#RD Dev
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riddledeep · 6 months ago
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Dimmadome + Leadly family tree (via GenoPro); click to enlarge
- Dimmalonius and Francis Macdome Dimm appeared as statues (and implied ancestors) in "Lost and Founder's Day." - Dale Dimm appeared in "Which Witch Is Which?" and Dimmsdale is named after him; he saved the settlement from Alden Bitterroot's rampage in 1665 (See also, Crocker Family Tree). - Dimmsdale was settled by the English despite surrounding areas being settled by the Spanish; in Riddleverse canon, it exists in place of Los Angeles. - An ancestor - likely a parent, grandparent, or great-grandparent of Duncan - founded Dimmadelphia (which can't be younger than the Electric Light Ice Cream Float parade in "A Dinosaur In Dimmadelphia," which hasn't been canceled in over 115 years). - Doug is responsible for changing his family's surname to Dimmadome (circa 1965). Prior him, they were Dimms. - Doug's mom (Griselda) comes from a family with a hand in real estate. His dad (Duncan) really propelled the Dimm family to being successful business owners, earning the nickname Development. - It's only after Doug (age 15) struck gold in 1953 ("Lost and Founder's Day") that the family wealth really took off, catapulting him into landing a marriage with the upper class Pearl Doe. Dale is the first in his family to be born in excessive wealth. - Pearl disappeared right around the time Dale did, playing into Doug's belief that his wife took their son and ran. They're not divorced... but definitely separated. - Doug (age 76) died in 2014, around the time Dev was born (to Dale's devastation). Pearl is still alive in Dev's childhood, but Dale has some... issues with her. - ADHD and OCD are extremely common in the Dimmadome family line [alongside lactose intolerance]- Doug, Dale, and Dev have all 3. Unfortunately, their family doesn't really "believe in mental health," so the first two tend to go untreated. Hadley also has ADHD and OCD and is at least semi-helpful to Dale and Dev (when she's around). - Ed Leadly is the owner of Timmy's Dad's workplace (Pencil Nexus; "The Boss of Me") and was shown to be extremely wealthy in "Dog Gone." Dev gets his growth hormone deficiency and hypoglycemia through the Leadly side of his family. - Hadley is a 13-year-old godkid when Timmy is 10. She was heavily referenced in the one-shot "End of the World" and appears in "Back In Action," "Trying Too Hard," and other stories from Timmy's youth. She appeared as an adult in "50 Words of Dev and Hazel" when Dev visited her in Tokyo. - Several Dimmadomes are referenced (or appear directly) in Lemonade and Papercuts and 130 Prompt #96, "You Deserve It." - ...... Hmm. Dale, Hadley, and especially Dev's character profiles might have more info on that mystery sibling...
Click HERE for my Fairly OddParents worldbuilding masterpost
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karvivore · 10 months ago
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its been such a long as time that i forgot how fun he used to be before he was kinda deved into a hole. but now in this new setting he's like PERFECTION.
idk if i can keep my little mouth shut about this enough to lock it behind patreon so,,, AOUHGH... HI HI PLZ ENJOY MY NEW STUFF.
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mdburman12345 · 2 years ago
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four-loose-screws · 6 months ago
Hi! I've never been able to find good sources on what's actually missing in the Radiant Dawn "extended script" compared to the vanilla localization. In particular, I wanted to ask about Ludveck, the main antagonist of Part 2. I was told he loses a lot of screentime especially and his character gets neutered down, so I wanted to ask about him.. Love the blog by the way, it's great! Thank you!
Hi! Thank you for enjoying and getting lots out of my blog! =)
Quick reference to all links I share in this post:
What is the Radiant Dawn "extended script?" Summary from amielleon in 2017.
Radiant Dawn extended script, side-by-side with full fan translation. Completed in 2024, first posted to Reddit w/ a mediafire link to download the translation.
Link to the localized Radiant Dawn script, for side-by-side comparison with the fan translated extended script.
First, allow me to start with a short summary of what the Radiant Dawn "extended script" is, for those who may not know. The Japanese version of Radiant Dawn has 2 scripts. 1 for normal mode (the easiest difficulty), and 1 for hard and maniac mode. Only the main script is different - no base convos, support convos, etc. have any differences. No one knows exactly why there are 2 scripts. But the prevailing theory is the game devs wanted an easier to read script for children, casual players, and those who did not play Path of Radiance.
