evelyn Trevelyan, Laiya Lavellan
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magesforthedas · 2 months
Dragon Age Zodiac & Significance in Birth Dates:
Hey, first post! So I'm unsure how much anyone will be interested in this, but here's some backstory to this:
I have gotten completely fixated on Dragon Age recently, picking up from the LAST time this happened. I've had this idea for a while about, what if all the PCs existed, survived, and were important? Now this question has taken me very, very far into nerd territory, mainly the fact that I've apparently made it my mission to address every single world-building factor I can. Included in that is making full character profiles for each Player Character and crafting a full timeline (mainly of birthdates and events). I've made a Thedas calendar, which I may share in another post, but we'll get into that later.
In working on characters and timelines, I wanted to give each character I was working on a specific birthdate. Now, I hate choosing something like that randomly- I give meaning to as many aspects as I can. SO, I decided, what if Thedas had a zodiac? That would certainly help me narrow down when each character is born!
I researched the constellations we know of, and chose the twelve I thought fit each existing western zodiac sign the best. Then I created a full profile, combining the description of the constellation, the western zodiac, and various little tidbits. Each sign aligns with a singular month, as looking into the WESTERN zodiac, it starts with Aries, which lines up with the beginning of spring. Now, Wintersend, which takes place on the first day of Guardian (the second month), as close as I can tell is the holiday of the Spring Equinox. That would mean that the Aries-equivalent would start its cycle on 1, Guardian. Each month is exactly 30 days, so therefore each sign would consist of day 1-30 of it's respective month.
Well, a Thedas zodiac successfully (?) created, I moved onto the days of the month. After all, the more I could find meaning in little things, the easier my decisions! The segments on Day/Weekday/Time significance needed no Dragon Age Lore editing, just a few modern-terms-translated-to-medieval. I've included them even though it's not Dragon Age specific just because if anyone else needs as convoluted a way to choose the birthday of their DA character as me, it would hopefully be helpful.
Well this post is probably long enough, so I shall add each of the rest of the info as links. Included in the Zodiac document is Notable People for each sign; these include both player characters, whom you won't know anything about (unless/until I make more posts!) and canon characters, which you might not agree with my choices. So PLEASE take what you like and leave what you don't. Honestly do that with every single thing I post- these are all my thoughts and feelings on the world, and you can customize yours however you like! Feel free to peruse and let me know your thoughts!
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