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caymannewsservice · 1 month ago
Police offer few details over man's mysterious death
(CNS): Police have said all possible lines of enquiry are being pursued in order to ascertain the circumstances that lead to death of a man found in George Town last week. The body of an unidentified 56-year-old man from Bodden Town was found at around 7:30 on the morning of New Year’s Eve, Tuesday 31 December on the side of the road on Middle Road behind Doctor’s Hospital. On arrival EMS saw no…
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checkcheckservice · 7 hours ago
RCIP Vs FCIP | जानिए क्या है difference दोनों PR programs में | Canada PR | Johny Hans Canada
Canada has introduced two new PR programs – Rural Community Immigration Pilot (RCIP) and Francophone Community Immigration Program (FCIP). But what’s the difference between them? Who is eligible to apply? What are the key requirements? In this video, we break down the eligibility criteria, application process, and benefits of both programs. If you're planning to apply for Canadian PR, this information is crucial for you! Watch till the end, and don’t forget to Like, Share, and Subscribe to Johny Hans Canada for more updates.
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theborderlessworld · 1 day ago
Canada Launches Rural Immigration Pathway to Permanent Residence and Announces Participating Communities
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has revealed key details about the Rural Community Immigration Pilot (RCIP).
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Specifically, the department has announced the launch of the Pilot, along with the communities chosen to participate.
RCIP is a pathway for foreign nationals who:
Can help fill labour shortages in designated rural communities in Canada (outside of Quebec); and
Want to live long-term in these communities.
Which communities have been selected to participate in RCIP?
On January 30, IRCC announced that 14 communities had been selected to participate in the pilot.CommunityProvincePictou CountyNova ScotiaNorth BayOntarioSudburyOntarioTimminsOntarioSault Ste. MarieOntarioThunder BayOntarioSteinbachManitobaAltona/RhinelandManitobaBrandonManitobaMoose JawSaskatchewanClaresholmAlbertaWest KootenayBritish ColumbiaNorth Okanagan ShuswapBritish ColumbiaPeace LiardBritish Columbia
Each of these communities will be represented by a local economic development organization, which will work with IRCC to identify labour gaps, nominate trustworthy employers and recommend candidates to IRCC for PR.
The communities will provide further details and timelines on when both employers and prospective PR candidates can expect to be able to apply.
Who is eligible for RCIP?
RCIP is an employer-focused community-specific pathway. All candidates need a job offer from a designated employer that meets certain conditions.
In order to be eligible, candidates must have:
Work experience: This should meet certain conditions. This requirement can also be waived for international graduates who meet certain conditions.
Genuine offer of employment: An employment offer that is from a designated employer (one that is approved by an economic development organization).
Language proficiency: The Canadian Language Benchmark required depends on the NOC TEER of the job offer.
Education: The applicant must have obtained at least a secondary school level credential.
Proof of funds: Applicants need to show that they have sufficient funds to support themselves and their family for one year.
Intent to reside: The applicant must intend to reside in the designated community they will work in.
Certificate of recommendation: The applicant must have a valid certificate of recommendation from an economic development organization at the time of application.
Note: Applicants residing within Canada must have a valid temporary resident status at the time of application, and must continue to hold valid status in Canada until they receive PR.
Replacement for Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot Program (RNIP)
This new pilot program is considered to be a replacement for the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot Program (RNIP), which stopped accepting new applications in August 2024.
RNIP launched in 2022 to encourage newcomers to Canada to settle in some of Canada’s more remote regions.
In this latest announcement, Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, stated that there are plans to establish RNIP as a permanent program.
What is an immigration pilot?
Immigrant pilots are temporary pathways to permanent residence. Pilots can generally run for up to five years before they expire, upon which they cease to accept new applications.
Canada runs immigration pilots to address specific regional or occupational labour shortages, and to support growth in certain areas or sectors.
Pilot programs allow the federal government to experiment with new pathways and measure their success.
Successful pilots can lead to the establishment of permanent immigration programs in the future.
Source: CIC NEWS
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redimca · 5 days ago