The English localized script is based on the normal mode script, meaning there's tons of little details left out all across the game, that overseas fans would never know about without fan translations and online resources! (There's also some scenes here and there that have dialogue unique to the localization, but that's another discussion of its own.) Why didn't the localization get the extended script? No statement has been made for certain. Seems like the kind of thing that would happen due to a time crunch, but that's also just a theory.
For a more lengthy summary of what the extended script is, this post done in 2017 by amielleon is fantastic for that.
Now for my full response to anon:
The Radiant Dawn "extended script," as it is commonly referred to as, is one of the few times in my FE translation efforts when I will realize my human limits. RD is a big, long game, and to think that there's an even longer version of the script, that was never localized...? Oh, and there's small chunks of script here and there that are unique to the localization, and not in the short or extended JP script? Yeah, that's a can of worms I wouldn't open unless I was willing to set aside all my other translations for a while.
The good news: I did some sleuthing, and confirmed that someone recently finished a complete fan translation of RD's extended script! It is beautifully presented in an easy to download file to boot. Click here for a link to their Reddit post, which includes a mediafire link to download the full translation.
The downside: the fan translation is only the JP extended script and fan translation side-by-side. If you want to know exactly what's different, you also have to bring up the localization script and read that side-by-side all by yourself. Not a bad scenario by any means, and probably the only practical option, as the extended script changes so many little things here and there that making an exhaustive list of changes would be, well, exhausting. But it would be neat if there was one definitive reference guide to the differences between the localization, shorter JP script, and extended JP script.
As for the best place to access the localized RD script for side-by-side comparison, Serenes Forest never 100% updated the site to include the entire script, so my current answer is fandom.com. Click here for the link to the RD scripts on fandom.com.
In conclusion, anon, sorry to not address your question directly... but I hope that providing all the resources to compare any part of Radiant Dawn's localized script side-by-side with the extended script is an equivalent exchange!
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theia-eos · 1 year ago
How old do you think the dragon laguz are?
I'd like to preface this answer by, an answer to this question will vary from person to person, as there is no hard set answer given and so the answer depends on how you want to interpret various canon and canon-adjacent facts (Canon facts being explicitly what is contained within the games and nothing more, canon-adjacent coming from artbooks or developer interviews and such things).
I've already explained in depth how I get to my interpretation here, but the basic gist is that the canon-adjacent chart that's commonly passed around as "canon aging" comes from pre-development of FE9 and it: contradicts canon facts; contradicts things the devs say in interviews post RD; and contradicts the hawks' designed ages in the same art book. Therefore, I mostly throw it out when I'm setting up how laguz age within my own interpretation of the age of various laguz and Branded within the games. That's not to say other people who use it, or people who came up with their own ideas, are wrong, but I have my own opinion and they have theirs and we can coexist.
But you asked me, and so I will provide my interpretation. The tl;dr for quick reference:
Dheginsea: 862 in FE9; 865 in FE10
Rajaion: 365 in FE9
Almedha: 304 in FE10
Kurthnaga: 103 in FE9; 106 in FE10
Ena: 233 in FE9; 236 in FE10
Nasir: 563 in FE9; 566 in FE10
Gareth: 451 in FE9; 454 in FE10
More info and details about how I arrived at these answers are below, but it is according to the detailed chart I provided here when going over how I think laguz likely age.
Dheginsea: Since the Pact with Ashera's heroes occurs in the year 131 BT ("Before Theocracy" which is a term being made up by me to function as BC/BCE does IRL), and the flood occurs in the year 155 BT, and the games occur during 645 BE ("Beginion Era" which is used by Almedha in RD) and 648 BE, and Dheginsea is designed to appear around 50 for a dragon, my best guess is that he was born around 217 BT, and therefore around 86 when the pact was formed and 862/865 in the games. (According to my timeframe of laguz aging, he was about the equivalent of 16 during the war against Yune. Young, sure, but Ike is 17 in FE9, so I'm chill with this).
Rajaion: Well, he was fun, because in his profile, he is designed to appear around 23, but Almedha, his younger sister, is designed to appear around 26, so one of those had to go, and it was Rajaion's designed age. With the freedom to pick my own age for him, I settled on a rough equivalent of 30, meaning that he was born around 280 BE and is around 365 years old in FE9, simply because I don't think dragons are having kids back to back to back seeing how long Ena is pregnant for (anywhere from ~4 to ~23 years, and I'm siding on the ~23 end of things).
