#my sweet sassy deranged boy
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magesforthedas · 3 months ago
Every so often Fenris pops up on my feed
And I'm like
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I shall endeavor to exist with less offense.
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spacehostilityy · 2 years ago
NNT Rewatch s2ep7-12 !!
(Still from my drafts! Just moved back to college yesterday and today and classes start tomorrow. Wish me luck! My schedule sucks this year so I'll need it lol)
man this is flying by!! but lucky me, the druids’ holy land arc is one of my favorites
King learning throughout this season that not only does he need the other Sins, but they need and love him is so sweet. I just love the character development they all go thru this season
draw him like one of your french girls ~~
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I love that Matrona has purple eyes like Diane, the small details really make it
I actually NEED to know what Monspeet and Meliodas’s relationship was prior to his betrayal. “I can’t believe HE’S the one who sensed us” ?? Whats that about🤨 also zeldris and monspeet seem to have been in good terms, like were they all friends?
I don’t know how its possible, but Monspeet’s voice is even hotter in spanish
I love that despite galand not being able to lie, they still don’t believe his stories lol
KAJSDKWUDFL I forgot how shocked i was with the reveal that Merlin stole Mel’s power i just love the druid training arc sm
theyre so silly i love them
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do we know why jenna and zaneri don’t have wings? are they just hidden with magic or something??
okie so apparently they’re just inhabiting human bodies and their real bodies had wings. found this on the wiki, do we know where the info comes from?
WAIT do jenna and zaneri know elizabeth?? Like KNOW her?
HAHAHA this part always destroys me
ngl the best thing seven deadly sins as an narrative does is portray the intense agony and trauma from mel and ellie’s curses
anyway... the fact that Meliodas and Zaratras were of equal rank when they met is kinda funny
the absolute horror on meliodas’s face when he hears liz is just PERFECT
liz is so slay she’s everything i want elizabeth liones to be
King: uhh hey jenna...🥺 what are you planning to have us do in there😓
Jenna: isnt it obvious??? 🤨 rigorous training 😤😤
the way they cut btwn scenes of meliodas abt to lose it and him and liz being happy is just so well done
I love that they were trying to get Meliodas to abandon his emotions to keep his rage in check and then when he actually has no emotions we find out that he’s straight up evil and much, MUCH worse than before lol
the tears pooling on their insanely pointy chins always gets me lol. but also mel just violently sobbing and then suddenly being fine. Mans has serious issues with repression that can def be drawn to his daddy issues
BAN/ZHIVAGO ARC😭😭😭 a few observations: Ban is very clearly influenced by Zhivago’s style, like the clothes are so similar, the fact that they sent Ban to Aberdeen prison and his favorite is Aberdeen ale makes me think he associates it with his dad, Zhivago was hot, Ban mirrors Zhivago’s words to him to Elaine, Zhivago tells Ban to never trust humans and the only humans he ends up trusting are Escanor and Jericho, zhivago has lived in misery about the deaths of his children for almost 40 years :(
idk why this is one of my fave arcs it’s literally just angst lol
gil and howzer as boyfriends. Discuss.
seeing gowther fight hand to hand is actually pretty cool, i had assumed he was weak like king but he can hold his own
how did king not clue in when galand literally opened with “Meliodas its been such a long time” like BABE CMON
meliodas just mocking king for his lack of wings is always funny. nothing like a dick joke to make you feel better after Zhivago’s death
I HAVE to do a meliodas self hatred/relationship to being a demon post, i have so many thots
monspeet shielding Derieri from the rocks with his cape🥺
melascula is so sassy i love her
estarossa is my deranged babygirl i love him. that fucking freak
taizoo is a bottom.
meliodas somehow has 15 year old rizz. like the fucking blond boys.
(not so) fun fact: Elaine is my mom’s name so its a little weird
nakaba’s size kind seriously needs to be studied
okie doke that’s it join us next time !!
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zibiscusloon · 3 years ago
Finally finished all the new episodes! Therefore I’m screaming all my thoughts at you guys cause I’m a dumb mess and you guys are the only people who tolerate my gibberish!
-Oh my poor sweet idiots..
-oh lord they’re trying to escape-
-Let them out of the gay baby jail box! They’ve done nothing wrong! >:(
-I will continue to argue the absurdity of Inkwell Isles justice system. Cupsy & Mugsy steal cookies: jail time. Saltbaker attempts three counts of murder: community service-
-Mugman would make the best of prison-
-Miss Cyclops my beloved 💕
-Mugsy immediately being down to get out when he saw Cuphead get upset was genuinely wholesome 💕 (the two fight a lot this season so I treasure every wholesome moment-)
-They’re happy to be grounded akajshsj lmao-
Charmed and Dangerous
-Boys you ain’t getting those cookies sweeties stop trying
-Chalice! 💛💛💛
-Of course she has a mob after her
-She continues to a master of manipulation. Good for her.
-the Goat-
-they fucking stole his car-
-Hilda!! 💕💕
-Aaaandd they crashed-
-Oh hey! The mob! :D wait that’s bad-
-“Remember when I said I was lying about the angry mob? Well, the funny thing is, I was lying about lying about the angry mob!”
-“And it’s true. Chalice is a lying grifting friend-abandoning thief who-“ well damn Mugsy go off I guess-
-Boo! 👻
A High Seas Adventure!
-This is probably one of my favorites-
-Brineybeard! :D my favorite simp!
-Y’all are sleeping on “Sweets for me Sweet”, it’s genuinely catchy-
-I strive to be that parrot, sassy lil shit-
-He’s so in love-
-“Cala Marrrria!! Hiiiiii!!”
-“You talk to much.” Her.. her voice 😳
-Yes! Slay Queen! We live a girl loving being an absolute monster!
-Same Mugsy-
-Briney is respectful and I feel everyone forgets that. Won’t call Cala anything she doesn’t wanna be called.
-Overall I was a huge Calabeard shipper back in like 2017 so this episode really made me happy-
-Mugsy’s a real pirate 💕🥹
Another Brother
-How the hell do they get into town now that I think about it- there’s a hug ass cliff there-
-Protective Mugsy-
-Ew Bowlboy-
-Boys please get along once this season-
-“Chess?!! Without helmets???!!!”
-He.. he wants to.. be.. Cuphead. Stay away from my boy you lil shit-
-Anddd goodbye Bowlboy! You creepy lil shit! (affectionate & derogatory)
Sweet Temptation
-And Cuphead knows no self restraint. Who’s really shocked.
-Mugsy how the hell is your Candy not expired. Also who the fuck eats candy like that-
-Cupsy got the boot 😔
-Hey! Sugarland!
-*gasp* BARONESS!! 💕💕
-She’s cursed? Can we get more of her lord please-
-Lmao Cupsy knows what’s up- I’m genuinely shocked he had enough common sense to know the classic lured to eat candy by some lady who wants to eat me routine-
-Gee. Wonder when these two specific rules will be broken.
-And they’re immediately broken.
-Oh lord she really is deranged-
-My lil gummy and ginger boys 🥺 oh lord don’t eat them-
-Whippet Creampup is genuinely scary what the hell-
The I Scream Man
-Mugsy faking sick- ..I can’t say shit I’ve done it before.
-“Errands!!” :D
-My boy wants to be a pirate so bad it’s so cute-
-Calamug shippers y’all are winning this episode with his lil crush. Not my cup of tea but good for y’all. ☺️
-Ice Cream Man- (derogatory)
-Imma be honest and say I honestly thought he was Bowlboy disguised to torment Mugman. He has Bowlboy vibes.
-Don’t throw sprinkles in my boy’s eyes!! >:v
-Aaaannnd reading ruined.
-His stupid ass hat-
-.. He spoiled the book. KILL HIM-
-Feral Mugman is best Mugman.
Piano Lesson
-Look at my baby 🥹 living his dream- oh it is a dream. Oh.
-My grandpa always sings this old song about crawdads and I may have hummed it the entirety of the episode because they kept showing up-
-Hey Ludwig! He’s an NPC guy! :)
-Bitch how is you’re limo that long-
-My baby is trying his best ok-
-As a former piano student. Yes Mugman. That instrument is actual hell ti get to sound right.
-Hey! Look at Cupsy! My boy doing great- 🥰 MUGMAN NO-
-“What have I told you about using my hedge trimmer’s to mutilate your brother?”