Kanada'nın ekonomisi ve kültürel kimliği için kırsal ve Fransızca konuşan azınlık toplulukları çok önemli bir rol oynar. Bununla birlikte, çoğu yeni gelenin kent merkezlerinde yerleşmesi nedeniyle bu topluluklar sıklıkla iş gücü sıkıntısı ve demografik zorluklarla karşı karşıya kalmaktadır. Bu sorunları ele almak ve bölgesel göçü geliştirmek için Kanada Hükümeti iki yeni göç pilot programı başlattı: Kırsal Topluluk Göç Pilot Programı (RCIP) ve Fransızca Konuşan Topluluk Göç Pilot Programı (FCIP). Bu pilot programlar, seçilen 18 topluluğa kalıcı oturma iznine doğrudan bir yol sağlayarak, bu bölgelerde yaşamaya ve çalışmaya kararlı nitelikli işçileri çekebilmelerini ve tutabilmelerini sağlayacaktır. Kırsal Topluluk Göç Pilot Programı (RCIP) Kırsal Topluluk Göç Pilot Programı (RCIP), Kanada genelindeki kırsal toplulukların yerel işletmeleri nitelikli yeni gelenlerle birleştirerek iş gücü ihtiyaçlarını karşılamalarına yardımcı olmak için tasarlanmıştır. Program, Kırsal ve Kuzey Göç Pilot Programı'nın (RNIP) başarısına dayanarak sağlık, imalat ve tarım gibi önemli sektörlerdeki iş gücü boşluklarını doldurarak ekonomik büyümeyi destekleyecektir. RCIP'e katılan topluluklar: Pictou County, NS North Bay, ON Sudbury, ON Timmins, ON Sault Ste. Marie, ON Thunder Bay, ON Steinbach, MB Altona/Rhineland, MB Brandon, MB Moose Jaw, SK Claresholm, AB West Kootenay, BC North Okanagan Shuswap, BC Peace Liard, BC Programı uygulamak için her topluluk, yerel ekonomik kalkınma örgütü tarafından temsil edilir ve bu örgüt, şunları yapmak için Kanada Göçmenlik, Mülteciler ve Vatandaşlık Bakanlığı (IRCC) ile işbirliği yapacaktır: Kritik iş gücü sıkıntılarını belirlemek Yeni gelenleri işe almak için güvenilir işverenleri belirlemek Kalıcı oturma izni için uygun başvuru sahiplerini önermek IRCC bu örgütlerin eğitimine zaten başladı ve işverenler ve adaylar için başvuru zaman çizelgesi hakkında daha fazla ayrıntı her topluluk tarafından verilecektir. Fransızca Konuşan Topluluk Göç Pilot Programı (FCIP) Fransızca Konuşan Topluluk Göç Pilot Programı (FCIP), Quebec dışında yerleşen Fransızca konuşan yeni gelenlerin sayısını artırarak Fransızca konuşan azınlık topluluklarının ekonomik ve demografik gücünü desteklemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu girişim, Kanada genelinde Fransızca konuşan göçmenlerin varlığını güçlendirmeyi önceliklendiren IRCC'nin Fransızca Konuşan Göç Politikası ile uyumludur. FCIP'e katılan topluluklar: Acadian Peninsula, NB Sudbury, ON Timmins, ON Superior East Region, ON St. Pierre Jolys, MB Kelowna, BC Acadian Peninsula, Sudbury, Timmins ve St. Pierre Jolys dahil olmak üzere bu toplulukların birçoğu, Fransızca konuşan yeni gelenlere yerleşme ve entegrasyon hizmetleri sağlayacak olan Hoş Geldin Fransızca Konuşan Topluluklar girişiminin de parçasıdır. Önemli İstatistikler ve Etki Bu yeni pilot programların başlatılması, zaten güçlü kalma oranları göstermiş olan RNIP'nin başarısına dayanmaktadır: ◦ 2022'de RNIP kapsamında gelen ankete katılan yeni gelenlerin %87'si topluluklarında kaldıklarını ve kalmayı planladıklarını belirtti. ◦ 31 Aralık 2024 itibariyle toplam 8.580 yeni gelen RNIP aracılığıyla kalıcı oturma izni aldı ve sağlık ve imalat gibi sektörlere önemli ölçüde katkıda bulundu. Bu bulgular, bölgesel göç programlarının iş gücü sıkıntılarını giderirken uzun vadeli topluluk istikrarını sağlamada etkinliğini vurgulamaktadır. Hükümet, RNIP'yi kalıcı bir program haline getirmeye ve bu yeni girişimler aracılığıyla bölgesel göçü güçlendirmeye kararlıdır. Kırsal ve Fransızca Konuşan Topluluklar İçin Büyüme Yol Haritası Kırsal ve Fransızca konuşan azınlık toplulukları, nitelikli işçileri çekmekte ve elde tutmakta giderek artan zorluklarla karşı karşıyadır. Hedeflenen göç programları olmadan birçok bölge, nüfus azalması ve ekonomik durgunlukla mücadele eder. RCIP ve FCIP, nitelikli göçmenlerin işleri doldurabileceğinden ve bu toplulukların refahına katkıda bulunabileceğinden emin olarak temel bir çözüm sunmaktadır. Güçlü yerel ekonomilere ve yüksek yaşam kalitesine sahip daha küçük kasabalarda fırsat arayan bireyler için bu pilot programlar, kalıcı oturma iznine benzersiz bir yol sunmaktadır. İşçi bulmakta zorlanan bir işveren veya Kanada'da yeni fırsatlar arayan nitelikli bir göçmen iseniz, göçmenlik danışmanlarımızdan oluşan ekibimiz size yardımcı olabilir. Göçmenlik başvurularının danışmanlığını, hazırlanmasını ve temsil edilmesini uzmanlaşmış olarak sorunsuz ve başarılı bir süreç sağlıyoruz. Uygunluğunuzu araştırmak ve bu heyecan verici yeni programlardan yararlanmak için bugün bizimle iletişime geçin!
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aventurinedeep · 6 days ago
NEW Canada PR Pathways! RCIP & FCIP Pilot Programs
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wavevisas123 · 12 days ago
Canada launches rural immigration pathway to permanent residence and announces participating communities
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Table of Contents
Introduction to RCIP
Communities Selected for RCIP
Eligibility Criteria for RCIP
RCIP as a Replacement for RNIP
What is an Immigration Pilot?
How Wave Immigration Consultant Can Help
Introduction to RCIP
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has officially launched the Rural Community Immigration Pilot (RCIP), a new pathway designed to help fill labour shortages in designated rural communities in Canada (excluding Quebec). This program aims to attract foreign nationals who wish to live and work long-term in these communities.
This initiative will be managed in collaboration with local economic development organizations, which will work alongside IRCC to identify labour gaps, nominate trustworthy employers, and recommend eligible candidates for permanent residency (PR).
Communities Selected for RCIP
On January 30, 2025, IRCC announced the 14 communities selected to participate in the RCIP program. These communities are:
Pictou County
Nova Scotia
North Bay
Sault Ste. Marie
Thunder Bay
Moose Jaw
West Kootenay
British Columbia
North Okanagan Shuswap
British Columbia
Peace Liard
British Columbia
These communities will provide further details and timelines regarding employer and applicant applications.