Almedha: As stated above, Almedha is designed to be around 26, therefore I set her to being born around 344 BE, with an age of around 304 years old in FE10.
Kurthnaga: We do have, per canon, Kurthnaga is at least 100 years of age, so with him being designed to appear around 17 and the canon facts in mind, I see him being born around 542 BE with a rough age of 103/106 in the games, as it appears the Japanese description of his age is "roughly 100" (ああ見えて、ざっと100年は生きているはずだ, and I am, as always, using Google Translate, so I am unsure of the accuracy of this translation), whereas the localization says "more than 100" and 103 is true on both counts.
Ena: While she was designed to appear around 18, that would only make her around 122, which just bothers me thinking about the fact that she and Rajaion were an item at least 20 years before the game, if not earlier (making her 16-17ish). Therefore, I decided that she was born around 412 BE, was around 233/236 years old in the games with an equivalent age of 23. It makes me feel better.
Nasir: He has a designed age of around 32, but that would only make him around 414 years old, or 181 years older than Ena, which is not grampa age (292 years older, while at least possible, is also not really grampa age for dragons, if I had stuck with the looking 18 thing for Ena). Therefore I set him to being born around 82 BE, giving him an age of 563/566 years of age in the games, and an equivalent age of 38, and he would be 330 years older than Ena which would allow him and his child to get to around 165 years old each before having a child (20-21ish) and not bothering me with how long dragon pregnancies seem to take.
Gareth: Thank Ashunera, we are finally no longer dealing with anyone who has to account for Rajaion and Ena's relationship. He has a designed age of around 35, so I set him to being born around 194 BE with an age of around 451/454 in the games.
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toadeyes-miqote · 11 months ago
DT benchmark rd 1 - Hylnyan Default and Alter
She reminds me of a bjd.... oh wait...
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Hylnyan 6.0 What do you mean she was Face shape 3?" eye color - 126, 16, 88 skintone - 204, 176, 160 Leonhart outfit is closest to gaganaskin aiming jacket
***edit - With ingame 6.5 for just because
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From Character creation screen
Aside for her mouth looking oddish(lighting?) during custscene, she's about as derpy and cute as she normally is?
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Hairstyles are limited so this is one of her usual hairstyles that don't completely cover her eyes
She looks like a doll? And I may or may not go for a darker green eye color
(edit - I checked her OC's various selves, they all have around the same shade whether painted or acrylic eyes)
This part is on Loop
that weird lighting reminds me of In from the cold Mean kitteh is mean.
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Please excuse loop for giving random costume. Ode to Yuna.
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Devs been taking lessons from Hildy quests adding all those super moves closeup scenes. This reminds me of Street Fighter 5. Are we going to see more of this?
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Hylnyan Alter the grey skin test
skintone 115, 128, 138
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Mean Kitteh smirk
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parveenbabimemories1 · 1 year ago
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Directed By ramesh sippy
Written by Javad Akhtar, Salim Khan
Cast Sunil Dutt, Amitabh Bachachan, Parveen Babi, shashi kapoor, Shatrughan Sinha, rakhee gulzar, Bindiya Goswami, helen, bindu, johnny walker, mac mohan,
Sudhir Pandey, Kulbhushan Kharbanda,
Sharat Saxena,
Produced by G.P Sippy, Suresh Sippy
Music By Rahul Dev Burman
(as R.D. Burman)
Cinematography by
S.M anwer
M.S Shinde
Second Unit Director or Assistant
D.R. Thakkar
Mohammed Ali
stunt arranger (as Mohd. Ali)
Gerry Crampton
stunt arranger
Music Department
Anand Bakshi, Asha Bhonsle, RD Burman, Kishore Kumar, usha Mangeshkar, mohammed rafi, usha uthup
P.L. Raj
12 December 1980
Sippy Films
Distributed by
Eros International
Rajshri Productions
Did you know
Yamma Yamma..R.D. Burman was not satisfied with Mohammed Rafi's singing in this song and was planning to re-record it. However, that never happened because Rafi passed away soon after the original recording. It was the only song which R.D. Burman and Rafi sang together.
The January 1980 edition of Stardust magazine stated that when Parveen Babi went to Europe with Kabir Bedi, there was no hope of her returning back to India. The only other actress who had a westernized image who could replace Parveen Babi was Simi Garewal. Ramesh Sippy verbally spoke to Simi Garewal and told her the role was hers. But Parveen Babi returned back to work and Simi was bumped out of the film.