-And more unhinged Mugman-
-Ludwig! You dirty thief! >:V
-Oh lord and he’s fucking dead-
-That moment at the end was genuinely cute-
Release the Demons!
-My other favorite episode 💕
-Honestly I feel Devil on the anger issues- same dude- same-
-Henchman is trying his best-
-“And of course! He couldn’t name twinkle twinkle little star!!!!-“
-And.. they’re all dead-
-Lil baby Cuphead & Mugman- 🥺🥺🥹🥹🥹
-Their lil coats are so cute-
-“And then he had this ..sweater! And it was invisible, and impenetrable, and dumb-“
-Dice Henchman friendship?-
-Hey! I like the funny lil round boy! Hope nothing bad happens to him! (I was soon to be wrong-)
-I love how the gate to Hell is just.. there. Anyone in Inkwell Isles can just go through it.
-Dice you gotta get in your work to!
-And he’s a smooth talker like always
-Have I mentioned how cute Cuphead & Mugman are this episode?
-Devil in a towel Devil in a towel Devil in
-The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?!- 👀
-annndd they want pie.
-Cuphead is (legally) free!! :D (Devil clearly doesn’t care but I’m still happy for my boy)
-Stickler you bold lil shit-
-I’ve actually been wondering if the sweater affected all demons or just the Devil. So this answers my question.
-This episode exists to ruin Devil’s day.
Dead Broke
-Chalice! 💛 my favorite spooky girl!
-ICE CREAM MAN- (double derogatory)
-This plan actually completely works on paper. Just saying.
-Sally Stageplay!! :D she’s rocking her outfit can I just say- slay Queen!
-“Do you have any idea what’s it like to be stuck in the same house as your sibling, day in and day out?” “Yep.” Felt that-
-Feel this is supposed to be a reference to how Chalice kept getting kidnapped by ghosts in the game.
Rat’s All Folks!
-Well damn Elder Kettle what that fly ever do to you-
-Aw they’re making him a cake (oh. It’s so he’ll do something for them. Seems about right.)
-Werner Werman!! The bastard! :D
-“We don’t know that’s how he got in.” “That’s how I got in.”
-Cheeky bastard-
-He ate the cake!! >:V damnit-
-Stop torturing my boys please-
Say Cheese
-Another fight
-Look at them in their dumb lil suits-
-Kettle’s dark origin story-
-OH LORD WHERE’D HE GET A FLAMETHROWER- (He just.. has that in the back of his truck??)
-Guess it’s bully Elder Kettle hours
-Mugman who’s side are you on-
-Kettle put the golf club down-
-I like that bee cop lady-
-Oh my gosh they’re still wanted-
-Shouldn’t the statue of limitation on Kettle’s charges be up?? I don’t know the statue on limitation on arson but he did that in his youth and he’s an ol grandpa now-
-Yeah! Family mugshots! :D
Lost in the Woods
-This whole episode is just the grasshopper and the ant in some way
-Don’t split up- annnddd they split.
-Cupsy just get bullied by wildlife for 14 minutes
-Lil feral Cuphead lil lil feral Cuphead lil fer-
-How the hell did he- Mugsy you should go into real estate! Look how quick you made that cabin!
-Mugsy tries to kill Cuphead this season: Part 2!
-Cuphead’s such a lil gremlin this episode-
The Devil’s Pitchfok
-My other favorite episode! (That also hurts me-)
-It’s a beautiful day in Inkwell Hell! *distant screaming*
-Devil is such a pathetic lil cat man- feel that-
-The writer is- audacious- I mean go off dude write an article dissing the fucking Devil-
-He deserves to have fun! :D burn that city down!
-Mugsy is just the type of older brother who unknowingly embarrasses you-
-Devil & Henchman getting all giddy about Devil’s work is genuinely so wholesome-
-De-Dev you forgot something- andddd he’s gone. This won’t go horribly wrong.
-And they found it- oh lord now there’s fire-
-Mugsy, sweetie, never change.
-Think they’ve just killed people with pasta
-He made Mount Mugmore! 🥹 That’s so cute- oh hi Devil.
-Mugsy & Cupsy bully Devil, part.. uh.. lost track at this point.
-“Goodbye to Cuphead.”
-Dude the fucking guilt on his face-
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awkwardplant · 2 years ago
thanks to @official-rolli-und-rita for tagging me to list 10 fandoms and 1 character from each. most of my faves are guys I’m sorry wamen. 
wwdits: guillermo. love of my life. deranged, innocent, smart-ass, sexy. 
star trek: spock. sassy alien man. it’s only logical to add him here
the magnus archives: martin. he’s fucking annoying sometimes but that only makes him more relateable
the sandman: death. she seems nice and cheerful, I’d be glad to walk to the afterlife with her
mob psycho: mob. just a little lad. (is actually a supernova in human form)
haikyuu: sugawara. ultimate boy mom friend
welcome to nightvale: dana. the gorge was right she should’ve been mayor
the owl house: hunter. “the emperor is not a merciful man. ✨BYEEE~🌸”
moominvalley: snufkin. his voice lowers my blood pressure. whenever i want to go for a walk in the woods i call that the snufkin instinct. one time i cosplayed as him (kind of)
carmen sandiego: Ivy. she is SO cool. and I love her voice 
tagging: @seriousmelam @dykevillanelle @im-a-carpet @hot-sweet-coffee @mycrowleycalromance @sleep-deprived-lesbian @high-holy-daze @legendary-chemistry @vapidandaimless @electric016 
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ambivartence · 3 years ago
ok i saw it's bias loving hours?? so i have arrived with lots of love <333 there are so many amazing kpop idols but the holy mel trinity™ is hobi, lee know and ten so i'll do my #1 lover lino cause he's just. he. yeah. and i know you like him!
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your favourite thing about them
umm what's not to love?? have you seen this man? but if i had to choose, it's probably his sass and his big heart and his love for his cats and members and family which melts my heart 🥺 lee know do you need another cat i can meow
like i never thought i'd say this but i get the whole "comfort kpop boy" idea now because he's just so comforting to me! and everything he does just... makes sense? i think we aren't necessarily *that* similar personality wise but a lot of what he does and says makes me go "ah yes same buddy, same" like i just Get It, it checks out for me somehow (and he reminds me a lot of my partner which might explain some things akshjdhsfjh) to summarise: he's basically my ideal type 😂 i've had more biases but this man just.... yeah 😫
plus...... i love a man with a good nose and he's a dancer. my weakness 🥴
when You Knew they were your bias
this was was very clear to me cause he is my skz bias from the start lol: i'd been listening to skz for a long time without checking out the rest of their content to avoid getting too invested because i knew i'd really fall for them. but then i eventually did (cause i have no spine) and i wanted to know more about the members. i watched some yt compilations and when i was on my first minho compilation (iirc it was him being sassy on vlive) he opened his mouth and i thought to myself: yes. YES. you're coming home with me
& i remember one of my first thoughts being "he's so sweet", so i was honestly a little surprised to find out some people think he's mean or weird (???). to me his dark humour is just *chef's kiss* + my love language is insults too so i really feel all his playful banter and sass on a personal level ajsdhfkjsdfh (yes to threats of physical violence i WILL fight him <333)
your favourite looks on them
i'm a big supporter of the Lino Beret Boy Agenda and every time they put him in a harness and tight pants but this flannel pyjama look is so underrated? the colour the matching eyeshadow and hair... the softness of it all i'm in love 😍😍😍
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honourary mention: this look because it makes me foam at the mouth the colours are just perfect for him ugghhh he's so pretty i'm gonna lie down in a corner and cry
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okay while we're at it 😂😂 i could go on and on but anyway lino in jeans???? i rest my case
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( ^ with his thunder thighs)
your favourite verse/choreo they do
i'm weak for his part in the tortoise and the hare tbh but also every time there's centre lino for a dance break i perish so there's that
your wish for them
stay healthy, eat lots, get enough rest!! my man was so busy last year i hope gets to relax. but also gets to do everything he wants! and cook every dish he wants to try
anything about them
I LOVE HIS DERANGED CACKLE OKAY it's so good when he goes hahahaha super loud and then the little "ah" at the end.. just... 🤌
ok this was a lot.. hope you have a good day siyuan!