Eligibility Criteria for RCIP
RCIP is an employer-focused and community-specific pathway, meaning candidates must have a job offer from a designated employer. The key eligibility requirements include:
Work Experience: Must meet specific conditions. This requirement may be waived for certain international graduates.
Genuine Offer of Employment: Must be from a designated employer approved by the economic development organization.
Language Proficiency: Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level requirement varies based on the NOC TEER of the job offer.
Education: Candidates must have at least a secondary school credential.
Proof of Funds: Applicants must demonstrate they have enough funds to support themselves and their family for one year.
Intent to Reside: Candidates must express a commitment to live and work in the designated community.
Certificate of Recommendation: A valid certificate of recommendation from an economic development organization is required.
Note: Applicants residing in Canada must have a valid temporary resident status at the time of application and must maintain it until they receive PR.
RCIP as a Replacement for RNIP
The Rural Community Immigration Pilot (RCIP) replaces the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot (RNIP), which stopped accepting new applications in August 2024. RNIP, launched in 2022, was designed to attract immigrants to Canada’s remote regions.
According to Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, there are plans to establish RNIP as a permanent program in the future.
What is an Immigration Pilot?
Immigration pilots are temporary pathways to permanent residence. Typically running for up to five years, these pilots address regional and occupational labour shortages and foster economic growth in targeted communities. If successful, pilot programs can lead to permanent immigration pathways.
How Wave Immigration Consultant Can Help
Navigating the Canada immigration process can be challenging. Wave Visas, one of the best immigration consultants in Delhi, specializes in helping individuals apply for Canadian immigration programs like RCIP.
Our experienced team at Wave Immigration Consultant provides:
Expert guidance on eligibility criteria
Assistance in securing job offers from designated employers
Documentation and PR application support
Professional advice on settlement in rural communities
For personalized consultation and seamless immigration support, contact Wave Visas today!
Corporate Office : 2nd Floor, Right Side, Building No. 5, Kehar Singh Estate Westend Marg, Lane No. 2, Saidulajab, Saket New Delhi 110030.
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therealcrimediary · 10 months ago
On March 23, just before 4:30 am, the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service responded to a motor vehicle collision on Shamrock Road involving two vehicles. One vehicle collided with a light pole, and a second vehicle then collided with the disabled vehicle. The Cayman Islands Fire Service helped extract all four occupants from the vehicles, who were then transported to the hospital by ambulance. Three of the individuals were treated and released, while the fourth remains in the hospital with serious but non-life-threatening injuries. Investigators are urging anyone with information to contact the Bodden Town Police Station or provide anonymous tips through various channels such as the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line or Cayman Crime Stoppers website and app. The authorities are seeking any information that could help in understanding the circumstances of the collision and ensuring accountability for those involved. By reaching out to the Bodden Town Police Station or using the anonymous tip channels provided by the RCIPS, individuals can assist in the investigation process. The safety and well-being of all individuals involved in the accident are a top priority, and cooperation from the public is crucial in providing clarity on the events leading up to the collision. Sharing information anonymously through platforms like Cayman Crime Stoppers can also contribute to resolving the matter effectively. The quick response of emergency services, including the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service and the Cayman Islands Fire Service, played a crucial role in ensuring the swift extraction and transportation of the individuals involved in the collision. The teamwork and coordination among these services highlight the importance of effective communication and collaboration in responding to such incidents. The efforts of first responders in providing immediate medical assistance and transport to the hospital have helped in addressing the injuries sustained by the occupants of the vehicles. Their dedication to serving the community in times of crisis is commendable. Following the collision on Shamrock Road, the investigation into the incident is ongoing as authorities work to gather information and piece together the events that led to the collision. With one individual still in the hospital receiving treatment for their injuries, understanding the details of the accident becomes essential in determining accountability and preventing similar incidents in the future. The call for information from witnesses or anyone with relevant details underscores the commitment of law enforcement agencies to thorough and transparent investigative processes to ensure justice and safety for the community. In light of the collision on Shamrock Road, the importance of road safety and responsible driving practices is underscored. By remaining vigilant, following traffic regulations, and staying attentive while on the road, drivers can contribute to preventing accidents and promoting safer journeys for all road users. The cooperation of the public in providing information to assist in investigations reflects a shared commitment to upholding road safety standards and addressing any incidents that jeopardize the well-being of individuals. Through collective efforts and a focus on responsible driving, communities can work together to create a safer environment for everyone on the roads.
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featurenews · 1 year ago
New law designates special counsels to prosecute sex crimes in US military
Military sexual assaults and harassment have increased almost every year since 2006, prompting Congress to pass new legislation Incidents of sexual harassment and assault have been on the rise across the US military for roughly the last 15 years. Now, a new law has been passed that will change how they are dealt with, putting independent lawyers in charge of decisions and sidelining commanders. “It’s the most important reform to our military justice system since the creation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice in 1950,” the US defense secretary, Lloyd Austin, said in a statement. Information and support for anyone affected by rape or sexual abuse issues is available from the following organisations. In the US, Rainn offers support on 800-656-4673. In the UK, Rape Crisis offers support on 0808 500 2222. In Australia, support is available at 1800Respect (1800 737 732). Other international helplines can be found at ibiblio.org/rcip/internl.html Continue reading... https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/29/law-sex-crimes-us-military-special-counsels?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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caymannewsservice · 1 month ago
Over 150 crashes reported during 2 week safety campaign
Crash on Shamrock Road on Christmas Day (CNS): According to the accumulative statistics reported by police since Operation Winter Guardian, the annual holiday safety campaign was launched there have been more than 150 road crashes reported to police. Four people have been killed this month alone and the annual tally for road deaths currently stands at 14 one of the country’s worth tolls for…
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halidew · 3 years ago
Inspirasi Games Live Streaming dari Konferensi Ibu Pembaharu
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Live streaming alias siaran langsung menjadi semakin populer sebab interaksi antara pengisi acara dengan penonton bisa lebih terasa “hidup” dibandingkan video rekaman. Selain materi utama, tak jarang kita butuh momen selingan nih supaya penonton bisa tetap melek dan fokus menyimak.