Parveen Babi suffered her first nervous breakdown on the sets of Shaan. When she completed to shoot of the song Pyar Karnewale she got the attack. After this song there is a scene Parveen Babi is in the car, she stops the car, then Amitabh Bachchan sits in the car, this scene was shot when Parveen Babi came back from U.S.and she resumed work by shooting this scene.
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sburbian-sage · 9 months ago
“that ♤ne Cherub chick walked away feeling spadesy”, like ye♠h n♤ shit dude, I th♤ught it w♠s intenti♤n♠l!!! Th♠t sp♠t w♠s s♤♤♤♤ cute, ♠nd like… g♤sh, it seems like ♠ m♠tch m♠de in he♠ven t♤ me.
Like, it w♠s pr♠ctic♠lly s♤mething ♤ut ♤f ♠ r♤mc♤m. She h♠s this guy (her br♤ther) wh♤ she h♠s ♠ll these h♠teful feelings f♤r, but f♤r c♤nv♤luted re♠s♤ns it c♠n’t g♤ ♠nywhere (I dunn♤ if cherubs c♠re ♠b♤ut incest, but sh♠ring ♠ b♤dy w♤uld m♠ke it h♠rd ♠nyw♠y), ♠nd he’s cle♠rly n♤t interested, ♠nd feels m♠ybe even ♠ little p♠le.
Then, the br♤ther r♤pes y♤u in ♠s their ♠uspistice, ♤nly f♤r y♤u t♤ s♤ exemplify everything she h♠tes t♤ the p♤int th♠t y♤u s♤meh♤w t♤t♠lly SUCCEED ♠t ♠uspistising, but ♠LS♤ b♠sic♠lly ste♠l her un♠ffecti♤ns. It w♤uld be NTR, if n♤t f♤r the f♠ct th♠t he’s pr♤b♠bly h♠ppy ♠b♤ut it.
♠nd then, t♤ t♤p it ♠ll ♤ff, she’s supp♤sedly g♤ing t♤ try hunting y♤u d♤wn s♤meh♤w? Like h♤ly shit, th♠t level ♤f dev♤ti♤n, ♠fter just ♠ few mess♠ges??? I w♤uld tell her n♤t t♤ get her h♤pes up, th♠t m♠ybe she’ll find y♤u less ♠nn♤ying in pers♤n, but I c♠n’t s♠y th♠t I’d feel ♠ny different if I w♠s her…
The w♠y th♠t y♤u were s♤ c♤ndescending t♤ her- but like, in such ♠ helpful w♠y? S♤ fucking infuri♠ting it m♠kes my he♠rt melt. ♠nd the w♠y she flipped ♤ut ♤ver everything, y♤u must h♠ve been pressing her butt♤ns s♤ fucking h♠rd ♤mg!!!
Current Law players reading this message, please IP track this person and make their heart explode if they send a message like this again. I am going to use the fluid reclamation system to take a shower now, or maybe take a long walk out of a short airlock.
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 2 years ago
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mentioned previously how one of their B support conversations was just plain hilarious
but this time! look! this time we are graced with character development! we are graced with our birb boys having come such a long way!
sometimes we get genuinely great sounding conversations, and I also love that it brings with it the possibility that Tibarn has forgiven Naesala after realizing all his actions weren't done for selfish reasons, and that with Lekain dead Naesala is free of the Blood Pact and won't be doing those things anymore.
if you consider the conversation to have any meaning (i.e. most support initiations and/or responses are impersonal) Tibarn went from wanting to kill him and Naesala accepting that (even refusing to let Skrimir kill him when he felt he deserved it, because Tibarn had more reason to want to kill him himself) to Tibarn refusing to let Naesala die before him!!! I mean, how many times did Tibarn threaten him? and here he is, saying he's ordering him not to die before him!!!
also! I love Naesala's conversation initiation (especially after Tibarn saying that!). on one hand, if Tibarn initiated his end of the support conversation first, this sounds like Naesala is worried after Tibarn mentioned "not dying before him"! but also! Naesala knows death and hopelessness better than most people there, if not all of them (he was under the Blood Pact waaaaay longer than Daein was).
that Blood Pact made him realize that as long as he was alive, there was still hope in saving Kilvas - and now as long as they're still alive, there's hope in preventing Ashera from destroying humanity. as long as they're alive, they can still find a way out of what seems hopeless. in this case too, repairing his relationship with the other bird tribes probably did seem hopeless to him until the moment he ripped the Blood Pact.