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omg m ur holy trinity >>>>>>>>
all ur reasons feel exactly like my reasons r we the same person skdfmksdfnasfomeoafmsf "i love a man with a good nose and he's a dancer. my weakness 🥴" i SCREAMED ! "my love language is insults too" ME SKDFLSEMFN fuck omg the thunder thighs meme is so funny but relatable oop- all those pictures n yes dance break lino <33333 also we have def watched the same yt comp of him laughing i love that lil "ah" so much its so cute :(((
thank u for reminding me of pyjamas lino ��� here's some more for our viewing pleasure + mucore beret appreciation hehe
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> bias loving hours are (always) open <
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monster-bcrn · 4 years ago
Okay for real this is the fastest growing blog I’ve ever had hehehe. Never expected Grundy to get this popular this quickly!
Freaking love this zombaby and I’m so glad y’all love him too! As promised, gonna shout out some fantabulous bloggos that helped get Grundy to where he is today. XD
@akasupergirl/ @azombieme (I FREAKING ADORE GRUNDY AND KARA AND LIV. I swear Grundy’s loyal to Kara like he was to Shayera and Jade and Liv is totally his baby sister and is gonna protect her from.....everything. :P
Even pigeons, because they’re legion.)
@thecatgoddessbast (A blast from the past! Glad to see you again after I rampaged and caused chaos as a certain deranged pincushion of a mushroom way back in the time before present. XD
Now I get to do that as a zombie. :D Win/win!)
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@starcityvigilante (OLLIE. FFFFFF-okay for real I’m HYPED to plot wacky ideas with you. Grundy has a MASSIVE grudge against Green Arrow and I’m like......*push these two together* you both get along right now.)
@folcire (We literally just started talking and I’m loving your Ivy already! Can’t wait to see how Grundy grows to see her the more he talks to her because they’re both sassy plant people that way. XD)
@themartlans (FFFFFF-J’ONN. Everyone’s favorite green uncle :D I freaking adore him and I HATE how the most he ever interacted with Grundy was him being tossed into the bay. >_<
They really need to talk more, and MAN! That Injustice verse of yours is SICK. Definitely hyped for making Grundy into an insurgent and a good zombie instead of Supes’ lapdog.
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( Look at this face....LOOK AT IT.)
@blackwingsbluedings (One of the best Dick Grayson’s out there and definitely loving seeing Grundy be less smash and more “......hug?” They both need hugs I swear.)
@marvelousdamsels (We haven’t talked much but I adore your muses and I just hope Grundy doesn’t come off as too weird or clingy.......wait.......that’s......literally Grundy.....
@theirfirstexperiment (GRUNDY ON A RAMPAGE YOOOOOO! Better run fast. XD)
@amazonexile/ @gothamprens/ @captainstevertrevor ( Freaking love your muses and I love seeing Diana and Bruce actually WANT to help Grundy. It’s too easy just beating on Grundy and I love seeing them actually bother to try to get to the gentler side of the Hulk’s crazy cousin. XD)
@justiceebound / @nighttfight ( *slams fist on the table* YOU ARE AWESOME! Your Shayera is awesome, your Bruce is a national treasure and I can’t wait to throw Grundy at Supes and Diana, because these guys need a big reconciliation thing after all the chaos from literal years of slugging it out.
And I LOVE it. >:D)
@theamazondiana   (Both of you are AWESOME Wonder Women and MAN I love plotting ideas. I’m tired of seeing Diana being turned into too much of a warrior while negating her role as a peace-maker and y’all NAIL her kindness and wisdom and need to give everyone a chance. Freaking LOVE IT!)
@raininginkyxto (LOL I always love imagining Grundy in Marvel and now poor Weasel is kind of stuck with him. XD Man, if the Hulks meet Grundy then that poor bar is going to really get smashed.....)
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@notatomo (GIANT. Man I loved that movie as a kid and I LOVE the subsequent giant robot and tiny kid works inspired from it (example being the CRIMINALLY under-appreciated Sentinel series by UDON.) Can’t wait to see what happens when Grundy talks more to someone bigger than him. XD)
@liminalstctic (GRUNDY HEARTS TINY GIRL. XD Yeah he’s trying his hardest to help her. ;A;)
@yellowskinnedwackyman  (CREEPER! I’ll forever ADORE these two butts because they’re team Tree Lobsters.)
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@collidingxworlds/ @thecursedhellblazer (I. Love. Your. Constantine. I swear I have so much fun writing Grundy trying to get drunk (and failing) and learning to cuss up a storm while still being a mad lad ready to throw down with mega-zombies to protect his tiny friend.
DC, make this friendship canon or so help me Grodd...)
@chaosmultiverse (I love your Klarion so much! He’s so much fun! XD And Teekl for the epic win!)
@raichoose (Herbert West and Solomon Grundy? THAT aIN’T GOOD! D:>)
@gctjinxd (Freaking LOVE your Jinx! LOL how she manipulates Freeze and how Grundy isn’t even REMOTELY phased by her powers. Like he is TOUGH. Even bad luck won’t stop him.)
@killcrcroc (BIG BAD KILLER CROC! I love your Waylon and I adore how he has a collection of watches and that awesome suit. XD Croc definitely deserves more love since he’s much smarter than he looks, and tough enough to even get Grundy to back down in a serious fight.)
@babydxhl (Baby Doll is criminally underappreciated and I love how she’s the opposite to Grundy. She looks child-like but is very crafty, mature and knows how to get what she wants, while Grundy is physically strong and big enough to bully his way into anything he wants, but is very simple and child-like and would rather watch the birds. XD)
@theednygma (An awesome Ed Nygma and I love how Grundy is so unsure of everything yet still goes along for the ride as a support. XD)
@sleightlyoffhand (BUNNY MAN! Okay the idea of Josiah monching on carrots in Grundy’s pocket makes me smile so much. XD)
@thanagrian (BIRD-NOSE! Honestly every time I think of Grundy and Shayera I get the feels big time. These two definitely deserved more than just two episides to give them a unique friendship.
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(I love that STAR Labs mission so much in Injustice. XD)
@the-arkham-librarian ( I love Eliza so much! She’s crafty, stubborn, sweet and kind and just cares about everyone so much when few don’t. Grundy grew so attached to her I swear she’s like his little sister at this point. XD And he’s totes the best uncle along with Eddie.)
@fatherdamned ( I LOVE YOUR RIDDLER OMG! He’s so snarky but man he is SO DAMN FUN to write with! Grundy is there for his green friend, no matter what!)
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( I freaking LOVE Artemis and Grundy, especially in the Injustice Society stuff. Yeah Grundy’s been a butt before but he genuinely likes and cares about her and the rest of the team and I’m like....
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Look at these bunch of a-holes. Yeah they’re a family and even if they’re bad.....they’ve got each other. And that’s what counts. C:)
@powerhours/ @lastofmars (Green dad? Green dad. I love your J’onn so much and I’m like *throws Grundy at green dad* Here give this disaster some love. XD)
@redsleuthed (TIM! I love Tim and I swear these two should talk more because Grundy doesn’t WANT to fight and I think just letting someone hear him out would help him immensely.
Plus that stuff with Freeze? Poetic cinema.)
@12thlevel​ (On this blog we stan socially awkward green boi with angery grandpa genius mastermind. XD)
@seekthedarknesswithin (SHADE! I love Shade in Justice League where he constantly throws Shade at everyone so you can imagine how excited I was to see Shade on Tumblr! We haven’t done much but man.....even Grundy was excited to see an old friend from the Injustice Society/ Injustice Gang.)
@youstolemycoat (Okay, hands down, Nick Necro is so much fun to plot with. His Robin verse is so fun too and poor Grundy tries to help but a certain birdy won’t let him. XD)
@ufotm (Tiny alien baby. :3)
@partcfyouruniverse/ @diamondcladclown ( An awesome mun and my goodness her Harley is EPIC! I love the metas about Harley too and you just GET HER. And that????? Is the sign of an excellent writer and mun.)
@bigbadkillercroc ( I love your Croc and the brotherly bond he has with Grundy! It’s so refreshing to see these two bonding instead of Grundy tearing off Waylon’s face like he did in the Solomon Grundy mini-series. :C)
@blizzardmuses (I LOVE YOUR MUSES OMG. Your Batgirl?????? I ADORE HER. I love Freeze as a member of the Birds of Prey and I love tossing Grundy at your muses because the guy needs love and an excuse to smash.....and I really love both lol.)