Kali ini ada lima inspirasi games yang kuintip dari perayaan 1 dekade Ibu Profesional dalam rangkaian Konferensi Ibu Pembaharu 18-22 Desember silam. Tentunya ide ini bisa dimodifikasi sesuai keperluan teman-teman:
#1 Kahoot!
Sudah pernah main di situs kahoot.it? Ini adalah salah satu platform kuis populer yang sering digunakan saat Zoom Meeting ataupun sekolah daring. Main pakai Kahoot tentu saja bisa dilakukan saat siaran langsung. Contohnya seperti kuis yang dibawakan oleh tim Sekretariat Nasional Ibu Profesional di panggung Konferensi Ibu Pembaharu kemarin.
Ada 15 pertanyaan yang disiapkan dan bisa dijawab dengan memilih salah satu pilihan; benar atau salah serta pilihan ganda. Peserta akan menjawab kuis dari gawai masing-masing. Di akhir rangkaian kuis, akan ditampilkan 3 peserta dengan skor tertinggi sebagai pemenang.
#2 Tebak Kata
Yang ini adalah permainan saat live show ekshibisi Sejuta Cinta. Ada empat gambar yang mewakili satu kata. Peserta juga diberikan klu berupa jumlah huruf dari kata tersebut dan bahasa yang digunakan. Misalnya, 6 huruf, in English.
Gambar yang ditampilkan saat games live streaming berlangsung di sesi Konferensi Ibu Pembaharu tersebut antara lain: - gambar laki-laki dewasa yang memberikan kado pada anak perempuan, - gambar ibu dan anak yang sama-sama memegang sebuah rangkaian bunga, - gambar laki-laki yang sedang berdiri memegang baju di samping tumpukan kardus, dan - gambar dua orang perempuan yang sama-sama memegang sebuah kaos, dengan salah seorang yang lebih besar membawa kardus dengan logo 3 panah yang saling melingkar.
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Jika terlalu susah, kita bisa memberikan klu tambahan, misalnya huruf depannya: G. Ya, jawabannya adalah … GIVING!
#3 Tebak Gambar
Games live streaming berikutnya dari Kampung Komunitas. Mirip dengan tebak gambar saat sesi Institut Ibu Profesional di live show ekshibisi Konferensi Ibu Pembaharu, kita bisa merangkai gambar-gambar yang merupakan klu dari suatu rangkaian kata. Namun, kita bisa membuatnya berkaitan dengan materi utama yang baru disampaikan.
Contohnya, di Kampung Komunitas Ibu Profesional ada Rumah Belajar Literasi. Gambar yang ditampilkan adalah gambar rumah, meja belajar, gelas ukur dengan kapasitas 1 liter, dan juga kumpulan (rasi) bintang.
#4 Game Filosofis
Tempo hari aku sudah sempat menceritakan permainan yang dibawakan oleh RCIP mengenai menghitung jumlah kotak. Di sana, tim Resource Center Ibu Profesional membawakan hikmah mengenai persepsi terhadap suatu fenomena, serta pentingnya data agar tidak asal memproses dan tidak asal bicara.
Ternyata, Sejuta Cinta juga menyuguhkan menu permainan yang mirip. Ada dua soal tebak angka. Yang pertama, berapa 10 dibagi setengah? Kedua, soal cerita. Kakak dapat uang dari eyang Rp100.000,00. Lalu adik minta dibagi setengah. Jadi berapa yang didapatkan adik dan kakak?
Pesan dari salah satu playground Ibu Profesional ini adalah matematika rasional dan matematika sedekah beda. Sesuatu yang kita bagikan akan kembali ke kita walau mungkin tidak dalam bentuk uang, bisa jadi kesehatan atau rezeki lainnya. 
#5 Kuis Klasik
Sekretariat Nasional, Institut, Komunitas, RCIP, SCIP sudah disebut. Di KIPMA ada games live streaming apa, ya?
Aha! Ada juga dong kuis klasik berupa pertanyaan dan tantangan untuk para penonton. Misalnya, sebutkan dua dari lima yang sudah dipaparkan dalam materi. Atau, di manakah lokasi yang menyediakan suatu produk? Pertanyaan terbuka tanpa pilihan jawaban juga bisa jadi permainan yang seru sekaligus menguji ingatan dan pemahaman audiens kita.
Itu dia lima inspirasi games live streaming dari Konferensi Ibu Pembaharu. Kreatif-kreatif, ya! Tentunya bisa bikin siaran kita juga semakin seru. Apalagi kalau ada sponsor hadiahnya. Hehehe. Untuk hadiah, bisa juga nih kita adaptasi sistem dari toko-toko dan supermarket, yaitu mengumpulkan poin. Dengan demikian, penonton akan lebih termotivasi untuk mengikuti siaran berikutnya sebelum menukarkan poin dengan hadiah yang kita sediakan.