ALSO also! Tibarn assuring him he won't die after just saying "nah you can't die before me" basically says "nah you're not dying"! like, "you have to wait until I die to die, and since I'm not dying that, neither are you"! and like! sure that's cool anyway! but! when he's saying that to Naesala, after all the fights, squabbles, backstabbing, distrust and literal threats of death?! after he's saying that to Naesala after Naesala is literally finally a free man?! !!! !!!
RD support conversations may be impersonal, but somehow sometimes they're packed with character development that I don't know that the devs even meant to have in there.
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dahooks · 1 year ago
Explore the exceptional website design and development services offered by Dahooks, a leading company based in the USA and India. Discover how Dahooks leverages cutting-edge technologies to create captivating and high-performing websites for businesses worldwide. Visit: https://dahooks.com/web-dev Mail At: [email protected] A-83 Sector 63 Noida (UP) 201301, INDIA +91–7827150289 Suite D800 25420 Kuykendahl Rd, Tomball, TX 77375, United States +1 302–219–0001
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riddledeep · 5 months ago
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Naptime art from Dale's full character profile!
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bollywoodirect · 2 years ago
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Dev Anand, Asha Bhosle, Kishore Kumar, RD Burman
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white-collar-cannibal · 1 year ago
Post Directory
youtube channel (edits & compilations)
Visual Art:
Generation Loss: Collage - Sun Bleached Flies, Ethel Cain (header image!) Collage - Pulldrone, Ethel Cain Collage - Pygmalion, The Scary Jokes
Video Edits:
Generation Loss: Safe Skin, Patricia Taxxon I Was a Teenage Anarchist, Against Me! Hang 'Em High, MCR / Na Na Na, MCR / DESTROYA, MCR Alright, Kendrick Lamar Keasbey Nights, Catch 22 Johnny I Hardly Knew Ya, Dropkick Murphys Hearts & Minds, Pillow Queens EAT YOUR FRIENDS, Jhariah & Pinkshift Sister Cities, Hop Along Brand New City, Mitski I Know The End, Phoebe Bridgers Robot Stop, King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard / Real's Not Real, King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard Lawnmower, Bent Knee Not Strong Enough, boygenius Survivor's Guilt, Haley Blais Dance the Night, Dua Lipa Why Did I Laugh Anyway, Dev Lemons / Autopilot, Dev Lemons Speed Drive, Charli XCX The Fever (Aye Aye), Death Grips Mike Townsend (Knows What He's Gotta Do), The Garages EMINEM TYPE FEET, QUEEF JERKY Pathologic Theater Scenes (Day 6) (Day 7) (Day 10) Reed Rd, Typhoon
Web Weaving:
Generation Loss: Society of the Spectacle Dog Poetry On Tragedy On the Corpse Pathologic Classic / Pathologic 2 Marxist Alienation Time Within Time (Martyrology) 17776 Petscop The Mountain Goats Staircase Wit, Rhiannon McGavin Boot Theory, Richard Siken
Marble Hornets: Pathologic Pathologic 2, Voice of the Plague Woke Up New, The Mountain Goats
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fanalarm · 2 years ago
FanAlarm May 27th
This is the blog of a dev trying to develop a concert alert app.
fanalarm.ca Updates on my little site.
Because I didn't want to think about backend programming anymore and how i'm getting the data for my app (I was thinking about scraping but scrapping wasn't working that well for me)
I started working on the front end of the second page in fanalarm. which is once you've integrated to Spotify it show's you your top artists
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So my dev branch now has two whole pages. I mean I still have to make the second page responsive but low and behold that as soon as I finished making the page (still not responsive) I got bored and wanted to work on the original problem: How am I getting this data?!?! I already had a bit of data from scraping but I needed to move my mysql db to the cloud instead of being on my local machine. (Because I can't use that if I want other people to be using my site) So I made a mysql db on AWS RDS and I am hoping this solves my problems for now. Although it was a little complicated and I am super thankful to ol' trusty ChatGPT for getting me through some hard times. And now I am back to square one HOW DO I GET THE DANG DATA?? scraping seems smart because I want to get the information first than my "competitors" (aren't I so cool ? I have competitors!!) But to initially get to the same space as those nice competitors I started looking up what APi's there are out there and low and behold there are a lot of APi's with the data I need.