@starfirechan (You’re Starfire is so freaking CUTE! I love how she and Grundy get along so well since they’re kind of two misfits that aren’t very well-versed in city life. XD)
@gotham-crusader/ @maximummuses (One of the best Batman and Damian Wayne RPers out there! I have a lot of fun with our threads and even if they fizzle out there is so much heart to them that they’re some of my absolute favorites no matter what muse I put on. C:)
@teufortsquidman (PRAWN! Okay, a giant mega-zombie and an Eldritch abomination? Yeah they’re gonna be good pals lol. XD)
@tragedybcrn (Hands down one of the BEST Batman RPers I’ve talked to and plotted with. I love how Bruce helps Freeze and even Grundy try to be better than just crooks. Grundy though has had so many bad experiences that he can’t trust anyone anymore unless there is some SERIOUS help. But he’ll learn to at least try to trust Batman.....because Batman was genuinely nice to him.)
@krygothite ( I freaking LOVE your Bane! We haven’t written much but FFFFF0yeah he’s epic. XD And Grundy is kind of nervous about bringing Bane to Slaughter Swamp because Bane is tough but not kaiju-sized gators and snakes tough....
Or....maybe he is.....let’s test him. >:D)
@redwinefangs (VAmpire Batman? Vampire Batman. We have an epic trifecta of vampire Bats, Freezy-wolf and zombaby Grundy and I LOVE it. These three are so much fun to plit ideas around. XD)
@titanicscionofthestars ( I freaking LOVE Sara! All across my blogs I love her and the way you write her! And I swear her reaction to Grundy being impaled????? MY HEART. ;A;)
@jcinthedance  (JERVIS! Okat for real I love the image of Hatter and Grundy just enjoying a tea party at the asylum and being weird dorks. XD)
@adventurepunks (I absolutelky LOVE your Zatanna! She’s so fun and I’d love to plot more with her! :D)
@laughter-in-white (YOU????? Are??? Like the BEST Joker. Hands down. Your Croptop J is so much fun to plot with and he’s funny and being dramatic for Bats. And Grundy is like ‘yeah he’s crazy but he’s my crazy.’)
@smartvulpix (* glomps on you for being epic*)
@thehouseofivo (Your Freeze and Julian are AWESOME! Love throwing my guys at them both lol)
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manikas-whims · 5 years ago
Messing with Her
Pairing: Shouto Todoroki X Momo Yaoyorozu
Words: 1711
Rating: T
Read on: AO3 | FFnet
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One. They are supposed to share just one lesson with the students of class B every week and yet somehow it has become the least bearable thing for Shouto. Although he isn’t much of an extrovert, he can bear with a few new faces but this doesn’t mean he’s ready to share seats with said new faces. And as if this isn’t enough, fate decides to play a dirty trick on him by giving him the worst possible seatmate for this particular class— Neito Monoma.
Not only does the blond hold some kind of personal grudge against class A but he is also nearly deranged. His obsession with annoying people is seriously worrisome. Negativity is known to eat away one’s inner conscience, deprive the person of liveliness and joy yet this boy thrives in chaos. Disaster fuels him like no drug can ever. And Shouto is extremely disgruntled to have to share a seat with him for a whole year.
He doesn’t pay heed to the crazy boy’s taunts and focuses on Sir Cementos, who is explaining something about strategizing which they’ll have to apply later on in test missions. His eyes glance ahead, stopping upon the back of a girl with silky, black locks next to an orange haired girl from class B. He sighs. It was his lovely, dark haired, seatmate herself who had suggested this new seat arrangement by drawing lots so as to help the two sections become more accustomed to one another and to make some new friends. Well he certainly does not need new friends. He is content with having her, Midoriya and Iida.
“Ohh so Mr. Cool Guy here is now ignoring me.” Monoma speaks, feigning a hurt expression.
Shouto finds the nickname funny, considering how hot-headed he gets when having to deal with idiots like these. But just like the rest of his classmates, he’s promised his class representatives that he’ll try to learn from this experience, not pick fights. And so, he tries to concentrate on what is being taught right in front of him.
“Is it your class rep, you’re thinking about?” Monoma says, his eyes now fixated on Yaoyorozu.
“Oh I know..” Monoma clicks his fingers, as if he’s discovered Shouto’s deepest, darkest secrets. “You’re thinking you’d rather sit with her than having to face a genius like me.”
Shouto huffs, cracking his neck to diffuse the annoyance building up within him. He has to! He promised Iida and Yaoyorozu.
“You think she’s better than me?” Monoma asks haughtily. This guy doesn’t know when to give up, does he?
Shouto ignores him.
“She is intelligent, I’ll give her that. But isn’t her kindness off-putting? I dunno, she almost seems too good to be true. Hey! Maybe she’s faking being nice to-”
“Fuck Off” The words escape Shouto’s lips before his rational mind can stop him.
It is only when the whole class turns towards him, some gasping in shock whilst several others hooting in approval of the possible incoming argument that he realizes he’s said the curse words loud enough for everyone to hear. He looks away, unfazed by everyone’s undivided attention on him. He only swears if it is to humiliate his bastard of a father. But people like Monoma press the right buttons, pushing him to lose his composure. It would’ve been fine if the arrogant boy had kept his snarky comments limited to him but he tried to insult Yaoyorozu, someone whom Shouto holds very important in his life, just like his other friends. He assures himself with that thought but wonders if he’d actually reacted the same way had it been Midoriya or Iida. Anyways, he couldn’t have just sat there and let the guy say whatever.
Sir Cementos puts down the chalk in his hand and opens his mouth to berate him for his language but Yaoyorozu beats their teacher to it.
“Todoroki-san! How could you?” she stands up, disappointment clear in her voice.
How could he? Normally, he would’ve simply told her that this stuck-up class B student just badmouthed her. But with an audience around, he can’t. He just knows that’ll hurt Yaoyorozu more than Monoma’s false remarks. So instead of stating the truth, he decides to lie. “Because he deserves.”
From the corner of his eyes, he can see Iida itching to chide him but is stopped by Midoriya.
“Swearing is wrong!” Yaoyorozu emphasizes, her hands resting on her hips. “Whether or not a person deserves it, is not as important as you spoiling your tongue by using such foul words.”
Here it is, her ‘good girl’ speech. Although she’s right, she can’t force everyone to stop swearing. And he’s already not the most ideal boy in his class. He is kind of a brooding, no-nonsense, cool sort of guy but that doesn’t mean he’s not bad. It may not be apparent but he’s just as handful as any other teenager. He doesn’t answer much to his sister and he treats his father like trash (which the man actually is). Oh! And not long ago, before the sports festival, he used to be pretty rude and uncaring about others. Its surprising that she and the rest of his classmates collectively decided to forget all of it as soon as he started opening up. So yeah, he doesn’t really care if swearing is wrong.
“It’s my tongue I’m spoiling, so you don’t need to worry.” He says with a shrug, earning some collective ‘oohs’ from the other students.
Her expression darkens at the nonchalance in his words. “I’m not worried. I just want you to apologize.”
Shouto’s eyes widen for the fraction of a second before returning to his stoic demeanor. Apologize? Him? To this jerk? And that too for cursing at Monoma because the blond was mocking her kind character? Not in a million years. If asked, he can share his soba with her but he will definitely not ask for this obnoxious boy’s forgiveness. He cocks his head to the side as he responds, “Or what?”
His words ensue a set of gasps, hoots and snickers. Even Bakugou quirks a brow in amusement. The sassy intonation in his words, makes Shouto question himself too. Crude words are one thing. But where is this coming from? He doesn’t remember ever speaking like this to anyone. Especially, since he had only meant to decline her request. Somehow he ended up saying these..challenging words!? He’s not in the position to challenge her for correcting him. So then, how did he let such words slip out of his mouth? Must be due to his time spent in the company of Bakugou and others at the provisional training.
Or is it because he enjoys messing with her? He knows she’s genuinely too sweet to scream at him for his words. Plus, he has noticed her always blushing cutely when he says something unpredictable. He isn’t sure why she reacts the way she does towards some of his actions but he likes it. He likes getting under her skin. He wants to witness how much she can take until she finally snaps back at him and takes action.