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redimca · 5 days ago
Mahalaga ang papel ng mga rural at Francophone minority communities sa ekonomiya at kulturang identidad ng Canada. Gayunpaman, madalas silang nahaharap sa kakulangan ng manggagawa at mga hamon sa demograpiya dahil karamihan sa mga bagong dating ay naninirahan sa mga urban centers. Upang matugunan ang mga isyung ito at mapahusay ang regional immigration, nagpakilala ang Pamahalaan ng Canada ng dalawang bagong immigration pilot programs: ang Rural Community Immigration Pilot (RCIP) at ang Francophone Community Immigration Pilot (FCIP). Ang mga pilot program na ito ay magbibigay sa 18 piling komunidad ng direktang daan patungo sa permanenteng paninirahan, tinitiyak na maaari nilang maakit at mapanatili ang mga skilled workers na nakatuon sa pamumuhay at pagtatrabaho sa mga rehiyong ito. Ang RCIP ay isang programa na naglalayong matulungan ang mga rural na komunidad sa buong Canada na matugunan ang kanilang mga pangangailangan sa workforce sa pamamagitan ng pagkonekta sa mga lokal na negosyo sa mga skilled newcomers. Target nito ang mga komunidad na may kakulangan ng manggagawa sa mga sektor na tulad ng healthcare, manufacturing, at agriculture. Samantala, ang FCIP naman ay naglalayong dagdagan ang bilang ng mga French-speaking newcomers na naninirahan sa labas ng Quebec, sinusuportahan ang lakas ng ekonomiya at demograpiya ng mga Francophone minority communities. Layunin nitong palakasin ang presensya ng mga French-speaking immigrants sa buong Canada. Rural Community Immigration Pilot (RCIP) Ang Rural Community Immigration Pilot (RCIP) ay dinisenyo upang tulungan ang mga rural na komunidad sa buong Canada na matugunan ang kanilang mga pangangailangan sa workforce sa pamamagitan ng pagkonekta sa mga lokal na negosyo sa mga skilled newcomers. Ang programa ay nagpapatuloy sa tagumpay ng Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot (RNIP) at susuporta sa paglago ng ekonomiya sa pamamagitan ng pagpuno sa mga kakulangan sa paggawa sa mga pangunahing industriya tulad ng pangangalagang pangkalusugan, pagmamanupaktura, at agrikultura. Mga kalahok na komunidad sa RCIP: Pictou County, NS North Bay, ON Sudbury, ON Timmins, ON Sault Ste. Marie, ON Thunder Bay, ON Steinbach, MB Altona/Rhineland, MB Brandon, MB Moose Jaw, SK Claresholm, AB West Kootenay, BC North Okanagan Shuswap, BC Peace Liard, BC Upang maipatupad ang programa, ang bawat komunidad ay kinakatawan ng isang lokal na organisasyon sa pag-unlad ng ekonomiya, na makikipagtulungan sa Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) upang: Tukuyin ang mga kritikal na kakulangan sa paggawa Magtalaga ng mga pinagkakatiwalaang employer para sa pagkuha ng mga bagong dating Magmungkahi ng mga angkop na aplikante para sa permanenteng paninirahan Sinimulan na ng IRCC ang pagsasanay sa mga organisasyong ito, at ang karagdagang mga detalye ay ibibigay ng bawat komunidad hinggil sa timeline ng aplikasyon para sa mga employer at kandidato. Francophone Community Immigration Pilot (FCIP) Ang Francophone Community Immigration Pilot (FCIP) ay naglalayong dagdagan ang bilang ng mga French-speaking newcomers na naninirahan sa labas ng Quebec, sinusuportahan ang lakas ng ekonomiya at demograpiya ng mga Francophone minority communities. Ang inisyatibong ito ay naaayon sa Patakaran sa Francophone Immigration ng IRCC, na nagbibigay-priyoridad sa pagpapalakas ng presensya ng mga French-speaking immigrants sa buong Canada. Mga kalahok na komunidad sa FCIP: Acadian Peninsula, NB Sudbury, ON Timmins, ON Superior East Region, ON St. Pierre Jolys, MB Kelowna, BC Marami sa mga komunidad na ito, kabilang ang Acadian Peninsula, Sudbury, Timmins, at St. Pierre Jolys, ay bahagi rin ng Welcoming Francophone Communities initiative, na tutulong sa mga French-speaking newcomers sa mga serbisyo sa pag-aayos at integrasyon. Mga Pangunahing Estadistika at Epekto Ang pagpapakilala ng mga bagong pilot program na ito ay nagpapatuloy sa tagumpay ng RNIP, na nagpakita na ng malalakas na retention rates: ◦ 87% ng mga nasurvey na bagong dating na dumating sa ilalim ng RNIP noong 2022 ang nagsabi na nanatili sila sa kanilang mga komunidad at plano nilang manatili. ◦ Noong Disyembre 31, 2024, isang kabuuang 8,580 bagong dating ang nakakuha ng permanenteng paninirahan sa pamamagitan ng RNIP, na malaki ang naitulong sa mga sektor tulad ng pangangalagang pangkalusugan at pagmamanupaktura. Ipinapakita ng mga natuklasan na ito ang bisa ng mga programang regional immigration sa pagtutugon sa mga kakulangan sa paggawa habang tinitiyak ang pangmatagalang katatagan ng komunidad. Ang gobyerno ay nakatuon sa paggawa ng RNIP na isang permanenteng programa at pagpapalakas ng regional immigration sa pamamagitan ng mga bagong inisyatiba na ito. Isang Daan Patungo sa Paglago para sa mga Rural at Francophone Communities Ang mga rural at Francophone minority communities ay nahaharap sa lumalaking mga hamon sa pag-akit at pagpapanatili ng mga skilled workers. Kung walang mga target na programang imigrasyon, maraming rehiyon ang nahihirapan sa pagbaba ng populasyon at pag-stagnate ng ekonomiya. Ang RCIP at FCIP ay nag-aalok ng isang mahalagang solusyon, tinitiyak na ang mga skilled immigrants ay maaaring punan ang mga trabaho at mag-ambag sa kasaganaan ng mga komunidad na ito. Para sa mga taong naghahanap ng mga oportunidad sa maliliit na bayan na may malalakas na lokal na ekonomiya at mataas na kalidad ng buhay, ang mga pilot program na ito ay nagbibigay ng isang natatanging daan patungo sa permanenteng paninirahan. Kung ikaw ay isang employer na nahihirapang makahanap ng mga manggagawa o isang skilled immigrant na naghahanap ng mga bagong oportunidad sa Canada, matutulungan ka ng aming koponan ng mga immigration consultant. Dalubhasa kami sa pagsasangguni, paghahanda, at pagrerepresenta sa mga aplikasyon sa imigrasyon, tinitiyak ang isang maayos at matagumpay na proseso. Makipag-ugnayan sa amin ngayon upang tuklasin ang iyong pagiging karapat-dapat at samantalahin ang mga kapana-panabik na bagong programang ito!