SO WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR ME? 1. always look up what apis are out there cause it might save you a lot of time 2. I might just use all the apis out there and then add onto this data and just use their data as a starting point 3. I am finally getting somewhere More and more as I go through my idea and see how well my competitors are doing in comparison to me at solving this idea the more this looks like a Goliath like obstacle. But then this turns more and more into a passion project than a startup and that apparently is sometimes the best viewpoint to have. Do anything and everything because you enjoy it not because you need to. (or so I have heard in many inspirational podcasts) But I hope that my solution will be THE solution because it doesn't seem like the competitors are a household name or something that everyone knows about. Because there must be reasons as to why I had never heard of them or why whoever has used them doesn't continue to use them and I am here to find out why and then solve these problems in my own app!!!
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teaveetamer · 2 years ago
That's funny how the only Avatar that managed to actually escape people debating on ships ethics was Shez, you know ?? the only Avatar who did not have the possiblity to S support anyone yet people still shipped them with the characters.... almost as if S support should not exist...
Honestly I think the debating would have happened even if there weren't S-Supports in other games. I think the bigger reason why no one really went hard on Shez ship debates is because Hopes necessarily took its entire cast from Houses, and by the time Hopes came out everyone already had their 3H ships solidified. Like, there's nothing Dimitri/Shez offers that would really entice someone who was already all in on Dimitri/Byleth to switch. Any Shez ships with the main cast were kind of side pieces to the main ships, and there wasn't really a lot of reason to get hostile over them because everyone knew Hopes was essentially just the dev's silly non-canon Alternate Universe fanfic.
But like, if Three Houses had come out without S-Supports? Or if something like Hopes were its own game and not coasting off of the legacy of the game that came before it? I don't think that would have really changed anything. I mean older games like Blazing Blade and PoR/RD didn't have S-Supports and there was still a ton of discourse about shipping.
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drsanjayortho · 4 days ago
Knee pain can significantly impact your quality of life, limiting movement and causing discomfort in daily activities. If you are struggling with severe knee pain due to arthritis, injury, or degenerative conditions, knee replacement surgery may be the solution you need. Dr. Sanjay J., an expert in orthopedic surgery, specializes in advanced knee replacement techniques, helping patients regain mobility and live pain-free.
Understanding Knee Replacement Surgery
Knee replacement surgery, also known as knee arthroplasty, is a procedure that replaces a damaged or worn-out knee joint with an artificial implant. It is one of the most effective treatments for chronic knee pain and stiffness when non-surgical options no longer provide relief.
When is Knee Replacement Recommended?
Knee replacement is considered when:
Severe knee pain interferes with daily activities like walking, climbing stairs, or standing.
Non-surgical treatments such as medications, physiotherapy, and injections fail to relieve pain.
Knee deformities, such as bowing or instability, are present.
Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or post-traumatic arthritis severely affects the knee joint.
Types of Knee Replacement Surgery
1. Total Knee Replacement (TKR)
The entire knee joint is replaced with artificial components.
Suitable for patients with severe arthritis affecting the entire knee.
2. Partial Knee Replacement (PKR)
Only the damaged part of the knee is replaced.
Recommended for patients with arthritis limited to one part of the knee.
3. Revision Knee Replacement
A previously replaced knee joint is replaced again due to wear and tear or complications.
The Surgical Procedure
The procedure involves the following steps:
Anesthesia – The patient is given spinal or general anesthesia for a painless procedure.
Incision & Joint Preparation – A small incision is made to remove the damaged cartilage and bone.
Implant Placement – Artificial implants made of metal and plastic are positioned for smooth movement.
Closure & Recovery – The incision is closed, and post-surgical rehabilitation begins.
Recovery & Rehabilitation
Recovery from knee replacement surgery is crucial for optimal results. Dr. Sanjay J. emphasizes a structured rehabilitation plan, including:
Physiotherapy to regain strength and mobility.
Pain management through medications and proper care.
Gradual return to normal activities, ensuring long-term success.
Benefits of Knee Replacement Surgery
Pain relief and improved quality of life.
Restored mobility for daily activities and an active lifestyle.
Long-lasting results with modern implants designed for durability.
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Dr. Sanjay J. is a renowned orthopedic surgeon known for his expertise in knee replacement procedures. His patient-centric approach, advanced surgical techniques, and commitment to personalized care make him a trusted choice for knee replacement surgery.
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