“Or..” she begins through gritted teeth, “I’ll never talk to you.”
His brows furrow immediately. The last time she stopped speaking to him was a disaster. Yes, he had talked it out with her. But he doesn’t have the energy to repeat that because he knows most of class A will be eavesdropping on them like the other time. He balls his palms into fists, the temperature rising on his left side whilst decreasing equally at his right. This isn’t fair. He didn’t expect her to be this strict on him. He isn’t saying that he’s special but she always does make him feel so. Wishing him good luck during tests, lending him spare stationary material by actually using her quirk to create it for him, offering him her expensive variety of tea and so much more. It’s just that her little gestures make him feel warm and happy..make him feel special and loved.. So now that she’s the one reprimanding him, it’s disheartening. Still, he cannot apologize to Monoma. He just can’t.
“It’s okay, Yaoyorozu-san.” Fortunately, the orange haired girl from class B intervenes. Kendo right? She’s the one who keeps her classmates in line. “I know Monoma is a bit provoking in nature.” She says sheepishly. “So there’s no need to say sorry to him. I think a written apology to your homeroom teacher will be better.” She suggests, looking awkwardly between Todoroki and Yaoyorozu.
Yaoyorozu bites her lip as if contemplating if she should agree or not but then relaxes visibly. “Fine then. Todoroki-san, please write an apology to Aizawa sensei.” With that said, she turns around, a frown still etched on her face to express her disappointment in him.
He watches the others turn back to Cementos, assuming the matter is over. But not for him. For some inexplicable reason, Shouto can’t get enough of this. He knows this isn’t a competition and that she wasn’t serious when she said what she did. He knows. Yet..
“Or what?”
“Or..I’ll never talk to you.”
The statement echoes in his head. He can’t believe that she shot back to his pugnacious words.
Shouto knows that it’s unnecessary and he’s being childish. But he can’t help himself from wanting to have the last word in this silly, one-sided argument with her. Maybe it’s his adolescent hormones kicking in but he wants to spite her, test her some more..
“Well then you better keep an eye on me or I won’t be writing that apology letter.” He drawls out but he doesn’t get to wait long. He sees Yaoyorozu instantly push her chair back with a noisy screech. In a few quick steps, she stomps towards him, glaring Monoma to get her message across. The blond boy immediately vacates the chair for her and she sits down next to Shouto, passing him a fiercer glare. He smirks, relishing in the hooting that follows anew as a result of his playful words.
Seriously, if all it takes is a few swear words and silly comebacks to make her sit by his side, then he’ll gladly do it all over again.
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A/N: Amongst class A students, i think Shouto is the most badly behaved one. He's rude to people he doesn't like or doesn't respect, regardless of their age. There's so much I've noticed about him that I feel like he is the Bad Boy type right next to Bakugou 🤭
Well, I hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing..
If you have a scenario, AU or just sn idea about todomomo and you want me to write it, please comment about it here ☺
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sofeyhh · 8 years ago
BTS Metahuman Au
*Based on the BTS Metahuman Profile I created
Part 8 / ?
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Yoongi’s small apartment in the deep crevices of Tokyo felt more like a mouse hole now that there was six fully grown man stuffed inside. He had transported the entire group out of the streets to his apartment, which has him melted into his couch from exhaustion. It’s been awhile since he has managed to transport people other than himself, and his body was not taking it too well. The tight tension in the room wasn’t helping either. Yoongi feels a swish of air caressing his cheeks and was faced with Jimin’s puppy eyes.
“Here,” Jimin smiled as he handed him a glass of water. “It’s unnerving to see your face going paler than your snow white skin. Oh, and sorry that I raided your kitchen by the way. It literally took me a second to find it because boy, your kitchen is as empty as an abandoned desert.”
Jimin’s babbling earned a burst of laughter from the other guests. His sassy remarks managed to cut the tension away, and they were more than grateful for it. They stood around the tiny living room, trying hard not to look out of place. It wasn’t easy to face someone from your past, especially after not having seen them for more than six decades.
The sip of water did little to energise him but at least it had helped to dull away the aching in his temples. “Shall I introduce everyone?” Yoongi asks. “Or I bet everyone here already knows Jimin, isn’t that right Kim?”
His tight smile accompanied the strain in his voice after having to cough out Namjoon’s name. The name ‘Kim Namjoon’ felt like a serpentine wrapped around his tongue, leaving an acrid taste in his mouth. Hence, opting for a simple ‘Kim’ to ease his queasy stomach.
“No, let him be Jin. He knows that I’ve been...spying on him so why hide it right?” Namjoon spoke up. “And it can’t be helped if Taehyung reads my visions because obviously, he was just as concerned.”
“Just as?” Yoongi scoffed at his words. It angered him that Namjoon was playing it off as if he had an ounce of care for him. If it came from Jin, it would’ve been more believable.
“Listen here punk!” Namjoon stood up, now seething with anger. “I’m sorry that your dull brain can’t input in the fact that I do care for you. Or maybe it’s that thick ego clouding your eyes.”
This was something Yoongi couldn’t lose to. After almost 70 years, it was finally time to let it out. He stands up and faces up to Namjoon’s taller build. “You care for me?!” Yoongi retorted and gave a mocking chuckle. “That must be the biggest joke in the entire world because fuck, I’m laughing.”
“This is what you do! You haven’t changed a single bit you fucker,” Namjoon grits his teeth. “Instead of trying to understand and accept it, you mock my words, laugh it off and claim that no one has tried to explain it to you.”
The fury locked in him finally explodes, reaching it’s boiling limit. His fist swings for Namjoon’s jaws, only reaching an inch before the taller man grabs the thin wrist, pushing Yoongi back.
“That’s enough, both of you!” Jin barked out with a frown. He understood that the two men needed to sort out their differences but getting physical was taking things too far. There were more important things that needed tending to before he would allow them to battle it out.
Yoongi falls back against the couch with his fists clenched. “You’re such a coward, Kim,” he muttered with a smirk. “Reading my mind to block my punches. If you’ve been reading my mind, then you would know exactly what that punch was for and admit that you deserve it.”
“Bastard!” the taller man seethed as he launched himself on Yoongi. The latter was not about to back off either as he meets Namjoon halfway.
One second, their bodies were entangled in a blur of fists. And the next, they were wailing in pain as they dropped to the floor. It felt like their entire body was burning and electrified at the same time as Jungkook holds onto their wrists, their life slowly pulled out of them. The veins in their necks were popping out in shades of blue while feeling like their heart was being squeezed. Jungkook releases them before it gets too critical, letting their limp arm lay still by their shaking body.
As the two men gasps for air on the cracked wooden floor, Taehyung steps in. Yoongi realised that the young boy had been awfully quiet since they arrived at his apartment. “Please,” he pleads with a soft voice. His eyes make contact with both Namjoon and Yoongi; it was glazed with desolated sorrow. “None of us want to see you fight anymore. This feud you guys have, it’s been going on for too long. Either choose to move on or talk it out.”
Coming from someone who was younger than both Namjoon and Yoongi, it brought a wave of shame over them. They’ve both been childish in their own ways. For the past decades, Namjoon has been in denial of his mistakes and Yoongi has been trying to avoid it. It wasn’t healthy for both of them.
Taehyung continued, “Meanwhile, we’ve got the 7th one restrained somewhere in a facility, treated like a lab rat. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m planning on saving him. And we can’t do that without either of you.”
Namjoon sighs as Jin helps him up. He’s been trying to reconcile their issue but after reading Yoongi’s mind a couple of times, he felt the younger boy’s resistance. So he didn’t push for it, claiming that he was only trying to respect Yoongi’s wishes. Perhaps he should’ve pushed for it, be a man and face the music. Then maybe, things wouldn’t have spiralled out of control.
The guilt gnawed at him, gulping as he held out a hand towards Yoongi. “I...I know you can’t forgive me for what I did but...for the sake of the 7th, let’s put it behind us.”
Yoongi stares at the outstretched hand waiting for him. It used to be the hand that would pull him out of the gutter, patting him on the back and encouraging him to believe in himself. It was painful to see that the hand was now tainted with hate. But for the sake of the 7th and Taehyung, he held out his own hand, agreeing to move on. The handshake was flitting, lasting only a second before the two men retracted.