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yamabra-azulyblanco · 3 years ago
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SINESIS DUO / Hojas y rutas nuevas
Quique Sinesiの新譜は、息子Augusto Sinesi(ギタリスト/シンガー・ソングライター)とによる「シネシス・デュオ(Sinesis Duo)」名義のファースト・アルバムです。
Augustoの楽曲と幻想的なハイトーンによる歌やスキャット、素朴なメロディカの響き、そして親子二人のギターによる親密にして刺激的な交歓が、もともと映像的なキケの音楽に新たな色彩感を与えています。またブラジルからJOANA QUEIROZ(ジョアナ・ケイロス)がバス・クラリネットで、アルゼンチンの盟友CARLOS AGUIRRE(カルロス・アギーレ)がキーボード、フレットレス・ベースなどでゲスト参加して、親子の音楽に彩りを添えています。この美しく心地よい音楽は、現代アルゼンチン音楽の到達点の一つと言っても過言ではないでしょう。
pdis_inpartmaint · Sinesis Duo (Quique Sinesi, Augusto Sinesi) / Hojas y rutas nuevas (March 11, 2022 / RCIP-0326)
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triagusrahayu · 3 years ago
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Rangkuman tugas saung air poin 3 Komponen Non Penjurusan
Memasuki saung tiga yaitu saung air layaknya pergerakan air di mana memiliki tujuan yang jelas konsisten, Istiqomah, penuh kesabaran dan lues.
Komponen non penjurusan ini merupakan wadah berbagi di level yang lebih tinggi atau tingkat nasional dan internasional.
I. Komponen yang pertama yaitu sekretariat nasional yang dipimpin oleh seorang sekretaris jenderal atau sekjend yang bernama Utami Sadikin
Sekretariat nasional ini sebagai tali simpul integrator dari semua komponen di Ibu profesional serta sebagai pusat data dari semua komponen kemudian akan kembali ke sekretariat dan menjadi bank data Ibu profesional
Di dalam sekretariat nasional memiliki 5 manager integrator atau teman main sekjend
1. Manajer operasional nasional : sebagai pemegang pusat data dan administrasi Ibu profesional
2. Manajer keuangan nasional : sebagai pemegang pusat kelola keuangan di Ibu profesional
3. Manajer program nasional : sebagai integrator program-program ibu profesional antar lintas komponen dan regional
4. Manajer hubungan masyarakat nasional : sebagai integrator yang mengelola penyebaran informasi antar individu ataupun komponen di Ibu profesional
5. Manajer media komunikasi nasional : sebagai integrator yang mengelola publikasi media sosial di Ibu profesional.
II. RCIP ( resource centre Ibu profesional )
Dalam komponen kedua ini yang dipimpin oleh direktur RCIP yaitu Nesri Baidani
Komponen ini bergerak di bidang sumber daya, riset, pelatihan dan peningkatan SDM
Dalam pusat sumber daya memiliki dua pusat yaitu
1. Pusat SDM sebagai integrator bagi pengelolaan SDM di seluruh lingkar Ibu profesional
2. Pusat pengembangan sebagai integrator penelitian di seluruh lingkar Ibu profesional
Di RCIP ini adalah tempat semua ide atau sebagai support system di dalam ibu profesional.
III. KIPMA (Koperasi Ibu Profesional Mandiri)
Di komponen ketiga ini dipimpin oleh direktur KIPMAL yaitu Laksemi Bania Siregar
Komponen ini bergerak di bidang pengembangan ekonomi dan kesejahteraan para ibu sehingga bisa mandiri dan punya jati diri dengan berbagai produk karya para saudagar Ibu profesional berupa buku, makanan, minuman, herbal, fashion, jasa dll.
KIPMA pun memiliki visi yang jelas yaitu;
- Mewujudkan masyarakat yang sejahtera adil dan makmur.
- Prima dalam pelayanan manajemen dan produktif untuk menciptakan nilai dan melayani masyarakat.
Dan dalam misi KIPMA itu sendiri yaitu;
- Menerima produk yang berkualitas dengan harga nilai-nilai kemanusiaan dan ramah keluarga.
- Mengadakan pendidikan dan pelatihan kewirausahaan bagi para anggotanya.
- Menjadi wadah pemberdayaan ekonomi baik bagi anggota maupun masyarakat sekitar.
- Mendorong pengusaha pengusaha wanita menjadi badan usaha yang sukses dan model pemberdayaan ekonomi dengan menjalin sinergi bersama produsen-produsen yang telah berkembang.