“Well, what the fuck happened to the 7th?” Yoongi asked exasperatedly. He hadn’t bothered to get back on the couch, eyeing the couple that was inhabiting it. His oldest friend and his now friendly foe, hand in hand. “And does he have a name? Or are we going to keep calling him that?”
“About that…” Jin started with a concerned look. The air hung heavy as Yoongi’s four guests look at each other. There was definitely something they knew amongst themselves. “His name...it’s Jung Hoseok.”
Jung Hoseok.
Jung fucking Hoseok.
That name slapped Yoongi in the face as he feels the colour draining out of him. The universe must be sadists, taking in pleasure from seeing him suffer. How cruel they were, presenting him with all his pain from the past. This was exactly why Yoongi ran as far away as he could from the rest of them. They come into his life carrying a ticking time bomb and now he can’t escape it.
“That’s...that’s impossible,” Yoongi wheezed out, his voice cracking. He shakes his head and tries to deny the truth. “I would’ve noticed the symbol on his wrist. And mine has never lit up whenever I was around him.”
“You see, Hoseok’s a morphling,” Namjoon said.
“A what?” Jimin piped up. Yoongi didn’t notice that the pink boy had been by his side until he hears his sweet voice.
“A morphling! He uh he’s able to change his physical form to literally anything he wants. That’s why I wasn’t able to track him down all this time. He’s been donning different skins so his symbol has never come up on my visions,” Namjoon explains his discovery with genuine interest.
But all those words were silent blubbers to him as he sits, frozen and numb. All Yoongi sees is him. All Yoongi feels is his arms wrapped around his waist. All Yoongi hears is the whisper of his name, said so tenderly, full of love. The cracks in his heart started to break away, never fully healed in the first place.
*back in the 30s*
“Hey baby,” he chuckles as he hugs Yoongi from the back. He leaves a trail of kisses down Yoongi’s pale neck, leaving him flustered.
“Not now! What if people see us?”
He growls and bites on Yoongi’s neck, making the latter whimper from both pain and pleasure. No matter how tough he looks, Yoongi always seems to melt under his touch. “Then shouldn’t we get back to my apartment? We’ll get some privacy to kiss all we want.”
It was a toxic relationship, he knew that. Men weren't supposed to be with men. What they had between them and what they did behind closed doors, it could send them to the asylum. But why did it feel so good to have his long fingers unbuttoning his collar while he nibbled on his ears? Was he deranged just like the advertisements said? And did he want it to stop?
Yoongi lets out a strangled groan as he feels him tugging his belt. “Fine,” he muttered. “But you’re buying me lunch before work.”
He decided that he loved him.
“Hey, are you okay? You blanked out there.”
Jimin nudged his friend, trying to pull him out of his trance. Yoongi had been acting weird ever since the ominous name entered the room. And from the looks of it, he’s had some past with this Jung Hoseok. But the way he reacted, it was different from how he was when he shared with Jimin about Jin and the rest of the group. This time round, Yoongi looked like he had seen a ghost. A ghost from his past that perhaps, might’ve meant something more than just a friend to him. It was a wild guess but the face of a hopeless lover was painted over him. And it left Jimin feeling less than happy.
“Yeah,” Yoongi murmured, clearing his throat and sitting upright. He leaves his memories and tunes back to Namjoon.
“He’s a big-time con artist and has been under the watch of several agencies all over the world. Unfortunately for him, he was caught morphing and ever since, he’s had a different type of agency trailing after him. They tracked him down to Tokyo and captured him, making him their prison in an underground facility on the island of Aogashima. I’ve seen what they’ve been doing to him...it’s inhumane, that’s for sure.”
Hearing that Hoseok was kept in a facility, going through torture, infuriated him. Morally, Yoongi knew it was cruel to treat a human like a lab rat but he wouldn’t admit that his never-ending love for him fuelled more anger than needed.
“Hear us out Yoongi, we know that you’re not a big fan of fulfilling the legend but we really need your he-”
“I’ll do it. I’ll help you,” he says, surprising Jin mid-way.
He was coming for Jung Hoseok.
BTS Au masterlist
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thatchoiboy · 8 years ago
Fanfiction Recommendations [GOT7] I
Having trouble looking for some good fanfictions? I'll try my best to put the fanfics you are looking for on this list! {the ones I listed here are the ones I've already read or currently reading} [fanfictions belongs to owners] i have a lot more than the ones i have listed here but this is only the first one. I'll do more kpop groups fic rec besides got7~ Please like or reblog if this helped you in some ways. I spent more than 8 hours doing this (and im hella tired) and typing a lot so i appreciate if you atleast like it. if there's a specific group and a specific ship you want me to do fic recs.. ask away! :D For now, enjoy~~ GOT7 [on asianfanfics] ~ 2jae -> OPERATION: LOVE by UnGodlyHours description : When a diligent agent threw his life away to pursue an "impossible" mission, he vowed to get it over with as soon as possible without any strings attached. However, his careless gambling led to an unexpected development in the agent's relationship with his target. This development seems to be the reason that's stalling the agent from completing his assignment. But he isn't even complaining. status: completed ~ markjin -> OPERATION: HATE (PREQUEL) by UnGodlyHours description : Park Jinyoung grew up lavished in wealth and luxury. Never has anyone dared laid a hand on the demanding young master. Mark Tuan grew up far away from his loving family. Never has he ever taken liking to rich spoiled brats. status : ongoing ~ 2jae -> OPERATION: US (SEQUEL) by UnGodlyHours description : Madly in love with his husband, Jaebum does everything to please him and everything to protect him. Happily in love with his husband, Youngjae would willingly give up his life for him in a heartbeat. And there's Mark and Jinyoung, the ideal of two husbands who are deeply in love with each other. status : ongoing ~ 2jae -> Daddy, Are You There? by UnGodlyHours description : A single dad. A very sassy five-year-old. And a beauty with a soft heart for kids. status : completed ~ 2jae -> Dangerous Game by chocopieyj description : Youngjae isn't a kid anymore. He doesn't play games with his friends like he used to. But there's a game; a game that he was forced to learn, a game that's not fun but is fruitful. An adults game with only one rule: Don't fall in love. Never. status : ongoing [M] ~ 2jae -> All I Want by deffsouls description : Youngjae was an observer. No, he wasn't the class weirdo looking out of place, but also wasn't anything like the person he was in love with. It would be best to describe him as a mere outsider. He couldn't even be considered a supporting character, but 'narrator' fitted him well since he never had his own story to tell, always focusing on people around him. Never himself. Had Youngjae known what would happen later, he would've remained that way. status : ongoing [M] ~ 2jae -> You can be the boss by deffsouls description : The moment his father died, Youngjae knew something was off. There was no way a boss would have let himself killed that easily, much less with no clues left behind. Completely alone with the family business to run, now it was up to him to put the pieces of the puzzle together, find the culprit and take revenge. As he goes down a deranged path, secrets from present and past start to emerge, making Youngjae start to question if everything he had been through until that day was really due to fater or merely family business. "Of all the gin joints, in all the towns in all the world, he walks into mine." status : ongoing [M] ~ JJP -> The Im Family by Jheiaa description : Stories about parents Jaebum and Jinyoung, going about their daily lives, as they figure out parenthood ft. little ball of sunshine Youngjae. status : ongoing ~ 2jae -> Red Sky by chocopieyj description : The sky was painted blue the day they met. When he realized how false that color was. How unreal was the world he was living in. Then, everything turned into a bloody red. A crimson sky shared with him. status : ongoing [M] ~ 2jae -> Thank you for being born by MBLAQloveu description : a/n status : ongoing ~ 2jae -> Love You to Death by immskx description : Everyone knows JB and JR are a "thing". Its not hard to see that. But no one knows what happens when night falls, and the door to JB and Youngjae's bedroom closes. No one knows that Youngjae's the one that takes all the stress away from JB... That's he's the one that loves JB through all his flaws. The one that follows without any question... No one knows. And it seems as if JB wants it that way. status : ongoing [M] ~ markjae/yugjae/markgyeom -> Pic Me! by Choseong description : Mark is one of the best photographer in his division he got a tip that Yugyeom was going to a love cafe. Yugyeom's interest is the pastery chef. Mark's interest is him. status : ongoing [M] ~ 2jae -> Home by purplenekochan description : Youngjae loves Jaebum and Jaebum loves him back. Youngjae knows he loves Jaebum more than Jaebum loves him and he is okay with that. Their friends think Jaebum does not love Youngjae enough, until a certain Mark Tuan came into the picture and proved everyone wrong. status : ongoing ~ 2jae -> Fallen by nairneverasi description : Youngjae is a first year student at university. Despite his tough family background, he is cheerful and lively. With his best friend who's called Yugyeom, they survived the first trimester. However, things happen to become more dangerous and exciting. Youngjae gets to know Jaebum, the handsome senior, who has a girlfriend. Apparently, the last two trimesters seem to be adventureous but risky as well. status : completed ~ markjin -> Dreams of the devil by Miyakolzumi description : When Park Jinyoung, a science freak in his second year of high school, is suddenly pulled into a different world full of supernatural creatures that attend school together, he wakes up in the bed of a handsome young man that calls himseld the devil's son and Jinyoung can't quite deal with it all. status : ongoing [M] ~ 2jae -> Rewind by belonika description : [college!AU] The struggles of sharing a dorm room with someone unaware of his cuteness and its effect on the poor roommate. status : ongoing ~ 2jae -> My Unsociable Sub by markjincupid description : They say 'opposite poles attract.' Maybe that's the reason why Jaebum, a very confident, filthy rich and straight forward guy, felt a massive pull towards the unsociable and shy employee of his company, Youngjae. Trying to be comfortable with his ever so persistent and demanding boss wasn't at all easy but can Youngjae still keep with the progress between them when he finds his gorgeous boss was a dominant? Much more when Jaebum tells him he wants him to be his submissive. Will Youngjae run away? Or will his undeniable submissiveness gave in to temptation? status : ongoing [M] ~ 2jae -> Blood Scent|2jae by Orenji-Senpai description : His eyes, nose, and dark stained red lips. I want him to be mine but I'm afraid to bruise his pale skin. I want to show him the real me but I'm afraid he would fear me. I want to protect him but I'm afraid he would question me. I want to kiss him but I'm afraid he would reject me. What can I do to please make your scent mine? status : ongoing ~ 2jae/yugbam/markjin -> An Unexpected Happenstance by beeayypee description : No one knew that seven typically sexually frustrated and chaotic boys from all walks of like would make a messy outcome. No one knew these bunch would prosper their way through high school, together. No one knew they were desperately suffereing to fit into the society. No one. status : ongoing ~ yugbam -> We Got Married by YugBam97Lover description : The maknae couple secretly got married. And it's up to older boys to keep it a secret from the public and JYP. status : completed [M] part of "GOT7 ENGAGEMENT SERIES" ~ 2youngjae -> baby bear by choimiah description : Youngjae knows that it's abnormal, unconventional, and downright filthy. But he loves the rush of being ogled and desired and the center of anyone's universe. He can't help the thrill of stretching himself on camera and having someone thousands of miles away or even blocks away from losing themselves because he's doing everything right. Call it a guilty pleasure or secret addiction, but all Youngjae knows is that he likes being pampered and objectified and everything that comes with is. However, Youngjae isn't dim; he knows there are sickos out there wanting to do things to him even he can't get off at (and please believe, there are many things he can get off at). So when users bigpapa and sweetpeach approach him about an arrangement offline, Youngjae is rightfully hesistant. His terms are that their first meetin be in a public place with lots of people. Little could he have known he would wish that nobody were around at all because no two people have ever made him feel like such a Little before. status : ongoing [M] ~ 2jae -> Then Elope With Him!!! by got7_jae description : Jackson came up with a good idea on how Jaebum can retrieve his Youngjae from Mark. Jaebum's boyfriend had an idea too but none of it works. Thank goodness their Jinyoung-eomma knows how to cook meatball spaghetti! status : completed ~ 2jae -> Sweet As Sugar (sour as lemon) by Darthkouhai description : He's the residential "bad boy", cold glare to match his leather jackets and multiple piercings. Guys are afraid of him, girls love him. He's the heartbreaker, so there's no way he's in love-- "Hyung?" Youngjae looks over at him with a sunny grin that makes Jaebum's heart jump to his throat. Oh fuck. status : ongoing ~ markjin -> The Office Ban by KVNGMARK description : What happens when Park Jinyoung becomes the rookie of a top music company in Seoul? The CEO of this renowned company Mark Tuan- rumored to be a mysterious man, made a great first impression on the rookie. After that day, Jinyoung couldn't help but feel his heart race whenever they encountered each other. Mark took interest in the newbie after realizing the similarities he had with him. Once Jinyoung was informed of the "No Office Romance" rule, his mind eased a little until he came face to face with Mark again. The two began to fall for one another but with conflicts rising against them, mishaps were bound to happen. status : ongoing [M] ~ 2jae -> The Third Favor. 2jae edition by Wookiell description : Jaebum was a regular high school student, thinking about college and completely bored of life. He wasn't what you could call 'sociable'. Mostly because that's how his nature was and in part because his only three friends were at the other side of the world, yet he didn't really need more of them. Well you could say books were his unconditional friends. That's why he always spend all the time he got at the school's library; making himself happy with the new book he could find to read. He loved swimming across the never-ending shelfs full of books, serching for one which satisfice his curiousity and hunger for something interestiing... and maybe it was fate when one particular afternoon he found the most intriguing book he have ever seen, leading him to accidentally summon one demon as bored as Jaebum, with the same hunger for something interesting to do. status : ongoing ~ markson/2jae -> Thirst Has No Curfew by Alex-su description : Mark and Jackson hooked up a few months backand have fooled around since. Oh, and Mark's boss has been trying to get him to meet (read: date) her son. status : completed (for the markson part) ongoing (for the 2jae part) [M] ~ markjin -> How to Tame a Playboy by markenjin description : Mark Yien Tuan thinks everyone's hearts is a game he could always win and Park Jinyoung doesn't want a game he could lose so he decided to tame the player. status : completed [M] ~ markjin -> I Tamed the Playboy by marknejin description : How to Tame a Playboy sequel status : completed [M] ~ markjin -> Daddies'Day Out by markenjin description : It's not only marriage that can bind two people with full time responsibilities, it can be a two feet walking human wearing an oveersized banana jumper. status : ongoing ~ markgyeom/2jae -> Lamia by IHNFL14 description : Yugyeom is a wizard in training and everything is well until he meets a human boy named Mark. After that everything goes downhill, along with Jaebum. status : ongoing ~ 2jae -> The Boy Who Cried Murder by choimiah description : Just the word prison would send shivers racing through anyone. As it should. But, the only thing Youngjae feels is an overwhelming sense of home. Youngjae can paralyze a human in under thirty seconds just by pinching designated pressure points along the spine and throat. He knows the proper technique of handling a firearm, always intending to immobilize but never kill. He also has the ability to weaponize basically any common object if need be. Yeah, his grandfather taught him some things. And Youngjae never thought he'd have to utilize what he's learnt. That is until a certain waltzes into his life and flips his sedentary existence on its side. Jaebum, Im. Voluntary Manslaughter. Sentence: --- TBD. status : ongoing [M] ~ 2jae -> Sneezy Hyung by cily265 description : Choi Youngjae is a loud kid from the countryside who moves in next to Im Jaebum to the city. Jaebum or 'JB' is not a pervert, but when he has sexual thoughts he has a sneezong fit. It's his little 'dirty' secret, but he's not the only one that has things to hide. status : ongoing ~ 2jae -> Seven Days by cluelesspanda description : Youngjae likes Jaebum. Jaebum is known to date those who confess to him. But it only lasts a week. Youngjae knows this and yet he still wants to try. status : ongoing ~ 2jae -> Because he's mine by KpopOwl description : Jaebum is the spoiled son of a rich househi=old, his days are wasted in every single activity that is sure to piss off his awful step-father. Youngjae grew up in an orphanage and right before he turns eighteen he is illegaly adopted and then sold to a rich family he knows nothing of. They will