Adapun Goal dari KIPMA yaitu :
- Merupakan wadah bagi para ibu profesional untuk berkumpul dan mengembangkan kewirausahaan menuju sejahtera bersama.
- Terciptanya Ibu profesional yang produktif mandiri serta mampu memberdayakan masyarakat sekitar.
- Menjadi badan usaha yang dapat memberdayakan dan mensejahterakan anggotanya.
*Rangkuman Poin 4
Galeri komponen penjurusan Ibu profesional
1. Institut Ibu profesional
Disinilah tempat atau wadah untuk belajar meningkatkan diri menjadi seorang ibu
2. Kampung komunitas
Disinilah kita bisa mengasah atau meningkatkan kemampuan diri kita
3. Taman sejuta cinta
Wadah di mana kita saling berbagi dan melakukan sesuatu secara langsung
4. Ragam aktivitas KIPMA
Disinilah tempat menampung berbagai produk karya para saudagar ibu profesional yang berupa buku, makanan, minuman, herbal, fashion, jasa dan lain-lain.
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sierratheory · 5 years ago
Hey Sierratheory, If the allegations are true about Mitchy, why don't the victims tell the police? Why don't they press charges? Personally, I think that a predator like him (if it is true) shouldn't be loose in society and near Luke. From, Anon
A very low percentage of sexual assaults are ever reported. Let alone have charges filed. Let’s dive into this shall we?
1. The victims were likely underage when it occurred. So to go to the police, would likely mean telling their parents. Which is a really scary step. Espeically as a teenager. What if they don’t believe you? What if they punish you?
2. Rape exams are intrusive, uncomfortable and often revictimize those who get them done. Idk if you ever had a smear test/PAP smear/PAP test (whatever they are called where you are) but they are very unpleasant. Now imagine doing that after your body has been violated by someone. They also last longer and are done by whatever doctor is on call, so you could end up with a male doctor.
3. They may not realize they’ve been abused until well after the time it happened. The thing with Mitchy is he uses his position of power as a connection to 5sos to get people to consent. Which here in Canada, negates consent. So victims could really think they consented and everything is fine, when truly they’ve been manipulated (under age or not) into consenting.
If this occurs any evidence of any sort of sexual activity is likely gone at this point. Making it even more of a he said/she said. Because even if it went to court he could claim he thought they were of age, and in his mind it was consensual. Rapists are rarely convicted even if charges are laid.
4. They are likely scared. There’s so many things for them to be scared of. Let me tell you as a victim of rape, who did not press charges. It’s scary. What if the police don’t believe you. What if they do? If you go to trial have to relive the entire thing just to be torn apart and attacked on the witness stand by the defence. And then to have gone through all of that just to see that person walk free, is so damaging. I knew mentally, I could not go down that road.
I did file an anonymous report at the hospital that was given to police, giving them all the information I had. It was anonymous so I wouldn’t have to go through this process, but that the police had information so if anyone had come forward before or after me about this person they would have some statements backing that person up. Making them more believable, if they had the strength to do what I couldn’t.
Another level of fear is stans and even 5sos. I think there’s a fear of being told “you’re just doing this for attention”, or trying to tear Mitchy down cause he’s friends with 5sos etc. We’ve seen it time and time again with allegations against band members, fans don’t want to believe it. And these young girls look up to the 5sos guys’, imagine how much it would hurt for them to defend yourself abusers, or call you a lair etc. Not saying that is what they would do, but there’s definitely a layer of fear to that.
5. Public issues. At the time of my assault it had only been a little while since the acquittal of Jian Ghomeshi. A radio host who was accused by multiple women of sexual assault. These women were torn to pieces by the defence team, and ultimately he walked away from it. Yes, he lost his job and his social standing, but he was publicly declared not guilty. Things like this can affect a person’s decision to come forward or not, I know it effected mine.
Ok so I tried to include rape crisis and general violence against women help links for as many places as I could. Some are just linked to a directory (the first link below) cause I was unable to find anything. I threw this together kind of quickly so if I missed where you’re from I’m so sorry. If you or someone you know is in crisis, please consider reaching out.
Rape Crisis Centers by Country and State
This directory was created by the founders and contributed to by members of the Pandora's Aquarium support group
International Rape Crisis Hotline Directories
World wide / International abuse and crisis help lines. Are you in crisis right now? You can call the National Sexual Assault Hotline, operated by RAINN, 24 hours a day at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) in the USA. You can also search for your local rape crisis center. If you are in danger now call 911. If you are reporting a rape you should ask the local crisis center for a victim's advocate who will walk you through the process. For information on Reporting a rape click here.
USA Crisis Centers
International hotlines from RAINN
International listing of crisis center websites from Rape Crisis Network Europe
International women's directory
If you are a student free counseling is probably available through your University.
Crisis Sites by region
Women's Aid Federation of England
"About Women's Aid - Women's Aid Federation of England (Women's Aid) is the national charity working to end domestic violence against women and children."
SANE - Britain's longest standing mental health helpline
SANELINE 0845 767 8000 is SANE's national telephone helpline offering support and information to callers throughout the UK.
Victim Support
Support for victim's of crime in England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland
"We provide free and confidential support to help you deal with your experience, whether or not you report the crime."
Australian crisis hotlines ( 6247 2525)
Online crisis help for Australia
Rape Crisis Network Ireland
Click on the words "find help" at the top left of the screen.
"The Rape Crisis Network (RCNI) is a multi-member political and campaigning organisation committed to the elimination of all forms of sexual violence through effecting political, cultural and social change." 1 800-778888
Rape Crisis Scotland
Click on "local centres" to find rape crisis centers.
Middle East
Rape Crisis Centers by Country and State
Rape Crisis Centers by Country and State
Collectif Féministe Contre le Viol
+33 800 05 95 95 helpline, Email: [email protected]
91 574 01 10
Rape Crisis--Cape Town
Speak Out
Pan Canadian group of sexual assault centres
"We are a Pan Canadian group of sexual assault centres who have come together to implement the legal, social and attitudinal changes necessary to prevent, and ultimately eradicate, rape and sexual assault.
Canadian women's health resource
Shelternet connects abused women to shelters
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coretanliya · 4 years ago
Mainan Baru!
Menuju satu bulan!  Iyap, menuju satu bulan aku belajar di Pasar Ibu Profesional. 
Diawali dengan Welcoming Party yang diselenggarakan secara online. Di sini dijelaskan alur mengenai cara pembelajaran di Pasar Ilmu Ibu Profesional. Waktu denger alurnya, belum kebayang sih ya akan seperti apa belanja di pasar ini., tapi justru jadi penasaran apa yang akan dihadapi selama sebulan ke depan. 
Pekan pertama adalah pekan orientasi. Pekan di mana, peserta belajar mengenai pedoman berperilaku dalam sebuah komunitas. Tentu, dalam setiap komunitas terdapat kode etik panduan berperilaku bagi anggotonya. Di sini juga peserta belajar mengenai manajemen diri dalam berbelanja. Karena umumnya para emak-emak, terkadang lupa diri jika sudah berbelanja; merasa semua butuh, padahal... belum tentu dibutuhkan untuk saat ini. Nah, ini adalah hal penting yang mesti dikontrol agar tidak kalap saat berbelanja, kalau kata bu Septi istilahnya adalah ‘tsunami informasi’.
Pekan kedua adalah pekan promo pasar ilmu. Yap, disini banyak sekali promo yang ditawarkan. Salah limanya adalah mengenai komponen yang terdapat di Ibu Profesional. Yap! Ada Institut Ibu Profesional, dimana anggotanya disebut sebagai mahasiswa. Di Institut ini cara belajarnya bertahap, jadi gak bisa langsung loncat-loncat. Kedua, adalah Kampung Komunitas. Di Komunistas ini, ada rumah belajar (rumbel), ada rumah berbagi (rumba), dan ada rumah bermain (rumin). Seperti layaknya komunitas, di sini para anggota berkumpul untuk belajar bidang-bidang yang ditekuni, ada menjahit, crafting, coooking, dll. Ketiga, ada Sejuta Cinta Ibu Profesional. Nah, Sejuta Cinta mewadahi para anggota yang suka dengan dunia sosial kemanusiaan; berbagi pada masyarakat di jalan atau bahkan berbagi pada korban bencana. Keempat, adalah KIPMA. Kipma ini semacam koperasi, di mana komponen ini mewadahi para anggotanya yang senang dengan berbisnis seperti berjualan. Cocok deh! Dan terakhir adalah RCIP, singkatan dari Resource Center Ibu Profesional. Waah apa tuuh? Ini tempatnnya sumber daya, Sumber daya apa? Data-data mengenai para anggota ada di sini, jadi ketika tim membutuhkan pemateri untuk suatu kegiatan bisa dicari nih di sini. 
Pekan ketiga adalah pekan bazzar ilmu. Di sini peserta mendengarkan lebih dekat cerita-cerita dari bu Septi dan pak Dodik. Seru! Bagaimana awal mulanya IP ini dibangun hingga saat ini terdapat 59 regional. Dan bagaimana kita menemukan bahagia dalam komunitas. Semuanya adalah proses. 
Pekan keempat adalah pekan check out. Yaitu pekan terakhir para peserta di pasar ilmu. Di sini para peserta belajar menuangkan perasaannya dalam bentuk tulisan. Yap! Melalui ‘aliran rasa’ ini aku juga belajar dan tertuntut kembali untuk menulis. Belajar bagaimana merangkai kata dan menuangkannya dalam tulisan. Pekan keempat inilah juga pekan yang ditunggu, karena para peserta memilih komponen yang akan diikutinnya ke depan. 
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Setiap peserta dapat mengikuti maksimal tiga komponen. Wooow! Tapiiii, eits! Ingat, jangan kalap! Lihat kembali mana yang sedang dibutuhkan oleh diri ini. Di sini aku memiliki dua pilihan, yaitu Institut Ibu Profesional dan Kampung Komunitas. Keduanya membuatku tertarik dan tertantang untuk belajar lagi. Namun, setelah dipertimbangkan dengan kapasitas diri ini, aku khawatir tidak dapat ‘adil’ pada keduanya. Maka, ku coba pertimbangkan mana yang lebih ku butuhkan saat ini. Dan, di Kampung Komunitas aku menetapkan hati untuk belajar. Awalnya khawatir karena taku tidak bisa belajar di Institut, namun ketika diingat kembali penjelasan Mba Uut, saat di penjurusan berikutnya para anggota dapat menambah komponen, berpindah komponen, dan mengurangi komponen. Maka, bismillah. Aku siap untuk belajar di Komunitas 
Persiapan ku untuk mengikuti pembelajaran di komunitas adalah dengan memantapkan hati dan menyiapkan diri menghadapi tantangan tantangan baru dalam mengikuti pembelajaran di komunitas. 
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duke1181-blog · 5 years ago
R.C.I.P.S Version of The Whole World In His Hands #tylerperry #thewholeworldchallenge #singaporepoliceforce #cayman #coronavirusitalianews @tylerperry #rcips #dukerick #jamaican #talented #challengeaccepted #motivation #italy🇮🇹 #america https://www.instagram.com/p/B-R8EUSpABz/?igshid=11tqc2f8pmx1s
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