end up save and free each other. status : ongoing [M] ~ markjaeson ft 2jae and JJP -> Take A Picture (itll last longer) by Darthkouhai description : He was in college, he was jobless, and he was broke; so what was a boy to do? The pay was good and it was anonymous, so he wasn't going to complain- and hey, he looked mighty fine in a dress. status : ongoing [M] ~ markson/yugbam/JJP -> Safety Inn by tearyxz description : Welcome to Safety Inn, where all guests are guaranteed a safe and comfortable stay. status : ongoing ~ 2youngjae -> I want to be with you by TWINpower description : Youngjae likes Jinyoung, Jinyoung likes Jaebum, and Jaebum.... well you will see xD Will their feelings change? status : ongoing ~ 2youngjae -> Trinity by Jheiaa description : Jinyoung and Jaebum finally find the person who makes their triquetra soulmate marks complete. status : ongoing (hiatus) [M] ~ 2jae -> Hold the sugar, please. You're sweet enough for me. by Jheiaa description : In which every customer has a crush on Dream Bean's sweet, oblivious sunshine barista Youngjae, Jaebum is having none of it, Yugyeom tries to teach Kunpimook about the wonderful world of latte art, Jinyoung is being a mom, the king of pick-up lines Jackson is playing matchmake and Marks is 100% done with everyone status : ongoing (hiatus) ~ 2jae -> Words That Start With P by Unnie19 description : Pain starts with P. Pleasure starts with P. And Jaebum's favourite word that leaves Youngjae's lips when he's begging "Pl-please..", Also starts with P. status : ongoing [M] ~ 2jae -> Expoloding Bonbons & Butterbeer by Retr0spect desciption : Cute Hufflepuff Choi Youngjae has a crush on the Gryffindor Quidditch team captain. status : ongoing ~ jackjaeyoung -> soft radical by choimiah description : Youngjae never thought she's spend her summer doing anything more than writing poetry inspired by her almost too vivid daydreams, binge-watching entire dramas until she start sleeptalking horribly greasy pick-up lines, and sketching on her bedroom walls; but her sleepy, overcast summer takes an exciting derailment when a new boy moves in across the street who apparently likes to throw quiet ragers of one late at night and frustrate Youngjae to the point where she ventures out of her safe bubble and into his strange, little world. status : ongoing [M] ~ 2jae -> The No. 1 Fan by got7_jae description : Im Jaebum and Park Jinyoung meets JJ Project's one and only no. 1 fan: Choi Youngjae. status : completed ~ 2jae/markjin/jackbam -> All the things he said by TWINpower description : Youngjae, Mark and Bambam were adopted by a pervert when they were really young. When they finished a proper age the man started to use them sexually and after some time they got use to it. Now they can't even live a day without sex, they all have a mental problem called satyriasis. status : ongoing [M] ~ markjae -> 9,606 Kilometers by _acee_ description : Ever since Choi Youngjae was born, he has a watch on his left wrist that cannot be removed. 9606, it read. A little did he knew that it as the total distance between him and his fated soulmate. Everytime the numbers would decrease, his heart would lit up with joy and wished that it would decrease more. He longed to see his fated soulmate even though they're 9,606 kilometers apart. status : completed ~ 2jae -> Just stay by cant_stop_kpop description : This is a romantic comedy about got7, specifically 2jae. status : completed ~ JJP/yugjin/jackbam/markjae -> OMG! (Oh My Girl) by silverpixie120 description : The unpopular Jinyoung, Youngjae, and Bambam were cross-dressing for School Festival. They weren't aware that it attracted the popular Mark, Jaebum, Jackson, and Yugyeom. And slowly brought them further to something they never thought of before. status : ongoing ~ 2youngjae -> Three's A Company by Darthkouhai description : Between Jaebum's hand tugging at his hair and Jinyoung's fingers digging into his hips, Youngjae can't move, stuck at the mercy of his two hyungs. Neither of them want to let up, seeming to move rougher with every need noise Youngjae let's out. He wouldn't- couldn't complain. Not when it felt so good, not when he wanted more. status : completed [M] ~ 2jae/markbum/JJP -> You're Mine (넌 내꺼야) by Bluetick description : Jaebum received hundred of letter from nameless person with the same content - You're Mine -. He tried to ignore until one day when things are getting out of hand. status : completed ~ markjin -> Hyungdo Massacre by markenjin description : Mark Tuan, a young gifted detective, tries to solve the mysterious unsolved case that happened 10 years ago which murdered 12 families in their compound including his family. Finding the murderer and his beloved best friend, Jinyoung, who was actually the 'lost boy' in the said incident were his ultimate motive in solving the case. status : completed [M] ~ 2youngjae -> There's Room Enough For Three by Darthkouhai description : It's a pleasant (albeit unexpected) surprise when Jaebum comes back to his dorm the next day to a bright smile (was it shining? Probably) and an even brighter greeting. His roommate was in the process of moving a few boxes into the vacant room when Jaebum opened the door, so at first Jaebum only sees the back of his body. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all? status : ongoing ~ 2jae -> the boy who lost his phone by KwangYoungShipper description : *BAM* "Ah-Mianhae!" Youngjae bowed as quickly to the person he bumped into and ran out of the library "I'm so late, Jin's going to kill me" Jaebum blinked as the stranger ran away in such a rush and stared at the floor, seeing an iPhone just laying there. status : completed ~ JJP/markbum -> Connection by itspoppynada description : Mark is a new pediatrician who works for his family hospital. He meets Jaebum when he is treating his son, and their first meeting is not very pleasant. But since then, Mark has been sensing a weird presence of a gentle-looking guy, which is not seen by anyone else. Later he finds out that the guy has something to do with Jaebum and his son, which lead him to start to care for the family. status : ongoing ~ JJP/markson -> mission log : unit seven description : 003. there's not really much of a question about it- jinyoung would die to save any other member of unit 7. the discovery that they would do the same for him shouldn't set him om edge this much, except it does, but figuring that out isn't high on his list of priorities right now. unfortunately for him though, someone tries to change that. status : ongoing ~ 2jae -> Netflix & Chill? by aka-jongups description : In which Jaebum invited Youngjae over for a simple movie night. But something else happens while the younger visits his classmate, who laso happends to be the guy he likes. status : completed ~ 2jae/markson -> The Compelling Adventures of Thot7 by darkalley description : Youngjae blames Jackson and jinyoung for getting him in this shit entirely. status : ongoing [M] ~ 2jae -> 62 Detour Lane by yoshiwoo description : It was all supposed to be a small road trip. Until you took a slight detour. "If you were a vegetable, you'd be a cutecumber." "I hate you." status : ongoing ~ markjin -> A Demon's Mind Games by Mudalion description : A large amount of people are cursed one night by an unkwonw figure. A curse they cannot control. It comes to life at the worst of times and changes them. They became desperate to get rid of their hunger; hunger that can only be relieved througgh sexual acts. They'll do anything to feed themselves, even if it's the forcing of the willing. status : ongoing [M] ~ 2jae -> Macchiato Days by choimiah description : Youngjae came in one morning and found this guy sleeping under a table. status : completed ~ 2jae -> Anonymous by sweetdeadlybackup description : Youngjae is crushing hard on a certain football player named Jaebum. One day, love notes start appearing in Youngjae's locker, whoever could be leaving the notes? status : ongoing ~ 2jae -> My Teddy Bear by exofanficss description : JB was jealous, his teddy bear wasn't giving him his full attention. status : ongoing ~ 2jae -> The Bully's Playlist by got7_jae description : Jaebum just wanted know Youngjae's name. Youngjae wouldn't be playing hard to get if it wasn't Jaebum asking, the mighty Im Jaebum. status : completed ~ markjin -> Elemental Heirs by markjincupid description : Seven boys found themselves tangles in an ancient legend leading them in a dangerous pursuit of long forgotten justice for thier race. Seven boys who have discovered the meaning of both friendship and love among the chaos of fighting for revenge and survival. status : completed [M] ~ 2jae -> The Big Crush Theory. 2jae edition! by Wookiell description : Choi Youngjae is what you could call a 'nerd', but he's not the typical, shy nerd. He's the perfect mix between Sheldon Cooper's mind and a sarcastuc, sharp and strong personality. But there's something Youngjae and the typical nerd share: a bully So, what happens when Youngjae finds out that his bully and archi-enemy suddenly became his step-brother? Well, a long year had passed since that day... Why don't we see how thing are for Youngjae now? status : completed
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